Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Cud la
minions tf
Jndce Kennedy FrohibiU Remarriage Ei
cpt Etch Other in Bii Months, '
nn r r pnnnpn -x
It Is tut no tinder the snoerrUlnn of
chemist, from the) finest material ooaaibla to n.wi
Insuring; the tiaer Ho-ht. hnlMrnn .n
Therefore, CALITHET is recommended b Ualn'
i. i-i m '
Porfcct In Otmlitv
Economical in Uoo
fYIocJorato in Prico
Calumet ! to carefully sod scientifically prepared that the
. . vi K nm imnmrani is aoaointeiy perfect. There-
. k"i"i wiui - o . S rree from KocheUe Balti
sake" oee Calaaaet, for acooomr'a aake
91,000.00 riven for ear anbataac ta
juiiiu tu ueaiul lOUAUIa yUMII0S
Iridee Luncheon and a Variety of Other
Civil Meet.
Mrs. W. I Marrla Glvee Dancing
Party at Metropolitan Clnb for
Gaest, Mlaa Hadra of
One of the moat brilliant dancing; partlea
of the season was given Monday evening
at Metropolitan club by Mr. and Mrs.
W. L, Harrla anJ Mr. George Seligsohn,
In honcr of their nelce Miss Etta Hadro
of Syracuse, N. T. The ball room waa
. elnborately decorated In green ar.d white,
garland of greena adorning the walla and
, hung from the chandelier, while number
leaa white and yellow butterflies, both
large ajid amall hovered over these appoint
ment end added an artistic effect. The
. atage where the orchestra waa etatloned
waa completely hidden by a lattice of ever
green, on which were many butterflies.
The dining room waa also distinguished by
original decorations. Streamers of yellow
extended from the center chandelier to
corners and sides of walls on which were
butterflies of yellow and black, adding a
. charming effect to the small table under
this canopy, which were lighted by yellow
shaded candles. Thoee present were: Ml,
Orace New. Ml Elsie Goets. Miss Mattie
Black of Atlantic, la.; Mlsa Sybal Haas,
Mies Evelyn Bergman. M! Rose Spies
berger, Mlas Hattte Rehfeld. MNs Lena
Rehfeld. Miss Flo ence Koan, MI'S Becky
Knts, Mlas Stella Brandels, Mlas Minnie
Meyer, Miss Myrtle Mose. Mlsa Minnie
Timer, Mis Florence Hlller. Mlsa Gladys
Blomnn. Mlaa Hilda Drelfus, Mis Haifl
Cahn. Mlis Juliet Morris, Mlaa Cora Roth
child. Mr. Edwin Heller. Mi. Frank Goeti.
Mr. Louis Hlller Mr. ' Lester Heyn, Mr.
Jerome Heyn, Mr. Lester Klrshbraum, Mr.
Haas, Mr. Harry Moses, Mr. Joe, Roeen
fleld, Mr. Julius Rosenflelfl, Mr. Mate
i Mantle, Mr. Harold Rodenfleld. Mr. Isadore
- Zlegler, Mr. Julius Drlefua. Mr. Ju'lu
Meyor, Mr. Ralph Rothchl'd. Mr. Jo N.w.
man, Mr. Ben Swarts. Mr. Sidney Mandel
berg. Mr. Frederick Bellfrsohn, Mr. "Louis
Hadra, Mr. Billy Nye of Kaniiaa City, Mr.
Il'igh of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. E.
STigsohn and Miss Grace Lew of Chicago.
Complimentary Affairs.
Mlrs Mat Welsh waa honor guest at a
handkerchief shower Monday given by Mlsa
Henrietta Rees. The luncheon table was
prettily decorated with meteor roses. At
each guest's plate was placed the hand
kerchief that she brought and attached to
It were red ribbon, which extended to the
plate of Miss Welsh, who proceeded to
draw a brlllant array cf fine linen hand
kerchiefs. Hearts was the game of the
afternoon and the score cards were little
red hearts. The prise waa won by Mlas
Daisy Rogers and the consolation was
awarded to Mies Blanche Howland. Thoa-s
present were Miss Mae Welsh, Mlsa Daisy
Rogers, Mlsa Conant. Miss Ethel Conanl,
Mlaa Howland. Miss Fannie Howland, Mlsa
Nina Cries. Mlsa Hasel Cahn, Miss Jess
Naaon, Miss Mahle Allison and Mrs. J. R.
Mrs. Lee Ker...rd entertained Informally
at bridge Monday afternoon in honor of
Mra. Paul Wernher. The prises of the
afternoon were won by Mrs. George West
and Miss Ida Smith. Those present were
M-e. Kernher, Mrs. Glen Buck, Mrs. Bert
Christie, Mrs. George West. Mrs. Eva Ken
nard, Mrs. Charles Dundey, Mra. Colt
Campbell, Miss Llda Edmlston, Mlas Lucille
Palmer, Mies Georgia Kennard, Miss Edith
Butler and Miss Ida Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Whltmore gave
a box party at Boyd's Monday evening to
see 'The Walls of Jericho." Following the
performance they gave a supper at the
Omaha club, when Mr. James K. Hackett
waa honor guest. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. C. L Deuel, Mlsa Marie Mohler,
Mr. James K. Hackett and Mr. and Mra.
Clab Meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. 'W. M. Alderson entertained
the Orchard Hill Whist club Saturday
evening, Mrs. Herman Frlcke and Mr.-
' Lavender making the high scores. Those
present war Dr. and Mrs. McClannahan,
Dr. and Mra, Peterson, Mr. and Mrs.
Lavender, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Kendall,
Mr. and Mrs. Hobson, Mr. and Mrs. j. B.
' Conlngham. Dr. and Mra. Medders, Mr.
; and Mrs. Conklln. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchin
son and Mr. and Mrs. Alderson,
' Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Arthur entertained
the Rounders club Mondsy evening when
the blah scores were made by Mrs. Fypa,
Mrs. W. F. Meagle, Mr. Theoder Rlch-
. tdond and Mr. Robert Teung. Thoae pres
ent were: Mr. and Mrs. C. Bed well, Mr.
' and Mrs. Robert Toung. Mr. and Mra,
Theodore Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Duval Mr. and Mra.. Raid Talma, Mr.
and Mra. L. J. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. James
Comfort. Mr. and Mrs. Tout, Mr. and Mra.
W. 8. Megele, Mr. and Mra. J. P, Meyers
and ' Mrs. Charles Richardson. The next
meeting will be at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. 8. Meagle.
Members of the Kountse Place Luncheon
club, with their husbands, were entertained
, Satnrday evening by Mr. and Mrs. El D.
Van Court. The prises were won by Mrs.
Percy Flelshel and Judge Fawcett Those
present were: Mr. and Mra. A. D. Hoag,
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jacqulth, Mr. and Mra.
C. W. Weller, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, Mr.
and. Mrs. Percy Flelshel, Judge and Mrs.
Fawcett, Dr. and Mrs. Edmlatoa, Mr. and
Mrs. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weller aad
Mr. ar.d Mra. Van Court.
Mra P. W. Mlkeaell was hostess Monday
afternoon 'at the meeting of the bridge
club. The prises of the afternoon were
won by Mra. W. E. Palmatter and Mrs.
Mlkeaell. Those present were: Mrs. J. B.
Rahm, Mrs. B. W. Arthur Mrs, Eugene
Duval, Mrs. Henrietta. Mra. . Richmond,
Mra W. J. Bradbury and Mrs. W. E.
Palinatler. The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. W. J. Bradbury.
Mrs. John Baldwin was hostess Monday
at V Aicetlng of the Monday Bridge club.
when the high score was made by Mrs.
Wen-en Rogers.
Prospeetlve Event.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frlcke will enter
tain the Orchard Hill Whlat club Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. W. F. Baxter will give a bridge
party Wednesday afternoon. "
Mrs. Paul Patton la giving a kenalngton
on Thursday and another one on Saturday
afternoon for Mrs. Palmer Flndley.
Mrs .Thomas Brown has given her home
at 1824 Wirt atieet for a muslcale which
will take place February 11. Those who
will take part In the program are Mlsa
Mary Bupln, Miss Gotta, Mlaa Ines Lstey,
Mr. Wallace Lyman, Mr. Thomas Cham
bers and Mrs. BelL
Personal Mention.
Miss Ella Mae Brown left Monday morn
lng for a two weeks' visit In Kanaas City.
Miss Marie Mohler, who has been visit
ing in Washington and Chicago, has re
turned home.
Mr. add Mrs. George W. Hervey an
nounce the engagement of their daughter.
Mlas Clara, to Mr. J. N. Macallster of
Chicago. The wedding will take place
early In June.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cummtngs and Mr,
John 8. Brady left for Chicago Monday
Mr. Ben Cotton has gone to . Excelsior
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler have re
turned from a few day' visit in Nebraska
City, where they ' were the guests of Mr,
and Mra. Will Hayward.
Mr. F. P. Klrkendall has gone to New
York. -
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn are ex
pected back from New York Wednesday.
Mr. Charles D. Beaton expects to leave
this week for an extended trip through the
. Jr. and Mra J. L. Hill and Mr. and Mrs.
Z. Clarke are having an extended pleasure
trip through the southern states and Mex
lea They will be gone about one month.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Klein left Sunday for an
extended eastern trip.
Miss Mattie Black, who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Klein, will leave
Wednesday for her home.
Omaha ' Christian Endeavor , Valon
Observes Twenty-Sixth Anniver
sary of Organisation.
Omaha's Christian Endeavor union, an
organisation of all the Endeavor societies
of the city, met at the First Christian
church tabernacle Monday night to cele
brate the twenty-sixth, anniversary of the
birth of Christian Endeavor. It was also
the occasion of the annual banquet of tho
union, this being held at the Chesapeake
at 8 o'clock, with 100 present
At o'clock the banqueters went to the
tabernacle, where they were joined by
others who had not found It possible to
attend the dinner. Despite cold weather,
the church waa full. President Arthur G.
Chase of the union presided over the meet
ing. He read greetings from Rer. Francis E.
Clark, D. D., of Boston, president and
founder of the United Society of Christian
, Endeavor, now on his way to South Amer
ica to work for the spread of the society;
Amos R. Wells, editorial secretary of the
united society; John Willis Baer, LL. D.,
i ex-secretary of the United Boclety of Chrls
' tlan Endeavor, now president of Occidental
college, Los Angeles. CaL; Miss Kate H.
Hans, secretary of the International Junior
and Intermediate Christian Endeavor union;
also from these ex-presldents of the Omaha
union: Rev. Alonso J. Turkle. Allegheny,
Pa.; Rev. Thomas E. Cramblett, Bethany,
W. Va.; Rev. Gregory J. Powell, Fargo, N.
D. Rer. Charles M. Sheldon, D. D., of
Topeka, Kan., sent regrets that he could
not be present.
The union was favored by a solo from
Miss Dutcher.
Rev. Guy W. Wadsworth, D. D presi
dent of Bellevue' college, delivered the ad
dress of the evening. His text wss, "What
soever thy hand flndeth to do, do It with
thy might" He emphasised the Importance
of strong bodies, strong minds and most
particularly, strong characters.
"Be strong and mighty In body," ha said,
"be strong and mighty In mind, and you
will have two good servant of the soul.
Bu' you may be strong In body and be
nothing -but a prise fighter; you may be
strong in mind and be a curse to the humsn
race. Care for your body and educate your
mind, but don't forget that your immortal
soul Is most Important."
The varloua societies responded to roll
call and the banner of the union was given
to"- the society of Low Avenue Presby
terian church for having the largest per
centage of active membership present at
the meeting.
Say Present Coadttloa of Isasnedlat
ad . Indiscriminate' Remarry
lag is Wretched and
Shftntd Be Changed.
Charles B. Dickson was granted a di
vorce from Edna T. Dickson by Judge
Kennedy In the district court Tuesday.
Added to the text of the decree Is a claue
which Is new to divorce decree In Ne
braska. It reada: "Provided, however,
neither party hereto may marry within six
montha from this date unleas they marry
esch other."
'This brings up an Important 'question In
the Intricate laws of divorce, "Hss a Judge
Jurisdiction to say that a couple shall not
remarry within a certain length of timer
Judge Kennedy firmly believes the Judge
has such power. . He would favor making
the term longer than he did In this case.
He believes the parties to a divorce suit
should be prohibited from remarrying for
from three to 'five year, at least
What the Jadge Say.
"Under our law," said Judge Kennedy,
"a couple may get a divorce her one day
and go. across the river to Council Bluffs
Immediately and marry again. It Is a
wretched state of affairs, and even In ordi
nary law procedure It Is, to ssy the least
premature. Either party to the suit may
appeal. If he or ahe desires, from the de
cision of the district court any time within
six months, and the upper court may set
the decree aside. Now, if one of the par
ties ha married again, and the supreme
court sets the divorce decree aside, then
that party is guilty of bigamy and could
be convicted and sent to the penitentiary,
"A decision by any Judge may be set
aalde by the Judge himself any time within
the term of court in which It la given, and
thus again the parties who hasten to marry
soon after a divorce run risk of the peni
tentiary through being convicted of big
amy." Judge Kennedy believe the state Is In
urgent need of amended divorce laws. He
thinks the plan of Judge Frost of Lincoln
to give "provisional divorces," that Is, de
crees which shaU not take legal effect until
a year or two or more after they are given,
would be good.
Order of 'Chief Denahne, aad He
aya They Are Imperative
This Tims.
"Clean your walks or go to Jail". Is the
slogsn of Chief Donahue and hi men.
Strict order were given to all patrolmen
Tuesdsy morning to see that the sidewalks
on their respective beats were cleaned of
snow and tha officers were kept busy seeing
that the property owners were notified of
tbelr duty. - .'
It Is the Intention of Chief Donahue to
enforce the ordinanos requiring Walks
cleaned. Sergeant Cook was assigned Tues
day morning to the special duty of. arrest
ing the owner of property which 1 totally
neglected - during the winter, a far as
cleaning off the walks Is concerned, and
the walks In front of billboards will be
given particular attention.
City Prosecutor Daniel has Intimated he
will prosecute all offender rigorously aud
make several example cases. If necessary,
to test th validity or the ordinance re
quiring that the walks be cleaned. m
If you have anything to trade advertise
tt la the For . Exchange column f The
qm Want Ad page.
Jnsnp from Second Story Bolldlnaj
, Wlthoat Waiting to
Langdon and Stella Holden, colored, man
and wife. Jumped from a window on the
second floor of the house at 112 North
Tenth street In scanty attire late Monday
night being induced to thus disregard the
sero weather when a fire broke out In the
building and spread rapidly through the
frame structure. Holden received a b-aln
concuaslon and a fracture of one or more
ribs In the fall and was carried to the
patrol wagon and taken to the police sta
tion by Emergency Officer McCarthy, but
his wife wa more fortunate, being merely
shaken up.
The building waa a story and a half
affair, occupied by colored tenants. No
warning was given the Holden couple, in
bed upstairs, when the lire broke out their
first intimation of a blase being the appear
ance of tongues of flame In their room.
Without stopping to consider the matter
of protection from the cold, and mean of
escape being cut off by way of the stairs,
they opened the window and Jumped Into
the snow, the thermometer registering
some degrees below sero. The occupants of
the first floor escaped without trouble.
Police Surgeon Harris attended the injured
man and he was given lodging at the sta
tion for the night
The building wa practically destroyed. .
It was found Tuesday morning that the
Injuries to Holden were not as serious as
at first thought although he is suffering
considerably and may have several ribs
fractured. He waa attired In a nonde
script costume, supplied from various
sources at the city Jail, and waa taken to
the county hospital Tuesday afternoon for
further treatment Holden and hi wife
lost all their possessions In - the fire, and
Mis Magee of the City mission ha taken
an Interest In tbelr case to aid them In re
establishing their home when Holden I
able to leave the hospital.
Announcements, wedding stationary and
calling cards, blank book and magasln
binding. 'Phon Doug. lSOi. A. L Root Ino.
Mr. and Mra. Guy Barton- and Mr. and
Mra. George F. Bid ell left Monday for
Los Angeles, where they will spend the re
nin in tier of the winter.
B. L. Dsnforth, Horace Brentser, Eustls
Ella and Phil Aaron, buyers tor J. L.
Brandels tt Sons, have left for an exten
sive eastern buying trip.
R. B. Schneider of Fremont was in Omaha
for a short time Tuesday, enroute east to
be gone aeveral weeke. He has accepted
an Invitation to attend a Lincoln birthday
dinner at Baltimore February 12.
Ernest Kelley left Orraha Monday on the
6:30 Wabash train for Philadelphia. Mr.
Kelley goea aa a delegate to the national
meeting of the Phl-Ro-Blgma, which meeta
In Philadelphia Thursday. He will visit In
New York.
B. J. Wrights of Nellgh, Frank E. Lahr,
Ernest Hoppe of Lincoln, C. P. Schneider
of Bradshaw, C. C. Howell of Falrbury,
J. J Boyd of Beatrice, C. B. Irwin of
Cheyenne, F. J. Hoeslger of Sutton, Wil
liam Hopewell of Tekamah and H. A.
Tedke of Wianer are at the Henshaw.
W. R. Moore. C. T. Newmann of Alma,
A. B. Lenden of Fairfield. B. 1 Pickering,
H. C. Wt nermann, Eugene Waugh, P. D.
Lawn of Lincoln, F. A. Placek, Joseph
Kubecek of Milllgan, Frank Sanders of
Lynch, Ed Smith of Auburn, J. R. Vaught
of Stella, A. C. Campbell of Fullerton, Joe
Hunter of Aurora, and O. Van Hausen of
Schuyler are at the Murray.
W. W. Weaver, Albert Degner. H. C.
Klein of Norfolk Captain Hardy, N. M.
Joyce of Lincoln, Hurry Mitchell of Or
leans, J. J. tiih, J. U. Cole of Juniata, W.
K Cayot of Westphalia, C. E. Adam of
Superior, T. W. Hungate of Herman; Wil
liam Arndt of Blair, L. A. Wauab of St.
Paul, E. P. Llslermen of Grand Island,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Monahan of Crelgh
ton, C. L. Miller of Ravenna and Mel Ubl
of Dea Moines are at the Her Grand.
A. A. Law son, E. O. Lawson of Hastings,
Max Uhllg of Holdrege, J. S. Ball. L. P
Crittenden of Franklin, W. E. Gamel nf
Loomia, K. J. Holmes of Bloomtngton. V?
H. t-lfert of Marlon, Anton Hanson of
Upland. O. B. Wright of Huron. J. B
Thomas of Lyons, W. K. Herman, Q. c
Teich and son of Bancroft, 1). M. Druthett
of Overton, Jt E. Moncrelf of Grand Is
land, W. W. Hough, E. Peters, George
O tail pert George Scher of Pierce, hi
Thompson of Newport and Ed Warrington
of Creighion are at the Merchanta.
Ray W. Weaverllng of Peru, 8. C. Oaks
of Seward. Victor L. French of Oakland
W. J. Lehr cf Elgin.. C. A. Newberry. 8
A. Wlllet of Alliance. W, M. Bnelker of
Rockville. T. W. Pbelan of David City
H. Hehnke of Orand Island. Joseph Novak
of Howeils. B. A. Brlttenham and L. I.
Lease of Fremont W. E. Dalby of Fair
mont H. Block well of Creighion, L. P
Wlrth of Fail City, C. C. Laue of Shubert
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Herwlg of Hubbrll and
P. A. Jaegge of Columbus are at the Mil
lard. P. A. Krauae and M. B. Krause of Al
bion. T. H. McDonald of Llnooln, Mr. and
Mr. M. Stein of Durango, Colo.! William
Wllllngand W. D. Roger of Broken Bow
J. M. lah and W. U. White of Fremont
F D. Brlggs of Sterling. Mr. and Mrs!
Charles Perry of Harvard. D. M. Merer,
land, and A. R. McKarland of Vancouver
H. C. ; Mlas Dorrts Newmann of Portland,
P. Davis of Seattle. William Klnsel of
Wlsner, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mlddleton and
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Clarke of Ashland. J.
R Kindler of Fullerton and W. M. Van
Uruat of Beatrice are at the Pax too.
taf all want-ad prices
ml a tafe
a plain udmsikbss
IfattssKsjSgBjstmmmmt i'JtftsWWBjW!!
WE want your want-ads. You want re
sults at the least possible cost. The
best results come from a want-ad that tells
all the other party wants to know. Most
want-ads are "skimped" they tell only half
enough, trying to save a line or two, so we
have made it easy to say enough in your
ad to advertise right at no greater cost to
you. Think of it! We offer to run
One time Three times Seven times
45 c
Help Wanted, For lent
Rooms, For Sale, Business
Chances, Miscellaneous,
Situations Wanted, Wanted
to Buy, Wanted to Hent
saamisfiewssmmmsem MAY DE 'INSERTED IN tsmmsmmMMimmicmiMmlf
ID ail.
y id
Leave your ad at any drug store, or phone The
Bee-Douglas 238, and a man will call for ir.
Wilhia everybody's reach reaches everybody