CITT moPKRTT FOR S4LK Compare Prices of Lots In Kountze Place As Low as $650? Some of the Most Desirable Lots $7S0 and fS50 Each. Terms: i Cash, Balance in 1, 2 and 3 years. , .v y con8,aer " larg lota, 60x124 feet each, a E twJ ?Z?rL?L. tm parM w,th ood leaik. la front, convenient wfin?. ii.Bt "r llne'' "cfcool, fiv. churches of different denomi- li: k ef rocfrri meat market and drug store, and In one of the beat yoLr cMldr' c" ""octa ita M nice people, your children can meet and grow up with their equal What More Could You Ask Than This? oM fctifj??," w?ter-Bewer nd a" ,n ,ront of mot no 11 a . f wedt0 b0 tt0Te1 ,n and no h0UM 04,1 be bullt coating lee than ral'aed la a .prtng 8t 8bUld JrU WaU ,0nerT PrlcM W,U be BUY BEFORE THEY GO UP. .who S.'S.dVbSS.hl!1 b 'Urted ia thu add,0on ,a th BprlD by parUe" Send for illustrated free book of Kountae Place homes. Open Monday evening till 9 o'clock. Come In. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1704 FARNAM ST. ACREAGE One acre, close In, nice 4-room cottar, nearly new and all other Improvement 1TrZT.rZ- c,os! t0 car- A bargain at (1.750. Will trade on house or nice lot. BEM1S 'Phone Douglaa 585. Paxton Block. C-9) D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 110 BOARD OP TRADE- BUILDING, MAIN FLOOR, 1STH ST. SIDE. TEL. DOUGLAS 49. We Are Just Established in Our New Offices. a Come In and See Us. H.06O 4622 I xr a Bt., (-room frame cottars; lot 60x160. Good fruit. C,3n0 J N. ZVth 8t., 4-room- crrftage, ewer, water and gaa; lot SOxluo ft. $1,500 M8 B. 14th St., 6-room cottage, aewer, water and gas; lot 26x148 ft. Good repair. $2,$50 New 7-room houee, all modern, on Sherman Ave. car line, opposite Kountse Place. Thl is very seat and attractive. $3,700 New 7-roora bouse, all modern, near 42 and Dodge 6 la, half block to car. Choice neighborhood. (4.000-Near kith and Marcy St., nearly new 7-room modern house, Paving paid, very desirable. $4.$0O 8-room, modern houee, fronting east on 28th St; hot water heat; lot Sua 150 ft. Splendid maple shade. Don't fail to see this. $8,000 Splendid residence bargain. Sit Worthlngton Bt., 10-rooin, oak-flnlsh residence, with steam heating plant; lot lwxl37 ft. Beautiful shade and - one of the choicest neighborhoods In , the city. House could not be built for the money. Buy this. As a . home or speculation It cannot be beaten. Let- us show It to you. $4,210 Four (-room cottages, renting for 50 t-er month, 8. K Cor. Z6th and Q South Omaha, on car and paved street; good repair IL2U) cash, bal ance ( per cent. WEST OMAIIA Handsome new residence on 17th St., be tween Farnam and Dewey Ave., 12 rooms, hot water heat, two complete batha. hand some oak floors, oak iinuh; sideboard In dining room, and Ire box in kitchen, both bullt In. Combination gas and electric fixtures. Walls throughout finished in oil colors. tAt euxl ft A Special bargain for quick sale. ANOTHER We offer another handsome new, strictly modern and up-to-date West Farnam resi dence, built less than a year ago, with large gTounds. This la an ideal home In every respect. If you want something choice, ready and well built for a home, aee us for particulars. VACANT South front, on Wool worth Ave. boulevard, between 85th and 86th, $1,000. Corner 86th and Wool worth Ave. boulevard. Sl.l'jO. The two cheapest lots In this dis trict. 8000 Each, for lots In Sholea Sub. on 16th, Just south of . Vinton. Every lot a good one. They are selling fast. $50060x120 ft., southwest corner 44th and Harney Bt. Terms easy. $46064x126 ft, northwest corner SOth and Taylor. Paving and sidewalk paid. (19 114 IX THE ONLY WAY To Invest money to good ad vantage Is to buy property right now, while at bottom prices. 1731 8. 11th St., near Center, . lot 10x138. with 4-room house. Submit an offer. Bancroft, near 10th St., one Of ha best locations for pleas ant home; lot (6x132; good ( roora house; only 82, 600. Big lot of feet front, on S. Uth Bt., opposite Bohemian Turner hall I1.40U0. For other bargain see BERKA & CO. phone Douglaa 7?7. $38 I T. Ufa (191-153 $ FOR SALE. $17.00 worth of rental property, yielding 11 bur cent (15.C00, yielding about same; some smaller rentals yielding good Interest, also vacant lots st investment prices. Modern 6-ruom cottage, hot water heat. Hew open plumbing; easy terma. Haw. Two-story, 7 rooms, modern except heat; pew open plumbing; terms; bargain at (1,1am. Best Improved 160 acres in eastern Ne braska at less than cost of Improvements oa land. A bargain seldom offered. Farms, city property, stocks of goods, some well bred stallions snd many other good trades to oiler. RANDALL REALTY CO . $0$ Baa blti. Phone Doug. 1514. UW-164 8 SHREWD BUYERS are those who buy NOW. Don't miss tak ing advantage of these bargains. Two large lota oa $3d. south of Gold Bt $37$ each. 188x174 ft. on Howard and 24th Sta, cloee In. Nothing better for fiats er an apart ment house. t-u.O-d, good terms. U D. SPAULDIXG 'Ffcooa Douglas 23 11$ . Uth Bt REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTT FOR AM (18) WHY WAIT JILL ... SPRING before contracting- for a bom In BOULKVARD PARK? Save tx month' time by begin now. Have a new house ready In the early aummer. Buy be fore prices ars advanced. Bur the best inside residence prop erty la Omaha today. You cannot make a mistake by -buying-, you can by waiting. BOULEVARD PARK Is a busy place these day. Many modern dwellings occupied and building. No waiting for pub- llo Improvements; they're In and paid for. Direct car serv ice without transfer, investi gate buy. DWELLINGS HERE AND THERE $4,200-r., modern, on S6th St. $4.20. t2,DO -r., entirely modern, on Boulevard. S3, 400. $2,809 7-roora dwelling, near Field club, full lot, barn, hade, cost $4,000. Com In and see photo. $2,600. $1,300 5-r. cottage, new, mod em except furnace, to ft. frontage, near South Boule vard. $2,$C0 IL800-7-r. dwelling on $0 ft. lot, ' cement walks, only block from Mth oar. $1,800. BARGAIN IN BENSON 150x13 feet, new (-room cot tage, electric light, well, cis tern, barn, chicken house, full cellar, storm sash and screens, lots set to selected fruit, best suburban propo sition going and only block from Benson car. $3,000, or will exchange fer Nebraska farm. 3 3 ACRE FARM $7260 On main traveled road, about t miles from Florence, plenty of fruit In bearing, comfort ble 8-room farm house and outbuildings. $7,200. Shimer & Chase Co. Fruit and Garden Farms, Modern City Homes. 1608 Farnam. Ground Floor. Douglaa 38CT. Only $290 Cash Balance $u per month buy a nice (-room house; city water, lot $3x8t. at $621 N. 15th Ave. Price. $1,060; rents for $1,880 per month and water rent Look this over and see us. but dont bother tenanta This price was reduced for ouick sale, as owner needs money and this must be otd at oooa. J. Kendis & Son. J41 Pax too Block, Tel rp heme (177. (is asi i February 3. Field Club Home The $-roora all modern home on 35th bt., near Wool worth Ave.. Is certainly A No. 1 finished in quarter-sawed oak down stairs, pillars between reception hall and living room, double floors up and down stairs, fine combination fix tureseverything as modern as can be made. Owner has iust advised us he will take vtttt for it A good buy. See this. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone D. $97. 211 B. 14th. tm-ist $ A GOOD $3,150 INVESTMENT $ room and hall, pantry and storeroom. Modern except fur. nace. Wllhiu walking dis tance. Lot. Wxtu. Kented to first-class tenant for $u par year. J. II. DUMONT & SON - N. T. Life Bldg. n 136 $ FOR BALE 7 lots UUP. Hammonds addition, vn 8uih and Pratt Bis. Writ g. Hanson, Uooiie, la, tjVl aa REAL ESTATE CITT FROPKRTT FOR BAI.K THOMAS BRENNAN Bai Estate Phone Douglas 12G4 BARGAINS $2,000 will buy house and lot and large barn at 2113 Grant St. Easy terms. $1,600 will buy two houses and lot at 2412 and 24U South 17th St $2,000 will buy house and lot at 2713 Douglas St. $1,200 will buy house and lot at 920 North 18th St. $1,500 will buy house and two lots at 3203 Ohio St. $3,500 will buy house and lot at 1318 South 2pth St. $4,000 will buy brick house and lot at 361 North 39th St. 20,000 acres of land in Texas, near San Antonio, for sale at $10 per acre. thomas"brennan Room 1, New York Life Building. Branch Office, 217 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, Texas. N. P. DODGE & CO. .TaO rooms, cellar, cistern, barn and chicken house and cow barn. Lot 47HX150, only. few feet from Leaven worth St car. See us Monday about thin. It will go Soon. $ 250 Cash, balance $10 monthly, buy a 7-room house and 60-foot front lot We have three In same locality. $1.200 Cash, balanoa, $27.60 month, buys a new (-room house In Bern Is park, on boule vard. House alone cost more to build than asked for all. $7,000 Cloee to Crelghton colleg high school, 11-room, . all modern bouse, laundry In basement; lot 44x141 Coat more to build than la asked for all. $3,000 7-roora house and on acre of ground, all In fruit and clos to car. $ Mo Cash, balance monthly, buy an 8-room part mod ern bouse, north part, cloee to car. VACANT LOTS $ 860 North of Cuming St., on 36th St. lot 82HX126. $1,500 North of Cuming, on J9th St., 141 feet on 29th, room for five bouses. This I close in and dirt cheap. ACRES NEAR KRUG PARK $2,000 Eight acre of high, atghly land, north of Krng park and close to new street car 1 extension. Small payment down, balanoa term. $1.200 Five acres, earns locality. $X250 Ten acre; same locality. $8,000 Forty acres close to South Omaha. $1,000 Five acre near above. N. P. DODGE A CO., 1714 FARNAM ST. HOMES OR INVESTMENTS Gpod Investment cloee fa, consisting of a double two story, pressed brick flat of S room each, strictly modern and up-to-date In every re spect bringing a good in come. See us for further particulars. In West Farnam district, (-room house, with gas, city water; lot 40xl2(. Price, (1,(00. $Sth Ave., between Dodge and Farnam, two (-room modern houses, ranting for (70.00 per month. Price, ' $7,000. 402$ Farnam St., $-room bouse, all modern; corner lot $$.(00. 27(4 Grant St, (-room house. $1,(00. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Blxth Flpor, N. T. Life Bldg. Office open Monday evening. (1( BARGAINS 1 store building and small lot good loca tion d.fluu, (-roam house, full lot, (2d and Plnkney, many fruit trees; good place for chickens (1,204. (-room cottsge, on beautiful Templeton St. oil finish, gas, city water, perma nent walks, new barn (1,700. (-room house, twer SjA and Clark, modern except furnace, slats roof tilt; (Mi cash. (-room bouse, modern except furnace, full east-front lot on (Uth L lllvd.-fc.60u; tM cash. 18-room Oat, occupied by ( families. This is a soap. A great bargain (2, suu, Silas Robbins, Frenzer Block. (llWli ( B ARGAINH . 8. W. comer 14th and Dodge, 44x( feet 8-etory and basement brick, $23.&u. $ brick stores. (1.&18 rental. I12.eu0. ( brick flata. (1.440 rental. tJLbM. Near high school. $ rental. ( 3 stores and flats, $j0 rental. (6,6u0, Near P. O 7-roora house, (iuo. 114 South atth Ave., (-room modern house, east front close in, B. 6ml. B. W. corner (th and Castellar, 132x15 feet (-room bouse, $3,lu0i. 2781 Davenport, I rooms. $2.SM. toal44, near 8d and Webster, $m 6 sightly acre, very chok-e, 81. boo. 1$ acres eaat of Benson. (.500. ! acre 11 mliee out tXM. Ut acres 18 miles N. W., (tf.iJO. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. t!9-4( I WANTED Bia parsons with led each to form a real estate syndicate for th pur poae of purchasing a tract of very fine Dundee property. Exceptional opportu nity, chance to double the amount of las lavestment within a year. For particu lar, alar K-4A ear Omaha Be. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTT FOR BALK GILT-EDGE INVESTMENTS Close In, four houses, large corner lot renting for (1SS per month. Property must be old at once. See us quick. - 185 ft frontage on Jackson St., 110 ft frontage tn 18th St. and 110 ft frontage on 17th Ave., with three houses. This 1 a splendid site for an apartment house or St Louis flat. Bee us for price. A good bunch of houses, only 11 block from post office, renting for $672 per year; lot (0x140; paved street, permanent walks, all In good repair. Price. $5,260 for the entire property, with good title; all taxes paid to date. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor, N. T. Life Bldg. Office open Monday evening. (19) A "DOWN TOWN" HOME CHEAP $10,000 will buy a fine, large home, with barn and full lot on a quiet street, half mile from the court house. Rented to first-class tenant at (76 per month. Possession on reason able notice. Non - resident owner. Price Just reduced from $12,500. J. H. DUMONT & SON 80S-( N. T. Life Bldg. 09) 137 ( Corner, Kxl32, only ( block southwest of Hanscom park; nonresident owner In structs me to sell for 1650. BH QUICK. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. T. L. DOUG. 1472. MODERN HOUSE COSTING $10,000.00 TO BUILD FOR $7,500.00, INCLUDING GROUND 75x124. House built by days works by owner and la in good order; windows all heavy plate glass, oak finish, 2 man tels and fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, laun dry, hot water heat, large barn, on paved 'street. Owner has Just moved to California. W. II. GATES, (17 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Doug. 1294 19 128 ( Five-room cottage, brand new, ready to move into, near car line, south front, good neighborhood $1,400. Two (-room houses, modern except furnace, cloee to car, chooU churches; rented for (18 each.' Snap (3.8WX L N. HAMMOND, 831 Board of Trade. (19) WE HAVE A CHOICB LIST of Omaha business and residence property and lots. Also Douglas. Washington and Sarpy county farm lands for sale or sxchange. H. McMENEMY & RIKER, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. DougUs 511 tUU-tttf ( DO YOU WRNT A snug home, near Hanscom Park, on easy terms? Klght room a full two stories. entirely modern, stands high, fiiia lawn, near car. Street paved and neighborhood the best Owner leaving city wilt sacrifice tor KM No agents. Address, O &3. Bee. (lt- 4x WILL sell a most desirable lot In Dundee for (MM. Bite fctxlifc. paved street; on car line: all paving taxes paid. Address O (0(. care Be. (U M&l Fjx FOR BALE Two modern bouses and large barn ons block north of Hanscom Park; paved street esst front lot i&xlw. Cast era owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room t N. Y. L. Bldg. U$)-4U (-ROOM house and lot SCxlSO city water, gas. (l,Ka 71u No. 20th bt., Bo. Omaha, Neb. (19-2 2x BEND for new Illustrated fie bock of kkOuntxe Place homes. ' Hasting He j den. 1704 Farnam St. ' . 11) SEND for new Illustrated free book of kvountse Place homes. Hasting A Hey den. 1704 Farnam St. (W- COTTAGH leas than 1 mile northwest of poetoOice, near Crelghton college, ha ( good room and all modern Improvement, except furnace; on one floor; warm ce mented cellar. gl.suO. it is worth 12, boa Address. D fctt. Bee. 119 115 3x LANDSCAPE! architect K. C. Foster, phone Duug. 77, (11 iVxtou blk. (19-M741 F30 WE need vacant lots and rental property. List with us for qulca and satisfactory result. RANDALL REALTY CO.. u Bee Bldg. . u-M7ki n 3 LOTS REAL ESTATE FARM ASD RAXCII L.ASDS FOR BALR California. CALIFORNIA. Live lonser and happier; rietter oppor tunities. Free literature mailed on applica tion. Send staiiiped envelope. Edwin Aldcrwnn. 301-303 Laughiln Bldg., Loa Angeles. (30) Coleraaw. COLORADO LAND 11.000 seres, 10 mile from B. M. Ry.. about 11 mil" from the V. P.. mostly all good smooth land; good soil; at present wed for ranch. Out side land could be retailed to good advantage. Price 8 per acre. A chance to make money. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. (30- COLORADO FARM LANDS In the Greeley and Bnnett district, that can be bought from 87 to 310 per acre and farmed scientifically by THE CAMPBELL SYSTEM OF DRY FARMING Have produced a high a SS bushel of wheat W bushel of corn. 8 crops of al falfa. Farmers more than pay for the land first year Folder, describing our land an1 Campbell System, free. Interesting to all farmers and Invaluable to those who want to buy farma Kdltion limited. Writ for It at once. The Colonial Securities V Trust Co., 171( California St Denver. Colo. (Wh-kf. K6x Colorado! 68,000 acres in eastern Colo rado at $6.00 to $8.00 per acre. Join our excursion on Tues day, Feb. 5th. KERR & CO., 1614 Harney St, Omaha.. BIO BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE." Buy fertile lands under the Gwnnlson Tun nel in the heart of the famous L'ncom pahgre valley, western Colorado, where Irrpe government Irrigation project In sures abundant water supply and cheap home for thousands. Excellent opportu nity for Investment. Price advancing. Act quick. Address Colorow Investment Co., Olathe. Colo. (20) Cabs. - CUBA lands. Robertson, J2( Neville Blk. (30) 627 F7X Imdlaa Territory. EXCTJRSION RATES CHEAP FARMS. INDIAN TERRITORY FARM LANDS ARE J18T NOW THE REAL BARGAINS. THIRTY-SEVEN CAR LOADS, LAST EXCURSION. $15.30 MUSKOGEE, I T., AND RETURN. NEXT EXCURSION TUESDAY FEBRUARY 5, SECOND FEBRUARY li. IF YOU BUY. RAILROAD FA HE C REDITED ON PUR CHASE. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES, ALL LEADING POINTS. FINE SOIU BIG CROPS. CHEAP FUEL. EASY TERMS. WRITE FOR PARTICU'LARA THE PITMAN CO.. 504 N. Y. LIFE, OMAHA. W, B. TAYLOR, SECRETARY. OOh- Iowa. Iowa farm, near Olenwood; large beating orchard, new barn. Big bargain (150 per acre. IN. HAMMOND, 231 Board of Trade, Omaha, Neb. tao- FOR SALE 84,000. cre" ?f ""Proved land, 2 mile east of postofflce. Council Bluffs, some fruit 4-room house, burn, well and other Im provements; good land; fine location for suburban home. H 617, care Bee. (20-8 3x IOWA FARM. Ten miles of Council Bluffs; 400 acres fine land; one of best farms in the county; 300 acres in cultivation; 100 acres fine meadow good Improvements. Heirs want to close out Cheap at (75 per acre. H. G. McOee, 14 Pearl Bt.. Council Bluff. .u) Kaasas. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 308 acre of bottom land in Atchison Co., Mo. Ail nice level land, well fenced; good house 9 rooms; new barn and double corn crib, shingle roof. Joins -corporation of small R. R. town. Thl location 1 In th heart of the corn, cattle and hog country of the world. Timothy, clover and alfalfa doe better no where than here. Worth 31"W per acre; price 31,auu cash, or will exchange for city property or stock of merchandise In good town. This is a janup gorwi bargain. John A. Rhoadea, R. F. D. No. 4, Tarklo. Mo. ""- (20)-McS7 F fx 800 SECTIONS beautiful level wheat lands to be sold on easy payments; raw and cultivated. Price, 85. Xi and 312.50 per acre. Brlley A Jeter, Lenora. Kan. (2UI-949 8 Hisses, H. 160 ACRES. Douglas county. Missouri; 80 fenced, t cultivated; fair buiidiuga, (SuO B. F. Thomas. Oskalooaa. la. O01-9C2 tx FOR SALE 100 good farms In Carroll county. Mo.; 7f exchange propositions Write J. H. CoUlvtr & Co.. Tina. Mo., for hats. (A-J-M127 6x Moataaa. MONTANA ranches pay Immense profits Send for list special bargains. John Bkober, jr.. Helena. Mont t$0-M53 Fix Nebraska. WASHINGTON COUNTY LAND About 1,000 acres of the finest Nebraska farm land, only fo miles north of Omaha, near Calhoun. Fine improvements. Will divide into smaller farms. Good land at a reasonable price and terms. WESTERN NEBRASKA WH sec. 13 13-61, Cheyenne county. $1,008. St nwU and n tw sec. $2-8-25, Frontier county. 81,0u0. Sw4 ec. 24-3-3S, Dundy county. SNAP, lnuu. IOWA LAND NEAR LOGAN. 160 acre, 18 miles north of Logan; $9,600, terms. L. D. SPALDING prion Dougiss TJO. no B. Uth Bt. Oman. ( DOUGLAS, WASHINGTON AND BARPY county farm lands for sale or exchange. Also Omaha business and residence prop erty and lota. H. McMENEMY & RIKER, 406 BETS) BLDG. TEL. DOUGLAS (11 OMAHA. NEB. CJ0I Wff 2 NORTH section 36-10-li, Buffalo county, Nebrsska. 9 miles northwest from Gibbon, (Ms miles north of Buda: large house, bara and doubls granary; about 16 acres In rultlvstion and 160 acres In pasture; good soil; price le.iWu. terms, W cash; balance easy payments with per rent annual Interest. Address, Owner, 443 Board of .Trad Bid-., Omaha, NsU, puj-MM I REAL ESTATE FARM AftD RASCII (-AKDS FOR S AIR Rebrasaa 4 eatraae. J. H. Dumont & Son Improved Farms 130 acres close to South Omaha and Fort Crook. SU per cent seeded to alfalfa at $lt. Owner anxious to sMl $09 seres In Bsrpv county, well Improved. Mostly In alfalfa, timothy and clover. H) acres fenced hog-tight. Running water and some good timber. Will divide If desired. 87 per acre; easy l.rmi. 160 acres In Douglas countv. Small hou. About one-half cultivated. balance rough bay and pasture land. But look t th price (a) per cr. Fine land for heep or bogs. Rented for ch rnt. 169 acres near Blu Springs, Neb., at $50 per acre. 168 acres In York county, $ mile from Oreshsm. 80 per acre. Several well Improved farms near Ashlan.1. Neb., 30 mile from Omaha. $36 to $7$ per acre. Vacant Land 160 acre good Isnd near Lincoln at $tf. Fenced, but no other Improvements. Nonresident owner. 32 sere near Rogers. Neb., on U. P. road. 857 per acre; belongs to a bank. ISO acres fine pasture snd hay I a ml In the famous hay region of northern Ne braska. 4Vi miles from Stuart. Good clay subsoil. School house nesr one cor ner, farms and ranches on three si dps. If you want an Investment or specula tion, ask us about this. $20 seres, lo miles from Kimball, Neb.; also ISO acres in same vicinity. Both belong to esxtern people snd ran be bought very cheap. This land lies on the beauti ful plateau between - Iyodge Pole creek and the North Platte river. Soli dark, ssndy loam, with clay subsoil.' Juxt such land as sells In middle eastern Ne braska for (50 to lluO per acre. No sand hills In thl county. Price and term on , request J. H. Dumont & Son 9C&-( N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. tJ0)-138 8 Bargains in Farms Only 7 mile from street car line bringing you right Into Omaha; 800 acres of tine land, all cultivated; 9-room nearly new houne; large barn, corn crib, wagon shed, chicken house, scales, etc. Worth 8100 per acre. Must be sold. $70 per acre take it ALSO 76 ACRES Near Calhoun. Best of Improvements. A bargain at (75 per acre. BEMIS 'Phone Douglas 585. Pax ton Block, (20) FARMS FOR SALE NEAR OMAHA. 40 ACREB Three miles north of Florence near the Calhoun road, 'which Is to be macad amised this year. Fruit con sists of apple tree, all bearing; 200 cherries, 2u0 plums, one acre of grapes, one acre of raspberries, strawberries, etc.; two acre of alfalfa. Improvement consist of one-and-a-half-story house with kitchen ad dition, large barn, chicken house and other outbuildings. Improvements are six yeai old. If you are seeking a 4o acie fruit farm you cant beat this at $ii,000. 143 ncres near the town of Irv , lngton at 8S5 per acre. Very rich soil, all In cultivation except small pasture; 6-room house, good bam and other buildings; a good young bear ing orchard. This Is cheap at the price asked and must be bought oon; $3,000 down and balance at ( per cent will take; only 7 miles from Omaha and ( mile from Benson. 152 acre for $ per acre. Thl 1 an all-uplsnd farm, ten miles south of South Omaha and 1 mile from a good ship ping station. Railroad' spur on farm; every acre subject to cultivation; one 8-room house and one (-room house; large barn and windmill; eight acres of bearing apple orchard; 100 young cherrv trees, half acre of vineyard. R- C. PETERS A CO., $30 S. 17Vh St. (Bee Bldg.) ()- Brown Co. Ranch 2,680 acres deeded, 4S0 school land. 11 miles north of Ainsworth, Neb.; 94u acre now under cultivation. Two set of Im provements, mile wire fence, plenty of timber, abundance of water; soil black sandy loam; 3u0 acre in hay land. One of the best stock and grain farms In the slate. About (11.OU0 In cattle, horses, hogs snd farm Implement now -on the ranch. Thl ranch will be sold In the whole or In part at a rersonable figure. Will accept mercantile business or good Income city property. Owner recently crippled for life. Tell me what you have. J. H. JOHNSON, N. Y. Life, Omaha Neb. (2U) 140 Sx FRUIT FARM Eighty acres, Nemaha county, Nebraska. Seventy acres In best varieties of fruit known, all bearing, having been selected and planted out by the late ex-Governor Furnas. The revenue to the owner from this orchard for ws tiMU. Owner will sell this valuable orchard with good Im provement and all property at right price, and take half value In good western land. What have you? J. H. JOHNSON. N. Y. Ufe. (J1-141 IX NEBRASKA FARMS 8'4 per acre, for 300 acres level land. 2 miles northwest of Schuyler; 160 acre cultiva ted, balance in hay; two sets of Improvements, consisting of 6-room bouse and barn for 8 horse; also 8-room house, good barn and other outbuild ings, well and windmill, fenced with cedar posts and 4-wire. Terms, one-half cash, balance ( year at ( per cent. 855 per acre for 80 acres Im proved land. 6 miles south of Waterloo, Neb.; 6o acre culti vated, 12 arrea hay. ( acres pasture; soil Is black, sandy loam. Terms can be arranged. GEORGE & COMPANY, 18P1 Farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. Feb. 8. 1907. (30) FARM BARGAIN W hav 226 acres of highly Improved land. ( miles from Silver City and ( miles from Osceola, 15 miles from Colum bus. Neb., in Polk county; good 7-room house. barn, granary, wind mill snd run ning water; tenced and cross fenced; bearing orchard and trawberry beds: lou of ever green trees and grovs; UO sere under plow, balance bar land and pasture. Can sell thl for 8ti0 an acre or ex change for good Omaha prop- N' P. DODGE & CO., 1714 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA. NEU. (20)-741 FJ NEBRASKA LANDS W hav sxoellfnt land from 84 per sere up, near railroad We also handle th beat lands la th atats. namely, th famou Wood River Valley land la Hail county. Alwaya hare good bargain, a mosey maker, some bar. Writs u MITCHELL FAUGUT. Wood River. Neb. (30) U23S F2x FIRST-CLASS. Wei Improved farm, seven miles from Lincoln ; ijj scree cultivated; 4 acre alfalfa; good buildings; fenced and cross-fenced, (liuua Clareuc Keckmeyar. 128 North Itlh 6U Lincoln, Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM ASD RAM H LA IDS FOR AI.R Rebraska 4 ea flawed. CUSTER COUNTY FARM 10 acre, only ( miles from Ansley, ,Vb. only $.0 per acre. No Improvements. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. TeL Doug. 178L ()- HERE'S YOUR RANCH 640 acre from May wood, in Frontier ceunty, rich, land. In nice neighborhood; I4U sore fine level land, culuvated, some alfalfa. W acres grsss. much of It level, 8 acres pasture (a solid half section), welt fenced and connected with barn and feed lots; well, windmill, houee 82x43 feet con taining 6 rooms, solid, well painted; frame barn 4xluo feet; two granaries, orchard nd other Improvements. A good proposi tion. The price for a few day I Just 7.3ue, with 83,7(0 rash and balance ( year at ( per cent Interest; possession March L A well Improved property, properly pro portioned money-making ranch. W bsv other. Writ us for maps and description of qusrter. hslf section and other tract CORNELIUS CO., Hastings, Nt. () MS34 F2x FOR SALE My fin farm of 4M acres, one of the finest I am. a In Buffalo county. Price. 8ti0 per acre, half cash. The price good only until February 15. ten give possession at once. Address the owner, W. 11. Orsss nieyer. Rirerdale, Neb. (20) M&9 15 640 ACRES IN KIM BALL COUNTY 4V mile from th main lin of the U. P. Ry., Au acre smooth land, black soli, un derlaid with clsy subsoil; th balance of the section I roll ing, but good land. Price (6.50 per aor. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. I Bldg. TeL Doug. 178L O0- FOR 8ALE-160-cre farm near Plalnvlew. Neb.; price, (4.6U0; will consider auto mobile; give time on about tlowO. Ad dress Box M, Plalnvlew. Neb. (30)-4HI f SELL land In Nuckolls county, Nb the great corn, email grain, alfalfa and tame grass country In southeattern Ne braska. Write ue for land list O. D. Follmer A Son, Nelson, Neb. ()-9 A SNAP Must be old at oncr 1 acres. 7 miles from Norfolk. 3 miles from Hadar; 5ood land; poorly Improved; only $5.uce, . H. Conley. Norfolk, Neb. CO-MK3 F8X FOR SALE-! ere, all under plow, fenced. Improved; In Platte valley In But ler county. Neb.; et 8 per acre. Must ell at once. Lock Box 3, Bellwood, Neb. (20) M766 2x 760 ACRES Nebraska stock ranch ; partly improved; (6,31. g. Hawver, 1614 Em met Bt (30) M40S F4 Xesr Mexico. $20 acre choice land In the famou Pecos V alley. Will consider good Iowa or Ne braska fsrm or city property In exchange. Valued at $12,000. What hav you to offerT J. H. JOHNSON. N. Y. LIFE. (20)-142 Sx Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA LAND 1.000 acre, all level. S'-f, to rilroad town. $12.60 and up; fertile oll, easy terms, crop failure un known. Buy from th owner direct. A postage stamp will bring you a descrip tion. Chaa. A. Dudley, Fullertnn. Neb (30-8l2 8x Oregea. Dairy Lands in Oregon Special Inducements fnr practical dairymen ii'nim-nn tanas in Oregon, the paradise for dairying. For authentio Information address OREGON DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE, DePt- Portland, Or. (20) MS38 14 Sooth Dakota. GREATEST bargain in South Dakota; 19C -..t ir.ri. ricn, uiacx land; 14 acre cultivation; 4 miles live railroad town. In Codington county; $22 acre: easr term. R. Mather, Cedar Rapids, U 120-911 I Texas. LAND SEEKERS! CROPS PAY 200 PER CENT IN THE BRAZOS VALLEY! OUEJkA1NIHA9 "ANT ADVANTAGE OVER ANY OTHER SECTION OF TEXAS. It ha 46 Inches rainfall. It hss more productive Soil. It ha no brush to grub out It don't hav lo be Irrigated. It ha pure water at aixty feet It coats less to Improve. It grows best cotton In Texas. It is a natural clover country. It Is best sugar cane land. It Is a good Alfalfa country. It Is a splendid hog country. It ha a ten months' growing season It has lowest snipping rate. It sells at (12.0U to lu.00 per acre. Illustrated list free. H1LAND p. LOCKWOOD, Ban Antonio. Texas. (20)-M$2$ ( PAN HANDLE LANDS BUY FROM THE OWNER. W nmn .uv.v. 1 . K .. i . , In thl wonderful country the most fertile lands in the United States. We can civ vnn th. Vi, t, t nH.. 1 .u- T . . - - - - v. rail road far. Join on of our excursion 80$-( S. 13th Bt Ut Nat'l. Bank Bldg. (20) Umi F-4 TEXAS LAND FOR SALE - Two best snap in Texas 80,709 acre all fenced, good water, good soil, only three miles from a good little city of 7 two. Price, 83 per acre; half cash, balance to suit. Also lO.Oi acres good graslng land, gyod soil, good water, in southwest Texas, for $1 per acre; half cash. I hav these lands direct from owner and can deliver good t'tles. Write If Interested. P. J. Martlit. Waterloo, la. (2u 13 8 Wlsceasla. CHOICE WISCONSIN LANDS I own and offer for sale all sorts of UNIMPROVED LANDS In central and northwestern Wisconsin. Oa I request will send you FREE a vest-pocket I map of Wisconsin and particular about this land I own. Plan to cow and aaa J What 1 hav to offer. (20)-U3 Fix Mlseellaaeea HOMESTEAD THE CO EUR D'ALENE RESERVATION will be opened soon. It contain M0, 006 acre choice wheat, fruit and timber land Do you wt 160 aorea? COECR D'ALENE RESERVATION IK. FORMATION AGENCY. Room V-lM. Ex change Bank Bldg.. Spokane, Wash, tma Fix IF you want to buy, sell or trade a farm, aend It ceuu for a cpy of the Farmers' J ant Journal, Dept. ii, Kaasas City, Ma. It gives names of owners and descrip tions of (u to 1 uuO farms for sale aad trad and what other want t buy.