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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1907)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, FEBRUAHY 1. 1907. 3UIT0N IS IN GREAT FORM Starts Off Esdly, but Finishes with to Atertx of Eizhteen Thrs-Quarters. (TAYLOR ALSO DOLS SOME FINE WORK tkamplea'a Great Billiards Dowa tne Center of tha Table and Shots by Both Coatestaate Featore of Coatest. Qeorge Button of Chicago, champion ( billiard player of tha world, ably defended Ma title In a game last even In- with XI Taylor at Lents St Williams' parlors. But ton' a opponent was to have been "Wisard" Jake Bchaefer, but the wlsard ta alck In bed and aent Taylor from Chicago to take hlii l'lace. Ei .ton last evening scored his too points In ; Ixtcen Innings, Taylor making 1 186 poll ta in the sixteen Innings. At the start Taylor seemed to have the advantage. He scored 46 In the flrat Inning, while Sutton made only SI. In the second Inning But ton made none and Taylor L In the sixth Inning Button made his wonderful run of 1. Button's average was lOTt and Taylor averaged a little over lift. It was a nice. clean game throughout Tha main feature j was the fine masse shots by both men, Button did some fine work down the cen ter of the table, driving the ball to the rail and return. The game was 1S-1 balk line. The players were brought here for a game by J. C Belden, manager of the Brunswlck-Balke-Collender company. A large crowd witnessed the game and many who wanted to see It could not be cause of lack of room. Applause fre quently greeted the fine plays. The score by Innings was as follows: Button SI, 0, . I. St. 147, L 6L 6, 0, L 0, 22, 0, 6, 6; total. 800. Taylor , 1. 0. LS,4,LS5,S,11,C0,Q. 1, So, 7; total, 186. ' ELBERFELD KIDS, WELL AS KICKS Little Fellow Great to Jolly the l"mn and Also Knocks. Klberfeld has the reputation among base ; ball fans of being one that gives all the ' umpires the trouble. But the fans never top to think that the Kid does a lot of kidding with the man behind the catcher which the average base ball fan thinks Is a roast. Tim Hurst and Elberfeld engage In many passages in repartee. It waa in Cleveland one day, and It was hot at that. Tim was having considerable trouble keeping cool. The Kid came up with tire in his eye. One came up that was up around the Kid's chin. Tim said, "Btrlke!" The Kid looked around and smiled; then the crowd began to roar, giving Elberfeld "the laugh." ' Tim, do you know that the last ball that came over was aa high aa your trous ers are? If you are blind, why pass the hat; we have a good crowd here today." Tim looked down at the trousers, then looked at the Kid and said: "All right. Kid. I will have them neatly pressed tomorrow." 1 i After his bout with Waasem at the Auditorium Wednesday night Pearson, tha big Swede, who gives his home as Gold field. Nev., stepped forward to make a few announcements. He had held hla own In two fast ten-minute exhibition bouta with Oacar wi'wm of St. Louts, and said: "Wassem did not throw me in fifteen min utes and cannot, nor can anybody else If I am In condition." The big fellow said he had not trained for the event, but that In a month he would be ready to meet the best of them. He looked the part, for he weighed 190 and was a powerful man. Wallace and Blaesek are matched to box ten rounds at the OsthofI Athletic club rooms again Friday night. These two met three weeka ago and fought to a draw. Opinion Is divided as to which Is the bet ter roan. Blaesek is a powerful Bohemian Turner from Omaha, who Is able to give and take an Immense amount of punish ment. Wallace, on the other hand. Is a shifty, clever colored lad from Sloux Falls, ' 8. D., who is by far the more clever of the two. Duncan McMillan of Detroit, an old time wrestler himself and formerly manager for the great Whistler, who wept forth from ' nmihi to wreatla and conauer the best of them, was master of ceremonies Wednesday , th. niimin.v .v.nii -Thi. i..R,,y ... v.- .-. ".-. . building IS run ot wrestlers, saia Mr. mo- i " innmviv uiw mis cra was ine prop Mlllan, "and with the great enthuslam I erty of Father PadUIaa. says E. E. Black- whlch Is shown here tonight the game could be put on a good footing in umani. Larry Lajole predicts the moat brilliant race next year In the history of the Amert- 1 .rk.A. will h. nn, Mlnh. to climb over " he nays I'Cantlllon. who will manage Washington, is pretty foxy; Jennings should straighten out the tangle at Detroit, and Boston la oue to come back. With theae three 1906 trallera playing real ball the hardest battle on record Is ahead." Some wise ones are ready with the dope that Cleveland and New York are the two teams to fight out the pennant race In the American league thla season. Nothing to It, one or the other must win. Chicago Is out of the running. And that brings up the recollection that It was not more than a year ago that almllar dope was passed around. And then cams a team up from seventh place and snapped these wise boys in two like a dried willow twig. An unconfirmed rumor brings the news that a few wide-awake people on the out klrts of Boston have come to the real isation that it waa a mlatake for the Bean eaters to let George Stone go to St. Ixuls. They are now, says the rumor, deploring sirs sa,ij ail Way back in Buchanan's day We first began to make Good old We made it to good then that we have never changed it. It is the same pure whiskey, with the same fine flavor it has had ever "Since 1857 " Bottled Im Bond A. Cockechelmer & Bros. WttUlers "Stnct I8S7" ruusvgk Sk V tha fart that tha TVxton management not sagaraous enough to discern the su perior qualifications of Mr. Btone as a batsman, his remarkable agility on the Nuvi and hla distinguished Peet-footednesn aa a tlelder to say nothing of hla unflinch ing Integrity and unchallenged sincerity In the ethic of hla profession. This aJI cornea out of boston. Meantime the rent of the base ball world haa almost forgotten that Stone ever played in that ancient dty. Mr. Newton J. Randall, the husky, hard hitting fielder, who haa been on several Western league pay rolle. Denver's last, la among the new onea gathered In by the Cuba' net. Murphy and Chance are getting together a lot of new men. Interest In billiards Is on the Inrreaae. aa well aa In other lines of ajiorta. The Omaha club haa taken the fever and the entire club la divided on the question aa to whether Albert Cahn or Arthur Remington are the best players In Omaha. Kaon man haa a full quota of backera and the match, which waa scheduled for thla week, has been postponed for a week because of the abaence from the city of Mr. Cahn. It will be played a week from Friday at the Omaha club. The new owners of the Boston National league club are willing to spend aome money to strengthen their team, but they are now stumped by the fact that there are no players to he had. Valuable players are all corralled and not easy to pick up. WITH THE BOWLERS. The Knig Parka went across the rlrer last night and bowled the Hamilton a match on their home alleys at the Elks' club. The totals were close, but the Krug boys went Just fast enough for a victory In every game. The Individual were well . bunched, no one aulte reaching the 600 mark, but every man of the ten being aboVe 509. John "Brill" Bengele, the reliable, was top man with eH, and a single game or aw. After the match the Omaha boys were en tertained In a most hospitable manner. Score: KRUG PARKS. ' 1. i. t. Total. Johnson 17 1M 1M 64.1 Zimmerman 12 lf9 am 622 Marble H3 1 17 616 French 158 170 1 614 Bengele 208 191 200 6M Total fOO 902 HAMILTONS. 1. 2. Frush 162 IKS Rempke ISO 170 Gardiner 157 1R2 Nlcoll 163 170 Pickering 170 192 948 1689 . Total. ISO 192 ,115 1R8 196 607 642 614 619 657 Totals .103 7 , 928 2,639 NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Qaalnt and Carloas Feat ores of Life la a Rapidly Growlig Stata. The Fremont Tribune Is certain that W. J. Bryan can prove himself not guilty of cheap talk by flashing contracts for $40,000 for speeches in 1907. People familiar with Weeping Water will believe that "muck raking" Is not a new thing since this appeared in the Republican twenty years ago: "Three men on our streets Tuesday were too drunk to navigate well. Drunkenness is becoming too com mon fn Weeping Water, and somebody had better look a little out, or something may 'drap.' Charlie Is such a Joker! Charlie Finch soys a photograph exposes a pretty wo man. Kearney Democrat. Hostler was Congested A large number of unexpected guests at the hotel Wednes day evening placed the hostler In a con gested condition, and In consequence sev eral were turned away. It's wonderful how business keepa up with our John Stelnauer Star. One Western Nebraska editor thinks horse show reporters must be covering the Thaw case since so much space Is devoted to dresses worn by the women. Now that the legislature has decided to continue tha wolf bounty many hunters can postpone their campaigns against the an! mats until next year. In Old Qulvenv A stiver crucifix with a raised figure of Chrlat on It haa been found HiiHmI with aU,,lt - i , . , oounty, wenraaka, not far from Orleans. T. I ,1.1. ..--a .. man, the first Christian martyr In this state. Although the burial place of Father Padlllas has not been definitely located. It Is believed to be some place In Harlan ' unty. In the sixteenth century FatheT PadUIaa, a SpanlBh priest, came to Ne braska and Kansas for the purpose of Christlanlxing the native Indiana With one inue nia em- me i wim great success, and many were baptised. Father Padlllas then started for another tribe but was killed by those he would have visited. Later lie was buried with his Bible and rosary. Sting of the Birch There Is a great deal of dissatisfaction In the school here.wlng to some of the pupil, being severeiy pun- Ished. Gering correspondent Scot tab! u ft Herald. Wolves "was" Lucky The wolf hunters met with little success Thursday. Three wolves was seen but they escaped through the lines. There was 107 men and boys In attendance. Bameston Star. Short Iessnn In Legislation Clerk of the District Court John R. Queln Is getting a few points on the way our lawmakers do business at Lincoln today. He .expects to return home this evening. Beatrice Ex press. Cold Day at Boelus The branch train to Bcelus on the return trip froze up yester day and the train on the main branch had to go up the line and return with It The train which was due last evening arrived here at 7 o'clock this morning. Grand Is land Independent. YATES BUYS KUHN DRUG STORE Wow Has Poor Locations la On aha. Sooth Omaha and Council Binds. Edward T, Tates, proprietor of Schaefsr's Cut Price Drug stores, has bought the stock and good will of N. A. Kuhn at Co., Fif teenth and Douglas streets. The store Is closed temporarily, during the time of tak ing Inventory and as soon aa the stock is turned over to the new company, the store will be remodeled on attractive lines. This now gives the Bchaefer atoree four locations, the original location being on Sixteenth and Chicago streeta, a store In South Omaha and In Council Blufta The original cut price store was owned by Charles H. Bchaefer, who Is now a manu facturer In Albany. N. Y. Edward T. Tates succeeded him In the business and ha. been since adding to the number of stores under his control. MAYOR WILL VIEW THE SCENE Proooooa to Look Before Leonine Into Any Store) Mew Oaa Tanks. Before signing the Brucker gae tank ordi nance, passed Tuesday evening by the city council. Mayor Dahlman Friday wlU make a visit to ths gas plant at Twentieth and Center streeta and Investigate for himself conditions In that neighborhood. The mayor said he would give both sides of the case a hearing before signing or vetoing the measure. This ordinance is the one al lowing the gas company to enlarge Its plant at Twentieth and Center streeta ' Incidentally the mayor la billed to speak on gas and tanks and. other such things at the parochial school house at Sixteenth and Center streets, Sunday a f, m. RAYNOR ON THE PRESIDENT Senator from Msrylani Beys Chief Eiecn tits Goes Beyond onstitntion. RAISES NEW BATTLECRY FOR DEMOCRACY Conceding Haaesty of President's In teatlaas, Speaker Qaestloas His Right to Iaterfere wlta Making Laws. WASHINGTON, Jan. Sl.-8enator Ray ners address on the expansion of execu tive prerogatives. Senator Lodge's brief reply and an extended discussion of the administration of public land laws by Sen ator Heyburn constituted today's proceed ings In the senate. Disclaiming any Intention of "assailing" President Roosevelt, and professing for him profound personal esteem. Senator Rayner of Maryland today addressed the senate In critical review of what he termed the president's "usurpation of governmental function not conferred on him by the con stitution. " He first alluded to the recent speech of Secretary Root. In which he described the gradual enlargement of federal power at the expense of the states. "I regard this doctrine," said Mr. Rayner, 'as a most dangerous and Insidious attack on the In- atltutlons of the country," He said that because these doctrines "must be taken, as they were Intended to be taken, as mani festing the purpose of the administration to carry this new doctrine of constitutional construction Into execution whenever - the opportunity or emergency may arise for Its exercise." Before reviewing the specific actions of the president which met his criticism, Mr. Rayner remarked: "The president is la boring under the honest Impression that he Is responsible to the country for the legislation of congress." The first Instance of "conflict" between the executive and legislative functions, Mr. Rayner said, was In the San Domingo af fair. In which, he said, "the president has evidently made his own treaty." Without discussing whether the treaty is right, he said: 'The charge that I make Is that he haa accomplished this In violation of the constitution. The treaty has been prac tically carried into effect without consult lng the senate." The same means, he said, might be employed for the collection of debts from any Central or South Ameri can republic. Judiciary Should Be Free Mr. Rayner turned his attention to the Judiciary, announcing his belief that it ought to be free from executive Interfer ence. "It is therefore my Judgment," he added, "that the criticism by the presi dent of Judge Humphrey with reference to his decision in the case known as the meat packers' case in the Illinois court waa an invasion of Judicial prerogativea" Mr. Rayner then pronounced his disap proval of the president for his "intrusion" upon the states, taking for example the note of the president to Governor Guild of Massachusetts, In which the course of the governor waa commended In refusing to Interfere In the carrying out of the death sentence against Charles L. Tucker. "I never knew a communication of this sort to be sent by a president to the governor of a state since the foundation of the re public," said Mr. Rayner, "and I deeply regret and deplore the occurrence. It would have been extremely good taste for Governor Guild to have respectfully re mitted this telegram to the president with a caution that he did not request the presi dent's opinion In the case nor the sanction of his high station to the carrying out of the execution." While admitting that no technical viola tion of any provision of the constitution was Involved, Mr. Rayner contended that It was a practical announcement that the acts of state officials were subject to the approval or displeasure of the federal gov ernment. Railroad Legislation. The turbulent times In the senate at tendant on the passage of the railroad rate bill were next alluded to by Mr. Rayner. "The president came Into the game early," he began, and then added, "we realize that no fight Is thoroughly equipped upon this floor unless the president Is In It. He longs for a fight as the heart panteth after the water brooks. It was a match to the finish between the senior senator from Rhode island (Aldrich) and the president." The 1 mo8t wonderful exhibition of the president's J pe, , congress Mr. Rayner believed to have been at the time of legislating for the sea level canal. After describing this fight he remarked, "It shows how the dominating spirit of the president can ride the whlrl- w,"d, when he ha. made up hi. mind to legislate, and how In absolute defiance of the laws of nature he can produce a senatorial vacum beneath the sweep of his mighty genius." The Schley case was the next topic re viewed by Mr. Rayner, particularly with reference to the president's action In the matter. He predicted that the Schley case would yet be reopened Just as a similar case had recently been In another land. "Admiral Schley shall be heard," he an nounced, "living or dead. I have never known an unjustlce of this sort to have been done that the occasion did not arise to redress It." Tawrlttea Constitution." The result of the president's construction of his prerogatives, Mr. Ray nor said, had I ralfd MW chool of scribers who had commenced to edit a revised edition of the constitution called "The Vn- written Constitution." The president Is the prophet of this new creed. "But," he added, "one thing he has no right to do. and that Is to use the vast public patronage at his disposal to compel obedience to his views. Another thing he has no right to do and that is to make compacts with the speaker of ths house of representatives or Its committees, to accomplish or prevent legislation. He has no right either the yond his messages In which he Is given the right at any time to suggest any measure he may deem proper or necessary) to Inter fere with legislation and to force congress either to adopt his recommendations, or If it rejects them to bring about a breach between the legislative and executive de partments that Is detrimental to the best Interests of the country. That constitutes an assumption of dictatorial power, which the people of this republic will not submit to." In concluding Mr. Rayner said: "I believe that If the democratic party would take up as Its battlecry the reserved rights of the states, and the Inviolate con stltutloned distinction of the legislative, the Judclal and the executive departments, that we could rally around the doctrine the In telligent suffrages of our countrymen." 6enator Lodge, responding briefly to Mr. Rayner, declared that nothing the presi dent had ever said had gone so far to ward advocating a revolution of our pres ent governmental system as had Mr. Bry an's declaration for the government owner ship of railroads. In reply to Mr. Lodge, Senator Carmack said that while Mr. Bryan had expressed the opinion that If government regulation should fall government ownership ought to come, the president had said that If gov ernment regulation should fall government ownership would have to come. He con cluded that there was no substantial differ ence between the president and Mr. Bryan on that subject. Heyhnra Criticises Hltrheoek. Senator Heyburn then continued his crit icism ot the special order ot the secretary of the Interior, which forbids the issuance of a patent to lands untU after an exam ination on the ground by a special agent. Mr. Heyburn asserted that the creation of foreat reserves had raised the price of wood for fuel In hla state 75 per cent, and the price ot lumber generally from 13 to $5 a thousand feet. He said 18.000,000 acres of land In Idaho had been converted Into forest reserves. He could make no explan ation of the policy being pursued unless It was "greed of power." Senator Carter Interrupted the discussion to stste that last year not less than 150,- 000 settlers on land In western states mi grated to Canada. The reason was, he said, because settlers were tiring of the Increas ing restrictions and embarrassments being thrown In their way by the administration of the public land laws. His statistics showed that ten years ago but forty-seven settlers migrated to Canada In a year. Mr. Heyburn had not concluded when the senate adjourned. i i RIVER AKD HARBOR BILL ' VP Charge that Committee Discriminated Against Middle West. WASHINGTON. Jan. 81 The river and harbor appropriation bill occupied praetlo ally all the time of the house today. After a short colloquy over the division of time and the paternal advice of the speaker to allow the chairman of the commltee of the whole (Mr. Currier of New Hampahire) to control the general debate, the debate was begun by Mr. Burton of Ohio, chairman of the rivers and harbors committee. Other speeches were made by Messrs. Bartholdt of Missouri, Ransdell of Louisiana, Snapp of Illinois, Lawrence of Massachusetts, Caudrey of Missouri, Morrel and Moore of Pennsylvania, Bannon of Ohio, Rhodes of Mississippi and the resident commissioner of Porto Rico, Julio Tarrlnago. Mr. Bar tholdt charged that the committee in draft ing the measure discriminated against the middle west In favor of the east and south. The house today went Into committee of the whole for consideration of the rivers and harbors appropriation bllL Chairman Burton, In making the opening statement said It was the largest rivers and harbors bill ever presented to congress, and the best. "New projects," said Mr. Burton, "are not adopted unless provision is made for completion." In providing for the completion of new projects radical departure Is made In the bill from former methods. "It has been thought best," Mr. Burton remarked, "to undertake no new Improvement unless the whole amount required for Its completion, whether the project Involves large or small expense. Is appropriated or authorised." In the discussion of the rivers and har bors bill of 1902, Mr. Burton said there had been a popular misapprehension to the ef fect that a very large amount of money had been appropriated for rivers and creeks of trivial Importance, but' It was shown that by the act of that year only 8417,000 had been appropriated for small streams. Speaking of the Hennepin canal, Mr. Burton traced the agitation In favor of It to the popular feeling, but he doubted If it would be of the advantage anticipated. Mr. Graff of Illinois suggested that pos sibly the popularity had been due to the former chairman of the rivers and harbors committee. General D. B. Henderson, who represented that locality In congress and he suggested that possibly location was the dominating Influence against It today. To this Mr. Burton replied that It would prob ably be a good thing If the present chair man's "dominating influence" could be de veloped to "the prevention of objectionable projects" which brought him a round of applause. . . - Representative Bartholdt of Missouri, one of the champions of a foui teen-foot channel between St. Louis and Chicago, which the committee refused to Include in the bill, followed Mr. Burton. He charged that the committee, under the Influence of Its chair man (Mr. Burton), ' had unfairly discrim inated against that project In favor of the rival route from the lakes to the Missis sippi by way of . the Pittsburg St Lake Erie canal and the Ohio. Mr. Bartholdt asserted that there was a combination of the east and the south In the committee against the middle west, Mr. Ransdell of Louisiana said the rail roads were beginning to realize that waters must be Improved to relieve the freight congestion which Is alarming the public. The result, he said. Is a decided change In the sttltude ot the railways toward waterway Improvement. He spoke of the recommendation of President J. J. Hill of the Great Northern railway, that a fifteen- foot waterway be provided from Chicago to the ; gulf, and said that the far sightedness of that railroad official was thoroughly well known. COMPROMISE FOR RAILWAY PAT Some Savins; to Be Made In New Mall Contracts. WASHINGTON. Jan. 81. A compromise of the proposed reduction In railway mall pay was agreed upon today between rep resentatives of various railroads which hava maU contracts and the house com mittee 'on poatofflces and post roads. The proposition to compromise and waive a hearing was made through Representative Hedge of Iowa. The bill provided for a S per cent reduction on all contracts over routes averaging 48,000 pounds a day; a 10 per cent reduction on all routes averag ing from 48.000 to 80,000 pounds per day. and a flat rate of $18 per ton per mile per year on all routes averaging more than 0.000 pounds a day. . Through Mr. Hedge the railway men sgreed to accept this cut providing that the flat rate on routes over 80.000 pounds a day be Increased to 20 a ton. The committee agreed to Increase the rate from 118 to (19 and this was accepted. In addition to reducing the price per ton which railways are to be paid for haul lng mall, which will amount to at least 13.000,000, the committee has approved o cut of tl.000.000 in the amount to be paid to railways for the rent of mall cars. The committee also decided that the weight of mall bags must not hereafter be added to the weight of mall In computing the amount carried. Beanty that Lasts. Where la the woman who has not the praiseworthy desire to enhance her personal charms and preserve as long as possible her delightful power of enchantment, which lasts as long as her beauty? The Oriental Cream prepared by Dr. T. Felix Oouraud of New York City Is a harmless prepare tlon for preserving the delicacy of the com plexion and removing blemishes. It Is the favorite toilet article of the leading pro fessional artists who owe so much of their popularity to i their personal charma Scarcely a star dressing room In the land is without Gouraud's Oriental Cream, which Is the most wholesome and perfect beautlfler known. Drugglsta will supply you. Westoa Will Relieve Wood. WASHINGTON. Jan. M. The War de partment has decided to place Major Gen eral John Weston, now in command of the department of Luzon, in command of the Philippine division on the relief from that duty of Major General Leonard Wood. General Wood is to take command of the Atlantic division with headquarters at Gov ern ore Island, about July 1 next unless Lieutenant Oeneral MacArthur decides to surrender his present command at San Francisco for that post. Boys' 5 00 and $6.00 suits now $23. In final clearance sale. Benson A Tborne, lUi Douglas. A TOWEK OF STOEMGTH A PYRAMID OF PURITY A MONUMENT OF MEMT HUNT EB HOWTER MORE EAR RIM AN METHODS Witnesses Tell Ho Trafflo Competition is Eliminated in California. STEAMSHIP COMPANY FORCED TO SUSPEND Circulars Distributed la Oriental Porta Warning Shippers Not to Iso Graham Line Beeanse it Had No Connections. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. Sl.-Evldence that tends to show- that the operation of E. H. Harrlman on the coast constitutes a violation of the Interstate commerce law was brought out before . Commissioner Franklin K. Lane today. C. A. Severance, attorney for the commission, Introduced evidence to prove his contention that Har rlman paid a price out of proportion to the value of the Coos Bay properties In order to put competition out of the way. Harrlman, Attorney Severance maintained, was not buying coal mines primarily; he was buying monopoly. j D. A. Graham, who supplied this testi mony, created another sensation berore no left the stand. He said that when Harrl man acquired the Oregon Railway and Navigation company In 1901 hi. agent, cir culated literature throughout the Orient warning merchants and others not to ship freight over the Graham line, the Oregon and Oriental, as It had no transportation facilities on this side of the world. The circulars were dated at Portland. As a re sult of these methods the witness said Graham's line went out of business. Hard and Fast Contract. Graham was recalled to the stand for a continuation of the story he related yes terday, showing how Harrlman forced his company, the Oregon and Oriental, out of business. He stated that the Oregon Rail way and Navigation company, owned by Harrlman, routed hla Inward freights and that he was required by contract to give the1 Oregon Railway and Navigation com pany bills of lading over that road and Its connections. So stringent were the conditions of this contract, when Graham desired to give some of his freight to the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul rood, the official., particu larly Campbell of the Oregon Railway and Navigation, would not permit him, but compelled him to ship over the Chicago and Northwestern and the Illinois Central. Attorney Severance, for the oommlsslon, went carefully Into the terms of this con- trmrt. drawing attention among other things to the fact that there was a pro viso showing careful regard for the In teratate Commerce commiasion. Harrlman Paya Bis; Price. When the Coos Bay, Roaeberg St Eastern railway was built, Graham testified, he. In his capacity of railroad contractor, wai ukM' to take the work. Meeting John D. Bpreckels at Coronado. he. Induced him to come Into the enter prise. The Inveatment looked promising to Bpreckels. ao he agreed to buy thirty miles of rails, psyment to be msde to him after the bonds were sold and the subsidy paid. It was shown that the entire property In Coos Bay cost Bpreckels considerably leaa than tl.000,000. When Harrlman came along and bought the property be was willing to pay ll.3UO.000 for It. All the testimony was taken and Com missioner Lane declared the hearing at an end. On Thursday next the parties to the hearing will go to Los Angeles, where the session Will be resumed. RAILROAD ORDERED TO REPl'XO Katy Mast Par Baek Arbitrary Charge on Orala Shlpmenta. OKLAHOMA CITT. Okl.. Jan. $1. That shippers of grain over the Missouri. Kan sas aV Tvxaa railroad aiuce January 1. 1U6, Sold at 11 flrat-elass safes and bv lobbera Wit. laaHAUAN SON. BeltUBora M? are entitled to rebates amounting to thou sands of dollars, collected by the rail road under an arbitrary 6-cetit charge per 100-welght on freight in foreign cars turned over to the Missouri, Kansas Sc Texas, at Junction points, was the chief development during the first day's hearing before Judge C. A. Prouty, Interstate commerce com missioner. Judge Prouty, to facilitate mat ters, combined the cases of the Ponca City Milling company and the Blackwell Milling company, as they both Involve the same question. The railroad company made no fight against the petitions for damages. Another Interesting feature brought out In the testimony today Is that It Is cheaper to ship grain 800 miles to Chicago than It Is to Gainesville, Tex., a distance of 140 miles. This testimony was developed in hearing the complaint of W. O. Mitchell agalnat the Santa Fe. Mr. Mitchell testi fied that when there was a wheat fallurt In Texas the railroad company raised the rates to a prohibitory point and forced the shippers to ship north, where the price waa not aa good as It was in Texas. J. R. Koonts. general freight agent for the Santa Fe, announced a decrease In rates from Oklahoma City to Gainesville and Fort Worth, commencing March IS. To Gainesville the reduction will be about 6 cents, and to Fort Worth about 2 cents. Mr. Koonts admitted that conferences of railroad men were held in regard to the fixing of ratag, "In order to prevent a rate war." RIUNG ON RAILWAY TARIFFS Regulations for Joint and Through Freight and Passenger Rates. WASHINGTON. Jan. Jl.-The Interstate Commerce commission today promulgated the tariff circulars containing regulations JUL The difference between aucceas and fail ure in life is due in nine out of ten casea to lark of physical manhood. Tou can't be half a man physically and a whole man otherwise. A chain ta no stronger than Its weakest link. We treat men only and ours promptly, safely and thoroughly MCKVOVS DeBIL XTT, BLOOD POISOW, itKIBT DI3BA3ES, XIORKT and BLADXaKk DIBBASSB and all Soeoial Diseases aad their complica tions. CONSULT FREE the Reliable Specialists of the STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTI 00TORSFORRflEF Call and Oe Examine Freo or Writ, f OFFICE HOI ltfi 8 A. M. to 8 P. I. SUNDAYS 10 to 1 OXLY 1308 Famam St., BetvVeen 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, N Permanently Established in Omaha, Nebraska. TOLZ.OW TsTSl TLAO.' Hew Sold Feb. G to 10. Ask WABASH CITY OFFICE, 1501 Farnam St. HABBY E. M00BE3, O. A P. D. Omaha, Neb. governing the construction anC filing of freight and passenger tariffs and classi fications effective March 1 next. The regu lations cover Joint tariffs and Joint rates, through tariffs and through rates and also individual rates of the various carriers. t It Is provided that a change In a tariff shall be known as an amendment and shall be printed as a supplement to the tariff which It amends. No rule shall be In cluded In amendments, the circulars state, which In any way or In any terms author zes substituting for any rate named In the tariff. Every carrier shall publish, jost and file separate tariffs containing In plain and specific form and terms all off the terminal charges and allowances, tO' gether with all other charges and rules which In any way Increase or decrease the amount to be paid on any ahlpmen aa stated In the regular tariff. If a car rler refuses to participate in through o Joint rates to or from Its territory tin commission will give early hearing on comj plaint against such action and render d clslon under the law which confers a,' thoritv to establish through routes sn Joint rates. Such complaining carriers ma the commission rules, use such throu rates over the line of the objecting caf rler or carriers as may have been lawfulf published and filed, pending a decision f the commission. I The passenger tariff regulations cont general rules regarding stopovers, b gage and excess baggage weights. special provision Is made for the arrange ment In local and Interdlvlalonal ta r and for statements showing the routl B per cent discount on aU boys' girls' underwear, in final clearance at Benson St Thorne, 1516 Douglas St. I 4 Orleans and Bat $31 .50 Quickest Rot .... .... . .... . . I - . ' j v , y) J i i V r r-. . i rV J f 4 V -1 J j