Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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Office. 10 IVarl
Davis, drugs.
Btnckert sells carpets.
Fine engravings at Lefferta
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
B Schmidt's elegant new photos.
Plumblnir and heating, Blxby Bon.
8. A. Fierce A- Co. sell Walkover shoes.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone VI.
Wondrlng CndertHklng company. Tel. J.
Wnlkover shoes. 3.W and $4. 8. A. Pierce
Watrh repairing. O Mautha, 2 West
Councilman Wallace waa reported on tha
alrk liat yesterday, with an attack of the
Have you seen tti 1M7 atylea In Walk
ovpr shoes? 8. A. Pierce St Co. aell them.
Bhadukiam temple. Dramatic Order
Knights of Khorassan will hold a cere
monial Ihla evening In Pythian hall.
Sheridan (Wyo.) coal In atock; alao all
other aradea. Fenlon Wlckham Coal cora
pai.y, HI Pearl street. Both 'phonos IX.
Buy Walkover shoes and get a 15 value
for U. 8. A. Fierce A Co.
The meeting of the committee of the
whole of the city council called for yes
terdar afternoon, waa postponed out of
respect to Councilman Olson. .
Illinola nut coal, delivered. (i0 per ton;
spndra grate, fr.M per ton. William Welsh,
1 North Main street. Tel. 12R. lard Eighth
treet and Eleventh avenue. Tel. ttii.
8. A- Pierce A Co. aell Walkover ehoe.
J. A. Rogers, formerly of thla city, con
victed at Olenwood of outulntng money
under false oretensee, waa yesterday sen
tenced to three yeara' In the penitentiary.
Rvron Sherbondy. the druggist charged
with being a dlimanlac, waa yesterday
ordered by Judge Thomeil committed to
the state hospital at Knoxvllle for two
D. 8. Kerr ha farms of different aliea
to rent, either cash or crop rent. Houses
for sale on monthly payments. Tels. 417 and
i Red. t-W Broadway, Council Bluffs, la,
Mary A, Thompson brought suit to re
cover 175, the value of a cow which
strayed from a pasture out Into the right-of-way
of the, railroad and waa killed by
a. passing train on Juiy jo, ius.
! Are you paying two prices for mantels
and gas burners? If you are, we can cut
? the price In two for you. We nandle Llnd
; sey self-lighting and Inverted mantels, also
; all other connections. W. A.' Maurer.
' A marriage license was Issued yesterday
) to James Wooton, Aged 28, of Rockport,
1 Mo.. nnd.Llda Kendrlck. aged 24 o
Albion, Neb. They were married by Rev.
. ;; Henry DeLong at the county court house.
Walkover shoes will please you. Try a
' pair 3 and 4. S. A. Pierce & Cj.
Funeral services over the late Mrs. Han
: tilth Olson, wife of Councilman John Olson,
will be held Sunday afternoon at i o'clock
at the Danish Baptist church. Seventh
street snd Seventh avenue. Burial will be
In Falrvlew cemetery.
Mrs. Lucille Headlee began suit for di
vorce yesterday In the district court from
Allan Headlee, to whom she was married
Heotember n. Wet. Bbe chargea her hus
band with deserting her January lit, 190H,
and asks for the custody of their minor
Men's four-buckle arctics (hoods) $2;
men's pure gum arctics (Bostons) 11.60;
men's all rubber arctlca (old colony) 1.35;
ladies' two-buckle arctics x Boston) $1.56;
ladles' Alaska 80c. Oreat reduction ou
11 kinds of rubbers. Duncan A Deane,
23 Main street.
Oranges! Oranges! Navel oranges, on
special sale, dos., 15c, lte. 30c, 23c, 26c, 90c,
Sac. Hickory nuts, bu., 12. Cu; 5c can table
peaohea, 17c; ginger snaps, lb., 6c; 1-pound
can Paxton St Uullagher gaa roastea cof
fee, 39c; 1-lb. puck, tea dust.lOc; Jello, all
flavors, per pkg., 7Hc J. Zoller Mercan
tile Co., luO-liL-lOit Broadway. Both 'phones
8. A. Pierce & Co. sell Walkover shoes.
Miss Laura Larson, daughter of H. T.
Larson, 60s North Seventh street, died yes
l terday from tuberculosis, aged iJ years.
Funeral services will be neid bunaay i ore
noon at the Danlah Lutheran church, fol
lowing which the remains will be taken
to Elkhorn, -la., for burial.
Henry D. Weir, who la residing; with
his daughter, Mrs. Lewis Culter, at IU
Bluff street, suffered a severe fracture of
the right thigh yesterday afternoon, as the
result of a full on the Icy sidewalk on
Willow avenue between Bluff and Fourth
treets. As Mr. Weir Is Si years of ago
the accident is all the more serious.
Walkover shoes are for sale in town. S.
A. Pierce ft Co. have them.
In the- district court to try the $J6,0n0 per- i
sonal injury damage suit of Levi H. hunt
against the Burlington railroad. Hunt was ;
fendant railroad and was injured by a 1
trunk falling on him while working at
Lincoln. Neb. j
Mrs. Myrtle G. Harden, wife of Sherman
ft Hurdn. rtiPd v-.terdHv i tha Oenerai
hospital, aged 14 yeara. besides her hus- !
band, who is foreman of the city sower ' department in the early days of the city
department, she Is survived by one son ' ,, , ,K v-,..
am two daughters. The funeral will be "nd the "ml", of the Veteran Fire
held Monday afternoon at t o'clock from men s ' association will attend the funeral
the resld- noe of J. L. Harden, 2316 Avenue .
15. ana interment wiu um m.niiiiiui cuii
peclal for Satarday,
Onions, per peck, 13c,
Mixed candy, pound, 7c.
Bait, per sack, 3c.
Good prunes, pound, 5c.
Six cans good corn, 26c.
Ten cans oil sardines, 250.
Dr. Price's Food, 7Vc '
Grape Sugar Flake, 7Ho.
( :
Zest. 7Hc
Grape-Nuts, package, 9c.
Shredded Wheat Biscuit, package, 9c,
J. Zoller Mercantile Co., 100-102 Broadway.
'Phones JJO.
Tivira fa ANn SPINA 10c CIOAR. MA
-.ttxttt. ni TTVira li -
Walkover shoes, 13.50 and 14. 8. A. Pierce
A Co.
Johasoa Makes Cheeks Good.
C. J. Johnspn, a young man whose horn
In Vlllisra. la., was before Justice
Cooper yesterday morning on the charge
. , ,, wnrhi ,.hki on i"
of passing two worthless checks on l
A. Wendlandt, a liquor dealer of this city,
Johnson came U Council Bluffs Wednes-
day of last week ,oh.v. a good tin,.
and see the sights of a big city. He aa
A ....k t fen hla fitntisi rftvn lnw fA
keep thing, going he drew a check for
i" .--..-. v
and a second cheou lor a ime sum on
the Vlllisca National. Wendlandt cashed
the two checks for the young man and
later discovered that Johnson did not
have any funds at either bank. Jphnson
succeeded in compromising the case yes
terday by pAylng the checks as well na
the court and other costs and waa re
leased. He said that whon away from
ttorue on former occasions he had drawn
Checks on the Vlllisca banks and they
ant- " - -
had been paid, as these two wpuld havi
fceen. If the banks had notified him In
stead of sending them bavk.
-Yea Mast Look
At our superb stock of wall and celling dec
orative papers If you have the slightest
action of keeping In touch with the lateat
and best Interior decorations. Thla Is a
model store In that line and you miss much
If you keep away from here. Jensen St
Ktoolalsen. t8 Broadway. Tel. Bell, Black
sis; Independent, SOS Black.
fwrntr. Fl jiTTH ii afi R mrv
Walkover shoes, UM aad H 8. A. Pleroe
A Co.
M- Trt. 43.
B spicily Gtttinc Around to All th Saloon
Men in tha City and Count;.
R amors that Kamber ef Saloon Me
Have Pat ts tha Tweaty-Five-Dollar
Fee ai Coats
Made Their Ptaec,
Fourteen more saloon Injunction suits.
This was the record yesterday for J.
Brown, the mysterious stranger from Kan
sas, who la filling an engagement hi Council
Bluffs In the dual role of plaintiff and At
torney for plaintiff.
The fourteen original notices of Injunc
tion suits filed yesterday with Sheriff Can
ning by Mr. Brown are against H. - A.
Larson and Martin Jensen, the Manhattan
saloon and restaurant; Grand Hotel com
pany, E. W. Hart, mnnager; Earnhardt St
Klein, West Broadway; Fred Boekemper.
South Main street; F. J. Boyd, South Main
street; Mas Olsen. North Main, street;
Clausen St Poor, West Broadway; Ed
Muiphy, West Broadway 1 A. Boyaen and
8. Boys'en, Sixteenth avenue and Sixth
street; Alexander Dobson and Paulina Dob
son, Metropolitan hotel. West Broadway:
Pat Donohue, Broadway and Tenth street,
and E. H. Elllnger, Broadway.
With these the number of suits started
by Brown to restrain the sale of liquor In
saloons and other places now amounts to
fifty-eight There are still about ten sa
loons In the city, besides several la the
county, awaiting the attention of the en:
sader from Kansas.
The Iowa mulct law provides for an at
torney fee of f?6 In each and every saloon
Injunction case, and it was stated yesterday
that some of the saloonmen on whom
Brown had served notice of suit had
grasped old Father Time by the forelock
and hastened to settle with Attorney J.
Brown on this basis, with something extra
for costs thrown In. The names of the
saloonmen alleged to have stepped up to
the captaln's,Aesk and settled could not be
learned yesterday. The attorney fees In
the suits already commenced by Brown
would, if all ' paid - In, amount to $1,460.
Brown Is still as much of an enigma to
the city and county authorities as the first
day be made his presence In Council Bluffs.
This week the handy fruit and vegetable
sllcer for 25c, for cutting plain (lutings and
shoestrings. See It In our window. Swains
ft Maurer, 136-338 W. Broadway.
Royal D. Amy Dead. ,
Royal D. Amy, who settled In Council
Bluffs in 1847, died last evening at his home,
687 Fifth avenue. He was 73 years of age
and death wag due to the Infirmities of old
age. - .
Deceased was born in Concord, O., and
when but a small boy came to Council
Bluffs, which was then known as Kanes
vllle. a frontier outfitting post. As a
young man Mr. Amy freighted across, the
plains with tha late Count fcrelghton and
other western pioneers. Quitting the ardu
ous life of the freighter, Mr. Amy opened
the first tin shop In Counoll Bluffs, to which
he soon added a stock of hardware, and In
this business be was engaged for over fifty
years, only retiring from active participa
tion a few yeara ago.-
Mr. Amy was twice married and Is sur
vived by his second wife, two daughters
Mrs. Maggie Hoist of this city and Mrs.
Mamie Husbands of Salt Lake City, and
two sons, James Amy of Omaha and Walter
Amy of this city. A sister, Mrs. Mary
Haynes of this Sly, also survives him, be
sides twenty-four grandchildren and two
great grandchildren.
The funeral probably will be held Sunday
afternoon, although, arrangements Have not
been quite completed. Mr. Amy. waa bap-
Ue1 ln'o the Christian church when I
years of age, with 600 other persons, young
ond olit ,t m Brctrevlval In Illinois, and
nn ver lnc bcen steadfast member
of that denomination. The funeral services
wlIl conducted by Rev. W. B. Clemmer,
,h. mM v, ..,, v,,,v,
Pastor of the First Christian church.
Mr. Amy was chief of the volunteer fire .
In a body.
Get Oat of tha Old not
la an expression that can be applied to
housekeepers as veil as to business vn-
I tures. Surprise your husbands occasionally,
by experimenting with new dishes. For In
t stance, we have something new in the way
oi puauings, anewn as mruit t'uaaine. it is
of different flavors end to easily prepared.
Then we have another known as D., Zertu
Pudding. . Then there are gelatines. Jelly- 1
cons, Jcllos and tapiocas, all of which can
be made Into dainty and palatable dishes.
Try your luck with whip-prune or appta
dumplings. We have -apples that will cook.
For pies we have canned blueberries, pump
kins, lemons and gooseberrlea For cakes
we have swan'sdown flour, used for angel
food cakes. Make out a list of some of
th rtleles for your Sunday dirnied. Bar-
i s Miner, m, so.
Have you seen the 1107 styles In Walk
over shoes? 8. A. Pierce & Co. aell them.
Real Estate . Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
runr u7 me rwiiuiuni v.uuiiiy
j Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Charles R. Stout and wife to John A.
I K,rtlBn1, ,ot g nd r, 4 hloc)t
j j, McMahon. Cooper JerTerls' add..
j snd lot It, block t. Potter & Cobb's
nVif.n j"wYfV to'y M
Ml)t lot, 7 mnd DloCK i BuahneU's
t Jkriri w A
to Juraen
subiot t of nhi
i nwo is-17-ss, w.
Jewilra J. Sledentopf and husband and
r lien M. S. Haas and husband to
V. T. True, lot li, block S7, Central
suhdlv., and other property, q. c. d.
Jesslra J. Sledentopf and husband to
. F. T. True, lot I, block . Ferry add.,
and lot 1 block t, Mullln's subdiv.,
q. c. d
Receivers of Officer St Pusey to F. j.
Suhnorr. lot U. block 13, Bsyltss &
Palmer's sdd.. aad lot 21 block S,
Hlshland Place, r. d
W. S. Maynt and wife to Angelo and
Fliron K. Driskell. arovernment lot 1
i j gtt "t-M a c d
j Bylvanus B, Cochra a ' and' "wife" to
Henry W. Rogers, lots 1 and t, block
1, Pierce's subdiv., q. o. d
Eight transfers, total..
A. Matsaas A Co. v
New Location of Wholesale Bakery.
US Mynster Street. Council Bluffs, la,
Home-Made Bread a Specialty.
. Visitors Welcome.
Buy Walkover shoes and get a IS value
for R 8. A. Pierce Co.
I laa.aeat oa Mrs. Aaeher
f ot Mp- Amanda Ascher, the
iUnt MtMKT hospital who committed
suicide In a barn at the rear of an un-
occupied cottage oa Logan street, will be
Uken to her home U DeshUr. Ntftj., this
arwruovQ by ar faUter, J. Warner, who
arrived here last evening. Mr. Warner,
after talking with Dr. Beybert, whose
patient the dead woman was, notified
Coroner Treynor that he did not desire an
Inquest to be held, and none will be. Mrs.
Ascher was but years old, and besides
her husband Is survived by two small chil
dren. '
Buy Walkover shoes and get a to Value
for 4. S. A. Pierce St Co.
Clock repairing. O, Mautha,' t3 W.
far Mac Esteasloa- Promised.
That tTie street car line on East Pierco
street will be extended out on Bennett ave
nue as far as the Oreat Western tracks
was the assurance given the committee of
property owners on McPherson and Bennett
avenues which waited on General Manager
Smith of the Omaha St Council Bluffs Street
Railway company. .
Mr. Smith told the committee that his
company would make a trouble track exten
sion out McPherson avenue past the Wal
nut HIIL St. Joseph and Jewish cemeteries,
where a "Y" would be constructed for the
return. Mr. Smith said thnt he did not be
lieve the company would build any further
than the Great Western tracks this year,
but might later extend the line to tha Jowa
School for the Deaf by that route.
While Mr. Smith admitted that he did not
favor that route for ,the line to the School
for the Deaf, he assured the committee
that the . extension past the cemeteries
would be carried out The committee was
much pleased with the result of its con
ference with Mr. Smith and expect good re
sults front it
Special for gatarday.
Onions, per peck, 18c.
Mixed carjdy, pound, 7c.
Salt per sack. Sc.
Good prunes., pound, Sc.
Six cans goodNcom, 26c.
Ten cans oil sardines, 25c.
Dr. ..Price's Food, 7ftc.
Grape Sugar Flake. 7 He.
Zest. 7Hc.
Grape-Nuts, package, tc, .
Shredded Wheat Biscuits, packige, e.
J. Zoller Mercantile Co., 100-102 Broadway.
'Phones 820.
Picture Men la Troable.
A. F. Martin and J. B. Walsh. Itinerant
picture enlargers, stopping at a Broadway
.hotel, were taken into custody v yesterday
by the polio on suspicion of having stolen
a fur overcoat In Omaha. Walsh early
yesterday morning called, up police head
quarters over the telephone and compl lined
that his suitcase had been stolen. Shortly
after he telephoned again stating that he
had recovered "the suitcase, having found It
in possession of his partner, Martin. The
police, wjio had In the meantime Icoked into
the case, found that Martin had piwned a
fur-llned overccit for S3. The cost an
swered somewhat the description of one re
ported stolen In Omaha, so the police de
cided to arrest both Martin and Wafch. At
police headquarters Walsh claimed that the
coat belonged to htm, although Martin had
pawned it without his consent. Later In
the day Walsh was released, but the police
decided' to hold Martin for further investi
gation, as he was thought to answer the
description of a man wanted at Vinton, la.
WedJllaR Olfts.
Choice pictures for wedding 'gifts, some
thing your friend can always use, and a
gift that lasts, C. E. Alexander, 333 Broad
way. Walkover shoes will please you. Try a
pair $3 and 84. 8. A. Pierce A Co.
N. T, PlumMag Co. Tel. SO, flight. 80S.
Roy Oreen Aarala I Tolls.
, Roy Green, who is accounted by the
police of this city and of Omaha one nf
th'e smoothest sneak thieves in the country,
is behind the tbs,rs of the city Jail again.
He was picked up at the request of the
Omaha authorities, where It was thought
he was wanted for the theft of an overcoat.
It la now said that the Omaha police are
not at all certain that they want him.
When taken Into custody Green was
found to be wearing a nloe new overcoat,
which was identified as one of. two such
garments stolen from the store of the John
Beno company about a week ago. Since
his arrest the police have learned that
Green within the last week' sold another
overcoat to a man in this city. Green
denies stealing the overcoats, but In tho
light of his past record the police are In
clined to believe that he did, and are hold
ing him for investigation.
Green Is the fellow who made a sensa
tional escape from the Grand hotel last
summer after being caught prowling about
the corridors of the building.
- Oraaa-asl Orssieil
Navel orantrfi. on special, sale, dos., 13c,
18c. 0c. t3c. Ibe. 30c. 38o. Hickory nuts, bu..
$2; 25c can table peaches, 17c; singer snaps,
lb.. Be: Mb. can Paxton A Gallagher gas
roasted coffee, 89c; 1-lb. pkg. tea dust, 10c;
Jello. all flavor per pkg., 7Ve. J. Zoller
Mercantile Co., 100-102-106 Broadway. Both
phones 130. 1 '
Walkover shoes are for sale In town.
A. Pierce A Co. have them.
District- Coart Jary.
The following petit Jury for the Feb
ruary term of district court at Avoca
was drawn yesterday:
Paul Karstens. C. T. Copley, J. II.
mmUrlrnir- RareT WrS ! the Judiciary committee bill amend-
E. W. Headley. Waveland; William I ing the Code relative to the time of qUall
Harder. F. A. True, Tom Burk, Dennis j fylng for office; the Brandes bill allowing
Poland. Knox; J. Q. Oorden, R. O. .Cos, K.ra. e .uoervisi rs to fix a hountv not
Vallav: Mvron Houffh. EraraMt Uackett
Center; George Moxley, Orove; A. M.
Scottr Pleasant; O. 8. Cutchall, James;
M. Ci. Kllllon. E. E. Alexander, Edward
K. Pur year, Belknap; Le Bradley. C. H.
Coye, Carson; A. E. Seuburg. Macedonia.
Have you aeeti the OT styles in Walk
ovr shoes T . A. Pierce Si Co. sell them.
Jada-e firets feateaeea Oaa Maa
Prlsoa aad Grants Dtvaree.
OLENWOOD, la.. Feb,
The most Interesting case In Judge Green's
court In session here, ctosea last nignu Wtbeter a bill limiting the hours cf em
It wss the suit for divorce Instituted by 'pigment of railroad men-; Teter a bill re
Mrs. George B. Storey. ' nurlnr mine operators to furnish th shot
The husband and wife are both life-long nrtrm. Sparks a bill prohibiting corporat'ons
residents of Olenwood. Mrs. Storey In her operating benefit Insurance companies tor
petition claimed that her husband was a th. benefit of their employes from wlth-
habitual drunkard and that herself . and
I children had been neglected. Judge Green
gave her the asked for decree and custody
of the three children. The court room was
crowded during the trial
The case of the state against L. A Rob.
era was tried Monday and Tuesday of this tn assessment of their capital stock with
week before Judge Oreeif. the Jury bringing! the"" ",bt- Tn committee reported the
In a verdict of guilty. I I bill to be killed. .A minority of the torn-
In Ihe fall of 1S06 Rogers waa operating rnlttee. consisting of Teter. Lee. Weeks.
In Mills county, selling territory for a ' BPnger and Wolf, reported In favor of
patent Hut Iron, and In his dealings with th Passage of the bill. The committee r
Thomss L. of Glenwood It was !! 'vo"r of killing the bill making
claimed that by "mlarepretenlatlon and ! communications to professional nurses
cheating" he obtained notes from jlmonse
for about 1500. These notes Smonae was
compelled to pay. This morning Judge
Green, after overruling the effort made
for a rehearing, sentenced Rogers to three
years la the penitentiary.
Walkover shoes are for !e In town. I.
L Pierce St Co. have them.
Help Wanted, Female,
Help Wanted, Male (except agents,
solicitors and salesmen wanted,)
Wanted to Buy.
Wanted to Rent,
Wanted Situations,
Offered for rent:
Boarding and Rooms.
Furnished Rooms.
Housekeeping Rooms,
Unfurnished Rooms.
Come to The Bee Off ice
17th and Farnam, "The -Want ad Corner."
The rates on the above classifications for both morning ana evening circulations combined are:
3 lines one time , 8 lines threo times 3 lines seven times
10c 25c 45c
On all other Classifications: 10c per line for one insertion, and 6c per line for each Insertion If for more than one time.
House Finds I'ulf vita Little Business
Before it for Oonsidaratlcn.
Bora at Soldiers' Orphans' Homa t
Taka a Ploace la tha Craek
la tha flood Old limner
4 (From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Feb. 8.-(8imciaI.)-The
house today passed six bills and cleaned up
the: calendar, and Speaker Kendall again
took occasion to call attention to the faot
that there are over 160 bills in the hands ot
j the committees and that when the house as
' semwos tomorrow y it will nave little or
! nothing to do. Ah attempt Is to be made
i by a large number of committees this even-
ing to get bills out of the road and give
the house business to handle. Chairman
Weeks of the judiciary committee raid to'
day ho would force bills through and un
lots the authors awteared to talk Upon them
the bills would be acted upon anyway
The bills passed by the house were Mc-
Elrath's bill fixing a penalty for lewd and
lascivious acts not otherwise provided for
by the code; the Brandes bill fixing dites
exceeding 10 cents a head for pocket goph
ers; the Weeks bill making actions In man
damus equitable eirca; the Insurance com
mission hilt requiting fraternal Insurance
oorhpantes maintaining reserve funds fo de
posit securities with the state auditor and
limiting the Investment of such funds.
Rltter. In the house, Introduced a bill ap
propriating 19 000 frr a bullrltng and 11.5C0
for the maintenance for the School of Cer
amics at the Agricultural college, a school
fnr nerlmentsrton in clsv and cement:
McAllister a bill providing for the assess-
' ment of rurB, ,nrt farm telephone lines;
holding pavment to force settlements be
tween the company and the employe.
Split oa Tastasr Baaka.
Tha house Judiciary committee today split
1 the question of allowing banks to onet
The appropriations committee reported
the bill making the Iowa poultry Associa
tion a legalised state society, like the
Swine Breeders' association and other
societies, recommending that the bill be
The public beattb committee reported for
passag e. two bills, one respecting the trans
ring. 10c
put a
Under any of
Write your ad on this Coupon
Phone DougU 23S and a Want ad man will call
' If you
Count six words Jo a line
' : . ' . . '";
portation and the other respecting the dis
position of dead bodies.
The house passed the Joint resolution by
Marston asking congress to pass the bill
limiting the hours of continuous employ
ment of railroad employes.
Committee Favors Boys.
In the repnrt of the committee that visited
the Soldiers Orphans', home at Davenport
the committee recommends to the Board
of Control that it revoke its order against
the boys going swimming In the creek that
runs through the grounds. Last year a
boy was drowned In the creek, which was
the reason, for the board's order. The
board Is now asking for an appropriation
for a swimming pool. The committee recom
mends the creek. '
The State Board of Control Is called
down again In relation to an Incident at
the School for the Deaf at Council Bluffa
Some time ago the board discontinued the
department Of domestic science, or cooking
and sewing school, at the deaf school, and
the visiting committee has reported that
this was "extravagance In trying to be
economical." The report recommends that
this department be re-established as soon
as possible, so that the young women who
attend there may be able to learn some
thing that will assist them In earning a
living. The committee also recommends
that the manual training department be
placed in charge of some one competent to
handle IV in all Its details. The committee
also recommends that pupils who are
county charges be permitted to remain at
the school all the year. Appropriations ap
proved ate WJ.800.
Mora tow Soldiers' Home.
Better food and care for the old soldiers
at the state home Is contemplated In a
bill which passed the senate unanimously.
This raises the per capita allowance from
114 to tit a month, which la In addition
to pensions aad the 175,000 a year from the
national government. Senator Eckles In
urging the bill stated that the homa is now
a good deal of a hospital, that better food
and care are necessary and that It is much
more expensive to operate the home with
most of the men old and Invalids than
formerly. There was no opposition to the
bill, but some effort to have the bill take
its regular course in the appropriations
The Peterson bill In regard to campaign
contilbutlons by corporations . was con
sidered In connection with amendments
suggested, but objection being made, tha
bill was made a special order for next
Ilearlaa af Mrs. West Opeas.
The hearing in Justice court of Mrs.
Fred West, charged with the murder of a
baby born at her maternity home, opened
today In the court room of Justice of the
Peace Kell Roe. The bond of Mrs. West
was released and she was again ordered
in custody. All persons, including news
paper men, were excluded from the court
room, the witnesses were kept separate and
only the one testifying admitted to the
room. The hearing today developed testi
mony for the state showing that the baby
called "Baby Jim" waa born at her borne,
and following this the testimony of Flora
Ooble that the child was killed by Mrs.
West giving it laudanum.
Telephaae Caatyaay Leae.
IOWA FALLS, la., Feb. a (Special. )
The Iowa Telephone company was defeated
wit lit
waot-ad In
these heads: :
Barter and Exchange,
Business Chances,
Offered for sale:
Pianos. Organs and Musical In'
Typewriters, Sewing Machines,
Miscellaneous For Sale.
ive Stock for Sale including
cows, birds, dogs and pets; horses and
vehicles, poultry and eggs,
cannot :
In the suit brought by B. H. Mallory of
Hampton for being denied the use of the
company's lines. Mr. Mallory' sued for
(4,000 damages and was awarded. 13(0 by
the Jury, the Instructions of Judge Wright
of 'Fort Dodge favoring the plaintiff. The
suit grew out of a disputed bill of 13. Mal
lory declined to pay the $3 on- the grounds
that he regarded It as unjust. The manager
of the telephone company, acting under In
structions from the general manager In this
city, refused Mallory the use of the com
pany lines until he paid the bill. Mr. Mal
lory brought suit with the above result.
Judge Wright held that tho company was
responsible for the acts of Its agents, while
tho defense maintained that the manager
exceeded his authority.
Crestoa Fears High Prices Will Pre-
vail Again Urmt Summer.
CRESTON, la.. Feb. 8. (Special Tele.
gram. Ice cutters of this city went on
a strike today, alleging unfair treatment.
The men have bcen paid by the hour and
have been docked every time the ma
chinery broke down and they were forced
to be idlo. Little Ice for home uso has
been put up yet, and It looks as though
high prices will prevail again next year.
The ice company announce they will sa
ciire new men, but It is believed they will
be unable to secure men enough to help
matters much.
Walkover shoes will please you. Try a
pair (3 and 14. 8. A. Pierce St Co.
Iowa Neirs li'utes.
TABOR Rev. Frank G. Wlloox, appointed
field secretary for Tabor college last No
vember, has resigned and will give Ids at
tention to a Wyoming manufacturing busl-
! ness.
TABOR Miss Grace E. Bovd of Tahor
college has won one of the eight places en
me cunege aiaie oratorical contest program,
to be held February li at Indlanola. Her
Both 'Phones 46.
Armour'! Skinned Hams, per pound 14t
f Sirloin Steak, per pound
Armour's Flotilla Bath Soap,
Armour's "Woodchuok Soap,
10 bars 25
Orvis Best Flour; sack.$l
3-lb. can Tomatoes, each,
for .....10
Seeded Raisins, 3 lbs..25
Cheese, per pound . , . .15
Good Coffee, per lb... 15
Tea Dust, 2 pounds... 25
m Fancy Apples, per pk.20
subject was "Roger Williams." Sixteen
colleges submitted orations.
CRESTON Colonel James Wiseman, a
prominent railroad man of this city. Is one
of tho patentees of a new cattle guard
which promises to be a very prartimi ble
article and one far Superior to the rt!d
guards now In use on the roads of the
CRESTON-Offlclals at the Burlington
depot have reached the limit of their pa
tience In regard to the loafers who frequent
the station. They have determined to proa
ecute anyone found abusing his privileges
In the station, and from now on no one will
be allowed there unless he has some good
CRESTON Marlon Roach, the colored
man who was declared guilty of perjury by
the Jury several days ago, was today sen
fenced by Judge Towner to three years'
hard labor in the penitentiary. Attorney
Higbee, for the defense, entered an appli
cation for a new trial, but thla motion was
overruled by the court.
TABOR Company K of Corning and tha
girls' team of Corning aoademy played the
Tabor college boys' and girls'- teams each
a game of basket ball at the opra house
here last night. The girls played a close.
Interesting game, resulting i to 1 In Com
ing's favor. The boys' game was fast from
the start, but the Tabor boys were too
many for the soldiers. Score: Tabor, ttil
Corning, It
ATLANTIC Floyd Neff of this place had
his leg dislocated In a game of basket
ball played here with the Corning team.
He fell with his leg outstretched and an
other player fell on him. McEllroy of the
Corning team also suffered a broken nose
In the last few minutes of play by run'
r.'.ng into another player. The Totum has.
ket bull team of this city defeated the
Corning boys by the score of 24 to 15.
CRESTONJ hn Reld, a farrrter who lives
several miles south of the city, met with
an accident yesterday which nearly proved
fatal. He was engaged In drawing water
from an open well on ils farm when he lost
his footing and fell headlong Into the Icy
water. He seised a projection on the wall
and supported himself for nearly half an
hour until he was rescued by neighbors,
who had noticed him near the well shortly
before the accident took place.
If you have anything to trade advertise
It In the For Exchange column of The
Bee Want Ad page.
557 Broadway.
2 bars 5
Fine, "Large Prunes, 3 lbs.
for ...25t
Pork Roast, per lb.... lit
Bacon, per pound ..12V
Corn Beef, per lb 4$
Boiling Beef, per lb.... 4
Sausage, link or bulk, three
pounds .....25
Soda or Oyster Crackers,
per pound 5