Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1907, Page 3, Image 3
v THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1907. FOR RAILROAD COMMISSION BaaSBKSaBWSSa Bill U Besdj u Bs Heported U th Joint Leeislativs Committee, , MEASURE COMPREHENSIVE IN ITS SCOPE tve Aatkorlty to the How Body DeNaea Its tratles, Oatllolag; What U to Be Eiel4 C It. (Continued from First Pag.) all case of alleged neglect or notation of the lawa of the atate by any railway company or common carrier subject to the provision hereof doing business In this ' atate, or by the officers, agent or employes thereof, and take such action with reference thereto as msy be' provided herein, or un der the laws of this state providing for th regulation of railway companies or lonr tnon carrier. Bald commission shall have th rower. and it shall be Its duty, to fix all neces sary rates, charges and regulation to gov. m and regulate the freight and passenger tariff" "of railway companies and common carrier, the power to correct abuses and prevent unjust discrimination, extortions and over charges in th rates of freight and passenger tariffs on the different rail roads In this state, and to enforce the same by having th penalties Inflicted as hereinafter provided, through proper courts different parts of the same lines. If found necessary to do Justice, and may make rate for express companies different from the rate for railroad. - ris Jolat Rate. The said commission shall have power, and It shall be its duty, to fix for all or any connecting lines of railroad in this state reasonable Joint rates of freight charge, terminal switching charges for the various classes of freight, and: car that may pas over two or more line of uch railroads, and if any two or more .connecting railroads shall fall to agree upon a fair and - Just division of the charges arising front the transportation of freights, passenger or car over their lines, the commission shall fix the pro rata part of uch charge to be received by each of said ' connecting line. Bald commission . shall make and estab lish reasonable rate of charge for each railway company or common carrier sub ject thereto for the use or transportation of loaded or empty ears' on. its road; and may establish for each railroad or for all ' railroads alike reasonable rate for the toting and handling of freight and for the use of car not unloaded after forty eight hour notice to the consignee, not to Include Sundays. Said commission shall have the power, and it shall be Its duty, to fairly and Justly classify and subdivide all freight and prop erty or whatsoever character ana Descrip tion that may be transported over the rail way of thl state. Into' such general and special classes as may be found necessary and expedient, and fix to each class or sub division of freight, a reasonable - rate for each railway company or common carrier for the - transportation of each of said classes and subdivisions; the classification herein provided for shall apply to and be the same for all railway companies and common carrier subject to the provisions of thl act. Bald commission may .fix different rates for different railroads and for different line under the -same management, or for The said commission shall have power, and It shall be Its duty, to carefully examine Into and iiispeot, from time to time, the condition. of each railway, or common, car J "rler, its equipment, and the manner of'jts conduct and management with regard to the public safety and convenience In the . ."state: make seml-annual.-examinatlons ."of the bridges of said railway companies and common carrier and report the condition thereof to the company to which the same belong, and if found In arf unsafe and dan ' gerous condition said commission shall tm- mediately natlfy the railway company, -or common carrier whose duty It is to put ' the same in repair, which shall be done by , it within ten day after receiving uch notice, and If any railway company 'or common carrier subject to the provisions of this act falls to perform this duty, said commission may enjoin and prevent it from running trains over the same while in such v unsafe and dangerous condition. Compel Attendance, of Witnesses. The chairman and each of the commis sioners, for the purposes mentioned In this chapter, shall have power to administer all oaths, certify to all official acta, to compel Sirens ih and people are led to their ruin as truly today as in the ancient times. . One of the Sirens who creates the greatest havoc among those who listen to her honeyed words is named ' COFFEE Many and many a silent sufferer wanders on blindly and wonders why-vthe-strength fails, heart and nerves tremble or other symptoms of trouble show themselves. Try leaving coffee alone 10 days and using Pure ' . Postum , Food (Coffee The "wakmg- up" has startled many and will startle you, reader, if you have physi cal ails. It '8 worth a 10-days' trial. "There v Rtaion" for DOSTUM the attendance of witnesses, t examine any of the books, papers, documents and records of any railway company or common carrier subject to the provision of thl act. or have such examination made by any person or person that they may employ for that purpose, to compel the production of such books, paper, document and rec ords, or to examine under oath, or other wise, any officer, director, agent or em ploy of any railway company or common carrier subject to the provision of thl act; provided, that any person or person employed by said commission to examine aid books, papers, document or records, shall produce Ms authority, under the hand and seal of aald commission, to make such examination. In case any witness shall fall or refuse to obey any subpoena Issued by Mid com mission, said commission may Issue an at tachment for said witness, directed to any sheriff or constable of this state, to compel htm to attend before said commission, and bring with Mm such books, paters, rec ords or documents as may have been re quired In said subpoena, and give his tes timony upon such matter as shall be law fully required by them; and If a witness, after being duly subpoenaed by said com mission, shall fail or refuse to attend, or bring such books, papers, document or record as shall have been required in said subpoena, before said commission, and shall fall or refuse to answer any question propounded to him, and which he would be required to answer If In court, the commis sion shall have the power to fine and im prison such witness for contempt In the same manner that a Judge of the district court might do under similar circumstances. The claim that any such testimony may tend to Incriminate the person giving it shsll not excuse such witness from testify ing, but such evidence or testimony shall not be used against such person on the trial of any criminal proceedings; provided. aid commission shall have the power to Issue proper process and take depositions Instead of compelling personal attendance of witnesses. The sheriff or constable executing any process under the provisions of this article shall receive such compensation a is pro vided by law for performing similar ser vices, to be allowed the commission. Attorney General Mast Advise. (1) Said commission may consult and ad vise with the attorney general from time to time with reference to any or all matter upon which they may' require advice, and it shall be the duty of the attorney general to give such advice a the commission may require of him, and to perform such other services within the line of his duty as said commission may require. (m) Said commission shall have the power to employ an attorney to assist in conducting all hearing before them a herein provided and to assist the attorney general in prosecuting and defending any or all actions with reference to any order or orders, rules, regulations, rate or rates made or fixed by said commission as herein provided, which said attorney shall be al lowed by the commission such fee or fees for his services as shall appear to said commission to be Just and reasonable, to be paid out on the order of the governor upon an Itemised statement certified to by said commission. (n) Said commission shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations to govern Ha proceedings, the mode and manner of con. ducting Investigations and hearings of rail road companies, common carrier and other person before -It, with reference to the fixing of any rate or rate, classifications and charges for the transportation of freight and cars, the making of any order provided for herein or nnder the law of thl state relating to the control and regu lation of railway1 companies and common carriers, and othef acts required of It by fie law of this state; provided, that no per. son aesiring to be present at any such In vestigation' or hearing by said commission shall be denied admission. . Keport to 'Governor. (0) Said commission shall annually, on or before the first Monday .In December, make a report to the governor of its do ing for the. preceding year, containing such facts, statement and explanation a will disclose the workings of railroad systems of thl state, and their relation to the general business and prosperity of the dtlsens thereof, with suoh suggestions and .recommendations in respect thereto as may to the commission seem appropriate. Bald report shall alsA oontaln, a to every railroad corporation doing business In this state: (1) The amount of It capital. .(2) Th amount of It preferred and com mon stock. If any, and the condition of each. - t Eter read one of these genuine letters? DOCTOR EXPLAINS J Kls Article fa tb ntodlcU Hagasin About Coffee. One of the most famous medical publi cations in the United States 1 th "Alka lodlal Clinic," In a recent number of which an entertaining article on coffee by a pro gressive physician and aurgepn was pub lished. In explaining his position in tha matter this physician recently said: In thi article la question ' I really touched but lightly upon the merit of Poatum Food Coffee. I have had several cases of heart trouble. Indigestion and nervousness where a permanent cure was effected by. merely using Postum In place of .coffee without any other treatment. "In my own family I have used Post J m for three year a ad my children actually cry for it and will not be satisfied with any other beverage. Indeed they refusa to eat until they have had the customary cup of Poatum and as It is a rehullder and doe nothing but good I am only Uo glad to let them have-It. f -To get the beat 'result w boll the Poatum at least 10 minute and It I then settled by adding a little eoloV water, then tle addition of freah cream make a bev erage I now prefer to the very best cof fe." Name given by Poatum Co., Battle Cneek. Mich. .' Authorities are agreed that Ppstum Is a wolnderfully quick and sure rebullder. Teji days trial In place of coffee prove It . liook in pkga. for th Jmow little jboatk, "The Road to WellvtU (3) The amount of It funded debt and the rate of Interest. () The amount of It floating debt. (6) The cost and actual present cash value of It road equipment, including per manent way, building and rolling stock. all real estate used exclusively In operating the road, and all fixtures and conveniences for transacting Its business. W The estimated value of all other property owned by It, with schedule of the same, not Including lands granted in aid of its construction. (7) The number of acres originally granted by the I'nlted States or this state In aid of the construction of said road. (8) The number of acres of such land re maining unsold. () A list of Its officers and directors, with their respective place of residence. (10) Such statistics of the road and of Its transportation business for the year as may, in the Judgment of the commission ers, be necessary and proper for the In formation of the legislature, or as may be required by the governor. (11) The average amount of tonnage that can be carried over each road In the' state with an engine of given power. Said report to exhibit and refer to the conditions of said railway companies on the first day of July of each year, and the de tails of Its transportation business, trans acted during the year ending June thir tieth. (o) The records, schedules, orders, rate, classifications, charges, rule and regula tions and all findings of whstsoever char acter of the commission, shall be authenti cated by a certificate thereto attached under the seal of said commission, signed by the chairman thereof, that the same Is a true and correct copy of the original rec ords, schedules, orders, rates, classifica tions and findings, In the office of said com mission, and shall be received In evidence In all courts of this state without further proof. (p) Power to Investigate charges out side of the state to points Inside of the state. ' Appeal to Interstate Commission. It shall be, the duty of the commission to Investigate thoroughly all through freight charges from points . wltnout the state to points within the state, both thoee now fixed and those that may be hereafter fixed. Whenever the commission finds that a through rate charged from a point with out the state to a point within the state. Is, in their opinion, excessive, unreasonable. unjust, or dscrlmlnatlng in Its nature. It shall be the duty of the commission to call the attention of the railroad officials to the fact and urge upon them the propriety of changing rate or rates. . Whenever such rate or rates are not changed according to the suggestions of the commission. It shall be the duty of the commission and It Is hereby given power and authority, to pre sent the facts to the Interstate Commerce commission and appeal to it for relief. In such appeal and In the prosecutions of the same before the Interstate Commerce com mission the State Hallway commission shall have the assistance of the attorney general and may employ special counsel. In case It deems It advisable to do so, at such com pensatlon as the commission shall fix. (q) The commission may, In its discre tion, prescribe the forms of any and all accounts, records, and memoranda to be kept by carriers subject to the provisions of this Act, Including the accounts, rec ords, and memoranda of the movement of traffic as well as the receipts and expend! tures of moneys. The commission shall at all times have access to all accounts, rec ords and memoranda kept try carriers sub ject to this Act, and It shall be unlawful for such carriers to" keep any other ac counts, records or memoranda than those prescribed or approved by t Ira commission, an It mar emnlov special asrents or ex- ari.riers. who shall have authority under the order of the commission to Inspect and ex amine any and all accounts, records and memoranda kept by such carriers. Thl provision shall apply to receivers of car riers and operating trustees. Penalties. . Section t. Penalties. Any railway company or common carrier subject to the provisions . of this act who shall, upon proper demand, fall or refuse to exhibit to the commissioners, or any of them or any person authorised by said com missioners to investigate the same, any book, paper, document or record of such railway company or common carrier, which Is In the possession or under the control of said railway company or common carrier, or any office!1, agent or employee thereof, shall be' guilty . of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined for each offense a sum not less than one thousand dollar nor more than five thou sand dollar. Any officer, agent or employe of any railroad company who shall, upon proper demand, fail or refuse to exhibit to the commissioners, or any of them, or any person authorised by aald commissioner to Investigate the same, any book, paper, document or record of such railway J. company or common carrier, which Is in the possession or under th control of such officer, agent or em ploye, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and. upon conviction in any court having Jurisdiction thereof, shall be fined for each offense a sum not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or be Imprisoned' in the county Jail not less than ten days nor more than thirty, or both within the discretion of the court. Sec. 1 Railway company and common carrier, defined. The term railway company a used herein hair be taken to Include all corporations, companies. Individuals and associations of Individuals, their lessees or receiver (ap pointed by any court whatsoever) that may now or hereafter own, operate, manage or control any railroad or part of a railroad In this state, and all corporations, com panies and association of individuals, their lessee or receivers, as shall do the business of common carrier on any rail road In thl state. Common Carriers Denned. The term common carriers as used herein hall be taken to Include all corporations, companies. Individual and association of Individuals, their lessees, or receivers (ap pointed by any court whatsoever) that may now or hereafter own, operate, manage or control any railroad, laterurban line, oper ated either by steam or electricity or any other motive power, or part thereof, or any express company, car company, sleep ing car company, freight and freight line company, telegraph and telephone com panics and any other carrier engaged In the transportation of passengers or freight for hire for the public, by railroad, except street car companies. Sec i. Schedules of rates and charges how fixed and established. It shall be the duty of all common car rier within the state, to nl with the State Railway commission, within thirty days after -this act shall take effect, all freight schedules, classifications, rates, tariffs and charge used by said common carrier and in effect on January 1, 1807. The said railway commission shall fix and establish, as soon a practicable there after, a complete schedule and classifica tion of rate and charge, except Joint rate hereinafter provided for, fur the transportation of freights, passenger and cars, over the various line of- railroad in this state, and shall furnish a printed copy thereof, duly authenticated by said com mission, to all railway companies and com mon carrier doing business In this state, together with a notice when the same shall go Into effect. Bald schedule of rate and charges shall go into effect not less than thirl day nor nor Uuu sixty day under the decision of the commission, aftei the same have been completed end copies thereof mailed to th railway companies and common carrier affected thereby, and any or all rate therein contained shall be end remain In force and effect from and after said time, unless modified, annulled or otherwise revised by the railway com mission, upon a hearing with respect there to before said commission, or until such rate or rates are finally adjudged to be unreasonable and ' Unjust In a court of competent Jurisdiction; provided, always, that any railway company, common carrier or any person or persons, hereinafter named, complaining of any or all rates In any schedule or shedule prepared by said commission as hereinafter provided, before appealing from the rate or rates com plained of a fixed by said commission, or applying for any temporary writ of In junction, or other mandatory order, shall make complaint as hereinafter provided and have a hearing thereon before said commission within the time fixed by said commission for said rate or rates com plained of going Into force and effect, and a copy of said schedule when so authenti cated shall be received In evidence In all courts In this state without further proof, as prima facie evidence that the rates therein contained are those fixed by said railway commission and that said rates are prima facie. Just and reasonable. Dates for Rear in a. (a) When any railway company, common carrier or any person In his own behalf, or In behalf of any class of persons similarly situated, or any firm, corporation or as sociations, or any mercantile, agricultural or manufacturing society, or any body polltlo or municipal organisation, shall make complaint to the railway commission that any rate or rates fixed by said com mission In said schedule, or in any subse quent revised or modified schedule, or the rate charged or published by any railroad company. Is unreasonably high, unjust or discriminating, the Board of Railway Com missioners shall Immediately fix a day for hearing the same. and shall cause notice thereof contain ing the substance of the complaint to be served upon the railway company or common carrier complained of, and the day and date upon which said hearing will be had upon said complaint; provided, that said commission may proceed upon their own motion to have a hearing with reference to revising, modifying or annulling any or all rate In any schedule or schedules pre. pared by them, by notifying all person in terested therein or affected thereby, a hereinbefore provided. (b) Upon the hearing the railway com missioners shall receive any evidence and listen to any arguments offered or pre sented by either party relevant to the matter under Investigation, and the burden of proof shall be upon the railroad, per son or persons hereinbefore set forth mak lng the complaint The lowest rates pub lished or charged by any railway company for substantially the same kind of service. whether In this or another state, shall when Introduced In evidence, be accepted as prima facte evidence of a reasonable rate for the services under investigation; and if the railway company or common carrier making complaint, or the railway company complained of by the person or persons hereinbefore set forth, operate a line of railroad beyond the, state, or ha a traffic arrangement with any other rail road company, the same shall be taken Into consideration In determining what Is a rea sonable rate; If It be operating a line of railroad beyond the state, the rate charged or established for- substantially the same or greater service by It In another state may also be considered. ( Competent Evidence In Cowrt. (c) After such hearing and Investigation the commission shall render a decision In the premises, which said decision shall af firm, revise, annull or modify any or all rates complained of In said -original sched ule, or any subsequent schedule Which may be the subject of Investigation, and all rates . between points In this state and whatever part of the line of railway or such company or common carrier within this state as may have been fairly within the scope of such investigation; and the commission shall render Its decision In writ ing, and shall spread the same at length upon the record to be kept for that pur pose; and said decision, when duly authen ticated, shall be received in all suits brought against any railway company or common carrier, or In any Appeal prose cuted by any railway company or common carrier from said decision, wherein Is In any way Involved the charges of any such railway company or common carrier men tioned in said decision. In any of the court of this state as prima facie evidence that the rates therein fixed are Just and rea sonable, the same a the original schedule made by said railway, commission a here inbefore provided. (d) Said Board of Railway Commissioner hall Immediately notify ail person af fected thereby of the ubetanca of their decision affirming, annulling, revising or modifying the rate or rates complained of, and shall specifically set forth any rate or rate that have been annulled, and any rate or rate that have been revised or modified In schedule form, and the schedule of any and all rates so modified or revised on said hearing shall be In force and ef fect thirty days after said decision was mailed to the railway company, common carrier, person or persons or corporation affected thereby, and shall continue so un til further modified, revised or annulled by said commission, or finally adjudged to be unreasonable and unjust a hereinbefore provided. (e) Any railway company or common car rier applying In any court for any tempo rary writ of injunction or other manda tory order with reference to any or all of said rates so complained of shall show to the court that there has been a hearing before said commission with reference to said rate or rates within the ttme fixed by said commission for said rate or rates to go into force and effect, and shall attach to said application for said temporary writ of injunction or other mandatory order, and make the same part thereof, a tran script of the record of said commission upon the hearing with reference to the rate, or rates , confplalned of, which said transcript shall contain a copy of the com plaint filed with said commission, their de cision and findings of facts with reference thereto and the evidence Introduced at said hearing, which transcript shall be consid ered by the court In allowing or disallowing said temporary writ of injunction or other mandatory order. Emersreaer Rates. Sec. I. Emergency rates. ) Nothing In the foregoing section shall be Construed to prevent said commission from having the power, when deemed by It neces sary, to prevent Interstate rata wars and Injury to the business of the cltlsens of the state, railway companies or common car riers, or In case of any other emergency to be Judged bf said commission, and It shall be the duty of said commission to temporarily alter, amend or suspend any existing freight rates, tariffs, schedules, order and circular of any railway com pany or common carrier, or part thereof. In this state, and to fix freight rates where none exist, which said emergency rate or rates shall apply to any one or more or 1 all railway companies or common carriers ' In thfa .tats mnA .hall lib. &ftttt at ailfh time .and remain In force such length of time as msy be prescribed by said com mission; ppovided, that aald emergency rates, tariffs, schedules, orders and cir cular shall be subject to review upon a heartiur before said commission and courts of competent Jurisdiction la thi tale, a MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY LOOKED AFTER. Ifs Too Much Trouble With us "time is money," and we're too busy to spend time measuring, counting and listing little lots, remnants and such things. "It's too much trouble," so to save time and trouble, Friday we will have a thorough Glean-Up and Clear-Up Sale of all surplus lines and remnants in the store. Profits not considered it will be a "dhurry up" sale and those who come will find many delightful surprises in things they need at little prices. Furs at Half Price Fox Scarfs, Sable Coneys, Brook Mink, In stocks, ties, throws and boas, all on one large table, sold at $3.95, 14.95, $5.95 and $6.95. ALL AT HALF TRICE FRIDAY 'Large Lot of Misses' and Chil dren's Fnr Set ar Beal and Astrakan Coata Muffs and Boas, complete, that sold at $8.95, $3.95 up to $8.95, ALL HALF PRICE FRIDAY Pretty garments. Sktnner satin lined, best fitting coat) $41.80 Coat go at $27.50 $55.00 Coats go at .,,.$35.00 $40.00 Coats go at ,...$34.75 One Aleutian Sealskin, was $135, size 40, Friday for ...$82.50 One blended Squirrel Fancy Eton Blouse, was $125, sire 36, Fri day HALF PRICE ALL FUR LIXED COATS GOING AT HALF PRICE. ALL FUR CAPES IN ASTRA KHAN and NEAR. SEAL, H Price Beautiful Astrakhan and Near Seal Capes, full 30-ln. long, Skin ner watln lined, were $25.00, now $12.50 $30.00 Capes $15.00 $37.60 Capes $18.75 Some Grand Surprises AWAIT YOU AT OUR SILK DE PARTMENT Every short end length and remnant. Everything Included, Taffetas, Messallnes, Peau de Cygne, Peau de Sole, . Loulslenes, etc., plain, fancy and black, nothing reserved: Length from 1H yards to 8 yds. long and worth from 69c to $1.60 a yard, all go at a hurry up sale Friday .. JUST HALF PRICE herein provided for other schedules of rate fixed by said commission. Appeals to Be Expedited. Sec. 7. Appeal from decision of commis sioner. If any railway company, common car rier or any person or person affected there by, shall be dissatisfied with the decision of said railway commission, affirming-, re vising, annulling- or modifying any rata or rate complained of In said original sched ule, or any subsequent schedule which may be the subject of Investigation or with the decision of said commission with reference to any rate classification, rule, charge, order, act or regulation made or adopted by them, upon which there ha been a hearing before said commission, except as otherwise expressly provided for herein, such dissatisfied railway company, common carrier, person or persons, may file a pe tition, setting forth the particular cause or causes -of objection to such decision, act, rate, rule, charge, classification or order, or to either or all of them, in any district court In this state, against said commis sion a defendant. Said action shall have precedence over all other causes on the docket of a differ ent nature, criminal case excepted, and shall be tried and determined as other civil causes in said court. Either party In aald action may appeal to the supreme court of this state, and said appeal shall be at once returnable to aald court and said action so appealed shall have precedence In aid court of all causes of a different char acter pending therein; provided, that if the district court be In session at the time uch right of action accrues, the suit may be filed during the term and stand ready for trial after ten day notice. (a) In all trials under the foregoing ar ticle, the burden of proof shall rest upon the plaintiff, who must show by clear and satisfactory evidence that the rates, regu lations, orders, classifications, acta or charges complained of are unreasonable and unjust to It or them, and the record of the decision upon said hearing before aid commission, shall, when properly authenticated by said commission, be re ceived in evidence in the trial of said cause, that said rate or rates affirmed, re vised or modified, or that any said rate, classification, rule, charge, order, act or regulation, 1 prima facie just and rea sonable. Post la a; of Schedules. See. 7. Printing and posting schedules of rate. Every railway company or common car rier subject to the provision of thl act hall print and keep for public inspection schedules showing the rates, fare and charge for the transportation of passen gers and freight which have been fixed and established as herein provided, and which are in force at the time upon its railroad or railroads. Bald schedules shsll plainly state the places upon It road between which property and passengers will be carried, and shall contain the classi fication of freight In force upon such classification of freight In force upon such road, stating separately any terminal charges, and any rules and regulations which In anywise change, affect or de termine any of the aggregate of uch rates, fares and charges. Bald schedule shall be plainly printed In large type, of at least the, else of ordinary pica, and a copy for the' use of th public shall be kept in every freight office and passenger station on such road, where It can be conveniently In spected, and said railway company or com mon carrier shall keep a printed notice posted In every such' freight office and pas senger station indicating where therein th same can be found. Bald schedules have printed at the top thereof In black faced type the words "Schedule A." "Schedule B." and so on, and shall also have printed thereon Immediately following said word the data when such schedule or schedule went Into effect, and when said commission have revised, annulled or modified any rat or rates In said schedules so designated, said railway company or common carrier shall prepare another schedule showing the rate or rates, so annulled, revised or modified and the classification thereof which shall be designated by printed words at the top thereof a "Supplemental Sched ule A" and so on. and whan It rat or mONE 081 DOUGLAS Half Price Remnants of Drees Goods at this - Special Clean. Up Sale, HALF PRICJk-AU of our black and colored Dress Goods, in lengths from 2 to 8 yards, are all placed In this Friday sale regardless of former prices. They have been marked very low to close and now at the EXTRA reduction of HALF you can't afford to miss this offer, Panamas, Serges, Mo hair, Scotch Mixtures, Broad cloth, Taffetas, Nun's Veiling. Batiste, etc One Dig Lot of All Over Embroideries Embroideries that are worth up to 76c a yard, Friday only, yd.25 Fancy Silk Trimming D raids Hundreds of yards of Fancy Silk Trimming Braids of all descrip tions offered at the lowest price you ever heard. Here are Braids worth up to 25c a yard. They will be offered in our basement Friday for, yd. It A Few Flyers for Bargain Friday An unhemmed restaurant napkin, check pattern, good size, and worth 60e dos., Friday, doz30 Remnants of Stevens' Crash Tow eling, .In 2 to 6 yards long worth 12 Me yard, Friday, clean up price, yard Q$ Heavy weight Scotch Satin Dam ask, good width, full bleached worth 40c yard, Friday, yd-25 100 soUed Tray Cloths, warranted pure linen, full bleached and worth 40c a piece, while they last, Friday, each 15 rates therein set forth are in force and ef fect, i (a) If passengers and freight pass over continuous line or routes in this state, operated by more than one railway com pany, or common carrier, and the several companies or carrier operating such lines or route have, established joint tariffs shall be filed with .said commission. Bald joint rates, fare and charge on such continuous lines shall be made public by aid railway companies or common carriers when directed by said' commission. Insofar a in the Judment of aald commission may be practicable, and said commission shall also from time to time prescribe the meas ure of publicity which shall be given to any Joint rates, fare and charge, or to such part thereof as It may think practic able for such railway companies or common carriers to publish, and the places in which they shall be published; but no railway company or common carrier, party to any such Joint tariff, shall be liable for the failure of any other party thereto to ob serve and adhere to the rates, fares or charges thus made and published. Road Mast Ftl Btatemtents. Bee. 1 (b) Every common carrier, in corporated or doing business. In thl state, shall on the first day of August, 1907, and annually thereafter, transmit to the office of the ' railway commission a full and complete statement un der oath of Its proper officer, of th affair of such common carrier, as the same existed on the first day of July next preceding. Such statement shall show, 1 The amount of the capital stock sub scribed, the number of shares and the par value of the same, (2) the name of th owner of it stock and the amount owned by them, respec tively; (3) the amount paid into th treas ury of the common carrier for and on ac count of the Issuance of the stock, the date of such payments and by whom paid; (4) the amount of outstanding bonds of the company, the date and purpose of their issuance and th rate of Interest thereon; (5) the names and place of resi dence of the officer of th company, with the amount of the annual salary of each; (6) the amount of the floating debt of the company, with the purpose for which the debt was Incurred; (7) the value of the roadbed. Including Iron and bridges, the value of rolling stock, stations, buildings, locomotives and all other property; (8) the length of single track on the main line and the length of double track on the main line; (9) the length of branch lines, stat ing whether they are double or single track; (10) the aggregate length- of side tracks, suurs, switches and terminals on or connected with each main line or branch line; (11) the number 'of tons of through freight carried during the year preceding the making of the report and the number of tons of local freight carried during the same time; (12) th number of tons of through freight carried on each main line, designating in separate Items the local freight and the through freight; (13) the number of tons of freight carried on each branch Una, designating In separate items ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. ! 414-16-18 Bo. 16i Street. Sold by the unit A 1 " j.c3 unit of letter files, a i r&YtJo1iBrf:sSr unit of card index -fi 1 m 1 B Iflifr 'Hi fcj' files, a unit of any - rrj I ca IfHst- 1 other files, drawers 'T3I ZLA ST or pigeon hole boxes !H v'lliT TSPl wanted, all Inter- --IIiMSS1" O I 5 locked form a hand-. irVi!?' Ottr3 some and complete j ;t Globe-Wernick. jf ; aSf? -ELASTIC rlST45 CAB1MET. ( fefctiliB SHREWD BTEA WILL 8 EH TUB REMARKABLE! BARGAINS HERE Vigorous Values in Basement Friday Follow the crowds Friday to our grand Clean-Up Sale. A total dis position of all short lengths, rem nants and broken lines at mere trifling prices. Everything must go Friday. 2 w111 be the glaring sale price on thousands of yards of good, desirable remnants, In calicoes, outings, suitings, quilt coverings, etc. . Enough for all. Good Bleach Muslin, wide, on sale Friday, yard 3t Splendid quality, yard wide, nn bleached Muslin,' on sale Friday at, yard 4tt Big bargain square of Percales, Fleecebacks, Flannelettes, Ki mono Flannels, fine Outings, ' worth 12 c, 15c and 20c yard, all to go Friday at, yard .... Q Come. 16c and 25c dainty turn over Col-, lars, embroidered linen and fine mulls, scolloped and hemstitched Friday, each 44 GRAND CLEARING of regular 12 He and 16c fine white Cam brics, Muslins, Sheetings, etc., while they last, Friday, only, yard ,.f Another Sale of Fine Cotton Batting FOR FRIDAY. Regular 18c Fine Batts 12 Regular 9c Cotton Batts Q Regular 25c Flue Batts 1G the local and through freight; (14) the monthly earning for th transportation o( freight and the monthly earnings for th transportation of passenger on each main line and branch line; '(16) the amount of expenses Incurred In running , passenger train on each nutfn line and branch, line and the amount of expense incurred n running freight and mixed train on each main line and branch line; (16) the expense incurred in the management of the road. Including the compensation of general offi cers, which shall be reported itemised In detail; (17) the. amount expended for re pairs. Including maintenance of roadbed, repairs and renewals of bridge, tie, Iron and the amount expended for other Im provements not included In the previous enumeration; (18) the amount expended for motive power, cars, station and ware houses, shops, repairs upon car and loco motives and all other expenses of th operating department; (19) If a railroad, what express companies run on Its road and on what term and condition and th kind of business don by the express com pany; (20) the number of free passe or free tickets, and frank issued, ' and - to whom and what relation the. recipient bears to the road; (21) what operating or trafflo arrangements It ha with other companies, attaching a copy of any contract or con tracts for such arrangement; (23) what amaunt of land was granted to the com pany, or It assignors. Immediate or re mote, by the state or the United 8tates, how much of said land has been conveyed by deed and the amount realised from th sale thereof and how much of said land I now held; (23) the amount received by the coiripany, or Its assignor, immediate or remote, from municipalities or pther sources a a bonus or to aid in the build ing of any railroad; (24) the number of employe killed - and the number of em ploye Injured by accident, and the cause or causes of such accidents; (26) the nuV ber of passenger killed and the number of passengers Injured by accident, and th cause or causes of such accidents; (23) the number of other persons killed or Injured by accident, and the causes of such acci dent; (37) an Itemised statement of th amount of all damage paid on account of Injuries to or the death of person by reason of accidents, stating in separate Items the amount paid on account of In juries or the death of employe, ( passenger and other persona; (28) such other Infor mation a may be required by the com mission. Fines for ffea-leet. If any common carrier shall neglect or refuse to file such statement with th commission It shall forfeit and pay for each such offense not less than 11,000 nor more than $6,000. (c) If any railway company or common carrier shall fall, refuse or neglect to file or publish any schedul of rates, fares and charges, or any part of the same. It shall. In addition to other penalties herein pre scribed, be subject to a writ of mandamus, to be issued by any district oourt pf thl state in the judicial dis continued , on Fifth Page.) v i i