Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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tVa Bsati Boon Actiri tad kum t
6tut Reietio. . '
Lower Cables aad Milder Wralkir
Cat as laeaey Feella aad Cttav
eewaeat Easiness Cni Fea
tareleee aad Lcwcr,
OMAHA. Fb. 11, 107.
I Tho whet bears beoaroe active today In
tonal market, in tha northwest and at
m Chicago, and consequently thera was a stiff
' sctbacn at U cioaa to earlier prices, which
r were Undine higher. Mar at one time
v reaenra a point oc aoove Monday, but on
ngurra vaoies wars lowar. This fact, with
milder weather and cxpactad increased re
ceipts, la said to be the cauaa of the easi
ness. Frailer wiped W. C Sunderland from
Chicago: "Cudahy haa been tha seller and
report ssy ha baa about aold out. Armour
to tha buyer and be la auil looking for a
plaaa to buy corn. Tha ear altuatioo ia the
ams aaat aa wee and tha corn wiii ro out
a a faat aa It ooros In. lavator people aay
they ooutd aail Iota of corn for export If
they could get It forward. Cannot see any
thing In cash or pit conditions to cauaa
Cora waa easy, though receipts were un
der estimatea, Tha eaatneas waa due to
el Mn( by aoma of the large caah bousea
Uttle feature developed and Interest cen
tered ia wheat.
Oata wore rieglected and declined H cent.
There waa acattered selling by oomrms
aion houses aad tha pit crowd.
Bradatreet'a daoreaaa of wheat waa 49t
O30 buahela: corn Increase, 1,61,000; oata da
Primary wheat receipt ware I4S.009 buah
ala and ahlptnanta ZJi.OuO buahela, acalnat
reoelpta laat year of 43S.0W buahela and
ahlpmenta of fco.OOO buahela. . Cora receipt!
were t3X,0M buahela and ahlpmenta
buahela, against reoelpta last year of SuO.OUO
buahela and ahlpmenta of 44&.O0O bushel..
Clearances ware 14X000 buabela wheat, UsL.a
barrela flour. 4,000 buahela oata and wheat
and flour equal to 30.W0 buahela.
lirerpool closed HSad lower on wheat
and ,d lower to d higher oo corn.
Local range of prloea:
Articlea.l Open. High.) Low. Ckae.Tt'y.
Wheat-l I I
May... 7A 7TB1 7TA 7IA
July.., WA OTfcA 72HA 7A
Orn J
May... . VA CA1 41HA 4JHA
July.. 41A 41A 41 HB 1B
Sept... 4H4A 41HA 41 SA '4iA
May.'.. KA rA RKA SA
July... XaJ S6A Si A A
' T2 A
41 B
A asked. B bid.
Oaaakua tDaaat Prleea.
WHEAT No. a hard. TlHo; No. I hard.
; No. hard. eQtiPc; No. I spring.
$ORN No. , eWc; No. 1 tSVc; no
frade, fcc: No. I yellow, JJO; No.
I white; S6tc
OATS-No, a mixed. t!ci No. 1 white. SSc;
Mo. 4 white, I7V-
RTE-No. t 0ci No. S, 5a
Carlet awavtrta.
Wheat. Com. Oata
Kansas City
Minneapolis ,
St. Liouia
Fcataraa af the Tradlas aaa CI eat a
frieee aa Beard af Trade.
CHICAGO. Feb. II The price of wheat
for May delivery declined aharply today be
cause of general selling Induced by lower
prices at Liver pood and by the prospects
of a mora liberal movement In the the
northwest. At tha close the May option
waa down ISfolV- Corn waa off Vc. Oats
were down c. Provisions declined l&c to
The wheat market opened weak following
a aharp decline at Liverpool, which waa
aid to have been caused by a diminished
hipping demand. The market waa also
affected somewhat by, increased receipts
In the northwest. During tha Drat hour
ailing by local and outside longs was gen
eral. Toward the middle of the day the
markat rallied on an active demand . by
commission hoaaea. The rally, however,
u ahart- lived. - Renewed liauidatloo by
longs caused another slump. During tha-
laat hour there was free eelllng By com
mission houses, caused by the report that
receipts at Minneapolis ana uuiutn are
likely to Increase during the remainder of
this month. Tha market closed weak with
prices cloae to the lowest point. May
opened Sc to V lower at 79e to nfisCiSold
up to tb! and then declined to 7c Final
quotations were at 79o7Sc Clearances of
wheat and flour were equal to 49.146 bu.
Pri-nary recelpte were s3,0K bu., against
OS.Xtt bu. for the same day last year. Mln
eeapoilB. Duluth and Chicago reported re
ceipts of '- cars, against 1!J cara laat
week and Vtt care one year ago.
Sentiment In the corn pit waa bearish for
the greater part of the day, but fairly ac
tive demand by elevator conoerne pre
vented any material declina of prices. The
weakness of wheat waa the chief depress
ing Influence. Commission houses were
the principal sellers. The market closed
steady. May opened a shade to "ae
lower at eie to vc advanced to eS'Se
and closed at sSSe,4Ac Ical receipts were
afl cars, with nons of contract grade.
Trading In oata was very quiet and ths
market was Inclined to be weak. The
break In wheat Induced pit traders and
local longs to sell, but offerings were well
taken by cash houses. May opened V to
Vc lower at 40V to rc. sold up to fc
and closed at V- Ual receipts were
M cara
Provisions shewed considerable weakness
deaplte a MrMe advance In the price of live
hogs An official report, which stated that
on January 1 there were LOa.000 more hogs
la ths country than on the same day last
rear, caused free selling. An anticipated
tiling off In the demand for meats during
the lenten season also weakened prioer.
At the close May pork was down SSc at
fit 40. Lard waa down lTVtc at tV.tTHc
Klhe were Wc lower at ..
Estimated recelpte for tomorrow: wheat.
B cars; corn. 70 cars; oata, 1G cars; hogs.
M.OUt head. .
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artldeal Open. Low. Close ! Teg J.
flBl TS"Sft"lVS
May uiy
May July
4JS' S 4JS
4Sk4S: 4K
S' KSI 4t
46H 44)3 S: 4a
I I 1
r7rv ith' s'
gV; ais iT.ii-i.T
it n l it w
17 M
17 40 1 17 75
IT 17 hi
fT' 10 10
i oe i io it
10 10 10 t'S
U cW 17 srM
14 M
14 W
14 14
14 14
14 14
I 44
141 t)
10 14
No. t.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Steady: wtntsr pslsets, U-ib&
ISO; aimer straight. 4 w4jl A, apring pat.
nts. H.?u J iw; spring straight. H.ii'.j;
baker. UJalw. ,
WHEAT-No. 1 spring. aSS4c; No. I. 7445
ktc: No. 1 red. 711 70.
CORN-No. t Ac; No. ysllow. 4ac.
OAtaWNu. X. &Vac; No. t ahlla. 41 o;
No t white, y-fltlo.
UABXXT Fair to choice malting. - tC&
8Frfl-Na t flax, till; No, 1 north west
ern, (l K. Timothy, prima, vtLViici-. Clover,
contract gradse. tllal.
pRt'VlSlONa Snort rlba. aides Oeoeel,
I) fA . Mess pork, per bbL, 1T Is.
Lard, per 1(M lts.. W iw Short clear sides
(boaedJTss retf 43H-
Tae receipts and shipments ef flour anl
sralo were: Receipts. Shlpmenea.
plour. boia...... 44.S Ilk
Wheat bat t.t) fe.w
CWtbu ,...XM! 4 Vs,l
Oata, ba sTtfeO ' Av7v
Ry. bu. ...... 17 wO tt
barley, bu ir.7ts) 4ik4
Oa te Produce eac hangs today the bat
ter market was flrrn: oreamertea, tSoSSy;
Aaut aXocUse. Eg, steady; at snsxk,
CSM Included, ti Mc; flrsta 14c; pr-.m
flrwts. Vc; axuaa. i.c Ctseea, ateady; W
Oalwtli Crala Market.
DULUTH. Feb. II. WHEAT On track
No. 1 nortbera. I!c; N. I aortharn, 0c;
July. 41c; beptember, 1I0- -
OAT To arrive. 7a
RYE 40c
BARLK 41 0 ila. ' " '
MIsaasMi Crala Market.
Ma, kvawi Jai. kV. filleaibr. 7tt
TSf : No. 1 bard, M'i4c: N. 1 northern,
C-ihHc: No. 1 northern, U&lVe; No.
northern. 'o0c,
FIjdl'R First patents, 4 "4M.n; second
patenta. tllV&4: first cleara. tl &
aerorid rleara t; a51.
bRAN-I.IXti lT-aa,
aaatlaas af Iks Iay aa Tarlaos
NEW TORK. Feb U. FIXrB Receipts.
Ks bhls.; enorts. s bbla; steady,
but quiet; Minnesota patents. M,1,"iM
bakers, ii;t; winter patents.
I ui; w inter straights. I 4t"Q : winter ex
tras, U.Mia 00, winter low yrmdes. tiW
tSU. Rye flour, firm; sales, too bbla: fair
to good. UVW. choice to fsncy, fc
Kii.. buckwheat flour quiet; $llia4., spot
and to arrive. ,
OORNMEAI-Qulet; fine white and yel
low. II 1., coarse. $LW4jl.U. kiln dried.
tI.Wil 7b.
WHEAT- Reoelpta. M.OnO bu.: exports.
7.K0 bu.; spot market easy; No. I red sic,
elevator; No. 1 red, tec, f. o. b. afloat; No.
1 Lmlutb, k2c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 bard
winter ssc. f. o. b. afloat. With the ex
ception of a short time after the opening,
wheat was Inclined towards weakness to
day, and at the close abowed Tac net de
cline. A lack of aggressive bull support,
some heavy afternoon selling and proe
pecta for larger northwest receipts, owing
to fine weather, were the principal bear
Influences. May closed at 8&c; July at Kc
CORN Receipts, 14s.K0 bu.: exports,
t7.sU bu; spot market ateady; No. t Uc.
elevator, and tlo f. o. b. afloat; No. I
white. MVvc: No. 1 yellow. Ue, f- o. b.
afloat. Options were quiet, but steady.
Closing pet unchanged.
OATS Receipts, liWO bu.; spot, strong;
mixed. 38 to il lbs.. 47V:; natural white,
4 to lbs., 4&⁣ clipped. to to lbs-.
HAT Pteady : shipping. M3c; goo to
Choice. lifa 1.1ft.
HOPS InUl; state, common to choice,
)Jb, ivgjtc; ssme, IS. sUo Pacific ooast,
1, 12 l&c: 16. lOtSrias.
Hll'i Steady : Galveston, 10 to lba,
W; California, n to S lba, Uc; Texas,
dry, 14 to lbs., lc.
1,ATHER Steady; acid. 27H02SC
PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family. 110"
15 60; mesa, t? riv.s0; beef hams. 123 603
24.09: packet, tl Lower 12.; city, extra India
mesa Sa.rt5'3 50. Cut meats, firm; pickled
bellies, tl0.Mjll.00; pickled hams, lll.Su.
Lard, easy: western prime. IHi.OP&lO 10;
nominal refined, barely steady; continent.
n0; South America. .11.00, compound.
s-fci.76. Pork, steady; family. H
short clears, tlliOOli S; mess. IH.STI019 50.
TALLOW Steady; city, c; country.
RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, S
fJSc: Jnpsn. nominal.
POULTRY Live firm: fowls and turkeys.
14c Dressed quiet; western chickens, 13
ISc: turkeys. 14ei7c: fowla. 4rlc
Bt'TTER Strong; street price extra
creamerr. X2-h&S3c: official prices creamery,
common to extra, Et33c; held, common to
extra. tia0c; stste dairy, common to nnesr,
H53Cc; renovated, common to extra, 1hZ
lc: western factory, common to firsts. 17U
13c; western Imitation creamery, firsts, 33
CHEESE Firm; state, full creams, small
and lar-t-e. September, fancy. 14c; October
best. U&14ic; good to prime, 12iiUc;
winter made, average best, lZc; Inferior,
BTH1S Firm: stste. Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected, white, rSJ81c; same
choice, 2tJ2c; state, brown snd mixed,
extra. 2e; western firsts. 36c. Official
prices: Firsts. Mc: "seconds, J4W28c; ArsU
to extra firsts, J6077c
St. Lea Is CsaeraJ Market,
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 11. WHEAT- Lower;
track. No. 1 red caah. 78eTSc; No. 1 hard.
TSfc-rrvfec; May. 7THc; JMly. TtVrSvSc,
CORN Ijower; track. No. 1 caah, MT
V; No. 1 while, 4ae6c; May, 44V:;
Julv, 4Vg4Sc.
OATS Lower: track. No. I cash, 40c; No.
J white, 4ic: May, iVV;: July. Wc.
FLOL'R Steady; red winter patents. 09
U 75; extra fancy and straight. Hfc ;
clear. t2.9-s.
SESD Timothy. S.s0fj4 00.
CORNMEAL feteady; $!..
BRAN Firm; aacked, east track. V8fVs.
HAY Finn; timothy, HiflOeUW); prairia,
PROVISIONS Pork, lowar: Jobbing. 1TJ.
Lard, lower; prime steam. 19.62. Dry salt
meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, tlO.or;
short clears. COrTVa. Bacon, steady, boxed
extra ehorte. $10.76; clear rlba. tlO-Ta; short
cleart tlO.871.
POlL.TRY rira; chlckena ICtie:
springs, 11V: turkeys, Uc; ducks, lie;
geese. 7c
BUTTER Higher; creamery, r?e4He;
dairy. Hi&17c. .
FWlS-FIrm at HHc
FVillowing were the receipts and aMp
rnems of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Pinur Mill 1S. 2i-S
Wheat, bu - 7S.(ro ,)
Cora, bu t4&.
Oats, bu - 6,0
cue. we
Kansas City Grala sad Provtsloms.
7ZWe: July, Tie; September. Tlc- Cash;
No. hard. Tl6'iVc; No. i TV74c; No.
t red. 7&75Hc; No. 1. sTSOc; No. apring.
CORN May, 41e; July, 41Hc; September.
4Pe. Cash: No. I mixed. 40r; No. I,
tV40c: No. White. tic; No. . 4-c
OATS No. I white. tlQtlc; No. 2 mixed.
nGAY-Cboioe timothy, ttt.0O91S.S0; choice
prairte. ll.(ni.2S.
RYE Steady. S!c.
Unchanged: firsts XV,
BUTTER Creamery, He: packing. lHc
Rece!pia SUptnents.
Wheat, bu INCH .-)
Corn, bu K.4 1T.WO
Oata bu taOuO 15.(00
TUIble Sapvly af Orala.
NEW YORK. Feb. Ik Special cable and
telegraphic communlcatlona received by
Bradstreets ahow the following changes In
available supplies, as compared with pre
vious account: Wheat: United Statea. east
Rockies, decreased L44. bu. ; Canada, in
creased tM.(t) bu.; total United Statea and
Canada, decreased CC.OuO bu. ; afloat for and
In Kurope. Increased DiXckv bu. Corn:
United States and Caneda, Increased.
1O4&.WX0 bu. Oats: United States and Can
ada, decreased 1.064.000 bu.
Milvraake Grala Market.
Steady; Np. 1 northern, tmtrkic; No. 1
northern. tOtySsc: May. 7;uc asked.
RYE tedy; No. 1, 4tj4Hc.
BARLEY Steady; No. t. 41c; sample.
14 6 40c.
CORN Steady; No. 1 cash, 41V4f4mo;
May. 44c asked.
Peoria Market.
PBORIA, Feb. IA CORN-Lower; No. 1
yellow and No. X. tic. No. 4. ec; no
grade. SSiaXlc
OAT9-Lower; No. t white, 40c; No. S
white. K,c: No. 4 white, Vo.
RfE Firm; No. I, 4;viic
WHISKY-On baau of 11. iS for finished
liveraaal Crala aad Pravlsleaa.
strong. o. 1 red. western winter, 4s ?
Futures. Arm; March, ia 7dMay, te 4d.
July. s 4d.
CORN bpot firm; American mixed, new.
4s 4,d; American mixed, oid, 4a 7d. Fu
tures steady; Marco, 4s i; May, 4 4d.
Philadelphia Pradaea Market.
steady, fair demand; western fptsh.
Hx at mark.
CUEU&-Market firmer, good demand;
New York full cieams, LiS14&
Telrde Seed Market.
TOLEDO, O, Feb. 11 SEfD Clover
cask and February, tilt: March. Ill;
April, M-0. Alalke, ; timothy.
' tills aad Itesla.
NEW YORK. Feb. U-OILS-Cfcttonaeed.
steady to stroig; prune crude, f . a. b. mlUa,
tc; yellow, f. o. b. uiuls. 4cic Petroleum,
ateady; refined. New York. 17.76; Khila ai.d Baltlmara, $7-1: Phlladclpliia
and Baltimore, ia bulk. 14.4a. Turpentine,
firm. 7414Ho-
ivi vi. uifi, iit wiiuiwii w a.
44 asu 4k
tine firm. Tla
Feb. U.-OIL Turnen-
H081N Firm. Quote: A. B. C, D. II K:
E. K; F. O. 441: H, 44 4i; I 14 k; K.
Ib.5, N. ; W. U, laaV; W. W.. 44 10.
OIL C1TV. P. Feb. 11 OIL creu.t
balaacea, lilt. Ruaa. 114.1.1 bbla.;
average. 47.711 bbla; ahlpmant. tll.lil
bbla; averagea, 12.441
Caffee Market.
NKW YORK. Feb. U- COPFE&V-Markat
for futures otned steady at unchanged
prices to a destine of I p-jinta. a nx.ii
waa about ia fin with tha turupraa mar
kets. During the middle seaeioa the market
arurked up to a partial nt rt.ii f five
poiata, oa buying br trade intereata aad
the steadiness of tl near poaitiona. but
later prices eased off again under realising
and tie markat closed steady, net un
changed te Ave puiala lowar. Sale were
reported of SI tu baga including kiarrh at
l-: Mar. I sue: Julv, I S-tlac; Beotemher.
4c: D-cenbrr, 4 lio; Jlnuary. lie. 6pot
roff-e. s'eadv: R . Ki 7 7c. Ssains. Na
4. 4c, office stead); CordiMa. fcsLTwc-
Icd'catioa of Orntiiod tpeculgtiTt Dperm
tisn oi tfca Lour Sid.
market opens strong, but spotty
There Waa Pre Reallslasj aa the
iirsaet aa CI see Is Lewer
a Bxteaslv PraSt
N6W TORK. Feb. 11 Ths stock market
gave the first clear Indications of organ
ised speculative operations on tha long side
of the market sines tha abandonment of
the campaign for the rise In January. The
source of tnees operations was not dis
cernible, but the fact of ths execution of
large Individual buying orders for various
stocks waa manifest. Brokerage boueea,
which usually handle large accounts, were
buyers In lots of several thousand shares
In various important stocks, lbs manner
of executing Loess orders did not warrant
the assumption that accumulation was tha
first consideration and It was evident that
the lifting of prices was a design as much
ss ths securing of stock. With this display
of mora aggressive leadership in the apec
ulation there was an Improvement In sen
timent. Mors consideration waa given to
some of the hopeful factors In ths outlook
with soma of ths topics that have gtvea oc
casion lor a (eeling or depression laieiy
dropped out of consideration. There was
no actual change in conditions so far ss
public knowledge reached to account for
the change In sentiment
Much stress waa laid by ths buyers of
stocks on ths confidence now felt st Wash
ington that ths moderate measure of cur
rency reform proposed by ths senate
finance committee will be enacted Into law
at the present session of congress. Not
much effect on money conditions is ex
pected to result from the proposed measure,
but ths professed opinion of the speculative
element ia tha determination that to take
action on the subject may be regarded as
a promise of more comprehenslvs steps to
follow. It was believed that the offer of
the Treasury department to redeem Ui,W0,
o of s of 1V? st 10l4. while not likely
to be taken advantage of to the full
amount, would bring out sufficient offerings
to provide for the requirements of the
call for return of $.(:.uu of government
depos u on Friday. There waa a disposition
to accept some of ths paragraphs of ths
president's message on the leasing of min
eral lands as a softening of the rigor of
bis views towards combinations of capital.
Thla Is a subject that haa been much dwelt
upon about the stock exchsngeever since
the fall in prices came to a stop. Buying for
London account was an appreciable factor
In the strength of the market, ine prog
ress of the London settlement revealed
moderate charges for carrying over Amer
icana Into the next account. Ths foreign
attitude towards the American market
seems to be Improved by the restraint
upon the New York demand for gold In
the London market
Various rumors played a part In the day s
movementa The Hill stocks mere effected
by confident predictions that the Minnesota
suit to enjoin the Issue of Greet Northern
stock would result In favor of tha com
pany. The coppers were a feature and a
wide advance In the price of ths metal in
London helped the speculation. Expecta
tion of an increase In the dividend rats on
Anaconda played an Important part. Re
ports of the settlement of the Pennsylvania
dispute also helped that stock. The market
was spotty in Its early demonstration of
strength. There was freer realising also
on the advance. The development con
stantly of new points of strength had the
effect t widening the field of the rise and
of Increasing confidence. The strength be
came fairly comprehensive during the
course of the day, although the usual
profit-taking on the considerable rise for
the day affected the final prices.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales par
value. fUTnOOO. United States new a
coupon declined per cent on call.
Ths following was the range of prices oo
ths New York Stock exchange:
salsa Mlga. Law. Clssa
AaaUsaBste Cesesr ...
Am. C. A r
la C 4 f. f4
Am. Cot toe CHI
Am. Osttoa (Ml sfa.....
Amsrlesa Knitess
Am. H A U sf4
Amsilcas Ice
Am. Unsset Oil
Am. Usass4 Oil Sf4
Am. Laeossotlie .
Am. teeomoUv Bt4
Am. a, A A
Am A R sf4
Am Sassr ksaslsg
Am Tmoca ri
Aiisiis Mlatag Oe....
. TS.sra 11H
. l.tat 44 44 44
. ,1S lt ls Ut
so m f
...... .....
iw st t n
ics a h
. 14
. U,ia n n I4a
. M.K 14 1444 14M4
M 114 U4 U4I,
. lAlSS U7 IM i4a
ins H st t snot tsV as
. tat 14 14
Atchtsoa pta
' Atlsatls Coast Us
to in ism in
BsHlmsrs A Oh is, s-4lv... 1ANS lu u iu
Brookira Rsl4 TV....
Css4ias FsclBe .....
Cesuml ef M. 1
Chsmsesks A Okie...
Ckkags Ot W
Cklcsss A N. W
0.. a. A Sty P
Cktcase T. A T
Cblesss T. A T. Sf4
4te 7 14 14 im 1st in
tn aw M M
4.4W 41 41
ISM KSk 11 14
i too in ltf let iw 1st 14
io tt n it
! t
H.4P M 44 4
110 tl M
Ls M 4
t 44
10 11 41 M
list r. tii ti
in f' 404 4
I.XM I l
tit 14" T7
14 w rr
...... ..... ..... i
CW 141 ls 141 -
1(1 U V4 U
tee ir it ni
t so a
tm M M 44
IS N Tt 74
s K at At
44 44 41,
tM t SS
Aio iwa u
1.1 . S 4 44
. 44 44 44
til 11 11 HI
4 I4T 147 147
list st 44 St
. It MO 41 41 41
n Tl Tl Tlvt
A40B 14 Tt Tt
. 1 10 It U
ls 44 44
. Ltat 44 44
40 S4 0 Si
(00 M 14 44
. IK! 141 Ul
LIS 7 St 7
su 14 14 71
. t.4M U tl 11
tut M S4
io in in it
144.14 1X4 U4 Ut
it, C. C. A Bt I..
Cxiorss r. 4 1
Cslsrsls A Ss. .
Cola A so. 1st pt
Cnla A a M t
Cossoll4st4 Oas
Cera Pros
Corn PrsSsrts f
Dslawsrs A Hossoa.
Del.. U A W
Dssvar A k. O
D. A k. O. M
DtsUllars' sracltias
Brts lit p4
Arts at td
Csaeral Elsctrl
Hoekisg Vsltey
IlllnsU Central
IntsraaUooal Pssr '
In. rrtr pM.
1st. Pssm
1st. rm f4
lews Cesuml
lswa Cauml (
ginssl Otr A
K. C. So. s4
Usslsrllls A N
MssHaa Centre!
Misasassiis A St- l.
H , St. P. A 4. at
M.. sc r A t. A M. K4
MIsmiuI PsclAe
at., k. A T
M . K A T. s'4
KsUnaal bs4
K. A. A at St. sr
Ksw Tork CesUsl
W. Y . O. A W
Narlolk A W
SieHslk A W. pM
Ksrtk Amartaaa
PsMSe Mail -
Peseta's Gss
r , c. c. A 4c u.
Pumil Otesl car I. C. 4
Failmas raisss Csr
AssAlsg 1st f
s4IIif S4 rst
Bsetiis sxl
HsyvblW Steel ptA
Rsrk lslss Ca.
Hark Ulss C. St4
C U A A P M stA
St. Lasts 4 W
1 tot
M 41 II
ia i7 r
.. tt.TS (4 4
si L. g. W. 44
Imosn Pacta
ft. Psetfts M
s. ksiiwsr
As. ksllesj '
14 117 117 lit
.. 4 41 17 I M r
7al (4 44
St 4 tt M
44 U II 41
.-10t U 11 114 11
a K"T 1 17
.. 14 t 44 4
.. Lis ltt 14 14 a
41 4 4 l
1S 10 lot 17
- 4
t H 44 U
Tessa A Pacta
T.. St. U A w
T Su L A W. pea..
rales PaslAs
rales rscie sf
t' A Intel
V. I kA
V. a Assess set
C A Btssl.
r. m sf
Va.-carlls Chamkal
V . -(. Casm pt4..
Waasak a4
Walla-Para grvrass .
WastiBcaoass Eisctrw
Waster L'Btsa
u n
WhsHBg I L I
V Z iJi o2 ij
l.. ...-T. . 7. .TT 44
Wiaosssls Contrsl
Monaora Paalla .'.'.'.'.VJL'.'JL'. at'.i i4 ill IH
Csatral Leatkar ta st M st
Caui Laatksr pi sst lis 11 M
Aloaa-Sanii Stool 4.1V Tt Tl n
Graal Kartkora alA U 17114 14 ltt
lot. Msussoutaa 14.4J t
Uu Hot. 4 t Tl Tl Tl
Tatal sslas fsr la ay. Lail.W araa
Fare lg a Ft aaa eta 1.
LONDON. Feb. 11 Supplies of money
were easy In this market today. Discounts
were unchanged. On tb stock exchange
a cheerful tone continued to prevail and
business for the new account was of fair
dimensions. Gilt edge eecurltlea. Grand
Trunk and copper sharea attracted the
moat attention at advancing prleea Ameri
cana opened firm and fractionally dearer
than yesterday. I a the afternoon New
Turk accepted the London level and aup
ptwted the list generally. United States
Ste-el was the saoet activs stock. Foreign
ers wars firmer, after opening easy. Araunf
mining stocks Debears had the greatest
strength. Japanese Imperial 4s af 1X04
closed st lOfy
BERLIN. Feb. 1' On the P-'irse terlsy
prices were generally unchanged.
PARIS. Fen. li rrt- ou in Bourse
today iiuf-QVs4 eaibg Ul tha ktiaf that
Important modlflcatlona wtTI be Introduced
In the Income tax bill. Russian Imperial
4 closed at 7. 74 and Russian bonds of IM
at 4W.0S.
Hew York Meaey Market.
NEW TORK. Feb. li. MONEY On call,
steady at V9-4 per sent; ruling rata, 4
4 per cent; closing bid. r4 per cent:
offered, at IH per cent. Time loans, dull
and firm; SO and M days and 4 months, mtj
6S per cent.
per cent
covery, with actual business In banker
Mils at $4 fceVtbAfta for demand and at
$4 14",-4 i4& for sixty day bills: posted
rat's (4 1 and U 86H; commercial bills,
4 fj4 Wl.
SILVER Bar. Cc; Mexican dollars.
BONDS 4teady; railroad Irregular.
Closing quotations on bpnda wars
V. t. rat. Is, rg....1-tissa ss. M ssriea..
mm sos SI ss s ctts 44
C. a (s. rsg Ian! as rtfs
4s csusos M-! M ssrlas w
C. . e(4 4a, n.....lia;I. A N. aal. 4a.. ..10
ee cearse IslaiMsa. t (. 4a 1""4
C. . a 4s. rat 1 iMe-u Central 4s to
o 1st tae
Aa. Tvbsees ss.
.. Ti
.. 1
Miss. A St. L. 4..
at . K. m T. H
as Is
AlrktsMi gsa. 4a. .
4s sj. 4s
Stlastli C. L. 4s.
Bst A Okie 4a...
d s
Bra. k. T. . 4s..
OestrJ W Oa. ts
w. k. k. ef M. s e
h. y. c g. s
M. ! C. a s IK
Ms. PselSs 4a 11
4 ts
X. A W. a 4s -
io 1st lac
M Is r
4e K UM 44
Csss A Cmls 4s.,.14i
Cklsss A a. Is. .. 14
o a. t. rtaa 4s t
Pvsa. ess. .... f
RssSlsg ras. 4s n
a. U A L xU a Sa. lili
St- U A 4. F. fg- 4s. 11
st. k. i. w. a 4s. . t
mrl A, I 4s.. St
Bo. PsciS 4s
4s 1st 4s etfs
C. B. A 9 s. s m.
c . a. l a r. ss.... it
to rol. is i
COC g. U g. 4s.. 101
ivn ins. ss, ser. a. r
So ksllvar s HI
Ooiorads MIA 4 71m Tsmss A P. Is 11
C). A So. 4k 1 T . St U A W. 4a.. tl
Cuss Is iota VsUa Psclgc s 11
D. A A. 0. 4s f r. ttsel M Is....
Distillers' gss. ts.... s m'sbssh u lit
kns p. L 4s ; fe B. 1
4 SS. 4s M VNUn M4. 4s 11
nsekts VsL 4a...lMs W. A U B. a B7
imptm 4s
. s Wis Casual 4s 44
Bid. Offered.
Beataa Iterks ss4 Bs4t.
BOSTON. Feb. lx. Call loans. B7 per
cent; time loana VsH per cent Official
prices on stocks and bonds were:
Attfctsoa ail. 4a II Blagkaw tl
CaL Heels.........
M. (.satrsl 4s.
s I4
feastee A Albssy
Bastsa A Mslas.
bivtea Clvst4
Pttcbbsrg Ii ...
Mssloaa Ceauml
... 4iosetsBalsl
.... 44
.... H
...14 rsspsr EsDg
... laJr Wast ....
...IU irTsaklla
...IS jOrsasr
...14 Im kSTSl ...
...IHv'xim Mlalsg
.... 14
.... 17
.... tl
.... sl
.... i
.... 47
.... it
.... tt
.... st
.... H
.... st
.... 11
.... Tt
.... 4
.... 1
.... 44
N T . N. H. A B
t'slos PsclSc 171 Most, a A C.
Aw. Pnes. Tsba llIOM DeaUnMI .
As- gngar l:iosreole ,
4- jl UR PirM
Am. T A T lit
As Wsoisa It
Tamarack .....
Dora. 1. A 11
Btses Else. His... EM
t site riimi
V. . stlsiag..
V. A. Oil
Msaa Elscule
So aft
Mia Oss ...
t sltst PrsH
tsitet A St..
4 pfl
C. A Steal.. .
4s pf4
AdresisTs ....
At lutle
. 4
. U
. ' stTsrtas
. 4 Nertk Satis
.14 IBatt OsaliUaa .
.. 4 NTas
. 47 OaL A Arlsoaa..
.us lAni
. II I
Lsslss Claalaar Stoeka.
LONDON. Feb. li Closing qnotAtions on
stocks were:
Consols, saoasg .. st U-14 M . A. A T
Ss ssceaat 47 N. T. (sot rat
Anasoaaa tt Norfolk A W.....
Atcklsss 141 4s pit
pf 14 lOstsn A W
Btltl stars A Okie IU Pessalvaala ...
Caasaias Psclts lKt" Baa klnas
Cbsa A Okie 4ika4Ug
Calcags Gu W 14 Ssatliers Rail war
C. A 4 A P 14 i, o I4
DaBears 'Aoathsrs Pad Ac .
Desrar A A. 0 4 laloa Psclso ....
4 ft 41 ! e sf
. 41
. 4
. 44
. 44
. M
. e
.. S4
. St
.. 47
a lie
.. 17
.. st
ris n c. A
4s 1st pft Tl 4 SM
s M sr st Wshssk
Illtsols Csntral 14 ts s4
LMltrllls A X UtiBSaalak
SILVE3R Bar, steady. Zl U-16d per ounce,
MONEY 4fr4. per cent.
Toe rate ot discount in tha opes market
for short bills Is 41 par cent; for three
months' blUs. 44 per cenL
Hasten Capper Market.
Closing quotations on Boston copper mar
ket, reported by Logan At Bryan, lit Board
ot Trade building, Omaha:
Asesetars 4 Mohswk 44
Allsess SI xsaaoa Coaaollostsl. II
AUaalls .'. IT Ksrtk Butl 114
Blngaaai 41 01 DoailBlaa st
Black Moastsls I Osceola 14
Bostoa tfeesohssls.. 11 Psoa. Asrrtes 11
act CoallUea 14 rasa, ssmea, stl... It
Calsiast A Arlsoa..ll Qalncr 11
OslssMt A Had.... tksnsea 11
Cos Lass Isl
.. 44 Tacatrark 144
.. S4 Tana Cospsr
.. U TriBltr 44
.. 14 I'Mta prslt 14
.. rtl'sli4 Puua. o .. t
.. Ut'slu4 Ststas. t...
,la t'tak CWssll4sul... 71
Cctisr Aaaa
Iialr Wast ...
Eaat Butts ...
Frank Us
Greens Copper
iais Roral
L. a. A PtUsbarg.
latul Osppa ....
. gl Vtetsrla
..11 Wiso
.. X Wol
tCssaass .
- Xt Nlplaslng
Sew Yark Mlalagr star As.
NEW YORK. Feb. 11 Closing quotations
en mining stocks were:
Adams Cos. st .uals ChM I
Alios 471 lontarte fm
Besses It lOaklr . .....ttt
Braasvlck Tea. 4 Irstcal
CovAstork Tssnsl .... 41 l6avas s
. II
. T4
Coa Csi. A Va st .sierra Novaaa
Hora Sllaa 17 igasll Hi
Mlas 17 ,1
Hear 44 I
is Cos. I
Irea SU'
Tl a sary tateaaaat.
WASHINGTON. Feb. ll-Ttdays stats
ment of ths treasury balances in the gen
eral fund, excluaive of the tiS0.X,CM) gold
rasere, shows: Available cash balance,
t248.46t.4tS; gold coin and bullion. tl07.17s.Sal;
gold cerUflcatea. 141,231.410.
Bask Clearlaga.
OMAHA. Feb. 11-Bank claartnga tor
today were tl.A34.Kl.l4 and for ths cprre
cponding data last year tL40;,tK.a7.
Metal Market.
In London declined 10. with spot quoted
at till Its and futures at fill. Locally,
the market was easy and lower than on
Monday, with spot quoted At tlMlH
Qppper was higher In the London market
with spot quoted at (ICttjlOI. Locally
the market was firm with lake at ttt.bO
4jtt.S; electrolytic at 114 tS IT 14.49. and
casting at 114 156 14 71 Lead was un
changed at It 10s In London and ft. 00
tt 4 to locally. Spelter was firm and A
hade higher locally at ti tOfjIIO. The
London market was higher st tl ts Id.
Iron was unchanged In the English mar
kets with standard foundry quoted at
lis snd Cleveland warrants at 44 Id.
Locally tha market was unchanged. No.
1 foundry northern la quoted at 121 tlfip
ti lt: Kv t foundry northern at III 71
9 tt.7t; No. 1 foundry southern at 111.40
fi II If and No. I foundry southern at
lit 46 14 00.
ST. LOUIS, Fab. It. METALS Lead,
steady at ti ll: spelter, tl 10.
fatten Market.
closed steady, t points rower: rn'dflHng up
lands lie: mtddlins gulf. 11 No sales.
goud business cVme; prices 1 point lower;
American middllrg fair, tgtd; good mid
dling, t7d; middling, t'ad; low middling.
tTld; good ordinary. k77d: ordinary. 4'Ai
The sales of the day were lttao bales, of
w hlch LOW were for speculation and export,
and Included 10. K0 American. Receipt A
LOW tlea. Including I n American
Spot market eaay. A lea. 4.V? balea Low
, ordinary. Il-14c. ncanlnai: ordinary, Tt-ic
I nominal: gtxd ordinary. 4c: low middling.
friA&Hi. good mlddlln. 11C
mmauns lair. uo nommsi; lair, 'C tiom-
1 Inal. Recespta, 1,3 balea: strck. ttt.OCI
, oaina
ST TjOTJIS. Feb U. 40TTON Steadv:
middling. lOSc Sales. 441 bales: receipts,
none; shipments, nons: stock. X,1j4 Islnit
Kvaaa rated Apples l Dried Frwits.
APPLES Market ateady; choice, t&c;
prime. 7V.
In fair demand, with prices steady at 4c to
o tor California fruit : Oregon prunes. 70 to
Km. are quoted at 4V iV Aprloots are In
lltrtit demand, but hold stead r : choice. Uc;
extra rhoica, fc: fancv. brtte. Peaehea
are stroer owing to ths llsrht sunolle:
choAra, llfrintjc: extra chotre. lP.ry.c;
faacy. lr,)4e: extra fancy. Utyisc Raisins
sr In Jobbing demand: looas Muaratela.
Twtrtc; seeded, T7luc. Londoo layers, tl
61 44-
Waal Market.
ST. LOI'TS. Fe 1 1 -WOO! Woo!
aurket steady; medium grade combing
and clothing I4;ic: light fins. tl
tic- heavy Una. 11911c Tub washed.
tie sa
Cftttl rally Steady aal in Bevs Cu
Receipts af kheep aad La as be fee.
tlaae Light, with Prleea rally
teady mm m Little
Stranger la f sate.
Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Sbeep.
Ofhclal Monday till I.BJ U-l
Official Tu cedar 11.5
Official Wednesdar l.K4
Three days this week.. 4.067
Same daya last week li. 4
twin dara 1 weeka ago..ll.4M4
Same days I weeks sa-o..lS.14S
Aams daya 4 weeks ago. .19.14!
Same days last year U.4S4
The following table showa ths receipts of
rattle, hog snd sheep at South Omabe for
the year to data, compared with last year:
1.7. 1. Inc. Dec
Cattle 14&.rT 114.94 U.17I
Hogs ,71 ta.m .4S4
Sheep kti.MS 1T4.4U UJSU
Good to choice cornfed steer It ets 04
Fair to good cornfed steers t"y
Common , to fair stsers... 44
Good to choice fed cows , l
Fair to good cows and belfsrs... !
Common o fair cows and helfera.. tk-4i J
Oood to choice stockers feeders. 4
Fair to good stockers and feeders.. 4 M-4 J"
Common to fair stockers 1... J f 2
Bulls, stags, etc 1Z5li2
Veal calves 4 As4
The following table show the averagt
price of hoga at South Omaha for ths laat
sevsntl daja, with comparisons:
Data 197.
4H I I SJ! I 4 771
n i it t n
i ',4 i ia t n
( 74, m I 3t
Uu t
I .1 ' I U I IT I O
Feb. T
Ilk I tTI A Til S
Feb. I...
Feb. ...
Feb. 10..
Feb. 11..
Feb. li..
Feb. U..
I S C I 4 '
; I 70' 4 48' I 7W
721 4 77 t te I 60
WS I 77! I , 71 02 K
I P1 t 72! j I ' I 7t: I t t
I KrS, i 7S1 4 OI 4 Ni HI I r
Cattle Hog
Omaha 12 afctrl.Se .Mul.
Chicago 1 7Kr 90 ISUT l
Kansas City r-eiw
BU Louis tSObtVTi &
Bloux City t.74l.a 4 bu&I.OO
Ths official Bumoer oi cars ot not
brought In today by each rosd was:
Catua. Hoga. Sheep. H fA
C. M. A St P 4 I
Wabash 1 1
Missouri Pacific I
U. P. System - 11 11 4
C. A K. W., east..:... 1 1
C. A N. W.. west M t
C. St. P., M. A O 17 t
C, B. A Q.. east t J .. ..
C, B. A Q . west 14 17 4 X
C, K. 1. A P., east.... 4 ,
Illinois Central
Chicago Ot- Western t
Total receipts 74 14t 17 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Omaha Packing Co
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour A Co
Vanaant A Co
Lehman A Co
W. I. Stephen
Hill A Bon
Huston A Co
Hamilton A Rothschilds
J. H. Bulla
Mike Haggerty
J. B. Root A Co
T. B. lnghram
V. A. Brltton
Lehmer Broa
Other buyers
11.414 4.4V4
AAA a.47
r.m if.tAi
. B.4
r.oit mill
n. at s.m
14.474 4-4
k).iut u.4
10 L7 m
bt 4.TJ 1.17
417 . 1.714
V 1.17
a .... - ....
ii .
n .... ....
.1148 M.80 1.094
CATTLE The continued light receipts of
rattle st this point is causing a somewhat
htttr feelinf In the trade For the week
to date the receipts havs been onlv about
half ot what they were the oorros ponding
period of last. week. Buyers were out la
flood season 7 this morning and ths fsw
oads of fat steers and good cows changed
handa very readily at prices that looked a
little stronger. In fact, in some cases sell
ers were quoting good cows aa much as
10c higher. As there were so few killers oa
sale the supply was soon exhsuted.
Feeders weie In good demand and sold
sa high as any time, the market being
strong on ths more desirable grades. Aa
h'gh as 15.10 was paid by a feeder buyer.
While the cattle market locally was Im
proving packers still talk that the supply
of refrigerator cars Is limited, ahd It is
ufs to say that with anything like liberal
receipts st this point ths market would be
where It was laat week. The situation at
Chicago Is still very bad. and It could
hardly be expected that western market
should show any vary great Improvement
sa inns aa tha glut continues at Chicago.
Yeaterda a Chicago Drovers' Journal
stated triat while the fresh receipts of
4.UU0 were small, they were really large aa
compared to the feeble demand, as there
was really no necessity for purchases from
any quarter. It la generally understod tbst
there are A large number of cattle still be
ing held at Chicago from last week. They
sre still quoting the market at Chicago
toe lower than last Wednesday, with nu
merous instsnces of a SiKeOe decline. As
noted yesterday the only safe plan for ship
pers I to continue holding cattle back from
all market point until ths eastern glut Is
relieved and the market tn A healthy con
dition once more.
Representative sales:
Ma A a. rt.
Av. Pr.
..till I
..Ml 4 4
..141 4 I
..104 4
..UM 4 M
..US I M
ajt I M
n 4
io 4 m
MM 4 4
1 ...
I. ...
It ...
II. ...
l I 44 ..
SS 4 I...
lsvf 4 44 M...
..111 If
I 4
IM I 40 t
kH I i M
Vt I
...... 4M I 74
M Is
Si I 1
, M 111
, TM I 14
n m
ts I 14
!""l4 I M
14 I M
SM I st
iw4 I a
SM I 41
7T I M
44 I M
pi!4 I 44
114 I M
Hi I M
.104 I 44
M. ...
1114 I 7
! I T
llfcl I 1
41 I St
104 I
ls 4 t
17 4 t
lsi 4 m
1U7 4 t
17 I 44
1144 4
I 4 1
! 4 M
I. ...
II ...
I. ...
II. ..
ine at
.14 4 M
.141 4 M
Iktt 4 M
44 I 1 I
Ill IH I ....
ta I 4 4
M II 1
M I T4
list t M 1
...... Hi I I
li I M 1
la I M I
14 I Tt 1
.. m i at
- t 4 !4
,. Xtr I M
...IMS M
... II 4
...I7M 4
... II 4 I
...list 4 at
...lia 4M
Itl I T4 I
11 I 14 I
17 I M
W IU i
144 I M I
At t 1..-
ill 4 M
M 111 II
11 I M U ,
til I M I ,
Ill I M I
Bl 4 M tt
MS 4 M
141 4 M
144 4 M
. M I It
Ml 4 M
IM 4 M
144 feeder. tT7 4 t.
I bulls im 1 7i I cows K9 8 Si
17 feeders.. KM I SO 41 feeders.. 8T 4 It
t feeder.. K7 I W II feeders.. fc7 IM
14 os. A hf. 4 1 0 U bulls It I M
t cows XS7 I St
J. M. Mllisux, South Dakota.
SI feeder . t4 4 IS 14 cows sit t ss
William Moncretffa. Wyoming,
tl feeders.. 171 I li
Maloom MoaeiiefTe. Wyoming.
It feeders. . Ml i M X cows IA S SS
HOGS There was not enough difference
between the hoar market of yesterday aad
today to talk about. It opened th. morn
ing a little stronger than last night's close,
or in practically the same notches as yes
terday morning. The earl hoga sold very
Largely tl kki with a good sprinkling ot
the better luaas above that figure, the
same as early yesterday. It aad off than,
the same as It did late veaterday, all the
strength of the morning being lost. Frota
tbat lime on until the close the trade was
dull and slow.
Representative sales:
Ks a aa . si a, sa - v
41 11 ... M MIM
m im M 41 ' a ... M
M ... ... I r M bl MIM
4 m ... 11 M 44 ... 4M
4 pa 4 ... 4 4
14 1st n l ... 4
as ...
II ts tS f M II. tt ... 4 4
4. .st 1? 4 4 4 S4 ...
44 m t 4 St 47 T ... 4
f SKI 4 St 44 11 ... 4 41
m m ... is ss ...
Tt tn i HI ...
tr? ... is i ... f
tt 144 ... I 4 s7 ... 4 tf
st kl ... I s rt r.4 ... tJ
Tt HI ... I T til ... 11
44 m ... 4 41 4 ... 4 I7
T 14 a I M 7 " ... 4
st trt ... i 4 ra ... 4 w
47 144 ... I S 44 -4 ...
s ttt ... i n tn ... 4 i
n ih mim it r.r ... tjv
i'l ... I 4 71 4 4
r ii ... 4 st in ... t
e is ... st n tit ... 4i
T4 II ... Is IH ...
r 1I lt I s 4 r ... H
st in ... i n i ... t
ri art mim t rs ... st
11 St IN IB t 4 1
T Ht ... ! II 1st ... 4
4 U4 ... I 4 IM ... 4 44
44 ... I M 44 ! ... I 4
44 14 I St II 4 ... I 4
... SS 14 r ... t
tt it ... I at U s4 ... t 41
Tt Xt4 ... 4 44
8HES.P Receipts of sheep Were moderate
again thla mornliig. the arrivals being
about the same ss reeterdiy ss far as re
ceipts were concerned. The market ss a
whole was in satisfactory condition and th
tree tor part of the offering soon clviged
ends. Ths price paid were rully steady
snd In some esses, especially on ewea, they
looked A little stronger. Ewes. In fact,
might be quoted strong to 10c higher, tn
market having strengthened up alnct the
Arst of the weak
There were no choice lambs here to make
A top on the market, but pretty decent
klnda of killers Sold at 17.617.10. There
were A few good yearling which sold up
to M 40, which waa the best price paid for
Ik... L i J . . i mi . k
iiwi oina so I a I imp weva. via
Bold tin In tS IA Than arora IM atrictlv '
choice awes tn sight, but there were a few
good enough to bring
Quotation on' killers: Good to chofc
lambs, t7.3-7.40; fair to good lambs, 14.71
T.00; gocd to choice yesrilnrs. limb
weights. I 0014-40; fair to good yearlings,
lamb welgnta. tUTWrt .40; good to choice
yearlings, heavyweights, IS 7T?.0: fair t
good yearlings, heavywelghta, K Bnt8 Tt;
good to choice old wethers. P rVtt; fair
to good old wethers, !t.x4?.M; good to
choice ewea, tt0&.X; fair to good, 14.168
Representative sales:
Ill western ewes
Kit western wethers
44 western wethers
1S6 western yearling
174 western ewea
. I'l
. lit
. 71
. 74
. Ill
. W
1 1
I so
t 40
I 40
17 western ewes
M western lambs
177 western lambs
Ill western lambs
Ml western lambs
0 western wethers
14 western y'rllngs snd wethers
tst western y'rllngs and wethers
11 western lambs
t It
4Vi T
74 T W
74 I 1
7 10
I 71
ft i to
M T 00
rattle Steady Hege Strang ta Htgker
Sheep Steady.
CHICAGO, Feb. It CATTLE Receipts,
1I.0U head; market steady: plain and best
steers, t4.00fi7.t0: row a tXtoblOO: heifers.
!U7Hi.; bulla U.0ti4.60: cslves. 42 4u
at1: stockers ana feeder, U1 v4- .
HOGS Receipts. 10.000 head; msrket
strong to ac higher: choice heavy shipping.
r.lTVrSl JS; light butchers. 7101 17V: light
mixed. t7.07W7.1l; choice light, r 0i7.Uj;
packing, t7.lotr7.14; good pigs. pit7S4j4.ti6,
bulk of salsa, t7.lu67.Ki.
head; market steady to strong; sheep. IA U0
4X-00; yearlings. ei.A6.46; lambs, ta.0utt7.6a.
Ksasai City Live. Stack Markat.
Reoelpta. 11.000 head. Including 100 south
erns. Market stesdy. Top, Choice
export and dressed beef steers, fS.414?
1.40; fair to good. 0 f it; western
fed steers, tt.7ttfi.7i; stockers and feed
er. 11.44 9 4.10; southern steers, tl I4t
00: southern opws, tl.iO01.7i; native
cows It 44J It; nstlvs heifers. 11109
t OO; bulks. 11.7! 4.40; calves, tl.titf
HOGS Receipts, II 001 head; market
to higher; closed weak. Top. 17 It: bulk
of sales. rr.00fJ7.10; heavy, 17 07671;
packers. 17.06 7.10; pigs and lights. tl.Tt
head; markst strong. Lambs. tf.00Q7.t0;
ewes and yearllnga. l .40 4.00: western
fed yearllnga, t4.2fOI.IO; western fed
sheep,; Blockers .and teedsrs.
11.48 4.00.
lew Yark Mrs Steak Market.
oelpta ll,a head: markst for cnoioe
steady: others alow to 10c lower: steers,
t4.7&e.: few fancy. MAO; bulls. tS4r70;
oows, II K4 It; one car extra fat, 44.Py ex
ports, 9X cattle and l.ttk) quarters of lieef.
CALVES Reoelpta 414 head : markst for
veals active and generally K0SOc higher;
western calves slow; veals, t4 0010.00: few
choice, tlOtS: cull, tt 006 00; ordlnsry
western, tl ft; dressed calves, Srm; city
dressed, rftlic per lb; country dressed, 9
lie per lb.
HOOS-Receipt. Ik. 000 head; markst
SHEEP AND IAMB?t-Roe)pta ,
head; market for aheep steady; for lambs
slow and easy: sheep, tt XncsVIS; yearllnga,
.&; lamDa, t6.Xp-X: exports. LG& aheep.
St. Leal Live Stack Market.
ST. LOriS, Mo.. Feb. IX CATTLE Rs
celptA, t.OOC' head. Including tuO Texans;
market steady; native shipping and exports.
14 (V&.7t; dressed beef and butcher steers.
tt4&& 40; , steers under 1.000 pounds. 4X7&4
4.00; stockrrs and feeders, tlftiytli; cow
and hslfrs, 114E.e tt; cannra, tOOe.M;
bulla. t24S4.iO: caivea tin&M; Tixas
and Indian steers, i.00fjAK: cows and
heifers, (2 luC 60.
HOGS Receipts, I W0 head; market tiglOc
higher; pigs and lights, fel&CT.U; packers.
M -57 it.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. SO bead;
market steady; notive muttona t2.7'3fe.i,
lambs. KSllO; culls and bucks, M .000
Av; stockera, tZ7&t.a. n
lsx City Lies Stack Market.
SIOUX CITY. Feb. lt-8peclaJ Tele
gram ) CATTLE Receipt. 1.400 head;
market steady: stockers, strong; beeves,
RHxtfAH: cows, bulls and mixed, gE.Vit?
4.76; stockers and feeders, tS.0t)AAii; calves
and yearlings, tt OoB.
HOUel Receipts. i.sOO hesdi msrket
strorg. ssUing at MKXtf.sO; bulk Af aale.
St. afasepk Live Slack Market.
oetpta L2tt bead. Market steady; natives.
t4 20A!o; cow s and heifers. fZ.X4j4.7i;
stockers and feeders. BHi W.
HOtiS Receipts. I.Ofil hsd Market waa
A ahade higher; top, 17; bulk. 14 t6J7.B.
Bllttr AND LAMBS Receipts, t St
bead. Market steady: lambs. I7.kjm.gj:
ewea. tt-TVu AX
Stack ta Blgkt
Reoelpta of II v stock st ths six prl n-
elDal western market veaterday
Cattle. Hog.
South Omaha 1m sk
Sioux City 1.400
Kansas City II.AjO
PL Joseph law
St. Louis 1 !34
Chicago 11.000
... .H.4M TI.MS 14.1-71
Tradition af Trade and aoetatleas aa
Slants aad Fancy Produce
FOGS Per do , STsTrSc.
LIVE POCLTRY-Hns.'tV94V; roosters,
te; turkeys. Utyltc; durks. 5a 10c; young
roosters. 7$c: gees. 440.
Bl'TTBB Pscklng stock. c; choice to
fancy dairy, tLU 14c: creamery. H62c.
HAY Choice upland. H Ut: medium. tMO;
No. 1 bottom, t 6'; off grades. 04ja.uu.
Rye straw. 17 00; No. 1 alfalfa, IU 60.
B RAN Per ton. IU 04.
CRAXBERRIBS-Fsr bbl . r 00100.
APPLES Fancy, per bbl , Sx3: Jona
thans, tl 76r j New York apnles. II ii.
Iowa and Nebraska, eating and cooking.
II lSff3 00.
PEARS winter Neils, per toox, f3'.
COCOANLTSPer sack of 10U. 44 60.
FIGS California. bulk. iVr?: t-crowa
Turkish. Y; t-cruwn Turkish, 14c; i -crown
Turkish. 18a
LEMONS Umonlera. HO and SS0 size.
M V: other brands, tec lesa
DATES-Kadaway. lc: savers, to; Hl
towte. new stuffed walnut dates, t-lb. box.
tl 10.
BANANAS Pa-r medlum-slsed bunch,
lf-rii: Jorr.boe. tiAf'ls0.
OXAPE KKL'lT-a a 44 ta 44 sad to. tl 71
4 4U
ORANOFS Florida So snd " slses.
1200; California navel extra fancv ail
s sea. ft!; fancy. 44 74: choir. KMJii 60.
Pr bu , 76c.
SWEET POTATOES Illinois., per large
bbl.. P a.
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. SLst: Ns. Z.
n .
Likf A PEAKS-Per lb.. 4ye
CABBAGE Holland seed, boms grown,
IV lr Ih.
KV PI ANT Per doa rttA
POTATuL4t-Pr ba..
HJ 109
,& no
la t.atal
.) 12. 'J JO
UO lbs. to sack,
TrRNIPS-Per ba.. vac
OSloNt-Home grown, per be , ;
Spanish, per rrata IVM, Colorado, per bu..
doi , efc.
TOM AT lf Florida 0-lb crate. M SO.
W AX REANS-Per bu. N-x. 4"iVtl.
LkVAF LKTTl.CE Hothcuse, tee doe,
heads, 4V
i mY-California, per dot , 7V-M.0O.
CLCl MBKRS-taee of t d-. ti sA
RAD I SHEA-Per do. Itinchet, c
ORIVl.N rEPPERSPec 4 basket crate.
r A HS1.KT Hothouse, par doa. bunches,
HKAD UTTTIT E Sou t h em. per doa,
SHALLOTS Smut hern, per bunch. Mc
No. t rlbe, : Ntv I rlba. lc; No. I
ribs, 7c; No. 1 loin. lc: No. t loin. UHc;
No. t Mn, c; No. 1 chuck. 4c; No. t chuck,
tc; No. I chuck. 4c; No. 1 round, Tc; No.
1 round. 4c; No. t round, 4c; No. 1 plate,
4Sc No. t plate 4c; No I plate, to.
M i stTals nor s.
CHEESE New full cream Wisconsin
twine, lfrc; new full cream brick. ln
HV; wheel Swiss cheewe. lH17c; Wot k
Swiss, lic; llmberger, lsc; Young Amer
icas 1V-
FISH Pickerel. dressed. Pc; pike,
dressed, 11c; white fish, dressed, winter
caught. ISc; trout, 1 Jr. halibut, 14c; salmon.
11c; catfish. 16c; herring, drMssed. pan
froten, sc; perch, scaled and dreeaed. 4c;
perch, skinned, dreaaed. headless. 7c; crap
plea, round. c; rrapptea. Urge fanry.
16c; black baas, ac; smelta sweet and fine,
lie; eel. lc; blue fish, l&c; red snapper.
lr; roe shad, per fish, tl; shad roe. 460
pair; frog lers, 44c; lobsters, green, per lb.,
16c; lobsters boiled. 14c per lb.; mackerel,
Spsntsh, lie per lb.; mackerel, native, tM '
per id. v
CVRED F1SH-Fam!ly whlteflsh, per
quarter bbl l'O lba, 44.00; Norway mack
erel. No. 1. t 0; No. t. t7 00; herring In
bbla fco pounds each, Norway. 4k. 111.
HIDES AND TALLOW-Oreen salted.
No. 1. 11c; No. t 11c: bull hides, sc; grea
hides. No. L 10c; No. t c: horse, flinty
175; sheep pelts, eotitTtt Tallow, No. I.
c; No. 1 lc. Wool, itOc
CIDER New Tork. half barrel. H7; bar
rel, 4?. 04.
NI TS French walnut. 13 Sc; California
walnuts. No. 1 soft shell. 11c; No. 1. soft
shell. lMvc: Braxlla. lt'ulc; pecans. 1525:
filberts, 14$ 14o: peanuta. raw. Tcr
roasted. c; California almonds, hr1
hell, lsc; Tray on la, 17c; cocoanuta. 14 60
par 100 lbs.
HON FY Per ?4 frames, tl BO.
COFFEE Roasted. No. . JSc pr lb.;
No. SO. tie Per lb.; No. . lsc per lb.; No.
10. lc per lb.; No. tl. lc per lb.
Sl'OAR Granulated cane. In sacks, KB;
rranulsted beet. In sacka IS 11.
STRl'P In bbla.. tTc per gal.; In cases.
10-lb. cans. tl.TO; cases. 11 i-lb. car.. tl.Sp;
cases. 14 FVb. can. 11.86.
CANNED OOODS-Corn. standard west,
era. SWiWie; Maine, tl U Toms toes, t-ln.
cans. 11.10: t-lb. cans. 7V-j4i n. pine
apples, grattd. 1-lb.. t20&Tt; sliced, tl M
130. Gallon apple, fancy. 12.04. Cali
fornia apricot a tt 00. Pears. tl.75
160. Peaches, fancy. Sl.7StM.40; H. C.
peache. tl(4i6'tS0. Alaska salmon, red.
tl K; fancy Chinook. F., t2.1: fancy sork
eye, F., Sl.tS. Sardines, quarter oil. 12.71;
threa-qusrters muctard. tl 00. Sweet pota
to ea. tl.10Bl.2S. Pauei kraut, 11.00. Pump
kins. 0ciitl.09. Wax beans, t-lb.. SMjie:
lima beans, t-lb.. TiolSgl.tS. Spinach. U.itS.
Cheap pes. t-lb Otic; extras, stOillOj
laiicy, i.M0i.ia
Isrir ail Molaaees.
Steady: centrifugal white. 4 S-lti4o; cen
trifugal yellow, tV94t-lic; seconds, 19
I 7-lc
Birds af Freedeea Dlsaalch Tw
Fareat Cats la Flgkl
far Feed.
John Horn of Keevar, N. T who makes
the study of bird and animals a pastime,
has established to his own satisfaction tha
fact that wolla eaglss will aid each other
In A fight against a common enemy, as
much cannot be aald of ths lynx, ths most ,
ferocious member of tha eat family found
In ths woods ot New York atala.
Mr. Horn and a companion were shooting
grouse a few days Ago, and as they shot
them hung them on low sprues trees to be
picked up on ths return trip to camp. Sew.
aral bad been klllsd And the men were ,
working backward on ths trail, when tha
naturalist saw a bald eagle swoop down
ward 900 yards In front ef him and a mo
ment later rise with a grouse In Its talons.
He rightly judged that the bird had taken
part of the day" a apoil and was laughing
that so good A Joke had been played upon :
him. when ths eagl tost Its grip and down
cams ths grouse.
Ths' eagle soared about for A few mo
menta and then, folding Its wings, shot to
ward the ground, uttering sharp cries sa
It descended. The trees shut out further
observation at tha lima, but when Mr.
Horn heard aharp equalling mingled with
tha harsh notes of ths bird hs concluded
that something Interesting was going on.
and with his companion hs hurried forward
to the top of a ledge overlooking a depres
sion Into which ths eagle had dived.
On arriving at the ledge the men were
Just In time to witness a most unusual
woodland battle. A couple of Oanara
lynxes, which had In all probability been
after ths grouse when their rival took It
off, had now recovered their prey and were -fighting
desperately to retain tt. Ths sagl.
was snaking an equally strong fight to re
cover what his carelessness had k)ost, and
fur and feather flew In a cloud, while tha
gtltlneea of the forest was rent by the cries
of ths combatants.
For a moment or two honor were about
even, but on eagle ts no match for two
lynxes and tha old bald head waa getting
the worst of ths fight when his mats re-'
enforced him. A third lynx, which had
been Attracted by ths hubbub, also Ap
peared, but after oo look hs slunk sway,
leaving his fellows to their f sts. Aa tb
battls progressed, now one aide and than
lbs other seeming upon the point of io
lory, a third eagle dropped from Lba sky
and with his Arrival tha fats of ths lynxes
was sealed. They fought on. however,
until one lost An eye, when they ran for
cover. . .
They didn't get far, for ths eagles were
too much aroused to let them escape, aad
they never ceased .until both forest cats
were dead. Then they devoured ths grouaa
and flew off. Chicago Chronicle.
P. H. I'pdlke to Hauls K. Vpdlks
Iota 1 snd S. block IX Hlgiard r
Place t AOOS
Mabie V. Shtmer and husband to
William W. Oonnoraa, lot 10. Ford's
Saratoga Add US .
K. R Hum to Lissl R. Welch, lot
A block . Clifton HU1 t.
Elmer 8. Dundy and wife to Park
way Real Eetate Co., sub lot t. tax
lot 4. sec. M-ls-lS 100
Oeerg H. Csrr to Minnie Carr. w&l
ft. lou t and t block 4, Wilcox
Same to same, lot 14. block L Saund
ers and Heimbaugh's ....
E. R. Hume and wife to Byron B.
Hastings. Iota S7 to 44. block L,
Mystic Park K0
Edward D. June and wtf to Samuel
D. Beck, lot T, block 1 Halcyon
Heights 1
Baltha Jttr and wife to Irene L.
Marpberaon, lot I. block 4. Jettar'g
Add I
Ntlli E. Simmons to Iren L. Mac
rheraon. lot t. block &, Halcyon
Heights Cot
Lewis G. Cameron and wlf to Edwin
Hlndley and wife, lot 4, block t,
Monmouth Park LU)
Adora B. Bowman and buaband to
John H. Treoerry. lot 14. block 12.
Orchard HUl ST
See- to ssme. lot It, block IS. Orchard .
hiii r
Robert O. Fink, couuty treasurer, to
Lena Wraith, iota li and la, Wlrtb s
Sub .
John W. McDonald, sheriff, to David
H. Martin, part tax lot lu. .sec,
Harvey I. Adair. and wlf Io C. D.
Armstrong, tut i. bkxk t. Loyd's
Add 1
J. li. Woodward to James A Ken.
nevd. lot S. A. H. 6a under Add.... t.KO
Lucy Jackaoa and husband to Harry
J Twitting, lots and 100, Gise
Add f
Frank A. Lewis and wife to C. aV
Crenahaw. Nt I. an4 iu. Mots
SS, Aail4er Place sad other tots 1
t ,