Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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S 1
Want - ads
Advertisements for tk want-ad
Htlamaa will be taken ! IS tnr
In fTnl edition aad aatll a. m.
tor the amlac aad Or editions.
rAin ratf.s. ron wast-ad.
One Inertia, I 1-t cents rr wor4
two or more rMritltf Insertions,
1 ent pee word each Insertion! aor
than on Insertion. It net ram fn.
frKlTflr wll rkurifl for at Ik
rat of 1 1-1 rents er word.
1 JM) per lino for oar month.
No af taken for less fkaa SO rents.
Death a. 4 Nwtlees. Car. .1
Tkaaka and leader Notices, T fl
jer llao for oae edition, mornlnir or
tTfilnci S mid llao for each addi
tional edition. Bandar, 10 a
llao. Mo ad taken for less tkaa BO
branch offices.
Want-ads for The Boo mar ! at
avay of the following; draw stores
aa la "yoor corner drnraUt" they
aro all broach offices of Tho Beo aad
rnr ad will bo Inaerted laat aa
promptly and oa'tho aatao ratea aa at
,he mala ofBeo la Tho Boo bulldlaaj,
ISeventeeath aad Faraaa atroota.
Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Beranek. 8. A.. 1402 8. 16th St.
Bechts Pharmacy, 730 8. 16th St.
Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb.
lie in la Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming.
Ceughlln, C. FL. 6th and Plerco Sts.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2211 Military Ave.
Conte, J. B.. Slat Ave. and Farnam.
Crlaeey Pharmacy. 24th and I.ak.
Cermak, Emll, 1264-6 8. 13th St.
Kaatman Pharmacy, 404 Hamilton.
Ehler, F. H., 2802 Leavenworth.
Foster A ArnoldL 218 N. 25th St.
FrytaK. John J., JW14 N. 24th St.
Florence Drug Co.; Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake Sta.
Gren's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
Greenough, O. A., VIS S. 10th St.
Greer.ough, O. A., loth and Hickory.
Hayden, Wm. C, 2180 Farnam St.
Uanscom Park Phar.. 161 8. 28th Aye.
lolKt, John, 624 N. lGth Bt.
Huff, A. L., 2U24 Leavenworth St.
King. H. 8.. 2238 Farnam St.
Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24lh.
Patrick Drug Co.. 1602 N. ilth St.
Lsthrop. Chas. E., 1IC4 N. 24th St.
Pyton, L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ava.
Hchaefer-a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and
Prhaefer, August. 2R31 N. Ifith St.
Schmidt. J. II.. 2Uh and Cuming Sts.
Storm Pharmacy, 18th and Martha Sts.
Walnut Hill Phnrmacy. 401 h and Cumln.
Vnlton Pharmacy, 20th and Orace Sta.
Wlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sts.
The following marriage licenses hare
been granted:
Name and Address. Ago.
Thomas P. Krltenbrlnk. Omaha 2
Anna Stettner. Omaha 23
Alexander Hunter. Bennington 23
Minnie Echtenkamp, Bennlngtpn it
Josef Nelllng, South Omaha (0
Annie Kuschte, South Omaha 43
Fred O. Smith. Persia. Ia 2
Esther E. Boyd. Omaha 20
The following births and deaths were
reported to tho Board of Health during
- the twenty-rour nours enaing weanesoay
Births John Swoboda, 1108 South Second,
Coy; Fred Hrodegaara, Benson, rxy.
Deaths David Williams. 2780 South Ninth,
84: Mildred EX Mad-lson. 1621H4 North
Twenty-fourth, 16; Maggie Oontchar. 1911
Cuming, 1 month; William -W. Davla, KM
Jones, 72; Ophelia Clenlans, 1513 North
' 3 hirty-slxtn, 64. ,
CLENLANS Ophelia, February 11, aged 54
! years, 6 months, wife of E. 8. Clenlans,
' at her residence. 1518 N. 8tth St.
Funeral February 14 at 2 o'clock at the
JL M. E. church, 18th and Webster Sta.
'interment Forest Lawn. Friends Invited.
Students Bezln Any Time. Catalogue Free.
Address H. U. BOYLES. Pres.. Omaha, Neb.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe
cialty of tire exes pes, shutters, doors and
sales, u. Anareen, r rop., uu B. lotn Bt.
. (D-
BOOKS, booklets and fine catalogues
printed by Heea printing to.. Omaha.
(1 M77923
BOYAL ACHATES Fraternal Society.
U-6W 24
Leavenworth Eta. Tel. Douglas 13X7.
MADAME8 Bean and Mayo seanca Tues
day and Friday. 2Z N. 16th. Red &0K5.
(U-MSTt F35X
, filQN PAINTING-8. II. Cola, 1302 Douglas.
XOwX Sanitary Cleaning Co., 191 Farnam.
I ALL kinds of hardwood and parquetry
floors. Frank ' Sevick, So. 10th and Do-
minion sts. (11 Ba Mllx
I 1
ITILL EXCHANGE splendid private 11
brary for used runabout In good order
Ik-scribe and send for catalogue. Box
161, l.ltchvllla. N. D. I 860 14x
4VOR EXCHANGE l'W acres near Orchard.
Antelope couuty. Nub.; price 317.60 per
acre. 320 acrea six miles from O'Neill,
liolt county. Neb., Improved; price la) per
acre. Will exchange either or both of
above tarma tor mercnanaise or hardware,
t Tie also have several Inounie proitt-rtlea In
I ' Omaha to exchange for merchandise or
hardware. Globe Land and Investment
Co., rauerson iug., uniana. Neb.
I F-OH EXCHANGE We have several sto. k
or merchandlau, groceries and dry awida.
up-to-data and doing a good buslneas, to
exchauge for good, - clear land at right
price. Send complete description In first
l Iter, uione LMna ana investment Co.
Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (3) MK14
JCXCHANGE8 If you have city property,
stix-Ks or gooas. iarm lana or property ol
any kind to exchange, writ for our com
plete list. We have properties and lands
In all parte or tns country to exchange.
(Mr list la free. Send for It at on,
Globe I .and and Investment Co., Patter
son Uldg., umaiia, Jeo. (3) 7S2
' Wlin-KRN Nebraska and Kansas landa to
trade lor merchandise or property. 110 8.
taa. (a Mm Ml
) FOR EXCHANGE t nice lota and money
(S 403 14
WRITE Townsend Realty Co., Fremont,
Neb., who have farma. wild landa via
tor clear town property and merchandise.
. (3) MM F1x
'WILL exchange lot (0x132. near 2th and
LAka, for carpenter work. I.yale I. Ah
noil. ut ware diuck. M7oi Mi
TO KXCHANOE for general merchandise
810. 00 eoulty In 620 acre aux-k ranc
located In Waahlngtoa county Kan.
Address at once for particulars If you
, have anything to offer. Address Lock
imi ii, Nemaha. Neb. (1) MI44 It
DRCG sweo tsm aaio. r. y, JCoieat N. T,
Do You Wish to Make a Change
If you r ave a farm, home, bualnees or
property that jrou want to sen or
chanre write us
Omaha, Neb., or Bioux my, is.
( M29I MS
FOR BALE A ND TRADE Stocks of gen
eral dry goods, aj.mio to fio.iiw; ownera win
tHke reasonable amount in can ana imi
ance land; will annum some Incumbrance
on land. Alao have atorka In North Da
kota South Dakota and Wisconsin. If
you are In the market for merchandise,
call and see me or eubmlt propositions.
1 will s-et vou trade If anyone can. This
office handlea more merchandise than all
others In Twin Cities. O. W. Homers,
BOff Manhattan Block, Bt. Paul, Minn.
t (4H fATyZ 14X
WANTED To aell or trade. IB-room hotel;
steam htat. gas and city water ana a
five-room cottage; reason for selling.
Ill health. Address 808 Art. B. Council
Bluffs, la. M797
FOR BALE First-class blacksmith and
wagon work business, witn tooia, n to v
received foe shoeing and 14 to IS for set
Urn tires. Address 1-19. Bee.
til MSM
$1,600 CASH buya a well equipped Whole-
snle fruit and produce pusinees siiunieu
In a rood Mil)ln section; wouia conmuer
trade for Improved farm lands. Aodresa
Y 186, care Omaha Bee. (4) M877 18
FOR SALE Only hotel In town of 800 peo
ple, doing rood Dumress: reason poor
health. M. Fahey. Waterbury, Neb.
(4)-M961 MX-
WE BUT OR SELL Business chances or
exchange a business, rooming house, or
exchsnge for anything. Money loaned on
If you have anything to sell or want to
buy anything see
Tel. Douglas 3903. 531-W6 Paxton Blk.
FOR 8ALE81.700 mortgage, payable In In
stallments for 4 years, on insios umnna
buKineas property worth 34.600; per cent,
semi-annually. Address L 603, care Bee
C4 M781
S09 New York Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
(4) M237
FOR SALE 33,000 6 per cent bonds and $1.0
i per cent prpiprreu mm n m n
Telephone company of Sioux City, la.,
for all or any part. Address Box oil.
Baker City, Ore. (4)-721 M2x
IF TOU want to get In or out of business.
no matter what your business is, r
where It Is. we can helD you.
We make all kinds of trades and guarantee
to suit, ir you have anything to iraue.
write us.
220 Neville Block.
. (4) M644 1
WE buy, sell or exchange everything, Nat.
investment CO., w uougiaa am.
(4) 320 M5
FOR SALE OR TRADE Half Interest In
planing mill and contracting business;
good place for a practical carpenter with
$1,000. K 681, care Bee. (4) 326 13x
NEWSPAPER man wanting snap to run
newspaper plant, address, immediately,
A. H. Berggren, Stromsburg, Neb.
(4) MS71 14x
WANTED Party to Invest $3,000 to $3,000
with services, in an eetaDiisnea retail
and wholesale business. Address Box 80,
Load, 8. D. 4-M878 17
MI'8T SELL my manufacturing business
be r ore February l, account sicxness;
moving away. Valuable formulae free,
goods patented. You can make $M a
week easily and not go outside of Omaha.
Invoice about $900; everything goes for
$760. References exchanged. J. Smith,
2807 Ohio St.. Omaha. (4)-M413 16x
FOR SALE Furniture and undertaking es
tablishment and good will; only one in
live town of 2,000 In northeast Nebraska;
stock will invoice $H,500, all new, salable
goods. Address Y 341, care Omaha Bee.
(4)-M343 20
MEAT MARKET connection with first
class grocery, established trade; must
have thorough experience in meat busi
ness and be able to Invest small amount
capital; fine chance for right party; state
fully your experience and how much you
wish to invest. Address B 679, care Bee.
(4) nun ut
LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS and loose leaf
devices of all kinds. Reea Flint ing uo
Omaha. . (4) M777 F28
$250 to $10,000 any place and all good Income.
We furnish purchase money on some.
RAM at CO..
638 Paxton Blk. ,
Douglas 8908.
(4)-M601 18
A arocerv atore. atock and fixtures In
voicing, about $2,500. Monthly sales, $2,0U.
Do you want a better opening T See me
830 Board of Trade. 16th and Farnam,
(4) Ma61 16
HERE'S YOUR SNAP Brickyard, eight
acres, worth $1,600; dwelling house, two
kilns, three .sheds, complete equipment;
price $2,600. if sold by March L Ira B.
Williams, attorney In fact, Beemei1. Neb.
f.4) IMB78 18
WANTED TO BUT Patent on an article
sold to the hardware, stove and plumbing
trade, or win buy manufacturing plant.
Address Y 243, Bee. 4 M630 16x
MERCHANDISE business sales $25,000
yearly; no opposition; cheap rent; Invoice
about $1,800; must sell; retire. Address
y ISO, care Wee. (4) M7v0 9x
FOR SALE Money-making restaurant and
confectionery; central Nebraska county
seat; bad health. Address Y 181, car
wee. (4) Mm x
ROOMS, well furnished, good cellar, close
to school grounds In front; cheep if taken
at once. 218 N. $4th St., South Omaha,
Neb. (4) M873 ant
DRUG store In Omaha doing good business;
not one dollar or dead atock: good aoda
business; up-to-date fixtures; living apart
ment over store; rent only w. on ac
count of sickness must leave country and
will sell at a big bargain. Address L 44.
car Hee. MJ 841 17x
In a morning house proposition; 8 rooms
well rurnisnea ana close in. in an an mod'
em brick flat. Price for quick sale, $ES0.
'Phono Douglas 3600, &1 . Neville Blk.
(4 832 1
FOR SALE: Bakery Restaurant, soda
fountain in connection, good parlor.
In county seat town. Address Lock
Box 323. Olenwpod, la.
(4) M34 28x
BARBER SHOP for sale, good bualness.
reason for selling have to move on
claim. W. H. Gardlnler. Fairfax 8. D.
(4) M848 III
FINE new millinery atock for sale: good
foundation for one to start In business
cneap. Address is 6K, Bee. (4) 827 30x
a U BROUN E, tiaBee Bldg.
(6 M340 M
W. W. DODGE, attorney. N. Y. Life Blda.
Offloa Tel. Douglas 4s2; Res. Douglas 1734.
(s M&3S Ml
T. E. BRADY, Probata Atty. 60 Bee Bldg.
() M3 M
Cairo SKldtst.
DR. ROY, R-t, lb Farnam Bt- Doug. 47.
LADIES' tailoring, drees making. 438 8. 24th,
(6-368 FU
DRESSMAKING In family or at home
aturdy, 3643 Chicago. 'Phono Red 4108.
MRS. BRANDON, M N. 18th. Doug (438.
t Til Ii
HESS 4k B WO BO DA, 1418 Famarn. ( Ol
L. HENDERSON, 1UI Janata. Tel. Doug.
DoiVt Forget That You Can Telephone
your want ads direct to Tho Bee, Douglas 238, and pay
for the advertisement when you call for the answers.
Douglas 1664. (6 408
DR. BOWSER Over 1600 Farnam. Tel.
Douglas 6370. (5) 183 18
t VNP.Tin High grade 1907 calendars.
LI11UJIAU R pnrner lath Bt . n,t
&JORVE Capitol Ave. (S)-l
WATERS PRINTING CO., 1307 Howard St.
(6) 731 Z7
SNELL Printing Co., particular printers,
810 8. 12th St. Tel. Jjoug. 0,64.
(6)-872 14
JENNINGS Printing Co., Te.. Douglas U80.
CALL CENTRAL Doug, S969 Central
Printing Co., lowest prices on printing.
110 8. 17lh. Typewritten letters specialty.
(6) M982 M2
WE print everything! Rees Printing Co.
, to Ml is
Springer Printing Co., 205 N. 17th. Doug. 2071
THE ACORN PRESS, 1510 Howard St.,
Does Printing of Quality. Tel. Doug. 3762.
(S)-M456 22
LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty.
(6)-S F27
Rlprapplas Eaglaeer.
II. F. KELLNER, River and Riprap Engi
neer: 20 years' practical experience; write
for Information. 610 Bee Bldg., Omaha,
Neb. .5) MSS3
The Leading Palmist of Omaha.
Revelations of pant nnd future described.
Parlors, 113 8. 18tn St.. opp Moston btore.
J (6)-21
Clerical aad Office.
AT ONCE 75 girls to prepare catalogues
or mailing; no experience hcvtmhij.
Nebraska Clothing Co. . (7) 784
LADY of good appearance and address to
solicit ror charitable organisation. Ap
ply between 9 and 10 a. m. Mr. Ellison,
106 city hall. (7) 838
Factory aad Trades.
GIRLS wanted to work by the week, steady
work and good pay. Klng-Granam Mig.
Co., 11th and Jackson Sta. (7) 836
Hoaaekeepers aad Domestics.
WANTED Cook, at 3612 Farnam.
(7) M6!W
WANTED Girl for general housework;
family ui iwu. lei, naruej wi.
(7 708 1$
WANTED Girl for general housework!
good wages. 1017 N. 34th BU (Y IV! It
WANTED Girl for general housework. In-
quire ia.'& o. oin Ave. iw a
LADY WAITRESS First class, highest
wages. See manager Dellone hotel.
(7) M750 14
WANTED Girl for general housework:
family or three; near high school ; gooa
wages. Z617 capitoi Ave. . . to 1 "x
WANTED Competent girl for . general
housework.. Apply 84 s. istn bt.
a)-M745 18
WANTED White or colored girl for gen
eral housework; good wages, call at iui
Farnam at. to io
WANTEli Girl for general housework;
must be good cook. Mrs. E. I . Bwooe,
108 So. Stith. Tel. Harney 1044. (7) 828 20
WANTED At once, competent girl for
general housework. Good wages; no
washing. 1UE4 Park Ave. (J)-MCT ao
Mlseella aeons.
STENOGRAPHER. Remington operator.
STENOGRAPHER. Lgal work. 160.
Suite 840-841-842 N. I . Late Bldg.
(7) M(0 14
LADIES We ft re still In need of more
helps decorating sofa pillows; experience
unnecessary work taken home; perma
nent; good pay. Call mornings, 2311 3.
utn Bt- to loo MZX
M' DOW ELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Fara
, (7) M738 M-ll
WANTED In on of the principal hos
pitais here, a head nurse; also a matron-
Jewish woman preferred: please state ex
perlence and salary expected. Address
r 7W, Bee. at 838 14
WOMAN to do family washing. Call or
'phone before u a. m 1908 Corby. 'Phone
Maple 41K). (7) 40 16X
WANTED Old lady to take part care of
children ror her home, can aouy so. lftth
St., Omaha. (7) M8b6 21 x
WANTED Waist drapers and helpers at
2820 Leavenworth St. . 7) 834 16x
Agents, Sol lei tors aad Saleamea.
special and attractive designs. Samples
submitted upon application. Fonda Bros,
ft Co., Omaha. (9 M482 F23
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
have had experience selling views, por
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room 603, Bee Bldg.
() M366 14x
AGENTS wanted for light work. 418 N,
16th. (9) M148 F17
OUR representatives make 379 per week
Want one or two more. Bond required.
Address in own handwriting, with stamp
ana reierencee, a vi, o. t uue m
WANTED, everywhere! Gentlemen or
l-.rfi... with ltle means, to introduce
NfcAJh-ijtil 1 1 ; send Immediately for
particulars. Harry W. Plummer, Sacra
mento, cal. ( 14X
WANTED Experienced promoters to sell
stock In popular co-operative enterprise
already well established; excellent posi
tion for right man; none but competent,
reliable men need apply; references re
quired. Addresa Manager, Sol Lytle
Bldg., Bioux city, J.a. t MfJO is
WANTED A good solicitor; must be a
hustler, call at uz west u road way.
Council Biurn, la. msss is
OriUTirn On. At. twn man mnnA
. . i V v. . " " . . . . . , n v. v. .rf.l'
ance. for city soliciting; experience not
necessary; salary or commission or do in.
Aaoresa u pw. v j aox
WANTED Two men. Omaha Box Co.,
WJt unniuL nil &JD im
WANTED Five boys; good wages; perma
nent JOD. A. U 1. -V., 1 D. Kin QI.
WANTED Boy with wheel. 13 8 16th St
0 d88 16
WANTED Throa boys. Omaha Box Co.
East Omaha. 8 718 13
Clerical aad Oaaeo.
WANTED-A. ma a to run a local news
paper la a prosperous western town;
would be convenient to know the barber
or Jewelry trade. For further particulars
writs Box V aaaxuu, nuiDW l ounty.
Clerleal aad OfReo oatlaaed.
WANTED A first-class collector; must
nave experience ana reterencea. Apply
at once at Palace Clothing Co., corner
14th and Douglas Sts. (01831 16 ,
WANTED Young man for general sten
ographic work and to work on book.
References required. Aidress H 702,
Bee. () M845 ltx
Faotory and Trade.
WANTED Tool makers, laths hands,
Pratt Whitney machine screw opera
tors, Bullard chucking machine operators;
also general machinists and metal polish
era. Address Robert Aitken, Box P-829,
Tolfdo, O. (9) M728 17x
DRUG clerks wanted. F. A. Knlest, N. Y.
I ( Z4
GORDON Press Feeder wanted. Beckworth-
Corey Printing Co. (!) 71
WANTED An architectural draftsman.
Apply to rlske ft Dleman, 616 Richards
Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. (9 786 14
WANTED A yours energetic drug clerk.
or 2 or 8 years experience; also familiar
with wall paper and soda fountain. Ad
dress 8. W. Mallory, Table Rock. Neb.
(9) M868 16
WANTED Two men, three boys. Omaha
Box Co., ttast umana. (S MSOi 16
WANTED At once, BOO sound young men,
aged 18 to 85, ror nremen and onmemen
on leading western railroads and for new
roads now being completed; experience
unnecessary; firemen $100 per month;
brakemen, $75; positions now open; call or
write at once for artlculars. National
Ry. Training Ass'n, 620 X, Psxton Block,
Omaha, .Neb. (9) 228 MS
WANTED For the U. S. Marine Corpa,
men between ages n and 36. An oppor
tunity to see the world. For full Informa
tion apply In- person or by letter to re
cruiting officer, U. 8. Nat'l bank building,
12th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb.
(9) mo ZKX
WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few
weeks completes. Ten positions for every
graduate. $12 to $20 weekly paid. Wages
while learning. Beautiful );r7 catalogue
Jjiat out. Call or write. Moler Barber
College, 1116 Farnam St. (9) M821 Mix
MEN and boys. Plumbing or bricklaying
traae pays o to a per day. we teacn you
by practical instructions In three months;
position guaranteed; free catalogue.
Coyne Trade School, 4978 Easton Ave., St.
Louis, Mo. (9)-X78
t BOOKKEEPERS. $ to $70. at once.
Suite 840-841-842 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(9) M869 14
WANTED Competent delivery men, must
lurntnh bond; salary, 860.00 to i0.oo per
month. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1S12
Farnam. (9) 777 14
i ' -
WANTED Partner In real estate business.
man who likes to learn business pre
ferred. 1624 Dodge, room 4. (10) M769 14x
SOLICITOR Man or woman, tea and
coffee, family, trade. Address a 684, Bee.
U0)-710 20
AMERICAN-GERMAN Employment office,
1N1I W J ! M .11 I.I 1 sn.l fin'?
aD44 uuukc. neip ok hu kiiiub. ei. r-i.
- (10) M76S MUX
Horses aad Vehicles.
HOR6E8 bought, sold and exchanged; drtv.
em ana general purpwro norvea a epvmmi.
Myers, 1715 Jackson. Tel. Red 3H92.
11-M!ii Ml .
FIVE well-broken mares, 1,100 to 1.204
lbs. each: pne mare,. 1,360 lbs., cheap
2008 Maple street. . (11) M368 14x
2 HORSES, weight 1.200 lbs. each, wagon
and harness, 3125; one team, weignt i.ow
lbs.; one team,, weight 3,000 Igs.; 2 farm
mares. 2113 Grant Tel. Douglas 3410.
(11) 231
GOOD team 5 years old. well broke, $265;
ivam ui kuuu. navy inarea, uiio guvu,
heavy, well broke, 4-year-old mnre with
foal, $136; one team of blacks, well
matched, weighing 2.350, $150; one good
mare, 1,260. $70; one sore-footed mare,
$!6; one cheap horse, $25. Rear 414 N.
16th St (11) M288
E. H. FERRIN, scientific horseshoer. 416
So. 18th. Will call and deliver. Doug.
183. (11) M430 M8
Poaltrr and Eggs.
100 Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels (ex-
elusive; xor sale, a lor so. f. a. nanej,
Elk horn. Neb. Ul) M840 15
ROSE and Single Comb Brown Leghorns,
Silver Spangled Hamburg, White Pekln
Pucka. E. Dooley, Selma, Ia.
(11 804 lSx
BUFF FOWLS Buff Wyandotte, Buff
Rocks, Cochin Bantams, high grade
atock. Price reasonable. W. J. Gow,
Norfolk. Neb. (11) M 80S 20X
FOR BALE SO Black Langshan cockerels.
, Pure bred Black Langshan cockerel $1
each. If taken soon. Mrs. J. W. John
son. Loup City, Neb. ' (11) M841 IS
WHITE LEGHORNS, Vanatta strain;
White Rocks; Pekln ducks. Eggs In sea
son. LUllo C. Bennett Belgrade, Neb.
(11) M428 Six
BARRED ROCKS; stock and eggs for sals.
Write Austin Faucett, Blair, Neb.
(11) M429 22x
Norvel and Devore strain. R. F. Curtis.
4U28 Cass St.. Dundee. Tel. Harney 8264.
(11 M42S lix
HOMER pigeons; best squab breeders.
Booking advance orders for mated pairs.
Visitors Invited. Walker, 1923 S. 16th.
Doug. 6664. (11) M624 M
FEW choice thoroughbred Barred Ply
. mouth Rock male birds, Bradley Bros,
strain. 4340 Eruklns 8t. Phone Harney
Z354. v (18) 18x
BLACK LA NOSH A NS or Buff Orpington
cockerels, 81 each; pullets, 75c each; 15
eggs, 11.60. A. W. Atwood. Plattemouth,
Neb. U M733 27x
Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets.
THE thoroughbred-Lewellen bitch, Mellle
B. pedigreed Winner of nineteen field
trials, and five puppies sired by the fa
mous Zimstonet must be sold at once.
No reasonable offer refused. Wallace
King, 2201 N. 27th Ava G6-721 13x
LOST A bank draft for $300 on the Bank
of Luak, payable to the Omaha National
bank to L. C. Runlon. Finder return to
2u2 N. 18th 8. or Omaha National bank
ana receive a iioerai reward.
(12-T72 14z
FOUND Ladies' dressing sacque. Tel.
Harney 2J64. (12 787 18
LOST Gold seal shaped watch fob, set
with green and red si.-ne. Reward If re
turned to George A. Prltchett, Merchants
National bank. (1?) 817 lox
FOUND Bum of money. Owner can have
same by Identifying and paying for this
ad. E. J. IJsmond, 8b Good Ixirk. care
bra omce. South Omaha. (12) M7! 1&
LOST Between Nebraska coal yards and
Kelly building, morocco pocketbook con
taining several bills. Reward on return
to 3bJ Sherman Ave. (121-MSJ0 14
LOflT Lady's gold watch Monday fore
noon. Reward fur return to Krs. Adams,
Itol Charles Bt (12 82 14X
LOST A Brlndle Boston bull terrier, with
screw tall. Ftnedr call Room 1. N. V.
, Ufa Blag., and got reward,
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Creidhton Medical college, 14th and Dav
enport Sta.; special attention paid to con
finement casea; all treatment aupervlsed
by college professors. 'Phone Doug, 1187.
Calla answered day or night (13) 128
ANY pcor girl In need of a friend call
or write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 3X24 N. Mtfe
St., Omaha, Neb. (1S M100
PRIVATE borne during confinement; ba
bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani
tarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la.
Tel. f74. (13)-322
BE8T nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nervs
Food Pills," $1 box. postpaid. Sherman at
MeConneil Drug Co., Omaha.
. 12-2S
MRS. PERRY, drugless healer, treater of
circulations and chronic aiseanes. ieviue
Blk. R. 315. (13) M344 MS
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
etc., in any amount; less tlmn half rates;
perfect privacy, immediate attention; any
terms wanted; payments suspended WTien
sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk.,
209 South 15th St. (14) 833
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at small coat.
Open evenings till 7. (14) 633
Our new plan enables you to obtain money
at rates which honest people can anora
to pay. We will make you a loan on your
salary, furniture or piano, and you can
pay us back latrr in amounts to suit your
convenience. Everything confidential.
Room 20, Frenier Blk., 16th and Dodge Sts,
(14) MSA 1 M7
Cash in Any Amount
810 to x;ioo LOANED ON rURN IT U K Hi,
security or publicity, at the very lowest
rates; with payments to suit your con
venlence; everything strictly conrtdential.
Reliable Credit Co.,
Rooms 307-308, Paxton dock.
Have Increased their capital and during the
montn ol February will make a special
rate on collateral loana, mortgages on
personal property and notes, without se
curity. Terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas
2W4, 310 Bee Bldg.
(14) M834
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows.
norses, etc. C. r . Reed, 310 8. 18th.
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
wans. I'oley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St.
(14) M912
and others furnished money upon their own
names, without security; easy payments;
offices In 63 principsl cities. Save your-
sen money by getting my terms nrst
' 714 N. Y. L. Bldg.
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff
ureen ioan (o., room s. Barker vik.
(14) 630
PHOENIX CREDIT CO., for chattel or
salary loans. 633 Paxton Bik. 'Phone
Douglas 746. (14) 631
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, aceom
mbdatlng; all business confidential. 1301
Douglas. (14) 834
Boarding; and Rooms.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
(15) 635
FURNISHED rooms, with board. 1718
Dodge. (16) M392 M7x
NICELY, furnished, well heated room, all
modern conveniences, excellent table; pri
vate family. 24 Harney. (lb) J6
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
(15) 638
(16) M863 1
THE SH ELTON, 25th and Dodge.
(15)-M8I7 Mix
LANGE HOTEL, rooms. Corner 13th and
Jackson. (16) 168 March 4
T.iPflF. wall fnrm1h rnnm.' mniltrn
conveniences, good board.. The Rose, a 20
, i . . a. ici in i.,v
llAIIiejr Dl. . lil
NICELY furnished, with or without board
In very good location. One block from
car. 122 N. lth. (16) 438 16x
MODERN rooms, furnace heat; home cook
ing; reasonable. 2217 Howard, Red 3j08.
I uo ja Mil
THE PRATT. 210 8. th St.
(16) 444 Mart
LARGE alcove room, all modern; break
fast privilege. 116 N. 25th St.
(16)-M665 M9
ONE large modern room, on scond floor.
on Harney car line, and in good section.
Z420 Cass. 'lei. .uougias djid.
(16) M670 18
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, steam
heat; first class table board; references
exchanged. The Qulvet, 1811 Farnam Bt.
lla) Moil ltt
FIRST CLASS board and rooms In good
location, one diock rrom two car lines.
2UB . 24th St , 16) M762 18x
LARGE front parlor on first floor, strictly
modern. 70s a. una hi. ut bis lax
LARGE front room with alcove, modern,
suitable for four young men. 2232 Farnnni
St. (16) MS6S 21
Famished Rooms.
MIDLAND HOTEL 16th and Chicago.
(15-abl FU
MODERN furnished rooms. 2228 Dodgt
(16) M844 Ml
BRUNSWICK hotel, 1210 Douglas St.
U&-162 Mar4
STEAM heated front rooms, 1808 Capitol
(16)-161 Mart
LARGE east front room, with alcove;
steam heat and two large closets; gentle
men preterrea. sua eoutn win si.
(15)-442 16
MODERN rooms, fine neighborhood; gen
tlemen preterrea. ztit Mary s Ave.
(16I-M666 M9
FURNISHED ROOMS. 714 N. 16th. Tel.
Douglas 3b8. (16) M668 MX
TWO large modern rooms In desirable lo
cation; one diock rrom car; walking dls.
tance. 122 N. 26th St (16) 441 16
TO THE man who Is paying room rent
You had better see the room for $14 at
No. 6 8. 24th Ave. (24th Ave. and Har
ney; It has steam heat gas and electric
side lights for dresser, porcelain basin
with hot and cold water; hulldlng and fur
nlture new and atrlctly ftrat-clase. Also
tmve front room, mahogany finish. $L$.
Breakfast privilege is desired.
(lfi M5S$ 17
LARGE south front room with alcove.
Also one other handsome room; gentle
nua preferred. 27u2 Farnam St.
(161-M868 tt
LARGE nicely furnished southeast room,
bay window. gO"d furnace heat, gas. bath,
telephone, walking distance, car one
block. No objection to music or lata
atudy If permanent 2U3 St Mary's Ave.
tli-dl It
Famished Rooms C
ONE large
front parlor on first floor, mod
II reepecte. Use of 'phone. ?4C1
I. (15 M67T 18
em In el
Dodge St.
FURNISHED ROOMS, 1815 Capitol Ave.
(15) M757 MUX
PLEASANT south room. 2571 Bt. Marv'S,
OW 814
A ROOM In private family, modern homo,
rererencee required. Address J vm He.
, , (15) M4 lSx
ONE large front room with alcove, fur
nished or unrirnisnei: steam heat. 122
8. 26th Bt Tel. Douglas Mna.
(16) MS72 16X
lafamlshed Room a.
LARGE modern front room; very close In
and on car line. 714 8. 17th Ave.
(15)-M391 14
FOl'R ROOMS, modern, $?8; 4 rooms,
modem except heat, $16 I rooma, $10. Tel.
t . 1. 1 1 , liml tfi.
TWO large unfurnished rooms, In very rlc-
sirnoie location; not water neat; rerer
encea required. 2401 Cass. (15) M06K 18
TWO unfurnished rwma. bath, gas, heat
walking distance. Address i. esx. nee.
(16 M726 14x
FOI'R ground floor rooms, with range and
steam heat. $15. 122 8. 25tn Bt. Tel. Doug
las 53(0. (15) M871 16x
Apartmeata aad Flats.
WALKING DISTANCE. 8-room strictly
modern brand new fiat. It is a gem. Price
First Floor N. Y. Ufe bldg.
, Telephone 1781.
(151-M801 19
7-ROOM flat, modern except heat, opposlti
Stors brewery. Apply 410 8. loth St.
(15) MS66 21
Hostei and Cottages.
HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk.
4 fiftl
WE MOVE pianos. Ma lira rd Van and
8torage Co. Tel. Doug. i4iM. Office, 1 713
weoster Bt. (15) 8V4
EIGHT-ROOM all modern houoe. Refer
ences required. Inquire 2212 Spencer.
(16) 77$
FOR RENT Modern 8-room brick house
1126 8. 81st St.; $40 per month. Thomas
Urennan, room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg.
Cl& 93
2517 Parker, 7 rooms, city water, $18 and
717 8. 31st St.. 7 rooms, modern. $18.
2210 Clark St., 6 rooms, bath, gas, etc., $18
and water.
1281 Park Wilde, 12 rooms, modern. $40 ana
1612 N. 19th St, rooms, city water. $15.00.
1606 Dodge St.
(16)-781 14
12-R., mod., very choice, 2416 Sherman Ave.
8-r., mod., good repair, 2204 Maple, $19. '
6-r.. good condition. 423 N. 84th. $18.
7-r . rental bargain, 1428 Westerfleld Ave.,
6-r., city water, 2618 Rees, $10.
6-r.. nartlv mod.. 1151 N. 18th. $11.
4-r., fine garden spot 50th and Emmet, $4.
432-83-34 Ramge Bldg., 15th and Harney Sts.
(Ii) 779 14
TTflTTW4 I" Ml parts of the city. The
UUUOLO Q K Utvla Co Bre Bldg.
TTOTTKVS h all parts of the city. R.
- U5j toyi
1205 N. 26TH, 4-ROOM, $11
1150, N. 23d. 6-room, $14. , i
ZK Larlinore, 6-room, $12. . t V
4418 Izard, 6-room, $15. ! -
3343 Ames Ave., 4-room, $10.
Further list at office.
TURRELL & CO., 17th and Fartvim.
I (15) M874 15
BEE us when shipping household goods to
large cities west; we can save you money
16th St. Tel. Doug. 1195. (16 47
FOR RENT 9-room all modern house. 1123
Park Ave. (16) M34 14x
4-ROOM apartment, modern, 03 8. 28th
St. S26.
12-room house, modern. 604 S. 27th 8t $60.
6-room apartment steam heat 18th and
micnoia ts. s.u
'Phone Douglas 586. (15) M680
CENTRAL, modern, steam heat 7-rooni
nouse; 4-room comer flat; 8-room cottage,
R. Tizard, 220 N. 23d. (16) M766
FOR R E NT 7-room house, modern except
furnace; 711 N. 2hth Ave.; newly painted
and papered; very convenient; rent
reasonable. Apply at 607 N. lVth, or room
903 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)tM;64
WE DO expert piano mowing at lowest
prices. Tel. Douglas 162S. Schmoller ex
Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam.
(15) 887
8-ROOSI modern cottage. No. 8031 Marcy
St.. $26. Chas. L. Thomas, Room 412 Bee
Building. (15)-&
OMAHA Van Storage Co., pack, move,
store, H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N.
lth. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559.
FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern, ex
cept furnace, $20,
436 Paxton Block. (16)-740
8-ROOM modern house, except furnace,
$18 per month. 8507 Pierce St
05- M446 15
2727 Chicago St, fine 7-room, modern house,
1316 8. Sid St., 8-room modern house, finest
location in city, $32.60.
19U9 Lath rop St., 6-room modern house, $18.
1517 Farnam St.
(15) M828 18
THREE-8TORY and basement building,
with electric elevator. In wholesale com
mlsion district. F. D. Wead, 1624 Doug
las St (16) 696 16
v Offices.
ONE large office room, ground floor, Ed
ward Crelghton Institute Bldg., 210 8. 18th
St., opposite city hall. Inquire building.
1614 HARNEY St, rew, modern offices.
Hastings Sl Heyden, Agents, 174 Farnam
St. (16 M433
SECOND and third floors, 1611 Dmuglas
St., each floor about 22x70 feet $100 per
GEORGE CO., 1601 Farnam St
(15)-M743 14
FOR R EN T Dee k room In Bee office, city
hall building. 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha.
Apply to manager. (16) 134
FIRE sale on coal. Burr egg, $6.25 ton, stove
or furnace. Tel. Harmon Sl Weeth.
(14)-713 M10
ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing.
6o per foot 2o N. 17th St. Tel. Red 814.
C16j 31 F21
FURNITURE of 8-room modern house, all
In fine condition; will sell reasonable it
sold at once. Addresa C 680, care Bee.
(16) M678 16
FURNITURE of new 8-room modern flat.
In excellent loeatlon, full of roomers;
snap; at once. 1818 Jackson St.
(10) 817 16
FURNITURE OF 8-room modern flat full of
roomers. Excellent location. Reason for
selling, sickness. 1817 Jackson Bt.
. (16)-M756 18
PIANO, ' runabout, harnesses. Ice chest,
sideboard, hard coal heater. Call 111$
Farnam, third floor, after 12.
06) M887 21
FURNITURE of six room house. Includ
ing piano nearly new; will sell alto
gether or by the piece. 20$ N. 1 0th rU.
(ll)-Ulll tlx
Fo mil ore Coritlaaed.
FOR BALE A handsome bookcase, ma-
hogany finish, at a oar gain. iewey
Ave. 0r-4x
NEW FURNITURE 8-room house. BAR
GAIN. Write II 6K6. care Bee.
(16) 711 1TK
Bookkeepers' office desk, stands high and
In good condition. Apply R- W. Hahar,
Supt. Bee Bldg. (16) M442x
FURNITURE FOR SALE 8-room modern
brick houxe on Harney St.; close In. Ad
dress G 701, Bee. (14) 84$ 15x
Bargains In unredeemed Jewelry. 41 S. 1th.
redeemed Jewelry. 41' n. it, j l
(16-M410 F2I .
as, Maalval Inatroments. M . fY
IMaaoa, Ora-ai
Beware of bogus instruments
offered as genuine Steinway
pianos. A fine stock of new
and used Steinway pianos at
very low prices may be found at
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co..
and they are the only author
ized agents in Nebraska.
1313 Farnam St.,
Telephone Douglas 1625.
i . (16)-4$
In fine condition. 818 McCague Blrlg.
(16) M346 MS
REGIXA music box, $18. 618 N. 16th.
,(16) 409 MT
8TKGER PIANO Cheap for cash. 8U
McCague Bldg. 06) 815 It
Pool aad Billiard Tables.
FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool lables; we lead the World In
cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruna-wluk-Balke-Colleiidar,
407 8. 10th fit.
Typewrltera and Sewlnsr Machlaee.
ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6. In good
condition, for sale cheap. Call at Ree
office. (16)-29x
DO YOU like honey? Delicious honey
candy. Pure Nebraska honey, 40 rents
pound, 10 cents box. postpaid. English
wslnut, butter scotch, 60o lb; 10c box post
paid. Honey Candy Co., Albion, Neb.
(16)-M372 14x
FOR PALE A few first class show casea
and counters; very cheap; nearly new.
Kennard Glaee dt Paint Co., 16th and
Dodge Sts. (16) MM1
FEW bargHlns in Id-hand aoda fountains;
monthly payments. Dertght, 1818 Farnam.
(16) 6i
SEND us you mnll orders for drugs;
freight paid on $10 lota. Myers-Dillon
Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 658
ONE HOE drum cylinder presa. Burkley
Printing Co., Omaha. (16) $84 E14
8HERWIN WILLIAMS CO., beat mixed
paint. Sjierman 4 McCocinell Drug Co.
(16) 664
HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand, 1818 Farnam.
(IB) 666
FOR SALE Two National cash registers,
one total adder; also nice line of store
fixtures. Globe Land and Investment
company, Patterson Block. (16) iM728
FOR SALE Jupiter pencil sharpener, In
good condition. Call O. R. Wright Bea
office. (16) M764X
FINE upright piano, parlor suit bookcase.
ruga, nan tree ana otner xurniture. call
at once, 416 N. 23d 8t.
(16) 277 M4
SHOW CASES and national cash register
cheap. 3uS N. 16tb St (16) M830 Mix
SEND 10c for mending tissue; make mend
ing and patches invisible; men and
women's garments; directions furnished.
Vernon Co., Kedlck Block, Omaha, Neb.
O-Hy-eX Ux
TWO 6-ft. floor cigar show cases, plate top;
also counter cases. 308 N. 16th.
U6 408 14x
COUNTER, shelves, partitions, work bench,
pictures, framea, etc., sacrificed before
removal February 16. Call after 1 p. m.
2627 Lake St. (16)-M412 16x
SODA fountain for sale at a low price.
Hoist Pharmacy, 16th and Webster.
Omaha. (16) M674 16
MOTOR cycle190 Armac, $ H. P., fin
condition, will be sold cheap If taken at
- once. W. il. Hanson, $420 Cuming St.
FOR BALEV-Cheap, a restaurant doing good
business. Parties going to leave city.
1124 Jackson Bt (16)-M761 18x
FOR BALE Cheap, 15-horae power gasoline
engine, in nne condition, rowen Auto-
mobile Co., 2044 Farnam.
(16 M768 48
TWO and three-chair barber shops for
sale. Phillips Medical Co., 1408 Howard.
(16)-M764 18
FOR SALE Cheap, two large Ice boxes, In
good condition; one 7x8, one 8x14. Alamlto
Sanitary Dairy Co., 1812 Farnam fit.
(16) M752 18
FOR SALE Light team, harness and
gardener's wagon. Call after S o'clock at
2428 Parker. (161-776 11
WILL 8RLL new tailor-made spring top
coat; silk lined; cost $46.. Fits medium
slsed man. Bargain for cash. Address
N 46. Bee. (18-M8u8 17x
PRINTING press, 10x16 Gordon; 24-Inch
paper cutter; one horse power motor; 260
fonts of type. Above property at a sacri
fice. 110 8. 17th Bt 0 M864 21
LARGE trunk, also bath cabinet, used
only a few times. Address J 70S, Bee.
(6) 868 14X
F. J. LARSON CO., patent lawyers,
patent book free. Beo Bldg.. Omaha, Nb.
(17 666
procured, Inventions developed., drawings,
patterns, castings, machine work. 604-618
67 10th 8t. (17)-67
D. O.' BARNELL, patent attorney and ma
chine designer. I'axton Blk. Tel. RetfTlir.
17) M7S7 Mil
MACHINE designing and general draught
Ing at reasonable rates. Address J 668,
Bee. (17f M764 Mil
PATENTfl, trade marks, guaranteed or no
fee. National Investment Co.. Douglas Jlik
(17) Mil MIS
CITT 8TBAM LAUNDRT-flhlrts pressed,
not Ironed. HI 8. 11th Bt. Tel. Doug. 254.
WHERE Is Guy Clark, formerly of Hall
county, Nebraska T By addressing T la4.
Bee office, be can loara something to his
Interest (18)-M374 14x
HEWING machines rented, any make. 760
per week or $2.00 per month. iieoond
band machines for salek $6.00 and up
- Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney.
MASQUE costumes. Lieben. Tot 4116. Onon
evenings. (18) oil
COBTUM KB "$31$ 8. $Oth, Sack. Tel. Red707j
BLANK BOOKS and ruled forms mads to
order. Reese Printing Co., Omaha.
(18I-M778 F78
BTRINGK-8, rubber goods, by mall; eut
Eiices; send for free catalogue. Myara
illlon Drug Co Omaha, fit) sal