Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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Want - ads
4lTr4liHti fee the want -ad
ealasnas will fee takes til IS aa. tor
the evening edltlea aad natll a. aa.
fa the Btnlit aad Saaday edltleaa.
Oa laaerHea, 1 19 reats te werd
twa mr mere eeaaeeetlve Insertions,
t east tp word tith Insertion! aiorc
thaa aaa Insertion, If not rum
eeentlvely wll be charge for at tke
rate ef 1 1-9 eeata r wor.
USA per llae for oae ntoatk.
We mm takea for leaa tkaa SO eeata.
Death til Faaeral Hotleee, Carfi ef
Tkaa k a aai Ledge Notices, T eeata
Br llae for eaa edition, semla or
enlng S eeata a llae for eaek addi
tional edition. Hiir. lO eeata a
llae. We ad takea for leaa tkaa BO
,Waat-ade for Tke Bee mar be left at
if. ef the following drag stores
oae -la "yenr eoraer drnagtst" -they
are all braaek affleea ef Tke Bee and
(rear ad will be Inserted Jaet aa
promptly and oa tke same ratea aa at
tke saatn eflee la Tke Bee nuaui,
limOntk aad Farnam streets.
A 1 bach, W. G 4oth and Farnam.
Beranek. B. A., 1402 B. 16th St.
p-echt's Pharmacy, 720 S. 16th St.
Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Neb.
Bemis Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming.
nnMln c. R ath and Pierce Bta.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Are.
Conte, J. B., 81st Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and I&ka.
Cermak, Emil, 12fi4-6 8. 13th 8t.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4048 Hamilton.
Ehler, F. H., 2802 Leavenworth.
Foster A Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th Bt.
Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
RnMrnin Phnnorv. "0t h and I-ake Bta.
Oreen'a Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
Greeiotmh, O. A., KC5 B. 10th Bt.
Oreenough, O. A., 10th and Hickory.
JIayden, Wm. C, 2930 Farnam fit.
Haneoom Park Phar., 15ol 8. 29th Ave.
Unlet, John, ?4 N. lflth Bt.
Huff. A.i L., 2S24 Leavenworth St.
King, H. 8.. 2238 Farnam PL
Kountse Place Pharmacy, 3:tn4 N. 24th.
Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N. 24th Bt.
Lathmp, Cha. B., 1324 N. 24th Bt.
Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth.
Rn r, trura Driiff Co.. 24th and Amen Ave.
Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and
Schaefer, August, 2631 N. lth Bt.
Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Bta.
Btorm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha 8ts.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
walton Pharmacy, 20 th and Grace Bta.
Wirth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Bta.
The following birtha and deaths were re
ported to the Hoard of Health during the
iwfniy-iour nours enoing r nnay noon:
Births Edwin Ovlatt, 1M2H South Thir
teenth, boy; u. T. Keed, Z518 North Twen
tieth, girl.
Deaths Richard Pollen, Council Bluffs,
46: Annie Kotiia. 2315 South Sixteenth. 67:
Vrecllla Hook. 2526 Wirt 74; Elmer Welmer,
Ft. Joseph's hospital, 11: Count John A.
Oelghton, 404 North Twentieth, 76; Eraetua
J. HlacKman, 115 South Klghteentn, 80;
Arthur T. Burchmore, 2513 Chicago, 23:
Mrs. A. C. Deeter, Fourteenth, and Capitol
avenue, a.
The following marriage licenses have been I
William J. Btratton, Chicago 28
Tf BZ?C!' JnCOln 21
Albert W. Lindblad. Omaha , 29
Emma F. Smith, Omaha 24
tames Cunningham, South Omaha 22
Lelen M. Daly, South Omaha 19
ANDERSON Peter, February 4, 1907, aged
6( years. 7 montna ana St days.
Funeral services will be held from Danish
Lutheran church. Twenty-sixth and Bur
dette atreeta, Sunday, February 10, 1007,
at 3 p. ra. Interment Prospect Hill ceme
tery, f-rienas invited.
BURCHMORE Arthur T.. February 7. 1907.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burchmore,
age a years ana 9 months.
Funeral services at the First Baptist
cnurcn, raric avenue and Harney atreeta:
unday at 8:30 p. m. Interment Prospect
aam cemetery, i-nenas invited.
K,algkta aad Ladles ef Seearlty.
Omaha council No. 415. All members are
requested to meet at Anclrnt Order of
United Workmen hall at 12:30 sham Bun-
day, to attend the funeral of Bister Ellmon
JAMES AUSTIN, President.
Students Begin Any Time. Catalogue Free.
Addresa H. B. BOYLES, Pres., Omaha. Neb.
(1) i
tttock of above named bankruDt will be
sold Monday, February 11, at 2 p. m., at
, 9M it. in 01.
O. M. DREW, Trustee.
BOOKS, booklets and fine catalogues
. printed ny ttees rrinung co., umana.
(D-M779 28
ROYAL ACHATE8 Fraternal Society.
(1)-6S8 14
i' lit i t y of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
BUY your envelopes and be aura of
' tary gumming, uurxiey Envelope Co.
(1-M758 U
THE CITY GARBAGE CO-Offlce 4th and
jjeavenworcn bis. iai. Douglas Visi.
MADAM ICS Bean and Mayo seance Tues
day and Friday. V23 N. 16th. HrA 6f5.
(U-M&79 F36x
aUON PAINTING S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas.
IU 610
IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam.
1 r-MT.)
IK YOU have anything to trade, get in
touch with our swapper. He's the original
- live wire In trades and exchanges. Can
. . "match" anything anywhere. Continental
1 l,u . . Ql jO d AT O V .. . 1 1 1
" D. Hltl. 1MUIK
a, Neb. Also have offices In
1, tit. Joseph, Kansas City, Sioux City, Lin
coln, iea Moines ana Denver.
13 MK5 11
Ik ACRES good bottom land. In Madison
county. Nebraska, half anile from town.
3u) tr acre; Incumbrance; for
Omana or Council Bluffs property. Phone
Duualas 1U3V. fetcrson. kJO N. lth Bt.
U lt
etocka of auods. farm land or Droixjrtv of
any kind to exchange, write for our com
plete list. Wa have properties and lands
111 111 ina vi me country 10 txenange.
Our list Is free. Bend for It at once.
Uiobe Land and Invuatmeut Co., Patter-
aun Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (J
IF YOU do not find what you want In thla
column, put an ad lu and you will very
aooo get 11. (j
WESTERN Nebraska and Kanaaa lands to
trade for merchandise or property. 110 8.
I'm. (j) Maw Ml
FOR EXCHANGE 3 nice lots and money
(wr a or a-room nouse.
WRITE Townsend Realty Co., Fremont,
Neb., who have farms, wild isnns. eic,
for clear town property and merchandise.
Tin Yon Wish to Make a Chancre
If you have a farm. home, business or
property inai you warn iu -n
change write us.
Omaha, iieb.. or nioux my. i-
(4 MtS MS
WANTED To sell or trade, 26-room hotel;
steam heat, gaa and city water ana a
five-room cottage; reason for selling,
ill health. Address 906 Ave. B. Council
Blufls, la. d
FOR BALE First -class blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools, h ui a
received for shoeing and 14 to 8S for set
ting Urea Addresa Y-1Z9, Bee.
INVENTOR wants money to develop
model and secure patent. Addreas
care or nee. n u
LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS and loose leaf
devices of all kinds. Keea Printing 10.,
Omaha. (4)-M777 F28
BOOMING HOUSES I have them at from
(160 to toOO; all good ones and money
'Phone Douglaa 3W0. 821 Neville Block,
DRUG atorea for sale. F. V. Kniest. N. T.
Life. W-tns
FOR BALE Only hotel in town of 800 peo
ple, doing good business; reason poor
health. M. Fahey, Waterbury. Neb.
shoe stock, 83,600; good, central Nebraska
town of 1.000; cheap for quick sale. Bog
688 Columbus, Neb. (4)-192 9k
IF YOU want to get In or out of business,
no matter what your business is, or wnere
it is. we can heln vou.
We make all kinds of trades and guarantee
to suit. If you have anything to trade,
write us.
220 Neville Block.
(4J-MU7 t
WE BUY OR SELL Business chances or
exchange a business, rooming house, or
exchange for anything. Money loaned on
If you have anything to sell or want to
buy anything see
Kr.AU -U.,
Tel. Douglas 8903. R34-B38 Paxton Blk.
t4) MStSU Ml
ROOMINO house, 18 rooms, fine condition.
Part cash and real estate; snap, at once.
IJhone Harney Z3S. (4) isl n
FOR SALE 81,700 mortgage, payable In in-
atallmenta tor 4 years, on Inside umana
business property worth 84,600; fl per cent,
semi-annually. Address L 603, care Bee.
W Him
$50 CAN be made weekly with 78 Hllo pea
nut vending machines and be your own
boas. For particulars see H. J. K em pel,
Bchllti Hotel. i ZlSIOz
S09 New York Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
I (0-M237
FOR BALE Barber shop, one of the best
paying two-chair shops in western lowa;
pool tame ana nam iud in connection.
Address Y 17$, care Bee. (4) M3G8 10
LAUNDRY for aale or lease. Albion Steam
Laundry, Albion. Neb. (4 M377 10
FOR SALE Gents' furnishing and shoe
stock; invoice 82.000; good location; will
aell cheap. Addresa Y 173. Bee.
(4) 238 llx
. : . ..
i?"" '""?.! "J1." "e " Til
with youBr "regular bus.n Js" For'
iars addreas Continental Realty Co.. 21-32-
36 U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
(4) M262 11
wain rau Man or woman or business
ahllltv In real estate business: must have
from 8600 to 82.000 to invest, which will be
well secured; good salaried position and
share of profits. Address O640, care Bee.
(4) -.Mad 11
FOR BALE Furniture and undertaking es
tabllshment and good will; only one in
live town 01 2,000 in northeast Nebraska;
stock will invoice 36.600. all new. salable
goods. Addresa Y 241, care Omaha Bee.
t4 A1S43 3D
WANT three men with 31,000 each to join
me in mnn speculation, win stand lull-
eat investigation. If you are afraid of
your shadow and don't want to double
your money, don't write. If you do, ad
dress N Kin, care Bee. (4) t&ZA 11
LET us have your autoe to sell. We have
customers ready to buy, Blair Machine
co., tsiair, neo. ux
i FOR BALE Money making restaurant.
cigars, lODacco, candies ana iruit stocK;
a good chance. Box 283, Shenandoah. Ia.
(4) M1S Ux
WANTED A location for a new and sec
ond-hand furniture store, In a good bust'
ness town of about 6,000; give partlcu
lars. Address F 649, Bee.
(4) M334 10X
FOR BALE The Silver Creek. Nebraska.
nour mill win be sold at referee s aale
on March B, 1907, at the court house In
Central City, Neb. (4) M288 11
WH buy, aell or exchange everything.
in at. investment uo., a uougiae iiiK.
(4)-3J) M5
FOR SALE OR TRADE Half Interest In
planing mill and contractlnar business:
iood place for a practical carpenter with
tl.UUO. k 661, care Bee. (4 326 13z
NEWSPAPER man wanting anap to run
newspaper plant, aaaresa, immediately,
a n. uerggren, Diromaourg, incd.
(4) M371 14x
MUST SELL my manufacturing bualneaa
oc r ore feoruary is, account sicKness;
moving away. Valuable formulaea free.
goods patented. You can make T0 a
week easily and not go outside of Omaha,
Involco about 8900: everything goes for
iou. nererences exenangea. j. Bmun
2M); Ohio St., Omaha. (4) M413 16x
WELL DRILLS Latest and best well drill
ing macninea ror sale; entirely new; alsea
inim ii 10 leet neptn capacity. Ad'
dress Loomla do., Tiffin, O.
(4 M418 IX
O. L. BROLINE, 618 Bee Bldg.
(6) M840 M6
W. W. DODGE, attorney, N. Y. Life Bid
istiic 1.1, iaiuk Hi iu nea. iKiiivina 17
(5) Ma Ml
DR. ROT, R-t 1606 Farnam Bt. Doug. 6497.
(6 M614
I Ladies' tailoring. Dressmaking. 438 8. !4th.
W 364 Fl
DRESSMAKINti in family or at home. Miss
iuiuj, .iiickb;u. rnone ried 470X
MRS. BRANDON. 1724 Cap. Ave. Doug. ?138.
l .73 F27
HESS BWOBODA. 1418 Farnam. H)-gl
L. HENDERSON. 1618 Farnam. Tel. Doug.
" 14) 617
Mnsle aad I ingnage.
CHATELAIN -School of Languagea. Day
ana evening classes. Krench. German.
bii.iu.Ii. . uuiig. aviune uing.
C5 750 11
Osteepalky. .
uua-s iwi (j) gjg
DR. BOWSER Over 1600 Farnam
Douglas 6370. . (5) 18!
LYNGSTAD S1 rad9 19?T .elrn"
,., f e.. corner loin Bt. ano
Would you like (o get into a good business?
Read over the "Business Chances."
Printing Tontlaned.
BNELL Printing Co., particular printers,
sio d. izth eu TeL KUg.
(5)-m 14
JENNINGS Printing Co., Te'.. Douglaa KW.
CALL CENTRAL Doug, 8369 Central
1'rlntlng Jo., lowest prices on prinun.
110 8. 17th. Typewritten letters specialty.
(5) M9K2 M2
THE ACORN PRESS 1610 Howard St.,
Doee Printing of guallty. Tel. Doug.
(6)-M466 22
WE print ever'thlng! Rees Printing Co.
Springer Printing Co., 206 N. 17th. Doug. 2071
( lac H:
LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty.
us in. lbtn be Tel. uougiaa uu.
(B 603 F27
Rlprapplaa- Engineer.
H. F. KELLNER. River and Riprap Engi
neer: 20 years' prnotlcal experience; wrlie
for Information. 610 Bee BU'g., Omaha,
Neb. 5)-M033
Tli T-narilnir Pill ml St trt Omaha.
Revelations of past and future described.
Parlors, 113 S. 16th St., Opp lioston oiore.
Factory and Tradea. v
WANTED Union special machine opera-
. . ... 1 i-i v. . mf
lors; aieaay worn. iviiis-vji twain
Co., llth and Jackaon. (7)-357
Housekeepers and Domestics.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
xnree in lamuy, xoo iiauuu ov.
Douglas-4781. (7-M396 10
WANT girl for housework, good wages.
1323 south I3tn, umana, yi oo imm.
GIRL wanted for general housework; small
lamuy; ngm worn, atii f. tim. ci.
(7) M333 9x
WANTED Girl for general housework; BO
email cnuaren. lava run
. CO 404 10
WANTED Neat girl to do plain cooking;
mo m week, uv wbuiu " " j
O) M415 11X
WANTED 26 women, well dressed and of
dlstlngulsuea appearance 10 spiwar in ma
auditorium acene in "The Pit" at the
Krug theater Sunday and Monday, Feb
ruary 10 and 11. Apply at the stage door
at 10:30 a. m., Sunday, February 10.
(7) M400 t
LADIES We are still in need of more
help decorating Bora pillows; experience
unnecessary; work taken home; perma
nent; good pay. Call mornings, 2311 S.
13th St. (7)-165 M2x,
IOC TO 81 each paid for names. Saturday
Evening Poet and a boon, Dotn ii.fto. rei.
D. 6664. Walker, magazine man.
(7) MWl 11
Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen.
ADVERTISING FANS May delivery. 600
special and attractive designs, samples
submitted upon application. Fonda Bros.
A Co., Omaha, (9)-M4S2F23
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
nave naa experieiiuw hcuihh i
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room 603, Bee Bldg.
(9) M366 14x
TRAVELING salesmen wanted: four men
to represent us in tne surrounding
atates; knowledge of business not neces
sary, but must be business gettera, will
ing to work and Bober. To auch we will
give a permanent position and good In
come. Addresa W 677, Bee office.
(9) M367 llx
WANTED Men to plaoe our "Noah Vale"
fic c a-ar and free snow case deal, write
with references to Crown Cigar Co . Mil
waukee, Wis. () MXH 10
AGENTS wanted for light work. 418 N.
16th. () Mies fit
CASH, salary and all expenses to men with
rigs to introduce our guaranteed poultry
and stock remedies: send for contract;
we mean business and furnish bent ref
erences. G. R. Bigler Co., X519, Spring-
Held, 111. () M41T lox
A GOOD proposition for adv. novelties Is
open lor a gooo. man ror nansas: largeei
line In U. 8. on a commission basis. Apply
on Saturday or Sunday. Feb. 9 and la
Donker, Williams tk Co., 820 N. Y. Life
Uldg. t a
OUR representatives make 875 per week,
want one or two more, uona ream red.
Address in own handwriting, with stenip
and references, a ezi, tiee. .) miuh M3
WANTED Five boys; good .wages; perma
nent Jod. a. u. x. co., 13 d. latn Bt.
Clerical aad Office.
WANTED A man to run a local news
paper in a prosperous wesiern town;
would be convenient to know the barber
or Jewelry trade. For further particulars
write Box 3, Marion, ilea willow County,
Nebraska. (
SALESMAN, with good address, to meet
business men by previous appointments,
in ana out or town; permanent employ
ment Addresa G. 660, Bee.
C (9)-M375 lOx
BOY wanted in railroad office; salary 826
to 840 per month. Address O 667. Omaha
net. (91-uui ux
YOUNG man for bookkeeper; one who can
Invest 31.U00 or I2.0UU can get good salary
and be co mo treasurer of an old estab
lished tlrm doing good business and In
corporated for IJj.OuO. Addrees N 651, care
Bee. (-(M418 Ux
Factory aad Trade.
WANTED At once, cnatmaker, steady Job.
A. F. Luther, Bedford, la. () M370 Ux
WANTED An assistant drug clerk; good
salary; give experience. Addreas Lock
Box 419. Rapid City, 8. D. )-463 8
WANTED Foreman In collar factory. Ad.
dress Schulie Brothers Co., Duluth, Minn.
(9) M133 9
A NO. 1 carriage painter. 2620 Ieaven
worth St (9 ISm lOx
Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Kniest, N. Y. L.
make it a point to aee ua without delay,
aa we can place you in a good position, or
assist you in aeeuring a better position
than you already have. Thla la for those
of ABIL1TV. Call or write.
Suite 840-M1-&42 i. Y. Life Bldg.
(?,-! 436
WANTED At once, 609 sound young men,
aged 18 to 86, for firemen and brakemen
on leading western railroads and for new
roads now being completed; experience
unnecessary; firemen 8100 per month;
brakemen 876: positions now open; call or
write at once for particulars. National
Ry. Training Ass a, 6J0 X. Paxton Work,
Omaha. Neb. (9 228 M3
WANTED 160 men, well dressed and of
good appearance, to appear as brokers In
the great panto acene in "The Pit" at
the Krug thealer Sundnv and Monday.
February 10 and U. Apply at the atae
duor at 10:30 a m., Sunday, February 10.
Miscellaneous Con tinned.
WANTED Traveling man. capable of
hiring and managing other men; must
be a good salesman, willing to work and
aober. To the right person a permanent
position will be given at a stated salary
and expenses. Address L 664, Bee office.
(9) M366 llx
MEN and boys. Plumbing or bricklaying
trade pays a to H per day. We teach you
by practical Instructions in three months;
position guaranteed; free catalogue.
Coyne Trade School, 4976 Easton Ave., St.
Louis, Mo. (9 K78
WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few
weeks completes. Ten positions lor every
graduate. 312 to 330 weekly paid. Wages
while learning. Beautiful 19u7 catalogue
Inst out. Call or write. Moler Barber
College, 1116 Farnam St. (9i M821 Mix
WANTED For the U. B. Marine Corps,
men between aa-es 21 and 36. An onnor-
tunlty to see the world. For full informa
tion apply in person or by letter to re
cruiting officer, U. S. Nat'l bank building,
12th and Farnam Bta., Omaha, Neb.
t w x
PERSONof fair education to read law; ex
cellent opportunity for right party; give
full particulars. Address Y 123, care Bee.
(9) M416 lOx
Horaea and Vehicles.
U0RSE8 bought, sold and exchanged; drlv-
vi m kiiu Keuerifci purpose nurse.i a spfviaifcjr,
Myers, 1716 Jackson. Tel. Red ;S2.
FIVE well-broken mares, 1.100 to 1,200
lbs. each; fine mare, 1.350 Ins., cheap.
2006 Maple street. (11) M368 14x
FOR BALE: Fine family driving mare,
brass harness and stylish buggy, Man
hope style; will sell cheap; party , leav
ing city. 'Phpne Har. 2504. J. H. Les
ser. 666 8. 86th Ave. (11) M373 10
I HORSES, weight 1,200 lbs. each, wagon
ana.narnesa, ia; one team, weight z.MM
Iba.; one team, weight'3,000 lgs. ; 2 farm
marea. 2113 Grant. Teh Douglua 3410.
11 231
GOOD team 6 years old, well broke, 3265;
team of good, heavy marea, 3215; one good,
heavy, well broke, 4-year-old mare with
foal, 3136; one team of blacks, well
matched, weighing 2,360, 8150: one good
mare, 1,260, 370; one sore-footed mare,
$35; one cheap horse, 325. Roar 414 N.
16th Bt . (11) M266
FOR SALE 4-year-old horse, city broke,
single or aouoie; also ouggy. inquire
902 Capitol Ave. Colwell.
(16) M299 18
E. H. FERRIN, aclentlflo horseshoer. 416
So. lltth. Will call and) deliver. Doug.
1839. (11) M430 MS
Poultry aad Eggs,
FOR BALE Mammonth Bronte turkeys;
old Toms, 40 lbs, $6; young Toms, 24 to
28 lbs., 85; Imperial Pekln ducks, 14 to 18
lbs., per pair, drakes 31.60, ducka 81 W. R.
Kllnck, Clarksvllle, la. (U Mfl7 F9
BEFORE buying Barred Plymouth Rock
Cockerela write for free circular to E. P.
Band, MltcheU. & D. (11 M718 F
100 Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels (ex
clusive) tor sale, ror K. i. a. rtaney,
Elkhorn. Neb. til) M840 16
ROSE and Single Comb Brown Leghorns,
Silver Spangled Hamburg, White Pekln
Ducks. E. Dooley, Belma, Ia.
OLD 304 19Z
BUFF FOWLS Buff Wyandnttes, Buff
Rocks, Cochin Bantame, high grade
Norfolk, Neb. (11) M 306 20X
BUFF Orpingtons; none better; eggs 83.60
setting. Stock matter correspondence,
Jacob Stuts Importer, breeder, 260. Mo
Dougell Ave., Detroit, Mich. ,
(1D-M284 l2x
FOR SALE 30 Black Langahan cockerela.
Pure bred Black Langahan cockerels 81
each, if taken soon. Mrs. J. W. John
son. Loup City. Neb. (1D--MS41 15
WHITE LEGHORNS, Vanatta strain;
White Rocks; Pekln ducks. Eggs In sea
son. Llllie C. Bennett, Belgrade, Neb.
(11) M428 22x
BARRED ROCKS; stock and eggs for sale.
Write Austin Faucett, Blair, Neb.
(11 M429 -22x
Norvel and Devore atraln. R. F. Curtis,
4U23 Cass St., Dundee. Tel. Harney 8261
(11) M42S 16x
Cows, Birds, Dogs aad Peta.
FOR BALE Shetland ponies, ferrets, poul
try, pigeons, pheasants, rabbits, guinea
pigs, goats, cats, dogs; 8-cent stamp for
particulars. Col. Joseph Leffel, Spring
Held, O. (ID M330 13x
LOST Brown suit case, between Merchants
hotel and Burlington depot; 310 reward.
Return to J. Sutley, Z789 8. loth St.
(12) 406 10X
LOST Thursday noon, between Boyd's
theater and 24th and Farnam, lady'a sil
ver watch with U. P. fob. Reward tt re
turned to pattern booth, Harney entrance.
The Bennett Company. (12) 408 10
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav.
enport Sis.; special attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by college professors. 'Phone Doug. ll7.
Calls answered day or night. (13) 128
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call
or write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 8824 N. 24th
St.. Omaha, Neb. (13) MloO
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
blea adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani
tarium, 728 First Ave.. Council Bluffs, la.
TeL 771 (13)-323
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray'a Nerve
Food Pills," 81 box, postpaid. Sherman 4k
MeConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
MRS. PERRY, drugless healer, treater of
circulations and chronic diseases. 216 N.
lth St. (131 M344 M6
CHATTEL, aalary and storage receipt
loans, roioy uomn t.o., ijo ramam Bt.
;i4 M913
Cash' in Any Amount
security or publicity, at the very lowest
rates; with payments to suit your con
venience; everything strictly confidential.
Eeliable Credit Co.,
Rooms S07-308 Paxton Blk.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows,
horses, etc C. F. Reed. 210 8. 18th.
Have Increased their capital and during the
month of February will make a special
rate on collateral loans, mortgagee on
personal property and notes, without se
curity. Terms er suit. 'Phone Douglaa
29U4. 810 Bee Building.
loaned on furniture, aalary, planoa, horaea,
etc.. in any amount; Ions than half ratea;
perfect privacy. Immediate attention; any
terms wanted; payments suspended when
atck or OM of work. 214 Karbach Blk..
9u South 16th 8L (14 tu
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff
Orcein Loan Co., roots 8, feauaer Blk.
Salnry aad Chattel Continued.
PHCENIX CREDIT CO.. for chattel or
aalary loans. 633 Paxton Blk. 'Phone
Douglas 746. (14)-OS
and others furnished money upon their own
names, without security; easy payments;
offices In fc principal cities. Save your
self money by setting my terms first.
714 New York Lite Bldg.
(14 908
Bowcn, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; eay to get; no red tape. You get
money mme day asked for at small cost.
Open evenings till 7. (14)-807
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable accom
modating; all business confidential. 1301
Douglaa. (14)-90
Our new plan enables you to obtain money
at ratea which honest people can afford
to pay. We will make you a loan on your
salary, furniture or piano, and you can
pay us back later In amounts to suit your
convenience. Everything confidential.
Room 20, Frenier Blk., 16th and Dodge Bts.
(14) M3M M7 .
' Boarding; and Rooms.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
(15) kS3
MODERN apartment for three traveling
men; 'phone in room; mayor's former
residence. 617 8. lKth. (15H-M3S9 lOx
FURNISHED rooms, with board. 1718
Dodge. (15)-Ma2 M7x
NICELY furnished, well heated room, all
modern conveniences, excellent table; pri
vate family. 2469 Harney (16) 864
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
U too
(IS) M368 Fill
THE SHELTON, 25th and Dodge.
(15)-M847 Mix
LANGE HOTEL, rooms. Corner 13th and
Jackaon. (15) 163 March 4
LARGE modern front room, close In, near
car, near Crelghton college. For teacner
or student 120 North 23d. (16) M248 lis
LARGE, well furnished rooms; modern
conveniences; good board. The Rose, 2OJ0
Harney St. (15)-327 24x
NICELY furnished, with or without board.
In very good location. One block from
car. 923 No. 19th. (15) 436 16x
MODBRN rooms, furnace heat; home cook
ing; reasonable. 2217 Howard.' Red 3otig.
(15) 438 M7
EXCELLENT eteam heated rooms. Fine
board. Meals 15c; tickets 83. The Ronton,
107 So. 17th St. (16) 440 12x
THE PRATT, 210 So. 25th St.
06) 444 Mar7
Famished Rooms.
BACHELORS quarters, new, up to date;
prices reasonable. 406 8. 84th Ave.
(16) M523
MIDLAND HOTEL 16th and Chicago.
16) 361 F19
FIVE elegant unfurnished rooms in new
brick flat; main floor; 830 a month. 2018
iavenpon. (u) ux
WANTED Two or three furnished rooms
for light housekeeping; heat and light.
Address K 6o3, Bee. (16) M396 lOx
TWO rooms on parlor floor, ensulte. Onj
large room on second floor, handsomely
furnished. 2410 Farnam. Doug. 6933.
(15) M300 12
FOUR comfortable rooms for light ho use-
Keeping, at 4643 Farnam, 310 per month.
(16) M387 10X
MODERN furnished rooms. 2225 Dodge.
(15)-M44 Ml
SUITE of connected rooms on parlor floor,
furnished or unfurnished for llfrht house
keeping. 2627 Harney. (13) 172 9x
ONE Large room modern In every way.
Suitable for two gentlemen, use of 'phone,
2561 Harney street. (16) 1S9 9x
BRUNSWICK hotel, 1210 Douglas St.
(16) 162 Mar. 4
BTEAM heated front rooms, 1906 Capitol.
(16) 161 Mar. 4
FURNISHED rooms In private family. 637
bo. zatn Ave. (it) zm iu
ONE nicely furnished room; all modern;
close in. in good location; use of 'phone.
2J13 UOUglSS Bt. (Ill) Moil X
TWO large modern rooms. In very desirable
(or, 2223 Howard St. (1) M346 13 X
LARGE parlor, all modern; close In and
very desirable. On ground floor. 1924
f arnam Bt. ut) 437 n
LARGE eaet front room, with alcove:
steam heat and two large closets. Gentle
men preferred. 308 bo. zuth St.
(15) 442 16
ONE large, newly furnished room. Very
close in. On Farnam Bt. Private family.
Apply 1906 Farnam m. (i&) 439 l2x
TWO large modern rooms In desirable lo
cation, one block from car. Walking
alliance. jvo. am hl ut 441 it
Untarnished Rooms.
4 rooms, modern, furnace heat, 826.00; also
4 rooma modern except Heat, flB.oo. Ten
phone Douglaa 63u9 (16) 173 9x
LARGE modern front room; very close In
and on car line. 714 a. nth Ave.
(15) M391 14
FOUR ROOMS, ground floor, pantry and
cellar; nice lawn. 2613 N. I9tn Ave.
(16) M376 lOx
ONE large front room and alcove, bed
room and kitchen, 6 closets, steam heat.
123 B. 2lb Bt. Tel. JJOUglas b.f'JU.
(15) 314 12X
Housekeeping Rooma.
FOUR unfurnished rooms, first floor, for
housekeeping. 618 b. Z4lh Ave.
(15)-321 8x
TWO MODBRN rooma for housekeeping.
1034 So. 26th. 15-M414 llx
Apartments and Flats.
f-ROOM flat, modern, good repair, opposite
n . .1, OU Vuw.knA rtAilvlua SI
C1W 99
818; T-ROOM FLAT; bath, toilet, gas; op
posite Btora Bros . orewery, ib n. jom
Bt. Apply lv a. lain 01. u w
LOWER flat. 1141 N. 17th St.. 312 60
(ROOM flat, modern excopt heat. Cack
ley tiros., ill . lain. ti axon iv
New Mate, ready Feb. 15. 417-419 North 18th
" 'c! B. BHEPARD. 808 N. Y. LIFE.
(15 822 8X
Heaaea aad Cottages.
HOUSES, insurance. Rtngwalt. Barker Blk.
rrv RUNT Modern t-room brick housa;
IVM 8. 81st Bt.; 840 per month. Thomas
Brennaa. room I, N. x. un
WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van and
Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 146. Office. .p3
Webater 8k (15 894
BTEAM heat U modern, 1-room house.
t0 N. 23d. (18) M&S8
EIOHT-R0OM all modern house. Refer
ence required. Inulie 2218 spencer.
Mh Tit
Honaea aad Cottages Ceatlaaed.
FOR RENT f-room all modern hnue. 113
Park Ave. (1S)-M3'4 14
tTOTTCVQ In alt psrta of the city. The
UUU Oi!00. k. Davie Co.. Bee Bldg.
irrTT3V5ln rarta of the city. R
llUUr..Cc. yel,r, 4 Co.. Ree Bldg.
BEE us wl.en shipping household goods ta
IHrge Cllles WfSl wr rsnjnvi you monry.
16th Bt. Tel, Doug. 1195. (166Sb
t24 N. 2fth Bt. g-room flat, strictly mod
ern: tenant pays water;
221i Clark St. rooms, bath, toilet, gaa,
JJO and water
1231 Park Wilde Ave. 8 rooms, all modem.
840 and water, uccagua investment,
1608 Dodge Bt. (Is 183
9-ROOM modern house,
only $35.
Large lawn. Big trees.
608 South 24th Ave..
(181-M330 lfx
8-ROOM house 4418 Isard. Telephone
Harney 10M. U& Ai lux
8-room house, 8904 N. 22d St., near Laird,
modern except furnace; good stable, 820.
4-room apartment in "Ormond," 663 8. Xbth
St., 825.
12-roum house, modern, 604 S. 27th- 880.
6-ROOM modern house, except furnace.
inquire 624 8. tn Ave. tiw wm
FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except
furnace; 211 N. 28th Ave.; newly painted
and papered; very convenient; rem
reasonable. Apply at 807 N. 19th, or room
903 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(15) M764
WE DO expert piano moving at lowest
prices. lei. uougias jwo. cK.iuuu.ier m
Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1318 Farnam.
(15) 887
8-ROOM modern cottage. No. 3031 Marcy
St.. 825. Chas. L. Thomas, Room 418 Pee
OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move.
store, H. H. goods; storehouse lizu- .
18th. Office, 1511 Farnam. TeL Doug. 1559.
(16) m
At Rfl6 S. IRth St.. 6 rooms, modern plumb-
Ins', ens. cement cellar, fine attic, for rent.
only 827.60; all nicely furnlBhed, ready to
move right in, with furniture ror saie very
rli.nn. 'I'll In la a Knttn. See us oulck.
PAIXSti, BUB1 Wiurw. tj., Wl . I. urn.
(10J 3M B
FOR RENT 8-room house , all modern ex
cept lumace, ai.
436 Paxton Block. 06) 740
6- ROOM house, city water, 709 N. 82d. 316.
7- room house, city water, 803 N. S2d. 1B.
8- room flat, modern, 24th and Vinton, 830.
06) 407 10
SEVEN-ROOM house, all modern, and fine
basement. Corner of id and Mason Bts.
844 South S2d St. Owner, L. BlumenthaL
815 South 12th St. 'Phone Red 4H.
(16 M432 lOx
FOR TIENT Six rooms, modern. 1017 So,
llth St. (15) M4J0 ux
6-ROOM modern house, except furnace,
318 per month. 2607 Pierce St.
(16)-M446 16
FOR RENT Entire floor, 42x120, or part of
same. 1115-17 Farnam. (U) m 10
FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city
hall building, 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha.
Apply to manager. (16) 134
DESIRABLE street front offices for rent.
Omaha Loan A Building Association Blk.,
16tn and uodge. iisj-mssi
ONE larsre office room, ground floor. Ed
ward Crelghton Institute bldg., 210 So. 18th
St., opposite city hall, inquire building.
ONE large room for office, newly papered
and painted; steam neat. Apply vvina
spr Hotel. (16) M298 10
1614 HARNEY St.. new. modern offices,
Hastings & Heyden, Agents, 1704 Farnam
Bt- (10) M
FOR RENT Large corner store room, 16th
and Vinton Bts.. 3U. C. M. uaenmann,
436 Paxton Block. 15) M621
FOR RENT Entire floor, 42x120, or part
of aame. 1116-1117 Farnam St.
(10) .nzii n
ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing,
60 per toot. 206 N. 17th SU Tel. Red 814.
(16) 390 F21
FOR BALE Furniture of 6-room flat: will
aell on account of bad health; flat for
rent. 1517 Capitol. (16) M241 ux
Bookkeepers' office desk, stands high and
in good condition.
Apply R. W. Baker,
BupC Bee Bldg.
FOR SALE A handsome bookcase, irva
hogany finish, at a bargain. 8903 Dewey
Ave. (id) Oftox
Bargaina In unredeemed Jewelry. 418 N. 16th.
06) MU0 F21
Pianos, Organs, Masleal Instruments.
These Instruments have been taken In
exchange during our holiday trade, have
been repaired, and are now offered at prices
that establish a new low price record of
standard makes. Every instrument fully
guaranteed. Some are so fine that the
tone ia like new. A splendid opportunity
to aecure an Instrument at one-third Ita
original coat.
The rjrlnea are aa followa:
Original Our Sale
Price. Price.
Btelnway 8560.00 8-"000
Kranich & Bach 450.00 2J6.00
Vose & Sons, large slae 450.00 2"0.00
Chickerlng Bros 400.00 v 192.00
Smith A Rnrnra 3SO.00 155.110
Chlckerin Sons 875.00 13500
K-lmlmll. rnaewood 800.00 115.00
Kstev & Camp 250.00 75.00
Stelnwav. souare ftOOO 60.00
Union, squaro 400.00 40.00
J. P. Hale, sauare, 375.00 28.00
Mason 4 Hamlin, Estey, Farrand
Votey, Story & Clark, Packard, Kimball
.,lh., 110. tlK. tH). t'J6 and UD.
We will accept paymenta from 83 to 81
cash and from 6"c to II per week. New
planoa for rent, 83 per month.
We move, atore, tune and repair at lowest
1311-1313 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Tel. Douglas 1625.
06) 208
Hm fl . Y c ITiiilt. In hlvh .rail. 'rtlanO
i V'i; Dftuw r.Huii; ... :
In fine condition, ornau casn
and balance monthly. Address 8-M2, H.e,
or Telephone Red 3598. (16) M.t 13
FOR SALE A fine piano, new In October,
of standard make, excellent tone and
action, at a very reasonable figure. Rea
son for sale, moving. 432 Bo. 24th St.
Phone Douglaa 32U6. (16) M836
In fine condition. 318 McCagueBMir
BlffilNA music box. 818. 618 ;hM7
Pool aad Billiard Tables.
FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tablea; we lead tne world la
cheap bar fixtures; easy payments.
Bruuswlck-Balke-CoUendar. 407 B 10th 9L
FIRE BALE on eoaL Burr egg. 88.28 ton,
for atove or furnace. TeL Harmon
Weeth. 1-7W F10
DO YOU like honeyT Deltcloua honey
candy. Pure Nebraska honey, 40cts
pound, 10c box, postpaid. English wal
nut butter sopti'h. 60c lb; 10c box, post
paid. Honey Candy Co., Albion, Neb.
tU M87J 14
Mlaeellaaeeaa Continued.
FOR BALE A few first class ehow cases
and counters; very cheap; nearly new.
Kennard Ulaas Paint Co., 16th and
Dodge sta. Oe-MS31
ABSOLUTELY pure canned fruits. Jellies,
unfnrmemed grape and cherry Juices. 3-year-old
grajie wine. E. O. Solomon,
"phone Benson 156. tlS) 867 8x
FE V bargains In 2d-hsnd soda fountalna;
monthly paymenta. Denght, 1818 Farnam.
(16) 840
BEND us you mall order for drugs;
freight paid on 310 lota. Myers-Diilm
Drug Co., Omaha. (1C) 887
ONB HOE drum cylinder press. Burkley
Printing Co.. Omaha. UO 864 F14
6HERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed
paint. Sherman at McConneil Drug Co.
U6) 938
HALL'S safes, new, sd-hand, 1818 Fa in una.
(16) 839
FOR BALE Two National cash register,
one total adder; also nice line of store
fixtures. Globe Land and Investment
company, Patterson block. (16) M728
GOOD large heating stove and roll top
desk, In good condition. 241XW4 N Stl
South Omaha, Neb. (16) M264 llg
FOR Sale Jupiter pencil sharpener, la
good condition. Call O. R. Wright, Be
office. (16)-M7B4x
FINE upright piano, parlor suit, bookcase,
rugs, hall tree and other furniture. Call
at once. 415 N. 23d St. (16) 377 M4
PRINTING press; 10x15 Oordon. 24-Inch
paper cutter, one horse power motor, 26
xonts tn ip. apiyb properly at a
sacrifice. 110
B. :
SHOW CASES and national cash rngtnter.
cheap. 808 No. 16th st. (16) M00 Mix
ABSOLUTELY pure canned fruits. ' Jellies,
unfermented grape and cherry Juices, 8-year-old
grape wine. 10. O. Solomon,
'phone Benson 166. (16) S56 8x
TWO Troy washing masohlnes, two rort
able wash tubs, one Eclipse gas raiiRe.
Apply proprietor Midland hotel.
UG)-158 9
ELECTRIC fan, two pool tables, 4x8, 4H
9, fine condition; two gasoline stoves-,
cheap. Goodrich, 1419 Douglas.
(16)-M248 llx
16 COPIES popular music 21-00, assorted!
closing out sale; add lc each fpr post
age. Haller Muslo Company (Ini L
Blair. Nob. (16) M259 11
EDISON phonograph; best deals offered
yet; freight paid; payments. Haller
Muslo Company, Blair, Neb.
(16) M260 11
PIANO, runabout. Incubator broodera, sin-
?le and double harness. Call 1112 Fnrnam,
op floor, after 12 o'clock. (16) M976 9x
SEND 10o for mending tissue; makes mend
ing and patches Invisible; men and
women's garments; directions furnished.
Vernon Co., Redlck block. Omaha, Neh.
(16) 826 18X
HAVE, room In car for freight going t
Milwaukee; very low rate. Tel. Harnef
2706. 06) M342 tx
TWO 6-ft. floor cigar show cases, plate top;
also counter cases, 806 No. 16th.
(16) 408 llx
COUNTER, shelves, partitions, work bench,
pictures, frames, etc., sacrificed before
removal February 16. Call after 1 p. m.
2C27 Lake St. (16)-M412 16x
Typewrltera and tewing Machines.
WE RENT typewriters,' all kinds, fl to
14 per month.
We do repairing on all machine, and you
will find our prices strictly tight.
We have never had better bargains to
offer than these:
Underwood, model 4, new $75
Remington, model 6, new 78
Bllckensderfer. model 7, new 80
Chicago ,. IS
Oliver, model S, new SO
Smith Premier, 840, $46 and.... 60
Remingtons, $18, $20 and
We absolutely guarantee each and every
one pf our machines to be a bargain.
Write us for what you want.';
1608 Leavenworth St.
'Phone Red 6699.
(II) 168 I
ONB Remington typewriter. No. 6, In good
condition, for sale .sheup. Call at Be
Office. (16) 629x
F. J. LARSON at CO., patent lawyers;
patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
(17) 818
Patenta, trade marks, guaranteed or no fee.
National Investment Co., Douglas Block.
U7J-668 F8
PATENT attorney, machine designer. D.
O. Larnell, Paxton Blk. 'Phone Red 7117.
(17) 734 Fll
procured. Inventions developed, drawings,
patterns, castings, machine work. 604-611
8. 10th St. (17)-14
CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Bhlrts pressed,
not ironed. HI S. llth St. Tel. Doug. 254.
WHERE Is Guy Clark, formerly of Hall
county, Nebraska? By addressing Y 184,
Bee office, he can learn something to
his Interest. (18) M374 14x
PAINFUL burns, any sore or skm hurt
quickly healed .by Satin akin cream. 2&c
SEWING machines rented, any make, 76e
per week or $2.00 per month. Second
hand machines for sale. 85.00 and up
Neb. Cycle Co.. 16th and Harney.
(18)-' "
MASQUE costumes. Lleben. Tel. 4115. Ones
evenings. iW-a
COSTUMES, 3818 8. 20th, Sack. Tel. Red 7071
O40 M83i
BLANK BOOKS and ruled forms made 14)
order. Rees Printing Co., Omaha.
(18)-M778 F2S
Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging agd Shrink,
lng, only 5o per yard. Send for price liat
and sample.
40 Douglas Block. TeL Douglas 1938,
DR VOGEL'8 private home for ladle be
fore and during confinement; best . and
shea peat In the city. 231 B. 18th St.
FOR anything In the aewlng machine line
go to P. E. Flodinan 4k Co.. 1614 Cap. Ave.
iU)-M7i7 ria
BTRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; out
prices; send for free catalogue. Myer.
DUlon Drug Co.. Omaha (U 923
Dr. King.' 2018 N. 21 t St. Tel. Doug. 366.
(ls 8i
DR. N. SOMMER, homeopath, Bee Bldg.
(18) MaOO VU
former students located In Nebraska or
western Iowa, will please send their ad
dresites to J. W. Hat tin, secretary Ne
braska Cornell Alumni association. New
York Life Bldg., Omaha 1 227 lOx
LADIES A young gentleman of good ap
pearance, character and means, never
married, deairea lady correspondunte from
26 to 38; object marrlaxe; farmers' daugh
ters and all, write; will send photo. Bog
81. Bloux City. la. Q8j-17 8x
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caatoff
clothing; in fact, anything you do not
need; we. collect, repair and aell. at 114 N.
llth St., for cost i.f collecting, to the
worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4136 and
wagon will call. (la)-611
i - i -ii-ii aa
ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax.
ton's salve. U. J. Scannell, agent, f Ware
Blk. (fs)-M4n F21
OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Kama
Bid OaJ-aaf