8 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEEr THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1007. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office, 10 Pearl MIX on MENTION. DhtIs, drugs. Btockert sella carpets. Fine engravings at LetTerta. Ed Roc-era' Tony Faust beer. Be Schmidt's elegant new photos. Plumbing and heating-, Blxbjr Bon. Iew1s Cutler, funeral director; 'phone ft. Wood ring Undertaking company. Tel. S39. Watoh repairing, O. Mauthe, 228 West Broadway. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT, TALK TO UCFFERT ABOUT IT. PUDWE1SER BOTTUED BEBR IS SERVED AT FIRST-OIBS BAK3 AND CAFES. U ROSENFELD CO.. DIST. Sheridan (Wyo.) coat In atock; also all other grades. Fenlon Wlckham Coal com pany, I(7 Fearl atreet. Both 'phones 22& ALL. SIZES OF STORM DOORS, STORM SAHH, STORM WINDOWS AND WEATHER STRIPS AT GEO. HOAO LANDS. Tha Switchmen's Union of North Amer ica will give a ball tonight at the Armory. Whaler's double orchestra will furnish tha tnusio. Illinois nut coal, delivered- IR.80 per toot pedra grate, 8.W per ton. William Welsh. It North Main street. TeL 128. Tard Eighth street and Eleventh avenue. Tel. ST7. D. 8. Kerr has farms of different slses to rent, either cash or crop rent. Houses for sale on monthly payments. Tela. 417 and 40s Red. 6M Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Warren J. Johnson, aged 6ft years, died I'esterday at his home, 2718 Avenue A. He eaves a wife. The funeral will be held thla afternoon at 2:80 o'clock from the Uethel Methodist church. Are you paying two prices for mantles and gas burners? If you are, we can cut the price In two for you. We handle Lind ey self-lighting and Inverted mantles, also all other connections. W. A. Maurer. A marriage licence was Issued yenterday to Walter W. Scott, aged 28, and Victoria I (M&slouka, aged 25, both of Columbus, Neb. They were married by Rev. Henry DeLong at his office In the county courthouse. Julia Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Carlson, 3:3 Harrison street, died yesterday morning from membraneous croup .aged nearly t years. The funeral will be held this afternoon and burial will be in Falrvlew cemetery. Constable Joe Palmer of Justice Greene's court Is critically 111 and his recovery Is said to be doubtful. Bert Ward, a former member of the police force, who has been commissioned as a deputy sheriff. Is acting constable fur Justice Greene. Arguments of counsel in the 126,000 per gonal Injury damage suit of Levi Hunt against the Burlington railroad were con cluded yesterday afternoon and, aa the hour was late. Judge Thornell deferred giving his Instructions to the Jury until this morn ing. - Men's four-buckle -arctics (Hood's) $2; men's pure gum arctics (Bostons) tt60; men's all rubber arctics (old colony) 11.35; ladles' two-buckle arctics (Bostons) $1.26; ladies' A lank as 80c. Greut reduction on aU kinds of rubbers. Duncan & Deans, 23 Main ntrset. Simon Bolan, aged 77, died yesterday aft ernoon at his home, 13U4 Avenue B, after a short illness, from the Infirmities of old age. Besides his wife he is survived by five daughters and one son. Deceased was a native of County Clare, Ireland, and came to the United States In 1804. Frederick H. Hill, secretary of the Emp-kle-Shugart-Hill company, who has been seriously 111 for several days, was removed yesterday from his home at 823 Third ave nue to the Jennie Ertmundnon Memorial honpltal, where It Is tli ought probable he will have to undergo an operation. The funeral of the late Thomas Toplls will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from Woodrlng's undertaking par lors and will be under the auspices of Hawkeye ledge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of which deceased was a member. Interment will be In the Odd Fellows' bury ground In Falrvlew cemetery. Charles, alias " Dutch" Stevenson,- who was rocently paroled from the county Jail, where he was serving a year's sentence for larceny from a building, on account of ill health and 'on his promise to keep out of the city, was In police court yesterday 'tnornlng charged with vagrancy. Judge Snyder, despite the protest of Stevenson's attorney that Stevenson .. was virtually In the custody of the' sheriff, sentenced him to thirty day. TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW SPRING WALL PAPER, MOULDINGS AND HOME DECORATIONS, WE WILL SELL OUR STOCK OF PICTURES AT 83 REGULAR PRICES. A FINE LINE OF PABTEIjS. ETCHINGS, 011,8, MIRRORS; AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET GOOD PIC TURES VERY CHEAP AT W. 8. HEW. ETSON'S WALLPAPER AND ART STORE. MASONIC TEMPLE, COUNCIL JuLui lTS, 1A. Ceasing la All the Time. Things move hereabouts no dead stock of wall paper to remind you of your grand mother's "best room." New designs, new colors or rather new combinations of colors are to be seen here every day. The only trouble with our stock Is that the variety Is so large you'll be almost be wildered will want to buy nearly every thing you see. Jensen & Nlcolalsen, 23S Broadway. Phone L618. . ROBERT BURNS 10c CIGAR. OLD TIMES Bo and SPINA 10c CIGAR. MA LONKY CIGAR CO., DISTRIBUTORS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night. 001 Bait Against Gnardlaa. In accordance with the order Issued by Judge Green, of the district court. D. W. Otis, guardian of Harry Dye, insane, yes terday brought two suits against ' Mrs. Mary A. Haynes of this city, former guar dian of Dye. Mrs. Haynes, on December 10, was alleged to be short tl.908.08 In her accounts as guardian of Dye, who Is her nephew. At first Mrs. Haynes had been bonded by the American Bonding A Trust company and later by the United Stales Fidelity and Guaranty company. Under the Instructions of the court one suit Is brought against Mary A. Haynes, the American Bonding and Trust company and the United States Fidelity and Guaranty company. In the second suit Mrs. Haynes also appears as defendant as do the two bonding companies, only that their order Is reversed. The sum of $1,966.06 Is sought to be. recovered In both actions. The court decided that two separate actions were necessary, aa there was a question as to which bonding company waa liable, and If both, for what proportion of the amount - claimed to be due the estate by Mrs. Haynes. for the Certain Relietot Coughs and Colds The formula as printed hsre waa glvea on by a prominent doetor who haa Bade a national repatatloa for his wonderful skill la the ear of thioat aad long disease. To this purpose he uses almost exclusively the asw form of pins product kaowa to physlolana aad druggists as Oon oeatrated oil of piss. The formula is as follows i Half euaoe Concen trated oil of piss, two ounoes of gly cerine, half plat of good whiskey tola these by snaking them thorough ly aad use In tablespoon doses every four hours. The only oar aeoeasary is to be sure to get the Oonosntratsd oil of pine beeauae recently there have been numerous patent medicine imitations put eat under the asms, "Oil of gla.H These, oa aoooaat of aot being sola. Die, are aaagwreas, Besides presuo- rn." real "Concentrated" ell of pine eaa he obtained of any good presorlptlOB drugrt and eomea nut no for medical use only la half-ounce vials securely sealed in round air tight screw top oases, which protect it from light, aad retain all the orlg. laal soa. BLUFFS BU Tel. 43. BONDHOLDERS NOT ALARMED Kaoa?sr Hart sf Water Works Oompaiy Denies Story to that Effect NO NEW ISSUE CONTEMPLATED AT PRESENT Com pa ay Caa Do Nothing- Toward Raisin Paads to Improve Plant I'ntU Present Difflealtles with City Are Settled. "The Council Bluffs Water Works com pany Is not now and has not recently made any effort to effect a new bond Issue, neither has it defaulted on the Interest on Its bonds. All Interest due on the com pany's bonds have been paid. The report that some of the holders of the company's bonds have become alarmed Is without the slightest foundation and made up entirely of whole oloth. The value of the present water works plant Is, according to the ex pert's estimate, ample security for the company's bonds. The statement that some of the bond holders had come here to personally Investigate the situation Is also without foundation." This statement was made yesterday by Manager E. W. Hart of the Council Bluff Water Works company, when his attention was called to an article published In the columns of an Omaha paper. Mr. Hart stated further, that nothing could be done or would be done towards raising funds for the extension and Im provement of the system until the city council reached some determination In the matters now under consideration relative to the water works situation. A. N. Wlldman of Danbury, Conn., who Is a holder of the water works company's bonds, was In the city Inst week to attend the wedding of his son. Captain Wlldman of Fort Omaha, and Miss Stewart. His visit here was not for the purpose of mak ing any Investigation Into the situation, but as stated, was merely to attend the wed ding of his son. While In the city he paid a visit to Mnnager Hart at the offices of the company, but the visit was purely a social one. This week the handy fruit and vegetable sllcer for 25c, for cutting plain (lutings and shoestrings. See It In our window. Swalne Maurer, 330-338 West Broadway. COURT IS TO SETTLE CONTROVERSY Leernl Determination of Right of Clerk of Conrt to Clerk Allowance. The controversy between the Board of County Supervisors and H. V. Battey, clerk of the district court, over the latter's allowance for extra clerk hire during 1905 and 1906 la to be arbitrated by the district court. At the Instigation of Mr. Battey. suit was commenced yesterday In the name of Pottawattamie county, J. W. Mitchell, treasurer, to recover ISOO which Mr. Battey had drawn during the two years for extra clerk hire. In his answer died yesterday with the petition Mr. Battey asks Judgement for $190 against Pottawattamie county, as be ing the amount of the allowance for extra clerk hire for the months of September, October, November and December, 1906, Which he had failed to draw. In his petition Is recited the resolution of the board of supervisors of January 7, 1905, ' fixing tho compensation of ' the clerk of . the district court. In ' addition to the $2,200 salary provided by statute, the reso lution provides that the clerk shall retain $300 from the probate fees and be allowed "$40 per month clerk hire." It Is shown that Mr. Battey drew up to and Including the month of August, 1906, In all $800 for "clerk hire." but It Is contended In the petition, so as to bring the controversy to an Issue, that there was toothing to show, that Mr. Battey had employed extra cleri cal help or paid for same out of this allow ance, and the recovery Into the county treasury of the $800 Is asked. The answer filed by Mr. Battey sets forth that the action la brought at the request of defendant to obtain a Judicial determina tion of defendant's legal rights, because of some dispute that had arisen In respect thereto. Last August, during the campaign for county offices, there waa not the best of feeling between certain members of the Board of Supervisors and Mr. Battey, and some of the supervisors questioned the right of Mr. Battey to draw the $40 a month allowance for clerk hire on the alleged grounds that he did not employ extra help all the year around. When this question was raised Mr. Battey ceased drawing the $40 a month allowance, al though maintaining that he had a perfect right to. Rather than have his claim for the last four months of 1906, amounting to $160 turned down by the Board of Supervisors, If he presented It. Mr. Battey decided to appeal to the court and have the matter settled there. In his answer Mr. Battey asserts that the allowance of $40 a month waa no more that sufficient to pay the extra help employed by him, and he calls attention to the fact that a like allowance has been made for several years to his predecessors In office. HIOHEST PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP IRON, METALS AND RUBBER BY J. KATELMAN, 803 MAIN ST.. 'PHONE KA Real Estate Transfers. These transfers - were reported to The Bee February IS by the Fttti.wattamlo County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: J. D. Ronk and wife to L. Sheets, lot 5. block S. Carson. Ia.. w. d... 11 Ion Sarah Jane White to James D. Fel- ton part ne nw "i lk-17-41. w. d. 1.8911 Orissa Henry and Frances J. Lake ana husband to Peter Kief, part lot 1, Douglass' subdivision se hk sw U 1-74-44. w. d S00 N. P. Dodge and wife to Orissa Henry end Frances J. Lake, part lot 1, Douglass subdivision seV sw 1-74-44; lot 17. block k; lots 43 and 44. block IS; lots 21 and 22, bWck IS, and lota 11 and 12, block 17, Wright's add. to Council Bluffs. Ia.. w. d i Charles Nielsen and wife to John Madsen, part se 2V-77-42, w. d.. John Madsen and wife to Charles Nielsen, part se 4 2H-77-4. w. d. Zoe M. Ross to C. D. Dlllln. lot S. block IS. Ferry add. V Council Bluffs, Ia., q. c. d 1 Seven transfers, total. 13,702 A. Metirsr Jt Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery, 611 Mynster Street. Council Bluffs, Ia. Home-Made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. Wedding- May Be Delayed. "And I was to have been married to morrow," remarked Louis Watson, as be waa taken Into custody yesterday after noon by Constable Baker under a warrant Issued from the court of Justice Cooper. An Information bad ben filed before Jus tice Cooper by Miss Annie Brown charg ing Watson with betraying her under promise of marriage. The knowledge that Watson was about to lead another woman to the altar, It la supposed, preeipltcted the filing of the charge. Watson declared the charge waa apitework. In default of ball placed st $fW0 he was committed to the county Jail pending his preliminary, which has been set for this afternon. CENTRAL FLOUR. $1.06 PER SACK; EVERY SACK WARRANTED, CENTRAL GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET, 'PHONES M. OFFER FOR MINING PROPERTY New York Maa Will Bay Officer A Poser Claim. Receivers Bereshelm and lurphy of the Officer & Pussey bank have an oppor tunity to dispose of the Walter Scott mining property, which forms part of tha assets of the defunct banking firm. Jules V. Barnd of New Yprk City has an option on the property to purchase It for $3,000 and Is said to be still willing to buy at this price. This option was secured In July of 190 by Mr. Barnd and was later extended to June I, 1907, In order to give the pros pective purchaser an opportunity to In vestlgate the property. The repprt of the expert who made the examination be ing satisfactory, Mr. Barnd, the receivers say, la willing to consummate the purchase and yesterday Judge Thornell granted authority to the receivers to expend the needed amount for an abstract of the property. At. the time of the suspension of the bank and the appointment of the receivers the Walter Scott Mining property was listed among the assets at $26,633. In January, 1901, It was stated that a com pany of Colorado promoters hold a $75 000 option on this mining property but the option expired In March of that year and the deal fell through. The promoters who obtained the option were negotiating for the sale of the mine to eastern cap italists who had acquired a number of other mining properties In the same lo cality and through the same promoters. Clock repairing. Broadway. O. Mauthe, 228 West NONAGENARIAN NEVER ON TRAIN John Westfall, Who Came to Iowa In 'glxtr-Ela-ht Prefers a Woo-on. ATLANTIC, la., Feb. 13. (Special.)-Cass county has perhaps the oldest man In the world who has never ridden on a railroad. Tho old man Is John Westfall, who came to Cass county In 1868, locating In Noble town ship on the farm he now occupies. He came from Ohio, to which place the family had emigrated from Pennsylvania. Most of the Journey to Cincinnati was made by water and the remainder to Iowa by wagon, and this Is the only means of travel the old man has used since. He Is 93 years of age and has held many places of trust in his township. He says he has gone so long without riding on a train now that he does not care to and will probably die without having ridden on a train. NEW BRAKEMAN FALLS AND DIES Knocked Down aa He Steps from Moving; Train and Bark Broken. CORNING, la., Feb. 13.-(SpeclaI.) Wil liam Sales, about 27 years of age, a brake n.an, was Instantly killed at Prescott yesterday evening. He stepped off the ca toose of a moving freight train and waa kaocked down. His back was probably broken. The coroner decided death was accidental. He was a new brakeman on his first trip. Will Honor Prof. Carrier. IOWA CITY, la., Feb. 13.-(Special.) Preparations for ' the celeoratlon of the fortieth anniversary of the connection of Prof. Amos Currier with the State Uni versity of Iowa are progressing rapidly. Governor Cummins has Just appointed a committee to devise plans for the celebra tion to consist of Hon. Alonzo Abernethy of the Board of Regents of the university, Prof. W. C. Wllrox of the faculty of the college of liberal arts and O. H. Brainard of the Alumni association. The general plan will be announced sometime this spring after the members of the commit tee have an opportunity to meet. Iowa News Notes. IDA GROVE John Clenblel, a resident of Correctlonville, was killed there by a fall from the top of n windmill tower, where he was making some repairs. The tower is 100 feet high. IDA GROVE While visiting her snn, H. S. Lynn, at Battle Creek, Mrs. M. Lynn of Mapleton was bitten by a pet cat. Blood poisoning developed and at the end of a week the woman dli-d. SIDNEY There was a mad dog scare In the Brlghtslde neighborhood, west of Sidney, yesterday. A tramp bird dog show ing evident Bigns of hydrophobia passed through the county and bit a number of other dogs before being killed. ATLANTIC John W. Davidson was sen tenced to twenty months In the peniten tiary by Judge Macey for entering a school house near Lewis, after having pleadeu guilty to the charge. He tried to talk the Judge into making the sentence lighter. SIDNEY While Dan Buxsard and Henrv Blank were out hunting near ImoKene the i latter attempted to scare a rabbit from ; a brush pile by using the stock of his shotgun when the weapon was discharged ; and the contents entered his hand and arm, mulcting serious wounds. AMES Misses Ixmise Peters of Mame nd Ingebrog Lomlnen of Lanesboro, Minn., . . n a uvcu em im lu nviuuiil un mo iiiuubi II i language faculty at the Iowa State college ?lL.m-tchh.r.a studied at Heidelberg and Berlin. AMES Mrs. Ella W. Knowlton of Orin ncl) has been secured to act as matron of Margaret hall at the Iowa State college during the absence of Mrs. Marlon H. KUbourne, who has been granted leave of absence and leaves soon on a trip abroad. Over 2U0 girls come under the supervision of this matron. TABOR The officers and vice president of the Mills County Independent Order of Odd Fellows association met yesterday at Malvern and decided to hold the anni versary celebration April 26 at Hastings, and later, the annual picnic at Pacific Junc tion. Olllcers elected are: J. H. Graham of Hustings, president; W. C. McCllntock of Tabor, secretary; J. W. Miller of Glen wood, treasurer. ATLANTIC The 1-vear-old duuihtrr of Mr. and Mrs. Ca.il Phares was badly scalded bv a bowl of hot so no snllllnir ovar ! her throat and chest. The mother had set a bowl of soup on the table and the little one, in her curiosity to see what was in the bowl, pulled the edge over until the contents were spilled over her body. All the skin peeled off the places where the soup touched, but the child will recover. ATLANTIC Clerk of the Courts Clovls is engaged In the work of tabulating and getting in shape all the estates that have tn-eu lying In the clerk's office for years, not entirely closed up. There are over iuO of these caaes and some have been running for more thun fifteen years with no final , ; action taken. He expects to get them in 1 i shape by the April term of court, when ho will present them to the Judge for tlnal ac tion. SIDNEY George Vaughan, convicted last year In Nemaha county, Nebraska, of as saulting Miss C. Holly, will be given an other trial, the cose having been reversed and remanded by the supreme court. The testimony given at the former trial was to the effect that Vaughan and a companion named Taylor took Mis Holly and another young woman to the Taylor home under pretense of taking tnem to a dance ana kept them there all night. The parties live near Hamburg and the scene of the altered crime was near that city In a lo cality known as "The Island." which la under the Jurisdiction of Nebraska. Merchants for Municipal Ownership. PEORIA. III., Feb. 13. The retail mer chants of Peoria signified their almost unanimous favorable attitude toward legis lation for municipal control and regulation, of gas and electric service and rates by a resolution submitted at this morning's ses sion of the state convention. The conven tion a iso voted unanimously against pre mium merchandise and In favor of com modities that are offered upon their merits without resorting to premium achauiea, NO SPORTS MEMORIAL DAY L'otise Panel Bill Put ting Down th Lid on that Day. PROVIDES JAIL SENTENCE FOR VIOLATION Mrs. Fred West, Proprietor of a Baby Farm, Held Wlthoit Ball on the Charge of Marderlna- Babe Left la Her Charge. (From a Staff Correspondent) DES MOINES. Feb. 13. (Speclal.)-McAl-llster's bill making horse racing, base ball and other sports a desecration of Memorial day and punishable by a fine and Imprison ment was debated for an hour this morn ing In the house, amended several times and then the house adjourned tilt this afternoon at 1:30 to continue the discus slon. The question before the house when it adjourned at noon was on an amend ment offered by Miller of Bremer that the enacting clause be stricken out. This was defeated this afternoon and the bill finally passed.. Several covert efforts were made to kill the bill before Miller of Bremer came Into the open with his amendment to strike out the enacting clause. An effort was made to send It to the Judiciary commit tee on the ground that It was Imperfectly drawn. Leo of Emmet called attention to the fact that there was no limit to the term of Imprisonment that a Judge might fix and offered an amendment limiting It to thirty days In Jail which carted. The law as finally passed prohibits sports or anything that Interferes with the orderly observance' of the day and the penalty is a fine of $5 to $100 or Imprisonment in the county Jail not exceeding thirty days. House Proceedings. In the house today the bill providing for the assessment of rural and farm tele phone lines was reported for passage. House Bills Introduced By Marston, a hunter's license law; by Mason, fixing the compensation of assistant county attor neys In counties where court is held In more than one city; by Fox; a legalising set: by Blxby. appropriating Si.uw to the Agricultural college to be used for the benefit of the Corn Growers' association; by Clary, amending the law as to new trials on newly discovered evidence; by Sullivan, providing for teachers retirement fund associations; by Swift, amending the law in appeals In civil cases. Send Back Bills. The Teter bill prohibiting national banks offsetting the assessment of their capital stock with their debts, after being debated, was sent back to the Judiciary committee from which a minority report favoring Its passage was made In the first Instance and Schoenenberger's bill relating to road taxes was also sent back to the committee to be corrected. Want Constitutional Convention. The senate passed, 40 to 6, the Smith resolution calling upon congress to arrange for a convention to revise the constitution of the United States with special reference to popular election of senators. The six who went on record as opposed to the change In method of electing senators were Dunham, Glllllland, Stookey, Jones, Jami son of Clark and Bleakley. v There was no argument on the resolu tion, the standpatters having exhausted themselves on the subject a year ago; but Dunham filed a protest with his vote in which he declared himself opposed to the proposition of changing the method of electing, that It Is bad 'policy to risk a con vention In a time of unrest, and because Iowa has always had honorable men In the senate. Senate bills: By Belley, appropriation for agricultural extension; by Do Wolf, on adulteration of drugs; by Stookey, defining a bona fide subscriber. Cheek to Divorces. The senate passed the Jones bill to for bid the guilty party In a divorce proceed ing from marrying for a year after a decree of divorce has been Issued. The Hughes bill to make possession of a railroad pass by a Juror In a case Involv ing corporations a cause for peremptory challenge, was passed. The house bill fixing a greater penalty for turning In a false fire alarm was passed. More Farm Schools. Senator Seeley introduced a bill In the senate to appropriate $25,000 for agricultural extension work under the college at Ames. The bill makes special arrangements for $2,000 a year for the farm school at Mt. Pleasant and also the same for similar schools In northern Iowa at two points. Mrs. West Bonnd Over. Mrs. Fred West, whose trial In Juatice court on an Information charging her with murdering an Infant born at her hospital has been going on for a week, was today bound over to await the action of tho grand Jury without ball. Her attorneys Krin n action in hahess cormis to ' , . , . ct her release on the ground that there Is no grand Jury In Polk county, and as there can be none till -the legislature acts to relieve the county. They will allege that she cannot be given a speedy trial, as re- ---"- , quired by law. This afternoon Miss Anna he-d nur"e l th Wot hogpltal. waa arrested on a charge of murder also. It ia charged that she gave the first dose of laudanum to the Infant and that Mrs. West gave two or three otner doses later that ended the child's life. Lumbermen End Session. The southeastern Iowa lumbermen ended their session at the Elk's club last evening In a banquet at which about 200 people were present, followed with an address by Governor Cummins. Officers for the year were elected as fol lows: President, C. D. Streeter of Keokuk; vice president. L. H. Wallace of Washington; secretary and treasurer, C M. Porter of Oskaloosa. Rule Aa-alaat Red Autos. The automobile was painted a bright rad and made a puffing noise, such as waa calculated to frighten horses." Bo said the supreme court in considering an automobile damage case from Plymouth county, A pair of bronchos became frightened In the streets of LeMars and Fred Raber got a Judgment of $5 against O. H. Hinds be cause thereof. The only question was i3 PJ3&TIH1ER of ths suffering and danger in itoro for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipation of the coining event, and casts over her a shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment ia a god-send to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning sickness," and other dis- afjsye-i PJ3(SJTIH1EIRPB fi.oo per bottle. Book containing valuable information fra. Yste ftrH,U RaaUtor Co Atlanta 0a. whether the man who operated the auto mobile was negligent. The court would not decide that he did all he should have done by merely stopping after the bronchos ran away. Court decisions: L. P. Whltcomb against Smith Collier, ap pellant, from Clarke county; modified and affirmed. Ware ft Inland against A. W. Helss. appellant, from Dallas county; re versed. Fred Raber agslnst O. H. Hinds, appellant, from Plymouth county; af firmed. L. Bobbins nvninst Iloserman Hros., appellants, from Clark county; af tlrmed. E. lierner ngnlnst Hlgman & Skinner Company, appellant; from Wood bury county; stflrtned. Wheelock ft Wheel ock. appellants, against G. C. Countryman, rrom I'iymoutn county: smrmea. jonn Morgan, appellant, against Anna L. Strand et al., from Osceola county; affirmed. Isaac Perry, appellant, against Clnrke County, from Clarke county; affirmed. W. W. Walker against J. L. Kennedy, Judge, certiorari; annulled. James Brock way against Louisa County, and H. L. l.etts, appellant, against District of Olive Branch, from Louisa county; afllrmed. JUDICIAL BILL REPORTED (Continued from First Page.) ley of the Rosebud reservation, who are In Washington, will be prepared to make their report and present the treaty arranged with the Indians to the Indian affairs committee of the house tomorrow. Auburn Man with Pollard. A member of the Auburn resolutions committee which prepared the resolution for Congressman Pollard when he was nominated last fall has writen the mem ber from the First district stating: "No candidate dared go before the perpl 1"V fall without promising to stand by th president, yet we see our legislature re solving squarely against him and thla on a protective principle. I am amased at the tendency of tho State Journal and rolltlclans towards the populist democ racy and am expecting our legislature to fall In line with other similar bodies in republican states to Invite Colonel Bryan to address and teach It how best to run this government. They seem to be sow ing now for the whirlwind in 1908. Tho subject Is hardly an Issue here and is not debated except occasionally by frcn ried factions who are suffering with holy horrors at the wicked corporations and devilish octopl. I think it high time re publican Journals take their bearings and defend their principles, If they have faith In them, and stand by the president and the prosperity of the country, and you need not send me any garden seeds' neither." Minor Matters at Capital. Representatives McCarthy today intro duced a bill which authorizes the OmaHa tribe of Indians to submit any claim they may have against the government of the United States to the court of claims for adjudication. Tha secretary of the treasury has se lected a site for a public building at Kearney, Neb., located at the southeast corner of Central avenue and Twenty fourth street, owned by J. O. Lowe. Tho price paid was $5,000. Postmasters appointed:' Nebraska: Lconle, Holt county, Ernest M. Beaver, vice J. Beaver, resigned. South Dakota: Camp Crook, Butte county, Daisy T. Baur, vice H. F. Baur, dead; Hooker, Turner county, Elsie M. Sage, vice E. J. Satter, resigned. A postofflce has been established at Rosevale, Garfield county. Neb., wlrt Lottie Woods, postmaster. Senator Burkett today Introduced blll3 to Increase the pensions of the following residents of Nebraska: W. Ij. Ireland and Renal Dye of Craig, to $30 per month each, and Adelaide Hitchcock of Gresham, to $20 per month. Senate today passed a bill creating a new division of tho southern judicial dis trict of Iowa and to provide lor terms of court at Ottumwa. The senate has confirmed the nomina tion of W. H. H. Woodhurst and J. E. Evans to bs register and receiver, re spectively, at the North Platte land office. Senator Burkett today presented to the senate the resolutions passed by the house of representatives of Nebraska favoring legislation by congress allowing the. Inspection of sheep and cattle In farmers' and shippers' yards and per mission to ship after such Inspection for a period of thirty days. WILSOlf WARNS THE RAILROADS Pens Where Stock Is Unloaded for Rest Must Be Properly Equipped. WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. Secretary Wil son today gave the Department of Justice data on sixteen violations of the twenty eight hour law an act providing that live stock shipped on railroads may not be kept In cars without food and water longer than twenty-eight hours without consent of the shipper, and then only thirty-six hours. The coses are against the Rock Island road. The records show the stock was kept In the cars an average of about forty-five hours. In a circular sent today by Secretary Wil son to the heads of all railroad lines in the country he said: This department has to this date received evidence of something over 600 violations of this law and about sixty of these cases have been reported to the Department of Justice In order that suit may be insti tuted in each case for the maximum pen-1 any or mju. nearly imi cases will be trans mitted to the Department of Justice in a few days. In all of these cases the offense consisted of con lining the live stock beyond me statutory time and in none or them has the question been raised aa to whether tha cattle, when they were unloaded, were placed In properly equipped pens fur rest. water ana reeaing. The purpose of this letter Is to call tha attention of your corporation to the fact that hereafter the Inspectors of the depart ment win examine me pens in wnich the various railroads engaged In Interstate commerce unload live stock for rest, feed and water. And when the cattle are un loaded In pens not properly equipped suits will be brought for the recovery of Den- altles. The department is In receipt of numerous reports and complaints from stock men and others that atock is un loaded Into pens. In some cases belly deep In mud, In others the water supply Is In sufficient or so arranged that the stock is unable to drink. In other cases the feed is so placed that most of the cattle cannot reach It AGRICULTURAL BILL REPORTED Senate Committee Increases Forestry Appropriation to Million Dollars. WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The agricul tural appropriation bill waa reported to the senate today and notice was given by Senator Proctor that the bill will be called for action tomorrow. As reported from the commutes on ag- It an ordeal which all women approach with indescribable fear, for nothing com pare with the pain and horror of child-birth. Thethousrht grlculture, the hill carries an Ine.reare over that allowed by the house In the appropria tions for the agricultural department proper of $IM,lSf. and of SMO.OOO In the ap propriation for the forestry service, bring ing the totsl forestry appropriation up to fl.ono.ono and the grand total of the bill ti $8, 302,190. The principal Items of Increase outside of the forestry service are $35,000 for exper iment stations; $31.00 for grain grading In vestigations; $30,0(0 for soil Investigations and $26,000 for experiments In animal feed ing. The appropriation for the maintenance of the forestry service Is regarded by the committee In the light of a loan, as It Is promised by the forestry officials that the money shall be refunded from the receipts of the bureau. Tho Tawney amendment, providing that no salaries shall be paid to state employes In the administration of the pure food law, was altered to provide that "any part of the appropriation used for compensation or expenses to any officer employed by any state, county or municipal government shall be reported to congress In detail.' The house appropriation of $338,000 for free seeds was not disturbed. The provision for the leasing of grating lands In the public domain was not changed from the form In which It was agreed on yesterday. . OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Slight Falling: Off In tho Marketing of Hobs as Compared with Prevlons Week. CINCINNATI, O., Feb. 13. Price Current says: There has been a fairly liberal mar keting of hogs the past week. Total west ern packing was 606,000, compared with 656,000 the preceding week and R70.000 last year. Since November 1 the total Is S.S30, 000, against 9,235,000 a year ago.- Prominent places compared as follows: ' 1906-7 1906-a Chicago 2,090,000 ISnu.iWO Kansas City 9-.ono 1,070.0"0 South Omaha 670.noo 6f0,noo St. Louis fvSfi.OOO 850.000 St. Joseph 6S3.000 M6,0n0 Indianapolis 4X6.000 (60.000 Milwaukee 3X3.000 427,000 Cincinnati i5,(i0 130,000 Ottumwa 210.000 246,nno Cedar Rapids 190,n.y) 2f7.on0 Sioux City 333,000 346.0110 St. Paul 310.000 84O.0O0 Cleveland 206,000 210.000 CLEMENCEAU MAY RESIGN Rnmor on French Hoarse Cannot Be Continued, bnt Act Is Expected. PARIS, Feb. IS. There was rumor on ths bourse today that Premier Clemenceau had resigned. The report could not be con firmed, but In well Informed circles the premier's retirement under the present cir cumstances, without awaiting an adverse vote In the Chamber of Deputies, would not cause any surprise. Adams' Lawyers Challenge Sheriff. WALLACE, Idaho, Feb. IS. The struggle of Steve Adams' attorney to save him from conviction for the murder of Fred Tyler was centered In the efforts of the defense to disqualify the sheriff when court opened today. The defense contend' 1 that Sheriff Bailey and his deputies should not be per mitted to handle the srecial venire of jurors, because of animosity to the prisoner. THE DEAF ARE ALWAYS LONESOME Why Be Deaf When This Remark able Invention of Mr. Creo. P. ' 1 Way Can Surely Help You, No ' one appreciates the lonesome miserable existence of the deaf more than Mr. George P. Way, the well Jtnown inventor of the Way Ear Drum, who Is now In this city. Mr. Way, whose home office Is in ths Majestic building, Detroit, Mich., waa deaf for over 26 years, and during all this time felt his lonesome position ex tremely. He was cut off almost entirely from enjoying the society of his fellow men. He could nrt attend public meet ings, lectures or concerts. He could not enjoy a social conversation with his friends. He waa handicapped In busi ness, and saw far less able men forging ahead of him, because of his unfortunate Infirmity. He could not even talk to his own family freely and easily as he would like to. No one but those who are afflicted with deafness themselves can appreciate what Mr. Way suffered. Mr. Way will be In Omaha. At the Her Grand Hotel, all this week, until Feb. 16th in clusive. All who are deaf should be sure to call on him. as It will cost nothing to learn whetherhe can help you or not. Take the elevator and the attendant will ehoui you to Mr. H'dj's parlrm. HOTELS. irWhen in Chicago" Stop at The Stratlord Hotel European Plan KeBoed, Elegant, Quiet. Located cor ner oi city's two ooest boulevsrds. convenient to entire business center. Close to best theatres and shopping district. 225 rooms, 150 private bathes luxurious writing and reception rooms) woodwork mahogany throughout; brass beds snd all modern comforts: teicohon In every room; brauillul dining room.- the best oi everything at moderate prices, I stkhlgaa sad Jacksoa Birds. Chicago h P3slmmmBS822BS'' PARK HOTEL rraotloally fireproof. During the past summer entirely refitted and docorated; hot and cold running water In every ropoa, American and rJuropean plan. i. ft. BAYS. Lasses aad Maaagsg. isim i i nJi Cfiaml -I,ll, m-'T Till II-1 AwstxtmWwtt an-mmaU O Z O M V h 8ION GVAnAXTEKD I'niler the Food and Drug Art, Jane ROth, l&ofl. Serial No. 8S2. Begin To Take Osomuleton Today1 And Tour Cure Begins Today. The Cod Liver Oil Food-Emnlsiori "Par Excellence," the Additional Lite pivmo;, Life-Preserving Elements be ing uusiacol, Glycerine and the Hy pophosphites of Lime and Soda. OotnulMion will do more to Strengthen, Rertore and Preserve your Health than anything you can use. Ozomuision BuiMs Up Prevent the Breking-down condition of tha Fluids. Tissues and Corpuscles. Osomulsion has taken the place of all other Cod Liver Oil Preparations among Physicians who have analyzed and tried in their Practice the Ozomulsion Guro For COUGHS, COLDS. CATARRH. BRONCHITIS, ANAEMIA, MALA RIA. SCROFULA, PNEUMONIA. CONSUMPTION and all WEAKEN. ING DISEASES OF YOUNG AND OLD. One who takes Ozomulsion will dis cover that the blood Becomes Purer gnd Richer: Meals Become more Pal atable, and it Contributes to them whst everybody seeks Health, Strength and Beauty. Beneficial Re.ults are Obtained after the First Dose. There tr two 8-os. snd lgot. BortlMj the Formula i. printed in 7 l.nru.gct on etch. ozomulsion Laboratories MS Pearl Street, New Tors. TO This is your op portunity to make the trip to San Francisco, Loa An geles, San Diego and many other polnta In California at Just half the reg ular fare. -1 Mirr.fi 1 4ri Inril 4(1 1007 Hiai toil tu ni ii wwt iwvi low one-way eolon-. lat rates will be in effect to the above points. These tick- eta are good in tourist sleeping cars and offer the ad vantages of the . Excellent Through Train Serv ce vu , Union Pacific For full informa tion Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, - -1824 FAKNAM ST. Those Douglas 834. IT TAKES nearly six months for 6tor Beer to go from ths kettle to yon. It Is thus thoroughly matured and agreeable to the most delicate stomach. To thua lager (or age) our beer is very costly, but It gives to Btors Deer that delicious, pal atable flavor that so distlngulshea it, and that's why so majty prominent physicians recommend Btors Bprr. If you drink beer, get the best. Order Btors f T fnut . vn u no more. Have a case sent noma toaay, Ston Brewing Co Omaha. Dl ifornia r i7sTO(Wtii)l