THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1907. 10 Want - ads Adrertlanats far tfce "til olanaas wlllltHkn til IS a, lor the evealaa- vdltlea nad til . n. far the sssrBlaa: aad day Bdltleas. CASH RATES FOR WAUT-AD1. Oac lasertloa, 1 1-3 ee-ats r werd two or ssero e-easoeatls-B lasertloas, 1 rnt per word Mk tasertleoi saoro th lasertloa. If ot ra -seeatlvely, will we tr for rate af 1 ee-ats par ward. l.RO srr llaa far No ad takra far less taaa SO ecata. CASH RATES FOR MOTICES. Death, aad raaeral WstloM, Carda of Thaaka aad Lodge Wotlces, T eeats per llaa far t edition. iaoralaT ar rrU(l H rests a llao for ear addl tloaal edition, dart llaa. Ho ad takaa far laaa 60 aata BRANCH OFTICES. Waat ada far The Be star e " ar f tha followta dra stores one la r(iir corner draga-lst" they r all branch offices of Tha Baa aad yoar ad will b taarrtad lat promptly and o tha aaaao rates aa at ha mala oflloa la Tha Haa balldlaa-, eventernth aad Farnam streets. Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Beranek, 8. A., 1408 8. 16tb Bu Becht's Pharmacy, 730 8. 16th SU Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. Bemie Park P harmacr. 83d and Cuming. CauBhUn. C. H-, atb and Pterea Bts. Uifton Kill pharmacy, 233 Military Aya, : (ente. J. 11., 31st Ava and Farnam, Crlssey Pharmacy, 34th and Lake. , Cermak. Emll, 1264-4 8. 13 tb 6U i Kostmsn Pharmacy, 404 Hamilton, i Khler, P. H.. 2K03 Leavenworth. Foster ft Arnoldl, tit N. 26th St I Freytag. John J.. 1814 N. 24tu Bt. i Florence Drue Co., Florence, Neb. i (InMm.n .ma,.,. K .nil T . k . StS. ' Ureen'a Pharmacy, corner Park Ava. and ig-acmo. Grennough, O. A., 1026 8. 10th 8t. Greenough, O. A., 10th and Hickory. Haydan. Wm. C, 2930 Farnam Bt. lianscom Park Phar., 1601 8. 29th AT, llolxtf John, 624 N. ISth Bt. Huff. A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth St. King. H. 8.. 2238 Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy, S.W4 N. 14th. Patrick Drug Co., 16t2 N. 24th Bt. I-aihrop, Chaa K.. 1324 N. Mth St. Peyton, I. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Uaralnifa Irn. i 'n 'J A t Vl nn4 Amtl AVI. Bchaefer 's Cut Plica Drug Btore, ISth and Chicago. Bchaefer, August, 2631 N. 16th Bt. Buhmldt, J. H., 24th and Cumins Bta. Bierm Pharmacy, 16th. and Martha Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4Uth and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Oraoa Bta. Wlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bta. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. The following birth and deaths were re ported to the Board of Health during tha twenty-four hours ending Tuesday noon: Blrths-J. W. Billings, 3423 North Thlr tleth. Klrl: R. L. Human, 26l Parker, girl Charles Huntzlnger, 2727 South Twenty fourth, boy; Frank A. Bandeen, 1830 North Seventeenth, girl; Patrick Llnlhan, 1012 South Kleventii, girl; Adam Rledmann, lil74 Center, bey; Lewis Adams, 2423 Spencer. Deaths Kvelyn Kendls. 641 South Twenty-fourth avenue, 6; Beda J. Johnson, 12U4 North Twenty-sixth. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been granted: Utto Bchults. South Omaha 60 Mary A. Hugenberg, South Omaha Ss Hubert Nit tier. Omaha 38 Kmma Hoffman, Omaha 23 Bennett O. Willis. Harttngton 23 Maud E.' Ray, Omaha 22 Joseph Connolley, Omaha 24 Honors M. O'Leary, Omaha 21 Charles J. Nelson, South Omaha 60 Carolina Peterson, South Omaha. 61 A11U Makowlts. Omaha Ada Lustgarten, Omaha., 21 DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. DEMP8EY Joseph, son of Patrick and Winnie and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donanoe. Monday evening a.t1 J. at tha family residence, 1123 North Twenty-sixth street. Funeral Thursday morning, 9 a.' m., to St. John's church, twenty-fifth and Call. fornla streets. Interment St. Mary's ctm? tery. ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY SCHOOL. N1GIIT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPHY.. ENGLISH. Students Begin Any Time. Catalogue Free. Address H. B. BOYLES, Pros., Omaha, Neb. U)-16 NOTICE. We are giving thousands of patented Eagle fountain pens away free; aend your name, 'age and address, no matter where you live. ' Q'BRIEN it O'BRIEN, 834 N. State St.. . Chicago, 111. . (1) 184 t OMAHA W1RE IRON WORKS 8 ALE. Stuck of above namod bankrupt will be sold Monday, February 11, at 3 p. m.. at 913 N. Mth St. G. M. DREW, Trustee. (D-068 BOOKS, booklets and fins catalogues printed by Reea Printing Co., Omaha. U-M77 F2g IlO Y AXi ACHAXIlS Fraternal Society. U-6W F2 OMAIIA 8f fe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of Ore escapes, shutters, doors and sates.' G. Andretu. Prop., Iu3 8. 10th St. , a-8;o ;UY your envelopes and be sura of sanl' ' tary gumming. Burkley Envelope Co. . U-M7M FU 1 RUBBER STAMPS Western Stamp and I Stencil Co., 813 & 12th BL Send for cats logue. U M414 F7 THE CITY GARBAGE CO. office 4th and Leavenworth fits. TeL Douglas 137. i (U-W0 MADAM KS Bean and Mayo seance Tuesday ana nujr. - n. iu. flea ouo. (D-M579 Feb. !Sx 0IQN PAINTING 8. H. Cole, vut Douglaa ttr.l IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 1911 Farnam. - (l)-M9 I BARTER AND EXCHANGE WESTERN Nebraska and Kansas lands to trade lor merchandise or property. no 8. 160 ACRES good bottom land. In Madison county, jveorajtaa. nair nine from town. PO per acre; incumbrance $2,600; for Omaha or louaru uiurra property. Phone Douglas 10I9. Peterson. 63) N. 16th Bt. 0 167 I IF YOU have anything to trade, get In touch with our swappr. He's the original . live wire In trades and exchanrea. Can "match" anything anywhere. Continental Realty Co. 21-92-3 I'. S. Natl. Bairic Mldg.. Omaha, Nvb, Also have offices In kit.- Joseph, Kansas i ity, bioux City, Lin. coin. Des Moines and Denver . . (S M355U FOR EXCHANGE ISO acres near Orchard Antelope county. Neb.; prlc $17 60 per acre. 320 acres six miles from O'Neill. Holt county. Neb.: improved; price fj per acre, n ill exchange either or both . of above farms for indse. or hardware. We also have several Income properties In Omaha to exchange for mdse. or hard ware. Globe Land and Inveatntent Co., j-alloreoa uiog inuana, xsen. (3J-M2M EXCHANGES If you have city nronerty, atocks of goods, farm land or property of any kind to exchange write for our ronwileta list. We have properties and lands In all parts of ths country to ex change. Our Hot is free. Send for it st once. Globe Iivd and Investment Co., BARTER AND EXCHANGE tContlnued.) WRITE Townsend Realty Co., Fremont, Neb., who have lirmi, wild lanas, etc., for clear town property and merchandise. (I) M306 Flx IF TOII do not find what you want In this column, put an ad In and you win very soon get It. (3) . BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property tnat you want a aeu or rhansa write us. OLOBB LOAN AND INVESTMENT C&, Omaha, Neb., or uioux. city. is. (4) M2i Mt $8,000 WILL swing drug stock In southeast IseDraSKa, aoing Dusinros oi in ywr. Write F. V. Knlest, Omaha, Neb. (4) 613 FebT WANTED To sell or trade. 26-room hotel; steam heat, gas ana city water ana m five room cottage; reason for selling, 111 health. Addreee K Ava. B, Council Bluffs, la. (4-M797. FOR SALE First-class blacusmitn ana wagon wors; ousiness, wun iiwm. . w received for ahoelng and 14 to 18 for set ting tlras. Address Y 128 Bee. ( (4) M84Z . INVENTOR wants money to develop niodol and secure patent. Auure care of Bee. (4-n4 10X LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS and loose leaf device of all kinds. Kees rnming Omaha. , (4)-MT77 ROOMING HOUSES I have them at from $1&0 to &oo; ail gooa ones ana money makers. . TV B FRANK Phone Douglas' 1600. 32l'Nevllle block. (4) M119 Drug stores for sale. F. V. Knlest. N. T.LI fa II Old FOR BALB-Only hotel In town of 300 peo ple, doing good Dusmeas; reason puui health. M. Fahey. Waterbury. Neb. t4J M961 14X FOR MERCHANTS ONLY A nice clean shoe stock, 3,&uu; gooa central nrura town of 1.000; cheap for quick Bale. Bog 683 Columbua, Neb. (4 193 rx IF YOU wsnt to get In or out of business. no matter wnat your Business is, or where It Is. we can heln you. We make all kinds of trades and guarantee to suit. If you have anything to traae, write us. KELLY INVESTMENT. CO., 220 Neville Block. M)-M117 t ROOMING house, 18 rooms, fine condition. Part caah and real estate, snap, at once. Phone Harney 2389. (4) 157 Ox FOR SALE $1,700 mortgage, payable in in stallments for 4 years on msiae umncm business property worth $4,500 ; 6 per cent, semi-annually. Address L 603, core Bee. (4) M781 $50 CAN be made weekly with 76 Hllo pea nut vending macnines ana do your owu boss. For particulars see H. J. Kempel, SchliU Hotel. (4)-213 lOx ROBERT C. DRUEBEPOW & CO. STOCK BROKERS, 809 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4)-M237 FOR SALE Gents' furnishing and shoe stock, invoice 12,000; good location; will sell cheap. Address Y 173, Bee. (4)-M238 llx ENGAGE In real estate business as side line. Big profits, and It will not Interfere with vour regular buainess. For particu lars address. Continental Realty Co.. 21-33-36 U. 8. Natl. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Nebr (4) it W A NTF.n Man or woman of business ability In real estate business; must have from $500 to $2,000 to Invest, which will be well secured; good salaried position ana share of profits. Address, O 640, care Bee. MEAT huaineaa. in fine location, dolnv good buainess; reason for selling, owner in curably sick, .price, S4au; wortn mucn more. Address W-609, care Bee. (4)-M244 T WANT three men with $1,000 each to Join nta In land sneculatlon. Will atand full est investigation. If you are afraid of your shadow and don't want to double your money, aon t write, n you an, ui dress N 639. cars Bee. (4) M254 11 LET us have your autoa to sell. We have customers ready to buy. Blair Machine Co., Blair, Neb. (4) MZ? lix A PARTNER for moving picture business; good chance; win require aDout . ao dress D 647, Bee. (4) 306 6x FOR SALE Money making restaurant. curars. tobacco, candles and fruit stock a good chance. Box 2!3, Shenandoah, la. (4J M39 lzx FOR BALE A $5,000 stock of hardware and furniture in a good thriving town in east cm Nebraska. Address Y 133, care Bee. (4) M287 8 FOR SALE The Silver Creek. Nebraska, flour mill will be sold at referees sals on March 6, 1907. at the court house In Central City, Neb. (4)-Mat8 13 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attoraeys. W. W. DODGE, attorney. N. Y. Life Bldg, umce Tel. Douglas 4ki; lies, uougias an. yof olibo ai Dsteetlvo Ageaey. WETMORE Deteutlvs Servics. 'Phone Red 8384. Rooms U and U, Union Elk., 16th ana axnam. u 4S i Droasmaklag. Ladles' UUortng. Dfessmaking. 438 8. 84th. w i DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Miss Sturdy, 3U3 Chloago. 'Phone Red 4703. MR 8. BRANDON, 1724 Cap. Ave. Doug. M33 SEWING of ail kinds. 4028 Hamilton Bt. (6) Ui 6x Florists. BESS SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (8)-4ut L HENDERSON, Ul Farnam. Tel. Doug. UM, t BUI Maslo aad Laagaage. CHATELAIN School of Languages. Day ana evening ciassos. rencn. uerman. BpanfSQ. lefaaluM. Davldga Bldg. (O-.50 FU Ooteopatky. JOHNSON IN8TITUTK. 418 N. T. L., Tel. JOUgUM ItSM. W SJB DR. BOWSER Over 1500 Farnam. Tsl, Douglas 60. (S) ta FIB riBBablag,. LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. us r. mux dl Tel. Douglas 1477. r (6-08 F27 Prtatlag. I YNGTAn Htah-grads 1807 calendars. d E. corner 16th St. and HJUKVC Capitol Ave. (6 V7 BNELL Printing Co., particular printers. w a. um dl iti. Lroug. SIM. (5-$71 F14 WATERS PRINTING COM 1307 Howard Bt. W U 1 JENNINGS IMnUng Co. Tel. Douglas 6380. V SIB THE ACORN PREdS, 1610 Howard St.. xoes rrinung of quality. Tel. Doug. J.i WE print everything! Rees Printing Co. (Bl-Uui r- Springer Printing Co., M N. 17th. Doug. 8071. t w ta CALL CENTRAL Doug. 890 Central rrinung (JO. lowest prices on printing. uv o. 4. in. i-ypewrllteu letters siwmuy RlrappiBW EBglaoer. H. F. KELLNBR, River and Riprap Engi peer, at years' practical experience; write for imoriuaUoa. alv Jbos Mdg., Omaha, Xeo (p) mLam That Sign in Your Window stating you are in need of competent help may be read by one hundred people A want ad in The Dee reaches thousands, not only In Omaha CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omaha Revelations of past and future described. Parlors. Ill 8. 16th St., Opp Boston Store. 6)-8a HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory aad Trades. WANTED Experienced stitchers. Address Battreall-Whlttlnghill Shoe Co., Bt. Joseph, Mo. (7 M2 8 Hoasekeepers aad Domestics. COOK wanted; private family, nam. 2225 Far- WANTED Gl rl for general work; six In family, small house, every convenience; $' per month. With washing, $30: also wanted housemaid, 320. Mrs. Hall, 118 North 89th St. . (7)-223 WANTED Girl for general housework; mall family, all adults. Inquire 1308 Park Ave. (71-215 6 GIRL for general housework; 6 In family. Mrs. F. D. Wead. 'Phone Harney 2m7. . (71-276 7 LADY WAITRESS First-class; highest wsges. Apply manager Dellone hotel. (7) M308 7 WOMAN for kitchen work. Apply to man ager Dellone hotel. (.7) M309 7 CHAMBERMAID 1718 Dodge St. (l M307 X WANTED An elderly lady as housekeeper; three children, youngest 2 years. Must be kind and respectable; no other need apply. Address Box 355, Fullerton, Neb. (7) M290 6 Mtscellaneoas. M'DOWEI-L Dressmaking School. 1623 Farn. CO MboB r i LADIES We are still In need of mora help decorating sofa pillows; experience unnecessary; work taken home; perma nent; good pay. Call mornings, 2311 8. 13th Bt. (7) 156 Mar.-2x . HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, Solicitors aad Salesmen. ADVERTISING FANS; May delivery, BOO special and attractive designs, samples submitted upon application. Fonda Bros. Co., Omaha. (9 M482 Fi 81.200.00 to 31.600.00 per year is being made. selling our lamny remeoics. ii you want a paying position write Rouah Medicine Co LevMars, lows. (9) M793 7 AGENTS wanted for light work. 418 N. loth. W Xfli4o t u A GOOD proposition for adv. novelties Is open for a gooa man tor nansas; largest line in U. 8. on a commission basis. Apply on Saturday or Sunday, Feb. 9 and 10. Honker. Williams 4 Co.. 320 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9-854 $ OUR reDresentotlves make 375 per week. want one or two more. Bona reauirea. . . . . , . Address In own handwriting, w'.'.n stamp and references. A 611 Bee. (9) M10K M3 WANTED Salesman for Western Iowa. also Nebraska for our red fibre heel rub ber footwear. La Crosse Rubber Mills Co., La Crosse, Wis. (9)-128 WANTED Cream buyer and road man xor an . vimana creamery. Applicants should know something about creamery business. Alainlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1813 Farnam. ( zat WANTED Two good salesmen; must have ability and good address. Address iv t-itt. care Bee. wsw ' Boys. WANTED Firs boys; good wages; perma nent job. A. U. x. Co., Wi a. utn ut. (9)-62i Clerical and OIBcc. WANTED An experienced male book keeper and stenographer; good position for ths right party. Address : A, Genl. Dellv, Linooln, Neb. ... ( 194 6 WANTED Draughtsman in architect's omce; must be of good sddress and habits. C W. Way. Hastings, Meb. () 193 ox WANTED A man to run a local news paper in a prosperous western town would be convenient to know the barber or Jewelry trade. For further particulars et. (zj Factory aad Trade. WANTED Two good machinists; steady employment. Address Fremont Foundry and Machine Co., Fremont, Neb. (9 M200 6 WANTED Foreman in collar factory. Ad dress Bchulse Brothers Co., uuiutn. Minn. WANTED At once. 600 sound young men- aged 18 to So, for firemen- and brakemen on leading western railroads and for new roads now being completed; experience unnecessary; liremen $100 per month; brakeinen $76; positions now open; call or writs at ones tor particulars. National Ry. Training Assn. 620 X, Pax ton Blk., omana, incd. W) ux. au MlacellaBeoBS. BOOKKEEPER, youna- man. $88. ASSISTANT MANAGER AND CLERK, $85. 1 STKNOGRAFHtKS. IW to sou. OFFICE CLERK, experienced supply dent. K. K. prererred. g.O. HIGH GRADE positions ars our specialty, Call or write. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N (Inc.), Suits 840-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9 M308 ( WANTED For tbs U. 8. Marine Corns, men between ages 81 and 35; an oppor ' tunlty to sea the world. For full Informa tion apply In person jr by letter to Re cruiting Officer, Cor. 12th and Farnam Bta.. Omaha. Nebraska. . (9) 4V7 F7 Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, N. Y. L. () 024 MEN and boys. Plumbing or bricklaying trade pays 16 to W per day. ws teacn you by practical Instructions in three months; position guaranteed; free cats logus. Coyne Trade School. 4975 Easton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (9-67 WANTED Twelvs Intelligent laborers; wages, 45 cents per hour. Apply after 8 p. m. today. Kodak Exhibition. Cham bers' Academy. (9) 815 6x WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Ten positions for every graduate. $12 to $3) weekly paid. Wages i while learning. Beautiful lw7 catalogue just out. Call or write. Moler Barber College, llli Farnam Bt. (9j M&U Mix WANTED Driver for towel supply com pany, good lob for hustler; references re quired. Address P 641, care Be. () 271 7x WANTED High grade advertising man to handle our exclusive line of unique and attractive advertising specialties. Writs for particulars to Rand, McNally A Co., Chicago, 111. (9) M282 PERSON of fair education o read law; excellent opportunity for right party ; give full particulars. Address Y 126. cars Bee. (9) MJ83 6x WANTED Several competent drivers; must have A-No 1 references and furnish bond ; salary, $60 lo $70. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1813 Farnam. (9 221 6 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. HORSES bought, sold snd sxchanged; driv ers and general purpose horse a specialty. Myers. 1714 Jackson. Tel. Red 2. (U-Ms- Ml $ HORSES, weight 1.208 lbs. each, wagon and harness. IIJr; one team, weight 2.6u0 lbs.; one team, welht 3,ou0 lgs. ; I farm mares. ZUi Grant. Tsl. Duuglas 3410. but In surrrounding territory. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles Coatlaaed. SOOD team 6 years old, well broke, $3w; team of good, heavy mares. 115; one good, heavy, well broke, 4-year-old mure, with foal,; one team or niacKs, matched, weighing 2,350. $150: one good mare, 1.2t. i0; one sore-footed mare, $15; one cheap horse, $-5. Rear 414 N. 16th St. (11) M266 FOR BALE 4-year-old horse, city broke. single or double; also buggy, inquire 902 Capitol Ave. Colwell. (16) M299 12 Ponltry aad Eggs. FOR BALE Mammonth Brome turkeys; old Toms. 40 lbs, $(; young Toms, 24 to 28 lbs., $5; Imperial Pekln ducks. 14 to 13 lbs., per pair, drakes $1.50, ducks $1. W. R. Kllnck, ClarksvlUe. Ia. til) M717 F9 BEFORE buying Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels write Tor free circular to j.. Sand, Mitchell, 8. D. (1D-M718 F9 OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book Is Tree to an wno win write ana ssk ior it, telling whore they saw this ad. A valuable Dook for every poultryman; 80, 000 printed. Address Harris Ponltry Co., Clay Center, Neb. (11) M560 F8x BARRED ROCKS. Lot of good cockerels; even, narrow, deep narrea ana gooa Done. puueis mnu hens, fine ones; also nicely barred and good layers. Address Orvflle O. Jones, R. D. No. L York. Neb. (U)-M559 Fitx 100 Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels (ex clusive) for sale, 6 for to. j. A. Haney, Elkhorn, Neb. ' til) M840 15 ROSE end Single Comb Brown leghorns. Silver Bpang'.ed Hamburg, Wnlte Pekln Ducks. E. Dooley, Selma, Ia. (U) 304 19x BUFF FOWLS Buff Wyandottes, Buff Rocks, Cochin Bantams, high grade stock. Price reasonable. W. J. Gow, Norfolk, Neb. (11) M 806 20x BUFF Orpingtons; none better; eggs $3.50 setting, stock matter correspondence. Jacob Btuts Importer, breeder, 260 Mc Dougell Ave., Detroit, Mich. (ID M284 12x FOR BALE 80 Black Langshan cockerels. Pure bred Black Langshan cockerels II each, if -taken soon. Mrs. J. W. John son. Loup City, Neb. (ID M841 15 LOST AND FOUND LOST String of gold beads Monday even ing. Reward. 1908 Capitol Ave. (12) M2S0 7x MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised bv college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. 03) 129 ANY pcor girl in need of a friend call or write to tne matron oi tne tjaiv&tion Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th St.. Omaha, Neb. (13) Mloo PRIVATE home durlnc confinement: ba bies adopted. The Uood tsamantan Sani tarium, 728 First Ave,, Council Blurt a, la, TeL 774. (13)-322 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nenrs Food Pills, II box, postpaid. Sherman 4 Meconneu Drug CO., umana. (13)-628 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AKD CHATTELS. Cash in Any Amount $10 to $300 LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. ETC.. OR ON YOUR SALARY IF STEADILY EMPLOYED, without security or publicity, at the very lowest rates; with payments to suit your con venience; everything strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co., Roomg 807-308 Paxton Blk. (10-354 THE UNION LOAN COMPANY, PRIVATE BANKhRS Have Increased their capital and during the month of February will make a special rate on collateral loans, mortgages on personal property and notes, without se curity. Terms suit. 'Phone Douglas Z904, 810 Bee Building. (14) MW4 DR. PRIBBENOWS MONEY loaned on furniture, salary. Dlinos. horses. etc., in any amount; less than half ratea; perfect privacy, immediate attention; any terms wanted; paymenta suspended when sick or out or work. u ivaroa-n cik.. - 209 South 15th Bt. ' (14 U6 FOR A SQUARE 'DEAL GO TO THH PHCENIX CREDIT CO., for chatlel or salary loans. 633 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 745. (14) 0o SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon fhelr own names, without security; easy payments; offices In 63 principal cities. Save your self money by getting my terms first. D. H. TOLMAN. 714 New York. Ufa Bldg. (14 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows, horses, etc. C. F. Reed, 310 S. ISth, (14) 810 FURNITURE, livs stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (14)-U Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money s&ms day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (14)-v7 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable accom modating; all buainess confidential. 1401 Douglas. - (14) 809 CHATTEL, salary and storaga receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., luOt rarnam Bt. (14) M913 OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlaa- aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; oaf. NICELY furnished, wsll heated room, all modern conveniences, sxeeuem tauie; pri vate family. 2469 Harney (IA) FURNISHED rooms, modern, with board. 2406 Cass SU (16) AUUO DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. U6) sso BACHELOR'S. QUARTERS 25th A Dodge. (16 M36S FlS THE 8HELTON. 26th and Dodge. (16)t-M847 Mix LARGE alcove room; on car line; closa in; breakfast privileges; east front; vecant Feb. 10. Ill No. 26th St. (16) MH46 8 ON42 large modern room for two gentle men, close In, all modern. 22Farnum SU (16 171 6x LANGE HOTEL, rooms. Corner 13th snd Jackson. (15) 163 March 4 YOUNG LADY can secure good room snd board at very reasonable price at 2uU Howard; college girl preferred. Call evenings after 7 at 2018 Howard. (16 M234 7x LARGE modern front room, close In. near car, near Creighton college. For teacher or studenU JU North 23d. (15)-M2i2 Us Faralskcd 8i. BACHELORS quarters, new, up to date; prices reasonable. 4iA 8, 34lh Ave. (U)-M623 MIDLAND HOTEL 16th and Chicago. (15) 3ol Fit TWO rooms on parlor floor, ensulte. On large room on set-end floor, handsomely furnished. 8410 Jfaruara. Doug. 33. .U)-U00 lis OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished Hooras Continued. N'ICELY furnished room for gentleman; private family, lis Bo. 35th Bt. do) v J-ROOM apartment, modern, 816 8. 82th SU (lo sou TX FURNISHED ROOM, new house near rarnam on Boulevard, faces Turner Park; hot water heat. Phone lo7 So. 81st. (15) MS49 8x MODERN furnished rooms. 2226 -Dodge. (lo) Mj44 Ml LARGE furnished front room for llsht housekeeping In good locality, no jer month. .613 N. 19th St. (16) Ma9 7x SUITE of connected rooms on parlor floor, turn ik tied or uniurmsnca tor ngnt House keeping. 2627 Harney. (15) 173 9x FURNISHED rooms, modern, furnance heat; on car line; price reasonable; 8 blocks to postofflce. 811 8. 20th St. (16)-40 Sx LARGE room, modern conveniences; Park district; 18 per month. 6S2 B. th Bt. (15) 186 Sx ONE Large room modern In every way. Suitable for two gentlemen, use or phone. 2581 Harney street. (15) 159 x BOUTHEAST front rooms, ensulte; hand somely furnished for light housekeeping; gas range; modern except heat. (15) M240 7x BRUNSWICK hotel. 1210 Douglas St. (1)-16J Mar. i STEAM heated front rooms. 1909 Capitol. (16) 161 Mar. 4 FURNISHED rooms In private family. 537 Bo. 25th Ave. (15) 226 10 LARGE front room, first floor, east front, strictly modern, close In; 1 or 2 gentle men; $5. 620 N. 18th. (15) M292 8x lafarnlshed Rooms. 4 rooms, modern, furnace heat, $26.00; also 4 rooms modern except heat, $16.00. Tele phone Douglas 5309 (16) 178 fx THREE unfurnished rooms for rent; gas and water; good location. 2710 Parker Bt. (15) 270 7x Uoosekeeplag Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING, rooming, modern, prices reasonable. 523 S. ISth St. (15) M267 7x Apartments and Flats. -ROOM flat, modern, good repair, opposlls Hanscom park-433. Phone Douglas 621. (lfi)-893 $18; 7-ROOM FLAT; bath, toilet, gas; op posite Stors Bros'.' brewery, 1844 N. 16th St. Apply 410 S. 19th St. (16) M973 9 -ROOM fiat, modern except heat. Cack- loy Bros.. 121 N. 16th. (16) M301 iu HoBses aad Cottages. FOR RENT Modern t-room brick house; 1126 S. 31st St.; $40 per month. Thomas Brsnnaa, room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. (15-89l WK MOVE nlanoa. Masra-ard Van and Starage Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. Office. 1713 Webster Bt- (lo 94 STEAM heat, all modern, 7-room house. 220 N. 23d. 05) M638 HOUSES? S "Jl?" 0Uthe c,t Th UUUOlMo, F. Davis Co, Bee Bldg. (10) baa OAJUOJlik. c, p,ters 4 Co.. lies Bldg. (15)-8S HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16) 690 FOR RENT d-room house, modern except rurnace. us per montn. ney next door, 2507 Pierce. (16)-MS18 BEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west we can save you money. t,Arnc,bHU,n 0 DC 11 V HKI CO., Z14 N. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 1196. (15)-S6 224 N. 26th St. 8-room fiat, strictly mod ern; tenant pays water; $50. 2210 Clark St. 6 rooms, bath, toilet, gas, $10 and water 1231 Park Wilde Ave. 8 rooms, all modern, 140 And water. MoCagus Investment, 1508 Dodge 6t. (Is 183 EIGHT-ROOM all modern house. Refer ences required. Inquire 2212 Spencer. (15)-773 6-ROOM hous Harney 1056. 4418 I sard. Telephone C15 217 10X 2805 N. 16TH ST., $20.00 per mo. J. H. Dumont & cun, 1,03-0 (16) M281 7 -room house, 8304 N. 2 2d 8t, near Laird, modern except furnace; good stable. $20. 4-room apartment in ."Ormond," 563 8. tsth . St., $26. U-room house, modern, 604 B. 27th. $60. BEMIS, Paxton Block. (1E)-M194 FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except furnace; 811 N. 28th Ave.; newly painted and papered; very convenient; - rent reasonable. Apply at 607 N. 19th, or room 903 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (16) M764 l-ROOM modern house, except furnace. Inquire 623 B. Mth Ave. 16)-P WE DO expert piano moving at lowest E rices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller 4k lusller Piano Co., 1311-1318 .Farnam. (l)-37 FOR RENT. 8-ROOM modern cottage. No. 8031 Ufarcy St.. tS. Chaa. L. Thomas, Room 413 Bee Building. . (15) 6J9 OMAHA Van 'Storage Co., pack, move, store. H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. (16-61 FOR RENT 8-room house , all modern ex cept furnace. $20. C. M. BACHMANN. 436 Taxton Block. (15) 740 J-room house. modern, 83S.00. Telephone (15) 174 Ix Douglas 5309. 8221 CUMING ST. 8 rooms, modern $29. 219 Ames Ave., 7 rooms, modern 2e. 2609 Farnam, 7-room flat, modern. $ new, modern, 7-room flats close In. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1704 FARNAM. (16) 233 6 8816 Chicago, 7 rooms, $16. Turrell at Co., 17th and Farnam. C15) M3S1 FOR RENT Neat five-room -cottage In Benson, 1 blocks from car, 10 minutes' ride' from Farnam St.: very desirable. Address A 644, care Bee. (15) 276 6x Bnlldlags. Four-story brick building with basement 1106-10 Harney St. All or part of building. First-class condition. Present location of U. 8. Supply Co. Desirable location for wholesale or manufacturing buainess. First floor snd basemsnU brick building. Flrst-clsss location for commission firm. 1206 Howard BU Two-story frame building, flrst-clsss con dition. Suitable for smoll business and dwelling upstairs. INQUIRE 624 & 16TH ST. (16-602 Ft 1218 HARNEY ST. 4 floors snd basement; each floor 20x6o; can rent each floor sep arately or entire building; new and mod ern; steam heat and water furnished. 1414 Harney St., 4 floors and basement; each floor 83x120 steam heat and elevator. 2412 Ames Ave., new brick store building, 23x5o; heat and water furnished. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 17o4 KARNAM. (16) 232 t 1218 HARNEY ST. 2 floors and base ment; each floor 20x60; can rent each floor separately or entire building; new and modern; steam heat and water fur nished. 1414 Harney Bt. 4 floors and basement; each fltyr 33x120; steam heat and eleva tor. HASTINGS sV HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam. (II) M277 FOR RE NT En 1 1 rs floor, 42x120, or part of same. Hls-17 Farnam. (1;XU 19 OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) t omeos. t FOR RENT Desk room In Pee office, city nan nunaing, si n. in ouum vnui't Apply to manager. (15) 134 DESIRABLE street front offices for rent. Omaha Loan Building Association Ilk.. 16th and Dodge. (15) M962 TWO offices for rent, 109 8. 14th. Inqulrs down stairs. (15)-3i9 ONE larse office room, ground floor. Ed ward Creighton Institute bllg. 10 Po. 1th St., opposite city hall. Inquire building. (15)-230 ONE largo room for ofTlce. newly papered and painted; steam heat. Apply WJnd rrr Hotel. (15) M298 10 Stores. FOR PENT Large comer store room. 16th and Vinton Bts.. o. c. M. Hacnmnnn, 436 Paxton Block. U5 ilKTl 1530 North 24th, $22.80. 1S24 North 24th, $'Ji.OO. Turrcll & Co., 17th snd Famsm. , (15) M2A3 FOR RENT Entire floor. 42x120, or part of same. 1116-1117 Farnam Bt. (15) M296 I! 2412 AMES Ave., new brick store building 23x50; heat and water furnished. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1704 Karnam. (15) M271 OFFERED FOR SALE Feaclag. ANCHOR snd Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing, so per loou 206 N. litn su Tel.- Red 814. (lbj i 1' -'I FOR 8 ALE Furniture of 6-room flat: will sell on account of bad health; flat for rent. 1617 Capitol. (18) M141 llx FOR RALE Equity In high grade piano, In fine condition. Small cash pnvment ana oaiance monthly. Address B-m2, Hee, or Telephone Red 354S. (16) M265 llx DESK FOR SALE Bookkeepers' office desk, stands high snd In good condition. Apply R. W. Baker, Dupi. oes oiug. U6) M44ix FOR SALE A handsome bookcase, ir-a-hogany finish, at a bargain. 3903 Dewey Avm. (16) oooX Jewelry. Bargains In unredeemed Jewelry. 418 N. 16th (16) M410 F21 Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments? EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF FINE PIANOB AND ORGANS. These Instruments have been taken In exchange during our holiday trade, have been repaired, and are now offered at prices that establish a new low price record of standard makes. Every instrument fully guaranteed. Some are so fine that the tone is like new. A splendid opportunity to secure an Instrument at one-third Its original cost. The prices ars ss follows Original Our Rale Price. Price. Stelnway $550.00 $30000 Kranlch & Bach Vose & Sons, large slse.. Chlckerlng Bros 450.00 4S0.00 225.00 JfiO.OO , 400.00 350.00 $75.00 300.00 , 250.00 , 600.00 , 400.00 375.00 1P2.00 Smith & Barnes 155.00 135 00 115.00 75.00 Chlckerlng ft Sons Kimball, rosewood Estey ft Camp.... Stelnway, square Union, square .... J. P. Hale, square 60.00 40.00 2S.O0 Mason ft Hamlin, Estey, Farrand ft Votey, Btory ft Clark. Packard, Kimball and other orsrans. 810. 315. 820. 826 and up. We will accept payments from $3 to $10 cash and from 50c to $1 per week. New nlann for rent. 83 Der month. We move, store, tune and repair at lowest rates. SCHMOLLER ft MUELLER PIANO CO., 1311-1313 Farnam Bt., Omaha, Men. Tel. Douglas 1626. , . (16) 208 9 FOR BALE A fine piano, new In October, ' of standard make, excellent tone ana action, at a very reasonable figure. Rea son for sale, moving. 432 So. 24th St. 'Phone Douglas 8206. 06) M386 Pool aad Billiard Tables. FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; ws lead the world In ' cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balks-CoUeudar. 407 8. 10th SU 16)-eY Typewriters aad gewlBg Machines. IT IS NOT . NECESSARY To hsveone hundred dollars to buy a typewriter. Ws have all makes of ma chines, both new and second-hand, at any price you may wish to pay. Following la a list" of the machines that have been used a short while, but which are In perfect condition and working order: Densmore $15.00 to $25.00 Bllckensderfer 12.00 to 20.00 Fox (not visible) 46.00 to Remington, No. 6 46.00 to 80.00 Smith-Premier, Model 36.00 to 75.00 Underwood 46.00 to 85.00 Manhattan 25.00 to 40.00 Oliver (factory rebuilt) 45.00 All makes rented at $2.50 per month. "We carry: A complete line of Typewriter Supplies. FOX TYPEWRITER & SUPPLY CO., 1823 Farnam SU Telephone Douglas 3874. (16) M296 TYPEWRITERS WE RENT typewriters, all kinds, $2 to $4 per month. Ws do repairing on all machines, and you will find our prices strictly rlghu We bave never bad better bargains to offer than these: Underwood, model 4, new.., $75 Remington, model 6, new. 75 Bllckensderfer, model 7, new 80 Chicago 15 Oliver, model 8, new SO Bmlth Premier, $40. $45 and 60 Remingtons, $15. $20 and 25 We absolutely guarantee each and every tne of bur machines to bs a bargain. Writs us for what you want. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 1108 Leavenworth 8t. 'Phone Red 1599. 1) 161 FOR SALE No. Remington typewriter, in good condition. Address C 646, care Bee. (lfc MJ6 x ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, lu good condition, for sals cheap. Call at ties Offlos. Uo) mna MIseellBBCBBS, FIRE; SALE on coat Burr egg, 85.88 ton, for stove or furnace, TeL Harmon ft Wtsth. (16)-7i F10 FOR BALE A few first class show cases and counters; very cheap; nearly new. Kennard Glass ft Paint Co.. 16th and Dodge eta. (1 M831 FE V bargains in Id-hand soda fountains; monthly payments. Der ghu U16 Farnam. i 40 SEND us you mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dliiun Drug Co., Omaha. (16) est ABSOLUTELY purs canned fruits. Jellies, unfermenled grape and cherry Juices, 2-year-old grape wine. 1 G. Solomon, 'phono Benson 166. (16) 667 8 8HERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mlxsd paint- Sherman ft MuConnell Drug Co. tl6 938 HALL'S safes, nw, id-hand, 1818 Farnam, P M OFFERED FOR SALE MIsrOllBBBOBB 4 OBtlBBSd, FOR BAJ.E Twenty-flve tiesvy welM ( suits, worm up w jur -imm- , to your inessure, only $Xi, Hersog TalK orlng Co., 1416 Douglas St., next to Calu-, . ment restaurant. ur FOR BALE Two National cash registers. one toiai snoer, nimi nn- mi. nun fixtures. Globe Iind and Investment company, Patterson block, (1 M? GOOD largs heating stove and roll tnf ness, m good condition, jmji n ut.. Bouth Omaha, Neb. -.njni 1 1 a FOR Sale Jupiter pencil sharpener, la good condition. Call O. R. Wright, Bee office. (16)-M7R4x PRINTING press; 10x15 Gordon. 4-lnch rarer cutter, one horse power r motor, ay II Wi lit, bookcase. .. Jl. nlture. Call fonts of type. Above property sncrinre. no 8. i,tn. FINE upright piano, parlor eu rugs, hall tree and other furnlt at once. 416 N. 23d St. (16) 277 M4 ONF) HOE drum cylinder press. Purklef ITiniiMs; x.o., umana. uo WV4 r It SMOW CASES and national cash register, cheap. 804 No. lflth St. (16 M830 Mis ABSOLUTELY pure canned fruits. Jellies, ttnfermented grnpe and cherry Juices, 8-year-old grape wine. B. G. Solomon, pnone n en nun ion,. (is km sx TWO Troy washing msarhlnes, two ports able wasn tuns, one ivoiipsn eas range. Apply proprietor Midland hotel. UG)-15 t ELECTR1C fan, two pool tables, 4x8, 4M 9, fine connmon; two gasoline Stoves cheap. Uoodrlch, 1419 Douglas. GO-M243 11 16 COPIES popular music $1.00, assorted! closing out sale; add lo each fpr post age. Haller Mualo Company llni), Blair. Neb. (16) M2R9 11 EDISON phonograph; best deals offered yet;- frelaht paid; payments. Halle Music Company, Blair, Neb. (16)M20 11 PIANO, runabout. Incubator brooders, sin gle and double harness. Call 1112 Farnam, top floor, after 12 o'clock. (16) M976 9x PATENTS F. J. LARSON ft CO., patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg.. umana . Neb. o fes. Vn, (17)-18 patents, trade marks, guaranteed or no fe.J, National Investment Co., Douglas Block. ' (17)-668 FS PATENT attorney, machine designer. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. 'Phone Red 7117. 17)-7S4 Fll 6HARPE MACHINE BHOP8 Patents ' procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-61 B. 10th St. (17)-4U4 PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, not Ironed. 311 8. 11th SU Tel. Doug. 264. (18S-6OT SEWING machines rented, any make, 75a per week cr $2.00 per month. Second hand machines for sale, $5.00 end up. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. . (18) 817 MABQUE costumes. Lleben. Tel. 4115. Opes evenings. (is) e4 COSTUMES. 3818 8. 20th, Sack. Tel. Red 70' (18) M533 BLANK BOOKS and ruled forms made M order. Rees Printing Co., Omaha. (18) M774 FU PLEATING nrS. Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink, lng, only 6o per yard. Send for price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 40 Douglas Block. TeL D 'as 191 -19 DR VOGEL'B private home for ..jies be fore and during confinement; best and cheapest in ths city. 2319 8. 18th BU , . . -. (Di)-M4l , FOP. anything In ths sewing machine line go to P. B. Flodinan ft Co., 1614 Cap. Ave. VIM ciu SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut E rices; send for free catalogue. Myers lillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 923 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 2018 N. 21st BU Tel. Doug. 3559. (IS -9i8 DR. N. BOMMER, homeopath. Bee Bldg. (18) M500 F23 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castor? clntMns: in fuct. anything you do not need; we collecU repair and sell, at 114 N.r 11th BU, for cost or collecting, to tne worthy poor. Call 'Phono Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. . (1S)-5U Kf A fl'MT?,rrTn treatment and bath. Mme. M-aUiM-ilit Bmlth, 118 N. IS. 2d floor, (U))-4W0 f ARQAfUfBeo'sn movement, 410 N. jlnoOflUIi lath, room $. second floor. (18) M 20SM3 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax ton's salve. B. t. Bcannell, agenU 509 Ware Blk. (1) M411 F21 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Bldg. " Q8)-921 MRS. PERRY, drugless and natural healer. Circulation and chronto diseases treated. 216 North Mth. (1)-1G0 6x. kkfa KijiJH. musio rjy man. aouiii ev- a; enlng class Mondays. inn r arnsm. r r T - Douglas 701. (18V-169 Mari, CORNELL UNIVERSITY ALUMNI, or former students located In Nebraska or western Iowa, will please send their ad dresses to J. W. Bat tin, aecretary Ne- braaka Cornell Alumni association. New York Life Bldg., Omaha. (18) 227 10s . PAINFUL burns, any sore or skin hurt quickly healed by Satin skin cream. 25 o. (18) . REFINED, middle aged widow, stranger, desires correspondence with sensible elderly man; view to matrimony If stilted. Address W 643, care Bee. (18) 273 7x REAL ESTATE , CITT PROPERTY FOR SALB 11-ROOM HOME IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, $10,000. Terms One-third cash, bal ance on easy terms NO. 138 N. WTH AVE. located In excel lent neighborhood and ' faces east, on asphalt paved street; lot 80x165 feet, with fine lawn and shade trees; bouse and .stable recently painted and In flrst-clsss shape; Interior of house especially attractive, fin- ' Ished on first floor In oak, large living room with south exposure billiard room In basement and servants' quar ters on third floor; combina tion hot water and hot air beating planU . ' GEORGE ft CO., y 1601 Farnam 8U 'Phone Douglas TM. Feb. 6, 6. 7. 09) 213 TWO GOOD ONES 7-room house on 27th St., near Parker, 4 rooms first floor, $ on second, all la ex cellent condition; city water, sewer and cistern, east front lot. 4uxs2; house could not bo built for less than 8X000. Eastern owner must sell and has made price for $1.6. i rooms, near 26th Ave. and Bpenoerj -city water, gas. toilet and sewer connec tions, permanent walks, everything in Al repair, newly papered and painted, excel lent bricked up crllar with cement floor, large porch and a modern home In every respect. Price, $1,560. Terms, U0 cash, balance easy payments st 4 per cent. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. TeL Doug. 1064, 1320 Farnam' Bt -. iutHUil j A 1 raueraoo. Jtiug., utuana. reu. jj i