Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Miami forms' '$83,000,000 fa ths
Imprtmmsst of Waterways.
aenenemeal PraTllnsr fr Lnrcer
Hirer Defeated Bnrton
Replies Critics.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.-The house today
completed and passed the rivers and harbors
eppqpprlatlon Mil, carrying more than
t3,0ns,0flO, with sundry amendments, all of
which were .migTrested: by the chairman of
the commutes. Mr. Burton of Ohio. Among
the Important amendments adopted were:
For continuing the Improvement and for
the maintenance of the . Chicago river,
$300,000, being an Increase of $150,000.
The paragraph in relation to the Calumet
river, Illinois and Indiana, was amended
so as to authorise the secretary of war to
enter Into . contract to complete the
project, for which $1K1,600 Is appropriated.
The aggregate cost .Is ' limited to $170,OdO,
exclusive of, the amounts heretofore ap
propriated. A survey of . the Missouri river was au
thorised from Its mouth to Sioux City.
The naval appropriation Mil was 'taken
Dp and mads the continuing order.
During today's consideration In the house
of the rivers and harbors bill Mr. Ellis of
Missouri was given fifteen minutes to fur
ther present the views of friends of the
Mississippi liver project.
The Severn.! amendments introduced by
Mr. Bartholin 91 Missouri relating to tne
Mississippi, and Increasing appropriations
for that rJver,. which were pending yester
day, were all defeated today. Incident to
their defeat Mr. Burton, chairman of the
rivers and ..harbors committee, - bitterly
criticised the "campaign of abuse and vll
Uflcatlon," as he called It. which had been
In progress against himself as well as the
committee. -JHe said that there were, three
cities in which unscrupulous , vllllflcatlon
had been going on,, and added with much
emphasis that St. Louis was one of the
three. He remarked (hat' the house 1 had
gone on record during the ponsHeratlon of
the bill against such a campaign of vitu
peration and he' wanted it distinctly un
derstood -that the misrepresentation could
not go unchallenged.'
Not Interested la Other River.
"When they attack the chairman of the
committee and charge that he Is interested
In' a waterway other than the Mississippi
river they say what Is not the fact."
. Those who- were backing the Mississippi
'. liver project came into the house and
, charged that a wrong - had been done.
"These persons ought to go Into Statuary
.hall and do a cake walk to the keen en
joyment oX the marble .-figures there as
sembled." : .
' He said the Mississippi liver received a
; larger Individual appropriation nan any
- river In ths country. .
; An Important amendment. Rooking to a
deep water scheme on- the Mississippi north
of ths mouth of the Missouri was adopted
on motion of Mr. Burton. The ,aruejid
' ment provides that appropriations shall be
made In accordance with the report of the
engineers onha : river between St.. Paul
and St. Louis. It is estimated that the.
coat of a six-foot waterway between the
two cities will b about $30,000,000. The
project la to be a continuing one and addi
tional approprkMtiena may ha made."'
. Denatured . Alcohol Act Amended. '
Ths house today passed the bill amend
ing ths act relating to the wlthd raws! from
bond, tax free, of domestic! alcohol when
rendered . unfit , ' for beverage or. . liquid
medical uses hy mixture with . suitable
'denaturing materials. The bill provides for
.the establishment of ..-central ' denaturing
-bonded warehouses, other than those -at
distilleries, to whloh alcohol of the required,
proof may be transferred from distilleries
or umiiiiery punavu wnrenoustfs wunoui
-payment of the Internal revenue tax.
, Speeches on tha bill' were made , by Rep
resentative Marshall. North Dakota; Mann,
'Illinois; Marlin, South Dakota,' and Oros
venor, Ohio.
The bill was passed without division.
' 1
nearly - All Committee) Amendments
Are Stricken Ont.
, nuDninuiun, rvu. 1. ins inaian ap
propriation bill received rough handling
by the senate today. The amendments of
the committee, especially those suggested
The Interstate Commerce Laws
permit ua to sell our Cigarettes
and Little Cigars direct to con
sumers for their personal use.
W will be pleaaed to mail you
our Consumer's. Price) List contain
ing a description of our well
known brands of Cigarettes and
Little Cigars of the highest quality.
Add rasa
Mall Order Department
BCTLER-BTTl.EU, Incorporated,
142 West 21st Street,
New York City. ' '
by the special committee which went to
the Indian Territory , last Summer to In
vestigate conditions, were nearly all. re
jected On points -of. order.
The provision which allowed full-blood
Indiana of the Indian Territory . to aell
their surplus lands was defeated by a vote
of 31 to 22, which leaves In force the pro
vision . of law ' known as tha McCumber
amendment, prohibiting - the alienation 1 of
such lands for twenty-five years.
The defeated provision 'has been the sub
ject of debate for' the greater part, of the
last two days. - After it had been dis
posed of late today the other committee
amendments were- defeated on points -of
order. 1 ' : . .
The . coal land amendment, allowing ths
surface of the ' coal'ands . In the Indian
Territory to be sold, and which was re
garded as of equal Importance with that
providing for the removal of 'the restric
tions on alienation, was ruled out of tha
bill on a point of order 'made by Senator
Tillman. ' , . t
Among these defeated amendments were
the following:- .' '
Allowing city and town officers In the In
dian Territory to hold' over until the fate
of the new state legislation should be de
cided; requiring .the recording In the courts
of all Indian leases; authorising the court
of claims . to adjudicate private Indian
claims, . allowing the surface of coal lands
to be sold In the territory of the Choctaw
and Chickasaw nations; allowing the can
celling of certain Indian allotments In Ne
vada In furtherance of reclamation projects;
appropriating $115,000 to . Investigate ..the
legality of certain land' transfers by the
Mexican Klckapoo Indians of Oklahoma and
authorising the attorney general . to . make
such Investigation. .''... '
Among the committee - amendments ' ac
oepted was one authosixihg the survey of
additional towns In the' coal and asphalt
land region In the Indian Territory; pro
vision ' for the continuance of a pending
suit affecting the distribution of the tribal
funds of the Cherokee nation, and a pro
vision for opening the - Blackfeet Indian
reservation 'n Montana. "
But one contested amendment In the
bill remains to - be disposed of, that pro
viding that the court'.er claims shall de
cide the light of the '-Colorado ' Utes to
about 2,000,000 acres of land ' which has
been taken by the general government for
a forest reserve. Senator Lodge has indi
cated his vigorous oppositlonto. this claim
and Senator Patterson Is supporting It on
behalf of himself and Senator Teller, -who
Is absent on account ' of fitness. ., This
amendment will be considered -tomorrow.
The debate on the bill today was confined
to the amendment allowing land alienation.
Senator Stone made the principal' speech
for. . the amendment . and Senator Spooner
the principal -argument-against It
Miss Hattle Golf, Infants' wear buyer for
Benson & Thorne, recently , had a letter
from a friend in Oklahoma telling of balmy
weather and'buds and blossoms. ' This all
seemed good . to Miss Goff,' so an early
.train .Tuesday took her south for-a two
weeks' vacation.
DIAMONDS Frenser, 15th and Dodge.
nominations by President.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. The '. president
sent to the senate today the following
Colonel to be Retired With Rank of Bri
gadier General George E. Pond, assistant
quartermaster general.
United States Attorney, Division No.-1,
District of Aluska John J. Boyce of Cali
fornia. - ' ' '
Musicians' Ball, Auditorium, Feb. 1L
mfS$t. For 50 years . g&X
096jor$ . the same tr '
68 r
"fl is
easwsw" - -e m-mwm t . 1 1 .1
""" " 3qV Its fine flavor has 'S$Ve" -- i
O3 ' never varied " isl
f ','' . 1 I I ' l V. .. v
Am Cnckenhelmer A Bros.
"Sine 1837"'
fltlsbarglu Pa. .
I HtansstMeW
1 1
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The least expense Is Invariably incurred
through the. early employment. of gen
uine professional skill. Health la too
precious to trifle with, and you cannot
afford to jeopardize It by neglect or ex
periment with uncertain and ' unre
liable treatment ,
We treat men only and cure prompt
ly, asKly aud thoroughly KEHVOLS
DISEASES and all Special Diseases and thew complications. '
cons ULTrtEE
Call kind Do Examlns Pre or. Write.
1203 Fanuim vU Between 13th and 14th Sts, Omaha, Neb.
t . . . ienamenU Eatabliabed In Oiuaha, Nebraska. . '
Coitrrewmen lennady of Nebraska and
Hubbard of Iowa Address House.
Rebates Formerly Given by ths nail,
roads to the Heavy Shippers In
Years Past
Killed Freight
n Rivera.
(From a Stan Correspondent.!
WASHIsVQTON, Feb. 7. (Special Tele
fram.) The Missouri river was the sub
ject of two very interesting- speeches to
day while the rivers and harbors appro
priation, bill was under consideration by
the house. Representative Kennedy of
Nebraska and Representative Hubbard of
Sioux City being- accorded very earnest
attention by tha' house during their pre
sentation of the Missouri river's right to
Mh Hubbard remarked that he had pre
pared several amendments to the bill,
but he was admonished by'ttib fate of
the varloua gentlemen who have run Into
contact In head-on collision with the ma
chine that there was but little object or
purpose . In. offering .such amendments,
and he therefore did not propose to cast
himself before the .wheel.
"The Missouri river," he said, '1 nav
lfrabls and has been alnce Lewis and
Clark pursued -Its pathway across the
continent for 1,400 odd miles." He said
In the past It had carried great commerce
and the things which have caused the
diminution, of that .commerce was not
any lack of the navigable quality of the
liver, but it was the result of the diver
sion of commerce from east to west in
stead of from north to south along the
natural lino of flow.-
Speaking of the appropriation, which
Is intended , expressly for dredging and
for the removal of anags, Mr. Hubbard
thought that the Improvement contem
plated would scarcely last until the boat
passes by that makes them. "You might
as well attempt to dredge a channel for
the .north wind," he said. "As a boat
goes by a bar forms. One way of im
provement is by means of protecting the
banks, and that ia expressly denied In
this bill. The only method Is, when
erosion begins on the bank of the stream,
to put in a dam temporarily to divert
the flow. It is true," he said, "that in
boats coming down that stream but few
tons of freight are carried, but It Is also
true that on that Stream annually goes
freight as precious as the coal mines of
Pennsylvania. In my district alone thou
sands upon thousands of. dollars worth
fit real estate are freighted down that
river every year."
Kennedy Injects New Idea.
It was, however, reserved to the con
gressman from the Second Nebraska dis
trict to Inject new thought into the debate
on the river and harbor bill, when he said
that tha sudden country-wide Interest In
appropriations for rivers and harbora grew
out of the fact that these rivers meaning
tha Missouri and Mississippi would have
been used more largely for transportation
of freight had It not have been for the
common custom of the railroads In paying
rebates to large shippers throughout tha
"The large shippers In the cities of the
United States," said Mr. Kennedy, ."have
not been interested In years gone by In
reducing rates; they have not been inter
ested In cheap transportation; they, have
been interested In getting' an advantage
over their competitors." '
Mr. Kennedy told of his attendance upon
tha recent Mississippi river Improvement
congress held In this city, and noted the
large business Interests of the ' country
represented urging additional appropria
tions for rivers . and harbors. ' He then
aald, "1. d It not been for the passage .of
tha rate bllt those powerful influences
would not have been in that congress and
you would not now have behind this bill
the united business interests of the country.
I believe that the future wjll Justify me
in the statement that I make, that with
rebates prohibited the largo shippers of
the country will bestir themselves to ob
tain, not advantage over their legitimate
competitors, but cheaper rates, which will
work to their advantage and to the ad
vantage of the whole country."
Mr. Kennedy, after reviewing the pro
visions of the bill, said that' Instead of re
ceiving 1100,000 for the Mif-fpuri river from
Kansas City to Sioux City, It ought to be
(2,000,009. He reviewed the Jobbing trade
of Omaha and South Omaha and aald the
aggregate value of the live stock received
In South Omaha was over $90,000,000. He
told of the grain handled and stored In
Omaha and said that the manufacturers,
Including the output of the South Omaha
packing houses, amounted to about $300,000,-
000 a year.
' River. Easily Navlarablo.
"We have tha freight and we have the
Missouri river and, notwithstanding all
statements to the contrary, the Missouri
river Is more easily navigable today than
It was In the early days when it was con
stantly used far freight transportation pur
poses. I base that statement not only
upon my own knowledge, but upon the
opinion of engineers who are familiar with
the river and who have had charge of that
work. I take issue with some of the gen
tlemen with ' reference to the result of
dredging the Missouri river, although I be.
lleve that the most effective method of
dredging that river is by contracting the
channel and letting the water do tha
- "During the summer months we have
which is now arranging to place on the '
river during the coming season boats and
barges for carrying freight.
"When we have demonstrated that those
boats and barges ran, ply on the river,
that freight can be carried on the Mis
souri, we will he backs here asking from
you a liberal appropriation for river Im
provements and wUX then' be satisfied not
with thousands, but with millions to re
store the Missouri to the map for commer
cial purpoaea."
Mr. Kennedy received an ovation when
be concluded, friends from both ajdes of
the chamber desiring to express tlklr ap
preciation of hia presentation. '
Under tha provisions of the bill as In
troduced the expense of the survey pro
vided for the Missouri would have been
'met out .of the spectflo appropriations for
that stream, but on the solicitation ot Mr.
Kennedy and Mr Ellis of Kansas City
Mr. Burton accepted an ' amendment In.
eluding the survey for the Missouri with
others to be paid out of' tha general ap
propriation, the amendment reading as fol
lows: "For the Missouri " river from its
mouth to Kansas City and from Kansas
City to Sioux City, provided 'the secretary
of wsr may in his discretion cause to -be
made only such further general Instru
mental survey as may be deemed neces
sary." '
Mr Salary fnr Marshal.
An effort may be mads by the Nebraska ,
delegation to increase tne salary or . the
t'nited States marshal for ths district of
Nebraska from S3.504 to $4,000 per annum.
The larger salary In paid In both the' Da
kota, both districts - In Iowa, both dis
tricts In Missouri and Minnesota, Kansas;
and Colorado. .The matter may be taken
p in connection with the Judicial division
bilL Mr. Alexandtr or New York, chair-1
of the aubcwnaiittea having that bill
' 9 .'
ring HOc witlh you
and put a want-ad in
Housekeeping Rooms.
Unfurnished Rooms-
Under any of these heads:
Barter and Exchange,
' .
Business Chances,
Help Wanted, Female. ct r j - -
r Offered for sale.
Help Wanted. Male (except agents,
solicitors and salesmen wanted)
Wanted to Buy. ,
Wanted to Rent
Wanted Situations,
Offered for rent:
Boarding and Rooms.
Furnished Rooms.
Furniture, i ' "
Pianos, Organs and Musical In C
Typewriters, Sewing Machines,
Miscellaneous For Sale,
Live Stock for Sale including
cows, birds, dogs and petsr horses and
vehicles, poultry .andr eggs.
Write your ad on this Coupon
Phone Douglas 23S and a Want ad man wlfl call
If you cannot !
Come to The Bee Off ice
' ' ; 17th and Farnam. "The Want ad Corner."
The rates on the above classification, for both morning and evening circulations combined are:
8 lines one time 3 lines three times . ; "8 lines seven times
' '.;10c ; . 25c ' , '''' ' 45c
On-all other classifications: 10c per line for one insertion,' and 6c per line for each Insertion if for more than one time.
"i CounO . six ; words ' ..." , to , ) a ' line ..''",
' ' i . , . :. . , , . . 1 i
.'-' --: ... ... . , ., . . .
1 - . . .1 ' ' ' J . I ' II , I
"i f'- ' '';.', ' .... .. . .. :!. :tl:-- ... ' ; , -' a- . i .
- i' t'i ." . ' "' it i .... - .! . f, ' V - k .-. . '
..'.! vl- . ...
' !) ! i 1 ' 1 i " ill I
Vi . ' . '".'; is, . ' ' . ' t '
-1 ' - v ! v ' "
kS i
In charge, stated to ' Mr. Kennedy this
afternoon that Nebraska should be placed
on the tame basis as surrounding: states
and he had no objection to providing (or
the Increase In the Judicial division bill.
, Cadets for West Point.
Congressman Martin appointed to West
Point Fred S. Swanson of Aberdeen, 8. D.,
as principal, and Henry H. Cants of Dead
wood, 8. D., as alternate. Congressman
Burke appointed as alternate to West Point
James F, Halloran f . Spearflah, 8. D.
These boys are all native born South Da
kotans and bright and promising,
i Two Experimental Farms.
Mr. Martin arranged with the Department
of Agriculture for the establishment of
two experimental farms in the western
part of South Dakota, one under the na
tional . Irrigation ' project, near Belle
Fourche, Butte couaty, .and the other for
the purpose of showing what can be done
under what is known as "dry farming,"
which will be established In the vicinity
of the Cheyenne river, In Fall River county.
The purpose of the experimental work
under the irrigation project Is to give prac
tical assistance to settlers who shall make
their homes on government irrigated lands,
and to aid In bringing about the best re-
l A Jl A A
. ftORB THAW - I
AGO ' 1
v today p
C MMlJInUlwtMu4WikNni
J a UlllUt K, taulaim,S4. I
suits by Irrigation. The "dry ' farming"
experiment work Is to demonstrate what
are --the best methods and crops to be
grown under these conditions.
Wood Selected by Klnkald.
The recommendation of . Judge N. W.
Wood - of Rushvllle to be register of the
Alliance land office, vice Bruce Wilcox,
resigned, was made at the Instance of
Judge Klnkald, the senators in all but two
exceptions having consulted with Judge
Klnkald and ascertained his wishes in the
matter before any recommendation . was
made for any of the land offices located In
the Sixth district. .
Miner Matters at Capital.
' Representative Burke of South Dakota
had a hearing today before the committee
on Indian affairs on his bill opening the
Rosebud reservation to white settlement
He presented to the committee the general
subject of opening the reservations to
white settlement, with particular reference
to the Rosebud reservation. It was learned
tonight that Major McLaughlin is en route
to Washington, and Is expected to bring
with him the treaty with the Bloux of
Tripp county which will be satisfactory to
all concerned.
Senator Burkett s booked for a speech
on Lincoln's birthday at East Orange, N. J.
Senator Burkett'e amendment appropriat
ing Sltu.000 for the purchase of additional
land for Fort - Robinson has met with
favorable consideration at the hands of the
military affairs committee of the senate,
which has sent the amendment to the ap
propriations committee, of which Senator
Allison Is Aalrman. for Insertion in the
sundry civil bill, should the item not be
contained In that bill when it leaves the
house. '
The following postmasters were ap
pointed today: Nebraska Canton, Box
Butte county, Charles W. Lockwood, vice '
C. A. Lockwood. deceased." Iowa Chlill
cothe, Wapello county, James A. Sweeney,
vice A. E. Bellman, resigned.
Rural free delivery has been established
on the following routes: South Dakota
Bonesteel, Gregory county, . routs . L 10B
families; Fairfax, Gregory county, route 2,
101 families.
Last night at the' Association alleys the
Hamiltona took three straight games from
the Onlmods. The Bluffs boys' 2,767 Is the
highest league total yet rolled since the
alleys were planed and they promise to
make the leading- teams go fast to beat
them from now on. Dave Nlcoll was high
man for the evening with 67V and a single
game of 23. Tonight the teams are the
O. D. K.s and DresTiers. Score:
Frush l
Rempke 11
Dardlner 24
Nlcoll lfto
Pickering 17
Stone ....
Watson .
Forsoutt :
tucr.ll ....
, Totals
, ul
, 17
S. t. Total.
178 1K bol
Wi M bo
M 157 ti
TJi a a t;
167 1M WO
Ka ' 36 2.7B7
. . Total.
174 1K8
17 157 474
ITS 152 ift)
lh 1 sit
Ui 1 571
41 43 m
rx ' an x,ti
' The dry, crisp mountain air of tbe Rockies is now
at its best. No more healthful journey can ' be
&ade than a winter trip to Colorado, which In
cludes the well-known resorts of
Colorado Springs
and Pueblo
Round Trip
Tickets on sale February 19,. March 5 and 19. ,
April 3 and 16. 1907, and a round-trip rate ot
$26.86 in effect dally to May 81, 1907; also one-.
" way rate of $11.60 me points February 19,
and every Tuesday in March and April.
r via ' .
Inquire at
'Phone Douglas 334.
Kebraafca Hasuss Society.
No person la now, or has beea for the
past six mpnths, authorised : to solicit
funds or memberships for this society.
Nebiaska Uuiaaoe ttoclaty. ,
FOR 06.00
By the Old Reliable Dr. Searles S Searlei .
Established In Omaha for Is years. Tne ( mans thotu
sands of eases cured by us makea us the most expert
eoced Specialists in the West. In all Slawaoea and dta
erders of men. We know Just wbat-wiU sure you
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erAn esamlnatlon end consultation..' Write f of
w Symptom Blank for home treatment
119 S. Utfl, Cor. Utl k Dooslis St$., Onubi. I ib
Bee Want Ads Produce Results