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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
6 THE OMAHA DAILY DEE; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1907. Tiie Omaha Daily Bee. FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSBWATKR. VICTOR ROBEWATER, EDITOR. t Entered at Omaha poatoffic aa second iliM matter. jl TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION Pally Bee (without Punday) on ysar...HW 1 tllr lies and Bunday, on yeer . Sunday Bm, one year J W I Saturday Bee, one year DELIVERED BY CARRIER. ' Bally Bee (Including Sunday), per Week. .150 ally Hee (without Sunday), per week.,.10o Kverdng Be. (without Sunday). per week. o ' Uvefilng Hee (with Sunday) per week. ...I' Addreu onmnalnta of Irrag ularltlee lit de livery to City Circulating Department orricEB. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council H luffs-10 pearl Street. Chlrarov-i64o Inlty Building. UMI New York-iy Home Life Ins. Building. Washington finl Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Comunlcatlons relating' to new and edi torial matter should be addreaaed: Oman lee, editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft. express or poatal order, Eayjbla to The Bee publishing Company, nly J-cent atampa received In payment of mall accnunta. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accented. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas County, aa: Charles C. Roaewater. general manager of The Bee Publishing company, being- duly worn, saya that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the montn or January. 19V7, waa aa ioiiow. l ao.soo J . . .33,880 81,70 3i,eo 17 31,370 II 31,330 1 81.730 20 30,300 H 31,900 I j 39,050 2.......... 31,040 24 ...31,730 25 31,700 C 31,830 27.., 30,500 31 31,830 2 31,689 10 31,390 II 31,630 I. 6. ..31,860 . .30,800 . .31,930 . .39,300 T. , .. : 834100 I 33,040 II 31370 It 33,080 II 30,400 14 81,730 It 31,930 1 38,180 Total 889,480 Lieaa unaold and returned coplee.. 8,134 Net totaj , 973,348 Dally average 31,398 ; CHARLES C. ROREWATER, General Manager. Subacrlbed In my presence and sworn to before me this Slat day of January, 1907. (Seal),' ROBERT HUNTER. . , Notary Public. WHKX OVT OF TOWK, gnbarrlbera leavlast the city tem porarily aboald have The Be mailed -to them. Addreaa wlll .be chanced aa oftea aa recjasstoo. In order to avoid complications In the future, the New York legislature should commit the unwritten law to writing. The sultan of Morocco la Bald to have Offered a reward for the head of Bandit Ralsull. Must have been read ing of "Salome." Cattle in Washington have eaten a lot of dynamite left by the roadside by careless workmen. Look out for another beef expose. Congress gets the ship subsidy bill ready for launching about once a year, but the session usually ends with the measure stuck on the ways. Mayor Schmlt of San Francisco. . seems to have a notion that Japan would do well to Ignore the White House and make a treaty with him. Congress Is prepared. In the closing days of the session, to do everything possible to relieve Uncle Sam of the charge of having a swollen fortune. Mr Rockefeller's donations to the colleges' ought ' to reconcile the auto mobile owners. What they lose on gasoline they make up on education. , "We started Rldgeway's Weekly, sot because we wanted to, but because w had to," Bays Mr. Ridgeway. Ap parently he stopped it for the same reason. Ida M. Tarbell and Lincoln Steffens are a little slow In filing their minor-, ity reports against the acceptance of Mr. Rockefeller's donation for educa tional purposes?" Women will be admitted as guests at the next dinner of the Gridiron club In Washington. The club has evidently abandoned Its policy of keeping its proceedings secret. This is the time of year when all Jokes concerning the Platte river are out - of place. When the annual breakup comes the great ' shallow water ceases to be funny. Really, San Francisco has a right p be worried more than the rest of the country over the Japanese muddle. In case of war, San Francisco would be the first city on the firing line. Champ Clark wants , President Roosevelt to go. to Panama and take charge of the canal. Clark thinks the democrats might have a better chance wltVMr. Roosevelt out of the country. Lillian Devereaux Blake says' a woman could vote In less time than she takes to select a new hat. She'd have to, unless the polls were kept open longer than under existing law. President Roosevelt has been talk ing about the father's place In the home. Out In the northwest country father's place in the home seems to be between the coal bin and the furnace. The dedication of the new buildings of the normal school at Wayne is evi dence that Nebraska proposes to main tain its lead as the state of the small est percentage of illiteracy in the union. . The adoption of tbe Burkett amend ment governing grastng lands of, the public domain will bring about a bet ter condition than hs prevailed fpr piany years. Experience still teaches a costly school, but the cattle barons would learn la no other.. ... . . MAKisfi noon bahtlktu ctkai.isqs. Attention having been called by the dutgolng governor to th shortage In the school funds due to the Bartley embettlement, a bill has been Intro duced Into the Nebraska legislature providing for the levy of an additional tax to carry out the constitutional mandate that these trust funds shall remain forever inviolate and undimin ished. The governor's message, re viewing the efforts of the state to re cover this money from the bondsmen of the defaulting state treasurer, con cludes that the last decision Anally disposing of the suit makes It neces sary for the taxpayers of Nebraska to replace the amount of the school fund shortage. The total sum to be re imbursed Is given at $325,587. SO, divided into unequal portions between the permanent school fund, the per manent university fund, the agricul tural college endowment fund and the normal endowment fund. An alterna tive recommendation is offered that the legislature provide for. restoring the defaulted funds "either by au thorising the drawing of a warrant upon the general fund for the amount payable to the .treasurer or by au thorizing a special levy upon the grand assessment roll, covering one or more years sufficient to meet the re quirements." The plan apparently in favor is the levying of a special tax, notwithstand ing Che fact that we are now paying a special tax of 1 mill under the Shel don law for extinguishing the floating debt of the state. It seems to us, however, that instead of increasing the current tax levy by an addition spec ially made to take care of the Bartley embezzlement, it will be better to amend the Sheldon law so as to make the proceeds of the levy for which it provides available both for restoring the school funds and for sinking the floating debt. This levy at the present rate of 1 mill would produce approxi mately $325,000 next year and a con stantly increasing sum. It would be only a question, therefore, of a few years for it to sink the entire state debt. If next year's proceeds of this special levy were used to make good the Bartley stealings it would take them' all up in one year and defer the completion-of the work of, debt sink ing not morn than one year. On the other hand, the proposed plan' of spe cial levy would take three or four years to make up the school fund de ficit and make the, taxpayers pay off both obligations in the same time. The duty to make good the Bartley stealings does not devolve only on the present citizenship of Nebraska,' but on those who are to come after as well, and It would do no- barm to spread this burden over a longer succession of years instead of. forcing the" present taxpayers to carry. It all in three or four levies. THE aoVKRSMKSrS SECRET WORK. Some of the senators at Washington have developed a consuming curiosity concerning the money 'that is -being expended by the . government for the employment of special agents of' the different executive departments. Reso lutions have been offered in the senate calling for a detailed statement of the number of these special agents, the sums of money used in their employ ment and the nature of the work In which they have been engaged. . The house committee on appropriations has already furnished the Information that for the year 1906 the government had the services -of 8,313 special agents at a cost of $4,567,728, as against an expenditure of $1,316,526 for similar service in' 1896. Oppo nents of the administration appear to believe that they have found a source of scandalln this showing and are pre pared to nse it for the, purpose of man ufacturing political capital. While the face of the figures Indi cate unusual activity and largely in creased, expense in the special agent department, the results will satisfy fair-minded men that the expenditure has been fully Justified. The govern ment cannot hunt thieves with brass bands and, of necessity, Is compelled to carry on most of its Investigations with more or less secrecy. President Roosevelt's administration, since he came into power in bis own right, has been an era of investigations, covering almost every department of the gov ernment. Tb investigations in the Postofflce department covered the en tire country, requiring the services of many special mexL skilled in, the work of the department. Eight of the men who were implicated In the gigantic system of postal frauds are now in a federal prison and several others are awaiting trial. The Investigations into the land frauds has called for the services of special agents In every state In the union that contains any public lands. Many of the men con victed of these land frauds are now in prison and others are on the way. In the Inquiry into the operations of the Beef, trust, the Standard Oil combine, the Paper trust, the railway mergers, the coal frauds and other combina tions against the public welfare the government has been compelled to em ploy many special agents, lawyers and experts In different lines and the em ployment has cost money. The work of Investigation has been done quietly and secretly and there is little doubt that the results secured would not have been possible If the subjects of the Investigations had been Informed In advance of the names of the persons, who were to conduct the inquiries and their fields and methods of operation. Then again, the con gressmen who are complaining of the Increased expense for this special branch of the administration service fall. to. credit. the account , with the large sums that have been returned to the government through fines for re bating and for other violations "of the Sherman and other anti-trust laws. However, If there had been no finan cial offset of this character the expen diture of money, large as the sum msy be, for the use of special agents in the different governmental departments in fhe last few years, evidently Is amply Justified by results In the way of In creased efficiency Of general adminis tration and better security of publio rights and property. ISRAiriTY DKFEKSK 15 Sir YORK. Stripped naked, the defense In the Thaw case is simply Insanity. The law In New York is explicit and has been thoroughly settled Judicially. The per tinent provision of the penal bode, which is the pivot of the whole case, Is as follows: A person la not excused from criminal liability os an Idiot, Imbecile, lunatic or Insane peraon except upon proof that at the time of committing the alleged crim inal act he was laboring under such a de fect of reaaon aa either, first, not to know the nature and quality of the act ha waa doing, br, second, not to know that the act was wrong. ' In a leading decision three years ago the court of appeals established the rule within the narrow and literal meaning of the terms of the statute, and since has held in a long line of cases Inflexibly to the rule. The re quirement is so definitely and inexor ably settled that the defense In the present case must affirmatively estab lish beyond a reasonable doubt In the mind of the Jury that the defendant in committing the act did not known its nature and quality or that it was wrong.. In no state Is the law as to the Insanity plea more exacting than in New York, or have the courts held more strictly to the statutory words. the press veyaoRSBiP. There is now, and always has been, a press censorship in this country, but it is not the arbitrary-arid capricious domination of bureaucratic or auto cratic government. The reputable and legitimate newspaper press, In pre senting contemporaneous history in Its news phase to the public, exercises a conscientious discrimination the scope of which is little understood by those who have not an Intimate knowledge of practical newspaper processes. And the great majority of the newspapers respond to and cultivate the whole some sentiment of the morally normal American home. The editorial censor ship, wholly voluntary but none the less efficacious on that account, pro ceeds on true and high moral princi ples and is in reality one of the most potent ethical forces. The abuses of a free press by sen sational and conscienceless publishers on the occasion of an extraordinary criminal trial will not reconcile sober public sentiment to an official new dictatorship, no matter in what form it may be proposed. The protest against the evil comes from a spirit worthy of all commendation, but the suggested extreme remedy carries with It evils not to be lightly Incurred. -s , At least It would be better first to vitalize and enforce the long standing laws against press abuses. These are more ample and drastic than is com monly known, and, indeed, their ribn enforcement is largely, due to popular Jealousy of official Interference with newspaper expression and content. In spite of excesses and outright perver sion of press function. Aside from the body of rules contained In the com mon and statutory law, the national government Is already clothed with ex tensive power for excluding from the malls vicious and Illegal matter printed In the guise of news. The pres ident's c.H for enforcement of these laws and full employment of these powers la the true key-note, and that policy will have the approval and hearty support of the legitimate news paper press. The wreck at sea may not attain first place, but it la crowding the wreck on land so closely that It Is dif ficult to decide on which Death moBt depends tor his harvest. In the mean while human Ingenuity and mechan ical skill is balked by the human fac tor of uncertainty. Until thoroughly reliable men are placed in charge of moving trains or floating ships the element of safety will not be attained. Congressman Kennedy's letter to the legislature brings attention to the danger of voting resolutions of in struction to tho representatives in con gress. It will probably be necessary for the body at Lincoln to adopt an other pronouncement on the ship sub sidy in order to get itself squarely In line with the attitude of the republican party In congress. The outline of the statewide primary bill to- be presented to the Nebraska legislature Is tbe best possible answer to the critics who pretended to think that no effort would be macfe to re deem the platform promise. So' far the legislature has exhibited no serious Intention to evade any of tbe responsi bility laid on It by the people. Mr, Burbank emerges from his prison term with the announcement that he would, not again wear the uni form of a United States army officer if he could. He la safe in saying this, for there is not the least likelihood of, his ever being called to disgrace the uniform a second time. The general passenger agents have given the legislature much informa tion concerning passenger rates, but it does seem a trifle unfair to take the rate on a short line and nse It as a basis for long lines' earning. Even at the 3-cent tariff the short line Is the one that gets the traffic. An effort to revive the desd county option bill Is threatened, but the in terests back of the movement should not be permitted to take up more time of the legislature. They have had their hearing and were squarely de feated, and this ought to settle the matter. The passage of the bulk sales bill by the senate Is a step In the right di rection of modern commercial practice. The honest dealer will not be ham pered by the operation of this law, while the dishonest man will lose ma terially. Judge Alton B. Parker, late of Esopus, N. Y., rises to remark that "President Roosevelt Is all right." The country has been waiting for the leader of the minority In 1904 to rise and move to make it unanimous. The last number of the Congres sional Record contains no remarks by Senator Foraker. He must have been really disappointed at his failure to find something In the government af fairs that did not suit him. The frequency with which the He Is passed In the Bailey hearing in Texas without necessity of the coroner's services arouses the suspicion that Texans are suffering from paralysis of the trigger finger. Count Boni de Castellane has ap pealed for a rehearing of his divorce case without stating which he feels the more keenly, separation from his wife or loss of his pay envelope. The Washington Herald has an ar ticle designed to prova that .yawning Is good exercise. The Herald must have been watching the government clerks during office hours. , Isn't the Ralae 8omethlaf Chicago News. After all the fuss It made at the be gin tang of the session, about all congress will have to show for Its work Is the law In creasing salaries of Its members. Thlakleaa Thlaktaar. Kansas City Journal. The Japanese ambassador saya that "war is unthinkable." Then we tnurt conclude that Senator Perkins and Captain Hobeon only think they think. The Hlerh Lonesome. Philadelphia Record. ONflll the noted financiers who Insist that we have too much prosperity, Mr.' Rocke feller la the only one who seems disposed to let prosperity slide In any considerable chunks. Coaiaatra Pay the Freight. Springfield Republican. The free Industrial alcohol law has been In force over a month, yet the Standard OH company continues to advance the price of gasoline and naphtha. It was confidently predicted that free alcohol would prova dls aatrous to the gasoline market, and it may yet, but the Standard company evidently has no present fear of such a result. Remedy for Corporation Hostility. Minneapolis Journal. There Is a cure for all this hostility to railroads and . if they will take It it will be found effective. Let these great cor porations disabuse their mind of the idua that they are bigger than the state, that they do not have to obey the laws, that tht-y can use their power as they please. Let them keep in mind that they are creatures cf a much greater power and let them conduct themselves as it was Intended they xhculd when tfiey were created and they will have no trouble. Activity of Weather Prophets. New York Sun. Hugh Clement, the London meteorologist and janitor of the earth, has a rival In Uncle Horace Johnson, the Middle Had dam, Mass., weather prophet. Uncle Horace gives notice of an earthquake In New England on February 14, not a tremor, but a real shak ing up that will throw the center of gravity out of plumb. Mr. Clement had previously named February 19 as the day of doom. But the 18th is not sacred to St. Valentine, when quakes are In order everywhere. There la doubtless a deep physchological meaning In Uncle Horace's prognostication. Our money on Middle Haddam. Clement takes himself too seriously. OVERLOADING SCHOOL CHILDREN. Grovraap laereaalnsT the Bardeas of Yea oars t ere. Washington Post. There are In most of the states of our union enthuaiastio but mistaken frlcnde of education who never .pease trying to add new studies to the already much overbur dened public school curriculum. State leg islatures, municipal councils and boards of school directors are Importuned, and occa sionally with success, to pile on the burden. The latest example of this tireless per sistency Is aeen In Indiana, whose legisla ture is very earnestly requested to Intro duce into the schools of that commonwealab. the study of kindness and humanity to the "lower animals." a term which, we sup pose, Includes all animals below the human. No one questions the Importance of kind ness and humanity. Cruelty, whether to man, woman or child, or to bird, beast, flan or anything that Uvea, la execrable. The infliction of torture or the unnecessary tak ing of life is abhorrent to a well regulated mind. Cowper's declaration that he "would not enter on his list of friends, though graced with polished manners and fine sense, yet wanting sensibility, the man who needleaaly sets foot upon a worm," com mands the approbation of good men and women everywhere. And the justice of Cowper's rule of conduct toward all ani mals la Indisputable: "The sum Is thla: If man's convenience, health or safety Inter fere, his rights are paramount and must extinguish theirs; else they are all, ths meanest things that are, as free to live snd to enjoy that life as God was free to frame them, at the first, who in His sov ereign wisdom nuyle them all." But the schools are, as ws have stated, loaded to the gunwale with studies. The advance of science has rendered It neceaaary for an educated person of our day to know very much more than his educated grandfather knew or could poealbly have learned. But ths school readers and the example and conversation of teachers are always Im pressing lessons of humanity on children. In a great majority of homes children are rightly taught kindness and humanity. Lit erature Is full of this instruction. We don't know whether or not the school readers now In use contain Cowper's plea for hu manity, but they ought to, and they could also contain Coleridge's Incomparable lines: ' He prayrat best who loveat beat All things both great and small; For the dear God ho loveat us. lie made and lovoih all. . BITS OF WA3HI1QTO LIFR. Sflaar Peeaea ana Inrlsents Sketched a the !)not. . Occasionally on of the "plain pWpul" formulatea a program of legislation, which makea statesmen set up and do aome thinking. A sharp reminder of this kind waa a poatal card addreeeed to "t'nole Joe, rare of fncle Sam. Washington, D. C." The Washington btstofflce promptly mnt the card to Speaker Cannon. The writer, a citizen of Columbus, O., urged the Speaker to "give us fewer battleship and railroad wreck, smaller salaries and mileage bills, briefer coagreaalnna) record, more poatal routes and 1-cent postage." A platform pledging these reforms would sweep the Inland states. The Interstate Commerce commission Is confronting the neceaalty of deciding, very soon, what It will do when It receives and becomea custodian of the monthly sworn statement of rpemtlons, earnings, gross and net, etc., of the railroads. These statements will conatltute In the aggregate, the greateat fund of Informa tion of Immediate value and concern to the speculative world that will be gathered anywhere, writes a Washington corre spondent. The government crop reports will not be a circumstance In comparison. The queatlons of whether the govern ment shall aaaume the responsibility for giving out these statements; how they shall be Issued; what sort of espionage shall be maintained ever them, etc., have been recognised as fraught with posal buttles of the greatest difficulty, compli cations and embarrassment. The scandals of the late "cotton leak" would not be comparable to the pr-amlbi Itles that might develop In the handling of these railroad reports If an untactful or clumsy method were adapted. It Is expected, that before long the workings of this feature of the new law will begin to worry Wall street. Frof. Henry C. Adams, stntlstlclan of the com mission, has been working for a long time on preliminaries, with a view to Innugum ting a nystem of rnrnthly reports cf the railroads to the commission, covering their traffic and financial operations, revenues, expenses, gross and net earnings, etc. For this he has been preparing a uniform sya tern cf reports, en that the statement of every company shall mean exactly the same as every other company. At present there Is no uniformity about these re ports, and they are notoriously mislead ing and at times unfair. At present there Is no requirement that they be Issued. Speaking before the house committee on expenditures In the Department of Agrl culture. Dr. Wiley, and chief of the bureau of chemistry, made the statement that If a man eats less than a certain amount of dry food he will lose In weight and If he eats more he will gain. This will be good news for the fat who want to get thin, and the thin who want to get fat. Dr. Wiley says every Individual should consume four and a half pounds of solids and llqu'ds every day, but In doing the ordinary work of a government clerk this amount Is above the average. v , "What do you consider the beet food for a man to eat?" asked Mr. Llttlefleld. "I think a man ought to choose his own ration," replied Dr. Wiley. "I think we eat tco much meat for health. For the suste nance of physical exertion. If you have hard work to do, there Is nothing better than starch or sugar. Ths cereal-eating nations can endure more physical toil than, the meat-callng nations. That Is not the ac cepted view, but It Is true. Ton cannot tire out a Japanese, who eats rice. He will draw you all around the town on, a pound of rice, and be as fresh at the close of the day as when he started. You could not do that on a pound of meat to save your life." Dr. Wiley told ths committee of the "boys" !n his "poison squsd." "This la the firth year." hs said, "that we have been testing the effect upon health snd digestion of preservatives, colors and ' other sub stances that have been commonly used !n our foods. The vouns men are first allowed to eat wholesome food he went on. "We buy the best In the market. It Is carefully In spected by myself snd analysed. They have a preliminary period, during which we vary the ration so they do not either gain or lose In weight. Then we add a small quantity of one of the preservatives, like borax, adding half a grain a day to their food. They eat that for tendays. Then we Increase It to a grain and thoy eat that for another ten days. "Nothing Is wasted. If they trim their fingernails they have to bring the trim mings to us, or If their hair Is cut they bring us their hair, so ws can keep track of the Income and outgo, just as you keep a bank account. In that way we can de termine whether these things' disturb the natural progress of affairs. "We keep that up until we make them 111; until we produce some effect, a dis turbance of soms kind. Then we put them on ths old ration and observe that for ten or fifteen days until they are restored to their normal condition. This requires an enormous amount of analytical work, and yet it is the only way In which these great questions can be answered. Tou -can theorise about If as much as you like, but the facta most be ascertained before final conclusion. "One of ths Interesting things we found was the effect of fumes of burning sulphur, so commonly used in the preservation or foods. We examined microscopically the blood of each of our young men. We counted ths blood eorpusclea, white and red, and the amount of coloring matter, nA w found that ths moment they be ran to take sulphurous acid their blood cor puscles began to fade and became dimin ished In aumber, the oxygen carrying ca pacity of rks blood being dlmlnshed." fymwt sssUee men sccompsny or closely tofftas president when he goes on his slashing walks In the country, but Mr. Roosevelt Is said to have slipped away quietly during a heavy snowstorm the other evening. He took a long walk out beyond Georgetown. The occurrence re calls some remarks made by President Har rison on being remonstrated with tor hav ing taken a ramble about ths city by him self at night. He was reminded of ths danger of assassination, but be answered: "An assassin cannot be dodged. I am as safe from harm on that score while walk ing from ths Whits House to your resi dence after dark and alone as I am re celvlng callers or going about the city In the daytime under ths watchful eyes of detectives and policemen. The assassin al ways gets his prey when once he makes up his mtnd to do So. But I havs no fear of aesaaelnatlon. least of all of being as saulted In a dark street at night" Senator Pettue was a lieutenant In the Mexican war; he rode horseback to Cali fornia with the "forty-niners" and was ad vanced from the rank of major to that of brigadier general la ths confederate army. He was admitted to the bar at dalnsvllle. Ala., when hs became XI years of age. At thla time Texas was aa Independent re public. California was a part of Mexico and Great Britain was disputing the Amer ican claim to the Oregon Country. Andrew Jackson was then supreme In politics and was yet to suooeed In making Polk presi dent of ths United States. t'aaae for Do a at. ' Baitlmors American. The tact that Judge Alton B. Parker up held the president In the Brownsville matter Is enough to make the president think that porbsps bs was wrong about It after ail. I?. Fs k AA tinucd use means permanent .-TT . injury to neaitn. QFollowinp the advice of medical - o rissnficfe TT rrl i n passed laws prohibiting its use in bread making. C American housewives should protect their house holds against Alum's by always buying pure Cmm nf Tartar Powder. ti rurc orapc rcam Tartar Powder is to be for the asking . PERSONAL NOTES. " Parson Madison C. Peters snd Roland B. Mollneux are running neck and neck for honors as star reporters at the Thaw trial. Leopold, the king of the Belgiana. is still the richest monarch In Europe after the cxar. With his extensive business In terests In the Congo, it is estimated that Leopold, the "rubber king," receives at least 15.000,000 annually. "Fortify the coast." cries a Los Angeles paper while discoursing heatedly on the Japanese tangle. The western editor must have seen some of those "mysterious lights t sea" that scared Boston so during tbe Spanish-American war. Emperor William has given permission to the crown prince to use a horn with a double note when motoring. This, .like the kaiser's own motor fanfare, will enable the publio to readily recognise ths ap proach of a royal automobile. Timothy I Woodruff, chairman of the republican state 'committee of New York, was hurrying across City Hall park In New York a few days ago, when a professional beggar accosted him. "Boss." whined the beggar, "will you give me 10 cents for a bed?" "Sure." said Woodruff. "Where's the bed?" John 8. Dues, the bandmaster, was a wit ness in a theatrical case In New York last week. Hs made some reference to the "angel" who was tracking a certain com pany and the court asked him to explain. Mr. Dues replied: I "An 'angel' Is a peraon who, without having his name known, puts up ail ths money for a theatrical produc tion." Joshua Pisa of the Isthmus of Panama and one of the greatest - pearl merchants In the world. Is visiting Washington. He owns valuable concessions granted by the Panama government, whereby he has almost a monopoly of the valuable oyster beds of ths Pearl Islands that ars situated In the Pacific ocean seventy-five miles from the city of Panama. He ships his pearls mostly to Paris. The city of Monroe. Mich., purposes to erect a memorial to General George A.' Custer. The legislature will be asked to help In raising t2S,0O0 for this purpose. Though General Custer was born In Ohio and received his appointment to West Point through an Ohio congressman, he went to school In Monroe and spent much of his time there with his sister, Mrs. Reed. There, too, hs married the daughter of Judge Bacon. Madison Horn, a cltlssn of Watrous, N. M., Is believed to be the only man living who took part In ths SenUnols In dian war In Florida. "Uncle Matt," as ha Is known, was born In Boons county, Mis souri, in 181. He Is a fighter by heredity, his grandfather having served In the revo lutionary war under Washington, while his father fought with Harrison in the war of 1811. Besides fighting ths Semlnoles, Mr. Horn was with Price in the Mexican war. They Cure Constipation Buy by pame ,Royal CHEER UP MARY. THE GENUINE HEKIDAM -COAL IS HIRE AGAIN AFTER 3 MONTHS ABSENCE VICTOR WHITE COAL CO.. 1605 Farnam-Tel. Owj. 127 Alum m food causes - Teo U: ij.-i r'H? J k ' 'J;. s - &tf7 onrl Tf n r-m Vtiiram wrongs fc Grape Ralrinar 6 . v;itWe? oi -..-i ;--m. had pJ&lSi : PLEASANTLY PIT. : 1 ' "And did ''you Inherit everything' 'from your uncleT" "Oh, no. I think I got my disinclination to work from my grandfather on my mother's side." Chicago Record-Herald. "What's the smart set?" "Don't you know?" "No. Tell me." A "That's the set where everybody eneej-a at everybody until everybody smarts. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Talkative Boarder There's one thing cer tain, an Impression once made on the mem ory Is never absolutely lost. It Is sure to recur to the mind some day. Taciturn Boarder That convinces me that tho K bill I lent you tlve years ago didn't make any Impression on your memory.-. Chicago Tribune. The conductor had been discharged for knocking down fares. "Thut makes me a nonconductor," he re marked, for he lacked seriousness of mind. Philadelphia Ledger. "The baker's trade Is one which ought always to be sure of making money." "Why so? ' "For the plain reason that It Is one In) which there Is sure to be a rise." Balti more American. . . . . "Why were you so anxious to send that man to congress?" "We thought it 'ud be a good thing for the community," answered farmer Corn tossel, "to have him where he could make speeches where folks are paid to listen In stead o' Interruptln' people at their work around here. Washington alar. "Permit me to aak you, madam." said the lawytr, who was a friend of tho family, "your real reaaon for wanting a divoroe from your huuband?'' "He Isn't the man 'I thought I waa mar ryliiK," exclaimed the fulr ratler. "My dear madam,"- rejoined the lawyer, "the application of that principle would break up every home In the country." Chicago Tribune. emu's mhsbkkuuhs.. Star of tho Heart. There shines afar ; A star. Whose lustrous light, ' Fair as white beums In dreams, . Makes bright the night. i ' Love, like that star i You are Its counterpart; Come weal or wos ' ' You glow, Star o' my heart! Clinton Ecollard. Jack's Valentine. Jack, he bought a valentine As fine aa it could be; That was for hU teacher dear, Aa any one might se. Next, he bought a dainty one All made of paper lace; - - That was for the little girt Who had the siftat face, . Then, he bought a oomlc one As funny as you'd find; When he bought this, you could see, He hod hi chum In mind. 7 The teacher and the little maid Were happy, but alack! The "chum, not knowing whence It cams. Mailed his, right off, to Jack! . Blanche EX Wads. IfyoinhioaCoaluTsoTisTiTnfl conssqusnc, just ask your doctor. Ha will disabuso you of that notion lo hortordtr. Correct It, at onco t " he will say. Then ask him about Ayer's Pills. A mild liver pill, all vegetable. WepsblishNteftirtaeUs . o. ayerOe.. efU our rpraitouH LewU, M -M k M 1111 rl WW r if