1Z TOE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY,. FEBRUARY 1, 1007. m M n u 5 H REMNANT AY I! Every Item Here la Ai Extra Special Bargain for Friday V-VA TTU1 W 10c IN THE BASEMENT Flflin and fancy "white goods at 10c yard Assorted white goods such as "plain lawns 32 and 40 inches wide, fancy open work lawns, checked and striped dimities In 2 to 10 yard lengths, 26c values at, yard "White madras cloth at 5o yard Striped ' and corded madras waisting and shirting, sold regu- larly at 15o yard will go at, per yard Newest spring ginghams at 8Vo yard New dress ging hams for spring wear all the neat, desirable J checks, stripes, plaids and plain shades; &"o"0 would be cheap at I2V2O yard Friday, yard. . . Dress lawns at, yard, 8 H c Lawn In the coming season's bright est and daintiest color ings, every r style and J JL color here, yard Figured silkollnes at 6c yard 40 Inches wide. These are remnants of the regular 15c silko llnes at, yard , 10 to 20-yard pieces of dotted and figured white curtain Swiss a very desir able bar gain at, yard Sic es at 6c i wide, ants of 5c pieces figured i onus a 10c 15c Quality medium and heavy flannel walstlng, full bolts taken from our regular stocks . all will go at, yard . . . . Thousands of yards 36 in. percales for dresses. waists and children's wear at , 2-yd. wide linen finish ed sheeting, remnants, not a large lot, but will be sold as long as they last at, yard 5c 5c 10c worm up 3ic Bleached muslin and cambrlo remnants, many pieces worm up to 10c yard go at, the ... -.1 JO.I U ...... . Very fine plain colored madras and checked zephyrs. They are short mill lengths, but easily matched, 19c would be the regular price by the yard; bargain for Friday, at each piece. . . . And many other special bargains for Friday only. 2c Sample Strips of LACES RemnanU of fine Torchons and Vals., in desirable widths of edg ing and inserting 2c EMBROIDERIES These are high class embroideries, insertings and galloons, in trial strips and remnants, all desirable widths and new patterns at, yd. . 3ic-5c-7ic DRESS GOODS REMNANTS 49c 35c An assortment of wool taffetas, splendid silk finish mohairs, Pana- ujbu, ticum iwuio, iianan crepes, etc. juvery piece In the lot is really worth from 86c to 11.00 yard at. vard . - ... . m - . ... ............. a oeauuiui nne or Kngiisa suitings, new shades and de- iguii wuriu doc yam ai. yard TmnAitA1 fan wmIIajb .1.14. w- . . " tuiicb, pio.iuB, rsnamu, new striped suit- r atfyard. 8' nUn'" Tell!nB8' etc" worttt UP to 75c yard JJQ SILK REMNANTS BIc bargain square of. mescalines, lining satins, etc. including some Skinners satins these are worth up to $1.60, but we m . will sell them in lengths of th yard at, a piece 3J LINEN REMNANTS FOR. FRIDAY All the table damask remnants in table cloth lengths that have accumulated during our great January sale Friday at less than cost Mill seconds of huck towels. These are mostly half towels, each..lc Slightly imperfect larger size bleached Turkish towels at, eacn 7Hc Slightly damaged bed spreads, tf per fect would be worth $1.00; Friday, each ; 3jjj rf Vi of .flne iuty mercerised abl damask, In mill remnants of 1 i4 CO ft V. t-A l.r.lK. a. 76o yard at, yard ,u& FRIDAY SPECIALS So New Wall Paper Dept. 100.000 rolls of new, bright, up-to-date wall paper for half what others ask for old styles. v uai1 wnat aper0roll,.11'.?f .gd PaPer' Wrth "P t0 6c a roU; our Prlce- loSo?!.TA Blr' V to' 8c VollV ' ' ' j 1 50,00 rolls of heavy gold and embossed' papers! f " o " Tlt worth up to 26e a roll; our price, per roll JC-OC-lOc to tSt&toS? wer unabl to ttend our openln ,ale do wel1 "Z s I i a-wesr . It Certainly Will be One ot the Biggest Bargains Any Store Ever Offered In Omaha. SATURDAY A Gigantic Stock of English Porcelain IN THIS . ig Dinnerware Sale 6,000 pieces including largo and email , platters, covered dishes, dinner plates, sugar bowls, water pitchers, all sizes of cream pitchers, salad plates, etc., worth up to $1 each on sale in China department Saturday LITTLE INDIVIDUAL BUTTER DISHES WILL GO AT 10c DOZEN V These are all pretty patterns-plenty of different kinds to match up perfectly for dinner sets. See the great win . dow display. Everybody is stopping to look at it NO MATTER WHAT YOU . WANT It Will Savo you tlmoand raonoyifyou will uao .... TOE BEE WANT ADS omxiai rnm roos cevtzb Order (& Phone Oar Private Exehaar Ooaaaots Tea With All Oar Departments. When tt ! too hlttr cold to shop with comfort, remember that Coort r fill your order with care and iriva you absolute satisfaction on phone orders. ' Join the pure food movement. Tt tarts with common sense and ends at Courtney's. KX9-WSK BFBOZA& The following are sum, i. of the I-rw Prices that will prevail through out the store at this sale : Snyder's Pt. Catsup, per bottle. .. ,18a Toasted Corn Flakes, per pk-....f Gibson's Anti-Lye Prunes, lb T These sanitary prunes are Indeed . health food, absolutely no lys used li he preserving. Leading brands of Imported ehsm pagnea, quart bottle a.' Gordon Oln (regular else) bottle SS Quggenhelmer Rya (full quarts) pei bottle tl.or Kentucky Pourbon, per bottle. .. .68 Maryland Bye (full quarts) hot. tOc Imported Cognac Brandy, per ott !. ,119 Paul Jones, per bottle fl.00 MacBrler Cedar Brook, per hot 1J! Old Atherton Kye (guaranteed 10 yrs old) per bottle 91.00 .A.'"1 w,,h purchase of 11.00 or more, of our own bottling wines and-liquors, we will glra gratln a bottle of port or sherry, worth lOo. miDA-TR SFZCXA& BOO lbs. Baby Halibut, per lb...lsUo Full -Line of Rmoked Selmon Full Line of Smoked Halibut Full line of Bmoked Sturgeon. Anchovies, Blsmark Hsniog, Bloatters, Finnan Haddles. -Roll Mops, Herrings. Thono Donglas 647. Private Exchange Connects All Departments. 8 Separate Entrances J. t S g HOME-MADE STOCKINGS Before the Holidays we were un able to take care of our customers on our home-made Stockings, but we are now In position to take good care of our trade again on this class of goods, and we have at pre sent all slsea in stock. Prices as be fore. YARNS We have the most complete line of Tarns In the west. If It la Yarn, we have It. Prices always right. VALENTINES , Saturday we will ocen our Una f Valentines. Walt for our big ad, and Inspect our line before buying, as we save you money each year. We will show a larger line than ever before. On display Saturday, February X. Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns. JOS. F. BILZ, 322 South 16th Street, OMAHA Cold Cream There are on the market some goixl, others fair, and many very Injurious, and why Injurious, because many use chemi cals to preserve the cream in all climates, while others use poisonous chemicals w4th the hope fit gaining results. Beaton's Cold Cream The cream which we recently mailed you a sample of, Is made fresh every week from the finest of bland oils no chemi cals of any kind enter Its comnosltlon. We don't claim this to be the only good cream on the market, but we know there can be none better, as it feeds the nervoa and gives the skin perfect health. Put up In 16c, 26o and 40c jars. Beaton Drug Co 15th and Farnnm A UAe Wales Adding Machine Is the latest, most modern, ep-to-date Adding and Listing Machine on the market. It mast be sees) te be appreciated. Correspondence Solicited. Trial Examination Free. A. L. McCrenry Nebraska Agent. P. O. BOX 891, JULNUOLN. FAftrlffni and arvoas me rUUU lUr wtao find their power te NftriftS. work u youthful rig 11 Ol WOO none a a result of ever, work or mental exertion should take GHAT'S NERVE FOOD PILLS. They wlj yvu v uu ana vw maJI agaiSi Sherman & NcCorvncll Drvg Co . lata and Dodge nta, Omaha. Nek. Try The New Way CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 207 So. 11th Street TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Satisfies Ail Class - tMAHA WK ATM Kit POUKCAST FRIDAY t Fair. BARGAIN FBIDAY 1 IWllilLjiO SILK GRENADINES Thousands of yards, hundreds of pat terns of Silk Grenadines, formerly worth $2.00 and $2.50 a yard, Bargain Friday 39c ON THE BARGAIN SQUARE Novelty and plain Silk Taffetas, Crepe de Chines, Foulards, worth 89c to $1 per yard tTK Friday SUO Price Dress Goods Less Than Half Price 30o Cream, Table Damask, yard, lor 19 BOo Cream Table Damask, yard, ,or 35s 21-in. bleached All Linen Napkins, worth $1.85 per doi. . . .$1.25 l-in. Bleached Napkins, worth 6 Be per dos 49 Full size Bed Spreads, hemmed. special for Friday, worth 5c, for G5 27-in. Blrdseye Cotton, popular brand, "Red Star," sold every where for $1, Bargain Friday each vca Hosiery, Underwear. Gloves, Hdk'fs DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS IN HOSIERY, KNIT UNDERWEAR, LADIES' GLOVES AND HANDKERCHIEFS, m Hnsinrv Ladles' Fast Black 8eamless Hose, 17c value Dair iou. Ladles' Ribbed Wool Hose. 25c value, pair. . . . 12nio Boys Extra Heavy1 Bicycle Hose. 17c values, pair.'.... ioiTl Double Green Tradtns- smn. i tC . " ya 41 iJUniOl . uioves . Underwpnr Ladles' .Ribbed FIaaca T.ina Vests, 50c value, each.m Ladles' Ribbed Union K..tt 60c value, suit oo j. Children's Ribbed Union Suits, 26c value, sult.lO Double Oreen Trading Stamps la Underwear Ladles' l-clasp lamb skin Gloves, $1.00 value, pair .69 Ladles'Golf Gloves, worth to 60c, per Pair 10 Double Green Trad ing Stamps in gloves H'dkerchie' Ladles' hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 6c value, each.3 Men's hemstitched satin stripe, lOc value, each .... Q Double Green Trad ing Stamps in Hdkfs Ladies' Warm Winter Wear ON SECOND Firwill W heartily invite your most critical In spection of our immense lines of Flannelette Gowns. Klmonas, Wrappers and Muslin Un derwear. These goods are sweet and new and represent expert purchases from expert makers. (2.00 and $1.69 Flannelette Gowns for 75o Flannelette Short Kimonas. .39 $1.00 Flannelette Wrappers for.59 75o Wool Waists for 19 75c Muslin Underwear Drawers, Skirts, Chemise and Cor set Covers, lace and embroidery trimmed. for Be Small Feet, Take Notice 67 pair of Women's $8 feud 3.60 Shoes, slsea from Stt to 4. patent kid, vlcl kid aud some gusmeUI calf Bennett's Big urocerv TMXDAY AMU BATVBOAT OrrZBZsTaB Trade .11.10 - v. rivur, mmtzM. ....lSe ...11.04 .tia .10o .ISO I. .2Eo a 98c SMALL FEET THAT NEED SLIPPERS 593 41 pair 59 of Women's soft hand turned Slippers, sixes S to S, Shoe Laces, one strap. 59c Women's bath Slippers tic kind 19 Shoe Laces " for child ren's Shoe, regular to lace. 6 pair for 5 Best Blk. Shoe Paste, - la glass Jars, 15c .kind, tor 5 Corn Maal, whits or yellow. 10-lb. sack T.went?L Orean Trading Btamps. Bsnnetfs Best Coffea, three pounds .f.. 100 Oraan Tridin. - " fvur vuoin, nouna ....SKO JTlfty Oreen Trading; stamps. Maine 6uar Cprn, To per can. per doien jUo Bennett's Capitol Mines Meat. S packages 25c Twenty Oreen Trading; Stamps. raABQUAKTBBS rOK BVTTBB country nutter, lb.,,, BuiiK rxoxxsa Sour Pickles, auart Five Oreen Trading Htamps Five Oreeu Trading; dlamps piuuflu v.iive, pint Ten Oreen Trading Stamps iji .. cuivii. uoiiie ..,,...., Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Naval Oranges, large and sweet, worth doxen , Mixed Nut j, pound ....!!! These are scarce this season, Friday and urday, special, pound Home-made Pure Jellies, asst., glass Corn march, pound pkg unseaa uiscuus, pKg Coffee, fresh roasted, pound New Tork Full Cream Cheese, pound T.n n.n T" . Ci . Domestlo Swiss Cheese, pound 1J0 lm Twenty Oreen Trading- Stamps. .Seat We Have" brand Tomatoee, large can. 1 So Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. OBABtTlVATBA SVOAB. XOVBLB TBASXBa STAMPS Bumham Clam Chowder, can I0e . ... Five Oreen Trading Stamps. Marshall's Kippered Herring, can 0o Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Bchepp s Cocoanut, four quarter pkgs.... ....So Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Bennetts Capitol Extract, bottle J..llo Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps. Diamond S Preserves, large. Jar tin Forty Oreen Tradln Stamps. Pears. Bee Hive, large can ;....j0 . Twenty Oreen Trading SUrapa. Irga Church Candles, each ., . Fatna Rice, pound ,..,,i5o , Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. A. B. C, Catsup bottle Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. WTTTS OAJTBIZS Imperial Choalate Creams, pound bos (So w.uijr ureen 1 raaing stamps. I So, per Jfo . .....16o Sat- . ..lkn litao .40 3o 14o tOo Heavy selling of Dress Goods has left ns with hundreds of Remnants, which must be sold to make room for new goods. The second Great Sale of Remnants, this week,-offers you more inducements than the first. sssssssassssssjeasssssassaassaaaaaaaaaBasasssBssaBsas Fine Linens The markets of the old world are on a rampage. Suppose we could buy now and . land our im ports through the Orrmim cus toms house in time for Saturday's sale a ridiculous impossibility we couldn't have the goods after paying the duty at the prices we will retail linens for on Saturday.-No bet ter time for linen buying could be offered you than right now. Bargain Friday Snaps A Bevy of Bargains Friday ' ft J mm . Unequiled Assortment for Selection TH RXLIABLK STRK v ' Unmatched Qualifies at the Prices 25c Yd.Spkndid Silk Bargains-25c Yd. A beautiful line of 27-in. rolor Chinas, 19-ln. Fancy Suiting Silks. In treat variety, 24-ln. Cbampaime Pongees, 19-ln. color Taffetas and Peau de Cygnes and remnants of all kinds of handsome novelties from our regular stock. Entire lot on sale Friday on bargain tquare at, yard SsjTi Over 100 Silk Waist Patterns. 4. 4 and 6-yard lengths, a beautiful assortment 01 Biyiisa piaias, Btripes and novelties, in two lots ' $4.00 and 5.00 Walat Patterns $3.25 17.00 and $8.00 Waist Patterns ! a'vk You'll not find these values duplicated elsewhere. 60 pieces Chiffon Faille, all new spring colorings, high luster, a beautiful silk for suits, great bargain, Friday, at, yard IR From 9 Till 11 a. m. $1.00 Silks at 49e A blar lot of hn Plaids, Suiting Silks and Plains, limit of one pattern to customer, at, yd. 40 Bargain Room Specials 160,000 yds. of Wash Goods. Prints. Glnehams. Wool Drena rinnu .t i remnants to be closed out at a trifle of their costs: 6,000 yards of remnants of Percales. Prints, Ginghams, etc., worth from 6c to . 12 He, will close at, per yard j-t 10.000 yards of Percales, one yard wide, all colors, at. per yard. . 10.000 yards of fine Percales, in good lengths. 86 inches wide, at, yd 5 16.000 yards of Gingham, in remnants from 2 yards to 10 yards, worth up to jru, win go at, per yard 4 w yfrdl of F,annele"es, Outing Flannels. Teaxeldowns, etc., worth up to 73 V, iu iuio saie at, per yara jjj 10,000 yards of India Linen, Long Cloth and Lawns, all mixed tip in bunches. uv i" Tsc, iq mis saie at, per yard gj 10,000 yards of Fancy White Goods, Dotted Swiss and other white Goods, worth uji wj tov, irom tue doii, at, per yard Wool Dress Goods 6,000 yards of Danish Cloth, cream and colors, at, per yard 7V4J 10,000 yards of Henrietta, that sold up to 6O0 a yard, will close the lot at. per yard jq 3,000 yards of Broadcloth that sold up to $1.25 a yard, in 8 lots, at, per yard, 49c, 39c and 5d Linen Department About 5.000 yards of remnants of Linen Damask, in bleached and un bleached, from 54 inches to 72 Inches wide, and goods that sold from 5 On per yard, will go in this sale in four lota at, per.yard, 69c, 49c, 39c. 2Ss About 6,000 yards of Turkey Red Dam ask, in. long remnants, worth 39o a yard, in this sale at, per yard. .10k Thousands of Single Towels and thou sands of pairs of Towels, odd lots, some slightly mussed, that sold from 7 He to 19c each, we will close the lot at, each 5 100 Bed Spreads, good, large sizes, that sold at $1.25 each, some are slightly mussed, others new and clean In order to close the lot we will sell them at, each -79 There will be thousands of yards of Wash Goods and Dress Goods, also large quantity of Towels and Towel lngs, also remnants of Sheeting and Muslins too numerous to mention here Will go at half and some leaa than half of their regular value. Furnishing Specials in Bargain Room Underwear at 16c Men's. Women's and Children's heavy weight Shirts and Drawers, worth np to 60a gar ment, on bargain square at, per gar ment ..........15 Heavy Work Shirts For men and boys, all sizes, fleeced lined or heavy cheviot, light or dark colors, values np to 75c, at, choice 25J Sweaters All sizes, for men and boys, plain and fancy colors, many fine woolen garments in the lot, on bar gain square, Friday, choice ...25f Hosiery Men's, women's and chil dren's Hose, in winter weights, regu lar vtJues up to 19c, at, pair. ...5 Ladles' Muslin Underwear Special of ferings on bargain square Friday. Drawers and Corset CoversWorth regularly to 89c, special bargains at, choice 15 Corset Covers Regular 50c values, with lace and embroidery yokes, soap 25 Corset Covers, Drawers and Gowns Worth regularly to $1.00, choice Frl- 494 Clothing in the Bargain Room re?-"e",e1!r " t0 3-00' deatt mannfacturer'.W ' "u.jp aw fl.fU BVUU ............... mm ' Children's Overcoats, worth up to $3.00. fanufacturer'i surplus stock.' in s'lzes 8 to 8 years, on sale Friday, at, choice " ,7.1 95 Men's Pants, over 1.200 pairs in the lot, regular $1.50 values. in'oVr'duroys'and cheviots, on bargain square Friday, at. choice, per pair.... ...05 Children's Odd Knee Pants Regular 60c values, in cheviots, worsteds' caau meres ana corduroys, on sale, Friday, at, choice ............... nJJ Friday Is Notion Day . We have the notion stock, both wholesale and retail of Omaha, and when we say special sale you can depend that you can buy notions cheaper than In any other house In the country; Blk. Darning Cotton, per spool . .1 200 yds. Machine Thread, spooling Linen Thread, per spool 2tt 2 pkgs. Pins for l 1 Spools Sewing Silk for ........ 1 2 Aluminum Thimbles for ...... 4 Blk. and white Hump Hook and Eyes, par card j Pearl Buttons, per dog i Good Hair Brushes, each ...... 7 H 0 15e Metal Back Horn Combs .....5 4 pkgs. of Needles, 14 Darning Nee dles, 6 Hat and Veil Pins, 80 Brass Pins, this entire lot in one package on'y a Horn Hair Pins, only, each ...... All sizes Cotton Tape, only ...... Hundreds of other stani nntin. . one-half to one-fifth regular price. Curtains and Draperies Tapestry Portieres, worth from $6 to $10, on sale at. each $1.98 Rope Portieres,' for double doors, worth up to $5 pair, on sale at $2.98, $$ 76 and $2.25 Odd Lace Curtains, worth from 4.50 to $7.60 pair, on sale at, each ..49 Odd Lace Curtains, worth from $2.60 to $4.00 pair, on sale at, each.25 AH Odd Curtains, worth 9 80 to $1 9$ pair, on sale at, each ... v ... . 15 Odd Madras. Snow Flake and Scrim Curtains, in 8 lots at, pair, $2.98, $1.98 and Q8v winu iuruuD owisses at IOC, 13 Vic, lOo and Fancy Curtain Swisses at 860. 2 60 aM 20 Cotton Madras, 86-la. wide, at. ydlgj Friday Shoe Bargains 200 pair Ladfes' Fur Trimmed Juliets, $1.60 value, at 75 Ladles' Vlcl Kid Pat Tip Lace Shoes, $2.60 value, at $1.48 Ladles' High Cut Jersey Leggings, $1 kinds, at 75 Misses' and Children's High Cut JerseJ Leggings, 76o kind, at KnJ Men's Crown Sample Shoes, $3 and $3.60 kinds, at $1.9 Men's Beaver Foxed Felt Lined Shoes $2.60 kind, at go OO Misses' and Children's Dong. Pat. Tit Shoes. $1.25 kinds, at. ....... .75) Haydens' for Groceries oauATTsr or axx. Firms roon DXrAATaLESTTS XX 1 WliST. California Prunes, per pound 4c English Cleaned Currants, per pound. c California Pried Orapas, per pound.. THc California Sesdlass Hal. Ins. per pound. kc New York Crab Apples, per lb c f ancy Mulr reacnet, per id izc Fancy flttsa riumt, per ' id 110 10 Bars Best Brands laundry Soap. Joe 21 pounds Best Cans Granulated bugar for 1 1 00 I-lb. cans Best quality Swset Sugar Corn for so t-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy, Bauash or Baked Beans 7 Ho Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can..,.IWo Worcester Bauca, per Doiue IY30 Laundry Btarch, per pkg 3c pounds Best Hand Picked Navy Beans for 1 oc pounds Best Rolled Oatmeal 15o 10-pouna eacas nasi wisopnsin buck- wheal jriour sj Ltl Ml Tar Soap, per cake FIs Bar Cookies, per pound .........lof 1-lb. packaire Halted Wafers in 1 no oesi aaaa uinger snaps, par Ib.fel Tlia Best boda or Oyster Crackers, p3 pound 4 XtLXBM TMV1T AXTO TXtOITAJBLBl ravei ur.niti arrivea. 1 nese are v fancy and extra larse, worth from I to vo per aoaen, iur tins sale, t dosen a Remember, these are no substitutes tf ine nigni.na ivavei. Fresh Cucumbers, each . . I bunches Fresh Lettuce bunches V.n Hothouse Radishes.. Ripe Tomatoes, per pound 1 Large pineapples, each ...2 Larse. Juicy Lemons, per dns 1 Bant y S-crown Imported Figs, per lb.lt J liuicy Fard Dates, per lb II fleets. Carrots, Parsnips. Turnips, Ruti I banal or unions, per pouna lLargs Heads Fresh Cabbage pro) liVi 0