REPUTABLE 'MERCHANDISE TIE ONLY; KIND WE -OFFER 15c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 7c A lot of very fine 1.500 count pure linen nn The finest line of Wash Laces ever shown In Omaha at the prices, goods worth 10c, 16c and, 20c a yard. All on sale at Cf one price Monday, per yard Jt Hump Hook and Eyes, per card . Block Darning Cotton, per spool Handkerchiefs, nicely hemstitched and 1. 1 worth regularly 16o each, will be on sale Monday (dot. 90c) each... lie Cotton Tape, all sizes, at, per roll Grand Lace Sate Monday A Few Notion Specials 50c Silk Veiling at 5c . Monday morning we will clear up all .odd pieces of Fancy Bilk Veilings, worth 25c,x85c and 60c, at one price, per yard, C all sizes, at. per roU 1 I at... .............. J . ' v l Wool Dress Goods Dept. LI We are now showing the finest line of French Novelties, German Nov elties and English Novelties that were ever shown in this town. Our stock of Wool Dress Goods is now larger than the combined stock of all Omaha's' other merchants placed together. This is no brag. Any lady who wishes to' J Al A -111 AU1- A- 1 1 J . 1 1 mvBsugtkw we win pruvo tuis wj uo so., ioms ux tuou cxa.mine ivr yvuxaeu. French Suitings at, per yard. $8, $2.60. 11.60 and. $1.00 French Voiles, silk stripe, silk f Priestley's Genuine Spring checks, embroidered figures and dots, per yard, $6. 16. $4, IS and $2.00 French Broadcloth at, per yard, $7.60, $6. 16, $4, $3.92.00 Domestic Broadcloth at, per yard, $1.60, $1.35, $l..-75 Priestley's Black Dress Goods, the finest black goods in the world, made in Bradford, England, at, per yard, $5, $4, $8. $2 and ..$1.00 Sir Titus Salts and Sir Edward Ripley's high grade dyed Mo- tines, etc., at, per yard, $3, $2.60. $1.50. $1.85.. $1.00 Domeetle Mohair at, per yard, 76c, 69c, 49c. 89c and. .254 Cravenette, stamped on. every yard; without the word Crav enette none are genuine, at, per yard, $5, $4, . $3, $2 and $1.50 Rainproof s which we ,do not recommend at, per yard, $1.98, $1.50, $1.25 and. 8 46-Inch Henriettas, 46-tnch nov elties, 46-inch Serges and a great variety of other novel ties, worth up to $1.25, at, per yard 75 For 25c we will sell 86-inch Henriettas, 86-inch Suitings and . 36-lnch Batista, In all colors, at, per yard. . . . .25 Pop Alar Prloe Dress Goods, the largest range of novelties in Omaha, at, per yard .... OS For 59e we will sell all wool henrlettaa, all wool serges, ail wool novelties, the same as other people ask 7 60 for our price, per yard 50 For 49o we will sell you a range of over 100 different spring wool novelties and all wool Henriettas, and all wool French Serge, and all wool ' Batiste in all colors, and all wool Panamas and a variety of other goods too numerous to mention i . . .49 For 39o we will sell novelties, Mohairs, Henriettas and other goods worth up to 60c, at, per yard 30 THE RELIABLE. STORE. Elegant Silks for Spring Wear Spring 1907 bids fair to be the greatest silk season in many years. Fashion favors silk for the gown, street suit, waist, jackets, wraps, and the exceedingly heavy demand has caused a strong advance in prices in all lines. We were fortunate in buying our spring silks before the ad vance and are now in a position to save our customers from 20 to 40 on their purchases. Our price specials for Monday are in many cases less than wholesale cost today. Handsome New Check Silks, In every Imaginable style and color, Chiffon Taffetas, Loulslenes, etc., that are worth 65c and 76c yard, sale price Monday 40 Elegant New Novelties, plaids, checks, stripes, dots and flguree, In great assortment of both foreign and domestic weaves, $1.25 val ues, special at, yard OS 27-inch Pongees, very popular for suits, special at f$5 80-lnrh Shantung Pongees, $1.35' value, special at $1.00 SO-lnch Natural Jap Wash Silks, great bargains at 59c and. . . . 3f) 10-Inch Natural Jap Wash Silks, great barggalns at 10 80-inch Black Dress Taffeta, a rousing bargain at, yard 70 Choice Novelty and Tlnln Silks, odd pieces and short lengths of high class silks, on bargain square at, yard ; 30 Monday in the Bargain Room Monday we will open up about a carload of new spring goods in. the bar gain room. Everything new, direct from the mill , We will sell new spring Stand- Amoskeag Teatledown, the best 60 patterns of Tablecloths, In ard Prints, regular 6 He and 7V4c goods, at, per yard3?s We will sell new spring 8 He Batiste, In all colors, at, per yard ... 5 We will sell one case of 10c Batiste at, per yard. . . -G? One case of 12 He Batiste at, per -yard .., 7?i from 8 to 10 yards, at, per Thiee cases of Percales, double Tr& fold, fine new goods, lBHc:Turkey Red Damask, Outing Flannel made, extra price 12Hc, at, yard..gtt 25 pieces of pure Linen, full bleached, 68, 70 and 72 inches wide, goods that sold from 76c to $1 a yard all go various ' sizes, ' 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4, some slightly soiled, but all perfect goods the whole lot wlU go In this sale at, each 08i 25 dozen Napkins, worth $2.50 dozen, will go at.... $1.25 Our Linen Department V Is largest, the best stocked, the most complete and np-to-dato depart ment In the West. We Import onr own linens through the Omaha bonded war honse and seU them at less than others own them. Bead and examine for yourself. Bleached Table Linen Double satin finish, 72-in. wide, all new designs, Including the satin stripe, scroll patterns and plain centers, with deep heavy borders, selling regularly at $3.60 a yard, for Monday only, at. $2.49 Hotel Linen, extra heavy bleached German linen, made with plain center, heavy satin finish border, full 72-ln. wide, worth $3.60 a yard, at $2.49 Bleached Irish Table Linen, double satin finish, all new Imported . goods, all the latest designs, reg ular $1.50 quality, at, yd., 08 Good heavy Irish Table Linen, extra wide, in bleached and un bleached, others are asking dou ble the price we quote in this sale, at, yd., 85c, 75c, 69c, 55c and 49 Napkins to match all linens in 6-8 to 3-4 sizes. In prices, a dozen, from $6.50 down to ...... 08i Patterns Cloths Full bleached IriBh Linen 10-4 size, border all around, pretty new design, reg ular $6.00 quality, at . .$3.75 Napkins to match all pattern cloths, 3-4 size, at, doz., $10.00, $8.60, $7.60, $5.60 and $4.50 Fringed Table Cloths, blue and red borders, also plain white in dice and fancy designs, .10-4 and 12-4 sizes, worth up to $2.00 ' each, at, 98c and. ....... .75 Pattern Cloths In double satin and Irish linen. Just received, hand some new designs; these cloths come in round or square corners, either scollop or plain edges, in all sizes, up to 2 H yards square, at $19.60, $15.00, $12.60, $9.95,. $8.60, $7.60 and $6.25 81-90 bleached Seamless Sheets, worth 85 c, at, each 50 81-90 bleached Seamless Sheets, worth 65c, at, each '.40 Pillow Cases, 42-36 and 45-36, at, each. 15c, 12 He, 10c and 8 Bed Spread Full size, honey comb, extra heavy, plain or fringed, regular $2.00 quality, at, each .08 Marseilles Bed Spreads Full line Imported goods, cut or square corners, fringed or plain, satin finish, $12.50, $9.60, $8.50, $7.50. $6.50, $6.00 and $3.08 One lot of fancy Huck and Damask , Towels, hemstitched and fringed, sold regular up to 60c piece, only 8 to customer, at, piece... 24 4 Special Pearl Button Sale Just to start the sewing season with a rush, we will sell pearl "buttons, Monday, a$ . dozen, 9c, 4y2c, 3y2c, 2y2o, iy2c, i The lb and V2o Butons are good common pearl, suitable for children's underwear. The 2Y2o and Zy2o Buttons are regular 10c qualities, suitable for corset covers, ladies' un derwear and children's dresses The 4Va lot is a fine line of perfect shirt buttons and carved dress buttons. The 9c lot consists of the regu lar 20o quality Ball Pearl but tons for wash trimmings. A great snap at this price. Valentines Saturday morning we begin our Great An nual Sale of Valentines. The Largest s Selection. The Lowest Prices. COMIC VALENTINES LACE NOVELTIES PUZZLE VALENTINES POST CARDS FANCY CELLULOID NOVELTIES In fact every possible style of Valentines. Best designs shown this season. Valentines In the lot worth up to $2.25 on sale ...Monday... In 16 great lots...FRlCES-U, 2c, 3c, 5c, Tic, 10c, J2ic, 15c,20c, 25c, 35c. 50c, 65c, 75c, 85c and $1.00 Corsets See the New Spring Models The most complete line to be found in Omaha; as varied as you'll find any place in the land. All best and most popular makes in the new spring styles at $10 down QO Ask to see the Nemo Self Reducing Corsets for stout figures, comes in drab or white, with relief strap and hose sup- T f( porters price. .J.iJU The W. B. Nuf orm shown in . full line of styles, high bust and girdle tops, 1 f)f) at, $3.00 down to................ i Ulr Corset Special A fine lot of corsets, mostly samples, worth to $1.00, llQi" choice, Monday. . . . . . J V Big Hardware, Qraniteware, Tinware and Household Supplies, on Sal. ttondiv at Lestjhaa t Thtir Regular Cost. 4-qt. Pudding Pan, worth lSo, on sal.. to Tin Cortes Pots, worth 5c on sal.. ..60 Caka Tina, worth 16c, pn sale to Iare Hie Ttna, worth lie, on aala 60 ; Tea KelUen, worth 26c, on aal o Ir( linner Palla, worth 36c. on sala.lEo Water Uippera, worth tOc, on eole 10c Larre six Wash Uasln, worth 150, on aala .... , loo Up Paure Pans and Preserving- Kattlea. worth 25c, (Do, 15c and 40c, on aale. . lOo Large. TaMe Mats, worth 16o, on sale.. So MOON U1B MONDAY. Extra Kod Parlor Broom, worth JOc each and to so on aale Monday, at. each. . . lfo Milk Pana. Fie Plates, Wash Bowl., Drink ing Cups. Basting Spoons, worth from 16c to 20o each; for this grand sale only, each ga We are overstocked on thia line of goods and are going to give the pewple the bene - ft regardless of all coat. Hundred of articles, ranging aa high aa 60c each, all to go la thle one grand nsla at. each jio Uny now Uir your future use, as you will never have this opportunity attain. Bay your Harness and Stable 8appUea at Bayaaa'g. The meat eoaiplele U&e la the olty. Our White Goods Dept. Has the name of carrying the finest grades of foreign and domestic goods in the West. Our prices are lower and our quality and styles are far superior. New Chiffon, 45 Inches wide, at, a yard, 1.4 , 8c, 75c, 69c. 39 French Lawna. 45 Inches wide, at, a yard, 98c, 7 Be, 69c and. 45 Persian Lawns, 45 Inches wide, at, a yard, 49c, 39c, 25c andi .19 India Llnona, 1 yard wide, at, a yard, 2te, 19c, 15c, It Vic, 10c and , 7Kf Irish Dimities, In checks and stripes, at. a yard, 39c, 25o and "15 Long Cloths, 1 yard wide, at, a yard. 26c. 19c, 15c, 10c. gH English Nainsook, 26 Inches wide, l at, a yard, 25c. 19 a. 16c. 13 Embroidered Anglais at, a yard, f 1.25. $1 and 75 St. Gall Swisses, 22 inches wide, all new spring patterns,' at, a yard, f 1.6.0, down to 98c, 75o, 69c and 49 Embroidered French Mull. 40 Inches wide, at. a yard, 12.60, $1 98 and 91.49 Scotch Swisses, In figured and dots, 27 Inches wide, at, a yard, 60c. 39c. 25c, 19 and.. ...15 all our new Mercerized Walstings, In checks, stripes and figures, at, a yard, from 69c down to.. 15 Furniture Bargains hi 1 ' rs 11 "II I lust a Few of Many Special Offerings This Week: $27.50 Morris Chair, uphol stered in best grade leather, at $19.85, $16.50 Morris Chair, remov able cushions, special, at, each .....$12.00 $12.50 Morris Chair, remov able cushions, special, at, each $9.85 $45.00 Leather Couch, at. .$38.00 $33.50 Leather Couch, at. .$24.50 $14.60 Verona Couch, at.. $10.50 $12.60 Velour Couch, at: .$9.50 $9.85 Oak Rocker, at $6.05 $7.50 Oak Rocker, at.v...$5J3 $3.86 Oak Rocker, at $2A5 $2.60 Oak Rocker, at $1.75 $5.85 Iron Bed, at . .$4.50 $5.25 Iron Bed, at $3.05 $2.50 Iron Bed, at. ....... .$1.45 60c Pictures, at 25c 26c Pictures, at... , 10c 85c Pictures, at.. ...85c $2.25 Pictures, at 08c $3.85 Pictures, at $1.83 ,$5.50 Pictures, at $3.25 $14.50 Qak China Cabinet. $0.85 $18.50 Oak China Cabinet. $14 J50 $26.00 Dak China Cabinet. $19.50 $37.50 Buffet at $29.50 $29.50 Buffet at $28.50 $18.60 Buffet at... .$13.85 $48.60 Sideboard at: $39.00 $38.50 Sideboard at $31.50 $32.60 Sideboard at $24.50 $21.00 Sideboard at $16.00 $15.85 Sideboard at $10.85 $22.50 Combination Book Case and Desk, solid oak, at $17.50 $18.50 Combination Book Case and Desk, solid oak, at $14.85 $15.00 Combination Book Case and Desk, solid oak, at $11.50 Take Advantage of Our Per fect Credit System. Hay den's, the Greatest Grocery and Pure Food Store in the. West Compare our prices with those you are paying for the same quality elsewhere. 1 lbs. Bast Can Granulated Sag ar.Cl.OO ic no 1 urauulated Wltlto or Y al low Cornmeal ,...10o I lbs. bev. lin'id picked Navy Beane.ltHa t lla. best IXollnd Breakfast Oat- 1 tneal .... Ho 10-Ui. sack best Buckwheat Flour... io Ilia beat I'oarl Tapioca or Kao, lb..THc B -oniangelon. Jellyrpn or Jell-O, per !'" IHo Quart cans Golden Tablo Syrup ic t-lb. can best eo City fcne-u Sugnr t'orn 5C l-H. tans bett 'kx. Siring or Lima I asm 7Hc l ib. can Uoldh Pumpkin. Jloinlny or Suali m4 cuxxrotua. skied rmvrx. nucss. Fancy California Prunes, per lb 4c fancy Cleaned Currents, per lb c Fancy 3-Crown Muscatel Kslslna, lb. .lo Fancy Pitted Plums, per lb 12 He Fancy California Peaches, par lb...lZVio Fancy New York Kvanprated Applea, lr lb ioo Fancy California Dried Qrapea. lb..TV:P 1-lb. pkg. Orandina Mince Meat.... t So Lemon or Orange Peel, per lb lc TCaVS AID OOITESS. Hyosm Bros. Direct Imyortera. Fancy OolJen BunUia Coffee, per lb..l5e Faiiiy Ma.-acallp ltloud Coffoe. lb.UVuV -ncy Porto Itlco Blend Coffee. lb..Jue K Ankola Blend, nothing finer to thla grsulo, per lb i Fancy a F. or Sua Pried Japan Tea, ler lb . ..T.Se Fancy Oolong, English Breakfast, Gun. powder or Ceylon, per lb tie rue 11 Ufa t Teu hlttliige, per lb...,UVe srrrxm aurs ckkesb defaatmxkt rmicxs. Fancy Country Itoll Butter, per lb... 22c fancy Separator Creamery BUtter, Ib.tTc Fancy Dairy Butter, por lb., tic Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese, lb.lTUc tVncy Full Cream Ypung America . Cheese, per lb ..ITHc Sap Sago Cheese, each.. J,.. Ifcf Keuf chatcl. Clit-ese, each..... Sc Fancy Full CToam, Now York White Cbeeae, per lb l7Vc OKAU1 Ca.ZA.TZST rXESK VZT AJTD TIOITiBU KASXII. t beada fresh hothouse iettuce io X bunches fresh hothouse Radishes. . . 5o Fancy hothouse Cucumbers, each to Fancy hothouse I'leplant, -buuch 100 & hunches fresh Carrota ,......10e S buncha fresh Turnips 1(10 Hutaliagas, Carrots, Pai-snlpa, Turnips, B la or Onions, per lb... lo Fancy Fard Datei. pur lb. 10c Fan y Imp. -orown Figs, per b.,.l!Vtc Fronh Boawted anuts. pr quart &c Ivstra large f.inry sweet Highland Navl Dr.ti.gts. n-gular SSc slse. this sale p-r doaon . . 25o values, at, per yard . . . . 7 H The beet Percale made, 36 inches wide, t, yard.. 10 Five cases of American Prints, in lengths from 2 to 10 yards, j In all spring styles, regular price of these goods 7 Mo peri in this sale at. yard. . . .Klks Rnfrw Om.hams. In lnths NapklBB, Worth $2.00 " ' I m . . nn aosen, win ku si Vot? 35 .One case of extra good Cotton regular Blankets will go at 504 3 Be grade, will go in this sale 0ne 9 0f n.4 Blankets, reg- at, per yard 19 60 dozen Towels, . worth 7 Vic, at, each 60 dozen at, each 25 doien at, each Towels, Towels, yard Monday we will sell 26 dozen Towels, worth 10c, 4Td worth 15c, 7t worth 19c, $1.25 grade. ular at One case of will go at . , One case of wll go at .... Other specials $1.60 will go 75 Blankets 89 $1.98 Blankets .....81.15 Blankets In these five coses at, yard.3$il at, each 8 during the day. Corset Cover Em broideries 19 c A new line of beautiful corset cover embroideries just - re ceived. .You'll not find better el sewhere at 35c our f Q sale price, Monday, yd. I aC Special Undermuslin Bargains $2.00 Skirts and Gowns 98c Beautiful garments, made extra long, and full of fine materials, trimmed with lace embroider ies and insertings, broken lots and odd garments that Bold regularly up to $2, Q O choice a7Ut Copyrighted Books All the Dollar Copyrighted Books will go at, Qr each. . v High-Grade Wash Goods Main Floor, Third Aisle to the Right, Our high grade wash goods department is now com plete and filled with the finest and latest foreign and domestic novelties that have been manufactured for -this season. ... ' French Voiles, hand embroidered figures and all the delicate shad ings of the season, at, per yard, $1.98. $1.50 and.... i.. $1.00 French Zephyrs, overlace effects In zephyrs, French gingham af fects and embroidery effects, at, per yard, 69c, 60c. 89c... 25 611k Mull, printed in the finest colors, at, per yard, 59c, 60o and 39 French Batlate, all colors, dots, rings, etc., and all the new fig ures, at, per yard 15 Domestic BatlBte at, per yard, 10c, 74c and 54 French Percales and French Cam bric, the finest' made, at, per ; 15 Domestlo Percales, 36 Inches wide, at, per yard, 12Hc, 10c. 7M French Ginghams, Scotch Ging hams, Scotch Madras in checks and stripes, with all the new and dainty colorings of this sea son, at, per yard, 25c and. 10 Domestic Zephyrs and domestlo Ginghams at, per yard, 15c, 12ftc and 10H LINING DEPT. ' The only complete Lining depart-. ment In the west. Everything in tailors' trimmings and dressmak ers' findings, . etc, at the lowest price. Opera Batiste. -86 inches wide, guaranteed for two seasops, at, per yard . . . .'. ..... . . .$1.00 Sampson's Silks, in all shades, the best taffeta made, at, yard-58 Overcoat Satin "Lining, all pure Silk, for tailors and .dressmak ers, at, yer yard, $8.00, $2.00 $1.00 Heatherbloom Taffeta, . In all shades, at, per yard:.'.'... . .40 Lustral, the finest sateen lining made, yard 35 Gloria Cloth, the best of them all, at, per yard. . . . . ... . -35 Manhattan, 36 Inches wide, all hades v ......25 Several other cheaper grades too numerous to mention at equally low prices. Flat Cambric Linings, the best that is made, either Woods' or Slater's, at, per yard 3H Final Clearance of Winter Garments Thousands of Coats, Suits, Skirts and Waists Sacrificed with utter disregard for cost or value.. The extreme price reductions on all winter garments offer to our customers a choice selection at the most surprising bargain prices ever known. Winter Coats that sold up to $10.00 and $12.00 will go in. Monday's Bale at, choice $2-98 Winter Coats that Bold at $15.00 and $18.00 will go in Monday's sale at ......$4 90 Elegant Broadcloth and Kersey Coats, satin . lined ' throughout, that sold up to $20.00, Monday choice $8-90 Walking Skirts in great assort ment of grays, blues, browns, am ber and fancy mixtures, worth regularly up to $7.50, choice at $3 95 Women's $5.00 Eiderdown Bath Robes in Monday's sale at. $1.98 Women's $6.00 Silk Underskirts, in all colors, at, choice.. $3.95 Children's Dresses, worth regular ly up to $4.00, to dose quickly at ...98 New Lingerie Waists, worth regu larly up to $3.00, manufacturers' samples, at, choice $1-50 Women's $5.00 Net Waists, a beau tiful line of silk-lined garments, at, choice $2-95 From , 8 Till 9 A. M. Children's Dresses at , . 39 Prom 8:30 Till 9:30 A. M. Wo men's $5.00 Shawls at . . . .$1.98 From 9 Till 10 A. M. Women's Waists, worth regularly $1.00, at 25 From 9:30 Till 10:30 A. M. Wo men's $1.50 Flannelette' Wrap pers at, choice 69t ' . Special. Sale of Rugs Carpets The splendid assortment and remarkably low prices are the levers which are forcing phenomenal selling In our Carpet department. Never has the bargain giving power of our great baying organisa tion been better shown than in oar present aale of New Spring Bugs and Carpets. THE ADVANTAGES OF OUR OFFERED TO ALL. BUY NOW (18.75 Tapestry Brussels Ruga, size 8-8x10-6, splendid variety to choose from, special. . .$10.00 $5 Wilton Velvet Rugs, size 86x 72, special at $2.08 $3.50 Axminater Ruga, best qual ity, sizs 27x54, special. .$1.75 $1.50 Velvet Rugs, great range of patterns, size 27x54, at. . . .05 .Manufacturers' Hample Rugs, In tremendous variety of colors and patterns, worth up to $2.00, sale price 09 PERFECT CREDIT SYSTEM ARB PAY LATER. $1B Tapestry Brussels Rugs, sise 9x12, great assortment to select from, at, choice $12.00 Sultana Carpeu, 86 inches wide, regular 85o value, special at, per yard 22 4Hc Union Ingrain Carpets, extra heavy quality, at, yard..32H 85c All Wool Ingrain Our entire line of best quality two-ply, spec ial, at. yard 50 83c Floor Oilcloths, best quali ties, special at, yard 10 Ladies9 Gloves No place will yon find a more complete assortment of the new spring styles. Among them the popular browns and tans in' great variety of styles and shades. Short Gloves at $2. $1.60 and. $1.00 8-button Gloves at. $1.50 12-button Gloves at $8.50 and. $3.00 16-button Gloves at $5 to. . . .$3.50 ; 81.00 Kid Gloves at 6c Over 100,' dozen real Kid Gloves, manufactur ers', samples, in all good colors and stltchlngs, have one large clasp, reg- 'ular $1 values, choice, G9 Ladles' and children's Golf Gloves, 50o, 8 9c, 25o and 15 Curtain and Drapery Department This department always gives the greatest curtain bargains. Tomorrow we will again prove this fact beyond all doubt. , COUCH COVERS A full line of Phil. Art Loom Tapes . try Couch Covers in Persian and oriental design, at, each, $7.50 - $6.00. $5.50, $4.60 and $2.08 Bagdad and Roman Stripes, 50-in and 60-ln. wide, each, $2.75, $2.25, $1.S8, $1.50 and 08 HAYDICM BROS, . All sample covers at a great reduc tion. Ottoman Fringed Portieres, at, pair, $5.00, $4.50, $3.60 and $2.08 Tapestry Portieres in plain colors, with borders, at, uair $10.00, $8.50, $6.50 and $4.08 Portieres, full mercerised, in a com plete range of colors, very band some, at, pair, $20.00, $15.00, $12.50.' $l0.00'and ...,...$8.50 Brussels Net Curtains, all over pat- .terns at, pair, $8.50, $6.98, $4.98 and ..... $2.08 Cluny Curtains with lace and inser tion, hand made, at, pair, $15.00, $12.60 and $8.5 Novelty Curtains, suitable for library dining room, parlor or hall, at, pair, $12.60. $10.00, $8.98 and $7.50 Dentllle Arabian Curtains, SV yards long, 62-ln. wide, at, pr., $9.60, $7.98. $6.50 and $4.50 Zion City Cable and Barnett Curtains in i white or 'ecru, at, pair, $2.98, $1.98, $1.49. $1.25 and. ....08 Nottingham Bed Room Curtains, at, pair. 98c, 76c, 66o and .40 I w I