"X 1907. TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, V (I V tlos. ISnth J. K. Cobber nd H. H. Whl puhllsh statutes, and while the last legls latur and the on preceding It mad an appropriation to buy th Cobbfty statutes, the bill which has already been Introduced will be fought harder thin year than before. Should th appropriation bill b killed It will leave it to th discretion Of the officers what atatute to buy. NEBRASKA MAN ASKS DAMAGES Allege II Wit Viet lea f Knagaroo Conrt la Jail and la Addition OITHRIR. Ok!., - Feb. 10.-Speclal.)-A ult ha been Instituted In the dtatrlct court at Lawton by K. B. Ellsworth, a Ne braska traveling salesman, who wa ar retted In Lawton last November on a chare of robbery and confined for aeveral days In th Comanche county Jail. Now ; he seeks damages In th sum of 16.000 frora 8tirlff C. C. Hammonds, alleging that, as a result of inhuman treatment received at . th hand of other inmates of th county ' Jail h Is a nervou and physical wreck. Th defendant sets forth in his pe tition a number of instances In which he 1 declared h was severely beaten, whipped, ' cursed and threatened while In th jail. He j.wfis arrested by Deputy Bherlff Lawrence ! on November a, lm, and placed in Jail. Ill alleges that th other prisoners forc- ibly took from him MO and th next day I stripped him of h's clothes and whipped and beat his bar person, threatening his J life, until he was induced to writ an or- der on th sheriff for It to gtv them; that j while be was in th act of putting I on his clothes they ' again set upon . him and beat him until he delivered to ' them 110. which they dlacovered ha had I secreted In his clothe, then they tried I him by kangaroo court and whipped hlm for not paying th fine aasessea ana also ' for telling th sheriff of ths first whipping. It Is further alleged by Ellsworth as a ! second cause of action that on December , 1. 1KM. he was deliberately robbed of 150 ' by an Inmate of th Jail; that he reported the same to the sheriff and demanded th return of th money, and that th sheriff afterwards returned $33, which h claimed to have found concealed In th Jail. Th plaintiff charges that Inmates of th county Jail practice cruelties as enumer ated In his case, with th knowledge of th sheriff and Jailer, and that neither of them make efforts toward stopping them. Therefore, he charges, in connection with his caus of action for damages, that they ar unfit for th responsibilities placed upon them. State Normal gehaal. KEARNEY, Neb., Feb. 10. Th normal school has started a band, composed of students and Is under ths direction of Prof. Porter. Miss Smith, th art teacher, has organ ised a sketch club, which held Its lirst meeting Tuesday night. Mrs. Chase gave a humorous but In structive talk at the chapel period Wednes day. Her subject was "PersevesBno," and It waa certainly a dlscouragment to "I can't" people. Only a small crowd greeted President Thomas at hla lecture Saturday night at Belgrade. Th Belgradlans ar evidently not very well acquainted with President Thomas. The members of the glee club gave the first "sound" of thelf success Friday when they sang three selections to th surprise of the students at such good w-Jrk. -pecUHy sine they have been organised only a short tlm.. Th third year olass held a meeting Tues day and elected the following officers tor ths semester! President, Vernon Wwn; vice president, 'tiettlah Ward; sesretary, Aildo Harperi treasurer, Dora Wallace; eer-geant-at-arms, R. M. '.Morris. . The second 'of th preliminary debutes for th purpose of selecting representatives for the school In th Hastings-Normal de bate, was held Saturday night. Owing to th inclement weather only a smalt crowd wa present Th question wss govrnmmt Ownership of the railroads. Th speakers cited European conditions of railroads In proof of thflr statement. Whll th Judges war preparing their decision the chairman of th meeting called upon the lady members of the faculty who wera present for speeches. v Miss Jennings and 1 Miss Gardner re sponded with praise for the debating so ciety and th good work which it was doing. Miss Hoale also expressed her ap preciation of the work accompl;she.1 hv th donating society. Irt regnrd to the r.MN roads In Oermany where sh lilted lant summer she said that If the conditions there wre due to government ownership, private ownership Is to be preferroj. Th judge thel? returned with th fol lowing decision for debaters on the final preliminary! . M. TCsterl!n F. A Puk.r. n. C. .Tama.,R C. Samm-m. C. Smith, W. Chapman.. , v f. H-r n1r. TTHF.RT NI. Nh, F-S. fSpeclat TelerraT, Frank Durtend. a farm hand working for .Houeeehe ; T3ro northeast ttt town,- while working cii a hay baler Satttr day, morning rauaht his right leg In th rraohlnery. mangling, It so badly that Dr. ICruse, who was summoned, was obliged to amputate It below he knee. He Is about 8 years old and married. .This makes the second accident on the same machine of a similar nature within a short time. "DlAMONDS-Frenser. 16th and Dodge. Marderer Aeeldeatnlly Killed. EL. PABO. Tea.. Feb. 10. -After killing one polli-rman and wounding another at MaiMlan. Mexico. Antonio Beniteee tried to escape by rirnnlng. but stumbled and fell ana was killed by the accidental dis charge of his pistol MOTHERHOOD The first requlalU of food mother U rood health, and th ex perience of maternity should Dot be approached Without oaxoful physical preparation. a4 woman who is in Brood rhyaicaJ condition transmit to her children ths blessing- of a rood constitution. , rYeparatioo for healthy mater nity is ftcootnpliahed by Lydla . flakhatn's VreUbl Compound, which is mad from native) roota and herbs, mora successfully than by any other medicia because It five tons and strarta to th en tin feminine organism, curio displacement. r oeration and inflammation, and th Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ha been the atandriv nf ln.rl I i V . . ... .. NotewhatMrs Janw.Chaater.of 4J7 , ,, T " " 'J ana am in vn Lydia K. fifikham'a Vimuku remedy tor the oaealiar ntnuuniJ .u.n .t IIari''"otsrry form of Temal Complaints. Drafrvinfff Si fl!LT"ck' FalUn ul DUplno.ss.nt, InflammstronT ' rhiMr?lOr:'1J0 IMm!"4 of Woman and 1 lnvaJuAbl la prcparii Childbirth nod durine th Chanra at l.i f. r Mrs, PInkham, Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering hnn 4 . a . writs Mm. ,. v. J wnta aim. Piokhatn. tl Lt. Mui GIRL IS BOUND AND QCCED Towa of Eildrath All Wcr.sJ Up 0er t Mjitericul tmt. ; ... MOTIVE FOR CRIME. DlfflCUlT TO FIND Mlaereaal Offers Km Vlolearf t Baeeat t Bla Her ad tmt Hee Hale, After Watch. H Searched the Raaaa. Clrl oa HILDRETH. Neb.; Feb.' 10. (Specie I. ) Th cltlsens of Hlldreth have been greatly worked up brer the fact that A. L. Beck, a prominent realdent of th city, upon going to his room sbout 11:80 yesterday, found his 10-year-old daughter, Freda, bound and gagged and in a semi-conscious condition. Upon releasing her sh told a story about as follows: ... While ah was arranging her father's room, which I in a different part of town from wher h boards, a stranger quietly entered th room and, with revolver In hand, told the llttl girl If she mad any noise whatever he would shoot her. He then proceeded to bind her, hand and foot. and then ransacked th room, It appear ing a If he waa looking for letters or documents of some kind, but at this hour nothing ha been missed. The girl had been bound and gagged for a couple of hours whan discovered by her father and waa not In condition to glv a very coherent story of what had happened. Bhe described th fallow as tall, smooth shaven, but wore a pair of colored glasses and th lower part of hla face was covered by a dark mask. All clews so far have proven wrong and as It la hard to find a motive for anything of the kind th officers are at a disadvantage. That a plot of some kind exists is evident from the fact that a couple of weeks ago th girl received an anonymous communica tion begging her to leave town for couple ' of weeks, as something dreadful was liable to happen to her. Th man of fered no violence to th llttl girl except a little rough handling when he tied her and the loss of a couple of braids of her hair, which he cut off with hla pocketknlf. but while he wa tying her he remarked: "D n you, I ought to kill you, but won't this time." The cltlsens of th town ar pretty well worked up over th affair and if the guilty fellow la apprehended it is likely to go hard with him. CLOSES CALL, FOR SENATOR ClRltlE Team Swept from It Feet Fording a Swollen Stream. BROKEN BOW, Neb., Feb. 10. (Special Telegram.) Ex-Senator- Frank Curri of this place and J. Ulrich of Bradahaw met with a thrilling adventure late yesterday afternoon that nearly terminated fatally for both. Aa it was, a yaluable team of horses and a fine buggy were lost The two men were returning here from th Cur rle ranch and had proceeded about four miles on the road when they began to be troubled with swollen streams resulting from the sudden thaw. Th last ford they attempted to make took th horses from their feet and swept the fig down stream. Both men rapidly thed , their overcoats. Jumped into the water and fought their way with the greatest difficulty to the shore. They followed the team nearly two miles, but owing to high banks on either s'd were unable to render any assistance. This morning the bodies of the animals and the remains of the buggy were found several miles below ths ford. The senator and his companion reached town, this afternoon. Hararlar Visits, Saloon. ' NEBRASKA, CITY. Nebv FeWMO.WSpe-. clal.) On of the boldest burglaries that has taken place In this city during th last year was commlttsd Sunday morning at 4 o'clock. Th burglary wKh an h-On rod or hammer, broke out the large plat glass In th front door of Bader Bros,' saloon, then opened the door and went' In. He opened the cash register and secured 110, but overlooked a large sum of money that was In the safe. Cigars and liquors were also taken. The' telegraph operator heard the crash of glass, but could not find th night police, as ha waa in ths west part of th city. . 'i ;'t '.... .' . Brother Takes Caret at Stafford. ALLIANCE. Neb., Feb, lf.-tSpeclal Tele gram.) James Stafford, . who was found wandering aimlessly around th sand hills south of here yesterday, was sent to his brother at Sidney last -evening. ' Thee In struction were contained In A letter from his brother, addressed to himself at Dead wood, which also desired him to purchase a ticket to Sidney, contrary, to which h secured a ticket to Lovllla. Ia., and then left th train here and started for the sand hills. Continued ill health Is th oause for his temporary mental Incapacity. .,- ftefcraalca flaw .Hot. . . BEATRICE A new bank I to be started at Ellis, this county, soon by Beatrice and Ellio capitalists. PA PILLION Thel melting' mow of yes terday raised the Water in .Papllllon , creek over the sidewalk. BEATRICE A farmers' Institute will be held st Ellis. March X. An excellent pro gram ia being prepared. - ', ; BLUE HILL Th fine weather the last few days has melted the snow quickly and roads are now quite had. ' PLATTSMOVTH Peter Nickel and Mis Carrie Mcllrid hied themselves to Lin coln and were made man and wife. BLUE HILL Mile L. Putnam and Mis Edith M. Storey were united In marriage last Thursday. These, parties real da south of here. i - ; HARVARD At a late hour last evening the death of Patrick Flnnlgan waa reported from hi home some ten miles nurtbeaat of Harvard. PLATTBMOUTH Postmaster O. : H, Smith yesterday examined fourteen apptl- MRJ. JAMES CHCSTER W. ISth fit, Kw York says in this Dest ol beaUb. now." - . rv A Renaa- loera- prcparing- for wvuneea ar inviteo.to If.r x,i . - Some Needs ol Nebraska Towns ' ttaatan. . Located about 100 miles northwest of Omaha, and In the heart of th agricul tural and farming system of th far famed Elkhorn valley, the city of Stanton Is the marvel of all who visit it. Situated on a gentle slope, far out of reach of any high water or overflow of the river, and nettling at tb foot of the table land skirt ing the valley. Its natural sanitary fea tures are. excellent. Its broad, regular streets cleanly, and Its Inviting sppearanc for both business and residence I sdperb. It I th County seat, has the county court house right In th center of the city, owns Its system of water works, is supplied with electric lights, all first-class and In fine condition, ha on of the best publlo high schools In the state, has seven church buildings and as many religious organisa tions. It has a large number of fin busi ness blocks, two opera houses, one of which la Just completed and la probably a .fine as anything In the state outside of Omaha and Lincoln. No mushroom growth has ever occurred In Stanton, and yet few n I ' cants for th position of fre rural mall oarrlers. BEATRICE A team of horses belonging to Charles Miller fell through the grain dump at the elevator at Wymore and were badly Injured. BEATRICE The funeral servlcee for the late Richard Bowen were held Saturday afternoon from the Methodist church and were largely attended. BEATRICE Harm Hula, a farmer living near Plckreli, who waa sent to th hos pital for the Insane aa an Inebriate three months ago, has been paroled. WEST POINT Last Wednesday, at the St Boniface church In Monterey. Father H. Behoof united In marriage Joseph Weld ing and Mum Uertrude Scharfen. BEATRICE Herman Epp, a former Be atrice resident, died at Martinsville, Mo, The remains will be brought her for in terment Deceased waa IJ years of age. WEST POINT Frank Koman of Elk hrrn township and Miss Katheryn Orewek of West Point were united In marriage by Father Klemmons at St. Mary's church. BEATRICE The authorities yesterday learned that Vun Pelt, the Insurance swind ler, visited Heiitrlce last week, but falling to catch any suckers he left for part un known. BEATRICE The marriage of Frank Woodrlng and Miss Mattle J. Hanson was solemnised Sunday evening st the United Brethren parsonage, Rev. J. L. Swan of ficiating. WEST POINT-County Judge Dewald united In marrtuge on Wednesday morning, at his ofllce In Weet Point, Miss Minnie Moseman of Oakland and Frank Mehllng of Bancroft. HARVARD Saturday, at the home of his .nohi.r unii inn.in.iaw. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Austin, In this city, occurred the death of Lawrence Hlbbard, in the 78th year of his age. BEATRICB-The young aon of Mr. and Mra. Wolner, living near Odell, died In a hoapltal at Omalui, following an operation. The remains were brought her for inter ment yeaterday. AIN8WORTH The Brown County Teach ! institute convened here Saturday and held an exceptionally good meeting. The teachers were here from Long Pine and Johnstown end all over the county. WEST POINT Mrs. James Koudele was talien to Omaha Thursday afternoon and to St Joseph s hospital to be operated upon, presumably for appendicitis. She died un der the operation Wednesday morning. BEATRICE The work of remodeling th station of the New Telephone company at Wymore will be started in a few days. A- new swltohboard is to be Installed and modern 'phonee will replace the old onea. WEST POINT Married, at Grace Luth eran parsonage, on Wednesday at high noon, by Rev. L. L. Lipe, pastor. Miss Elisabeth M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schuiskump, and Fred Ka.hr of Burt county. BEATRICE Miss Anna Day, county superintendent, haa been placed in charge of the corn growing contest of the farmers institute, and is endeavoring to have every school district in. the county represented at the meeting next fall. FLATTSatOUTH A party" of Burlington surveyors arrived from Omaha to secure levels along the east side of the Missouri river from, this city north. The company expects to do much rip-rap work along th stream in the spring. COLUMBUS At St. Benaventura church here last Wednesday morning three couples were joined together in holy wedlook. They were: Alvln Fianoea to MIb Josephine Schefclk. Frank Clopek to Miss Adolphln Podraza and Joseph Brudney to Miss Min nie Bonk. FAIKBURY Sheriff Chumsjde returned Inst night from Peoria, III., bringing J. H. Kennedy, who formerly lived near ulllcn, thin county, and who is charged with pass ing a bogus oheck on a merchant at this place a few weeks ago in exchange for merchandise. STROMSBURO The funeral of John 8am uelson, who lived ten miles northwest of this city, will occur tomorrow at Swede Home. Mr. Samuelson was an old timer here, and leaves a large family and has alwaya been an Industrious man. He died from pneumonia. OSCEOLA Edward Deland was 8 years old one day last week and his children, grandchildren ard great grandchild planned a surprise on the old gentleman and met at the home of their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mr. M. J. rneaensune, souin of the city. They had a grand feast BBATRICE-rThe police, Sunday morning at an early hour, arrested Lulu McCunnell, Sadie Mark, "Jumb" Blowers and Jonn Mack at Charley Cain's place In West Be atrice on the charge of being drunk and disorderly. Blowers escaped from the offi cers, but the others were lodged In jail. I STROMSBURO The funeral of S. hi Johnson occurred Sunday from the Swedish Mission church of this city, where Mr John son, had been a faithful member for the last twenty years. Mr. Johnson came to his death by accidentally shooting himself with a 22 rill while hunting In the pasture. OSCEOLA Prof. Miller, who has had charge of the Osceola schools as superin tendent since the term began, surprUed the Board of Education tne other day by tendering his resignation, to take effect last haturday. Mr. Miller haa a better job as civil engineer for an eastern railroad company. . t ' COLUMBUS The record of mortgage for Platte county for the month of Janu ary shows farm mortgages filed M8.J61. re leased town mortgages filed M, 1, released 8,14lt.D; chattel mortgages filed KU.ttei.72, released tl,U1.3t. The In creased Indebtedness of th riling over th released only amounted to $16,(U6.M. NEBRASKA CITY lsaao N. Drak died this morning at hla home In ths western part of the city of lung trouble. He was one of the pioneers o( this city, coming her in th early '60' s, and followed his trade of plasterer. He waa never married. Th funeral will be held Monday afternoon and will be under th charge of th Masons. TECUMSEH From the records of the county clerk the following figures ar se cured, showing th mortgage record for Johnson county for th month of January: Farm mortgage filed 12. amount tl3.so.Z6; city and vlnane 2, amount a; ohattel tW, amount KJ.btCtti. Farm mortgages released amount HI. 46; city and village 7. amount, lUOT; chattel, 60, amount S13,uu0.M. S l'HO.MSUUHO There apparently seems to be nothing doing on the Htromsburg line from her to Lincoln. It wa expected that the company would be her to buy right-of-way long before this, and the farmer have been figuring what they would get for their land and the prices of fanne have been stimulated accordingly. Farms that weie selling for per acre one year ago ar now being held for 1100 per acre. TECUMSEH Th Tecumaeh Commercial olub will hold Its second annual reception at the club rooms on Tuesday evening, February 2. Chairman John H. Pi arson has named as a oommitte on general ar rangements William lurnut, Harry Pheipa and C. M. Shaw. Mr. Pheipa and P. H. Hopkins have been chosen a delegate to represent the Tecumseh club at the state meeting of commercial clubs, to b held In Llnooln February 1 and 22. PLATT8&IOUTH The Burlington. Mis souri PaCiilo and Rock Island railroad com panies auh have bridge acroe the Platte river and the men who look after thee structure have already commenced to worry about th Ice and th probability of floods along th stream this spring, aa It Is predicted that a few mor warm day ilka Saturday and Sunday wiil start the to and snow down the stream. Th situation Is be ing watched very cloaely and upon the first appearance of a breakup the ice near th bringee will be dynamited and th channel kept clear. Prises for .Newspaper Mea. DENVER. Colo., Feb. la Th contest for th best descriptive article on Colorado, inaugurated by the Denver Preas club last summer for th benefit of th delegate tJ the oonveation of International League of Press clubs, held In Denver In August. 1 closed and th prise were awarded today. cities of ten times It sir can show better or mor substantial business buildings or residence. Traveling men, who are th real commercial barometers, ssy that 8,tan ton haa the most even, steady and sub stantial mercantile trade of any town In north Nebraska. It Is th only town In th county, except one on th east line. There Is abundant room here for another first-class hotel. A canning factory would undoubtedly do well, as fruits and vege tables of ail kinds peculiar to Nebraska ar produced In large quantities. A broom factory would be a profitable venture in this city, as It haa been demonstrated thst broom corn does exceptionally well in this locality. In fact, most any ordinary manu facturing enterprise rould but be a suc cessful and profitable undertaking and In vestment and the city being so finely to cated and well supplied with modern con veniences, churches and excellent schools, make It an Ideal location for men of means who desire a location to do business and a moral, healthy residence for their family. The prise winners are: Ouy L. tngn.Ha, Fre Press, Detroit, Mich., 2J60; Opl Read, Inter-Ovean. Chicago, $2): Merton J. Key, Star-Chronicle, St. Loais, $2U0; R. M. Brink erhoff. Blade, Toledo. O.. 1175; Lewis C. Early, Times, Reading. Pa.. 212S. NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY - i 4alat Carle, reatare Lll In n Rapidly Grawlaa; State. On th Crosd Wires Th telephone wires have been so mixed up that th people on several lines were able to talk with out bothering central at all. The Usual Result A wolf hunt wa held last week, but no wolves were seen, so It ended In a rabbit hunt. Spring Creek cor respondent Oreeley Leader Independent Lively Winnebago Four drunken Indian fights. In one of which a participant suf fered a broken leg, added to th gayety and splc of life In Winnebago on day this week. WalthlH Times. Attraction for Chrla There muat be aome attraction at Or urn as Chris Wolf I seen there every day. Th natural conclusion is that he has quit going to Andersonvill. Orum correspondent Blair Courier. One Girl's Longing On Beemer young lady wa heard to remark this week that one by her girl friends were getting married and, although she waa Willing to belong to soma one. It seemed hard to be left out In the cold. Cheer up, llttl girlie, next year will be leap year. Beemer Times, "Breaking the Ice" It was a cold-blooded Dakota City girl who was visiting an Emerson girt friend and at s party one evening one of the enterprising Emerson boy kissed her, and she exclaimed: "How dare you, air T No man ever kissed me before." "Oh. that's all right," said th nervy outh, "somebody had to break the Ice." South fltous City Record. Mean Man at Franklin A Franklin woman sat up till I O'clock the other night waiting for her htisband to com horn. At last, weary and1 'worn" out with vigil, sh went upstairs 't retire, only to find her husband In bed' fast asleep. Instead of going downtown JtA .had stolen upstairs and crawled Into bed, which mads hU wlf so mad she didn't speak' to trim .for a week, ' Bioomlngton Advocate. - ' . . "i Wolf Had a Rabblt-Mllton Dossett shot th biggest wolf last Saturday by th aid of a good dog and Milt's father. Mr. Dos sett saw two wolves coming In his pasture, so he called on Milt to go and hid in a cornshock whll Dossett and his dogs would chase the animals the way of death and, sure enough, th largest of th two ran right in Milton's direction, wher he met almost Instant death. Th fellow had a rabbit In his mouth st th tlm he wa shot Keene correspondent Mlnden News. Trouble at Bladen Som person who wishes to stir up strife, and who sem to be unacquainted with the postal law J of our government haa been sending an onymous letters through th malls whloh have been received by different parties her In Bladen. The author of these senseless missive certainly has not a very high idea of the mission of man her on this old earth. ' No sane tnan or woman will belittle themselves to mall out a mis sive they will not father. Bladen cor respondent Red Cloud Argus. Ticklish" Teamtig" Teaming has been ticklish business ' the past week. Since the snow cams on ths icy roads It was al most Imposeibl to tell where you would land th next moment Mr. Hatfield thought hi prospects to "read his tltls clear" were , pretty . good whan his wagon ran away with hla horses coming down on of th hills this side of Sargent with a load of coal. And they say, Lea. Pay ton had the "time of his life" crossing the Blouf, Creek bridge, when his wagon slid off and landed oS top of his load of ooal Taylor Clarion. ' ' WADSWORTH GETS OYATIM (Continued from First Pag.) for this new explosive shell a howl might be raised which would result In n severs setback to th naval program. Thg presi dent as well as ths naval experts, have com to th conclusion that battleship and submarine torpedo boats afford th best means of coast defense, but If S bat tleship's life la less than twenty years. I and this fact becomes known, it is feared that th effect onth publlo mind will be bad. and that it wll) result In th creation of a publlo .sentiment Inimical to th growth of th navy and th program of ths administration. 1 England already has used a number of Its men-of-war as targets, but up to th present tlm no ' such us of a modern vessel haa ' ever been authorised In this country. Oa Strike Won a ad Oa Lost. EL PASO, Tax.. Feb. 10. The strike of the mechanic in th shop of the Mexican National railway at Nuevo' Laredo, Max., which has been on for several montha. as well as the strike of cotton mill worker at j Querelaro, have been settled, in the former ttuv an iiiv uvinanus m in wiHimm were f ranted except recognition of the union, a the latter th strikers surrendered un conditionally. All the many ails caused by Coffee yield to well-boiled POSTUM FOOD COFFEE "Ttwre's a Reason." CHEAPER LIGHT AND HEAT Horns Vaies Import ni Amsndmsn t t Deastud Aloohol Bill MAKES POSSIBLE SMALL DISTILLER A Deaatarlslaa- Plants May Be Estab lished at Different Points In th Cwaatry Within Easy Reach in rrsssser. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.-Bpeclal.)-Th house of representatives on Thursday en acted what It Is believed will prove one of the greatest boons to th manufacturing class of the United Ststes, to th farmers, and to all those who us light and fuel. Th bill amending what has com to be known as th "denatured alcohol bill" was on Thursday amended so as to give th farmers of the United States and manu facturers who desire it th right to make raw aloohol and denature It for light or fuel purpose, under easy conditions, and IS destined to create ,a revolution In th heating and lighting method of th coun try. Th bill which was passed last Jun failed In the one Important particular of permitting th farmer and th small manu facturer making alcohol and sending It to some central denaturing establishment to have it "poisoned." . Th purpose of the bill passed this week is to still further reduce th cos) of denatured alcohol by giving greater facilities for its production and dis tribution. While th act approved Jun 7, 190S, was hailed by the farming Interests of th United States a an unmixed blessing, as suring substantial freedom from th "kero sene trust" and th "gasoline trust," there were some defects In ths bill which tended to limit the production snd distribution Of th denatured product And It was for ths purpose of correcting apparent discrep ancies that the law of last June waa amended and which now permits of alcohol of ths required proof may be drawn off for denaturatlon only from the receiving cist erns In the 'cistern room of any distillery for transfer by pipes direct to any de naturing bonded warehouse or to closed metal storage tanks under regulations to be prescribed by the commissioner of in ternal revenue. Dispense with Warehouse. The bill further provides that at distil leries producing alcohol from any sub stance whatever for denaturatlon only and having a dally spirit producing capacity of not exceeding 100 proof gallons, th use of cisterns, or tanks, of sis and construc tion as may be deemed expedient, may be permitted in lieu of distillery bonded ware houses. This means that St central points throughout the United 8tates there may be established denaturltlng plants under th supervision of treasury Inspectors In order that th consumer may be brought close to the point of manufacture. Judging from th experience of other countries wher th right to use denatured alcohol freely has been conceded for from twenty-fiv to fifty years, probably two-thirds of the n tire consumption will be of what Is known "as completely denatured" spirit This 1 what is used for domestic purposes for heating, cooking, lighting, for all ki..ds of Internal explosion engines snd for many manufacturing use. It follows, therefore, that with the great area of th United States and the. distances between the natural points of production, th cost of . transportation, or assembling th Ingredient, will be one of th largest items . of ' expense. The wood . alcohol . In dustry ' is -largely 'centered today in the states' of New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Th cheapest ethyl aloohol will be mad from West India molasses on the Atlantic coast from corn In th corn belt; from potatoes In Main and in th north went and from waate products of sugar production in Hawaii, Louisiana and the beet sugar states. In this connection it la interesting to know that the bill which passed the house on Thursday is a compromise measure growing out of bill Introduced by Repre sentative Hill of Connecticut who pro vided for th application of th law to th manufacture of ether, chloroform and other definite chemical substances wher the alcohol is changed into some other chemical substance and does not appear In th finished product; by Mf. Marshall of North Dakota, who wanted a practical adoption of the German locked still and tank system for agricultural distilleries; by Mr. Volstead of Minnesota and by Mr. Oronna of North Dakota, the former favor ing a still with a capacity of thirty gallons output per day and th latter limit ing the output to fifteen gallons. ' Musiciana' Ball, Auditorium, Feb. lL DEATH RECORD. Faaeral of Mrs. Hatierraaaa. Funeral services for Mrs. Eleanor Huber mann, on of th pioneer residents of Omatia, were held Sunday afternoon at her lata residence, tOfJO Curtis avenue. Rev. Charles Savidgs, pastor of th People's church, officiated at th residence and cemetery, Snd the members of th Knights snd Ladles of Security, of whloh orgsnlsa tlon Mrs. Hubermann wa an actlv mem ber, took a prominent part In the care monies. Many friends of th family were in attendance and ths floral tributes, were numerous. Mrs. Hubermann was 2 years old. Sh wa th widow of August Hubermann, who died twenty-nine years ago, and cams to Omaha with her husband In 1887. Sh Is survived by four children, Henry E. Huber mann of Omaha. Mrs. Ruth Carney of Portland. Or., Mrs. Anna M. Pleasants of Omaha and Miss Etnma Hubermann of Lincoln. Mrs. Mary I Roan. Th funeral of Mrs. Mary L. Rosa, aged SO years, who died early Saturday morning from aliments Incident to old age, was held Sunday afternoon at I o'clock at th under taking room of James A. Taggart Inter ment waa at Forest Lawn cemetery. Rev. R. Bf. A. McBrl.de, pastor of th Central United Presbyterian church, had charge of th services. Mrs. Rosa was th widow of th lal Harmon Roaa and resided at 214 North Twenty-fourth street Sh is urvlved by a son. Lefevr N. Rosa of th Interstate Rubber company. Fred Roblason. Th funeral of Fred Robinson, aged M years, who died Friday night from nephri tis at hla home, North Seventeenth a tree t, wa held at t o'clock Sunday after noon at Maaonlo temple. He was a mem ber of Pioneer lodge No. 20 of New York City, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and had been a resident of Omaha only a ahort time. He Is survived by a widow, who reside with her parents at Council Bluffs. Interment was st Forest Lawn cemetery. Peter Aadereea. Funeral servlcee for Peter Anderson, Who dropped dead last Taesdsy morning In th Burlington freight offloa. Eighth and How ard streets, from an attack of heart trou ble, wa held Sunday afternoon at th Pell Danish Lutheran church, 127 North Twenty-atxth street. Th pastor. Rev. An drew M. Nielsen, had charge of th services at th church and at Prospect Hill ceme tery, wher th body waa taken for Inter ment Faaerevi of D. C Melatyr. ALLIANCE. Neb., Feb. 10. (Special Tele gram.) D. C. Mclntyre, former road master for th Burlington her and who was killed In th yard on Thursday, was burled her today from the Baptist church under the auspices of th Knights Templar, who, with sbout 100 brother Masons and th Workman society, toirsthet with on of the biggest turnouts of friends that ha occurred here In years, formed a most Impreeelv cortege, Maysir at Klaaratoa Dead. KINGSION, Jamaica, Feb. 10. Charles Tslt. mayor of this olty. -died this after noon at th public hospital a a result of Injuries sustained at th time of th earth quake He wa then conducting a meeting of th council ami the building collapsed. Mayor Talt wa 68 years old and of Scotch descant ' l-ord ftwasell. LONDON, Feb, W Sir William Howard Russell, editor 'of th Army and Navy Oasette, Is dead. He wa H years old. He was famous ss a war correspondent and In that capacity served on ths London Times at th battle of Bull Run. BASKET BALL AT HIGH SCHOOL Larsr Sana! Practice Regalarly nnd Captain nnd Coach Ar Maeh Baeoaraned. Much Improvement has been manlfeated during the last week In basket ball prac tice at the high school, and the captain and coach ar somewhat encouraged. Frank JOhneon, who Is being tried out at center, Is fast teaming the points of th game and promises to make good. Purdlck and Arnsteln, th forwards, are learning the position of the basket, while Captain Neavealea snd Nagl ar playing fast guards. Nevertheless, th team realises its comparative newness and Is working hard to perfect Its system of team play. Among the more promising substitutes ar Merle Howard, Harold McKlnney, Harry Smith, Frank Sweeley and others. Much assistance is being given by play ers of laat year, men who are barred from the first team by reason of fraternity and other obstaclea. An old graduate. Jack Webster, who Is taking poet graduate work St the high school, has promised his as sistance In th coaching line. Many Invita tions for games are being received, but the management has difficulty In making up a schedule because of the difficulty In knowing when the Young Men's Christian association gymnasium will b ready for use. In spite of this handicap, however, a large squad shows up regularly for prac tice, so aa not to be unprepared to uphold the athletic honor of the high school when the occasion offers. The faculty and students are ready to do anything consistent with the new Ideal In athletics to furthef the Interests of the team. Prof. Nathan Bernateln is head coach and under his tutelage the game Is advancing. Prof. Robert Lansing has charge of the schedule and games, and Inauirles : addressed to him will receive prompt sttentlon. Several Omaha shooters wjll attend the Geneva Gun club shoot, which Is the fifth annual event of that club for the Thorpe trophy, to be held February 14 and 15. Twenty events have been scheduled for the two days, which will keep th shooters busy, ss th shooting begins at 1 o'clock Thursday and at 10 o'clock Friday. The aectlon of Nebraska around Geneva has produced some good shots, and the Omahs boys will find thev have their hands full If they expect to return with any of the trophies. Base ball has been 'aiven a start at Creighton this year, and last Thursday. at the annual meeting of the squad. Jack Mullen was elected captain ror me comins: year. He was the demon shortstop of the team laat year and hla hitting was the wonder of the followers of the team. St. Paul. Minn., has written for a game, and Manager O'Malley Is arranging for a north ern trip which will Include St. Paul, the University of Minnesota and Mornlngslde college. It wss expected to begin Indoor practice, but this Idea has been abandoned, because of the failure to find a place In which to practice. WITH THE BOWLERS. Saturday -night the Btor Blu Ribbon won three games from Judy's Stars at the association alley. . The hoys from the Metropolitan put up nice scores and passed th 200 mark In every game. Captain Jildv set his men a good example with a S20 total. The Btor boys plied MP a.t04U gam nnd came elos. to the ,( mark In totals. Cochran led or)' Individual totals with 75 and a single game of 2M. Tonltrht the league teams will he the O. D. Ks, and the Krug Parks. The score: -. JUDY'B STARS. , 1st. Id. 2d. Total. Judy 18 M7 630 Walens l&l 152 167 (ul Orotte 12 ITS 17 IM Lavlgn 1K2 102 144 , 52S Keyt 194 212 177 ts Totals ;...."ii7 "i xm STORZ BLUES. 1st. 2d. 2d. Total. Friteher 1 . 17. 192 MO Cochran 183 , 238 254 675 Tonneman lffi 1M 200 (ITS Francisco 177 !M 2U 6M Blokeney 235 182 1W 6M Totals. 261 K7 1.M&. 2.96J Seml-Flaals In Rseqsrt. TUXEDO PARK. N.. Y.. Feb. 10. -Th Wrern brothers of th New York Tennis and Racquet club reached the semi-finals in th amateur racqtfet championship for me oiu laiouot at tne Tuxedo Tennis and Racquet club today and Payne Whitnev of . th same club by defeating Milton 8. CLUCCO SHRUNK QasneiM. uMck.leei trays .Kratnior tns run Ngms Rxativo Flrorao ftca 39 mi '"' Ml Third Annual Ball Given By OmaSia tr Musicians' Association Auditorium 4 ay, 200-"licslra-200 . " Cars On All Lines After The Ball TICKETS rOR SALE AT .i' . Beaton Drug Co. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Barger of New York. George If Rrook, formerly champion of the Philadelphia Racquet club, also ouallfltrj for the semi final round. The final round also wi reached In th court tennis for the gold racouet. teavlna? lierre Irlllard. Jr.. of I the Tuiedo Tennis and Racouet club to meet Jay Gould of th Ueorglan court Lake wood, on Tuesday. To Care a Col In Hse Day Tfke LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. -Druggists refund money If It fells to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c Wise Prodaeer Comproaal. SANDUSKT. O., Feb. Secretary Wll. Ham Homer Relnhardt of th Natloral Winegrowers' association. tonight an' nnunced that aa agreement had -b-en reached with the American Wlnegrowera' association wherchv rertsln features pf th Fassett pure wine bill will be eliminated and all obstacles In the way of the passage of that measure will be removed, Th Na tional Wlnegrowera' association had been fighting the Fassett bill for over a year past on the alleged ground that It mad a law It would discriminate against many of the wineries or the middle weat to such an extent as to put some classes of them out of business. The Fassett bill has had (he endorsement of the California growers and by the compromise which Mr. Rheln hart says haa been reached, all of th winegrowers' Interests, U Is claimed, will be satisfied. , River Coattnnes to Rise. WASHINGTON, Fob. 10. -The weather bureau tonight Issued a report announcing the Mississippi river continues to rise be low Oreenville. It show a rise of one fifth of a foot during the last twenty-four hour at Vlcksburg, Natchea and Baton Rouge. At New Orleans the stag th morning was 19.4 feet, a rise of nine-tenths of s foot. Dewey Case Dismissed. TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 10. The supremo court yesterday flfifttly dismissed the eases against Chaunoey Dewey; the millionaire ranchman, and his cowboy. Clyde Wilson and W. J. McBrlde, f harged with taking part in the killing of th Berry family in western Kanaaa in- Ifwg, Taahoat Men May Strike. NEW YORK, Feb. 10. The leader of ths New York Harbor Boatmen's union an nounced tonight that there would be a Seneral trlke of tug boatmen unless their emanda of $10 a month Increase in wages ahall be granted. i ' 'i , ij- j.. i i 1 ,. m ON LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY Yee cannot do better than read a copy el a little booh mevatly published called "Lleeola at Gettysburg," by Col. Clark B. Csrr ths only surviving mem ber of th original Commission in charge of ths National Cam etary at Gettysburg, and the only man bow living who can writ so tnttroctivsTy and en. tsrtslnlngly ol Lincoln's great Gettvsbarg sneech. whv It wss great, and how It was rrsater than the wonderful oration delivered by fidwtrd Everett th sams dsv. A truly Mtrlotle book for every lever el th aoanyrsa rrciiaeai, yoasg or oia. Of ail seekMUf r; $ 1 .00 f e ry mail sf Iht nMMaers, If. Of a. o. stact.ua a ., ernes ' ix'sm-i-ee- AMISEMEKTS. 35 POYD'S Man. Tonight and All Week Curtain St p. m. Mats. Wed. and Saturday Klaw Erlanger's Colossal Production of The Prince of India eoo- PEOPLB -600 COMPANION DRAMA TO BSJN Htfft Prices, 60o to 12.00. Next Sun., Mnn., Tu. Mat. Sunday . THE ROYAL CHEF. i UUltWOOD ii" Tonight, Alt' Week-Profeaalonal" Wat Tuesday Brother Officers Next Wek-THE CLIMBERS. AUDITORIUM BIQ WRESTLING MATCH Tuesday Night, February 12 OOCAR WAG EM vs. W. A. SIMMER Reserved seata, 60c. 7Sc and tl 00, General Admission. 2&c LADIES FREE. Beat sale begins Monday morning st ths Auditorium st 10 o'clock. A CRCIGMTON mxm 'Phone Douglas 4M. Xvery sTtght statin, Thnrs., gat, rua, MODERN VAUDEVILLE Kay Tully It Oo Xyam and MoXntyr. Bert Ivy, Qutrg, Macksy Hlokron, Pes Foxl Olxous, Hedrtx rreoort, Mr. and Mrs. lrd Baooa and th KLao Srosa. Price 10o-Bc-60c. v Next Week Oraat Orphran Bond Show. KRUG THEATER Tonight 1:18 Laat Performance WRIGHT HTNTINGTOV, In THE PIT Tuesday When th World Sleeps. Lyric - Theater No Performance Monday Night All wsk. starting Tuas- Ruth CrSV ay Matisse, rabrasry 11 ttUin f ek WW 1