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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1907)
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI-NO. 204. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1907. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. ? TEMPS TELLS SECRET Tbat U Alleeed to Be Tree Hietorj of i',''' Addrew by French Episcopate. x, ULTRAMONTAINES ARE CUTWITTEO Did Hot ' Believe Pope Wouli ApproTe Frepoied Model Contracts. AGREED TO ASIDE B HIS DECISION Indonememt Ewuied and AddrM Fub lisaed Without Their Knowledga. IMPORTANT PROVISO OF IHt VATICAN Horn Diln th Coatraet Accepted ErtrrwktT la France or Hot AIlBndorsemeut by Pop FtrMMllr. PARIS, Feb. lO.-Th Terr prlnU what It declare to bo the tru "7;. of the ad dress of th French eplsM;? foposing modal contracts for churches.' V lng to this account which bear Inter.. ence (.1 authentic, tha ultramonu "ho are In the majority In the plco f't . .. - i . S V. & .t.ti but agreed to submit to the Vatlcarf ' question of contracts which the moderaV.. proposed. In the belief that It would .not br acceptable there. Mgr. Dadolle, archblahop of Dijon, and Blehop Touchet took the min utes to Rome and Cardinal Merry Del Vai. papal secretary of state, told them the pope was willing to accept the principles of the contracts If absolute solidity was shown, but that this decision must come osten sibly from the episcopate, as he could not publicly Intervene. ' Thereupon, the Temps says, the address was drawn up and submitted to the pope, Who with his own hand supplemented the clause speclnylng that the contract must be accepted everywhere, "or we do not wish It anywhere." The document, the papsr ays, was then brought to Paris and Issued In the name of the entire episcopate, al though many of the bishops never saw It until It was published. STATE SECRETS GIVEN OUT Reams for Aaatrla'a Veto of Election Of Cardlaat Ram poll as . Fope. ROME, Feb. M. Prima Levi, who was secretary to the late Premier Crlapt, adds to the memoirs of the late Prince Hohen lohe by publishing letters written by Card inal Hohenlohe, a brother of the chancellor, who lived In Rome. From those letters It appears that Cardinal Hohenlohe suspected the Jesuits had tried to poison him because he was too liberal in endeavoring through his Intimacy among ' leading statesmen. chiefly with Crispl, to bring about an under tandinv between the Vatican , and the Cardinal Hohenlohe, on June 24, 1885, rote Pope Leo, saying: "God has ar ranged things so that the church cannot retake the temporal power. The salvation of souls demands that we submit and re main tranquil In the ecclesiastic sphere." . The pope's departure from Jtaly was Spoken of owing to friction over the monu ment to Giordano Bruno, the philosopher who was burned at the stake In the Campo del Flort at Rome as a heretic. Cardinal Hohenlohe wrote to Pope Leo: "Crispl has . asked me to Inform you that If you wish to leave he will not oppose It, and will have you accompanied with all honors, but that your holiness will never be allowed to re turn to Rome." Cardinal Hohenlohe also discussed with Crispl and Foreign Minister Blano the best way In case of a conclave to prevent the election of Cardinal Rampolla as pope. Italy, It was contended In this discussion, could not act without appearing to mini mise ths spiritual sovereignty and Inde pendence of the church, neither could Germany, because It was a Protestant power, and Austria alone was in a po sition to act. Blano drew up a memorial which Cardinal Hohenlohe sent to his brother, who was then the German chan cellor and this memorial probably was the orlrln of the Austrian veto of Cardinal Rampolla at the last conclave. HAYTI SHOWING ITS TEETH 'teems to Ho Courting; Trouble with Germany aad the Valted States. PORT AU PRINCE, Haytl, Feb. 10.-R-latlona between the government of Haytl and Germany are strained owing to the re fusal of the Gorman bankers, Hermann Co.. by direction of the court at Port Au Prince, to return to the Haytlan govern ment large sums of money alleged to have been obtained fraudulently. Among the al leged transactions of Hermann ft Co. with the Haytlan povernment was one said to have proved favorable to the government This was concluded by the Haytlan min ister of finance, the German legation and Hermann ft Co. The German minister de manded that this transaction, as well as others, bo annulled, but the Haytlan gov ernment, in terms that the Oerman min ister deemed offenslvs, refused to acqui esce. The Oerman minister at the same time demanded the withdrawal of the phrase objected t6. This was also refused. Fears are entertained here of grave com plications enoulng. The Official Monitor recently published notice of the expulsion of Mr. Mansour, an American cltlien. but Mr. Furalss. ths American minister. ucusvuiB mi call tor the man's expulsion unjustified, asked for the withdrawal of the order. This, ho ever, was refused and Mansour has left for New York. The soul of the American leg Hon has been placed on hla shop. SCALP FOR EMPEROR WILLIAM Kefcaal Pasha to B Baulsh4 at ! Demand of the German Embassy. CONSTANTINOPLE. Feb. 10,-Th spe cial cominlHslon of Inquiry ordered by th sultan to examine into the charges against PobtnUPasha, chief of th secret police of the palace, who. It waa alleged by th Gor man embaavy recently, caused the seisure bf a ship's cargo destined for Hamburg, ha concluded Ita work. Th German embassy, I at th sultan request, waived a public trial. Sir Robert Hart, director general of Chinese but lnsieted that Felimt-Pasha be ban- Imperial customs, will leave China for Eng Uhed. which. It Is understood will be don. land at the end of February on a two year aa th sultan Is convinced that Emperor j leave of abaeneo and that he Is not likely Wills m is strongly backlrur up th German ! ever to return. This is regarded as the ouU embassy's demaud tor tho punishment f com of th appointment last summer Of th tAitlat I chin as c us turns ootnmiasionera. SUMMARY OF THE DEE Moaday, Febraary 11, lOT. 1007 FEBRUARY 190? UN MOM TV I WIS TSS SWI T '( f j 12 3 ,4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 TH1 WXATXTCS. FORECAST FOR NEBRASKA AND IOWA-Fair Monday and Tuesday. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Dpk. Hour. Dog. t a. m 37 1 p. m 89 a. m 87 I p. m 40 7 a. m 37 t p. m 41 ( a. m 4 p. m 40 a. m 15 6 p. m ft 10 a. m 34 p. m 8 11 a. m 37 t p. m M 11 m 38 8 p. m 38 p. m 87 DOKXrriO Present plana are not to place Mrs. Harry Thaw on witness stand Monday, but to give her a day to rest frpm strain of recent experience. Page L California delegation which la confer ring with president in Japanese episode, declares It stands Irrevocably for exclu sion of Japanese coolie labor. Page t. XrZXXABXA. Fifteen year pld girl bound and gagged ' some miscreant In her father's room Hlldreth. No motive known for the .1. Fag IIOUUTJT1. Subcommittee of Nebraska legislature has had ho meeting since It was named to, draw up the primary bill. Page 1. IOCAX.. Rev. R. B. H. Bell of Church of the Good Shepherd advocates frpm pulpit pas sage of child labor law. Pag 8. rouiax. Paris Temps publishes what purports to be Inside history of offer of French bishops to lease churches In which it as serts the ultramontalne section was out witted. Fag 1, COUHCH BLUFFS AID XOWA. Bill before the Iowa legislature modeled after the Nebraska law which Is Intended to prevent grain dealers from combining to fix prices. 'age a. ELECTIONS IN RUSSIAN CITIES Belief that Oppoaltfoa to Cabinet Has Bees Successful in "Most , Cases. ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 10. Elections were held today 1A nine large cities (Mos cow, Odessa, Tlflls, Kasan, Vllna, Yekater lnoalav, Astrakhan, Kishinev and Yarastav) of the twenty-four which send members di rect to Parliament Moscow having four members and the other cities one each In accordance with -Russian Ideas the counting of the votes has been postponed until tomorrow and definite results of the elections are unknown, but the Indications everywhere sire of a" victory for the dpposl Uon. In several cities, notably Moscow, the question Is whether, the election has been carried by the constitutional demo crats or the socialists. The chances of the socialists In Moscow are "favored by the results of the workmen's elections. In which nineteen social democrats were chosen. Elections of peasants, land owners and workmen were also held today In several provinces, but no resutts have been received that change the forecast sent In these dis patches last night, the figures of which aro confirmed by the statistics showing oppo sition victories. The Regg, the constitu tional democratic organ, claims 106 seats In European Russia, not counting four In Rostov-on-Don City, seml-Patlnlnskl, Turglnl and Astrakhan, which were In cluded In the forecast of the Associated Press. In spite of the evident orpoeltion char acter of Parliament, Premier Stolypln .Is quoted as saying that he hopes to nurse along until summer before a dissolution Is necessary, but general opinion Is that the constitutional democrats will be unable to hold their radical colleagues in check and that ths new parliament's life will not ex ceed two months. The expectation that the dissolution of parliament would be followed by a change In election law is denied by Premier Stolypln, who says he believes this would be unconstitutional. MOSCOW, Feb. 10. The elections today were a struggle between the constitutional democrats and socialists and the probabil ity Is that neither party secured an abso lute majority. Btrong forces of police were messed In the vicinity of the polls and all agitation was suppressed. As a result of these measures the police stations were Jammed with agitators before noon. There were mounted patrols In all the streets, but despite this there were frequent collisions between conservative and radical voters. Nobody was seriously Injured. BONILLA BREAKS THE TREATY President of Hondaraa Hold Respon sible for Central American Troable. MANAGUA. Nicaragua, Feb. Kk-Advtcea received here are to the effect that It waa President Bo nil la of Honduras who broke the treaty of Corlnto, which provides for the arbitration of questions In dispute be tween the Centra American republics, and that as a result of this the tribunal which was sitting at Ban Salvador In an endeavor to settle the differences between Nicaragua and Honduras, was dissolved. PANAMA, Feb. 10. Francisco J. Nerhoaa, fhlluan minister to the Central American j pun,, who t, m thl, cUy on Wliy i vlnarJo. aaid to the Auo-JaM Pnu w- VTT. . , , w "Before my departure from Coat a Rloa for . . , , . T , . j last Wednesday I offered my service to arbitrate the questions In dispute between Honduras and Nicaragua, In case th Ban Calvador tribunal could not reach an ae eeptable decision. Both President Bontlla of Honduras and President Zelaya of Nica ragua wired me such conciliatory mes sage that I left believing' firmly that war between the two republics would not re- suit" ROBERT HART LEAVES CHINA Director Goaeral of Caatom Take Taeatloa 'Whlek Is Likely ta Bo PerasMsL INDON. Feb. 10.It I announced that WADSWORTH GETS OVATION Memben of All Parties Join la Ghowinc Him Token of Appreciation. FAREWELL AFTER TWELVE YEARS' SERVICE eaato to Vote oa the Twentieth on the Basoot Case Oplaloa Prevails lie Will Bo Allowed to Retain His Boat. (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. (Special.) There have been times In the past when the house of representatives has gone wild with applause, but on these occasions the outbreak usually has been confined to one side or the other. The outbreak whlctt greeted Representative James W. Wads worth on Wednesday last, when he de livered his "valedictory" waa unique in that every man on the Boor, democrats ss well as republicans, without a single ex ception. Joined In the remarkable demon stration. It was at the conclusion of the consider ation of the agricultural appropriation bill. measure of which Mr. Wadsworth tins had charge every year for the past twelve sessions, that he addressed the house upon the subject of the meat inspection clauses of the bill of last year. His object was to show to his associates by the testimony of the authorities of the Department of Agri culture that the measure as framed by Mr. Wadsworth and his committee last spring had accomplished exactly what the administration. Senator Beverldge and the people wanted. It has provided a com plete and perfect Inspection of meat food products and has restored the confidence of the consumer in the cleanliness and purity of the meats which he purchases. Mr. Wadsworth probably will not again have occasion to address the house during the four weeks which he will remain a member. His closing speech was a well considered, dignified defense of the com mittee over which he has presided so well for twelve years snd as such met with the cordial and hearty approval of every man on tnt noor. it was a remaraaoie ovation to an outgoing member; an ap preciation of a man who has the good will of every one' of his associates. Nothing demonstrates the growth of the United States better than the enormous In crease In the annual appropriations for the Department of Agriculture during the last twelve years, the period covered by Mr. Wadsworth's Incumbency of the chairman ship of the committee on agriculture. The total amount carried by the bill In the first year of his service as chairman was ap proximately three and a quarter millions. while the budget for the fiscal year of 1908 In all amounts to upwards of twelve minions, or nearly 400 per cent Increase in twelve years. Vote oa 8 moot Fi On the 20th of the current month the United States senate will take final action on the case of Senator. Reed 8moot of Utah, and on that date It Is expected that the senate will give the Utah .senator a clear title to the seat which ho has oc cupled for four years. Never before In the history of the United State senate, has there been a similar can Senator ..Emoot took the oath of. office during the special session of the senate In 1903. A protest was filed and the committee on privileges and elections decided to enquire Into his right to retain his seat. They examined a num ber of witnesses during the following De cember and "closed the case for the pros ecution" a day or two before Christmas. Chairman Burrows gave Mr. Smoot until the 10 of January following 0904) to pre pare and present his side. Senator Bur rows announced that the committee waa determined to secure a vote by the senate during the then current session. .But no attempt has since been mode to get an ex- presslon of the senate Itself upon the points at Issue until last week when Senator Bur rows asked that February SO be fixed as the date for the final vote. j Uw Favors ronarreaamea. Res-Inning March 4 the salary of a senator will be tl.Vti a year, anil at the same time the members of the house of representa tives will draw 89.000, or 81,600 each more than senators. This peculiar condition arises from the clause in the appropria tion bill which provides that each member, not chairman' of a oonynlttee, may draw 8125 each month for clet cal assistance. In the senate each senator has the privilege of appointing a aecretary, .who. Is paid, upon signing the pay roll, by the disburs ing officer of the upper house. Up to the present time, and for the last ten years, representatives have been permitted to draw 8100 each month after signing a cer tificate tn which he declared that he had paid or had agreed to pay that sum for clerical help. Under the new law no such certificate Is required, and If a member can get a 'clerk for 83 or 850 per month and many of them don't pay even that much-hs Is from 87S to 8100 per month ahead. ' It la estimated that fully 10 per cent of the membership of the house have so little to do that they require no clerks, but no one la expected to refrain from drawing 81,600 each year tor that reason. The Item for clerical assistance went through without much discussion none at all In the senate and It probably will result In an amendment to the law In the near future which will require the names of all congressional clerks to be placed on the roll. Just like messengers, commit tee clerks and doorkeepers. Battleship for a Tara-et. Efforts have been made during the last few weeks to Indue the committee on naval affairs to adopt a new Invention In the way of explosive sheila Briefly, the Invention might be described as an aerial shall loaded with dynamite. The idea Is to send a charge of the highest known explosive against the protected side of an armored vessel and explode It on the out side. It Is claimed by the Inventor that the explosion of a large charge of dyna mite against armor plate, no matter how thick, would result In shattering the pro- ! : . , ... ,u" I tectlve belt, as well as the side of the ... vessel Itself. The committee on naval affair haa been asked to authorise an experiment with th ! J"1'? T"t" " T"' . V"'' ! claimed for tt comparatively little damage j will result On the other hand, if the new ah ell Is as effective aa claimed It will I demonstrate the comparative usalessnes of vessel or Ins Tsxa type. The Texas was one of th first battle ship built for th new navy. It I about eighteen year old and has been a "hoo- doo" sine it keel wa. laid. Mor accl- uviiii n.yi.uN vu m.u iv nm lexa than hav occurred In connection with any other vessel in th navy. No officer care for an assignment to It quarter deck, and oven th "Jackie" fight shy of th Texas. The vessel la obsolst. and th Navy de partment as well as tha member of th naval commute of coagrees, ar quit willing to permit the experiment But It I feared that If U should bo mad a target (Continued on Booood Pa) STAMPS GIVEN) LITTLE CARE New York Comptroller Makes Serious Caarwes Aaralast Hla Pr e d ee ssor ALBANY, "N. T.. Feb. I0.-Comptrol1er Martin H. Glynn made public tonight the results of an Investigation which he has been making Into the cofTHltlon of the stock transfer tax bureau of his office with reference to the handling and dis posal of 87.000,000 worth of the stamps Issued by that department for use In the transfer of stocks under the act of 1906. According to the comptroller's statement, more than 85.000,000 worth of the stamps have been destroyed either In process of manufacture or by actual burning, without adequate record or supervision In the two years since the act was passed and there Is only the personal word of a single clerk, salaried at 82.500 and not under bond, to certify to the fact that they were destroyed at alL The stamps were printed by Quayle ft Son of this city. The plates were In the custody of the comptroller's representative and each day were delivered to Quayle. The paper first used was of an ordinary commercial sort, which Comp troller Glynn said waa stored In the Quayle shop under an ordinary lock In an ordinary room, and while thet sheets were counted out before printing I there was no safe guard to prevent tlr being abstracted. Moreover, the comptroller declares the count of sheets does Lot tally, the explana tion being that som of It was used for other purposes. Tb1 first Issue was found tn hj aiiaccntlhtji nf tcnnnti.rfeltlnB'. and in. May or June of lasi year the printing of these was stopped and a new issue was begun on patent paper. "When the new paper, which was to defy counterfeiting, came, to hand," said the comptroller, "It received no better safe guard, but was left In the Quayle shop. And the comptroller s seal with which the bundles were sealed waa apparently as carelessly treated." ! A statement was made to him by Wat kins, the comptroller, he said, adding: "He says that early In "October he took all that remained of the old Issue of stamps from the vaults dowa to Quayle's shop In Green street, boxed them up and they re mained there without guard or watchman at least one night The safe deposit people say, however, they were not returned until December 2. "There were over $2,000,000 In this lot, $1.2B,m which had been returned by the Bank of Manhattan, the official distributors of the stamps, and 81.027,896 which had never been Issued. I do not know how long they remained at the Green street shop, but according to Watktns' statement they were brought back here to the state house and on December 29, two days before I assumed office, they were burned In the furnace downstairs, without being counted or checked up, and without witnesses, save a clerk who was no way legally re sponsible for their cire. The record of the burning of December 29 was not entered until December 31. the day before I took office." SUNDAY SESS OF HOUSE Day Devoted to Muloa-tes to Departed ' t: .'- Mtntetiti -bkt.'vr:;': 'Body. . I WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. The house to day listened to eulogies on ths life and character and publio service of the ,late Representative Rockwood Hoar of Massa chusetts and Rurus E. Lester of Georgia, both of whom died during the last summer. Mr. Loveriiig of Massachusetts presided during the eulogies on Mr. Hoar. The fol lowing delivered addresses: Messrs. Wash burn, Greene, McCall, McNary, Lawrence, Weeks, Tirrell, Loverlng and Gillette of Massachusetts, Boutell, Illinois; Sherley. j Kentucky; Houston and Butler. Tennessee; Oloott. Parsons and Bennett, New York; Murphy, Missouri; Chaney, Indiana. The eulogies on Mr. Lester were par tlclpated m by Messrs. Overstreet, Bart lett, Livingston, Adam son, Hardwlck, Lee, Bell and Brantley of Georgia; Burton, Ohio; Burgess, Texas; Davidson, Wiscon sin; Small and Thomas, North Carolina; Herrmann, Oregon; Goulden. New York; Sparkman, Florida; Lacey of 16 w a. Mrs. Lester, widow of the deceased rep resentative from the First Georgia district, was , in the members' gallery. Mr. Over street presided. On the completion of the eulogies the house adjourned until noon tomorrow. BIG IRON AND STEEL EXPORTS Record of Year Jast Eaded Greatest ta the History of the Coaatry. WASHINGTON. Feb. lO.'-The exportation of Jron and steel manufactures reached their highest record during the last year, according to figures compiled by ths bu reau of statistics of the Department of Commerce and Labor. The total for 19oi aggregated 8172,600,000, an Increase of 830 000,000 over the preceding year. Practically every one of the Important articles or group of article share In this gain. Pig iron shows an Increase of 810,000, bar Iron an Increase of 81,383,823, steel sheet and plates, 20.000; structural iron and steel, nearly 82,000,000; wire, 81,760,000; builder' hardware, near 82,000,000; locomotive. nearly 81.000,000; sewing machines, nearly 81,600,000; metal working machinery, more than 3,ooo.ouo; mining macninery, more than 82,000,000; typewriters, 8500,000; print. tng presses; more than 8600,000, and bar Iron an Increase of more than 81,000,000. Tin plate haa passed the 81.000,000 mark In tha ralu of Its expo nations, tha value of tin terne plates and taggers tin exported ag gregating In quantity 27.OW.677 pounds, val ued at 81,001,688. HEAVY SNOWS IN THE ALPS Tree Ar Solid Blocks of Mack Saderlas; I Resalt. lea aad OENEVA, Feb. 10. (Special.) Reports from some sections of the Alps indicate that snow has drifted to the depth of over 100 feet, the greatest record ever known,' Th rain, freeslng as It fell, has at time : formed coatings of Ice eighteen Inches 1 thlck, trees becoming almost solid block of Ice. Houses are so deeply burled tn the snow that the occupants hav had to dig tun nels and galleries In order to get out The totegTmpo and telephone line. ar. down for mile and th suffering In place ha been In tana. Pramotloa oa tka Katy. ST. LOUIS, Mo, Feb. 10. Announcement was made here tonight that C. Halle, traffic manager of the Missouri, Kanaka A Texas railroad, has bran appointed a vice preal dnnt of the company in general charge of the traffic department III headquarter will continue to be in St. Louis. The ap pointment waa made at a rreetlng of the executive committee In Xew York Febru ary a, DAT'S REST FOR MRS. THAW Wife of too Pr-'eoner Will lot Betnrn to the Btend Until Tneeday, STRAIN IS PROVING TOO MUCH FOR HER Ranter Ono of Jarors Is Blek Orates a, Beasatloa, bat lavestlsatloa hows lllaoss Is Rot NEW YORK, Fen, 10. Evelyn Nesblt Thaw probably will not, as had been ex pected, return to the stand tomorrow morn ing wheit the trial of her husband tor the murder of Stanford White is resumed. The strain of the last few days. In which she has been made to live again the hours when, according to the confession she has sworn that she made to Harry K. Thaw, she was the victim of the architect's ca price, has told severely on the young woman and tonight It was stated that the prisoner had come to her rescue and de manded a respite for his wife. On her visit to the Tombs Saturday Mrs. Thaw told her husband that ahe had suf fered greatly during the ordeal when her association with White was laid bare, and Thaw communicated the fact to the at torneys. He told them his wife waa In bad shape, and requested that she bo given an opportunity to recover herself. Attorney Delmas then set about to so arrange the plans of the defense that Mrs. Thaw's prea enco In court as a witness would not be re quired until Tuesday. If tonight's plans do not miscarry, Mrs, Thaw will not be recalled until Tuesday. and her cross-examination by District At torney Jerome will begin Wednesday. Another development today that startled those directly concerned in the case waa the reported Illness of a Juror. Visions of a mistrial were soon dispelled, however, for It was ascertained that the Juror's Illness was not such as threatened to Incapacitate him. Wilbur F. Steele, SO years of ago, a manufacturer of gas appliances, has con traded, a severe cold, but It Is expected he will be able to go Into the Jury box when the trial Is resumed. Today may be said to have been Thaw's best Sunday In the Tombs. He arose after what he declared had been a restful night tn good spirits and a hearty appetite. He did not attend service In the chapel, but spent the morning with the newspapers and In reading the many message brought him, Of these, one read: "Be brave." Mrs, Thaw Objects to Delay. Lata tonight it waa said that Mr. Thaw was anxious to have the ordeal over as soon as possible and had asked that she be permitted to resume the stand tomorrow. This was not promised, though it waa said that possibly Mrs. Thaw might be called Mr. Delmas' direct examination of Mrs. Thaw probably will consume some hours. The district attorney has been making the most minute preparation for his croso-ex- ami nation and was In conference today with several persona, who, It is said, will be called as witnesses. When the ' thial Is resumed tomorrow morning there ,1s likely to bo the liveliest stilt between, the lawyer that has yet marked tha trial. The defense will alL to the Stand F. C. Perkins, a lawyer bf Pitts burg who draw up Harry Thaw' will. Mr. Perkins arrived here tonight Mr. Del ma and his associate counsel have been flgur lng out a way by which they can have th will introduced, and they are confident they will be successful. On the other hand. j Mr. Jerome will strive 'to keep It out, and a battle will be th result. Tonight Captain Rlcketta, who Is now in charge of the Jurors, announced that to morrow no w,omen Would be allowed In the court room, except those who had been summoned as witnesses. He said that this would be done because of the testimony, and added that he would have an extra de tail of court officers on hand to enforce this rule. LESSON OP Erw" YORK TRAGEDY Plttsbnra; Pastor Preaches on Event in New York Court. PITTSBURG. Feb. 10. Taking tor his topic "The Blessings and Curses of Wealth and Home," Rev. Dr. C. W. Blodgett at the North Avenue Methodist Episcopal church today made the Thaw case the topic of an extraordinary sermon. "Wealth need not be a corruptor of morals,' he said. "It Is th vulgarity of It that the world recoils from. Thl country Is reading of the tragic scenes in the court of Justice In New York with Intense In terest "Pittsburg Is deeply Interested. Her on th street of Allegheny the poor unfor tunate wife of the chief actor played when she was a girl. Across th river the hus band, now on trial for the murder of a man In New York, th revealments of whose life makes you shudder with horror. Spent his boyhood daya They both cam from respectable families. On knew what poverty was hunger for bread the other when a mere lad spent enough money a year to keep a dosen families. They both go wrong. "One, seemingly by th cruel hand of fate, th other through love that was blinded. All our heart bleed for them. Will the father and mothers of thl and other cities take any warning T "W sing 'Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight r but where 1 your 'girl T At th plaoe of amusement then decoyed Into l om. .iMed study, then sorrow and a life WOre than helL No higher virtue should . be demanded of woman than of man. The am code of ethics should apply to both. "A lecherous scoundrel of a man. poor or rich, should have th same treatment as the ' abandoned women. Poor Evelyn Nesblt Thaw ts not th only girl .that has been ruined aa she waa. "In th outcome of th trial .of Harry Thaw, th reckless and unfortunate boy of one of our most respected homes, millions are Interested. What of th outcome of the lads and lasses not grown to man hood? Hearts are still to be broken and homes made desolat and some of them may be your. "No stats can rise higher than th horn and no church can be more Influential than th firesides from which It member coma The warning voice that come to us over the clicking wire and th cold type of th press Is: 'Hav a Jealous oar of your boy and glrla Restriction Is far better than unlicensed liberty and a mor- el with purity better than wealth with Infamy.' Editor Shoot a Gambler. PENDLETON. Ore., Feb. 10. John P. McManua, editor of the Pilot Rock Record, shot and killed Robert Kates, gambler. In the Pullman saloon on Mala street yester day afternoon. No motive is known to exist for the shooting, aa the men wer not acquainted. It la presumed McManus took Kates for another man. whom the editor believed had robbed him last wek. Postonleo Robbers Cantered. ERIE, Kan.. Feb. 10. Three men who blew open the safe In the postofflce here early today and escaped with I'.OO In stamp and money were captured at Thayer, Kan., later as they alighted from a train. They irave the names of H. K. Reed, Chariea Moran aad R. J. Low a, ROOSEVELT ON IDEAL MOTHER Prealdeat Writes ten Baastestloas for Dlseassloa at Mothers' Coavoatloa. ' TRACU8E. N. Y., Feb. 10. Mrs. H H. Merrill of this city, president of the New York State Mothers' assembly. Is In re ceipt of a letter from President Roosevelt In which he defines the place of the tether and the mother in the home. The letter waa written In response to one asking sug gestions for the council of mothers recently held at Newburgh, and the state convention to bo held in the fall. The president says: For one of your topics how would It do to Speak of the place for the father In the home? Now and then people forget that exactly as the mother must help the bread winner ny oeing a gooa nousewiie so ine father In Ills turn. If he Is worth his salt, must In evry way back up tha mother in helping bring up the children. After all, the prime duties are elemental and no amount of cultivation, no amount of business force and sagacity will make the average man a good cltlsen unless he e a good husband and father and unless he Is a successful breadwinner. Is tender snd considerate with his wife and both lov ing and wise (for to be loving and weak and fonllah Is utterly ruinous) In dealing with the children. I think It a rritriA for the woman to shirk her primary duties, to shrink from be ing a good wire and mother, or course, the woman should have the same right aa the man to train her mind, to better her- ought to follow some special vocstlon In addition to (never in substitution for) her home work. But Just as the hlahest work for ths normal mnn is work fur his wife and chil dren, so the hlght-st work for the normal woman la tne work of the home, where, heaven knows, the work Is ample enough. But I also feel she can do the best work In her home If she has healthy outside In terests and occupations In addition, and I most firmly believe that ahe cannot do her lull outy by her husband If she occupies a merely servile attitude toward him. or submits to ill treatment, and she Is quite aa bad a mother If weak and foolish aa if hard and unloving. CHANGES IN POSTAL SERVICE Lora-o Antoant of Work Taken from the Division of Corre spondence. WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. An Important change In the administration of the Post office department will become effective about February 16, when the division of correspondence will be divided and dis tributed among other bureaus of the de, partment Frank H. Hitchcock, first as sistant postmaster general, recommended the change tn his annual report, and it has been approved by Postmaster General Cor- telyou. "It la of the highest Importance to peo ple who use the malls," says Mr. Hitch cock, "that this change should be made, Much purely legal work now devolving upon the division of correspondence should be transferred to the assistant attorney general for the Postofflce department. This requires careful study and application of the law, and for an exact and comprehen slve knowledge of many branches of the law. It should fall, properly, within the province of the principal law officer of the department. "One function now exercised by the divi sion of correspondence belongs appropri ately to th third assistant postmaster gen ral. r Thla . J the . . onf orooinaat of. th statute, xelatlve' fo'lhe limit of weight of mall matter. Experlenoe has demonstrated the undeslrablllty of a divided responsi bility In such cases. "Another function of the division of cor respondence to be transferred is the man agement of the box rent and key deposit business. This will go to the division of salaries and allowances, where It formerly was conducted." READY TO HEAR THE CHARGES Committee Notifies Senator Klttreda-e and Congressmen Martla aad Burke. PIERRE, S. D., Feb. 10. (Special Tele gram.) Chairman Glass of the Investiga ting committee tonight wired Senator Klt tredge and Representatives Martin and Burke that the committee was ready to give them a hearing at their convenience. Th telegram to Senator Ktttredge states that tha chareea which have been made against him are carrying friends on the payroll without giving service, and other Irregularities. That to Congressman Burke makes no specific charge, simply Invited him to appear before the committee. That to Congressman Martin Is In response to a query received and states that he is charged with carrying his son on the pay roll, and Irregularities, In the location of, the national sanitarium at Hot Spring and with irregularities In securing water right. , The filings hav been made under the j provisions of the anti-lobby law, the first being President Zelthlow of the Dakota Centeral Telephone system, and th second being Stat Secretary Wtpf, who registers tor the purpose of presenting to commit tees his view In regard to corporation laws and other law which he desires for his department. CROWD AT VILATTE'S CHURCH Police Speedily Stop Only Attempt to Croato a Dlstarbane at tho Meeting-. PARIS, Feb. 10. The Church of the Holy Apostle, where the French Apostolic Catholic church waa Inaugurated last Sun day, was again packed to the doors today, but there was no repetition of last Sun day's disgraceful scenes. Police In plain clothes were stationed at the doors, and only one wa ths . services interrupted. This was when a young man shouted "Sacrilege." He and eighteen companions, belonging to th society of "Young Royal Uta," wer arrested on a charge of imped ing liberty and worship. Archbishop Vllatts, head of the Independ ent Catholic movement tn America, an nounced that a priest hereafter would be ready to . officiate at baptism, marriages and deaths, and that mass would be cele brated dally. ' Troops Seat to Aid Destltato. NAPLES. Feb. 10The government has sent troop and assistance to Marina dl Catanxaro. the fishing village on th Cala brlan coast, where a tidal wave yesterday destroyed 122 houses and rendered the population homeless and destitute. The conditions there are made more severe be cause of Incessant rains. The storm also did serious damage in the province of Cosensa, numerous villages being flooded. Mar Bomba Ar Found. MOSCOW, Feb. 10. Another search at th Moscow femal university ha resulted In several unfilled bombs being found. It Is reported that the eight girl student ar rested In connection with the threat of the terrorist to execute th death sentence Im posed on Count Ignatleff, General Pavloff, General Voo Der La unit a and Governor Alexandrovsky hav bora tried by drum head court martiaej PRIMARY BILL HALTS No Vesting of Butoemroktee Held Blnoe It Wu Appointed to Craft Meuire. NO ONE APPEARS TO KNOW THE REASON Memben Simply Sj it Hti Bees Impee- lble to Get Together. TWELVE DAYS MORfc. (OR BILLS IN HOUSE benato Haa One More Day at It Disposal for Ibit ttrpese. CONSIDERABLE TALK Uf INVESTIGATION Board of Pnrohaso aad Sappllea aad Public La ads aad Balldla May Hav Light Thrown on Past Traasactloa. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Feb. 10. (Special.) The state wide primary bill haa not yet been Intro duced and neither haa th subcommittee appointed to draft the measure ever held a meeting. No satisfactory reason haa been given for this, each of th member say ing It has been imposalbl to get the oo re mittee together. Unless something la don by th subcommittee very shortly it Is probable sums members of the house who are anxious to get the platform pledge enacted Into laws before the members get split up on Individual measures, will take step to are why the oommltte does not make haste more rapidly. Notwith standing time Is passing there Is no on but who believes a primary law will bo enacted, because It la In all of th plat forms and even if the sixty days which probably will see the adjournment of th legislature passes by and no bill haa been Introduced Governor Sheldon could very easily call a special session, so th leg islators could give to the people that which they demanded and which has been prom ised by the member. The senate has been In session twenty-seven days and the house twenty-eight days, leaving only twelve day In which bills can be Introduoed tn th house and thirteen In the senate. Th Joint committees so far have only Introduoed - the anti-pass and the S-cent rat bills, but ths commission bill Is about ready to go In, and even tf the Joint committee falls to report a primary bill, the Dodge bill can ' be amende)! to suit the majority of th lgelslatnrs. Clark ' and Thomas hav In terminal taxation bill In the house and senate and there Is no need of the Joint committee getting. up such a bill. Bearchllaht Belna; Primed. A number of member have shown a dis position to look carefully Into matter re lating to the state's business and It con duct by state officers and there I strong talk of Investigations being started to look Into th workings of the Stat Board of Purchas and Supplies and of th Stat Board of Educational Lands and Fund as It waa constituted two years ago. A rumor is . abroad that state . ofjloar. ara shown oourtesie ,hy contractors not ex tended to other Individual Snd some of the legislators are anxious to learn whether-" there is anything In the rumor or Just Idle talk. The fact that the State Board of Educational Lands and Funds buys bond of other states through a middle man prob- . ably has given rise to the rumors about some of the transactions of this board, as It was constituted four years ago and two years ago, and some of the members want to throw the searchlight on these trans actions. So far no bill haa been put In to abolish the 1 mill levy appropriated to th Stat university though there is a strong senti ment for the passage of such a measure. In, regard to the 1 mill levy an Interesting conversation was heard by a member th other day which made him absolutely op posed to appropriations by levy. According to this member two people who wer work ing for a levy for the state fair were talk-' lng. One of them said: "We can get the one eighth of a mill levy passed. You see none of th member ' know wnat 11 means or tiow much money ! win five to th fair board and none of I tho,e who wni PPo it haa got sense enough to figure tt out." Doe a Little Flcorlnr. It so happened that the member who heard the conversation did "have sense enough to figure tt out" and he promptly got to figuring, with the. result that not only he, but a half dnsen or more of hi friends are opposed and wilt be forever opposed to appropriating money by levy, especially when tt Is spent behind closed 1 doors and the vouchers are not endorsed by the state auditor, but the name of the president of the Board of Regents, stamped on a certificate, la sufficient to secure a warrant to pay the expenditures. One of the most secretive and elusive lobbies ever maintained In Lincoln Is th Insurance lobby. At Its head la former Land Commissioner Kent, a man named Johnson and a man named Brian. These men hav not tipped off, so far as any on not directly connected with them, is con cerned, what their business her Is. They hold frequent conference with Attorney Talbot of the Modern Woodmen and hav been housed at the Llndell for three or four week. Inasmuch as no radical Insurance bills hav been thrown Into the hopper, It is thought they ara keeping out measures rather than looking after thoae already In. As might havs been expected, th way wa paved for th coming of th Bur lington employe tomorrow to knock on the paasage of a liability act by th Lin coln Star, which had a lengthy editorial this morning denouncing ths act and at the asms time standing up for the Bur lington Relief association. One member of the ' legislature received from ' th Order of Railway Conductor an endorse ment of the liability act fathered by th association and the endorsement waa stamped with the seal of th order and signed by Its officers, showing th dat of th adoption of the resolution. He Intended to show the same to th railroad com mittee when the railroad employes sent In by the Burlington offlclala appeared to knock, but It ha been taken from his desk and he cannot find It Senator Gibson has received a letter signed by an engineer, but whose name is not attached, favoring' the bill and knocking on the Burlington Relief association. Senator Olbson be lieves the writer feared his Job would b taken from him If his nams be cams known and for that reason he did not sign th letter. Balk oa Bering; Slatate. Considerable opposition has developed against the appropriation of money to buy statutes for the memtx-rs of the legislature and for the state officers. It la argued the stats officers can buy statutes out of their office expense account and this legislature baa no right to buy statutes for the next legislature, but thl can be done out of th incidental leglslaUv expense appropriaa