Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Widow ted Cbi!dm f William Pocb
fw'i fecret Treasara "Vanlt.
Flaaeer 1rknk(. he lBteae te
Tell Wife Wr Mener Wonl4 Be
Fes a a. ta I'aespeeteaJr Car
riH Off r Dnlk.
JCORFOt.K. Kfh, Feb. T. Special.)
William Roth, on of the original mem
ber of the G'Tm Colony from Wlwon
In who lal out this city In 1st. di"d
thl wei and carried with' Mm to hi
a-rav the secret of a hiding rl-"e in
which he had stored a quantity of Bold
npme of hi family believe It to have
been tl.W and some believe It to hare
been much more.
Hla widow and children are now searcli
Ina for the hidden treasure. . Mr. Boclie
never truated the hank. When he made
a. aale of real eatate he had the currency
c nan red Into gold and hid It somewhere
nobody know where.
He told hi wife a couple of week be
fore he died that he Intended to tell her
before Ms l!f ended, where the money
could be found. He walked out of doors
on a warm afternoon -and returned to be
stricken. Ite waa pwhle. Part of hla
aide waa paralysed. He was unable 13
convey, either by vofce or written wprd.
the hiding place of the money. And so
he died without telling where It could be
t. Jee St Urum Island May Make
Jaactiea silk tslss PaelSe.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Feb. 7. (Special. In
formation comes to Hastings from a relia
ble source that lbs propoaed short line
to connect the St. Joseph St Grand Island
railroa-i from this city with the Union
Pacific at some point northwest of Hast
ings will be built this year.
It la said that the building of this line
will be a part of the program for tho
general Improvement of tbe St. Joseph 4c
Grand Island system. ' Tbe Marysvllle cut
off, from Topeka to Marysvllle, Kan., la
rapidly nearlng completion and this, with
tbe abort line from here to tbe Union Pa
cific at or near Kearney, will reduce the
mileage on shipments between the north
west and the south and southeast about
1U miles. Tbe Marysvllle line la a part
of tbe Harrtman system, which also In
cludes the St. Joseph Grand Island.
Last summer a party of surveyors
mapped out a route from bere to Gibbon,
the second station east of Kearney on the
Union PaclBe. A .line along that route
will reduce the mileage to the northwest
about twenty-five miles. The present route
of tbe St. Joseph and Grand Island extends
directly north from Hastings to Grand
Island, if the new line Is built the present
route to Grand Island will not. of course,
be abandoned.
The St. Joseph 4c Grand Island officials
have announced the formulation of plans
for Improvements which will cost about
tUto.OOO. Tbe road wlU be entirely re
constructed from Marysvllle to- Grand
Island. Tbe roadbed will be rock ballasted,
with rock from tbe road's quarries at
Marysvllle. The engineers . estimates also
rail for the use of between fcX.OOO and
' 000,000 cubic feet of earth In building up
tbe right-of-way.
It is likely that a new, station will be
built In this city. The location will alao
"Dinner's' Coming
I Smelt It
Does Your Stomach Fed Happy When
Ideal-time. Cornea? .
'When you anlffle la the air the appetis
ing aroma of something cooking, do yon
fsel that yon cowld sit down, open your
aaouth. pin back your ears and eat with
g Baitrlous gusto, everything set before
Wa Bad not feel any bad effects from It?
Za other words, can - your poor stomach
take care of everything and anything you
put Into it? There are thousands and thou
sands of people who do not know what It
la to have a good, strong healthy stomach,
nor do they realise what It Is to have a
good appetite.
Tou can bare aa all-powerful , stomach
ad a fetching appetite for every meal,
aad every day. If you give your stomach
a rest, and let something else take hold
of your food fur you and digest it aa It
comes Into the stomach, something that Is
harmless but that really does tbe work of
digesting, quickly and thoroughly.
Thla "something" Is Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets, the most effective little tablets
la Use world for caring anything that nay
be wrong with your stomach; One lngred.
teat of these precious little workers di
gests . grains of the coarsest or richest
food put into the stomach. Thing of It.
I,0t grains! . They are really an artificial
stomach, because - they act Just like the
Stomach, they digest your food. Just aa
though you didn't have a stomach at alL
It supplies tbe stomach with the digestive
Julora which; have become weak and scan
ty. Then your indigestion, dyspepsia, -sour
rtalrigs. brash, belching a, acidity, fermenta
tion, loss of epeotite, ' aversion to food,
btoaty. feeting. heartburn aad nausea, will
be ao koto. Tou can thea eat anything
you want, ail yon want, whenever you
want, and your stotnacb will feel one be
fore and after your metis. Tour appetite
wuf. bg a thing of pleasure to hire, your
mesh will be a pleasure to eat and reUah.
and your digestion will be thorough and
soothing to the whole body.
Tou can't 04 your work well, or be
cheerful, or have energy or vita or ambi
tion, when your stomach la bad. Make
yourself feel good after a hearty meal,
feel good a!l orer, clear your mind, aad
make you enjoy life, by taking Stuart s
Xyspepa Tablet
Olve your stomach a rest, so It can right
Itseir. tries you need fear nothlna RexJ
us ywor same and address today and get
- fr . ... ' '
a free. sample package of Smart' Dys-
oepaia Tablets by return mall. After you
have tried the sample, yon wrfl be thoro
ughly Convinced of what they can do for
you that you will go to your nearest drug,
gist and get a bag of them.
Bead a your .aaiae nd address - today
and we will at once scud you by mail a
ample package free. Address F. A
Btuart Co- 6 Stuart Buldg.. Marshall,
Mtch.e ee . ' .
;-.. , .: J ,
. "B-Bsssssss
be changed to mm place on the main line.
Tbe at at ton now la on the end of a spur,
notwithstanding the maia line runs close
to the heart of the city. Taking trains
Ui an
oT at
and but of thl spur necessitate a loss
bout fifteen mlnuts for earh traln-
An ofll-ll of the railroad reeenfly vis
ited Hasting and looked over the situation
here, preparatory to making plan for Im
provement In this section. He Intimated
that allhourh no positive derision had
been reached It was likely wor on the
short lino to Olbbon would be started early
In the summer. The reoonstructirn work
will be started In the spring.
Llaeela Pel lee way Have tbe Assail
aat f Tssis Trlepkoae Operator.
fFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCO TLX. Feb. 7. (Special Telegram.)
Myrtle Furlong, the l-j-ear-ld telephone
girl who waa assaulted by a negro last
night, has partially Identified coe man
out of a bunch of fifteen arrested ' as
suspects and the police are of the opinion
he Is the guilty party' though until the
brut Is positively Identified, tho police will
aay nothing aa to whether he la the right
man. for there is strong talk of a lynching.
Miss Furlong iras accosted on Fourteenth
street between 8 and R streets, as she
was on her way home from work, a little
after 10 o'clock. The ptrl put up a stub
born flglit. but waa overpowered by the
r.erro, who stuffed a handkerchief In ner
mouth, and assaulted her. The girl made
her way to the home of Dr. Mirelock. wh
notified the police. Dr. Morelock said the
girls condition eras serious and that ehe
hnd been hsdly Injured. 'Though only IS
years old. Miss Furling Is good sised an)
as the negro was small. It took him some
time to overpower her.
The girl Is an orphan and works for the
Xebranka Telephone company and amorv?
her associates she bears an excellent
Special Tralas front Mere Tkaa Sewre
f To was Brlaa: la Visitors.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Feb. 7.-8peclal.-The
largest crowd of Woodmen of the World
ever gathered together In northern Ne
braska assembled today In Norfolk for the
initiation of a class of 600 candidates. The
avowed Intention of the promoters was to
surpass the record Initiation held one time
In Omaha, at which over 600 were taken In.
Special trains brought visitors front Win
side. Wayne. Hoskins. Pierce, Foster. Bat
tle Creek. Crelghton. Meadow Grove. TUT
den. Oakdale. Nellgh. Clearwater. Ewing.
Inman. O'Neill. Madison. Humphrey, El
gin; Enola. Stanton. Pllger and Wlsner.
Head Consul A. R. Talbot was here, as
were other officials. There waa a parade
at SJn. In which six bands were featurea
John R. Hays delivered tbe address of
welcome. ' responded to by Supreme Or
ganiser Ralph E. Johnson of Lincoln. Burt
Mapes made a presentation speech, giving
prises that were due from the Commercial
club to the largest - delegation and the
largest class.
The Initiation will require until morning.
A banquet will be held tomorrow night.
Barllaartea Tarasaaater Hart.
ALLIANCE. Neb.. Feb. 7. (Special Tel
egram.) D. C Mcbriyre. yard foreman
for the Burlington road at this point, was
run down by a switch engine this after
noon, having a leg amputated and receiv
ing a severe scalp wound which, with his
years no doubt. wlU result seriously. Mr.
Mclntjrre was roadmaater on this division
for a number of years and is well and
favorably known throughout tbe western
part of the state.
Kewe of Nebraska.
BEATRICES The finest crop of lea In ten
years I being harvested on the Blue river.
M Is from twelve' to -fourteen inches in
thickness. - . i e . - - r
STERLING Wednesday evening Neda.
the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
M. M. Catrhjohn. waa united In marriage
with Orover Alder - - . v -'
PAF1UJON Sl Inches of snow, the
thermometer M below aero and coal dealer
out of coal la the condition that prevailed
in town Wednesday.
PTLATT8MOUTH John Raagorshek. who
Was so badly beaten in Omaba last week,
was formerly engaged in the tailoring busi
ness in Piatt srmaiLh.
STERLING Monday ' evening the city
council granted a franchise to Jerabek St
Buehler to establish an electric light plant
and contracted for eighty street lights.
SCOTIA Nearly eight inches of snow
cover the ground at this place. The
weather is cold, but there has been no
billiard and the town la well supplied with
nATTSMOUTH At the home of the
brtde'a parents. Henry Melsenger and Miss
Blanche Vallery were united In marriage
by Rev. A. L. Zink, castor of tbe Chris
tian cnurcn.
HASTINGS Freda Lena Pollnske, aged
14 months and li day a daughter of Mr. and
Mra. Emit IPollneke. died Tuesday night of
trichina poison. The funeral eras conducted
this afternoon.
FAIRBl'RT The city council last even
ing authorised tbe construction of sanitary
sewers in districts No. 4. ( and t at an
estimated cost of St.UJL the bids to be
received March k
PLATTSMOCTH Alvin L. Jones and
Miaa Sadie F. Rouse, both of Plattsmouth,
were united In marriage by Rev. A- L Zink.
pastor of The Christian church, at the home
of the bride's parents.
OSCEOLA Invitations are out for the
marriage of Miss Olive Curtla of Oeorosa
to Ralph K. learborn. The oaremony will
be performed at the- home of the bride's
parents on February 14. , .
MULLEN Charles T. Townaon, a promi
nent young ranchman, rex id ing north of
Mullen, and Miss Ernst Bell, were married
at the home of the bride's 'sister, Mrs.
Frank Wilde, In, this city Monday.
WAKEjriELT-Ykened Is gaining fame
as an ice market,
have found toe tbe;
neighboring town
ey i
gt here as good as
they can set anywnere. Charles Hinrlch
has so far shipped out thirty -erven .car-
PERU Stacy. ScoU. familiarly known as
Uncle Stacy, died at tbe borne of hla
brother. John Scuti. He waa a native of
New Jersey. et years old and by bis many
kindnesses had endeared himself to the en
tire community.
MULLEN For the nrst time In many
years a portion of the ice put up here was
harvested no tbe ponds along tne Loup
river. It Is about eagiit iuches thick and
the ponds being fed from springs, the qual
ity is first clasa
BEATRICE Telephone service has been
Inaugurated on Union . Pactne motor car
No. a, running between' Beatrice and Lin
coln, and passengers can 'phone from any
elation or any point along the rout with
cut leavicg the car.
ftCOTIA-Mrs. M M. Hie Its died at her
home bere Monday. Belle Gregory waa
born in Iowa In lst4 and was married to
Marion M. Hkks in 18M. Twelve years aa?
the family came to Scottrc lier Jiusband
and five children survive her.
BEEMEJt John Ernest, who had one of
b",,,"v'"7 ""V'" .l"?" ,h Kk;
b'rn valley, has dd out his buaine and
slock to Mike O'Connor of near PenW
fr a evtuuaeraltm of ILSMk. Mr. O'Connor
will take possession March L .. .
PLATTSMOUTH John' Bauer, hardware
merchant, and Miss Eotma Wt-hrbein were
married at the home of the bride mother.
Mra Fred Wehrbeln. S'X miles west of
Plattsuvuuth. Kev. J. IL Salerwiy; Castor of
the Prirsbvter-Wn church, officiating.
WAKEFIELD Frank H Smith, for sev
eral yeara village narshal and manager
tA the opera house bere, wrll assaiae the
managenM-nt of the New BiXat theater at
Omaha as soon as It is cotuslrtnd. whioa
will be la about three or four weeks.
WAYNE Olue Drtnkeil and Clara, Hoeck
enltauer were married Wrtlncam)-. The
groom Is the eont of one of Wayne county's
wealthiest farmers and the bode is the
daughter of a well-to-do farmer.1 Tbty
went to Illinois to send the aooeym wa-
BEATRICE 8. J. Hardin held a pubiic
sale oa his farm east of the city yesterday.
On tearu of boreee suld ss hkgb as IMt.
and milch cos a svwaged from xjS to
Mr Hardin and family hmre m a few day
fur' Sou i a Daketa. abero they will suake
their horaa
BEATRICE -Secretary Fred Metis of the
Mary Yoang Men s assecatiioa aad H.
M- Garrett, principal of the avtatrtce High
school, will rwad papers at the state con
vention of the Youwg Meo'e C"britla as
sociation, to be held at Columbus, February
1. . and l. ' .
ST ER1J NO Tuesday morning the ther
mowiete' registered 4 below sero. The
ground Is covered with su Inches aaow.
As there has been but little wind tbere
sre no drifts, "now has fallen every nieht
this sn-k, but tbe days have generally
been clear and sunny.
iWAKXFIElXs H. P. Phumway ha d'
p"eri r.f lits lumber b-isinoes to A. J. Cole
son of Cncotd. Mr Fhomway Is the oM'-et
husirwww man In Wakeftcid In point cf busi
ness ynrs. having kx-ated here and en
gnged In the lumber business In 1Z, or
twenty-five years ago.
Ml'LLEN An excellent opportunity Is
awaiting someone to start a drug store In
this city. The rapid settlement erf the sur
rounding country since the Kinkaid bill be
came a law has stlimi'sted busin-ee won
derfully snd s nice line of drugs would someone s-jme money.
FTERL1NO The Masonic temple Is now
fre-e from debt. At the January com
munication the Inst evidence of Indebted
ness. In the form of a canceled note, was
burned In the furnace In tbe presence of the
brethren. The F-atrn Star lodge Is also
In a flourishing condition and Is receiving
many new members.
FAIRiU'RY Jefferson county commis
sioners have sward-d the e-ontract for
building highway bridges during the en
suing year to the Standard Bridge com
pany of Omaha. The price range about 2S
eenta per lineal foot blither than those
built in IP, but are lower than contract
prices In adjoining counties.
EUHWOnl Citisen of Elm wood are
making arrangements to hold a Chautauqua
August W to 1. An excellent program is
he-ins prepared. Among the able ;-aKers
already secured sre Senator J. P. IJol liver.
Congressman J. Adam Hede and Ople Reed,
and several strong concert com p nit s A
number of noted divines will conduct Sun
day exerclsea.
MULLEN J.. E Wilson. Burlington de
tective, ha been In this city the Inst few
days looking up parties who helped them
selves to coal from passing trains during
the two weeks that dealers were entir-ly
out. The taking of the coal. In many cases.
was the onlv means of avciaing sunenna
and no trouble Is being met with In col
lecting pay for It.
BEATRICE There Is some taig or ap
aling the Pparks case to the supreme
court. Mr. Bjarks has ten tnea ana ac
quitted and the only advantage In taiilng
an appeal would be to have the higher court
pass upon the rulings eif Judge Kellirar.
It tn attorneys are euiiicirmiy inii .bi-u
In the case to put up the necessary ex
pense to have a hearing, the appeal will be
STERLING The Johnson County Inde
pendent Home Telephone comnany has a
force of men at we.rk preparing the poles
for Its new line. The Smartsvtile company
has applied to the town board for a fran
chise for a telephone system and it "ill
p obably be grunted at the r.ext meetrng
This will give Sterling three telephone xi-panle-s.
' Hello, central," will protjably get
BEATRICE A F. Swart, formerly man
ager of the Randall and Maxkel hotels In
this city, but who has been In Tabor. la..
for the last year, has leased the Markel
hotel and will succeed C. J. Hall Sc. Son.
who wiil take charge of the Beatrice hotel,
comer Seventh'and Court streets. Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Houston, who have been op
erating this place for some time, will retire
from the hotel business.
TECUM 8 EH G rover J. Adler. son of
Mrs n VI Adler of Tecumseh. ard Sll?s
Meda M. Catchpole.' daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. M. Catchpole. were married at
tne nome or. id? oriue in dioiiuh,
ceremony being performed by Rev. F. M.
Bturdevant. pastor of Tecumseh Baptist
church. Mr. and Mrs. Adler will go to
hiusekeeping upon one of the Catchpole
farma near Sterling.
BEATRICE Hose company No. 1 met last
night and elected these officers: J. A. Ioh
ner. president: H. H. Scott, vice president;
Albert Ziegenhain, second vice president: i
Charles Bates, foreman: Kreo oeorge. nr
assistant foreman; Charles Oden. second
assistant foreman: Harry Gerhard t, secre
tary; Samuel Carnahan. treasurer. At the
close of tbe business meeting a banquet
was held at Lng a restaurant
Ml LLEN A change from the bitter cola
Wftint-r OI me IUI i wt" mine uurms
T-,,e.,l,v nieht and Wednesdav the snow
disappeared rapidly. A continuance of the
heavy feeding on the ranches, made neces-
snow, will cause a great shortage of feed,
which mean heavy loss of stock before
grass cornea nothing but good weather
TEOCMSEH-J. M. Johnson, an expert-
enced implement dealer of Adams, will
go Into business In Tecumseh. He has
z?.nMpxlr4 h"
new goods on the road to be opened there.
Mr. Johnson comes well recommended. He
m . b. i v. m
will arrange to move his family here from
Adams in the near future. This makes
tbe third Implement house for Tecumseh.
MCLLEN Td" Mason, residing south
of Heels, ' captured another gnlden easle
the nrst of the week, in sil probability the
mate to the one captured by him last
winter, which was mounted and presented
to the Fraternal Order of Eagles at Al
liance by the late Walter Wilde. The bird
had made lta borne In the locality all j
not until the recent
11111 , II U l 1
irntuTlVed VorU.
HASTINGS Rush Schryver. a farmer
who lives two miles south of Hastings, was
seriously injured, yesterday afternoon while
assisting In the removal of a neighbor's
live stock snd Implements. He waa driving
In a wagon which contained two cows. The
wagon struck a rut and tipped over. One
of the cows, weighing lw pounds, fell on
top of him and dislocated his shoulder, be-
side fracturing several bones. He will re-
cover, but he may lose hi arm.
PLATTSMOt'TH County Judge Travis
Old a land office businesa In issuing mar-
riage licenses Thursday. The names are:
Alvin L. Jones and Miss Sadie F. Rouse,
Plattsmouth: Uert L. Philpot and Miss Bes-
sie Denes. Nehawka: Claude Ausmus of
Bruning and Miss Dora Opp of Nehawka;
"ry. """rr"" :nuw"" -I"""?;
irurn urnj, - rw. du ungiw.m iH
sooa. la., sna Himannit nurr. null-
mouth; John Bauer and Miss Emma Wehr-
beln. both of Plattsmouth.
JECUMStH Tne city council baa called
a special election for March h to vote on ... ... ,... ....
a proposition to vole m.7&0 bond for the tbe 0"-ln- He, however, readily re
establishment of a new electric lighting ferred his Inquisitor to the managers or
plant- The old plant, the property of the. the varloua departments of his company
city. Is worn out and is also inadequate. . , ... .,,.,.
A petition waa presented to the city coun- i ,or th aelr,?d Information.
cil asking for the special election. Five 1 The most Important fact brought out was
of the six councllmen favored it. The that showing the reason and the necessity.
"hehren W tk '?n ' '-' ""
proper financial condition. j disposal of one-half of the road to the
FREMONT W C. K el ley, who did up a Harrlman people. It was shown that
number of Fremont saloon keepers to the wnen ,he bundll)g of ,he CUrk TORd was
was a Denver saloon keeper here louking
after the settlement of an estate In which
his wife was interested, and awaiting tbe
receipt of was arrested In Lincoln
and will be brought back to Fremont for
trial on tbe charge of obtaining money un
der false pretenses. Kelley. so the officer
uf. col se) for hla wi k'a work ! i h .m
rltv and ia Ihnurhl to he
piaces for working the same kind of a
FREMONT At a special meeting of the
memiiere of the Congregational church II
was unanimously voted to thoroughly re
pair the present building, put In new pews
ana reaerorkie ine wails ana pun-haae a
new organ. The total cost of the Improve
ments and repairs Is estimated at fti.UM,
one-half of which is the cost of the organ.
The church will celebrate Its semi-centen
nial on August ! next, and It Is expected
the work will be completed so that the
building can be red educated on that oc
casion. There are only three or four older
churches in the state.
PLATTS MOUTH John Hoffman stole a
hog from I. Hatfield, who resides near Ash
land. SherifT C. D. Quinton arrested Hoff
man and brought him to this ciiy. la Jus
tice Archer court Huffman told the cvuit
he had been In bad luck, that he lest a
child while removing from Broken Bow to
Ashland, that he has a wife and two
children in dt-etitute circumstances: that
he saw a sleek porker and thought the
owner would net miss It. so he took it home
with him. He informed the court he had
one arm injured and could not husk corn.
Judge Archer K-nt him to tbe county jal
for fifteen daya
TECUMSEH Miss Mamie Haines, super
intendent of state primary Sunday school
work, will be in Johnson county on Feb
ruary as. n and SC. The officers of tbe
local nunuay school association nave made
arrangements to hold three association
meetings. Miss Hainea will be in charge.
On Wednesday. February y. a. ni-n,.
will be held at the Methoaiat EpUcoi ,
church In Elk Creek, afternoon and evtn-i
ing. On Thursday one will be held In the j
Melhodlal Epiaeoual church in Trruninrii '
afternoon and evenlrg. On Friday n,t
meeting will be held In the Methodist
Ejiacotl church in Cook, afternoon and
BEATRICE-Tbe question of opening the
Paddock opera house entrance oa Court
street will probably be solved within the
seal few daa. or before February la, the
date fixed fur the ciueing of the house by
tne council unless the necessary cuange
could be made fur the safety ot the public.
J. C Kelsua of Omaha, superintendent of
tbe Western Union Telegraph company, ws
In the city eu-rday tu outer with the
propneU-r of the Draae bl.u k and the agents
of tbe Paddocg btuck with reference la
muting tbe company s orhce from its pres
ent lucaliun in the Paddock to the Drake
building, if this deal gues through, as 11
protaUly wiil. liarley HeffelBnger will re
move his cigar store, which is now occu
pying the oid entrance way. to the room
t scaled by the Weatera Union office. Ia
thia way the room in controversy will be
vacated aad the agents of the block- ran
proceed at once wita Uta wvsra. of iryrntng
Ui entraube.
IstrtUta Commerce Commiesicner Will
- Hear Complaints Armiart Kailroadn.
Evidence Discloses .Hsseless Waddle
la Metbeds ef Heedllaa Grala
Kansas City.
KANSAS CITT. Feb. 7. Interstate Com
merce Commissioner Clark furnished hear.
Ing evidence on tbe complaint of the
Atchison grain elevators alleging discrim
ination in favor of Kansas City elevators.
It will be probably two months before a
deoislon is rendered. Tbe railroad, com
panies Were given thirty days In which to
file answers to the charges against them,
and the complainants were given a month
to file their argument before the Interstate
Commerce commission.
Commissioner Clark will go to Omaha to
morrow, where he will hear complaints of
railway rate discrimination and exorbitant
charge. He win return to Washington
February IK
Irritated because of a seeming disposi
tion upon the part of George H. Crosby.
general freight traffic manager of the Bur
lington railway, to evade direct answers to
questions, E. E. Clark. Interstate commerce
commissioner, said In the Atchison grain
elevator hearing today:
"I wish a law might be enacted that
would enable us to put all railways out
of the elevator business."
"We are not In it from choice." replied
Mr. Crosby. 'and we would welcome a
chance to get out-
"This hearing has revealed a hopeless
muddle of condition existing In the grain
traffic, said the commissioner.
"A decision of the Interstate Commerce
commission last fall Is responsible for the
present condition, said Crosby.
"Die reply further Irritated Commissioner
Clark. ...
"Explain to me or anyone who is neither
a ahipper nor a carrier, how the railways
and the Kansas City Board of Trade can
levy a tribute upon every bushel of grain
that enters the city."
Commissioner Clark referred to tbe rule
of the Board of Trade that all grain re
ceived here shall be weighed at an elevator.
"The railway are not responsible for
; that condition.' said Crosby.
j "No; ' but you help and are
party to
the scheme."
"It I forced upon us," said Crohy.
Crosby was on the stand nearly all morn
ing. The counsel for the Atchison grain
men. who are protesting against railway
discrimination in the matter of elevator
charges, found it difficult to pin the wit
ness down to a direct answer. Crosby said
competitive condition eaist here which
are not met with In Atchison.
"Other railways, that do not enter Atch
ison or compete for business there, have
'forced us to meet conditions here.
.,,,x t , .
furnish free elevator service
In Kansas !
; City, and if the Burlington expect to gt-t
j jts share of tbe business It must meet
the competition." said Crosby.
It developed upon cross-examination that
the railways here -undertake to psy all
. rhftrnt the .Urln. r., .1.. Jt
:"T 1
I unaer tne tranie roie Transfer or grain
from car to car and to ascertain weights."
ho" " ' v,?rv -
: " my enable the railways to give facilities
here which might be denied at other mints
: 1
Inasmuch as the railway really own or
control the elevator trfmpanies that handle
the grain, these cnarges. Mr. Crosby said,
really amount to aMthrng ;
Threat fo Parallel San Pears l.lae la-
i "area Then to Bu Half Interest.
ANGELES. Feb. 7.-Th. first day of
' ,ne Interstate Commerce commission hear,
Ing In Loa Angeles, on the subject of the
Harrlman merger was consumed in the
..., . ...
aiTfCt eMmlntion ot witness.
3. Ross Clark, a brother of United States
Senator W. A- Clark, and a director and
. . ... , . ,
, ud ice president of the San Pedro,
: Lo Angeles A Salt Lake railway. Mr.
( Clark's examination by Attorney C A
o,..,,-,-,.,, tor thR rommU.i,n ...
. Bev rance ror ,ne commission was com -
i prehenslve and complete. The line of
questioning covered everv ranan of h
...k.,. i, . rolled . ih. r.i.
. ' . ' ' . .. .
th Clark road and the Harrlman system.
tna m" 01 cew wa elicited.
Ur mark nrovMl a wllllnir
' -
: imuinuii irrrriy. muuin ne wu
j hampered occasionally in hi. explanrtion.
h tack of knnwlete tt the 01.11. r
commenced from Salt I.ake City to Los;
Angeles, the Oregon Short Line, a Harri-1
DasgUa 108U
Gold Feb. 6 to 10.
4 mm,
w w
"cuow tu riuae
man property, harrasae-d and retarded
their progress and finally, gettlrg pos
session of the only svailable pas through
the Utah mountain In the hortest di
rection to Lo Angeles, compelled the Clark
rad to come to Harrlman terms, sell
to Mm one-half of their property and
make an Ironclad agreement to maintain
the same freight rates as the Harrtman
roads for a period of rlnety-nlne year.
A a final act of coercion of the Clark,
the Harrlman Interests began a survey of
a road between Salt Lake City and Los
Argeles. and Implied, at least so Mr.
Clark testified, the threat of building a
parallel line.
The hearing adjourned at 4 o'clock to
meet again tomorrow.
Pspresae roar Listens to Argaaaeata
lavolvlaa Life af I .aw.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. 7. ExhautlvJ
argumenta were made In the aupreine
court today on the constitutionality of
the elective Ftate Railroad commission.
The action waa brought by Attorn-7
General Thompson under authority of a
legislative resolution passed early at the
present esslon. At the election last No
vember three commissioners were
elected, the power to exercise their
function being opntlngent on the su
preme court sustaining the legality of the
act creating the commission. On Its con
stitutionality also hinge much of the
railroad legislation npw pending. Today's
set ion is simply a test case, the attorney
general, as the relator, appearing In op
position to the enactment. Leading law
yers of the state argued for the commis
sion. The railroad companies made no
appearance at the hearing.
Dr. MeKIa Believes Taberewtosls j
Comes frosn Food We Eat.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Feb. 7. (Special.) j
rr. C. A. McKlm, Nebraska state veterla- t
arlan. Is anxiou for a bill to be passed
In this state providing local Inspection
of meat and dairy product because of the
Increase of tuberculosis among hogs and
also humans. He says drinking tubercu
lar milk produces tuberculosis of tho
lungs. A tubercular cow in thl neigh
borhood was recently killed; the herd has
probably been Infected; milk from that
herd goes to Omaha to be made Into but
ter. The scientists are trying to learn why
hogs are getting the disease so fast
whether from drinking separated milk or
following tubercular cattle.
Beatrice Has Romantic Elopesaeat.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. 7. Special Tele
gram.) A lore affair, tinged with romance,
culminated in the marriage at Troy, Kan.,
of Miss Maggie Linscott and Archie Miller,
who resides southeast of Beatrice. The
couple disappeared Wednesday evening, and
fearing her daughter had been kidnaped,
the young woman's mother, Mrs. Luella
Linscott, notified the officers. Today a tele
gram was received announcing the mar
riage of the couple at Troy. In order to
keep the matter as quiet as possible the i
elopers drove to a nearby station and
j caught a Rock Island train for Kansas.
They will make their borne near Holmes
vllle, this county.
DIAMONDS Irrctiser. ltb and Dodge.
a n . Ae vtie n le a a.
Fair In Nebraska aad Kaaaaa Today
..d la the
East Portion.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 7.-Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For; Nebraska and .Kansas Fair Friday
and Saturday, warmer In east portions.
For Iowa Fair and not so cold Friday;
Saturday, fair and warmer.
Local Record.
OMAHA. Feb. 7. Official record of tern- i
I-erature and precipitation compared with
li.e corresponding day for the last three
years: l7. lSKi. 1SjS. 14.
Maximum temperature .. Z 17 1C II
Minimum temperature ... 4 15 8 0
Mean temperature 13 X 4 C
Precipitation T .() .14 T
Temiciatur and precipitation departures
frotn the normal at Omaha s nce March Tu
ana comparisons witn tne last two years:
Normal temperature
Dencieney tor tne day
i Total excess since March 1
Normal -precipitation
1 rieflciency for the day
Total ramtMl since March 1
Deficiency since March 1
.. .ftJInch
.. .( inch
! Deficiency for cor. period. IV.
Deficiency for cor. period. lSjo.. 4.63 Inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M
. ,nd state Temn Max.
k. - . ' t!T .
7 p. m. Temp.
i . r , ,,
! STcleTr" .T.f'.
Davenrjort. clear
Iienver. clear &4
Havre. ckudv 40
Helena, cloudy
Huron, cloudy 1
Kar.sts City, clear 24
North Platte, clear 44
Omaha, clear S
Rapid City, cleer SI
St. Iuls, cloudy 2t M
Pt. Paul, clear 10 18
Salt I-ake City, clear V) &4
Valentine, part cloudy S 44
Wiillston. cloudy 24 24 .'
T indicate trace of precipitation.
Indicate below rero.
L A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
bOZlO Donf
Orleans and Bach
Quickest Route
OFFICE, 1501 Farnsra SL
0. A. P. D. Omaha, Neb.
Kussia's Greatest Pianist appears at the Schmorler &
Mueller Auditorium Saturday Evening, February 9, at
8:15 P. M.
Stcinway Piano Used
Madame Krhnmann Heink, who recently appeared la Omaha, also
used tbe Steinway.
You will obwHre that all the greatest musical celebritlea who
appear in the city use the Steinway. The reason they do thla
la because the STKIXWAV Is absolutely the best Piano in the
world. We are exclusive agents in Nebraska and Western Iowa (or
the Steinway.
SchmoSIer & Mueller
U1I-1J13 Farnam
We are showing a very large line of Valentines this year all new
and fresh goods at prices leu than wholesale prices.
Comic Valentines, your pick. 6 for ;
Comic Valentines, assorted, no pick, 10 for . . . . l
Fancy Valentines, a large assortment, each It); 6 for
Fancy Lace Valentines, regular 4c kind, our price v. -2
Fancy Lace Valentines, regular 6c kind, our price 3
Fancy Lace Valentines, regular 8c kind, our price 4
Fancy Lace Valentines, regular 10c kind, onr price -5
Fancy Drop Vafentlnes, regular 6c kind, our price -3M 'or 5t
Fancy Drop Valentines, regular 10c kind, our price. . . .5S fr 25
Fancy Drop Valentines, regular 15c kind, onr price... 7; 3 for 20
Fancy Drop Valentines, regular 20c kind, our price. .10S 3 for 25?
All kinds of Box Valentines in Novelties, our price 10S 15c
25S 39tS 50S worth double, Our Valentines must be seen to ap
preciate prices. Special prices to dealers and teachers. Look over our
line before buying. We can save you money.
322 South 16th St. OMAHA
1 "
! BnnEnnnnnsissnnGnnnnnnnnnnnonnLT'iit i
II Advance
a bSS. saturda y
1 M
- ,
H From PrEirrER Sl SOLOMON. 715.717 Broadway. N. Y. I
.g iiw ,9Wv
Mens Up - to - Dxte Business Suits
H Worth up to $15-aIso
splendid lot of Men's Prince
Albert Coats and Vests
Men's Full DressCoats and
Men's Tuxedo Coats (EL Vest:
worth up to $20. SATURDAY, i
t afi r
Omaha's Pure Food Center
With every purchase of $1.00
Wines and Liquors, we will give
Port, Sherry or Claret Wine.
Extra quality
Old Hort Wine,
per gal.. tLM
Mary Und Rye,
full quart $1.00
Extra fine
S h e r r jr. per
Silion... $LS0
G u cker.helmr
full quart I
at tl-lS
Specials in Fish Department
lot) pound of Fresh Tiressed Feri-h pickled Salmon (extra choice
(reaay lor tne pan. at. w
per pound
Fine Whole Cod Flih. at. l.
per pound u'
ennrtnpv & So- Phone Douglas 647 r ,
Onnney Ct VOprlv,. Eiung, connecta all De-pfa.
Do you live near
24th and Seward Streets?
will 'take jour want-ad for The BEE
at the same rates as the main office.
Branch Want-ad
I t TlntT'i ',"! i 1 1 1 '! 1 ! 1 1 1"! "'!""" ! 1 ! T 1 f J' f 1""'? " '"' " i" ;" ' ' ' '' ' 1 '' ! ' " t "i
t. ai iii n . ra ti iiti n ii ihT i rm niTa Th aT. ar. nrrfi .Tns-rs mm erji .1. iTOTinmi n m e. 1 il a
a4 N ,e
Tel. Douglas 1625
Advance fj
Notice ri
February j
9th II
- a
r .', ef
or core of our own bottling or 1ulk
grails a 50c bottle of our Family,
. '
Good oil UHi
Claret, per p I
at $1-35
Atherton ' Rye,
(full quart)
at tlS
The very best
Imported. Kliee.
'. lr j-iU. a
redar llrook-
full quart -at
. . (lS
. nsni will go at, per
Blind Kot.blns ( KipHred Her-
ring), at. per pound .j sj
iwaii jm...J