Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1907, Page 11, Image 11
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14, 1P07. 11 PERSONAL (Continued.; PLEATING "Svnffi Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ing, only tc per yard. Bnd for price lint end MmpK GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 4t rou(iu Block. TeL Doug's V U-ii JOH! CANE 18 IN TOWN! Now Js the time to trim trees, treitses and grape vines: lo landw-ar-e gardening. TeL Red W. Res. 1101 8. fcth Ave. . (18-J7 Mil D"k VOOEL'S private home for ladlee be fore and during confinement; bet and cheapest in the city. 2219 8. 13th St. (18; 664 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOM EMri. . Dr. King, 301 N. Est St. Tel. Doug. x& THE SALVATION ARMY solicits csetrrtT clothing; In fact, anything you do not neea; we collect, repair and aell. at 114 N. litn nt.. tor coat of collecting, to the worth jr poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 41 as and wagon will call. (16) 11 DR. N. 80MMER, homeopath. Bee BMg. OMAHA Bldg. Stammerers' Institute. Ramge (1S 666 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax ton's Salve. B. J. ScannelL agent. Ware Blk. (181-Mtll F21 MAOKTlTTr! treatment and batn. Mme. iU-iJlMiXAV B,nl,h. 118 N. U, Id floor. Ci S MAKSA ft F Bwsdlari movement JUAOOaufj lath, room X. eecoi tiO N. second floor (18 M 203 Ml flEALTHT, wholesome, satin skin bestowed by 8a tin skin cream and Batln ppwder. OSV- EFFA ELLIS, music by mall. Adults' evening claas Mondaya. 1611 Farnnm. Douglas 701. (181 16 M4 FOR anything In the sewing machine line CO to P. E. Flodman at Co., 1614 Cap. Ave. (1S-M78 Mil SEWING machines supplies for all makes of machine; machines repaired; machines for rent. Hayden Bros., Sewing Machine Dept. (Muglas BU entrance. Tel. Inug. K1. fl8 713 M10 ANT ONE knowlns the whereabouts of Nels and Olaf Olsen will confer a favor "upon them by showing them thla ad. or by writing to Miss Carrie Olaen, Rock Island, 111.. MO 46th Bt. OS) M789 M12x WTLIj 8F7LL new tailor-made spring top coat: silk lined; cost I4R; made for me-dtum-aised man; bargain for cash. Ad dress N 44, Be. (18 M80ft 17s Antique Furniture HAVE several pieces yet of the best which came from South Carolina. Sold at any price. 71 N. 80th. (18 M851 14x REAL ESTATE OTTT PHOPKRTT FOR BALE ljunaee careains $2,850 Sevea-rootn house In first class repair; new hot water heating plant; finely located i on oar Una, paved street. This Is a rare bargain; owner leav Ing city; property must be . .. cold this week, $4,500 New modern house of eight - . rooms, oak finish an -first Boor, white enamel on second floor, fine cellar, nicely lo , . cated. This Is an exception , ally niee property and ! . . bargain. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 41 Paxtoa Block. (1) M7B 14 , OWNERS. 1 hare buyers, especially for close In property.. Glra me a chance. .. H. A. 8TEAVENSON. 830 Board of Trade. 18th and Farnam. CI) M66J 14 LOT BARGAIN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, shrift feet between fine homes, and as sightly as there Is on the hllL 82,0 this week. The best thing we know of for the money. Act quickly. Harrison & Morton, Rl N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 814. at t u Small Cash Payments ; Balance $5 Monthly BUILD HOME TO SUIT YOURSELF On--one of those beautiful toU in Halcyon Heights, the finest and most sightly loca- . .. Uoa far a -home, only two Mocks south of business cen ter of Benson and Military , , Ave. car line. You can't buy . ' such lots elsewhere at these price 8260 to 85&u. Make your . , selection Aoday. Russell & .McKitrick Co., SOLE AGENTS. .43S-U-84 Ramge Bldg., Uth and Harnay Bis. (W-77S H GARDEN LAND AND LOT Excellent building lot and t acres ad joining on Lincoln Ave., paved. In Coun cil BluHs. Price. $i.4k; che-p. Bee L. W. Tulleys ' A Son. Iu3 Malta bu, upetalra. tjounoii clous, ia. tiiis siui u BOULEVARD LOT . -S CORNER. ON THE BOUL EVARD AND X8TH AVE. BOl'TH AND EAST FRONT SKiO.OO. THE BYRON REED CO., 'PHONE D-2S7. J 8. 14TH tU) a-4 1 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO8 AB sTRACTa OF T1TLKH are the safest. You are protected by a $10.Ou4 bond agint . lues by erroia You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1&14 llartiry. Tel. Douglas 84CT (1 I HAVE TWO BUTEK8 .for a t or 4-room cottage. Must be well (oca ted and price light. W. 8. FRANK. 'Pbonf Douglas touo, Kl Neville Blk. (l)-38 14 DO you want a fine vacant lot? Here It la, and cheap, too 78x150, at . 80tb and Caaa. high and sightly, south front, H.&Oy. Easy terms. S lots 48x100 each, facing east on 58th Bt- near Cass, $10 each for quirk sale. 110x84W. bet 8lal and l!d. fronting Cali fornia and Webster, with t houses rent ing tor $18 per month; north half va cant Splendid rental proposition for S or 4 cottages. Low price on applica tion. RYLANDER & CO., $03 N. T. Sole Agents. 1 MS05 14 LANDSCAPE architect. E. C. Foeter, 'phune Doug. 767, all Paxton Bik. (Ue-MTO 10 10-ROOM house, modern but furnace, 8. W. . Cor. of &tk and Caldwell Sta. Easy terms ROBINSON 4k WQLF. 42J-4 Paxton B k. (11-M7T1 U REAL ESTATE City Property fee Sale Cenllaee. FOR BALE Two modrn nooses and large ham. one block north of Hnwnra perk; pared street, east front, lot TSxljO. East ern owner win eU at a barasin. ' TH"MAP H REN NAN. Room 1 N. T. L. Bldg. flSt 48 WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE 3879 Dodge street, south front. I moron, a'l modern, oak fin ish, large barn, permanent . Improvements, a choice home for lo,7ifl. R. H. LANDERYOU, Board of Trade. Tel. Dong. lint. (19) MS 16 EIGHTEEN lots. 8.o. Council RlufTs; t minutes to Omaha; lota, 140; whole block, 87JU. 1-46, Bee. (19) 701 lSx BUT from owner and save commission; -room, new, modern cottage, 110 8. (lif-MMl M INVESTMENT tiffin annual income property at a bar gain. L Conner, 232 Neville Blk. (1 M3 14 3011 N. BTH 8-room house, modern except furnace, east front; lot 40xi3& feet; sightly. This will bear Investigation. The owner 'has gone to California and wants to aell. 1722 N. 27th 22 roomi, modern, east front; lot 44x130; now rented and stays so at per month; In good repair; 84.M0 will buy U. 77 Wirt 4 rooms, lot 40x135. 1 block to car line; rf0. Thla is cheap. 26th and Caldwell, south front, lot irxlZ!, modern except furnace; grape arbor, cherry trees, shade trees and barn; 82,66). TCRRELL at CO.. 17th and Farnam. (! MS75 U Fralts sa4 Vegetable. FINEST lltUe farm In Omaha for fruit and vegetables and chickens. 7 acrs with five room cottage, only 8.800. See It and you will want It. IL R Stringer, UK Jackson. Douglas 7281. (1 M784 14 REAL ESTATE FARM ARn RANCH LAUDS FOR IALB Caaada. ALBERTA" FARMS On Crop Payments. Every dollar ot purchase money to be made out of the property. No alecpleRS nights. Purchaser can not lose his home through failing to meet a payment as pay ments never come due until the money is made out of the farm to meet them. Nona of the buildings on these places are over 4 years Old. Everything in the best of condition. Land first -class, wheat now in crop is turkey red (Alberta' hard.) By cropping two-thirds of any of these farms for 4 to t years your home would easily be paid for, besides making you a living in the meantime. Any of this land will advance 130 per acre In a very few years. No cash payment is required on the unimproved lands. Only a small cash payment is asked for on the Improved places. 470 acres two miles from Ooasfleld, price 12 per acre; 160 acres i miles Olds, 83); 830 acres between Dltisbury . and Olds, 817; S3) acres between Carstairs and Noelton. $18; 2U acres one mile from Carstairs. S3S. ' No cash payments on the above places; every dollar of purchase money made out of land. Lb40 acre seven miles from High River. 830 per acre; 175 acres in fall wheat. 160 acres plowed. iwo nouses on tms rarm. one isxze; kitchen, 18x24. One lx24; kitchen, 13x: two stables. 16x18 and 28x28. Building atone ready for, barn, 8"x0. Oranary, a' Two poultry Mouses, 2oxU and 10x18. Two wells. pump nouses, etc. All. renceo. could DO divided suitable for two families. Cash, about 86.000. balance half of nro- eeeda tif crop each year until, the place Is paia roc, - 818 acrea four -miles from Hrgh" Rlvef, price,- 838 per acre, house, stable, chicken house, etc., all fenced. 81 acres In wheat. 80 acres plowed. One thousand dollars casn. balance in crop payments. -rne aoove are ail ejooa larma, close to good towns. The conditions of sale are that the pur chaser shall break uo, aa soon as Doseible, two-thirds or the land ami crop the most of It every year until the place is paid for. This property will not be on the market long on these easy ternia Five or six crops should pay or any or these farms. Also have rood building lots inside the mile limit In the city of Medicine Hat for sale at 8100 each, which are splendid Invest ment, easy terms, one-third cash. Write direct to the owner and save trou ble and expense. - CHARLES C. SHORT P. O. Box 258, High River, Alberta, Canada. 'Phone 85. " () sa 18x Kaasas. HOMESEDKKRS! Be careful. Locate right.. Inveatlgate our famous artesian valley. Sure crops, matchless climate. Let us write you. Miller it James. Meade. Kan. (20 M3M U Mlaaeseta. YOUR OPPORTUNITY To get a farm Is at hand. The Duluth Iowa Range K. K. Co., is selling good wild land In 6U Louis county, Minnesota, to actual settlers at reasonable prices and on terms of 81 par acre down and bal ance on fifteen years' time. For full In formation address Land Commissioner, all vtoivia rtuiiaing, uuium, aiinn. C1MM427 Cx Mlesoari. FOR 8 ALE Vernon county. Mo.. r3-ecre stock farm, highly improved, abundantly watered; seven mi lee to gooa market here Is an opportunity for a lively stock man; price kJ.fcOO, half cash, balance on time at $ per cent. J. Fred Woltx. krttA Botanical Ave-, Bt. ixniia, mo. (SO) MIR IT tfO ACRES of well Improved, all tillable land. Bt Clare. Mo.; good soil; price $f2 SO. Incumbrance no.uuo, g per cent. wan clear, cheap land equity. Box 827, Peter eon. Ia. (34-M-'5 15 Nebraska. FOR SALE My fine farm of 4S acres, ons of the finest farms In buffalo county. Prkse. $) par acre, half uaah. The price good only until February 1&. Can give possession al once. Addreaa the owner, w. H Uraaa n.yer. Kiverdaie. Neb, (20) M42S U 480-Acre Grain and. Stock Farm 820 acres pasture, ISO acres well Improved, nne level ootiora land in itance county, iecrasKa, t orn bU to bushel, a has $0 bushel,' alfalfa, clover, timothy and wh'at on farm, 4-room house, barn 40x4t two granaries for 4.000 bushels grtin, scales, hog bouses, 'Tattle sheds, orchard. three wind mills, tanks. M rods bog fence. K. F. D.. telephone, school snl church one mile. I miles front Palmer t rice gs per acre. writ. . V. H. Widaman, Palmer, Neb, (30) M 135 Cx FARM BARGAIN We hsre 22 acres of highly Improved land f miles from Silver Creek and S front Osceola and la miles from Columbus, Neb., in Polk Co., ftod 7-roum house, barn, granary, windmill snd running water, fenced and croa-fenoed. bearing orchard and strawberry bed; lots of evergreen trees and grove. IvO acres under . worn, balance hay ar.J pasture. Reduced the price from 8v aa acre to 840 an acre. Can exchange It fur Omaha property, or aant aa offer for cash. Moutgage of 23.250 al ready on thla to It da'l take much to handle IL 1 hia Is oriy good for a few daya If you can show us a farm so cl.e to Omaha for the money ou can beat us N. P. DO DUE & CO. 1714 Farnam Bt., Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE FAR AD RAXH LtD FOR LF. Rebroaka-4 eaitaaed. ANOTHER RANCH. 49 scree '.n Frontier county; good road to two railroad towns; one mile from store. poetoPW-e, cream station; in iwd locality. one-half mile to church, echtxd on comer of ranch. Ail good soil, no sand, no rock; one-half amooth. 170 acres cultivated; good house of ( rooms; barn, crihe, granary, well, windmill, small orchard: extra bar gain for 7.uW; possession March 1. We havs others. Write us for lists and maps. Cornelius at Co Hastings. Neb. (A M861 14 Oreaea. Dairy Lands in Oregon Special inducements for practical dairymen to settle on logged-off lands In Oregon, the paradise for dairying. For authentic Information address OREGON DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE. Dept. 41. Portland. Ore. x - (Jb M8K 14 Texas. LAND SEEKERS I Send for map of Texas, showing new rail ways nnd location of famous Rratot val ley lands, the richest rain belt lands in United States. an1 where bllsxards are unknown. Price, $10 to 818 per acre. Il lustrated list free. Hlland P. I-kwood, Ban Antonio. Tex. (SO-M447 IS PAN HANDLE LANDS BUT FROM THE OWNER. We own several thousand acres of land In this wonderful country the most fertile lands In the United States. We .can give you the best prices, also the lowest rail road fare. Join one of our excursions. LF.REW LAND CO.. 80S-J 8. 13th St. First Nat l Bank Flog. Kr-T7 18 BEST tract Texas Panhandle, near main line Rock Island R. R.. between tnicago and San Francisco, cheap, this week only. Water 10 to 40 feet. Box 47. Hlbley. Ia (!0) MSG 15 X Miaeellaaeoae. , HOMESTEAD THE COEUB D'ALENE RESERVATION will be opened soon. It contains M0.008 acres choice wheat, fruit and Umber land. Do you want 140 acreaT COEUR D'ALENE RESERVATION fN- FORMATION AQENCT. Rooms ii-lt. Ex change Bank Bldg., Spokane, Wash. CX- o Ml REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Fmraa aad Basrk laada. tO ACRES. with house and barn. Ill 8. (Jl 774 16th St. 25 ACRES FOR RENT 51ST AND DODGE Two blocks Dundee car line; 7-room house. large barn, fruit trees, etc.; especially suitable for dairy. Rental $40 yer mo. GBORQK CO.. 1801 FARNAM ST. Feb. 15. 18. 11 15. 190H. (21-7 14 FOR RENT Five acre tract of land (without house) suitable for garden ing purppses or raising potatoes; will rent reasonable If taken at once. Ad dress C 497, Bee. (ill-MMI lx REAL ESTATE LOANS. MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. IJUJ SXl OARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. and $H per cent loans on real estate; no aeiay. (22) K2 LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. ILMM.eot TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in umana; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan. K- I, N. T. Lite. 52)-Ml PRIVATE MONST-F. D. Weed. 1620 Doug (21) SJ0 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, sut sirst isauonaj can uiog. (2-2J WANTED Otx loans. IL C Peter at Co. (D-882 WANTED City loans and wsrranta. W. raxtam annuo, at to us jrsrnam m 122) 82S UNION IX) AN & INVT CO. PRIVATE BANKERS. Loans money on real state, buys and sells city warrants, city and farb mortgages. $io Bee Bl dg. motie LX'Ug. SAX. (K 4a3 a WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture. stoves, carpets, clothing ana shoes; pay the best prices. Tel. Douglas 8V71. CS-7 Fli WANTED Tw buy slot machines, soda fountain furniture, coffee urns; must be cheap. Address L 837. Bee. W& 21 17x DON'T give your second-hand furniture away: I pay the highest price; big prices paid for office furniture. 'Joe Levlne, 804 N. 16th. Tel. Douglas 77L (25) M261 M4 TOP prices for 2d-hand books, novels, all kinds. Btacey, (is b. istb. Tel. Harney ISSi. (26) M2V7 M&x CA8H paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co., Hi B. 14th. 'Phone Douglas-mi. (X) 4tt WANTED To buy second-hand barn for horse and buggy; must be in good shape ; and cheap. Address B K. Bee. ' (26) M7M 1 WANTED To buy, a good, sound, gentle horse, about 1,100 lbs., from parties who have owned It long enough- to know Its nature. 414 8. llth. (JSJ M4H1 15 WANTED TO RENT MODERN HOTEL-Furnished complete; won't buy furniture. Address Y Uo, care Bee. (26s-ai8 14x WANTED To rent a barn for four or six horses; vicinity 20th and Mason Sis. H. W. Anderson. $44 Bee Bldg. (26 M461 lSx WANTED By man and wife no children furnished house In first-class location. Address M &". Bee. t M723 Hi WANTED SITUATIONS FARMER of twenty years rxpeiienee wants some xina of work on Term; tom , petent to fill any kind of farm position, ' Address John Olson. R Lena Lodge, Florence, Neb. Route No. 1. (r)-MU ltx Advertising Manager With practical experience In "ad" prepara tion, tollvw up systems, circular and cata logue work, la open for employment; will consider legitimate proposition. Adtlreas A 6. Bee. (27 7s 14x PRINTER, slightly invalid; rapid and ac curate al figures. eduated, would like sit,; any business. Addreaa O-tk 1. Bee. (27 M7a 14x A COMPETENT scale mechanic, can repair any make of scaiea References furnished. Audrese J-tu, Bra. 427r-M7J ltix. FIRST CLASS English correspondent French and German also. If required. Heferenrea Ct Farnam Bt- (!7-M730 ltx GERMAN pharmacist, with two years ex- rience wanta posltirn. Kegistered in wa. Address Box 767, Haruui, la. IT) M7t3 ltx BUTCHER'S lob wanted. Aurora, Neb. J. A. Hlgbee, (27V-Mlu lax DAY women furnished free Telephone Douglas 1112. of Charge. (-T ilmO EXPERIENCED double entry bookkeeper wanta position. Addreaa O C, Cam bridge, Neb. (27) M847 lis DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMMACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CTTY TVTEBIIA8IIA. ' Office and InHrmarr. 8Mb and Maaoa Sta. OMAHA. KKM Teteptione (Is. GOVERNMENT NOTICES ' PROPOSALS FOR LIVE STOCK. De partment of the Interior, Office f Indian anaira, W aahing-.on. D. C, Krbruary I, lw;. Scaled proposals plainly marked on the ouiskle of the scaled envelopa, "Proposals for Live Stock," and addressed to (be commissioner of Indian a flairs, Washing ton. D. C, will be received at the Indian ofhee until I o clink p. m. of March 1Z, for furnishing and delivering about 21751 hetfere, 7' bulla, I.X8 mures and LW milch cows, for issue to Indinns of (liflerent reservationa. as per schedule, detailed specthea lions, conditions to be observed by b:ddrs. etc., which will be furnished upon application to the Indian office, Washing ton, l. C. ; the V. 8. Indian warehouses at New York City. Chicago. 111., Omaha, Neb., St. Louis, Mo., and San Francisco, Cal.: the officers of the Drovers Journal. j Chicago, 111.; Drovers Telegram, Kansas tlty. Mo.; 1 ne ee, umana, ,ro.; ournw, Sioux City, la.; Pioneer Press. St. Paul, Minn.; Livestock Reporter, Fort Worth. Tex.; Montana Record. Helena, Mont.; Breeders Uaxette, Chicago, 111.; Stock growers Journal, Miles City. Mont., and Southwestern Stockman, Farmer and Feeder. Phoenix, Aria. ; L'mvers Journal Stockman, South Omaha, Neb.; the V. 8. Indian agents at Standing Rock agency. Fort Yates, N. D.; Pine Rldgs agency. Pine Ridge, 8. D. ; Lower Brule agency. Lower Brule, 8. D. Crow Creek agency, Crow creek, S. D. : Rosebud agency. Rosebud, 8. D. ; Cheyenne River agency, Cheyenne Agency, 8. D. ; and the superintendents of the Tongue River agency, Lamederr, Mont.; Santee agency, Santee, Neb., and Fort Apache agency. Whlterlver, Arlx. Bids upon the blanka furnished are not absolutely essential; they may be made In any other form provided the conditions sre oneerved. For further Information apply to F. E. Leupp, commissioner. F-7--i-i4-ie-i-a-a PROPOSAI.B FOR LEA8INO THE TRI bal Lands of the Standing Rock Reserva tion, North Dakota, for Grating Purposes. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs. Washington. D. C. February S, W1. Pealed proposals for leasing the sur plus tribal paaturea on the Standing Rock reservation. North Dakota, for gracing purposes, will be received st this office until t o'clock, p. m.. on Thursday, March 28. 1907. and will be immediately thereafter opened in the presence of such bidders aa may attend. The lands will be leased for a period of five yeare from June 1. W!, and no bid for a different period will be considered. The proposals must be ad dressed to "The Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C' and must be plainly endorsed on the outside of the en velope, "Proposals for Leaping Standing Rock Lands. The lands offered for lease hsve been divided Into four pastures. Pas ture No. 1 contains K.OftO acres; pasture No. 5 contains &m.0M) acres; pasture No. 8 contains 316.200 acres; pasture No. 4 con tains 118.4S0 acres. Maps showing the loca tion of the pastures and rosters giving di rections for the submission of bids, and all other necessary . Information, may be obtained on application to the I'nlted Puttee Indian Agent, Fort Tales, North Dakota. Proposals not conforming to the requirements mentioned In the posters may be rejected, if such action shall be deemed advisable. C. F. LARRABEE. Acting Commissioner. FsdlStM PROPOBALS FOR BUILDINGS. DE partment of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C, February 4. 19U7. Sfaled proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the sealed envelope, "Proposals for Buildings, Geno;i, Nebraska," snd addressed to the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C will be received at the Indian Office until 2 o'clock p. m. of March 13, 1907, for furnishing and delivering the neceasary ma terials and labor required to construct and complete a workshop,- superintendent's resi dence and office building. In strict ac cordance with the plans, specifications and instructions to bidders, which may be ex amined at this office, the offices of the "Improvement Buletln," Minneapolis, Minn.; "American Contractor," Chicago, 111.; "Bee." Omaha, Neb.; the - Builders' and Traders' exchanges at Omaha, Neb.; 8t. Paul, Minn.: Minneapolis, Minn.; the Northwestern Manufacturers' association, Bt. Paul, Minn.; the U. S. Indian ware houses at Chicago, 111.; Omaha. Neb.; Bt. Louis, Mo.; New York, N. Y., and at the school. For further Information apply to Wm. H. Wlnslow, Superintendent, Genoa, Neb, C. F. LARRABEE, Acting Ommis sloner. Feb9-13-14-16-l-21-28-26-28 OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master, Cheyenne, Wyoming. February 2d, 107. Sealed proposals In triplicate, will be received at this office until 11:80 a. m. February 18. 1907. at which time they will be opened in public, fir the construction of four (4) field artillery gun sheds at Fort D. A. Hussell. Wyoming. Plans and specifications for these . buildings are on file st this office, and also In the office of the Chief Quartermasters' department of Colorado, Denver, Colorado: Department of the Missouri, at Omaha, Nebraska. Blank forms of proposals and all Information furnished on application at this office. The right is reserved to reject sny and all bids or parts of bids. Envelopes containing proposale should be Indorsed "Proposals ror construction oi gun sneos at Fort u. A. Russell. Wyoming," and addressed "V. K. Hsrt, captain and quartermaster. IT. 8. army, in charge of construction, Cheyenne. Wyoming." FV6-14-1S LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETINO notice is nereDy given that the regulsr anneal meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the omce ot saia company at Lincoln. Neb., at 11 o clock a. m. on tha 4th day of Marcn, a. u., vm. ay order of the Board ot Directors, C. H. MORRILL. President Lincoln, Neb., February 4, F5-d30t-m. RAILWAY. TIME CARD CHIOS ITATIOR TK1STH AMD ttARCI lalss Pastas Leave. A rrlve Overland Limited a M am a 4:18 pre ine t'nina ana Janan Fast Mall a 4:1$ ptn a pnt Colo. CaTtf. Ex .....a 4:1 pia a : pre California A Ore. Fj... a 4:26 pea e$nprs Los Angeles Limited... aUM pra a1:4( pie Fart Mall ll:H am a 4:0 pra Colorado Special a T 46 am a T 44 are North Platte Local a 1 am a4 Mpra Beatrice Local 8r00 mn blX:eT pra Ckieags at Werta wtsi Cedar Rapids Pas .aTA are tM pm Twin City Exp: a i AO am .....a 4 m ani .....11 :$ are a so pm M M pm aii:i$ pm a $:4s pm a M an a t to am $ 44 pm a 7:80 am a 1-00 pm a 1:30 am a S am Cbloago Daylight Cuicago Local .... Bloux City Local. Carroll Local Bloux City Local, Chicago a.xpi rest Mail Feat Mall ,a 8 86 pm Twin City Limited.. ... 8:84 pm Overland Limited ......a :$ pm Chicago Limited -all A pm Norfolk-Bonestael .... .a 1:44 am Linroin-Cbadroa ........b 7:4a am Dead wood-Lincoln ......a l ot pm Caatier-Snoahonl a I oti Dm 1:81 am all U am alo.U am al0 86 am a l:6 pm a oa pna Hastings-Buperlor ......b 3:0 pm b 4.04 pre thlcaaa tireat westers. Bt. Paul At MInneapous. I JO pm T:M am Bt, Paul MianesouUs. t.e era 11 M pre Chicago Limited s-e pnt .a) are Chicago Express ........ 1:4rm U AO pis Chicago Express ........ t Jtt put $.kw pra Cblawgte, Steele laeaael t-welBe. KAB'l. Chicago Limited ........a :1( am a 1:14 am Iowa Local a 1m am a 4-10 pm Chicago Mai. a 4 el pre Iowa Local blltt m e I.M pre Chicago (eastern Ex.). .a s.-ui po a 1:46 pre Chlcaao (Iowa Lmtd.)..a 4.t sun mUM m WEST. Rocky Mountaia Llmius I JO am a 2:01 am Colo. Cal. jcprcae...a ll pm a 4.W pm OkL 4k Ttxas .xprs. .a 4:s fun ell.ia u, Lincoln Fslrbuxy and Bellevue t M pen a 8 an M.aswarl PaelBa. liLCsStL iLxpreea. A am a J$ am K.Ua ail 1 avapress sll.u put a 4.j bia Nebraska Local -a s.ia, va) ali su las Les Moines Loose ....... .......... a 4 pa illlBuis Ceatrai. Chicago Expreaa a 8.-40 are siina. at- Paul Jfix,..b 8.t am t-huAgw Limited a 4:u poa SIM, 4ksX. Paul L4d- 4:i put YVabaaku BL Ixuia Express -a 4 Jt pm bL Louts Lucal (from Cbuucj Biudai a 0s am Etanuewy local (Irom Councu BluOix b im pm a 8 4t pm a l li pm a T . 8u am a !- aut a I S ant alOJs pr bU:Ifi aar thlcaaa, a (. raal. ChL and Colo. Special. lAeam a I joam CaUfuriua and 0e, 4kaa .k pot a $.ia pg. Overland Limited ......a l a pre a iTZ Marwa a Ceoar M. Loab 4 mal eA EBITKK tTATtOB-iatfc at WEBlTBB tklsata. t- Paai, Miaaaagtalls a) uauka. Twin City Passenger, bloux City Passenger. Local ..k : am ..a t.tat pm ..b 4.a pa B (.1 p all jo nm b t ie am e tJB p a ICmeraon uecai ...... ....m am Mlaewart PealSe Local via Waepttuf W'kter ........a 8 QS am Feus City Local .a 8AU put a M pnt au . dk am MESSAGE ON LAND LAWS V rrtidnt foada Adrlo to Concren en Enbj'ot of Pablio Dos bin. LEASING OF COAL LAND IS ADVOCATED Gratlag Lead Iheald Re Leased and Management Placed la Hands ef Western Men Familiar with aitaatlva. WASHINGTON. Feb. IS.-Presldent Roosevelt today sent to congress a long message calling attention to what he terms the "urgent need of legislation In the United States." He advocates the con servation of coal end other fuel resources on land still belonging to the government, saying that henceforth the nation should retain Its title to Its fuel resources, with a system of small grating fees, etc., snd ask for an appropriation of 8500,000, im mediately available, in addition to the present estimates, to aid In detecting and preventing land frauds. He contends for a system of government leasing of Its mineral lands and for treating these fuel lands as public utilities. v The president points out (hat it would have been better If some eaatern coal lands had been left under government control and suggests provision In the west "against recurrence of the conditions we deplore in the east," citing 2.300 cases of public land entries In four districts mentioned, the president says non-compliance with the law was found In over half of them and de liberate fraud In very many cases. The president first refers to his previous message to congress on the subject and again calls attention to the Importance of leglslstlon as would provide for title to and development of the surface land as separate and distinct from the right to the underlying mineral fuels In reglans where these may occur and the disposal of those mineral fuels under a leasing system on conditions which would Inure to the bene fit of the public as a whole. . , System, Kot Details. He says hs care little for the details and thst the prime need Is that the system should be established. The message In part, says: Such a leasing system ss that proposed represents by no means an untried policy. In the Australian countries during the last fifteen years coal has been mined under a system of government leases, and on con ditions so favorable for development that their coal and coke are today being sold on the Pacific coast of both the American continents. In all the great coal producing European countries, except Great Britain, coal Is being mined under government leases. In Great Britain leases are granted almost entirely by the private land owners. nut mere, ss in other countries, me sur face culture and the mining operations are conducted Independently of each other. In BcoUa, British Columbia. India and other British colonies, a government leasing sys tem has been adopted and Is working satla- laciomy. in me t nitea mates, aiinousu conveyance of the mineral right witn tne surface has been common practice, me separate development of the two Interests Is Increasing; and In the eastern and middle states a large part of the coal is Deing mined under a system of private leasea It Is gratifying to note that In these states, as In foreign countries, agriculture snd mining sre roudticted within the same boundaries, and the country thus attains Its highest dual aeveiopment witnout con flict nf Interests. Indeed, the mining In dustry, and the factories using these fuels, create large local markets for the products of the farm. Fael a Pa bile rtlllty. Mineral fuels, like the forests and navi gable streams, should be treated as public Utilities, inis IB generally rwiiniro hrnii In some forelrn countries prac tical control of a large portion of the fuel resource was allowed years ago to pass tntn nrivate hands, but the existing gov ernments are endeavoring to regain this control In order that the aimtnisning luei supply may be safeguarded for the com mon good Instead of being disposed of for the benefit of the few though the mistake of the preceding generation in disposing of these fuels for a nominal return cannot al ways be corrected by the present genera tlon, as the cost may be so enormous ai to be orohibltorv. In our -own western states and territories the scarcity of boih water and forgets has rendered necessary tneir preservation as public utilities and the preservation of the forests for the purpose of conserving both the waters and the timber supply has come to be recogntzeo as tne wise ana DroDer policy of the federal government. The quantity of high grade mineral fuels in the west Is relatively mucn smaller than that of the forests and the proper conservation of these fuels Is a matter of far-reaching Importance. This government I should not now repeat the mistakes of the past. Let us not do wrist the next genera tion cannot undo. We have a right to the ! proper use of both the forests and the fuel during our lifetime, but we should not dispose of the birthright of our children. If this government sells its remaining fuel lands they pass out of Its future control. If It now leases them we retain control and a future congress will be at liberty to decide whether it will continue or change this policy. Meanwhile the govern ment can Inaugurate a system which will encourage the separate and independent development of the surface lands for agri cultuial purposes and the extraction of the mineral fuels In such manner as will beet meet the needs of the people and best fa cilitate the development of manufacturing industries. Objeetloaa te System. I am aware that objections to this sys tem are being urged. It Is claimed that so large a part of the coal In some of the western states has already passed Into the hands of certain large corporations that parties endeavoring to operate under a lease system other coal deposits would be unable to compete with these corporations, and therefore that the fuel deposits still belonging to the government should also be allowed to pass Into private ownership, presumably into the hands ef the sams or other large corporations. It is also claimed that reservation of the fuel supplies still belonging to the government would raise the price of coal in the west, and ss an argument in favor of this contention It is claimed that the reservation of the natural forests is raising the pries of lumber in the west. It should be remembered that the best and most accessible bodies of tim ber in the west passed Into private hold ings before the forest reserves were estab lished; that while the price of timber hat advanced In the west, it has advanced still more in the east, where there are no forest reserves; that supplies of timber are today being shipped from ths west to the mar kets of the Mississippi valley, and even to foreign countries; and that the probability of obtaining future supplies of both timber and mineral fuel In the west st reasonable prices will be much greater with a large portion of both the forests and ths fuels under the control of ths government than If this control should pass to private par ties. To secure cheapness of timber and fuel for the moment at the cost of ruin to our own children would surely be a sui cidal policy. Advantages ef System. It may be fairly claimed among the ad vantages of the leasing system that: (1) It will facilitate the working, under favor able conditions, of coal deposits for local markets by miners without large capital, aa no land purchase money would be reaulred and the small royalty charges would be paid out of the earnings; (Z It will facili tate larger nperationa, as the leases could be made sufficiently liberal In the matter of time, area and other conditions, tu in- RAILWAY TIME CARD"01"1'""- BIHUjuTOI STATloa- 101 MASOJ narllagtea. Leave. Denver A California.. .A hj poa Black Hills .a 4 la pm Northwest Epeclai -a 4 Ml pta Nortbwast fc-x press ....all aii pa Nebraska Express ......a 8:16 aj Kcbraaka Local am Arrive, a 8 J0 pnt a I n pm a L pm a t.14 am a '.: pa ales pa pncola Local Linoolr. Fast I innla Looai ' sa am 4. 1.00 pa alixu Pa rt. Crook 4k Plattsat tft.e I S pm plattaoiouta -e 1M pm Denver Ural led Bellevue 4k Pea. J HOC., a 8 SO nm t bicago Bpeeta. a I M am ( to torn o Lipreee -a 8:4s pan Chicago Flyer J lw pn towa uoca a U am S4 Louis Express .a 4:44 poa Kansas Clty-Bu Joe pra Kansas City-Bi. Joe a t it am Kansas City-Mi. Joe,.... 4. as pat a i ai pa bio a a J ta !;i,n a 1 ao pa a 1 a a ra alO al p,a en , am a am a 8:1 pa Dally, b DaQy except Sunday, except Saturday. C Sitadaj' eaiy. ascent alondav- Daily Liaily OOyO XJLJLJ- JLmJXmai W (kej JmJ As every rart of the body Is drpcntJent on the LIockI frr nonrishrnent nd strength, it is nccessaty that this vital CuiJ le kept frte from pernis, impurities and poisons. As long as it remains tin contaminated we are for tided against disease and health is assured ; but any humor or impurity acts injuriously on the system and affects the general health, or culminates in some Bpecial blood disease. Pustular eruptions, pimples, raphes and the different Skin affections show that the blood is in a feverish and diseased condition as a result of too much acid, or the presence of coine irritating tumor. Sores and Ulcers are the result of morbid, unhealthy niatUr in the blood, and Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., are all tleep-scated blood diseases that continue to grow eofse as long as the impurity or poison remains in the circulation. Some persons are born with an hereditary taint in the blood and w-e nee the effect manifested in various vrays. The skin has a pallid, waxy appearance, the eyes are weak, glands inihe neck often enlarged and usually the body is net full' developed or strong, because it has always been fed on weak, impure blood. In all blood troubles S. S. S. has proved itself a perfect remedy. It goes down into the circulation and removes all poisons, humors, waste or foreign matter, and makes this stream of life pure and health-sustaining. Nothing reaches inherited blood troubles like S. S". S.; it removes every particle of taint, purifies and strengthens the weak, deteriorated blood, supplies it with the healthful properties it needs and establishes the foundation for good health. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison and all blood diseases and disorders are cured permanently by S. S. S. It is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is the King; of all blood purifiers. Book on the blood and anr medical advice desired sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., A TLANTA, CAm duce healthy competition and meet all de mands; and yet In all rases the general supervision of the government could be such as to (8l prevent waste In the extrac tion and handling of these fuels; 4i the system can be operated in such manner as to prevent the evils of monopolistic con trol; i It will permit the government to reserve from general control fuels espe cially suitable for metalluriglcal and othr special industries: and (61 It will enable the government to protect ine puuuc agains: unreasonable and discriminating charges for fuel supplies. Already Drobabiy one-nair or tne total area of the high grade coals In the west has passed under private control. Includ ing both the lignite and the coal areas, these private holdings probably aggregate rot less than 80.tKO.0u0 acrea of coal fields. With the remainder of the lands contain ing mineral fuels reserved and leased by the government, there will be ample op portunity to determine In the near future which of the two systems private owner ship, or the leasing system with g'neral government supervision will best protect the Interests of the people and thus pro mote the permanent development of tho west. Government Shoald Be Geacroas. In planning such a leasing system by the government, the question of revenue beyond that necessary to cover the ex penses of administration and exploration, need not be seriously considered. The spirit ot generosity which the country ss a whole has shown in connection with the disposal of its public lands and the us of the proceeds from the sale of these lands for the further development of the west through the reclamation service end other In other ways. Is of tts-lf a sufficient guarantee that In the administration of both the coal reserves and the national forests, this generous policy will be con tinued. It is safe to believe also that fed eral supervision of both the coal lands and the forests will be reduced to a minimum and that in the future even more than in the past this supervision will be limited to that necessary to carry out the policy ot conserving these natural resources in such manner as will best promote the perma nent Interests of the people, and, above all, of ths western people and the people in the neighborhood of the mines and the forests which we seek to preserve for the public use. The necessity for care In the future man agement of these fuel supplies Is further Illustrated by the rapid rate at which the use of such fuels Is increasing In use. This remarkable development and the cer tain continuity of this prodigious growth, compels us to recast all estimates as to the life of our "Inexhaustible Tf sources." We can foresee the time when Jhe eastern industries will be much more largely taxed for supplying foreign markets. It would surely be greatly to the ad vantage of this country if some at least of ths coal fields of the east and espe cially of. the anthracite fields, hsd been left under the control of the government. Let us provide in the west against the recurrence of the conditions which we de plore in the east. At the outset the law would be sdratnlstered In a spirit of the broadest liberality, with the least possible Interference with the development of the coal fields. Moreover. I cannot too em phatically say that all laws a-hlch merely seek to prevent monopoly or the mishand ling of the public by forbidding combina tion are certain to fall of their purpose. One experience with Interstate commerce and anti-trust laws shows that what ts nerded Is not prohibition f all combina tions, but such supervision and control over combinations, and over corporations enter ing into them, as will prevent the evils while giving to the public the advantages of combination. Coatrol ef Paatare Lands. Let me also agnln urge that legislation be passed to provide for government con trol of the pasture lands of the west nr. the same general principles which now apply In the government control of the forest reserves. The local control of the range should be In the hands of wester, men familiar with stock raising and there should be full local participation in the management of the range. There is no need st present that the sovernment should get a net revenue from grating on the public range, but only enoutrh to pav for administration and lmnrovement. and it may be wise to provide that any surplus shall go to the states and territories In which the fees sre collected. Let me urge that congress provide IWiO.OOO tn addition to the present estimates, to be immediately anDronriated to the rlesrine of arrears of business lit the general land : o tTtce aa regards the detection and preven tion of fraud in disposing of applications for patents to the public lands. I wish to express my utter and com plete dissent from the ststements tht have been made as to there being but a minimum of fraud Ir. the actual working of our present land laws. I am exceed ingly anxious to protect the Interests of bona fide settlers and to prevent hardship being inflicted upon them. But surely we are working In their Interests when we try to prevent the land which should be re served for them snd for those like them, from being tskrn possession f for specu lative purposes or obtained in any fraudu lent rasnion. The president says ths present force of sceclal agents Is utterly Insufficient to conduct the proper field examinations, but adds that In six months, ending December 81 last, they secured Indictments In 197 sctlons for fraud, twenty-six of which have been tried, resulting in fourteen convic tions and twelve acquittals. In the forest reserves, where we have been able to ex amine a great number of claims, he adds, In about one-third the law was not com plied with. The message concludes: From the standpoint of the public Inter est, failure to prevent fraud of this kind ia peculiarly serious, because In so many cases the success of the fraudulent cltim. ant means ths prevention of the establish ment of a home by some homeseeker. The earnest wish of tha administration Is tn discontinue the advertisement of fraud In connection with the public land system, but the only way to accomplish this is by putting a stop to the fraud itself. Modiaeattoa ef Order. President Roosevelt today told Repre sentative Bteenerson of Minnesota, that he made a -modi Oca Uoa of hia suspension order of January II, relating to entries on public lands which would except from ths opera tions ot ths order all homestead proofs on ceded Indian lands where there are deferred paymenta. The exceptions to the operation f the general order muds by the president does not. in the opinion of the Northwestern representatives, go far enough and they continue la their efforts to obtain further concessions. Messrs. Burke and Martin, of South Dakota, also saw ths president today pn this subject. Davis Reports oa Waterway. WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 -Judge Advocate General Devls of the army, to whom Sec retary Taft referred the question as to the right ot the secretary or war to grant a permit to tne sanitary board of Chicago to divert the waters of Lake Michigan Into the Calumet river for drainage pur poses, baa completed his answer snd It Is now la the hands of ths printer. It is un derstood -that it notes the powers vested in fks secretary by the liver and harbor acts of 1890 and 199 to control navigable waters and ths various court decisions, construing those acts, but leaves ths whole matter for the secretary s own drc-Uios, PURIFIES vti ia m t nnn S1MMKR KKDS BETTER TR I14) l.arks Skill 4 (Jet Most Oat of Phenomenal Strength. Simmer, after his wrestle with Wassera at catch-as-catch-can Tuesday nltcht. Issued a rmg-eide challenge tn any man in ths world al Oraeco-Roman style. Stmmed probably would be better at the latter than catch-as-catch-can. With W assent the big Iowan showed clrly his lack of skill in handling his overpowering weight and strength, 'lime and time aguin he would have the aaile Missouriun "H hut down and, in a twinkling, lose all he had gained. . That winded him seriously and reduced the difficulty of Wassem s Herculean task. Wasaem played for Simmer's wind from the start, churning him as If he meant to pump all the breath out of him. dimmer would do well to study the methods of Wassem and Farmer Hums, two uf the wiliest wrestlers on the mat. Wassem is the smallest man for 1S4 pounda that has been here for a long time. Burnt only goes It at 170 and he looks much the larger. 'He Is taller and better propor tkmed than Wassem. These two men ought to make a terrific match. They know every trick of the game, are good aenerala and quick as two cats. The man who gets the best two out of three in their match will earn his money. Burns and Harken schmidt drea a good crowd st the Audi torium, but the Farmer and Wassem aill draw a much larger nne. probably, for both are greet local favorites. Cleveland hen given a mte In salary to every man on the team except those who are considered aa having reached a reason able limit. This incxease will bring the pay roll In the aggregate up to 84.(W more than- , was paid out last season, when salariea for that team were higher even than they had been In "wartime." Cleveland has a policy, of rewarding mertt with cash, which works well with the players, and ia about the most practical method after all. When Lajole goes south for his spring practice he will have twenty-one men, including , himself. v Peter Loch gave eminent satisfaction as referee of the Wassem-Simmer contest. Just as he did in the Burns-Hackenschmidt match. Pete is getting to tw a bit of a drawing card himself. Knowing the game as he does and being able to play It as he can, are great points in Petes favor, as well as the favor of those over whose des tinies on the mat he presides. GOLF PLAT AT P1SEHVRST ileadred and Tea Men Start la Qeell fylasr Roand. PINEHt'RST. N. C. Feb. 13-One hun dred and ten players started In the St. Valen tine golf tournament today. Four divisions of 14 each quallned for the Officer's cups. The scores of those- qualifying in the first 'division follows: . C. T. Croaker, Jr., Alpln, Fltchberg, Rt; H. C. Richard, Princeton university. KS; David Fleming, Jr.. Mount Airy. 86; W. P. Bchots. Wheaton, Chicago, 86; C. L Becker, Woodland, 87i J. K. Porter, Pitts burg, 87; George W. Kernes, Brue Burn, 87; L. D. Pierce, Woodland. 89; C. N. Keel yea. Wykaga (New KwheUei, Kt; L. H. lKrcheater, Ulen Echo, bt. Louis. 9(; J. D. Foot, Apawamis, it; C. W. Talntor, Fox Hills, 91; A. P. Palmer, Urookline. 92; T. R. Newbnld. Columbia, 92; K. B. Rlnehart. Jr., Weeburn, 92; J. B. Towle, Jackson Park. 82. WITH THE BOWLERS. Blakeney and Huntington won the two men team match last night on the Associ ation alleys. Score: 1. !. 8. 4 6. Tot'L Neale 2o 177 17 ! 19i 911 gprague , 2 34 166 236 l.util Totals .. Blakeney .. Huntington ....427 ....34 .1..168 XU 241 3S2 413 am ?i 218 H4 213 216 2ol 213 l.7 1.027 l.l-i Totals 8U2 419 418 417 417 2.031 On the Metropolitan alleys last night the Patterson's Dally News took two out ot three games from the strong Life Malta, and only for a split of Polcar's In the last frame of the first game, they would have taken all three. McKelvey of the Life Malts bowled two pretty games, with 2L12 In his first and 211 in the second, but luck went sgatnst him In the tliird. Peterson of the Dally News team bowled a very good game, his high game being 2J and total Ml Tonight, the Colts sgalntt O'Brien's Monte Crlstos. V.'alent. the atar bowler of the Life Malts, bowled one ot Ills poorest games of the seaaon. Score: . ' L1FL' MALTS. 1. t. I. Total. Uhman 148 141 144 47 Button W) VJ If .4 4 McKelvey r2 111 131 L4 Btapenhorct lt.4 lti7 170 fc"l WaUtia 148 142 171 4ui Totals 872 sue 776 . &4U3 PATTERSON 8 DAILY NEWS. 1. 1. I. Total. Rice : 113 174 158 44 Slliie Vj6 lei 144 448 Patterson 154 llu 4 Peterson J-a 172 6tJS Polcar lol 16 iwi 4 Handicap ; 'ji 'M J) ta) Totals Ml kt 829 tili Last night on the basement alleys of the Metropolitan the Krug Parks and Judy's 8tars played a very iiiterentliig game of ten pins. The gamt-a were interesting from the tlm the tirst ball was thrown. Captain Bengele a men played In hard luck and splits came fast and furious. Score: KRL'U PARKS. . 1. . 3. Total. Tonneman ia 1M 15a til Zimmerman 141 l.j 1j4 47 Molly is 1H1 IM (,- French In6 1 M fr7 bc'ttiela K6 it luu &24 Totals St3 3i M j, Jl'DY'B STARS. I. I t. Total. Judy 13 194 1M 63 Klauck 211 PS Js6 W (Iroue ..126 1 l. 17 Hull 3i 2:4 M 614 Levlne h lt4 127 49 Totals 867 -.2 873 t.M Indiana Bank .Robbed. HILIJBORO. Ind., Feb. U.-The safe In the Cit (sens' bank at Yeddo, twelve miles from here, was blown open early today ty five men and 11. 200 was secured. The ex plosion was heard throughout the town. The front of the building a as blown out. The robbers escaped- l -yvi.w-a' gr- m . ".'ra?- tat" Pieefienipia Address Dept. a, w 1 1 m.r I Hi S (UjhIII The Shine That Shinea Brightest f V 7j r rkcwr: