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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
12 HIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1907. SEASON OF LEW USHERED IN Ask Wsdamds Cbtemd by Cervices in Oathslio ml Eplroopal tharonss. PCSOD Or FASTING AND PRAYER ' Dma Booefcer Speaks o i ke Bofc Jeet of rtnoul Rclts:Ie , at Trio It? C4h. drat. Th Ixnten saason was ushered In yester day morning, with Ash Wednesday services In the various Roman Catholic and Episco palian church na, Being the betfnnLnc of the yearly fasting season, ths day la an Important ena In the church calendar. In tba Roman Cathollo churches the dis tribution of ashes on the head of those who feel the slrnlnoanco of the occasion constitutes part of the rwKrai Aah Wed nesday aervlcea, BJarly morning aemces were generally held for those who have to bo at work early and services were held for convenience of school children. Services were general last evening, with sermons touching on the meaning of the Lenten sea son. . Services were held at T and 10 a, m. at Trinity Cathedral. At the latter hour Dean Beecher spoke on "General Thought and Purpose of the Lenten Season." Last even ing he spoke on "Personal Religion." During Lent noonday services will be held each day from 1J: to 12:25 at Trinity cathedral. Similar momlng services were held at St Barnabas episcopal church, where Rev. John Williams last evening spoke on the purposes of Lent. Services were held yesterday morning at the church of St. Philip the Deacon. Rev. John Albert Williams, rector of this church, delivered a sermon last evening. Rev. Martin M. Bronsgeest of St. John's Cathollo church conducted services yester. day morning at 6, T and 8:10. Last evening Father Bronsgeest ' explained the signifi cance of the distribution of ashes at this season. Barly morning services were held at St. Phllomena's cathedral. Rev. P. . A. MoGovem In charge. The chief mass was celebrated at a. m., after three previous services. At 7:46 last evening. Father' Mc Oovern spoke on "Opposing Worldll ness." Rev. P. J. Judge held two early morning servioes at the churoh of the Sacred Heart. Many children attended tho 8:15 mass. Last evening's servioes consisted of sermon and benediction of the blessed sacrament. 0 r n r M n II I i I , - j entire EXTRAORDINARY PURCHASE OF 3,500 YARDS OF New Spring Silks At Exactly i Price This is one of those grand bargains that has made Bran ded' name renowned throughout the west. We never of fered a bigger bargain in fine silks. Have you seen them in the window? They consist of all silk Taffetas, Dress Pongee Silks, pretty Foulards, Satins, in all colors of the rainbow. Never have we offered such values in silks just at the time when they are in strong demand. Not a yard worth less than 50c As long as they last Thursday, yard It aar'-- - - - FIRE ESCAPESARE LACKING Thirty-Five Bolldtaa-s of Throe or Poor Stories Are Wltkoat ' Proper Faculties. Building Inspector Wlthnell has returned from Llnooln, where be presented to Dep uty Labor Commissioner Bush facts con cerning the absence of fire escapes on thlrty-fve Omaha buildings of three and four stories. Mr. Bush went over Omaha Wednesday afternoon with the building in spector to look at these buildings. Mr. Wlthnell said he had been ' handi capped on account of the limitations of the law regarding Are escapes. Of the thirty flve buildings referred to twenty are owned by nonresidents and, aooordlng to one case ' tested In the courts, a notice served on the local agents to place fire escapes Is not binding. The building Inspector Intends to urge on the labor commissioner to have the law modified to cover exigencies. It was suggested to Mr. Wlthnell Wednes day afternoon that In a case where an apartment house or flat has no fire escape according to law (there are twenty such) he order the place closed until the law la compiled with. Mr. Wlthnell Is looking up the legal phase of this proposition and may find be will have to close some of the apartment houses unless fire escapes are placed. JUST A TRICK OF Trll TRADE Boot Estate Moo Tells Bow Two Mea ' Sold too Sane Res taaraot. Real estate men observe many sharp tricks In business. Barry Jordan of the Byron Reed company likes to tell of one which came under his observation. A certain man, whom Mr. Jordan calls Smith, for the sake of convenience, was attempting to sell his restaurant to an out-of-town man. whom Mr. Jordan calls Jones. Smith's restaurant was a small one and he had a ruinously light trade. Having learned from Jones that the latter was t3 come to Omaha to look Into the restaurant proposition on a certain day. Smith went to about twenty-five friends and gave them to cents each, asking them to drop In for dinner at a certain hour and supper at a certain hour. They came In as agreed, and. of course,, Mr. Smith had Jones there at the same time. When Jones saw the rushing business done by the restaurant ho couldn't buy It fast enough. "And would you believe that Jones could be mean enough?" asked Mr. Jordaa. as he tells the story. "Jones sold that restau rant to Black a few month later, and he worked the same game that he bit on." The New Spring Suits All the Brand New Style Features for Spriag in Ladies' Tailored Wear. Everyone likes the smart, dressy new suits we show at moderate prices. There is lots of beauty and service in . these new pony coats, braided etons and fancy vest front hip length coats many very fine t Cfl Panamas and broad- j y JU ' cloths skirts are JJ ' newest plaited styles . , Stunning Novelties in Spring Salts are the French pony eton Bults, the new eton with broad plaited shoulder, the Jaunty new Ideas in Prince 'Chaps, etc scores of fresh new models are shown this week at new laeas in 25 Spring Skirts Mixtures, P a n a tnas, stripes and checKS, new pleats, worth up to $10, at .98 Skirls "$2.98 All are up to date. In desirable cloths and favorite col ors this sale at 2.98 STYLISH NEW WAISTS FOR SPRING Embroidered or lace trimmed many are plain pleated lawns, dotted Swisses, madras, etc; QOfl 25 150 special values at. . OC" 4 A H 75c Table Damask at 25c Yd. f j Just received direct from the mill, the finest lot of mer- hi ' cerized table damask, in long remnants, we have ever of- p fered; qualities worth up to 75o yard on sale Crt ti Thursday, basement bargain square, yar,d JC jE3 a A m o bbm m A 40 o j' iuu vailing u ri II u XX XX M Cards 39c East Arcade IS. mm lQOCallini U Cards 39c B J Eait Arcade CHEAP GAS AND NEW PLANT Two Reeolattoas Are Adopted by toe Omaha, Real Estate Ei ebaage. The Omaha Real Estate exohange at Its meeting Wednesday adopted two resolu tions pertaining to the gas Interests of Omaha, one advocating dollar gas for the city and another declaring "It la theense of this exchange that the gas oompeny be permitted to extend Its plant on South Twentieth street by permission of the city council. Considerable discussion was indulged In over the matter, but the members were largely in favor of the company being permitted to extend Its storage capacity, as it was given out that the company could not possibly extend Its mains In any direc tion until the storage capacity was in creased. Arthur Chase said the exchange should be unanimous In supporting a pub Ho corporation when It la In the right A banquet will be held by the exchange a week from tomorrow. Poo Days of Roller Skatlao. Roller skating will hold the arena at the Auditorium the remainder of the week. There wlU be a big free-tor-ail race on Wednesday night, with about twenty en- ' tries. Thursday will be ladles' day, as usual, with musto by the band. The attendance at the roller rink Is In. creasing as ths season approaches Its close. Manager Olllan will put oa a few more big eveuts before the close of the season. Ooaaotalot for Cottlaa. A complaint was Hied In poiloe oourt Wednesday morning by Deputy County At torney rlatU asaluat Warren Henley. &1I South Thirteenth street, oa ths charge of fcutUug Jack Taaeey of Council Bluffs with Intent to wound la a fight early last Wed ii day attorning. Henley was arrcstwd en suspicion last Thursday and has slnoe beo Idenltaed by several witnesses as the assailant of Tanaey. The men had been to the waltere' hail and became lnvolve.1 in a quarrel over a woman, with the result that Taiisey was laid up for repairs with wwwwni oep wounas in his tmcu and neck. Tike ease was continued until ThursUar oroii DR. BRADBURY, Dentist, XS&o. ' 1606 PAR NAM ST., OMAHA. Phono Douglas 1756 Extracting ....... 25c 5""''r"wTVE We make a specialty Porcelain Fills.. 91 op Jf of metal and roofless Crowns . . . . . fS.OO op VC--- - plates, rainless work in Bridge Work. 93.50 op Hj MVVV4 U operations. Work Pistes .$3.00 op 111 I r Koaranteed 10 years. THURSDAY Men's Shirts 1 5c Fleece Lined Undershirts loo Men's Wool Hose Jo Children's Fancy Sweaters iSs too Fanoy Men's Hose (o 13.(0 Fancy Vests ISo $10.00 Men's Butts ..1416 S2.S0 Men's' Pants ....$1.1 76c Wilson Bros. Suspenders 19c $10 00 Cravenette Coats $4.86 $6.00 Men's Pant $2.98 $20.00 Men's Suits $9.W Men's Fur Coats as low as $S.00 GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. 1519 and 1521 Douglas St. , The Best TATTI .! w SATISFYING DENTISTRY Dental work that you can pay for with a feeling that you are getting your money's worth. That's our kind. Satisfying to you and us. Fillings 75c and up. Crowns 22K j . . f 5.00 TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS 1617 Douglas Street. ITCIIII1G CHILBLAINS FROST BITES and SMARTIKG. ftCHIHQ FEET Can be relieved by the first application of Baeraiaa's Callbl! Cure. N waiting for results complete cure In 1 or I days. lie bottle by mall 10c. SHERMAN & McCQKNELL DRUG CO. Oerao 1st aaa Soage, Oaukaa. is a pair of our $3.00 shoes of course we sell better ones at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00. But our $3.00 Shoe, because of its undoubted excellence and the variety of styles of fered for selections, it's comfort and wearing quali ties, all stamp it as the best shoe for the money there is to be had. Let your Valentine be a practical one a pair of these Shoes. DrexelShoe Co. 141S Parnam Street I BAILEY MACH DENTISTS Thirsl ricer. Paxtort DUck Highest Grde Dentistry 3 OMAHA MKA1HKK rtMtt.CAMT Thursday: Fair. j. 3 3 A NATURAL AND COMMON SENSE DISCOUNT NOBODY HAS YET SUCCESSFULLY GAIN- rc SAID THE SOUNDNESS OF THE ARGU- l?M MENT THAT CASH PURCHASERS ARE ft ENTITLED TO A CASH DISCOUNT. THE TRUTH IS, NOBODY CAN GAINSAY THE SOUNDNESS OF THE ARGUMENT; THAT BEING SO, WE GIVE GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH ALL PURCHASES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS ALL THE TIME. The Green Trading Stamp is the fairest method of expressing a great principle dis count on your cash purchases. We have thousands of customers in Omaha and thousands more beyond, who have proven jrtthe superlative values of Green Trading Stamp 9jl J. HUt si aVVM MiN a oiawas a , m collections. uKXiXin iitAUinu ai Amrti ake YOURS EVERY TIME AND ALL THE TIME. HOW'S YOUR STAMP BOOK COMING? 4 r' "-'V 1 3 Wm xvll Br if ON THE MAIN FLOOR Hundreds . of dollar's worth on St. Valentine morning Thurs day, the 14th we will sell thorn At Just i Prices Marked on Them Ball Price Half Price MAIN FLOOR Wool . Wash Dress Goods The very newest and latest styles and' ideas 1 Imported fabrics which we warrant to be strictly exclusive. Come and ' see them they're great! 5K3aj Fancy New Silks We are showing thousands of yards of bright new silks. Our silk stock is now three times larger than it ever was. It offers you a three times greater oppor tunity for selection and prices are at their lowest. Choice Suitings Fancy taffeta or Louis iene weaves are very popular, entirely different in colorings. They come in tan combinations, swell new creations, 19 ins., 24 ins. and 27 ins. wide, prices from $1.50 yard down to . . UC New Plaids 167 different styles in plaid silks the most beautiful combinations of spring colorings, entirely new, no old silks, prices from two dollars Q yard, down to 0C Nouveaute en Rajah (Genuine, no imita tion), the greatest success in new spring silks enjoyed by the best silk depart ments. We have nearly every style made, in large plaids or checks; white, light blue, pongee grounds, etc, with large overplaids the genuine quality. See the window. See the window. ebruary eatures in 1 i " j ebruary j ootwear at Li Women's $3.60 Laced and Button Drees Shoes, In patent kid and patent colt, L'ght and heavy soles, pair ....$2.69 For Nurses and Servants Rubber Heeled Juliets, kid tip, band sewed, noiseless, comioriaDie, pair . . ; SI OS A Good Dinnerware Shot Tor One dt OaU U tngui ainer- nt pattern of En gUsh and Amerl can P o r e 1 a 1 n Havtland China p. and China . fromf the best Austria and German Pot- f teries for one day only Thursday, 2m, Wo Offer a Uniform Discount of 20 For Cont 20 m'jMH''Mi'i,,Hi''rvi'(inur'i'tr'jiiurvuPv Bee Want Ads Produce Results THEY'RE ALL RIGHT. Made of the Li EST HAVA.NA lOiiACXO. f . IU IUc Mercantile Ugar Co, Manufacturers, bU Lvnis. Don't Forgelthe Great Piano Sale Begins Saturday, Feb. 16th U llll THK RILIABLB TRB Begins L Saturday, Feb. 16th Thursday in Bargain Room 8:80 Till 9:30 a. m. We will sell 7c and lOHc Outing Flannels, dark and light colors, not over 10 yards to a customer, at, per yard. ......... .2 10 Till 11 a. m. We will sell 12 Wc extra heavy Wrapper Moleskins, fine Per slan designs, perfect fast colors, not over II yards to a customer at, yd. 54 si 1 Till 2 p. m. We will sell SO dos. Odd Napkins, that sold from f 1.00 to $2.00 a dos.; these Napkins for one hour only, and not over one dozen to a cus tomer, at, per dos . 0J 2:80 Till 8:80 p. m. We will sell Linen Huck Towels, extra largo, extra heavy, regular 16c and 19c goods, not over 3 pairs to a customer, at, each. ...74 4 Till 6 p. m. We will sell White Goods from the bolt, goods that sold at 2 Bo, not over 12 yards to a customer at, per yard. fj For Ml Day We will sell Linings in all colors and black, worth up to 36c a yard, at. 5 12 He Percales, 36 inches wide, at.5 10c and 12 He Ginghams, A. F. C.'s and 1 oile du Nords, in short lengths, 2 to 10 yards, not over 12 yards to a customer at, per yard 5t White Crocheted Bed Spreads, $1.60 values, at -9S White Crocheted Bed Spreads, $1.26 values, at 89 White Crocheted Bed Spreads, $1.00 values, at 75 100 pieces of Irish Linen, 6R, 70 and 72 inches wide, for Thursday onlv, at. Per yard 50d 60c Linen, both bleached and un bleached and silver bleached, all in one lot of odd lengths, the entire lot, at, per yard 29 35c Turkey Red Damask will go .19 25c Towels, each 15c 19c Towels, each 12 16c Towels, each 10d 12 He Towels, each ..7V In Our Cloak Department Hundreds of Winter Garments offered at prices which would not begin to buy the mate rials. Every garment must go if bargain prices can effect a' clearance. 60 Coats that sold at $10, $12 and $15, will go Thursday, at, choice $3.98 About 100 Handsome Coata, $18, $20 and $26 ' values, In fine broadcloths and kerseys, satin lined throughout, in Thursday's sale, at, choice $9.90 Stylish New Walking Bkirta In greys, browns, blues and blacks, values op to $8.50, on sale Thursday at $4.95 $6.00 Silk Underskirts, In all colors, made, of Simond's beBt taffeta, sale price $3.95 Children's Coats, in frieses, kerseys and broad cloths, $5 to $ .'.60 values, choice. .. .$1.95 From 8 T1U 9 a. m. Women's Coats.. $1.00 From 8:80 Till 9:80 a. m. Children's Dresses tot 39 Women's Waists. $5 Net Waists at ....$2.50 Women's $2.00 Waist 95 From 9 Till 10 a. m. $5 Eiderdown Bath Robes for $1.98 From 10 Till 11 a. m. Flannelette Wrappers, worth to $1.5.0, at 094 Remarkable, Furniture Bargains SEVERAL C.IRL04DS OF SAMPLES FROM THE GREAT CHICAGO FUR. MTURE EXHIBIT NOW ON SALE AT PRICES FAR BELOW THEIR AC TUAL WORTH. Only a few of the many bargains can be mentioned! j TOM'j W 1 IOO SAMPLE IRON BEDS All new est styles among them we show bed like out full site head, 64-in. high, strongly made a regular $5.75 value Bale price 53.75 TAKE ADVANTAGE OP OUR PERFECT CREDIT SYSTEM ' ALL THE SAMPLE ROCKERS About 150 Btylea to select from, to be closed at less than tegular cost prices. Solid Oak Rocker (like cut), full size, with cobbler seat, splendid value at $3.00 sale price $1.75 SCORES OF STYLES IN DINING CHAIRS 1 to 4 of a kind, at unheard of low prices. Among them chairs like cut, full size, slat back, brace arm, great snap at, each - 85c BOX SEAT DINING CHAIRS In golden oak, with leather seat and cane under support, good value at $3, sale price $1.85 Sample Pictures Less Than Half $2.50 Pictures at ......... .$1,001 f 1-95 Pictures at 754 $3.85 Pictures at $1.45Many others at accordingly low prices. Four Special Rug Bargains $13.76 Tapestry Rugs, fine quality, big assortment of patterns, size 9x12, special, at, ehoice $8.98 Ingrain Rugs, worth up to $1.00, man ufacturer's samples, at, choice. 10 Wool Dress Goods 9 Till 10 a. m. Wo will sell 46-inch Alj Wool Spring Novelties, regular $t goods, one pattern to a customer at, per yard 381 8 Till 4 p. m. We will sell $1.00 Wool Taffeta, in all colors, the leading goods of the season, not over one pat tern to a customer, at, per yard 54( High Class French Novelties, a yard, $3.00, $3.00 and $1.00 High Class German Novelties, a yard, $3.50, $2.50, $1.60 and $1.00 High Class Domestic Dress Goods, st, per vard. $2 60. $1.98, $1.60, $1.25, $1.00. 75c. 69c and ......... 39 $25 Axmlnster Rugs, all new, 1907 patterns, oriental and floral designs, size 9x12. snap at $17.98 $1.50 Velvet Rugs, size 27x54-ln., spe cial O84 Eggs gfs Eggs Strictly Fresh No. 1 new laid eggs, per dozen .22 SPECIAL FIG SALE Fancy Imported Smyrna Figs, per pound 10 1 12-os. package Fancy California Figs, per package 5 Fancy Fard Dates, per pound... 7H Our usual low prices on all Freeh Fruits and Vegeables. M cW p5) J 4