Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Tel. Donglas tin.
Final Coat Sale Saturday
Commencing at 9 A. M.
The balance of our winter stock consisting of about seventy
five high grade coats will be closed out Saturday at the extraordi
nary bargain price of $.00 and $7.50 each.
Black Coats
1 six 4. Fltted-Back Coat, SO-ln. Ion, regular
trlce, $36.00.
1 size 86, Half-Fitted Back Ixng Coat, regular
price, 130 00.
1 site 40, Fttted-Back Coat, 60-ln. long, regular
price, 127.10.
1 site 34, Half-Fitted Back Coat, short, regular
price. 117.50.
1 slse 44, Fitted Back Coat, tO-ln. Ipng, regular price,
1 all 44, Fitted Coat, 60-ln.' long, regular price,
1 Rise 42, Fitted Back Coat, 60-ln. long, regular price.
Every Mack roat regularly sold at 117.60, $25.00,
$17.50, $10.00, 132.60 and 136.00,
Saturday, jour choice at, eaeh ...17.50
Worthy Notions
Pins of all kinds, needles, hooks and
eyes, tapes, braids, bindings, beltings,
teatherbone, corset laces, shoe, laces,
dress shield thimbles, tape measures,
almont everything you can think of
for your work basket will be found
here. Thesa for Saturday j .
SPECIAL A good, durable tooth
brush, with genuine tooth ' brush
bristles, worth up to Kc, special price,
loo each. Hte them In our Howard
street vestibule display case.
A good two and four-hole pearl but
ton, one dozen on a curd, at Of a card.
Genuine Klaheye pearl buttons, two
doxen on a card, at 10c a card.
"Warren's" the best silk feather
bone on the market, at 10c a yard.
Bilk Collar bono at 10c a yard.
Main Floor. ,
8 Long, Loose Back Coats at $5.00 Each.
Made of very fine dark Scotch Plaid, sizes 3 4, 88 and 38, regularly priced from $16.00 to $18.00,
Saturday, $5.00 each.
30 Mlied Novelty Cloth Coats, 60-ln. long, In all sizes, regular prices, $16.50 to $18.50 Saturday,
your choice, at, each, 95.00.
Great Underwear Bargains
Nearlng the end of the season, our
winter stocks grow smaller and smal
ler nd so io the prices. For Satur
day's selling, we offer a fine assort
ment of the inexpensive kinds. Better
read them:
Wlmien's fine ribbed wool Union
Suits, natural grey, henvy weight,
mostly all small sizes, regular price,
llcdurcd to, each $1.25
Womeifs winter weight camel's
hair Vests and Drawers, regular
price, $1.60,
llrducod to, each $1.15
Women's natural wool Vests and
Drawers, good winter weight, regular
price $1.00,
Reduced to, each 79c
Women's Swiss ribbed Merino
Drawers, made with tape top, ankle
length, color rresm, all slses, regular
prices 75c and &5o,
lteduced to, each 50c
Bos fine ribbed wool Union Suits,
Howard Cor. Sixteenth
jTj-Lj-lj-l J-J- IS J LTXfXn JLfiru-Lru-JiririJ fl ruS I S r I 1 n"r"J- - -- -- ---- - ssnssnsSsSls ssSsssssesse m - -rtnqiuj.
of that part of the bill, It has been sug
gested, would give relief more speedily
and at the same time would make It
much more difficult for the railroads to
Bet aside an order pf the commission
through the courts.
Oae Provision Popular.
The section In the bill which has received
unlimited commendation, not only because
It will be effective, but Is an entirely
original idea, la that section which requires
the railroads to practically try their cases
when they make application for a 'tem
porary Injunction. Others, not members
of the legislature, who have studied the
question say this will prove a serious
drawback to the railroads and will enable
the people to get relief while the railroads
are trying to knock out orders of the com
mission. The S-cent fare bill does not meet with
the approval of all the legislators by any
means, because It was not mentioned In
the republican state platform, and because
In his speeches during the campaign Gov
ernor Sheldon absolutely opposed the en
actment of any such law. He spoke against
It publicly and he has by no means changed
his position since he became governor. Be
fore the campaign and since his election
he has said he la for leaving the question
oT passenger rates absolutely to the railway
commission. Whether all the railroads are
rerlously fighting this bill la problematical,
Inasmuch as It would be a great deal easier
and cheaper for them to knock out the bill
should It be not compensatory than would
an order from the railway commission. A
public hearing will 1 hsd on this bill and
the anti-pass bill Tuesday night.
Wheat Railroads Are- Busy.'
In the meantime the railroad lobby Is
getting extremely busy on the terminal
taxation bill and on the direct primary. A
Last Call Saturday
Time is nearly up, and we are ready to put out the light
at 10 p. m. Saturday on our GREAT CLEARANCE SALE.
Saturday will be the last chance to get OUR kind of boys'
and girls' wear at these prices.
82.60 will buy a splendid Boys'
bult, 3 to 15 years.
82 CO uy a fins MUe Coat
fur the small girl of I to
58'e 1U buy fine All Wool
a eaters tor little tots, all col
ors and whit.
59 fop Pretty and warm Velvet
or Dear kin Bonnets.
38 fr boys' and girls' Vests,
Pants, Drawers or Union Suits.
Your etghbor will come early,
rery thing you want most.
Mixed Cloth Coats
1 aire 1, Brown Mixed Cloth Coat, 60-ln. long, loose
back, regular price, $20.00. -
1 34. Tan Mixed Cloth Coat, fltted-back. 60-ln.
long, reirular price, $25.00.
1 ulie SS, Brown Mixed Novelty Cloth Loose Coat,
regular price $13.60.
1 else 3$. Scotch Plaid Mixed Novelty Long Loose
Coat, regular price $15.00.
1 slse S3, Scotch Plaid Novelty Fltted-Back Coat,
60-in. long, regular price, $26.09.
1 slse 3 4. Red Kersey Coat, 60-ln. long, regular
price, $21.60.
Every Mixed Cloth Coat, regularly sold at $25.00,
$20.00, $21.60. $13.60,
Saturday, yea eboioe at, sack 97.80
Saturday Specials in the
Men's Store
Our Men's Store Is conveniently lo
cated, main entrance a step to the
left, costs but little time, costs but
little money. Read these specials:
50c Four-ln-Hands Saturday, 25c '
Each i
Not a- great lot, but every pattern
Is a good one, picked at random from
our great stock of neckwear, fine
silks, pretty patterns and good styles,
regular price, 60c,
(Saturday, i-ach 25c
. Also a few Ascot Scarfs, beautiful,
rich silks, can be tied either ascot or
(our-ln-hand style, regular prices, 76c
to ll.GO, v
baturday, each 2fJc
All of our men's wool half hose, In
fine Winter weight, all Uses, regular
price 86c,
Kcduced to, each 50c
Children's fine white wool Vests
and Drawers, worth In a regular way
from 75o to $1.00, ' I
lteduced to. each 05c
Main Floor.
Saturday at the Bargain
Square in Basement
Special sale of Sample Hosiery.
All kinds of ladles' and children's
cotton hose and men's fancy cot
ton half hose, values up to 60q
pair. SATURDAY at 10c and 15c i
Remnants of lOo Outing Flannel,
5c yard.
Remnants of lOo grey Shaker
Flannel, 6o yard.
Remnants of 15o Silesia - and
Spun Glues Linings, at 6o yard.
Remnants of 15c and too woven
Madras, in blaln colors and stripes
at 7Vo yard.
day or two ago a prominent cttlaen of Otoe
county was aaked to corns to Lincoln. He
did so, and members of the railroad lobby
wanted him to "Influence" a certain mem
ber. The Otoe county man promptly de
clined to serve In the capacity of advlsof
for the railroads and went back home, re
marking to the railroad man:
"You have made your bed, now He Jn !t."
It Is told here on good authority that a
number of editors of oountry paper who
have railroad strings on them will be here
off and on during the. coming ten days to
work on certain members against the pri
mary and terminal taxation bills. One
whose name Is suppressed, remarked In the
Lindell the other night that he had re
ceived $26 and a ticket here and back home
for coming to Lincoln In .the Interests of
the railroads. In verification of his state
ment he Is said to have flashed bills to the
amount of $26.
The Lincoln News threw off Its cloak
long enough yesterday to misrepresent and
vilify former Representative Windham by
saying he made a speech against terminal
taxation In the house of representatives,
a . v. - .InU bmm' rjnvawt tin under a
II1U HIV 1 141- IV " . r
double-column black head, "Windham
i Takes a Poke at Terminal Taxation."
j The article was false In every partlou-
mr ana ur me wviiwm, j
who do not know Mr. Windham and who
did not hear his speech, Mr. Noyes of
Cass county branded the article as false
this morning in the house. Upon being
given permission to speak, Mr. Noyes said:
"I want to correct a statement. In the
Evening News (a portion of which he read).
Mr. Windham came before the legislature
at my Invitation- He is no professional
politician. He came to attend the open
hearing on the county option bill. All he
said to the members from Cass county was
92.60 will y chofesj of Girls'
Coats on one rack, age to 14
All of the Girls' and Misses' Costs
just half price, or two for the
one. .. ,
L 98.34 W1U buy one of those
cnuice loung Mens Suits or
Overcoats or Crarenettea.
25 'or Capsboys', girls' and
misses' Caps one whole coun
ter loaded with many- styles.
May Matton Patterns, 10c"
We trust they will sot gee the
as i4ZszZzr
Dee, January I, 1907.
plain black and natural, . winter
weights, that sold regular at 16c,
Saturday, per pair lc
Alt of our men's two-piece under
wear at greatly reduced prices.
All of our men's combination Suits
at greatly reduced prices.
' All of our Bath and Lounging Robes
at greatly reduced prices.
Pnmn Harurdav and share of these
Ppecialx. Uss either Howard St. or
Main Entrance for men's store.
Children's Outing Flannel
Gowns Half Price
Saturday we shall close out the
balance of our children's Outing Flan
nrl Gowns at half price. .
Nice, soft, fleecy Night Gowns,
mostly small sixes, regular price, 60a,
Saturday, each . . . 25c
Second Floor.
Children's Bath Robes, Half
Children's bath robes of Swansdown.
sott and fleecy, just the way children
like them. The balance of our line
will be offered Saturday at half price,
$2.00 Children's bath Robes, Satur
day, $1.00 each.
6x50 Children's Bath Robes, Satur
day, $1.26 each.
63.60 Children's Bath Robes, Satur
day, $1.76 each.
Second Floor.
Women's Outing Flannel
Gowns Reduced
All 75o and 86o Outing flannel Gowns
now 60o each.
All $1.00 Outing Flannel Gowns now
75a each.
All $1.60 Outing Flannel Gowns, now
980 each.
All $2.00 Outing Flannel Gowns, now
$1.60 each.
AH $2.60 Outing Flannel Oowns, now
$1.75 each. .
Second Floor.
this: 'You are elected on a specific plat
forrd for a specific purpose and unless you
carry out mat platform you will get your
heads cut off.' Mr. Windham In his speech
said he had been for the taxation of rail
road terminals two years ago and If a
member now would vote for It Mr,' Wind
ham helped draft the Slooumb law and get
it adopted many years ago and was hers
only to attend the oounty option hearing
... tumpany wun me county attorney of
Cass county."
Clarke of Douglas corroborated what Mr
Noyee said and added: "I have known Mr.
Windham for years and he stands high
with the people who eom In contact with
him. The only broatb of suspicion I have
ever heard against him has been in the
papery published in Lincoln. He Is in
favor of terminal taxation and If he had
the opportunity would vote for It. He has
had numerous opportunities to get ofllcea,
but he Is not a professional polltlolan and
turned down many chances."
Mr. Noyes then added that Mr. Windham
would have bfn the float representative
from Cass county had he not declined to
be a candidate because of his business,
which needed his entire attention.
Cosaproasls Edaeatloa BUI.
As a compromise between conflicting in
terests on the compulsory education bill
which he Introduced Into the senate early
In the session Benator Thomas has a new
measure which he may offer as substi
tute for 8. F. 60. When the latter bill
came Up for consideration In committee
of the whole this morning he aaked that
It be deferred until Monday, by which tttn
he will know whether he wants to substi
tute the new bill or not
The new measure Is not radically differ
ent frorn the old one, but It is not quite so
rigorous. It provides that every child be
tween 7 snd 16 shall be required to go to
school not less than two-thirds of the en
tire school year In his district or In any
case r.ot less than twelvs weeks during the
Another provision permit the Board of
Education of the Omaha district to require
attendance the entire year for all children
between the ages of T and M. The excep.
Hons In the new bUl are practically the
same as those in the old one, allowing chil
dren who so desire to attend private or
parochial schools or" receive instruction
under a private tutor. Those ever 14 are
also exempted in ease It la necessary for
them to work for their own support or
the support of any person actually depend
ent upon them. These latter may be re
quired to go to night school.
The senate Judiciary committee will hold
an open meeting February II for persons
Interested In the child labor bill, which
was passed by the house and la now In the
senate. The general Impression Is that the
bill will be amended to msjs It lea dras
tic. A number of Omaha people are ex
pected to be present to tight for the bill
In Its present form.
Bill for Fire reaeaatssUa.
Senator Holbrook will Introduce a bill Into
the senate Monday to establish a state
fire commission, similar In function to the
Are marshals of some of the eastern states.
It Is said te be backed by a number of
fire Insurance companies. The bill makes
the governor fire commissioner and allows
him a chief deputy and two assistant
deputies. Th chief must reside In Lincoln
and Is to receive a salary of fc,oco a year.
The assistants are to receive salaries of
11.600 each.
It la made the duty of the fire commis
sioner and the local officials In every city
and vlllaea and the sheriff In the eounlrv
I districts to Investigate every fir occurlng
In their respective districts and make a I
report within a week to the Mr com- j
mlesloner. The fire commissioner or j
his deputies may Institute proceedings1
In special cases and are empowered
to take testimony, administer oaths snd.
punish for contempt. The origin and cause;
of fires may be Investigated. The commis
sion also has power to condemn as unsafe'
structure on complaint of owners of j
property endangered. The expense of the:
oommlaslon Is to be paid out of a fund to
be raised by a tax of H of 1 per cent on
the gross premium earnings of fire Insur
ance companies In the state. It Is claimed
similar commissions have resulted In a
great reduction of the number of Incendiary
Ores In states where they are empowered
to act
The house played most of the afternoon
with the bill by Henry, memorialising con
gress to pass a woman suffrage bill. Th
house refused to vote the bill for passage
and thep refused to kill It, and nearly
every one made a speech about It.
Among th spectators in the senate this
afternoon was the man who makes the
passes good. His name is oft all the North
western tickets in this shape. "Not good
unless countersigned by C. F. Reddlngton."
Mr. Reddlngton Is the assistant to the gen
eral manager of the Northwestern, but took
no part In the debate on county option.
Reapportionment linder Way.
Sander of Knox introduced a resolution
In the house, authorising the committee on
apportionment to draft an apportionment
bill to redtstrlct the state senatorial and
representative districts.
The Loyal legion of Omaha sent down
a protest ssainst cutting old soldiers out
of railroad passes.
BUI Passed Relating to Deseent f
Real Property.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. , Bpeclal. The
senate this morning passed S. F. 7S, by
King, relating to the descent of real prop
erty to decedents., The bill gives the sur
viving husband or wife a share in fee of
the property Instead of allowing ths wife
a dower Interest of one-third under the
present law. Two votes wero cast against
the bill by Wllsey of Frontier and Root
of Cass. Mr. Root explained his vote by
saying he did not believe the bill gave th
wife sufficient protection as to her share
of the property against creditors of tho
husband, and in this respect was Inferior
to the present law. S. F. 74 and B. F.
76, which repeal laws relating to dower,
were also passed.
The senate also passed S. F. 197, by
Hanna of Cherry, providing for duplicate
certificates of tsx sal where the original
has been lost
Among the bills reported on favorably
by standing committees was Olbson's liquor
bill, prohibiting brewers from having an
Interest In a retail Saloon and limiting the
number of saloons according to popula
tion. The bill was amended by the stand
ing committee to limit saloons in cities of
over 26,000 to one for every 00 population
and In cities and villages under 26,000 to
one or every 4U0 population.
The following bills were placed on gen
eral file: 1
H. R. 126 By Redmond. Making an ap
propriation of $3,010 for the expenses of
the Orthopedic hospital.
8. F. 214 By Root. Providing a penalty
for selling liquor to any person who has
once been committed under the dipsomaniac
8.' F. 226-By Wilts of Cedar. Allowing
witnesses at coroner's hearings the same
fee as witnesses In district court
8. F. 226-By King. Repealing the 14
mills school levy.
8. F. 76 By Oibson. Providing brewers
and distillers shall not have an interest in
retail saloons and limiting the number of
saloons according to the population.
The senate then went into committee of
the whole, with McKesson of Lancaster In
the chair. The following bills were recom
mended for passage:
H. R. 126 To appropriate 63,000 for ex
penses of the Orthopedic hospital.
8. F. 166 By Root. To harmonise con
flicting statute regarding bond elections.
8. F. 1!4 By Thomas. Allowing the use
of "patent" paving In Omaha.
8. F. W By Thomas. Increasing the
nav of denulr In the reaister of deeds
othce In Douglas county from (1,200 to 61,600
a year and of copyists from o0 to 680 a
S. F. 112 By Randall. Relating to th
taxing of educational and sulln lands.
The senate decided to hold an open meet
ing for the fish and game committees of
both houses Monday night to listen to a
discussion of several game bills now be
fore the legislature.
The entire afternoon session was devoted
to consideration of the county option bill
in committee of the whole, and a few min
ute before 4 o'clock th senate adjourned
until Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The following bills were introduced Into
the senate today:
8. F. 281 By Randall of Madison. Per.
mining county depositories to give a guar
antee bond or to deposit United States
government bond, state bonds or war
rsnts or county, city and school district
bonds to protect county deposits Instead of
a bond for double th amount, of th de
posit. 8. F. 282 By Thorns of Nuckolls. To re
qulrs assessors to gather agricultural sta.
tlstics and providing a penalty for viola
tions. 8. F. 2S-d3y Saunders of Douglas. To
permit trust companies to do business In
the state but to exclude them from trans
acting a banking business.
8. F. 2S4 By Patrick of Sarpy- Changing
sections of the civil code to conform .to a
bill previously introduced to permit the
beginning of civil suits by serving- written
noiloe on th defendant
Blading Twin Preposition Aetata
Bremg-ht Ferwar.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Feb. t.-(8peclal.) The house
adopted a resolution by Quackenbush of
Nemaha providing for th appointment of
a commute of flv to inspect and report
on th practicability of establishing a bind
ing twin plant at th state penitentiary.
The same proposition waa killed two years
Quackenbush reported as Na member of
the delegation which attended the oil con
ference at Topeka. A summary of the re
port ha already been published.
H. R- 106, by E. W. Brown of Lancaster,
providing a sentence of on to flv years
for persons convicted of having burglar's
tools in their possession, was passed.
H. R. tl, by Hansen of Merrick, providing
counties or villages may own telephone
lines, was passed.
H. R. IIS, by Snyder, memorialising con
gress to reroov th duty on building ma
terials, wss recommended for passage by
the committee of th whole.
H. R. 144, by Raper, recommending to
eongress th passage of the Maoomber bill,
was Indefinitely postponed.
The house adjourned until I p. m. Mon
day. The following bills wer Introduced:
H. R. 2M By Cone of Saunders. To pro.
vkls fur a system of welching coal, grain,
lumber, live stock snd other commodities
transported over railroads by common cur
riers within this state in carload lots.
H. R. 2tV By Armstrong of Nemaha. To
appropriate the sum of fcS.OuO to build a
heating plant. Including a new smoke stack,
for the Peru normal school.
H. R. 2S-By Adams of Dawes. Making
an appropriation of 44.000 to pay necessary
traveling and contingent expenses of the
judges of the supreme and district courts.
H. R. 27 Uy Johnson of a line. To pro
vide for and establish a system for the
regulation of the transportation and trafflo
In malt vinous and intoxicating liquors
and to define and regulate traffic under
wholesale and retail liquor dealers' licenses.
H. R. 2Bf-By HsfTernan of Dakota. Vet
terlnary surgeons who, have practiced fif
teen years shall be given a certificate,
11. R. ia By Tucker of Dougiaa. Provld.
Ing for seven suprenia Judgea to serve
twelve years each, provldua for a minority
party representation.
H. R. auw By Epringer of Scott' Bluff.
Providing physicians shall be quarantln
officers in counties of 2.S00 population.
IL ft. 01-Jt)y crlnger ef Scott's luH
Fixe compensation of county uperlntenfl
ent at $1.S a year or more.
H. R. 2 Hy Whitney. Appropriating
,) for the purpose of constructing an
ssfOstsnt'a ooitaire., huilillng cement retain
ing walls around fish pond, new platforms.
1am connections, snd for painting snd
general repairs on fish car. building trout
nursery ponds, building cement walks,
grading, sodillng. planting trees, shrubbery,
snd general Improvement of fishery grounds
at the state fish hatcherle at South Ber
H. W. 3 Hy Lee of Douglas. Provhlliif;
how property may be redeemed after f
decree ha been entered against It
Only On "Bronte Qalnlne."
t That I Ixatlv Bromo Quinine. Simi
larly named remedies sometimes deceive.
Ths first snd original Cold Tablst IS a white
package with black and red lettering and
bears ths signature of K. W. GROVE. 25c.
(Continued from First Page) '
Thaw raised her voice as If to call some
one. "I went back to our hotel and told Harry,
and he said: 'The dirty blackguard. He
had no right to speak to you.' Ths next
time I saw him I waa driving to Dr. Dele,
van's office to have my throat treated.
Stanford White was also In a cab. He
just stared at me this time . snd stroked
his mustsche. I turned Into Thirty-third
street, and as I alighted at the doctor's
door I saw Stanford Whit coming. I
rang the bell and th maid cam to the
door, and then I got so nervous and flus
tered I told her I would come back again
and I ran down the steps, got Into th
cab and drove to the hotel, where I told
Harry what had happened. He got very
excited and bit his nails."
These were .the .only Instances, Mrs.
Thaw said, that she told her husband that
White had approached her.
Letter from Thaw Read.
There was a great crowd in th court
room today.- The dramatic thrill of th
day befor were not there, however.
The day began with a continuance of th
reading of the letter from Harry Thaw
to Mr. Longfellow, written after Evelyn
Nesblt's revelation to her suitor In Paris.
There were others, too, which Thaw had
sent the attorney to deliver to Miss Nee
bit, who st the time would not see him.
Mrs. Thaw followed these with a rela
tion of her experiences with Stanford
White and Abraham Hummel, concerning
the alleged affidavit which she made charg
ing Harry Thaw with having token her
from her mother against her will and with
gross cruelty. Mr. Thaw told how she
had been Induced to answer some question
about herself and Mr. Thaw at the time,
and had been told the stories about his
"cruelties to girls." Stanford White had
told her, she declared, that It waa neces
sary to talie drastic measure to protect
her from such a person and Thai Harry
Thaw must be kept out of New Tork. She
denied ever signing any papers In Hum
mel's office, but said she remembered hav
ing signed some papers for Mr. White in
"his offices," the contents of which sho
did not know.
When she got frightened about the papers
snd demanded to see them she said Mr.
White took her to Hummel' office and
there they burned a paper which had her
name at the bottom of it She was not
allowed to see what the paper contained
before It was destroyed.
Hammel Blackmail White.
Mr. Thaw's story was mad amusing at
times by her interjections of the names
which Harry Thaw had applied to the
lawyer and Mr. White's agitated question
ing as to what sha had told Hummel about
him. Sho declared she had told the lawyer
" 'Well' Mr. White said to me, there is
something wrong somewhere. He ha just
squeesed a thousand dollars out of me and
th Lord only knows how soon hs will
quE another.'
"I remember then having told Mr. Hum
mel when he threatened thing about Mr.
Thaw that ha better be careful, for Mr.
Thaw knew a lot of terrible things about
Stanford White."
Th defense endeavored to get Into evi
dence today the wills of Harry Thaw and
of lively n Nesblt Thaw, on the night of
their wedding In Pittsburg. There were so
many Interlineations, additions and erasures
that Judge Fltxgerald held the documents
were not admissible until the changes were
proved. Mr. Del mas said he would later
endeavor to do this, a th wills and th
interlineations and a codicil by Harry Thaw
had to do with the proof tending to show
the Insanity of the defendant It came
out in the discussion of the wills that th
nam of Stanford White occurred In
Thaw' testament '
Plane of Proseeatlon.
Mrs. Thaw will go on with her direct
examination Monday morning. Just what
will bs the nature f District Attorney
Jerome's cross-examination when he takes
th witness Is mere- conjecture. It is said
he may try in some way to attack her
credibility, probably as to her ability to
remember other things as well as she
has the stories she has declared she told
Harry Thaw from time to time.
In an effort to offset the effect of the
testimony given by Mrs. Evelyn Thaw by
attacks on her credibility, since he will
have no opportunity of more direct refuta
tion, the district attorney searched the
city last night for those chorus girls whose
names he has long had as being able to
throw light on the relations that existed
between Bvelyn Nesblt and Stanford
Under the leadership of Roundsman
Berry of Assistant District Attorney Gar
van's office, and P. L, Berghoff, a privets
detective, nine of the county detective
staff were sent to the Tenderloin last night
and told to "bring in" the wltnawes. Two
hours after midnight three young women
hsd been found and, under watch, spent
th night at an uptown hotel.
More Letter from Thaw.
Previous to ths examination of Mrs.
Thaw Mr. Delmss continued to read from a
letter addressed by Harry Thaw to Attor
ney Longfellow. The letter was Incoherent
at times, but dealt all along with his feel
ing toward Miss Nesblt and his desire for
her education and future happiness.
In a second letter read by Mr. Delmss,
written by Thaw to ths witness he spek
of a dress she had and wanted to wear
first for him; another letter to Longfellow
spoke of money and was In a despondent
mood, saying he had nothing to live tor.
Another letter, also to Longfellow, says:
"Being honest has finished me."
Pleads lev Faith.
In another letter fas declared his belief
she had' been hypnotised; that she bad
been unlucky, not immoral, and that he
had always treated her with respect This
letter contained the following:
Let your heart feel that there la faith.
rf-r'- rraaauatl. aSerast Dept. S.
JW a. W i,,MirnsatfcM.issnslll.
' The Chine
2 C
1517 Farnam St. RFRRFR'S 1517 Farnaro St.
Advance Spring Prices
The fiuvst Petticoat on earth
for the monoy, bet quality Taffeta
Silk, extra full with silk
under-ruffle all colorsan $8.50
Petticoat Saturday for
$8.60 Ladles' Panama Skirts, the
all colors
$7.60 ladles' new Spring Jackets,
red, the very latest.
115.00 ladles' Broadcl
$15.00 ladles' Broadcloth and Covert Jackets, corset seams, Q QO
with SO straps, the very highest
$4.00 ladles' Lingerie Waists, new
$5.00 ladles' Jap Silk and Mohair
plaids, Saturday at
25 and $35 Ladles' Novelty Coats . ..
tlS.60 and 15 Ladies Novelty Coati
The New Cloak Shop
3 nr.
Do you own your home? II not,
and you hare part of the money we
can likely furnish the balance and get
you started right. It you hare no
monoy or a meant lot, then start an
account with us and add to It until you
hare sufficient funds to buy a lot. We
can then aid you In building a house.
Funds always on band. Loans promptly
'RKSOURCE8 $2,100,000
RESERVE 68,000
The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n,
1A14 Harney Bt., Omaha
PAUL W. KLHN8, Bec'y. and Tires.
You ought to know something now of what
faith is of mo being faithful unto death
and berond. You beicaed m not to. so I
! hav scan no young ladlss exespt by ao
' cldent. You hove in three weaks gotten a
dangerous reputation. Also for telling
' scandal, true or false. Take back about
! kJeanur. How would you like without my
' answering only I understand and ther
rare respect you tne same. Bay some on
got you to say so, not som on you know,
some stranger perhaps. They also say you
are going to pieces and In six month you
may be In the gutter, mentally and morally
and dishonorably. Is Howard In school f
How much does It costT Your mother
' must trust your friend who robbed you of
I your birthright as a young lady and maks
I your father's name a oy.-word. If only
' you had let me save you before you wr
Then follow the word through Which
a pan waa 'drawn:
- "H never would dare "
The letter continues:
It would never hav been told. I would
hav just acted as a friend, you know, and
es a friend would hav rejoiced and asked
juu liuiiiili.. inun ,vun., isvut tnui jiiinu
I w.n fim T h.v. not uwd tnv dntit In mv
Ufa. 1 never 11 to you.
It waa evident from these th letter which
was sent to Longfellow to b delivered to
Evelyn Nesblt bad been written subsequent
to Thaw' interview with the girl at th
Hotal Navarre, after their' return from
Pari In 10OS. At this Interview th girl
told him of th stories she had heard about
him and said shs could not see him alono.
Pleads for Himself.
Th letter, which in place was blurred
and had to be Inspected with a magnifying
glass, went on:
"I have tiled to forget you. You should
hav been at Joe's wedding."
Mrs. Thaw said the reference was to th
wedding of Jostah Thaw, th defendant's
brother. Th letter went ons
Thn would have seen your honesty and
you would hav been so respected. Your
reputation as a beauty would have been
greater over the world. You eould hav
owned ir'ilisourg noi in monoy, oui puiu-
Alone I can't settle down. Besides I
have no one worth doing far. Twloe I had
to leave th table so they could not see,
but In som way I am a bear at times
every other way I am more cheerful.
I arrr not responsible now. You must
know every story, including Dillingham's,
Is a fake, except one I saw all those letters-all
sham but I don't car a llttl
You know m better than anyone, and If
you don't trust me and know I am true and
unselllsh compared to most men, then there
Is no hop for me. I am changed now, but
not In truth, faithfulness or courage. Prom
Is in one thing, don't drink any cham
pagne. I am too poor and must llv at
home. I can t pay for your ring now. Of
course of you are In need I can get load of
money, but It would make trouble. I must
stay here or gtt a cheap ticket east. Of
Co u I'M, don't say anything about tills.
Plies Csran ia ) to 14 Day.
Paso Ointment will cur any of
Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protudlng pile.
At all druggists 60 cents.
CIAMONI8 wonaer, Uta and Dodge,
la appearance and fit the
equal of the product loa of
the custom shop. The
ssftfcaHy good vatae a
ti ,ss sad mors.
asMsnsxesxtMsxexesss essswaswa.
3 C
Deweet spring models, t ma
i . .....WsUU
in plaids, tan, green or M fn
of tailored art, Saturday. ,
Waists, white, black or O QQ
1517 Farnam Ot.
3 czz3 czr
; 1822 Farnam St., Omaha.
Tel. Doug. 8874.
Supported by Excellent Company, in
The Lilac Room
SSTZSa WMaX Commencing Kon
day XCLAW a, SmiATgQSB'B
Colossal Production, .
The Prince
of India
00 conpAirr o
Seats on sal.
Prices too to $1.00.
coming tm moYAz, cnr.
BURW00D sc"d
Lost 24 Hours
Matinee Saturday.
Next week: Brather Offleers.
PrlceelOor So. too.
Tuesday flight, February 12
Admission. Sbo. LADIES FREB.
Beat sal begin Monday morning at th
Auditorium at 10 o'clock.
m lT 1 ar . ...
Vatts Today, See Tonig-kt, SilS
The Oreat Western Melodrama,
v Kiss Oeartaay Will Blag.
j Sunday W. A, Brady's TBTS) PIT.
and Saturday. Prices
H and tin. Mat. tie.
Ruth Grey
' Invaluable to sufferers from
asthma, bronchitis or throt
trouble CUll setkl surlssa,
1 c
'Phone Doug. H.