Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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becaase of it tticneU (it b tbt nosl cno
centwtee' !s of W iwuU), IU f reedmm
frets fat (ma tlx sunt fetkatc hviUdt
caa ssla-JlaU It) aai Its sbsolutt parity.
k Mi
lartl r
Extract of Beef
ri I
a-a. w m m
Foreicneri Who Coma to United Btatu to
Work May Es Barrel
Committee Aaii Maaaare to Permit
Ktrlo.loa of Allen Whoa Pra
enee Woild Dlatarb Labor
WASHINGTON, Fee-. II Exclusion of
foreigners who use their passports to
secure admission to the ITnited States
States to the detriment of labor conditions
In this country is provided for by an
amendment to the Immigration bill, agreed
unon by conferees of the senate and house
today and reported to congress. The
amendment la the result of the demand
from the Taclflc coast states for the ex
clusion of Japanese coolies and It Is under
stood that It v. HI aid In securing an under
standing between the administration and
the San Francisco delegation now In Wash
ington conferring with President Roosevelt.
The provision agreed upon Is as follows:
"That whenever the president shall be
satisfied that passport . issued by any
foreign government to Its etusens to go to
any country other than the united, States
or to any Insular possession of the United
States or to the canal lone are being used
to enable' the holders to coma to the con
tlnental territory of the United States to
the detriment of the labor conditions therein
tha president may refuse to permit such
citizens of the country Issuing such pass.
ports to enter the continental territory of
the United States from other countries or
front such other possessions or from the
canal son."
The bill has been In conference since the
last session of congress and there has been
grave doubts as to whether an agreement
could be reached at all. Tha principal
polnta of difference were in relation to tha
proposed educational test for Immigrants
and tha provision that persons coming to
this country solely to avoid persecution
or "punishment on religious or political
' grounds shall not be deported because of
want of meana, or the probability of being
unable to earn a livelihood. Both of tha
provisions were eliminated.
It la believed that If It had not been for
tha necessity of some legislation looking
to the exclusion of foreigners deemed a
menace to labor there could have bean no
agreement on the propositions. Tha imml
gratlon bill having passed both houses last
session, offered tha bast opportunity for
legislation looking to exclusion of . unde
sirable classes, in tha tha adoption of tha
conference report on tha Immigration bill
la all . that It required to make tha pro
vision effective.
Heal Tax Higher.
Under the agreement tha head tax on
aliens was fixed at M, a compromise be
tween the house provision1 of 2 and the
senate provision of IS. The senate pro
vision exempting from payment of head
tax persons who have resided In Canada,
Newfoundland, Cuba or Mexico for one
year was retained. Tha conferees retained
also the house provision exempting from
the payment of the head tax persona ar
riving In Guam, Porto Rico or the Hawaiian
Islands, but this doea not permit such per
sons later to mlgrati to tha United States
and avoid paying tha head tax. Tha senate
had Included the Philippines fta this pro
vision, but tha conferees made an excep.
Hon of those Islands. There were few other
Gats Tecre of Absolute Divorce in Court
' at Washington.,
If Declaloa Of Wa.hlnatoa Coarl
la Bladlnc Mrs. Basset! Will
Rat Oat Her Trial
i Here.
points In dispute between tha conference
committees and there was no difficulty In
reaching an agreement on other features
of tha bill.
Havlajatlea Law Changed.
A new feature added to tha measure
proposes to amend the navigation laws re
lating to tha carriage of passengers by
sea by increasing the air space allowed to
each Immigrant passenger, or passengers
other than cabin passengers. The amend
ment agreed upon provides for air space
as follows: On main deck or deck next
below the main deck, eighteen clear super
ficial feet of deck and on the second deck
below the main deck, twenty clear super
ficial feet of deck for each passenger.
The report, which is In the form of a
complete statute, was laid before the sen
ate by Senator Dillingham,' chairman of
the senate committee on Immigration. Ob
jection was made to Its immediate consid
eration and It went over until tomorrow.
Senator Dillingham explained that under
the compromise a commission Is provided
to go into the whole question of immigra
tion and report to some subsequent con
gress. The commission Is to consist of three
members of the senate, three members of
tha house and three persons to be ap
pointed by the president.
The president Is given authority to enter
Into negotiations with any country for the
regulation of the immigration between the
United States and that country.
BUI Permitting Government to Appeal
Criminal Caaea Paaaed.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The senate to
day passed the bill giving the .government
the right to appeal to the supreme court
for a construction of the constitutionality
of any law involved In a criminal suit. This
measure has been under consideration for
several years and was passed only after
many amendments had been adopted at
the suggestion of senators who have critl
clsed tha provisions of tha bill. It was
explained that the amendments did not In
any Instance detract from the original pur
pose of tha bill, but were Intended -to pro
vide means whereby the government could
get a ruling on the constitutionality of a
criminal law by the supreme court with as
little hardship on any particular defendant
aa waa possible.
Tha District of Columbia appropriation
bill, carrying nearly 111,000,000, was passed
after an hour's consideration. -
The bill establishing an agricultural bank
In the Philippines was taken up for con
sideration. . but difficulty was encountered
because the : Philippine tariff bill, which
passed the house at the last session, waa
Interposed as an amendment by Senator
Mccreary of Kentucky. No action re
suited. .
The conference report on tha Immigra
tion bin was read, but action was deferred.
This bill has been In conference alnce the
last session of congress and the report
is brought forward! at this time to aid
tha administration In settling the Japanese-
California school problem.
A message from President Roosevelt urg.
Ing consideration of legislation affecting
tha public lands, was read.
The first night session of the senate dur
ing the present session waa held to (con
sider private pension bills.
The senate tonight broke all records by
paaslng bills at tha rata of fit teen a minute
tor one hour and six minutes 991 bills In
all. During the procedure Senator Me.
Cumber waa tha only senator on the floor,
Vice President Fairbanks presided.
Affected Hands, Arma and Legt
Endured Terrible Itching and wat
Unable to Sleep Would Tear
the Bandages to Scratch the Skin
Hn less than One Week
"I had eoeema nearly fifteen year.
Tha affected part were my hands, arma
ad legs. They war tha worat in the
winter time and ware
always itchy, and I
could not keep from
scratching them. I
bad to keep both
hands bandaged all
tha time, and at night
I would have to
scratch through tha
bandage aa the itch
ing was bo severe, and
at timeal would have
to tear everything off
my bands to scratch
tha skin. I oould not
rest or sleep. I had
several pbytleian
treat ma but they
could not give m a
permanent cure, nor
even oould liter atop
the itching, After
using . the Cuticura
Soap, one box Cuti
cora Ointment and
two bottlea Cutioura
Resolvent for about
x eix day the Itching bad ceased, and now
the aires bare disappeared, and I never
felt better in my Lie than I do now.
Edward W'ortdl. Band 30tk, U. & Infan
try, Fort Crook, Nebraaka.'' . . , .
' Tha moat torturing and dtsflgurfng
humor, acsemae, raauee, itching, irri
tations, and inflammation of the akin,
acalp, and blood, with ks of hair of in
fanta, children, and adults, are instantly
relieved and speedily cured by the Cuu
eura Remedies), whan all else fails.
Cuplni Innd us ImotmI Tti m i i i
WASHINGTON. Feb. li-Justlce Oould
In ih rniirt tnriav rendered an
opinion In the suit for divorce Instituted
by Charles C. Bas-ett, an emploe of the
t'nited States geologlcul survey, against
his wife, Fannie Rice Ua-sett. a daughter
of former Hpnator Rice, of Arkansas. Jus
tlce Oould announced that he would Issue
to Mr. liassett a decree of absolute divorce
Tha DrlnciDals in the divorce esse of
Fanny Rice Bassett against Charles C.
Bassett were present In tha district court
before Judge Kedick yesterday afternoon,
with the exception of Mr. Bassett. Rev. E.
Lawrence Hunt, paator of the Noble Street
Presbyterian church, Brooklyn, appeared
for the first time In public. Rev. Mr. Hunt
was named as corespondent In the suit for
divorce filed by Mr. Baasett In Washing.
ton, D. C. Ha Is not named In the suit
here, In which Mrs. Bassett la plaintiff.
Tha defense in tha case bare did not ex
pect him to come. They were not aware
of his presence until an article appeared In
Tha Bee stating he had arrived. Rev. Mr.
Hunt stopped at the Paxton hotel, but his
name did not appear on the register of
that house.
During the afternoon Rev. Mr. Hunt and
Mrs. Bassett sat together, with Mrs. Bas-
sett's little boy betwen them. Mr. Hunt
stroked the boy's hair and from time to
time he and Mrs. Bassett spoke to each
Tha minister against whom Mr. Bassett
made such serious charges In the suit in
Washington, ' D. C, is a small man; his
brown hair is tinged with gray and the
top of his head Is bald. His face Is smooth.
He wore a black suit, with double-breasted
coat. He had ample protection against
cold in a very heavy fur-lined overcoat.
Mrs. Bassett Is a tall and strikingly hand
some woman, wltn Diacs. nair, nne eyes
and a strong mouth. She was modlshly
dressed In a blue tailored suit, black hat
with -white feather and a light black veil.
She wore light brown glove. Mrs. Baa
sett has. the name of being a remarkably
blight woman. She was accompanied by a
Aranlna of Motloa.
The entire afternoon waa taken up in
arguing on motions. Telegrams were
read by the defense In the present case
showing -that a decision had Just been
rendered In Washington giving Mr. Bas
sett an absolute divorce. The plaintiff
held that this put no different aspect on
the case In hand Inasmuch as the decls
ion of the Washington court is not bin!
ing on the local court. This Is the point
of contention. If the lpcal court decides
the decision of the Washington court Is
binding then there is nothing to the case
here. Mrs. Bassett cannot sue for a di
vorce' here, for she Is already divorced.
After some discussion. It was decided to
go ahead with the case in hand until a
eppy of the decree is received from Wash
ington. Mrs. Bassett's attorneys also filed ex
ceptions to parts of the sensational de
positions filed some weeks ags In the
district court. These depositions were
taken In the east and had reference to
some of the serious allegations mada
against Mrs.' Bassett.
The announcement of the decision of
the Washington court i in favor - of Mr.
Bassett ws a decided victory for the do-fense-
in the case about to be tried Here
and a blow to Mrs. Bassett and Rev. Mr.
Hunt. The latter took It calmly, how
aver, and aent the following telegram to
hla mother:
Ood Is fair. Although decree Is against
us, legal decree against Jesus only glor
ified Htm and His mother. This will glor
ify us.
Tha taking of testimony will probably
begin today.
Mr. Hunt Loaee Hla Pulpit.
"That meana that Rev. E. Lawrence
Hunt will not be retained aa pastor of the
Brooklyn church, to which he went after
the case came up in Washington," said
Attorney Callady for Mr. Baasett, who has
come out from Washington. "Mr. Hunt
was taken' as pastor of that church pend
ing the outcome of the case. If the de
cision was against Bassett he was to be
retained; If for him he was not to be retained."
The attorneys for Mr. Bassett filed a sup
plemental answer In the district court In
Omaha Wednesday afternoon, denying the
Jurisdiction of the local court since tha
derision of the Washington Justice.
Attorney Edward F. Callady of Washing
ton, appearing for Mr. Baasett, went to
the court room with a large ault case filled
with iHtal papera bearing upon the case.
Attorney Irving F. Baxter for Mra Baasett
lugged In a bundle of papera of large cir
Minister Refuses to Talk.
"My attorneya hnve advised me not to
talk," was the answer of Rev, Mr. Hunt
to questlona yesterday pertaining to hla
part In the affair and his permanency In
the pulpit of the church at Brooklyn. He
could not be drawn Into a discussion over
any phase of the case.
Five Rrqnnti for Separation and
Three Others Granted.
Elvira Loranee filed suit yesterday In dis
trict court for a divorce from Jonn h.
Lorance on the ground of cruelty. She
alleges she had "to call the police in more
than once for her personal protection. She
says her husband earns 186 a month. She
asks alimony and the custody of their
children. They were married In Auburn
In 1880.
Jennie I. Rtttar asked for a divorce from
Arthur S. Rltter on tha ground or non
suPDort and cruelty. They were married
In 1901.
On the ground of desertion, Mary A, Al
len asked for separation from Arthur H
Allen and for the custody of their chil
dren. They were married In J903.
Frank C. Augustine has applied for a
divorce from Leona M. Augustine, alleging
that she attacked him with a raxor, had
shot at him with a revolver and had made
other attemnts umn his life. They were
married in Browns Valley, Minn., In 1901
He asks the custody of their children.
Three mlsmated couples were granted de
crees of divorce, as follows: George H.
Vradenburg from Blanch Vradenburg
Minnie A. Skclton from Leo F. Bkelton
and Annie Zemtmyer from Daniel Zemt-
For twenty days we will sell everything
In the paint line at prices at least 20 per
cent lower than regular prices. Kennard
Glass and Paint company, 15th and Dodge
Fatal Shootlnsr'ln Kentucky.
ROGER9VILLE. Tenn., Feb. IS. Police
man James Wright and James Barrett of
Mlddlnsboro. Ky.. shot and killed each
other In a raid on an alleged gambling re
sort early today.
Fair- Today and Tomorrow In Ne
braska and South Dakota Cooler
- la Iowa Today. .
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13.-Forecast of the
weather for Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Mon
tant, rJorth and South Dakota and Kansas-
Fair Thursday and Friday.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair and colder
Thursday; Friday fair.
Loral Record.
OMAHA. Feb. J3. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day for the last three
years: ;yor isuo. hkm
Maximum temperature.... 49 43 8 60
Minimum temperature 33 4 22 10
Mean temperature , ... 41 24 7 30
Precipitation 00 38 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha s'nee March 1,
ana compansqns wun me last two years
Normal temperature...-. ; 28
Kxcess for the. day , IS
Total excefis since March 1 163
Normal precipitation , .03 Inch
Deficiency for the dav .03 Inch
Total precipitation since March 1 17.13 inch'-
uenclency since March 1 4.10 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 108.. 2.K7 inches
Deficiency for cor, period, 1906.. 4.09 inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and state Temp.'Max. Rain
of Weather. 7 p. m. Temp. fall.
Ulsmarck, clear 24 34 T
Lheyenne, partly cloudy... 40 48 .00
Chicago, clear 46 62 .00
Davenport, cloudy, 40 62 .00
Denver, clear 48 64 .00
Havre, crear 34 40' .oo
Helena, clear 38 83 ,00
nuron, ciouay so 88 ,T
Kanwas City, clear 48 68 . 00
North Platte, clear..... 38 62 .00
Omaha, cloudy 36 49 .no
Rapid City, clear 38 48 .00
Ht. JOiiln, clear 68 73 .00
Bt. I'aui, ciouay 28 38 on
Halt Iake City, cloudy. 48 62 .no
valentine, clear 34 42 00
Wllliston. clear.... 22 28 ,'oo
t innirates trace or precipitation. Indi
cates Deiow xero.
L A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Terms of Meaaare Do Not Comply with
Idea of President.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. A compromise
coal-land bill waa finally agreed upon to
day by the house committee on public
land and recommended for a favorable
report. It falls far short of tha program
president Rooaevelt outlined for the with
drawal of all coal land from entry and tha
leasing of such land. Instead of selling It.
In tha blU agreed upon the coal land la
reserved under all land entered under laws
other than coal land lawa with the ex
ception of homeateads, the paten - for
which' are issued without commutation.
To encourage the' development of coal land
In the Rocky mountain atatea tha bill
largely Increases tha amount of coal land
which may be taken by one corporation.
It provldea that an association of four per
sons may be granted patenta on 2.660 acres
of coal lands after having expended 310,000
for Improvements, Including a complete
equipment for the mining and hoisting of
coal. The bill permits an association of
four persona to receive patenta for 1,280
acres, after $6,000 has been expended In
Improvement . ,
-r iWa.) to Cteai mm U Itfctf, CetVitr Oka
(Mas 1 M .! fthl., m4 Cb kuN Hit (Cm
Cmt4 ts Mf VI. 4fi ) , Wlf mere!
f taawaa U w-mtjaft. Tut tew Uf taM frrajp
Jft-'-ataMM,. I4M4Ul
mr Hf H is) ft Uff to Catr Ati lMutMV'
Amleahle Adlaatmeat of Osuilaa
Now Reata with Coaareaa.
WASHINGTON. Feb. lS.-The Japanese
school oontroveray la settled tnanfiu- u
President Roosevelt. Mayor SchmlU and
the membere of tha Ban Francisco School
board are concerned. An amicable adjust
ment of tha question now rests with con-
areea If the amendment to tha tmmlgra- 1
won bUl, proposed by Secretary , Root, ex
cluding foreigner who uaa their paasporte
to aecure admission to tha United State
"to tha detriment of labor' condition In
thla country" la aeoepted by the senate and
house and tha immigration bill la paased
at thla aesslon of congress, the San Fran- j
Cisco Board of Education will rescind Its
order establishing the oriental schools, un
less tha Japanae government agrees to a '
proposition for separate schools which will
provide equal facilities for tha Junanut I
Look for the word "RYE" In red on label.
Distillery! ' Distributers!
Woodford Co- Ky. Riley Bros.'. Co.. Omaha
Day Ipeat la Dlaeaaslaa Naval Aaar.
artatloa Bill.
WASHINGTON. Fab. 11-Hradway waa
made tediy . by - the , house In U consid
eration of the naval appropriation bill and
more than half tbe bill perfected.
A number of potnta of order were made
and austalned against minor provisions
In the bill.
President Roosevelt's public land message
waa read.
The appropriation for a ateel floating dry
dock to coat not exceeding tMJ0 9A. waa
lao stricken out of the bill on a point of
order, which wae mada by Mr. Mann of
DIAMONDS tTenaer, 15th and Podge.
t.- I.-- Z il g
When you are first aware of any
disease, you should procure the
proper medical advice and
treatment without delay, and
6ave yourself time, money and
suffering. ' '
r - r
We treat men only and cure prompt
ly, safely and thoronschly X1CH VOL'S
DISEASES and all Special Diseases and their complication.
CONSULT FREE Specialisti of tho
O T ' R S fo r Rfl E EI
Call and Do Examined Free or Write.
OFFICE HOI KS 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. SUNDAYS 10 to 1 ONLY.
1308 ram am St, Between 12th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
- - .... feraMUteatlj Established In Omaha. Nebraska.
Three lines!
What can you do with three lines?
Give the long one a twist like this
Bring the -two short ones together
like this
Put all these together, like this
And you have made dollars out of three
, lines.
What is the easiest way to make dollars
out of three lines?
If you have a business to sell, put a three line want ad.
under our Business Chance Classification, like this:
Ton i SALE Money-making- restaurant,
elfara, tobacco, randlaa and fruit atookt
a rood chanoe. Box III, Shenandoah. Ia.
(D-Hiii its
Any old thing that is in your way., such as furniture tools
clothing fixtures etc. turn it into dollars through a three line
ad under Offered for Sale" like this:
fOR SALB Cheap, two )ara Ice boxee In
food condition, one Til, one 1x14. Ala
mlto Sanitary Dairy. Co, lit I rarnam.
() Til l
Lower your house rent by renting a spare room through a
three line ad like this:
ELEGANTLY furnished aouth room, bath,
strictly modern, phone; prlyllaaoe of
home. Reasonable. Ilto Harner Bt.
(11) lit Feb. fx
Exchange your land for city property or engage in a busi
ness to your liking with the aid of a three line ad under our
''Barter and Exchange' column like this: .
WILL EXCHANGE 110 acres, cultivated,
eaatarn Nab., a ood Income property In
Omaha, What have you T Y. ift. Bee.
(B) 111 Feb. 10a
BARBER SHOP In Omaha, clearlnf
11.100 annually, for country atora in
Neb. Have some cash. Y 111, ears Bee,
(B 110 FeblOx
Competent help means dollars to you The Bee Is a mar
ket for that kind. A three line ad puts you in touch with the
best like the following:
ENEROBTIC young- men, rood reference),
to learn bualnass. ConAdentlal position.
Good aalery. Promotion. Write C II, Bee,
() 101 Janltx ,
WANTED--II Intalllrant laborers; was-aa,'
46o hour. Apply after I p. m. today.
Kodak Exhibition, Chamber.' Academy.
() 111 Ix
There's money in poultry and The Bee can find you buy
ers through the "Poultry and Eggs" classification. Try an ad
like this:
BUFF Orplngtoaa, none betteri sag ft. II
setting. Jacob Btuta, Importer, breeder,
III MoOeugall Ave.. Detroit. Mich.
(ID Mllt llx
To sell your, horse buggy or wagon use an ad under
"Horses and Vehicles" like. this:
FOR BALE 4-yrar-old horse, otty broke,
, single or double: alao buggy. Inquire
lt Capitol Ave. Colwall.
, (ID Mill II
A . three line want ad
One time
Three times
Seven times
Every drug store Is a Bee want-ad branch office, or
Phone Douglas 258 if you cannot call at 1 ;
17th and Farnam "The want ad corner"
Within tvtryhdy'i r chrtacktt everybody. 1