Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1907, Page 2, Image 2
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY'S, 1907. 1 : natnjnj'uxtxfxnra'ifyiri r. a o Women's Rcady-to-Wcar Garnients Distinctive and Ejtclpivo Styles It hit been our aim this season. In buying our new Mocks to place our garment section more "notably thn evr In a class by Itself as a source of the very latest irreiis In Wbmrn's tailored Garments ready to wear.' Tomorrow's exposition will show how well we have succeeded. New Tailor-Made Suits , The beet designs, the best fabrics, every suit made expressly for Thompson, Belden at Co. New Waists The new models for 1907 are now being shown. All our own ex clusive styles. . .- , New Models m Separate Skirts For fine, beautifully tailored skirts, see the handsome designs for 1807. j , . :;l '" '. New Coats for Spring . , v . . Hundreds of the prettiest styles in the swagger long coats, the stylish pony and fitted garments. Coats from $3.00 to tftO.OO For the woman who wants to know what spring fashion edicts ar to" be,' a TUIt to -our Cloak department Friday will be most valuable. I Second Floor. V OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS, HOWARD, CORNER SIXTEENTH STREET lnjirwwiri'"ii"iiiri - brought Ja Ahe liquor question and said ho was in favor of cloning saloons at mid night until I o'fhjo in the morning and he advocated this an a preventive of crime. .'Jennlsontook htm' up on the prop osition 'and called attention, f the house to the remark, saying' he wanted the mem bers to,, remember', that Dodge-believed open saloon's caused cr'lme. Best recited dramatically the details of the recent murders In Omaha and aald he would like to amend the bill relating to capital pun ishment to include crimes such as the one committed in Lincoln last night. The vote to kill, the bill wss 60 to 27. Windham for the Platform. At the morning session of the house former Representative Wlrrdham of Caaa county waa Invited to address the mem bers, and In that eloquent way of his galled upon 'the. members to1 stand by the party pledges and ha told them the people of the state were watching them. He advocated especially, the taxation of rail road terminals .for city purposes and then harked back to the bill repealing the cap ital punishment statute.. He. had fought. to its death such a bill two years ago and he cautioned the members to study carefully the proposition before passing the repealing bill. . The anti-pass and 2-cent rate bills were placed on general tila, and -will not be re ferred to any committee. ' On Uejaor 'Bill Loses Out. ' In the tight in the senate this afternoon ou . Qenajor,,, .Patrick's , Hfluw bills a ma jority of the senators put themselves on record, .as oprocd'to.('rafl1i:ai changes . in the Slocumb law. The adVbeate of one of the most radical bills, before tbe seantv , were. pu.tyo, a vote of -11' to 22' and the showing against them.' was so' Strong v led ther backers of Jtfm jubunty dptloti law to. W that conilr'tlpp.Vjpf , It be postponed uiAll tomorrew-atternooh-at 'I oclock. It was made a special order for -that .time... . 'i ' ". ' I -. S"he llqugr .bills were taken' up In com mittee of the whole, with Thomas of Doug las In tb chsjf. 8. F. Ml. 'by Putrick, was N trie first of the special order ta be taken -up, and ( 11 went through the committee without, .opposition.'. It ,provldes licensing bgards shall annul ' the licenses' of any saloon keeper who has been shown to have violated the liquor law. , , . The next bill, B. F. 103, by Patrick, was the one that drew the Ore. It provides tl)at signers . of petitions for saloons shall be held Jointly responsible with the saloon keeper and hh' bondsmen for damuges done by the saloon. The debate waa on motion of Srnns'nf (Platti)" Ha Indefinitely postpone. Patrick,' In sn extended address, defended the bill, and declared It was intended to re quire signers of petttfons to back -up the declaration In i the petition that the appli cant waa a. pleat- o( integrity, and of good moral character, .' Prohibition tm tneldlona Golaev . Aldrlch declared It was an insidious at tempt tfl fn&ot a proriibltery law Indirectly. Heasld'it would not improve a saloon keeper's bond and -wmiM not' bind ' the signers of the petition. Root contended there was nothing sinister about the bill. but' fhal It waa intended to Improve the character of saloonkeepers and would pre- rent people', from signlrjg petitions for un- IGHAIR irutu Aji4i4 .) Cat he Irutin'.fy AtUehii U isi Rtmtvti (rant - ? Any Closet Seat ' Xwttcaafort l lh little eoa sad lft SM (of toutt,r of ur4. I'oct lir ( . and lav uh lit Missily n4 upMAititAiV BurwnrrhAir. AnuHtlt m air St kusg u say cmvsjuss tiMt la etak leuat HUML CnaibniartMi trey rati U provMrtT vita t nitty Sjiuju, rtMUr t)nirl, Inu rh'th a child uaoot it. ; sk.4, akAAiufl it uurly Mia to Uva ih baby aluas. . U bmnJu'ly InUhed tnd tculntctcfl si th beat SWMtly taaTtet9od.' ' - . , it rt smI tfl una startirrtl pWra at btnisshelal Uiuo o ui im Ui't bUy. Mlabichalrs, each. . $2.75 Oabiseats, each . . 75c BEMSOTI ruuiA BAB - . Han Fhrnrv T. t 07. i worthy,. men. . King declared ha thought the measure was not a legal one, and Ashton declared against- it. ' ' "If you are going to raise tbe question Of prohibition," ha said, "do it squarely. ' Wllsey of Frontier spoke against the bill, and Wilcox. Backett and Wlltse of Cedar for It. The motion to Indefinitely postpone carried. ' A roll call on the measure was secured after the committee had reported. Patrick moved the report of the committee on the bill be not concurred in, and that the bill be ordered engrossed for third reading. The roll call was as follows: Ayes Burns (UacuUr)SKMmv Wtlnot WHIM t-0 Wllwa 1L i- Saunders stbir Thorn! Thornton Wllepjr (Frontier) Tnorne It, 1 I ' tietore the vote was taken Thomson moved a call of the bouse and on roll call it was found every senator jwaa.ln his place. Coonty Option BUI Next. After the roll call the senate again went Into committee pf the whole to. consider the county option bill, but 'at the request of Wilcox,, the Introduoer of the measure, the conslderayon of It waa postponed. He asked at first it go over tmtll next week, hut this was voted down .by a vote of 16 to 17, but when he modified ' hi request to making It a special order, for. towoTqw afternoon It 'was granted. ?' V . ' -.i. ',' '.- Senator Burns will introduce in the senate tomorrow 'a measure similar to the one already tn the house providing- for a tax-to ba IavImI lrt4tvA lavs! vn., whlph im ft. be remitted on presentation t a, certificate tluit ha has Votedi-'The Burns bill provides for a tax of t5. ' '' ' Hlta,at the Brewers. The' senate .committee on municipal af fairs decided late this afternoon to report favorably on Senator OlbaotVs bill prohibit ing brewers from having an interest In re tail saloona. The committee amended the section of the bill limiting the. number, of saloojis, to make the, limit one aalpon to every 800 population In cities of 85,000 in habitants or over, and one for every 4C0 population. In clUea and villages having less tbun 25,000. The bill will be reported to morrow. ' . .- . 3. P. Breen appeared before the senate Judiciary committee thia afternoon on his Omaha-South Omaha consolidation bill. At the request of South Onaha cltlsens they will be heard at special meetjng to be held next Monday night. '-.' .'-.' i Leartalativa Ooaelp. .' The future of Representative, Podge In politics Is' assured. 4 photograph of Speaker Nettleton taken forty yars ago was shown in the house this morning an)j nearly every member .whp saw .It thought It was a present day likeness of Repre sentaUve Dodge. W'lth all due respect to the speaker, Mr. Dodge is hoping the pic ture will not And its way to Boston. A good one la being told 'on Senator King of Polk cdunty. Mr.. King "i ehalr. nian of the senate Judiciary committee and EVERY DAY NECESSARIES FROM THIS GREAT INFANT WEAR SECTION Embroidered flannels, per yard $1.15, 98S G5, 58d, 50 Plain Flannels, yd: 55r-39t ' "STORK' I GOODS "Stork': Pants '. . ,50t "Stork Bibs" ........ :.5o THOSE "ARNOLD" GOODS. Arnold Knit Bibs, each. . .22 Arnold Feeding Bibs, ea. .33 Arnold-AVash Cloths, each.. 7$ Arnold Bath Towels, '; each1. 30 Arnold Knitted Night Drawers, with feet, per garment, up from : i . ; s . ; . , . 4 . .75 Arnold "Wool and Cotton Baby Vests with patented sleeves. prices up from . . . .. .. .".55 First Showing ,of Girls' and Misses' Spring Jackets and Dresses THORrJE Eppereon , Patrick Ulover Root Holbraok Sackett Nays Aldrlch Gould Aahtoa Henna buck Klni Bsrrnes (Platte) Lalta clarke Luce Dodion 1 ' O'tonnell OllMon Phillips OooOrlcs, Randall this commute hold meetings every time there is the ieawU. opportunity, and the ohairman makee the announoementii usually before adjournment Last Sunday "they" ay he went to the church and after the benediction had been said, MA IJlng arose and announced: "There will be a met tins' of the Judiciary committee at once In the Judiciary room." As Senator King denlea it and the story can't be verified except by general rumor, It may not be true. BOITI5E PROCBROI-daS OT HOIKS rtrst PetKleii ls Ho Asalmst bounty Opllos Bill, (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. T.-8peclal. The house acted on bills on third reading the first thing this morning. H. R. 137 Providing mutual fire Insur ance companies may do business in othor states when they have on deposit securities to the amount of 1100,000. H. R. 66 Providing Judges are ineligible to run for other offices while on the bench. Was killed. II. R. 169 Providing Juries In Justice of the peace courts shall consist of six men chosen from a panel of eighteen. Was passed. Among the bills reported for the general die waa Lee's bill providing no number of the Omaha Fire and Police Board can be a candidate for office while holding such position. ' While a number of petitions have beenj received for ana against the county option bill, the council and mayor of Holdrfe are the first olty officials to express themselves oh the measure; Funk of Phelps this morn ing Introduced the following: Be It resolved. That we, the mayor and council of the city of Holdrege, Neb., hereby memorialise the state legislature in opposition to the so-called county option bills Introduced 1 therein, and that In sup port or aucn opposition we urge tne rouow lng reaeons: f. That such bills, while in respect to a matter of great political Importance and division, are not the reflection of any ma jority sentiment expressed n the last elec tion; that they were not made an open or legitimate lnsue in' the state campaign, and that to enact the aame Into law at thla time Is. not only to betray an honest trust and confidence reposed by thousands of Voters throughout the state, but to give effect to the dishonest and dishonorable methods of designing or unscrupulous ' politicians and partisans. i. That the manifest purpose of such bills Is to give unfair advantage to one division of our citlsena over another, and not an honest reform of the present liquor laws of the state, ane that the inevitable result of enactment would be to weaken and Inpalr such laws, by making them less effective and more difficult of enforcement, by separating political power from official, and by developing the Issue of license upon a suffrage unresponsive and alien to the locality and Interests Involved. S. That said bills are in derogation of the principles of home rule and municipal au tonomy, and of the Just, salutary and necessary rights, powers and duties of the Cities, towns and villages of the state, which in the free exercise of. their func tions s re doing more than the state itself, or any other political subdivisions thereof, to protect persons and 'property and per sonal and property rights, to preserve order, peace and health, Uo effect sanita tion and quarantine , and prevent infec tions and contagions, to erect and main tain public works and buildings and make public highways and other improvements, to build UD and maintain an effliMont nvntom of education, and to promote our general! wenare ana progress. C. C. Herring of Omaha spoke against the county option bill In the house thia afternoon. ThB house killed Homer's division bill. which prevented the division of Custer county. ' : The following bills were Introduced: H. R. 2S5--By Noyes'of Cass. To regu late demurrage and storage charges, and to prevent delays In the transportation. - 11. R. SS6 By Cone of Saunders. Provid ing that all goods or merchandise owned or sold within this state in the original unbroken package shall have plainly printed thereon in the English language tne net weight or volume contained therein. II. II. S87 By Barnes of Douglas. Adding to the fees to be paid county clerks, and enumerating the things for which fees shall be paid to be charged to the county. U D IV 1. r 1 . . L .-L. 1 , 1 ' mA . flats tare practice of Christian Science inso far aa it relate to the diagnosis and treat ment of contagious diseases of human belnga H. R. 28-By Marsh of Seward (by re quest). To provide for the establishment. In cities of the second-class .having less than 6,010 inhabitants, of a system of sewer age. H. R. 290-By Lahners of Thayer. To provide for the making of test borings, or explorations, for the discovery of oil, coal, gas or artesian water and other minerals in the state of Nebraska, -and to anrjro- priate money to aid in such borings or explorations xaj.ouu appropriation. H. R. 291 By Kllten of Us ire. To Dro vide for a compilation of the kiws of Ne braska by J. E. Cobfoey, who is to deliver 1,000 copies to the secretary of state at ti a copy. H. It. 292 By Richardson of Frontier (by request). To provide for the making of test borings or explorations for the dis covery of oil. coal, gas or artesian, water ana otner minerals in the state or Ne braska, and to appropriate money to aid in sucb borings or explorations, js,u00 a- propriaiion. H. R. 2U3 By Harvev of Douo-las. Put ting city mutual insurance companies other man lire on a siipuiatea premium plan and allowing liability of members to de crease aa payment is made on notes oe posited, the stockholders are limited in their liability to the notes given less pay ments made and profits accumulated. SENATE TAKES VP LldlOR BILLS Oate) Making; ttgrners of Petltlosi Liable tat Ilaaaaara Cases. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN,' Feb. 7. (Special.) The senate this morning placed an even dosen bills on general tile, passed two more and spent the afternoon discussing the county option bill ant kindred measures. The following bills were placed on general file on recom mendation of standing committees: ' ' By the judiciary committee! 8. F. 188 By Patrick of Sarpy.' Making it a misdemeanor to- solicit orders for In toxicating liquors in a county or town that Is "dry." 8. F. 223 By Epperson of Clay. A tax ferret law allowing the county commis sioner to employ. an expert to uncovtr un taxed property, , , 8. F. UiUr Hanhq and Phillips. Pro viding for from Ave to seven Junior normal schools. - . . . t . 8. F. 192 By Epperson. To'regulata bond lasues In cities and villages. 8. F. K&-By Thomas of Douglas. In creasing the salarlea of county commis sioners la Douguts and Lancaster counties to 12,500. 8. F. ITft-By Byrnes of Ptntte. Providing penalty, for tenant who sells or disposes of th landloid s share la the crop. - 8. F. lft Hy Sackett of Gage. Providing for the' -removal of derelict officials by quo warranto -procelJngs brought In the supreme, court cjr the attorney general. 8 F. UU By Root of Cass. Providing for appeal from remittur Judgments. 8. F. Id by Thomson of Buffalo. V4k. lng it a . felony to - have possesalon or custody of burglars' tools A. Ft 17-By Wllaey of Frontier. Re lating to the limit on the amount of school Donas tnai jnay voted. , By the committee , on municipal affairs: 8. F. Us By Thomas of DoukIss. Amend ing the Omaha charter to permit tbe is suance of street' Improvement bonds and bonds to cover floating Indebtedness in excess of the $.D0.uuo limit. - , By ccmmlttee on Insurance: 8. F. 14 By McKesson. To nrevent for eign Insurance companies from taking their cases to the federal court, and providing aa penalty for violation that they shall for feit their licensee. The following bills were passed: B." T-' 14 By Thomas: ' Providing for the removal of county, city and village esnclala by trml In district court for misconduct and n 00 -enforcement of the law. Byrnes of Hatte cast the only vote against the bill. 8. F. o By HotH of Csaa. Providing method of assigning residue of estate to persons entuiea to receive it. petition signed by Ellen C. Fountain atd elxty-seven others, favoring the pas sage of tha child labor and compulsory ed ucatioa laws, was read. The aenate doubled back on Its trail snd reversed Its former action dispensing with a apecial fireman for the aenate. The dl vstoa several days ago came about because seine of tha members Insisted It was the duty of the Board of Publlo Lands and liulldlnxs to heat the eapltol bulldlne, and the fact the senate was in sneuton did not mak. any difference. ' King of Pvlk tn- Blnted the action was Illegal and no such employe was provided for In the Sheldon law. Today the senators were given to un derstand unless thry provided a fireman they would have to deliberate in a cold room. When the discussion began the room waa so cold the senators were hud dling down In their seals and blowing their fingers. Five mlmites after McKesson's mo motlon to employ a fireman carried, -however, the registers began to hiss and in a short time the room was so warm the Jan itor had to choke Off the steam. The senate then went Into committee of the whole and acted on the following bills: 8. F. lfil-By Aldrlch. Providing the commandant at the Mllford Boldiers' home shall he a veteran of the civil war, shall receive a salary of ll.ftio a year and shall be removable at the ,wlll of the governor; for passage. . 8, K. o By Thomas. Changing the coro ner law to conform to the law authorising the' employment of a coroner's physician In Douglas county; for pssnage. 8. F. 14S Uy McKesson of ljincaster. To exclude from the state foreign Insurance rompa.nles that remove their cases to the federal court; recommitted to the judiciary committee. When 8. F. 14ft came up for hearing. Farmer John McKesson of Lancaster read law out of a book to the lawyers In the senate and tried to, convince them they didn't know what they were talking about when they declared the bill unconstitu tional. The attorneys contended the state had no power to bar foreign companies from appealing to the federal court, but McKesson secured a volume of supreme court decisions and read one relating to a Wisconsin case, which he contended prox&d his point. The lawyers aaked further ttnie to examine the decision, and at their re quest the bill was referred to the judi ciary committee. At the afternoon aesslon the following bills were placed on general file 8.. F. 1M By Hanna of Cherry. Allowing county treasurers .w additional cierk hire for collection of educational land funds in counties having 100,000 acres of school lands. 8. F. 217-By King of polk. The free high school law. - - 8. F. 154 Bv McKesson of Lancaster Providing method of payment of railroad iare to state omciais. After an extended debate a motion by Wllsey of Frontier that the railroads be given a publlo hearing next Wednesday evening was passed. Several of the sena tors declared It was a move by the rail roads to delay the progress of' the rail road bills. -Aldrlch and Sackett opposed the motion. The senate then went Into commute of the whole to consider the liquor bills' that had been made special orders. 8. F. 101, by Patrick, requiring licensing boards to revoka saloon licenses upon proof that the holder had violated the law, waa recommended for passage without opposi tion. 8. F. 103, By Patrick, providing that sign ers of . saloon license petitions shall ba liable equally with the saloon keeper and bondsmen for damages,' was indefinitely postponed after a long discussion. The committee then ; rose and after 1 parliamentary fight the action of the com mlttee was concurred in, after a motion of Patrick to report favorably on the bill was lost by a vote of 11 to 22. After the vote had been taken the senate again resolved itself into committee of the whole to consider 8. F, ; 128, the county option bill. Wilcox aaked that the consld eratlon of the bill be postponed until next week. This request caused a long discus sion and finally waa denied by a close vote. But on motion, of McKesson the bill was made a specia) order for tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. The senal than adjourned. , . ' ,., The following bills were Introduced into the senate today:, . ...... ... 8. F. 27 By .the .fish and game commit tee. Repealing the present laws relating u me Killing 01 ontTriirns, pneasants, etc, the subject being covered by a new bill al ready Introduced. 8. F. 274 By Hanna of Cherry. Providing members of the school board shall fill va cancies on the board within sixty days or the county superintendent may appoint. 8. FT 27b-By Randall of Madison. To per mit banks receiving1 state funds on deposit to give guarantee bonds, or may deposit United States government bonds, state war rants, or county, city and school district bonds approved by the auditor, to cover the amount of the depceit. 8. F. 27S-By Backett of Gage. Making notes and other obligations given for un paid premiums or aaeessmenta for Insur ance non-nes-otlable. a F. 277-By Root of Cass. Providing for the payment of wages twice a month In lawful money of the United States by cer tain corporations. , 8. F. 27R By Patrick. No new trial shall be granted by trial court for error unless It appears the error complained of has re sulted In a miscarriage of justice. 8. F. 279 By Patrick. Relating: to Judg ments in criminal causes on error to the suoreme court. 8. F. 280-By Thorn of Nuckolls. Defin ing who are dependent and delinquent or neglected children In the meanlug of the law. MRS. THAW ON STAND (Continued from First Page.) she was excused for an hour while Lawyer Frederick- Longfellow waa aworn v to fix th. data of certain letters, written to him by Harry Thaw aubsequent to tha revela tions Miss Nesblt bad mad. to him In Parle. - The girl had Identified the writing, but th. court held that tha date must alao be come a matter of competent evidence, Mrs. Thaw seemed to appreciate the relief thla incident offered, although during the hour and a half fecess for luncheon she had recovered from the fatigue of the two hours spent in the witness chair durina the morning.- Aa gh left th. stand for the recess she Walked- unsteadily, and passing back of th. jury box ran the fingers of her left hand along . tbe wall aa a blind person'mlght. , The Utters which eventually were of fered in evldenoe after much, objecting by Mr. Jerom. and. a flood pf argument by opposing counsel, are regarded as corrobo rative of Mrs. Thaw's testimony today, which she often .declared, tn response to objections by the district attorney was a repetition of th. reasons she had given Thsw for refusing to become hi wife. Tbey were also offered to slow th. state of mind of Thaw when h. had heard from her own lips th. .tory of th e.-rl hs loved of tbe relatione with the man lie killed as a result of insanity Inherited Tn part, alid induced by a atrtota of circumstances. Thaw's Letter la Coherent. The letters were written by Thaw to Mr. Longfellow as his attorney. They told of his coming marriage with Miss Nssblt and of th. "row they want to raise." Discon nected and jerky,'. Jumping from subject to subject, they nevertheless show th. lov. h. bore the girl and ..wanted among other things that provision should be mad. that In the .vent of his death all his property should go to her. Th. latter, constantly refer to that "blackguard who poisoned her as a girl" and aay that her name was Will Solit tht problem when ' ! k . a coffee-sirinker is tilinjj. POSTUM IO days. TkseVe Greatest Assortment of Valentines in Omaha 1 Up to $1.00 mot f ie mos . mm- , ' l"gT" TTTT 1 ' 1 ' s 1 immm J 1 aaaaassaaaaawasawaeaasaa.. i aaawa-aaexars.xe.a.a..a ' If youXcompare our prices with other stores you "may" find some as low as ours, but if you will compare the QUALITY and PRICE, The Daylight will have no misgivings as to the result. Our stock taking is over and we find, as every other trustworthy house finds, that it pays to sacrifice lines that are broken siies missing odd lots or goods that did not go as rapidly as expected. Therefore, you may find here NOW just what you want at MORE THAN GREATLY1 REDUCED PRICES. Remnants of Silks i i i:i i H Half Price 600 Remnants, in plain and fancy silks that sold from 59c to 11.60 a yard, will be gold Friday at Just half their price. A fine choice In lengths Just right for waists good styles and colors for HALF PlUClfi Remnants of Dress x Goods .All of our Dress Goods remnants that httve accumulated from our great sales will all be placed on separate tables and sold in 3 big lots, yard, J Be, 19c 15 In these lots are plain and fancy Panamas, Serges, Veilings, Ba tistes, Taffeta, Mohairs, ' Scotch Mixtures, - Coverts, Broadcloths, Cheviots, Sailor Suitings, Rain proof Coverts, Meltons, Sicilians, etc., etc., and worth from 60c uy to fl.60 a yard. N. B-. 50 pieces, all wool Challis that sold up to 75c a yard, on sale Friday for, yard .... 15i Ladies' Outing Flan nel Gowns A great opportunity to secure, first-class Bleeping gowns at less than the cost Of the material. All our stock of white and fancy Out ing Gowns In three lots: All our 60c Outing Gowns. 252 All our ,75c and $1.00 Outing Gowns ...59 AU our $1.25 and' $1.60 Outing Gowns at 08 Hour sale of Ladles' Wrappers, Bi2es 32. 34, 36, worth $1.25 from 9 to 10 a. m. Friday at.4)4 4c Yd. Embroidery Special 4c Yd. ' Big lot of fine Embroidery edges, insertions and headings, narrow and medUra widths, erery yard worth 7 He io-lOc yard, special Friday, yard .....4 falsely connected with two others besides ''that blackguard." Only two of a half dosen letters offered in evidence were read during the afternoon session. The others probably will be presented tomorrow when Mrs. Thaw is again called to the stand. The conipletlon of the direct examination of the prisoner's wife will possibly require all of tomorrow's sessions. There Is an Impression that Mr. Delmas may strive to have It occupy the entire day In order that the young wdman may take advantage of . tha adjournment over Saturday and Sunday to recover from her fatigue and be prepared for the cross-examination of Dis trict Attorney Jerome. Mrs. Thaw was not allowed to atats the names of certain persons, .but by consent of counsel for the defense she gave them In whispers to Mr.- Jerome, "In order," as Mr. , Delmas said, "that the prosecution may have the fullest possible opportunity to refute any of her atatements If he can.'1 . Retara from U a rope. While most of the afternoon was given over to the argument aa to admissibility of letters written by Thaw to Mr. Long fellow, Mrs. Thaw continued at length the narration of her story. She told of how she came back from Europe a month ahead of Thaw. During that month friends pf Stanford vhlte had told her many stories about' the young Pittsburg millionaire and when he returned to America ahe refused to see lm except In tha presence of a third person.. , . "He looked very sad." she said, "and told me they had been making a fool of me. He said he understood why it was done. I afterwards got so many conflicting ac counts from the persons who had told me the stories and I heard their reputations were so bad that I Anally told Mr. Thaw I did not believe the stories. He said: 'Tou know I have never lied to you' and h never has." ' She paid other tributes to her "husband to save whose life she braved all. "When I told him the atory in Paris," she said, "hs came to me and picked up the hern of my skirt and kissed it and aald hs would always love me. lie nearly al ways called me his angel. Ws sat together that night until daylight talking the matter over. The effect on Harry was terrible. . Wait Beaded Her ta School. "Stanford White sent me to school In New Jersey in October. 1902, and early in 1M4 I became 111. - The doctors rams and said an operation was necessary. They told me I was very sick, but did not say what waa the matter. Mr. Thaw came to see me, and was ths last person, except tbe doctors, whom I saw before being placed under the Influence of an anesthello. He had been told It waa dangerous fur ma to talk. Bo he came tn quietly and kneeled by tbe bed and kissed my band and looked at me for a moment and went out. "When I recovered I found he had made arrangements for my mother to take me abread to recuperate. It waa while we were la Paris on this trip that he proposed to me." While the jury wss on its way to court thla morning a enow shoveler In tha street Shouted "Vote for Thaw." Ha was promptly arrested and taken be fore Justice Piugerald and allowed lo go after a severe reprimand. T Pre Teat tbe Grip. Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the cause. To get the gaaulua call for full aame and look for signature of E. W. Oiwve. S&o. . . Pra.ala Adapts Eire-trie Power. I BERLIN, Kb. 7.The Prussian state railways are about 10 begin the use of eleeuris paaaenger care on' three lines rua nlng out of Mersnce, Each car will ao- PHONE 981 DOUGLAS 2Jc Men's Handker chiefs 2Jc 60 dozen Men's Superior Finished Cambric Handkerchiefs will be -placed on our counters Friday and as long as they last you can have these excellent values at, each 2tt 100 doten ladles' unla'undered all linen Handkerchiefs, embroid ered Initials, worth 10c, Friday, each 4 Friday's Linen Bar gains Remnants Remnants of Table Damask, heavy Scotch material, 2 yards wide aari 2 4 yards, long. Friday, each .... ... 1 ....... .$1.25 Remnants of Stevens' Brown crash Toweling, all pure linen, 2 to 6 yards long, Friday, a yd . . . f)V Napkins, In half dozen lots, hemmed," ready for use, limited quantity, only, per six. . . .29 A mussed lot of White Goods, in checks and striped Dimities. " plain Lawns, lace effects, all worth at least 12 He yard, Fri day, yard 9 Friday.' Bargains 8c PLAID SUITINGS, Oc YARD Friday we will sell fine, strong Plaid Sultlngsiln tans, greys and blues, worth 8c, at,' only, yd 5 15,000 yards remnants in Calicoes, Outings, 'etc., Friday, while they last, yafd 3k Good Cotton Batting, worth 10c, Friday at, only . Q Extra size and quality Cotton Bat ting, worth 15c, at, only. . . Special showing new spring Per cales and Ginghams Friday. Buy now and get first' choice. N Beat ' 26-inch Percales. llcht g'rounds, with "pink, . blue and black . dots, f figures and stripes, worth 12 c, special,. at..XO 600 bolts new Dress Ginghams, worth 10c at, only . . . . . .7 Via Comprehensive ' showing, high . grade Gloghaais.w -4 - dainty checks and stripes and plain col ors . : t . ' i .'. ''.'; . .'. '12H rnmmodate sixtr nersons-and have mm. psrtments for baggage and Smoking. - it A Complexion Mb a Child's. It is the duty of all to encourage na ture to bestow . her best gifts of health and beauty,. 1 to . be - not only happy In themselves, but a delight to the beholder. A sunny disposition and, a beautiful com plexion win the approbation-of man and the .envy of womankind. 1 Dr. T. Felix Gouraud'a Oriental Cream, or Magical Beautifler, has received the blessing ot many, for by Its aid -the skin thst is tanned, freckled or pimpled la made aa sweet snd fair aa a, young child's. It Is on sale at all druggists and fancy goods stores, and a single"" trial will amply dem onstrate Its healing and purifying quali ties. ' 1 . Avalaache Near Bacharest. BUCHAREST, Feb '7. l'lfty wood cut trra were overwhelmed py un avalanche yesterday in the muscel district of the Transylvania mountains. '-All' the men were dead when dug out -of the snow. yr?nfi0 box. sfe ' amisbmbsts: AUDITORIUM BIG WRESTL1X8 MTCH . I !..'.. ..... Tuesday (light, February 12 OSCAR WAG EM vs.. W. A. OHM ME R ' Reserved seats. 60c. 75c and 11.00. General Admlsiluii, Sc. LADIES FKBK. ,t-at sale begins Monday morning at ths Auditorium at Id. o'clock. - AUDITORIUM : ROLLER RINK KATrars rsisAT inaarr aid ui. BAT SATVBDAY, TXM. ITI and tTX. BIO BAOXS BOTX BTZOKTS. Always .kamertber tob Fun .Name f exative promo Qoiiuaa CuwaCoUtaOteDaV,Ci-?Iaya 1. SSTJZ, '"''T..' '" WttBBBBtSBSKBnSKBF"mmil,inn" "- - S33aWaalBa lisfSISratlsii Tolaffi 1 ' ' r l " ' AT 1 1 ! ? sinni GOOD ICE WELL LIGHTED , HO CHARGE Take Hanacom Park Line (East Old) Car4 t6' Hickory Street- 1 - The Biggest Collection of Valentines In Omaha to Pick From - lr- ", to $1.00 21c-Yd. Sale of Val. . Laces Friday 2icYd. Bargain table filled, with broken Val. sets, odd edges and inser tions, short lengths of fine. Wash Laces, worth 6c to 10c yard special Friday, yard ....2tt , Get the Habit of visiting our great House Furn- ishlng department. , Hundreds of tueful articles that are exceptional bargains. Among them we carry WEAHEVKR ALUMINUM COOK ING UTENSILS Manufactured by the Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co. o( Pittsburg, ' Pa. . ' . "'. It's good qualities: Light, cooks quicker, evener, re- ' tains heat longer, strong, pure and .will last a lifetime. Stew Kettles, . .' - Sauce Pans, ., . Coffee Pota, , ' ' ' ,Tea Pota, , Kkillcta, Cereal Cookers, Griddles, Waffle Iron, ' Gem Poo. - Te Kettles, Pie Pans. r Roasting Pans, ete. A flue assortment at very low prices. . '.- - . Complete Gas Light for 45c '" 1 With opal globe, like cut, double wire support mantle, good' burner, light complete ea.'.45j- UHCUIVUU AaftSEUEgTB, wiaaeiw.a!xaMwiw BOYD'S Mflrs TOITIQHT AT. MAT and WICKET, . AMELIA eiilGIIAM Support J by an Excellent Company in The Lilac Room STAKTZtTO afOirSAT KnUre Weak IUW Aj EaVLAJraEaVH Colossal Production, The Prince of India - boo coaorAjrr aoo Beats on sals. Prices 60c to 11.00. Coming TM KOTAX. OUf, BUR. WOOD "isff. Toaigbt Bat. Mat. aaa Vigil ' Lost 24 Hours ' Matinee Saturday. -Next week: Brotkec Offloera. TONIGHT and SAT. MAT. and EVB. MODERN VAUDEVILLE V X,aolUs atoUiaU and Her Bane Boysi Vonr tokens Mile. irt TnUl k Boyd . robany Johns A. K. Oalderal Three Daae lag HitcheUs, aad tke BUaedrvsae. , Prices 10c, Uo, iOo. ... - u- . KRUG THEATER s ats BOe-TSa - TOIWIOmT I1S. The Oreat Western Melodrama,' A STRUGGLE FOR COLO Kill Oourtnay WU1 Stag. Sunday W. A. Brady's 'fWLM WTt. LYJRIC TIUC ATER TONIGHT AND BA.LANCS OF .WiCJBliC MATS. Thursday and Saturday. Prices li and lia. Mat. tic Ruth Grey r i , r ' r '1ft