Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Want - ads
AlrHIiimi for snt4
relaatus will n-e takes wntll IS u. fas
ter the Btnlii Sunday edltlua.
Oh Insertion, 1 1-9 eents war
tw er snare MiirnlU, latntlma,
I eent Bar war euen Ineertleni aaara
tkaa aaa Insertleu. If ao run eaa.
eeeutlvely wll ka rkiirtrl to at tfca
rata f 1 l- rente af war.
1 JVO ar line for aaa rsenth.
Ka nd taken far less tkaa SO (.
Death Faaaral notice. Curd at
Tkaaka aaa Ledae Wotlcee, T caata
ar llaa for aaa edition, usornluc ar
evening! 8 rente a llaa far eack uddl-
tlaaal aaltloa. Sunday, nt a
llaa. Ha aa takaa for leaa tkaa BO
BRAiccn office.
Waat-ads for The Baa may ka left at
aar af tka following; m stores
la ayaar aaraer dma-aTlst" tney
ra all kraaefc offleea af Tfca Bea aad
Tt ad will ka laaerted laat aa
romntlr aad aa tka aame ratea aa at
tka mala aea la Tka Bee building;.
Seventeenth aad Farnam streets.
Albach. W. C. 4nh and 5"m"
Rarenek. 8. A., 1402 B. 16th . 8t
Beeht's Pharmacy, 7 8. 18th Bt
Beneon Pharmacy. Beneon, Nb.
Bemls Park Pharmacy. 83d and Coming.
-.. -kii r 13 At K AnA Plerne Bta.
Clifton Hill' Pharmacy. 2211 Military Ara.
Conte, J. B., lst Ave, ana '
Crissey Pharmacy. 24th and Lake.
Cermak. Emll. I2B4- 8. 13th Bt.
Esstmsn Pharmacy. 4046 Hamilton.
Ehler. F. H., 2808 Leavenworth.
Foster Arnoldl. 213 N. 25th Bt.
Freylag. John J.. 1914 N. 24th St.
Florence T-ug Co., Florence, Neb.
Phkmair anth nd T A Bta.
uuiuiimii . . . . . i - a
Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Are. ana
Oreenough. Q. A., VPi 8. lftth Bt.
Oreenough, O. A., Tth and Hickory.
Hayden, Wm. C, S0 Farnam Bt.
Hansoom Park Phar.. 1501 B. 29th Ave.
Hoist John, 6?4 N. lth Bt.
Halt. A. 1-., 224 Leavenworth Bt.
King. H. B., 2238 Farnam St.
Kountae Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. 21th.
Patrick Dru Co., 18"! N. 24th St.
Lathrop, Chas. E.. 1324 N. 24th Bt.
Peyton, I E.. 24th and Leavenworth.
o r, rA wth nd Ames Ave.
8cheefere Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and
Bchaefer, August. Sffl N. lfith Bt.
Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Bta.
funrm Phsrmacv. 16th and Martha Bta
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy, zoth and uraoe bib.
Wlrth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bts.
BrevraUNfl-Mrj. J. W.. Saturday even
Inc. February 9. at home of her daughter,
Mra V. H. Becg, IiH KUggiee nim
FvnerJ Monday at 2:30 p. m
fet Forest Lawn.
Student Begin Any Time. Catalogue Free.
Addresa H. B. BOY LEA. Pres., Omaha. Neb.
OMAHA Bate and- Iron Works make a spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
aaTes. U. Anareen, rrop., iwi b. lutn ai.
BUY your enyeops and be sura of sani
tary gumming, liuraiey envelope io.
'.. (D-M75811
BOOKS, booklets and fine catalogues
printed by Reea Printing Co., omana.
... . (1)-M77 21
ROYAL ACHATES Fraternal Society.
(!)-& 24
THE CITY GARBAGE CO. Office 4th and
Leavenworth Bts. Tel. Douglas 187.
1)-611 ,
MADAM E8 Bean and Mayo seance Tues
day and Friday. 23 N. 16th. Red 5.
(1 M57 F3&X
8ION PAINTING 8. U. Cole, 1302 Douglas.
IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1911 Farnam.
IF YOU have anything to trade, get In
touch with our awapper. He'a the original
live wire In trades and exchanges. Can
match" anything anywhere. Continental
Healty Co., 21-32-3 , U. B. Natl. Bank
mag., vmann, reo. aiso na.vv untcn in
. Bl. joaepn, jvansas vuy, oiuua, iia-
coin, uea Moinea ana ienvsr.
(8-M2C5 11
WESTERN Nebraska and Kansas lands to
trade for merchandise or property. 110 ft.
' 17 UI. W m
FOR EXCHANGE t nloe lots and money
for a or l-room house.
O) tOt 14
WRITE Townaend Realty Co., Fremont,
Neb., who have farms,, wild lands, eta,,
for clear town property and merchandise.
13 U3U0 im
Do ou Wish to Make a Change
If you have a farm, home, business or
property that you want to sell or ex
change write ua
orualm, Neo.. or bloux city, la.
(4) M2S8 U5
WANTED To sell or trade, 25-room hotel;
steam heat, gas aad city water and a
five-room ocllage; reason for selling,
ill health. Address u Ave. B, Council
Blurts, ia. (4-u;;
FOK BALE First -class blacksmith and
wugun work bualneaa, with tools, H to M
recctvea or snoeing ana it to is xor set
ting tire AddreM Y-129. Bee.
IXX)8U LEAF LEIGERS and loose leaf
dttvlcea of all kiuds- - Reea Printing Co.,
unuM. w Mir
DRUG stores for sale. F. V.
. Life.
Kniest, N. Y.
FOR BALE Only hotel In town of 800 peo
ple, doing good business; reason poor
nvaitn. ox. caney. waieroury, iNeu.
(4)-M961 14X
WS BUT OR BELL Business chances or
exchange a business, rooming house, or
exchange for anything. Money loaned on
If you have anything to sell or want to
ouy anytning see
TeL Douglas Hi-Ob Paxton Blk.
t4-M3M M7
FOR BALEt-SI.TOO mortgage, payable In In
stallments fur 4 years, on Inside Omaha
business property worth 84,601); per cent.
aerui-annuaiiy. Aaoress l eui, care nee.
CO M7il
809 New York Ufa Bldg..
Omaha. Neb.
W M2S7
WANT three man with ll.ono each to lola
me In lend speculation. Will stand full
est Investigation. If you ara afraid of
your aaaduw aad don t want to double
your money, don't write. If you do. ad-
areas M 1S, oare . (iyMJtA 11
IJST ua have your autoa to aell. We have
customers ready tu buy. Blair Machine
CO., Hi air. mb. i) tu ux
FOR HA LK Money making restaurant.
clgsrs. tobacco, randies and fruit stuck;
a good chance. Box &3, bhenandoah, la.
14) ata lis
FOR BATE The Bilver Creek. Nebraska.
flour mill will be sold at referee's sale
un . ifii. at ua court boune ha
LUUtl lily, Meu, 12
IF YOU want to get In or out of business,
no matter what your Business la, tr
where It la. we can Jieln tou.
We make all kind of trades and guarantee
to suit If you have anything to trade,
write u.
kellt investment co
230 Neville Block. -
(4) M644 II
WH buy, aell or eichanire everything.
mat. investment La I vouciaa mik.
14) 3 w Mb
FOR BALE OR TRADE) Half Interest In
planing mill and contracting btwlnean;
f xxl place for a practical carpenter wltn
1.000. K Kl. care Bee. (4 32 13 X
NEWSPAPER man wanting anap to run
newapaper plant, addreaa. Immediately,
A. H. Berggren, Stromaburg. Neb.
(4) MJI JX
MT'BT BF.Lla my manufacturing bualneaa
nerore Fenruary in, account aicanaa;
moving away. Valuable formulaea free,
irooda patented. You can make V a
week eaatly and not go outalde of Omaha.
Invoice about $9u0; everything goea for
ITfSO. Referencee exchanged. J. Smith,
280? Ohio Bt., Omaha. (4) M413 1KX
FOR BALE New and second-hand store;
Invoice 1900; Rood location; will aell chap.
Box 0B1, Mlnden, Neb. (4) M499 11 X
FOR SALE Gents" furnishing and shoe
stock; invoice 2,ooo; gooi location; will
aell cheap. Addresa T 17S, Bee.
ENQAOF) In real estate business aa aide
Una. Big profits, and it will not Interfere
with your regular business. For partlcu-
lara addrasa continental itesity to., zi-u-
M U. 8. Naa Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
(4) MM 11
WANTED Man or -woman of business
ability In real estate business; must have
from tfiOO to 12.000 to Invest, which will be
well secured; good salaried position and
chart of profits. Address O 640, care Bee.
FOR SALE Fumltura and undertaking es
tablishment and good will; only one In
1 1 . A a VIA I .. ...... V'l.. . .
IITB wwii ui i.vw ill iiui iiiqmi diii .nn. ,
stock will Invoice R,B00, all new, salable
goods. Address Y 241, care Omaha Bee.
MEAT MARKET connection with first-
class grocery, establlsned trade; must
have thorougn experience in meat busi
ness and be able to invest small amount
capital; fine chance for right party; state
fully your experience and how much you
wish to Invest. Address B 67, care Bee.
(4) Mfi36 16x
$3,fi00 with services, to Invest In any good.
legitimate business, mercantile or manu
facturing. Be explicit In answer; refer
ences. Addresa M 672, Bee.
i (4) M627 12x
WANTED TO BUY Patent on an article
sold to the hardware, stove and plumbing
trade, or will buy manufacturing plant.
Address Y 242, Bee. (4) M630 16x
WANTED To buy newspaper In thriving
Nenraska town. Address, with price, cir
culation and full particulars. D 664. Bee.
t mom ui
t2f0 to $10,000 any place and all good income.
we lurnlsn purchase money cm some.
HH.AM at CO.,
B5. Paxton Blk.
Douglas 8908.
4 MWJl 16
A grocery store, stock and fixtures In
voicing, about 12,500. Monthly sales, 12,000.
Do you want a better opening? See me
B0 Board of Trade. 16th and Farnam.
(4)-rMa61 16
ing Powder, best In America and sells for
less than trust brands. Ask for prices.
Bea Foam Baking Powder Company, New
York, (4 M7i4 llx
O. L. BROLINE, 618 Bee Bldg.
(B) M840 M6
W. W. DODGE, attorney, N. T. Life Bldg.
Office Tel. Douglas tsz; Kes. Douglas 1734.
. W M031 Ml
T. E. BRADY, Probate Atty. 609 Bee Bldg.
, . .Vt MtAd Al
DR. ROT. R-t, 1605 Farnam BL Doug. 6497.
! W M514
LADIES' tailoring, dressmaking. 438 8. 24th.
DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Mies
Sturdy, 2642 Chicago, 'i'hone Red 4703.
MR8. BRANDON, 1724 Cap. Ave. Doug. 243ft.
t6) fii m
HESS ft 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (6 616
L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farruun. Tel. Doug.
I 12o3. (EMU7
Masle and Langeage.
I CHATELAIN School of languages. Day
and evening classes. tTeucn. uorman,
tspanisn. fencing, iaviage uiag.
YOUNG lady graduate of Chicago Musical
College desires pupils on piano. Address
A wo. Ilea. w t ui
Douglas li4. lt) 018
Farnam. Tel,
Douglas 6370.
(6) 182 IS
I VNTTin High grade 1907 calendars.
. '. T B- E. corner 16th St.' end
CiJUKVfc Capitol Ave. 6)-619
WATER8 PRINTING CO., 1307 Howard St.
8 NELL Printing Co., particular printers.
no b. lain bt. 'isi. ijoug. bim.
(8) 971 14
JENNINGS Printing Co., Tei. Douglss 630.
t0) M
CALL CENTRAL Doug, 3969 Central
Prlntlna Co.. lowest nrlces on printing
110 b. 17th. Typewritten letters specialty?
THE A PORN PRBiSS. lilO Howard St
Does Printing of uuallty. Tel. Doug, i.w
(E-M466 22
WE print everything!
Reea Printing Co.
(& Mr. a :a
Springer Printing Co., 206 N. 17th. Doug. to7
to euo a
LYNCH BR08. Repslr work our specialty
118 N. lbth bt. Tel. Douglas 14,;.
(6-)6 F27
Rlprapplag Esglseer.
H. F. KE1XJ4ER. River and Rlprbp Engl
for Information. 610 Bee Bid.. Omaha,
iei. to i mmj
The Leading Palmist of Omaha.
Revelations of psst and future described.
inriors, lis a. lata u, upp Moaton ttore
Clerical aaa Oalee.
BRIGHT, Intelligent lady to aell typewriter
auppuea; excellent opportunity to maaa
money. Fox Typewriter and Buppiy o.
lui rarnam bt. t7) Man 1.x
Factory and Tradea. '
WANTED T'nlon snecial ' machine opera
tors; steady work. King-Graham Mtg
fjo., utn aua jackaon. vtmi
Heesekeepers and Daasestlee.
WANT girl for housework, gnod wages.
iui aouia uin, oinahe. tV
Have you had a strike in the kitchen?
Plenty of girls want bettor places.
They answer Bee Want Ads.
Hoasekeepers aad Domeatle.
(Continued t
WANTED Neat girl to do plain conking;
$5 a week; no washing. 1K4 Harney St.
(7 M41S llx
OIRL for general housework; no washing.
John Haskell, 1X1 South 36th Ave.
(7)-45S llx
WANTED experienced gorl for general
housework. Mra T. E. Banders, 1S15 Park
avenue. (7) M584 12
WANTED A nurse girl; 2608 Dewey Ave.
(7) M390 12
WANTED A girl for general hoirsework;
three In family; good wages. ZSKS Paclno
(7)-M684 12
WANTED Cook, at 3612 Farnam.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. References required. 320 N.
23d. v (7)-M352
NEAT girl for general housework; pri
vate family. Inquire 2623 Capitol Ave.
(7) M64112X
, niscellaaeoas.
LADIES We are still In need of more
help decorating sofa plllowe; experience
unnecessary; work taken home; perma
nent; good par. Call mornings, 2311 8.
13tn Bt. til it MIX
10C TO SI each paid for names. Saturday
Evening Poet and a book, botn il.WJ. Tel.
D. 5664. Walker, magaslne man.
(7) M9S1 11
LADIES to work piecework; $3 per doa. ;
materials furnished; no canvassing; steaay
work stamped envelope. Best Mfg. Co.,
Champlaln Bldg., Chicago. (7)-429 lOx
WANTED Washer woman at 1908 Corby
Bt. Apply before U a. m. Phone Maple
4165. - (7)-M560 llx
WANTED In one of the principal hos
pitals here, a head nurse; also a matron;
please state experience had and salary
expected. Address A 678, care Bee.
to MOJO "
WANTED 16 to 19-year-old young lady,
living at home, for light house work;
home nights. 1414 Sherwood Ave.
to HUt liX
WIDOWER druggist In small town wants
lady to keep house and take care or rour
children. Oerman prererrea; not unoer
20 years. Y 243, Care Bee. (7)660 12x .
Agents, Solicitors aad Salesmen.
ADVERTISING FANS May delivery. 500
special and attractive designs, samples
submitted upon application. Fonda Bros.
A Co., Omaha. (9) M482 F23
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
have had experience selling views, por
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room 603. Bee Bldg.
(9) M366 llx
TRAVELING salesmen wanted; four men
to represent us in tne surrounmnn
states; knowledge of business not neces
sary, but must be business getters, will
ing to work and sober. To such we will
give a permanent position and good in
come. Addresa W 677. Bee office.
(9) M36T I1x
AGENTS wanted for light work. 418 N.
16th. t) M14 F17
OUR representatives make 275 per week.
want .one or two more, tsona required.
Address In own handwriting, with stamp
and references, a si, tsee. tf mji tu
WANTED Two salesmen for Omaha. Must
be business getters. Address w 660, Hee
, . (9)-e450 11
WANTED By a large corporation, a sales
man for a country territory; wen estan-
llshed trade; clean line to handle; re Ter
ences and bond required. 21.60o per year.
Address O 674, care Bee. . (9) M622 12
BIDE LINE Big money, quick returns; we
manufacture tne largest exclusive line ni
advertising fans, soiling to all claases;
beat months. ' February to June; liberal
commissions; samples free to regular
traveling men; send credentials with ap
plication. The Kemper-Thomas Co.. Fun
Dept., Cincinnati. O. (9r 486 lOx
WANTED Five boys; good wages; perma
nent Job. A. JJ. T. Co., 212 a. 13 tn bt.
?) 622
WANTED Boy with wheel. 123 8, 16th St.
. W tie? 16
Clerical aad Office.
WANTED A man to run a local news
Daper in a prosperous western town
would be convenient to know the barber
or jewelry trade. For further particulars
write Box z, starion, ilea wiuow county,
Nebraska. - (:
BOY wanted In railroad office; salary 125
to 840 per month. Addresa O b&7, Omaha
Bee. (9)-M421 llx
YOUNG man for bookkeeper; one who can
Invest Il.uuo or 82.UU0 can get good salary
and become treasurer of an old estab
lished firm doing good business ami In
corporated for 8X0UU. Address N 6j6. care
Bee. () M419 llx
WANTED Two first class shoe salesmen
State age and experience. Address F 668,
lie. IV) 167 llx
Factory and Trade.
WANTED At once, coatmaker, steady Job.
A. F. LUther, Beaiora. la. () MSiU llx
DRUG clerks wanted.
F. A. Kniest. N. Y.
(9) 624
WANTED At once, 600 sound young men.
agea Is to So, ror nremea and brakemen
on leading western railroads and for new
roads now being completed; experience
unnecessary; firemen $100 per month;
brakemen, $75; positions now open: call or
write at once for particulars. National
Ry. Training Aas'n, 6-0 X, Paxton Block,
Omaha, Neb. (9) 22S M3
WANTED Traveling man, capable
hiring and managing other men; must
be a good salesman, willing to work and
sober.' To the right perspn a permanent
position will be given at a stated salary
and expenses. Address L 654, Bee office.
(9) M365 llx
MEN and boys. Plumbing or bricklaying
trade pays $6 to 88 per day. We teach you
by practical Instructions In three months;
position guaranteed; free catalogue.
Coyne Trade School, 4975 Easton Ave., St.
Louis, Mo. (9)-78
Bookkeeper, 860.
Four stenographers, $40 to 880.
Three office men, (46 to 866.
Two specialty men.
xoung man tor omce witn some gnowieage
of hookkeeoing.
Office man, small salary to start, but good
One experienced shoe man.
Rooms 60 and EL Douglas Blk.,
Corner lath and DodKe.
(9r-M605 U
WANTED Men to lemrn barber trade. Few
weeks completes. Ten positions for every
graduate. $13 to $20 weekly paid. Wages
while learning. Beautiful 19u7 catalogue
lust out. Call or write. Moler Barber
College, 111 Farnam 8t OtUm Mix
WANTED For the U. 8. Marine Corpa,
men between ages & and 85. An oppor
tunity to see the world. For full informa
tion apply in person or by letter to re
cruiting officer, U. 8. Nat l bank building,
Uth and Farnam Bta, Omaha, Neb.
(9)-810 2Bx
MAN AND WIFE Cook and coachman, on
farm. A- Uoepe, 1MJ Douglas Bt
IW A1692 12
Horses aad Veklelee.
HOR8E8 bought, sold and axehanged; drlv.
era and general purpose horses a specialty.
Myers, 171S Jackson. Tel. Red toz.
Ui mxji ail
FIVE well-broken mares. 1.100 to 1.300
lbs. each: ine mare, 1,360 lbs., cheap
2006 Maple street. (11) M368 llx
HOR8ES, weight' 1,200 lbs. each, wagon
and harness, 3125; one team, weight 2,600
Iba. ; one team, weight 8,000 lgs. ; 2 farm
mares. 2713 .Grant. Tel. Douglas 3410.
U) 231
GOOD team 5 years old, well broke, 82fi5;
team of good, heavy mares, 8215; one good,
heavy, well broke, 4-year-old mare with
foal, 8135; one team of blacks, well
matched, weighing 2.2S0, 8160; one good
mare, 1,360, 870; one sore-footed mere,
8S5; one cheap horse, 826. Rear 414 N.
Wth St . (11) M266
FOR SALE 4-year-old horse, city broke,
single or double; also buggy, inquire
902 Capitol Ave. Colwell.
(18) M299 II
scientific horseshoer. 416
call and deliver. Doug.
(11) M430 M8
So. lKth. Will
GARDNERS' outfit; horses, wagon, Imple
ments, cheap for cash. Lana tor rent.
Jacobsen, 46ih and Maple Bts., city.
(11) M679 12x
Poultry end Eggs.
100 Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels (ex
clusive) ror sale, 6 for 16. J. A. rtaney,
Elkhorn, Neb. . (11) M840 15
ROSE and Single Comb Brown Leghorns,
Silver Spangled Hamburg, White Pekin
Ducks. E. Dooley, Belma, la.
(1D-304 19x
BUFF FOWLS Buff Wyandottes, Buff
Rocks, Cochin Bantams, high grade
stock. Price reasonable. W. J.' Gow,
Norfolk, Neb. (11) M 305 x
BUFF Orpingtons; none better? eggs 83.50
setting, chock matter corresponaence,
Jacob Stutx ! Importer, breeder, 280 Mo
Dougell Ave., Detroit, Mich.
(11) M 284 12x
FOR BALE SO Black Lungshan cockerels.
pure bred mack Langshan cockerels l
each, if taken soon, Mra. J. W. John
son. Loup City, Neb. ' (11) M841 15
WHITE LEGHORNS, Vanatta strain;
White Rocks; Pekln ducks. Eggs in sea
son. Llllle C. Bennett, Belgrade, Neb.
(11) M42& iix
BARRED ROCKS; stock and eggs for sale.
write Austin Faucett, Blair, NtB.
,i ' . . (11) M429 22x
Nnrvel and Devore strain. R. F. Curtis,
4923 Cass St., Dundee. Tel. Harney S3b4.
(11) M423 15x
FOR SALE Fine Barred Plymouth Rock
roosters, a. e. Rlnden, 3069 t'urtis Ave.
rhone Tayler 4777.. (11 461 llx
BIX Lee brooders, one Lee Incubator and
three Cyphus Incubators. Stsndard Poul
try Co.. 3216 N. 26th St., Omaha.
. , . (1D-M632 12X
HOMER pigeons; best squab breeders.
Hooking advance eroers for mated pairs.
Visitors invited. Walker, 1923 S. 16th.
Doug. 5664. . (11 M624 M9
FEW choice thoroughbred Barred Ply-
moutn. kock male biras. Hraoiey wros
strain. 4340 Ersklne. St. . Phone Harney
Swt. ' . (16) 68B 16X
Cows, Dlrds, Tlnaa and Pets.
FOR SALE Shetland-ponlee, ferrets, poul-
-try,.- pigeons,- pheaaiunts, rabbits,, guinea
' pigs, goats, eats, dogs; 2-rent stamp for
particulars. Col. Joseph "Left el. Spring
field, O. mi...-'-, - A (ID M330 18x
820 REWARD for return of Red -Cocker
female, lost from 2th St. two weeks ago
Geo. H. Moore, People's Store, ISth and
f arnam.' .... tie) aie: lix
Return to 409 N
(12) M685 llx .
zbtn bt. itewara. .
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelshton Medical college, 14th and Dav.
. eaport Bts.; special attention paid to coo.
nnement cases; an treatment supervised
by college professors, 'Phone Doug. 1167.
Oils answered day or night. (13) 129
ANY pcor girl In need of a friend call
or write to the matron of the 8nlvailon
Army IJome for Women at 3824 N. 24th
Bt., Omaha, xnsd. , (13) M 100
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
hies adopted. The Good Samaritan Ban!
tarlum, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la.
Tel. J7. - (13) S22
BF.8T nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve
food pins, 31 box. postpaid. Sherman
' unn..n ri.v nn . ..
MRS. PERRY, drugless healer, feater of
circulations and chronic diseases. 216 N,
19th 8U (13) M344 M6
Cash in Any Amount
security or publicity, at the very lowest
rates; wun payments to suit your con
venience; everything strictly confidential.
lieuable Credit Co.,
Rooms 807-308 Paxton Blk.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows,
horses, etc C. F. Reed. 310 8. INth.
Have Increased their capital and during the
2904. 810 Bee Building. - (14) M834
month of February will make a speoial
rate on collateral loans, murlgagis on
personal property and notes, without se
curity. Terms b suit 'Phone Douglas
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
etc.. In any amount; leas than half ratos;
perfect privacy, immediate attention; any
terms wanted; payments suspended when
atck or out of work. 214 Karbar-h Blk.,
m South Uth Bt . (14 Due
Our new plan enables you to obtain money
at rales which honest people can afford
to pay. We will make you a loan on your
salary, furniture or piano, and you can
pay ua back later In amounta to suit your
convenience. - Everything connaenuai.
Room 20, Frenaer Blk., 14th and Dodge Sts.
(14 slibl all
and others furnished money upon their owq
names, without security; easy payments;
offices in Al principal cities. Save your
slf money by getting my terms first
714 New YorkiLlfe Bldg.
. (14V-
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary: easy to get; no red tape. You gel
money .same day asked for at small eost
Open avemnga till 7. (14 4W7
CHATTEL, salary and atoraga receipt
roitj Lota i uut rarnam Bt
J4 .Mill
FURNITURE, Jive stock, salary loana Duff
Green Loan Co.. room 8, Barker Blk.
(141 All
PHCENIX CREDIT CO., tor chattel or
salary luana. eat Pastes Blk. 'Phone
LuUa iat, . . QAr-M
EAOLTfl LOAN OFFICE Reliable aooom
modating; ail business confidential. 1301
Dcu gls s. OO aw
Bearding and Reoaae.
VIENNA hotel private dining rooms; cafe.
tiej eoe
with bosrd. 171$
(IB) M392 M7x
NICELY furnished, well heated room, all
modern convenlencee. excellent taoie; pri
vate family. 24ti Harney U
DEWEY European Hotel, Uth and Farnam.
lia) sues is
THE BHELTON. 25th and Dodge.
(16-M54l MIX
LANQE HOTEL, rooma Comer 13th and
jacKson. (16) lu usrea t
LARGE modern front room, close In. near
car, near Crelghton college. For teacner
or student. 730 North 23d. (15) M242 Ux
LARGE, well, furnished rooms; modern
conveniences; good board. The Rose, -vu
Harney St. (15)-327 24x
NICELY furnished, with or without board
In very good location. One block from
car. 922 No. 19th. (15) 430 15 X
MODERN rooms, furnace heat; home cook
ing; reasonable. 2217 Howard. Red
(15)-438 M7
EXCELLENT steam heated rooms. Fine
board. Meals 15c; tickets $3. The Boston,
107 HO. 17th St. (16) 440 1ZX
THE PRATT, 210 So.
26th St.
(16) 444 Mart
LARGE alcove room, all modern; break
fast privileges. 116 N. 26th Bt.
(15) M665 M9
ONE large modern room, on second floor,
on Harney car line, and in good section.
iMzu cass. xei. ixugias win.
(16)-M670 18
LARGE front room, with good board. 2616
rarnani bt. iiti-wo iz
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, steam
heat; first class table board; references
exchanged. The Qui vet, 1811 Farnam St.
(lt M6U w
Famished Rooms.
BACHELORS quarters, new, up to data;
prices reasonable, m o. xtm Ave.
(16) M52S
MIDLAND HOTEL Uth and Chicago.
. . " (16) 3t.i ni
TWO rooms on parlor floor, ensuite. On
large room on seopnri floor, nanasomeiy
lurnisnea. 2410 Farnam. Doug. s33.
(15) M300 12X
MODERN furnished rooms. 2225 Dodge.
(15)-M844 Ml
BRUNSWICK hotel. 1210 Douglas St.
(16) 162 Mar. 4
STEAM heated front rooms, 1909 Capitol.
- (18) iti juar.
TWO large modern rooms. In very desirable
residence section: use or phone ana par
lor, a xca. Howard bt. id-ui ux
LARGE parlor.
ill modern: close In and
very desiraDie.
. Farnam Bt. - :
On ground floor. 1924
(16)-437. 12
LARGE east front -room,' with alcove;
steam heat and two large cioseta. Uenue
men preferred. 306 So. 26th St.
(15) 442.. IS
ONE large, modern .room. In very nice
location, suitable for two gentlemen;
reasonable. 313 bo. 2Stn Bt.
(15)-M672 12x
MODERN rooms, fine neighborhood; gen
" tlemen preferred. 2614 St. Mary's Ave.
(15) M666 M9
Douglas 3688.
714 N. lth. Tel.
(15) M669 M9x
ONE large, newly furnished room. Very
close In. On Farnam St. Private family.
Apply 1906 Farnam St. (15) 439 l2x
TWO large modern rooms In desirable lo
cation. One block from car. Walking
distance. 122 No. 2Utu St. (161441 16
FURNISHED rooms. Light housekeeping
permitted, sit b. autn bt., (between Far
nam and Harney.) (16) M586 12x
TO THE man who Is paying room rent
You had better see the room for $14 al
No. 405 S. 24th Ave. (24th Ave. and Harney.)
It has steam heat, gas and electric sldo
lights for dresser, porcelain basin with
hot and cold water; building and furniture
new and strictly first-class. Also have
front room, mahogany finish, $18. Break
fast privilege if desired. (15) M583 17
ONE large front parlor on first floor, mod
ern In all respents. Use of phone. 2421
Dodge Bt. (15)-Mti77 18
Untarnished Hoos
LARGE modern front room; very close In
and on car line.. i a. utn Ave.
(15)-M391 11
ONE large front room and alcove, bed
room and kitchen, 6 closets, steam beat.
122 8. 26th St. Tel. Douglas 63u9.
(16)-314 12x
FOUR ROOMS, modem. $26; 4 rooms,
modern except heat, $16; I rooms, $10.
Tel. Douglaa 6309. (15)-M1 16x
8 UNFURNISHED rooms, modern; light
housekeeping. 1144 South $2d Bt.
(15) AI64$ 12x
TWO large unfurnished rooms. In very de
sirable location; hot water heat; refer
ences required. 2402 Cass. (15) M668 16
Apartments and Flats
8-ROOM flst, modern, rood repair, opposite
Hanscom prk 833. 'Phone Douglas 623.
- . . . 05 892
NEW flat, 417 North ISth Bt. Ready this
Six-room houae, modern and nice, close In.
Cheap rent
C. 8. SHEPARD. 308 N. Y. LIFE.
(16 M599 Ux
1't nNiRHF.n mnrni also for llrht hniiu.
keeping; close In; reasonable. 811 So. 20th
(16 M582 Ux j
LOWER flat 1141 N. 17th Bt, $12.50i
(16) M6j6 12
TWO MODERN rooms for housekeeping.
10M So. 28th.- (15-M414 llx
Houses and Cottages.
WR MOVE planoa. Maggsrd Van and
Storage Co. TeL Doug. i486. Office. .18
Webster Bt (15)-44
HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk.
.(16) 690
FOR RENT Modern -room brick houae;
1128 8. 81st St; 840 per month. Thomas
Brennaa, room L N. Y. Life Bldg.
STEAM heat, all modern. 7-room house.
229 N. 23d. 05) M&4
EIGHT-ROOM all modem house. Refer
ences required. Inquire 2213 Bpencer.
, (161778
trrtTTCTT'C In all parts of the city. The
HUUorjaft jf. rjuvls Co.. Bee Bldg.
rTnTTRTT'fS ' " farts of the nlty. R,
llUUorjCe peters Co.. Bee Bldg.
1 SEE us when shipping household goods te
lath St. Tel. Doug.
824 N. 26th Bt. 8-room flat, strictly mod
ern: tenant pays water; 860.
tTio Clark 8t 4 rooms, bath, toilet, gas,
IJS and water
1231 Park Wilde Ave 8 rooms, all modern,
HO and water. MoCague Investment.
Isu6 Dodge fat UeWa
Renses and Cottages Ceatlaaed.
FOR RENT -room all modern house. 113
Park Ave. (15 M.&4 14 x
8-ROOM house, modern except furnace, In
terior recently painted ana paperea
throughout, $22.60. .
' 508 First National Bank Building.
. - . (16) M56l 12x
5-r. mod. except furnace, 541 So. Sth Ave..
8-r. hotine, barn, elty water, . 2117 Ames
Ave.. 813.60.
8-r house, city water, 2508 Bo. loth Ave.,
$11 60.
8-r. mod. except furnace, barn. 2C80 Par
ker. 818.80.
7-r. mod. except furnace. SffO Farnam, $380.
8-r. mod. except furnace, not urant, 83.60.
And others.
F. D. WEAD, 16J4 Douglas.
(1d M&47 12
$20 per month for 1811 N. 23d St., 6 rooms
and bath, modern except rurnace, one
block from 24th St. car line; ground floor
of double house: In fine repair.
$8 per month for I rooms In basement of
1718 Jackson Bt.
For further particulars call
Address 1913 8. Tenth Bt. 'Phone Red-4180.
(15) MfoH llx
4-ROOM apartment, modern, 663 B. 28th
St., $26.
12-room house, modern, 604 8. 27th St., $60.
8-room apartment, steam heat, 18th and
Nicholas Bts., $20.
'Phone Douglas 6M6. (16) M680
I ROOMB, modem, hardwood finish.
Flnxney; $30.00.
(IT N. T. Life. 'Phone Douglas 1294.
(15) M840 12
a-ROOM house, all modern, fine furnace,
$36; 11-room house, all modern, newly
papered, $36. Tel. Douglas 6308.
(15)-MS0 12x
t-ROOM - modern house, except
(U 440
Inquire 623 8. Z4tb Ave.
FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except
furnace; 211 N. 28th Ave.: newly painted
'and papered; very convenient: rent
reasonable. Apply at 807 N. 19th, or room
90S N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M764
WE DO: expert piano moving at lowest
Slices. Tel. Douglaa 1626. Bchmolier 4k
lueller ' Piano Co., 1311-131$ Farnam,
' ' 15)-7 '
I-ROOM modern cottage. No. $u$l " Marcy
St.. $25. cries, it. Thomas, Room 413 Has
Building. (16)63
OMAHA Van 4 Storage Co., pack, move.
store, H. 11. goons; storenouse uw-K in.
19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Dour. 1669.
FOR PENT 8-room house , all modern ex
- cept furnace, 320. j
434 Paxton Block. . (15)-740
FOR RENT Six rooms, modern. 1017 Bo.
11th St, . (15-M420 fix
8-ROOM modern house, except furnace.
$18 per month. - Zb07 Pierce bt.
(15) M448 15
2108 Ohio St, furnished. $27.60 per month.
2S08 North 16th St., 7 rooms. $20 per month.
J. H. Dumont A Son, 905- N. Y. Life Bldg.
(16 M667 12
2727 Chicago St., fine 7-room, modern house,
1316 8o. 32d BC, 8-room modern house, finest
location In city, $32.60.
1609 Lathrop St., 6-room modern house, $18.
. W. R. HOMAN,
i 1617 Farnam St. ' .
05) M828 16
7-ROOM new house by March 1, all modern.
Close In; 2433 Caldwell. Inquire at 2431
Caldwell. 15)-Mtt llx
THREE-STORY and basement building,
with electric elevator; In wholesale com
mission district. F. D. Weed, 1624 Doug
laa St. . . 1)-S 16
...-. Offleea. .
FOR RENT Deskroom In Bee offloe, city
hall bulldJng,41J N. 5th Bt., South Omaha.
.Apply to manager.- t ' (15) 184
ONE large office room, ground floor, Ed
ward Crelghton Institute bldg., Q0 So. 18th
St., opposite city hall. Inquire building.
. . (15r-230
1614 HARNEY - St., new, modern offices.
Hastings & Heyden, Agents, 1704 Farnam
St . (15)-M4S8
DESK ROOM, with roll-top desk and fur
niture; telephone service; nominal, rent
J. H. Johnson, 848 N. Y. Life.
(16)-M33 12x
FOR RENT Entire floor, 42x120. or part
of same. 1116-1117 Farnam 8t.
(15) M296 12
1611 Howard St.. 20x60 feet and basement,
all in excellent repair; see us for terms
and lease. George & Co., 1601 Farnam St
05)-Ma a
ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing,
to per foot 205 N. 17th St Tel. Red 814.
(16) 890 F21
FURNITURE of 8-room modern house, all
In fine condition; will sell reasonable If
sold at once. Address C 80, care Bee.
(16) M678 16
FOR BALE Furniture of 6-room flat; will
sell on account of bad health; flat for
rent 1517 Capitol. (16)-M241 llg
Bookkeepers' office desk, stands high aad
in good condition. ' Apply R. W. Baker,
Bupt Bee Bldg. (18 M44IX
FOR BALE A handsome bookcase, ma
hogany finish, at a bargain. 84 Dewey
Ave. ' (161-6MX
Bargains In unredeemed jewelry. 418 N. 16th.
) M410 Fll
Pianos. Organs, Musical Instruments.
If you ned a piano now, In one month
or In six months, do not fall to examine
these values. Write at once, or pay us a
visit of Inspection. Every Instrument fully
guaranteed as represented or money baca.
I il weekly Davmenta and UD:
'$700 Steger & Bona baby grand, ma-
hogany, used, now $450
$700 Bteinway A buns, used, now 160
)6o0 George Steck A Co., new, to close
out, now 228
$6i0 Steger A Sons, osk case, now 2M
$660 Bteinway A. Bona, used, now 285
$460 Kranich A Bach, returned from
rent, now 226
H-5 Kroereon, mahogany, used, now 265
$4uo Bchmolier A Mueller, used three
months, now 250
$8u0 Mueller, mahogany case, discon
tinued style, now 2Sfl
8376 Steger A Sons, walnut, used. now.. 226
tJ60 Sample upright, mahogany, now.... 210
$3J6 Clilckerlng Bros., large, oak case,
now 12
$300 Bradford A Co.,' French walnut,
now . .' 185
$4u0 JCrekauer Bros., ' used, fine tone,
8A0 Norwood, style L, walnut, now
$.150 Sterling, ebunlzed case, now
tsSO Peek A Sons, oak case, now
$.i0 Smith Barnes, oak case, now
$x Vose A Sons, ehonlsed case. now....
f-hl, kerlns A Sons, rosewood case.
now 130
$326 Kimball, large upright, now 122
jta Camp A Co., 6 octaves, now 65
Organs and square planoa. ail makes, $16.
$26, ti6 and up. Early customers get first
. , 1311-13 Karnant St.. Omaha. ' '
We rent, tune, move and repair planoa.
Tel. Douglaa-1628. (lt M661 It
FOR SALE Equity In high grads piano,
In fin condition. Small cash payment
and balance monthly. Addres 8-K42, Bee.
or telephone Red 8698. 116) MAA It
FOR BALE A fine piano, new In Octobea,
of atandaxd make, excellent tone and ac
tion, at a very reasonable figure. Rraaoa
for sale, moving. Mi 8. ttth ft phone
Douglas $ OO-Mae
rtamsts, Orarnna, Wnaleekl Instruments
, tOontmued
In One condition. IU MoCague Bldg.
(16) MJ48 Ml
REG IN A music box, $18. 618 N. Itith
- (15 -4C M7
Peel and II Hilar A Tables.
FOR SALE New and secwad-band bllliaH
and pool tables: we lead the . world Is
cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Hruns.
wlck-Baike-CoUendar, 0. loth Pt
ONE Remington typewriter. No. , la g-od
condition, for aale jheap. Call at Use
ffloe. (16) 2s
Mlscellaneaue .
DO TOTJ Ilka honey Pellclmjf honey
candy. Purs Nehraska hoireV,5 40ot
pound, 10c box. postpaid. Kngttsh wal.
nut butter auptch. 60c lb; 10c box, post
paid. Honey Candy Co., All. Ion, Neb.
(1$) M372 14X
FOR BALE A few flrtft clans show easel
, and counters; very cheap; nearly new.
Kennard Glass A Paint Co, Uth and
Dodge sts. (18 AltCl
FE V bargains In 2d-hsnd soda fountains!
monthly yaymaota. Lens lit, i8LS Farnam.
. . (l)-40
8 END us too mall orders for drug:
freight paid on 810w.lotn. Myers-Dillon
Drug CuU Omaha. (16) det
ONE HOE drum cylinder press Rurklef
Printing Co., Omaha. - U6 64 Fit
8HERWIN WILLIAM" CO., pest mlxe
paint Bhertnan A McConneil trug Co,
i oe; 3
HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Farnaro.
(16) 939
FOR BALE Two National cash registers,
one total adder; also nice Una of store
fixture. Globe Land 'and Investment
company, Patterson block, - (M) M728
GOOD large heating atove and roll Vm
desk, In good condition. U'XPi N Pt.
South Omaha, Neb. (16) M364 lis
FOR - Bale Jupiter pencil sharpener, la
good condition. Call G. R. Wright, Bee
office. fl M764X .
FINE upright piano, parlor eult, bookcase,
rugs, hall tree and other furniture. Call
at once. 418 N. 23d Bt. (16) 277 M4
PRINTING press; 10x15 Gordon. 24-Inch,
paper cutter, one horse power motor, 26(
fonts of type. Above property at a
sacrifice. 110 8. 17th. . (16)-M9M
SHOW CASES and national Casb register,
cheap. 308 No. 16th at. (16) M830 Mix
ELECTRIC fan, two pool tables, 4x8, 4HJ
9. fine condition;- two gasoline . atovea-
cheap. Goodrich, 1418 Douglas.
(16-M24S tlx
15 COPIES popular music $1.00, asorted$
closing out sale; add lc each ftr post,
age. - Haller Music Company find ).
Blair, Neb. - . (143) M359 11
' i
EDISON phonograph; besti deals offered
yet; freight paid; payments. Haller
Music Company, Blair, Neb.
(14) M260 11
SEND 10c for mending tissue;' makes mend
ing snd patches , Invisible; men and
women's garments; directions - furnished,
Vernon Co., Redlck block, Omaha, Neb.
(16)-32S 13x
TWO 8-ft. floor cigar show cases, plate top;
also counter rases, 808 No. 16th.
t -Otr-tOS 14g
COUNTER, shelves, partitions, work bench,
pictures, frames, etc., sacrificed - before
removal February 18. - Call alter 1 p. ra.
2627 Lake Bt. . i,. 6-M4U 16x ..
BODA foontaln for- aule at- a low- price.
Hoist Pharmacy, . 16th' , and Webster,
Omaha. - ' (16) M5"i'4 18
ON ACCOUNT of moving, wtll sell cheap,
If taken, at once, one gas heater, one
water heater and one cook atove. O. K.
Reed. 346 Dee Bldg.. ,t,- (16) M818 lSx
MOTOR cycle. 1908 Armse, ,H. P., fine
condition, wilt be sold cheap If taken at
once, W. H. Hanson, 24i0 Cuming St.
F. J. LARSON CO,,-, patent lawyers$
patent book free, - Bee Bldg. .Omaha, Neb,
- (17)-9U
Pstents, trade marks, guaranteed or no fee.
National Investment Co., Douglas Blnrk,
(17)-6 Ft
PATENT attorney, .msehlne designer. I
O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. 'Phone Red Tilt.
v f : 17 734 Fll
procured. Inventions developed. drawings,
pstterns, castings,, maohlue work. 804-611
b. ioth fit an-n
CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Bhlrta pressed,
not Ironed. 211 8. Uth St Tel. Doug. 264,
WHERE is Guy Clark, formerly of Hall
county, Nebraska T By addressing! Y 184,
Bee office, he can learn something te
his Interest. (18) M374 14x
BEWINO machines rented, any make, 75s
per week or $3.00 per month. . Second
hand machlnea for kale, $6.00 and up
Neb. Cycle Co., Uth and Harney.
MASQUE costume. Lleben. Tel. 4115. Ope
evenings. (18)-4
COSTUMES, 8318 8. 20th. Back. Tel. Red 7071
. tl M83I
BLANK BOOKS and ruled forms made M
order. Reea Printing Co-, Omaha.
' . . (U)-rM77t F28
PI FATINCi Buttons', uchln'r,
I Lln I 111 VJ Embroidering,
Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink,
lng, only 6o per yard. Send foe pflue llat
and sample.
48 Douglaa Block. TeL Douglas inst
... - (ID i
DR VOGEL'S private home for ladle be
fore and during conBnement; beat aad
cheapest In the city. 2318 8. 13th Bt -
tm M841
FOP. anything In the sewing machine line
go to P. E. Flodmaa A Co., 1614 Cap, Ave.
SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: Cut
prices; send for free catalogue. Mysrs
Dillon Drug Co., Omaha Oa)-i
tents: The Origin of Hypnotio Power, Ths
Bcsrlet Woman, The Red Dragon. Price,
10 cents. Address C. V. Mollne, Red Oak,
l (18) M70S llx
Dr. King, wis n. n si, iei. iwm.
DR. N. BOMMEA. homeopath. Bee Bldg,
l SUUW lit
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caatoft
Clothing; in tacit anyuiuig you o not
need; we collect repair and: sell, at W4 N.
llth St, for cost of collecting; to the
worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and
wagon will call. ... (18-6U
ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pan.
ton's sulve. B. i. 8oannIL agent 6u9 Were
Blk. u, (1-M11 va
OMAHA . Stammerers'.. Institute. Ramga
Bldg- - 08-4Mi
f AflWT',TTr!tr,Blntandbath. Mm.
ALfl.UiNLH(- gl..ttv hi N. 15. Id floor.
f AS5AflTi,8wdlsh movement '' N.
aiAiaoAUfjuu- roora 2. second floor.
(U)-M 203 M3
EFFA ELLIS, music by mall. Adults' av.
anlng class Mundaya . 1611 , Ksmsm.
Douglas 701. (1X169 Mar4
I HAVE something of Interest to Crocket
Oney if he. will writ. ,Addrea Y-179, tare
of Bee ' (18) U33U
HAND-palnted china punch bowl, tankard,
lemonade pitcher, tea and chocolate sets.
Flora Blngele, 711 Bo- lth B..
HEALTHY, wholesome, satin skin bestowed
by Satin akin cream and Bella powder.
"When Writing to ..
Aiv43rti8er8 ' ' . . '