Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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TfL Douglas 1S.
The Store ThaJ Gives Good Yaluc Every 'Day
Our greatest January sale is now a thing of the jjast, but this does not mean that bar
gain giving time is past. All through, the month of February, it will pay you to watch our
ads for the final clearance of many small lines of winter goods which were not included in
the January sale. Spring goods are fast coming in. Very soon we will well you about them.
If you have never risked our basement. let this special be the means of bringing you here, and see
what a well lighted airy bar.nent we hare. All wool fascinators, pretty knit, long large shapes, black
and white only, regiilaf prke $1.25 Friday only, each, 70c.
.Women's Outing Flannel v
. Gowns Reduced.
Pull liberal slsed gowns, pretty as
Sorted pattern.
Ail 74o and Sto aowns, now tOc
. AH $1.00 gowns now 7Bo each.
All 11.60 gown now ttc each.
All 11.00 wiwm now tl.bO each.
All 12.60 gowns now $1.76 each.
Second Floor.
Women's Hosiery.
Women's hosiery In light, medium
or heavy weight. Tou will And se
Our 16th gtreet vestibule Is heated purposely for the comfort of those waitings for care. North 24th
street, Hanacora park, both east and west lines, South Omaha and Sherman Ave. cars can be seen a
block away. We Invite the public to make use of our warm vestibule when waiting for cars.
1 jmaryi.-.--V.-.-.nAnnrinni-n-i-inrvi-i-r -
represented several other corporations,
came to Lincoln last night and was here
today quietly resting In a room at tho
Lincoln hotel. Bob Dmesdpw of Omaha
also struck town today and Informed In
qulrerS he was here on private business.
Lobbyist Morris Is still here, notwith
standing he may be needed by the poor
tot Omaha every minute of the day. He
Is lobbying for the retention of the State
Board of Charities and Correction, the
child labor bill and a few other meas
ures.' '
Aaother Sea.lon n Primary.
The committee appointed to draft a
primary bill will meet again tomorrow
night and the members expect to get down
to work at that time. The Commoner next
week will say this about the primary law:
At the 190 state conventions held In Ne
braska both the democratic party and the
republican party were pledged to a direct
primary law. The democratic platform
said :
"We will pass a comprehensive direct
primary law for the whole state. In which
' party candidates for all offices shall be
nominated by a direct vote of the people."
This pledge could not have been made
mor explicit, and every democratic mem
ber elected upon It or every republican
member elected upon a similar pledge l
- In honor bound to vote for a direct primary
', bill. It has been urged by some republicans
ernd democrats that the direct primary Is
. Impractical, and members of both partlee
In the Nebraska legislature have been ad
vised not to support this reform plan. Thd
merlU of the direct primary law are not
nnrrasarilv under consideration In the pree-
i enee of the fact that both of the great po
I luteal narttea In Nebraska promised the
. fk., jt i . law wmilit h
enacted. If the plan waa not practical. It
' aftfcutd not have been endorsed by the plat
form: If there are arguments to Justify
democrat or a republican either for that
matter In voting against the direct pri
mary those arguments should have been
presented beYore the state convention and
ut the party and the garty's repreeenta
i lives on record- . .
In the Commoner's hpinlon argument is
bn the side of the direct primary, which
plan Is a great Improvement over the con
. ventlon method of nominating. Conven
tions should be allowed for the framing of
platforms and for the performing of any
worn wnicn cannoi uo auno j r .7.
vote; but the more fully the control of the
party can be kept In the hands of the
rank and file, the better. Authority comes
from the people, and the more directly and
completely the people control, the less dan
ger there Is of the thwarting of the wishes
of the voters.
' Hard Sledding; for Internrbnn BUI.
.Judging from the reception It received to
day In ths senate 8. V. No. . providing
that street railway companies may guar
' antee, buy and own stock and bonds of
Interurban companies, has a rocky road to
. travel before. It Is plaoed on the statute
books. After a long discussion, today. In
. which Joe Burns of Lancaster and Aldrlch
f Butler threw all kinds of doubtful ,com
nllmente at ach other, the bill was sent
back to the gundlng committee for further
consideration and amendment.
: -The peculiar feature of the discussion
was that no one made any direct chargu
against the bill, but several of the sena
tors seemed to fear there was a negro
adroitly concealed somewhere In the wood
pile., .Senator Ashton. of Hall started the
onslaught by offering some amendments
uki.i, umit lh, at mat railway comnantes
to guarantee, but not to own bonds, and
to lease for a limited term, but not own
, iaterurban roads. He declared he believed
-t 4ht effect .of the bill would be to permit a
street railway company to act aa a hold
. lna aomsaay for numerous Interurban
i, companies. He thought this would be bad
. policy and might result seriously In the
i. future.
t Aldrlch alse had a far-reaching amend
v. ment which would require a starching ln-
vestlgatton by the railroad commission be
. fore any of the Interurban roads could float
. stock or bond Issue.
.- .Thomas, who Introduced the bill, ex
. plained It was merely to permit the Omaha
V Council Bluffs company to build and
operate Interurban roads to the suburbs of
Omaha and waa Intended to go no further.
But the opponents of the bill saw In It a
plan to permit the formation of an Inter
urban railway "trust" or pool. Aldrlch
also opposed It, declaring It would lead to
"high finance" methods hy the companies.
To prevent this he offered his amendment
requiring an Investigation by the railway
commission before stocks or bonds could
Je Issued.
Bnraa ana KJaa- Favor It.
' ' Joe Burns of Lancaster got Into the dls
": cession at once with the declaration the
tendency was to regulate too much. He
said the poor bond and stockholders were
able to take care of themselves and de
clared the ateam railways were fighting
the Interurbans and had carried the fight
even Into the senate. ' x' "
King of Polk favored the bill declaring
It was necessary to permit the street rail
ways ; to back Interurbans In order that
the Interurbans might be built aa the de.
velopment of the atate required. He said
Aldrich's amendment should be attached
to another statute and that he waa Work
ing on. a bill which covered the same
ground.. He declared' the amendment .If
attached to this Dili would be null as It
did not provide for the - organisation of
corporations, but for the owning of stuck
after -the corporation waa ' formed. ' He
denouneed the feeling agalast Omaha and
IJncol apparent In some of the legislators.
An exchange of repartee between. Bums
and Aldrlch which caused applause In
the well filled gallery, closed he debate.
Burns 'declared Aldrlch waa trying te
strangle the babe ' before Its birth. AU
ditch vesuonded he was dealing with cont
dltlons -and, not with the Iroagtaibge of s
spring poet.
eveateam . senators, a. . hare iaajorlty.
ispn, Belden
lecting here an eaay task, for quality
and finish are of the bant.
Women's black cotton hose, maoo
split spies, full fashioned, high
spliced heels and toes, an excellent
quality for tic par pair.
Women's black cotton hose, light
or medium weight, all black or black
with maco split soles, have double
soles, heels and toes, very fine qual
ity, I6c per pair.
Women's medium weight cotton
hose, spliced heels and toes, 60c per
Women's gauss lisle hose, garter
top, double soles, very sheer and fine,
60c per pair. Main Floor.
...n. .... mm i,(i
voted In favor of recommitting the bill to
the standing committee.
New Pore Pood Bill.
McKesson of Lancaster has Introduced
a new pure food, drug and dairy bill Into
the senste. It IS prefaced by a "whereas"
reciting that Is drawn In conformity with
the law recently enacted by congress. It
ntso combines the administrative offices
proposed In Burns' pure food bill and In a
dairy commissioner measure proposed by
the State Dairymen's association at their
recent meeting In Lincoln. The bill pro
vides the governor shall be "food, drug
and dairy commissioner" and shall be al
lowed a deputy food and drug commis
sioner and a deputy dairy commissioner,
each to receive 11,800 a year. The deputy
dairy commissioner Is to be appointed on
recommendation of the Btate Dairymen's
association, and each of the deputies Is
allowed a stenographer at $70 a month.
The bill provides for two food and. drug
Inspectors and three dairy Inspectors at 13
a day each and expenses. The dairy In
spectors are to be appointed with the ap
proval of the department of dairy hue
bandry of the Bute university. The other
provisions of the bill follow in the line of
the national law.
. Senator . Wllser Explains.
Criticisms In certain newspapers led
8snator Wllsey,"- chairman of the- Joint
railway committee of the two houses, to
rise tp a question of personal privilege
this morning. He said the committee had
been criticised for not reporting some of
Its measures to the two houses. He de
clared the committee was working haid
and Was disposed to do all it could to' get
satisfactory legislation. He said It was
made up of earnest, conscientious men
and he was -confident ever pledge made
to the people would be carried . out. .
Senator Randall hast received a beauti
fully engrossed copy of the- resolutions
recently adopted by the senate relating
to the death of the late W. M. Robertson
of Norfolk. The work wm done ty Chris
Schavland of Madison.
8. p. Mprrls of Omaha, Btate Superin
tendent McBrlen, Rev. L. P. Ludden and
a number of others apeared before the
committee on constitutional amendments
and federal relations today to protest
and federal, relations toaay ple"
against eenaior nooi s diii i ' "'"
State Board of Charity.
At a meeting of the senate committee
oh municipal affairs It was decided to give
notice to the brewers that Senator Gib
son's bill to prevent brewers owning an
interest in salopns and to limit the num
ber .of saloons In Omaha, 8outh Omaha
and Lincoln to one to each 1,000 of pop
ulation will come up tor consideration
Tuesday, February (, at 4 o'clock. A
number of Interested brewers are ex
pected to appear before the committee to
Clarke Addresses Fwstonlata.
Representative Clarke tonight .met with
about .twenty-five fuslonists and explained
his terminal taxaUon bill. Mr. Clarke as
sured the legislators the taxation of rail
way terminals for city purposes would not
take a penny from the school districts of.
, . . . . . '
' the state and a great majority of his
I audience agreed with blm. The fuslonists
Invited Mr. Clarke to address them.
Lively Little Spat Over Booth O
Police Commission Bill.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 81. (Special.) Senator
Gibson's bill reducing the number of mem
bers of the Fire and Police board In South
Omaha from Ave to three, passed the com-
mittee of the whole In the senate this meTU bagatelle, which brought forth ap
mornlng. plause from those members who are leg-
Among other Important measures which
went through are Root's bill, requiring a
Dubllo hearing before the commutation of
sentence af convicts, and King's measure,
to prevent discriminating prices between
different localities.
A petition from the Commercial club of
Omaha protesting agalnsvLceder's bill, pro
viding for a double shift for firemen in
Omaha, and. asking for a public hearing be
fore the members of the two houses, was
read and on motion of Saunders a commit
tee of three, consisting of Saunders, Pat
rick and Wiltse of Cedar wss appointed to
act with a like committee of the house to
arrange a Joint meeting with the Omahana.
The following bills were placed 09 gen-
era! file on recommendation of standing
..mmiitu, s
By the committee on revenue:
B. F. 41 By Ashton. Amending the In-
heritanee tax law to clear up an ambiguity
in tne prettcm law.
. $. F. na-Hy Randall. A corrective
measure to make the general statue re-
farding the taxing of saline and school
ands conform to the revenue law.
S. F. US By Randall. .Fixing the rate
of interest on aaline or educational land
sale contracts heretofore Issued and mak
ing provision for contracts to be sold and
fixing the Tate of interest.
g..F. l7-'by Hannn. TO provide for the
Mauan'ce of a duplicate tax aale certificate
wneie the original Is lost.
, By, the judiciary committee:
a. r, iB-tiy vuig. to repeal ine preaent
ua S?",'In,oI? D...,er; c
cutin.orne'y. to endorJ the nanE, T of
witn'sses on the information during trial,
8. F. 158-By Root. Requiring a two-third
vote 01 mose voung on in. proposition 10
carry city or. county bonds.
Ia committee of the whole, with Saun
ders la the chair, the following 1411s were
recommended for third reading:
B. F. W-By Root. To regulate the pro
cedure In the Issuance of pardona and
commutation, ef at-ntenee by the eovernor.
8. V. 84 By King. To prevent discrimin
ation between ictalltlrs by making lowvr
prices in one locality tnnn 'n aaother
M.s. lt-iy bwvl. rravldw; ur
iuu i rrtrurni'irirMaiiiririirfifr -
Bee. Jan. SI. 107
Co. '
New, New, New. -
Hewness la our Beautiful Cloak
Boom Everywhere,
New models In suits.
New models In coats.
New models In waists.
New models In separate skirts.
New models In silk shirt walit
LAdies' must see our models to be
sure of the correct styles.
Fine tailored garments our spe
cialty. See the latest novelties In
our windows. Second Floor.
shall not be granted In civW cases where It
shall afllrmatlvely appear that substantial
Justice has been done.
B. r . 144 By unison, providing ior a re
duction of the number of members of the
Rnuth Omaha Vrm and I'rillne Foard from
five to three, with the mayor as exolflclo J
chairman without a vote,
Root's bill relating to pardons and com
mutations of sentence drew fire from Mc
Kesson and Burns, who contended one
section, which Imposed a penalty on any
person who communicated with the gover
nor about a pardon or commutation of sen
tence except through the public hearing,
would limit the power of the governor to
Investigate cases. - The' bill was satis
factorily amended by a clause permit
ting the governor to call for evidence and
the bill passed without further opposition.
dlbson of Douglas had a lively little scrap
on his hands over his bill reducing the num
ber of members of the South Omaha Fire
and Police Board. Randall of Madison op
posed the measure and said some uncom
plimentary things about the ' Magic City.
The bill passed, however, without any nega
tive votes.
Almost the entire afternoon was taken up
tn consideration of Senator Thomas' bill,
S. F. 25, permitting street railway com
panies to guarantee, own and buy etocks
and bonds In Interurban companies. After
It was recommitted for further amend
ments, the following bills were recom
mended for passage by the committee of
the whole:
S. F. SO By Root To provide for assign
ing of the residue of an estate bv the
county Judge to persons entitled to receive It.
b. r: nf uy Knot, iteiating to tne grant
ing of letters testamentarv.
The following bills were Introduced Into
the senate:
8. F. B-By Randall of Madison. Pro
viding ior state bounty of !. on wolves
coyotes and wild cats In counties which
have provided -by a vote of the people for
a county bounty.
8. F. 237 By Randall of Madison. Pre
scribing the method for drawing- turlea In
Justice courts. Providing for the drawing
of Justice court Juries by lot from a list
of too nsmes In each precinct.
S. F. 23S By Saunders of Douglas. Pro
viding that personal property taxes shall
be a first Hen upon the personal property
of the person against whom assessed, such
Hens to take priority over all other in
cumbrances or other liens thereon.
B. r. ZS9 By Patrick of Sarpy. To give
f100' districts In all classes of cities right
to condemn property for school purposes.
S. F. 24 Bv Clarke nf Adams. Prranrlh.
Ing methods of taking acknowledgments
of deeds outside the state of Nebraska.
8. F. 241 By McKesson of Lancaster.
A pure food bill In conformity with the
national statute.
Favorably Reported la House, hot So
Certainty, of Passage.
LINCOLN, Jan. 81. The house spent a
great deal of time this morning over Mike
Lee's proposed amendment to the consti
tution. Increasing the pay of legislators to
$10 a day. The majority of the committee
reported the bill for the general file, while
the minority, Whitham, Line and Rlohard
son, voted to have It Indefinitely postponed.
The majority report carried, but It la Im
possible to say whether the bill will carry
, ... ... . . "
majority report did so because they wanted
to hear the bill discussed In the committee
of the whole. The vote to put the bill on
general file was 61 to 36. '
Dodge of Douglas came out flatfooted
not only for sustaining the majority of the
committee, but for the bill aa well. He
believed with better salaries ' Nebraska
wouIB get beter officers.; He said the
Douglas county members spent more than
their salaries In getting elected and that
Nebraska was one of the most prosperous
"taws in tne union ana its debt was a
r institution appropriations, jen-
n'n r -'ay "an whether he was
tor th bll, but n" was In favor of It get
ln f",r shake In the committee of the
, whole.
upringer or coii a Biurr opposed the bill
be WW ao. I am opposed to debt,"
he said, "and I am opposed to salary
grabs. The state Is In debt and every
taxpayers is assessed on every piece of his
property that can be found to pay that
debt and we are going In debt more every
year to run our government. I am op
posed to raising salaries until the state Is
on a cash basis. I don't want to put my
nose to the grindstone and neither do I
want to be laid away In six feet of earth
. plastered over with mortgages. If you
i want to spend 810 a day and want to mors
' se the state to get It, Ood save the
McMullen didn't look on the matter aa a
alary grab, but ha voted to Indefinitely
postpone the bill, he said, to hasten ths
time when a constitutional convention
would be called and the evils complained
of remedied. MUllgan of Dixon said every
member knew what the salary was when
he was elected and he waa not In favor of
raising salaries. Speaker Nettleton voted
against the majority report and said he did
ao because he had never seen the time
I when theys waa a scarcity of good men
wno were ranaiaatea at every election.
The house voted to hear the people of
Omih. discus. thaLeeder bill for a double
shift fire department Tuesday morning at
n o'clock. The senate will be Invited to
, -.a t.k Mrt , ,h- ,..,,
Members of the Commercial club will be
The committees on soldiers' homes and
on public lands and buildings will go to
Orand Island tomorrow
Thieasen of Jefferson Introduced the fol
lowing resolution, which went over for one
A a .. .
Whereas, There ia now pending tn coo-1
arena a measure In the Interest of the
great ship companies, known as the ship
subsidy Ml!, and.
Whereas. Bufh measure ' Is a direct
grsnt of Special privilege and not in the
Interest of the people and undoubtedly op
posed by more than nine-tenths of the pee-I
pie of Nebraska; therefore be It
Resolved, by the house of representstlves
of Nehmska, That our senators be In
structed and representatives In congress be
requested to work and vote for lie de
feat of such measure or any like bill, and.
Resolved, That th chief clerk o the
house of representatives be Instructed to
forward a copy of this resolution to each
senator ftnd representative In rnngrtS, rj
to those who have been elected but who
have not yet taken their seats.
The house adjourned at t o'clock to allow
the advocates of the county option bill an
opportunity to be heard. Those who spoke
for the bill were Chancellor Andrews, Rev.
Dr. W. M. Balch, B. Z. Batten, pastor of
the First Baptist church of Lincoln, snd
others. No one spoke against the bill,
though John Parrlsh of Omaha was In
Lincoln today, .
The following bills were Introduced:
H. R. !t&Hy Noyee of Cass. Bridges
l.Ooo feet or more In length forming or to
form a part of the highways of tne state
of Nebraska, to be paid for by the siate.
H. R. 230 By Noyes of Cass. Companion
bin to an.
H. R. 231 By Noyes of Cass. Companion
bill to 2.D.
H. R. i'.'i2 By Noyes of Cass. Companion
bill te
H. R. "J34 By Noyes of Cass. Companion
bill tn 2'9
H. R. J36 By Noyes (by request). ' To
establish a state bureau for the Investiga
tion, control and extermination of insect
sia and plant diseases through travel
ng experts, field work snd laboratory re
search, snd to appropriate money therefor.
H. R. 23&-BV Jennlson of Clay, lncrens-
Ing fee to be charged for notary commis-
' sion.
I H. R. 23? By Best of Douglas. Me
morial and taint resolution having refer
ence to the Investigation of railway and
other disasters.
H. R; 23-By Blystone of Lancaster. Give
police Judge In cities of first-class exclu
sive Jurisdiction of Infractions of city or
dinances only.
H. R. m-By Blystone of I-ancaster.
Requires defendants to pay previous costs
before Securing change of venue in Justice
H. R. t0-By Hill of Chase. Provides
none but admitted attorneys may practice
In Justice courts.
H. R. 141 BV Judiciary committee. Re
lating to warehouse receipts (being an act
to establish a law uniform with the laws
rf nlh.p atntaaV
H. R. 242 By Judiciary committee. To
regulate sales of personal property (being
an act to establish a law uniform with
IhA. It), ctf fithr status).
H. K. 24S BV
H. R. 24 HV TUCKer or uoage. Amena-
ment to Inheritance tax laws.
t-I n. ?U R Clarke nf Doualaa (by re
quest). To plsccgraduates of law schools
BmrArwl bv fhft.Amprlnn ftnr association
on same plane as State university law grad
H. R. 245 By HefTarnan of Cuming, ni
Ing a charge of 12 for nonresident fishing
H. R. 24 By Oilman of Lancaster. To
render employers liable for damage on ac- j
count of injuries inniciea upon persona i
their employ through the negligence of
fellow servants.
H. R. 247 Bv Jenn son of Clay, to pro
vide for normal training In the high schools
of Nebraska.
S. C. T. Oortd.
OIL CITY, Pa., Jaa. 81. Advices received
here state that 8. C. T. Dodd. solicitor for
the Standard Oil company, died last night
at Plnehurst, N.- C. He was born In Frank
lin, Venango county, February 20, 1838. He
was, admitted to' the bsr In 1869 and at
various times acted as counsellor for promi
nent oil operators and transportation com
panies, the most prominent of which were
the Foreman lines, from, which was devel
oped the United Pipe lines.. He was a dele
gate to the last constitutional convention
of Pennsylvania. His knowledge of cor
poration law was widely acknowledged.
Byron Webster.
MARSHALLTOWN. Ia., Jan. Il.-Byron
Webster, former editor of the Marshall
town Statesman, . died today. He was the
first editor to suggest the name of Qrover
Cleveland for the presidency upon the elec
tion of Mr. .Cleveland as governor of New
Tork In 1884.
. '' Mrs. James McLachlan, '
PASADENA. Cel., Jan. 81. Mrs. Jamea
McLachlan, wife of Congressman McLach
lan of this district, died of pneumonia at
her home here early today. Mrs. McLach
lan formerly "was Miss Jones of Ithaca.
Miss Maod Rosters.
ALLIANCE, Neb., Jan. 81. (Special Tele
gram.) Miss Maud Rogers, daughter of A.
D. Rogers, a leading grocer here, who died
Tuesday, waa burled today In the Baptist
church. Rev. O. C. Jeffers officiating.
Bear Claw.
SHERIDAN, Wyo., Jan. H. (Special
Telegram.) Bear Claw, the Crow Indian
chief, died today.
A. B. Huberreann, 40 years at 8. fa. Cor.
13th and Douglas, about 80 years direct im
porter of diamonds, which are sold at two
thirds of regular price; watches and Jewelry
20 per cent below price. Everything guar
anteed. Boys' and girls' caps worth up to 81.00
now 25c. Benson St Thome, final clearance
sale, ISIS Douglas St.
Rain or Snow In Nebrnelta Today.
Warmer In Northeast Portion
Partly Clondy Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Forecast of
the weather for Friday and Saturday
For Nebraska Rain or snow Friday;
warmer in northeast portion; Saturday
partly cloudy.
For Iowa Local rains or snow Friday
and probably Saturday
For Kansas Generally fair Friday and
Saturday; warmer Friday In east portion,
For South Dakota Snow and warmer In
central and east, rain in west portion
Fridsy; Saturday enow or rain and prob
ably colder.
For Missouri Partly cloudy Friday; Sat
urday probably rain.
For Montanav-now and warmer In east,
rain in west portion Friday; Saturday rain
or snow and colder.
For Wyoming Fair Friday and Saturday,
except snow In northwest portion; colder
Saturday In northwest portion,
For Colorado Fair Friday, except snow
In the mountain districts) Saturday fair.
v ' Loeal Record.
nuiHi. Jan. 81. Official record of tem
perature ana precipitation coinuarea witii
the corresponding day (or ths last three
.ears: 1SU7. 1. 1W6. lvt
Maximum temperature... 24 6 11 24
Minimum teniuerature.... 14 21 I
Mean temperature 20 88 I 18
Precipitation 01 .00 .01
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1.
and comparison wttn in. taat two inn
Normal temperature for the day
Total excess since March 1...
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for the day
Total rainfall since March 1
rtondencv since March 1
. M inch
. .01 Inch
.28.81 Inches
4. OS Inch
Detlcli-ncy for cor. period, li.. tUl incite.
Deficiency for cor. period. ISxjO.. 3.02 inches
Reports front Stations nt T P. -M.
Station and State Tei
of Weatner. 7 p.
Bismarck, dear
Cheyenne, part cloudy....:
Chicago, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Denvei, part cloudy
Havre, snowing
Helena, cloudy
Huron, cloudy
Kansas City, cloudy.
North Platte,' part 'cloudy
Omaha, misting
Rapid City, part cloudy..
St. Louis, mowing
St. Paul, cloudy
m. T.inp. fall.
10 .00
40 48 .00
SI 82 .04
82 M T
60 M .00
0 so T
44 44 .00
10 10 T
30 31 .00
38 44 .U
24 84 .01
8. 88 .OJ
M 88 .84
14 1 .01
42 44 T
88 32 .00
18 80 .00
Bait City, eloudy.
Valentine, part cloudy.
WillMlon. cloudy
T indicate, of precipitation.
Indicates t-low aero.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Action Taken After Csnftrenoej in Which
Defense Objects Vigorously.
Bob Now Coatalae Elevea Men, hot
There Are Rontore that There
Will Be More Discharges
NEW YORK, Jan. 81. Sensations were
frequent In the Thaw murder trial today
and before the two sessions of court had
ended three sworn Jurors had been Ye
leaaed from further servloe In the case,
making five In all summarily excused from
the trial panel during the last three days.
Regarding two of the released Jurors no
explanation was made In court. The third
was allowed to go on a physician's cer
tificate that his life would) be Imperiled by
the close confinement of Jury service.
Three talesmen were summoned to replace
these, so that when the situation under
went a survey at the close of the day,
there were again eleven men In the Jury
box, the same number that had been seated
at the close of yesterday's session.
Rumors were current tonight that the end
of the Jury changes la not yet In eight.
and that further chapters may be added
to what has already become an unprece
dented record In criminal procedure In New
Tork. There were several conferences of
attorneys this afternoon. In which District
Attorney Jerome Is said vigorously to have
urged the release of still another Juror.
Thaw's counsel, however, are said to have
blocked every effort of the prosecuting of
fleer In thle direction.
Friction Among Attorneys.
Tne disagreement which first developed
In Justice Fitzgerald's chambers half an
hour before the afternoon session began.
was resumed In open court at the Judge's
desk twice thereafter, and engendered
bitter feeling among the attorneys. Here
tofore the relations of the district attorney
and his assistant with Thaw's counsel have
been of the friendliest nature. Thla after
noon there was friction of the most ap
parent character.
The first of the day's sensations came
Immediately after a tardy opening of the
morning session. District Attorney Jerome
announced that It had been unanimously
agreed to relieve Jurors David S. Walker
and Louis Haas from further service. Mr,
Walker, who Is a son of John Brlsben
Walker, was No. 4, and Mr. Haas was No.
on the Jury roll. Neither could offer
an explanation for the court's action In
ordering their discharge.
Rnmor Of Further Dt.ehnrarea.
It was taken for granted that the re
lease of these two Jurors had ended the
day's surprises, but during the luncheon
recess rumors of a . further reduction In
the personnel of the Jury were put In cir
culation and these were given color when
It was learned that another earnest con
sultation of counsel with Justice Fltxgerald
was In progress. The name of the Juror
under consideration was again dlscursed
bout the court building. It was also
stated that he was a Juror, whom Thaw
and his counsel had been particularly
pleased to have on the trial panel and that
the lawyers for the defense would fight
to the last any effort to dislodge him.
Thaw's attorneys had been none too willing
to allow Messrs. Walker and Haas to be
replaced and It was only after a long ar
gument by the district attorney that they
consented In the case of the third man.
The conference was one of some warmth.
When no announcement was made of fur
ther discharges it was taken that Mr.
Hartiidge and others of Thaw's counsel had
won the battle with the district attorney.
The examinations of the talesmen, called
fter the first conference, were carried on
under circumstances Indicating that feeling
existed on both sides, and once a talesman
nearly 80 years old. Wham neither side ap
peared to want, came very near to taking
the oath because Mr. Jerome - refused to
carry on the examination when counsel for
the defense declined to give Immediate
consent to the proposed juror's withdrawal.
Thaw's attorneys also declined' to examine
the talesman and all challenges for cause
had been withdrawn when Mr. Jerome at
the last moment Interposed a peremptory
challenge for the people.
Another Lively Ara-nmen,t.
Mr. Jerome then called another confer
ence. Which was held this time at the
Judge's desk. There was gesticulating and
an Indication of a lively argument, but
again to no avail, and the regular proceed
ings were resumed. ,
Toward the end of the afternoon session a
messenger came from the district attor
ney's office. There was a whispered consul
tation with Justice Fltxgerald and the at
torneys and it was announced that because
of 111 health Juror No. 11. Henry I. Klein
berger, a silk merchant, . would be relieved
from further service. . Mr. Kleinberser.s
physician had Informed the district's of
fice of the danger to the patient's heart and
It was agreed that he should be exouaed.
Three Jnrora Seenred.
Two of the three Jurore added to the panel
were secured at the morning session. They
are Oscar A. Pink, a salesman, 48 years old,
who replaced Mr. Walker as No. 4, and
Wilbur 8. Steels, a manufacturer, 80 years
old, who replaced Haas aa No. 8. The Juror
aecured to replace Mr. Klelnberger as No.
11 Is Joseph B. Bolton, (7 years old, a clerk.
It Is believed the twelfth Juror will be
secured tomorrow, but the uncertainty as
to the term of, service of a Juror now sit
ting on the trial panel was ao strong that
predictions are all but worthless.. It was
said tonight that Thaw's attorney might
give In to Mr. Jerome's demand for the ex
cuse of a juror, if he In turn would agree
to the excuse of a Juror which the defense
does pot altogether view with favor. This
could not be verified. The release of so
many sworn jurors has resulted In the In
crease by ten of the peremptory challenge,
allowed each side. The defense has used
twenty-nine of Its original thirty and now
has eleven left. The prosecution has twen
ty peremptory challenges still at Its com
-District Attorney Jerome announced today
for the first time that he had decided not
to make the opening address to the Jury.
He will turn the task over to his assl.tant,
Francis P. Oarvan, who has had Immediate
charge of the Thaw case ever since ths
night ot the Roof Oarden tragedy.
WEST POINT. N.b., Jan. . (Special.)
Henry W. Pauniann and Ml.s Amelia Psota
ware united in marriage thla morning at
St. Paul'a German Lutheran church In
We.t Point, Rev. A. R. E. Oelachlaeger,
pastor, officiating. The bride la the aeeond
daughter of Anton Psota, the "corn king"
of the FJkhorn, a graduate of the high
school and formerly asalstant poetmtstreso
of West Point. The groom Is a native of
West Point, the second son of the late Otto
Baumann and a member of the general
merchandise firm of the Btleren-Oerman
Bauman Co., a director of the West Point
National bank and one of the best known
of the leading business men of Wsst Point
BROKEN BOW. N.fau, Jan. U.-(8pecial.)
MlM Perby B. Jewett and Mr. Cbarlea A.
Bcott of Halesy, aupervisor of Nebraska
forest reaervea, ware married Wdneaday
evening at ttc bone ot the brldo's parents.
The ring ceremony was performed In the
presence of about thirty guests.
Mr. wind Mrs. Scott left this morn in for
Washington, D. C. where Mr. Scott will be
occupied In the offices of the forest service
for the remainder of the winter. In April
they will return to make their home at
. Leroy Tlfperly and Miss Margaret Vose,
both of Bennington and members of promi
nent families there, were married Wednes-
dsy at the residence of Rev. C. W. Savldge
In Omaha by the latter.
John Bandersseld and Miss Cortnne Tlch-
ler were married at J p. m. Wednesday by
Rev. F. M. Sisson at 1R10 Ohio street.
(Continued from First Page.)
the wrecked car and the building and then
Into the interior of the drug store through
the broken window. He helped extricate
Thomas from the wreckage, but the man
was unconscious and only lived a short
while, although everything possible wss I
done by the surgeons. I
With the exception of Deutch, alt the In-,
Jured were able to go to their respective
being attended by Surgeons Harris and
Heine, who worked like Trojans to relieve
the suffering of those who had been caught
In the wreck. The excitement was aug
mented by the breaking of the water
hydrant, which sent forth a great deluge 1
ot water and made the work of rescue
extremely more difficult, as the rescuers
and physicians were forced to wade
through half a foot of water.
Wife, bnt No Children.
Mr. Thomas was 64 years of age and sur
vived by a wife, but no children. Two sis
ters, Nellie Thomas and Mrs. F. B. Shrack,
reside In Philadelphia. A brother, Charles
Thomas, also survives. Word has been sent
to 231 Market street, the address of the
Philadelphia relatives.
Thomas worked for the Willow Springs
Distillery company as teamster for eighteen
years, later going to the Baum Iron com
pany, for whom he worked several years.
He waa stricken with pneumonia about
Christmas time and returned to his work
last Tuesday. At the time of the accident
he was In a weak condition.
No One In Store.
There was no one In the drug store of
Mr. Caughlan at the time of the accident,
on account of ths early hour, but the door
of the store was broken In by the colli
sion, and the police at the city jail were
immediately notified by 'phone.
Officials of the street car company were
soon on the acene and Immediately placed
a large crew of men at work removing the
wreckage and traffic waa not impeded.
The car ia a total wreck, the front vesti
bule and the entire right side of the car
to Its center being smaahsd Into bits, and
the roof was torn off when the car struck
the drug store building.
The precipitation of the previous night of
half snow and sleet made street car tracks
all over the city slippery and dangerous,
.nd motormen and conductors generally
wei on the lookout for cedents.
It wa only ty the greatest good for
tune that r.iok Derrick, a painter wh
resides at 1612 South Fifth street, escaped
a death similar to that of Thomaa. When
the car dashed down the long hill toward
the fatal curve, Derrick waa atandlng In
the entrance to the drug store, only four
feet from Thomas. When Derrick Saw the
car leave the track he Immediately Jumped
from Its path and escaped being crushed
or cut with the shower of broken glass
when the car crashed into the show win
dow of the. store. Derrick said hs had no
time to shout ai word of warning to
Thftmu aa hla flrat tnatlnct Ma that
self-preservation, and he only, escsped by
the merest fraction of space.
Stove Goes Throasrli Window.
The motorman of a southbound Harney
street car lost control of his car about 6 JO
Thursday morning Just before the car
reached the Intersection of Twentieth and
Farnam streets. The car was traveling at
a high rate - of speed, but was lightly
loaded, and when' the wheela struck- the
this week a.t j
Chambers Academy
2 P. M. to 10 P. M.
Dally Laoturos
3 and 5 P.M.
Beautiful Lantern Slid. Now
Moving Pictures
tho asking. at any Kodak Dealers.
There's got to be one best
they're not all alike and the
Stearns is It.
If you want that kind of car
come to the "Show Down." at the
Chicago show or call at the fac
tory. $4, BOO. Catalogue free.
BaeUd Ave. and Lakevlew, Cleveland,
O. Look for the Gar With the
. White Line la Trent.
ways TlumirniSew tnt JtB Wanss
exauve Itrorau sjuiaiiio
Cora s CoU taOie Day, CMfTla 3 Day
Take Hanscom Park Llrfo (East Side) Cars to
Hickory1 Street
curve Just above Famam street the Car
lurched heavily to one aide and threw the
heating stove through the window. The
stove was broken from Its fastenings by
the Impact and sailed through the window,
but none cf the passengers wss Injured
by the Tying glass.
(Continued from First Tage.)
City, routes 1. 2, 3, 4, I and A; Farnham
vllle, routs 1.
The postmaster general today Issued aa
order discontinuing on February 12 tho
West Burlington station of the postofflco
at Burlington, la.
Mr. Albert Cahn of Omaha wns In Wash
ington today enroute from New York home,
Mr. Cahn was a guest of Representative
Kennedy at luncheon In the house restau
rant. .
These posl masters were appointed today!
Nebraska, Annnar. Holt county. Mamie D.
O'Neill vice H. O'Neill, resigned: Elm wood.
Gosper county, Albert W. Bearle vice V.
Smith, resigned; Tonlo, .Holt county, Al-
V I TM..V. Tl,.a.MA. pmw
"v '"T", .vn.. county, v..r..y
pRK sisters
an entertainment of fun
and frolic in costume, songs, recitations
and monologues, Friday evening, February
1, ht 8 o'clock, Hsnscom Park Methodist
church. Ixical talent. Fourteen sisters
from Helping Hand society. Popular ad
mission, adults 26 cents: children 16 cents.
Ras.lana Leave Mnnchnrln.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. Sl.-The Russian
evacuation of Manchuria began today with
the departure of the Moscow regiment
DIAMONDS 1-rtnscr. 16tn nd Dodge.
"weveB iaaafiiOft.nA
Notice Curtain rises lit 8: IB
Today, in order to accommodate
school children.
BOYD'S wr.V.,.,'M M.n
Tonight, Sat. Mat. and Night,
Florence Roberts
Tfia Strength of the Weak
Bun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Mat. Wed.,
James K. Hackett
walls or JXSICXO.
Tonight, Sat. Mat. and Night,
Next Week LOST S HOVB1
Tonlght and Saturday Mat. and Ere.,
Jnllus Stager ft Co., Dillon Bros., Clara
a.7'a data. Musical Avoloa, X.U VaaW
s.r. Knight Broe. ft Sawt.Ua, OUle Young
and Bro. and the Klnodrome.
Prices 10c-i:&c-60c
Tuesday and
Ladles only.
Week of February 84.
Matinees Sunday. Tue.dar. Thurariaw
and Saturday.
PRICES Night. 16 and SSc; Matinees ISo.
r '
..Roller Rink..
Thursday Ladles' Day,
210 Bouth Eighteenth St.
Hon. Harrison C. Brene
of the Omaha Bar.
Friday. Feb. 1, at ( p. m. No charge far
Fine Ice Skating
The Farnam St. Rink
outhwest Corner 20th and Farnam.
im Toia
Special Matinee Today
fa.. 0
1 '
J '