"u 1 " .( HIE OMAIIA DAILY RET3: TUtTttSPAY, FEBHtTAUY 7, 1907. A1; "A r 1 1 CRAM AND PRODUCE MARKET V Bean Thrown u Earth with a EuE, Heavy WHEAT PRICES GO SOARING UPWARD rctor ia It react k la Farelca Pita llaeslaa Sltaatlaa t Cars Higher G D. aaad aad Sranaatkr. OMAHA, Fb. I, 1907. . Tha market u on tha boom today, all line advancing sharply. Wheat u up at m cioa la above yCatarday a final flrur. Tha onenln avaa mdai atwv trong. but tha unexpected anap to tha ""rpwi nwtn, out to tha KUsa.an situation, sent pricea aoarin;. coin advanced to a point 0 bovs yesterday, which Wat dua not alone to aympatny witn wheat, but to toad demand Thar waa a good trade right from tho opening, and tha big house ehort on caah Curchasaa anapped up tha offeringe mado jrtha aama men who aold yeaUrday. Primary wheat receipt were 229.000 bo. and shipment 815.0UO bu., against receipt lt year of t,uuo bu. and ahlpment of JuS.OOO bu. Corn receipt war Vftl.ono bu. and shipment 474,000 bu., against receipt a year ago or 716.000 bu. and shipment of 474.000 bu. Clearances were 880,4 bu. of corn, I.GJ bu. of oat and wheat and flour equal to M.OOO bu. Liverpool clored HtyKd higher on wheat and hkVd higher on corn, lender a London letur says: . "Bo far a Ruasla Is concerned, the stocks, both at Udaaaa and Nloolalef, which looked ao heavy a short time alnoa, have been de creasing quit rapidly and as shipments broad have not apparently been on a larg scale, It Is thought that large quanti ties must have been taken by the govern ment for distribution In famine district." Broomha.ll cabled that wire from Odessa atata that all grain In the Interior has been diverted to supply the famine district. There art na arrivals here and prices have rtaen sharply, causing practically prohibi tion of export. Local range of optional ' ' Article.! Opn. Hlgh. Low. Cloae.) Yes'y Wht- May... July... Corn May... July... Sent... 71 B TlV 41 Sr' 404, B 414.B 71 B 71V4B 41'JBj 'iiB $8B 7P4B 71VB 42HR1 40B 41B Tl B 71B '42B 'iivi'ii' Oats- ( May... July... I IRTtBI S9HA $HB A asked. B bid. Omaha Cask Prices. WHEAT No. 1 hard. M4970V4c: No. 1 ."Sfc"0- N- 'mR'vT aa-. XT- a !.. RYE No. 1 o; No. I, 674c C'arlet nseetpTa, Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City Mlnneapolla . Omaha ....... Ihiluth 8U Louis .... 19 297 46 W 7 17 28 16 41 CHICAOO ORAIM AND PROVISIONS Fesltrti Of the Traalaar aad Cloalag - Frieea aa Board at Trad. CHICAGO. Feb . Report of famine In Russia sent the price of wheat up more than lo- today, the cloalng quotation on May delivery ahowlng a net gain of lo. Corn was up c. Onts were Vo higher. Provisions were 6H7HO higher. me Kussian tamine reports were ine chiof factora In today" wheat market. Oha repcrt was that all shipment from in- tarior nolnts In Russia had been diverted . by the government from the seaboard cities and have been used to relieve rsmina , ur- fcrer who threatened to revolt nniea given avid. This report came through Liverpool and caused a sharp advance there which was renoctea in an umisuaiiy strong mar- ket here. Th continued small recelpta In ine norinwesx, niner prices lor caan wriBi nd an unconfirmed report of Mother Vj mZi:,.Vr,7rLJ to extra, lr24c; western factory, common oATetrii iZH. a M. x- nn to "WS21c: western Imitation cream- I7u Naii.u- vitTii0, ' W ' Ti extras' 2426c; first. t?22c. 7at,N?; 4 .!?' ViVe. CHEESE Firm: tate. full cream, small strik In Argentina also lent strength toUg7H; ciMT ribu $9.87,; abort clear. $10.00. tha market.. Shorta werahe principal by- ttaemt. tead-r -boxed extra' aborts. ilo.2Vi; era tnrouajnout ma oay mu inera was nee purchasing by eommlselon houses as well. tnm volume or irsainc was larnr. j ne mar- to the hlaheel nolnt. Mar onaned Uff ttc higher at 78HO fo 78T4c. advanced to oc nd cloaed at 79V4e7,o. pearances of wheat and flour were eoual to 211.000 bu. Prlmsry rece Dto were 239.000 bu. against M.OOO bu. forthe same day . last year. Minneapolis, uuiutn ino unreaao reportea receipts oi io cars axainii jov cars ittsi week and UN cars one year ago. , 1. Shorts and ah houses bought freely all day In the corn market while the principal I einng was ny local noiaers. ins marset by drouth to th Argentina crop. fiAn ciblea and small local receipt. Th mar- ket cloaed atrong May opened Kc to VfHic higher at 4ffc to 47. old at 4h 4tTt4,c and then advanced to 47Sc. Final quo- tatlon were at 47i47.e. Local receipt were 297 oara, no contract grade. Oat for May delivery .old t 40SC 1- u. ki.u mark. The demand waa good all day. Short and commission houses led In the kiivlni Wk nurrkaua kv wmln.nl hull Khn elnrlv laken nn nnnal.la.rer.le alan atrenrthenau4 the market The point May opened He to He higher at 4tnc to 40-40, held within that range, and closed at the highest point. Local receipt wer 79 car. Te.Mplalf.ne were. Arm Mrii. k.i,u th strength of corn and oats and also be- causa or a dc aavance in ine nnce oi live hog. Trading was fairly actlv with ahort tn pest buyer. At the close May pork wa up 17Vfc4 at $17.90. Lard wa up Tbo t tio.wif. nioa wer to nigner at 89.77H- IQstlmated receipts for tomorrow: wheat, 10 cars; corn, 26s cars; oats, 87 cars; hog. w.iu neaa The leading; future ranged as follow: Artlole. Opco.l Hlgh. Low. Close. Ys'y. Wheat " May July Sept. Corn . Feb, May July Sept. Oats Feb. . May July Sept Purk . May . July July riepi. R I he May July 7?7g 7H 79 78 784- 78 7T!b'78 77 44 44 i 474. 46S6V 4i464(J "T4 4tr, 41, 404 $7H $8 4o 88 37 $3 SSSai 17 7 IT 90 10 00 10 08 IT 80 18 00 io tm 10 IM II BO 10 00 10 06 10 17' lo &! 10 17 70 t 80 t77HJ 7l No. 3. Cash auotatlona were a foil FLOUR Firm: winter patent. $3,309 t.60; winter atralght. $3.00f93.4: aprlng oat. enta, Mnlw; aprlng straight. $3.1uys.64; T.n,;if f i w, v, . M v.EAJi.0,i,rl1rr' 9o: No, 3. 7$ rrN K?V?.?,rJ o 95N-J- h 4J'44Vlc: No, t yellow, 44c aio no. j, jjc: no. i wnite, 4trva fcTsCKi' a;r7,vw1, f A RLF.Y Fair to choice malting, 66Ao. KELS-Nck 1 flax. $l.t: No. 1 nort h. JMmtern. 11 Wlm. l-n V. j t: j t. , Clover, contract grade. $116. 78H4TH 7M 78'tlS 78 78 4i . 44 4HTJ47 47 4trfcj. 4CT4 40 , 47 8 . . SftV tH?S . 4"H w4, rs taw u rtrr nts 17 90 1$ W 10 OS 10 07 10 06 18 liy. 10 20 10 26 76 82H 86 ItttVs PHOVISIONa 8hort ribs, sides Oooset Spot market closed firm: sale. 3.560 bales. 860fct 7. Maaa pork, per bbl., 317 70. Lard! I Low ordinary, c nonitnal; ordinary. 7o per it lbs.. 89.87. Short elsax side (boxed) I nominal; good ordinary. 8 6-160 low middling. fcl.ffiUlia.fftVk. ''I .-!-: middling. 107-V6c: good nOddling. The receipt nd shlDmsnts of flour rata w.r..PU &pU8hl 1..e Ithla ro .v. grain Flour, bbls. $3,000 1610 Wheat. tu. Corn, bu... Oats, bu... Bve, bu Barley, bu. ... 24.1110 ...7. fa H ...271. ... 4,0 -?'J0 JTJ.tKiO Ir9a Tin iA.- .k. w" - 67.4UO V'-', " Veai mtrn. i Z.Z1 dalrlea, tuvjte. lt t mark, case inciuaea. iiei ntst, prtme firsts. -v .-. , ..rviw, (.iTeraoai uraia eaaraei. LIVERPOOL. Feb. A WHEAT Snot firm: No. 8 red weatam winter. So iu.i ry,tur' tronJ . y. sd; July MM. opot, Ainenou mixed. new. steady, 4s ad; old. firm. 4s 7d. Future. tirm. aarcn, aaeiaju, ame., twu. Taleda Heed Market. TOLF.no, Fab. A-SFFTDS Clover, eaah, $ H; February. PLW: March, $8 IS; April. $0.00. Alalka. $7.7$. Timothy. liMU. Mlaaoaaoll Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. A WHEAT Msy, UttS, Jul, UT444U7gO; arSftaiiltr!-, TrC iNO. 1 hard. KV: No. 1 northern. 84Hc; No. t northern, fv-Hc; No. I northern. TVVj 8fo. FI H'R Klmt patent, $4 4M.4i: second patents, Mlii41; flrnt dear. $i2641i$.36; second clears. $2 40i 2 n KHAN In bulk, $17. 00317.2-. JEW YORK OEXERAL MARKET 4aatatlaa ( ta Day.aa Varlea Coaaaaedltles. NEW YORK, Feb. . FLOUR R celpta, 11.171 barrelaj exports, 18.6$ barrela; salea, $.369 packages; market firm but alow; Minnesota patenta, U.WIiiib; winter Straights, $3-4tS$&; Min nesota bakera, 43.JMi4.7f; winter axtraa, $2.80 fij.on; winter patents. M.i tut; winter low grades, 32.70t73.6e. Bva flour, nrm; too r kgs.; fnlr to grmd, 11 KOI 8; choice to fancy, $3 8574.30. Huckwneat n dull at $2.1002.20, apot and to arriva. Huckwneat nour. BUCKWHEAT Quiet: 11. Zi for 100 lbs. CORNMEAL Firm; fin whlw nd yellow. $1.30431 25; coarse, 11.1001.11; kiln dried, $262.76. WHEAT Receipts, 14.00 bushels; ex ports, 24.000 bushels. Spot market strong; No. 1 red. 11 He, elevator; No. I red, lHc. f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 northern Diiluth, 2e, f. o. b., afloat; No. I hard winter, MUc t. t. b.. afloat. As a result of cables reporting large purchases by Russia to supply famine districts, wheat had a strong advance today and closed TlOc net hither. Speculative trad waa on a big acale on rumor of another Argentine strike, small western receipts, higher rabies and big sales at London. May, It HO 160. closed at tSHo; July. 14 11-lft6ttc, closed at lIHo. CORN Recelpta. 18.I7S bushela; exports, 141.101 bushels; sales, 10.000 bushels fu tures and M.OflO bushels spot. Spot mar ket firm. No. 1, 67 Vic elevator, and tlVo, f. o. b., afVat; No. 1 wMte, 64c; No. 1 yellow, 61 He f. o. b., afloat. Option mar ket waa stronger and more active with wheat, cloalng HOlHo net higher; May, 6164c. cloaed at 14c; July cloaed at 63 Vc . HAY Dull ; shipping, 75 1? 16c; good to choice, tl.flfvffl.10. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, lBfl. imt23c; same. I!", ftllc Paclflc coaat, 19W1. IJfflBc; 1. 1O013O. HIDK9 Steady. Galveston, 20 to 28 lbs.. 20c; California. 20 to 28 lbs., 21o; Texas, dry. 24 to 10 lbs., 19o, LEATHER-fltendv: scld. JTU'fT'TOo. PROVISIONB-Meef firm: familv. mK En ... u m nnvNiRn. )uar hama Nrn . 24.00; packet. 111.0OS12.00; city, xtrm India mesa, 121. oucn 2l.su. tut meata, nrm: pickled bellies, 110 26612 00; pickled hums, 12.00. Lard. firm; western crime. 11. 90010. OS. nominal: refined firm; 7114B continent, 110. 36: South America, $10.76; compound, 18 60111.76. Pork, firm; fam 41 A llv, $11.60: short clear, $18.00018.26; 40B mess. $1X600 19.26. 41B TALLOW Firm; city ($1.00 jper pkg ), c; country pkge. free), Htc. tffK RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 1H 84HB fiic; Japan, nominal. iTJt LTKI-weak; rowis, lie; turj, ISc. Dressed, nulet: western chickens, 18 18c: torVevs, 14(fil7c; fowls. 8913Hc. BUTTER Firm; street price, common to McmeTrcomono'Txt'ffic; extra creamery, judaic, umciai pnwa: common to extra, wavx; ataie oairy, com mon to firsts, 20S29c: r snd large, Septembdr, fancy, 14VC; state. November, 13W14c; gooa to prime, via 1 13c; winter made, average best, 12c; Inferior, It U4112C. 11 EGOS Firm; state, Fsnnsylvania ana nearby fancy selected white, lie; state. 8 choice, 29630c; state, brown and mixed. extra. 24c: firsts, to extra first, zroiatc; el western first, 27c. Official prices: Firsts, zrc; seconas, zbWBttftc. t. lioala Oesessl Market. BT. LOUIS. Feb. l-WH EAT Higher; track, No. 1 red caah, 77Vtif7&,4c; No. t hard. 75a'77c; May, 78&78Hc; July, 77Ho. UOKH-Higher; track, NO. casn, 44c; No. 1 white. 45V.fr -toe 1 May. 4Mc: July. tba. OATS Hlaher: track. No. I cash. 40He: No. white, 41tto; May, S9T4j July. c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, li.66 75. extra fancy and etreiffht. $S.163S.46: I ciar, $16fyjTS-86. gEEDTlmothr, ateady; $8.O100. I mmaMfii fi.,n- f in I bran Firm; sacked, east track, 9645070. HAY Quiet; timothy, $18.0018.60; prairia, $11 00l.t. ron COTTON TIES $1.01. 4 BAQGINQ Vc . , 1 HEMP TWINE-tio, I PROVISIONS Pork, higher; ' Jobbing. I17J0, Lard, steady; prime (team, W-"". nn ult muii ainadv: bniad iitn hnrtt. clear ribs, 110.6ZH; Short Clears, 10.76. I POULTRY Steady; chickens, lOo; spring. Ho; turkey. 12c; duck,' 110 ; I iniTrSn c,uu, riUj.. dairy. ilfi'ToT - . EOOS-illgher at 24c. Following wera the receipts and ahlp- menU ot f0ur and grain: . nour. "a Reielnt. Bhlomenb.. i frOUTt bbl 8.0H0 11,000 i yheat. bu .. .. 28 000 Corn. bu. ! 129!ooO lWfWl iJ'iHf 78,000 In...' v.,.'""'" 62,009 Raaea City Grata aad Provlsloas KANSAS C"Y.mw"EAT-May. Pc: J ul y . 7$c; .8mcj(, ch: No. 4 hard. K&76c; No. $. SOftlc; No. I red, V4Wtic; No. t, J'. Ct5RN-May, 424c; July. 42e; September, 43c Caah: No. t mixed. 40540; No. $, oc; No. a white, tic; ro i, uc. OAT8-N0. I white, 89 &40c; No. 2 mixed, I RYE Rteadv at toattc. .HAY-Steady; choice timothy, $15.00fJU.60; choice prairie, fii.outaiw I KGG8 Firm. llrStS. 2&C. I BUTTER Creamery, 21C! PSCklng, 19Uc. I Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 46.000 46,000 Corn, bu '1? Oat, bu 7,000 . 7.W0 I . . . . 1 Board of Trad quotation fop Kansas r 1 Cltr dellvsry. Th rang of prices, as ra Parted by Logan 4V Bryan, 11$ Board Of I .... " Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloaa, Wheat ......... Corn i . ' ' May.. 42 42H ,41 4!B July- 4k ;4342i3i42H B Bid. A Aakad. Pearla Market PEORIA, Feb. 8.-WHBAT Higher; No. $ yellow and No. $, 42c; No. 1 41c; no grade. $4l'HO, SaTS Higher: Na t white. $8o: Na. l OA White, $c; No. 4 white. 374i. RYBl-irai: no. z, eBso. WHISKY On basis of $Ltt for finished goods. . , Dalatk Grata Market. DULUTH, Feb. 6. WHEAT On track. No. 1 northern, 83o; No. 3 northern, 81c; May. Sl)c; July, 83c; Beptainber, 7o. OATS To arnva, c KYB-SJ. UAJlLI0l'-t6349o. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. t WHKAT Mar- t72Uket higher: No. 1 northern, 8S4j4c; No. 80 northern. 79i82c; May, 79e7Ho bid. RIB-Higher; no. i, twao. BARLEY Firm; No. I, 69c; sample. 60c CORN-Highsr; No. I caah. 42Cc; I eJV 476'f;Ho. I I Pklladelphla Pradae Market PHILADELPHIA, Feb, 8-wGaS-Flrm; good demand, western freah. 3o at mark. I CHEKB-rip demand, steady; fancy, litw;: choice. Mo. Cattoa Market NEW YORK, Feb. g-40TTON-Spot I steady ; middling upland. He; m.ddllag I mlf 11 no sales. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. .-COTTON- 8-loci miaanng , jair. us-uc; nomiiuu; Receipt.. U020 balea; Block, S49.14M balea. 1 I li'FUMIT. Feb 1 rWTTnVB.nr4 market good business dons; prices t point higher; American middling fair. A8id; good middling. AS5d: middling. 601.1; low mid- v dllng, 673d; good ordinary, 6 1 : ordinary 1 U 1 1 1 : K . BIMi hwu ui .,n. ,, m-j , . uiii.i , ? The aals. of th. d.y war. ltlMt b... P1 nd Included 8.KO American. Kecelpta, fV,,, bt.,r. including T.7w) American. I t iiitisj Vfn. Feb t rTTf M niill-. . -i.. l.aio: aeJra. sin bauea: reoelnta. l-ri Kelea: ahinmenta 88 bales: atock. X0 lH I balsa I raffaa Vatket. NEW YORK, Feb, $.-COFFEB-Market I far futures oMned steadv at unrhannwl nrlcas ta an advance of 6 nolnt. Trad In was very quiet, in keeping with featureless European cable and price held about stesdy during ths middle session. Improving a little toward ths close on buying by local Interests. Th final ton wa steady at an advance of point a Sale were re ported of St.Oia) ha kb. Including March at 1 6Mro 60c; May, 6.7oat 7&c; July, I IV; Sep tember. 6"t6.96c; December. 6 ObfiAlbc: January. 4 Kw. Spot coffee, steady: No. 4 Santas, tc; niUd uffve, stsaJifi Cordova, Irai-V. NEW YORE STOCKS ANDBUNDS Varkit ii Eluetrith and Without Deflolt InltlitiT in Either Direction. WLAK SPOTS KEEP VALUES UNSETTLED bar) Dn .la Mleaoarl Paelle Caases Reaetlea as! Flaal Prlee Are) tha Latwaat. NEW YORK, Feb. . There was only a moderate extension today of the rally In stock which occurred yeaterday and the movement of pricea then became uncertain and sluggish'. Ueallnss shrsnk to little more than nominal proportions and tlia market seemed to be without any definite Initiative In either direction. Tha action of the market Is proving puxsilng to practiced observers, owing to Its variation from the usual sequence. The buying demand lapaed Into a state of practical paralysis after tha small galna of the early part of the day. In spite of this lack of sustaining power In tha recovery and the belief in the existence of an organised bear party In the speculation on the alert to take advantage of favorable opportunities to facilitate a new fall of prices, the bears held warily aloof and made no aggressive demonstration gainst values. There wss little In the days news to throw light on the movement of prices. Pennsylvania was prominent In the recovery, .on account of a better feel ing over the labor outlook In the matter of the dispute with the trainmen. Some Influ ence on tha stock was attributed to the announcement of a further postponement of the meeting of tha committee which la to report on the Investigation Into tha con ditions of undue Influence upon some of the employe of the company In favor of In dividual shipper, which was brought out by jl hearing of the Interstate Commerce commission. There Is growing discussion In the finan cial district of the likelihood of an advance In freight rates this spring and the agree ment In the expressed views on the subject of railroad authorities from widely dlver- igent source I considered significant. There 1 I i . . w n agreement that advances In freight rate were not to be thought of In view of the current agitation against railroad corpora tions. The existence of this spirit has been considered to be a barrier against the equalising by tha railroads of the growth In their operating expenses. The disfavor with which recent capital Increases have beer held Is attributed to the restriction upon the railroads to regulats their In comes. The resumption of the report of transaction In "odd lots" on the tape re vealed a shrinkage of orders for stocks In small parcels, which Is supposed to Indi cate the presence of Investment order In the market. But this buying wss not of material effect In holding prices. The exist ence of weak spots In the msraei was re vealed from time to time and this helped to keep sentiment unsettled. There was further selling of Great Northern preferred from the same source aa yesterday and this la sunnosed to b the closlnk out of a speculative account or accounts In the stock, which were crippled by the long decline In the stock since the announce ment of various rights to stockholders. Acute weakness also developed In Missouri Paclflc owing to rumors In circulation of a coming appeal . for Increase In capital. This decided a reaction In price and tha last prices of the day were generally slierhtlv lower than last night. Bonds were steady . Total sales, par value, $1,764,000. United States bonds wera unchanged on oall. The following was the range of prices on tha New York Stock exchange: galas. High. Low. Cloaa. M.400 11IV4 U1'4 1"H I0 41 41 H 41 100 m ii ion 10 M 10 i 130 , 100 14 M44 tl 1 II 00 71 7114 7114 110 , 11.100 141 1U lMi , 104 lit lit lit , 1,400 111 11114 131 "4 400 N Mlt ttSt . t.tOO ITTUj tlt 174 . 11,100 102H 101 S 101 100 ta 40 . 1,100 12044 lit . 120 , 1,104 114 111 lit ' n ,' I, tot - 74 714 7 . I.too 111 ltu4 1"044 too 111 tot tot too tO 4tVa 41 . 104 14 14 14 , 1,tl0 lit 144 114 . 11,400 141 144 147 1 7. , "'Tr" i "utM coaat wno... ; 5?, oh -fS S!iokirs luoTd ii.Y.'M Canadian PaclBo cantral of 14. 1 Cbaaapaako 4V Ohio Chloaso Ot. Chicago A N. W C. at. A St. P Ckloaao T.'A T ... Chicago T. T. pfd C, O.. C. A 8t. t,.. Colorado I. A I Colo. A Bo tl 47 14 4 tot 16 1,100 4t 400 U 100 17 8S 47 14 47 vo.o. r Co,- A so. Id ptd Consolidated Oas Corn Products 400 tt 44 64 io 113 m its l.KW 23 21 400 17 M 14 1 tot tot toi tot 1.700 17 II 11 71 24.409 Tt TS 76 11,100 14 14 14 70 100 40 44 40 404) ltl 141 161 lot 100 ltl Ul 117 70S II 14 15 to 1.104 16 14 K Corn Products pfd Delaware A Hudaoa Dal., U A W Dearer A R. O D. A R. O. pfd 01011110? curttlee Sri Erie let pfd Erie td pfd Oenoral Bleetrlo Hocking Vsllay llllnola Central Intarnatlonal Paper ., Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Puap pfd. lows Central .. lows Central pfd K ansae City 80 K. C. 80. pfd is 400 36 "0 46 14 84 46 , 44 104 U 4U tl ! 17 tM. U UMleTllle A N Mexican Central Minn. A it. L M.. 8t. P. A 8. 8. M M.. St. P. A 8. 8. 14. pfd. Mlaaourt Pacloa M., K. A T U . K. A T. pfd Hattooal Lead N. R. a. el M. pfd N. T. Caatral N. T-. O. A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A W. ptd. North Americas Paciflo Mall Peoaaylranta People's Oas P., C. C. A 61. L. Preeeed Steal Cor Preaaad 8. C. ptd Pullman Palace Car. Reading 1 Heading 1st pfd -... Raadlns Id pfd Republic Steel Republlo Steal pfd Rock Island Co Rock Ulead Co. pfd St. U A i r. Id pfd St. L A W BL U 8. W. pfd So. Paciflo Be. Pat-illa pfd 80. Railway Bo. Railway pfd Tanneaaao O. A I Texaa A P ' T . ILL I W 1.0U4 114 111 112 8,100 21 U 11 KW 17 i a l.KIO 111 108 lot 400 146 146 141 80.100 14 in U 1,100 1 17 87 400 70 M 11 l.IOO 70 if M I04 56 46 14 1100 121 114 124 eov - et 44 aa 7u0 M 16 M 41 TOO II 11 11 10 14 It 14 11,104 110 im 110 TOO M M M 71 1.24J0 41 41 '41 , ' 141 141,404 112 110 111 low ev av at a 8,700 16 14 14 10 tl 11 17 . i,tue n 1 16 av 41 n u 400 41 400 tl lot 66 14.700 13 'i'70 '. 10 w ', "i.'iM 'ii loo 11 41 It If 1 m ti 117 II tl 160 11 12 0 10 tl II I T . 81. U A W. pfd 00 n Colon raeiae Vnloa Paciflo pfd. IT. B. Bipraaa V. A Realty V. . Ruboar V. B. Rubber pfd II. 8. Steel V. A Steel pfd. ei-dlr , Va--'arallna Ckenleal ..... Vaara. Caam. pfd........ WabaaS Wabaah pfd Walla Targo Sipreas Weatlnfhouaa kieotli ..... Weatera tnloa Wkealtn A U WUconala Central Wla. Central ptd Norther Pari to Central Leather Central Leather pfd....... Blaaa-Bnealald Steal , ereat rionhars pfd Iat. Meiropolltaa 1st. Metrepoltua pfd 74.400 176 172 172 tl 11 77 1.100 11 to to aOO 104t 10 104 4I.4O0 46 44 4441 1.100 lot 104 104 40 II it u "'wo 'ii a. tt .... 10 11 11 81 11 .... rra .... It U I 11 II mo u 404 II fca) 12 100 44 12 22 46 I.44M 14 H 04 14 M U etw iw iwi lue 0 )o til, U.luO 144 III 111 4U 14 14 . 71 Total anlea lor tks day, 100, T OS aharea. Bostaa Csppar Market. CloalnaT quotation on Boaton corner jar ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 111 Board of Trad DUJiaing, uraani; Adeeatsra Alloaea ,., Atlaatie . t Mokawk tl 41 Nevada Coosollsatad. 11 iiaKorta Baits Ill Biask 1 Old DoalMus M Black Moanials lOaoao4a Ill Beatea Coaaelldated.. MPnaa. Berries II Butte Cealltlos XI Pnea. Barvlce, pfd... !' Calsau A Arlaoa..lal Qalaer 144 Calnaaet A 14eela....t41 Sbuaoa ti Caaieanlal Tamaraok Cacver Ran Dally Weat Beat Butt Prank II. Oreen Copse .... Oranby ' Helretls lale Rersl Kewanae U 47 A Ptueawg. Maaaackusatis atlcblgaa . t4Taaaeaae Copper , . lTrlDltr . II railed Fralt . rUnitad Blelaa, aces . Illialted Slates, pfd. .144 Utah Coeeulldated . . 4 t'tak Copper ,. 11 Victoria .. II Wlaeaa . r Welrerlae ., Iraaaaea . 84i Nlplaalag ., 41 .. 17 ..104 .. U .. 4t .. 71 .. ti .. .. U IS 11 Traaaary Blateaaeat. WASH I NOTON, Fab. 8 Today's Stat, msnt of th treasury balances In the gen eral fund, siclu.lv of the llW.uuu.juO guld itservs, aLoag; AraUabl aA balauca. irO.S12.4.W; gold coin and bullion, $H.430,768; gold certificate. $44,070,480. Sew Yerk Moaey Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 1-MONET-On call, saey at 2S'o per cent; ruling rate. 24 per cent; I'lonlnK bid. I per cnt; offered st S4 Ser cent; time loans, dull and steady; sixty ays, 1 per cent; ninety days, fVjOt, per cent; six months, mfiftvi per cent. PKIMK MERCANT1LK PAPER-Sei per cent. STERLING EXCH ANGB Weak, with acttml business In bunkers' bills st 14 !4Jf 4 MfiO for demnnd and at 14 6"t4 o6 for n-day bills; posted rates, 14.MVfcft4.8&to; com mercial bills, M.COV SILVER Bar, 6Vc: Mexican dollars. S.1, BONDS Government snd railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds ware follows: V. a. rf. ta, ret. ...It do eoapea 14 Jips . U series... ri 4a ctt. Mt to 4 Hi tfi t2V do Id mDm. K L. N. nl. 4 W Mas. e. . 4e 1 Mt. rentrtl 4s M do let tnfl Utt C. g ta. rax Iif4 so coupon .1M V. . eld 4s, lf. do eonpoa C. . s. . rr.. de ennsos Am. Tobaece 4s... da ...ll ...ll ...IK ...1 . "Minn. St. U. 4s.. M 1VM . K. T. 4 Atrhiaon sen. 4s lnlH do ta M da adj. 4s tl Atlsntle C. U 4s MH Bal. Ohio 4s lot do lm N Br. R. T. a. 4 Central of Oa. (a IIS ) lt Ino to do Id Ino U Mdo id Ino t Chm. 4k Ohio 4Ha ...lM Cnlcaso 4V A. ISa... T4 P., B. at q. a. 4a.... WH C. R. I. P. 4a.... 744, do eol. ta to N. R. R. of M. e. 4a. W4 N. T. C. t- ls SH M. J. C. . ta IM Ifo. Paella 4a lot do ta J14. N. W. e. 4s H O. t. Ia rfdf. 4s t4 Pran. eonv. I Ha 4 Raadlns son. 4a. t" S. U A I. at. o. ta..U3H K. L t I. r. fs. 4a. lit at. u s. w. a .. n Seaboard A. U 4a... an 80. Pact Bo 4a tS CCC. 4r St. L. s. 4a..l014: da lit 4a rtfi.. Colo. Ind. ta. mr. A. t Dn. Railway ta. 11IV4 111 t4 1OTH Colorado Mid. TIS T.ia A P. la. Colo. so. 4a Cuba ta D. R. O. 4s niauilarf Sao. la.. Erie . 1. 4a do (an. 4a Horning Val. 4H. nti T. , St, L. W. 4s.. .10314 . M . . t7H . MS .IO414 Union Pacific 4a.. IT. 8. Staal Id ta ' Wabalh Is ..Ill do dek. B Waatera Md. 4a.. W. tuts, Wis. Control 4s., 71 IT japtn Bid. Offered. Boatoa Stocks aad Bonds. BOSTON, Feb. 6-Call loans. 47 per cent; time loans, 6y(i7 per cent. Offlclal pricea on stocks and honds were: AtctalaoB adj. 4s to do 4a 100 Mrs. Cantral 4s t Atrhiaon , 10144 do pfd I Boatoa A Albany tJl Boatoa A stalna l&t Boaton ElaTated 141 Atlantio ... 14 Rlncham Cal. A Hocla.. Centennial Copper Ranga Daly Want Praoklln Oranbr Iflla Horale ... Maaa. Mining , ...II ...tt ... 41 ... t4 ::: ...in ritchkun ptd Mai lean Cantral .. N. T., N. H. dt H Union Paclflc Am. Area. Cham.. do pfd A mar. Pnou. Tube. .131 ... 10 ... I ... 12 . II .1HIV, .172 . 21 . tl Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. A C Old Dominion Oereola , ... II ... 1 ... M It 1M Amar. 9n(ar liovt Parrot Qulncr 11 ls rt do pfd . . .lit Amar. T. A T Amar. Wooloa ...... do pfd Dim. I. B Edlaon Blae. Ilia.. Maaa. Elactris do ptd ,. Maaa. Oas United Fruit United 8. M do pfd V. 9. Steal., , do ptd Adranturo AtHmaa Amalgamated Bid. -Asked. Shannon . II Tamarack 1U 7 . tt Trinity . 10 V'nlted Copper .. .121 It. 8. Mining .11 O 8. Oil . M t'tak . ts Victoria .104 Winona . 41 Wolrarlna . IS North Butts .... . 44jBuite Coalition . .104 Neradt . I Cal. A Arltooa.. . 4t lArlaons Com. ... .UlOraen Con .. 71 .. 41 .. 11 .. 7J .. I .. 12 ..1M ..111 .. H .. 17 ..1M .. II .. 11 Losioa CIosIbsj Itocks. LONDON, Feb. 6. Closing quotations on stocks were: Consols, money do account .. Anaconda Atchlaon dn pfd .. M .. 17 .. 14 ..106 at.. K. A t N. T. Central Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pennaylranls Rand Mlsea l 110 II I 46 47 7 41 17 M M 171 , 45 . 44 101 . 17 . 14 .101 Baltimore A Ohio... .111 Canadian Paciflo ' 107 Chaa. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W ... 7lReadlng 14l8outharn Railway 162 do pfd 13 Southern Paciflo .. C, M. St. P... DeBeert Denver A R. O I! Union Paciflo do pfd H 1 do pfd .... Kris U V. a. Steel.. do lat pfd.. 1.. 72 do Id ptd II do pfd .... Wabaah , . llllnola Central 14 do pfd .... Lonlanile A N 111 Spanlah 4a SILVER Bar, sleauyi 31 U-16d per ounce. ftujiNE. 1 -3waa per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills, 44 per cent; for three months' bills, 4H&4 ,W U-18 per cent. New York Mlalaar ttoaka NEW YORK. Feb. 'l-CloSm Quotation. on mining iock were: Adams Con. Little Chief .. .. 8 ..lot ..lit .. II .. If ., 41 .. M ..ttt Alice Brecon Drunawlek Cos. ., Cometoek Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va... IM k)atarle sa upnir , N -tfotoal .. 44 I Ravage Sierra Narada .. It ..174 ..411 .. I Morn SIlTer .... Iron Sllrer SqmII Hopes .. Standard LeadTllle Cos. .. ' Porelga Financial. LONDON. Feb. 8. Rate for money were easy In the market today In spite of large repayment to the Bank of Eng land. Discounts were quiet. On . the Stock exchange yesterday's cheerfulness developed Into a general hardening ten dency. During the greater part of the day business slightly Increased, princi pally on bear covering, but the market closed Irregular In places. Copper shares were active under the lead of Rio Tlnt,s nd reports of an Increased output being contemplated. Mexican rails were strong on tne revival or rearrangement rumors. Americans developed strength during th lorenoon ana naraenea to wen over par ity and Wall street news caused the bears to cover. The shares of coal carrying rauroaas ana umtea estates steel celved the most attention. Later New York advices caused the market to ease slightly, but a recovery set In and at tho close price were firm. Missouri pacific was the feature. Mines, especially si berlans, were weak. Japanea Imperial os or iu ciosea at BERLIN, Feb. $. Trading on the Bourse was limited, but c-rlces were firm. PAK1B. ren. e. rnces on the Bourse today were firm. Russian Imperial 4s rinsed at 78 and Russian 4s fit 1904 at 44. Bank Ctaartags. OMAHA. Feb. A Bank clearing for to day were $1,494,710.91 and for th corre- sponaing data last year i,4os, 939.03. . Waal Market. BOSTON. Feb. A WOOL Market con tlnues strong, with trading dull, chiefly because of th high values. Considerable territorial wool Is moving on account of old contracts. Worsted wools are practically out of atock. Of clothing wool, there la a good supply left unsold. In pulled wools there Is a fair trade and a steady market There Is a fair market for sooured grades. Texas wools are aulet. Foreign wool srs firm. Leading domestic quotations follow: Indiana and Missouri combing blood, S4(&36c; combing blood, SS-viMc; Texas, 1 a.--,. en. 1 4 .., 1. . Tt . M . a .A 8 months, to&lOc; fin fall clean, ff2c. California, scoured basts, northern choice. 47!&68c: northern good. 6641 47c: middle county, t$3j6c; southsrn, 2tl33c; fall free, 64ic. Oregon, sooured basis, eastern No. 8Sl&70c: valley No. 1. 8ni33c. Territorial staple; sen urea pasts, nne, 7Zr7ac; fins medium, Wflioc ; medium, 4o4i6c. Territory, orainary, scourea oasis, nne, tvsijjiiic: nnt medium, SJ&Qic; medium, td&loc. Colorado and New Mexico, spring, scoured basis, X. 6S4jf70c; No. 1. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Feb. $. WOOL-Steady ; medium grades combing and clothing. 24fJ 28c; light fine. iUc; heavy fine, 1618o; tub washed, 303380. Kaasas City I.tve Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb, $. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3.000 head. Including 600 head Southerns; market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.66 0 6.60; fair to good. . $4.2otJ 6 68; western fed steers, $3. 76436. 00; stockers and feeder. $$.36i 4.76! southern steers. $$.6066.26: south ern cows. $$.2549$. 76; native cows, $3 30 tr4.60; native hellers, 3.zi4y6.26; bulls, $3 00?4.26; calves, $8.6007.60. HOQ8 Receipts, 8.600 head; market ( t? 10c higher; top, $7.10; bulk of aalea, $7.00477.06; heavy. $7.0597.10; parkera. 77.07; pigs and light, $i.i0O TOO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 8.000 head: market atrong; lamb. 14.6041 7.65: owe and yearlings, $4.7606.26: western fed yearlings. I ootjt 40; western fed sheep, $4. 7605.76; stockers and feeder, $$.60 1.00. St. Jeseah Llva Stark Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Feb. 6. CATTLE Receipt, 2,146 head; market active; na tive. $4.606 6.7$; cpwa and heifers, $3.26 4 6 00; stocker and feadera, $114(14 (0. HOOS Recelpta, 8.694 head; market $ 10o higher; top, $7.10; bulk, $4 6t7.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 6.441 head; market ateady; lambs, $7.$07.$0; we. $4.76 Q 6.00. tack la Slgrkt. Receipt of !lv atock At th Big principal wasuro market yeaterday wer as follows: . . Cat Us, Hoga Sharp South Omaha 6.4iO 4.UO . $v3M Ulcus city , 1.90 Kansas City ol Be Joseph 3.146 8t. Louis 4.0u) Chicagu U.UU0 l.w u 8.iii i0 6.694 40 0.uu0 6,w4 1.6' 4) TuUlg $,74J fl.mi 80.361 OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good Killing: Cattlo 8tdy, witk Fieuan Eomt Etrocetf. HOGS OPEN HlGHcR, BUT CLOSE LOWER Fair Raa of gkeep aad La as as, with Deaaaad Good aad Trad am De al ra hie Grade Fairly Active aad Steady. BOUTH OMAHA, Feb. , 1f7. Receipts were: Omclal Monday . .i m 4X4 T.667 4.7'1 I.7S4 4,000 .2(0 . . Official Tuesday 4.90 Official Wednesday 4.400 Three days this week.17.488 1S.0 20.frrl Pame daya last week. .. .1S. 27.014 19.W9 ame dsys $ weeks ago.. H.14J $1.44 2.4;a Bame days 8 weeks sgo. .19.13J 19.g74 26.624 name day 4 weeks sgo. .18. T. J Z4.ua i.o a j .... 1 .11 ct. on IM Same day last year 18.312 23.864 80,182 The following table shows the receipts ol rsttle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1907. J94SBV. Inc. Dec Cattle 1S1.4H9 96.644 $6,926 ...... Hogs 243.82S 278,167 $4.4 Sheep 166,76$ 161,421 16,$ CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Good to cholc cornfed steer $6.40H.lti Fair to good cornfed steers 4 7V66 .40 Common to fair steers 4.tXX44.t Good to choice fed cows $.70S4.70 Fair to good cows and heifers.... X53.70 Common to fair cows snd heifers., l-00y8.ro Good to choice st'kers and feeder. 4 4 00 Fair to good etockers and feeder.. $.76(34-40 Common to fair stockera $ 00-a.VTB Bulls, stags, etc 1 761400 Veal calves 4.0Otf.6O The following table show th average price of hoga at South Omaha for th laat several days, with comparisons: Pat. I 1907. 190$.lO8.1904.in08.190.1901. Jan. 28.. Jan. 29.. Jan. 80.. Jan. 81.. Feb. 1.. Feb. 2... Feb. 3.. Feb. 4.. Feb. 6.. Feb. (.. 75 71 6 714 6 84 87S ( 80 6 98 ' 4 Ml 4 79 4 79 4 661 4 81 67 6 95 6 22 I 28 I 28 i 18 I 22 t 26 a 6 81 6 23 I St 6 So 6 43 6 41! $ 64 73 8 69 o 68 8 70 6 W 06 4 3 6 97 ( 96 a S US 4 K 4 67 4 70 4 781 6 48 $ 63 4 721 4 86 4 74 1 !i ! 5 JS s S iH ! B 5 l 5 4 81 I 76 16 6 XI 6 86H 6 63 sir),: & 63 4 83 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hoga. Omaha $3.00.75 $6R6fi97 Chicago 1.9MT7.00 Kanaaa City $.a'u.W St. Louis 2.0tKo 76 61taT.10 6.76417.16 6 4"4'7 16 6.80&6.96 Sioux City 8.75tt.2S The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.HoKS.SheeD.H'r'a C, M. A St P 3 11 Wabash 4 3 Missouri Pacific 3 4 32 9 80 10 6 14 10 I i 8 134 Union Paciflo System. IM 33 $2 1 C. 4 N. W., east 10 9 2 C. A N. W., west ta C, St. P. & M. 0 28 C. B. A Q.. east 7 C, B. A Q., west 41 C. R. I. k P.. east.... 7 C, R. I. A P., west.... 1 Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western., t Total recelpta 313 49 The disposition of the day's receipts wa a follows, each buyer Durchasfng ths numuer oi neaa inaicaieni Cattle. HorsBheeD. Omaha Packing Company 964 1,106 1,148 owirt ana company l et) Cudahy Packing Co 1,69 8.292 2,912 2,382 2.011 $.367 tU8 Armour & Company 372 vansant at t.o 9 Carey 4 Benton $ Lobman A Co 139 W. I. Stephen 82 Hill Son 118 F. P. Lewis 63 Huston & Co $88 L. F. Huss 88 Wolf 37 J. H. Bulla 10 Mike Haggerty 63 J. B. Root oV Co 153 O. McConnaughey 38 ..... ..... Sullivan Bros V. A. Brltton 3 Lehmer Bros 20 ..... Ager Packing Co 21 Other buyeis 653 2,021 Total ..6,430 8,69$ . $.162 CATTLE Receipt of cattle wer liberal again this morning, the run keeping up re markably well In spite of the atorm and severe weather. It would appear that the prevailing high prices ar a Dig induce ment for feeders to market their cattle so that they are keeping them coming In spit of drawback. The feeling among sellers this morning wa that beef steer, at least the better f rades, ought to sell a little stronger, and hey were generally pricing their cattle higher than yesterday. On the other hand, buyer did not appear to be any too eager for supplies and the general market could hardly be called better than steady. In spots there were to be found sale that looked better, but, on the other hand. It wa possible to find sales that looked Good oows were not over plentiful and they sold In the same notches as yesterday. On th other hand, there were a good many common to medium grade which wer slow sale throughout the day and on which prices were, If anything, a little easier than yesterday. There wa a very good speculative buy ing of feeder this morning, and deslrabl grades commanded good strong price. Cat tle of this description have regained all th decline of last week, and they sold today a high a any time thl season. Light cat tle of good quality also sold to good ad vantage. The only kind that was discrimi nated against was th Inferior and common kinds. Representative sales: utue.11 gi Banna. No. 11... n... 81... I. .. t... II. .. 11... I. .. II. .. 10... II... 21... to... M... At. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ...mo 1 10 ...1141 I 14 ...11J6 I 10 - ...1161 I 1 ...1117 6 It ...1114 I 14 ...1164 ISO ...lot $ to ...1244 I If ...1M4 I 14 ...114 t It ...Mat I It ...UM I 84 ...1104 6 It 144 4 40 tl 117 4 40 107 4 M 20. II 11 II II 10 11 14 4 8 1114 4 74 1014 4 40 1174 4 45 1171 4 tt 1014 4 M lOtl 4 10 1111 4 10 mi 4 tt 1141 4 tS 1064 4 M 8..... II 10 COWS. nn 1 00 1 1011 I tt 4 1MI 8 tt 14 tat 1 to 1 iwv st 14 181 I to 1 list 4 10 1041 I 10 I ....Ill 4 44 n IK IU 14 tit 4 Ot W Ill I If 10 1041 4 N II .1101 1 It II 1167 4 1 II 1014 I 40 4 124 4 44 7.., 101 1 to 1 ....lien 114 , 1 long 1 H a ivna a ia IT 1061 I It II 1071 4 II 14 tat I TO ft 14I I It 1 1110 I TS II loot 4 14 IT 1101 I Tt II lit 4 2 7 Ml I 76 t 1171 I at ! . .lut 1 it ino a U 1161 I to t 14 I 40 1 104 I 10 t 1124 I 0 7 44 I 10 1 1171 4 44 HEIFERS. 10..., 17.... 4.... It.... I.... 1... I.... .... 1.... 4.... I. ... It.... 4.... J:r:: 11.... 14... II. .. , 404 I 00 Tt 770 I tt 114 I 40 8 10lt 4 OS Ti4 I TO 14 ttt 4 81 446 I 71 t IM 4 40 UM 8 78 1 1140 4 60 , BULLS. 1260 8 40 1 1171 t 71 1174 3 44 . I...' 16S t 71 1110 8 46 1 1110 8 94 CALVES. no II 1 864 I 60 , tOO 4 It 1 tS 8 71 140 4 60 I STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 140 I it 1 461 8 9 124 I 14 1 460 4 00 , 171 I 44 T 444 4 30 ........ til I II 4 144 4 St 124 I tt M ra 4 m Ill IN I Ml 4 U tat 8 44 II lit 4 44 tat I at It. HOGS The market opened lust about to higher then yesterday s general market, and while the trade was slow a fair pro portion of the receipts changed hands In nr. tv aroon aeaaon! all su wms a vary dodu- ' . ' . ' - . ar pries today, whereas yesterday half ths hogs brought $6 85. There wa also aprinaiwi ui me uciwr i.aoca e r-i and above, whll there were a few scat- taring trashy loads below $6.80. It was apparent ell the morning that som of the packers at least wer bearish In their views and were paying tne aa- vanced prices under protest a It were. Aa Ucally Imposslbl to get over $4.87 for th best loads, with lighter weight at $S.$6. itepresentstive sales auun u ma mun uisiit uiurn w.i . miru, i js0 g join, sc; in 9. t cnuca. sc ; iso. i chuck, th bear took advantage of the opportunity (.; tio. 6 chuck, 4o: No. 1 round. 7c, Nu to depress prices and th market cloaed . ) round. 8c: No. I round. o; No. I plala, with a considerable proportion of the arly , 4c; Ha. t piste, 4a: No. 3 plat, $c advance lost. On the close It was prao-I M 1CCELLA.N kXilia. Ma Av. 8k. Pr. Ma A. ' Bk. Pr. 14 hi ... ta u fat ... It 14 m M i h u tut ... I ta 4 171 at I It H ... 6 to 2 144 4 4 1714 11 Its 4 4 lle 47 IM ... I 17 V 44 Ill ... 4 MS4 44 tot 4 4 I74 M Ml ... I M 44. ...... .tit ... 4 17 Si 44 44 ... 814 14 rn ... I 17 V 4 tat ... ttt 41 ttl 14 4 47V4j II 141 ... 14 at. HI ... 4 47V4 at HI ... 8 14 . Tl 141 ... lit 4t 11 ... lat i 44 tut lit I t 61 14 ... 4 4744 4 M ... let 14 M ... lj It n ... IN Tl 747 ... 4 17 7 IN 44 4 t I"l ... 4U M......t0 40 4 i 71 I ... 4S 74 t4 ... 4 H SO. It ... 4 tt 71 Ml ... 4 ta tS I ... 4 4 74 rt ... It 11 U4 ... Ill M Ml It I tt M i:l ... Ill 7i.. ...... tit ... t a tt I4 ... lit 47 IM ... 4 (l tt Ill 4 I 1 t ... tt 44 141 ... Ill St VI Ml I to 4t I4 ... 1 : Tt r ... I tS 7Ir. 24 ... 113 II tno M 4 ta to 121 ... 4 2 A IM ... I to It IM ... 4 12 87 t ... I 10 Tl H4 ... Ill II .117 ... I St M tM 40 I 41 71 r ... It" 71 HI IK 111 aft ?l ... I to Tt. 144 ... 4 12 4 t4 ... 44 Tl Vi ... IK ti to ... to rt .m ... t tM tt 1 to m tor lit III 17 ri ... I an SHEEP The heep market wss without any noteworthy change of Special Interest, the trading being devoid of newa. It was In fact a stesdy and fairly actlv market on the deslrnl.lt kinds at least. Holders of medium kinds were Inclined to call the trades low. Lambs sold In nrsctlcallv the same notches as yeaterday, good westerns brlng- Ing $7.46. the Same price thst wa paid for them yesterday. Good western yar- lings on the Ismb order sold up to m.a. nn mexicans at ao ao. some 01 in m M.tlMn w a V. . a aa 7A veater- day sold In the same notch today. The most deslrsbl sheep snd lamb changed hand In good season In the morn ing. Quotation on killer; Good to choir lambs, $7.0tfj7.60; tslr to good lambs. $4 76 4)7.00; good to choice yesrllngs. Inmb weights, $0(a.8D; fair to good yearlings, lamb welcnts. 8S.7Mi4l.00: good to choice yearlings, hesvywelghts. $S.7Mi.00: fair to good yearlings, heavyweights. $S foWR 18; good to cholc old wethers, $5 SMJ5 H; f'P to good old wethers. I0O0S468S; good to cholc ewes, $4.90ft&20; fair to good. 4 3f9 4.60. Representative sale: No, Av. Pr. 1W western lambs 63 90 western ewe 87 4 60 431 western ewes 100 4 60 118 western ewes W2 4 60 2M western ewes 119 I 20 13 western awea 08 6 00 tri western wether 17 6 90 193 western ewes 116 4 86 4K8 western ewes and yearlings.. 103 6 90 164 western lambs 61 (76 12 western lambs 74 7 26 620 western lamb 70 7 0$ 1K8 western lambs 78 7 46 197 western Inmb 83 7 46 87$ western lambs 1... 86 7 46 132 weal or a. Inmhi SS 7 46 l1 """ w t so western yearling 86 28 ls4 Mexican wether 118 $ 70 CHICAGO I.IVB STOCK MARKET Caftle Steady to Higher, Hogs Illaher A Sheep lirosg. CHICAGO, Feb. 8 CATTLE Receipts, 18.000 head; market steady to 10c higher; common to best steers, $4.261.20; cows, t.1.2f6 0O; heifers. $2.00iio.60; bulls, $3.0O9 4 60; calve, $2.756.00; stockers and feeders, $2 Jr6 4 90, HOGS Receipts, 30,000 head; market 61a higher; choice heavy snipping, n.mwg'i.iu light butchers, n.onOR; light mixed. $7.00 1 67.06; choice light $7.0037.07; packing, $7.W 47.06; cholc pigs, $6,6076 90; bulk of sale. 87.0007.10. SHEEP AND IJa MBS Receipt, 18,000 head; market atrong; aheep, $4.9Oij.0O; yearling, $6.76786; lambs, $4.gS7 'n. Hew Yark Live Stack Market. NEW YORK. ' Feb. 6. BEEVES Re celpta, 1,814 head; fnlr to srood steers loft 16c higher; msdlum, fully steady; common, slow and not wanted; bulls, steady; medium snd common cows, firm to 10c higher; good fat cows, steady; steers. $4.7utr6.O0; bulls, 3.70(14.60; cows, $2.267j4.16. Liverpool and Iondon cablea quoted live cattle easy at 111. .1,. I V, Am,..4 Ml.kl .... a... , ator beef selling st 9'&1c per lb; exports looay, 01a uaiue ana i.onu quarters 01 oeei. CALVES Receipts, 956 head; market for veals firm; barnyard calves, stesdy; west ems, dull; veals, $6.50610.00; culls, $4.004., S.00: uarnyrd calve, $3.76; no westerns sold; dressed calves, firm; city dressed veals, 8016c per lb.; country dressed, 84? 12c per lb. HOGS Receipts, .276 head; market feel ing ateady; state and Pennsylvania hog quotable at $7 4O7.e0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, $.661 head; market for sheep nominal but fully ateady; for lambs, 26c higher on short supply at $6,607)18.26. Liverpool and I,ondon cables quoted sheep lower at 111!o per lb., dressed weight. It. Loal Mva Stoelr Market. .ST. .LOUI8. Feb. 6 CATTLE Receipt, 4,000 bead; Including 600 head Texan; market for native 10c higher; Texan strong; native shipping and export Steers, $6. 866. 76; dressed beef and - butcher steers, $4.8606.90; steer under 1.000 pounds. $$.764.80; stockers and feeders, $2.00424.10; cows and heifers, 12.6046.25; canners, $1.902.6; bulls, $2. $04. 00; calve. $3.85Q 8 00; Texaa and Indian steers $2.6096.60; cow and heifer. $2,90 4? 4.00. HOGS Receipt. 8,600 head; market tO 10c hlgeh; pig and light. $6. 407.00; packers, $6.80497.06; butchers and best heavy. $7.0O7.16. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.500 head; market steady; native muttons, $$.0006.76; Ismbs, $4.0007.76; culls and bucks, $$.0004.00; stocker. $2. 76O3.60. loax City Lly Stack Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia.. Feb. $. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipt. I.200 head; market steady; beeves, 84.2604l.26; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.7694.66; stocker and feeders, $3.0tJji4.26; calves and yearling, $3 7MJS.76. HOGS Receipt. (.800 head: market a hude higher, selling at $6.8004.96; bulk of sales, M.8tfc.90. OMAHA WHOUC84I.H MARKET. . Coadltloa at Trade aad Igaotatloas aa tapla aad Faaey Fradaee.' EGGS Per dos., 36c. LIVE POULTRY liens, (VsOvc; roosters, 6c; turkeys, UkuUsc; ducks, l10cj young roostei. gc; geese, st&so. BUTTER Packlnar atock. 18c: choice to fancy dairy, XitaMo; creamery, 8&0290. " HAY Choice uiilund, $.6u: meum n. 14 40: No. 1 bottom, $e.60; off grades, $6 60OA59. By straw. $7.00; No. 1 alfalfa, $11.00. ItAUaM fer on. 816.00. I OLD VEGETABLES. CARROT t aKlt r AND PARSNIPS Per bu.. 7 60 BWEET POTATOES Illinois. nr iara bbl. $c.3t. NAVY BEAXf Par bu.. 6X8B1 Ma A B.60. LIMA BEANS Pr lb,, 6C CABBAGE Holland aaed. noma arrows. lo per lb. ttUG PLANT Far dog.. 8X.2r3Ctl.0l RUTABAt3AM About lbtt lbs. ta sank. $160. POTATOES Far b. 4604M. TURNIPo-Pr bu., 80c ONIONfaHoma arm a. na taw., awol Spajoiao, per era ia, W-uO; Colorado, par bu too. TROtCAL FRUIT. FIGS California, burk, 6o; 8-crown Turkish, l&c; 4-orown Turkish, lie; $-crown Turkish, 12a LEMONS Umonlera, 800 and $89 Bis. $4.60; other brands, 60c lesa. DATES Kadaway Va: eayra, Ic; Hal low la. Biw atuflea arainui aalaa. 8-lb. boa. $1.10. UAANAra-er ensdium-Biraa buooo. $$.Ouj$26' 1 urn Wo. $X 044.60. OKAPB Fitl'lT-iiiM s U M and $0, $3.7$ fi4 00. ORANGES Florida tratiga. all alsaa $2.e; California us vol a, extra fancy, ail slses, $4.uv; fancy. 83.76; cholc. li. jc42.60. NEW VEQBTAHf ffji BEETS, 1UKN1S AN1 CARROTS Fa do a, 4cv0a TOMATOES Florida, 80-Ib, crate, $6.00. WAX BEANS Par bu. 'oX. $e.fAK34.0B. LEAF LOTTUCeUoUiouea, for dog tlouOn. 46a. CELERY-Callfornia. per dos, 76oO$l OA CUCUMBEKa Uothouaa, par dos., $i.0a HORbhiMAUibH Cas 01 1 aoi.. 41. ku. RAD18HL44 Psr dos. bun a boa. 860. OREEN Pf SKetPnT -baakt arat, se.oteuwuw. PaRbIJCT Hotbou, par do, bunohoa 80c. HEAD LETTUCE Bouthsru, par doa. H.uiVl-aV ttlLALLOTS Southern, per bunch, 6O0. FRVUTaV CRANBERRJEa Psr bbl., r 0O8$ 00. . I W ...... . . M U . MM.., fl.WV.-VVi of , APPLES Boa Davis, choice. $.v; lancy, a ; par bbl., $4.1.; Jonathans, $8.764.0u; Now xora apples, 44 a, lowa ana ftDraaa, I aating and cooking, $3 1444.taj, PEARo Winter NoJi. tier tot, 83.08. t,4wM.uA u 1 1 rer sees or too, H-ou. CUT BEEF PRICES. No. 1 libs, 16c; No. 3 ribs, 10c; No. 3 1 nb. 7c; No. I loin, lac; No. $ loin. uo; CHEESB tNsw (ul, cream Wlsoonala twins, ltnsc; raw iuii craara prick, lata lc; whMl Bwls chees. l017c; block Mwisa ioc; umnerger, itc; xuung Aaier Una. 16W. - FISH Trout, 18c: halibut, loe: catfish, lae- kutlalo, Soi bullhaada. lie; black baas, Art BUM.K, sac; sauniou, uu; pias, oreasetl, 11; red anappar, 13; whlUBah, lie; perch, Orassad and scaled, to; pickerel, drrsaad, $o; herring. 4c; crsppi, aalic: !, loo: blueoan, lkur Hi Deter a, green, 86o per lb. I BBscksrel, Spanish, las; native, fxi; Crag tegs, 46o par do. adcll4a; smsits. Via. CPRKD FlnH-Famlly whiLaM.r. .... tuiurwr iblt tot lb, H; Nor uwi. erel, Nex L 8 08: No 1 A28 0O: herring it bble . 4) ponn.l each, Norway, 4k, $11; Nor.. HlDk-S AND TALLOW-Oreen aalted. No. L 1A; No. I, lie; bull hides, c; green hide. No. 1, l'tc; No. 3. 9c: horsa, 81.6w.al tie; sheep loll. 60c4jtll6. TtUow, Nu, L 4c; No. 5. 8c Wool. 167123a. CIl'ER-Nw lork. bill oarrel. $2.7$; bar tel. 46A NUTS French wslnuta. t$o; California walnuts. No. 3, soft shell, lie) No. 1 soft hell, loVtv; Hraiils, IMiIKc; ecsna lPA.'.'c; iberts, ltf14c; peanutA raw, 7rt ruasted, tc: California almoml, bnri shell, lrto; Tray on la, l7o; oocoanuta, $4.W per H Iba HON E Y Fer U frame. ttSO. COFFKE Ronsted, No. S6, $ per lb No. 80, 2lo per lb.: No. 36. 19c par lb. No. IM, 14c per Id i No. tl. l$c per lb. SUGAR Grsnuls ted sane. In Backs, $AUj granulated beet, tn saeka, $6.0L 8YRCP In bbls., 2.c per gnL: In cases. 8 10-lb. cans, $1.70; cases, 11 6-1 b, oana, (1.80; caaws, 24 1-lb. cans. $!.. CANNED OOOKB Corn, itandard wet. trn. 6641; Maine, $1.11, Tomatoes. 8-lb, tan. $1.10; 8-lb. cane. 97HctJ$l.0O. Pine. ai'Plrs, grated. 2-lh., $i OMiV.Su; slh-ed, 11 M it IN Gallon apples, fancy. 810b.., Cslt omla apricots, $100. Peart), $1.7611 60. Peaches, fstlcy, $1.76491! .; H. peacbeA $t u"tf 2 to. Alasks salmon, red, $1.36; fancy Chinook, F., $1)0: fancy ock. eye, F.. $i 96. Sardlnea, quarter oil, $17$: thre.qurt.r muelard, $3.09. Bweet pota toes, 81.104J1.26. Hauerkrsut, $1.08. Pump, kins. kV4j1.00. Wax beans, 3-lb.. ktOci lima beana t-lb., 76ctT$l 36, Spinach, li.86. Cheap peas, J-lb. Cfe; extra. 86C491.10; lancy. $I.86i.75. . Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. $.-METAIJr-Tha Ixmiton tin market wa unchanged to a little lower with spot quoted at 193 and futures st 1V2 6s. Locally the market waa quiet and slightly higher on the average with apot quoted at $4HH2.76. Copper wa ts higher In London market with spot ?uot-(1 at lir7 U's 8d; future K 10 M. cally the market was firm, with lake ? noted at $J5.00tU 35.26; elcctrolytlo at $34.2i 126 00; casting at $24. UMi 24. 76. Lead un changed at $ti.O(Ka.30 locally; In London th market waa also unchanged at 19 12a 84. Spelter wa 2a fid lower at 26 15a M In Ixndon and continued ateady at $6.7ti4U6 locally. Iron was Irregular In the tngllsh markets with standard foundry quoted at 6)s Id and Clevelttnd warrants at 6tis 10d. Ijocally the market was steady and un changed. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $.16 26$ 26. ft; No, $ foundry northern at 24.75ii6.75; No, 1 foundry southern at $36.00 liJiM, and No, t foundry southern at $&00 fV 3i 00. ST. IXTT1B, Feb. 6 METALB Ijead, steady at $6.10; spelter, $8.70. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Falts. NEW YORK, Feb. 6. EVAPORATED APPLES-Market continues quiet. Choice, 61-1c; prime, 8i4te, CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Peache are barely steady or spot but the general range of quotations was unchanged with " . ..... . v, , . . , -..-- to slse. Oregon 70s to $0n, 6ifi9o; apricot sr firm with choice held at 13c: extra choice. 184il!V. fancy, 19&20e. Peaches ara unchanged with choice quoted at 11413cl extra choice, 12''b13c: fancy, 12rl4c: extra fancy, 13fi1&c. Ralslna are unchanged with loose Muscatel quoted at 7&9c; , ,eeded ralslnB at 710c, and London layer at $1 S5l 46. agar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Feb. A SUGAR Raw, steady; fair refining, 3 31 -32c; centrifugsl, 94 test, $ 7-1 ftc; molasses sugar, $ 13-320. Refined, steady; No. 6, 4.30c; No. 7, 4.26c; No. 8, 4,20c; No. 9, 4.15c; No. 10, 4.06c; No. It, 4.00c; No. 12, 8.96c; No. 13. 3.90c; No. 14. 8.86c: . confectioners' A, 4.60c; mould A, 8.05c; cut loaf, 6.40c; crushed, 6.60c; powdered, 4.8uc granulated 4.70c; cube, 4.96c. MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 37iB48c. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 4). rTUGAR Steady: centrifugal whites, 4 8-16S4c; cen trifugal yellow, 8fi4$-16c; seconds, $7-ltic; new molasses syrup, 37j34c. Oil aad Rosla. OIL CITY, Feb. .-OIL-Oedlt balances, run. 10?.M bbls. : average. 83.467 bbls. bhipments, lbo,33a; bbls.; average, 104,400 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa., Feb. $.-OILS-Turpen-tine steady; 71c. ROSIN Firm; quote: A. B. C-, $4.06; D, $4.10; E, $4.0564.12; F. $4.10tg4.17; O, $410 4)417; H. $4.46; I, $4.60; K. $5.00; M. $5.26; N, $6.00; WO, $6.26; WW, $6.60. NEW LINE BEFORE CUT FARES Sack I tha Vate of Foataaelle Park Improvement Clab aa Street Car 4aatloa. ' Member of th Fontanelle Park Im provement club stated at th last meeting of th club that tha campaign to aeoura th extension of the atreet car line to tha Institute for th Deaf and Dumb gave om promise of successful fruition. It prefers extensions to reduced atreet car fares. This club, which 1b on of tha new ones, holds Its meetings at th Institute. Its member feel encouraged over their success In se curing sidewalk and grade Improvement. At the last meeting thes resolutions wer adopted: whereas. It is very important to th cltr a a whole that men of small mean shall be given encouragement to build home oa th low-pricsd land In th outlying addi tion! and. Whereas. In all large cities th extension of strsst car lines has proven A blessing to the wage earner; and, Wheeras. Added homes and Improved property will substantially Increase the an. nual tsx ron; ana. Whereas. Extension of lines will be espo. dally acceptable to women and children living In the outSKirts 01 tne city; ana, Whereas, The Omaha tt Council Bluff Street Railway company ha agreed to ea pend $1,600,000 thl year In extending Its) line and bettering It servlcs In th city of Omaha; For thess and other good reasons that will occur to all thinking men, therefor be it Resolved. That It Is ths sense of this club that at th prent stage of our city' fxowth Omaha is mor vitally Interested n the extension of street oar line than It I In agitating to question 01 reuuoeei street car fares. Mlssaarl Panneager Far BUI. jir.trrtrRSON CITY. Feb. 6. The senate today amended the $-cent railroad passen- f;er rat bill to apply to all trunk line and ine leased or owned by trunk line, and to Independent line Over forty-five mile long, permitting a rat of 4 cent per mile on Independent line under forty-flv mile In length. The bill wa ordered engrossed and will probably com up for passag oa Friday. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Robert H. iAindBryoti and wife to Jacob Hahn, east at feet lot s ana west 20 feet lot , block $, Myers. A Rli iiir.la &. Tlldcn's $ . $o0 Ava L. Wood to J. P. Splitter, outh 40 feet lot 4 and 6, tltx;K A Myer. Richard A Ttlden'B add l.OCO O. W. Llmnger fct al. to Rudolpn fomasek, south lots l ana I, lork al f re.lit Fonder 1.460 Hattle A. Shook and husband to Kffll O. Grav, lot al, block i toutn umina View Houth Omaha 100 E. 8. MaratMl and wife to Edward GlKln. Iota 1, 3. 8. 2D ana 80, bloc , Hrlee-B Pluce 1000 Continents Trust Co. to J. D Ledger- wood, lot 3. DKH-K 1. tsun Bioeaaa ,.. i Frederick E. Sanborn and w! fe to the C. B. Naah Co., nw aw -i-i4 and other land 10,000 Florenc company to W M. McBlhln- . ney, north 4 acre lot 21, Florence .' Height 1.200 The United Real Estate Co. to Beda C. Edlund, lot 14, Piocg m, jvoumta , Place ' $00 Total .. ...tl8.$61 Railroad Notes aylag. 79 . t i i ' Plymptbn, Gardiner & Co., Bsnkr 232 LaSalle St., Chicago N aw York . 1 Boston Massbss V Turk aad Ctaleag BVook EscAsag, I'