Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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WANTEIMn respectable neighborhood.
. , fmir furnished room or Ant. by repect
t able people. Addrese B 111, Ree.
i 26-M7 Ix ,
ONB lnrg office room, ground floor Crelgh-
ton Institute Bldg., opposite city hull In-
quire building. (tMi2
TOUNfl mun 20 years old. want to trsvel
for rellnhl house on commission or sal
ary; references. Address F )5, Pee.
. (Z7-M794 2x
fjffl Arrive
" Overland Limited a. ( U ara a. 1 11 pi
, The China and Japan
Fast Mall a 4:11 pm a 8:11) pta
.hColo. ft calif. Ri a 4:15 prn at:0pm
California ft Ore. F.x...a 4:25 pm a 1:10 pre
Ia Ancelet Limited... aJ2 pm alO-6 pra
Fart Mall a 1 Warn a 6 V) pro
Colorado Special a 7:46 am a T 44 am
North Platte Local a -1' am a 4:M pro
Beatrice Local b 2:00 pm blJ:4E pra
Chicago Itrttfmim,
Cedar RaplflS Pane a 7- am a : prn
Twin City fexpreas a 7:M am a 10:00 pm
Chicago Daylight a s:u0 am all:15 pro
Chicago' Local all:" am a :4A pm
Sioux City Local... -..a - 60 pm a 25 am
Carrol) leai .a :31 pm t:M am
Bioux City Local... a 146 pm
Chicago Kxpraaa .a-i0 pm a 7 30 am
Faat Mall .-. a t oo pm
Fast Mall a 6 JB pm a 1:30 am
Twin CHy Limited.... .a 1:2 pm a 7:06 am
Oyerland Limited a t:M pm a t SI am
Chicago Limited aUK pm all SI am
NorfoTk-Boneelnol .... .a ?:t am alOM am
Llncoln-Chadrnn b 7:. am al0 am
tadwood-Llncola ......a. 1:00 pm a 1:06 pm
Caaper-Shoehonl .........a 1:00 pm a t:0S pm
rtaatings-tiuperior pm : pm
Fraroont-Albloo 6:02 pm bl2:40 pra
Mlsaoarl Pnclflav.
K. C. ft St. L. Kxpreaa.-a am a l:W am
tC C. ft u u tfxpre..aU :li pm a 1:26 pm
Nabraaka Local a c:0b km all:40 am
Dea Molnea Loca. .-. . a 4:1 pm
Illlaola Central.
Chicago Exprea a 1:00 am a 1:415 pm
Minn, ft 8t. Paul Kx...b:Vam a 1:16 pm
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7'W am
Minn, ft 8t Paul Ltd.. a 1:30 pm it:U am
Cklaato, Rook IaSan fmeia.
) Chicago Limited a 1:15 am a 7:10 am
jowa Locai mtiwui a : pm
, . , , a. a .
. vnicago mku m pm
Jowa Local Ol2:0b pm b 1:66 pm
j T Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 6:06 pm a 1:16 pm
Chicago (Iowa Lmtd.L.a pm au.26 pm
Rocky Mountain LlmlU.a 7:20 am a 1:06 am
Colo, ft Cat. Express... a 1:60 pm a 4:60 pm
OkL ft Ttxaa X.xpros..a 440 put all.uo pot
Lincoln Faii-bury and
Bellevue a -M sm a 1:10 an
Chicago Great Weatera.
pt. Paul ft Minneapolis. 1:10 pm
St. Paul ft Minna oil, am
Chicago Limited ......... 6:40 pm
Cbkoago Exprea 7:4 am
Chicago impress t.W pm
Bt. Louis Express a 4 JO pm a t:SS am
ft. Louia Local (from
Council .Blurts) a 106 am al0:M pm
Btanberry Local (from
Council Blufta) b 5:00 pm bU:J0 an?
Cblcago, JUlwaaaee Jt at. Paal.
ChL and Colo. tipaclal..a 7:6a am a 7:60 am
California and Ore. mju. 6:4a pm a 1. 10 pm
Overland Lamlied a 6:j pm a uw am
Marloa ft Cedar H. Locb 6. to am pi
T:10 ant
11:60 pm
6:00 am
U:60 pm
a:W pa
Cattma-a, tt. Paal, Mlaaeaaolla ft
Twin City Paaaengr...b 6:60 am b :10 pm
Ploux City Paaaanger...a 2:00 pm all JO am
Emeraon Local , b l; pra b :io am
ttmaraoa Local .....a St4a am C iM pm
Mlaaoarl 'PaeUa,
Local via Weeolna;
Water a IK am a 6:60 pm
Falla City Local a 1:60 pm all:W am
. Leave. Xrrln.
Penvar. ft California... .a 4:io pm a 8:20 pm
Black Hilla .....a 4:10 pm a I:W pm
Northweat Special ......a 4:iown a Io rim
Nortuwost hjtpraa ....all:l( pa a 7:10 am
Mabraaka. Expreaa
Nebraaka Local
Ijlnooln Local
1 f LlneolR Faat Mail.
Lincoln Local
a:lam at :46pm
a :00am a 7:46 pm
a 2.00 pm al2:01 pm
I 1:11 rtm
Ft. Crook ft PUttam tb.b 1:60 pm hl0:26 am
I'laiiamuuiu m i.w pm a 8:JU am
Denver Limited v""
Ballvue ft Pao. Juno.. a 6:3(1 am alrionm
Chloago Special a 7 .26 am a 7 J6 am
(jnicago a e:w pm a i:o pm
Chicago Flyer a 8:0h nrn a 7:26 am
Iowa Loca. ...............a 6:16 am al0:62 pm
rV. Louia Expreas a 4:46 pra all :30 am
Kanaaa Clty-St. Joe aJ0:46 pm a 6:46 am
Kanaaa CltySt. Joe...a t:16 ant a 4:10 pm
Kanaaa Clty-St. Joe a 4:46 pm
a Pally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dallv
except Saturday, c Sunday only. Dally
xcept Monday. .
Brinct Petition for Bineteen Liquor
Injunction! Alosfj with Him.
omeone Evidently Worfclag with
Ilia Wba ta Familiar wltk Com
dltloaa aad Varloaa Re
freahmeat Reaorte.
Brown'a In town.
While none of the rpglatera of tha local
hotels bore hla autograph J. Brown, at-torney-at-law
and dealer In real estate, not
to mention hard knocks to the local saloon
keepers, returned to Council Bluffs yester
day. He waa not lory? In the city before
he made hla return known by a viait to
the office of Sheriff Canning. There be filed
nineteen more original notlcea of liquor In
junction suits, fourteen 6f which are' against
saloon men and five against keepers of al
leged houses of 111 fame. The defendants
named In the notice of suit filed yesterday
Gerries ft Bwssslng, South Main street: !
William Tfa.T, South Main street; Charles
Martens and A. Rltter. Martens hotel.
Bouth Main street; John Mergen, Bouth
Main street; J. D. Wilson & John Linder.
West Broadway: Hansen ft Nielsen, corner
Broadway and Bryant streets; E. C. Good
rich, Goodrlrh hotel, Broadway and Eighth
street; Charles F. Davis. Broadway and
Northwestern tracks; W. T. Fry, near
t'nlon Pacific transfer; F. B. Hnhn, West
Rroalmav: O. K. Harden. ' Broadway and
Twenty-rtrwt street; C. Gelse & Bon, Broad
way and Frank streets; lloist ft Hpetman,
Kiel hotel. South Main street; L. T. Green
J. K. Nelsen. Kast Omaha: Frances D.
Webster, 151 West Broadway; Nellie
Cnnney. Broadway and Bryant streets:
Jesale Wllllama. 812 West Broadway: Bessie
Donley. 14 North Main street; Lela Con
nelly, us west Broadway.
Arts, bat Talks Hot
When Mr. Brown left Council Bluffs last
Saturday evening and crossed the rlvec to
Omaha, from where. It la said, he took
the tralnf for Lincoln, the saloonmen com
menced to ' breathe more easily, as they
believed they had aeen the last of him.
But that they counted their chicks -before
tha egga were hatched' ' was proven
when the mysterious strafiger from
Kansas returned unheralded .to the city
yesterday armed' with- another big batch
of Injunction aulta against saloons and
other places, where It, 1 alleged ' liquor la
sold contrary to tha provision of tha Iowa
mulct law.
Mr. Brown, whan seen yesterday after
noon In the little office room over 14 Pearl
street, waa not any more communicative
than when on hla first visit here. "I aatd
I waa coming batk and here I am," Is about
all tha Information he was willing to vouch
safe To questions aa what hla motive
waa In waging a crusade against the' liquor
dealers. Mr. Brown had no answer.
When Mr. Brown first made Ms appear
ance In Council Bluffs and filed the first
batch of ' Injunction suit notices. It waa
suspected that he was acting for or In con
Junction with local parties. That this waa
tha case Mr. Brown practically admitted
to a certain saloonkeeper who called upon
him to - Inquire why he had begun ault
agalnat him. The character of certain
of the placea against which notlcea of suit
were filed yesterday Indicates that persons
acquainted with local conditions must have
given Mr. - Brown the names, as five of
the defendanta named In the notlcea filed
yesterday are not on tha Hat of saloons
paying license to the city or county.
With the batch filed yesterday tha num
ber of Injunction suits brought by J. Brown,
attorney for J. Brown, plaintiff, amount to
thlrty-alx. The seventeen notices filed by
Mr. Brown prior to his departure last
Saturday hava all been served by tha
atonal delegation that on or mora repre
sentatives of tha department should go
there to confer on tha Japanese school
The board met this morning, and It was
practically agreed that tha four directors,
tha auperlntendent and the secretary should
make tha trip.
A. If. Qallkeher DitoQMJi Effect
Annexation on Reahy Vila,
Funeral of John P. Johnaon.
CLARINDA. Ia. Jan. (Special.) The
funeral of John P. Johnaon, the live stock
dealer who died here yesterday1 morning
following accidental Injuries received from
a freight train In this city last Friday, waa
held here today, conducted by Rev. W. T.
Fisher and Will O. Hatchings of the Chris
tian denomination. Mr. Johnson waa 64
yeara of age and waa a native of Sweden.
lUiaola Ialalatare Not Pleased with
' ' Tern a - of Rivera aad
Harbors BUI.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Jan. 81. The lower
housa of tha legislature today concurred It
the senate amendment In a Joint resolution
adopted by the house yesterday appealing
to the Illinois delegation In oongraa to
work for a distribution of the river and
harbof appropriation, which will be mora
equitable and more favorable to Illinois.
Tho senate amendment struck cut tha
personal criticism of Congressman Burton,
Chairman of the rivers and harbors com
mittee. ; " ' '
.' The resolution complains that the appro
priation now gives 111,000.626' to plans for
Improvement of the Great lakes. 21,200,000
to the harbor of Cleveland, 24.0n0.000 to tha
Ohio river and only 30,000 a. year for the
Mlaslaalppl river between St. Louis and
Cairo, Instead of 50,000 a year, which has
bees appropriated hitherto and alao gives
only $1,000,000 for tho upper Missouri from
8t. Louis to St.. Pa.ul. an amount entirely
Inadequate to carry out the plan of a six-
toot chanrul. -
Tho resolution especially deplores ths
fact that "the rivers and harbars' bill re-
commends no appropriation at all for be
.ginning wprk on a dep waterway from tha
lakes to the gulf, which. If the Missouri
river and .upper Mississippi were Improved,
would completely rvlleve the freight con
gestlon and regulate railroad rates through
out every state of tha Mississippi valley and
In which almost one-half of the area of tha
fnlted States Is vitally Interested, opening
up aa It will the greatest Internal water
way of tha world to the markets thereof."
' Illinois congressmen are exhorted to In
troduce and work for amendments Increas
ing tha appropriation for tha Mlsaiasippl
between, St. Louia and Carlo to 21,000,000 a
year; making an appropriation for begin
nlag work on the lakea to the gulf deep
'waterway and Increasing the appropriation
'.for tha Mississippi river between St. Louis
land St. Paul to tXOOO.OuO a yW.
. vr Chicago Car Baraa.
CHICAOO, Jan. 21.-The North Clark
(treet oar barns of the Union .Traction
wmpany, fm North Clark street, between
Iherman Place and Dewey Court, was
oday damaged by fire to tha extent of
flora than 200.000. Ninety cars, stored In
ho bulldlug, were destroyed. The fire was
feueed by tha explosion of a"gaaollna tank.
On man. a car cleaner, waa suffocated o
loath by tha fumea of gas and three others
era Injured by the exploaioft.
i ' ..
1 Eloveath Death from Aerldeat.
i CHICAGO. Jan. 21 The death today of
iHli'hael Donohue. ona of the men Injured
n the explosion of an ammonia tank in the
Armour stock yards plant, brought the to
la! fatalittea up to eleven. Yesterday Don.
ohue brgKvd the authorities of tha hospital
1n which he was being cared for to permit
lilm to go home, and the phystrtans. be4
llevlng he would recover. granted his re-i
tooest. They were therefore greatly sur-4
Iowa News Notes. '
CRKSTON- The lea harvest corfimerired
the first of the week at Summit lake. Tha
Ice la or foot thick and of good quality.
IOWA CITY Harvey Brldenstein. denutv
county treasurer of Johnson county, has
resigned to begin farming. Ha will be suc
ceeded by his brother, Bert Brldenstein, .
Atlantic me Atlantic Umbrella fac
tory, that was sold by order of the referee
In bankruptcy, wa purchased by E. J.
Young of this city, who will move the ma
chinery and material to Fourth street and
continue the business under the old name
CRE8TON ' The Elks are holdlnsr a baaar
to rala money to help pay for the new
building which Is nearly completed. The
most popular Elk will receive a costly E4k
watch charm. The child receiving the
freateet number of votes will receive a
Ively Shetland pony. A diamond ring Is
being given to the most popular Indy con
testant and a handsome gold watch to the
most popular engineer running out of Cres
ton. IOWA CITT-Further details of the ac
cident In Williamsburg which resulted In
the death of Mrs. Edward Butler show
that Mrs. Butler did not die of the burns
received, but from heart failure. The fire
Is believed to have been started by tha
little 2-yaar-old child of Mra. Butler, who
was Aral aen by Mra. Butler with lta
skirts on fire. Mrs. Butler succeeded in
extinguishing the flames, but In so doing,
her own dress caught fire and from her
dress tha lace curtalna. She succeeded In
putting out the fire on her dress and In
rescuing her little baby who lay asleep In
a cradle. Leaving the house, which waa
all on fire Inside, she ran to the doctor,
dying from heart failure on the door step.
Voto of Mesa hers Oaly Meaaa of Rata
la Two QaeatlOBS of Io
WASHINGTON. Jan. Sl.-It may be
atated by authority that neither the ques
tion of international disarmament, fnclud
Ins the kindred subject of restriction, nor
tha Pra go doctrine, will be placed upon
tha program of subjects to be considered
at The Hague conference when It convenea
next June or July.
Tha program la regarded aa closed at
this moment, nor will It bo formally added
to before the meeting takea place. But
very effort will bo made to hava the con
ference consider tha two subjects named,
though this can only be accomplished by
the act of tha delegates themselves, prop
erly supported by their principals. It will
require an affirmative vote of tha confer
ence to take up for discussion any new
subject beyond those contained in tha pro
gram and It la the hope of tha Washington
government that these all-Important sub
jects disarmament and tha Drago doc
trine, will receive tha favorable considera
tion of a majority of tha delegatea, enab
ling them to be discussed.
Prealdeat Dealrea to filvo Social
, Light a to soldiers aad
WASHINGTON. Jan. a. If President
Roosevelt ran bring such a thing about,
congress will pass a law which will pre
vent discrimination against the uniform
of. the army or the navy. Several cases
Involving this question are pending In
state courts, but the mora recent case of
the refusal of a skating rink proprietor at
Plattsburg, N. Y., to admit two soldiers
In uniform, which was sustained by Judge
Everest of the city codrt. has given an
Impetus to the movement set on foot by tha
president some time ago to Insist that
the uniforms shall be recognized In all
public places.
In interesting phase of the Plattsburg
case developed today, when It became
known that Judge Everest recently wrote
the president stating the grounds on which
ha based hla decision, maintaining. In ef
fect, that tha case was not one within the
meaning of the bill of rights, affecting
the question of race, creed or color. He
frankly expressed the opinion, however,
that the. matter should be taken up by
congress and a bill passed making It an
offense to discriminate agalnat the uniform
of the' army or tha navy.
Jenklaa la Conservative.
This letter was referred by the president
to Chairman Jenkins of the housa Judiciary
committee, who took a rather conservative
view as to the light of congress to deal
with' the question, but suggesting that tha
opinion of the Judge advocate general and
the attorney general might -be sought In
reference thereto.
Chairman Jenkins, at the same time, re
lated two Instances which had come under
hla personal observation where proprietors
of public cafes had gone to guests and
notified them to wear their coats or else
leave tha premises. This, Chairman Jen
kins remarks, waa not a discrimination
against the guests In question, but waa an
objection to their mode of dress, a position
In which he thinks tha proprietors were
However, acting on Chairman Jenkins'
auggestlon, the whole subject Has been
referred to ' the attorney general for his
In hla endorsement Judge Advocate Gen
eral Davla says:
Respectfully returned to the military sec
retary. Section 22 A of the bill of rights
of tha state of New York contains the re
quirement: ' Law of New York.
"If a person who owns, occupies, man
ages or controls a building, park, enclosure
or other place opens tha same to the pub
liq generally at stated periods or other
wise, he shall not discriminate against any
person or class of persons In tha price
charged for admltmlon thereto. A person
violating the provisions of this section Is
guilty of a misdemeanor."
ejection 23 tirnvlrli.. : "That all nersona
within the Jurisdiction of this state shall
De entitled to the full and equal accommo
dations, advantages, facilities and priv
ileges of Inns, restaurants, hotels, eating
houses, bath nouses, barber shops, thea
ters, muslo halls, public conveyances on
land and water, and-, all other places of
Jiubllc accommodation or amusement, sub
ect only to the conditions and limitations
established by law and applicable alike
on all oltlsens."
The foregoing requirements are mora
comprehensive In their terms than ia sec
tion 22 of the bill of rights, within which
exclusion-on the ground of race, color or
previous condition of servitude is expressly
In view of the very general character of
the language used in the section above
cited It ia recommended that the capers In
this case be referred to the Department of
Justice, with the request that It be ex
amined With a view to determine the pre
prlety 'of obtaining a review of the de
cision rendered by the court of original
Snath Darkota News Notes.
i EDOEMONT The Cltlxens bank of Edge
mont has closed Its doors and W. W. Stew
art was appointed receiver by judge Mc
Gee. It ia aald the creditors will be paid
in full. This was a new institution, which
found there - was not room for a second
HOT SPRINGS The water, light and
power company Is making great Improve,
ments to Its water and llehtirg plant, put'
ting In about three-quarters or a mile or
new flume and constructing a new dam.
The improvements, amounting to about
)16,0ft, are made necessary by the large
demands made upon the plant by the Na
tional sanitarium, which will open April 1.
ELK POINT The Farmers' institute of
t'nlon county was largely attended. Ad
dresses were made by H. C. Warner, G.
H. Whiting, H. P. Lyon. Mis. Adda
Howie of Wisconsin and President Gault
of the state university. The officers e'r cted
are: pror. n. K. Frencn, president; 8. A.
Omdahl, secretary; Runyon Com d ton.
Mayor Hector aad Member of Park
Board Dloeasa tho leeret Meeting ,
Consider tho Offers of
Load for Parka.
Night Rank for Now Orleaaa.
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 21. Announcement
that a night bank will be opened by the
City Bank and Trust company la made by
the president of that Institution. The bank
will be open continuously from 10 a, m. un
til midnight
Mosahera of Board of Bdaoatioa May
See Federal Oflieora at
BAN FRANCISCO. Jan. EL It la mora
than probable that aft tho members of tha
San Francisco Board of Education will go
to Washington In response to tho tnvlta-
f-ta4 to Vay a that Doaohue waa dead. 1 u4 t through tho California, oagroa-
The American aa la are
of good boar aa any other nation.
It'a tha logical all-tha-yaar-'reuad
average tot all c
In tho Namo of
'tis always best to ask for
It ia reliably good, delidoasly
full of "Blatx" character and aa
dean and pure as honest
methods must always mean.
Tha moat exacting method
and up-to-data tacilitiea have
everbeenafeature at this plant
Try any of thane
diaoght at la boolo
o. m eljitz
Mkf Binruico.lai.
Corner M lis
th. Vflei UaO.
"I would be for annexation." said A
Gallagher Wednesday night, "If I could
bo assured on one point, that with the
merging of tha two cities there would be
no decrease of real estste values. On this
point I think tha argument Is largely
theoretical. Actual trial would be the test
ing of the matter; but It Is the uncer
tainty of the matter which has atuck In my
mind. . On many other grounds the speedy
annexation of the city ' would be full of
advantage. In the matter of railroad rates
an example came under my notice. I waa
coming In from out In the state on a stock
train. On my advice a man I happened
to meet consigned to South Omaha. Eight
een cars of stock were picked up before
wa reached Lincoln. At Lincoln all but
the car I had managed by personal effort
to direct this way, were switched off and
went to St. Joseph. It struck me aa queer
that with South Omaha so near that the
shippers would prefer to go tho greater
distance to St. Joseph. When I arrived
In Omaha I spoke to W. J. C. " Kenyon
about it. He said that the St. Joseph mar
kets had greater Influence with tbe rail
roads. South Omaha with Its live stock
exchange as the only potent factor of In
fluence, backed by a rather weak munici
pality, compared with the heavy Interests
of St. Joseph, Is unable to command tha
concessions which should be given by the
Nebraska railroads. The exchange la alive
to the needs of this market, but they can
not do It alone. The powerful Interests of
Omaha should be added to that of South
Omaha and then they would be felt."
This from A. M. Gallagher, who has
always been considered the proudest cham
pion of the anti-annexation forces, Is sig
nificant of the fact that the terrors of an
nexation are not real; and that the whole
question Is one of good-natured specula
tion and debate rather than of the vital
Interests at stake. It la conceded now that
real estate In a live and healthy city com
mands lta price by tha use it Is put to.
In times of fictitious prices and booms the
case Is different, but In periods of steady
development real estate Is not purchased
purely as a speculation. When a man
buys acreage property aa the Bradford
Kennedy company are doing this week. It
la for a practical use. Coal yards and
lumber yards are to occupy the lots. The
Lucerne Food producta. and the Gate City
Malt works, and. In fact, the purchases
tor the last year In Bouth Omaha have
been made for use. The real estate can
be used and It will be used the more. For
every lawyer who might move his offices
up to Omaha after annexation a commis
sion man would seek' a residence In the
Highland park district. People are not
going to hurry out of South Omaha. It
Is as near to Omaha's center as Walnut
Hill. This fact should Inaare every prop
erty owner that there can be no great
fluctuation of prices. They will rise rather
than fall. The residence district about
Highland park will In five years' time
equal that splendid streets of the Hanscom
park district.
Charter Change Dlsonssloa
The meeting of the general committees
of the South Omaha Improvement clubs
waa not aa generally attended as was an
tlclpated last night. About fifteen people
were in ' attendance to receive Uie report I
of tho executive committee of ten men
who were to draft tha amendments to the
city charter. It waa discovered that tha
amendmenta had been sent to Lincoln al
ready. One was that tha city be granted
the power to grade two blocks' of any
street where the cost of grading would
exceed the value of the abutting property.
Of this grading the city should pay two
thirds and the property owners one-third.
Another proposition waa that tha electora
be required to show a tax receipt for per
sonal taxes before being allowed to vote
at municipal elections. There were a
number of exceptions to this rule. . A tax
of $3, or poll tax, should be exacted. It
was explained that the committee of ten
had been made ' an executive committee
with power to act and that there was a
manifest necessity for haste In the mat
ter, so that tho needs of the city could
be presented before the generally Im
portant bills occupy the legislature.
Some diversion was occasioned In the
virulent attack on the present administra
tion and its methods Indulged In by John
MacMUlan. He charged that the sewer
propositions had been Juggled from start
to finish and declared that one whole tun
nel section had been eliminated from the
sewers after tha proclamation had been
made for tha sewer bond election and that
it waa the intention that tho 2260,000 should
Include this. This was the north tunnel
section of the sewer system as defined
by Andrew Rosewater. On this he based
his argument that the contracts had been
Juggled to the tune of 236,000 at the least
and now the legislature was being asked
for 230,000 more. Mr; MacMUlan grew
heated In his remarks and1 as a final
clincher ha presented tha original report
of Andrew - Rosewater to the city council
on the cost of the sewer system. Before
tha conclusion It was conclusively shown
that this tunnel section had been dropped
before the mayor Issued his proclamation
last year.
As a side Issue a resolution was passed
Indorsing the Cassady park sits aa a fa
vorable proposition.
Story of Secret Meeting.
Mayor Hoctor gave the full history yes
terday afternoon of the session of the city
i council and the park board last Wednes
; day night He said all tha membera of
; tho council and tho park board were pres
ent and that the map of the city was
spread out on the engineers' table for In
vestigation and comparison. Since not all
the property owners were present to pre
sent the merlta of their propositions It waa
determined to close tha doors and keep all
parties out The propositions were dls
cussed at some length; but no action waa
taken on any of-tha propositions. One rea-
I son waa that the money for the bonds had
j not been received nd until that time It waa
not thought advisable to express any pre
. ference for any property until tbe actual
I time of the purchase. It is evident thtt
there la likely to bo a sharp difference of
opinion before tha, sites are determined
Some sites aos thought to be too high.
El R. Leigh, the secretary of tbe park
board, declared that the business of the
secret session waa confined to a mere dis
cussion of the propositions in a general
way. At the close of the meeting tha bodies
adjourned until reassembled at the call of
the mayor. At this prospective meeting
tbe el lee will be considered more particu
larly. Maale City (ioaalp.
. Frank Kiivohlovek. Nineteenth and N
streets, reports tho birth of a son.
Miss Mottle Bales entertained a number
of her OnuUia friends last evening.
Clyde Bowden of O'Neill Is spending sev
eral days visiting friends In the city.
Mrs. P. J. Johnson, who has been quits
ill for tha past week, la now somewhat Im
proved. II Is claimed by residents In the vicinity
of Thirtieth and O streets that numerous
hunters d) much reckless shoorlna- wtthlu
; the city limits at that point Moot of the
shooting cornea from the Burtmgton right-of-way
where many boys hunt almost
O. K. Pete. Oscar Harrison and Hsrvey
Harris were fined In police court yesterday
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fisher and Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Jnsmer will entertain at an
evening party February 12.
Mr. and Mra. John IUvbert of Pierce are
visiting at tha hma of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Perrlne, l.K North Twenty-fourth street.
Mrs. John Ohaee, 1004 North Twenty-seventh,
left yesterday for Mmmouth, 111.,
called by the serious Illness of her father.
Major Warner A. Root of the Mining
Journal of Chicago, an old resident cf South
Omaha, waa shaking hands with old
friends yesterday.
The clerk's record shows thirty-seven
deaths In the month of January. There
were fifty-seven births, twenty-eight fe
rn hies and twenty-nine males.
The Cudahy Packing company will begin
cutting the second crop of Ice this morning
St Seymour lake. It fs said that fully
more men will bo needed to complete the
force desired.
The saloon of Tom Domhrowskl, Twenty
seventh and J, was entered laM Wadnee
day night or Thursday morning and the
rash register carried out and Smashed.
F.lght dollars and thirty cents waa secured.
Kntrance was gained through a pool hall In
R. D. easier of Dead wood, 8. D., was
married to Miss Monica Mouser of Hust
ings Wednesday evening at the residence of
Miss J. W. Louden. 216 North Eighteenth.
George Loudon of Lincoln and Agnes Rhln
srd of Omaha stood up with the parties.
Dr. R. L. Wheeler performed the ceremony.
The people cf the east side are consid
erably exercised over the setlvlty of a
gang of chicken thieves whose operations
have reduced the visible supply cf the
feathered bipeds to an alarming degree.
Suspicions hsve pointed to a certain quarter
as the prime head of the gang and arreoia
may follow In a day or so.
Twelve Acres Bring Bonght la Sooth
Omaha for Another Big;
Lnmber Yard.
The Bradford-Kennedy Lumber company
la trying to consummate the purchase of a
twelve-acre tract Just Inside the South
Omaha limits lying Just southeast of tha
Krug brewery. All tha details of the pur
chase have been completed with th excep
tion of two or three lots which are being
If thla deal is finished It will be one of
the largest movements In South Omaha
since the Jetter tract waa sold last fall
The lumber company Is seeking yardage
and trackage for a new establishment. It
Is possible this may be the largest of Its
lumber yards. The location la considered
Ideal and lies near the demand from both
cities. Trackage la of easy access. Mr,
Kennedy la at present In California, but
Is expected home at the end of the week
when tho deal will. In all probability, be
closed. It Is said the owner of the out
standing lota la at present In Los Angeles.
A still larger deal la rumored In tha sama
locality. This is to tha effect that tha
Whltebreast Coal company Is feeling for
a site to consist of fully twenty-four acres
contiguous to the property of the Krug
brewery. This has not been fully verified.
Will Hold Annnal Birthday Party oa
-Second Instead of Twenty
Second of Febrnary,
The directors of the Visiting Nurses as
sociation held a meeting at the Pax ton
hotel Thursday morning to perfect arrange
ments', for the ninth' annual musical and
birthday party to be given by the as
eoclatlon Saturday at the homo of Mra.
J. M. Metcalf, 1234 South Tenth strett
Heretofore thla annual party has been held
on February 22, Washington's birthday, but
because of the holiday It waa decided to
change the date to February I. These
annual affairs have bean given by the as
sociation for tho last eight years to ralso
funds to carry oft tha work of the visiting
nurses and are largely attended. The In
vitations are already out: On thla oc
casion tha guests are supposed to bring a
penny for each year bt their residence on
thla mundane aphera,
I TTTCDC L'Dnlf tET DL" AHCUC 1 M aualifted to do the work, and th.a b
LLllLuJ IUUnBLU JALALLuJ licensed by tha dairy commissioner at a'
, nominal fee of 21 aa a cream tester. This
provision, in effect, plnres tha whole busU
Dairy Commit s'oa till Fefors Lerlatnr
Preentd In Dtlall.
Secretary Baaaett Folate Oat BeneSta
that Wonld Follow Establishment
of laapecltoa Contemplated
hy tho Law.
Contrlbutlone on timely toplce ara
Invited from readers of The Bee.
Communications should be written
legibly on one side of the paper only
and accompanied by the namo and
address of the writer. The name
will not be used If the writer asks
that It be withheld. I'nuaed com
munications will not be returned.
Correspondents are advised to limit
their letters to h0 words or they
will be subject to being cut down
to thst limit st the discretion of the
editor. Publlcatlona of views of cor
respondents must not be taken to
Commit Tha Bee to their endorsement
Medical Society Mcetlag.
HOLTREGE, Neb., Jan. 81. (Special
Telegram.) The Republican Valley Medi
cal association held Its regular meeting
here today and goes on record aa one of
the best in the history of the society.
Among numbere of tha program were gyne
cology by Dr. Flnley of Omaha, which
waa pronounced one of the best read be
fore the association Dr. Jones of Mlnden
and Dr. Bundbury of Holdrege also read
Interesting papers. Between forty and fifty
doctors were present? Officers for the
next year were chosen as follows: Presi
dent, Dr. Cone, Oxford; vice president
Dr, Shreck, Bertrand; secretary, Dr. Camb
bell, Stamford;, treasurer. Dr. Bundbury,
Holdrege; ' censor for three yeara. Dr.
Brewster. Many of the visiting doctors
brought their wivea and they were enter
tained by the wlvea and families of the
local physicians, being given automobile
rides about the city and visiting points
of Interest. In the evening a banquet waa
aerved at the Hamptonhotel, at Which
covers lyere laid for over sixty people, and
an enjoyable program of toasta and re
sponses was carried out The next meeting
will be held at Hastings the last Thursday
In J'une.
Needed Dairy Lcsjtslatlon.
GIBBON, Nab., Jan. 20. To the Editor
of The Bee: There has been introduced
Into both branchea of the Nebraska legis
lature a dairy commission bill known as
house roll No. lfts and senale file No. 19.
The provisions of thla bill wera thor
oughly considered and discussed at the last
meeting of the Dairymen's association, at
hlch were present more than 200 dairy
men, and was unanimously approved and
recommended for enactment Into law. Thla
measura provides for tha creation of a
dairy commission, because It Is believed
that the value and Importance of the dairy
Industry to the people of the state (an in
dustry representing an Investment of more
than 220,000,000. See statistical map In 1905
report of Nebraska Dairymen's aecla-
tlon, which report may be had on applica
tion to the aecretary) warranta the estab
lishment of such a commission with power
to enforce the dairy laws of the state.
Under the provisions of the bill the gov
ernor would be the dairy commissioner.
but the deputy commissioner and four
dairy Inspectors must be appointed on the
recommendation of the professor of dairy
husbandry at the State university and the
officers of the State Dairymen's association.
This Is required In order that tha working
force of the commission shall not onty ba
familiar with tha dairy Industry, but also
have practical as wefl as scientific knowl
edge of testing milk and cream. This bill
makes it Unlawful to sell or manufacture
Into butter for sale milk or cream which
Is unclean or that has been kept In unsan
itary conditions or surroundings. Tha
proper enforcement of such a law will
prevent tha dairyman from selling cream
which Is unclean and will prevent the
keep,lng of cream at cream receiving sta
tions' In undesirable places, auch aa the
atore room of aoma grocery store, sur
rounded by onions, fish, oil or rotten vege
tables; and then manufacturing such cream I
into butter to bo sold at a low price, to the
great detriment of the entire dairy In
dustry. It will be the duty of the dairy
Inspectors to Inspect placea where milk
and cream ara produced and kept and to
see that the law Is compiled with. Im
provement In the quality of cream means
improvement In the quality and price of
creamery butter; a better price for butter
meana a better price paid for cream, and If
by the Inspection and the education which
naturally, goea with It It la possible to Im
prove the quality of oream sold so that- It
shall bring 1 cent more per pound for
the butter fat which It contains than was
paid the last year, this Increased prior
would pay, ten times over, the annual ex
pense of the dairy commission.
Perhaps the. most Important provision of
the bill Is that relating to tha testing of
cream. With good reason there has been
more dissatisfaction connected with the
testing of cream than any other feature of
tha dairy business. While the dairymen of
the state hava been selling, annually, 60,-
000,000 pounds of cream there haa been no
flked, established and legal method for test
Inf cream, although all cream waa tested
(cr supposed to be) and paid for on the
basta of tha pounds of butter fat whloh It
contained. This dairy commission , bill not
only provides a legal method for ' testing
cream, but It doea atlll better: It provides
that before any persons can engage In the
business of testing cream at any place where
cream is bought and sold, they must first
pass an examination to determine that they.
ness of testing rream under the supervision
and rontrol of the dairy commission, and If
at any time a cream tester la found not to
do honest or aatlsfactory work the commis
sion can remove him and prevent him from
further engaging In such work.
There are two principal objects aimed at
In this measure: First, by Inspection of
dairy products and the education Incident
thereto, to Improve th quality of such pro
ducts; this would mean a better ptlcn.
Second, a square deal for both dairyman
and creameryman In the testing of both
milk and cream; ihls last Is most Impor
tant If we are to further develop thla Im
portant Industry. There hss been an In
sistent demand on the part of dairymen for
legislation of this character; 1n the platform
adopted at-the last republican state con
vention Is a plank pledging the enactment
of a taw providing for Inspection of dairy
products and to regulate the testing of
cream. It is believed this dairy com m lesion
bill meets all that Is now required In th
matter of dairy legislation; It haa been pro
pared with that object In view; a copy o
the bill may bo had by applying to yfxif
member of the state legislature or to tha
undersigned; It la ausicested that If yott
approve of thla measure, believe It la foe
the best Interests of the dairy industry of
the state. It Is your prlvllegw to wrlta
your'aenator and representative at Lincoln
giving ymir vlewa and requesting them to
give It their support 8. C. BASSEJTT.
Secretary Nebraska Dairymen's association.
MeKlnley Clah 0"C to All.
OMAHA. Jan. H.-To tha Editor of Tha
Pee: While engaged with other members
of the MeKlnley club In arranging for our
very successful banquet of Tuesday even
ing wa became aware that tha bulk of, tha
young republlcana of Omaha ara seemingly
not aware of the fact that tha club la Wlds
open to every one of them to become mem
bers on making application to any member.
Our dues, are merely nominal, 22 a year,
and at the monthly dinners each man pays
for hla own plate, never In excess of 50
The MeKlnley club ta a "boosting" club,
pure and simple; that Is, It makes no at
tempt to Influence nominations, farther
than that each member Is expected to par
ticipate In the primaries, . for whom and
how he plesses. After the nominations are
made, then the MeKlnley club la out for
the ticket and ready and witling to gt
to the front and make every effort posalbla
for the election of the nominees.
President Erwln and the other officers of
the ctub, as well as any member, wilt taka .
applications for membership; but whether
a member or not any young republican will
be welcomed at. the monthly dinner, an
nouncement of time and placa always b
Ing made in the papers.
Aside from the social and political fea
tures, tha addressea and debatea at tha
meetings will prove educational and In
forming to any man, young or old, for
there la an associate list on which can bo
found the names of many of tha leading?
cttlsons of Omaha.
'Trusting you oan find room for this, Mr.
Editor, permit us, on behalf of tho officers
and tha banquet committee, to most Sin
cerely thank The Be for tha many cour
tesies heretofore extended.
Jodge Crawford . lmnoeee nit mm
Drivers Who Lcavo Animal .
N. Rablnowlts and John Hilton, drivers
of a delivery wagon for M. Rachman,
Twenty-fourth and' Leavenworth streets,
were convicted . in police . court Thursday
morning of cruel and Inhuman treatment
Tuesday to their delivery horse and were
fined 210 and oosta each by Judge Craw
ford. Tha mn left their boree standing
for aa hour in front of th federal build
ing without a blanket and tha lather, with'
which, tha horse was covered, frosa until
the animal waa covered with a coating of
Ice. " '
. Ohio Negro ( May Get Place.
WASHINGTON, Jan. II. It waa ad
mitted at the White House today that tha
president has under consideration tha nam
of Ralph Tyler, a negro of Columbus, O..
for the position of surveyor of customs at
Cincinnati. It was atated that up to this
time no decision had been reached.
Nominations by President.
-WASHINGTON, Jan. SL The president
today sent to the senate the following nomi
nations of postmasters:
Colorado M. E. Lewis. Florence. Illinois
R. M. Garman, Foreston; P. Thompsen,
Fulton; O. P. Stoddard. Oalva; A. W.
Ferret. Kewanee; W. I Checkley, Mattoon.
Iowa R. O. Clark, Webster City. Kansas,
A. B. Brown. Cedarvale.
Murder Caaa la Virginia.
DANVILLE, Va., Jan. $1 Joseph B.
Echols haa been arrested, charged with the
murder of Walter B. Barkadale, who re
ceived his wounds In a shotgun duel with
Echols near this city Monday after a quar
rel over a package of cigarettes. Echols'
coutdn. Charles B. McGregor, who wit
nessed the shooting, hss been arrested as
an accessory. Echols waa taken from hla
home to tbe county Seat In a hack and
conveyed to Jail In a bed, having been badly
wounded In the fight
Poet A of The Traveling Protective aso-
elation will give a card party at the Com
merclal clun rooms (Saturday evening.
The subject of Rabbi Conn's address at
Temple isreal Friday evening will be
"Trouble and Triumph." Services begin
promptly at 2 o'clock. s
Burglars entered the saloon of W. J.
Cuskk, 4&0S North Thirtieth street, Wednes
day night by breaking the glas In a rear
door. They stole 12.60 In pennies from tha
cash register and a Colt's revolver.
The I'nlted States Civil Service commis
sion announces that tba maximum age .
limit in the examinations ordered for food I
and drug inspector, (male), set for Feb- .
ruary a. has been raised from 40 to 40 years.
Joseph Coleman, formerly 'clerk at the1
Victoria hotel, was arrested Thursday even
ing by Emergency Officer Hell, charged
with embfcsxlement. It is charged Cole
man took the contents of the cash drawer
at the hotel Thursday, securing about
and went away.
Jskub Koconda yesterday filed suit In
district coin t for a divorce from Rusena
Koconda. whom he married November 11.
' 1I0, in Hrasenl Rataje, Bohemia. Kooonda
lost no time in filing his suit, ss the offense
upon which he bases his petition Is alleged
to have occurred only lat Sunday. They
live at 3Ut Thirty-third street. South
Bars yoa aa the sapor 9 lk4
Brows Shoe Oa. assuming aa. tasalag
apoa th analmy of tha taatmw h ba
as4 ia BHtklsg
Whlio Housa.
Kaak pmss Is sxaasiaod asaasanfar
aaaor brilliant Mgalt taraed, t lad
aad drawa so as t eanoes the slightest
dtfest; every lmnerfest pi lhrwa
aatd) oaly th host aad s
saatorial ana atr taw th am slag of
Watte Bonat Sao,
.Tboasaad of akin par day or asstad
ay thoas as sort. Aad th aaaaaitng of
it la that MM naasrtal aad ma aaUty
of th Isathw. la Whit Haate
Shoes ta th host that asemn ana hay.'
Wear baas, holds 11 ana pa, and helps
nake Wall Hoaa aboe ta Mat in ta world. Whit Bona Baoa ar distinguished
11k for sh aaalliy, anpaaraaos, Satan, wonr and 4ha taataor. If yoar aoalar aos at
II WbtU Hoaa Hboat sand your bobm to th BROWN SBOB CO, Bt, Lonia. Ms at on
For tMirlrjr, strength, and true flavor,
j)WtfjS Denclana
ara nnejuail4.
Do you live near
16th and Webster Streets?
624 NORTH 16TH ST.
will take your want-ad for The BEE
at the same, rates as the main office.
Branch Want-ad Office OMAHA BEE
FOR $6.00
By the Old Reliable Dr. Searlei & Settles
Eitabllahed In Omaha for II yaara. Th many tbooj,
sands of ease eurd by u tuaSa us th naval expert
encod pclllat In th WM, in all dlaaa and diss
ordars of man. Wa know Just what wilt ear yon a
nd our quickly.
Fr examination and consultation. Writs fog
timDUn Blank for hum. irulnanL
1H VUtt, Cor. Ht. & DooiUs Sit, 0.11, It