Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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IT you are willing to do your part to put the criminal Oil trust out of btiel
na tn seven Central Western States and enable the giant Independent
company to put forth a winning fight In a score of the largest trade centers
la the entire nation and do It with profit to yourself, send in your remittance
for fifteen thousand dollars necessary to pay for enough'of these bonds to build
Jwt one (1) flfty-flTe thousand barrel storage tank. Special effort will be
made to find one hundred and ten Individual In the United States who will
take fifteen thousand dollars of these bonds each at par during the next few
weeka which will erect that many silent but effective monuments against Oil
trust oppression and to commercial freedom In the oil Industry on western soil.
This will enable Uncle Sam Company to keep continually in storage at least
a four years' supply for all three refineries at Increased capacities.
BY the most cruel discrimination of the well known commercial oil pirates
the price of crude oil in the Kansas-Territory oil fields has been forced
to a redlculously low price, while the trust Is yearly storing millions of bar
rels practically stealing a supply which In a year or so it expects to use to
hamper the Independent refineries. Producers all over the field have contin
ually offered to deliver their oil to the Uncle Sam Company, so their produc
tion, which they are compelled to let go to protect their wells, can at least be
used as a weapon against their otl trust oppressor instead of fostering asset.
Uncle Sam Company now has three refineries completed and advantageously
located within striking distance of every Important trade center west of the
Mississippi river and with very little cost can manufacture and market at a
good profit at least one and a half million barrels of oil yearly.
THE people everywhere are tired and disgusted with the trust's un-American
methods. The most effectual way to fight any trust Is to refuse to
buy their goods wrongfully acquired. Uncle Sam Oil Co. entered the arena of
the fight at almost exactly the ?ht hour. It has met with astonishingly
rapid success from the word go. .t has an army of over nine thousand loyal
stockholders representing every part of the American continent. All this
company has to do is to install its distributing statfons all over the country
and manufacture Its oils and make sure of a certain continual supply of crude
product for the future. To complete-the' balance of four hundred main dis
tributing stations, to enlarge capacity of all three refineries to five thousand
barrels per day or better: to finish main trunk pipe line to navigation and
equip river transportation this company will sell five millions In bonds at par,
which will also put in
1 1
The Uncle Bam Oil Company has reached
the stave of Its carver where It is no longer
a small local concern, but la assuming- the
proportions of a great national enterprise.
It has three great refineries completed and
miles of main trunk pipe Itne and laterals,
scores of distributing stations and a great
( enterprise three-fourths completed, easily
. larxs enough to market and manufacture
at the very least Ave thousand barrels of
! eft per day. At the present time crude oil
in selling at the ridiculously low price of
89 onnta per barrel for the highest grade.
While the plana of the criminal Oil trust
are to run it still lower.' The Uncle Bam
Oil eompenv has been considering this situ
ation In ail of Its bearings for months.
and there Is practically but one sane thing
to do, and that la to build storage tanks
and store at least enough of this cheap oil
to operate all three of. the. Uncle 8am re
fineries for four years and to keep the
storage built op so that a four years' sup
ply will always be on hand. Every barrel
of this oil placed In storage, with the pipe
line and distributing stations and equip
ment completed, will bring this company at
least t per barrel. This will enable the
company to bring its oil sales up to four
and one-half million dollars per year and
wUl enable It to buy an additional million
and a half barrels of otl each year to take
ths place of the amount manufactured and
old and to retire one million and a halt
dollars of bonds yearly. For these pur
poses five million dollars of twenty-year
first mortgage per cent bonds will be
' The production of crude petroleum in the
Pennsylvania, California and Texas oil
fields is rapidly decreasing and the only
great oil heliis in the world to which the
people must look for a supply of crude oil
are the Kansas-Oklahoma fields. This oil
Is bound to Increase In price and will be
worth at least one dollar and a half a bar
rel in a very short time. The railroads and
great manufacturing enterprises In Texas,
which have been using and are using oil
for fuel are already making purchases In
the Kansas-Oklahoma fields. Barring ail
this, crude-oil would never have sold In
these western fields for leas than one dol
lar a barrel were It not for the monopolistic
grip held by the criminal trust, and. as
the Uncle Sam company has always
claimed. Just as quickly aa this grip can
be broken the price of crude oil Is certain
to greatly advance. While, on the other
hand, the trust has always played the
same cut-throat methods, vis.: They let
Independent refineries come into an oil
rem ana. or course, it takes considerable
time to build up and equip an Independent
plant for business.
While the Independent plants are build
ing the trust runs the price of otl down
and stores millions of barrels at a price
which is little less than stealing It. At
present there is a production tn the Kansas-
Territory oil fields of close to eighty
thousand barrels a day. There Is a move
.mens on foot to build an independent pine
line to the Oulf of Mexico, and there are
a number of other conditions which are
sure to cause a rapid rise in the price of
crude oil during the next two years. The
Uncle Bam Oil company Is not going to be
caught in any such trap, and It's only good
generalship and a determination to, protect
this company and put it where no power
on earth can Interfere with, its onward
successful march that bonds will br of
fered and sold and big tankage built forth
with and at least six million barrels of oil
placed In storage.
Oil Trust Power Is Rapidly Waning.
Public sentiment In this country is la a
state of determination that will secure re
sults from one side of this nation to the
Gsknoil Hu a Meeting. Largely Devoted to
. ' Boutins Hitters,
P. IC, Campbell Makes It rials Where
.'. the Ernst Bide Peeple Stead
', ', 0,aestlea el Parke and .
' Aaaexatlea. '
.n of ths chler items of interest before
sthe city council tost night was a com
munication from W. A. Smith of ' ths
Omaha 4k Council Bluffs Street '.Railway
company stating that the company was
ready to build a car line on West L street
to Thirty-sixth as soon as the L street
viaduct could be mads strong enough to
bear the weight of the cars.
, A protest was sent In by residents in the
vicinity of Twenty-fifth and W streets
objecting to the erection ot tanks by the
Standard Oil company. The ground of the
Objection was that the tanks would close
Twenty-fifth street snd the smell ot the
oil would be offensive.
A petition wss presented ssking for ths
paving of O street from Twenty-fourth to
Twenty-fifth. This paving will accommo
date the South Omaha hospital. It will
require the Issuance of district paving
bo ads.
The city attorney made a report to the
effect that there were now pending before
the district court claims against ths city
Blessings Brighten as They
Take Their Flight"
Health is never so much prized as when Illness Interferes with
pleasure or work. When the stomach is sick, the digestion weak, the
nerves unstrung, the head heavy with pain, nothing seems so desirable
as a sound mind in a healthy body. Keep stomach, liver and bowels
in good order with
' and you will rarely lose a day's work or an evening's pleasure through
; sickness. These pills are a safe corrective and a general tonic, the good
effects of which are felt throughout the entire body. Whenever you are
1 not feeling at your best, take Beech am 's Pills. They relieve coostJpa
' tioo, remove bilious conditions, Improve the digestion.
Create Appetite, Restore Sleep
and Bring Back Health
la sum wrtta suU
other. The Oil trust and their subsidiary'
hirelings are secretly scared to death right
row. They are trying all kinds of maneu
vers to check the oncoming storm of
righteous indignation and certain retribu
tion for the crimes they have committed,
the n.en and enterprises they hare unjustly
attacked and ruined and the same black
flag methods they will continue If they can.
But the conservative, well-to-do middle
class of the nation is after them and they
will be stopped- It is not the cry of the
demagogue which Is going to halt this bri
gade of millionaire anarchists, but It Is the
thousands of men of means who do not be
lieve in abusing the power of wealth and
the broad American spirit of Justice which.
like a giant battering ram. is smashing
down their Illegal bulwarks and hypo
critical defenses. Any man who knows
anything at all needs only to place his ear
to the ground and see and hear what Is
coming. Read the report of the Interstate
Commerce commission made just a week
ago by seven of the ablest and most Incor
ruptible statesmen In America. Read the
warning given by the president of the
United 8tates in person to two of these
millionaire brigands at a dinner tn Wash
ington last week. Read the proceedings
of the United States court In Si. Louis,
where the government Is applying for the
dissolution of the trust and for receivers
for Its properties. Look at Missouri, which
is passing an antl-dlscrlmlnaupn law to
draw the claws of the trust, and look at
Oklahoma, the newest state In the union,
reading opposition to the trust into her
constitution. Look at the conference of
governors of the seven western states
which will probably be In session at Tu
peka, Kan., while you are reading
this advertisement to agree oh uni
form laws to ourb the rapacity of the
trust and protect and foster independent
competition. The fact is the "oil trust of
today Is very similarly constituted to the
RuMian government, tor any man who is
familiar with, conditions, especially in the
central west, knowa that fully 60 per cent
of their employes despise their mtthoua
snd would Have their criminal mast cm
tomorrow If they could earn a decent liv
ing In their chosen avocation elsewhere.
Buy what you please, the Undo Ham Oil
company holds the key to the situation.
It h-u an opportunity which never was
and never . will be up to anwther organiza
tion like it again probably In the world.
The trust is going down hill, and If you
have good, red blood In your veins and
really want to do something practical to
help a good faith, hard working young
army of Uncle Sam stockholders at this
very opportune time, strike sledge ham
mer blows for success and keep this trust
outfit on the toboggan, slide, put your
shoulder to the wheel, send your cneca
or draft by return mall for a block of
these bonds, ask your-) neighbor to do the
same, and If you Uve anywhere In Kan
sas, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas,
Illinois or Oklahoma, form an independent
oil organisation In your locality and sub
scribe for enough of these bonds to secure
the- esiabitabmaut -of an independent, dig-.,
tr Uniting station In your town, dehiand
that your merchants handle Independent
oil and see that they do It. and solicit
your neighbors to use none other. No one
can deny but that the Uncle Bam organi
sation Is - a movement backed solely by
the people. It's your fight as well as ours.
Be practical and do your part to help out,
and even If these trust criminals should
be able--to evade some of the laws of the
land they will find out that they are up
against the real thing trade competition
un western soli and be shown that they
are not the only pebble on the beach after
all. Remember, while you are doing this,
thousands of others will be doing the
same thing. Hence great results, and the
otl trust will slip a few more cogs toward
deserved punishment for their misdeeds.
to the amount of O 75,000. These are nearly
ready' for trial. Settlement of the case of
Sadie Long was recommended. The finance
committee reported that the cases ot Lena
Extrom 'and Anna .Ford had been adjudi
cated. Mrs. KaUberg offered to settle her
claim for damages for a fall on Madison
An-ordinance relating to female dogs was
recommended for passage. It will be un
lawful for this sex of doga to be allowed
on the streets during certain seasons.
The live stock Inspector made his monthly
report tor the month of January. . Fourteen
cattle, 'four horses, three hogs and seven
teen sheep were condemned.
Ordinance No. 1614, defining the duties ot
the city engineer with relation to sewer
connections, - wss -' recommended for final
Balthas Jetter was refunded $6S ., which
was the amount of a special tax which
was declared illegal.
A motion was made to allow additional
help for the clerks of registration in pre
paring' the voting lists for the primary
The mayor was presented with a gavel
af the beginning of the meeting, a gift
from E. E. K. Rldgeway.
The council adjourned until February U.
Board at Easestloa Willing.
The Boards of Education met last night
at the high school building, with all mem
bers present. On a motion by Mr. Mor
rill an order was Issued for the return
of certain text books to the publishing
houses. Superintendent McLean was
granted leave of absence, with salary,
that hs might attend ths convention of
city superintendents to be held !a Chicago
at an early data. He was also granted ttt
dlrarflsns. IS, i
Where Tank Farms WiU lie Built. '
From the sale of these bonds the Uncle
Bam company will be enabled to complete
pipe lines, enlarge all three refineries,
build the balance of four hundred main
distributing stations, also build large paraf
fins plant at Atchison, by the river refin
ery, and lubricating works at the Tulsa
Uncle Sam refinery, and build one hundred
and ten (110) fifty-fire thousand barrel steel
storage tanks and secure necessary tank
farm locations. One of these tank farms
will be near the Tulsa Uncle Bam refinery,
accessible to the very highest grades of
oil containing valuable lubricants, and
within a few miles of the Glenn oil pool,
which is now producing over twenty-five
thousand barrels of oil per day. Another
of the Uncle Sam tank farms will be near
one of the large producing properties of
the company, vis.: Eleven-hundred-acro
lot 43, Osage, near Bartlesvllle, I. T. An
other of these tank farina will be at the
Uncle Sam Cherryvale refinery; another
one on the main trunk Uncle Same pipe
line, near the Plqua pumping station, ac
cessible to the Chanute and Humboldt oil
fields, and a very large Uncle Sara tank
farm will be established on the main trunk
pipe line, just south of the Kaw river. In
Shawnee county, Kansas, within eyesight
of the dome of the capltol bulging of Kan
sas, where the world-wide otl fight was suc
cessfully Inaugurated over two years ago.
This tank farm will be used to store Kan
sas oil principally, where it will be acces
sible for distribution for fuel purposes to
all of northern, western and central Kan
sas, as Uncle Sam burners are Installed
and the demand Increases. Also by lay
ing a pipe Itne less than ten miles the
company will be in reach of the great fuel
market of the two Kansas Citys by
a light barge line down the Kaw river
from Lawrence. In the event this company
was ever hard pressed for funds It could
very caxlly unload a half million barrels
of crude oil for fuel purposes to the big
packers and other heavy fuel users In the
two Kansas Cltys on very short- notice.
So when you buy these bonds you will
know that this company will not only keep
a large cash surplus on hand to meet In
terest promptly and create a sinking fund,
but it will also have several million dol
lars' worth of absolutely marketable and
merchantable property almost within a
stone's throw of a ready market all the
time. Another one of the tank farms will
be established clone to the Atchison Uncle
Sam refinery on the banks of the Missouri
river. Likewise this oil In storage will be
accessible to the great fuel-using manu
facturers that for thousands of miles line
the banks of the Missouri and Mississippi
rivers. Oil Is just like so much cash when
tn storage and accessible to such outlets
as these, for It will cost but' very little to
barge oil up and down the Missouri and
Into the Mississippi and Its tributaries.
Bonds backed by such property mean that
the Interest will not only be paid promptly,
but that the principal will be met. Times
may get hard and money markets close,
but pll Is a necessity. Peopl will buy It
to furnish light for their firesides aa long
as they will spend a penny tn buy any.
thing. At the present ridiculously low
prices every barrel of this six millions bar
rels of crude oil which this company will
be able to place In storage through the
sale of these bonds can be sold most any
time for fuel nut-noses un and down ' the
two big rivers, aa before stated, at prices
practically three times the cost of the
crude oil in the on neids. as tne worg on
these tank farms progresses, and as the
millions of barrels of this oil are placed In
storage, the bonds which are offered to
you now at par, together with a bonus of
one-hair share of par stock, win not only
be worth their full face value, but the
stock will be worth at least two dollars per
for expenses. Several bills of Importance
were allowed, but most of the general bills
for the month of January will be ex
amined and passed upon In an adjourned
session which is to be held Thursday night.
Family la Deatttate Condition. t
' The probation officers yesterday investi
gated the condition of the family of Jo
seph Kneeper, Seventeenth and I streets,
and found the family destitute and living
on charity and the assistance of kindly
neighbors. The mother was bedridden
from the effects of a fall which had broken
one of the bones of her leg. A little child
died but a few days ago. A subscription
was taken to give it a proper burlaL The
father and grandfather of the several
children are said to be a worthless pair.
Kneeper has had assistance from ths city
charity fund, but It Is said ha got drunk
on the proceeds. . Mrs. E. B. Towl and
other members of the force ot probation
officers looked into the case, and Mayor
Hoc tor promised to secure enough from
the city charity funds to permit' the re
moval of the mother to the South Omaha
hospital for treatment. As soon as the
mother Is cared for the - children will be
taken to the detention home. The father
and grandfather will be left decidedly
alone, as It is claimed that they are able
to earn their own living. While the fam
ily had not suffered actual want. It was
only ths timely attention of neighbors
which prevented this state of affairs.
Fined far Raising the Lid.
All of the offenders against the Slocumb
law were brought before Judge King yes
terday morning, under the charge of treat
ing in a public place. All agreed to plead
guilty to the charge and the Judge Imposed
a fine ot 110 and costs against each one.
The ones subjected to a fine were Mike
Flaherty, Mike Wewea, Hans Llndberg and
John Cavnghan. It Is thought that thia will
be ths usual way of disposing of this class
ef offenders In ths future.
East Sldera Is ta Arms.
The following communication from P. M.
Campbell speaks for Itself, and, while show
ing that the east side Improvers hsve
Ideas as to the selection of sites for a park,
it also shows that there is not the uni
versal unanimity of sentiment claimed by
ths anti-annexation forces, South Omaha
Is reatleas on many topics and openly dis
satisfied and disagreeing on not a few.
I notice with considerable surprise, a few
remark from Dr. McCrunn In the Bouth
Omaha Items of the Wurld-Herald of Sun
day. February, i, and on that la not alive
to the square Issues of our present admin
istration would thlr.k that the Ease Side
dab had done enough to persuade our city
fathera (who have It in their power) to
aranl ua a favor in the matter of buvlna a
sits tor a park. Every member of tills
East bide clut wants tne tassidy tract and
not Syndlcat park. We. aa members, are
a uiill in this matter and we have told
this before the council meetings, and talked
It to the eouncilmen. This Casaldy tract is
surrounded by a gaud clasa of Bouth Omaha
working teople and ran with small ex
pense be made a beautiful park, while Syn
dicate park has Omaha on the north acd
northeast, and Bouth Oiuaha on the wast
and south, and the people will b taxed
heavily fur yemra to make Syndicate park
at all presentable to the ciusena of th
t bring tnis pars queatic-n as a reminder
when It. McCrana says that our city of
ficers are our naighbors and our friends,
and wa can go to them and talk to them.
We have gone to thetn and tallied to them
and had eur friends lals. to them, for ua.
Cost of Single Fifty-Five Thousand
Barrel Tank.
It la very hard to carry through any
large moneyed transaction In the United
States without running up against some
dummy toot director of the trust or one
of ita subsidiary corporations. One of
the reasons why the trust has maintained
the monopoly it has enjoyed is that capi
tal has been afraid to enter Into competi
tion with It, In fact, we think there are
very few men of large means who would
individually care to call down on their
heads the ridicule, abuse, annoyance and
blackmailing methods of the trust ard
Its hirelings. But by appealing to the gen
eral publlo, as the Uncle Sam Oil company
has done from Its beginning, and band
ing together nearly ten thousand loyal
shareholders from every part of the
country, it has been able thus far to raise
the necessary funds to build up this
enterprise to Its present height of suoceas.
In other words, by combining the
thousands of free and Independent citizens
who believe In a free market and fair
play snd who consider the boast braxenly
made by the Oil trust gang that they
are even bigger than the government
as a personal affront this company can.
by securing a thousand dollars here and
another thousand somewhere else, very
easily raise all of the money needed to
build up a giant Independent enterprise,
capable ot securing and maintaining the
oil trade of the central west and under the
present conditions and the feeling of the
people can practically drive the trust out
of the home western central states.
Uncle Sam company should have at least
a four years' supply of crude oil ahead
all the time. It is only good, prac
tical business sense to build these storage
tanks. Which will last a lifetime and
will be worth more In fifteen years from
now than It costs today to build them.
There are tens of thousands of individuals
in the United States who can very easily
mall their check or draft for fifteen thous
and dollars and secure fifteen thousand
dollars' worth of bonds at par, and in so
doing enable the Uncle Bam company to
erect one fifty-five thousand-barrel steel
storage tank for every such remittance
that arrives. Why not send In your draft
for fifteen thousand dollars and secure
these gilt-edged bonds and the bonus tn
the stock and help push this good work
along. If this company was one of the
subsidiaries of the trust or was managed
by men or backed by stockholders who
were not fighting the unfair methods of
the trust we would not offer these bonds
t the general publlo In this way. The
company reserves the right to reject any
remittance by 'returning the same to the
sender. We do not want anybody, either
aa a stockholder or a bondholder, who Is
not an independent cltlsen heart and soul.
The company is In touch with over twenty
thousand Investors by special letter re
ports, while there will be a large majority
of nine thousand stockholders working to
place these bonds long before you read
this announcement, and the chances are
that more than half of these bonds will
be taken by this band of loyal stockholders,
a large majority of whom Joined this com
pany aa much out of principle as they did
for financial gain. This announcement will
appear In nearly two hundred of the prin
cipal newspapers of the United States and
Canada and will be read by over- twenty
million people. The rate of interest on
these bonds is high, but the company can
use the money where It can make from
i three to five hundred per cent. If you buy
the bonds you will not only get your inter
est promptly, but you will get your money
back for the entire . principle probably
within four years, and the stock which you
will have left by that time will not be
worth less than two dollar per share, or
double your original Investment after
back for the entire principal probably
with interest. Can you, afford to
but they still do not seem Inclined to favor
our humble petition. Now I am right here
to tell the Doctor or any other antl-annex-
ationist that If the Syndicate park Is bought
oy our city council and roistea onto soutn
Omaha fcr a park, this part of the city of
Bouth Omaha will vote nearlv as a unit for
annexation to Omaha. While we are all
for Bouth Omaha we believe that we should
not be taxed to keep up a park that Omaha
would have one-half Interest In.
We are for Cassldy tract for a Dark, and
Bouth Omaha. We want no other. If they
buy Syndicate park, annexation will be our
battle cry. and I am sure that the Doctor
will not carry the vote almost unanimously
against annexation, aa he aays It would be.
Magle City Goseln.
- Mrs. Sherman Cox Is said to be lying In a
dangerously low condition.
Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all
parts of the city. Telephone No. 8.
Peter Wands, 333 North Twenty-sixth
street, reports the birth of a daughter.
William Lehmer has gone to Chicago for
the purpose of attending a sale of stock.
The receipts of the South Omaha post
office for the month ot January amounted
to S7.6SO.8S.
Frank Kemp was fined tn police court
yesterday morning for building a fire in a
freight car.
The case against John Helnowskl. Thirty,
third and L streets, for dispensing liquor
on Sunday was dismissed.
The Board of Fire and Police Commis
sioners will hold Its regular meeting this
evening at the council chamber.
The friends of Fred Heflllnger and his
wife made them a pleasant surprise lust
Saturday night. About twenty were pres
ent. The wagon for the South Omaha fire de
partment Is now tn process of construction,
but It will be ninety days before It Is com
pleted. The city attorney goes to Lincoln this
morning to attend the supreme court. His
business concerns the Nicholson and War
ren cases.
The degree team of South Omaha camp
No. 91. Woodmen ot the World, will give
its first annual ball February . 1107, at
Masonic hull.
Em 11 Hansen, who has been confined to
his bed for several weeks. Is somewhat Im
proved. Hla leg will not permit hltn to be
out tor a week or two yet.
Joe Hoffmann, who has been confined at
the Bouth Omaha hospital for some time
owing to an operation for appendicitis, has
recovered sufficiently to be taken home.
-Henry Rupp, who was accidentally hurt
on the streets in Omaha yesterday. Is the
son ot Fred Rupp. 427 North Twenty-sixth
street.' The father la driver for B. E. Wil
Cavers Ranges In Ahaat Valentine
aad Makea It Hard Pick
ing far Stek.
Judge F. M. Walcott of Valentine, who
is an Omaha visitor, says: "We have been
having some very cold weather up about
Valentine and the live stock Industry .is
beginning to feel the effects of It. There
wss so much nun during the late summer
and early fall season that the grass grew
very rank aad with the snow and cold
coming on ths ranges bavs been beaten
down and it is next to Impossible for the
stock to feed on the ranges. As a result
the ranchmen have to feed almost alto
gether. Feed is getting scarce, and while
the condition is not particularly serious It
is putting ths stockmen to big expense.
Tbe ground is frozen so hard and then with
the snow covering the most of the range
the cattle are having a hard time ef it."
Mangum Co., UuTTEK sr-JKXAUSTS.
turn down such and Investment t Whllo I
you are hesitating what to do hundreds
of Investors will be telegraphing their
reservations for bonds, while remittances
by mall will run into the thousands of
dollars every day. And every dollar will
be honestly invested Immediately In steel
equipment and for oil to make the com
pany Just that much wronger. If you
cannot spare the funds to subscribe
enough money to build one of these big
storage tanks why not raise a club among
your friends and a number of you sub
scribe together for wich an amount? Or
you can send In your check or draft for
from ISO to fi.000 and together with the
hundreds of others which will be coming
in, added together will answer the same
Financial Condition of Company
Property Back of Those Bonds
to Date.
The following schedule of values rep
resents very closely a conservative call
mated value of the present holdings ol
the Uncle Bam Oil company:
t'herryvnle. I'ncle Sam Refinery
No. 1 (twenty acres I f 90.00O.C0
Atchison. I'ncle Bun Refinery
No. 2 (fifty acres! 145.O0O.0C
Tulsa Kellnery. Uncle Same No.
U twelve acresi 110.000.0i
1,100 acre lot 43, oil rights ffiO.OOu.w,
171 miUa main trunk pipe line
n,l materials S5.000.00
All other oil holdings and leases 16S,0uu.0b
Sixty-eight distributing stations
anil iKiiilnmRnt thus far com-
pleled .... 133.CO0.O0
Manufactured and crude oil In
storage and in transit 130.0no.00
Thirty-two tank cars ,tu).0.
Fitty-seven acres land, Wyan
dotte county. Kan 6.0CO.C
Money subscribed on contract
stock already allotted from
treasury, approximately S5.000.0.
Office furniture and fixtures
at Tulsa, Bartlesvllle, Cherry-
vale. Kansas City, Atchison ,nro.00
Cash on hand , 12,000.00
Total n,46.C0O.0U
Of the above properties, with the excep
tion of approximately 18. 000, including pipe,
line notes and temporary loans and other
Items not due, these bonds are a first lien.
Out of the first fifty thousand dollars re
ceived for these bonds pipe line notes and
all other claims will be paid promptly. The
fifty-seven acres of land mentioned In the
above statement Is excepted tn the mort
gage for the reason that the company Is
ottering this land for sale at six thousand
dollars. It was purchased for 14,900 to build
Refinery No. 2, but the plant was after
ward built at Atchison, where a location
was secured for the building of the plant.
The company has had no use for this land
In Its operating business, hence will sell the
same and turn the proceeds Into the treas
ury, and It Is excepted from the mortgage
backing the bonds for that reason. Eleven
hundred acre lot 43 Is also excepted in the
mortgage for the reason that these oil
rights are under the supervlKion of the
Interior department of the United States,
and when certain restrictions, which sre
sura to be removed within the next few
years, are removed, this property will also
be a pledge for the payment of the bonds.
Even under the present restriction all oil
from this property when it gets into the
pipe lines of the company, aa soon as the
royalty due the Indians is paid, la covered
by the bonds. The mortgage covers all
property hereafter to be acquired by the
Everything In this transaction Is being
done legally and right and for the full and
perfect protection of every bondholder and
stockholder In the company. Statements
will be Issued regularly showing the money
received and where It is placed, as there
is no speculation about buying pipe lines
and building steel storage tanks and pur
chasing oil.
Fusion Members of the Legislature Takeu
to Task for Csnrse on Primsrj.
Mea Who Are Afraid ta Trast the
People In a Direct Primary Are
Xot Fit ta Represent Party la
Aay Capacity Whatever.
Contributions on timely topics ars
invited from readers of The Bee.
Communications ahould be written
legibly on one side of the paper only
and accompanied, by the name and
address of the writer. The name
will not be used If the writer asks
that it be withheld. Unused com
munications will not be returned.
Correspondents are advised to limit
their letters to SuO words or they
will be subject to being cut down
to that limit at the discretion ot the
- editor. Publications of views of cor
respondents must not be taken to
commit The Bee to their endorse
ment. DAVID CITT. Neb., Feb. 4. To the
Editor of The Bee: Allow me to sddn
sn open letter to the fusion members ot
the legislature.
It Is a little surprising to not a few
of the rank and file of the democratic
and populist parties that the member
of the legislature should hold an open
meeting for the purpose of "debating"'
the question aa to whether or not thre
should be enacted a "state wide prlmaty
law." But It la still more surprising to
learn that some of the so-called loaders
of our parties should- appear at salJ
meeting and oppose such legislation.
All agree, no doubt, that our government
Is a representative government; that men
ars elected to the legislature to make
our laws for the reason that It is Im
practicable for all of ua to meet and vote
directly for the laws we wish to govern
us. All. no doubt, subscribe to the doc
trine of the majority rule in govern
ment from road overseer to president.
With these elementary principles of
government in mind, therefore it seems
to me to be pertinent to inquire whether
or not party platforms and specific in
structions from a majority of the voters
are binding4 upon our own representatives.
I do not believe that any of our dis
tinguished leaders will contend to the
contrary, so that we will not argue this
The only remaining question, therefore,
la what, if any. Instructions did ths
voters give their representatives on th
question of a "state wide primary law?"
Ths plank in the democratic platform
adopted at the last democratic jtate con
vention without a single dissenting vote
says: "We will paas a comprehensive
direct primary law for the whole state,
under which party candidates for all
offices ahall be nominated by the direct
vote of the people." The populist party
adopted a similar plank, and. In addition,
wharever there was fusion, the candidate
indorsed Ute democratic filaak. Svery
What Will Be Back, of Bonds and!
Stock When Bonds Are Sold.
A mortgage on any property for 40 per
cent of Its value is considered good. As
a rule such loans are made from 4 to S
per cent. These bonds bear per cent,
and when they are sold and the property
for which they will enable this company
to own and operate and which will be
pledged ss a first lien to par off these
bonds and pay dividends on the stock, based
on a conservative estimated value, will be
as follows:
Pipe lines, lateral pipe lines, all
three refineries increased In ca
pacities, para fine plant, lubri
cating works, eo distributing
stations. 150 tank cars, river
boats and barge equipment, oil
wells, leases and all otl and
gns rights, office fixtures and
all properties excepting stor
age tanks and oil t J, 500, 000. 00
Tank farms and connections and
(110) one hundred and ten
flfty-flve thousand barrel steol
storage tanks t.000.000.00
Six million barrels of oil, with
the con ny In a position and
with fat. ties to manufacture
and market the same 18.000,000.00
Cash reserve which will soon be
built up and always maintained
after all bonds are sold SflO.OOO.OO
Total 3, 800,000.00
By the time these properties are all com
pleted and the oil storage built up to six
million barrels and the whole properties of
the Uncle Bam Oil Company up to the
stlmated value as sbove set out, nearly
there will not be more than from six to
Ight million shares of Uncle Bam stock
outstanding, but even If there were ten
million shares of stock outstanding and
the values aa above set nut were cut just
naif In two the stock would then be worth
more than one dollar per share, while the
chances are a thousand to one that there
will not be a share of this stock on the
market under two dollars and a half per
share by the time the properties are com
pleted as before explained.
Denominations of Bonds.
These bonds are of the denominations of
ISO.00, 1100.00, 1200.(9, S500.00 and 11.000.00. with
Interest at per cent, payable annunlly.
You are especially requested to positively
bear In mind that these denominations can
not be cut up. and In sending In your re
mittance remit for one of the exact de
nominations specified above.
Price of Bonds.
Tou can secure these bonds by sending In
your check or draft for the par value of
the bond, and for each thousand dollar
bond purchased you will secure stock of
the par value' of fcw.00. For a larger or a
smaller amount of bonds the same propor
tion will prevail. Make check or draft or
money order payable to THE UNCLE SAM
OIL COMPANY and the bonds will be sent
to you after they are properly signed and
the seal of the company attached and reg
istered with the trustee, and will be sent
to you by registered mall aa quickly as the
clerks can reach your turn. Make remit
tance as per following schedule:
I 60.00
1,000. 00
.1 60.00
. 1.0f.00
. 2.000.00
. 6.000.110
. 10.Ort.00
. 15O0.H)
. 20,000.00
fusion member of the legislature, there
fore, who did not openly and publicly
state that he repudiated this plank In ills
platform Is specifically and unqualifiedly
Instructed and pledged to voto for a
primary law under which candidate for
all offices shall be nominated a staU
wide primary law.
The democrat and populist parties for
years have charged that the ;-epubllcan
party platforms were made to hoodwink
the people; we have charged them with
Insincerity, hypocrisy and bad faith; that
after election they repudiated and ignored
their platforms and promtaes. Is it possi
ble that some of our own leaders differ
In party name only?
The question of whether or not the
present legislature shall enact a state
wide primary law is not even debatable
at this time. The debate waa closed at
( o'clock p. m. on November 6 last, when
the sovereign people of this state through
the ballot box instructed every member
of the legislature who had not re
pudiated that part of his platform to
go to Lincoln and vote for a primary bill
which would include candidates for "all
offices." If the principle of a state wldo
primary law is Impracticable or wrong,
the people are responsible snd not the
members of the legislature.
The leaders of our parties who favor
keeping the pledgee of the patty need
have no fear of a primary law; tiiok w.,o
do not believe In the party platforms
should not masquerade as democrats. If
one plank of the pldtform can be re
pudiated then all planks can be Ignored.
Why not have some of our distinguished
leaders come before the legislature and
argue against a 2-cent passenger fare cr
sgalnst freight reduction? These planks
are certainly no more binding upon the
people's chosen representatives than ths
state wide primary plank.
Gentlemen of the legislature, the people
Continuous desk work, a cold or an
overstrain of the muscles causes
much suffering with back-aches. As
a help to nature, as a remedy for
the stiffness of the muscles, and
as a cure for the pain and aches
even without cessation of labor
there is nothing that can be compared
Monthly Payment Offer.
The company. In maintaining Its formes
record In making It possible for Investors
of limited means to Join our company.
offers these bonds tn monthly payments
as designated below. In sending In remit
tances to secure these bonds on monthly
payments the company will send you re
ceipt for the payments ss you send them
In. These payments must be met promptly,
as the bonds reserved for you are bearing
Interest continually, and on receipt of last
payment bonds will be promptly sent yon.
Remit on following schedule:
First Four monthly
Bond. payment, payments each.
t 60 00 $ 11 00 I U Ot
100 00 22 00 a 0
200 00 44 00 44 0
600 00 110 00 . 110 00 oo tao oo 220 o
In Conclusion.
This company Is under the same manage
ment today that It was at the beginning,
nearly two years ago. Practical men are at
the head of every department and every
thing Is on a systematical, economical ba--els.
The refineries are In operation. The
oil wells are being pumped, the pipe lines
are delivering oil for the refineries and ths
scores of distributers are delivering-- oil
daily to thousands of customers. The com
pany Is putting up a winning tight and
growing stronger every .hour. The men
who subscribed the first money to start the
Uncle Bam OH Company were native Kau
sans and pioneer developers In tho Kansas)
oil fields, who, when the Oil trust boy
cotted the Kansas oil fields two years age
either had to sit Idly down and see their
properties confiscated and their little sav
ings practically stolen, or make a fight.
Like the majority of people, they accepted
the latter, and have been putting up the
best they have had In store since they
commenced. This effort Is being carried
forward In the best of faith, and In selling
these bonds they will be sold at par, and
every dollar received will go to build up
this company and to place It where
it can handle Its great enterprise
and secure and maintain an Inde
pendent outlet for Kansas-Territory oil and
place It on the market by honorable meth
ods, satisfactory to both producer and con
sumer, and make good returns for every
stockholder and at the same time respect
and obey the laws of the land. If yott
want to help a worthy cause and en
courage an honorable effort, help us now,
not next month or next year, but today,
so this company can rush to completion
these big storage tanks and other con
struction and make it possible for Uncle
Sam company to place in storage these six,
million barrels of oil. which will be like
powder In the dry to protect the Inter
ests of tho stockholders In the future. The
quicker these bonds are sold the quicker
thin great work will be completed, and the
quicker an aggressive fight can be carried
on in every state In the central west
against the trust. The company solicits
the most searching Investigation, either by
visiting the properties or calling at the
main offices, where all the personal In
formation available the offlcera of the com
pany will be glad to furnish to every In
vestor who seeks the same In good faith.
You can mall remittance at once or write
for further particulars.
The Uncle Sam Oil Go.
or H. H. TUCKER, Jr., Sec'y,
Wyandotte Building
Kansas City, Kas.
of this state have moved the previous
question on the state wide primary bllL
Of this you will take due notice and gov
ern yourselves accordingly.
H. V. Beavers, Charged with Xegleet
of Family, Has Honey When
Charged with abandoning his wife and
two minor children, forcing the wife to
support herself and children by taking la
washing, Herschel V. -Beavers, a traveling
salesman who resides at 1 North Twenty
sixth street, was arrested at the Union
Station Tuesday morning by Detectives
Drummy and Maloney Just as he was about
to take a train for Auburn. He waa ar
raigned in police court Tuesday morning,
and, after entering a plea of not guilty,
the case was continued until Wednesday.
It la alleged Beavers abandoned his wife
and two children, Averill. aged 12 years, snd
Vesta, aged B, last June and has since failed
to contribute toward their support, al
though earning a good salary. When
Beavers was arrested he appeared to be
in most prosperous circumstances and car
ried a roll of bills, while his wife, who
sppeared against him. waa poorly, but
neatly dressed and plainly showed the
effects of her struggle with adversity.
Resort Is Raided. '
Nell Stirling pleaded guilty In police
court Tuesday morning to charge of keep
ing a disorderly house at 1K3 Leavenworth
Htreet and ' waa fined IJa and costs, while
Maude Kirk and Bob Johnson pleaded
guilty to being Inmate of the place and
were assessed fines of t5 and costs each.
The house In question has had a most un
savory reputation and Olficer Watera was
denied admittance by the trio until assistant-1
was summoned early Tuesday morn
ing. lame baeb