Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1907, Page 6, Image 6
J 1 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, FEBKUAHY 1, 1907. i Tiie Omaiia Daily Dee. BOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha postofllce as second tsss matter. TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION. allr rW (without Sunday! on yar...$4M NUly Bee and Sunday, on year lunoay Bee, one year J-W taturoay Bee, one year . DELIVERED BY CARRIER, pally fte (Including Sunday, per week..lSc Dally Be (without Sunday), per week.,.10c Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week, to Kvenlhg Be (with Sunday) per week....le Address cnmpalnts of Irregularities in de livery to City Circulating department. OFFICES. Omaha The Be Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council Bluff 10 Pearl Street. . Chicago 1MI) Unity Building. New York Una Home Lire In. Building. Washington 601 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Com'untoatlon relating to new and edi torial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES Remit by draft, preiia or postal order, tayxbl to The Bee Publishing Company, fenly t-cent stamp received In payment or mall account. personal checka. except on Omaha or eastern exchangee, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION, tat of Nebjaaka, Douglas County, . Charlea C. Roaewater. general manager f Tha Bee Publishing company, being duly worn, aaya that the actual number of full ind complete coplea of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Re printed during th month of December, isua, waa mm wiw"; .1 81,870 S 80,950 1 31,610 4 81,710 I 81.T0O 81,690 T.,., 81,880 ........ ta.oso I.... 80,3O 19 gl.TSO 11 33,150 2 33,060 It I.. 31,080 14 .. 31,890 15 33,170 It 30,400 17 33,873 1 31,760 1 3LT60 to 31,670 Jl 31,680 11 31,900 2t 80,830 4 31.710 IB 31,600 tt 33,130 27 31,770 ft... 31,619 29 31,830 10 80,800 Jl tMlo Total. . .. .989,380 Lea unsold and returned .cople. . 9J41 Net total .,...973,149 Dally average 31,391 CHARLES C. ROSEWATER, General Manager. Subacrlbed In my preaence and iworn to before me this (1st day of December , 1M6. (Seal.) M. B. HUNOATE, . , Notary Public. WHER OUT OF TOWS, abaerlber leaving; the city tem porarily shoal have The Be aallea them. Address will be . It It about time for the ground hog 0 exhibit symptoms of Insomnia. Jim Hill's operating department n blame the weather man now. The Lumber trust Is to be investl lated for taking to the tall timber. I Prospects are good that the Thaw tor tune will be removed from the swollen" list Railroad attorneys are a little elow with their claim that the car shortage la due to the operation of the Hepburn act. - It now develops that Mr. Harrlman iwna a number of steamships, thus as suring him a water supply for his rait ray stock. lt Mr. Shonts makes a success of his tew job on Wall street he will have to ret water flowing more quickly than 10 did on his Panama Job. It Is predicted that alcohol will soon take the place of gasoline as a motive power for automobiles. A denatured automobile will help some. Texas proposes to arrange a monster Jack rabbit hunt. It will probably re sult in a bigger bag than the octopus hunt which has been on in Texas for some months. Jim Hill's son says everything possi ble is being done to get coal to the freesing residents of Montana and JQa kota. In the meantime, he advises them to keep cool. It appears that the speeches at a Gridiron dinner in Washington are no longer kept a secret any better than the proceedings of an executive ses sion of the senate. Carmen Bylva asserts that the heart is like a fountain pen, filled but once, but writes forever. It Carmen has a fountain pea. of that kind. It la the 'only one ever made. The president Insists that the United States will retire from Cuba as soon as conditions there warrant it. Eng land. trade a similar promise when it took possession of Egypt in 1881. Oklahoma is arranging Its constitu tion In response to hints from Wash ington, with a mental reservation that when it gets statehood it will fix up a constitution that will suit Oklahomans. Thirty-five Omaha letter carriers will get neat little sums of money for overtime work. In the meantime the clerks In the postofflce keep 6n work ing all sorts of hours for single time py. ..-. A New York man claims to have made 11.000,000 by finding a new use for cottonseed oil. He's probably the man who' devised the scheme of put ting Italian labels on it and selling it for pure olive oil. Governor Magoon has given a ball to 1,000 Cuban guests, and the report , says that "the leaders of all the po- lltlcal parties were present." It may be accepted, then, that there are not more than 1.000 political parties in Cuba. Members of the Thaw Jury are al- lowed to read New York papers from which all "references to the Thaws and the trial have been cut out. This leaves them the department store ads. real estate transfers and lb mortuary statistic. THE PASSKNOER PARE PROBLEM. The widespread demand for a reduc tion In the rate of passenger fare chargeable in Nebraska is sure to be met by the present legislature. The S-cent maximum was established in this state twenty years ago and no ap preciable reduction In the charge for transporting passengers hsts been made by the railroads In all thatflrue. The necessity for a reduction Is fully realized by the legislature, the only open questions being how far and In what way. A considerable publlo sentiment Is backing the contention that through the abolition of the free passes and the exaction of fare from all passen gers transported the railroads can well afford to make a flat 2-cent rate. On the other side, the possibility of a court ruling that 2 cents is not com pensatoryfor branch lines and poorly patronized roads must be kept in mind, and the constitutionality of whatever measure is enacted pro tected by some elasticity through ap peal. One proposition is to establish a maximum passenger rate of 1V4 cents a mile, with power vested in the state railway commission to reduce still further upon proper showing that a lower rate would be Justified. An other is to establish a 2-cent maxi mum with power in the state railway commission to Increase the same upon proper showing by the railroads ythat 2 cent is not reasonable compensa tion. The one plan puts the burden ,of proof that the rate is too high upon the public and the other puts the bur den of proof that the rate Is too low upon the railroads. A still different plan haB been proposed In some other states, to which we have already al luded, by which the rate 1b, to be fixed on a sliding scale according to the average receipts of the different roads, being higher for the roads with small earnings and lower for those with big earnings. Whatever plan should be finally adopted for Nebraska, the legislature should not make the mistake of pro mulgating an inflexible rate without providing some means of adjusting it by review or appeal to the peculiar conditions that may exist on particu lar lines or roads. Unless this is done the whole law will be in danger of be ing upset in the courts to which the railroads will have no hesitancy in appealing. SKlfATOR CARTER'S ATTACK. Senator Carter's speech in the sen ate vehemently arraigning the Interior department, and by Inference the pres ident, for precautionary measures in the issuance of patents under the land laws is unwarranted and unjust. A system of frauds and abuses under the homestead, desert. Umber and mineral land statutes had be'en notoriously es tablished, imperatively calling for additional safeguards in administra tion and stricter enforcement of the law. The emergency became so grave that the senator's unqualified denun ciation of the means successfully em ployed to meet it practically lends aid and comfort to the conspirators who have been plundering the publlo do main, . The executive precaution Which Is singled out for the special outpour ing of the Montana senator's wrath Is the department's order of last De cember, which prohibits the issuance of a patent to land under 'any of -the land laws until after examination on the ground by a special agent. It is, however, only one among a number of carefully drawn regulations, all clearly within the administration's authority and all designed to protect the peo ple's land heritage from spoliation. It is poor public service to attempt to excite prejudice against uch meas ures, the benefits of which have be come so manifest. The senator does not allege that any honest homesteader will be injured in his substantial rights by this order or any of the other restrictions. . The most necessary public rule, of course, may occasionally cause Individual in convenience. But the aim and the ef fect of the administration's policy are to conserve the public domain for bona fide settlers. And these regula tions, if they had been in force and backed by the energy which the Roosevelt administration has brought to bear, would have saved to the peo ple millions of acres that have already been irretrievably lost.. THE EXTRA SESSION SCARE. It would, of course, precipitate an extra session of congress if some of the main appropriations, and especially the postal bill, should fall. The dan cer may at least cause both houses to stop the waste of time. The supply bills are unquestionably , In an un precedented backward condition for the stage of the session that has been reached, and it is demonstrably neces sary for congress to hasten its pace It the essential ones are to be dUposed of in time. The fault rests with congress fUelf. and particularly with that element which is more than suspected of hav ing entered upon the session with the deliberate purpose of consuming time and so bringing things about that im portant measures of affirmative legisla tion, of which there were not a few left over from the previous session or recommended by the president, could be balked. The senate manipulations of the Stnoot and the Brownsville sol dier cases were in line with this pur pose, but tt now looks as if the antt admtnlstratlon manipulators had over played their hand. The bare possibility of an extra ses sion is as oB noxious to them as the meritorious progressive measures that should have had serious attention from the outset. There Is no telling what might happen after the new congress had freshly organised, at It would have to do for an extra session. The president would have more trumps In his hand than was possible In the short session. From this time forth, there fore, there will be more serious work In order to get through the measures for appropriating more than three quarters of a billion of revenues which must be passed for the government's support to avoid an extra session. WALL STREETS DISAPPOINTMENT, The Wall Street Journal, a recog nised authority on affatis of the fin anciers, whose world is bounded by Wall and Bond streets, expresses a sur prise that carries a complaining note at the slowness which marks the re turn to New York of money which was ent west last fall "to move the crops." As a result of this tardiness of the money In getting back to "little old New York," there has been a decline of activity in the stock market, a de crease In bank reserves and a general tightening up of conditions that makes the outlook serious for the speculative contingents. The New Yorkers fall to understand It and seem to think that they are being deprived of their rights. Wall street Is slow to learn that the west now has money of its own and that the pleasant fiction of a 'demand for money "to move the crops" orig inates annually in Wall street and not In the west and Is used for the purpose of inducing the treasury department at Washington to Increase its deposits in the national banks of the country. The plan works successfully every fill and Wall street is almost Invariably the principal beneficiary. A study of the reports of the controller of the currency will show the New York financiers that the banks of the west now hold more money on de posit than, they can conveniently In vest. When the western farmer sells his crop these days he places the money he receives for It In a bank to his credit Instead of sending It east to pay the interest on a farm mortgage. When the western farmer finds it necessary, for any reason, to mortgage his property, he gets the accommoda tion from his neighbor or from his home bank, without the necessity of applying to the big loan and trust com panies of the eaBt that formerly had a monopoly of this business. Western farmers have had little to do with mortgages for the last five years and In that time have, enjoyed a prosperity that has placed them beyond the fear of mortgage burdens for years to come. Western manufactories and enterprises furnish an attractive field for invest ment and western money is taking ad vantage of it. It does not have to go east any more to earn Interest or pay interest, as it did in former years. The "crop moving" money Is not returning from (he west because it Is owned in the west. Enough of It will be sent to New York to maintain the balances western banks carry in New York, or to profit by high money rates, when Wall street gets on one of its speculative drunks, but It will no longer make New York Its permanent habitat. The west Is coming in to Its own. ' SLOW MOVEMENT TO MARKET. The conditions which have caused western crops to move so slowly to market have been uncontrollable and have had some unfavorable conse quences in general business. Through out the fall car shortage by reason of the overwhelming mass of freight to be moved disorganised transportation service, particularly In all the grain growing region, and winter conditions in the northern tier of states have been the worst in years, grain that might now be moved having to give way to coal. One result of this condition has found expression In the condition of the eastern money market. This is one reason' why the secretary of the treasury haB deferred calling in from the banks surplus funds on deposit, the payment of which was to have begun several weeks ago. , There are naturally also complaints of the effect on local trade throughout the northwest, although the general prosperity has been so great aa to make them comparatively lightly' felt. This, however, Is only temporary. Jhe situation leaves the farmers with j enormous holdings of grain In store on the farm or in the local elevators. The grain and other products are as good as cash in bank for all practical pur poses and can be drawn upon as the movement to market continues. There is thus still a vast Preserve from last year's extraordinary crop which will fully compensate during the next few months any reduction of business through inability .to get earlier to market. This fact. Indeed, Is one of the strong grounds for the general anticipation of an unusual spring and summer trade in the west and northwest. The gain In business of the Omaha banks during the last year Is not es pecially surprising, but Is a gratifying exhibit of the advance made by the city in all lines of material prosperity. The thrift as well as the Industry of the citizens Is reflected In the In creased deposits, while commercial and industrial enterprise is shown by the growth of the use of money as in dicated by the increase In loans and discounts. In a large way the banks are guide to the business con ditions of a community snd Omaha Is certainly to be " congratulated on the excellent showing made by the local Institutions. Congressman Pollard proposes that. If he (an help it, no congressman In the future will have aa much difficulty in putting it back as he encountered. Report! from Washington Indicate, however, that he Is getting very little sympathy In his effort to establish a clear bark track between a congress man's pocket and the national exchequer. The Interior department is asking bids for live stock to be furnished In dians 'on the reservations. Practi cally all of this will go to reservations where grating -Is the only Industry that can be successfully carried on. It Is an Interesting and not altogether creditable comment on the work of civilising the red man that he should be periodically supplied with live stock which, under even adverse con ditions, should multiply much faster than the needs of the Indian. A little propef care would relieve the govern ment of this one item of expense, at least Warring telephone companies have at last gotten on a proposition tht they do not want to get together. Physical connection between the rival systems would so far .destroy the rivalry as to render one or the other of them' useless. Public Interests are not considered in the present attitude of the telephone magnates. United States Ambassador Thomp son Is coming home from Mexico for a short visit at Lincoln. The fact that the new senator has been elected and other important matters provided for will relieve him of any suspicion of "pernicious activity" or "undue in fluence." With the opening of another large tract in the great Sioux reservation to settlement we have further promise of the future expansion of Omaha's activity as a supply department for the west. Local Jobbers should keep close track of this. Iowa legislators are havUig trouble over the anti-pass question, being un certain just where to draw the line. A good plan for this is to copy the sec tion from the Hepburn bill referring to the pass and let the railroads do the rest. .. Washington reports that 13,000,000 men are available for military service In the ' United States. Washington fails, however,; to furnish any figures showing the difference between avail ability and efficiency. Under the pending Indian appropria tion bill, white children may be ad mitted to Indian schools in the Indian Territory. In other words, white chil dren are as good as Indians, if they behave themselves. Will Wonder Ever Ceaaet Indianapolis News. Railroad rates reduced 10 per cent, with out reducing, wages? 'Why, thla is nothing less thad reform running amuck 1 Troablea of Haasrlagr On. Washington Poet. The truth of the matter Is that entirely too many member of the senate are spend ing their lime trying- to prevent some on from pulling their seats out from under them. -: Beeda Go with Salary. Chicago New Free seeds will continue to be distrib uted by the congressmen, who cannot af ford to out them off Just when they have to explain the increase In their own sal arlea.' Uaaatural Alllea Come to Grief. Chicaco' Chronicle. A we ventured to predict, the unnat ural alliance between socialism and cler icalism tn Germany has come to grief, thua showing that even In politic a sacrifice of principle to expediency I a fatal policy. Shock Here and There. v Baltimore American. Nebraska has' recently been shocked by some picture of Ruben. New Tork ha been shocked by "Salome." Texas ha been shocked by Bailey, and several other places have had to be content with a mere earth quake. - A Palatal Discovery. Chicago New. When Mr. Rockefeller flnlahed reading the Interstate Commerce commission' report on the Standard OM company he must have been pained to think that his edifying ex ample bad had so little effect upon its moral. Hot Toplra to Handle. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The Gridiron club raised a squall by dip ping Into the distant future, and a row has been stirred up in clerical circle by the story of Jonah. Only prehlstorlo or post mundane topics seem cool enough to handle at th present time. Louisville Courier-Journal. Th president will get no Nobel peace prise for having put down the Pornker rebellion, but a tape line stretched from hi right ear to hi left would show that bis facial expression la the same that It was when that trophy was handed to him. Enlarsie the Mearaphone. New York Bun. ,, We canract believe the report that Mr. Bryan, Insatiable of expression and find ing himself Unrelieved by his weekly, I to tart a magazine. He need a morning and an evening dally, all editorial, to utter even a small part of the thought that arise tn him. Square Deal la Local Option. Chicago Chronicle. Local option I one of the fairest thing in the universe. Oreat injustice 1 done all the time by dealing with large communi ties In the maa. . Thla is necessary in some things, but the smaller th population leg lalated lor the better opportunity there i of adapting the law to It needs. Tip for Omaha Coarta. Milwaukee Sentinel. If the . court of Omaha are so anxious to preserve the purity of the populace It might be suggested that certain alleged variety theater and similar estab'.Uh roenl which now nourish a the gxeen bay tree in the city by the Platte, be given sonic Judicial cor.aJderutlon.A beautiful pic ture, whether it depicts the human form aa the croatur mado it, or conceal It in an cient or modern drapery, can have no In jurious effect on a pure mind. The mind that can derive salacious delight from su-ti a picture Is essentially dirty and will revel In filth no matter how strenuous the enV-ts that are made by benevojent but futile per sons to Opilft It. ROISD ABOVT REW TORK. Stipples oa the Correal of EJfo ta the Metropolis. Supplementing the marked falling off of th building record of Greater New Tork for 1W6, compared with th preceding year, I an equally notable slump tn th real est Ate boom. A correspondent of the Phila delphia Press, reviewing the signs of the times In the metropolis, says: In th Bronx district the real estate market dead, whereas a year ago It was at fever heat. So also the boom ha been punctured on Long Island. With the exception of some publlo building and other work, some railway and tunnel terminals, and a few business building there appear to be con siderable falling off In building operations In New York. Many men come to the money market orsto those who lend upon real estate security earnestly seeking loans. Many others offer property for sale. The loan can be secured If the property offered justifies It. But there la Uttlo market for the purchase or al of real estate com paratively speaking. The hardest problem ever put up to a bachelor Judge Is before Judge Edward J. Lauej of the municipal court. The question Is whether 137 each Is an exorbitant price for four pairs of corsets and whether they are a proper fit. Suit was brought by Mrs, Rose Scognamllo, for the payment of four pairs of corsets ordered by Mrs. John S. Woodruff In January, 1M5. Later Mr. Woodruff obtained a divorce, and the bill for the stays waa presented to Mr. Wood ruff. Mr. Woodruff said in court.that Just before separation his wife spent more than $11,000 for clothes, for which he has been receiving bills ever since. During their married life he allowed his wife 81.200 a year for wearing; apparel He said his wife refused to accept the corsets, because her figure had changed. Judge LJiuer reserved decision until he could get some light on the subject.. Alarmed by the determination of Corpora tion Counsel Ellison and Attorney General Jackson to Institute active proceedings to collect back franchise taxes, the Inter borough Rapid Transit company and the Manhattan Railway company turned In $3,170,141.71 to the comptroller In settlement of unpaid franchise taxes from 1900, when the law went Into effect, to 1904, Inclusive. There have been ho payments on the trac tion lines of Brooklyn, Queen or Richmond. Comptroller Met ordered this afternoon that all the property of the companies op erating traction systems In these boroughs be sold. This order would result in another payment Into the city treasury of an amount nearly as large as that collected. The Brooklyn Rapid Transit company also owes the city $1,732,683.19. An excellent opportunity to study the working of the human heart Is afforded by a model put on exhibition by Dr. Car roll Henderson at the scientific exposition In the American Museum of Natural His tory In New York. Th model Is . made of. rubber and glass tubing. By means of pressure attach ments a blood-colored liquid Is sent pulsing through the various closely related cham bers, and all the normal movement of the organ are reproduced a in life, and not only this, but the sounds of the valve. Moreover, it Is capable of producing move ments and sounds caused by various kinds of heart disease. On applying the ear to the cardlao region -two successive sounds are heard, called the first and second sounds, and which may be expressed by the syllables lubb dup. When the valves are affected by disease the normal sounds may be Intensified or weakened, or they may disappear entirely and be replaced by murmurs, or abnormal sounds may be neara simultaneously with or In the inter vals between the normal ones. The swain, who In the presence of hi lady love, feel hi tongue and Up grow so dry that he I scarcely able to speak and whose power of speech Is further paralysed by the thumping of his heart, can see In th model what actually hap pened by the Increase of the" normal beats of that muscle from seventy-five or eighty a minute to 150 or more. The effects of fear and excitement are also manifested by various degrees of accelerated movement Overwhelming news of sorrow or Joy or excessive fright may cause stoppage of the heart's action, and then fainting en sues. The other afternoon an attache of the Tomb passed through the great corridor with a bundle of letter In hi hand. They were bills of fare written out by the pris oners. Obviously a Jail Is not maintained as a high class hotel. Nevertheless, the prisoners have no hesitancy In presenting the warden with the menus which they would like served. Persons who have been used to good living and persons who have not take advantage of their Imprisonment to express a preference for choice dishes, and salads, fish, deserts and game In sea son, which the prison caterer Is asked to furnish, show a qecldadly epicurean taste. If the prisoners have the money to buy the food they desire at an outside restaurant they can satisfy the cravings of a cultivated palate. The Tomb I the most modern and bert constructed prison In the world. The great, massive pile of white stone, with its towers, from an architectural standpoint can be surpassed only by a few structures In th city. The Tombs is really a cherry place, well lighted and ventilated, and persons possessed of wealth may obtain any reason able luxury and comfort while In prison. The "Bridge of Sighs." over which Harry K. Thaw walks from the prison to the su preme court building twice a day, does not strike terror to the heart of persons. The exterior or the bridge I painted a brilliant white and contain four larva wiiuinn either aide. It Interior I bright and cheer- rul and but for the absence of a box office uninitiated persons while passing over Its mosaic tiled floor would readily take It for an entrance to a nrst class theater. Ol'T OK THB ORDINARY. Observing in the tropics how th Intense heat of the sun accelerated the healing- of wounds and burns, a French physician. Dr. Asbfck. used the heat of ordinary fire lii 600 cases of .burns and wounds after putting on the usual dressing and with uniform success. By naming his ten children after as many states, a South Carolina valley farmer has proved his patriotism. His six daughters are named Carolina. Virginia, .Georgia. Florida. Jersey and Idaho, while the boys are known as Texas, Tennessee, Ohio and Missouri. A German newspaper of recent date con tains a news IWm In which a Llenlenlnfan terleregimentatamburmajor and a Hof achauspielhsusgarderobeaufaeherln are th conaplcuou figures. These appellations look more formidable than "regimental drum major of infantry" and "wardrobt keeper of th royal theater." Samuel Sanford of Oeneva, O., will be 91 year old March 1. but th other day he showed that evea now he Justifies the fame which he won many years ago as a rifle shot. A muskrat had been digging around tha place and Mr. Bunford said he " lowed to shoot that feller in tha eye" at the earliest opportunity. The other day he caught sight of the muskrst. Gulng Into the houae, he brought his rifle and from a distance of ten rods shot the animal exactly In the eye. lie challenges the world to produce a man of bis years who can beat him. LYDIAE.PltlKIIAr.VS VEGETABLE COMPOUND Is acknowledged to be the moat and eesaful remedy In the country for those painful ailments peculiar to women. For more than 10 years It has been curing Female Complaints, snch aa Inflammation, and Ulcera tion, Falling ard Displacements, and consequent Spinal Weakness, Raokache, and Is peculiarly adapted to the Change o f Life. Records show t'.iat it has cured more cases of Female Ills than any other one remedy known. Lydia E. Pinkham'S Vegetable Compound dissolves and expels Tnmors at an early staffs of development. Drap-jrlnir Sensations canning pain, weight, and headache are relieved and permanently cured by Its use. It corrects Irrefrularltles or Painful Functions, Weakness of the Stomach. Indigestion, nioatlnsr, Nervous Prostration. Headache, Gene ral Debility; also. Dizziness. Faintneas Extreme Lassitude. "Don't care and wsnttobf lrftalone" feeling'. Irritability. Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Flatulency, Melancholia or the "Bines." These are sare Indications of female weakness or some organic derangement. For Kidney Complaints of either sex Lydia S. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a most excellent remedy. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from anv form of female weakness are Invited to write Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, for advice. She Is the Mrs. Plnkhstn who has been advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty years, and before that she assisted her mother-in law Lydia E. Pinkham In advlstnir. Thns she is well qualified to guide sick women back to neaun. Her advice Is free and always helpful. PERSONAL KOTKS. Senators who attempted to take a fall out of the president discovered too late that the man In the White House eats hard-boiled eggs for breakfast. Congressman Butler Ames of Massa chusetts Is said to be already In training as an aspirant for the Boat of Senator LodEe, whose term has still four years to run. A score of expert Investigators and the federal courts at St. Louis have about given up th Job of locating some $61,000 missing from the local subtreasury cash pile. The only fact clearly In the lime light Is that the money Is gone. King Edward draws more revenue In in terest on American securities than Oecrge III ever extracted from the American colonies. King Edward's holdings In the United States are typical investments here of thousands of British capitalists. H. ' II. Rosseau, recently appointed head of the bureau of yards and docks of the Navy department, is the youngest man ever called upon to fill this responsible office. He Is only 36 and ranks as a rear admiral. His rise In the engineering world has been phenomenal. Senator LaFollette of Wisconsin told a friend the other day that he had made $16,000 clear during the last lecture season, which was a short one because congress did not adjourn until July and the political exigencies In Wisconsin demanded much of the senator' time In that state. James' J. H. Gregory of Marblehead, Magg., Is a rival of Andrew Carnegie In the giving away of libraries. He has been doing this for years. His libraries are smaller than Carnegie's gifts, and are given to small communities, to ministers and educator who cannot afford to purchase them. Former United States Senator Cockrell of Missouri, who has been 111 at his home In Washington for three months, has gone to Florida for' three weeks' rest. He I going on the' advice' of his physician to spend most of his time fishing and will then resume his active duties on the Interstate commission.- The Carnegie Institution of Washington has made a grant of $3,000 a year for a period of four years to Dean W. F. M. Goes of Purdue university, for the pur pose of determining the value of super heated steam In locomotive service; first. In connection with single expansion en gines; and, second. In connection with com pound engines. ' This ' Is . the second grant which the institution has made to Dean Ooss. MERRILY TIRXIXG THE SCREWS. Striking; Object lesson In the Benefi cence of Trnata. Kansas City Star. The publlo was given several striking object lessons yesterday In the beneficence of trusts. United States Steel announoed that Its net earnings for the past three months were to exceed 41 million dollars. In other words, this corporation cleared up a profit of about $450,000 a (Jay, each man that bought a nail, built a house or pur chased any of the multitudinous products of Iron mills contributing his share. The report points with glee to the fact that the earnings for 1906 doubled those of 194 and were 37 million greater than those 'of 1906. All this, of course, was the result of great business saaracity In creating a mo nopoly which allows the director to ar bitrarily fix prices without reference to the cost of production. Under this sys tem the trust can double Its profits each year and at the same time reduce the coat of raw material. It has now grown so great that It enn ruthlessly crush all do mestic competition, and, with a benlarn tariff protecting It against foreign com petitors, the people can Py Its price cr go without the products of steel and Iron. The sime dlstmtrhes carried the nrws that the Interstate Commerce ommlsslon has discovered that Harrlman has an Iron-clnd sgreement with the Santa Fe which serves all the rumoses of s merger between It and the Southern Pacific, de stroys all competition and allows Mr. Har rlman to fix rate arbitrarily. Under the federal laws this Is a criminal offense. On the same day a contract waa disclosed be tween Gould and Harrlman which combines these two great railway svstems and a' low Mr. Harrlman to arbitrarily fix trnna contlnntl rate. endlnr all competition from Gould with HarrlmanV lines. Plainly, railroad rrrrorntors snd tnjsts continue to do as thev pleoae. defying th law and paying no attnM-tt to lnvestlsa tlons. Each dar sees the acrewa of mo nopolies put a little tighter on the penile and the revenues forced a little higher INDIA AND CEYLON Appeals to those accustomed to the best. Its aulformity of quality Is one of the reason that has ronlributttl largely to it popularity. McCORD-BRADY CO., Wholesale Agents, Omaha. RAILROADS AS COAL MERCHANTS. Need ef Lealslatloa to - Restrict Momopolr. Cleveland Plain Dealer. There Is nothing new In the report of th Interstate Commerce Commission condemn ing the ownership of coal companies by railways, but It Is certainly to be hoped that If the recommendations shall be acted upon, the proposed federal legislation will prove more effective than the measure to the same end which have been tried by the states. The commission has been In vestigating the situation In the eastern bituminous fields, but the abuse complained of Is well known to exist In the anthracite fields as well and to be the root of many of the evils there 'existing. ' It has en trenched an already powerful monopoly by enabling the transportation companies, which hre at the same time coal merchants, to hamper seriously and often completely strangle the Independent operators who seek a share of the business. There can be no objection to allowing railway companies to mine coal for then- Own -purposes, but to permit them also to traffic In It Is a perversion of the purpose for which they were chartered and an abuse of their cor porate privilege. Pennsylvania ha tried In vain to cope with the evil. The federal government' arm should prove longer and Its grip more tenacious. The practice complained of Is very close to the root of the railway evil and Its abol ishment would go far to solve the railway problem. Manifestly this Is not to be solved unless the railroads shall become, voluntarily or otherwise, what they were Intended to be, once were, and even now are supposed to be-nelther more nor less than common carriers, serving all ship pers alike. This consummation I not to be expected as long as they are allrfwed to mine and sell coal. Their own Interests are. certain to be given the preference. PLEASANTLY POIXTKD. lio you Know a iinv iravuii-u niiiv " may dreams." "Then it must have been on a . night mare." Baltimore American. Pa Smith threw down his newspaper ta disgust, "It's shameful," he exclaimed,' "the way these 'ere colleges waste money on furni ture! Hi-re's an account of somebody giv ing Harvard $AK),000 for a new chair." Judge. , With a crash and a bang, a human figure went flying; down the editorial stairs. "What's thatT" asked the editor as sistant. "Oh, a little poet I Just dashed off," re plied the editor, and then, thinking the Joke pretty gocd, made a note of It. Pbiladei phla Ledger. "I have traveled all over the world and seen all kinds and conditions of men, and the most sensible and far-seeing man I ever met was an English duke." "In what way did he show ItT" "He was fairly decent to his rich Ameri can wife." I'hiladelphia Pres. "Is Mike Clancy here?" asked the visitor at the quarry Just after the premature ex plosion. "No, sor," replied Costtgan; "he's gone." "For good?" "Well, sor, he wlnt In that direction." Judge. "I'm thinking of going abroad," said Miss Nuritch. "Fr, am I." replied Miss Poof-mam "Nonsense! you're not well equipped fOTf golnp abroad, as I am." "Perhaps not, but I'm quite a well equipped for thinking." Philadelphia Press. "Is that your senator?" I "He Is when he's on the floor; but when he raises the roof we rub him out of th record." Altanta Constitution. . "This bill is too high." said the customer. "Too high?" ejaculated the laundrymar. "That's whst I snld; too hlich." "But, man, do you know how long it take to do up a shirt?" "Why. about four washings!" Yonkere Statesman. BE MY SWKKTIIKAItT. Eugene Field. Sweetheart, be my sweetheart When birds Hre on the wing. When bee and bud and bubbling' flood X)esp,'fiK me uirrii i airing, Come, aweothoHit. be my sweetheart And wear this posy ring. Sweetheart, be my sweetheart In the goldi-n summer glow ' Of the earth aflush with the gracioua blush V iui-11 inn , ,rii,iB .it. it. m iui r.iiiun , Dear sweetheart,, be my sweetheart, A into the noon w go. . 6wer.theart. be my sweetheart When falls the bounteous year, ' When, the fruit and wine of tree and vln Give us thflr harvest cheer: O. sweetheart, be my sweetheart, For winter it draweth near. Sweetheart, be my sweetheart When the year Is white and old. When the fire of youth is siient. forsooth. And the hand of na Is cold; Yet. sweetheart, be my sweetheart. Till tho year of our love be told.