The Omaha' Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI-M). 206. OMAIIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 13, 1907 TEN PAGES, SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. f LIVES LOST 111 ICY SEA 7ineBcr Eteamer tod Freight Eobooatr Collide Off Elooklslsnd. ABOUT ONE HUNDRED AND FlFNY DEAD "Vessel Curried 300 Persons, Only Kinetetn of 'Whom Are Aooouted For. NEARLY ALL VICTIMS FROZEN TO DEATH Fuaenran Vltk little Olotkinc Exposed to Okie far fiavBral Honn. FORTY-EIGHT BODIES HAVE BEEN FOUND Eteamef BIski la Tfo Kin nnrhid rw. t. Life EACH CREW PUCES BLAME ON AmUnt HppM Akatt 11 P. ' Monday evad VtMfli Has Baca la eight of Buk Other far Some Tim. BLOCK ISLAND. R. I., Feb. IX About ISO persona went to their death 1b Block Island Bound last night as a result of a collision between the three-masted schooner Harry Knowlton and the Joy Line steamer Larchmont, bound from Providence to New Tor. It Is estimated that Including . the crew there were nearly 100 persona on board the steamer when she sailed from Providence. Of these only nineteen appear to have survived the disaster, ten mem bers of the crew' and nine passengers. Awakened from their slumbers In their state rooms, the unfortunate passengers wars at the mercy of the fa tea Many, It Is believed, went down with the ship. Others, temporarily thankful that they had escaped drowning, prayed that they might be relieved of the terrible pain caused by their fro sen bodies, and one Identified pas enter plunged a knife Into his throat and ended his sufferings. Bis Bodies Idealised. The few who survived were In a pitiful condition. In almost every case their arms and legs hung helplessly as they were lifted out of the boats In which they reached shore. During the day forty-eight bodies came ashore, either In boats or thrown up by the sea. Only six of the forty-eight bodies were Identified. The bodies Identified were: JAMBS B. HARRISON, steward. Brook' Ijra. JASPER HEST. first assistant engineer, Albany.. JACOB 2ANDRU8, first watchman. ' Patersorw ' GBOROH 8MTTH. waiter; Providence. HARRY ECKLES, Block Island. " nHwtgittiyn,rg fce-meds trr 'ttrei United States steamboat Inspectors ef the disaster. Owing to the condition e the suitIois M W Impossible to get from them alt estl MM ef the loss of life. From oerenty-flve to ISO persons went to thetr death', and at a late hour tonight It was believed that the letter figure 1 nearer correct. Captains Blame Each Other. The cause of the accident haa not been satisfactorily explained. It occurred just off Watch hill, about 11 o'clock last night. when the three-masted schooner Harry Knowlton. bound from South Amboy to Hbston with a cargo of coat crashed Into the steamer's port Bids amidships. Captain George McVey of the Larchmont declares that the Knowlton suddenly swerved from Its course, lifted dp Into the wind and crashed Into his vessel. Captsln Haley Of -the Knowlton asserts tha the steamer did not give his vessel sufficient sea room. The steamer, with a hugs hole torn In Its side, was so seriously damaged that no ettsmpt was cade to run for shore, and It sank to the bottom In lees than half an hour. The Knowlton after It had backed away from the wreck began to fill rapidly. but the crew manned the pumps and kept It afloat until It reached a point off Quon oohontabg, where they put out la the life boat and rowed ashore. There were no fa- talltieo on the achooner. ' Salltaa? Vessel Chaaaea Coarse. The Larchmont left its dock In Provi dence last night with a heavy cargo of freight and a passenger list estimated at from ISO to 300. A strong northwest wind Was blowing as the steamer plowed Its Way down through the eastern paasage of Kerragansstt bay, but the full effect of the gale which was blowing out In the sound was hot felt until the Larchmont rounded Point Judith. Captain George McVey was preparing to retire after, a turn, around his ship when he waa startled by several blasts of the steamer's whistle. He rushed Into the pilot house, where the pilot and quartermaster pointed out a three-masted schoone resiling eastward before a strong wind. - , The schooner, which proved to be the Harry Knowlton, coal laden from South Amboy for Boston, has been bowling along on her course, when sbe seemed suddenly to luff and head straight for the steamer. Again several blasts were sounded on the steamer's whistle, the pilot and the quarter master at the same moment whirling their wheel hard a-port In a mad endeavor to avert a collision. Impaet le Terrlfle. . But as the Larchmont was slowly veer Ing around, the schooner came on with a speed that almost seemed to equal the gal that had been pushing her towards Boaton. Before another warning could be sounded the schooner crashed Into the port aide of the Larchmont and tha Impact of the big a-eeecl was so terrlfio that the big clumsy Vow of tha sailing craft forced Its way more Chan hall through the breadth of the Larch Snont. When the force of the Impact had Veen spent the schooner temporarily re- jnalned fast In the steamer's side, holding In check for a moment the Inrushlng water. The pounding seas soon separated the ves sels, and the water rushed Into the hole In . tlw'steamer with tremendous force. As the water struck the boiler room great clouds cf.SiiiS are? end the passengers were fires voder the Impression that a fire bad ' broken out on board. Captain McVey could nut oomoianloate with his subordinate of ficers below deck, the signal apparatus be ing wrecked.- The paseeneera, meanwhile rushed to the deck. Few of them had waited to clothe themselves. The Intense cold made them wrutt to obtain their othlng. but they found It Impossible to return below and do so. Their rooms were flooded soon after they had bean deserted and the steamer. flonding around m the high seas that (Continued en Second Page.) SUMMARY OF THE BEE Wednesday, Febraary 13, 1SOT. 1007 FEBRUARY 190? Sua mxm nil, wis res rat sat r ? t 5 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 TatS WI1T1U. FORECAST FOR NEBA8KA A IOWA Fair Wednesday and Thursday. Hour. Ieg. Hour. eg. t a. m 33 1 p. m 47 a. m 11 I p. m SO 7 a. m 32 1 p. m 61 la. m 33 4 d. m M a. m 35 'Id. m 61 14 a. m Sw Bp. m 49 11 a. m 42 . T p. m 4S 11 m 46 8 p. m 4 p. m 4 UOISXtATXVB. The subcommittee of the Nebraska leg islature which was to draft a atate-wlde primary law, haa blocked out the main provisions of the bill and will coon have It ready to report. Page X Borne of the senators who voted against 'he county option bill at Lincoln last -ek profess to be ready to rote for It If ';. erly amended. Irege 1 'e for Greater Omaha are reported , io the senate without an amend- it, but with with recommendation for passage. riff 1 Nebraska house makes the antl-paas and 1-cent fare bills a special order for Thursday. rags S Nebraska senate puts In most rf day on special Lincoln day exercises. Page Campaign contributors and reciprocal demurrage bills. South Dakota administra tion measOres. go to the governor. The houee also passes several important sen ate bills. Fere 1 Lower house of the Iowa legislature passes bill fixing passenger fares witn- out a dissenting vote. Under the terms of the bill roads roads are divided into three classes and the fares are 1 cents, t cents and t cents, respectively rage Representatives of. Nebraska railroads appear before legislative committee and argue that the proposed 2 -cent fare would not be a comDensatory rate. 'age 1 JTEBRASXA. Railroad agents work up sentiment against 2 -cent fare law by argument that It will end all low excursions. Page S WIsd of human hair taken from the Platte at Fremont causes a careful search for body. Theory Is held Mrs. Emily Greenllef. who disappeared. may have drowned herself. Page Sensations are promised In the suit of Etten Hart at Fremont against Maccabees for Insurance pn life of her father, who was killed In Wyoming. Page Young Men's Republican club of Lin coln holds Its annual banquet, which Is attended by the governor. Senator-elect Brown, most of "members of legislature and a large delegation" from Omaha. rare Four people drowned af Columbus while attempting' (A. esoajKvfroro. flood 'f-koup river,, which had surrounded , their borne.. Much damage at other places. Page S Captain Mapes, formerly In, charge ef a. company of the Twenty-fifth of Browns ville fame, has been . ordered to return from the Philippines and rejoin that regi ment at' once. Page 3 Fomnoir. King Edward opens , British Parliament and takes occasion to thank United States . for prompt and kindly action at Kingston. Hint is dropped that some thing may be done to curb the power of the House of Lords." - Page T An infernal machine was found In a stove In the residence of Count Wltte, which for some reason failed to explode. It was charged with nltro-glycerlne. .... Page 1 WAxunoroToir. Congressman Klnkaid defines his posi tion pn court bill. Never opposed holding term at North Platte, but simply de manded an additional place in the Sixth district. Fags I Congressman Ksnnedy writes Nebraska legislature defining his position on ship subsidy and pointing ont possibly legis lators may not understand the situation. Page 1 The senate committee on agriculture has decided to let the Burkett amendment regarding graslng lands remain In tha bill. . r " PMTs 1 Doxzrrxo. Hundred and fifty persons drowned or frosen to death as result of sinking of steamer' Tarchmont by schooner Harry Knowlton, near Block Island . Page 1 District Attorney. Jerome accuses. Thaw defense of attempt to deceive the Jury and sensational scene ensues. Court al lows remarks to stand and Mr. Delmas notes an exception. Another expert says prisoner was Insane. Pege 1 Former Governor Frank W. Hlggins is dead at his home at Olean, N. T. page t XVOOAX. Mileage books for 1,000 miles will be old In Nebraska at 1 cents a mile here after. Toung Women's Christian association serves notice on tenants that it must hare possession of ground at Seventeenth street and St. Mary avenue. Page John D. Crelghton said to have been se lected to continue benefaction of Count John A. Crelghton. Page Dr. F. J. Swoboda accuses insanity board of acting so slowly that Insane ward at -county hospital is filled. Dr. Til den says the board doss all It can. Page Omaha retail grocers threaten to eatab llah co-operative wholesale houae If Job bers do not refuse to sell to consumers, Including their employes. . .Page 10 SPOBT. Wassem, though much the lighter man proves ta be agile and secures two out of three falls from Simmer, the Iowa giant. Pe coinrcrL bittp ajtd xowa. Jeremiah eKUy. a pioneer and prominent resident of Btoux City, dies In carrlags as result of heart disease, induced by ex citement of nephew's wedding. Page PCsTAJfOIAX il-D OOKUbOUX. Omaha live stock market. . Page T FRANK W. WIGGINS IS DEAD Forme Governor of Xow York? Ex pire After mm niaoss sf Several Days. OLEAN. N. T.. Fsb. 12. Former Gov ernor Frank W. Hlgsins died at 1:40 p. m. He remained unconscious to ths last, death coming in Its most peaceful . form and froe from palo. JEROME AND' DEL MAS CLASH Thaw's Coiiaol it Aocuied of Trying, to Deceits the Jot. CHARCt RESENTED AND EXCEPTION NOTED Incident Reveals Faet That State Has tateaaeat frosa Mrs, Helmaa Expert Bays the Prisoner Was Insane. NEW TORK, Feb. 11-Dlstrlct Attorney Jerome and Delphln M. Delmas came to gether late todsy In the first serious elaah between counsel In the Hsrrr Thaw trlaL The California attorney, who Is directing the defense, took exceptions to certain statements of the prosecuting officer and hsd Inserted In the record of the case a protest against "the misconduct of the learned district attorney." Mr. Jerome hotly accused Mr. Delmaa of trying to Instill Into the minds of the Jury the implied suggestion that the operation performed on Evelyn Nesbit Jn 1903 before Thaw took her to Europe was of a criminal nature, when "as a matter of fact," he said, 'It waa for appendicular Mr. Delmas called the attention of Justice Pltsgerald to this, saying that the district attorney was stating facts net In evidence and that a very serious exception must be taken to his remarks. "Bend the Jury out of the room If you want o," exclaimed Mr. Jerome, "but I am going to get thle thing straight. I am not going to have these fslse Impreesiona fostered before this Jury." Cans of the Row, Dr. Brttton T. Evans, superintendent of the state hospital for the Insane at Morris Plains, N. J., was testifying at the time of the disagreement. He had declared he. was of the opinion that Harry Thaw was Insane at the time of the tragedy. He had been called upon to answer a long hypothetical question In which reference had been made to a "serious If not capital operation" on Mine Nesbit when the storm broke. Mr. Jerome seemed thoroughly wrought tip. Mr. Delmas did not for an Instant lose his calm demeanor, but he gave emphasis and force to his words, new to his hearers. Mr. Jerome said he. would withdraw objec tion to the term "capital operation." If Mr. Delmas would. give him the word of counsel that they did not know the nature of the operation. Mr. Delmas gave his word that he did not know of its nature, "But you may consult with counsel," suggested Mr. Jerome. "I do not care to do1 thaf," replied Mr. Delmas. ."It Is hot essential." "Ah!" cried the district attorney m' a loud voice, "then you do want to make this Insinuation T" , "The district attorney strangely forgets his character and position when he charges me with an attempt to deceive." reiterated Mr. Delmas with more feeling In his voice than at any time luring the trial. "He most, upon deliberation, see the Injustice of his Implied discourtesy." "I see Injustice plainly." . reiterated Mr. Jerome, "but not In my remarks.'' Delmas JTotoa Fsoeatlow. r Justice Fitzgerald did 'not rule' ont any of the district attorney's remarks before the. Jury," and Mr. . I&hpas - took care to have every exception he made "seriously noted." , . ' Mr. Jerome won his point, and the words, serious If not capital." , as defining the operation, were withdrawn by Mr. Del mas. During the tilt Mr. Delmas asked the district attorney how he learned of the character of the operation on Miss Nesbit without a violation of confidence. Mr. Jerome said he had been' told of It by Miss Nesblt's mother, Mrs. Hoi man, of Pittsburg. It thus became known tor the first time that the district attorney Is In possession of a -long statement by Mxa Holman. ays Prisoner Was Insane. Dr. Evans was on the stand nearly all day, occupying two hours of ths afternoon session perusing the letters written by Harry Thaw. Dr. Evans was by far the most satis factory expert witness to the defense so far ' produced. He detailed to the Jury his observations and examinations of Harry Thaw during, eight visits to the prisoner In the Tombs and hs declared It to be his opinion that Thaw was "suf fering from a brain storm, or explosive or fulminating condition of mental unsound ness" at the time he shot and killed Stan ford White. Dr. Evans gave many and elaborate rea sons for - his opinion, and during his ex amlnetlon Mr. Delmas deftly brought out the fact whereas Thaw was suffering from "storm and stress" when the alienist first visited him In August last his condition had shown steady and gradual Improve ment until October ft. when Thaw was "more composed and deliberate." Dr. Evans declared that the mental ex plosion which Induced Thaw to kill Stan' ford White had left its traces on the .de fendant when be first visited him. He said Thaw exhibited symptoms of paranoia and. adolescent Insanity. The first was In dicated by his exaltation, his "exaggerated ego," the Idea of his supreme importance. The adolescent Insanity waa due to heredity and Is characteristic to the development period of life from 10 to 40 years. His mind. Dr. Evans said, had slipped its moorings and was like a ship without a rudder. Ordeals of stress had added their work to the psychopathic taint which earns from heredity. Meatal Coalition Improves. Dr. Evans said that after his first three visits to Thaw following ths tragedy he was convinced that ths man was of un sound mind.1 Am the result of bis last visits he found that while still suffering from a somewhat exaggerated opinion of self-importance, he was much improved. The Improvement was progressiva , This testimony was brought out in line with the contention of the derense that while Thaw was insane Just prior to and at the time and Immediately subsequent to ths homicide, hs has Improved to a sound condi tion ef mentality on the removal of the cause of stress. Dr. Evans may be cross sxamlned tomorrow, although District At torney Jerome, had not indicated his course. It may be that Mr. Delmas may recall Mrs. Thaw. The defense has other alien ists, however, who may be cailed to testify. MAYOR AMD CHIEF ARRESTED Rampas la Coaaell Chamber Is Fol lowed hy Charga of Aasaalt. PIERRE, fr D.. Feb, IT (Special Tele gram.) The council row ta this city re sulted today in the arrest of Mayor Al bright and Chief of Polios Otdneld'on a charge of assault, sworn out by Alderman Billinghurst, over a rumpus in the council room last night Low Fares tor Mlasoorl. JEFFERSON CITY. Bio.. Fob. 11 The senate today, unanimously passed a bill ap proving the V-cecit rate bill. The bill Is aimuM identical with one asstsl by ths house. , BURKETT AMENDMENT STANDS Wttheat rosapletlnsr H earl eg, fag cotton of ilekrsnks Seaator la Aseytet try Committee. I WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 Without contin uing its hearing bn the Burkett amend ment to the agricultural appropriation bill providing for the teasing of publlo lands for grasing the senate committee today agreed to adopt the amendment. Several amendments to the Burkett proposition were adopted, however, designed to pro tect the Interests ef the homesteaders. The policy outlined, which Is favored by the president, was agreed upon by a bare majority of the committee. It Is not un likely that a point of order mar be made against it In the senate and it Is conceded to be general legislation. The amendment provides that the secre tary of agriculture, who is to have control of and manage lands, shall organise graslng districts. The Department or Agriculture la to organise control of and fix the fees to be charged for graslng. Following Is the text of the graslng amendment agreed npon by the committee: Hereafter, for the purpose of restoring, protecting and Increasing the graslng value of the public doaisin and promoting the agricultural use thereof, the secretary of agriculture may organise graslng districts and regulate and control grasing upon the unappropriated, unreserved lands of the United States, under such rules and regu lations as he may prescribe, and charge and collect reasonable fees for graslng thereof, the reoo pts to b deposited In the treasury of the United Itetes to the credit of the special fund obtained from charges tor timber, graslng and other resources oi the national forests and provided for by section five of the act of February 1, which is hereby appropriated and made available In addition to its present uses and under the restrictions piov.ded by law fur the regulation, restoration, protection and Increase of graslng upon the public lands and for. the employment of necessary ss slstants for inch purposes In the city of Washington and elsewhere, ana it snail do unlawful after January 1, IS, to grass any live stock upon any organized grazing dis trict otherwise than as the said rules and regulations shall prescribe. Provided. Thst all leases or permits to grase issued under this provision shall be subject to the right of homestead or other settlement, location, entry.. Da tent, or any other disposal of public lands, under the putiiks land law and any Appropriation so made 'Shall operate as a cancellation of aaid lease or permit as to the land so ap propriated; provided further, that bona fide homestead settlers or - residents shall be permitted to grase free of charge their stock used for necessary domestic pur poses on the public lands affected hereby. Provided. That preference shall be given to bona ndo- homesteaders and settlers In the aliottment of an oquitable proportion of ranges adjacent to their homea not later than the beginning of the nevt annual grasing period, and provided further, that all of the receipts from the graslng fees herein authorised in excess of the cost of administration, protection and Improvement of the public range, end necewtary working cspital for the ensuing it seal year shall be paid to the states and territories in which said fees originate at the dose of each fiscal year, to be used for schools, roads, irrigation or other publlo purposes an the respective legislatures may pre scribe, the distribution of such residue to be proportional to such receipts from gras ing fees from the respective states and territories during the preceding fiscal year, but nothing herein snail be construed to prevent the payment of 10 per cent of re ceipts from national forests to the states and territories as now provided by law. PROCEEDINGS . OF the noriB Naval Appropriation. ,0111 Is Coasld ered la Committee of tho Whole. WASHINGTON., F. 12. After Jhe pas sage ef a number o bills under unanimous consent the - house -today resolved Itself Into committee Tf the whole to consider the naval appropriation Wk A number of recommendations of the naval . appropria tions committee were eliminated on point of order. - ; The army appropriation bill, the. fortifica tions appropriation bill And the -omnibus lighthouse appropriation bill were sent to 'conference. The house adjourned at 5:10 p. m. -Representative Slayden of Texas during the consideration of the naval appropria tion bill in the house today addressed that body on the subject of the recent war talk with Japan and the United States and laughed the rumors of war out of the chamber. A point of order was made and sustained - ZKtolnZ fTT P,HHnf ! .ddtUlTaaaT- -a' b,,L Today Mr. Kennedy wrote a let priatlon bill giving ; an add Ptto to ter to Mr ayda Barn.rdi ch,ef clerk of inose uuiurra wild ki.wj i.u vaw.v regular or volunteer forces during the civil war prior to April 9, 1865, and were retired prior to June 30, 1880, on account of .wounds, disability Incident to the service or age, or after forty years of service. Mr. Kltchln of North Carolina offered an amendment providing that no part of the appropriation In the bill shall be expended for coal In the Philippine Islands or the transportation of coal to the Islands, ex cept to the lowest bidder In either case Mr. Foss of Illinois, chairman of the naval affairs committee, stated that he was in favor of the amendment, as it only applied to the present bill and did not enact any permanent law. Messrs. Loudenslager of 1 New Jersey. Butler of Pennsylvania, .Waldo J Z. tt i 1 .., ew York, Humphrey of ashlngton, - T T i AZZZ " V kV,V" , " J Hull of Iowa and Grosvenor of Ohio took nun vi , prunouucea . on me grouna inai n on unw u lean shipping Interests. Mr. Foss remarked that the matter waa taken too seriously nd that In view of the fact that ths navy could not purchase coal snough carried in American bottoms it was thought wise to try the experiment. Ths amendment was defeated, M to 61. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IBKaTK Debate on Bill Allowlag Government Appeal la Criminal Cases. WASHINGTON, Feb. It The senate oo- cupied the day In argument on the bill granting the government the right to take an appeal on points of law in criminal cases. The opposition came mainly from i fight over this postofllco. W. H. Parker, Benatore Rayner and Whyte of Maryland 1 Martin's successor, filed a protest against and Heyburn of Idaho, While elaborate ' the reappointment of Bonham, as did Gov defenses of the proposition were mads by ernor Crawford. It is also stated that Ben Senators Patterson, Knox. Nelson and ator Gamble took a personal hand In the Bpooner, no action was taken on tha mean- matter, but the president cut the knot to urs. Senator Nelson gave notice tnat he will move Its consideration tomorrow, sen ator Lodge Indicated that he should press the Philippine agricultural bank bill to morrow. The District of Columbia appropriation bill, carrying 110,724.612. an increase of $687. Mf7 over ths amount ,as passed by the house, was reported to the senate and notice has been given that the bill will be put on Its passage tomorrow. RUSSIANS AFTER .WITTE Two' Internal Machines Are Sot . In His Home, Bat None Explodes. ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 12. Count Witts todiy confirmed ths report that an infernal , machine containing nitroglycerine was found in an unllgbted atove of his house j last night. A servant noticed a string dangling from the door or the etove, In vestigated and discovered the box. - A second Infernal machine, timed to ex plode at o'clock this evening, was found la the Wttte resldenos during the day. Both were of poor construction. The attompt on the life of Count Witts Is attributed to the reactionary league of ven geance. , J.'l K1NKAID DEHNES POSITION Borer at Ait Time Opposed Holding Ted rl Court at Horth Flatto, INSISTED ON ANOTHER PLACE FOR SIXTH Coagresamaa Kennedy Wrltee the Nebraska Legislators Detalag His Position on tho Shla absldy Bill. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Feb. ' 12. (Special Tele gram.) Judge Klnkaid feels that The Bee inadvertently put him In rather a peculiar position when your correspondent stated in one of his dispatches that the member from the Sixth, district was against North Platte. In this connection It may be here stated that the news which percolated from the several conferences on the Judicial divi sion bill was to the effect that Judge Kln kaid. while for North Platte, argued against Its selection if It was to be the only place for the meeting of court In the Sixth district. North Platte waa coupled by Judge Klnkaid always with some other town, like Alliance, Chadron, Crawford or Vslentlne. Mr. Klnkaid, admitting the fairness with which The Bee has presented his side of the story, has, however, prepared the fol- lowing statement regarding the whole Judi cial matter: At a meeting held by the Nebraska dele gation preparatory to drafting a bill to be Introduced In the house In lieu of the Burkett bill which had come over from the senate, I named as places for holding court In the Sixth district North Platte, Alliance and O'Neill, and waa appointed at tb. time, together with Norrls, as a committee to draft the bill, which was done, naming the three places mentioned for the Sixth district, snd for the rest of the state Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings. Nor folk, Grand Island and McCook, making in in all nine divisions. BIU Is Chanced. Subsequently, on the suggestion of the subcommittee or some of its members, but without my knowledge, a new bill - was drawn providing for but seven divisions, and of ths places named In the former bill ONelll and Alliance, both in the Sixth district, were dropped, the other placea named being- left Intact. At the hearing i.u wild no .ym uiniiiiii VI in, juwivtai j : committee I maintained that one division I had with the subcommittee of the Judiciary was Inadequate In the Sixth district, , st . least one more in addition to the North Platte division being needed, pointing out that the people in Sheridan, Dawes and Sioux counties would have to change cars three times to go to North Platte and could 'go with less Inconvenience to Omaha. The subcommittee Insisted that seven places in the state were enough and that one waa adequate for the Sixth district, but offered me the privilege' of substituting In lieu of North Platte some point farther west for the place for holding court which would overcome the Inconvenience to the counties named on the Northwestern rail road, and other members of the Nebraska delegation were agreeable to such solution. This privilege has been accorded me st all times by the subcommittee and members of the Nebraska delegation, but I have oonstantly refused to yield North Platte for any other place, maintaining that if only one place for holding court in the Sixth district could be secured to lot that place bs North Platte, and work for an other division In the future, which any compromise now would prevent. I fur ther proposed that If the state were to be reduced to seven places for holding court that the Fifth district., for which three places for holding of court were allowed, namely. Hastinas. Grand Island nnd Mc Cook. should .give up one of Its dlvmloaa. "? propose that the Mccook division be ,IWOU i 1J IUB IK! LU C-UkllO UIVIBIOn MQ that the people In that proposed division couia re sen jsortn fiatte with less Inoon. venlence than would 'be suffered by the people of Sheridan, Dawes and Sioux coun ties In reaching North Platte, But this would not be granted. Thereafter I con tended that regardless of what places the rest of the state should have that the northwest corner should be socorded an other division besides the North Platte division, which would make Alliance or Chadron the piece of holding court, owing to what counties should comprise the divi sion. Kennedy Writes Legislator. Representative Kennedy feels like many of the Other members of the Nebraska dele gation that the stats legislature in Instruct- 1 Ing members how to vote on several Im portant measures now pendlnf before con- the house of representatives, in which he says: "I hare your favor of February 6 enclos ing resolution adopted by the Nebraska house of representatives. Instructing the Nebraska senators and requesting the rep resentatives In congress to work and vote for the defeat of the so-called ship subsidy bill. It Is Impossible for me to say whether the resolution was Intended to apply to the bill as passed by the senate or to the sub stitute of the house. They are not at all alike. It Is doubtful whether members vot ing for the resolution were familiar with the provisions of either measure. I there fore take pleasure in sending you, under A M., hA n-A Kill m wJt V. r " " ,' "l'-" i house report thereon. Tou will notice that ... ... tha nous mmmlltM nn nwrrhint m.Hn. ' h house committee on merchant marine .... I and fisheries struck out all of the senate ; ill except the enacting clause, and sub stituted a bill entirely different "Speaking for myself, I wish to say that I Intend to vote for the house substitute. I was elected to support the president and administration and It seems to me that my duty lies along that line." Patreaage Fight la Dakota. The fight over South Dakota patronage waxea hot and the nearness of the adjourn ment of congress gives only the promise now held out for a cessation of the row bet ween tha delegation. Today Repreaynta- tlve Martin won out. the , president sending 1 1 the name of W. H. Bonham to succeed ; himself aa postmaster in Mr. Bon ham's town. Dead wood. There, has been a bitter y by renominating Bonham. laereaslaar Indian Allotments. Representative Burke today Introduced a bill to provide for additional allotments of land to certain Indiana of the Cheyenne River Indian agency. Rosebud Indian agency. Pine Ridge Indian agency. Standing Ruck Ind'an agency and Crow Creek In dian sgenry. It appears that a umber of Indiana of thess agencies when the great Sioux reservation wss divided did not re- : building. 105-107 South Third street, in the noon voted to make a favoxable report Of) ceive in allotments the amounts to which ' er of the financial district. Ths build-, the Thomas bill, providing for the oonsol they wers Justly entitled, and ths bill In- ' ,ns was occupied by the Phoenix Pants. ; Idation of Omaha and South Omaha and trt-doced today seeks to rectify the Injustice ' Overall and Shirt company and Dumee ; Its companion measure providing for a these Ind'ans have suffered. Bill Promotes Many. If the provision adopted by ths senate to the army appropriation bill that officers who served creditably in tho regular or volunteer forces In the field during ths civil war prior to April I, IMS, and who now hold the rank of brigadier general on the active list of ths army, having previously hsld that rank for three years or more, shall, when retired from active service. have' the rank snd nar of make- sener.1 becomes law. as seems very llkalr it will promote too following well known and dis tinguished' officers: Brigadier General Mo- (Continusd on Seventh Page.) ROADS KICK ON TWO-CENT FARE Representatives Insist the Rate Is Ket Compeaeatory on Nebraska Uaeo. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. 12. (Special Telegram.) The railroads hsd their Innings before the house committee on railroads tonight on ths proposed 2-cent pssscnger rate bill, and of the four corporations represented, each argued thst the rate weurd not be com pensatory and each said not only would such a rats be detrimental to the revenues of the roads, but harmful to the state In general, while P. 8. Kustls, passenger traf fic manager of the Burlington, frankly told tho committee the first step his road would take should the bill become a law would be a legal move to test the law In the courts. Those who addressed the committee be sides Mr. Eustis were Gerrit Fort, assistant general paasenger agent of the Union Pa cific; W. B. Knlskem, passenger traffio manager of the Northwestern, and Frank Nay, general auditor of the (Rock Island. Each' speaker said the passenger traffio on his road did not pay.. This was true, each said, especially on the business dope' In the state, while the largest revenues derived from passenger traffic came from the Interstate business, which, of course, would be greatly reduced should the bill be passed. Such a law would reduce the number of excursions at reduced rates during the year, each said. Each was posi tive passenger rates were fixed according to the density of population and figures were quoted to show this was the reason the rates In the east could be lower than In Nebraska. Gerrit Fort made it clear to the com mittee the rrte Is fixed by the short line, and to make the rate 2 cents would be to shut out the long lines In competition or compel the passengers to pay more fare than they are now paying' on the long lines. At this time he said rates In Ne braska on tho Union Pacific were In many Instances below I cents. The rate per mile to Lincoln from Omaha via the Union Paclflo now, he said. Is 1.71 cents, and these ninety-five miles enter into the rates fixed for south of Lincoln. With the 1-cent rate In effect the ninety-five miles would yield . . , "ut 114 cents per mile. From Lincoln to Columhus, 114 miles, the rate would barely clear 1 cent per mile. The business to points north of Columbus now, he said, is handled for this distance at a little over 1 cents a mile. From Central City to St. Paul the distance Is forty-one miles and the rate, he said. Is .01 M cents per mile. If he meets the short line rate, he said, on the basts of 2 cents per mile the rate would be 64 cents and the earnings .01 22 cents a mile. Mr. Fort, as did others, contended traved would not be materially Increased by a reduction In fares, because there was no pleasure resorts for Ne braskans to visit In the sata and most of the travel was on business, whlls It probably would result In cutting out spe cial rates to special functions, such as the state fair. Branch lines, he said, may run Just often enough to meet the actual neces sity of travel, where now they dun lallyl. All the other speakers talked along the same line and each produced figures to Show ths basis of his objection. 'During .a ruanins .debate at the close k of the talk la which Cona "of Saunders asked some questions, Mr. Epstls admitted the Burlington road had a value for taxa tion purposes and that It was lower than the value for commercial purposes or for fixing rates. He Justified his statement by saying everyone else did the same thing In returning property to the sssessora. WARM SESSION IN BAILEY CASE Texas Senator Bays Statement by Mr. Cocke Is a Downrla-ht M llelona Lit. AUSTIN. Tex., Feb. 12. Declaring "all this prattle 1s a lie," and urging that the committee interpose and stop these insults offered. United States Senator Joseph W. Bailey brought to a climax this afternoon an exciting session of the legislative com mittee Investigating charges against Bailey filed by Representative Cooke. - This was in reply to Representative Cooke's request that additional witnesses be summoned by which he hoped to prove that Senator Belley had borrowed 17,000 of J. D. Suggs of Iron county. When It was suggested that the commit tee leave at once for St. Louis, where ad ditional testimony Is to be taken. Senator Bailey protested that he should not be compelled to go over the country as the principal In an Investigation o fthls nature, Representative Cocke said he was anxious to have J. D. Suggs testify. t Mr. Cocke says be expects to prove that Suggs has destroyed a note for 17,000 given to him. or his dead brother, by Senator Bailey. Senator Bailey Indignantly replied: "Mr. Chairman, that Is a 11a It Is In famy to allow any man to stand here and make a statement that Is a downright mal icious He and a He made out of whole cloth." -Mr. Cocke served notice on Senator Bailey and his attorneys to produce the "Flato" let lee which had been previously referred to by Senator Bailey as an attempt to Wilson, in Interviews published today, de blackmall him. c,ure theT would support a bill amended to Senator Bailey stated that he had made i conform to these lines. From the vote an unsuccessful search for the letter which he had last In his possession when address ing the house of the Texas legislature re- t..,t left It on the desk with , other papers which disappeared, ; Representative Cocke stated that he de , BTtA o have the subcommittee on Its way to St. Louis, visit Ardmore, I. T., to take the deposition of Dodd Lacy, and Oklahoma Clt yto secure the deposition of Mrs. J. W. Phillips. FATAL FIRE JN A FACTORY Ons Mas Loses Hls Life When Flames Destroy Balldlag la Phila delphia. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 12. A. fire In which one man lost his life and several other persona had narrow escapes from death seriously damaged ths five-story gone st uo., conun cuniiuimun orvaers. The flames started in ths upper portion of the building occupied by the Phoenix company and cut off the escape by means Of the stairway of the employee working on the top floor, forcing them to use the Are escapes, which were covered with Ice and snow. With one exception all of the two score employes, among whom wsre a dosen girls, safely reached an adjoining building. Ths ons who failed was Louis 1 Pesksveskey. aged M years, who In ths ! excitement either Jumped or fell from the fire escape. He waa Instantly killed. Bev- oral of the employes in escaping wsre in- Jured, but not seriously. The damage Is esmated at fTVMA PRIMARY LAW READY General Frorigiona of Bill Blocked Cut Tlrevrh f tibotmmittee. COUNTY OPTION BILL MAY BE REVIVED Bom Seuater frofeu to Bs Bead to Vote for MMura, i GREATER ONAHA MEASURE REPORTED Bills Reported Btok by Committee with So Amendments Prtuosed. CLARKE'S CHILD LABOR BILL IN SENATE Supporters of the Proposed Law Appear Before Committee aaa Argee for Passage of Hoase B1IL LINCOLN. Feb. U-(SpeclsJ.)-The state wide primary law pledged to the people by the republican, democratic and populist state convention will be Introduced In the legislature the first of next" week. The bill has been blocked out by the subcommittee and may be sent to the Joint committee witnin a few days, and Is sure to reach the house and senate by Tuesday or Wednesday If not before. The bill as prepared In the rough provides that the seneral election officers shall be the officers of the primary, the same machinery being used at both elections. It haa been decided that Instead of electing the precinct and county commit tees that task will fall to the lot of the nominees. It having been agreed that under the latter plan people will be selected for those Important ptaoes who will have soma Interest In the election and who will net leave all of the work to the chairman and secretary. Both Dodge of Douglas and Brown of Lancaster, where the committee Is selected by a vote, agreed that the re sults had not been entirely satisfactory and both were willing to accept any change which might tend to better conditions. The state committee. In all probability. will be elected, though some members of the committee favor allowing the candi dates to even select this committee, but the question has practically been settled In favor of election. MalrlasT of tho Platform. The rough draft of the bill provides the platform shall be drawn by the nominees for the legislature of each party, candi dates for United States senator and for state offices. Thess are to meet In conven tion at Lincoln and regularly adopt the platform the same as a convention would do. It was desired by some members of the committee to Include the county chair men In this convention, but It has been agreed this would not bring the platform any closer to the people and It was not be lieved these men would care to spend their money coming to such a convention, es pecially as the legislative candidates are to be present and ft Is presumed they can Interpret publlo sentiment. The matter of the form of the ballot probably will go to the Joint committee for . settlement. The,, subcommittee has taken , sections from the Dodgs and MfMolleu. WUe , and from a bill prepared by E. P. Brown of Lancaster, which has not been Introduced. Mr. Dodge Is preparing a bill, now" for a constitutional amendment to do away with the annual election and to provide ex clusively for biennial elections. A bill pro viding for biennial elections was passed two years ago. but was declared uncon stitutional by the supreme court. . Should this emendment be carried It la expected to answer any argument which may be ralaed aa to the eosts of the primary. Railway Commission Bill. The senate this morning displayed a dis position to push the railway commission bill through as rapidly as possible when It voted to take the bill from the standing committee nn railroads, to which It had been referred, and place It directly on gen eral file. This will advance It more rapidly than the regular course, aa ordinarily It would have to be considered by the rail road committee. The action was taken on motion of Chairman Wllsey of the rail road committee, who eaid hie committee had already considered the tHI at the ses sions of the Joint committee and waa willing It should go to the general file without fur ther delay In the committee room. The bill will be printed at once and may be reached on general file the latter part of this week or the first of next. Reviving Coasty Option. A movement to revive the county option bill, which was killed In the senate last Friday, has come to light and la being aided and abetted by some of the senators who voted against the measure last Fri day. The plan Is to have the house amend the measure providing for election once every four or five years Instead of .every two years and providing that the county election shall govern the entire , oounty until the next election. As the bill was drawn It allowed cities and villages to vote no license even after the county had gone wet. Senators McKesson, Burns and Fridhy it would require two more senators to give the amended bill a majority and It Is possible these could be found. Just what position the rrlende of the original bill would take In case of an at tempt to pass the amended bill has not been announced. By some of thoee who discussed It It is considered that It would be a weakening of the present law In some counties, at least. In answer to this attention has been called to the statement made by both sides when the bill was before ths committee that If the county option bill passed four-fifths of the counties in the state would go dry. A large number of tha senators will make strenuous objections to the revamping of the bill after It has once been disposed of and any attempt to bring It up again will precipitate as hard a fight as tha original i bill met with when It wae killed. Greater Omaha, Bill. I The senate Judiciary committee this after. ipvcw it-inuu una 1. a iim duis were . both recommended without amendment, but ' It Is considered probable an amendment te permit the officers of the two ettles to serve . out their terms will be offered when ths j bill comes before the senate. essay Base Ball. Local option as to Sunday base ball was killed In ths senate Judiciary committee ( this afternoon and In Its place a provision was offered In ths form of an amandmsnt prohibiting ths "disturbing of the peace" by plsying bass ball on Sunday. A j amended by the committee the bill does . not prohibit Sunday ball, but leaves te the jury the question whether or not In eacs) specific case the peace ef an persaei aos) 4 V S'