12 THE OMAIIA, DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1007. Wednesday Will De a, Day of Powerful Bargains. Avail Yourself of These Rare Buying Chances at Drandels While They Last. Read These Offers and You Will Come Wednesday 3J 3C fo) f&niMiiniiTi W Offer In the Basement a Fortunate Purchase ef Fine Madras Grenadine For curtains and drapery purposes. The dots and madras designs are woven into the material 35c is the regular price everywhere, sale in basement, at, yard. . 15c 40-ln. Drapery Silkollne Best grade plain and fancy in long mill lengths go at, yard - Plain and Printed Burlap Can b used as carpet and for upnolstery purposes 15c Is ths regular price, at, yard . . Bleached Muslln-- BniUble for wall cowing will go as long as It lasts, for, yard ......... i ...... 5c Sic Two Big Bargain Squares of India Linon Plain 36and 40-in. India Linon and fancy white p. goods for children's wear, waists, etc., values up to 15o a yard, all go at,' yard ........ f . .., 15c Ladies' Hosiery at 5c a Pair (Basement) Ladies' seamless hosiery in fast black some 1 black with white feet, also tans and a big;lot'I of fancy colors worth up to 15o a pair on j) fl. besement bargain square, at, pair. Ladies' Outing Flannel UNDERSKIRTS Worth from 50c to SI On Sale in Basment Clusters of folds and scalloped bottoms stripes or plain col ors, also white none are worth less than 50c, and many up to $1.00 each. Have your seen the great display in the Douglas street window! Go on sale in Basement, "Wednesday, at, each, 25. WIDE EMBROIDERIES AH kinds of tine embroideries In skirtings corset coyer widths, flouncing, brands, galloon beading, etc., worth up f 1 ( to 40c a yard, In two lota at, yard...... l2C'lJC Greatest Display and Greatest Assortment I -JN OMAHA.- VALENTINES Over . 150 Feet of Counter Space The best designs and latest novelties from all the leading man- R ufacturers of the country besides a d BIG BARGAIN LOT IN THE BASEMENT f) Belling at H to H Regular Price & i i . 1 . T A.I W ' .. . b-4 cj nig onowing 01 vaicniuie rose tarus. .. q Advance Notice! Next SATURDAY Will Be a Great Sale of Men's : Young Men's Clothing Bought From prcirrcR a solomon. 715-17 Broadway. N. Y who dissolved partnership Suits, worth up to $15 at . . . See the Windows 1 a oifiin rtrma roos oxhtkk a jkj Order one Our private exchange connect! you with all department. When It Is too bitter cold to shop with comfort, re member that Courtney' fill your or der -with care and give you full satis faction on phone orders. Ankola Java ana Mocha Coffee S lbs. for fl.00 Special Blend, 4 lbs. for.., 1 1.00 With a dollar's worth of either of these fine blends, we will give this week, a coffee mill Tree. Remember that Ankola Java and Mocha Is the best S lbs. for a dol lar cpffee sold In Omaha, and onco tried, always used. roa THE GBXP Before retiring- they say there is nothing like a good hot whisky toddy, made from pure whiskey. It puts your blood in circulation and pre vents the chills that induce pneu monia. BOTTLED ZBT BOSD The United States government guar antees the age and purity.- . Old Atherton Rye (10 years old) bot tled in bond $1.9S Cedar Bnook (formerly McBryer"s) per bottle 1.98 Maryland Rye............ $1.88 (poartney & Go 17th and Douglas Sts. 'Phone Douglas 047. Private Ex change Connects All Departments Watch for later Notices FRY SHOE CO. GRAND CLEAN UP SHOE SALE I The biggest and test bargains of the season, and all from pur own stock of reliable, well known shoes.- DON'T MISS THEM For Men OMAitt TAXES AS A MODEL Conditions Hsre Tafcsa at Example by Bionx City Men. IOWA TOWN CRIES ACAINST .OPPRESSION i i i JTexee ea MeeT Estate There) Alsaeat Three Ttaaee Whet Oasks a. . sjalrea. Aeeer Alec te i Ceaaeerlsea. -, Incidental to a campaign for municipal Improvement In Sioux City, the Real Estate exchange ef that city baa appointed a com mittee to Investigate valuations end taxes ef other 'cities. The contention la. Bloux -City la tex-rlddee. D. T. Oilman, presi dent of the Bloux City Real Estate ex change, has been named chairman of the Investigating committee, in the search for ."facta and figures'!, the committee elready has east Us syes on Omaha. Mr. . Oilman has made this comparison among others: - On a piece ef business property yielding an annual rental of SU.O0O the taxes in Bloux City amount to V.2Q0 tor city, oounty and state purposes, while property of the seme earning capacity in Oraehe la being taxed tl.ttju, The latter tax la arrives at by taking the rental es h) per cent of the valuation end thee applying the Omaha U07 levy of TM tattle te one-fifth of such valuation, hloh gives U.4U.M (or the city, county end stats taxes. ' la Bloux City the school district levy tax la e) mills, as egainst U mills In Omaha. Thus far the eoronilttee has determined that Sioux City's - taxes run about three times those of Omaha. alt. Oilman has been empowered te name hie ewa committee. When he started out ea the teak he explained he wanted men Me wees aet afraid si luj-ring odium sh sola the findings ef the committee not reflect credit on the munlolnal affair of fiktox City. RIBBONS OF MANY COLORS Uttle SUlc Bewe e T. W. O A. Beestere Ave CeaalnsT late Bvldei Before the week is over Omaha will lit erally be weerlna- the colors AT filth Vnnti Women's Chlrstlan association. Rnv.ni hundred little silk ribbon bows worn on the coat lapels of business men, business women, shoppers and high school boys and girls have made their appearance on the streets, .Indicating the enlistment of tbetr wearers In the ranks at boosters nr nn nr the Ave squads that began a camp, n 'Tuesday morning for the remaining Il&,vC0 of the O00.000 that will erect the women's building on their lot at Seventeenth and St. Mary's avenue. The canvass opened with prayer service In the association rooms In the Paxtoa block. Tuesday morn ing end - will continue until February 15. Each soliciting squad has a color and a captain. Mr a. W. p. Harford has ths lavender squad: Mrs. Oeorge Til den the blue; Mrs J. H. IXimont the pink; Mrs. Clement Chaes the yellow and Mrs. Emma r. Byers the red. All memberships secured during ths campaign will be applied on the building fund. Announcement of re sults will be made every other day end the first statement will be made Wednesday. Veaeral ef The mas Bowes. The funeral of Thomas Bowes, the youns man who was instantly killed early Batur. day evening by being thrown from the sent of his waon at Twenty-eighth and Kar nam streets, was ha!d at a. m Tues day, from Bt. Bernard's Cut ho Ho church In Benson. Rev. IX W. MorUrity, rector of the church, celebrated lilgh requiem mats and the body was buried at the Holy Bepul cher cemetery. - Nov la the time to make your wants kneea threufU The Bee Waat Ad (teg. Boyden's $.00 French Calf, Hand sewed, double sole, a ir 400 last, now '.1.1 B. M s $5.00 Oun Metal Calf and Patent Colt, Bluchers, 9 0S .double sole, now . 1S pairs Men's 14.50 and $(.00 Calf shoes, double soles, lace 3 1? button, now t pairs Men's $4.00 Vlcl Bals. kid lining, double soles, 2 Women and Children Wright & Peter's $5.00' Hand Sewed, Patent Kid and Oun Metal e 7c Colt, Button, now Ziegler Bros. $4.00 'Oun Metal Calf, Blucher, LAce and Button, 9 OC now 148 pairs Women's $3.00, $4.00 and $6.00 shoes, sizes 8 to 614. mostly nar row widths, $0 per cent oft regular price. All pur Misses' end Child's $1.60 and $1.75 Box Calf School Shoes, f en $1.80, go at 1IU FRY SHOE CO. Ill IIOIII, 16th and Douglas Streets BEATON'S EVERY DAY CHOCOLATES The regular 0o grade at 30c a Pound Our every day chocolates are made from pure chocolate cream and cane sugar. All fruit flavors are In accordance with the pure 'food law. Our sales on every day Choco lates have been Immense and still Increasing. Beaton Drug Co. 15th and Farnam P. 8. Keep your feet warm with Hair Insoles, 10c a pair. OMAHA WKATllhlt FOKMJA&T V Kl. KSD.W : Warmer. Green Trading Stamps Timc SECOND FLOOR 1 Women's Warm. Ready-to-Wear Garments THERE'S A COZY FEELING COMES OVER YOU AFTER STEPPING FROM ELEVATOR ON SECOND FLOOR, AND YOU GLANCE TO RIGHT AND LEFT OF THE AISLE AND SEE THOSE STACKS OF WARM, READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS .PILED UP ON GREAT TABLES OR SWUNG ON HEAVY RACKS IT'S THE BIGGEST AND COMPLETEST LINE OF .WOMEN'S WARM, READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS YOU'LL FIND IN OMAHA. HERE YOU HAVE THE VERY LATEST IDEAS-LATEST IN THE SENSE OF BEING THE VERY BEST BOTH FOR APPEAR: ANCE AND COMFORT. SPRING'S A-COMING AND WEJMUST CLOSE OUT THESE GARMENTS. Some Snaps for Wednesday Ladies' Extra Heavy Fleecelined Wrap- pers, gar nients that sold at SL25, $1.50 and SL69, Wednes day, your choice 9Sc Ladies Lon Kimonas, garments that have been selling since Oct at $1.50, $2.50 and $2.98 Wednesday, your choiee. no reserve, at $L98, $1,48 and 98c Fnnrl f A! ' and nervous me rUUU lUr who find their power te NnPlftit - work and youthful vlgtx IIO I. WOO uonm as a result of ever, work or mental exertion should taks GRAY'S NEKVK FOOD P1LU. Thty wlj siaae you eat and sleep and be a man agala II Seal esses $uo by KalL Sherm&n H McCorvnell Drug Co i Utn end Dodge SU Omaha. Neb. Business Boosters Try the Waat OoJumna at The CHOOLS AMD COLLEGES. DULLCVUE COLLEGE! c ulc . e c luuai. soMtis ssiiumsmsi wtia aiAii as mciu4 his aMi M IMiMTus er nr attar hIUii mt auUu. VuaMAl. school UwusT a4 Unn oxuma. Culliwlal swe. CONkk.aVAluHY tMon e( siasls. setae, seise. iti. eiacuiiAS saS efV CUA.MA UOhMlcriuJHS BUrtrte Use ul eerBay W nlliu. rMt Mil, ire OmtmUmtim, riseissl Wseseens Gfeai Sale of Dress Goods An extraordinary- purchase of the most exclusive Spring patterns by our buyer, now in New York. Never before have the latest creations of the season been bought at such low figures, and never before have you had the opportunity to buy such goods at the low prices we offer WEDNESDAY. Exclusive patterns, beautiful evening shades for conventional wear, IMPORTED NOVELTIES for Suits; PLAIN GOODS, in' all colorings PATTERN LENGTHS ONLY AT THESE PRICES: ATTzmir rx.K embboxdebziw- Silk and wool Frencn jNpveny. in browni $2.25 value, special, yd. 890 PATTEBW SXX.X AJtD WOOTj BATH In reseda, i.s& vaiue, ya, TWO VATTXBsTB tILX end WOOIi ron uainty aottea aesigns in tan, $1.60 value, yard 790 OBB VATTEBH X.IQHT OBZT H AJT9 WOOL FAB IS CBBPB 1 60 value, Wednesday, a yard . ...75o OBB WATTZBB OBBA1C OBXTTOB 8IX.X rOFIOB $1 value Wednes day, yard ...77e OBB PATTBBH HBI.IOTBOFB BTI.X: nOVEIiTI in snaaow uar n imi, $1.S6 value, Wednesday, e yard.7o OBB PATTBBK (TLX VABIS OBBFB Slightly soiled In transit, tan, worth $1.16 yard. Wednesday, a yard OBB VATTBBB T.IOKT BI.TXB 1TTB Z.I1U! Silk and wool, $1.26 valuo. Wednesday, a yard 6o OBB FATTBBB SABK BBB IZXiK rO'LUI ' Hegutar la vmuo, Wednesday's price, yard B9o TWO FATTBBB RIXK EOKZEBBBIf Lilgnt Diue ana nijuv s'. '" lar fl.60 value, yard 7o OBB FATTBBB i I OBBFB Regular . $1.60 value, , special, a vard 830 OBB FATTBBB BZO.OK SUB FOF- UB -11.76 value, weaneaaay, a yaed We BrXiX BOTXX.TT Light grey, Alloe blue, pearl, - rose and tan, $1.33 value, special, yard 79o TKBEB FATTEBBS OXTFFOB FAB. AatA 64-in. wide, colore hunter's green, reseda, light grey, $1.69 value, Wednesday's price, yd..77o FATTBBB WOOIi TAFFETA Re seda green. French Imported, $1.86 value, yard Oo PATTEBB WH1TB CBXFFOB aXBOB To value, special, yd.49e ran siwvsvi w O VT! T. T V eTTTT- loo value, weunesaay, ja.m Novelty Suitings ADVANCE SPRING STYLES FATTBBB EHO&XSK . XSCFOBTED CBXFFOB FAWAKA Three tones. tan ground, with silk ' lnterwovon Plata eneet. . regular , 11.60 valuo, Wednesday, a yard ... . t. .... . .760 i FATTBBB OF BX.TB FBBEG8 CBXFFOB liaOK $1.60 valu. Wednesday, a yard ...........690 FATTEBB OBET OKBSB FX.AXS UXTIBO Three tones. $1.26 value. special price n 69o FATTEBB CBXFFOB FABAKA Light bnown, $1.26 value, special Wednesday, e yard .....79o FATTBBB OBET OXCXFFOB SEBOE 89o value, yard 63c FATTEBB EBOX.XSK BTJXTXBCI 04 In. wide, worth $1.60. Wednesday, a yard 79c FATTEBB BBOXJKC BOTELTT Green and black, $1.60 value, yard at ....( 89o FATTEBB BI.ACB FBEBCX IXBOE $1.26 value, Wednesday, yd..76e FATTEBB EBOB Blue, 64-in. wide, $1.26 value, Wednesday, e yd.. 69c rATTESS KEsBIXTTA Light green, $1 value, Wednesday, ydJUo FATTEBB WOOL TAFFETA Plum color, $1.26 value, yard 67Ho XX FATTEBBS WBITB BBOAD CLOTH In Opera Cloak lengths, worth $3 yard, Wednesday, yd.B9e XXBT X.EBOTB All colors and de signs, worth up to $$ yard. Wednes day, a yard T9o Winter Visitors Excursions VIA CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN iSKk RAllWAY w01 enable yon to visit your friends in Mason City, CerroU, Harlan, Dubuque, Waterloo, Marshall town, Fort Dodge, la,, Faribault, Mankato, Austin, Rochester, or fced Wing, Minn., at about One Half the Uanel lete Tickets on sals Saturdays and Sunday a Notify your frienda that the eame retee apply the Other way. Full Information from W. C. XMVDSOW. dtf TUMAgamt. tlii tar mam 3, Oaish. Special Wednesday Bargains Sole Agents for the lion City Laces ' and . Curtains JliMuiyilSjJS THE RELIABLE STRS Sote Agents 0 a It-It tor me naih Borchert Dress Forms Great Sale Sample Undermuslins $2.00 SKIRTS, CHEMISE and GOWNS at 75c Gown of fine cambrie with long flowing sleeves and trimmek with dainty laces, embroideries and ribbons. Chemise of fike materials, handsomely trimmed. Skirts with deep lace and em broidery flounces and underlay with dust ruffle, all generously; proportioned and worth regularly up to $2 garment, 7 choice, "Wednesday i Ladies' Corset Covers Trimmed front and back with pretty laces and embroideries and wash ribbons, worth regular to 50o gar ment, at 15 50c Scarfs and Center Pieces, 25c Just for a flyer we will place on sale Wednesday, a new line of fancy Drawn Center Pieces, size 30x30,and a line of 54-inch Dresser Scarfs, regular 50c value, at choice. 25 Same sixes, stamped, only. 29 Hour Sales in Bargain Room Be Sure and Atttnd Our Famous Hourly Sales In the Bargain Room From 0 till 10 a. ni. We will sell 60 pieces of white goods, some slightly soiled, but goods that sold from 10c to 25c yard not over 12 yards to a customer-; per yard, at ........3K From 2:80 till 8:80 p. m. W will sell extra heavy Outing Flan inel regular 12 He grade, not over 12 yards to a customer, at, per yard 4 All Day Sales 5,000 yards best Dress Ginghams made, at, per yard...............' 5 American Prints, Blues, Calcuttas, Fancies, Etc., regular price 74c, lengths from 4 to 10 yards, at, per yard 3, 86 in. Percales, regular 10c and 12 Vic values, perfect goods, at, yard 4 15c Towels, at, each . . 7H 19c Towels, at, each.. 8 $1.50 White Crochet Quilts, each OG 25 pair all wool Blankets that told for $3 a pair, will close, at, pair SI. 05 Several other bargains during the day. Big Sled Sale Wednesday, Hardware Dept. Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular SBo Sled, for this sale only S5e 60c Sled, for this sale only J9o SBo Sled, for this sals only 49o 86c Bled, -for "this .sale only 690 98c Sled, for" this sale only 79o $1.25 Bled, for this sale only 86o $1.60 Bled, for this sale only fl.15 $2.00 Sled for this sale only 91.36 This Is the biggest treat of the season for the boys and girls. The Els' Oranlteware Sale will be con tinued all this week. Values of 25c to 75c will be spld at each lOe Don't miss this sale whllo It lasts. The greatest opportunity ever offered. Read Hayden's Grocery Prices The Greatest Stort In the West tor Economical Buyers a nw or thb icarnr nrxxmusTiva nionsi 21 lbs. best pure cane granulated sugar fl lbs. best hand picked navy beans... loo 8 lbs. best rolled Breakfast Oatmeal. .ISO 10 lbs. sack best Buckwheat Flour... 3So Qt. jar pure Ohio maple syrup 3o 2 lb. pkg. best self-rising pancake flour at ,. 8Ho Egg-O-See breakrast fopd,. pkg. .... .70 Best 4X singer snaps, lb. ....... . .. .60 Best' Soda and Oyster Crackers, Ib.,,.6o Fresh. Tig Bar Cookies, lb. . ......... lOo 1 lb. pkg.. Baited Wafers .100 1 lb. can assorted Soups. .......... .THo 2 lb. can best Sao City- Sugar Sweet Corn at ; Be 2 lb. can best fancy Wax, String or Lima Beans THo Qt. can Golden Table Syrup 9o 10 lbs. best white or yellow cornmeal 12Ho Fancy Bantos Coffee, lb ISO The finest Tea Blftings, per lb..,.18HO i Keydea'e rresB Trait and Ysgetabie . ' Prices Large juicy Lemons, per dos lOo Extra large Highland Navel Oranges, worth J6o per dps, our price... 8Se Large ripe Bananas, per dos loo Fresh roasted Peanuts, per quart.. i.6o Large Braill Cocoanuts, each Be Fancy Fard Dates, per lb... 100 12 -os. pkg.. fancy California Figs. ....Be Fancy red Cranberries, per quart., .THe Fancy Cooking Figs, per lb ..Tio t heads fresh Lettuce;..,....... Be t bunches 'hot house Radishes. ...... ..Be t bunches fresh onions. ...Be Fancy ripe Tomatoes, per lb ..ISO t bunches fresh young car nets lOe 2 bunches fresh hot house parsley... Be 2 bunches Salsify or oyster plant Be Mexican Pimon Nuts, lb IflVte Beets, parsnips, carrots, rutabagas, tur nips or Onions, per lb le Fancy kiln dried Sweet Potatoes, per lb. at w .- so Large heads fresh Cabbage In Ml pfo)fn)(g ... .Be Do you raise chickens? You will find a number of Poultry advertise ments which will interest you under the head of "Live Stock For Sale" on the Want ad Page If you have any kind of Live Stock for sale you can sell it cheaply and quickly with A three line want ad one time 10c three times 25c seven times 45c Call at The Bee Office' 17th and Farnam, "The Want-ad Corner.'! Within everybody's reocK-rtache everybody.