Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Russia's Greatest Pianist appears at the Schmoller &
Mueller Auditorium Saturday Evening, February 9, at
; 8:15 P. M.
Steinway Piano Used
' Madame Schumann Ilelsk, who recently appeared la Omaha, also
used the Steinway.
Yoa will observe that all the greatest musical celebrities who
ypear In the city use the Steinway.. The reason they do this
Is because the STEINWAY Is absolutely the best Plato In the -world.
We are exclusive agents In Nebraska and Western Iowa (or
the Steinway.
Schmoller & Mueller
1311-1313 Fanum Tel. Douglas 1625
Eeriew of the Latest Offerincrs to the
Beadin Public,
IppitMh . of Longfellow Centennial
' BrlBft-lnar Oat Much Which Be
Imtca to tho Great Aeaer
leaa Pont.
The approach of the centenary of the
birth of Henry W. Long-fellow has evoked
'many tributes to tha memory of the New
England poet, among others, the leading
feature In the February Imuo of Donahoe's
Magailne.. Nearly thirty pages are de
voted to a review of Longfellow's life and
the narration of Incidents connected with
the writing of his moat popular poems. The
article Is handsomely illustrated, and a
portrait of the poet forms the center of
tha cover, design.
"The Plow-Woman," by Eleanor dates.
Is a romance of the prairies. The heroine Is
a southern girl, and the first scenes of the
story are laid In western Texas.. Later the
scene shifts to the Dakotas. Miss Gates,
who Is used to handling characters close to
the ground, has given a study of a splendid
girl who rises above tho shiftless condi
tions that result from a crossgTalned father
and an accident, and who proves her right
to her lover's designation, "the Roos of
the South." Though It may be said that
In this working- girl, 'one finds rather the
hardy fresh wild rose of the fields than
the hothouse variety. The family live In a
one-room log-and-mud shack, but the tale
Is by no means a sordid one. It breathes
hope, self-reliance and cheer, and In the
exciting turns of the plot holds the reader's
Interest to a happy end. This book has been
endorsed as an "historical novel," though
it Is history of only thirty years ago. Mc
Clure, Phillips Co., are the publishers.
"The Slave of Silence," by Fred M.
White, author of "The Crimson Blind."
"The Weight of the Crown." etc, Is another
story of mystery and thrills. The mysteri
ous events which took place at the Royal
Palace hotel, London, and at the strange
house In Audley Place, are unfolded In
this remarkable and absorbing story. The
sign of the bulletshaped piece of salt, the
strange disappearance of the body of Sir
Charles Darryll, the electric mysteries of
the house at Audley Place and many other
surprising things puszte the reader beyond
description and arouse the keenest Inter
est from the first to the last pag-e. Pub
lished by Little, Brown & Co.
"A Hunt on Snowshoes," the second vol
ume of the "Up and Doing erles" for
boys by Edward S. Ellis, Is packed full of
halr-ralalng episodes, and Is the story of
the adventures of two boys, Clarence and
Sidney Langdon. during their holidays.
How they win out In a race with a howling
pack of wolves, elude a gigantic bear, a
moose hunt that ends In a; chase by the
moose, how they are captured by a crasy
hian, how Sidney falls down the ravine
with a panther, how Clarence finds the den
of a gang of desperadoes under a water
fall and what comes of It, are all ad
ventures which no boy should miss. Pub
lished by the John C. Winston company.
"Mars and Its Mystery." by Edward 8.
Morse, author of "Glimpses of China and
Chinese Homes," "Japanese Homes and
Their Surroundings," etc., Is a study of the
planet Mars for the general reader by a
naturalist of International reputation.
Prof. Morse, who Is a member of the Na
tional Acsdemy of Science and many other
sctentlflo societies, spent thirty-four con
secutive nights at the famous Lowell ob
servatory at Flagstaff, Arls., 7,000 feet
above sea level, observing the markings
or the canals on Mars. The Interpretation
of these lines by one who Is so familiar
with the surface features of our own planet
Is of great value and Prof. Morse has pre
sented the result of his observations In
concise, popular form. His comment on the
attitude of astronomers towards the canals
on Mars is of unusual Interest. Published
by Little, Brown & Co.
'Through the Gates of the Netherlands,
by Mary B. Waller, author of "The Wood
Carver of Lympus," Is a most entertaining
account . of this Interesting country and
people, and Is the result of close observa
tlon, as the author has for some time been
living In Holland and collecting the ma
terlal for this graphic account of the coun
try. In which the dally life and habits of
the people of the Netherlands are pictured
and described with faithfulness and truth.
Miss Waller has written with enthusiasm
and with rare critical appreciation of the
Dutch painters, and the portions of the
book devoted .to art are of importance.
Her new book Is one of the roost Instruc
tive contributions to books of travel in
foreign lands. Little, Brown 4 Co., pub
"Every Man a King-," by Orison Swett
Marden, author of "Pushing to the Front,"
perhaps explained beet by its sub-title,
"Might in Mind Mastery." It la a powerful
plea for the mastery of self and the train
ing of latent forces to the highest ends.
Some suggestive chapter headings . are:
"How Mind Rules the Body," "Thought
Causes Health and Disease," "Mastering
Our Moods," "The Power of Cheerful
Thinking" and "Building Character." The
work of Dr. Marden hardly needs special
mention nowadays. His practical books on
success in life have received the endorse
ments of presidents and crowned heads,
and have been translated as far even as
Japan, while as editor of Success he Is
dally exerting a wide Influence. Published
by Thomas T. Crowell Co.
Dress for February presents the ward
robe for the month In Its every essential
and detail, and gives the fashions for the
southern season, now at hand. It epitomises
the mode through carefully selected ex
amples, by the master of each branch of
the art, shows its readers as well how
fashions may be adapted to Individual
taste, and aids them in making the most
effectual expenditure for dress. It is a
oounselor, guide and aid In all matters
sartorial. Defeure's cover Is a delightful
revelation of his unique and daring meth
ods. Pal's frontispiece Is the most charm
Ing black and white that he has yet. con
trlbuted, and the center page by Drian Is
a real triumph by a recognised master of
bis art.
Polios Commissioner and Die Whisky Kan
Under the Cams Roof.
Idrllsrnt oa Broateh's Repudiation of
pratlea After. Latter Had ret
Rlsa oa Police Board and
Got Hint Reappointed.
Police Commissioner William J. Broatch
Is living with Walter Molse, tho wholesale
whisky man and head of the Willow Springs
brewery. .
While the fact has been kept pretty well
under cover for fully a month, the circum
stances, as developed by Inquiry, are sub
stantially these:
Captain and Mrs. Broatch gave up the
house In which they had been living on
Harney street last spring, when Mr.
Broatch left to spend the summer and au
tumn with her daughter in Virginia, It
was Just about this time that Broatch sold
out his wholesale Iron Interests and tne
rumors were rife that he was about to re
move to Virginia as a sequel to his failure
to make himself mayor. While his wife
was away he occupied a room In the home
of William Wallace, who Is related to Cap
tain Broatch's first wife. It happened that
when Mrs. Broatch returned to Omaha
about the end of December, the wife of
Walter Molse was preparing to go to Cali
fornia to spend the winter, leaving the
Molse home on Park avenue only partially
Terms Quickly Made.
Satisfactory terms for its occupancy by
Broatch seemto have been quickly ar
rived at. Police Commissioner and Mrs.
Broatch . moved Into the Molse house and
have taken possession of the household,
while Brewer Moise remains as a star
boarder and retains his own room.
Captain Broatch asked a friend to call
not long ago and said:
"Telephone me any evening and come
"What's the telephone numberT" was the
"It is Harney 674," said the police com
"Well, If I don't remember it I'll look It
up In the book," replied his friend.
"Oh! no," interjected Broatch, "you won't
find It In the book in my name. You will
have to look under the name Molse."
The Intimacy of the alliance between
Molse and Broatch was illustrated not long
ago by another Incident. Broatch applied
at one of the theaters for free ticket to
the show that was playing there on the
strength of the fact that he was police
commissioner. The pass and seat coupons
were given him without question, and that
evening the police commissioner appeared
at-the door with Molse as his guest.
Mr. Broatch claims that he is a regular
tenant of the Molse house and that he
pays Molse $45 a month rent for it fur
nlshed, excluding the room retained by
the landlord, and presumably he has re
celpta for the rent money where he can
show them If necessary.
Broatch's Inaratltnde to Spratlen.
"That beats everything," said a well
known man about town, "holding up the
account in The Bee of Police Commls
sloner Broatch's avowed purpose to put all
the blame for police commissioner troubles
on to Lee Spratlen." I am a friend of
Spratlen's and 1 know that Broatch would
never have been police commissioner and
certainly never have been reappointed ex
cept for Bpratlen. Spratlen got him his
Job first and forced Governor Mickey to re
appoint him, but ' I am not surprised that
Broatch is willing to ditch Spratlen now to
save himself If he can. He is pretending
now that he was always In favor of the
strict enforcement of the Slocumb law
when It Is not three weeks ago that he
attended the 'meeting of the Retail Liquor
Dealers' association and talked to them
for an hour, assuring them that he was
with them for Sunday selling and ready
to help them to open up. It was on the
strength of bis harangue that the saloon
men called on Mayor Dahlman and pro
cured from him the now famous lld-llftlng-order.
Then, when the Civic' Federation
preferred charges against the chief of po
lice for carrying out the mayor's order
Broatch veered around and wanted to fire
the chief on the 'theory that that would
; save him his job. As I said, I know
I Spratlen, and no matter what else Is said
about him, he stands hitched and stays
with his friends, whether It Is to go down
or go up together. But what else could
any one expect of Broatch after his va
rloua somersaulting performances?"
Tho Way yoa Look at It.
"Gase upon that pure, beautiful evening
star, and swear to bo true while Its light
shall shine! Swear, my love! Swear by
Venus!" exclaimed a youth in Impassioned
"How stupid you are," answered the Glr
ton girl. "That is not Venus. The right
ascension of Venus this month Is 16 hours,
I minutes; her declination is 17 degrees, 25
minutes south, and her diameter Is. 10.1 sec
onds." Chicago Record-Herald.
t si.
I Letters Written by a Bride to Her Best Girl Friend
I V vhi.
Dearest Nellie: We have been so busy In preparing our new
nome mat i xear you win think i nave forgotten you. I am sure
you will forgive this long delay In writing, you dear, good girl.
At last we have "moved" Into our dear little home, and I must tell
you of our first experience. One of the things of which we are
.' both so proud la our gas grate. John says it makes it so much
more cheerful If one can "see the fire," and we hare been plan-
nlng how Jolly It will be to sit before the grate on cold winter
evenings, with our beautiful gas lamp turned down low and Just
give ourselves up to dreams.
Would you believe it, the horrid man neglected to turn on the
water the day we were to take possession, and John said we must
not build a fire In the furnace until the water was turned on, so
you see, dearie, we had to depend entirely upon our gas grate
- for heat. It was delightful, though, to sit before the fire and dls-
( cues just how we would arrange everything. And I am going to
g do my own housework. The servant problem Is such a bore, and,
besides, we have such a cozy little place I am sure I shall hum nn
trouble. John, like the dear man he is. borrowed water from one w
5 of the neighbors, and I only wish you could have seen us prepar- J
ing our first breakfast, for John insisted on our taking dinner at t)
2 ' restaurant. X
6 My gas range Is Just lovely, and we found by turning on the S
gaa in the oven part and leaving the oven door open we could heat
the kitchen perfectly. I really don't know what we would have $
' done without our gas grate and range. It was great Now, don't ' S
laugh, for I really didn't intend to make a pun. I have acres of v
r. news to tell you, but must hurry now, for the man has Just come &
S to turn on the water and John Is going to run out for luncheon $
5 Just to see how everything is coming along. Write me a nice, lone $
letter. Your affectionate, ANNIE.
P. 8. John has, Just read this letter. Talk about women's &
& curiosity, I guess the men are as bad. He says I ought to call up
the Gas Company and thank them for their promptness. I told
5; him I had done so. and he laughed and said: "Just like a woman "
s I don't see anything funny about It, do you? a
S $
HI a Sehool Pnplls aad dab Women
Not at Issue
Over It.
Present Indications point toward a happy
consummation of the plan to erect a bronse
statue of Abraham Lincoln In a triangle
formed by the three walks at the south
east corner of the high school. The little
friction between the school pupils and the
Woman's club was but a tempest In
teapot, as has been shown by a disposition
on the part of the women, to co-operate
with and help the pupils in their enter
prise and the desire of Principal Water
house to act merely In an advisory ca
pacity, allowing the pupils to carry out
the Ipian along lines now being" formulated.
The junior and senior pupils have agreed
with much unanimity to take hold of the
project and the belief Is the other classes
will do likewise.
"Members of the Omaha Woman's club
have shown no spirit to interfere with the
plans of the pupils, but are enthuslastlo
in their willingness to help them. It was
at first thought the raising of money suf
ficient to buy such a statue as was pro
posed would be too much of a task for
any one class. It has been arranged that
an executive committee, one from each
class of the school, take hold of the work,'
Principal Waterhouse. said:
The statue, which has practically been
agreed on,, will cost nearly 11.800, and the
pedestal about $400. The statue In question
Is the one Harry P. Whlttnore arranged
for while in Europe last year, when he
called on Frans Zelesny of Vienna, Aus
tria. The Zelesny statue, a bronse, will bo
similar to the St. Gauden's statue Lincoln
standing in repose. Figure end pedestal
will be fifteen feet high. The plan Is to
have the statue unveiled at . tho close of
the school year.
The statue will have a significant relation
to the valuable collection of art which has
been placed Inside the high school by th
rlous classes. Woman's club and others.
The executive committee selected to take
hold of the subscription work consists of
Carroll Belden. 'OH; Frank Hoel, '07; Sam
Reynolds, 08; Frederick McConneli,
Isaac Carpenter, '10.
Saturday Bargain Ad No. 11. pare K.
His Reason.
"Why do you drop the 'h' out of your
name?" asked one of his acquaintances.
"Not because I'm a cockney," answered
Ben Jonson with spirit, "but for purposes
of identification. If you look In the dlreo.
tory you will find there is altogether too
much Johnson In this town."
Subsequently, by way of further distinc
tion, they carved "Rare Ben Jonson" on
his tombstone. Chicago Tribune,
Advance Showing Lingerie Waists
Ladies new spring Lingerie Waists the season's smartest creations daintiest
work of deft fingers on dUplay Saturday at tempting figures
Pretty, fine India Linon "Waists, tucked and lace trimmed
yoke, front yoke length panel of fine embroidery tucked
back, open in back -length. sleeves and tucked cuffs.
All lace in these waists is genuine round thread ... fl f
German Val., special Saturday, at.
At 2.50
Elegant finest Lingerie material, bias rows of dainty lace
forming yoke; rows of lace alternating with fine embroid
ery insertion down each side tucked and lace yoke in
back, lac trimmed collar and cuffs easily P A
worth $3.50 special Saturday, at enweaU
Final Slaughter on Children's Coats
Our entire line Children's Coats comprising all the latest styles and cloths in every color
put In three lots, for Saturday's selling.
All Children's
up to $8.00,
At 1.98
All Children's Coats that sold
up to 4.95, Saturday on sale
at 1.98
25 dozen large size hemstitched Huck Towels,
pure white, good value at 12 Vic Saturday. g
Large, heavy twisted thread Bath Towel, in cream
and white, worth 21c, Saturday at 14
Large, heavy, double twisted thread Turkish
Towels, worth 30c Saturday 21f
Medium size Turkey Red Table Cloths, worth
75c, Saturday, each 50
15c MITTS 8c
Ladles' and Misses heavy worsted Mitts, worth
16c, Saturday, pair -8
Ladles' and Misses' 35c Mercerized and Wool
Golf Gloves, Saturday, at, pair 18
Coats that -sold
Saturday on sale
At 4.95
All Children's Coats that sold
up to $14.50, Saturday on sale
at .....f.4.95
We must get rid of all our Winter Millinery to
make room for our new Bprlng stock that Is ar
riving daily. "
Your choice Saturday any winter Trimmed Hat
In the house .$1,05
Grapes, Foliages, In fact every kind Imaginable
at 49c, 39c, 26c, 17c 10
20 dozen Trimmed Street Hats, made of good
materials and stylishly trimmed, special bar
gain for Saturday 10J
Ladles' and Misses' extra quality fast Black
Stockings, in all sizes, worth 12 Vic, special
Saturday at 7f
Ladles' extra quality double spliced heel and toe
fast Black Stockings, worth 15c, Saturday. 10
8c Plaid Suitings, Saturday
The great remnant sale at 3 cents Saturday.
Regular 18c Fine Cotton Batta 12(5
$1.75 and $2 Comforts $1.49
$5 Blanket, fine wool $4.12
No. 8 $1.25 Copper Bottom Wash Boilers. 95
16c Adjusted Mop Sticks , 9
40c Parlor Brooms 29 C
Kitchen Knives and Forks, each 5j
39c grey Granite Enamel Kettles, with bale.25
Colonial Glass Tumblers, at 6 for 25t
45c, 65c and 65c Earthen Tea Pots 29?
$1 Skirts 59c
Ladies' regular $1 Black Sateen Underskirts,
ruffled and tailor strappings, Saturday at,
each 591
Neckwear Offerings
Heavy stock of fine, up-to-date neckwear
In silk, chiffon, lace trimmed, batiste and
embroidery wash stocks this season's nov
elties 50c and 76c values, for Saturday only
at, each 35
Bargain table of Embroidery Turnover Col
lars, in 60 different patterns, 10c and 15c
values, Saturday they go at, each.... 7 hi a
Long Kid Gloves
12 and 16-button length celebrated Left and
Reynier make, Mousquetalre, Gloves, in
French kid and undressed kid, heavy pique
and 6ilk lined pique, sold for $3.60, $4 and
$4.60,' Saturday at, pair ..$2.75
Regular $1.25 celebrated Courtland silk lined
Mocha 'Gloves, In black, grey and brown,
Saturday, pair 89
Pocket Manicure Set, containing 1 box rose
nail powder, toilet pumice, 1 orange wood
stick, 10 cloth center emery boards, spe
cial : o
IDEALIXE An extra fine, pure ground rice
Face Powder, 50c value 35
Fountain Syringe, regular flow, slip pipes, 7 Be
value, Saturday 45J
20,000 yards fine Kimono Flannelettes, worth
12 He and 16c, special for Saturday ... .g
5,000 fine 7c Outings, yard At
See our new Ginghams and Percales.
Our Big Premium Offers
A HaafeonM Prsseat for tns Girls.
The "Pony" Sewing Machine.
Will bs Otraa FBKB as a Bewara fsv Bsadlnf Vs Tmtt Ksw
This Is sot a toy. but
MACHINE, making a
stitch azsotly Ilk ths
"Wlloox a OlBbs Auto
matic" H saws pertaot
ir. making as sood a
stitch as a Tt.0t saw
Ins machlna.
Baautlful In daslrn.
elegantly nainalad, and
flnlahed la. flower do
st tns of fiva different
It Is mad of th best
material, all worklns
parts being mad cl
teel and Is constructed
in a most substantial
manner. The circular
frame Is mad of metat.
It has the latest patent
feed motion, a perfect
tltoh regulator or au
tomatic easier, and has
the Wlloox Olbbs
self-setting as die,
whloh has a short blade
and long shank, aad Is
not eaefir broken. On
coount of th simple
devices embodied In Its
eonetruotlon It runs
lighter and quieter than
any maohln made. It
I fre from oomnltoa-
tlona. easily oared for, and always ready for use. We can recom
mend It to anyone desiring a novelty and a nrst-clas maohln
that will w perfectly. It Is sultabl for th llttl mlas or tor ths
roans lady for all klad of plain family sawing.
Bach maohln Is pecked In a eeperat box. with an extra needle,
famished with a clamp to attach to table, also combination eorew
driver, with complete Instructions and out showing how to thread
and operate th machlna Every machine le thoroughly ttd and
adjusted, and 1 sent out with a semple of sewing done on It. bow
ing It leavee the factory In perfect working order and Is threaded
up ready for use.
Thle splendid maohln will be sent free, postage prepaid, as a
reward for sending u four new subeeiikrs for one year each at
1. each, or two new eubeorlbera and ft cent extra. The price
at the ir--W'r-L Including you wn subscription for oa J ear, Is 1.1.
re Fenr New Subscribers.
UnlveraaJ Bread Matter.
Anyone eaa make bread In th "Universal. " Any Soar, er
Kast or any raolu that will make good bread by hand will make
Iter bread la the "Universal."
Careful measuring and tharongh kneading Insure good boms
mad bread. The "Universal" I simpler, easier, quicker and a
eleener way of doing the work. It doe the mixing and kneading
ef the doe ib in three ruinate. The dough Is net toacbad by the
hande at elk The kneedlag ts done sotealiaoailr aa4 the bread la
much Letter than when don by hand.
W siv th "Universal" bread maker fre as a reward
sending foar sew sabeortbere to The Twentieth Century farmer for
one year or for two aew eabeoribere aad te oents extra. The Brtoe
et It. Including year ewa uneortpilea las ne year. Is la,, seat
by expreea at receiver' eapeeee
Fee Tw JPsw Bisinlhis,
The. Sentinel' Air lUfle.
For target practloe, squirrel shoettag and other alas rang
work ths air rifle Is practically aa goad a a pe-wder rifle, and Is
mnoh cheeper and safer, aa as powder Is reoerired. Th "Pentraol
Is ens f th best and mast popalar air rifles made Its meohanlam
cannot be assailed. It Is made with a geed, arebstsntlal welnat
took and a lakel plated barrel. Tha amxannitloa aaed Is either
ordinary air rifle shot, or darts,
Tt wlU gtvs this splendid rtfl free, as a revrard, for sending
la two new subeoiibers for Th Twentieth Century Farmer far one
year each, or for ons new subscriber and ILM extra. Th prlee ef
the rifle, Inoludlng your ram mbaoriatton rot ana year at It. St. gent
by arss at receiver's expefvee.
On of Out Lending Offeree
We hare Just completed arrangeneaota wtth an of th eldest
and largest watch maanfaotvrars In tha United States, whereby w
are enabled to give some of th best watches mad as a reward fa
sanding as a comparatively small elttb ef sabeortbera.
This handsome nickel silver watch,
St else (equally sultabl for men or
boy), open face with famous Knick
erbocker movement, porcelain dial,
stem wind and set. The oase Is solid
Biokel silver, handsomely engraved
and will wear forever. The watch 'la
guaranteed by the manufacturer for
one year and during that time they
will make all repair not neoeeeltated
by earelessness or abuse free of
We wlan to especially
emphasise the fact that
thle watch le In no way
almllar to the o-oalled
"dollar or clock watoh
as" now on the market,
but I fitted with a
Of special quality.
We will aend this
splendid watch free,
postage prepaid, aa a
reward ror sending
a oiud or tnre aw
subscribers for one year
each or for one new
subscriber aad It cents
extra. The retail Jewel
er would charge about
1100 tor this watoh.
Our prtoe for It, Includ
ing u neorlptlon te Ths
Twentieth Cent Sir
Farmer, Is 11.1.
Three Vw
For Three Jfew
The Family Meet end Vegetable Chepper
Cannatty, two nonndg per ram
ate ; three ndjnotmonta, for owu
tlag liars a, medium or ana. WU1
be sont as a reward far sondlsg
os three aew oubeoribers as Ths
Twentieth Century Farmer for
on year eaeh at ILe eaab, or
for one aew snbsdriber aad
oents extra. Th prtoe of tha
chepper. tnaludiag peejr ewa aab
aartpttoa for on year ts tlM.
ant saearely peeked, by ao'
s raaesvsr's e pease.
Address The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, JfebrasKf