Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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1 t A
Coin Csrstlg Tk ttad of the Liit u
H Shew Slight Teay
Weakaeee, bwl Heera Beeonno
Seared by the Ceatlaaed.
Strength la Other nta.
OMAHA, Fb. 7, 1907.
The coarse grain u, all the (Mturi of
th market Juet at Breaent. and both corn
vanclnc latalr. held firm trviav HcelDta
erf corn are moderate and farmer are Bail
ing very little, while there la a Rood ex
port and domestic demand. The market la
aneoetd by the continued drought In Argen
tina. v .
A few more long aold oat and for
time at leaat will "not have a oh ante to set
them back. The pit la bare of offerings. Re
ceipt of the caah article are not adequate
to the demand and prtcea are advanced.
Wheat ahowed a alight tendency to
weakneaa. though the close 'waa practically
unchanged. Boars are getting frightened
by the continued strength In coarse grains.
The Russian situation was unchanged.
Primary wheat receipts were 2t,0Ui bush
la and shipments 210,000 bushels, against
recelpta last year of 430,000 buetiels and
shipments of 249,000 bushels. Corn recelpta
were 444,000 buahels and ahlpmenta $00,000
buahela, against reeclpts last year of 453,-
bushels and shipments of 378.100 bush
els. Clearances were 177,000 bushels wheat.
21.1109 barrels flour, 542,000 bushels corn and
10.000 bushels oats. . . , .
Liverpool closed unchanged to d higher
on wheat and SVH higher on corn.
nroomhall cabled: "South Australian
wheat crop estimated at 2O.4SO.O0O, against
20,143,001) last year and 12,000,000 two yeare
go. They eaumate the exportable surplus
at 18.800.000 bushels, which Is about equal
to that of last year."
Northwestern Miller says: "The Min
neapolis flour output last week decreased
88.740 barrels. The quantity turned out
was 211,786 barrels, against 267,900 In 19"
and 285,000 In 1906. The desperate situation
with the railroads Is seriously affecting
the local mills, and the smsllest capacity
Is this week In operation In a long time."
Local rang of options:
Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close
1 1
72tB WH ' T4 7JH
71fcB 71 ' 71H 71
4?SB 42 42H
B 40 40 40
41VB 41 V 41V W
ttHB 40 9H 89
$4VB 15 844 So
, Mar..
May.. July..
A asked. B bid.
Omaha Casti Prleea.
WHEAT No. t hard, 7W71c: No. t hard,
&Va7mci No. 4 bard, tUojooo; No. I spring.
CORN No. 8. 38tf3!"4o; No. 4, $606c;
No. 1 yellow, OVrtjiOc; No. I white, MAS
? -
UAlo wo. x mixed, seftc; no. wnue,
S7V4e: No. 4 white, 17c.
fE No. , 60c; No. 3. 8Vo.
' Carlot neeetpTs.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
luluth ..:
St- Louis
. 7 278 0
. 120 14
. 49
. 28 127 87
Featarea of too Tradlag and Cloalna
Prtees oa Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Feb. 7. An urgent demand
by exports for American wheat caused
fresh strength today In the local wheat
market. At the close wheat for May de
' livery was up c. Corn waa unchanged.
Oats gained o. Provisions were lOlio
At the opening of the market prices were
somewhat easier because of the compara
tive weakness at Liverpool In the face of
the decided strength ahown here yesterday.
Before the end of the first hour, however,
the weakneaa was dispelled by liberal pur
chanes by commission houses, and through
.out the remainder of the day the market
1 waa atrong. Export newa was the -main
source of strength, although substantial
(advances (at Berlin, Parts and Antwerp
. Were minor Influences. One report from
- an export- house at Duluth stated that the
foreign situation Is the strongest for
years and there Is an urgent demand by
x porters.' A local house also reported
a bid from London for a large consignment
f tor ahipment to St. Petersburg. These
reports were partially confirmed by an
nouncement made ahortly before the close
that forty boat loads of wheat' had been
taken In New York for export. This re
port caused active covering by shorts and
sent prices up rapidly within the last few
minutes of trading., The market cloned
strong, with prices almost at tho highest
point. May opened H4i0 to c lower at
?fi79c, sold at 78t7o and then advanced
to w.c. Final quotations were at sawto.
Clearances of wheat and flour were equal
to 272.6UO bu. Primary receipts were 298,000
bu., agatnst 430.000 bu. for-the same day
Isst year. Minneapolis,' Duluth' and Chi
cago reported receipts of 204 cars, against
147 cars last week and 829 cars a year ago,
The corn market waa Arm early In the
day In aympathy with oats, but later the
tone became re her weak, because of
realising sales by some of the larger
- holders. Just before the close, however,
prices sgain became steady. In sympathy
with wheat. May opened a shade to W&'hC
lower at 474t'4ic, advanced to 47o and
sold off to 47o. The close waa at 47
47e. Local receipts were 278 cars, one
of contract grade.
Light recelpta and an excellent demand
by ahlppers caused a further 'advance In
the price of oats, the May delivery selling
up to 41VtJ41Vic. The feature of the trad
ing was the buying of the May and July
option by one of the largest holders now
tn the market. This demand caused active
coverings by shorts snd there waa heavy
profit-taking on the advance. The market
closed Arm. May opened unchanged to
lower at 40tm-c, advanced to 41641Ttr
and closed at 41c. Local receipts were 80
Provisions were weak, because of a lflc
decline In the price of live hogs. Trading
was not large. At the close May p g
waa off l&o at 07,75. I,rd was down ,e
at 8987. Ribs were loo lower at 89 87.
Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat,
9 cars; corn, 898 ears; oats, 89 cars; hogs,
26,000 head. " t
The leading future ranged as follows- ,
Artlcles.l Open.l Hlgh.j Low. Close. ITei'y.
May July
8 78 8
79 7K
79W 78
44 "44
47 47 4
47 41
47 47
89 f
41 40l
8K, $7
83 ' 83W
17 80 17 87
17 82 17 80
10 09 SB
10 02 10 04
10 16 10 12
9 70 9 66
9 77J 78
77 j
17 7?J
17 M
9 97
10 02
10 li
$ 16
No. i ........
Caah quotations war aa followa: -'
FLOUR Firm! winter patents. $J SOfl
860; winter atralgbts. 83.00C3 .16; spring rat.
enta, 81.7t3Hi; spring straights. $3.10a3.M;
bakers, $2 utf2.80.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. 8186c; No. 8,
tiiiMt-; No. 8 red, 764i7c.
CORN No. t 44ijiHc; No $ yellow. 44o.
OATs-No. I, SSc; No. t whits, 3W6lc
BTK-N9. 8. -'c.
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 646e.
BK'EI N". 1 flax. 3118: No. 1 north
wesleru. 81 26. Prime timothy, 84.SOd-l.66.
Clover, contract grade, $13.60.
PROVISIONS Short ribs, aldea (loose.
89 $?V.ti9.C. Mess pork, per bbL. 117 E&
Lard, per 1") lbs., $9.77. Short clear sides
70! 79
44l 44
47 I 4ii
l 47
89 Sft
"87 St5
83 83
IT 75 17 90
17 82 18 00
9 97 10 07
10 02 10 12
10 16 10 22
7 77
9 76 8 87
r uni, prr i"' iih., ee.i?a. dhu
I fVed). 8 iOej.7S.
. The receipts and shipments
1 rntn two; ' Hecein
ye FWur. bbls.... 18.600
s of flour and
IS. Shipment
Wheat, bu,. .............. HIM!
Cora, bw..,....,......-'-w0
Oals, bu. .,,...,
Rye. bu KAQ
Barley, bu...,.
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market wea .firm: cmameiiaa. Sfe31r;
dalrlea 20ic. Kf, steady; at mark, rases
Inclosed. Hti-27c; firsts, 29c: prime firsts,
r-: extras, Sic. Cbeeae, steady; 13fl6c.
' K Taleda 9eoi Market.
" IOLKDO. Feb. T. SEEDS Clover, caah.
'f.; February. ni5; March. P 3D; April.
$8 06. Timothy. $210. Alike, $112.
' LlttrtMl Grata Market.
laVFRPOOL. Feb, l.WHKAT-8pot.
tUMLi 1 No. I red weaum, wlntar, 6s ld.
Futures, ateady; Marrh, 8s 7d; May,
6Ved: July. 6a 3Vd.
: CORN-fln American - -mixed
Steed? at- 4s M; - old, rn4 at 4a Td. Fu
tures, firm; MarCh, 4a 8d; May, 4a td. 1
Qaotatloas of the Day aa Varleas
NEW YORK. Feb. T.-FI3UR Receipts,
1l.ia hble.; exports, 8.629 bbls.; market dull,
but firm: Minnesota patents, H.lotiH 0
winter straights, 8-L40'a3.oO; Minnesota
bakers. 81 .3Mi4.7ft; winter extras, 82.t)"tf.00;
winter patents, Mji3.Hi; winter low gradea,
82 7v5-iu. Rye flour, dull; fair to good,
I 8M1A6O; chotoe to fancy, 83 8a4 . Buck
wheat flour, quiet, 8i.loitf2.20, spot and to
BtX-KWHRAT-ateady, $128 per cwt. .
CORNWEAL Firm; fine .white and
yellow, $1.2091.26; coarse, $1.1091.12;
kiln dried, $2.8662.75.
WTIEAT-Recelpts, 12,000 bu.; exports,
19,446 bu. Spot, strong; No. 8 red. 82c
elevator; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 91c,
f. o. b., afloat. tp to midday wheat waa
higher, at times showing positive strength
and at others moderate weakness, under
realising. Later a sustained advaor took
place, and the market closed t0 net
higher. The northwest and foreign news
remained bullish, but winter wheat condi
tions were favorable. Commission houses
and professionals were good buyers on all
declines. May, 86fi86c closed at 86c.
July closed at ffic.
CORN Receipts. 81,160 bu.: exports. 179,144
bu. 8 pot, steady; No. 2, 6Tc, elevator,
and 52c f. o. b., afloat; No, 2 white, 84c,
f. o. b afloat; No. 2 yellow, 63c f. o. b..
afloat. The option market was firm early,
reacted at noon with wheat, but rallied
again In the last hour, closing 8e net
higher. May closed at 64c . July, a&64c,
ciosea at bit'tjC.
OATS Rec eipts, SCOW bu. ; exports, 10.068
bu. Bpot, strong; mixed oats, 28 to 83 lbs.,
46c; natural white, 30 to 82 lb., 4Kra40;
clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs.. 4Hglo.
HAY Dull; shipping, 7l&c; good to
choice, $1.06(1.10.
HOPSQulet; state, common to choice,
19", VW13c; same, lHOS, 8tfllc Pacific coast.
1908. 12fil6c: 1906, lOglJo. . .
HlDBi? Steady; Oalveston, to to 86 lbs.,
20c; California. 20 to 28 lbs., 21c; Texas,
dry, 24 to 80 lbs., 19a
LEATHER Steady : acid. 27JBo.
PROVISIONS Meet, firm; family, $18-00
H6.60; mess. Ii.00a9.50; beef hams. $23.601
2400; packet. $11.0012.00; city, extra India
mess, $21.00923.60. Cut meats, Arm:
pickled bellies, 1.2512 00; pickled
hams. $12.00. Lard. steady; western
prime. $9.9o&10.0O, nominal; reflned, quiet;
continent. $10.86: South America, $10.76;
qpmpound, $$.608.76. Pork, firm: fam
ily, $19 60; short clear, $18.00019.26;
mess, 818.604719.26.
TALLOW Firm; city ($2 00 per pkg).
8c: country tpkgs. ree), 67c.
RICE! Steady; riorneatld, fair to extra, 8
4J4c; Japan, nominal.
POULTRY Live, quiet: fowls, 13e; tur
keys, 13c. Dreeted, stesdy; western chick
ens, l.VnlOe; turkeys, 14-iiUc; fowls, 8512c.
BUTTBR Steady; street price, common to
extia cteamery, 2rtf30c. Ofllclal prices:
Creamery, common to extra, VL'a 32c ; held,
common to extra, 2SiS30c; state -dairy, com
mon to firsts, 2029c: renovated, common
to extra, l⪼ western factory, common
to firsts, 17'621c; western Imitation cream
ery, extras, 24U26c; firsts, 2122o.
CHEES& Firm; state, full cream, small
and large, 'September, fancy, 14c: state,
November, 13V'jl4c; good to prime. 12
18c; winter made, average best, 12c; Inferior,
EOGB Firm; state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected white, 81c; state,
choice, 2930c; state, brown and mixed,
extra, 24c; firsts, to extra firsts, 27f28c;
western firsts, 27c. Official prloes: Firsts,
Z7c; seconds, ',
it. Loals General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 7. WHEAT Higher;
track. No. 2 red cash. TSfc; No. t hard,
7f.'77c: May. 78678c: July. .77c.
CORN Firm; cash, higher;' track. No.
cash, 48c; no, 3 white, 46Vc; May, 46o;
July. 4&c ', ., i .
OATS Higher : track. No. 4 cash. 41c:
No. 2 white. 42(342c; May, 40c; July,
FLOUR Steady; red winter pa-tents, $3.66
83.76; extra fancy and straight, 83.sbQ3.46;
clear. I2.twz.86.
SEED Timothy, steady! $8.604.00.
CORNMEAL Dull; $2.20.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 9&3970.
HAY Steady; prairie, til 0013.00.
PROVISIONS Pork. lower: Jobbing.
$17.66.' Lard, lower; prime steam, $9.60. Dry
salt meats, nigner; dot en extra snorts,
$10.00; clear ribs, $10.00; short clears, $10.19.
Baoon, higher; boxed extra shorts, $10.76;
clear ribs. $10.76: short olear, $10.87.
POULTRY Higher; chickens. 10c;
springs, llc; turkeys, Uc; ducks, llc;
geese. 8c.
BUTTER Firm; creamery. 2733c;
dairy, ziwttc.
BOOS-Firm at 24c.
Following were the receipts andS ship
ments of flour ana grain j
- Receipts. Shipment..
Flour, bbls 6,000 19.000
Wheat, bu ,orm RS.O00
Corn, bu 129.000 144.000
Oats, bu 67,000 90.000
' Kansas CMy Clraln aad Fvovlsloas.
73o; July, 13W, Beptemoer, TZtie. cash
No. t bard. 72i?76Vc: No. s. 86074c; No. !
red. 73fi75o: No. 8. 67r73c.
CORN May. 424c; July, 42r. September,
48e. Ch: ,No. 2 mixed, 40e; No. t.
, OATfr-No. 1 white. 40o,- No. mixed, 88
RYE Steady at 0i2c.
HAY Steady: choice timothy, $16.00(315.60;
choice nraine. xii.Miraiz.on.
BUTTER Creamerv, 81: packing, 19c,
EGOS Steady; firsts, cases Included. 26c,
Reclnt. Shipments
Wheat, bu..... 67.000 67,000
Corn, bu - Sl.noo 43.000
Oats, bu 8.000 11.000
' 1
Board of Trade quotations for Kansas
fltv dllverr. The ranse of nrlces. aa r
ported by Logan Bryan, 111 Board of
Trade nuuaing. was.
Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close.
Wneat .
May, July...i
1 1
. 'TJ' r- '7S!72?7SI73
.72 ' 73J 72 73
42l 42 41:42
, 42 42! 4i 42
Mlaaeaaolls Grata Market.
81c; July. 81ci September, 79iti7So; No.
1 hard. 87c; No. 1 northern. R6c; No. 2 north
ern. K3c: No. 8 northern, 8mh81c.
FLOUiR First patents. $4.S0M.40: second
patents, $4 164 tS - first clears, $3.2600.36;
avcond clears, f i.Vf) 2 tin.
BRAN In bulk. tl7.0PflT7.26.
Mllwaakec Crala Market.
northern. 834is4c; No. 8 northern, 793Wlc;
Mav. SOHo bid.
RYE Higher; No. 1. e4J70c.
BARLEY Higher; No. 2, 60c; sample. 60
CORN Higher; No. X, cash, 42fJ4Sc;
Msy, 47 c asked. y
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Feb. T.-CORN-Hlgher; No. 3
yellow and No. 8. 42c; No. 4, 41 c; no
grade. SS"V40c. .
OATS Higher; No. 2 white. 40e; No. $
white. SfVc; No. 4 white, Ss4j38c
RYE Firm; No. 2. STfifflc.
WHISKY-On tho basis of $1.28 for fin
ished good.
Dalatk Grata Market.
DULUTH. Feb. 7 WHEAT On track.
No. I northern, 83c; No. 2 northern, 81 cj
July, 82c; September, 80c
OATS-To arrive. 38c
RYK nc.
BARLKY-r-tUjelo. 1 ,
Philadelphia Prodaed Market.
western, fresh. 29c, at mark.
CHEF8E Firm; New 1'ork full creams,
fancy, 14c; New York full creams, choice,
Cattaa Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. - T.-COTTON-8pot
closed steady, 6 points higher; middling up
lands, 1106c; middling gulf, 118UC No
good bus neas dons, prices 10 points higher;
American middling fair. &91d: good mid
dling, a'-M; middling, Slid; low middling,
The saleis of the day were Ilouu bales, of
which 1.000 were for speculation and ex
nort and Included 11.XO Dales of American:
receipts. 11.000 bales, Including 10.700 bales
or American.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. T.-COTTON-Steady;
middling. ltc. Sales, 220 bales: recelDta
647 bales; shipments. 14 bales; stock, 89.764
bales. . j
Spot market closed Una; sales, Kfiia bales;
Ittw ordliMXT. 8 1-lsiv . nominal i orainArv
! l-14c nominal; gO"d ordinary,, Kt low
miounng, rc ; miaaung, iiec, gooa mid
dling, lic. ntlddUbg Jr- U1. tM,.n!nJ;
fair. 13r nominal. Receipts. s),Wl balea:
stock. 8td.aM balaa. ' . "
. . ' . i ; . . .. - ' "t
Baak t learlacs' ' o .t".
OMAHA. Feb. T Bank clearings for to
day were 31.781.4,4. it and for the oorre-
spooaing oaie tast year u.i,. 4s. , ,
HesiUtlnc $nd Irncalu Adtmo Brotuena
Out in Fiotl Eonr.
This Has K IT eel ail Dacreaslaaj Dessaad
far Haw t'apllal aad Advaaee
la Freight Ratea Will
. laereaaa Caralags.
NEW YORK, Feb. T. A hesitating snd
Irregular advance broadened out In the
final hour of today's stock market Into
a more animated and comprehensive rise
than has occurred at any time since the
decisive downward tendency of prices set
In. The Inspiration for the moment is
largely In rumors of Washington origin
of a hew development there that should
relieve the corporation world from the
aense of hostility on the part of the ad
mlnlatratlon of the government. Up to
that time there were long periods of
dullness In the trading and the same lack
of follow-up to the movement that has
left the market without definite result.
There was an absence of the weakness
In Individual stocks which has been an
unsettling Influence in recent markets,
even when the general tendency was up
wards, and this was In favor of the mar
ket. A temporary eetback In Missouri
Pacific after the first recovery was the
only exception of Importance. There was
no clear reflection in the day s marxei
of any Important developments In the
condition of affairs. Sentiment was fa
vorably affectVd by the advices from the
winter wheat regions of ample snow cov
ering to Insure the safety of that crop
from freeilng weather for the Immediate
ruttire. The wheat market waa affected
at the aame time by the promises of extra
xoreign requirements ror wneat irom
Russian and Argentine shortages. The
southwestern railroads were mostly Im
mediately affected by this outlook.
Assertions of an Intended Increase in
the dividends on Atchison and Southern
Pacific, which have been often heard.
were also used with effect, especially In
the case of Atchison. Southern Pacific
was sluggish and did not respond even
to the later rise In Union Pacific upon the
reppriea return to his omce arter a pe
riod of Illness of the head of these sys
tems. Erie was a conspicuous feature
of the strength, the movement showing
evidence of being under the same auspices
as former large operations, In Reading.
Pnpspeeto for the proposed Increase In
rreignt rates. Which are being canvassed
extensively In the railroad world, gave a
subject for continued discussion. This
served to counteract to some extent the
showing of decreases In net earnings of
railroads by reason of Increased operat
Ing cost which has now become a general
tendency.' The traffic managers' plan for
raising freight ratea Is looked to aa a
possible means of Increasing earnings and
at the same time adding to the efficiency
of the present supply of equipment. The
intention of railroad companies to re
trench their plans for any fature projects
of Improvement Is now generally accepted
as a fixed determination. A reduct'pn of
the pressure for new capital Is expected
to result. But also a subsidence of part
of the demand for materials and for labor
is to be accepted as an Inevitable conse
The aunstlon of how far thla nrocesg
of readjustment may carry the reaction
in industrial activity la now believed to
account for the recent action of the stock
market where operations were reflected
tt persons Informed - the determination
oi railroad authorities to curtail their
Improvement plana.
The feature or the day In the money
market was the free offering of funds on
time supplies coming Into the market
f nom many sources and causing a. material
recession In ratea. Foreign exchnnare was
firmer, although the strong position re
ported by the banks of England and
France showed the growing strength of
the foreign financial position in solte of
the retention or the 6 per cent discount
rate by the Bank of England. While the
late rise In stock broadened out to some
extent, it waa still largely specialised
In the early favorites. The closing was
strong at trie nest.
Bonds were firm. Total sales, car value.
$3,080,000. United States bonds were un
changed on call
The following was the rang of prices on
ins rnew I one BtocK exenange:
. ... gales. High. Low. Clw.
Aouae tliimaa M
AnuUsunit4 Copper 41,000 111 111 111
An. C. It P...- , t,60 41- 4i
am. c r. pre
Ant. Cettk Oil
Am. Cotton Oil pM..
American giprew ...
Am. H. a- L. pM
AttMrloan Ioe
Am. LlneMd OH
Am. UnsM CHI pfd..
Am. Locomotlre .....
Am. Loeomotlrs pfa.
Am. I. A R
Am. . A R. pfd
100 lot
100 s
100 4 U
, l.tnt Tt 71 11i
loo lint, llfn, 111H4
. 11,100 144 HI 4 14J4,
I0V lit lit lit
Am. Sugar Rflnlns. ....',.-
Am. Totaaoee pfd, ctfj
Anaeooda Mining Co
Atchison ,
Atcnlaoa pfd
Atlantic Cout Line...
Btltlmor a Ohio
Hal. Ohio pfd.
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pad do
(.'antral of N. i ,
rhnapaaka Ohio
Chicago Ot. W
Chicago N. W
C, M. A St. P
Chicago T. a- T
Chisago T. A T. pfd
0., C. C. A 8t. L
Colorado P. at I
Colorado 8k Sot
Colo. A So. lot pfd
Cols. so. Id pfd
Consolidated Oas
Cora Products
Corn Products pfd
Dataware at Hudaoa
DL, U at W
UonTar R. . O
D. . O. pfd.;
Dlstlllara Securities
,. .- airl n4 'it
ino va . en
,, U.OOO 1S4IA 174 IM
,. tt,fi0 104 101 104
WO H Pfi M
,. WW 111 111
,. 1.700 111 111 114
,. 4,M 14 TI 14
,. 1,100 1tl 140 181
w va sua jus
1,100 60 41 60
600 11 14 14
I.700 147 144 117
14,700 141 141
I. too
100 114 114
$.100 33 13
100 4 M
700 111 no
400 600 416
mo r
1,100 14
It, 100 M
1,000 70
100 11
it Ul
Erie 1st pfd
Erie M pfd
Oosaral EUctrlo
141 1M
II 11
Hocking Vallar
Illlnola Cantral
InlornatlonaJ Paper
Int. rapar pra
Int. Pump
Int. Pump pfd
lows Cantral
Iowa Central pfd
Kanaaa City Be
K. C. So. pfd
Loulrrllla Nashville
Mailcan Central
16 t
I. mo
400 114 1UV4. 114U
1,10 14 14 14
L400 111 110 111
U0 147 14 147
ll.luO 16 41 14
11.400 II 14
1.60 11 70 7
1,400 10 70 70
lt)0 II 61 M
1.100 127 124 117
400 44 44 44
400 II 4 14
104 11 It u
1.400 14 14 14
31,100 111 u 111
400 ti 4
1,300 60 41 60
IM 11 14 Ul 124
40 10 to at
Minn. A St. L
M., St. P. I. a. M
M.. St. P. A g. t. at. pfd.
Missouri Pacisa
U , K. T
M.. K. T. pfd
National Load
N. R. R. ol M. pfd
N. T. Costral
N. T . O. W
Norfolk W
Norfolk A W. pfd
North Amotions
Paoila Mall
Peopls'a Oas
p.. c. c. a St. l
Preaaed steal Car
Preened S. C. pfd
Pullmaa Palaee Car
Reading let pfd
Reading Id pfd
Republlo Steel
Republic Steel pfd..
Rock Inland Co .,
Rock Inland Co. pfd ,
i. l a P. M pfd
at. u a. w
. 1.71
, 10
, 1.70 .
. 6,10
70 !
. ' too
. 31.600
u u a. w. pfd ,
So. Paeisa
So. Paclfle pfd
So. Railway ,
So. Railway pfd
Tennimn C. I
Teua A Pacific
T . Bt. U A W ,
T , St. U A W. pfd..
Vnlos PejetAe
t alon Peciae pfd
0. A Bipreas ,.
II, g. Realty 1.
V. I. Rubber pfd....
V. 8. Steel ...
II. g. Steal pfd
Va.-Carohaa chemical
Va.-Cara. Ceem- pfd...
afresh pfd
Waila-Parae Express ..
Weatlaghoeee Klactrts
Weatern talon
Wheeling U I
Wleoeaeta Central .....
Win- Central pfd
Northers Pacttc ,
Central Leather
Central Leather pfd....
Sluee-Sheaeld Steal ...
Greet Northern pfd....
Int. Metropolitan
1. 100
LSU0 164 16
40 I II
U 11 11
l0 6i 61 174
lot II
171 171
4 1
... 1.100 11 II 61
... 100 104 104 104
... 11,10 4I 44 46
... 4.400 10 104 106
400 14 31 6
to 31 11 It
... 4. 164 162 IM
tut 17
to 71 1 71
... 4. 16 1U 146
1 66 16
lot. Met. pfd
11 11 II
Total sales lor th lay, Ill4u shares.
Trary Statement.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. -Today state
ment of th treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclualve of the $i6O,000.uO gold
reserve, showa: Available caah balance
IAAl.eoa.373: gold coin and bullion, $101.7ut,0O7:
gold certificate, t4.6ol.4oa
Baak Kaalaa tataatent.
LONDON. Feb. 7. Th weakly atatement
ol lb babfe of Kuflaad saotr tn follow-
rK rhangea: Total reserve. Incresaed; circulation. Increased Sl.Ou0; bul
lion, increased Al.34.146: other securities.
decreased Aaa.OnO; other deposits, decreased
i.i); notes reserve. Increased eTl.07tl.wO;
government securities. Ca.uoa The propor
tion ot the bank's reserve to liability this
week Is 49. M per cent, as compared With
te 31 per cent last week.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. J.-MONET-On call
easy, 2141)3 per cent; ruling rate. t per
cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at
IW per cent. Time loans active and easy;
sixty days, 4Vyu per cent; ninety days, s
per cent; six months, 6'4 per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $4
I.M70 for demand, atid at $4. hk6 for
sixty dny bills; posted rates, $4.81V and
commercial bills. $4
SILVEJt Bar. rS'.c; Mexican dollar.
hondo tjovemment stead v: railroad
rinsing Quotation on bonds were as
tr. . ref. ta. reg....l Japan a, M series.. HH
do reuoon :.ll Janan 4e rtfa S4ta
P. a. ta. reg ......rt lOfi1 do 4 Ha ctfn. t4
so coupon n4 U N. anl. 4a....1"t
t). S. old 4a, reg'.
tol I'Maa. c. a. 4a 1"
do eoupon
C. . a. 4a, re.,,
lt Max. Central 4a W
..IN do let Inc 4
..12 'Minn. A ft. U 4a.. 2
.. 74 M , K. A T. 4s . M
..110 I do la M
..11 N. R. R. of M. S. 4S. U
.. 1 N. T. C. . Ia M
da coupon
Act. Tobacco 4a .
do to
Atrhlann sen. 4a.
no ad). 4a
Atlantlo C. L. 4a...
Bal. A Ohio 4
N. J. C. s. an IN
.101' I No. PaclAc 4a.
.. 72
.. W
do l4a
. do la
. N. A W. e. 4a....
.110 o s. u rtdg 4n.
. to Penn. cone. Ia..
74 Reading gen. 4a..
r. R. T. e. 4a....
tentml ef Oa. la..
! MH
wio let Inc
do M Ine
do M Ino
. N eg. U A 1. M. e. In.. 1U
Chea. A Ohio 4 Vie.
Chicago A A. I Ha.
C, B. A g. s. 4a..
.l'HISt. U A S F. f. 4a. 1
. 71. Ht. U S. W. e. 4a.,. 77
. IS Sea board A. U 4a...
. 75 I go. Paclfle ........ K
.no I ia w i, etr. a.t
t;., a. 1. a p. 4a..
do col,
CCC. A 8. L. g. 4a.. 101 go Railway la Ui
Colo. Ind. la. ear. A. 70 Texan A P. la lit
Colorado Mid. a..
. Tt;T.. Bt. L. A W. 4a.. 11
. 1 Colon Pacific 4. 101
cola. A So. 4a...,
Cuba la
.103 v. 8. steel Sd t
D. A R. O. 4a..
Wahaah la U.4W
nimnier' Set!, is
Ma p. I. 4a
do con. 4e.
.. t7
do deb. B 71
a'eatern Md.
.. M
W A U. I. 4a...
Horklns Val. iUa . lui,
Wla. Central 4a...
Japan 4a a8.
ild. Offered.
Boatoa Stocks aad Bonds.
BOSTON. Feb. 7. Call loans. Mm per
cent; time loans, 6H&6V per cent. Official
prices on atocka and bonds were:
Atrhleon ndj. 4a.
..... 1.1
..... 47
..... 71
do 4a
. M Cal. A Hecla...
. M Ontennlal
.104 Copper Rang .,,
. t Dalr Went
.140 Franklin
.1.10. Oranbr
Met. Central 4a.....
do pfd
Boeton A Main.
MBoeton ElcTnted .
Pltchbur pfd ....... .1
lata Rorala ....
Max. Central
N. Y., N. H. A H..
Union Pacini)
24 I Maw. Mining ..
.113 Michigan
.171 Mohawk
. 14 Mont. C. A C.
. 11 Old Domlnloa ..
.111 Oar cola
,12 Parrot ,
.121 Qulncy
. SI Rhannon
.100 Tamarack
. 21 Trinity
.127 lolled Copper .
. 1 U, g. Mining...
. It V. 8. Oil
. 44 Utah
.104 Victoria
. U Winona
. II WolTerin
. 46 North Butte ....
.104 1 Butt Coalition
. !Nevada
. 17 Cal. A Arlaona.
.113 lOreen Con. ...
. 11 I
Am. Arge. Chem. ...
Am. Pncu. Tub
A mar. Sugar
do pra
Am. t. A T
Are. Woolen ........
do pfd
Dom. I. A
dleon Bloc. Illu....
Hiu. Electric
do pfd
Mass. Oea
United Prult
V. . Macs
do pfd -
V. 8. Steal
do pfd
Bid. Asked.
oa Cloalasc gtocka.
LONDON. Feb. 7. Closing quotation on
stocks were:
Conaoia. money
4 14-14 II., K. A T I
do account
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio,
Canadian Pacific ,
Che. A Ohio
Chicago Ot. W....
C, M. A Bt. P...,
Denver A R. O..
do pfd ,
ri ,
dd let pfd
do Id pfd
Illinois Central ..
11 -i n. t. central iv
Norfolk A W 41
do pfd
Ontario A W
.. 4f.
.. 47
.. 7
.. It
.. 17
.. I
.. 4
.. M
.. 44
w 17
.. M
'Pennarlvanla .....
.14 Rand Mine
., 11 Reading
.. 14 Southern Railway
..Ml 1 do pfd
.4 17 Southern Pec I no .
.. 17
.. M
.. 44
.. 11
.. 41
Union Pactlo
do pfd ...
U. . Steel..
do pfd ...
Wabash ....
do pfd
Louttvllle A N
.113. jBpunleh 4
SILVER Bar. quiet. 31 -16d per ounce.
td per cent.
The rate ot discount. In the open market
ror anon Din, 44
month' bllla, 4H4'
44 per cent; for three
i8-t per cent.
New York MlBlaar Stocks.
NEW TORK, Feb. 7. Closing quotations
on mining stock were:
Adam Cob, 16 Little Chief
Alice U7 Ontario
Breeoe M Ophlr
Bruntwlck Con I Potoal
Comet och Tunnel ,-, 41 ' SaVacc
Con. Cal. A Va 40 Sierra Nevada ...
Horn SIlTer 170 Small Hope
Iron Silver 400 Standard
Leedalll Coa -4.1 .
. I
. 14
. 10
. 41
. M
'"' Foreign Financial.'
LONDON, Feb. T. Money was much
wajited In the market today for repayment
to the Bank of England. Discount were
easy. On the Stock exchange the recent
cheerfulneaa waa only maintained In the
case of gilt-edged securities, the bank re
turn offsetting the effect of the gold ex-
! pons 10 Bourn ' America. Home rails
mwyyfUi Bfuv 100 eviciiutu ouaru ut
Trade figures, while the weakness of Bra.
man Dcnas, wnicn were soia Dy tne con
tinent caused dullnen among foreigners
generally. Americans opened dull. Opera
tors found nothing encouraging tn the tone
of Wall street yesterday, prices hung
around parity In the forenoon and not much
buaineaa waa transacted. Later, Mew York
sent better price and purchased Atchison,
Topeka A Santa Fe freely, with the result
that other stock hardened in sympathy.
The market closed strong. Copper share
were in good demand. Japanese im penal
6 of 1904, closed at 102,
PARIS, Feb. 7. The tone on the Bourse
today waa hesitating, awaiting the an
nouncement of the provision of the new
Income tax. Russia Imperial 4 closed at
78.06 and Russian bonds of 1804 at 4M.
BERLIN, Feb. 7. Trading on the Bourse
today was featureless.
Baak of Frane Stateaaeat.
PARIS. Feb. 7. The weekly statement
of the Bank of France thowt the following
changes: Note in circulation. Increased
as3.O63.O0O francs: treasury deposits, de
creased 38,060,000 franca; general depoalta,
decreased 6.160,000 francs; gold In hand, In
creased, 700.0UO franc: silver In hand. In
creased 160.000 francs; . bills discounted, de
creased 2US.27S.000 francs; advance. In
creased 12.476.0u0 franca.
'Waal Market.
BOSTON. Feb. T. WOOL Market con
tinues strong, with trading dull, chiefly
because of the high value. Considerable
territorial wool is moving on account of old
contracts. Worsted wools are practically
out of stock. Of clothing wool, there is a
good supply left, unsold. In pulled wools
there is a fair trade and a steady market.
There Is a fair market for scoured grades.
Texas wools are quiet. Foreign wools are
Arm. Leading domestic quotations luiiow;
Indiana and Missouri combing blood,
84a35c: combing blood. 8WJ4o: Texas.
scored basis, fine 12-montlts, ?3j7E; fins 6 to
8 months, aVy70c; fin fall clean. r32o.
California, scoured baala, northern choice.
7uac; northern good, owj.c; middle
county, 6ii6c; southern, tiytJc; fall free,
645uc-. Oregon, scoured basis, eastern No.
1 at Die. Titi'iic: eastern No. 1 clothing,
6V;oc; valley No. 1, 60ti4l2c. Territorial
staple; scoured basis, tine, Tltl'Tx; tin
medium. ghlxiOc; medium, fc&tioc, Territory.
ordinary,- acoured baala, line, 6V&'70c; tin
medium, 7titjoc; medium, 645c. Colorado
and New Mexico, aprlng, scoured baaia.
X. 6W"0c; No. 1, 4wc.
ST. LOLMS. Mo. Feb. 7. WOOL Steady:
medium grade combing and clothing. i4-
11 u Sc; li&ht tine, ay iJCi heavy tine, l&tfiac;
LONDON. Feb. 7 A aale of heep akin
waa held In Mincing Lane today. The at
tendance waa large and bidding animated
A feature of the aal waa a revival of the
demand from America for fin and coarse
fuli-wooled croas-brede. which realised ex-
treme ratea Combing advanced 6 per cent
ana clothing ruiea ateaay at tormer prtcea
Following are the aalea and prices paid
for clothing and combing: New South
Wales. 3u0 balea. IVtUOHd: South Australia.
Kti bales. 6alOVd; West Australia, 7v0
balea, 7rel0d; Tasmania, 700 baina, tkUlOKd;
Punta Arena. l.oO bales, wd'a1 Ha' The
oflertnga amuuntea to 4. wo bale.
Evaporate Apples aad Dried Frails,
APPLES Market la quiet.. at unchanged
prtcea; choice, Mefi'SAtc; prime, 8fft,c.
are barely eteady 00 put and it la reported
mat aom aise . are being oner In a
mall way at slight ' conceaaiuna. Quota
tions range from So to 8c, according to
grade, for California fruit, with Oregon
quoted at 6o to 8c for 7ue ta 4ua Aprlcota
am uncharged; extra choloe. Isal9c;
fancy, lMn2oc. Peache are quiet, but
steaor, witn cnoice quoiea at iini2c; ex
Ira choice. l24iU; fancy. lAnlk: ti
Ira fancy. 13rHc. Haiain are unchanred,
with loo Muscatel Quoted at 7att(t:
eeedad raulna, 7iwu. Lttudua layers, $iAi
lillinc Cattl. of All lindi V.rr Itilj
C kelce Sheeg) aad Lanaba A beat Steaaly
with Medians Klads Mow aad
Geaerally Tea to Flf
teea Lowrr.
SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 7, 1W7.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday d,ias 4..464S J.6riJ
Oftlclal Tuesday 4.10 6.'
Official Wednesday 7.T40 II.066
Official Thursday $.100 $.i"D ,
Four days this wcek...Il,(iJI
Same days last week....lB.t4
Same days 8 weeks ago. .2.I.0U
Hame days 3 weeks ago.. 24.0!)
Same days 4 weeks ago.. BUM
Sam days last year 16,22
28, MW
'ine following table knows the receipts o(
caltie, hugs and sheep at South Otnalia for
the year to date, compared with last year:
17. lWo. Inc. Uec.
Cattle 136.P0V W.M6 87,063
Hogs 2oS.M (l.772 82.911
Sheep 174. 160,184 18.124
Good to cnolce eornf.-d steers .$5.40i(r4.16
good oornfed steers....,
3.6tAu 4.W
ivifiiiiun tu inir steers
, 14 t'lioice irU CVKI
Fair to good cowa and heifers
Common 10 fair ttiwa and hnlfera.. l.iy.iii.W
Oood to clinics at kern and teetlera. 4 :'0a6.t
Fair to good atockera and feeders., lio-l &
Common to fair stockera 3.00'43.75
Bulla, ataga. etc 175 U 4 .00
Veal calves 4.(X58.60
The following , table ahowa the average
price ot hogs at South Omaha for the lust
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I 1907. l!M.l.lO4.lO8.18O2.!l01.
Jan. 88...
Jan. 2...
Jan. 80...
Jan. 21...
Feb. 1...
8 76HI
71 I 88
4 U4
4 6
4 7 671 6 j 6 22
I 7
I 04 S Vrl 0 es
7 0 6 M
Wi 6 VI; 6 13
I 6 051 6 22
68 6 26
$ 71-1,1 6 36
84 6 481
4 SI
4 3
s i'aji 41
4 tk)
Feb. 2...
6 46
6 63!
6 631
4 (01 4 73
4 72 4 K6
701 6 93
H 03 6 $1
33 12 6 23
i6 lbi 6 a
74, 0i 6 Jt
701 6 93
4 74
4 31
4 77
4 81
4 S3
6 67
4 74
Omaha , $2,3646.00 '
Chicago " l.tkHti io
Kausaa City 2.2j(i.6J
St. Louia 2.0UUO.7S
Sioux City 2.76Q6.26
The - official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Cuttle. Hoits.BheD.H'r'
t-., an. at 01 tr 2
Wabash 3
Mo. P. Ry 3
U. P. system 10
C. & N. W. (east) .. 1
C. & N. W. (west) .. 84
C, St. P., M. A O.... 23
C, B. & Q. (east) .. 2
C, B. & Q. (west) .. 14
C, R. I. A P. (east) .. 10
C, R. I. A P. (west). 1
Illinois Central 1
Chicago UL Western. 11
Total receipt 176
17 8
36 8 1
14 4
1 8
10 3
133 28 $
The disposition of the day's recelpta was
a follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated:
Omaha Packing Co. .... tvl 1,2j7
Swift and Company .... 1,36 2,322
Cudahy Packing Co 1,2X7 2,846
Armour & Co. 678 2,676
Vansant A Co 18
Carey & Benton 7 .....
Lobman A Co. 47
McCreary A Carey .... 122
W. I. Stephen 28
HIU A Son 67
F. P. Lewis 61
Huaton A Co 46
Hamilton A Rothachlld. 41
L. F. Husa 83
Wolf 26
J. H. Bulla 27
Mike Haggerty 11
J. B. Root A Co 1
T. B. Inghram 20
Sullivan Bros 62
V.. A. Brttton 8 - .....
Lehmer Broa 21 ,
Other buyer 663 . 1,018
Totals 6,028 8,120 6,246
CATTLE The market was absolutely de
moralised this morning. Yesterday tho
market closed off vsry badly, at leaat 10c to
16c lower, and thla morning it opened atlll
worae. buyers did not go out Into the
yards until late, and when they did their
bids were at least 26o lower than yesterday
morning, and on a good many cattle ail
of 6uo lower. This was true of all kinds of
killing cattle, steers, cows and heifers.
Feeders were not so much off, but they
were dull, a buyers could not extract to
take hold freely when the market on beef
waa In such an unfavorable condition.
Th reason tor the demoralised condition
of the market was to be foond In the fact
that packers were loaded ud with cattle.
while their refrigerators were full of meat
and there were no cara to ahlp the product
to consuming points, rur several days
back there has been a shortage In meat
cars, but everyone has been expecting that
the cars would begin arriving more freely
In a day or two, and packer have been
steadily buylpg the cattle at satisfactory
prices, aa they had plenty of orders for
meat on nana, xesteraay, wnen tne snort
age still continued, some of the packers
dropped out, and hence the low close of
the market noted above. This morning.
with the shortage aa bad a ever, It was
not merely a matter ot price, but a ques
tion of getting aome one to even bid on
the cattle. Even when' blda were made it
looked a good many ttmea aa if th bidders
did not want the cattle and were careful
to bid low enough so a not to b in
danger of getting them.
At th time ot closing this report there
were not enough cattle sold to, make much
of a test of the market, but It Is safe to
quote It 24x8600 lower than Tuesday - and
very dull. A good many cattle will un
doubtedly be carried over, or else shipped
to Chicago.
Shippers should hold back their cattle
until packers are able to clean up their
surplus meat and kill out the cattle that
they already have on hand. They cannot
do this until the shortage In refrigerator
cars Is raised.
Representative sales:
N. A. Pr. Me. A. Pr.
I 44 4 4 II 104 4 71
T HI 4 40 10 1176 4 tO
t HI Ik 4 104 4 ta
I 1117 4 44 11 116 4 14
11 1094 4 66 1 1101 I 40
31 1010 4 4 1 12X2 I
16 1011 4 14 11 1117 I 11
14 Ill 4 1 14 1201 I II
11 1040 4 14 11 1101 1 16
II 1071 4 16 16 1111 I M
17 404 I 24 10 HI
14 6 I 60 11 M
11 102t I 66 II 1041 I II
14 Ill I M I IM l
3k 102 I II lilt I II
1 1)40 I 16 1 1100 I N
1 1000 I m II 14 I II
II 1044 I 111 ' II 1011 I 1
11 - 141 I 10 II M IN
11 171 I It I lluo I to
1 1011 I 40 1 ias 1 I
I 647 I 44 tO 141 I H
It 10i I 40 - 14 1077 3 M
14 14 I 44 II III! 4 09
II 1001 I 41 1 1W0 oi
II tH I 60 f 1X1 4 11
1 100 I 6 1 1110 4 10
I llvl I 60 1 1111 10
I I II list i
67 Ml I 1 1114 4 14
11 too I 4 f laid 4 M
II 114 I 44
I 171 I te 1 in 1 ti
II 674 I 4 1 640 I M
1 161 I It II 141 4 00
II W Iw 14 441 4 Si
36 tot I 10
1 1440 I II 1 1IM I 10
1 Ill I M 1 W0 I 44
1 1 00 I tO 1 161 I 71
1 -' "calves. m lw
U 114 I 6 I ill 1 f
1 tu I 46 I it 1 at
1 36 4 1 10 I I
I Ill 4 4 4 146 I 6
I I I"l 10 1 144 I 61
I MIT 1 ta I ll
37 111 1 to 14 tn III
let I M 1 144 4 4
It 464 4 0 14 1011 4 4
U 70 4 40 II 644 4
4 74 4 4 44 let 4 46
I I 4 4 1 104 4 II
HOOS Everything waa against th sell
er this morning. Chicago waa reporting
13.400 hog carried over from yeaterday and
33, uO freah recelpta. which waa i.uuu heavier
titan the estimate and making Hi.OuO on
sal at that point. At th sam time re
ceipts were also liberal and considerably
larger than exoected. The nrovlston mar
ket waa loc lower, which was a atlll further
bear Influence. A a result hoga at this
point sold 10c lower than yasterday. Th
trad waa fairly actlv when one under
way and th bulk of th early arrival
ova cAevngea nana, a wlu be noted
from the sales below, the hogs sold very
larsrelv at fci Hn t.v as aaalnst $A.7V4f 1
"i yesterday. The close wa.e still lower
man tne early market.
Kepreeentative sales: I
No At. Ik. Pr. No. A. Bh. Pt.
7 1ST ... I TO 74 tt7 ...
M fl ... I 77 m Il ...
M IH4 ... 177 , IS tT M 4 0
It ft ... 4 77 ' SO l0 ... 0
77 tt 40 I no 77 Ill ...
47 ... It 14 IH 40 4 P
4 Ml iw la n I ... 4 n
7t I4 am to It IM ... !
II It ... dm 40 174 10 4 l
n mo m 1 a ti 17 ... 4 i
4 V ... IP S IJ 40 mn
47 .XI M 4 0 41 HI 4 ?H
X t"l 10 4 no 71 14 ... 4 til
M tt ... 4 10 7 I4 40 I U
74 Ill ... IPO !47 ... 4 :
77 It 40 I no It Ml 40 4 M
77 fit ... 4 0 1 701 ... 4 M'
M Ml ... 40 17 r0 ... III1!
17 ltl ... 140 7 HI ... 4
to 141 ... 4 in ' 21 ... 1111
4 1K7 ... 4 10 44 It ... 41
71. 14 ... 40 M ltl ... 4
41 JM) 10 I M 40 HI ... 111
47 12 . 4 N 70 M ... 4 7
II 177 ... I M 41 IM 4 I 47
40 IM ... 140 . 140 10 142
U to ... 114 IS 171 140 4 !'
II .121 ... IM 71 t?l ... I I2H
n in ltd 1 to it no ... 1 7
71 117 40 I 49 40 2JS ... 4 12
It 144 ... 4 40 71 IM 40 41
II 140 4 M 40 ltl ... I M
14 Ill ... 4M M ..! ... IH
M .IM IM I 44 II Ill ... 4 M
121 ... 4 40 0 124 ... IB
M t!t M I M to 171 40 I M
41 IM M 4 to 11 Ill ... IM
II 1 40 4 10 I 241 ... I II
7 II 40 M M IK Mil
I 170 I I HO 14 7U ... I M
17 714 ... I 40 M 174 ... I M
10 M7 ... 140 14 11 ... IK
SHEEP Ther waa a fair run of she
and lambs this morning, which together
with th holdovers rom yesterday made the
totsj tirreringn quite large for tnis time 01
the week. Th market yesterday closed
slow and weak, with something over 3,000
head unsold. Buyers this morning an
seemed to be looking for a few loads of
good killers, both sheep and lamb, and the
mantel could ssiei) 0 quoieu as aimut
steady on the good to choice klnda. Un
fortunately there were not many loada that
would come under that head. On the other
hand, the common to medium kinds of both
sheep and lambs were not only very slow
sale, but generally lodiliic lower.
The weakness In the market srtrear to
be due almost entirely to the Inability of
packer to ship out the mutton on account
of the shortage of refrigerator cars. The
snow blockades in some localities ana tne
general demoralisation of railroad service
have tied up refrigerstor cars so that there
Is a scarcity at all points for shipping pur
poses. Under the circumstances It would
look like good policy to limit shipments to
all market points for a few days until
r ackers have had an opportunity to clear
heir refrigerators. There docs not appear
tn be any ahortage In the consuming de
mand and there la no reason for hurrying
forward sheep and lambs now on feed In
the country.
Quotation on killer: Good to cholc
lambs, $7.0U$7.60; fair to good lambs. $6.76
fc.OO; good to cholc yearlings, lamb
weights, $6.00iio.36; fair to good yearlings,
lamb wrlgnta, I6.7Mi4.00; good to choice
yearlings, heavyweight. $rV76tit.00: fair to
good yearlings, heavyweights. $6.6fir8 76:
good to choice old wethers. $6 SM16 60; fair
to good old wethers. !5 006.55; good to
choice ewei. $4.8uj6.20; fair to good, M364J
ReDresentatlvs aalea:
436 Colorado ewes
2t3 western ewes
124 western ewes
76 western wether
80ft western wether ....
27 Wyoming yearlings
600 western yearlings ..
632 Wyoming lambs ....
SS3 western lamb
110 western lambs
30 weetern culls, ewe.
233 western ewes
174 western ewes .......
17 weatern lamba
696 weatern . lamb
Av. Pr.
,96 4 70
, 4 76
,106 6 10
,122 5 70
,120 6 70
, 74 6 85
,86 6 26
.60 76
,83 6 86
,68 7 10
.76 $ 60
.80 4 86
.82 4 70
.84 T 00
.77 T 40
Cattle Slow aad Doll Hog Ivrer
Sheep Steady.
CHICAGO, Feb. 7. OATTLE Receipt.
8.000 head. Market slow and dull; plain to
best steers. $4.60ii7.2&; cows, $3.2t4ffi.00; heif
ers. $2.ROi6.&; bulls, $3.0nfi.60: calves. $2.75
6800; stockers and reeders, Z.7Daau.
HOOS Receipts, 83,000 head. Market was
60100 lower; choice heavy shipping, $7.0
7.06; - light butcher, $o.2i6.97tt; light
mixed. pl.87VwfiO.86; .choice light, $5 .ltVff;.86;
packing. $6.90&6; choice pigs, 86.oOi&.ll6;
bulk of sales, In.poiaTOO.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 16.000
head. Market for sheep ateaay. Iamb
weak and dull; sheep, $6.00Q8.00; yearlings,
$5,7o3.60; lambs, K7iS7.90.
ft. Louts Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 7. CATTLE Receipts,
$.600 head. Including 1,600 Texana; market
for nativea 10c higher, for Texana weak;
native ahlpplng and export steers, $6.4A
6.75; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.90
800; steer under 1,000 lbs., 3S.764r4.8S; stock
ers and feeders, l2.KKrt4.TO; cow and heifers,
$2 6fttiD.!S; canners, $1.90fr2.6; bulls, $2.20
4.00: calves. $3.26438.00; Texas and Indian
steers, $2.6036.60; cow and heifer, $2.8u3
HOOS Receipt. 8,600 head: market 10c
lower; pig and lights, $.3&g(t.90; packera,
$6'.fl664.90; butcher and best heavy, $6,860
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1,600
head; market steady; native muttons, $3.03
6 60; lambs. $4.0W 7 60: culls and buck. $3 00
U4.76; atockera, $2.76433.50.
Kansas City Live Stack Market.
KANSAS CITT. Feb. 7.-?ATTLEJ-R-celpts,
8,000, Including 150 southerns. Mar
ket weak to 10c lower: choice export and
dressed beef steers, 16 60rg.80; fair to good,
$4.2o4r&.40; weatern fed steers $S.76.0O;
stockers and feeders, $3.2&a4.80; southern
steers, $3.75&6.8: southern cows, llifV&3 76:
native cows, $22fVft4 40; native heifer, $S.X
tj 4.90; bulls, $2. 76414 25; calves. $3 brxctf.Hi.
HOOS Receipts. 13.000 head. Market rV
10c lower; top, $7.02H; bulk of saleex tK.SHvf
7.00: heavy, $7.CO$T7.02H-: nackera, $6.92H
7.07'i: pig and light. $5.7Vfli 90.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 4,00)
head. Market ateady to weak; lamba, 37.00
67.60; ewe and yearlings, 4.7Mjti.C0; west
ern fed yearlings, ld.0uad.60; western fed
sheep, $1.7646. 76; stocker and feeders, $3.60
New York Live Hack Market.
NEW TORK. Feb. T. BEEVES Receipts,
467 head: nothing doing; feeling steady for
top grades, dull for other. Dressed beef
In fair demand at 7Co per lb.: fancy beef.
96V4o per lb., au neaa, ail veal;
market firm and all sold at $6.00jrio.0o;
dresaed calve Arm at 9tfl6o per lb. for
t-lty dreaeed veal and 812Vfc for country
HOOS Receipts, 8.818 heed: market weak:
nominal quotatlona, $7.4'37.50.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,677
head; market for sheep almoat irSmlnul,
but ateady; lamb 25c lower. Fair to prime
sheep, K6Hr$.6o: medium to prim lamba.
lea City Live Stork Market.
C T tl ' V rT1V Va .K T U 1 I
gram.) CATTLE Recelpta, 00 head; mar.
ket steady; beeves. $4.26fr6.26: cows, bulla
and mixed, $17641-. 76; stockers and feed-
era, 33.004r4.2r; calves and yearlings, $14od
$.76. .
HOOS Receipt, l.oon head; market 10c
lower, selling at K.7&38.86; bulk of aalea.
$A 7&fc 80.
SHEEP Art D LA Id B8- Receipt s, 200
head; market steady.
St. Joseph Lire Sleek Market,
BT. JOSEPH. Feb. 7. CATTLE RecelDta."
1863 head; market lOo lower; nativea. $4.6txr
1.76; i-owa and helfera, $2.26&6.0O; atockera
and reaera. w.z&y do. .
1 huub rieceipiM, ii.oju neaa; market Miioe
lower; top, $7.WVi; bulk of sale. $6.907.00
. SHEEP AND LAMBS Reoelpta, 3.4M6
bead; market ateady; iamb, I7.3U7J 7.60;
yearlings, etj.154io.oO.
lock la Sight. .
1 Receipt of live stock at th aix principal
Weatern marketa ye lord uy were a followa;
Cattle. Sheep. Hoga.
South Omaha $.10 8.7U) $.2i0
Sioux City VI)
Kanaaa City 8,(0
Bt. Joseph 2.063
St. Louia $.6u0
Chicago 8.000
.26.36$ 81.700 29, 34
Saarar aad Molaaaea.
NllTW YORK, Feb. f.-SUQAR-Raw,
&teady;'fair refining, 2 31 -32c; centrifugal,
I test, $7-16c; molasses sugar, $ 23-320.
Refined, steady; No. 4, 4 80c; No. T, 4.260;
No. 8. 4.20c; No. 8, 4 16c; No. 10, 4 (J6c; No. 11,
4.00c; Ho. 12. 8 96c; No. 11. $.oc ; No. It. 8860;
confectioner' A, 4.60c; mould A. 8.O60; cut
loaf. 6 40c; crushed. 6.60c; powdered, 4.80c;
granulated 4 70c: cube. 4 9oc.
, MOLABtJESBteady; New Orleana open
kettle, good to choice, 87d4ec,
Steady: centrifugal white. 4 $-16t7c; cen
trifugal yellow. $fJ-4 3-lbc; acond. tv42
)7-16o; new molaaaea syrup, 80340
ro4Te Market.
1 NEW YORK. Feb. 7.-COFFEE Market
.o ta
1L) 4.04
11. 6-0 $,44
4tio0 1J
S8.0UO 16,000
for future opened steady at unchanged
price to a decline of I point, which was
considered about as due on cable. Offer
ings were light and the market ruled
steady on buying by spot people, becoming
mere actlv and lower toward th lo,
. -.. ; t . t.v ' '
which was at a net advance of 6 points,
Sales w-re reMrte.1 ft 44 ISO bxge, In-
eluding March at 6 ftfS An,". May, .taffi w;
" , ''"""" '--" . w ; "
' j ' 1 0",,lw!, '
- .heswnasna
Caadltlea ef Trade aad Qaotatloaa aa
Staple aad Fancy Prodae.
' EOOS-rr dog., 86c.
LIVE PtiULTKV Men. 8HtSc: roosters,
6c; turkeyv Mflic; ducks, uluc; young
roosteis i; seesa, Kii9c.
BUTTER racking stock. 1e: cholc to
fancy dairy, 22u-c; ereamery, 264?c.-
H AY-t ui iMnd. ts- o... :neliu .1. I 0:
No. 1 bottom, $8 60; off grades. t0Q.ia
Rye Btraw. $i.00; No. 1 alfalfa, $11.00.
ctMAN 1'er 'on, II61IA
Fer bu., 76e
SWEET POTATOES Illlnola, per larg
bbi ..' .
NAVY RKANS-rsr bu.. $16; No. X
LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 6Hc.
CABHAQK Hollnud seed, bom
IVtc per lb.
PLANT-Fer do.. SXMtlOB,
KUTABAOA8 About 160 lbs. to
POTATOES-rar bu, 4fac.
TI KNil'o r-er bu.. 0c
ONIONrV-Home grown, per bf., o
Spanlao, per crate, 12. WU; Colorado, pop bu,
troitcal FRurr. "
FlOS-Callfornta. burk. 4ie; 8-crowa
Turkish, lbc; 4-crown Turkish, 14c; 8-crowa
Turitlf.h, K'o.
LEMONS Llmonlera, 800 and W BlM,
$4.60; o'her b ends. 60c less.
DATES Kada war Ave: aayera. ie: Halt
1 low is. utw sluffoia ereiuJt antra, t-lb. bua
61 1U.
BANANAta-Prr n.lliim-ird. . bunco,
$2.UI326: lumWo. eaOf3.60.
OH APE FrtPlT-Bila a m 84 And 80, $3. 78
4J4.0O. .
ORANGES- Florida TOngsa, all At.
$2.A; California uavela, extra fancy, all
alses. $3.00; fancy. $2.76; Cholc, &a3'2.60.
dot., ioajoOc.
TOM A 1'OES Florida, 80-lb. crat, 86 00.
WAX BfcANS-Per bu. Vix. 3.6oiA08.
LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per OA
heailM, iie.
CELERY California, per do., 75o43"tl 0
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per do., $3.0,
HOKSblUbiSU-t mn 01 2 aoa., 11.80.
HAlilSHKH Per do, bunch. 860.
GREEN PEPPKRS-Par -beket rat
PAKSLUX Hothouse, per ao punone.
HEAD LETTltCR Bouthru, pt dot,
SHALLOTS Southern, per bunch, 60c,
CRANBERRIES-Ier bbl., $7. 00000.
APPLES Ben Davla, choice. .ou; tancy,
pvr bbl., $2.16; JonaUiana, I3.75ti4.oo; NW
York apples, $3.36; Iowa and Nbrase
eating unti cooking. $2.2o(uA0u,
PEARS Winter Nelis. oer bos. $108.
COCOANUlo Per aauk of. loo, $4.t0,
No. 1 ribs, lie; No. 2 ribs, loc: No.
ribs, 7c: No. 1 loin, lsc; No.-1 loin, 12 Vic 1
No. 3 loin, 8c; No. 1 chuck, ic; No. 3 chuck,
6c; No. 3 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, 7Vpc; Nu
8 round. bVr--: No. 8 round. 8c; No. 1 plate,
4Vc; No. 2 plate, 4c: No. 8 Plata, 3c
CHEESE New lul, cream Wisconsin
twins, 16Vtc; new full cream brick, I64J
16Vtc; Wheel Swiss cheoBe, 16Hi'17c; block
Swiss, loc; Umberger, 14c;' Young Amer
ica. 16 Vic.
FISH Trout, lie; halibut, loc; catfish, ISoj
buffalo, 80; bullhead. 12c; black baas. Or
lock, 26c; salmon, 12c; plk. dreeaed, llo;
red anappei, J2o; whltensh, 12c; peron,
dresaed and scaled, oc; pickerel, dreee,d,
IVtc; herring, oc; crapplea, tdtlfcc: eola. lbo(
blueflan, loc; lobatere. green, 36c per ib.j
mackerel, Spanish. 1C; nauve. 36c; frog
legs, 46o per do a saddles; smelts, 12o.
cliRED FISH Family wliltensh. .
Quarter nui., luir 1 e,.w, " " , mici.
reL, No. L $36. 0s; No 8. 28.00; herring tt
bbls, too pound each, Norway, 4k, $11; Nor-
HIDES AND TALLOW Oreen aalted.
No. 1, 12c; No. 2, Ho; bull hides, go; green
hide, No. i, 10c; No. 2. 9c; hors. $l.6w
S.7&1 heep pelt, 60c4$1.26. Tailow, No, I,
4V' No. 2. $p. Wool. UVS220.
CIDER New tork, 01 It biirrel. $2.78; bar
rel. 36.U4
NUTS French walnuta. I3VC California
walnut. No. 2, soft shall, lie; No, 1 sort
shell. LoVfett; Brasils, lM(16c; pecana lltfi'I-'c;
filberts. 1314o; peanuts. raw. THot
roasted, 9c; California almond. bar4
hell, 16c; Trayonla. 17o; oocoanut. $4.14
per 100 lba
HONEY Per 24 frame. $850.
COFFEE Ronated, No. 86, M pef lb. I
No. 80, 210 per lb.; No. 36. 18c per lb.; No.
$0, lie per lt. i No. 31. 18c per lb.
SUQAR OranulaUd aane, In sacks, $(,111
granulated beet, ia saoka. $6.61.'
SYRUP 4n bbls.. r(o per gaUr In ease.
10-lb. can, $1.70; cases, U t-lb. oana, H.i
case. 24 SW-'b. cans. $L8f. .
CANNED OOODS Corn, atandard weat
ern. Ij&tJljOc; Maine, $1.1. Tomatoes, t-Io.
van. $1.10; 1-1 b. can. 97HciS$.oo. Pine
apples, grated, 2-lb., $2.05-2.8U; sliced. II 9$
62.20. Oallon apple, fancy, $2.06. Cali
fornia aprlcota, $8.00. Pear, $1.7549
$.60. Peachea, fancy, $l.TWl.; H. C.
peaches, $2.0tx?.6O. Alasks salmon, red.
$1.86; fancy Chinook, F., $2.10; fancy sock
eve, F., $1.96. fiardlnes, quarter oil, $176j
three-quarter muxtard, $3.00, Sweet pota
toea, $1.10191.16. Sauerkraut. II 00. Pump
kin. 80cU.OO. 'Wax beana, 3-lb., o00
lima beana, 3-lb.. 75c3l.S6. Spinach. 1, 36.
Cheap pea. J-lb.. K; extras. 96c4j;l.lJ
(alley. $14601.78.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, . Feb; 7. METALS Therg
waa a sharp decline In the London tin
market, with spot quoted at 191 12 d
and. future at 191 2a 6d. Locally the mar
ket wa easy. In sympathy with t'.'e de
cline abroad, spot closing at' $4$.2otf42.40.
Copper was 17s 6d lower In London, with
spot closing at 106 15s and futures at 107
16. Locally the market was quiet, with
lake quoted at $?6.00fiJ!5.26- - electrolytic, ,
$24.76(926.00; casting. $24. 26y 24.75.- La4 wa
lower In London at 109 10s. but waa un
changed In the New York market at $6.019
6.30, according to delivery. Spelter wa
unchanged at 26 15 td In London and
quiet at $8.7tV3.8& In th New York mar.
an. trim wm ii in, niiBiiDii
with atandard foundry closing at 66 kl
and Cleveland warrant at ln 8J. Ijooally
the market waa unchanged; No. I foundry
northern la quoted at 2t..Titi'.'.; No. 8
foundry northern. tU 754J-J6.76: No. 1 foun
dry aouthem. J6.ftty'.50; No. 8 fuundrf
southern. $'i6.onti'j.oa
BT. LOUIS. Mo.. Fab. 7. MKTALrJ Lead.
steady at $6.10; spelter, ateady at 86. 70.
OH aad Reala.
OIL CITY. Feb. 7. OIL-Credlt balance.
$1.63. Run. 131,628 bbls.; averags. 93,011
bbls.; shipment, 171.6(8 Dbis.; . averag.
166,164 bbls.
SAVANNAH. OA, Feb. T. OIL Turpen
tine, steady; 71Vc. -
ROSIN Firm: stock, 74. 4W bbla: quote:
A. B. C, $4.0U43-4.06; D, 34 06&4.10; E, $419
4 16: F. $4.16; O, $4.15?4 .80; H. $4.40W4.4&;
I. $4.60: K. $5.00; M. $6.26: N. iti.OO: W a.
$6.26; W W, 86 50.
Adalteraled Geeda Sleaed.
SAX FRANCISCO. Feb. T. Collector of
the Port Stratton has, on the report of
Ralph Gould, chief of the bureau or chemis
try of the Department of Agriculture,
ordered that a number of Importation at
this port be destroyed by the Importer or
hipped out of the country.' All tf th
good were adulterated with aom in
gredient, which wa not stamped on th
outaide. Aa aoon as Collector Stratton
mad the order to export the merchandise,
the cuatom house bmkera filed an appeal
to the secretary of the treaaury and th
surveyor wa ordered to withhold th order.
' Fleeter flnapaea Aalted. J ;i
RIVER HEAD, L. I, Feb. 7 The Jary
In the raeo of Dr. J. W. r)mpon, "Charged
with th murder of hie father-in-law re
turned a verdict of not gviltfs
Lucille Hyde Rorrinaoa and husband
to Roberta S. Hyde, lot 7, block 6,
Har.acotn Place $ JOO
Catherine Roy et al. to Natal Bruno
et al.. part lota 1 and 2, iu-dlck a
2d add
J J. Dickey and wife to Funnl Hms
arty, wti8 feul lot 1, block 5. and woe
feet lot I and 2, block, 4, Kounlxw
4t h add...
Cillia E. Cu!klr and husband to Ma
mie Cheek, lot 14. block 8, Spring
Lake Park add ,u
Abraham Ievty and wife to Isaac
Marshovsky, nVi lot 4. biota To.
Stnith Oinaha . .'
Edward Benin, Jr., ami wife te Ab
raham Levey, nVt lot , block,. 76,
South Omaha
Sarah McCounell and hue4and to Rob
ert Slearnus, nVs lot'. -.block 10,
Brown Park .....
Theodore William and wife to Grove
Wharton Conatructli n company, lot
13, block 86, Banaon
Charlea F Page and wif- to Eildla J.
Hicks, lot 8. block 4, Fred Ielione
Arthur B. Woodford and wife to Jpr-
ten J Swlngbolm, lot -4. jlock 12.
park Forest ..
United Real Estate and Trust ' oem-
Ktiiy to t'harlee Vranrk. sV lot 16,
ock 10. Kounlii 4ih upplemenl-
ary add
Peter Steel and wife t Union Pacific
Railroad company, part at-V awV4
9-1 0-9