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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1907)
; 3 The Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI-NO. 202. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, 1907-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. Omaha I I "V;.' if l SIRS. THAW OS STAND Vifa of Blayef af Stafford Wkite Gitm Her Etory ta Jary. TELLS CF RELATIONS WITH ARCHITECT Imrod to fiia Etndio br IxriUtioa to a Pirtr. DRAMATIC SITUATION IN COURT ROOM BBanSaawSWaSa) Jidci and Jam Lply Affected u Eke Eiud Llf' Tragedy. UTTERS TEND TO CONFIRM TESTIMONY She Will Be Stand AU Day Today Cnu-Eiulutln Will Over letil Monday. NEW YORK, Feb. t.-Evetyn Nt Thaw told her story today. To save tbe Ufa of her husband, charged with murdar, aha bared to tba world Uia Innermost a, crcts e hrr aouL It waa tba same story he told Harry Thaw In Paris In 14, hen be had aaked her to become his wife the confession of one who felt there waa an insurmountable barrier to her ever be coming the bride of the man she loved. In ttte big witness chair she appeared but a alip ot a gtrl and (he told the pitiful story of her eventful young life In a frank, girlish way. When tears came unbidden to her big. brown eyes and slowly trickled tbelr way down scarlet cheeks, she strove In rain to keep tbem back. She forced the worda from trembling lips and by a marvelous display of courage, which took her willingly to her staggering ordeal, she shook off a depression wtych once threat ened to become aa absolute collapse. As the young wife unfolded the narra tive of her girlhood' and told tba early struggle of herself and ber mother to keep body and soul together; of bow gaunt poverty stood ever at the door, and how she finally was able to earn a livelihood by posing for photographers and artists, she won the murmured sympathy of tha throng which filled every available space In the court room. Parties la Architect's Stadlo. Then came tha relation of the wreck of that girlhood at 1 yeara of age. It waa the story of her meeting with Stan ford White, the story of the sumptuous studio appointment, whese dingy exterior gave r.o hint of the luxurious furnishings within; of a velvet-covered swing In which one could swing until slippered toes ' crashed through the paper of a Japanese parasol swung from the calling; tha story of a glass of champagne; of black, whirling sensations and of mirrored bedroom walla. In short, aha totd all the story. "Don't scream so. It la all over. It la ail right" "And this was Stanford Whiter The question came from Delphla. M XWrwiaji cGV. ccHUdqcttog Um sMeose. Tea. air." " The stillness of tha great crowd- waa its m tribute to tha effect of tha girl's tory. into the narrative she injected many little touches of a young girl's hopes and disappointments. Of her early life she re lated bow her mother bad gone from Pitts burg to . Philadelphia to secure assistance and bow alie and her brother, Howard, were placed oo a train by friends and seat on to their mother. She recalled that the two little traveler had trouble with the Conductor, who wanted to put their cat out of the car. But. she naively added, aha held fast possession of It. , First Mntlii with White. ' She tcld of her arrival In New York, of her life here and eventually the acceptanoa by her mother of the thrice-re fused Invi tation of a girl of the theater to meet some of her friends at luncheon. The girl's mother told Evelyn's mother they were New York society people and perfectly prober, else alia would not let bar gtrl go wish them. "When aha cam for me In the hansom." said tha witness, '1 remember bearing we ware going to the Waldorf. I bad heard so mock about It and wanted so to go there. But tha hansom stopped In front cf a dingy looking building in Wast Twenty-foeu-th street and I waa told to get oat. Mother had dressed me. My skirts were Just to my shoe tops thee." This waa la August, IVL "He waa a big and fat and ugly man I remenilwi' him meeting us at the head of three flights of stairs." aha continued. "He gave me preee ata and my mother let me go to other parties. Then he said my mother should visit soma friends la Pittsburg. She said aha could not leave me. He said It would be all right; that, he would look after-' me. Finally she went Then earue ' an Invitation to a party, but no ona else was there Just two. They all seem' to have turned us down.' be said. After we " fcad dined and I wanted , to go home ha said I hadn't seen all of tha apartments and we went m the bedroom with tha mir rors all over walls." Thus the ' ran. with here and there an interrupt!" t. by Mr. Delmas to advise tha girl to fix th datea of the various happenings and always to tell just what he had told Harry Thaw, when he asked her to become his wife. It was through the fact that aha had "told everything to Harry that she was permitted, under tha rules of law to glva her story to the Jury, leert aad Jsrsn , a gee tea. In tha sympathy Impelling story of the girl, tha girlish fascination of a voice of softest quality, yet ringing clear ra enun ciation, the court room kt view of tba prieaner. But when there rams a halt In th.ri's fight against the tears, tha people who had gased unceasingly at ber lowered their eyea fa if the relief from their stare might bring her the composure she finally Harry Thaw, with his whola frame shak ing, sat with bis head buried la hla hands, a handkerchief covering the eyea Where tha defendant sits he la aU but etielded from tha Jury. Bent over the table as ha aobbed ha ooukl sol be seen, at alL Thus Thaw sat tor many minutes, and when he finally lifted hla bead his eyea were red and svolien. Evea If they could bar seen, the Jurors would hare had o eyea for the prisoner. They, too, had turned their gmae from the witness aa tba tears cams to ber voice) aa aeS aa her eyea and every out of the twalva saened intent on soma object on tha floor before them. Justice FltageraU looked out through tha long grated win dow a The scene and tha story marked a new precedent In the history of criminal la New York. Letters Cwafras Her ttery. Mrs. Taaw waa atlU aa roe stand, her direct eaamluatlua uncompleted, whea tha dy waa dona. Once during the afternooa t ftjaattnueel am eacond Pagaj SUMMARY OF THE DEE Friday, Feoraery S, I SOT. 1007 February 1907 Ma mow TBI wis rag ri gar ? i T i 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 FORECAST FOR NEBRA8KA Fair Friday and Saturday, warmer In east por tion. FOR EC APT FOR ItWA Fair and not so cold Friday; Saturday fair and warmer. Temperature at Omih yesterday: . Hour. Dt-g. Hour Deg. ( a. m...- f 1 p. m 17 f a. m I p. m IS 7 a. m t t p. m SI t a. m 4 4 p. m 21 a. m . p. m ti 10 a. m 7 p. m -II 11 a, m 10 7 p. m U m 14 I p. m 20 f p. m 29 UOISX.ATXTX. ' ' ffirlals of Hold re ge send re mo to house against passage of c -n bia rags t K , -ate kills bill making sign ers V nitlons liable In damage suits a lumen. "Page A bill require tha duced at Lincoln to eVV the University of I Nebraska to ' m the law providing that text book. e acid to students at cost. ' ran 1 Moas-covered claims against the mate of Nebraska, some of them veterans f several sessions, are being urged before the legislature at Lincoln. Fag 1 By a vote of 11 to 21 the senate of the Nebraska legislature killed the Mil to make the signers pt a petition for license responsible as bondsmen for a saloon keeper, rage 1 WAgKTJrQTOaT. Congressmen Kennedy of Omaha and Hubbard of Sioux City make earnest pleaa for. appropriation for tbe Missouri river, both maintaining It is easily navi gable. Fag Engineer Stevens threatens to resign if Panama canal Is ta be built by qpntract- House pauses rivers and harbors bill carrying S61, 000.000. All amendments for more money ' fpr work on Mississippi river were voted down. A survey of the Missouri river was authorised. rage 4 Senats strikes committee amendments from Indian bin and others go out cn points of order. Page 4 Secretary Straus talks of president's plan fo. use of Npbel peace prise money and expects others to swell the fund. 1 William Boche. member of German col ony which founded Norfolk, carries, .to grave secret of hiding place of large store of buried gold. Fage 3 Man under arrest at Lincoln suspected of being one who assaulted Myrtle Fur long is partially Identified by ber. .Page S Mra. Harry K. Thaw aeeuplea tba stand nearly gU,'. day." . gba,tUs of'hcY relations with Stanford .White, .which are alleged to be ona of the motives for the ahooting of the architect, . . .. , . Pag 1 Interstate Commerce Commissioner Clark finishes hearing complaint of Atch ison elevators against Kansas' City and will come to Omaha today rags S Hearing at Kaasaa City develops chaotic condition In grain and elevator business at Kansas City. . Burlington official charges that order of Interstate Com merce commission ta responsible. Fags S Brother of Senator Clark says half in terest in San Pedro line waa sold to E. H. Hariiman to keep him from building parallel line. Fag ' Railroads reauma operation in Oregon. Fage 1 X,OCAX Nebraska hardware retailers defeat by one vota a reaplutlon that would give their association tbe aspect of a trust, the resolution contemplating a boycott of Jobbers who sell to consumers. Fage X The Douglaa County Bar association decides that it wanta a lawyer for dis trict clerk and will strive to have ona named by each political party for tbe offioa. Page Appraisement of Edward Rosewater es tate la filed In the probata court.. Paga Inspector Pegg has confiscated short measures found In local grpcery stores. Fage Jim Perry, charged with killing Steve Seidlek at South Omaha, la on trial in district court. Fag 4 Northwestern railroad abolishes pro portional rata oh grain to Omaha or iginating east of the Missouri river. Tha rule ta effective March 2. Fage 4 iowa nws. 1 Iowa State Railway commission hears complaint on cattle rates and finally de- ; cldes U revise tha entire freight schedule. I" . Fage g 'wreck on great western Trala Derallea by Defective Switch Sea rreretn, I1L, KtUa Three aad la J area Faar. FREE PORT, in., Feb. I. A defective , switch caused the wreck of a Great , i Weetera peaaenger train at German Valley early today. Three persona were killed and , four severely injured. Tbe dead: MARTIN CIJXE. engineer. Chicago. PAUL, V. JACUBdON, railway niau dark. Chicago. , LOLiS NOLS. railway mail clerk. Mln- ; neapotla. .... Injured: R. F. B rumble, fire man. Dubuque, la. Jsnies Harlock, St. Paul. Minn. U. J. Jiuuiaon, Chicago, express mra setger. Mra I. N. Kooota. Fort Dodge, la. A number of others were slightly hurt. LAUNCH STRIKES DRAWBRIDGE Six Pereaa a Draw aed by raaatalaar Baavt ta Isersaeale River. , SACRAMENTO. CaL, Feb. T.-Slx aeoals i ere drowned here tui afternooa when the ' gasoline launch Cyrene strark tha draw of ' tha railroad bridge across tbe Sacramento river and capeiaed. The drovned were, ; Mra. A. Jacinto and a Japaoea woman and four Japaaeea ntea. ( The owner of the boat. Manual Header i eoa, who waa acting aa oaptain and aa- ' giaeer; George Horr, pilot; Joseph Gamma and Martin G-ha aad two othera, ) a neaa. were saved. tr Wltllawa Haaarll I1L LONDON. Feb. T.-8ir William Ruasell. tha war correspondent, who described the battle ef Bull Kua for the Laodua Time. Is critically 111 . HARDWARE MEN HOLD BACH , Eesolntioa that Would Vske Association Trait Lost by 0i Vet. JOBIERS WHO SELL CONSUMERS TARGET Drastic Aerlea la Caac Fiepossd aad Orgaslsalles Splits Eve a, Leavlag Prealdeat ta ' Iecle ta Hearetlve. Presiaeat Fraah Hacker, Mead. First Yto Preslaeat Alee P. Meyer, Xaettaga. SeeoBd -Tiea President WiUlasa Wlsda, aVazxagtoa. Third Ttea Freatdeat Fred IWifW, FlalaTlaw. Zxecntive Coatxalttee For three-year-, wm, Baa Cavaaaugh, Palrhmry; two-year tana. B. S. Xayharat, &oa City; aas-year term, J. W. Armstroag, Ankara.. Xrals rataa tha aattoaal aoavaattoai J. Frank Ban, Uaoolas M. B. Kali, Zaacola; Is. thaa Bobarta, Omaha. - 3. Fraak Ban af Xdaeola aad M. J. Mali of t.i -,im ware reamaiaeadad to tha xecntive oosaaUttea to succeed taeaa aalvea as seeretary aad treaaarer, re apeetlTely. . By the majority . of . a. single vote the Nebraska Retail Hardware association yes terday decided not to become a trust. One member offered a resolution, the adoption of which would have been a move toward boycotting hardware Jobbers who sell direct to consumers, contractors and any others not clamed aa retail deal ers. Hot debate ensued for about fifteen minutes, some speakers fervently declar ing It was the only way for tbe dealers to protect their Interests; others caution ing their hot-headed fellows to go a little slow. Inasmuch as a strong antagonists sentiment has" developed In Nebraska against anything that looked the least like restraint of trade. A vote was taken and tha count showed It a tie. The question waa settled by President Nathan Roberts of Omaha, who voted against trust methods. The' fearful ones of the convention breathed a hug sigh of relief. Secretary ta Gather Data. The resolutioaa were to tba effect that it should become the secretary's duty to obtain Information from retail merchants and from whatever other sources possible regarding sales by Jobbers to others than retail merchants, and to furnish to all members of the association and to the hardware associations of other states a list of all Jobbers and manufacturer who sell direct to the consumer in Nebraska. "Why, that - would be a boycott." de clared a timorous merchant. "Oh. no." said the man who Introduced the resolution. "We will say nothing about boycott. Tour secretary will say nothing about boycott- when he sends out the list.' Each merchant will know for himself what to do. We must bar soma way to cUrb the Jobber." Each side of the question had warm sup porters, and every time a man spoke ha waa given loud applause. When the vota proved a tie the entire convention watched tba' praatdant with lrreatblees attention. J '. Tfenrtefnen," atOT FT sMent ftotjerta. I want you to understand that I am In hearty sympathy with an of you. and I am aware of the unfair practlcea of soma of tha Job bers, but I fear we would be going a little too far should we pass this resolution. I am afraid It could be shown that we were attempting to restrain trade. Therefor I cast my vote In the negativa." Lea-lalattv Caasastttea la Frew. No resolutions were passed on legislative matters, but the legislative committee was given entire power to work for the passage by the legislature of such measures aa would benefit the members of the associa tion. This committee Is composed of J. C. Cornell of Ord. Ernest Hoppe of 'Lincoln and Mag Uhllg of Holdrege. Among other things they are supposed to work for a law to restrict peddling in the country. The only resolutions adopted were a for mal set thanking the local Jobbers, tha local retailers, tbe exhibitors, the press and the officers of the new association. Meetlas; Held ta Secret. The meeting Thursday afternoon waa con ducted with the utmost, secrecy, though In formation leaked out as to what was dona. A doorkeeper was placed at the outalde door of tha Auditorium with Instructions to admit no ona but members, and tha sar-geante-att-arms bad charge of the ap proaches from the - arena to tha stage, where the session was held. When the meeting was called to order President Rob erts askod If ail present were members In fuU standing, and tba other officers looked over the crowd to make aura. It was said afterward that the reason for such precautions waa tbe fear that boycott measures would be taken. . . Haw Traif Crashes lafaat. How tba American Cereal company wiped out a factory at Seward by means of the premium plan and then boosted the price of package goods In Nebraska waa told by Fred Goehnsr ot Seward at tha morning session. "Ws had a plant at Beward that cost S30.000 and were doing a nice business until the American Cereal company gof after ua," said Mr. Goehner. "W put live pounds of actual goods la a package, while the American company put in three and one-half pounds and made op tha remainder of the five pounds with artidea such aa many of yoa hardware men carry In stock. The people preferred .to be humbugged and the premium goods were moat popular, but even with that we were doing nicely until the big concern began to cut prioes. "In order to make anything, wa had to sell our goods at 4t cents. I went ta the Omaha Jobbers to sell them our product, aad they told me they were getting Ameri can Cereal company goods at M cents. I went to Lincoln and tha Jobbers told me there they war getting goods from the American Cereal company at tt cents. Traat Steps la. Tbe trust sent a representative to Sew ard aad offered to buy or lease our plant. Wa would not aeU. but after long considera tion we decided to lease, provided the trust would keep the factory going. .They ver bally agreed to keep It running, hut would not make a written agreement. Wa leased tba plant to tbem for ninety-nine yaars at S6.WS a year, which Is mors thaa ws could make by running it ouraelvea. "I was la Lincoln a few days ago aad asked ona of tha Jobbers how much he had to pay -for the goods tha Americas Cereal company said him a few months ago tor cents. Ha replied Bf cents." This story frota Mr. Goehner waa brought out by a dlaeusaeoa af tha recent action af Soma of tha railroad In making a mw claadncatloa aa goods containing premrama. Louis Wirta of Kalis City road a paper before tha ooavwntloa oa "Alma of the Hardware Marchaat; What They Should Be." - Tha remainder of the morning sassioa was occupied with demoastratioea of practical I Continued aa Filth Page.) PLANS FORTHE PEACE PRIZE Secretary Btraaea Talks af Aaaaal Sasa t Be OsTeved by Prest deat Roesevclt. WASHINGTON, Feb. T. "I hare no doubt that many publlc-eplrited men who recog nise the usefulness, of this work will con tribute, so as to make the aanaa Interest urncient In every way ta carry out Ita purpose.' said Secretary Strauae of tha Department of Commerce of Labor In dis cussing the prospectiv work to be done with the Income of the Nobel peace price fund, received by President Roosevelt from the Norwegiaa Parliament. Secretary Btrauss, as bead of the De partment of Commerce and Labor, la one of tha trustees of the fund snd Is taking a great deal of Interest hi th. success of the work. The amount of th fund ap proximate 37,000. .. Upon the paasaga of bftla pending In con gress to establish th Nobel prise founda tion, active steps will be taken by th board of trustees to put their provisions into practical effect. Art "Industrial peace eomrnlsalon," repre senting labor, capital aad the general' pub lic. Is to be appointed, to hold conference annually In Washington to discuss indus trial problems,- and its sinenses are to be paid from the income of tbe fund. "The Nobel peace prise foundation." said Secretary Strauss today, "possesses the power to bring together In harmonious re lations all agencies working for industrial peace purpoees, making a powerful move ment which will command the respect of labor men no leas thaa the captains of Industry. It Is consjtftuted In such a way that the elements In the management of the fund are brought together oa an equal footing, namely, the highest Judicial officer of the government, two members of the cabinet, representatives of labor and capi tal and representative public men. aU swayed by only -one purpose, that of the public Interest. "Before the committee having th matter of tbe preparation of the bill now before congress formulated th measure it con sulted representatives of the various ele ments Interested, and no better method of organisation, so that It might carry out tbe wishes and purposes of th president, could be suggested." STEVENS AGAINST CONTRACT Gwveraaacat Will Lies Its Caaal Ea glnecr If Oliver's Bid Is Acccpteeiy WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 The administra tion has been brought face to face with the alternative of rejecting aU bids for th construction of. the Panama caiial by con tract or losing the services of Chief En gineer John F. Stevens. This la the reason for tha delay of President Roosevelt. Sec retary Taft and Chairman Bbonts In acting on th Oliver bid. An effort has been made to get Mr. Stevens to change his mind, but be haa continued obdurate, aad the Indica tions are that th administration will ac cede to his request and that tbe construc tion will be continaed by th government. This lbformalion , concerning Mr. Stevens created somt surprise, aa Mr. Stevens tes tified before thw--sonata canal commute that he favored buttdii-Q'a canal by-Ton-tract. ' lie now expresses tt -belief that tba canal can be constructed by the gov ernment within Aen years. His friends ad vise him that If a contract Is )st for con struction ha will be robbed of the credit of building It. Frequent exchanges of cable grams between Washington and tha isth mus have resulted In a demand by Mr. Stevens for the acceptance of hla resigna tion if the contract Is awarded. Following a conference of the president with Secretary Taft. Secretary Loeb gave out a formal statement that "the secretary of war and tbe canal commission will thor ougly examine into the qualifications, ex perience, business standing and achieve ments of Mr. Oliver and his associates and into the responsibility of the sureties Secretary Taft and the eommiaaioa wilt probably need a fortnight to complete full examination of the bid and report to the president." Secretary Taft later informed Mr. Oliver that the president was very much inclined to give the contract to Mr.- Oliver and his assoclatea. but that ha would not sur render his right to reject all bids. FRANCE PROPOSES INCOME TAX Law ChaaarlaaT Picas at - Systran Haw fader Dtacasalaa la rarllasaaat. - PARIS. Feb. t. The new income tax measure waa Introduced In tha Chamber of Deputies this afternoon. It la a com bination of th system of direct taxation upon Incomes fnpm whatever source, sup plemented by a progressiva general tax ranging from I to 4 par cent upon general total incomes In excess of fl.aoa from various sources. DEATH RECORD. Plsaecr Teeasaeeb Merehaat. TECCM8EH. Neb. Feb. T Special) After being In failing health for some time, John Oraff died at his home this morning of diabetes. He was a native of Kew Derry, Pa-, having been born September X, IM2. With his parent he came to Ruah vllie. m.; In 1KJ, and was married to Miss Hetti Ramsey in Uat. Several children were born to them. Mr. Graff came to Tecum sell ta IMC and waa a pioneer 'roer chant. H engaged In the dry goods busi ness. Later, about eighteen years ago. he became associated with th Tecumseh Milling company, and waa manager of that company's business her nntn last year, when th property was sold. Mr. Graff was a member of the Methodiat Episcopal chuca and had lent valuable aid to tha upbuilding of the community In which he lived so long. The funeral arrangements are not yet made. Mather af George W. B. Dersey, FREMONT. Neb.. Feb. T -(SpeclaJ.-Mrs. Sarah C Dorsey, mother of George W. E. Dorsey, died at San Jose, CaL, February i at the age af S7 years. Bhs was bora la Maryland and came to this county In UtS aad lived her until about eight years ago. As long aa ber health would permit aha was active in tha Methodist Episcopal church. Her remain will be takea to Maryland for burial bee id those of ber husband, who died many years ago. She leaves three aoas. G. W. E. Dursey of Fremoot. F. M. and H. H- Dorsey ef GoldneU. Key., and two daughters, Mrs. ' C. H. Toncray and Miss Jennie Dorsey of Baa Jose. rarsaer tiavoraar F. It- Leali. HELENA. MoaU, Feb. T.-Former Gov ernor Presioa H. Leella died at bia horn la this city this morning, aged at yeara. Mr. Leslie had the distinction of having base governor of Kentucky aad tk ter ritory of Montana. ' Farmer Coagseessaaa Harris. BRIDGE WATER, Maaa.. Feb. 7. Former Coagraasmaa Benjamin W. Harris died at his ben hare today, aged years. Judge Harris was knows In cucigrvaa as the "lather ef tha asw navy IREICHION FUNERAL PLANS C b quiet t St John's Csaroh Tm Colack EatardaT lforming. BOOY UES IN STATE AT HOME FRIDAY cfcawla Which Caaat Eadewed aad City Hall Will Close Walla Sta- Da Bias Heaar. Imposing obsequies over the body of Count Crelghton will be held at 10 a. m. Satur day from St. John's Catholic chmch. Twenty-Sflfc and California streets, which will be participated In by many dignitaries of the church. Including Bishop Scanhell. who has been Invited to take a prominent part In tha ceremonies. Tbe body will be buried beside that of the wife he adored at the ioly Sepulchre cemetery. From J to t p. m. Friday the. body will lie In state at tba residence; The family especially requests that no flowers be sent to the funeral. On account of tha limited seating ca pacity, about 47S. of St. Jobn's church. It has been decided to keep the doors of the edifies closed until the arrival of tbe cor tege. The doors will then be opened to admit, first, the members of the Imme diate family and close family friends, then the members of the faculties of the various schools Mr. Crelghton endowed, after which tbe general public will be admitted. Tbe . problem of accommodating the thousands who would naturally wish to attend the funeral services presented many difficulties and the plan of having admission to the church by card only waa projected. Thia alaa was abandoned, how ever, as It waa known that such pro cedure would not have met with the ap proval of Count Crelghton. who was first of aU a man of and for the people. Schawls Will Take Part. The members of the faculty of Crelghton university, the medical, law, dental and pharmaceutical schools, together with members of the Crelghton Alumni asso ciation, held a meeting at Crelghton Insti tute Thursday afternooa to discuss plana for participation In the funeral service by the students snd faculties of the differ ent schools. Father O'Conher, vice presi dent of Crelghton university, acted as chairman, and John A. Benneaits aa sec retary. It was decided that all the schools should be closed at noon Friday as a mark of re pect to their dead benefactor. Elaborate floral offerings will be sent by each de partment of the college. Students and faculty of each department will take aa active part In the services. The students wiU meet at their respective collage build ings and march In a body, headed by the members of the respective faculties, to the residence of Count Creigbton, aad there form in line ta follow the cortege to the church. J. A. C Kennedy, president of tbe Crelghton Alumni association, wfll bars charg of tha Use of march after the ar rival of the " student ody at the rssMmn Members of tha Alumni association will take a part similar to that of th various school depart meets. " TJlMlng the tsji-.iiiuhltat'-; - a.'-' JoSsT church,-which will tseartlntte at-feast. twe hoars, it Is. planned ta haws tha student and aU those of the general pnblic who cannot get Into the church remain at Crelghton antverstty hall, where appro priate services wiU be held. A committee consisting of Father Whelan. Ed F. Leary and J ok a A. BeanewHs. was appointed to make arrangements for music and ad dresses for this public civic memorial meet- Ing. At the conclusion of the church cere- monlee tns stuaente wiu form in rront oi ths church and follow the cortege to Far. nam street on Its way to tha cemetery. Heaerary Pallbearers. Members of tba faculties of the Crelgh ton schools will be selected to represent their respective echools in an official ca pacity at the ceremonies at the church, and honorary pall bearers havs been se lected from each department of the uni versity. Dr. D. C Bryant and Dr. W. K- Foots were selected to act aa honorary pall bearers to represent the Crelghton Medi cal college; T. J. Mahoney and CT J. Smyth from the Crelghton CoUege of Law; Drs. F. W. Slabaugh and P. T. Barber from the dental college; Edmund Thorp and Charles B. Frtcke from the school of pharmacy, and Fathers Wise and McNeve from the academic department of Crelgh ton university. The alumni association ef the college will also be represented by two honorary pall bearers, who will be selected by J. A. C Kennedy, president of the association. Sixteen or eighteen additional honorary pall bearers will be selected fnpm among the prominent residents of Omaha friends and business associates of Count Crelghton. Resolutions expressing profound regret at the loss of fthe benefactor and founder of Crelghton university will be drawn by a special committee from among the members of the faculties of the various departments of the schools and will be presented to the family aad spread at large on the minutes of the meeting of the officers of ths university, whose field of usefulness was so greatly broadened through the benefactions received from Count Crelghton. The personnel of the committee which will draw the resolu tions Is as follows: Dr. D. C. Bryant, deaa of the medical college; Dr. P. T. Barber, deaa of the dental school; Dr. Edmund Thorp of ths college of phar macy; Dean T. J. Mahpney of tha law school; Father Whelaa of, the academic department, and J. A. C. Kennedy, president of the college alumni aaaocla tloa. Solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated at the convent of the Poor Clares, Twenty-ninth and Hamilton streets, at 1 o'clock this morning, and ths pubUc Is Invited to attend. St. Peter's Catholic church will hold services la honor of Count Creightoa at the church at $ o'clock Monday morning. Biz Knights of Columbus stood watch over the body last night and this guard of honor, changed m personnel at Intervals, will be present until the funeral. Tha city of Omaha will pause la ft busy round of strenuous activity to pay Its tribute to a maa who eoatributad vastly, if aot lmmeasurabiy, to Its development aad stability. Mayor Dahlman will call upoa the publle to suspend business toil while the funeral services are la progress. It Is probable other and more ceremonial atf servaac will be made later. City BaU WUI Claeew The city hall will be closed at 1 o'clock Saturday morning out of respect for Count Crelghton. It has bean arranged that eoaa cilmea and wthwf ofOciala wut sssemhie la Mayor Dahlmaa's office aad leave la a body at M Saturday snonatng for the funeral services. AA aa Informal meeting yesterday after nooa. Mayor I ahlma apfwiated Ceunott- tOuu.Uu.i4 e IM'-U Ptgx.) LOBBY DEAD, PASSES DYING Ceveraer Slgae One Bill aad Ceafer ace Beaert aa the Other le Agreed ta by Beth Heaees. PIERRE, 8. D., Feb. T.-(8pecial Tele gram.) The lobby In South Dakota Is ended. Governor Crawford affixed his sig nature to the bill this evening and will file R with the secretary of state tomorrow morning. Passes will be good for one more day. Tbe conference report has been adopted In both hdases and tomorrow It will re ceive the signatures of the presiding offi cers of tbe two bouses and go to the gov ernor. In the forenoon session of the house the principal bill introduced waa the new edu cational coda, prepared by the committee appointed by Governor Elrod last fall. The senate resolution memorialising congress for a law limiting the houra ot railway laborer passed. An effort to force action on the senate 1-cent rale bUl failed, and It cannot get up before tomorrow in the regular order even If It la reached by that time. The conference report on the anti-pass bill, was presented In the "V.ioe this after, noon and an attempt to get In a minority report In favor of newspapers was ruled out of 'order, ai a vote forced on the majority report, which waa adopted at to 14. The house passed house bills changing the dates of delinquency of taxes, making them one month later, both In the spring and the fall, and the bill to prev-nt rail roads paralleling within eight miles ex cept by consent of tbe railway commission. The bin making the killing of persons or live stock .by railroads, presumptive evi dence of negiect on tbe part of employes of the road, was defeated. Brown op posing It. Th senate allowed the presentation of a minority report of the conference com mittee on the anti-pass bin. but tbe ma jority report was adopted by tt to 1, and that action ended the hopes of newspaper men for contracting for mileage. Tbe senate made laws by pasaing house Lbills providing for a legal holiday on Lin coln's birthday, after having reinserted the Fourth of July bill; limiting the hours of employment oa railways, and providing for distribution of supreme court reports. Tha principal new bill presented In the senate was by Cooper, fixlnr a spedfio annual levy for the maintenance of each of th stat educational Institutions. WESTERN CONDITIONS BETTER Oregon RallreVde Bead Tralae, bat Are Hot Able ta Make PORTLAND, Ore., Feb, 7. Improvemcn t all along the line la ths report of conditions en the . Willamette and Columbia rivers. Tbe recent thaw has expended Its energy and normal conditions wUl rertairJy ob tain by the beginning of the week. Rail road conditions are perhaps a little better thaa for the past few days. . The Oregon Railroad aad Navigation has not 'and wfll not be able I get through for a day or two, but. ceoaectioa was .roads early today by ome wf the tmuye4 trains aad the steamer harvest Qaeen and aboet sixty passengers Were brought to the city. No serious suf ferings were endured by any of ths pas sengers. The women all had meals reg ularly, although th men had to go almost twenty-four hours without eating. The train crews subjected themselves to sever shardships and made several trips over the Ice and snow to secure provisions for the peesengers on their trains. The Southern Padfio Is sending owt trains each day, but they are not maintaining schedules. BROATCH CALLS ON GOVERNOR Takes Jeka McDaaaJd Aleag ta Help Explain the Sltaatleai la Owaaka. . (From a Btaif Correspondent) LINCOLN, Feb. 7. 8peciai Telegram.) Captain Broatch haa been here to see Gov ernor Sheldon and he brought John Mc Donald with him. Just as the cold wave said he would. The chairman of the Omaha fir and police board was Intro duced to Governor Sheldon by Senator Thomas, upon whom he called as soon as he struck town. Mr. Broatch went over the conditions In Omaha, as ha sees them, with the chief executive, and so far aa heard from, did not leave his resignation or Insist upon the charge filed by the CM federation being pushed. The object of hla visit, Mr. Broatch said, was merely to get acquainted with the governor and glva the executive a chance to siae him up The governor has held up the resignation filed by Dr. Miller and will take no action upon It until he decides what he Intends to do about the charges filed by ths Civic federation. TROUBLE IN SOUTH AMERICA AmerteauB Warships Watck Two Utile . ReyskUM Wklek Are Skew, las; stag Teasper. -WASHINGTON. Feb. T. There Is dan ger of aa outbreak of war in Central America, although' effort at arbitration are being made la the city of San Salva dor In the hope of preventing hostilities. The Chicago has gone southward front Baa Francisco, and the Torktown, after receiving necessary repairs In dry dock, will follow, stopping at either one of the Salvadorean ports oa tbs Pacific or at a convenient Nicaraguaa port. Senor Cordova, who occupies the pecu lar position ef representative ef Salvador and Honda ras at thia capital, talked to day with Secretary Root in regard to the situation. It appears there Is complaint that tha Nlcaraguana are continuing war like preparation and increasing ths mili tary force on the border of Honduras. It la believed tbe - gqpd offices of ih American and Mexican governments will be Invoked to relieve the present tension. BAD BLAZE AT NEBRASKA CITY Jaeeia ileal Clethlas Stack Cea aad Mere haa Is Baak la Tkreateaed- i NEBRASKA CITT, Neb, Feb; a -special Telegram.) Fire which broke out here shortly before 1 a. m. now threatens to completely 4estroy tbe clothing stock ot Jacob Biohl. which, with the building, is valued at about M0.e. Tha Merchants' National bank and the millinery store of the' Burford sisters are also sndangered. Should they go the total loss will reach at least CM). He, eves the ugh the contents of th bank vault should be saved. Tbe firesAea have every bit ef available fire apparatus at ears tea and are snaking a desperate fight to prevent the fire from spreading, but U ta nupoa IUe at this hour te atata with what RAID ON CASH BOX Hoag-CcTerad Cli'ma Aetintt ftata Itac Up for Lftriglatir Inifactioo. VETERANS OF MANY SESSIONS ON PARADE Hoxia Hattgr Eetda Lltt, vita Otktra Iqutlly Yf-ntTebla. UNIVERSITY REGENTS DRAW MCRE FIRE Bill U Btqnira In'orotmett ef Ttit Stsk' Law Being I rapand. ONE UQUOR BILL IS SENT TO REST Patrick's Measure ta Make Slawer Petition BVepeaalfcle as Boadesaea far Ssiewa Keepers Is Killed la the senate. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. 7 -(8peclaL)-The claima committee of the house haa Ita hands full and among th number filed are several old moa -covered bills which legislatures for . years bsve turned down cold, but which bob up serenely snd confidently every two . years. Among the old resldentera 1 that familiar claim of Mrs. C. W. Hoxle. wha wants pay for being matron of the In dustrial School for Boys at Kearney for the period from March 1. ISC. to February, WS. during which time C W. Hoxle waa super intendent of the Institution. In the num erous affidavits which are familiar to many past legislatures Is the statement that Mrs. Hoxle did her work well and should have the money, and that she was appointed ta such posltica by the State Board of Pnhlle Lands and Buildings, and when the law was changed so the governor had th ap pointing power she served with the knowl edge of Oovernor Holcomb. In her claim the sister of Lincoln's prattmaster says the .matron who served before her received for the bieifnlum. Along in the collection of statistics filed with the claim Is the following statement by former Secretary of State Oalusha: At the election of the Brd of PuWIo Lands and Buildlnn. held February It, 17. the position of matron was not filled for th ensulna; two years, as per other officers. At the regular treetinc of he Board of Public Lands and Buildings held March t, 1K97. the followlnc rew-lutlon carried: "On motion the position of matron at Kearney was declared vacant." Cermet s Clalea far Fees. . Another claim which the claims 'commit tee win probably scan with micreacopio. eyes was filed by J. F. Cornell, and Is known as claim No. 1SL It reads as fol lows: "Money expended by him while aud itor, account of Investigation Into' his offi cial acts by legislature, 1390. 11.750." A eiairn which CUvnrnnr Xrirkev lauinirt his veto cn two years ago harks back ta the Boyd county land eases, where Attorney . General Prout and Attorney Captain Mur fin had so -much trouble. It hi oolr for HU, O. D. Follmer. former land cornmts ' atoaer, filed it, but th noser Is ta. gw -Captain Murfia.. whom Mr. Follmer ansa ployed over the protests f the Komt ; and who waa meows snt ot tne case oy ins district court of Boyd county. John N. Oastus, sheriff of Phelps county, ' wants a little for looking after a prisoner by the name of John R. Luc a Hla bill amounts to tKM. and Is Itemised ss fol lows: LenndYy, at 11 a month, for nine months, 8; Jailor fees for same from March I. IMS, to December 11. IMS, Kit W. T. L. Williams has come In with A claim for 11.115 for repairs . on the Industrial School for Girls at Geneva. The repairs, the claimant aaya, weremade necessary by reason of a fire there. ' Herman Kaup has notified the committee he wants to dig Into the treasury for SLbOO. 'His claim Is for appraising tbs value of lands and Improvements belonging to the estate of Herman Goedda, .deceased, which escheated to tbe state. Bo far tha claims committee has done tit tle, with sny of the claims, but Individual ' members of the committee say they do not Intend to recommend payment In any case unless the claimant shows good and suf ficient reason for such action. Bill far Ckcapcv Test Beaks. The attitude of the' members of the Board of Regents of the State university of Nebraska haa aroused many members of the legislature and Senator Randall of Madison county is preparing a WU to be Introduced shortly. This bill, when com pleted, win make .it a misdemeanor for the Board of Regents to fail to enforce the section of the statute which requires tt to seU text books to tba students of ths university at cost. Though this has been the law of the stats for years, the regents have refused absolutely to even attempt In recent years to break up th school book monopoly In Uncoln. . Even though the State Normal board furnishes ths Stats Normal school student with books at cost snd the report of the presi dent of the board shows ths student now pays SIM to tS for hla books where he formerly paid the book dealers from til to US for ths same books, the university re gents refused to do the same thing, evea though they are required to do so under the Law. An ex-president of the Board of Regents said ths reason the regents refused to do thia was because there is no specific ap propriation for thia purpose. Lawyers who have looked at the statutes say this la do excuse, for, tbe temporary university fund can be used as the regents see lit. Tbe present law, which requires ths re gent to buy text book and sell them to students at cost, does not carry with It a penalty, and Senator Randall wants to compel the regents to enforce the lew or to stand convicted aa law breaker and auffcr the penalty, which he figure is the best way to get people to conform to the Its. Another bill provides the regents must bold open meetings, though there Is a proviso that tbey may hold executive ses sions whenever tbey think it to th best Interest of the university. Several mem bers believe the more publicity the regenta get the better off tbe university will be and that executive sessions should be cut out. Capital Pwalahsseat Holds. Raper's bill to repeal tbe present atatate providing for capital punishment, which went to the general file gate rosy without I protest, was killed In tbe committee of the whole this afternoon, after a most vigorous debate, ta which Beet of Douglas county '. showed off to good advantage as a debater. He waa for the defeat of th bill. Those who spoke for. the bill were Raper Of Pawnee, Cone of Baundera. Quatkenbush of Neiuaha. SicHuiiea vt Gage, Henry of Holt, E. P. Brown of Laucaster, Leeder of Douglas; Dodge of Douglas and Uamer of Buffalo. Thoawi opposing the bill war Best. Walsh and Barnes of DuugUg, Vaa Uousea of Culfax. E. W. Brown of Laa caeter. Parkin of Rock and Jenjiiaon of Clay- Xa his talk Dodge eg Douglas