Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 9, Image 19

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Wheat Optioni Reooyer Lre Proportion
ofth Lats Lou,
Geaeral Selllasi of Cora by Casts la.
test aad Price Arc F.asler-.
Oata Bala Steady aad
Claaa laehaaaed.
OMAHA. Feb. 2. 1907.
Tha wheat market scored a Rood ad
vance, recovering a larae ftrnnnrtkm or
tha Ions of yesterdev. Hhorts. who oversold
yesterday, covered today. The market
howed tha lack of a bull leader or ade
quate volume of speculative business. This
helped to quiet tha fears of tha shorts.
Strength due to the higher English
and French markets, due hugely to cold
weather In both countries, good continental
demand for wheat cargoes and the unex
pected sharp falling oft In Australian ship
ment. Temperatures, west and south
west, were low this mornlm. Claims of
damage are coming already from western
Missouri and eastern Kan sun. alfo some
claims that frost will aarnage wheat on
low lands In Indiana and Ohio, wheia many
thousand acres hav been under water for
three weeks. Trade .has picked up roaterl
ally today.
There was quit general selling of corn
by cash Interests and commission houses,
Influenced by tha cold weather talk and
weak cables. Cash demand has been some,
what poorer, sample cum selling Vi cent
lower. .
The oats market remained steady and
closed about at last night's prices. The
trade In general has not been large. Cash
demand has been good and choice oata In
good demand.
Primary wheat receipts were 4.W.000 bush
els snd shipments 1S3.U00 bushels, against
receipts last year of 4-7,1X10 bushels and
Shipments of 226,000 bushels. Corn receipts
were 1,024.000 bushels and shipments 46(
bushels, against receipts last year of two.ouo
bushels and shipments of 37;!.OtiO bushels.
Clearances were 11S.0U0 bushels wheat, 13.0m)
barrels flour, 630.0UO bushels corn, 10,000
bushels oata,
Liverpool closed unchanged to Mid higher
on wheat and W4d iower on corn.
Broomhall estimates world's shipment at
S.OuO.Otf) bushels and predicts a small In
crease on passage.
A seaboard message states: "Offerings
of corn from the west continue light lor
Minneapolis wired: "Our offices nnrlh
of here to Winnipeg report thin the worst
weather of the winter. All trains In North
Dakota abandoned." ' I
Local range of options:
Articles! Open. ( Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yes'y.
What-I I '
May... TiB TiHK 71V4.H
July... 70'B 71V4B 70'B
May... 41 "4 B 41HB
July... 40A 40 A 4o-VA
Sept... 41feA USA 41HA
May... JTB 37Tn S1.T
July... 84A
71 14
41 ;
41 HA
A asked. B bid.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHK AT No. S hard, WWTl'Ao; No. t
hard, 67?t9Vc; Mo. 4 hard, tauVdc; No. 3
spring, WiiUc.
CORNNo. 3, S7Hf: No. 4, $6mr.o; no
rade, 32iU44c; No. 3 yellow, 27V3c; No.
white, ,SSHiu9Hc.
OATS No. 3 mixed, 3Pfi3r,u,c; No. 3 white,
XKuWiVtc; No. 4 white, X'iU Xc.
KVfi-No. 2, 60c; No. 3, Kite.
Carlot neccliit.
. . Wheat. Corn, Oata,
Kaunas City ,.,
Omaha .,,
Duluth ,
Bt. JUoula
21 &W 162
83 62 31
6 84 &
37 168 88
Features of tha Trading; aad Cloalac
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Feb. a A sharp advance In
the price of wheat took place on the local
exchange today as the result of a lively de
mand caused by the forecast of a cold wave
tonight over the spring and winter wheat
bolts. At the close wheat for May de
livery was up c Corn waa off o.
Oata were a shade higher. Provisions were
7Vc to ZLtya higher.
The wheat market opened strong1 on ex
tensive buying by pit traders and shorts
and throughout the entire day sentiment In
the pit continued bullish. The market waa
largely a weather map affair. It waa re
ported from Omaha that sero weather pre
vailed last night throughout Nebraska and
that the growing crop waa unprotected
by snow. Advices from the northwest told
of an almost complete tie up of railroad
trafllo because or a severe Diissaro. in but
ditlon the weather bureau predicted a gen
eral cold wave tonight over the principal
wheat growing; states. The market also
derived strength, from an advance at Liver
pool caused by wet weather In
France and England. Profit-taking sales
constituted the chief selling, there being
only a few sale for short account. The
market closed strong and close to the high
est point of the day. May wheat opened
4lo higher at 7tVs to 7o',4c, advanced to
7so and closed at 7SHo, Clearances of
wheat and flour were equal to 177,000 bu.
Primary receipts were 4i0,000 bu. against
437.000 bu. for the same day last year.
Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported
receipts of 247 cars against 217 care last
week and 290 a year ago.
The cold weather had -an effect on the
corn market opposite to that exerted on
wheat and the market was weak all day.
The drop In temperature it was claimed
will not only Improve the condition of
the new crop but will also harden the
country roads, facilitating an increased
movement. Belling waa general during the
first half of the seislon but later the
strength of wheat restricted offerings. The
market closed easy. May opened un
rliaimml to Wo hither at 4tiSC to 4040. Sold
oft to 46o and sold at 4Wi 46.c. Local re
ceipts we 9 668 car with 11 of contract
Oats were a trifle easier early In the day
because of selling by local longs. Later
a steadier feeling developed on buying by
pit trader and commission houHes. May
opened unchanged to a shade higher at
Vo, sold between JK-fttfiie and closed at
Vc. Local receipts were lilt car.
The provisions market was strong be
cause of the monthiy statement which
showed greatly diminished stocks on hand.
Commission houses and local packer were
the leading buyer while the selling was
mostly by long. At the close May pork
waa up 2'iHo at 317.40. Lard waa up l&nkj
l&o at 39 8::Vijei.r6. Klb were 7"c higher
at 89 67V,
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat,
22 ears; corn, tKsi car; oats, IN cars; hogs,
47,000 head.
The leading future ranged as follows;
Article. I Open. I Hlgh.j Low. I Close. Yes'y.
Wheat I I I
May 7S4H 7Xi 7SM 7W
July 7i-S 7v 78'i78Hti
aepC ?V, 7kVs J75 78
Corn I
Feb. 42S 42 42S 42H
May 4i M fj 4
July 46 & 4; 4f44 45ii'-
Sept. iVJ 464 40',, 4oS
Feb. JT4 8714 874 mi
May 84 SUV, yu'
July . 364 - 3 3 864
Sept. fcH J2- 824 ti
May 17 28 17 40 17 30 17 40
. July 17 t: 17 W 17 30 17 60
. May I8B 188 8 (88
July tiki 74 M 8 874
Sept. 10 00 10 10 74 10 10
May, 634 874 874 CT4
July 8 874) 78 T 86 I 78
17 174
17 24
8 474
No. t,
Cash quotation were a follow:
FLOUR Steady; winter patent, 83.203
150; winter atrahjhts, J3.0ut3 fc; spring t at.
ents, H.7"uSK"; spring ulhla, 8Llui.W;
bakers. U v4.80.
WH13AT No. 8 spring, 8fgSo; No. I
prleg, TM3a; No. 2 red, 74 vi 74c.
CORN No. I. 4ic; No. 8 ysilow, 4340.
OATl-No. whIU, 37S,tjA4c.
RTE-No. 2T24c
BAR LEY Fair t choice malting, B8p38e.
StKDa No. 1 flax. Jl.U; No. 1 north
western, 31.33. Prime timothy, J4.5uu4.65.
Clover, contract grade, 8135,
PROVISIONS Short ribs, side (loose)
f.87Vmi8.tS4- Mess pork, per bbl., J17.18.
Ijird, per W lbs . JV.774. Sliort clear sides
(boxed), 8.5o9.7&.
The receipt and shipments of flour and
?rala were: Macelpts. Shipiner.u.
lour, bbls , ,. 31 JO
Wheat, bu 46 ouO 4I.8"0
lorn, bu 6Z.0 ZSl
Oats, bu..., Jv.OjO W l0
Rye, bu C.u0 l.ooe
Barley, bu ,. 47.3UI 8.s0
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was firm; creamery, 21uJ14c;
dairy, a-j c. Ekks. rlrtn: aj mark, mm
Included. 2-;'Ji4j, tirsta, 35c; prime firsts,
20; Airs, k.o. Cheese, steady, Utfttu,
af the Day
Commodities. '
FEW TORK, Feb. l.-Fl.Ot'R Receipts,
T.fid bbls. ; exports, 10,774 bbls. Market
Jirmly held and dull; Minnesota patents,
J4.10n4.36; winter straights, 33.4wU3.60; Min
nesota bakers, SASn . it ; winter extras, 8J.NQ
43.00; winter patents, S3, gnu 186; winter low
grades. L J01jii.uo. Hye Hour, quiet; sales,
1W0 pkgs.: fair to good, $3.66i3.8; choice to
fancy, ji.Sfc.a4.. Buckwheat flour, quiet
at $s. 102 3", spot snd to arrive.
BUCKWHEAT Nominal; 81. for 100 lbs.
CORN M KAL Steady ; tine white and yul
low, l.aa'; ooarse, Jl.nul.l2; kiln dried.
W A fciAT Receipts, 87.000 bu.S export. 2.
363 bu. Bpot market firm; No. 1 red, 82V0
In elevator: No. 3 red. Mo, f. o. b., afloat;
No. 1 northern Duluth, c, f. o. b., afloat;
No. 2 hard winter, 8i'4c, f. o. b., afloat.
On a cold weather scare wheat acted
strong and active today, closing "AO net
hlxher and top for the session. There was
good buying for both accounts, steadier
cables and light northwest receipts; May,
M ll-iujv l-l.. closing at 86 1-lbc; July
closed at MHo. , ,
CORN Receipts, 66,7B bu.; exports, 243,
t8 bu. Bpot market Irregular; No. 2, 66-40
In elevator and 61-c f. o. b., afloat; No. i
white, 6;Hc; No. 2 yellow, 6'JMtO, f. o. b.,
afloat. Optkin market was quiet and easier
on pro poets for clear weather west, clos
ing hka net lower; May closed at fclVtc; July,
tio. N
OATS Receipts, S7,S10 bu.; exports, 3,500
bu. Bpot market steady: mixed; 26 to 23
lbe, 4ic; natural white, 80 to 33 lbs., 440
46c: clipped white, 36 to 40 lb., 4464.,c.
HAY yulet; shipping, 7&w85c; good to
choice, -4,1.10.
HOPS Easy; state, common to choice,
l&ti, same, IV, 84jllo Paclflo coast,
li'iilac; lle, 10&13C.
HII1? Steady: Oalveston, SO to 28 lbs.,
20c; California, 20 to 26 lbs., 21o; Texan,
dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 19c .
LEATHER Hteady; acid, 27W2SC
PROVISIONS Reef, firm; family, $16.00
&15.60; mes, 39.0iVu9.60; beff hams, 323.50
24.00; packet, Jll.Ooy 12.00; city, extra India
mess, Olkii 23.00. Cut meats, steady; pick
led bellies. Ji0.2rVffl2.00; plekled hams, 312.00,
Lard, firm; western prime, J9.aru1t.90; re
fined, steady; continent, Jio.28; South Amer
ica, J10.75; compound, JS.5tKiiS.76. Pork, firm;
family, J19.ornfil9.5o; short clear, lT.7ia 19.00;
mens, J18.onl8.76.
TALLOW Steady; city J2 per Pkg).
6 -ltic; country (pkgs. free), 6ViffjXic.
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, I'e
$60; Jspan, nominal. ,. ,
PoCLTRY Live, steady; fowls. Wir;
turkeys, 13c. Dresed, quiet; western
roasting chickens, laaisc; turkeys, 14ilc;
fowls, sialic.
EGGS Erisyj state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected, white, 30c; state,
choice, 2fcii29c; brown and mixed extras,
2Sc; firsts to extra firsts, westo-rn
firsts, 2oc; ofHclal price, first, 25c; seconds,
23fif;T!T'ER--Flrm; Btreet ' price. extra
creamery, 32H533c. Official prices: Cream
ery, common to extra, 22832c; held, com
mon to extra, W'tWiic; western factory,
common to firsts, 17Hu;21c: western Imita
tion creamery, extras. 24iff25c; firsts, 21
22c; renovated, common to extra, 1B'u24o.
CHEE8B-Bteady; state full cream, small
nil lurirn Sentemher fancy. 14Wc: state.
October bet, 13(ai4c; good to prime. UW'0
13c; wlhter made, average bet, 11c; In
ferior, ll(ul2c.
Kansas City Grain aad Provisions.
72c; July, 72c; September, 72Hc Cash:
No. 2 hard, 72ii75tte: No. 3, 67(&74c; No. 3
red, 7Sj7flc; No. 3, 67$74c.
CORN May, 40c; July, 41c: September,
42'c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, SWlimic; No.
3. 3.JfK4c; No. 2 white, 4HV41c; No. 8,
OATS-No. 2 white, 8SS8He; No. .2
mixed, 3M3iHc.
HAY Steady; choice tmlothy, $15.60igl6.00;
choice prairie, Jll.&o 12.00.
RYB Steady, 6ofyi2.
111.' TTKI1-Creamery, 81c; packftig, 1940.
EGGS Firm; firsts, 23c; seconds, 20c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 83,000 60,000
Corn, bu 52,000 26.0(0
Oats, bu 14,000 . 8,000
Board of Trade (quotation for Ran
City delivery. The range of price, a re
ported by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of
Trade building, wa. 1.
Open. I High.) Low. 1 Close,
May. i
May July
B Bid. A Asked. '
Minneapolis CaBlk Prlc-Wheat: No. 1
hard, 854c; No. 1 northern, 834c; No. 2
northern, 814c-, No.' 8 northern, 784-6 "94c.
Corn: No. 8, 87e. Oats: No. 8, 83e34c.
Flax; Cash, 81.224- ,
St. Louis Geaeral Market.
8T. LOUIS, Feb. 2. WHEAT Higher;
truck, No. 3 red cash, 77Hft78c; No. 2 hard,
74a76c; May, 77n774c; July, 77o.
No. 2 white, 394o; May.'SB4c; July, 364
KTiflTTR Steady: red winter patents, 83.65
U3.75; extra fancy ana straignt, n.itotf
clear, 82.6o 2.85. ,
BKEU Timotny, sieaay; 4.Duat.w.
t-ORNMEAL Steady; 22.20.
BRAN Dull. Backed, east track. 864
HAY uuiet; umotuy,; pnune.
UP"f'AS- -
ikujs lumiw -iica
PROVISIONS Pork higher; Jobbing,
217.30. Lard, higher; prime steam, 39.524.
Dry salt meats, steaay; ooxea extra snorts.
39.874; clear riDS, i.xvt; snori clears, tur uo.
Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $10,024;
clear ribs. 316.624: short clear. $10.75.
POULTRY Steady; chickens, 94c;
springs, 11c; turkey, H12o; ducks. He;
geese, 64e.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 27$ 3S4c;
dui -y. zi'f' -'ic. .
F.GGS Steady at 22a.
Following were the receipt and ship-
menu of flour ana grain:
Keoeipta. ompmenis.
F1oir, bbl....
Wheat, bu....
Ctorn, bu
Oats, bu......
Philadelphia Prog nee Market.
Firm; good demand; extra western cream
ery, ottlclot price, ssc; street price, iatc;
extra nearby prints. 36c.
FyGGS Firm: good demand; nearby fresh
and western, 2o at mark.
CHEESE Steady: New Tork full creams
fancy, 144c; choice, 144c: fair to goodJk':3
Peoria Market.
, PEORIA. Feb. 2. CORN Iwer; No. 2
yellow and No. 3, 414c; No. 1 404c; no
Krsde. SiVJftSsc.
OATS Firm; No. 2 white, S8c; No. t
white, 374c: no. 4 white, i4.
RYF Steadv: No. 1 ffri9c.
WHISKY On basts of $1.29 for finished
Liverpool Grain Market.
stronr: No. 2 red western winter, 6a Id.
Futures, firm; March, 6s64d; May, 6s64d;
July. 6eZ4a.
CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new,
4s4d; old, 47.1. Futures, firm: March,
4s24d; May, 4s 3d.
Mlnneawolle Araln Market.
804c; July aWiUNOSc; September. 7c; No.
1 hard, 8jV,c; No. I northern, 834e: No.
northern. SIKct No. 3 spring. T84W4c.
FIX)VR First patents, J464.4t; second
patent, tine clears, J3.i6i2i3.36
ecind clears, $2.40i2.0.
BRAN In bulk. JltJ.itfl.7t.
Mllwanke Grain Market.
northern. 8!41'4o: No. 2 northern, 78
Sic: May, oyti i,c dio.
RTK-Vo. 1. 8du4c.
BARLEY No. 1 &V4c: samnle. 4ftftt7c
COKN-NO. cash. Ci424o; May, 4c bid.
Dalath Grain Slarket.
DrLUTH. Feb. 2-WlIEAT-On track.
so. 1 normern, i'c; pio. i me: May,
U4c, July, 8149lSc; September, 74o.
OAT8-T0 arrive. 2740.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. O- Feb. 2. SEEDS Clover.
cash. 38.374; February, JS 87 4: Marcli,
J8.42 4: April. JJ.30. AlsUe, JI.. Tim
othy, J31.
Saaar aad Melaa.
HI test,
YORK. Feb. 2.-SUGAR-Raw,
fair rvtlulng. 3 31 -32c; ceutrlfugdl.
1A-I2c; nuiass sugar, z ii-ii
steady; No. (, 4.30c: No. 7. 4.25c
No. 8, 4,20c; No. , 4 16c; No. 10, 4 06c; No. U,
4.0UC; inc. 11, s.kdo; ISO. u, I -, is o. 14,
confectioner A, 4ttoc; mould A, 8.15c; cut
loaf, tbuc; crushed, t.soc; powdered, 4.30c;
atanuluted, inr : cubes. & 46c.
MoLASSIQS-Steady; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, J7iHSc.
atrorig; centrifugal winte. 4 -liHc;
ceuiruuicat (tuujti, -Jc; Becuuda,
34 I-leci new UMilasav syrua, 3o,u4a
724- 72H
7134A 724.14
41H 41
41H'tf'K 41M
Ton of Market it rTarisb tnd Uncertain
Throuehout the Beiiisn.
Large OITerlag Com Oat aad Are, at Low Level, aad Rally
Kasaes Later Dealings
NEW TORK, Fsb. 2. There was om
contraction of the rate of activity in
stocks today ana resistance to the recent
pressure waa perceptible, but the tone
was feverish and uncertain throughout,
a wa shown by the constant fluctuation
of prices. First prices of the day showed
wide decline from last night and large
offerings of various stocks appeared.
inene mere taken at the low level ana
prices rallied. On subsequent decline the
appearance of buying orders was ef-
lectlve In the same way. This buying
was generally credited to banking Inter
ests, with the purpose of exercising A
benevolent control of the market and of
opposing the raiding tactics pf the bears.
Uncling obstacles of this character 10
their efforts tp get prices lower, the bears
were disposed to cover tneir snorc con
tract. Most of the losses were recov
ered under this process.
The tone of the market oontinuea xever-
Ish up to the closing. The demand did
not folVw up the advances with eager
ness and the market became dull on the
rallies. The day's news offered no new
developments of Importance. The flrt
selling was professedly based to some ex
tent on the serious tone of the public dis
cussion of the relations with Japan. An
unfavorable Impression wss caused by
the lnrge growth of railroad operating
expenses shown by the reports of De
cember earnings, the Increase being sui-
flclent In some case to cause a decline
In the net return compared with last
yesr. A report was current of nn in
tended increase in freight charge by ine
trunk lines In the early future.
The reviews or the mercantile agencies
were scanned for signs of any reactionary
tendency In the business world, but none
such weje repprtcd. Rank clearings for
the week are lower than last year, fol
lowing a tendency manifest for several
weeks risst. The rlecreese Is accounted
or mostly In the New York figures, and
outside the seven principal cities tne
clearings still show a volume, well above
that of last vear. The bank statement
was little regarded, the cash decrease be
ing smaller than was expected and tlie
loan Increase causing no surprise in view
of vesterday' sale of New York City
bonds and subscription during the week
to new stock and note issues. The Bans:
of England was reported to have secured
32.0nn.000 -of gold to arrive from Egypt
on Monday. Foreign exchange, although"
nomlnnl on Saturday, showed a sagging
tendency. Importance is attached to tne
attitude to be taken by the Bank of Eng
land In the event of further demand on
London for gold by New York. Total
alos of bonds, par value. $1, 190. 000.
The following was the range of Drices on
tne hut lork Stock exchange
Bales. High. Low. Clns.
A4imi Exprtaa tftO
AoialgSBMted Copptr IS.4e HIS ll "4 111
Am. C. A F 1.M0 434 41V4 4
Am. c. A P. ptd ioo lot lot ino4
Am. Cotton Otl too (0 M l4
Ant. Cotton Oil pfd U
American Exprans 2S0
Am. H. A U pfd It
Am. Ice BMiirltlM M
Am. UmtH Oil 14
Am. Umm4 Oil ptd
Am. LocomotlT 1,400 71 70 1u
Am. lcomottTS ptd 110
Am. S. A R 21,100 HtH 140 1414
Am. B. A R. pfd Ill
Am. Bufir ReSnlns 1,100 ltl 1304 130
Am. Tobssco ptd etf 400 464 Ktt
Aniconds Mlslog Co 7K V,l 370 ri4
Aihlson 11,700 1004 M4 1004
Atchlaos pfd
Atlantic Cosat Use 4i0 114 114 "4
Baltimore Ohio l.M 1U4 1 I'5
Pal. A on lo pfd 1
Brookljm Rapid Tr i.W) 724 .714 "
Canadian' FaclDo 1,600 181 14 180 1i'4
Cmtral of N. I tot
ChaapMk A Ohio 1.000 44 4 44
Chlcaco Ot. W 1,800 14 1(4 U4
Chicago A N. W... 1,400 1U4 K14 16ST4
C, II. A Bt. P M.OOO 141 144 144
Chicags T. T ,
Chicago T. A T, pfd It
C, C. C. A Bt, L 844
Colorado P. At..... 3,100 474 44 44
Colorado A 80 M II 13 U
Colo. A Bo. 1st pfd 1 (44
Colo. A Bo. id ptd U4
Conaolldatad Gas IK
Corn Products, rfg 800 114 t34 U4
Cora Products pfd, rfg 400 854 8(4 864
Delaware A Hudson loo 108 nt
Dol.. L. A W KM) M Ht OS
Donror A Rio Orande. 100 II M 85
D. R. O. pfd M
Dlrtlllara Bocurltlos f T04 704 704
Brio 4.IO0 344 U4 UiJ,
Erie lit pfd too 70 l4 tt
Brio 14 pfd , KM 10 H4 40
UOBoral Elaotrlo 100 161 U7 U74
Hocking Valley Ill
Illinois Central 410 167 1664 1(7
latoraatlooal Paper LOW II 1(4 14
Int. Paper pfd "0 10 U 10
Int. Pump 400 14 14 14
Int. Pump pfd 76
Iowa Central 100 K K4 35
lows Central pfd UK) 454 464 46
Kansas City Bo too 37 37 17
K. C. Bo. pfd 100 674 674 674
Loslavllle a N l.0 1I4 131 1134
Mexican Central 1.(00 II U4 1?4
Minn. A St. L 2"0 M 64 64
M., Bt. P. A B. S. 80 It 1074 104
If., Bt. P. A ft. ft St. pfd.. 0 lit 1384 13
Missouri Paclflo t.ono 86 85 84
M., K. A T 700 l4 864 R4
M., K. A T. Bid 800 (a (8
National Lead 1.600 464 44 164
N. R. R. of U. pfd 69
N. Y. Central 400 14 124V, 1
N. T., O. A W..' io 414 484 444
Norfolk A YT luO H 144 844
Norfolk A W. pfd 82
North American too 81 II 814
Paclfio Mall 100 84 34 !', '
Peansrlvania 17,100 1804 HI 130 I
People's Gas . too 84 M4 83 14
P., C, C. A St. L 73
Pressed Bteel Car ,.1.400 414 474
Preseed 8 C. pfd 200 8 M 8
Pullman Palace Car...... 168
Reading 77,400 1104 11 120
Reading let pfd 100 0 0 8
Rending id pfd 400 80
Republic Steel 1,000 14 1'.'4 34
Republlo steel pfd N
Rock I. land Co i.700 V 2i 9H
Rock Island Co. pfd 67
BU L. A 8. P. id ptd 4 44 : 42
Si. L 8. W 600 224 214 t'.v
St. L. ft. W. pfd 8oe (s u K
80. Paclflo 17.(00 2 i 2
Be. PaelSe pfd 117
lo. Hallway t.600 164 2i
go. Rallwar pfd W
Tenneeeee C. A L 16
Teaaa A Pselfle oo 83 M si
T., St. U A W 10 8 ito to
T., at. U. A W. pfd DO U b? (14
t'nloa Paelfle 11.600 1714 1484 171
I'alea PaclBe ptd..... 80
V. 8. lUppeas le
I'. A Realty 77
V. B. Rubber , 1.I0O 48 474 47
U. . Rubber pfd 100 106 106 1"6
IT. 8. Steel 14.800 444 434 41
V. ft. Bteel pfd. 1.404 lOf.4 106 106
Va, -Carolina Chemical 800 u 824 83
Va. -Cam. Chem. pfd too 104 104 lot
Wabash So 114 H4
Wabash ptd .- II
Welle-Fargo Kinross (71
Weetlagbouse Electric 100 15 160 16
Westers In Ion (IS
Wheeling A L K 11
WlaoonWa Central 13
Wis. Central pld 41
Northern Parlllo l.l0 1K1 1(1 l'I
Ceatral Leather loo 1 n J.,
Central Leather pfd (t
Slaae-lheO)14 Steel ....... 00 S8
Ut. Kenhera pfd I.to0 16 Ui4
Int. Metropolitan, 1,3 U 14 14
Int. Met pfd tl
Total pales tur the day, lit. wo abarea.
Bestea Tapper Market.
Closing Quotations on Boston copper jiar
ket, reported by Logan & Bryan, 11 Board
of Trade building, Omaha:
6 NsTada Consolidated.. 17
It North Butts 111
lo Old Dominion 14
II Osceola 187
I Paee, Berries 11
10 Pneu. Santos, pfd... II
Allouee ,
Atlan'.le ,
b is abase
Hla.cS Moaetaln
Baeloe Coaeolldsted.
Butte Coalition ......
Calumet A Arlloea.
Calumet A Meals..,.
Oopper Kan ,
Dalr West -
Beet Rtt ,
Pranklln ,
Oreeee Copper
Isle Reral
L 8. A Pittsburg...
MaasaohuaetU -
bitch !ea ,
Mohaak ,
mm iieincy ......
188 Shanaoe ,
lei Tamarack
4S Teoa. Copper
14 Trlnlte
16 felted Fruit
14 United Staua. eoi
k United Susies, pla
t'tah Ooeaeildated
, 8 t ub Copper
II Victoria
t4 Winona
I Wolrerln
31 Cananea ...........
Bt Mplealag
. 88
. 47
. 87
.. 44
.. 71
.. 17
.. I
.. 12
.. 84
.. 114
Hew Tork Mlalaar etaeka
NEW TORK, Feb. 2. Closing quotations
in mining stock were:
Adam Ooa U
Alice HI
Breect SI
Brunswick Cos
Coaietock Tvnasl .... 44
Cos., Cat. sad Vs....
Hera Silver 11
I roe tllter 4oft
LesdTtlls Cob. 8
Little Chief ...
, I
Basace .......
terra Nevada
. 66
. 36
Small Mopes ..
Treasary Stateaaeat.
WASHINGTON. Feb. l-Today state
ment of the bulances In the general fund,
exclusive of the J:&o.Co iLd reserve,
hot; AveilavW cash, J-,ii,eV?; (olU ouia
and bullion, 198,753,340; gold certificate. 240,-
Hew York Money Market.
NEW TORK, Frh. J. MONKY-On call,
nominal. Time loan easier; sixty days, I
per cent bid; ninety days, 4?M per cent;
six months, 84 per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills t J4.R44iWf
4.R450 for demand and at Jt.Ho.IsM for
sixty day bills; posted rates, 34.82 and 84. M;
commercial bills, J4.8f"iH.W4.
SILVER Bar. 9c; Mexican dollar. Blv
BONDS Government steady, railroad
Closing quotation on bond were
C. 8. ref. 2s, rf
Japan la, 84
do 4s otfs
series... 4
a '4
fa rospes
V. 8. la. reg
do oonpos ,....,
t. B. eld 4s. reg.,
do coupon
C. B. s. 4s, reg..,
do coupon
Am. ToDsoo 4s..,
do la ,
do 4a etrs
do M series ,
U A 14. sal. 4a..
Man. a. g. 4a....
Met. Crstral 4s...
. 11
. M
. 144
a 87
. 84
do let Inc..
74'Mlnn. A St. L. 4a
..lo,M.. K. T. 4s..
..1014 do t
.. 81 N. R. R. 04 14. e.
.. 8 N. T. C. g. 18..
..103 N. J. C. g. (S...
.. 8L',I4o. Paolte 4a.....
Atchison ges. 4s..,
e adj. 4s
Atlantic C. L 4s.,
Bal. A Ohio 4a...,
do la ,
Bra.. R. T. e. 4s..
.. 881 do la ......
..Ill) N. W. c. 4
..86 O. ft. L rfdg.
Central of Oa, la.,
a 184
4a. 84 Vt
do 1st Iso ,
do td In
71 Penn. eone. Ia.
.. 44 Readtns sea. 4a.
do 3d In.,
Cites. A Ohio 4s....l04 a. L. A I. M. e. (a.. til
Chicago A A. Is... 73 'St. U. A 8. P. fg. 4s 114
C, B. A Q. n. 4a.... 86 1st. L. B. W. e. 4a.... 71
C, R. I. A r. 4s 744 Seaboard A. L 4s.... II
do col. Is 88 80. Paclflo 4a 18 .
CCC. A 8. L. g. 4s. .101 do 1st 4s etfa
Colo. Ind. 6s, ser. A. 71 Bo. Railway 6a H14
Colorado Mid. 4s 71 Teie A P. la Ill
Colo. A Bo. 4s. It T., Bt. LAW. 4a. 11
Co he la 108 rnloa Pacific 4s 10141
O. A R. O. 4s 87 r. . Steel li 6e 84
PIrtlllers' Beo. (a.... 87 Wabaah Is 1134
Brie p. I.
I do deb. B 70
84 Western Md. 4s. 61
104 W. ALB. 4e 17
do gen. 4a
Hocking VaL 4.,
Japan 6a
4 wis. Central 4 H
Hid. Offered.
Reslos Stack aad Bongs.
BOSTON, Feb. 2. Call loans, 517 per
cent; time loans, BeSH per cent. Closing
prices on stocks and bonds were;
Atchison adj. 4a..
... 14
... 4.14
... 834
... i4
... i4
... 8
... II
... 1
... 14
... H
so 4a
Mex. Central 4a...,
do bfd
Cel. A Hecla..
. w
Copper Range ...
Rneton A Albany.,
Boston A Mains.,
Boston EloTated ...
Fltchbura pfd ,
Paly West
Isle Royals
Win Mining ...
Mont. C. A C...
Old Dominion ...
Mexican Central
N. T., N. H. A H...181
t'nloa Pacific 171
Am. Arge. Cbem 13
do pfd 61
Am. Pneu. Tub 1.14
Amer. Sugar 130
do pfd 180
Am. T. A T 1!
Am. Woolen 80
do pfd 4
Dora. I. A B 18
Osceola ,,.
Tamarack 160
a.aiaon Elec. iuu 336
United Copper ...
Mass. Electrlo ...
do pfd
Mass. Oaa
I'nlted Fruit
United B. If
do pfd
IT. 8. Steel
do pfd
Bid. Asked
18 U. B. Mining ,
II 'V. 8. Oil .,
.. 41
.. 11
.. 4
.. 104
. M t'tah
.104 Victoria
. 124 Wlnons
, tl Wolverlns
. 44 North Butts
.1064 Butte Coalition .,
. 6 Cel. A Art eons.
, 4 Greene Cos.
Loadoo Closlnsr Stack.
LONDON, Feb, 2. Clolng quotation on
stocks were:
Console, money
V M.. K. A T 974
87 'N. T. Central 128
no account
Atchison ,
do pfd ,
Baltimore A Ohio
Canadian Paclflo ,,
Chen. A Ohio ,
Chicago Ot. W...,
. 14
I Norfolk A W.
, 87
do pfd
., 81
.. 44
lOntarlo A W.
L PennerlTsnls
..186, Rand Mines 7
(OVKeadlDg 814
16 Southern Rallwar ... 14
C... M. A Bt r,
Denver A R. O,
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do id pfd
llllnola Central
Loulrrllle A N,
1(1 do pfd 8K4
i7:Boutheni Paclflo 44
.. it
.. is
do pfd
Colon Paelfle
... 86
... 46
... 17
.. is
.. 71
.. il
do pfd
V. 8. Steel....
do pfd
SILVER Bar, steady, 3I15-161 per ounce.
MONKY 344H per cent,
The rate pf discount In the open market
for short bills Is Cn4 per cent; tur three
month' bills, 44644 per cent. ,
Forelga FlnaneisL
LONDON, Feb. 1 Money ws In better
upply today and rates were easier. Dis
counts were steady, though there waa Bom
nervousness regarding New Tork exchange,
Trading on the Hew Tork exchange rule!
dull, with first-class securities steadier, but
there was an easier tendency In other direc
tlons, owing to a break In American, caus
ing some irregularity. American opened
lower. In sympathy with Wall street, and
eased further during the session. They
closed weak At from one to, two point tower
than yesterday. Copper shares contlnned
Arm. Kaffir were quiet. The Indian secre
tary purchased In the market J2.000.000 In
gold, due February 4. Japanese imperial 4
of 1904 closed at 1024.
PARIS, 'eb. 2. On the Bourse today the
Improvement noted yesterday continued.
Russian bonds of 1904 closed at 4900.
BERLIN, Feb. 2. Trading on the Bourse
today was limited, owing to realizations
prompted by the reports circulated regard
ing the relations between Japan and the
United States.
Clearing House Statement.
NEW TORK, Feb. 2. The statement of
the clearing house banks for the week
show that the bank hold J12,634,10O- more
than the legal reserve requirements. This
Is a deoreasa of J2,tt8,700 as compared with
last week. The statement follows;
Legal tenders
Reserve ,
Reserve required
Lx-l'nlted States de
posits Decrease.
, 1,076,720,000
, 197,b0O.S00
' 12,634.100
1, 428,7
16,730.175 2,973.S
Bask Clearlna-s.
OMAHA. Feb. 2.-Bank clearings for to
day were Jl,6fi$.883. 87 and for the correspond
ing date lust year J1.S96.156 29.
1907. 190. '
Monday ,.'..... J1.MI.2J4.24 J1,W.7T9.C1
Tuesday l.W.922.54 1.701,601.46
Wednesday 1,419,61.06 1.701.601. 4fi
Thursday 1.6n6.x3.87 1,662,774. 96
Frldty 1,6:3.372.75 1.647,743.66
Saturday l,frt,a2.G7 1.6W,16e.
J9.833.057. 13 J9, 908, 456. 83
over the corresponding weeg
last year, 173,396.69,
Dank af OeraiAny Statemeat.
BERLIN, Feb. 2. The weekly statement of
the Bank of Germany shows the following
changes: C'uph In hund decreased
marks; trfanury notes increased 1,8)40,000
marks; other securities, 37.Wi.',tX0 marks:
notes In circulation Increased 39,6u0,000
exports aad Import.
NEW TORK. Feb. 2. Total Import of
pecle at the port of New York for the
week ending today were 334,165 silver and
J65.I35 (told. Total exports of specie from
the port of New York for the week ending
today were Jl.lu6.6oS silver and J1.000 gold.
Cottoa Market.
closed steady; middling uplands, 11c; mid
dling gulf. 1 1. 26c; no sales.
Spot a moderate business was done; prlue
steady; American middling fair, 8.70U,
poind middling, .42d; middling. J.ttOd; low
middling, 6.2d; good ordinary, t.22d; tr
dinarv, 4 td. The sales of the day were
8,000 bales, of which 1,000 bales were for
speculation and export and lncljded 6,70')
bale American. Receipts, 89,000 bal as.
including 20,900 bales American.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. 2. COTTON
Dull; middling, 104c; sale, 12 bales; re
ceipts, 629 bales; shipments, T47 bslj;
stock. 27.8S0 bales.
Spot cloeed quiet and steady; sales,
1,62a bales; low ordinary, 6c, nomlml;
ordinary. 7a, nominal; good ordinary,
8 t-16c; low middling. 6-1 e; middling.
10 T-let good middling, 11 i-lo; mid
dling fair, 12 6-1 c, nominal; fair,
12 l(-ltc nominal; receipt, (.268 bales;
Uck, 337,738 bale. i
" Oil ana Hail a
NEW TORK, Feb. L-OIL-ottonseed,
a ay; prime crude, f. o. b. mills. 3t4ii'd7aj
prime yellow, f. o. b. mills, 4.1'c askeg.
Petroleum, steady: refined New York, 87.7i;
Philadelphia and Baltimore, J7.70; same, la
bulk, 84.46 Turpentine, steady; 744 75c.
ROSIN Steady ; sUauiieU, common to good,
84 i"'4 46.
SAVANNAH. Ffb. 2. OIL-Turpentlne,
firm; 7i4i71c; Mies 43 bbl.; receipt, 23
bbl.: shipment, 3.281 bbls.
KOSIN Firm; quote: A, B., C. 83 9fV
3 4-4. D., 839744.024; E., 84 (ssf4.024; IF.,
84.05; O., 84ut.ii4.Hi; II.,; I., 84 40;
K.. 35.00; M.. Sa.; N.. 6.b0; W. O.. .ai;
W.-W.. 840.
OIL CITY. Feb. t OIL-Credlt balances.
21.68. Runs, HK.600 tibia.; average, MM!
bbls. BhipmenU, U4.1U6 bbl., avorage, 134,
lu6 bbls, -
Cutl Osnargllj ttgdy with iU Clow
of Last Week.
Large Reerlpls at Sheep aad I-aanb
TV I Week, wltfc lrlea IVewer
ea Ewe aid Lambs, wrltk
Tearllagts gteady .
SOUTH 6MAIIA. Feb. t 1807.
Receipts were; Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Official Monday 6.363 4,07 1.717
OfHclal Tuesday 6.SS1 11. 4 T.081
Omclai Wednesdnjr 6.046 t.OXS 4,6f4
Oftlcial Thursday 4,4 6.371 4.760
Oniclal Friday 2,836 8,8) I.2SH
Official Saturday 30 10.300 60
.Thl week .23,84 64.046 28.4WI
Ust week 25.S.M 67.27S M.6J0
Two week ago n.268 46.97J 86.278
Three week ago 36.934 41,477 SO.WJ
Four week ago 13.674 34,637 1S.P1
Bsme week last year.. . .17.904 7,6S1 16.804
Tha toUowlng table show the reeelpU o(
tattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, compared with last yevrl
1907. 1905, Inc. Deo,
Cattle 11872 r,279 28.698 .......
Hogs ....223.809 2S3.487 0.1i
Sheep 146.272 138,001 10,271
Good to choice cornfed ter....$3-440j .26
Fair to good cornfed steer d wuo jw
Common to fair steers 4Xii4.76
Oood to choice fed cow -"l !?
Fair to good cow and heifer 3,(' -.68
Common to fair cows and heifers.. 8.00(13. 00
Oood to choice st'ker and feetler. 4 "
Fair to good stocker and feeders.. 2. 7 4.40
Common to fair stackers ! SW 2
Bulls, stags, etc 2.7MM.0
Veal calves A0tS50
' The followlna- table shows the averag
price of hog at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. 1807. 1IM6.1805.11904.19U8.1902. 1901.
Jan. 22...
Jan. 23..
Jan. 24...
6 614
6 35
6 33
( 13
I 16
4 63
4 68
4 98
4 87
4 811
4 66
M 623
Jan. 26..
6 2.,
6 S3
4 Tl
6 13
6 18
6 22
6 28
6 24
6 13
6 22
6 26
Jan. 26..
6 684
i 714
8 8741
4 73
Jan. 27..
6 36
4 63
4 64
Jan. 28...
Jan. a..,
Jan. 30..
Jan. 31...
4 791
6 96
6 88
6 38
4 7
4 61
6 36
6 43
6 41
4 56
721 06
4 63
4 &!
4 67
OK 0 Vi
I 6 96
Feb. 1...
Feb. 2..i
6. 48
4 70)
4 73
Sunday. '
Cattle. ' Hog.
Omaha $2.264,0.60 J6.754ib.874
Chicago I.boni6.90 .utiii7.O0
Kansas City 2.26(ii-60 6.76ae.a
St. Louis 2.0tKu-W 6.3tniut.9a
SIOUX City ..y 2.76(jj6.a 6.7O'6.80
The official number ot cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
C, M. ft St. P ,
, .. 14 ..
, 1 2 X
26 ..
, .. 42 3
8 ..
, 1 18
, .. 11
, .. , 6
2 162 8
u. i'. system ,
C. & N. W4 eat
C. ek N. W.. west
C. St. P., M. & O
C, B. & Q., east ,
C, B. & Q., west
C, R. I. & P., east....
Illinois Central
Chicago .Ot. Western..
Total receipt
The rllnnnaltlon of the day's receipt was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number, of head indicated:
(ame. noes
Omaha Packing Co. . .
Swift and Company.,
Cudahy Packing Co..
Armour ec to.
Total 86 11.719
CATTLE There wa nothing doing In the
cattle yard this morning, for the want of
cattle to sell. The receipt for the week
how a very large Increase over the corre
sponding week of a year ago, but at the
am time they are quite a little smaller
than fur laat week. In other words, the
receipts this week have been very liberal.
The quality of the cattle coming has not
been, very good on an average, in fact
feeder generally nay that ttiey cannot re
member a season when so few reully de
sirable killing cattle were coming to mar
ket as at the present time.
Tha market on beef steer started out the
beginning of the week about steady, but
graauaiiy nrmea up, reing quuieu oigiiei uu
W6dneday. On Friday vaiuee eaised oft
again, bo that at the close ot the week the
market I not quotably different from what
It wa one week ago. Considering the lib
eral receipts, the trade a a whole ha been
In a fairly satisfactory condition. The tact
Is these short-fed or warmed-up steer are
selling to very good advantage and are
generally making the feeder a fair profit.
Cows and helter have experienced about
the same kind of a market sji have beef
steer. During the first half ot Hi week
there wa a general upward tendency, espe
cially on Wtdnesday, but on Friday the
market broke sharply, so that It Is sale
to say that any gain that was made earlier
In the week was lost that day. This leave
th market just about where it ended one
wtek ago.
The week started out with stackers and
feeder in bad shape. Speculator had been
forced to carry some cattle over from the
week before and were naturally poor buy
ers, so that the market was slow and
heavy for tne want of buying support. It
continued that way during the rirst half
ef the week, being decidedly lower than
during the early part of the previous week.
Purlng the latter half of the week the
trade has been In better condition, owing
to the fact that speculator had cleaned
up their surplus caul and were freer
buyer. As there were no oattle here today
and very few yesterday. It is not an easy
matter to make comparisons with a week
ago. The feeling is mat. tne marxei at tne
present time Is in a good healthy condition
and with moderate receipts the coming
week price ought to be entirely satisfac
tory to the selling Intereat.
. Representative sales:
Ko. At. Pr. No. At. Ft.
16 1881 I 1
HOQ8 Hogs sold this morning on A basis
of J6.80 for the general run of mixed loads,
with the lighter and less desirable loads
below that figure, and with good heavy
loads at 86.824 and a few of the beat at
88.85, snd a top of 86.1)74. These figures
were 10o lower than yesterday' early mar
ket, to lower than ytaterday s late market,
or 64j10c lower than yesterday's general
market. Tha market opened very Blow,
Sellers being backward about making a
concession, while buyers were reluctant to
make a start. Whan buyers and sellers
finally get together the market showed
considerable briskness and the bulk of the
hogs soon changed hands. Owing to the
late start, however, it wa close to midday
before a clearance was effected. At the
close It was Impossible to get over Jo.774'rf
8. go for anything.
While the receipt of hog this week have
been quite liberal as compared with a good
many weeks during the last month of two,
the total nevertheless wa decidedly short
pf the record made a year ago by over
it 000 head. The receipts for the year to
date are over 28,000 head short of the cor
responding period last year. The marke
this week opened with a good stiff advance,
over half of which wa lost on Tuesday.
On Wednesday there we no material
change, but Thursday' market advanced
sharply and there was a little further gain
on Friday. Allowing for the decline today,
th market is a good strong It 4c higher
(han It was at the close of last week.
Representative sales;
44 .
No. At. Sh. Pr.
' 241
I 4
.... I T74
8 f T74
.. 4 7T
14 124 44 I 10
10 tul .... I as
18. .
I 14
I 80
I ae
I 6
I S4
I ItVs
I 634
4 86
8 884
4 634
8l 140 I Tl
327 140 I 77 1,
... I 77 4
M 4 714
4 4 114
... II
... 4 W
., Ito
,.. I U
e 4 80
tee 13 I to
8 to
6 M
..till ...
..let ...
.481 Ut
..31 ...
,.. I Ml
... I 80
M 8 80
.. I 80
41 ..
M UO 4 834
. .tit
SO f 84j
8 4 134
.. 4 an,
.. 4 6:4
.. I 2
,.. I 32
... 4U4
.. 113
... I 81
,.. I 114
4 4 36
... 4 84
... I 14
.. I 86
.. I 61
...ISI '
I 80
.14 10 I 8
I aa
... I M
4 4 80
... I ae
40 I 84
... I 8
... I 8
I 18
14... ill
841 13 4 St
SHEEP Tha market waa bare of aheep
lid morning, there being nothing 00 sau
to make a test of value. As will be noted
from the table la another column, the totl
receipt this week hav been deuldedly
auger tliari lux tl Oo4Tetiti,lliig wo
last rear, although showing a falling alt. a
compared with th excessive run ot last
week. A tiaj been the case for sometime
back the receipt hav consisted largely
of ewe, th progiortio 04 that kind being
larger than ever before. On the otlrer
hand there never ha beetn a time when
there a ere so few yearlings coming to
market as at present. Old wether have
also been In limited supply. The receipt
of lamb have been more liberal, but there
baa not been anything Ilk man lamb
a ewes. .
The eastern mutton tnsrket has bee In
very unaatlafsotory condition all the week.
me suptiiy ot mutton oeing aeciaeniy in
excess of demand, so that values have tSeen
correspondingly weak. This condition at
the eastern consuming point has had the
natural effect of weakening the sheep mar
ket. In spit of this th sheep market at
this point has been In pretty fair condition.
considering the large receipt a There had,
however, been weaker tendency especially
on we and lambs, which at the c loose ?
the week art anywhere rem 6e to 1 lower.
Common to medium kind have suffered
more decline than that Wethers snd
yearlings, owing to the light supply bar
remained just about steady with last week.
While the trade has been slow on some
days and the demand has larked - In
urgency. It has been sufficiently large to
keep the liberal raorlpt well cleaned up at
current price.
The majority of sheep men artlll talk rery
encouragingly regarding the future ef the
market. The general opinion appear to
be so soon as small holder, who .re so
anxloua to unload st present, shslr hav
cleared their feed lota light receipt ar
bound to follow with stronger prices..
It might be added that present price, as
compared with a vear sam are lnajisn lower
on ws. Vxflbc lower on wethera and 26
6ne hi Khar on lamb and l"ffi?0c higher on
Quotation on killer: Good to choice
lamhs, J7.07.5O; fair to good Inmhs, J6.76
t5f7.00; good to choice yearling. lamb
weights. Jfi.0JVfftJ.25; fair to good yearlings,
lamb weights. JS.TMm 60; trood to choice
yearlings, heavyweights, JR.75Co.0O: fair to
good yearlings, heavyweights. JR.iwgs.tS;
food to choice old wethers. tS Mf "o; fair
to good old wethers.. t5 00trn.86: gnod to
ewe. 24.804j6.0Qa fair to good, 14.36
Cattle and Sheep Steady Hag FIT
. Cent Low.
200 head; market steady: beeves, J4.0ou.80:
cows and heifers, 3t.5oJtS.25; stocker and
feeders J2.50j)4.70j Texans, 8aJ04.60; CBlvee,
HOGS Receipts, 18.000 head; market Sc
lower; mixed and butchers, J6.70ipt.rT4;
good heavy, 86 rough henvv, 86
80; light. 7v96; pigs, J6.0OW6.7O; . bulk
of sales. J6.9fVjffl.95.
SHEEP AND LAMBS ' Receipts. 5.000
head; market steady; sheep, JS.eoflC.TB;
lamb, J4.8W.T5.
Kansas City Live Slock Market.
ceipts, 200 head. Market unchanged; choice
export and dreerl beef ' steers, JS.4(Vff6 60;
fair to good, 64. (Off 36; western fed steers,
t3.76At6.90; stock ers and -feedera, 88.004y4.75;
southern Bteere. J3.6546.26; southern cows,
J2.25ffiS.75; native cows. f? :M74.60; ' native
heifers, J3.2Rtr5.0O; bulls. 83 OWN 00; calve,
t3.0nr7.eA Receipt for th week. 47.600.
HOGS Receipt. 6.000 head. Market wa
Wea4t to 6c lower, closssd teedy; too, 84874;
bulk of sales. 3&ft5i3.96; heavy. 86.90974:
packers, 86.864T6.96; pig and llfhta, JS,J63
6.85. Receipts for the week. 63.000 head.
SHEEP AND LAM 1(43 Receipt, 0 head.
Market stedy; lambs, Jfi.75fr7.fi0; ewes and
yearlings, 84.751.25; western fed yearlings,
J8 0034.70; . western fed nheep, J4.75ti'.V76;
stocker and feeders, J2.264J176. Receipt
for th week, 37,600. ,
sr. Bnae Live stock narxat.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. 2 CATTLE Re
ceipt. Hon head. Including 400 Texan; mar
ket steady; native shipping and export
steer, 36 30478 80; dressed beef and butcher
steers, 64.7hffl6.86; steers under 1,000 lbs.,
99 OA - 9Awm eo MffiJ OA.
cows and heifers, J2.Ka6.25; ca'nners, 11.60
i3.i; duhs, xz.xi8H.vo; calves, ss.SftQH.oo;
Texas and Indian steers, J3.50476.60; cows
and heifers, 82.00(30.76.
HOGS Receipts. 4.000 head; market 5c
lnwprr, nlrs ni4 Kcrfife til "m'u,i-A en mnlr.n
J.4o.0; butchers and best heavy, J6.7I
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. BOO heed
ar Brltal at 4 ao Ar s nallira s a a aa WsTtI OK
lambs, 85.257. 50; cull and bucks, tJ.4utt
a-w, siotsors, W-iWQV.&J. .
New York Live stock Mas ket.
NEW TORK, Feb. 1-BEEVES Receipts,
964 head. Nothing doing In live eatile.
Feeling dull and weak. Dressed beef low
at 7i9o per pound. Export, 961 cattle. IX
Sheen and 6 0S quarters of beef. i
CALVES Receipt. 81 head; nothing do.
mg, reeling steauy. oressea calves slow.
City dressed veals 8tfrl4 cent per poundj
country dressed at 7812e.
HOOS-iRecelpta, I.0Q7 head; none torsale
Bllve. Hogs Arm, pigs easy,
SHEEP AND LAMBaV-Reeelpta. 2.014
head; sheep nominal, but feeling steady;
lambs mlow but not lower. Good to prime
lambs sold at J7.4o7.?S. No common stock
onerea. . ,
, St. Joseph LIT Stock Marke.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Feb. 2 CATTLE-Re-celpts.
374 head; market, steady; natlvpa,
K.oV(i.75; cows and heifers, J2.2T(S4.60
stocker and feeder. 83.26tM.60.
HOGS Receipts, 6.916 head; market Weak
to 5c lower; top, J&874; bulk of sale, 86. is)
SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts, none;
lambs. 27.3fK;i7.60; yearlings, ts.15i36.40:
wethers, J6.4tii6.6o; we. 84.764jg.0u. , .
Sioux City Ut Stock Market.
SlOt'X CITT, Feb. 1-tBpeclaI Telegram.)
CATTLB Receipts,. M head: market
steady; beeves. J4.50tg6.2S; cows, bulls and
mixed, J2.Tfi84.86; Btockers nd feeders, tS.OO
tj4 60; calves and yearlings, J2. 7568. 76. .
HOGS oeipt. iOuo head; market a
shade lower, selling at J4.70OG.B0; bulk 'of
ale, J6.72486.75. " .
' Stoek la Slaht.
' Receipt of llv stock at th mix principal
Western markets yesterday were as follows;
C4ltlc. itoga. Sherp
fljtiitt rVniiaha .
I Sioux City 30
4. COO
Kansas City HI)
St. Joaaph 374
Bt. Louis 6u0
200 18,000
....1.814 47,116
Conditio of Trad and qaatatloas on
Staple and Faar Prodnava.
EGGS Per doz., 26c. , '
LIViC POULTKV Hen. tttc: roosters,
6c; turkey., ie13c; duck. l0o; young
rooetcie. Ioc; gee, base.
R UTTER Packing tock. lc: cholc to
fancy dairy, 2HUMo; creamery, . 2S&2&C,
HAT-('ho!ce unUnd, s..A. : medio-". TMOA:
No. 1 bottom. 1S.60; oft grades, 36 6096.50.
Rye straw, J7.00; No. 1 alfalfa, JU.OO.
URAN-Per on. JI6.06.
Per bu;, 160
SWEET POTATOES-IUlnols. per larg
bul , -i . '
NAVY . BEANS Per kit., H.4S; Ka. 4
LIMA BEANS Par lb,, BUa '
CABBAGE Holland seed, home grwwa,
LOG PLANT-Par 60s., ta.269J2.0X
IUiTABAGA8-AtKut iaO iba. to SACaV
POTATOr8-Pr bu. 4tQm.
TrhNIPS-per bu., 60c
nNinv4unn,. ... . m
Bpanlau, per crat. izuo; Colorado, par bu.
FIGS California, bulk. 64c; tVcrown
Turkish, itc; 4-crowa Turkish, 14c; 3-crown
Turklnh, K'c.
I I l I I S: 4 r lm.l WU an OUO ' h '
other brands. 6oe less.
DATE-Kadwa At,e; sayera, k) BaV
loavia mist .iiiiTii. , -..... . 4 . 1 a i u .
BANANA -Fe enedl um-lrd bunch.
J2.0uw2 3o; Junileo. 4VMMUA.3,
GHAPfi f nl-lT-Siw M u 4 and K. U7i
ORANGES Florid -rnges. all 8ls.; California navels, extra fancy, ail
slits. J3.00; fancy, J2.75; choice, JifcttiSO.
MITlrTH Tllt-vrby a ui. . . . u orrm a
do., 4t4i60e.
uaia rots-Florida, 30-1 B. crat. 86.08,'.
JVAX,Bt AN3-Per bu. X. J!ssio.
hi.: u.r
CELERT-CklUomls. ir dog., T6c43l Ot
CUCLidBEkS-llothou, per doiTjlUn,
UOKSlLhALitiH-taa of t Oos.. JtW.
KAIiJaillvS 1'er go, buoohe. tea,
GREEN PEPPERd-Pear -bks rat.
4 6W4 to 00.
PAiuLJY Hothoua. per loa buactiaa,
lilt AD LETTUCJD-Soutbem. per do.
oiiALLOTS Southern, par huttatt, 600.
CRANBERRIES Per bbl., r a9.00L
APPLLs Ben Davis, ctwlc. tllf); faney,
r-.t bbl., 21364 JuoatlUsna, 6X7b4.eU; N
org pples, 83 3b; Iowa and Nebraaka,
taung aud rooking. 33 3000.
PEARS Winter NeliA. per bog, 8104
CoCOANUTa Per ck of sue, 64,6
No. t rib. 16c; No, I rlba. Ice; No. I
ribs, 7c; No. I loin, lac; No. 2 loin, 141
K. I iula, hti No, t ahwck, ( No. caack,
So; No. t chuck, 4o; No. 1 round, 74c; No.
2 round. 84c; No. 3 round, c: No, 1 plate.
44c; No. 2 piste. 4c: rso s piata, lo.
CHEESE New . fuli cream Wisconsin
twin, 11.4c; new full cream brick. Mi
164c; wheel Swiss cheese, JoJi'nWc; block
8 wins, 16c; llmberger, 14c; loung A mer
lon a, K4c
FISH Trout, life: halibut, inc: catfish. 16et
buffalo. So; bullheads. 12; black betas, fin
stock, 26c; salmon, 12c; pike, dressed. Hot
red snapper, 12c; whltensh. 1-c; peron.
dressed ana scaiea. tc; picserel, nrraae L
84l herring, 4c; crspptea, (xoloc; eels, leoj
Dluensn, 10c; iooieii, green, too per IO.J
mackerel, Spanish, 16c: native. 36c; frog
legs, 4rc per dos. saddle; smelts, ile
Cl'RKD FISH-Fanilly Whltehsn, per
auarter bbl.. 10 lba, 84.09; Norway mark.
ere I. No, L J36.00; No 1 J.OO; herring lt
bbla, 2o0 pounds each. Norway, 4k, JU; Nor.
WST, a a, i:.oo; tiotianq nerring, in keg
milkers, SOo; keg, mixed. 70a.
HIDES AND TA LI OW Green anlted.
No. L lc; No. 1 He; bull hide, 80; green
hide. No. 1, 10c: No 2. 8c; horse. 31.61
8.75; sheep pelte, 60c?tl.. Tallow, No, L
440: No. 5. Kc Wool. l&iT22c
Cli'ttrt new 3 oik, niii oitrrei. H. It, bar
Hi, J50t
Nl'TS French walnuts, U4: California
walnut. No. 3, soft shell, Uc; No, 1 aoft
hell, 164i Ttraslls, 15l 16c; pecans. 1Q :.'!
filbert, 1843 14o ; peanut. rw, T4oJ
roasted, Oc; California almontta, hard)
shell, 16c; Trayonla, 17c; cocoanuta, 440
per 100 lb.
HON K V Per 24 frames, JJ A
COFFEK Roaeted, No. &, t iter Th.l
No. 80, 21 per lb.; No. 26, 19c par lkj No.
20, iso per lb.: No. 21. 13c per lb.
SUGAR Granulated rnne, In sacks, ttVUl
granulated beet. In sack, J6.0L
SYRUP In bbls., Z.'o per gat; In ease,
10-lb. cans, 31.70; cases, 11 (-lb, can, JLSOi
cases, 24 24-lb. cane. 81.1s).
CANNED GOODS Cortv etnndard west,
era. 6uQocs Maine, Tomstoea, 8-lb,
cans, 41.16; 3-lb. cans, 974c5Ji.oo. Pine,
srrles, grated, 2-lh., JiWtW.30; sliced, tl
?irv. uauon appirs, lancy, sz.ue. 1
omla aprloot. J10U Peara, J
2.60. Peaches, fancy, J1.75jt2.4t); M,
reaches. JlOOwl 60. Alasks salmon.
41 W. Oolion apples, taocy, 1)06, Call.
ia.7&a; rancy omoos, r ., ti.iv; lancr sock.
eye, F., 81.96. eardlne. quarter oil, J175J
three-ouartr mustard, J3.00. Sweet pota
toes. Jl.li4il.2S. Sauerkraut, J1.0D. Pump
kin. 80cJLu. Wnx beans, 3-lb,, 66uc
lima beans, i-lb.. 75cTJ1.36. Spinach, ci.86.
Chesp pens, i-lli. Oto; extras, BcCLlOj'.
fancjr. lf.864ji.J5
Evaporated Apple and Dried Frntts.
APPLES Market I steady as a rule, al
though It I reported that small holders
ar offering fruit at concessions. Fancy
are quoted at 8 cents, snd prime at 8'tf4c
are dull and rather esy on spot, but the
coast market continues firm. Quotations
range from Sc to 9c for California fruit;
Oregon 60s to 80s at 64J-9c.. Apricots ara
unchanged with choice quoted at 18c; extra
choice at 1!44jUc and fancy at )9a2oo.
Peaches are qulot and steady with choice
quoted at l4it?c; extra choir at 124u
144c, and fancy at 124&14C. Raisins ar
unchanged with Iookc muscatel quoted at
74ft'9c: seeded at 741i'10c, and London layers
at Jl.35tjl.43.
Metal Hark't,
KBW YORK, Feb. 2. METALS Trading
In metals was quiet as usual In the ab
sence of cables and prices were practically
unchanged. Tin was reported tirm at J42.00
6 42.26. Copper Is firmly held. . electrolytic,.
JU.6'-'4'& 24.874, and casting at J24.25aa4.7S.
Lead was unchanged at JU00a6.26, and
spelter at f6.70oj6.HO.
ST. LOUS. Feb. 2. METALS Lead,
steady, at 36.074. 6pelter, J6.70.
Coffee Market.
NEW TORK, Feb. 2. COFFEE Market
for futures opened unchanged to 6 point
advance, but trading was very quiet and
the market sagged off slightly during th
morning. The close waa quiet, net uni
changed. Sales were reported of 7,775 hags.
Including July at .50c and December at
6.06c. Spot coffee, steady; No. 7 Rio, 7t;
No. 4 Santos, 8c; Cordova, &ayc.
Wool Market
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. 2. "WOOL
Steady; medium grades, combing and
clothing, 346284c; light fine, 3vj33o(
heavy fine, l18c; tub washed, 306 39a.
LONDON, Feb. 2. WOOL The arrival
for the second series rif wool auction sale
amount to 130.000 bales, of which 83.009
bale were forwarded direct to splnnors.
w Wl.
n.OTHW ,.aav . - ..
SHARON, Pa., Feb. 2. While suffering
from a fit of temporary insanity Hamilton
Wright, a prominent citizen, shot and
killed his wife In their bedroom early to.
day. He fired seven shots, two of which
took ' effect. One struck her In the fore
head, the other In the neck. Wright then
telephoned the police station nnd asked for
an officer. He was found sitting near th
body ef his wife. The revolver, which he
had reloaded, was lying on a stand.
Bllssard In tha North.
' FERGUS FALLS, Minn.. Feb. 2. Frtdsy,
the first day of the winter her, was tol.
lowed last mgm or I"" wurni uinmni 01
this season. The mercury ten ronv-on
degrees. The wind Is terrific nnd Increas
ing, trainury irao.o y tn.ui.niij u.
penaea ana trains irura uia etm ii ,u.
definitely fete.
Chlcnsro Epidemic Abating,
rutpinn WK 9 Th scarlet fever ent.
demlc Is abating, the number of new case
today being but 173, ns compared with 200
for several days past. The disease Is still
largely confined to the northwest section
Of th city.
Kansas City llrldsre Authorised.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. Th senate to
day passed a bill authorising the Inter
tat Bridge and Terminal Railway com.
pany of Kansa City, Kan., to construct a
bridge aero the Missouri river.
Now la th time to make your want
known through Th Re Want Ad Page. ,
Barker company ct al to Phillip J.
Bvoboda, lot 4, block 12, S. E.
Rogers' add... I 800
Olof Johnson and wif .to Jr7
Murphy and wjfe, wV lot 6, block
owerey a tuu , '
Mary C. Leuthstrom et al to aoren
jorcensen ana wue, oi a, uuiun
Edward Chrlstophersen to Henry Jen
sen, eH lot 3, block 263, Omha
Robert O. Fink to Frank Crawford,
lots 16 and 17, block 2. Rush &
rt. it t . A .i . .
Dlll'r IUU see
Flornc P. Pay an1 husband to Lcn
Mtrana, 10 a, uiuc n. r miuicr ,. . ,
1 : V i Los. a rtA ( tr T f T.
TTnveri5agt, trustee, lot 7, block 16,
' T e.lAa. 4A A A 1 - . lffiQ
Total amount of transfer.
W. Famam Smith & Go.
Stocks, Bends,
1320 FarnamSt, Tel. Doug1ai1048
1404 niamoaA Vale 1000 Waldraf
1000 Manbsttan Nevada ImiO l td Ton A 08el41
WX OolilSeld Hub
ooo Gold Centra
leoo Tarurna Steel
8we f oloalsj Cenper
litKl Aurora Co us.
fca) Lucanta Tunnel
lew) Olooe B. U.
IDuO Ban Juan Smelting
0 Hubbard Elliott
4U0 Pioneer Alaak : -
Cel. Moaarrh Oil 1004 Hausnas Oneper
8uu4 W.llluiuia (Bretkea-ludO O'Seld tomlug
rld(e) Nation
too Alai bullfrog MM OoidBeld Dtasaoa
8we Daises 14. A M. Hsj Kenb Star llndexj
ISU Great Westers O. Ke Mumble (ltd 1
R. A f . U 404 Black Diamond C
8uft Palrrlew Hailstone liM Creeuant MiBlu
4M, 4U5, 4W4 North Aaeelcan Bld(.. rblla
deliihta. fa. kaiabllaBed 1W4,
Information About Cold
tield Mining Stocks
If you ar interested In Nevada stocks or
want lo Mcure information atiout how' to
Invest your money safely In GoldMeld writ
lib at once. We are mainbers of the Gold,
field Mining 8t'K'k Extliajiste and hav our
own Klnlng Engineer to keep us posted.
W know of a stk that you oan buy bow
and double your atvney In 80 days. W rafar
you to any bank iu UoldtloJd.
401 Columbia St ColdBeV-, Nsv.