Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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r and saw trill. H sawing up the tin?,
a hk a the cvurt bout officials ordero' rat
dnwu. Rev. C. ft. Ilarrlr.a. the we'J known
. , I ItortirnhuriFt. In a "pooch dettvered yost be-
Tnurtdy in fmcoBU
Wmmi EiMrailr Rati Fartlally
Bteweea Hrrarll Vat I kl. ta .et
ta Wla.w, Bat Rrr
Die rwe-4wlly la Sleep.
tuKnfa men of Tor to not plest cottoo
wnode In the urt bouse park snd nM la
the ovre of flftera or twenty year they
would beoom a nuisance and would be
ordorod rut down. At ft rat eltisen o ported
ta the euttir.g iowo cf the trees, but since
they havs born rot down nearly all are
i Vria bart ntstaece fra Tiwi ta
j Be ttlltse.
FREMONT. Neb, Fen. 4-Fpecial Tele- j msKUSi Nrt FrK rpeclal Tele
FiniMHirt Ardersor, and Ms wife place will bare waterworks
were , f trend dead In bod r th-lr how, , m.,r futur. A meeting today of
M Booth H MrM. erout S o'clock thU j trusinesa mea with W. E. Ewlng. wbo
.rxeraow. I ne two roc-ma In the noorlr
furnished house were fl.k-d with coal ru !
end the dampers of th stmr closed. B"th !
boCles aeie slightly froaon and death evi
dently bad occurred from asphyxia il-n at
least twelve hours before. Mrs. Anderson
lay On the Trout of the bed and evidently
hsd trjej to get up. The o!d mac waa In
a natural portion aa If asleep. A big cat
lay dead on tbe IVior beside the stove.
They were discovered by a neighbor, aba
rot having sera any fire there today, went
over to Investigate.
Anderson waa 7 year e?d and Ms wife
SR. Both were In feeble health. He waa a
nam by trade, but for a rood many
J-aara had worked at odd ob and mad
a. ad sold mats. They It rod alone and had
no intimate acquaintances. A aeirrh of
tha boure resulted In finding concealed
bout lh place till !n gold, silver ar.d
bills, beside sone cthei private paper,
which are In the p-wesacn of tbe coroner.
Tbe old man owned the little place where
he Uved. It. 1 thought that be had a piece
of land aomewhe In this state- He waa
an honeat, iridosirlou. Cbristlsn nan and
a life-long mi-mber of ;lie Cor.grejrstiinal
church, but when the Salvation Army wan
ber ht belonged to that orsxr.irst'on and
lwaye carried tbe fUMr In tbe parade. He
had bo -known relative. Hia wife loavea
a daughter by a former husband.
aoter Bra pa ta the Balk a ad
Graaad la Hlddea by tbe bot.
rREMOXT. Neb.. Feb. 5periaJ The
merrury reacbed 19 below aero aga:n thta
tnamlnc and at noon waa only 3 above
About two mere Inchoa of nht now fell,
which fn the country Is drifting consider
ably. Tralna are late on all railrcada on
account of tbe cold and mo. A good
ttacy cutlers vera out thla morning;. Ice
on tba river b alxteen lncbea thick and
ta atnne ptacrs much - thicker and pilod
tip la rowa. A audden thaw would eauaa
a aevero teat for the levee built lart month
weait of Uiia cJtv. . '
LJNWOOD. Nerx. Feb. 4. (Special.) It
' baa been anowing here for two dj-a Tbe
thermometer has been frora 4 to H below.
Fortunately there ia no wind.
BL.VE HILL. Jvcb.. Feb. . 'Pjrial
The roMext It baa been thia inter waa
'Sunday tnorairg. when tbe mercury raa
oown to g below. The ground Is covered
wKh snow.
EEEJIER. Neb, Feb." C tSpeciai
About all lncCa ff anow fell here thai
moraine Tbia ia tbe heaviest of the aea
will put In the plant, made all arrange
merta. Mr. Ewtng owra a large rprina.
which flow a ateady at roam which will
CI1 a pipe aeven fnchea In diameter. Thla
rprlng la from thirty to eighty feet above
tbe town level and leaa than two mile
from the center or town. Art or the ayalern
i In there ail! be practically no eipense
aa no pumping whatever will be neceaaary.
Mr. Ewtng fTer to furnish tbe water
3 per rent cheaper than any other town
a thla aection of the mate paya for their
supply. Tbe spring has always furnlabed
tbe same amount cf water, the dry years
not effecting Ita flow.
Charcoal Kills
Bad Breath
Diaarrrraber O&nr Arising Prom Iadi
trretJoB. or Krom Any Habit or 1
duIpoBoe. Can br InMantl
Tkaaaaa rBrr Dloa frwaa CaTerta af
Fall aa Pmea Gmil.
TORK. Neb.. Feb. 4. SpoclaL-Thotnaa
Pence, one of the beet known f armor la
Tork county, waa thrown fmm bis wagon
Just aa be waa starting for home from
Tork. Near the Lincoln bridge, on Lincoln
avenue, his team bocaia frightened and
emmenced to run. and Mr. Pence lost his
balance and waa thrown onto tbe froaen
ground. 'When picked up he was uncon
acioue and physicians Bay bis Vu3 waa
cracked. He stever regained oonackiuaoeM
and died this morning.
Mr. Pence waa one of Tork county' a well
to do farm owners, ownlr.g Sfl acrea of
good land, all paid for. Ia addition to this
he had considerable personal property, hold
ing stick In several Inettt jtlcms and cor
porations. He leave a large family.
eraaka Caal aa tar Market
f Special. ) Levi Gasier of this city re
ceived a car of Nebraska coal from 3. K.
P. Hays. Tba coal was taken front the
Honey creek mines looated near Peru.
Neb. The coal buma freely, making little
smoke and no c linker.
Attaraeya Get Their aaaaala.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Feb. C SperiaL)
Attornej-a In this city for tbe Burlington
and Missouri Pacific railroads have re
ceived their annual paatwa. but there are
many others, wbo for tba first time In
many years did not receive one-
'BrtAareparf ' Teata Fallawa Tlrtlaa
lata Her Smb.
SIDNEY. Neb.. Feb. 4. Spedal Tela
gram. Deputy Sheriff Myroa Sager ar
, reatod Cyrus . Earl Waugh. aged n. at
- Bridgeport today for criminal . aanault upon
, Hrdrtg Leidita. abo runa rMlionct at
!SrMVear. -: Waugb bad eaten bis euppor
there and 'tba woman waa in tbe act of
wnterleg her bod rooaa. whew Waugh, who
' la a muscular fellow, followed her in.
"knocking ber down aad badly boating bar.
21a tailed to accomplish hia purpose, haw
ever, and waa captured abortly afterward.
TTaugh waa brought here thla afteraova
aad aaya be will plead guilty at hia pre
liminary examination tomorrow.
raart Baaac Trrea ire Cat Dasra,
TORK. Neb, FeK 4. 3pocil TYoos
planted twenty years ago la tba court house
yard arc betng sawed up Into fire wood and
lumber. Sam 8malL with bis portable en-
Cccsulted Ph)-sician$ ta Hn Avail
Uses Cuticura Soap, Ointment
and Fill and Is Soon Perfect!
well The Disease Having Left
Her Entirely.
"I tax great p)agnr (a Worming
yew that I was a suSeror of eoema in a
wary bad forts (or tba past thres ream.
I eoosuhd aod treated with a number
of plvaiciaas ia Chioago. but to no avaiL
I oraTimmced using tba Cuticura Rente
tin, oooaaitmg of Cutirurm Soap, Oint
roant aod I'Hn, three toootbs ago, and
today I am perfectly weU, the duM
Latnng left me on U rely. I cannot ra
oomirieod tba Cuueura RerBediea too
' bjiiily to any ce aufferirjr wnk tba
l that t bare bad Mr r lorenes
Sews af tekraaka.
TORK Mlsa Bertha F hid lor has accepted
a position in toe Fajrbur- schools.
TORK D. R. Mathieaon ia putung la a
tin shop in eonoKtiaa 1tb his sutck of
STERLING Kev. Mr. Smith of the
Firat Baptist church died recently and
tbe church la without a pastor.
PLATTSMOUTH -Torn E. Paxmele has
gone to Los ion. CaJ.. In the Interert of
ine Piattamoutb Telephone company.
M COOL Jl'NCTIOX-J. T. Cudaback baa
recovered suAciesuiy from blood piaoning
to be able to come to town this area.
BLUE HILL Revival meeting n In
progreas at tee CT-nauaa cnurcn. 1.1-
ducted by Rev. Cfcarlea M. Fsmnam.
FREMONT Tbe naercury dropped to 11
below aero this morning, tbe coldest so
for thia aeaaon. two tocnes 01 snow ie.u.
but fortunately there was liuie wind...
KuaTLB There are three, carloads of cat-
no at the stock yards awaiting ahtpmecL.
The cattle were to be loaded Sunday morn-
bug, but tbe railroad aa not lurcusn car.
BEEMER Mr. and Mr.- Birch Bowyer
ceiobrated their tareaty-tfth wedding an-
aniveraary 00 b&lttrtUJ. arty Irtenas
gstbered at their farm boot northwest of j
BLUE HILL Cltlsons of Blue Hill are
rigurously oipoaing voting bonda for a
near Webster county court house, which
tba ciuaena of Hod Ooud are attempting
to aecure.
EUBTIS The coal situation la growing
acute. Owing to tne failure 01 me rait-
Sasapls Vackacs Mailed rise
Other people notice your bed breath
where you would net tvtice it at all.
It la nauseating to other people to stand
before them and while you are talking,
give them a whiff or two of ysur bad
breath. It usually comes from fopd fer
menting on your stomach Sometimes you
have It In the morning that a ful sour,
bullous bad breath. Tow can stop that
at once by swallowing one pr two Ftuart
Charcoal tbe moat powerful
gr-s and odor abeorbrre ever prepared.
Sometimes your meals will reveal them
selves in your breath to those wbo talk
1th you Tou ve bad onions. or
"Tou've been eating cabbage," and all
cf a sudden you belch In tbe face of your
friend. Charcoal Is a wonderful absorber
of odors, as everyone knows. That la why
Stuart's Charcoal Losongea are so quick
V stop all gasses and odors of odorous
foods, or. gas from Indigestion.
IVm't use breath p X'T never
conceal the odor, and never absorb the
gas that causes tbe odor. Beside, tbe
very fact of using them reveala the rea
son for their use. Stuart's Charcoal Li
enor In tbe first place atop for good all
sour brash and belching of gas and make
your breath pure, fresh and sweet. Just
after you've eaten. Then no one will turn
hia face away from you when yu breath
or talk; your breath will be pure and
fresh, and besides your food will taste
so much better to you at your next meal.
Just try It.
Charcoal doea other wonderful things
Vo. It carries away from your stomach
and intestines, all the impurities there
massed togethr snd which causes the
bad breath. Charcoal 1s a purifier as well t-rf.oln is increasing.
as an absorber.
Charcoal Is now by far tbe best. imt
easy and mild laxative known. A whole
boxful will do no harm: In fact, tbe more
you U-ke the better. Stuart's Charcoal
Lozenges are made (T pure willow char
coal and mixed with yust a faint flavor of
honey to make them palatable for you. but
pot too sweet. Tou Just chew them like
candy. They are absolutely harmless.
Get a new. pure, sweet breath, freshen
ytmr stomach for your next meal, and
keep the Intestines In good working order.
Those two things are tbe secret of good
health and long life. Tou can get all tbe
charcoal necessary to do these wonderful
but simple thing by getting Stuart's
Charcoal Lfsenge. W want you to teat
these Ittle wonder workers yourself be
fore you buy them. So send us your full
name and address for a fsee aample of
Stuarfa Charcoal Losongea. Then, after
you have tried the aample, and been con
vinced, go to yrur druggist and got a tic
box of them. Tou'll feel better all over,
more comfortable, and "cleaner" Inside.
Send us your name and address today
and we will at once send you by mail a
aample package, free. Address. F. A.
Stuart Co, 49 Stuart Bldg, Marshall.
rirrt Xestiac is Ett1 of
DcsYai Coutj AJsociatie.
issearaaet af Baslaoaa Mra la tbe
sadey Sebaaf Oat at the Baisar
aglac Fee terra af tbe
at Day.
.or tiie
Pcmo RSntnal: Life hsmraice Co.
E. At wood, IS Cnllr PUoc. Chicago. LI ,
October 2, Vt itae: L. 8 ijergtr.
Machef I atcrest to Every Wmdi
1 Found ia Cuticura Pamphlet.
Complete local gad constitutional
UmUoiaDt for distressing. debiliULir.r
eouditiooa from
"1M SS vfaich tsnn suSer
- m mar ha (mmd aa
Pa S of the
tXiurura PaicpUet
wrapped about tba
CuLmira Ointment
Tbe pare, tweet, ronUe. yet efieruva
proprtca of tba Outicura Soap. Cxt
BQo&t at4 Pdis, eommexid tbem to '
woejm, especially tBothrra, for prearr
icc, purifiiiX and baauufyiiif tba skia,
acaip. Lair axd hands, fur tba treatment
of tiiSammatorr aad uierratisa eoodi-tjrMlaawaaaaOMs-M?afaaTflio.T
afioii ia restoncc to bcta. aumgtb
and beauty nie, eA, aervoua, preixia
tunij Ud&l. rva-d&B'B wai&ca.
ftml m I wS T il tm Bay
C unraa B mi uui ,mi . tia
hrti IM S 11 1 if
inf a Cua 1 t. rrIteu
saT ataM tK A sm aa a
road to deliver tbe coal the people are
In a bad plight. There la coal enough
to Ust about three day.
TORK LT. McConaughy ha received a
postal card from Mr. and Mr. Peter Rei
ner, wbo formerly resitied bore, but re
turned a few year ago to Russia. The
card was mailed from Berlin.
FREMONT District court, which was to
have convened tbia morning, was continued
to Februaiy U. when tbe Jury will be
called. Tbers are only three cases aet fur
trial, tws civil and one criminal.
LOOM I John Soderlund. nearly 7 year
of age. slipped during tba recent ley spell,
sustaining eertoua Injury. After Intense
niurniif mob I n m' iw vaj i t jciit-i w j
A m mi pua - tuv liAMSKmmm hum f .
M'COOL jrXCTIOX-PhiMp Daffy of this '
plaos aod Miss Zola Edrnotids were mar- 1
nd at the home of tbe bride a parent. Mr.
and Mra. C. bv. Edmonds, a Dnyton. Wyo. '
Tbey will be at botne bore after February
PAPILLION Tbe Tale boy. who bad
hia arm shattered by lbs accidental dis
charge of a shotgun, bad hia arm takea
off at tbe elbow. He is very weak from
tbe loss of blood, but th doctors think he
will survive.
STERLING Sterling la to have elec
tric lighting about April 1. Jerabek at
Bub lor are artlrciy at work getting tbe
teor-saary machinery la place. . Power for
lb dynamos will be furniahed by tbe
Jerabek soaring mill plan'.
ASHLAND J. E. Jlarc, a young mas
whose bom is In Lincoln, was rua ever
la tbe Burlington yards here early yes
terday. Hia log ws bioken and bia foot
crushed. Tba young man came from Lis
oia lb first efatbe week and has bea
' working la the loe harreal at Una place.
LEIGH Thla sectloa is experiencing
some real winter w father. it began
anwelng Saturday night and bas con
tinuod at lntervaia ever aince. It la now
six Inches deep and at ill falling. Ths
thermometer was be)pw aero ail day yes
terday and is near that point thla snore
Ing. FULLER TON At a meeting of the steck
buldors of tbe Ful Norton Chautauaua aa-
aombly held Saturdny ovenirig. J. E. Kreld-
lor. i. 11. Kemp. . F. Crilcnneld. J. W.
Tanner and V . p. Halloa were cboeen
directors for tbe rnsuir.g yesr. August li
to 3 was fixed aa tba tune for fcwd.01 tba
enu-rtaiatnont this Tear.
BEEMER Mr. P. L. Hanaea of Bridge- 1 P0"1- ."
water. . II-. was united In cunui u tuip
tory at Loavitl. which has closed for the
Kun, were In town spending tfcelr
map os at the saloona and were rua In.
There bas also been more than the usual
amount of petty theiving going on. and
tbe county jail ia conaoquently well filled.
TECUM S EH Members of the Teeum
seh Methodist church sre hfprul of oe-
ing able lo erect a new church building
oa im 101 now orupeo. oy tne 01a innw
structure durirjg the coming building
year. The present church building Is
1 en!y-6 0. year of age and not of suf
ficient six. It is proposed to erect . a
Hi. 00 brick structure. wLlch
modem la every particular.
CAMBRIDGE Mrs. C F. Bulloik of
this crty. who ha boon very ill during
tbe past two weeka. underwent a delicate
surgical opera! ion Sundsy afternoon for
gall ston. Dr. Green of Beaver City,
assist od by Dr. Koo f,i Holbroott and Dr.
Meyer of this city, doing the wort
Thev removed from this patient lfs gall
stone, varying In sire frora a grain of
wheat to a pea. The operation lasted for
four hour.
CAMBRIIGE Messrs. Steele and
Frailer. United States pot office In
spector, were here last weok. While in
specting the office here a couple of the
clilaens of thia town were detected for
violating the postal lawa ty enrloaing
writing in package of merrhandiee an J
printed matter. The tiffendera were ex
cuaed from prosecution by pleading
Ignorance of the law and paying $14 each
Into the treasury-
WA TNE Tbe new collore building of
the Nebraska Normal anil be dedicated
The first meeting of tbe Douglas County
Sunday School association held for several
months assembled la tbe lecture room of
the First Baptist church Monday evening
with a very elKWuraa-tng attendance. In
spite of tbe extreme cold weather prevail
big. Upwards of sixty persons were pres
ent. Including asany of the Bnlnlstera. as
well as thirteen of the Sunday school super
intendent of tbe city.
Monday evening s meeting fjpened with a
short devotional and song service, which
was pleasingly enhanced by several selec
tions by tbe orchestra of tbe First Congre
gational Sunday school, tinder the leader
ship of Prof. Fener.
The principal address of the evening was
dolivered by Mr. Clifford C Weslcott of
Plattsmouth. a well known business man
and superintendent of the First Methodist
Episcopal church Sunday school of that
city. Mr. Westcotfs theme waa. "A Plain
Talk by a Business Man About the Sunday
School. " He said. In part:
I am glad to Bete that there to a growing
tendency oa the part of business men to
take a greater Interest in Sunday school
work. In brief, more sctlve business men
are In this mdorn day Identifying them
selves with Sunday school wrk than ever
before. It would possibly surprise you to
know that In your own city of 0naha not
less than ndxTv-1wr promlrtont twines men
are closoly identified with Sunday school
wrwk. either as teaeben or euporlntondeTit.
This to surely a most enoourxging thins
and a credit to Omaha. And I am told that
the numler of bunanesa nn tn the tjunasy
This is true or our
city cf Plattsmouth. Many of the most
prominent men cf our country, from Prosi-
oot Roosevelt oown nave ana aro jnior-
estlr-g themselvos la Sunday school matter. ,
Heme- DrssHaeal HelpfaL j
Mrx ludna Conkling. superintendent of
the home department of the First Methodist ,
church of Omaha, spoke of the great good
being done by the home department of tbe
churches, not merely as a great help to tbe
Sunday schools, but la bringing tbe borne
life In closer contact with tbe church.
S. P. Boetwlck. superintendent f SX
Mary's Avenue Congregational Sunday
j school, propounded a series of questions aa
to tbe socxssrui operation 01 a budm
school based upon tbe experience of old
superlntendenta. himself being but a recent
recruit to that vocation. Tbe utility cf the
Sunday school errbestra was cooc-urrod In
by all the superintendents, and It wasle
velofied that there are four such orchestras
now In Omaha. The Sunday school social
gathering was alas urged as a roost valu
able auxiliary to Sunday school work, and
the frequency of teacher- meetings was
Field Secretary H- M. STeldly of tbe
Stat Sunday Scbc-ol association waa un
able to be present at tbe mooting cn ac
count of ill noes and Miss Mamie Hstnes.
primary socretry of tbe Siaie association,
took Mr. Eteidley- place on tbe program
and answered a cumber of questions rela
tive to Sunday ocbool work. She particu
larly urprd the sepsratirn of tbe primary
and adult classes Into difftrent rooms dur
ing the lesson, hour but believed that It
would be prudent to have tbe primary
rlasaes present at the closing hour In order
that the children might feel that they were
aa Important part cf the larger scbooL
Mr. George G XVallsce, president of the
couctv asaociatSoxC acted, as chslrman of
the meeting. He.t"Cd thai It would br the
policy of tbe association to bold at least
quartoxly meeting.-
Pregtsss lar'T4iT.
The session will oootJnoe eeer Tuesday
and Tuesday cvorlng with the following
program beginning la the afternoon:
Mrs. G. . Wallace, prettdent .Omaha
Primary union. presKlin.
!:Sf. to I 1 Open'ng oxerC'.
I 4i to J "Tbo Cradle Roll." Mrs. W.
I. Johnson. First United Presbyterian
church. ' .,
J to l ConTerence on vruiv rvu
I 15 to I ts The Hogmners
Lessons Taught. Mi:
mary socrrtary.
I 4 to 4 Cnference en Beginners' cours.
4 to 4 30 Primary Lesson Taught.
4 SN to a Conference, conducted by Miss
Haino. (It How to Increase Attendance.
tit Primary Class Program, fli Lesson
I Preparation. 4t Tbe primary I Won.
Set Assets Jan. 1, IMsS $72.80.567.81
For Premiomg aad An
nuities 05.S4S.04
For Interest, etc 4. ill. 90S. S3
ClaJmg by Death 3.(4.40.M
Matured Eodowrnerita
and Annuities I.S77.5C7.07
Surrender Value ... . 1.4S7.27C.S0
Premium Abatements. 1.24S.4S1.SO
InstaJlment Fa.TmenU.I
Pennsylvania and otter
state taxes
Salaries, Medical Fee.
Office and Legal Ex
pense .'
Commission! to A rent
and Rent
Agency and other Ex
penses Advertising. Printing:
and Supplies and
Office Furniture. Main
tenance of Propertiea,
95.952. OS
191.2S0.27 11.447.742.02
.NET ASSETS, 4AX. 1. 107 -W1.O20.27T 04
In addition to the above abatement the Company at-
lotted to deferred distribution policle f 942.23C.v, mak-
na toU1 PPrtlonment of gurplut daring 10C,
Iz.l 91, i 1 7.S9.
City Loan. Railroad and other Bond. .132. 942.SSC.2S
Bank and otber Stock..
Mart rre and Ground Reals. First Lien
(Valuation. IS0.011.S75) ..
Premium Note. Secured by Policies, etc.
( Reserve Value. S1.S44.S00)
Folicy Loan (Reserve- Value. $9,877-
Loan on Bond. Stock, etc. (Market
Vame, S5.260.C24)
Home Ofrite. Boston Office and other
Real Estate
Cash on Deposit and In
1. 476.633. SS
7.901.952. 00
Net Deferred and Unreported Premiums.
Interest and Rent Due and Accrued, etc.
. . .Mll.O20.27T..
1.CCS.623 13
1.031.042. 60
GROSS ASSETS, JAX. I. I07.. . . .SS.714VW.T
Reserve at S. 3 4 and 4 per cent, a re
quired by law I71.219.SS1.0
Policy Claim Awaiting Proor
Surplu on Unreported Policies, etc..... 61S.S2S.SS
Surplus Accumulated upon Deferred Die- "
tribuUon Policies 6.594.671. 26
Surplu for All Other Contingencies.... 6.942.S80.3S
25.42 POLICIES FOR f722,52.0
BER SI, 1000, 164.G&2 rOUCIES
FOR S122.00
WILLiAM h. KINGSLET, 2d Vice Presiflent JOHN HUMPHREYS. Secretary and Treasurer.
The Accounts and Assets ot the Company wer Inspected and Termed by the Audit Company of New Tork.
November S. 1906.
C. Z. GOULD. General Aent, 620 Bee Building
j'. JL WILlAMS Special Agents. 620 Be Building . . .
Course with
Mamie Haines. DT1-
Nebraaaa Sunday . school
another room at the
next Tuesday. Add-ess will be givea in place, all Interested In Home Depsrt
tbe mormr g by State Superlntendont J. mrT,t work ni meet tn conference with
L. McBrion; in the afternoon by Suporln-iVre L. Jones of Hasting, suporrnten
tendent Wilson of W ayne and by a cum- j 4,, Hvme Departinent work for the state
ber of visiting educator. Including suoer- i . .. 1. rhr All msiot srd
lntendents of ten or twelve counties r f Home Denartment workers are requested to
j northeast Nebraska, and in tbe evening by i 1 . , , .rnt
Qaalat aad Carlaaa Featere af Life
la a Rapidly Grswlag
If all states are planning as many Chau
tauqua assemblies as are in proepe-ct for
Nebraska this year there wi'.I not be
enough United States senstor to go artsund.
Sugar beet grower who are organizing
societies are taking desperate chances, but
the department of commerce and labor may
be so busy, under direction of congrt ss that
Nebraska may escape for a season.
Surprise for tbe Reporter We
greatly surprised the other day to see a
local prohibitionist buy an Instrument for
cleaning bottles and getting corks out wben
they go the wrong way. Geneva Gasette.
And pity 'tla. 'tis true it la a pity there
sre not more girls that look aJike In this
world and tben.all the boys would set try
U make a mash on tbe same girl TVm't
yoa think so. Sajwny?. fUdeacur corres
pondent, Trenton Register.
Signs Right for tbe Season. Today was
"Groundhog" day. Many say It was so cold
j there were tears In his eyes and be couldn't
tea whether he saw his shadow or not. The
eld sign of dropping a wisp of bay oa tbe
ground Feburary 1st and If It blow away
there will be a late spring, was tried yes
terday and the hay was badly scattered.
So. taken alu-gother. we may expect ter
ribly cold weather. Tork Time.
In March. lfA. a Central City, saloon
keeper known s George Elliot, died- All
that was known of him st Central City was
that his real name was not Elliot and that
be was apparently wen educated and of
more than average Intelligence. Since that
Ume a special administrator bas been try
ing to establish his Identity and distribute
surplus funds. As this has been found Im
possible the money will be used for a moo-
Try The Kew Way
tSI S. lift totd
Chancellor . Benjamin Andrews.
TECUMSEH Tbe Terumseh Baptists
expect to buy a parsonage property some
Ume In tbe near future. Tbe society ha
a splondid bow church building and a par
sonage la desired. Under tbe leadership
of tbe pastor. Rev. F. M. Rturdevant. 4b
matter of raising funds for the parson
age la under way. Tbe Hassett houfc.
across th street west from tbe church,
la favored by many of the church mem
bers aa the place to buy. and it can be
CAM B R IPG K At IS o'clock Thursday
coon. January 11. at tbe home of Mr.
and Mr. A. W. Iwta, a few miles south
west ftt Cambridge, took place tbe mar
riage of their daughters the Misses
Daisy and Mollaaa Lieem. Tbe former was
married to Roy Mana of lndiancia. twoo,
and the latter to Wllard Herri man, who
reside near thla tows. Rev. J. A Pur
sell of the Methodist Episcopal church
performed tbe beautiful and Impressive
ASH LAXT George E. Hoffman while
at work at e'wift s ire house mot with a
peculiar aocideet. He was endeavoring to
remove a sil-k trkt prcyvted thrcuga
tbe aoa at tbe bed of tbe bred, when from
ever exertion be cra kod two of tin rlts
aod la aow suffering a great deal of pain.
Quite recently Mr. Hoffman was thrown
fnrm a load of bay. sustaining serious In
juries, and It la believed the former ac
cident had something to do with tbe In
Jury to bis ribs st tbe ire bouse.
TECUMSEH A new bridge company
bas been I rmod la Terumaen. nrhicb
be mai.arod by G. A. Lunlp. fur nurl
ith headquarters at Edg
For tbe past few yeara 4r.
-a aaaociated with ths
h nooaent-
T F. Stunres. chairman- -
"to .V Oevotloral aid music.
1 15 to t s-Teacher Training." Rot. R.
L. Purdy. Cifton Hill Presbytertaii church.
i to 15 Orchestra. First Congrearao
tional Sunday school.
IS to --Tbe Adult CSass," G. W.
KnMa Calvary Baptlsh church.
I M to -t--Sundy School Muaje," C E.
Jobraon. S"Uth Omaha.
to Quest ions aad answors. Prof.
Steldley. Hold secretary-
I.Jk to Is BaHnesa.
Saaw Teday aad Twaaerraw la X
kraska aad Kassss-glewly
lata To as pr rat
, years a ro&draasicr in tne employ of tne
; Burlington.
Miss Mne Hubenifcei. ougbter of Mr. a-i ' " t5na company 01 tiaa city. Tne
t HubenUial. st tn borne cf trie ur 17 nanw iniormoun-
Mr. torge
Bride s parenta. After aa extended wedding
trip. Mr. 11 Mr. Hanaoa wilt make i!xu
home at Brkigoaaier after March L Rev.
Tegter om iauid al tbe oeretuony.
bTUtU.SO Ttie Independent Tele
pboae ouBipasy bas leased tbe Pobiana
Mack and propose to insiall a aew sys
tem. Tba Bell company baa iS!t 'pbotia
la was bere aad aew ooes are Sxnag put
la' daily. A aew aystem would probably
doebi thia number. 1 be new compaay
prvpuses to reduce rates to 1 1 per month.
8TROMSFURG Rer. Hedbloem. pastor
ef toe bapcist churca, surprised bts eotigre
of the lkkpluM church ha surprised his
roLrtguua by tenoering bis mosTnatlon.
Iurag bia pastoral of elevea yar the
ehutrn has gream and Is la a fleunshuig
iotjdiiKa. He expects is eater lbs eva&gta
bmic hold, a hie is bis sols reasoa fur re-s&gnlzig-
PLATT6MOUH It bas beea bui years
auace aolves and coyotes bare beea se
sumerows aad oatrwcuve to cMtketia, ptga
aad young caives as bla later. Fanuors
Utr ta tbe ceatraJ purUua of tbe oMUity
have enjoyed several roundup, tsut ooy
tA. three wvlves and oae gray or usjuer
wwif woigtiing ba pounds was the result ef
their efiurta.
STERLING Buslnees sasa regard tbe
business ef the last year aa lbs beet
1 hoy have ever eajoed Money is plejuy
and culcctlue rwL Land values ta this
viria.ty are evnaiaslly adwaactcic and
fe dvairahie faraus caa bow be par
rbased at ares than 1 1 per acre. Fall
a noat preepocta are arst-claaa aad aa
ottnr pruapt-rotis year Is before aa.
FRFMONT Business ia polio cesrt
was bvly ynstrrday. A suawr ef mea
Whs bae beea wviaikg at tbe we-oa Xae-
Brxiire and lnstruction company
and will maintain orao in Tecumsen and
ttitario. ore. It la aaid tte oompar.y now
ba aome good contracts in Oregon.
W ashington and loabo.
I A carp 0 boCfcr wahrr, E
i I aamaJporboaoiLactiir H
I f Compaoy'i Extract ot H
Best a dash of aalt
aad pepper, thai qtuif i
1 a ds'iifiotal bed broth D
L L i (bat si appstitisf and 8
VI xovtforatuar. Good for B
thaJtwatdaya,aod B
J jiTTsffll" aildaya. Ksrpaiargafl
I yr- jroar roucn. Try It a bca B
U yoa'r UretL rsry jar of the txMams B
I Ejctract, or lieef g
bean tbat rxact Jt-" I
TTAPHIXGTON. Fob. 1 Forecast of the
weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska and Kansas Snow Tues
day and Wednesday: slowly rising temper
ature. For Iowa and MissouriSnow and not
quite so cold Tuesday; Wednesday, fair.
For Colorado Rala ba west, fair t east
portion Tuesday sad Wednesday; warmer
Tuesday In east portion.
For Montana Snow Toeadar aad
Wednesday, with slowly rising lempera
ture. Fbr South" Dakota Fair. somewhat
warmer. Tuesday and Wednesday.
IimI leMra.
OMAHA. Feb. . Orocl! record of t em
it rat ure and piecipitatlun compared with
tbe corresponding day for tbe last three
years: 117. i UM. IMA.
Maximum tempentur... 1 JO
MuiimuB temperature ... 4 4 li i
Moan temperature I IS S It
prJpituoa T .17 .
Temperature and pr en rotation departures
m tne normal st Otnaba eince March L
and oomparlauns with tbe last tws ysars:
Normal temperature 9
Dent-ioejry for the day
Tuii exoesa since March 1... 1st
Normal precipitation. a inch
Excess for the day inch
Total rainfall sum March 1 77 U Inches
iH-tKH-ocy since Marca 1 I H Inches
Iori-ioncy for cor. pertud. Urtg ... I s Inc-ct
Lstficieory for ccc. period. ISA 4 71 inches
aeserts fees atatteaa I P. K.
etiti-a aod state Temp Max. Raln-
of V eaxner. 7 p. bv. Temp.
Bismarck, clear ft
Che) enbe. cloudy k
Cbicago. snowing 14
Iwtnin. SDoaiaa; 4
Ixn.rr, rieudy B
Havre, rluudy 21
H tiena. snowing
H arwB. cioer IS
Kansas Oty. snewing 4
Nona Piatie, ciuJy 1
(mafa. clear 1
Rapid City, clovd, I
be Luui. anoauig 14
St Paul, dear ,
rlt Lake City, rail. trig 4
Vaieoi ne. cloudy .'...
T Indicate trace ef areciptlatloav
kMticaXe bvlow sera.
X. A. W AO-eUi, Local rerecastar.
- 4
urnent whlcb will perpetuate tbe name of
George Elliot.' J
Record Farrow of Pigs-John Rushen has
a brocd sow of which be is orcud and
which he value highly, she having brought
a farrow cf nineteen live pigs Tut "ay
night. Tbe bog raisers of this psrt cf tbe
country hsve never heard ef anything like
this before. The sew la two years old and
weighs about pound Cairo correspon
dent. Grand Island Independent.
Judicial Aid to Matrimony Judge Turton
reports that tbe matrimonial market la
Dawson county is most dlmresstngry alow
at the present time, with but little doing.
He attribute tbe dull market to tbe con
dition of the young men. who are said to
be weak-kneod and scary, and Inclined to
bolt at sight ef a bandenme. marriageable
girl. Tbe judge bas some witch's elixir for
timid swains that is said to work all right.
Lexington Pioeear.
The f oUosrtng conversation took place at
a' Bind eats" boarding house hi Lincoln w
eently. 1 A cumber of students. them
a few from Omaha, were comparing Omaha
and Lincoln aa cfies. One of those wbo
purported Lincoln endeavored to shew that
Lincoln compared very favorably wltk
"Why." a said. "Lincoln has It streets
umbered Just as hhrh as Omaha. The
otber day I saw a sign out along O street
which said ' "
"Pshaw." skl tbe Omaha student, "that
meant f.fty-ooe miles from Omaha."
8adle Makes a Record In tbe person of
Sadie Whittaker the Auburn Canning com
pany bas one cf the most expert ran hoot
ers employed by any canning company la
th country. Sadie to a slim girl but what
she lack in strength she makes up in nor-ro-js
energy and th ""know how" that
make tbe best kind of an emptor. On
Tuesday of this week she aocompHshrd th
task of labeling V case ef corn. 24 cans
to the case. Very few persons caa realize
tbe amount of work this means Sh has
to handle each of the 4.240 cans that ah
labels twice, and Is compelled to make 12,-
4K motions In order to scoorr plish thla.
Sbe worked at tbe task from t o'clock ta
tbe mornlrg until I JO In ths evening, taking
a half hour off for dinner. Auburn Republican.
In the last issue of the West Point Re
publican a peripatetic doctor, who adver
tises free medicine snd free attendance and
guarantees to cure all diseases while yoa
wait has tbe following as part cf hia ad:
"PorVJve'y married ladle must be ac
eompanlod by their husband." This leads
to tbe Inquiry whether ladies partially mar
ried are exrerted to visit the doctor alon
and whether" It would be necessary ta tba
latter ease to produce credentials.
DIAMONDS -ncar. Uts od Doaga.
Btalae-vesrsaaw. :
DEB MOJXES. ' Feb. t (Special " Tela
gram V Lieutenant Robert Blaine, U. S. JL.
stationed at Fort Robinson, Nob, waa mar
ried In this dty Sunday to Miss Lesta
Neamaa of Btrssey. Ia. Lieutenant Blaine
Is a cousin of James G. Blala. Miss Now
man is a daagbter of Mr. and Mra. Jaasos
Newman. Tbe' parents of Mis Has inaB
objected to ber becoming th wlfa ef aa
army officer, so sbe came to Des Mot no
Sunday without tbelr knowledge of bar re
tention. Tba naarrta was at tbe borne
of mutual friends here.
a BtraH ta Oeatb.
CLEVELAND. O, Feb. . John Burke,
aged n year, was burned to death, sad
Miss Mary Master-son. aged 30 year. Wsa
seriously burned tonight by an explcaioei of
a gasoline lamp. Burke was paying a
evening call and was helping the young
woman fill the lams when It exploded, en
veloping them In flames.
Feres er Ceveeaor Better.
OLEAN. N. T.. Fob. 4 -Ex-Goveroar
RigginB was allbt?y Improved today.
Personal Knowledgi
Penafial bxywtedee is the wtnninK (actot in the currurufing cxntests ol
this cotnpctfii-e age aod whea cf ample character it places its toftunale
rssessof ia the (rout ranks ol
Tbe Well Informed of the World.
A vast fund d pcxsorjJ knoMlcxlge b rcaJy essential to &e ac&vement ci the
bigbest exceSciice in any held of human effort.
A KnanAedg of Forma, Ksowledse of Ftmckms and Knowi
tdge of Products are al cf the utmost vakie and in cfuestkns of tie and bealdt
vi-hea a true and wholescxne remedy is desired k shotBd be ronerriered that Syrup
cf Figs and Eloir f Senna, tnaniiacsjred by the California Fig Syrup Co, is aa
elKical product viiich has net wtii the arrrerral of the most emmet physarians and
gives ourrersal sAbafactioci. because it is a remedy cf
ITnnwn fTVm1ni-w. sTruvwia F'--TT-rMri atnd ICreswn CtimnfMBgat
.Parts aod baa won the Valuable Darrccutse cf rnuttans cf the Wei informed cf the j
world. 'ho know of tSeir own penotiA Lrxmedre aod frata actual ose that it is the nrst
and best cf taouly laxAtrves, tec which no extravagant or uza-oaxkabas ctaxos are made.
This valuable remedy has beea long and U"oraby known
arW the name cf Syrup cf Figs and has attained to world
wide accopUnee as tbe most ru-tLrrt family laxative. As iu ptre
UxAtire princi(iev cibtairied frorn Senna, are weS known to pfcymaans
and the Wefl Idoaned ct tne wortd to be the best we nave
idopted the more elaborate name of Syrup cf Figs and
Fhrir of Senna as more fuBy descriptrve cf the remedy,
but doubtles it wiS always be called ta by the shorter
fMJne cf Syrup cf Figs and to get its bewftciat
efiects, always note, when purchases the tul
name cf tias Coropany- CaLfornia Pig Syrup
Co. printed oa the front of every package.
whether yoa cal tar iJjrup rags
? i ' vT"bw or ty the tul name 2yrup d
Fifs and tJbur of Senna. '
o- - -?r t.