Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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XUnMi cf Wif of Juror M.t Beiult In
Ibdefiiita Postponement.
Dr. Enai Vara Jrsoer Heart
Wool Chaave Beats roar Times
Wlthla Mlaate-Rfforta ta
Eaoeoir Trial.
NEW TORK. Feb. 13.-Th Thaw trial
today wa limited to an afternoon session
cf less than two hours' duration, the morn
ing session ha vine been abandoned because
of the Illness of the wife of Juror Joseph
B. Bolton. The Juror waa allowed to visit
Ills home In company with two other jurors
and two court officers. He found his wife
suffering from double pneumonia and two
physicians certified that her condition waa
Yery serious. Bolton returned to the Jury
. panel In time for the afternoon session.
.. which began at 2:10 p. m., and adjourned at
' ..I ft. . , . . . . . .
; counsel by which the Juror might visit
ms noma accompanied by bailiffs tonight.
Juror Bolton this morning- appeared dis
trait, apparently taking little Interest. In
j the proceeding. . If. Mrs. Bolton's condl
. tlon continues so serious that her husband
' cannot give proper consideration to his
.' duties aa a Juror there may be an In-
definite postponement, all the other Juror
', remaining (ocked up, or perhaps a mis
trial. Dr. Evans, superintendent of the Insane
asylum at Mortis Plains, N. J.,' gave the
' only testimony toda. District Attorney
', Jerome reserved the -right to cross-ex-
'. amine the doctor.
Dr.. John T. Deemar of Klttannlng, Ta.,
''Was recalled Just before adjournment and
asked to state what he knew of the mental
; condition of John Ross, first counin of
Marry Thaw. Mr. Jerome objected to the
question on the ground that the relation
ship was too remote to permit the draw
ing of deductions as to hereditary Insanity.
Both question and witness were withdrawn
Thaw's False Irresalar.
Dr. Evans today detailed the results of
bis various examinations and physical
tenia in his visits to the defendant follow
ing the tragedy. He declared that there
waa a depression In the back of Thaw's
head of a most unusual character, but waa
unable to state Its significance.
Dr. Evans said Thaw's pulse action waa
the most extraordinary he had ever en
countered. The pulse would change beats
four times within one minute, the variance
being from twelve to twenty-four beats.
The pulse Indicated, he said, that the sym-
pathetic nervous system waa seriously at
fault. Dr. Evans declared he found no
traces of drug habits nor any of the tre
mors characteristic of excessive Indulgence
In Intoxicants.
Dr. Evans said he felt it was extremely
unfair to him as a physician to require
him to separate his psychical examinations
of the defendant from the questions and
answers aa to his mental process. He was
interrupted by both Mr. Jerome and Mr.
Delmaa. and Justice Fltsaerald Aid: "Will
.you kindly confine yourself to answering
'questions and not giving expressions of
opinion. There Is some limitation
td the province of an expert.','
Effort to KitrlMf Trial.
As the result of a conference between
counsel Just before adjournment, Mr.
Jerome said Thaw's attorneys had turned
the will of the defendant over to him for
examination before It again, should be
formally offered In evidence. Mr.- Jerome
said he might or might not offer further
objection to It. - He did not wish to take
up the time by reading It over In court.
Counsel also agreed "that Mr. Jerome
should have the privilege of talking freely
with Dr. Deemer, and with Dr. Blngaman,
the Thaw family physician, about certain
testimony they have to offer. Mr. Jerome
said If he knew the nature of this he
might not have to occupy so much of the
court's time and crowd the record with
technical objections. In order to give him
the opportunity to learn the nature of
their testimony and expediate the trial, the
early adjournment today was ordered.
Tomorrow Mr. Delmaa will offer the will
In evidence. If It Is accepted It will be
read to the Jury. If It Is not accepted by
consent of the district attorney there Is
likely to be an extended argument Fol
lowing the disposition of the will Mrs.
Evelyn Thaw will resume the stand.
Charcoal Stops Gas
, On Your Stomach
, Wonderful Absorbing Power of Char
vis ! When akcnr Jbi the Form of
j- "; Stuart' Charcoal Lozenge
Estate of William C. Rlsaell Is Sold
by Wife of Dr. dandy.
PAWNEE CITY. Neb., Feb. 13. -(Special.)
-Complications over a note given In 1898
sit Involved In a case now on trial In dis
trict court here,. Judge Paul Jessen of
Nebraska City presiding. The case comes
from Richardson, county on change of
venue. The plaintiff Is Mary ' E. Gandy,
wife of Dr. Gandy of Humboldt, who sues
the estate of William C. Bissell to collect
a note purported to have been given . by
William C. Bissell In 1898 of $5,600, payable
thirty-four months after date, with Interest
at 10 per 'cent per annum. Gandy claims
the note was given by Bissell and was to
be held In. escrow until litigation was ended
and all danger upon bonds signed by Bis
sell for Gandy was obviated. Mr. Bissell
died In 1898. Gandy claims he then secured
the note from the holder of the same In
escrow, and flies this suit on what Is
claimed to be a copy of the note. A bril
liant array of legal talent Is lined up In the
case. Including Ed Falloon, Falls City;
Judge Davidson, Tecumseh; Judge Guile,
Humboldt; Samuel Rlnaker, Beatrice, and
R. W. Story, Pawnee City, for Mrs. Gandy,
nd C. E. Gillespie and Frank Martin,
Falls City; Ed Ferneau, Auburn, and J.
C- Dort,' Pawnee City, for the defendants.
and the ground was never in better shape
for farmers. An old settler says we have
eastern weather here now. Prospects never
looked better for Sheridan county so far
a weather conditions are concerned.
Trial Package Sent free
Charcoal, pure, simple charcoal,
orbs 100 times Its own volume of
"Where does the. gas go tor It Is Just ab
sorbed by the charcoal, the gas disap
pear and there la left a pure, fresh, sweet
atmosphere, free from all impurities and
sTepn. .'' u
1 That' what happen in your . stomach
when you take one or two of Stuart'
Charcoal Losenge. the most powerful
purifier science haa yet discovered.
, You belch gas in company, sometime,
. by accident, greatly to your own humili
ation. That 1 because there Is a great
amount of ga being termed In your stom
ach by fermenting food. Your stomach
' Is not digesting your food properly, Gax
U inevitable. Whenever this happen Just
take en or two of Stuart' Charcoal Loi
ngea right after eating, and you will t
.surprised how quickly they will act. No
nor belchlngs; no more sour risings,
Eat all -you want and what you want, and
men ir there l. any . gas going .to be
formed, on of these wonderful little ab
sorber, a Stuart Charcoal Losenge, will
take ear of all the ga.
. . And It will do more than that. Every
particle of Impurity In your stomach and
, la tes tines 1 going to be carried away
y the charcoal. No one seems to know
,-Why It doe thl. but It does it wonder
: fully. You notice the difference In your
- appetite, general good feeling, and In the
. .purity of your blood right away.
You'll have no more, bad taste In your
nouth or bad breath, either from drink
ing, eating or smoking. Other people will
.notice your bad breath quicker than you
rlU yourself. Make your breath pure,
fresh and sweet, so when you talk to
ethers you won't disgust them. Just on
'or two Stuart Charcoal Lpsenges will
make your breath sweet, and make YOU
! feel better all over for it. You can eat
all the onion and odorous foods you want,
, and no one can tell the difference.
Besides, charcoal I the best laxative
'known. You can take a whole boxful and
.Do harm will result. It is a wonderfully
easy regulator.
And then, too. It filter your bloodV
'. every particle of poison or Impurity In
jour lilood is destroyed, and you begin to
notice the difference In your face first
thing, your clear complexion.
Stuart's Charcoal Loienge. are made
from pur . willow charcoal, and Just a
little honey 1 put In to make them
palatable, but not too sweet.
They will work wonders In your stom
ach., and make you feel, fine and fresh.
Your blood and breath will be purlflod.
,We want to prove all this to you. so
Just send for a free sample today. Thin
after you get It and use It, you will
like them so well that you will go t your
druggist and get a Ho box of the.
Stuart' Charcoal Lo.enges.
Send s your name and address today
and we, will at once send you by mall
-a samp! pockage free. Address, F. X
Stuart Co., Stuart Bldg.. Marshall,
Gordon Boy Mtaatnsr.
GORDON, Neb.. Feb. 12. (Special.)
There Is deep concern In this community
at the sudden and mysterious disappear
ance of Glenn Moffatt, son of D. W. Mof
fatt, a prominent cttlxen of 'Gordon, from
his boarding place In Chicago, on the
morning of February 5, since when no trace
of the boy can be found. He Is a young
man, years of age, tall and of slender
build, dark hair and brown eyes, and was
on hi third year of a musical course In a
Chicago conservatory. Being of rather
delicate health and naturally nervous and
ambitious, the - long hours of .study and
practice doubtless overtaxed his mind and
body. He bad Just finished a hard exam
ination at the close of a term and his par
ent had sent him a draft for $100 t (A apply
on the next term's expenses. He cashed
the draft and on Tuesday morning of last
week enclosed $75 of the money In a letter
home to his parents, in which he said that
he had decided to quit school and go south
for his health. He left hi clothing and
book at his boarding place and disap
peared without ' warning. Two older
brother immediately left for Chicago and
with the aid of the. police have made a
diligent search of the city, but without
avail. It Is supposed that his mind became
unbalanced " from over-study arid' that he
has wandered away from the city. He is
naturally a bright boy with rar musical
talent and the pride of the home and com
munity. The parent are distracted with
grief and fear- that he may not be found
Elopements front Cnlbertsoa,
CULBERTSON. Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.)
An epidemic of elopements struck this
place in the past week. Four young
couple having become affected with the
mania eloped to adjoining towns and mar
ried. The girl will not average over 16
year of age, while the boy average 20
years. The names of the contracting par
ties, who are all residents of this Immedla
ate vicinity, are Earl Bright and Mary
Ayers, Chester Scott and Rosetta Bright,
sister of Earl Bright; Emll Crumroy and
Leah Heltsenreder, Jesse Bailey and Annie
Archer. The parents of the girl were
angry for a time, but the Indications are
that the parental disfavor will soon be
Siews of Nebraska,
FJUSTIS The base ball fever has struck
EtinMs. and a club Is being organisrd.
. EUflTlft The Inst carload of Ire has been
unloaded, making In all about twenty-five
GENEVA County Judge Patterson mar
ried Edgar R. Sllkmann and Miss Nellie
Fchrnll and Joseph Syiel and Miss Lillian
KVSTtS Owing to the scarcity of help,
much building work Is at a standstill.
Carpenters and brlckmaaons are In great
RED CLOUD A petition Is being circu
lated by the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows In preparation for the erection of
a new hall.
NORTH PLATTE Preparations are be
ing made to plat two additions to the city
on the east, one In the south end and one
In the southwest.
YORK At the P. E. O. meeting held st
the residence of Mrs. Harry Harrison, there
was a large attendance, nearly every mem
ber being present.
WI8NER Fourteen hundred tons of Ice
Is the storage record for the local Ice man,
W. H. Mi'Kensle. and Is an unusual ton
nage for the town.
RED CLOUD Michael Saltsman died at
his home here Sunday morning after a pro
longed Illness with cancer of the stomach.
He waa 70 years of axe.
UPLAND W. T. Graves, editor of the
Upland Kagle, who was badly burned on
Sunday night. Is resting easier and hopes
are entertained of bis recovery.
NEBRASKA CITY Mrs. Frances New
berry, who died In an Omaha hospital
Monday afternoon, will be burled from the
home of her brother, T. J. Horckum. today.
EU8TIS The warm weather the last few
days nas melted all the snow and put the
roads In a bad condition, but grain con
tinue to come In. The elevators are all
HBBMBR-The Beemer school board has
purchased a good microscope. This makes
about tLDO north of physical spparatus
placed In the laboratory during this school
BEEMER A successful mssk ball was
given In the opera house Tuesday evening.
Between seventy-nve and a hundred couples
participated. Proceeds go to the cornet
NEBRASKA CITY Yesterday morning at
9 o'clock William Hunter and Miss Mary
Henninger of Berlin were married at St.
Mary s Catholic church. Rev. T. J. Koch
CHAPPELL Werts & Johnson, a local
real estate firm. Just completed the pur
chase of 2o0 town lots in Chuppell, which
was one of the largest deala ever consum
mated here.
GENEVA The farmers' Institute will
open Thursday. At noon a free hot lunch
will be served by the Commercial club, the
women of the Ueneva Equal Suffrage club
doing the work.
BLUE HILL Mr. J. Frye of Ayr, Neb.,
and Miss Harmon of Bladen Were quietly
married here by Her. Karman ot the
Christian church. They will go to house
keeping at Ayr.
EISTIS-Cards are out announcing the
marriage of C P. Welssert and Mlsa Sophie
Bartrulf, both of this place, Thursday,
Febtuary 21, at the German Methodist
Episcopal church.
El'STIS The Oddfellow lodge has pur
chased stage scenery to . the value of $450,
which will be placed In Its new hall. Ovei
$300 was raised by selling advertising space
on the drop curtain.
RED CLOUD Hon. Joseph G. Camp, a
southern orator, gave the fourth number
of the college lecture course at the opera
house Monday evening upon the subject,
"Truths and Shams." -
TEKAMAH The contract for the con
struction and repairing county bridges was
given to the Standard Bridge company of
Omaha, whose bid was nearly 2u per cent
lower than any other.
W18NER The Wlsner degree team made
a record for the best team work at the
Woodmen carntval at Norfolk. The team
members are all fitted out with bright new
uniforms and are well drilled.
EUSTIS The town council met Tuesday
night for the first time In two montho.
Bills amounting to $11 were allowed. The
marshal was Instructed to oil the town
wind mills at least twice a week.
ARLINGTON The T. A. Glereur hog
sale of Poland-China thoroughbreds.
pulled off yesterduy. Twenty-four
York Girls Wla at Basket Ball.
YORK. Neb.. Feb. 11. (Special.) Tn a
game ofbasket ball the girl of the York
High school team won from the Aurora
girl by a score of 14 to 7. The game
was exciting from start to finish. . In the
second half the game was played under
the boys' rule. York easily forged
ahead, playing a fine game, rushing the
ball down the line and by successive
throws got the bail Into the basket nearly
every time. York girl worthy of special
mention are Stella Love, Alice Burgess,
Kela Snedeker and Trlx Connolly.
Specially equipped for moat
Thorough Medical and Surgical
Treatment x ,
and care of
A rate and Chronic Disease
Natural Mineral Water Baths
(Sulpho-Sallne waters possessing curative
propertied supplied from our own springs.)
Rheumatism. Kidney, Liver, liaart.
8tomach and 8klo DUeaaea.
JJ. U. KVEKKTT. Managing PhyslcUa.
School Basil Lose at Nashville.
RUSHVILLE. Neb., Feb. 11. (Special.)
A school election was held today for
the purpose of voting $7,000 bond for
building an addition to the publlo school
The proposition waa defeated by a major
ity of 14. A proposition to sell the
kindergarten building td the Roman CatA
olios for a church waa also defeated. A
number of families will be without school
accommodation next year, as it will be
necessary to bar out families of farmers
living our of town.
Cosaaserrlal Club Delegates Naaaed.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 11 (Special Tel
egram.) The Commercial club of this
place ha selected the following a dele
gate to the state convention of Commer
cial clubs. (Which meet In Omaha Feb
ruary n and 2: 8. F. Miller. D. W. Cook,
L. B. Howey, G. H. Johnson, Samuel
Renlker and M. E. Bhultx.
Oners Hoase May Be Closed.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Feb. 12. (Special Tel
egram.) The city council tonight decided
to close the Paddock Opera house on the
18th, unless In the meantime the additional
exit 1 opened as ordered some time ago.
r i
Ever Started in the WestStarts at 8 a. m.
32 . - .
In the above wreck there were 5 cars of High-grade Pianos that were consigned to one of San Francisco's greatest
Piano Louses -
Made the railroad company a cash offer for the entire lot of Pianos, and the offer was accepted.
The only damage sustained by the Pianos in the wreck was a scratching and marring of the cases. The interior of not
one of the Pianos was injured in any way. We have had all the Pianos that were marred in any way in our repair rooms
and on Saturday, February 16th, when we place them on sale, not one of them will show a scratch, and all will be found in
as good condition as they were the day they left the factory.
Never again will such Piano Bargains be offered to the people of Omaha and vicinity. Never again will you have such
an opportunity to get such a selection of high-grade Pianos; such well known makes as
Chickering Bros., Chickering H Sons, Sohmer, Fischer, Estey.
Franklin, Wcgmaj., Mcllville Clark. Bailey, Price . Teeple,
Schaeffer, Wellington, Behr Bros., Vose, Krcll, Kingsbury, Lester
, and many other well known makes.
Eastera" Weather la West.
RUBHVILXJC Neb.. Ten. li. Special.)
It ha been a snur but not severe winter
so far and t present it Is almost like
prlnf. There Is an abundance ot moisture
l Oapet Streak Qnarttf Sm UG
Ucratseach: llvf n wolS
were sold, the highest price paid was 5S
and the. lowest average price, 33.
SCHUYLER Mr. P. M. , Higglns
passed away, at her home this evenlna;
after a short sickness of Brlghts" dis
ease. ' She was one of Colfax county's
oldest settlers. Her age was 61 years.
EUSTIS During this warm weather the
workmen are making good progress on the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows hall,
which is in course of construction. The
hull will be finished In about ninety days.
YORK At St. JoBeph' Catholic church
Mr. Matthew Keefe was married to Miss
Mary Mctiowan. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. Father Cullen, rector of .the
parish, In the presence of friends and rela
tives. RED C1XUJ The new band, under the
leadership of Prof. Snapp, gave lis first
performance at the opera house Monday
evening. The boys snowed the training
of their master and have secured his serv
ices for another year.
BEATRICE Beatrice Canton No. 5, In
dependent Order ot Odd Fellows, elected
these officers lust night: W. J. Pease,
caotaln: A. P. Kelley. lieutenant: Alex An
derson, ensign ; Thomas Uddlcott, clerk; A.
B. i'arrlBh, accountant.
NORTH PLATTE W. C. Reynolds, who
was dismissed from the service of the
I'nlon Pacific 'railway some time last
March, on account of a wreck In which he
was Involved, a short distance east of town,
been reinstated a engineer.
BLUE HILL On account of the fine
weather a number of residences and build
ings are being erected. ,last year, here
and In this vicinity twenty-two residence
were duiii. nut mue mu is suu is yeoa
of a number of houses to rent.
UPLAND The Ancient Order of United
Workmen Initiated eight new members
Tuesday night, the Modern Woodmen of
America about a half dozen on Wednesday
and the Independent Order ot Odd Fellows
will Initiate fifteen on Thursday.
WI8NER-r. H. Prltchard, an exten
sive breeder of Poland-China hogs, sold
thirty-one head of thoroughbreds from hi
herd today, one to an Oakdale party, ten
head to a local buyer and twenty bead
were shipped to Hooper breeders.
EUSTIS A smooth pair of Individual
were tn town Monday trying to work the
"knife" trick. one bit at their game
they became abusive, but their tirades did
not last long. The last seen of them they
had taken a tie-puss out of town.
WISNER A twelve year old son of
C. H. Kasscbaum died Monday from ap
pendicitis. An operation was performed
Sunday evening by Dr. Allison of Omaha,
but complications resulted In the child's
death. The funeral was held today.
NORTH PLATTE The ball given Mon
day evening by Platte River Lodge No. 23.
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, at the
opera house, was a brilliant success. The
house was beautifully decorated In the
railroad colors, red, whit and green.
TEKAMAH John Baas, torraerly of
Blair, has rented the double store room,
tn the Merchants hotel block recently va
cated by Forbes at Brown. Mr. Bass will
put In a large general merchandise stock
as soon aa the room can be repaired.
YORK News of the death of Rev. W1K
llam H. Humphrey haa been received by
his sister, Mrs. A. B. Hartman. Mr.
Humphrey recently visited frl.nda and
relatives In thl city and preached from
the pulpit ot the First Presbyterian
LYONS J. F. King recently purchased
the building now occupied by the First
National bank and will move his harness
shop into the same about July 1. while trie
First - National bank will move Into the
new brick block which It will build in the
BLUE HILL W. A. Garrlaon haa nur-
chaaed the Interest of his partner in the
clothing business or Ljuie ttcnmldt, and
will conduct the business himself. Mr.
Schmidt purchased a half Interest In the
store about a year ago. He will move out
on a farm.'
W hi ted was returning to her home Mon
day evening she was Ued by an unidenti
fied man, but struggled away and ran Into
a nearby house. The matter waa reported
to the po"oe at once, but no arrest haa
been made.
NORTH PLATTE William Jeffera. a
former clttsen of this place, and who haa
recently .been trainmaster at. Green River.
Wyo., has been transferred to the Colorado
division, with headquarter, at Denver.
Mr. Jeffers 1. succeeded at Green River by
W. H. Sheridan.
BEATRICE Yesterday afternoon. In the
county court. Judge Spenord ornclating,
waa solemnised the marriage of Mr. Wil
liam J. Bailey of Cortland and Mrs. Amelia
Bailey of Firth. The newly married couple
will make tneir noma In Highland town'
hip. where the groom owns a One farm.
CULBERTSON Mrs. Hannah J. .Vastlne,
gea aiea ai me lamuy resiaence lues
day mornliK at o'clock of Denumonla.
The funeral waa held In the Presbyterian
ehuron wedneeaay afternoon at I ocl-i.
Hr aVssj. v Vastln was
the wife of Dr. B. M. Vaatlne, a pioneer
physician of this section of the country,
who died about nine yars ago. She leaves
an only son, Bruce Vastlne. who resides
BEATRICEThe funeral services for the
late Herman Epp, who died at Martinsville,
Mo., a few days ago, were held yesterday
afternoon from the Mennonlte church. In
terment, wt. in the Mennonlte cemetery.
Mr. Epp was the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Abraham Epp, old residents of this county.
ARLINGTON The farmers' institute
opened-with a small attendance. Bad road,
and farm sales help to reduce the at
tendance. Ex-Governor Poynter of Un
co rn Is among the speakers. A corn show
will be held In connection. Prise, will be
offered for the first and second grades of
TEKAMAH At an adjourned meeting of
the city council held last night City At
torney Slnghaus was Instructed to draft
an ordinance cancelling the electric light
contract of J. Glasson, also ordering the
marshal to se that the electric light poles
and wires were removed from the streets
and alleys. ,
SEWARD A pleasant party, which was
strictly a neignoornooa anair, was given
at the home of Mfs. R. 8. Norval Monday
In honor of Mrs. Dr. Woodward, who will
leave soon for near Boston, where she will
live with her daughter, Mrs. Bragg, who
renldes on a farm between New York City
and Boston.
RED CIX3UD Sunday evening at St. Jo
seph occurred the death of Mlsa Ollle Mor
row, a former teacher In the public schools
here, as a result of an operation for ap
pendicitis. She was a daughter of N. K.
Morrow, cashier of the Rlverton State
bank, and the body waa taken to Rlverton
for Interment. '
BEATRICE The degree team of Wash
ington camp No. g. Woodmen of the World,
which waa recently selected aa the of
ficial team to exemplify the work at the
dlktrict convention to be held at Leaven
worth, Kan., soon, has added three new
member and la making great preparations
for the meeting.
LTON8 Work ha commenced on the
new school building and fifteen carloads
of brick have been unloaded and are now
ready for the bricklayers. W. G. Marten,
the contractor, was down from Emerson to
day looking over the work and getting
everything In shaDe for the maaon. and
bricklayers whenever they commence their
spring work.
CHAPPELL The business men of Chan-
pell have Just organised a building 'and
loan association which bids fair to make
quite a stir In building this spring,
as there will be a doxen or more new
dwellings and business houses put up, be
sides cement sidewalks and other Improve
ments. The association start out with
over 120.000 stock subscribed.
OXFORD The German Lutherans are
congratulating themselves upon the comple
tion at a cost of lioou of one of the neatest
houses of worship In the Republican valley.
The building will be formally dedicated on
February U. the nonarrlval of the pews
being responsible for an unexpected delay
In thl event. Rev. L. A. Grotheer 1 the
popular pastor of the local society.
NORTH PLATTE C. P. Ross was In
town yesterday in company with an en
gineer from Chemist Harriman's office at
Omaha, who took back with htm sample,
ot the water from the wells here. The
water at this point is very hard on flues
and boilers of engines. Water which has
been tested from very deep wells has been
found free from the alkali which has this
bad effect on the boilers, and It Is thought
advisable by the company to sink new
wells at this place to a depth of about 200
feet or over.
RED CLOUD One of the best lectures of
the kind that Red Cloud people have ever
had the pleasure to listen to waa given by
Dr. Boyajian of Armenia at the Methodist
Episcopal church Sunday evening. lie is
a graduate of Yale college and last June
finished a medical course In the Ann Arbor
(Mich.) Medical school. He will return to
his own country a a missionary In the fall.
RED CLOUD A li-year-old youth by the
name ot riancoca snot nimsoii in in.
shoulder Sunday afternoon bv the acci
dental dUcharge of his gun. with which he
waa working. A medical consultation was
held and it was decided to amputate hi
arm to save hi life. Weakened ty tne
loss of blood the boy was unable to with
stand the operation and died under the
CHAPPELI At a special term of court
held here today by Judge Grimes, Charley
Odell, one of the parties connected with
a horse stealing cane which recently took
place twenty-five miles north of here, was
arraigned and pleaded guilty to the charge
of horse stealing and was sentenced to one
and a half years In the penitentiary. The
othor boy Implicated with Odell ha not
yet had his trial.
Qaaiat and Curious Featares of Lite
tn a Rapidly Growing;
State. . '
With hogs quoted at $7 a hundred, it will
be difficult to convince Nebraska farmers
that thnv .hmilfl lnveflt their surnlns In
ni-Mr. LiUKe Boyce aiea aoout oth f hl.Hin-K1,
9:30 on the morning of February 12. He olner ,me 01 DUBlneB8r
was 74 years old. Mr. Boyce came to this I
country from England about a year ago A Custer county man ha succeeded In
and liad been making his home at the Paiinir heaver in rinfltiemnnt Nphnmim
Wales farm, southwest of Long Pine. He ral8,n beaver in connnement. NeDraska
had come to Long Pine on a fewflay' visit may ome day upply the fur aa well a
to Mr. Zed Cox, and while here he ccn- i the food of the nation.
traded the disease to which he succumbed j
after a short Illness. . . At
' NEBRASKA CITY-At S. Mary'. Cath- I M Nature provide, for Its own, and the
ollc church, -Wednesday morning there waa discovery ofTSiorns on rabbits may mean
a pretty wedding, when Father J. T. Roche that the universal mother ha decided that
united In marriage William Hunter and th a.nimai should be ahln to nrntect them.
Mins Mary Benninger. The bride is the 1 , anlmal" nouid be able to protect tnem
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ben- i "elves from wolf hunters,
nlnger of Berlin precinct, and the groom Is I
a prosperous farmer of that precinct. After
tne ceremony tne young couple leit lor
While admitting the accuracy of the ac
count, the patrons of several
houi,es are Inclined to question the fact
of that forty-year-old Decatur butter be
ing the oldest in the state.
lennesHee on tneir weaning trip.
NEBRASKA CITY The Board of Educa- ,
tlon ha. granted Superintendent Sinclair a
vacation and will pay his eetpenses to .
Chicago to attend the annual meeting of j
school superintendents or tne unitea i
States to be held February 26 to 28. The "Converting" the Farmer Mr. Knox
meeting of the Southeastern Teachers as- '-..v.. . . ,K . , ... ,
soclatlon will be held at Beatrice April 4 , " trong plea for the dry land farm
end 5. The Board of Education of this city ( Ing and the elimination or conversion of
has requested all teacher to attend. the saddle horse farmer Into a thing of
YORK-Farmer and a few of the busl- ! y. and a more useful cltixen.-Bayard
the hitching post and chain which sur- Transcript.
rounds the York county court house square.
Faith Cure at Beatrice We are still of
The city fathers have decided, when paving
! itnn. thai thM. nf.t ntnitt b remnved
and some other place will be arranged for the opinion that mind haa a great influence
the farmer to hitch their teams when ! over matter. A South Side woman used
they come to town. The farmers .ay they . t antlkamnla box for button. Her
have been hitching their team, to the , ' . . .
chain surrounding the court house square e8e lord and master waa suffering- from
for twenty-five years. a headache, went to the box In the dark,
BEATRICE Mr. C. E. Snart, who re- took two pearl buttons and received im
celved word from Clinton, la., the other prii-tR ,iief Reatrlco Hun
day announcing the suicide of her hus- ( mediate reller.-Beatrlce sun.
band, who appears to have been a bigo-
mist, left yesterday for Chicago, in com-1 Nebraskan' Conscience Awaken Weary
E'. """nv'n10. of earning on hi. conscience the memory
received word announcing her husband of Juicy mehitis stolen In a boyish esca-
death and will not go to Clinton to pade. a writer from Kearney, signing him
gate me case, ine anair w snrouoeo in ... N .. h ent . lablll to Georae
A. Arnold, iiviiik near r una, wieuirr wins
Toolli Powder
and use ' it twice every day. It
preserves, brightens and whitens
good teeth, and keeps the bad ones
from getting any worse." That's
what the dentists say.
la hasdy anatel a a bottles, ISe.
nr. CrYs' Tccih Powder Ca.
mems may never be known.
NEBRASKA CITY Following Is a list
of petit Juror drawn for the March term
of district court: Frit Jenasen, Henry
Moeller, Walt McNamara, J. A. Morgan,
David Everest, G. H. Meyer, William
Damme, Matthew Donovan, A. R. Malben,
F. L. Hhlman, Joseph Zelner, Arthur
Barstler, Silas Beano n, H. U. Swalley. E.
Morrell. Ellis West, L. J. Wilcox. Emll
Haschenberger, V. Felthauser, Charles
Bremer. Charles Jenkins, C. P. Webber,
John K. Blckel and Theodore Klein.
M'COOK The McCook Driving Park a
soclatlon met tonight and elected the fol
lowing officers for the ensuing year: Al
bert Harnett, president; W. R. Starr, vice
president; C. B. Gray, secretary; F. A.
PenneJl, treasurer; board of directors, L.
W. McCoanell, W. M. Lewis. W Y. John
son, A. U. Bump, J. E. Kelley. It was de
cided to hold two meetings of the associa
tion this year, one on the Fourth of July
and the other the last of September or
first of October. Vice President Starr re
ported upon his attendance upon the recent
meeting of the Nebraska Circuit associa
tion, and this association was Invited Into
the circuit and will become a member If
opportune dates can be arranged. Last
years meet was a success ana plans are
being made for a larger success at the com
ing meeting.
OXFORD Oxford' newest and largest
business building, the Gupton brick block
opposite the postoftlce. Is practically com
pleted, a Dortion of the second story only
remaining unfinished. The E. P. Reichardr
conuiaiiy occuuied the large .double room
today, while P. 11. Gupton took possession
ot the north room with his general mer
chandise stock, lust week. On the corner
adjoining Druggist Hooper haa Just re
cently erected a handsome two-story build
ing of gray brick. A few doors to the south
ti A. Ayer Is adding the finishing touches
to a new brick which be will occupy within
a short time with hi. meat market. Aero.,
the street from this place IX E. Lee will
Immediately begin the erection of new fur
niture and undertaking rooms. This build
in. will also be of brick. 26x90 feet In di
mensions. Material has been ordered, and
the ground will be cleared at once.
Marder pert Takes.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 13. A man giving th
nxme of Louis Duval was arrested early to
day on a street corner, by detectives, who
u.oected him to be Frank J. Constantiiieu
Jr , wanted In Chicago on the charge of
having murdered Mrs. Arthur Gentry on
January t. lfJ. The ruspect, who closely
resembles Constantino's photograph, ts
about 21 year old and a.serts he Is a travel
ing tuuk dealer, lie admitted his home i
In Chicago, but denies being Conslantlna.
At polloe headquarter, his identity I boing
being In the neighborhood of 200 men and
boy. present. They report .eelng three
wolves, but did not kill any of them, owing
to the line on the west coming In late.
However, several rabbits died from fright.
Bee correspondent Seward Blade,
Record of One Train It is only by dint
of most strenuous effort that the poor, (
decrepit Crete train, has been able to make
It. regular trip. thl. week. They hav
been on the road nearly all the time and
have on an average managed to make the
round trip In twenty-four hours, although
they exceeded that time one day, making
It up the-next. Talmage Tribune.
Morose George George W. ' Hutchison,
clerk of the district court, say. darn the
potatoes, dam the beans, darn everything.
Our reporter,' being very inquisitive, h
terrogated George as to the disturbed con.
dltlon of his mind. "Oh, that' easy. My
wife 1. In Hastings and I have to do the
cooking, and that', no Ismail Job." And
then George sweat some" more. Red Cloud
Commercial Advertiser.
Objects to the Attitude J. L. Shore In
form, u. that because of the high attitude
making It .undesirable for hi. wife to live
here he ha decided to sell his property
at auction and go elsewhere. Th date of
the sale will be February 19. Mr. and
Mrs. Shore are very desirable cltlten and
we regret the necessity for their going
away.. She. is now in Kentucky for her
health. Mitchell Index.
Marder Saspeet Not Man Waoted.
CHICAGO, Feb. 13. Charles Nsthan,
brother of Louis Nathan, under arrest at
St. Lout., charged with being Constantine,
wanted here for murder, fully confirm, the
story told at St. Louis by lul. Nathan a.
to his identity. Because of trouble with
his wife over a woman he knew before he
was married, Louis Nathan left home and
adopted the name of Duvsl. He was once
before taken for Constantino, to whom he
bears a strong resemblance.
a note saying that it was to pay for melon
taken and asking forglvenetis. Jloldrege
Progress. . - ,
The Usual Result The wolf hunt on
Wednesday drew out a large crown, there
Marder In i'enlteatlarr.
MOUNDSVILLE W. Va.. Feb. 13. Lottl
Hawkins was stabbed to death with a pair
of shears In the female ward of the peni
tentiary last night by Ada Cross, a notori
ous cor.vlct. Both women are federal
prisoner sent here from the District of
Columbia. The murderess has been her
before three times and Is now serving a
twenty year sentence. Her victim wa
serving a two year term for stealing. Th
women quarreled while trimming garments.
, a, bottle of In. I I s4o. k sal J
B.ll's r-ina-Ts. """'j "OiyU I
Tea Can Trust Ths People-Tiler Know Whit Ttej Want. !
OVM (,003100 tOTTUt tSU UUtUUtr
sis I is riming aoh year k
tatkm the wisdom of as
Chosos ot Omgfc
Lock for the BJ1 ci tt teffi.
1 .PtJkw
Beawdr. r" 1