Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Executive Committee File Supplemental
Charm araintt Polio Board.
Aside from Rfmltig Irtet Agalast
"day IiImm Remaaetraaea
la Made Acalast Prlaa
The executive committee of the CWIo
Federation Thursday morning mailed'' to
Governor Sheldon tha formal charges
against the Board of Fire and Police Com
missioners of Omaha. These charges are
marked "additional and supplemental com
plaint," and are to be taken together with
those filed under the Mickey regime. The
names f T. J. Mahonejr, A. B. Bomers, W.
T. Graham. Isaac W. Carpenter and C. S.
Hayward, executive committeemen, are
signed to the document
Aside from making the same complaint
as before that saloons are kept open In
this city on Sundays, the ' federation now
registers a protest against the evil of prise
fighting, which It la said Is conducted
"notoriously" without any restraint from
the board.
After reviewing the fact of the former
complaint and lu preliminary hearing be
fore Governor Mickey at the Millard hotel
and all the circumstances attendant, the
complaint states:
That upon the first Sunday following said
"th of November, 1!, numerous pro
prietors of saloons for the sale of malt,
spirituous and vinous liquors In the city of
Omaha, kept their places of business closed
and did not, on said day. engage In the
sale of said liquors and thereafter from on
or about the Sfond Sunday after said th
of November. I!i6, to and Including the first
Sunday of January of 1907, the police de
partment of the city of Omaha, exercised
a degree of vigilance, for many years
Ignored and unknown. In the arresting of
proprietors and bartenders, who undertook
to engage In the sale of malt, spirituous
and vinous liquors on the first day of the
week, commonly called Sunday, and through
such exercise and diligence caused holders
of saloon licenses In said city, quite gen
erally, to refrain from the sale of such
liquors upon Sundays,
Takes I'p Those Orders.
The document then recites the fact and
circumstances of the order Issued by CMef
of Police Donahue January 12 to his subor-
A Reasonable Plea
For The Stomach
If Your Stomach Is Lacking In Digestive
Power, Why Not Help the Stomach
lo lu Work Especially Whea
It Costs Nothing To Try?
Not with drugs, but with reinforce
ment of digestive agents, such as are nat
urally at work In the stomach? Bolentlflo
. muysis snows inat digestion require
i pepsin, nitrogenpua ferments, and the se
cretion of hydrochloric acid. When your
food falls to digest. It Is proof positive
that'some of these agents are lacking In
your digestive apparatus.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain noth
ing but these natural elements necessary
to digestion and when placed at work In
Vthe weak stomach and smalt Intuilnu
supply what these organs need. They
Stimulate the gastric glands and s-raduall
! bring the digestive organs back to. their
normal condition.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been
subjected to critical chemical tests at
home and abroad and are found to contain
nothing, but natural digestives. .. , .IV, .
Chemical Labratory. .Telegraphic ad
dress, "Dlffindp.', London. Telephone No.
1102 Central. 20 Cullum St., Fenchurch
r-et, E. C.
London. th Aug., 190S.
I have analysed most carefully a box
Of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets (which I
bought myself at a city chemist's shop
for the purpose), manufactured by the
T. A. Stuart Co.. Temple Chambers. Lon
don. E. C. and have to report that I can
not find any trace of vegetable or mineral
S poisons. Knowing the Ingredients of the
tablets I am of opinion that they are ad
"' fm mlrably adapted for the purpose for which
they are Intended.
(SI tried) John R. Brooke, F. I. C. F. G. S.
There la no secret In the preparation of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Their compo
sition Is commonly known among physi
cians, as Is shown by the "recommenda
tions of 40,000 licensed physicians In the
I'ntted States and Canada. They are the
most iwular of all remedies for Indi
gestion, dyspepsia, water brash. Insom
nia, loss of appetite, melancholia, consti
pation .dysentery and kindred diseases
originating from Improper dissolution and
assimilation of foods because they are
thoroughly reliable and harmless to man
or child. '
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are at once
"V4 a safe and powerful remedy, one grain
v h, tnese laoieis Deing strong enougn toy
test) to digest 8.000 grains of steak, eggs.
ana other rrd-. Stuart s Dyspepsia Tab
7 lets will digest your food for you when
your somach can't.
' v Ask your druggist for a fifty cent pack-
age or send to us direct for a free trial
. sample package and you wtlj be surprised
at the result. F. A. Stuart Co., Stuart
Bldg, Marshall, Mich.
Running expenses go right oa
when buslni'u Is at a standstill.
Even If we didn't do a dollar's
worth of business at this season of
tha yrar our rent, our light and
our aire expenses go right on Just
til same.
Therefore, wa don't figure in a
cent for rent, light or hire, when
wa make this offer of
Hade- to -Measure Suits
For S20.00
Extra Pants $5
These are special Suitings that
we have In bolt lota which wa are
clearing out to make room for In
coming Spring Stock.
Phone Doug, lsoa, o So. Ista at.
Nest door to the Wabash Ticket afflee.
dlnates, conveying a copy of the mayor's
Previous orfler to desist from usink th
police to keep saloons closed on Bknday
and says Of the chief's order: i
Thst said order of said chief of police
was Intended to be understood snd was un
derstood by the holders of licenses for the
sale of melt, spirituous and vinous liquors,
ss a permission to violate that provision
of the statute of the state of Nebraska
Prohibit llrg the sale of liquors upon the
first day of the week, commonly called
Sunday, and pursuant thereto a large num
ber of holders of licenses for the sale of
such liquors did, upon the 1.1th day of Jan
uary. ri7. that being the first dsy of the
week, commonly called Sunday, cause th-lr
places of business to be open and did sell
to divers and numerous persons, whose
names are to the undersigned unknown,
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors upon
the first dny of the week, commonly called
Sunday, to the knowledge of the several
members of the police force of said city
and to the said chief of police, and not
withstanding said knowledge, neither said
police force nor said chief of police caused
the arrest of any person because of the
sale of suoh liquors upon such day.
Aetloa of the Board.
The action of the federation Incident to
these orders Is then reviewed, the filing of
complaint against the chief with the board.
the board's action, and this statement fol
lows: That on Monday, January 28. 1907. the
said Board of Fire and Police Commis
sioners, in session, notwithstanding the
aforet-ald answer of said chief of police,
admitting that he had given the above
mentioned order to the captains and mem
bers of the police force, and notwithstand
ing thst the attention of said board had
been called to the fact that said order
and said act of said chief of police was un
lawful and In violation of his duty, never
theless the said Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners did then snd there dismiss
said complaint and did then and there re
fuse to take any steps whatever to secure
the enforcement of the laws of the state
of Nebraska within said city, and did then
and there refuse and omit to even ad
monish said chief of police by reason of
his said sdmltted dereliction of duty.
The undersigned further complain and
represent uhta your excellency that about
one year sro the srtntinn , v.n
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
il i. "? fact that throughout
vmsna mere were then a great
many slot machine gambling devices set
up for fho purpose of gambling and openly
and publicly Used, operated and maintained
for the purpose of gambling, to the knowl
edge and without opposition of the police
department of aald city. and. notwithstand
ing said fact, said Board of Fire and Po
lice Commissioners have, at all times,
wholly refused and refrained from either
giving any direction to the said police de
partment to suppress said gambling or
disciplining, admonishing or reprimanding
the chief of police, or any of the police
force of the. city of Omaha for their
dereliction of duty In permitting said
gambling to continue, and by reason thereof
said gambllr.g continues to the present
time, i
Kick oa Prise Flghtiar.
The undersigned further complain and
represent to your excellency that within'
the-last two weeks prlxe fighting has been
permitted to take place in said city of
Omaha so openly and notoriously as to
have been mentioned and reported In the
public pi ess of said ?!;-. and. notwith
standing said fact, said Board of Fire and
Police Commissioners have taken no steps
whatever to cause the police department
of said city to suppress said price fighting
or to arrest the participants therein or
persons aiding or aoettlng the same.
The undersigned further complain and
represent unto your excellency that not
withstanding the decision and ruling of
four excellency's predecessor, Hon. John
1. Mickey, made November , 1906, as
herein above recited, the said members
of the Board of Fire and Police Commis
sioners have ever since said date con
tinued to refuse . to make any order or
give any direction to the police department
of said city of Omaha whatever directing
said police force or any of the members
thereof to do any act or thing necessary
and expedient to be done to secure the en
forcement of the laws of the state of Ne
braska within said city, but. on the con
trary, the auld members of said hoard have
announced publicly at meetings of said
board that they would not make any such
order or give any such direction whatso
ever, and would continue to refuse to make
any direction or order to the said police
department of said dry in any way re
quiting, commanding or admonishing, the
said police force of said city or any mem
ber thereof to cause the arrest of law
breakers within said city or to take any
step or steps whatever to secure the en
forcement of the laws of the - state of
Nebraska within said city.
Wherefore, the undersigned respectfully
pray our excellency to .fix a time and
place for the hearing of the complaint here
tofore filed and still pending and undis
posed of as hereinabove recited and this
additional, and supplemental complaint and
that said members of said Board of Fire
and Police Commissioners be required to
make -answer at said time and olare to
ald original complaint and this additional
ana supplemental complaint and that upon
the hearing of said original complaint and
this additional and supplemental complaint,
such action be taken by your excellencv as
Is provided by the taws of the state of
Nebraska In such cases.
300 small else boys' sweaters, worth up to
$1.76, now reduced to 60c. In final clear
ance sale. Benson A Thome, ISIS Douglas.
Carl Fisher Arrested for Fllrhlas;
from Pocket of a Draskea
Carl Fisher. 320B Dewey avenue, colored.
what has devoted much of his life toward
building up an unenviable reputation among
the police, was arrested by Detectives
D rummy and Maloney In a pool hall at
Twenty-eighth and Faraam streets Thurs
day night snd locked up at the city Jail
as a surplclous character. Fisher Is charged
by other colored men with having robbed
the pockets of a drunken negro while ap
parently engaged In aldtng'hlm to maintain
his feet. The victim fell while walking
between two friends, who were helping
him home, and Fisher stepped Up behind
and as he put his arms around the fallen
negro as though to raise him, he Is said
to have run -his hands Into his pockets and
taken $10.10.
Fisher has a bad record with the police
for such work, and as he has threatened
Detective D rummy's life, the officers took
no chances In placing him under arrest.
He had to be knocked down before he would
submit. An open Jackkntfe was found In
his pockets, but he was not given time
to draw any weapons.
Watch for our broken lot sale ad In Fri
day's Boe. Fry Shoe Co.
Right to Balld Flfty-Thaaeaad-Dallar
atraejare Issaed by
Building Inspector Wlthnell Thursday
morning Issued a permit for the erection
of the new Temple Israel at Twenty-ninth
avenue and Jackson street, the cost of the
edifice 150.000. John Latenser la the
architect and the contract has been
awarded to Robert Butke. Work will be
started soon. The church will be sixty
feet wide, with a depth 'of ninety-seven
feet. From tbe sidewslk to top of dome
will be seventy feet. Two columns of buff
Bedford stone, two feet thick and forty
eight fee, high, will grace the front of
tbe church, while the dome will be cov
ered with asbestoa shingles. All windows
In tbe auditorium will be of art glass.
Other permits issued: Harry Rich, three
tl.Gu dwellings at Twenty-eighth and Rug
gles; Mrs. J. B. Beranek. XO dwelling at
Twenty-fourth and Arbor.
Children's coats, I to I years, worth $5.00
and 16.00, now flCO, In final clearance sale.
Benson 4s Tborne. 151i Douglas St.
1r Ualrya Uwelllaa.
Firs started ta the two-story frame
dwelling house at St. Mary's avenue.
occupied by Hugh R. Lsndxrea. early Frl
; day morning, during the absence of the
family, and before being discovered had
' secured such headway that the upper floor
( was padiy danuuied. The ruor and second
, story i were alimwt wrecked, while tha first
flour also suOVred. The family was pre
: poring to move out of the city and soma
I i in uouasnota guoas &a already been
Wabash and Great Western May Stand Cat
A rain it Frtpsrtional
Orala Mea t'aable to Leara that
Either Road Has Filed Hw
Tariffs with Conaaaervo
It la possible the Wabash and Chicago
Great Western will stand together against
the abolition of the proportional rate
through Omaha on grain originating In
Iowa. Local officials of neither road have
received notice from their superiors of any
change. In tariffs and they announce they
will continue to plan their business on the
old basis. The grain men are unable to
learn that either road has filed new tariffs
with the Interstate Commerce commission.
If they have not, these two roa,ds, at least,
cannot do away with the proportional
March L as less than thirty days (Inter
venes between the present snd that date.
Secretary McVann of the Grain exchange
returned to Omaha Thursday after several
days' absence and Immediately began to
look Into the situation. He said he could
not tell what would be done until some offi
cial communication from the various roads
had been secured and a meeting had been
held of the transportation committee of
the exchange.
"I am Just back and do not know what
Is the position of the Wabash," said Mr.
McVann. "I hope it ts true the road Is
not a party to the agreement. The Iowa
roads have been fighting us all along In
order toiaul the grain to Chicago, and
this la Just another of the many moves
they have made. If It succeeds, the blow
will be a heavy one to Omaha." '
Mr. McVann says there Is plenty of
ground for taking the matter before the
Interstate Commerce commission and many
reasons why Omaha should win. The
transportation oommlttee of the exchange
will meet within a few days to decide on a
course of action.
Bl- Point of laterest.
"The t raffle Interests of the entire coun
try are watching the controversy between
the Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Interurban
railroad and the Chicago ft Northwestern."
said Secretary McVann. He had Just re
turned from Cedar Rapids, la., where he
was the principal witness In the hearing
of the case before the Interstate Commerce
"It is the first case under the new pro
vision of the Interstate commerce law
which gives the commission power to fix
Joint through rates where the railroads
concerned fall to do so. The Iowa inter
urban lines are aggressively officered and
managed. Thoy are vitally Interested, as
they are all freight carriers and have been
refused participation in the Joint tariffs of
the railroads in an effort of the latter to
shut them out of business. The Cedar
Rapids rrtad asked the commission to give
It Joint tariffs.
The lnterurbans carry a large amount
of freight. On the Cedar Rapids St Iowa
City Interurban, which is only twenty
eight miles in length, 960 cars a year origi
nate. I was called as a witness In the
case because Linn county is my home
county and I am familiar with railroad
conditions there.
. "The defendant was allowed twenty-five
days to prepare and present Its side of the
case, and the next hearing will be awaited
with much Interest." ....
t Threaten loss of Tralas.
Railroad men at local headquarters say
residents along . the branch lines of the
roads In Nebraska will lose most of their
passenger trains If the proposed reduction
In passenger rates is made. The officials
declare that passenger service in Nebraska
Is maintained at an absolute loss snd that
although a few of the- through trains dur
ing the summer season may make a profit,
yet the state as a whole, Including the
sparsely settled districts, shows a loss.
It la a question In Nebraska if the pas
senger service pays a fair share of the
operating expenses," said one of the opera
ting officials in Omaha Thursday. "Over
LOCO miles of passenger service have been
added In Nebraska in the last, two years
on branch lines which penetrate new sec
stions of the state, all for the purpose of
furnishing passenger service Into those
thinly Inhabited sections for the benefit
of homeseekers and the population living
along these lines. At the request of com
mercial and civic bodies In western half
of the state thousands of miles of passen
ger service were put In and are now main
tained solely to promote these sections.
Many trains do not earn 40 cents a mile as
against an operating cost of 90 cents a
mile. The population of Nebraska is fif
teen per square mile as against eighty-six
la Illinois, forty In Iowa, 187 in France, Ml
in England and twenty-three In the United
States. Any reduction In the maximum
rates would no doubt sweep away the en
tire fabrio of cheaper excursion rates made
use of so largely by the working classes
of the state. It would be very questionable
it the roads could further maintain, even
for reasons' based on policy of develop
ment, many of the branch passenger trains
now run solely for these reasons.
accessor to Rassell.
C. M. Bevlngton, trainmaster of the Mis
souri Pacific at Little Rock, has been ap
pointed superintendent of the Omaha
division ot the Missouri Faolflo to take Uie
place of Jumes Russell, who resigned to
accept the position of superintendent of the
Bearditown division of the Burlington. Mr,
Bevlngton has been with the Missouri Pa
cific at Little Rock for the last three years
and prior to that time was with the same
road on the Louisiana division. Prior to
that time Mr. Bevlngton was train dis
patcher on the' Alton. - Those In Omaha
who know Mr. Bevlngton ' say he is a
young man of fine appearance and a hustler
and should made a good superintendent for
this division.
All flannel blouses and shirts go at S
nr rent discount, final clearance sale.
Benson A Thome, IMS Douglas St.
Boys with Opium Layoat.
Carl Hates. 924 Sutith Sixteenth street
and Paul Norton. Urs Houth Thirteenth
street, two minors, were arrested In a
room at 1.112 Capitol avenue, early Friday
morning, being . found with a complete
nninm "lavout." The boys said they had
had the room about three weeks and
smoked opium there witnout being mo-
. 'Toith Talk K. 108
Everything I do for a patient
In the way of dental work I do
with a view of doing work for
him and his friends In years
to come.
Ot course I cannot compete In
price with the unworthy or un
skillful. No more can you set
a good crown for ft. SO than
you can get a Delnionlco dinner
for 16c,
I charge nothing for exami
nation. DR. FICKES, Pe""t
Tnone Doug. (IT. !) B iiidg.
tested by the proprietor. The police say
messoriger boys and others have been In
the habit of going to the house to smoke
opium, snd It wss In an endeavor to break
up the Joint that the raid was made.
fearer at Madam Dekssisss.Htlsk
Pleases I.arjre and Critical
Mme. Pchumsnn-Hetnk charmed one of
the most fashionable and critical surl
ences that has assembled this season at
a recital given last night at the Boyd.
Her presence Is charming; a thorough
wholesomeness seems to permeate her
songs that Is fairly captivating. So much
has been written In truthful praise of this
great artist that little or nothing can be
said that would add a single ray to her
Justly earned International fame. She com
bines with her great and glorious vole the
ability to Interpret with rare Intelligence
the varied moods of the masters whose
work she so essays. Whether In Herman
or French, her enunciation la equally clear
and distinct. Her great voice, that melts
away Into the most beautiful head tones.
so flexible, such perfection of tone placing,
such tremendous power. Is something 'to
be remembered for a long time.
The great contralto first gave a group
of four songs; an aria from the opera
"Mltrane" by Rossi, "Du Blst Die Ruh"
by Schubert, "Wohen" by Schubert and
"Der Wanderer" by the same composer.
of which the last named created perhaps
the best Impression, the audience being ah.
solutely Insistent In Its demand for an
encpre, which was most graciously given.
The recitative and area following. "But
the Lord Is Mindful of His Own." This,
was magnificent In Its sincerity and depth
of feeling. '
The second series of songs Included
"Helmwfh" by Hugo Wolf. "Die Drel
Zlgeuner" by Llsit and "Wldmung" by
Schumann. A lightness of touch was dis
played In the second number which was
most alluring as was also the heartfelt
manner In which the Bchuminn number was
Then a Brahms' song! Oh. such songs
as Brahms has written! The music goes
right Into your heart, and beautifully was
the "Bapphlsche Ode" given, followed by
six Hungarian Gypsy songs. In this cycle
Is an Immense range for the portrayal of
the various emotions which was fully met
by the vocal equipment and temperament
of this artist. Her last number was the
prison scene from "Der Prophet" by Meye.
beer. The recitative was most exacting in
its Intensity, followed by the aria, which
was a perfect Joy.
At the conclusion the entire audience de
fled all Omaha conventions and stayed in
their seats calling for more and still more,
but the artist had already been more than
generous with her encores and so the house
was left with tbe beautiful aria in their
minds and hearts.
Mme. Schumann-Helnk was finely accom
panied by Miss Helen Schaul. who also gave
I.asxt'8 "LlebstJ-auro," "Koch ZWItstag
auf Iroldhangen" by .Oreig, and Llsxi's
"Rhapsodic Hongrolse No. 8" In very fin
ished style.
Proceeds to Celebrate la the Same
Old Way, This. Time Aided
by Oateldera.
One year ago Thursday night the big
watchdog In the saloon of C. Callesen,
Eeventh and Leavenworth streets, Indulged
In an uproarious canine celebration,
lr n tw'k t n tr th. t.lpnhnn. Anwn nn the floor
and making the night hideous with con-!
tinual baying. In answer to the call, the
telephone "central"., asked what, was
wanted, but was me with a aeries of i
staccato and bellowing noises which she
construed Into the pounding of a burglar
trylrg to get into the safe. She there
fore connected with ' the police station,
where the officers listened to the racket
and then sent an officer to the place to
investigate. He found the dog still at it.
On the first anniversary of his debauch
the same dog again raised ned and a few
other things in the saloon Thursday night.
running back and forth on top of the
bar as though he had been opening a few ,
cold ones all by himself and was getting
hilarious. He knocked down the telephone
as on the previous occasion, and again the
girl at central heard the puszllng mes
sage. 8he notified the police and, as the
dog's orgle of the same night a year ago
was recalled. Patrolman Hudson was sent
to quiet the mischievous animal. He found
three .other dogs on the outside aiding in
the work of making a noise. He chased
them away and after a time all became
still within the saloon.
Mlssoarl ParlSe Employee Hoaor
Departing: goperlBteadeat of the
Omaha Dlvlsloa.
An eight-course banquet was given last
evening in honor of James Russell.' su
perintendent of the Omaha division of
the Missouri Pacific, who has accepted a
like position on the Illinois division of the
Burlington. Thirty-four men, represent
ing the several departments over which
Mr. Russell bad charge, sat at the ban
quet. James O. Phllllppl acted as toast
master and a number of toasts were given,
attesting the warm place Mr. Russell had
in the hearts of his men. A handsome
watch, suitably engraved, with a chain and
diamond-set charm, wre presented to the
retiring superintendent; also a traveling
bng containing a silver-mounted toilet set.
Mr. Russell left last night for Beards
town, III., which will be bis new headquar
Applleatloaa Made for New Verdicts
la Caaea Heard Before
Jsagt Trleber.
An application for the reversal of a judg
ment granted, in the I'ntted States circuit
court before Judge Trieber in December,
19C1 In the case of Louis Sanduski against
the Omaha Packing company for, has
been filed In the United States circuit court
tor appeal to the United States circuit
court of appeals.
A similar application la made In the case
of Eggert Otte, who received a Judgment
against the Wliter Manufacturing com
pany of Fremont for Injuries In the sum
of 11,000, the judgment having been ren
dered In December before Judge Trieber.
Both of the suits were for personal Injuries
and verdicts were ordered returned against
the defendants In each Instance by the
Hoaso of Deblmaa Reveals Tom,
Dirk ssi Harry, ta
Real Life.
The famous triumvirate. "Tom, Dick snd
Harry." has been located In the city hall,
and all doubt as to the origin of this coali
tion of names has been settled. In tbe of
fice of Building Inspector Wlthnell are
three desks in a row. Seated at these
desks, may at times be seen, in the ord?r
named. Tom Falconer, assistant building
lrspector; Dick Grotte, clerk, and Harry
McVea, plumbing liuvector.
1 1
Vr '
a, at f :
Dsytsa. O. '
CibiIumc-"I sm smaty-oa years efsla. sad lor a aeaiber
f years I havs bm la bad health. I had sstarrh, ktdasy troable
sad rheaaaatisBh I had a ssvsrs eeah waiea liirssn es sad I wss
siraid 1 wss goiag inte Sensraptioa. My stomach sad bowels
kothersd sm all tbe time, sad say sppstits wit poor. I eoald act
sleea, sad woald soa(h mp s Isrfe snout of sieghaa. I have saly
takes two bottles el Cooper's New Disssvary, sad the so(h has
slaoet entirely diasppeared. My kidasye-Bod bask as laager Bert
M. My rheumatism is loss, sad ay stomach sad bowels sr grsstly
inproved. M J sppctit ha retained sad siy sleep it raMfnl. I hers
so Brack to thank yoe lor. I know others who Save Sees greatly
benefited by yoar remedies. Cooper's New Discovery sad Quick
Relief srs splsadid SMdicins.
1944 RslMoa Ars., Indiana pot La, Ipd.
The Beaton Drug Co.
Cor. 15th and Fornom Sts.
0 Torine. Take in About E'err Variety of
Literature to Be Desired.
Takeoff oa gome Nvilrrs Fads la the
Rearing: of Chlldrea. with Germ
Proof Pair as the Heroes
ot tha Story.
In her recent book "Power Lot," Barah
P. McLean Oreene .the author of "Vesty
of the Basins." "Cape Cod Folks" and
"Deacon Lysander," goes back to the
strong, quaint . folk of the north Atlantic
coust- Nova Scotia this time where she
tells of the development of a dissolute city
lad, practically exiled" Into this rugged
community. The strong, humorous char
acters with whom he has to deal give a
splendid chance for Mrs. Greene's quaint
stories, while ' at the same time there- Is
much, strength in the tale of Robert Hil
ton's growtb and struggle. Published by
the Baker & Taylor company.
"Dainty Dorothy In the City." la tbe
fifth volume of the "Dorothy Dainty
Series" by Amy Brooks. Dorothy's parents,
with her well-loved governess, "Aunt
Charlotte" Grayson, and her devoted little
friend, Nancy Ferris, take up their home
In the city for the winter. Acquaintances
of the previous summer welcome them, and
their favorite little friends from Merrlvale
visit them, and all have delightful times.
The scheming uncle of Nancy, however,
has not ceased his attempts to get her Into
his possession, and his temporary success
in so doing and Nancy's bravery through
out all form a thrilling and touching part
of the story. It Is easy to see why each
new "Dorothy Dainty" book commands a
mnch larger circle of little readers, and the
artistic appearance of all Miss Brooks'
books Is fully maintained. The Illustrations
are by the author. Lothrop, Lee dt Shep.
ard company are the publishers.
"Famous American Songs," by Gustav
Kobbe, author of "The Loves of Great
Composers," ts a collection of Interesting
material. For several years Mr. Kobbe
has held high place among musical critics
and writers, and has been In touch with
special sources fit Information. The result
of exceptional opportunities is patent.
Beginning with "Home, Sweet Home," he
tells how the song happened to be written,
where It was first sung and many Inci
dents In the wandering career of Payne,
the man who had no home. The same
method Is followed In the case of our
other national airs, exploding many false
Ideas concerning them, snd rounding out
a useful volume in a thoroughly success
ful way. Published by Thomas Y. C rowel!
A Co.
The Story of the Odyssey, as told by the
Rev. A. J. Church In "The Odyssey for
Boys and Girls," Is something less and a
great deal more l nan a mere translation.
Complies with ail requirements
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Cooper's New Discovery costs $1.00 per
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Mr. Church has sought to preserve tho
Homeric flavor, only simplifying for the
benefit of young readers and supplying
the connecting links necessary to tha
complete understanding of the tale. Those
who remember how successfully he has
performed a somewhat similar task In his
earlier stories of the Homeric heroes, will
welcome the present book as a valuable
addition to the children's library. Pub
lished by the Mscmillan company.
"Disenchanted," by Pierre Lotl. ap
peared as a serial In the famous Revua
des deux Mondes and the picture it pre
sents ft life in the modern Turkish harem
has caused a real sensation In Parts. At
a single stroke Lotl has demolished tho
traditional Idea as to the life of hlgn
caste oriental women. He shows the
three heroines of his book all, by the
way, pretty and clever young Turkish
women as Intelligent and rather better
educated than their western sisters. In
tellectually they are Indeed amaxlngly
emancipated, preferring Richard Slrauis
to Gpunod, Bourget and Anatole Franco
to Ilalevy, and generally showing them
selves versed in the most advanced
thought and speculation of English and
continental wrileis. ..The contrast be
tween this lntellectunl freedom and th
social slavery to which they are still con
demned, gives the book Its sharp dramatic
nple. The Macralllan company is the pub
lisher. "The Pettlson Twins," by Marlon Hill.
Is an entertaining account of the experi
ences and training Inflicted upon these
germ-proofed, hyglenlcally bred children.
Their "scientific mother, who was a per
sistent reader of the "Talks with Parents"
department of the Home Messenger, be
lieved in putting Into practice what she
read, and she practiced oil Rex and Re
glna. In the beginning she seemed to be
lieve that "the divine mission of mother
hood was to discipline all noise and mi
crobes out of her children," but she wss
later moved to change some of her views.
The book is well worth the reading. Pub
lished by McClure, Phillips Co.
"Two Cadets with Washington," the sec
end volume of the "Revolutionary Series,"
by W. O. Stoddard, Is a story of the siege
of Boston. In the first volume Dan Mon
roe, the brave drummer boy of the Con
cord fight, as was also his friend, Nat
Harrington, the flfer. was taken through
the battle of Bunker HI1L For his brav
ery and Intelligence he Is now appointed
a "cadet" In the Continental army, under
a system of training youths to be future
officers, which prevailed before the days
ot military academies. With a company
of Virginia riflemen which came to serve
under an old acquaintance, George Wash
ington, who had just reached the vicinity
of Boston as commander-in-chief, was a
second lad, also named Monroe, who was
later to be the fifth president of the United
States. A warm friendship springs up be
tween the two of the same name, and
James, the newcomer, is also made a
cadet. A graphic account is given of Wash
ington's masterly way of meeting diffi
culties, and the reader, delighted with a
of the National Pure Food Law, Guarantee No. 2041, filed at Waahlngtoaru
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37 years, ought to induce every
body to at least sample it.
The cities hide majoy country girls
and boys who secretly sigh for a
cup of good coffee Eke "mother " made.
"Mother" probably used the old
original " Arbucklea' " the first roasted
packaged coffee.
See that you get the sealed
thoroughly good story. Is unconsciously
made familiar with much of this country's
history at a memorable period. Published
by Lothrop, Lee A Shepard company.
"Life and Letters of tafcadlo Hearn.1
by Elisabeth Blslnnd, Is a two-volume au
thorized biography, telling the story of his
strange, romantic life with great sym
pathy and skill. Born of Greek and Irish
parentage In the Ionian Islands, Hearn
spent a wandering life, living at various
times In Wales. New York, Cincinnati. New
Orleans, the West Indies and finally In
Japan. Since his untimely death In 1S04
his fame as one of the masters of English
prose In his generation has been con
stantly growing. His letters may be com
pared with Stevenson's and they cover a
period of thirty-flve years. Some frag
ments of an autobiography which Hearn
left are here printed for the first time. The
volumes are Illustrated with numerous por
traits. . views, sketches and fac similes.
Published by Houghton. Mlfllln A Co.
"Beached Keels." by Henry Rldeout, ut
the title of three stories for which the
border waters snd shores of Maine and tha.
neighboring maritime province furnish the,.
scene or action, una oi mem, - wua jus
tice," Is a profound and moving study of
character and passion; "Blue Peter" is a
charming love story of unusual Incident
and atmosphere, and the third, "Captain
Christy," is one of the most engaging
studies of sn original American character,
full of homely wisdom and humor, that
has lately been printed. Published by
Houghton, Mifflin A Co.
The Liberal Immigration league of New
York City has Issued as part of Its propa
ganda an Interesting book on "The Immi
grant Jew In America," made up of con
tributions by President James of the Uni
versity of Illinois. Dr. J. R. Paulding. Os
car R. Flynn, Charlotte Kimball and Wal
ter Scott Andrea's. In scope It covers all
the various aspects of the recent Jewish
Immigration, taking up the problems dt
economics, religion, education, politics, san
itation and litigation growing out of the
massing of large numbers of these Immi
grants In congested districts of our larger
cities. The work furnishes a, great desl of
valuable Information to those Interested la
this subject.
Above books at lowest retail prices.
Matthews, IS South Fifteenth street.
Books reviewed are on sals by The
Bennett Company at cut price.
26 pr cent discount on all girls' house
gowns and bath robes. In final clearance
sale. Benson A Thorne. 1611 Douglas St.
Discrimination Inder Baa.
SPRINOFIF.LD. III.. Jan. 81. Senator
Jones today Introduced a bill modeled after
laws in Arkansas. Kansas. Missouri and
Iowa, prohibiting discrimination In the
sale of commodities by selling at a lower
rate in one community than la charged for
same commodity elsewhere. ,
CHICAGO. Jan. II. The health officers
today estimated the numter of contagious
diseases In the city at 4.477. Of these 1.(63
are scarlet fever. Today 21 new cases of
fever were reported against 114 yesterday.
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