Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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TCtiaat O. tTL V T ef 1
" suranr, luuuca am riioaa Art
- Sot Maintained.
Cm Maintain. tlr.. $;.....
East FUwi A4Tac 1a Oata
and la Mw Farias HI
at Frlen at Seasesw
OMAHA. Januarr H. 1907.
Wheat m stronger, and though Uia beat
ua wars not rruuntained, tha cioaa waa
abeva Vutarilav. Th ta rWt wa
helped br tha
In out of tha prospects of France becora-
1. . t a nenvy imnorlar Boon, rroresslonal
" 11 " oispiayea a tendency to sell on tha
J (J rallies, but tha undertone continues atrong.
Recelpta war considerably lighter than a
Corn waa strong early, but eased oft
later, closing unchanged for the May and
i iBnw ior trie juiy. Reports o con
tinued unfavorable weather In Argentina
-- ", aun estimates ior wmofrow
were fair. New Tork wired that offerings
lyra in west were much lighter and ax
(MTrt blda were MHo higher.
Oata aoored an advance. The caeh arti
cle commanded a better figure. The east
oontlnuea to follow the advance and la
now pay ins the highest price of the aea
aon. Wheat receipts were firrtflftQ buahela and
shipments 167, fro buehela, against reoelpU
i as i rear oi tu.ow busbela and anipmenu
of 124.0U0 buahela. Corn recelpta were 848,
000 buahela and shipments 727,000 bushel
againat receipt! Uat year of 699,000 buah
ela and shipments of 4Z1.0U0 buahela. Clear
ances were 104,000 buahela of wheat, 901,000
Duaneia corn, 1,000 bushels oata and flour
and wheat equal to 164,000 buahela.
Liverpool cloeed tA3.d higher on wheat
and Vu-Vd hlaher on corn.
Broomhall eeUmatea Argentina wheat
fhlpmanta will be 1,000,000 bu., against
072,000 bu. laat week and 8.688,000 bu. laat
rear. Corn ahlpmenta are estimated at
$0,000 bu., sgalnst bu. laat week and
852.000 bu. a year aaa.
Price Current aaya today I "The growing
winter wneat baa been unimpaired by the
reoent cold weather, while corn condition
haa been bettered, the interior offering of
(rain hava Increaaed under better roads
condition and acceptable prioea).
Local range of options;
Artlolea.l Open. HIgh. Low. Close, Tea r.
W '..Wheat-
-' July..
JlJlA 72B T1B 71A
4B 4HB 41SB 41 HA
ViB 40B 4oB 404A
ilB 1B iXB 41 HA
17HB itoa rrK trA
134B 34B t3B ; MB
71 A
! t
A asked. ;, B bid.
' Ontana Caab Prleea.
WHEAT No. I hard, 70G71ot No. I hard,
70700 : No, 4 hard. aft7Ho.
CORN No. , n&io; No. 4 JWtflOTo;
no grade, S2ffl3Sc; No. 8 yellow, SJ&dllic;
No. I white, a&vto. , '
OATS-No. I mixed, 15c; No. I white, Wos
No. 4 white. 6HoS4a
HTE-No. X No. a, oTtto.
Carlet Reoeipta.
. Wheat. Com. Oata
Chlcairo M IS 437 lit
Kanaaa City 7 S3 I
Mlnneapolla ....U4 .. .
, Omaha 83 4 a
i lulvith IS .. - ..
i yt. iuu u - ,
Peatarea of tha Trading; aad Cloelag;
i Prleea oa Board af Trade.
CHICAGO, Jan. 81. The local wheat mar
ket waa atrong today became of tha con
tinued amall movement In the northwest
and a harp advance at Liverpool. At the
cloae the Mar option waa up HtPfto. Corn
waa Hu4o higher. Oata gained fee. Pro
vision were 7W&10O to 17Ho. higher.
Sentiment in the wheat pit waa bullish all
day and tha volume of trading waa large.
Commission house were excellent buyer
and ahoru covered freely. Prioea tar ted
upward at the opening on tha announce
ment that wheat waa HQd higher at,
Liverpool and alao beoauae of the email
arrival at . Mlnneapolla and JJuluth, only
lis) cara being received. The market waa
atrengthened by a report that Franca will
aoon be in the market for American wheat
and by the tateraent that mUlere In tha
fttthweat and northwest have difficulty In
During autneient wheat for milling pur
e. The market eaaed oft - during . tha
at half hour becauae of a report that
ahlpmenta from Argentina for thla week
will exceed laat week'a movement by more
than 1,000,000 bu. The cloae, however, waa
' firm. May opened &Ska to Ho higher at
- 7o to WAdirtlki, aold between 7SHo and
7t)o and cloaed at ' 7iHo. Clearancea of
wheat and Hour were equal to 148,800 bu.
Primary recelpta were 834,000 bu., against
- 41Lui0 bu. for tha aama day laat year. Mln
' fapolla, Puluth and Chicago reported re-
5llta of 147 cars, against 178 cara laat
veek and 241 cara one year ago.
corn waa lainy active mrougnouc ma
day and the market waa generally strong.
A report that the crop In Argentina haa
been damaged by drouth Increaaed the
local demand and injury by excessive mola
tur in varloua portion of tha corn belt
in thla country alao atrengthened prleea.
There waa a good general demand all day
and while there waa free realising at tlmea
all offering war readily taken. The mar
ket closed firm. Mar opened a ahade to
Hf'o hglher at 4tH"tH0. aold up to 47o
and cloaed at 4&Ho. Local recelpta war
431 ckra, with 1 of contract grade.
Oata were active and atrong, the market
being largely influenced by the etrength of
wheat and oorn. Local bulla bought freely.
May opened HtPAo higher at 'i'U49o, ad
vanced to 8&Ho and cloaed at the highest
point. Local recelpta were lit cara.
The provialona market waa atrong. Local
packer were free buyers of lard and out-
aide inveatora bought pork. Tha ohlef
ruHe of the demand waa a lOo advance
k - j the price of live hog. At the close May
Nfflrk waa up 17 at 17.1. Lard waa up
"ItojliHo at !.0. Rlba were 7rHl0o higher
Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat,
13 cara: corn, 4OT oara; oata, 138 cara; hoga,
),0i head.
The leading future ranged as follows!
Artlolea.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Yas y.
May... TRH8 I78 'T4 WVrS
July... 7Hh' . T '7HH. K 7SH
Sept... 7SHaS n 7H 7SV4,T8S78'2
Corn I '
, Jan.... 4.TH 43 41 43 41
May... 46H4H 47 4tiH 40 HrH
July... 4t 46H 4N 4&S!4aV8
Sept... 4!e .47 : 4lH . 4frV 461
Jan.... 87 17 96 864 . HV
May... 3Si?i S9V, l!'- Sk
July... 8bnr.v - sr m M4:aTtiti
Bpt... U)t U Si33,a UVi
P May... 17 17 17 42 17 17V IT SS 17 17U
July... IT 40 17 U IT 40 17 60 17 ti
May... IV7H.I85 187 I 0 in
July... 7, ft'JVk te24
Bpl... 10 00 10 10 10 00 10 07 K
May... 77S ff7H 1 TO t2
July... 7iil 80 70 1 17 Its
No. f. - i ..
Cash quofatlona were aa follows:
FLOUR aHeady; winter patents, tt.lftjf
winter (iralghta. WUwrl.26; spring pat.
ents, 3.W,s mt; spring atralghta, 13.luuQ.Wi
baker. U.yxu'2.80.
WHEAT No. 1 spring, 804c; No. t, T9
KJ'; No. I red. 74Vd'7i'e.
COHN-No, 1, 43HC No. I yellow, 44c.
OATS No. t. 8,c; No. 1 white, S9ac; Ntt.
1 wnue, s'leujBc.
O V l.' K',. . AAf '
'A RLKi talr to choice malting, ilifjttCo.
1trn. 11.14: prime timothy. M 50: clover.
contract gnup,
yKOVISloNS Short rlba, aides (loose
e.S7B Meaa pork, per bh.. 117 .
Lard, per 1"0 lha., Bhort clear sides
(boxedf. 89.5OO0T&.
Tha receipts and shipments of flour and
train were: Recelpta Shipments.
flour, bbls... 23,iov 15.300
Vheat. bu ti.00 Ih.hiO
F n. bu ,.,.4?3 .
J . bu.. ..07.600 1K3,(W
C tu !. t 40
Vtlfrlay, bu tt.guO tl,u0
On the Produce exchange today the but
tr market Was flnuj creamery, tlfai"cj
dairy. kJto, klgga, steady; at mark, cases
Included, too 34 Vi flrsl. me; prime fltsts,
he; tatraa, Tim. Cheese, strong, 134 ltc
Paarla Market.
PKORIA. Jan. U. -CORN Higher; No. I
)rilow and No. t, 41c; No. 4. 41c; no grade,
OATB Firm: No. I white. tSe; No, I
hit. 7y; No. 4 white. HeO.
USH.I Ou baala of 11. for finished
5.V.J 7. "4, i Marcl 6Hd; May. . ,d;
. in. , m
CORN Bpot firm; American mlxod. rlw.
4a avi; Amerlran mixed, old, 4s 6Hd. Ku
tlires firm: January. if..
t&. ".
0,aealoas af 1h Day sa Tarleae
NEW YORK. Jan. Sl -FLOUR-Recelpta,
1R.6W bbla; exporta, bbla ; market ateady
but dull; winter patents, 13 winter
Jtralahta, W.ff.60; Mlnneeota patenta,
14.10i4 ; winter extras, S2.ttti 0; Mlnne
frl,kerBi 7S; winter low grade.
$1702.10. Rye flour, dull; fair to good.; choice to fancy, 13.S54M.S0. Buck
wheat flour, dull; tllo3..
BUCKWHB1AT Bteaay, L8S per 100 lbs.
CORNMEAL-Flrm; fine white snd yel
low, 1 al.a6; ooarse, $L10LU; kiln dried,
i 2. Tfc.
WHEAT Receipts, 13.009 bu.: exports.
78.960 bu.j spot market firm; No. 1 red, 0214c,
elevator; No. I red, 88c, f. o. b. afloat;
No. 1 northern, Duluth, 9iis. t. o. b. afloat;
No, 1 hard, winter, 87Ho, f. o. b. afloat.
Up to rhldday wheat was strong and active,
reflecting amall recelpta, higher cables, a
good export demand for flour and covering
of shorts. Subsequent realising, however,
weakened the list and on proepecta for
larger Argentina shipment It closed ateady
at He net advance. May, 8&Hc; July,
14 1-iec. -
CORN Receipts, 80,(126 btt.i SxportS, 1.360
bu.; spot market firm; No. 1 Mftc, eleva
tor, and tio f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 yellow,
MHo; No. 1 white, 63a Option market waa
more active and atronker at first an rain
In the west and light farm offerings, after
which it reacted with wheat, closing H4C0
net higher; May, UHc; July, 63 Ho.
OAT8 Receipts. 60,000 bu.; exporta, L8B0
bu.; spot market atrong: mixed oata, n
to 21 pounds, 42c; natural white, SO to M
pounda, 44(fc; clipped white, M to 40
pounds, 44646H0.
FKKD Quiet; spring bran, 133.50 Janu
ary ahlpment; middling, tiz.60, January
HAT Steady; shipping, 76S85a; good to
choice. tl.nWjl.10.
HOPS Steady; state, common to choice,
1908 crop 18i&23c; 1906 crop. 8llc; Paclflo
coast, 1SJ crop, 1316c; 19( crop, 1013o.
HIDES-Steady; Galveston, 80 to 26 lba..
We; California, 21 to 26 lba., 21c; Texas dry,
4 to 80 lbs., 19c.
LEATHER Steady; acid. frH29c.
PROVIS!ON-Beef, Arm; family, tIS.OMr
1S.60; mesa, 19.OO0S.6O; beef ham. 123.60
26.0(1:, packet. tlLootrtlOO: city extra India
mess, 11.0028.00. Cut meat, steady; pick
led belllP, H0.wvan2.00; pickled ham, 111. SO
611.76. Lard, strong; western prime, $9.Sui
8.96; refined, firm; compound, 18.608.76; con
tinent. 19.76; South America, 10.6. Pork,
firm; family, 119.00; Bhort clear. 117.009
18.00; mess, fl7.76tf.18.S0.
TALLOW Steady; city, 8-16c ; country.
HfHc. -
KICE Steady domestic, fair, to extra,
nGseHc - .
BUTTER Firm; street price, extra
creamery, IZHaao. Official price: Cream
ery, common to extra, 23&32c; held, com
mon to extra, 184f-3Hc; western factory,
common to firsts, nw-Zlcv western Imita
tion creamery, extra. 8460 ; first. U4t
12c: renovated, common to extra, .lflfolte.
CHEESE! Steady; state full cream, small
and large September fancy, 14Hc; state,
October best, 13H9140; good to prime. 12tt8
llo: wlhter made, average best, 13a; In
ferior, liaiJo.
BOOS Easier; state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy aelected white, 80fg31c; choice
and mixed extras, 28Sc; western firsts,
2Ac; official prloe, firsts, 26c; seconds,
26 He. . .
POULTRY Live, flrtn; ' wr stern fowls,
18Hc; turkeys 13c. Dressed, easy; weatern
broilers, 130l8o;, turkeys, ,14l7c fowls,
8140. , " . ,
St.' Loals Geaerkl Market. . -
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 31. WHEAT Higher;
track, No. 1 red, cash, 7878Ho; No. 1 hard,
74jj'77o: May, 77Hc; July, 7Ho
CORN-Hlgher; track. No. 1 cash, 42H9
43c; No. 8 white, 44Vi&46o; May, 44Ve; July,
44HO.- . i
OATS Higher; v track. No. 1 cash, 88H0;
No. 1 white, SHo; May, 88H0; July, ISHc.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, .R
CS.76; extra fancy and atraight 13.36tS3.46i
olear. t2.664ja.86,
SKEI-Tlmothy ateady, 13.6Off4.00.
CO RNME1AI Steady, 12.80.
BRAN-4iteady; sacked . east track, 9&H
jWo. ...
HAT Steady; timothy, 14.0OSia.00;
prairie, 411.00vl3.00.
PROVIWONS Pork higher; Jobbing.
117.80. Lard higher; prime steam,
9.47Hw Dry .salt meats hlirher; boxed extra
shorts, $9.78; clear riba, 89.87H; short clears,
HO.OO, Bacon, hlffher; boxed extra short,
tlO.SOi clear, 110.62H; lt cleara, 110.76.
POULTRY Dull ; chiokera. Hc; aprlngs,
llo; turkeys, HttfjPlZHc; ducks, llo; geese,
BUTTETRflteady; creamery, 2733c;
dairy, 2027o.
EaS-lllKher at 22c.
Reoelnta Bhlbments.
Flour, bbls. 6,0(10 12,008
Wheat, bu. 83,000 . 49,00
Cora, bu 175.000 ' 167,000
Oats, bu. 83,000 110,000
Kansas City Grain and Provision.
T2Hc: July. T2Hc: 8eDtember. 72V4o. Cash:
No. 2 hard, 74jfl4c; No. 8, tOQTOo; No. 2
rea, 7jtrjtc; mo. 3, fxwiw.,
CORN HlRher ; May, 41o: July. 41Hc;
September, 42o. Cash: No. I mixed. 89H
CT40c: No. 8. 88H0: No. 8 white, 410.
OATS No, 1 white, 88$Q8Hc; No. 1 mixed,
RYE Steady; 6Wjjc.
HAY Steady; choice timothy, 1166818.00;
choice prattle, tll.60ti12.00.
KOO? He higher; firsts, 13,c; aeconda, Ho.
BUTTER Creamery, 81c; packing, 1SHQ.
Recelpta Shlpjnenta.
Wheat, bu 87.000 84.000
Corn. bu. 12,000 76.0110
Oats, bu. 4,000 22,000
Board of Trad quotations for Kansas
City delivery. The range of prices, aa re
ported by Logan A Bryan, 111 Board of
Trade building, was;
Early Prices Ars Lowtt on rurtbet.Ont
peurint of Cttoka.
Aral las
preaaed with Character
Articles. . I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.
May mt T8H' 72H 7ttU
July 72H 12 7214 7SHHB
May 41 41 41Hva 41A
July 41H 42HgH 43a42H 42HB
B Bid. A Asked.
Mlameasolls Grata Market.
80Hc; July. Hc; September, 7?Hc; No. 1
hard, 86Hc; No. 1 northern, 86Hcl No. 1
northern. SlHc
FLOUR First patents, 14 804.40; see.
and patents, 84.164 26; first clears, 81.2&9
8.3S: second clears, 12.4fMr2.aO. .
BRAN In bulk, lls.suia-la.76.
Dalath Grain Market.
PULUTH, Jan. 8I.-WHEAT-N0. 1
northern, ffiHc; May, BHC; July, BlV4c;
September. 7SH.
OAT To arrive, 87e.
RYE 60c.
BARLE Y 3649o.
Milwaakee Grata Market.
No. 1 northern, tLScfltflHc; No. t 7fijjlc;
May, 78Ho bid.
t RYE Firm: No. L fHllHe.
BARLEY Firm; No. I cash, .4ZH43c;
May, 46o.
' PkUadelpkia Prodaea Market.
Firm: extra western creamery, 1333Ho
KOOR Firm; fresh western, S8c at mark.
CH EES O-Flrm; New York full creams,
Livers! Grata Market.
igsfi Ma S red, westera wiuter, as IJl
Metal Market.
London tin market waa higher today, with
spot closing at Al'JO 10a and futures 190 6a
Locally the market waa higher, with spot
quoted at 141.7S O100, but the tone was said
to be easy at the advance. Copper waa
lower In London, with spot cloatng at 1(4
6 Id. futures 107 6a Locally the market
was firm, but quiet, with lake, 124.7626.16;
electrolytic, U4.Hti24.87H. and caallng.
I4.v(i'i4 76. Lead waa la id higher at 18
13a fci in London, but waa unchanged at
lo.0ut.!6 In the local market. Bpelier was
unchanged at ts.7uuf.M In the local market
and at 26 16a In London. The Enallsh
Iron market waa lower, with standard foun
dry atioted at 66a 4d and Cleveland war.
rants 66a 3d. Locally the market was un-
: changed. No. 1, foundry, northern is
uuoted at aa kxo a; ro. z loundry. north
ern, 124.76416.76; No. I foundry, southern,
M0Tr-'6.6M, and No. 1 foundry, southern,
M 0ta2ti 00.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 8L M FJTALtV- Lead,
ateady at 86.07H- Spelter, 86 70.
Saaar aad Molaee.
NEW . YORK, Jan. 81. SUGAR-Raw,
ateady; fair refining, 8 81-83c; centrifugal,
K test, 8 16-S2c. Molaaaea auger, 1 M-Uc
Refuied. ateady; No. , 4.80c; Nix- T, 4.16ci
No. 1. 4.30c; No. 8. 4.16c; No. 10, 4.06c; No.
11. 4.00c; No. 12. 8.16c; No. 11. 1.90c; No. 14,
186c: oonfectiouer' A. 4c; mould A. 116c;
rut loaf and crushed. 6.6oc: powdered, 4.8uci
granulated. 4 sue; cubea 06c
MOLASPES-Steady; New Orleans, open
krttle. I.i-Uc.
ket ateady; centrifugal ahltea, I l-lc-j-ic;
rfle'U :iow' Wc; snoods, 14
MoLASES-'New syrup, 3o34a
f Baylaa- aad Redaee Their f'eaa
aaltaseata Rally Eaaaes aad
Cls la Stress;.
NEW TORK. Jan. Sl.-There waa a
further outpouring of stocks Into the mar
ket in the esrly operationa today during
which a tew of the Influential stock were
driven lower than yeetwday before the
final recovery. But the bear operators be
came Impressed wltt the character of the
buying at the declined and set about to re
duce their commltmei ts on the short side.
A recovery waa the result.
At first the buying waa not in effective
amount except at the fcw level of prleea.
Upon the occasional recoveries the trading
lapsed into extreme dullness in the aame
manner aa durtnc the abortive rallies for
some days past. This action of the market
kept sentiment unsettled and dlaouteted.
Later the liquidating followed the advancee
witn mors persistence, as it appeared mat
selling of soms of the meat Influential
stocks at lower prices waa absorbed In un
limited amounts on account of the banking
Interests having relatione with the control
of the properties. This waa notably the
case with Union Paclflo cf which very large
buying ordera were executed below 170 by
brokers usually employed by the banking
house moet closely related to that prop
erty. As this buylns; followed the publica
tion of an Interview with the head of the
house cabled to Pari and back to New
York containing candid admissions of the
difficulties in the situation from the short
supply -of capital but deprecating; the as
sumption that conditions were perilous, the
buying of Union Pacific waa of great In
fluence on sentiment towarda the whole
market. Published expressions from foreign
bankers regarding the American situation
were calculated to allay somewhat the ef
fct of a view that has become current
that foreign capitalists ware concerned In
discrimination against American enter
prises. These Influences) were allowed In
creasing effect after the turn In the market
was secured. It was manifest, however,
that support by main force was the prin
cipal, element in checking the further fall
In prices this morning. The buylns; with
thla object showed no disposition to follow
advances after it had achieved Its purpose.
Nor was trwre evidence of important con
certed measures to drive the bears to cover
bybiddlng up price.
The buying from the bears was conducted
With a degree of deliberation and lack of
urgency that kept open the feeling of aua
plclon towards the rally amongst the trad
ing element. The February 1st aettlement
was viewed with some apprehension at tha
beginning of the day but the 8H per cent
call rate held Only momentarily and there
was no other symptom of tightness In
money. Some attention was paid also to
tha recommendation of the secretary of war
for the Immediate completion of fortifica
tions in Hawaii, owing to a supposed bear
ing on the country's relations with Japan.
An Impression got abroad that a redemption
of part of the government 4s of 1907 Is In
oontemplntlon by the Treasury department
as uss for the government deposits with
the. national banks which are recalled for
repayment tomorrow and on February 16.
Forslrn exchange continued to recede today
and New York exchange at Chlongo ad
vanced to a premium. The covering de
mand from the altorta cams to an occa
sional pauae and there were several trivial
reactions but the last prices of the day
were generally the best or nearly so
Bonds were Irregular. Totat sales par
value, 11,936,000., United States bonds were
unchanged on call... .
The following was the tinge of prices on
ths New York 8tock exchange:
. Balm. Hih. Low. Clos.
Adam Hxpras , , tM
Amal. Copixr ,too Ilia, lldH lit
Amsr. Car as! Potinry.., I, too 41 4M4
F WO 101U
Amsr. Cottoa Oil too M
4o pfd
Amsr. Biprass
Amsr. Hid A Lssthar pfd
Amsr. I Ssoniitln 1M
Aassr. Ubsm Oil.... , 100
so bm .....'...;.;. '100
Amsr. Locomotive I.tno
o aid 1.100 111
Amsr. Smelting A Rsf..., M.tno 144H HIS 1H
do pr T0O-114H 1U4 HH
Amer. 'Surr Rsftnlng,,. .... , MO JH 1H 136
niwr. owiim pia CHS. . . . SCO
nuwna Mining- KM 17. TOT I7R
71 H
4o .pfd ,.
Atlsntla Cosst Un
Baltimore A Dole..
do pfd .
Brooklra Rapid Transit.
Canadian fields
Central ot Nw Jenwy,,
Chsupsak A Ohio
Chloata Orsat Wsatsrn
170 U 174
17.400 101H M 101
: o Hti s n
l.lno 111 litltl
i.loo , lit ii4 m
. 1
. 11000 74 71T4
. 14,100 1N 110
citioaso a NorthweaUrn.. 1.(00 1U 17 1U
C.. M. A St. Paul U.ftO 14t 146 14
vhivbv naiDsi m iTsns.
o PI 100 H
C, D. St. Louis.... mo
Colorado Fusl and Iron... Il,4'i0 ' 4
oiorano m BOUUlsni
do 1st pfd
do Id ptd
, 4,400
100 1M 1S3 114
i 1,(00 lli 12 19
too tlO
100 4M 4M 4M m
too so
t,(C0 71
M.100 (5
400 70
1,000 M
u s
n io
1.100 Us 1M 1(7
100 1M Ml
1.0O II 1(
100 T 7
400 M 4
Conaotldstsd Oss
Com Products
do ptd
Polawar A Hudson
rl., ack. A Western
DsnTsr A Rio Oread....
do ptd
PIMIlisrs' esnrltlM .....
Kris ,
do 1st pfd, ai-dlr
do M pfd
Oensnl Elsetrl
Hocking VallsT oDsrad ...
Illinois Cmtral, sx-dlv...
Intsr. Psfrar
do pfd ,
Intar. Paaip
do pfd
Iowa Central
do ptd
Kansas City Southern
do pfd
XoulTlll A NaahTllIe...
lam leas Central
Minn. A it. Louis
St.. St. P. A Bault St. M
do pfd
Mlasnuri Pala
at , K. A Tuas
4s pfd
National Land
N. R. R. t Maxloo pfd...
J4. J. Contra! 4,400 1M ltt 1H
N. T.. Ontario A Wastara 1.40 4s 414, 41 V
400 K K
1,100 1W 1U 1U
100 U tl xt
I. (no ill lot
l.SO 14t 140
(.60 17 M
l,oa ( m
,0(1 TO M
l.toa tt m
a4 (1
Norfolk a Waaura.
do pfd i..,
North AmaricaS
Paclls Mall
Paopls's Oas
Pitta.. C, C. A St Louis.
Pranced Stool Car
do pfd
Pullman palao Car, a-dlv ....
tuadina mtoe
do lat ptd
do Id pfd
Republls 8tesl 1,10
do pfd too
Rook Uland Co 14,00
da pfd too
St. L. a Ma rraa. M ptd too
81 L Southwestern too
do sfd 1 no
Bouthsrn Paclflo U.too
do pfd
outhara Railway ....
d pfd tot
Tannnan Ooal and Iron., ....
Tax A PsolB L10t
Vol., St. L. A Waatsra.... tot
do pfd )
Cnloa facia 171. (0
do pre
V. B. ipraas
U. . Raalty
V. S. Rubber
do pre
V. A Steal....
Vir1nla-Canllae Chemical.
o pfd
Wabaah ()
da pfd tu
Wella-Parso Einraaa
Waatlnshouas Kleotrte
Waatara Inloa
Whaallng A Lake Brie.
Wlacenata Ceatral ....
do pld ,
Northara Paelta
Coutral Laathar .......
do pfd
Oraat Northern pfd..
1.00 tl
l.soo u
(.400 111
1.0X0 Pt
loo ;t
MO lit
t.too tt
. tot It
. 1.100 4t
10 10 44
la. too 106 tot
700 U , U
.... a
M 11
M 4
1M 1(1
tt tt
( 74
47 4k
.... tt
.... lt
llt lit
.... It
.... N
lt M
i M 17
n m
U t(
' 4t 41
ti n
IK 117
44 W
.... 1U
11 M
It tt
I 11
ltt 171
.... tl
.... 100
Tt Jl
Mairaeollua .!,(
to 1(1
1 11
10 ' II
tot tl
tot 4t
Ltot 164
tot 10
tt" Tl
I. BO lit
48 48
iw, to
41 44
Total sala for tha day, l.UT.tut ahara.
creaaed lM.815.ftn francs; treasury deposits,
decreased 8.lio.fi0 francs: r-neral deiHslta.
Increased tt.k'n.on francs: gold In hand, de
creased l.KM.iao franca; silver In band, de
creased a,(vi,rj francs; bills discounted. In
creased iUfi.Ono francs; advances, de
creased U92f,0O0 franca
Hew Yark Meaer Market.
NEW YORK. Jsn. H.-MON K Y-On call
easy at 8fl8) per cent; ruling rate, H per
cent: closing bid, 8 per cent; offered at 24
per cent; time loans, strong and dull: sixty
days. tHiSH per cent; ninety daya, 84i6
per cent; alt montha. P per cent.
per cenv
tual business In bankers' bills at 14 R4HMJ
41470 for demand and at 84.fB4.sj5 for
aixty-day Mils; posted rates, (4 S'.'-i.SH
and 14 0tig4J3'4j; commercial bills, ti.'.
SILVER Bar, c; Mexican dollars.
WONDS Government,
Closing quotations on bonds were as
steady; railroad.
li. 8. rat. 8s. rag... .lot
de covpoa 1s
U. S. (a, ra 101
do coupon It
V. 8. old 4s, rag 11
do eoupoa 101
V. t. a. 4s. rag lit
do coupon 119
Am. Tob. 4 78
do I 10t
Atrhlaoa . 4a I0114.
do adj. 4a tl
Atlantis c. U
B. A O. 4a...
do lS I!
Brk. R. T. ct. Is.... 18
Central ot Os. la.... 110
do lat Ine M
do Id Ins TT
do td lne 44
Chea. A 0. 4s lot
C A A. Ia 74
C, B. A Q. a. 4s.. 14
a. R. 1. A f. 4a.. 75
do col. la n
OCC. A St. L. 1. 4s.l01
Japan 4a, td Mia..
ao 44 ctrs 4
do Id sertta tl
do 4a ctfa (4
L A 14. anl. 4s....l0o
Manhal. e. sold 4a. 100
Mai. Central 4a It
do lat Ine II
Winn. A St. L 4s. M
M., K. a T. ts.... tT
ao id r
'N. R. R. of M. e. 4s MH
t N. T. C. sen. IHa. ts
....loi,N. J. C. sen. ts..l8
No. Paclte 4s 101
do 1 71
N. A W. ton. 4s.... H
Ore. A L rfg. 4s... t4
Penn. T. !a tt
Readlna ten. 4s HH
(St. L A I. M. e. Is. 111
St. U - t. r. fa, 4a u
St. L. S. W C. 4.. 77
Seaboard A. L. 4.... II
80. Paella 4a M
do lat 4a ctfa 14
Colo. Ind. Is, sar. A. 74 So. Rallwar la lllu
Col. Mid. ts 71 aTx. A P. lata. ...117
Colo. A Bo. 4s 8 oot.. it. L tW.ii 11
Cuba 6 101 I'nloa Paolflo 4a.. ..101
P. A R. O. 4s M t. S. Steal td I.... 8
Platlllara' 8ec. la.. t4 Wabaah lata 111
BH prior lien 4s... 18 do deb. B 71
do ion. 4a MU Weetara Mil ea HI
Hock.- Val. 4s 104 W. A L. B. 4s.... 17
"KB : Wla Central aa 81
Offered. Bid.
Boston Stock aad Bond.
BOSTON, Jan. Sl.-Call loana, 6137 per
rent; time loans, 6fc per cent. Closing
prices on atocka and bond were:
Atcniaon adj. 4s.... tl Allouet
do 41 M Amalgamated .
Mei. Central 4a.... 14 Atlantlo
Atchlaon 101 Cel. Heola..
to prd M Centennial
Boston A Albany. ...Ml Copper Hanx ,.
Boston A Malts. ...Ill Dalr West
Boston Rlerated ....160 Franklin
Fltchburt pfd Ill Oranbr
Max. Central tt lal Roral ....
N. v.. N. H. A H..1IS Maaa Mining
t'alon Pacific 171 Michigan
Am. Arge. Cham.... It Mohawk
to ptd 11 Old Domlnloa .
Am. Pnen. -Tube.... 11 Oaoonla
Am. Sugar HO Parrot
to pfd it) Qulacy
Am. Tel. A Tal 118 Shannon
Am. Woolen 91 Tamarack
.to pfd M Trinity
Dom. Iron A Steal.. 17 V. 8. Mining..
Edlaoa Clao. Ill IJ7 11. g. Oil
Mass. Blecuis , It Utah
do pfd tt Victoria
Maaa. Oas e Wlnosa
United fruit 104 Wolverine
United Shoo Mact.... tl North Butt ..
d Pfd II Butte rnelltlnn
U. 8. Steal 44 cel. A Ariaon....
pfd 104 Oreene Consolidated
.... (
.... 14
.... 41
.... 11
.... 14
.... II
.... t
.... 10
.... 13
.... 14
.... 11
.... It
.... 17
.... It
.... 11
.... u
London Cloalaar Stock. ,
LONDON, Jan. 11. Closing quotations on
atrwlra ai r a
Consola, money 17
An aocnunt af
Anaconda 14
Atchtaoa 101
do pfd lot
Baltimore A Ohio.... 110
Canadian Pa .I a a vt
Chea. A Ohio
Chioag o. W
C, M. t It' P..
D. A R. O
do sfd
do lat pfd, x-al
d Id pfd
Illinois C, ex-dlv.
L. A N., ea-dlr.
M , K. A T
N. Y. Central
Norfolk A W ,
do ptd, ex-dl.., ,
Ontario A W.....
Pennsylvania .....
Rand Mlnaa .......
11 Reading
1( 80. Railway
1. T7
,. 17
1. M
,. tl
do Dfd
So Pacific ..
Union Psclfle
do Btd
U. I. Steal..
da pfd
Wabaah ......
do pfd ....
.. t
.. tT
.. 17
.. 1
.. 3
.. M
.. tl
.. 14
.. at
.. 44
.. It
.. M
.. 4
81LVRR Rar Arm. l U-A n
tONEY-44S per cenT
The rate pf discount In the open market
for short bills la 4fi4 per cent; for three
months' bills, per cent.
Boston Copper Market.
Closing quotationa on Boston copper mar.
ket. reported by Logan A Bryan, 111 Board
of Trade building, Omaha:
Adrenture 1 Nora da Consolidated.' 17
Alloues It North Butt 111
Atlantlo 11 Old Dominion 14
Bingham (0 Osceola in
Black Mountain I Pneu. Service 11
Boeton Conaolldatod.. H Pneu. Serrlce, pfd... 10
Butte Coalition tSQulncy no
Calumet A Arisen. .111 shannon
Calamet A Heola.. ..140 Tamarack ...,1M
Centennial 40Tnn. Copper 47
Copper Rang II Trinity (
Dalr Wee -11 United fruit 101
Beat Butts 1 United Btatas, com., tl
franklin 14 United Statsa, pfd... 41
Oreene Copper K Utah Consolidated... 71
Holvwtla I Utah Copper 17
Iale Royal to Victoria 7
Keeweenaw U Winona llvT
L. 8. A PltUbunj... 17 Wolroritt 117
Maaaachusett I Cananea Ju,
Mlchlgaa 11 Nlpisatnf u
Mohswk tt
New York Mlalaajr Stoeka
NEW YORK, Jan. a. Cloalnr quotationa
.. awvM n ,1. .
aoams OQ IB
Alios t00
Breece at
Rranelnk Pm. aa
Comatock Tunnel .... 44
Cos., Cel. and Va.... t
Mora Btivar ........lTt
Iron Stiver ao
LeadTlll Cos I
Little Chief 1
Ontario , tM
Ophlr tu
Potosl it
8aag as
Sierra Nevada tt
Hmall Howes ao
Standard (to
Bank of Basjlaad Statement.
LONTXN Jan. St. Tha weekly atatement
of the Bank of England shows the follow
ing changes: Total reserve Increased 438..
000; circulation increaaed AllOU): bullion In.
creaaed 627.614; other aecurltlea increased
1.111.000: other depoalta lncraaed 1,667.000;
puouo sepuiu mcreaaea at2,ouv; notes,
reserve. Increased 472.000; government se
en lit lea unchanged. The proportion of
the bank'a reserve to liability thla week la
41.11 per cent, as compared with 4881 pet
cent last Week.
Treasnry Itatesa.nt.
.WlOUTMilTAM Taasa laM.. a a. -
W aSaVaQat liliu vaw, asastlB. . A V J lUlTr
ment of th trMury baluncea In Xhm gn
ml fund cxclulv of th Iiti0.t300.0u0 void
rai?rv. bows: AvtUUblt? ctuito blanc-tk
'1 MA HO- aarwall avrvtwa mnA K.lll,.a Bki Tkd j-aj .
sn,v4i,su, Bw wal aniaei ss UtVfsAt SStPSJ, I IV, UaU a
gold certificates. UA&M.
Bank rraaew tataasaat.
PARIS. Jan. 81. Tha weekly statement
of the Bank of Krenee shows the follow-
Injj oLanges; Notes lu circulation, in-
ForelAn Plaaaelal.
LONDON,- Jan. 81,-Money was scarce.
. -"u Lne unna. im in
creased In the market today for month snd
......uinw uiniuunu were a snade
eaaler In spite of the fact that there was a
reduction in the Bank of England's rat of
discount. There were rumors that ths
money market In New York Intends bid
ding for gold her on Monday, February
4. On the Stock exchange ths aettlement
wan concluded with only one amall failure,
which did not affect the volume. Tha vol
ume of busineaa did not Increase, but the
tone remained aatlsfactory with B hagden
ing of the prleea of first class aecurltlea aa
a result of the better bank atatement and
moderate inveatment purchaaea. Americana
continued depressed owing to prospective
issues and the liquidation In Wall street,
causing operators here to hold off pending
more settled condition. Prices went be
low parity at about noon, and reoovered
In the afternoon. New York supported
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul and Union
flfln a n SJ SB 4t am Aeeeia, ...
market cloMd unsettled. For.KrTer and
....... wei mm un rarin support. J&D4V-
today wer flrnief upon the New York ad
vices. PARIS, Jan. 81. On ths Bourse today tha
private loan rate waa 4 per cent. Prleea
were heavy, with the exception of Rua
'Ane. Russian Imperial 4a closed at 77 00
and Russian bonds of lo4 at 4&L00,
Baak Clearlaars.
OMAHA, Jan. 81-Bank clearings for to-
dav wars tl UR 7 J 1 .T" lu
-1, iv. ,ul 1 11. corre
sponding data last year fl.6S2.774.8S.
Wool Market. '
TtrwaTrw i. m ei n'ftAf - . .
" : . . "wwu-iin maraec
remains dull, though firm. The quiet spell
- wiiuikmim uo uniaroraoiy, nowever
aa aa active movement la not anticipated at
prices and are not dismayed at the amall
v. iiwiMviiuiie an puilea WOOtS BU
staple stocks move steadily and show no
uLrirei accnmnlktlAn Gv..iw. . ,
ateady. Leading domeattc quotationa fol
low: Indiana and Missouri Combing, three
eighths blood, l4djJ6c; combing, quarter
blood, UaSlo. Texas (aooured baala) Fine
13 montha, 7j75c; fine, 8 to 8 montha M
70c; fine, fall clean. 8otj2o. California
(scoured baaia) Northern, choice, 87tfijo!
northern, good, tiotftttfc; middle country i&d
oe; southern, tTQoic; fall free, Mi6c. 'Ore
ron (scoured baala) Eastern, No. 1 staple
italic: astem. No. 1 clothing. tn.fB70c: val
Lejr. No-i- J5?.Trr1tory staple (scoured
basis) Ftna 7r7Bc; fine medium, b70c;
medium, ani6c. Territory ordinary
'"" minrrat. Bgr(oc; ant medium.
tltSci medium, 64vc. Colorado and New
. ..u eiua ewuivu, A, OOUWUC; IVO. 1.
8T. LOUIS, Jan. 81. WOOL-JJteady; me
dium grade eomblng and clothing. 4ie
w hh S." sixgjofc0' nv' fln' i6110; tub
Oils and stasia
SAVANNAH, Oa., Jan. Jl OIL Turpen
tine, firm, 7oVOTlc.
RO!N-Flrm; stock, 84.778 caska; A. B.
C and D. 14.06.34 10; K. 14 1'fK16; F, 84 10f
4 ; H 14 1o4 46; I. 14 !x.4.60: id, IS on;
M , 86.15456.40; N. 14.00; WO, 84.15; WW,
OIL CITY, Jan. H. OH Credit baUncea,
Hot; run. 140.608 bbls.; average. 107 071
h'f-i h'P'nu'. IM.T71 bbla; average,
leU,79t buia,
Good Otttlt Estrone, Others Steady a&d
Moderate Ran ef Sheep. aaa tenths,
bat Trade Lacks aa and Prices
Generally Barely ateady
with Yesterday.
BOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 8L 1907.
Recelpta were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep
Official Monday 8.28 8.U78 7.717
Official Tuesday 8.1KJ ll,Sft3
Official Wednesday 8.05 8.04 4.550
Official Thuraday t,4oO 7,8m 4 601
Pour daya ihla week. . .80,150 84.114
Pam daya laat week 13,018 43.5f 84.1.1
Same daya 8 weeka ago..4,0W 17,218 83,044
8ame daya 8 weeka ao..l3,0M 18.416 14. m
Same daya 4 week ago. .14.387 14.177 20.17S
Sam days last year 18.8V4 44,058 14,878
Ths following tsbis shows ths receipts of
cattle, hoga and sheep at Bouth Omaha for
ths year ts data, compared with laat ysari
... 1807. 190. inc. Dae.
111.778 81.4.3 80,080
" 803,478 X28,5: a&,0hl
Sheep 141,758 134,128 8.63.
good too holes cora fed steers 86.40tSe.8l
Fair to good cornfed steers 4.7fit.4Ai
Common to fair steera 4 .0OW4.76
good to choice fed cowa 8 tte'at W
air to good cowa and heifer. l otera fie
common to fair cows and helfere.. .0o3.00
good to choice at'kers and feeders. 4 tote oo
air to good stockers and feeders.. 175-o4.40
Common to fair Blocker l.Otml.75
Bulls, stags, eto i;tv4.00
Veal calves , t.oirg.oo
Ths following table shows ths average
pries of hogs at South Omaha for tha laat
aeveral daya. with comparisons:
Data. 1807.
Jan. M...I
Jan. it...
Jan. 25...
Jn. 86...
Jan. 27...
Jan. 28....
Jan. 28...
Jan. 80....
Jan. 8L...
8 til Mai
6 68,
( 21,
5 83
( 88
6 8t
5 43
o 1 4 941
4 S3, 4 S3,
4 ol
4 71 4 8
t 731 t K7
4 83 4 81
4 641 4 79
14 79
4 M 4 81
6 541 6 02
bUI tM
461 8 0S
6 14
8 73
i 66
6 m
6 05
6 9
6 13
t M
6 11
6 18
I 21
6 28
6 2S
I 6 18
fm . ,1 .
OmHha 12.3Mi'6.50 IRnOtat M
Chicago 1.5oi .90 6.004i.llTV
Kansas City t.24.ov 5.76KiVli
nt. Illlls . IIIV..TU ao-r..,k
Sioux City 1754P6.66 6.464W.W
Ths offlolal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was;
Cultl UnM uv. ...... u
C. M. A Bt, P.....T..V 4 .T "
waDasn ,
Union Paclflo
C. A N. W., east
C. A N. W.. west
C Bt. P., M. A O
C. B. A Q.. eaat
C, B. A W., Weat
C, R. I. A P., east....
Illinois central
Great Western
1 10
8 1
82 8
4 a
16 4
7 8
96 21
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Ii0 j. MO lit
Total receipts ....186
Ths disposition of the day's receipts Was
aa fnllnwa ech hi, cm, m . U - . ... - . i
I - '- " y . y ui viisuviiiai Vila
Oman Packing Co...
Mwlft and fnmnanv Tfti
Cudahy Packing Co 1,274
Armour at to n;t
Vansant A Co 20
Lobman A CO.. ttO
W. I. Stephen 3
Hill A Son 132
F. P. Lewis 49
Huston A Co 46
Hamlltnn A RithixhllH on
u. r . muss
J. H. Bulla
Mike Haggerty
J. H. Root a rv I
T. B. Inghram
Buinvan uroa
V. A. Brltton
Lehmer Bros
Ind Panklntf O..
Other buyers
rt ... tan
71 7..n sn (M
71.. t"t m t is
4 I I St t SI
"... rtt lis t ts
Tt h it i a
" HI (... SO tl....
4 tW tt 4 SO ...
f "I ... 4 It II....
II n tt t it it....
I"! M I IS 17....
4. ...... .iT ... a 47....
I ... i ii rr....
t ii w m it....
It HI ... a as t
...fa ... t u
.. ?s 19 t ss
...f-4 4S t S
.. r ... I a
.. m ... t m
.11 ... tM
...11 ... I M
.. I ...IN
...ft to 4 u
...4 10 I at
..lit ... IN
.. I'4 MIS
...til ... t U ... I m ... t m
m at t lit, ti iki ... n
177 ... Sa2i an tiut aa a ax
f I 1st 4 Mt SS ... t It
M 14 I lit 17 1M ... t
" ; ... t n n ti ... t w
til t M4 47 tl ... IN
" "0 4t I M 71. HI S III
f ft 11 IHt ITt tt t I7H
f HI ... I lit tl 141 ... I I7S
74 ft ... t lH 7 IM ... tilt
44. HI ... t M II 147 ... IS)
"4 It till, 76 '4 ... t to
'4 144 ... t MV tl t ... I 0
84 H4 ... t Ml 15 H ... I HI
44 tt at t nt it Imi ... i to
J '4 ... tM 41 44 ... lie
Tt Ml ... t M tl 1 ... tn
11 ... Ill 77 1.1 ... M
7 VSI ... n Tt Ill 40 I
4 "841 ,.. ttt It Ill ... I It) ''
l 141 ... IM II 100 ... I tn
it HI ... IM tt ..141 ... I an
IS ... tit M Ill It I 10
tt M ... Ill U 414 N IN
tt tU 40 I tt
SHEEP Receipts were not very large
thla morning, a,nd barring a few scattering
mans me wuanty waa not oveny attract. ve.
In apite of the moderate offering the mar
ket or some reason or other was alow
to tha trade. Tha result waa that prioea
were oareiy steady witn veterday. mere
was sn unmistakably weak undertone to
me iraae tnrougnout.
Some verv wood wHtrn emma uilit un tn
6.00. There were s few Mexican among
the receipts, but buyera aid not seem as
anxious ior mem. aa tor tne western ana
they Bold at 64.75. which waa less than a
cut off brought last week. The feeling was
ineoy on lam tin tnere being considerable
Inquiry for them on the part of packers.
A small bunch of natives sold up to 17.50.
Quotations on kllieie: Uootl to cholc
lamb, 87.9067.60; fair to good lamba, lii.VA
4.uu; good to choice yearllnga, latnb
weights, t6.00fttj.2o; fair to good yearling,
lamo weight, li.T&yi.OO; good to choice
yearlings, heavyweights, 85.75&4.U); fair ts
good yearlings, heavyweights, !6.6oajej.7t;
good to choice old wethers, 85-3565.00; tall
to good old wether, lo.owuo to; Hood to
to choice ewes, 84.80a 5.00; fair to good,
Krpresertatlve sales:
No- Av. Pr.
4H8 Mexican ewes '. S8 84.76
18 native ewe 141 6.00
19 western lamba, cull 58 6.25
w native lamba it 6 6v)
Mexican lambs eo 6.75
6 western lamba 73 . T.10
181 wastern lamba 76 7.10
ii native lamba , 88 7.50
197 weatern ewes log 6 00
t'lt Colorado ewea wo 4 83
112 Colorado ewea 96 ' 4 85
40! western ewe..,.. 107 6 00
501 Mexican ewe 79 4 60
74 weatern ewea loo 4 75
110 weatern ewea iu8 4 75
105 weatern owe 102 4 76
1U weatern ewe.-. loo 4 76
101 weatern lambs 74 7 25
98 western lamb 63 6 76
28 western yearlings j.... 80 6 2o
46 weatern yearlings 80 6 75
251 western lamba bs 7 00
, 6
'totals 4,28 7,061 6,161
taiiut-inrri waa a fair Thursday s
run of cattle this morning and. as was tne
case yeatardaP, the general market waa in
a good healthy condition. Ths trade opened
In fair season In the morning and the moat
of the offerings changed hands about as
fast as buyers and sellers could get around
to them.
Beef steers were In good demand and sold
freely at steady to strong prices. The beat
cattle were strong and others fully steady.
Among the offerings were some better cat
tle than have been here before thla week.
What was said of steer would apply
equally well to cowa that la, the demand
waa good and the better gradea war atrong
with othera at least ateady. Ths trade
was sufficiently active to effect a reason
ably early clearance.
Feeder specula tore aucceeded In cleaning
put their holding yesterday and were a
mtle mor anxious for cattle thla morning.
The result waa that while prleea were no
higher, the trade waa mora active and tha
cattle ot all kinds sold mors freely than
yesterday. .
Representative sales;
Av. Tt. No. 4. rr.
... 14 4 00 1 1011 4 11
... Ill 4 It v t lit I oa
... KIT
117 I Ot
II JMI 4 40
14 4T 4 44
I , 1141 4 14
41 1104 4 M
I... I4t 4 44 14 llb I H
10.. tit I tO II mi i M
II... UN t 10
! ...'. U 8 It
11 1117 I N
It 1111 I ta
It tt 4 4t 14 ,.11M I if
11 loot 4 it 11. mi i n
4 t2t 4 70 II liel E If
111 It
US! 8 to
I ttt 4 tt II
It 1101 I It II
4 W0 8 M 11 M in
I..... 171 I It II...., Ml I to
10 731 1 N 14 1071 I M
1 HI 1 tt 4 1111 I.'
I til I tt I iuM 1 tt
I M In 1 llat 1 tt .
It 121 I Ot I ho I M
II t7 I 10 II 1041 1 H
4i in to 11... tit Im
17 Ill I M II ion 4 ot
10 wi I it ii... ion 4 i
t ion I at I... lew 4 It
1 1M I M II 1U 4 i
J, !!! "4 4 if
1 Hit 41 1 1171 4 II
11 Ml 1 14 11 1011 4 tl 1
I Hit I 14 II 1100 M
t 1011 I M It 1047 I M
11 1041 I It 1 1114 I M
U .1031 I tt I nil M ,
4 U I t0 1 1100 4 40 -
I HI I 44 4... loci 4
14 101 1 It 1 un 4 tv
t 1041 I to 4 101 1 4 m
1 tfil I 70 t 11M I M
t 1U 171
in 1 00 1 n is
1 t?l I ot 1 art 1 M
I TM 14 t 141 I M
4 484 I 10 1 104 4 M
1 !0 1 11 it Ill M
1 M "bulls. lm 04
t 14 I It t IM 1,71
1 io 1 to 1 wis 1H1
1 140 I M 1 1114 I 71 . '
I I'M I tt I... 1M I M
t last I 41 1 UIS I M
1 10 I 00 1 IM I at
1 M0 I 00 . I tot I tl
1 i4 I ta i to 1 it
1 lat 1 to 1 im t to
1 ' 71 t IM I M
ft JS 1
8 4 I 11 I o 4 M
1 791 I M II 741 4 aa
U IM I 70 It Ml 4 II
1 14 I tO It IMI 114
4 TM I II II 1111 4 U
HOQ8 Hogs opened generally 10c hlrh.v
than yesterday average market, the Aral
sales belna- at and rlirht arolml uu
againat 18.70. the popular price yesterday
Aa the trade warmed up the market be
oaro fully 60 higher and very active,
everything In sisht chanalna hands in .
very few minutes. At the high point a
good snare of tha hog sold at 8sjje-q.
with a sprinkling of 8o.90 which was fully
15o higher than yesterday's general market
The advance did not atop even at 16c, the
market becoming wildly higher, some of
the laat hogs at the close selling 80c higher
than yesterday. Borne mixed loads even
brought 84.90, buyera apparently ahuttinsT
their eyea to quality on tha cloae. For
aome daya back thla haa been a hard mar
ket for seller to operate upon, no on be
ing able la tell what would happen next
Price go up when everything looks as If
they ought ta go. lower. Thla morning
sellers who were bid loc higher for their
holdings were apparently doing tha wis
thing to aell, aa the chances were better
for the market closing lower rather than
higher, but a few minutes Ister their sales
looked cheap. The lucky sellers were those
whose hoga came In on the late trains when
the market waa the wildest and the hlgheaL
Representative sales:
Ma Sv. ta Ft. No. . aa. Pr.
M U ... I tl 71 Ill ... M
44 HO ... I Tt Tl let M I M
U. Hi tt IHn tat ... is
Cattle and Sheen Strong: Hoga Fir to
Tan Centa Hlaher.
CHICAGO. Jan. . 81.CATTLB Receipts,
6,000 head; market Strong; common to prime
steers. 4.0lKiji7.00; cow, $2.7Vp6.O0; heifers,
12.bVao.28; bulls. 8S.0Uf(H.50; calves, 82.',5to.(X;
atockera and feeders, fi.7584.90.
HOOB Receipts. lio.ODO head; market 5100
hlghvrj choice heavy, snipping, D.9iWH'
7.ov; light, butchers. 18 au
mixed, 8.80(8ii.97H; choice, light,
B-Vito; packing, ).90u.tf6; pigs, M.4ou.6o;
bulk ot sales,,
SHtlBP AND LAMba-Recelpts, - 12,000
head; market for sneep, strong; lambs,
weak; sneep, 3.tKat.e6; yearlings, Rou
.tt; iambs, te.76ia7.fi6.
New tork Live atoclt Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 81. BEBVE8--Receipt,
100 heau; no trading In live. Keeling
easy; dressed beef In fair demand at iat:
per pound fur native Blues. Liverpool and
inoon catti market hrm at iiTtti&o
per pound, dressed weight.
CALVte-Receipts, 43 head. Veals,
steady, but no good veals offered; western
and barnyard calves, nominal. Common to
fair veals, In.T&; dressed calves, ateady.
City dreaeed vaie, BUfcc per pouna; ex
tra city dressed, lie; country ureeaea, Vif
iiOOS Recelpta, 8.927 head; all for
slaughterers except 2 head. Steady lor
hogs; easier for pigs; quotation, i.2uCF7.o-.
bHlOh,P AND LArtit-Keceipla, 400 Head;
no sneep on the market; lambs moving
more tieely, but no higuer; all sold at
li.Ml'; 110 really gooa or prime lamo
Ktaui Cllr Llva Stack Market.
ceipts, 8,tM) head. Including Voo soutnerns.
Market strong; cows and heifers, ltiibc
higher. Choice export and dressed ueet
ateeta, $5.6otu.t0; tair to good,;
western fed steers, !d.TEj6.,a; atocaar ana
feeder, 83.26tuvt.7o; aoutnern steers, 13. 00
6 26; southern cows, i.i5; native cows,
62.Ml4.76; native, t3.0UtaU.u0; buns,
M.OOU4.; calves. 83,ttao;7.2S.
HOtiS Receipts, ii,iwu head; market
atrong, higher. Top, ef.00; bulk of aaiea.
.6to.92V4; heavy, 14.wh.ti; pacaera,
.'. ; pig and llgnts, lo.buttfia.Uu.
BHKhiP AND . LAMbeV Receipts, 8.600
head; market steady to weak; iambs, to.oi
47.o0; ewes ana yearling, 44.161010; west
arn fed sheep, 4.65(i4.6; stockers and feed,
ars, n.ttt4.iB.
St. Lonla Live Stock Market.
BT. LOUIS, Jan. 81. CATTLE Receipts.
4.0U0 head, Including 1.5U0 Texans. Maraet
ateady; native snipping end export steers,
J6.Isj4j4.76; dressed beef and butcner steers,
4.70i6.80; steers under l.OuO pounus, H.Uxtj
.0u; stockers and feeders, fc.ooit.6uj cows
Snd heifers, fc.fcioo.26; canners,
bulls, vt.xw.(M; calves, M.b.KB.00; 'lexa
and Indian Iteers, .60(ii-bu; cowa and
helfera, 82,5084.00.
HOOS-Receipta, 8,500 head; market
Strong. Plga and lights, 8t).26tl.86; pack
ers, 8 15.90; butohers and oest heavy,
HHtChlf AND LA MBB Receipts, 1600
head; market steady. Native muttona,
$3.1o4jS.76;iambB, 6.26S7.75; culls and
buck, la.lfxa-l.oo; atockera, 83.004.00.
St. Joseph Llva Stonk Market.
Recelpta, 2,511 head; market steady. Na
tives, 4.oot,.7S; aowa and helfera.;
atockera and fevdera, 83.2&4i4.50.
liOUS Hbceipts, 9,8ii2 Head; market io
hlkher. Top, 84.90; bulk, 8li.aV4l.96.
SHEEP AND LAJdBS-Recelpts, 11)8
head; steady. Lamb, l.8ot7.4U; wetheiA
85.166.60; ewea, 14.6Oa6.00.
Sloaa City Llva Stock Market.
8IOUX CITY, Ik.. Jan. II. (BDecial Tela.
gram.) CATTLE Hecelpta, 860 head; mar
aet ieaay; stocKer, siow; Deevee, 84.0txJ
665; cows, bull and mixed. I2.75ig4.5u;
atockera and feeders. 13.006 4 36; calves and
yearllnas, 82.75ib4.76.
iiuua neueipia, a,M neaa; market 10O
hlaher. aelllne at tit tttft OA' hulk .r
- Stock la SlTbt.
Receipts of live stock at ths tlx principal
Ordlnarv, 8c; low nildilllns;. tr; mlddlln.
10V-; good mliMllng. 11 l-l'ic; mlddlina fair,
12 6-ltic. noniinnl; fnlr. 12 1R-1-; receipt.
17.042 bales; atocka 3M.0O2 bale;
Cffndltlna ef Trade and Oantatlnaa an
Staple and Faney Proilaet.
EOGit Per (int., y,
LIVE Port.TRV-Hens. SHoo; roosters,
6c; turkeys,; ducks, 9'uioc; young
' -Ktstets. lytic; aeeee, ay,,oo. .
'JTTKR-I'acklng stock. 19c; ch"lce to
dairy. 2-ii4i': creamers. lo'uJW.
Y Choice tii l'ind. t ; ineulti1" '":
1 bottom. 860: off ktadet. 15 Vi.60.
Rye1 straw. 37. 00; No. 1 alfalfa, 811.00.
BRAN per on, 115.00.
Per bu., 75o
SWEET POTATOES-Illlnota. per largs
bbl . e 26.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., H 85; No. 1
LIMA PEAN8 Per lb., 6C.
CABHAti IS Holland aeed, horn grown
IVtc per lb.
EGO PLANT Per dos., 82R.41H.0a.
RUTABACi AS About 150 lbs. to sack,
POTATOES-Per bu. 47vfJGOo.
TritNIPU-Per bu., 80c,
ONION8-Hoin grown, per bu., 80c
Ppanlsh, per crate, IXUO; Colorado, per bu,,
LEMONS Llmonlera, 100 and 806 else,
81. 60; other btands, 60c leas.
DATES Kada way Vc; any ere. 6c; Hat
lowia, ntw etutleti wamut datea. 8-lb. boa
BANANAf f-er tiedlum-slted bunch,
12.0tj2 26; luniko. IxoOtiASa
OKAI'iS FrtlrlT Bias w 64 and 80, 8171
64 00.
ORANGES Florida Tangea all slsea.
82.2; California navela, extra fancy, ail
alxes, 83.2u; fancy. 83.O0; choice. 83.76.
dos., 4ii'u0c.
TOMATOES-Florida, 80-lb. crate, 85.00.
WAX BhANS-Per bu. Sox, 8e.6OfiI6.00.
- LEAF LETTUCB-Hotnou, per dOA
heads. 46c.
CKLERY-Callfornla, per dos., 75cCtl0fJ,
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos,, liOO.
HORSlJRAlitU-t ase of 2 dos.. 11.80.
RAlISHKS Per doa bunches, 36o.
OREEN PEPPERSPar t-ba.kat rate.
ARSLEY Hothouse, per do, bunohaa,
HEAD LETTUCE Southern, per dos
SHALLOTS Southern, per bunch, 600.
CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. 17.0OS9.00.
APPLES Ben Davis, choice. 12.U0; faney,
per bbl., 12.25; Jonathans, 13.764t4.0O; New
York apples, 13.20; Iowa and Nebraska,
sating and cooking, 12.2fciiil.OU .
PEARS Winter Nella per box. 88.00.
F1QS California, bulk. 6H0; 8-crown
Turkish, loc; 6-crown, 14c; 3-crown, 12o.
CUCOANUToj-Per sack of 100, 84.60.
No. 1 ribs, 15c; No. 1 rlba, 10c; No. I
ribs, 7c; No. 1 loin, ISc; No. 1 loin, L'Ho)
No. 8 loin, 9c; No. 1 chuck, 60; No. 3 chuck,
6c; No. 8 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, 7iSc; No.
2 round, 6Hc; No. 3 round, 6c; No. 1 plate,
4ViC; No. 2 plate, 4c: No. 8 plats, 3c.
CHEESE New ful cream Wisconsin
twins, 16Vic; new full cream brick, b(
liHttc; wheel Swiss cheese, loc; block Bwle.
lUc; llmberger, 14c; Young America. lSHn.
FISH Trout. 12c; halibut, loc; catfiah, l&ot
buffalo, 8c; bullheads. 12; black bass, fins
stock, 2&c salmon, l.c; pike, dressed. Hot
red snapper, 12c; whltellsb, 12c; perao,
dressed and scaled, 6c: pickerel, dressed,
8o; herring, tic; crappies, txloc; eels, loo;
bluefish, 16c; lobsters, green, 35c per lb.
mackerel, Spanish, 16c; native. uo; frog
legs, 4c per dos. saddles; smelts, 12o.
CURED FiBH-Famlly whlteflsh, per
quarter bbi.. 10 lbs., 14.00! Norway mack
erel. No. I. $36.00; No 1 A28.00; herring it
bbla, f0 pounds each, Norway, 4k, 111; Nor
way, 8k, 111.50; Holland herring, in kegs.
mllMers, bOo; kegs, mixed. 70o.
HIDES AND .TALLOW-Oreen salted.
No. 1, 12c; No. 2, 11c; bull hides, 8c; green
bides, No. 1, 10c; No. 2. 8c: horse, li.Wj
ahaati Delta. (Klcfttl 2f. Tallow. 1M T
4Oi No. 2, 8c. Wool, 154J220.
CIDER New York, bilt barrel, 12.78; bar.
tel. 16.04
NUTS French walnuts, tSVicj California
walnuts. No. t soft shell. ISc: No. 1 sort
, ,, . - J . . . Dm.iI. It..... . . . . , . , . V
Burn, io7i, xiiBaiiD, tpvi 100 1 jjocans, ivtnzw.
DlDerts, itigpitc; peanuts, raw,
roasted, 9c; California almonds.
sneu, ine; iiayonia. 11c.
HONEY Per 24 frames, 88.50.
COFFEE Ronsted. No. 86, tic. . per Ib.t
No. 80, lie per lb.; No. 85, 19c per lb.i, No.
io,lo per lb t No. tl, 15c pt: lb.
BTJnAR Granulated cane. In sacks txil.
granulated beet. In sacka 16.01.
evuri) T Kki. ,1. , . :
v m . i u uw., put sm., in cases,
10-lb. cans, 11.70; cases, 11 5-1 b. cans, 31. 80;
caaes, 24 2H-lb. cans, $l.n. . '
CANNED GOODS corn, afandsrd west
ern, uj60c; Maine, 81.1&. Tomatoes, 8-lb. '
csna, 81.10; 1-1 b. cans, 97Hcfeil.O0. Pine,
apples, grated, 2-lb., 12.06tr2.30; sliced. 81 I9
452.20. Gallon applea. fancy, 11.05. Calt
fornla apricots, ' 83.00. Pear a, $1.753 '
I. 50. Peaches, fancy, 11.7642.40; H. ti
benches, 12.012.50. Alaska salmon, red,
II. 16: Jancy Chinook. F 12.10; fancy sock,
aye, sr., $1.95. Bardlnes, quarter oil, $2. 75;
tnree-ouart.r mustard, $3.00. Sweet pota
toes, tl.104il.25. Bauerkraut, $1.00. Pump,
klna 80c$1.00. Wax beans, t-lb., 66fiKioi
lima beans, 1-lb.. Kclfftl. 35. Spinach, Ji.15.
Cheap peas,- 1-lb.' 0(c; extras,- 15c1.10;
fanay. $1.3otil.76. (
Evaporated 'Apple and Dried frnlts. ,
APPLES Market Is holding firm, with
fancy at 9c; choloe, S'S.SjHHo; prime, tfuifrgtie.
In. moderate demand; spot ranaMne; from,
lbfitk accordlna to arnde for fllfnrnia '
fruit. Oregon prunes, 60c to 80s at tJVi'&Se.
Apricota are strona- In tone owing to lltcht'
supplies. Choice, 19c; extra choice, IhaiKc;
fancy, 19S20c. Peachca In light Jobbing de
mand; firm; choice, 11Ji12Mic; extra choice,
llHt&lifMtc; fancy, 124il'14c. Raisin firm,
with looae muscatels at 7H'49'; seeded
ralains, 7 .U !l0c; London layers, $1.351.45.
Mannfaetnred Fx ports Increase.
WASHINGTON, Jan. ll.-Accordlng to 1
atatement. Issued by the bureau of statistics
ot the Department of Commerce and Labor
today, the exporta of mnnufacturea from
the Vnlted States lr the year, just, ended
aggregated 8719,000,000 and formed 41 per
cent of the total exports." Figures repref
sented show '. the ' export .of msnufao
tures to the grand divisions of tha World
and trie share which manufactures fdrmed
of exports to those, divisions. The exports
to Europe aggregated la value 8318,503,047;
North America, $182,121,776; Asia, $;8,530,251
South America, $64.828,90l; Oceania, $29,711,
707, and Africa, $13,827,4X8, the aggregate of
which formed 39.0$ per cent of the export
from the United States to those grand dl
were as
westeru markets yterday
Cattle. Hog. Sheev
South Omaba 4,460 7.Ju0 tfiuo
Sioux City aoO 8.V00
Kansas City 6.ou0 12,0n0 8.611O
BU Joseph 1.611 9.342 14
6t. Louis 4.0u0 8.500 1 bo
Chicago 6, 0UO 26,000 12.000
Coffea Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 81. COFFEE Market
futures opened ateady at an advance of 6
point and during the early aeaalon (howed
a net gain of about 6&10 points on hlghei
French cables and bullish reports concern.
Ing valorisation prpgres. Demand waa
very quiet, however, and late In the avsxion
prleea eased oft under acattering liquida
tion, which waa thought to be largely foi
Wall atreet account. The clos waa easy,
nat unchanged to 6 point lower. Sale
were reported of 21,2ou bag. Including
March) 86 5ua68S; May 86.u6.75; July,
85 K; September, 16.i.); Decumber, $410
St.16. Spot coffee, quiet; Santo No. 7, 7c;
antoa No. 4, kc. Mild coffee, ateady:
Cordova. WjllHc.
Cetten Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 81. COTTON Spot
cloeed steady; middling uplands, 11c; mid
dling gulf, 11.26c; sales, 1,406 balea.
good business done, prleea 8 points lower;
American middling fair, 4 4? J, good mid
dling, llld: middling, .87d; low middling,
I old, good ' ordinary, l.tld; ordinary, 4.97d.
Sales. 10,000 bales, of which 2,0uu were fur
speculation and export and included S.luO
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 31.-OOTTON-8teady;
middling, 10V: aaiea, 181 bale; receipts.
LOW hales; stock, 28.M6 bale.
tures closed steady. Spot market closed
firm; sales, 8.871 bales; low ordinary. 6 1-loV,
kimilnal; ordinary, 1 1-ltc, aouilual;
Rose B. Ralph and husband to ElUa
White, lot 8. Union atiuiire $ 1
J. T. Robinson to Hooter Robinson. 1
lots 8 and 9, block 6, Riverside i
Patrick H. Carey and wife to Emma
F. Krs. lot. 41, Burr Oak 600
Mellora Woolworth airfield and hus
band to Nelson T. Thomson, nwi
ae4 and eH sw4 ne'4, 26-15-12 7,608
Same to same, nw, sc4 and eVi sw1
. feVi, 7,600
LodowfCk R. Crofoot snd wife to
Edffar H. Scott, aub lot 18 In lot 3,
Capitol addition 6,000
William F. Conger and wife to C. T.
Petersen, north 65 feet lot 1, block
17. E. V. Smith's addition 1,600
A. L. M. Stock and wife In Valdemar
Rxsmussen, sH lot 9, Motter's sub
division 1
Josephine D. Mason snd husband to
A. L Stock, lot 9. Motter's subdi
vision 175
Robert O. Fink to Joshua P. Brown,
lota 6 and 8. block 27, Florence .,
Paulcna (lleaaon to Joshua P. Brown,
lota 6 and K. block 27. Florence 61
Ellery R. Hume nnd wife to John
Klockner. jr., lota 1. 2 and 3. block
1, and lota 1, 2 and 3, block 1. Vaa
aer place 650
Eua-ene B. Chapman to William
BomervUle, lots 2 $ and 4, Bark-,
Blow's subdivision 800
1 S eunuji yjejl
ts sonnet stock which will soon b eam
Uur, with 18 eeat copper, 90 to g5 oa it
stock aad Initial dividend are anticipated
at tk rate of 10 shortly. It would pay
von to sU conoer stock which bar beea
boosted beyond their real value and re
iavest la thl stock, which ha not yet
participated la any advaao. beoaaae yeas
Sttentioa haa not been called to the taota.
Writ or call (or special market letter
swarding it.
1'VKSTMI.'T HImilTll.t4
83 Conirr at Ktrfft ' llusUsn, Ma