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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1907. 10 Want ads li?rtlmfiiti far ike wnatad I lm will kika aatll IB at. for a a-voalaa- adltlaa aad aatll . a, gas- ta ssoralag aad Saaday dllB. CAH RATES FOR WAST-ADI. Ob laser-tlea, 1 1-3 eeat wa ar mora eoaeeeatlve laeertloa, X Mat aer word tuk laaerlloai aaora thaa aaa lase-rtlaa. If a at raa aaeatlvely, will he ckarta t rata af 1 l- eaata par ward. at .BO prr llaa far aaa . Ka ad takea far lee haaao e-eata . CASH RATKS FOR WOTICBS. Death aaa raaaral ftettcae, Tarda af Tkaaka aad Lodge Katleea, T evata or llaa far aaa e-dltlea. naralac ar venlagt 8 raate a llaa for oaea alii- laaal e-dltloa. Baaday, lO eeaia a llaa. Ha ad takea for leaa tkaa BO casta. T RRARCH OFFICKB. W.- ad. for The. Be mar l at aura all kriach office of Tk Be aad rar ad will a taaarted Jaat aa aa mala office la Tka Bea aalldlag, Seventeenth aad Faraam atreeta. Albach, W. C. 0th and Farnam. Keranek. H. A.. 1402 S. 18th St. Becht' Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Jiemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cumins. Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce Bta Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2218 Military Ava. Conte, J. B., 81st Ave and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Emll, 1264-4 S. 13th St. F'Butman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Khler. P. H., 2Xo2 Leavenworth. Foster Arnoldl, 218 N. 26th St. Freytag, John J;, 114 N. 24th St. Florence Dm Co.. Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sta. G?ee?rPharmryo.r Park aJ." and arlflo narmacy- corner -ara v. ana ureen Pacific. . Greenough. G. A., 1026 8. 10th 8t. Oreenough, G. A., 10th and Hickory. Harden, Wm. C, 2930 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Phar.. 1501 8. 2th Ave. Jlolst, John. 624 N. 16th St. luff, A. L.I 2S24 Leavenworth Bt. King, H. 8., 2238 Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N. 24th St. Lathrop. Chaa K., 1324 N. 24th Bt. Peyton. Ij. E.. 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave, Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames AV. I Schaefer'. Cut Prloo Drug Store. 16th and vnicago. Schaefer, August, 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming St. ' Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta Wlrth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Bta BIRTHS AJfD DEATHS. The following birth and death war re ported to the Board of Health during the I iwemy-iour noura enaing inursaay noon: Mirths Anton Johnson, sum newara, Doy; Max KurUman, 209 North Thirteenth, girl; O. A. Bauer, 4817 Pacific boy; Jacob bines, Courtland Beach girl; Walter W. Drew, jl Hrutnror o-lrl- VrAnlr 1MB South Twenty-nintn,' Doy. Death John Redmond, 1823 North Eigh teenth. 1 MARRIAGE LICE ITS ES. The following marriage license hav been (ranted X Name and Address. Age. "Mike M. Shollenbarger, Omaha. Oft Johanna Drabert, Omaha Frank Barter. Omaha.. Mabel Peyton, Atchison, . Kan. ... 81 Jerome Potter, Omaha.. .J , Elizabeth E. Clark, Omaha .......... George O. Brown, Omaha..'.. ....SI . Sylvia D. . Chambers, Omaha 80 George 8 Ad am a Omaha 28 i Maude D. Mlddaugh, Omaha, i 18 ANNOUNCEMENTS THE MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE ! 4s open, yet It 1 not too late to enter. Be gin now and get the menial discipline , that will double your earning capacity. P?e8ldLXXaBlSM cLBN.b ni IKK i BOOKS, booklet and fine catalogue priniea vy neem mnung co Omaha. (DM77M F3I ItOTAia ACHATES Fraternal Society. U)-6S6 F2t IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 1918 Farnam. (1) M7 OMAHA 8r-f and Iron Work make a spa- clalty of Mr escapes, shutter, doors and aaies. u. anureen, rrop., iuu a. loth St. )-8)0 fJlQN PAINTING-8. H. Cole. 1302 Douglaa i Q)-u BUY your envelope and be sure of sani tary gumming. Burkley Envelope Co. x . CO M758 Fll BTAMPSeTa Stencil Co., 812 8. 13th bt. Send for oata- lugue. U)-JdB4 F7 THIS- CITY GARBAGE CO. office 4th and icavenwortn aia 1 eu uougia 13X7. D-820 MADAM ES Bean and Mayo aeance Tuesday and Friday.' 823 N. 16th. Red 60SS. , , U) M678 Feb, gx . HORSES WINTERED, tllh and Center. Phoue Harney 10&4. (1 773 Feb. 3 BARTER AND EXCHANGE , WRITS Townsend Realty Co.. Fremont, Neb., who have farina, wild lands, etc., for clear town property and merchandise. (3)-M3u FiiX .. IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad in and you will vary oon get it. (3) BUSINESS CHANCES Do YOU Wish tQ Make a Change w v vuttiifta If you have a farm, homa business or property that you want to sell or ex chanaa write us. GLOBE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO, imiaiiu. XNeo., or diuux city, it. . (4) 860 F2 15.000 WILL awing drug stock In southeast Nebraska, doing business of $16,0u0 a year. ' Write V. V. Knlest. Omaha, Neb. (4)-613 FebT FOR SALE By order of my physician I am compelled to sell my Jewelry and op- tlf-ftl km xl naM ' all nw ntoi.c Ann flxlurA: I invoice $1.6u0; Nebraska town 1.000 Inhab itants. No competition. Addres Y 117, . care Bee. 4 M7U0 F2 WANTED To sell or trade,' XS-room hotel; ataain neat, gaa and city water and a , Ave room cottage;, reason for avlllng. ' til health. Address 8t Ava B. Council : Blurt, la. (4) M797 FOR SALE Two-chair barber ahop, thor oughly equipped and up-to-date; reason for ife-lllng, quitting the business. For , particulars address E. G. Farnaworth. Dillon. Mont. (4) M7tt 4x LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS and loose leaf device o all klnda Keea fruiting Co., Omaha (4) M77i Yl& CT.RAN stock of groceries with or without building. Address Box 166, Blair, Neb. v (4 MT91 kX FOR BALa-81,700 mortgaga, payable In In- staJlments for 4 years on Inside Omaha k,i.i.n nrnnartv north 14 6 oer cent. entl-anoualjy. Addresf L U. care Bee. ! A&iBl WANTED Six person with 3 each to furm a real eaiate eyndicate for the pur- of ptrcTl"g a tract of vry Yn. Dundee property. Exceptional opportu- nlty; chance to double the amount of the lara addres K.-48, oar Omaha Bee. 14J JdB.S -tX BUSINESS DIRECTORY m Chiropody. DR. ROT Warm, mole rnoT1 by eleo trinity. R, 3. 16U6 Farnam. TeL Doug. Mt7. (6) 813 Detective Ageaey. WETMORB Detectl Bervlca 'Prion Red IX. Room 11 ana 12, union bik., wn and Far nam. (6)-448 Fl8 Draaaaaaklac La,jieg tailoring. Dressmaking. 438 B. 34th, . (6)-36 F19 - DRESSMAKING In famllyor at home. Ml Sturdy, 2642 Chicago. 'Phone Red 4703. (O-WI MR3. BRANDON. 202 N. 18th. Do" J- (5)-778 Feb. 27. Flarlata. HESS 8WOBODA, 141 Farnam. (8 815 U HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1263. 45)-l Maala aad Uafaact. CHATELAIN School of Un!i D.7 and evenlnc claaaea. French, German, Spanish. Fencing. Davldge Bldg. (6) 760 Fll ' Osteopathy. JOHNSON INSTITUTE, 418 N. T. I. TeL Douglas 1664. (6 633 DR. BOWSER Over 1(00 Famam. Tel. (5 132 F18 Douglaa 6370. Plamklag. LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. 118 N. 18tA St. TeL Douglaa 1477. (5) 608 F27 Prlatlaa;. I VNir:TAn Hlgh-gTade 107 calendars, LINUS I AU B .b. corner 16th St. and &JORVE Capitol Ave. (5)-97 BNELL Prlntln, Co.. parUcular prlntera, m & JJth fiu Tel pou(f 6;M (6)-7J FU WATERS PRINTING CO.. 1307 Howard St. la a. JENNINGS PrlnUng Co. TeL Douglaa 6M0. THE ACORN PRESS, 1610 Howard St. Doe frlnting oi vjuamy. iei. uuus. ' (6) M466 F22 . . . , t-iti.V nn WB print everything! Rees Println, Co. CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omaha Revelations of past and future described. Parlor, 118 R 16th St.. Opp Boston Btora (6) 8S8 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Offlce. vnirKt, ,,,i,tnt wn Tl wolesalJ house or k Pi aonearance !" worK. ana appearance wanted for offlce Must be neat and write fair hand. Wage 86 per week. Address in handwriting. C 612, care Bee. (7) 73931 WANTED First clasa atenographer. A. B. Alptrn, 801 farnam. () Jd.oa t'eui Faetory aad Trade. QIRLS to work on power machine and ftnlshera Burgess Shirt Co.. 2024 Farnam St. M Homeekeepera aad Daaaestlca. COOK wanted; private family. nam. ' s 2225 Far- (7)-3tf7 GOOD alrl for general htjsework: small family; good wagea. 2011 Maple St. (one block aoutn oi icusi;. koilo WANTED Girl for general housework. Call after o clock. ois uavenpori. (7) 716 Fix WANTED A good girl to do plain cook ing at The crecne, uarney ox. . (7)-M765 2x WANTKD Dining- room girl. Koehler Ho tel, Grand island. Wage 1S. CO 771 F3 If laeellaneoaa. M'DOWELX. Dressmaking School, 1623 Farn. t) mms mSSiTlADIES and girl, to decorate .of work . taken home; permanent; good pay. Call forenoona 2311 South 13th. (7) 776 Six WANTED Good skirt makers, talloresses good wagea to rignt party; also errand gins wamea. tAJt r tnwm di. (7) 746 SI HELP WANTED MALE I Aceats, Solloitors aad Saleasaea. ADVERTISING FANS; May delivery, 600 special and attractive aesigna. Dam pies auDmittea upon aypiicaiion. r onaa cro, a Co.. Omaha. () Mtia t a I tl.200.00 to. 81.600.00 per year la being made. filling our lamity rviiivuies. n yuu whim a paying pneition v, Co., LeMaraf Iowa suion wnto ..vousn aieoicina () M793 7 WAKTEp-.l..manhaylng an establish . ed trade on aaddlery in Iowa. Address Meyer, B&nnerman at Co., 8L Louis. (-M580 3 WANTED Traveling salesman for atate of renraaaa tor wouimn uki-iivm ami saa dlery business. Apply to Schulse Bros, Co., Duluth, Minn. Reference required, ti) Mood i AGENTS wanted for light work. ' 418 N, MIA. vtiam a n. HAT.KSMAN NOTICE A first-class sd- clalty salesman can secure-a-ifomineni position with a lone manufacturer of a well advertised specialty. Call at room 126 Paxton hotel, irriaay, uwi p. m. . . CS 770 Six Boys, WANTED Five boys; good wages; perma nent D. a. u. x. w.! o. wm du ()-622 Clerical aad Offlea. WANTED Experienced bill and shipping, clerk one understanding express bum? iiess preferred; must be good penman, ac curate, steady, sober, reliable and not afraid of work.' Answer In own hand wrlUngi bating age, experience and at ary wanted. No attention paid to answer unless above fully complied with. , Ad- . ,ai w'yn Faetary aad Trades. , WANTED Harnsa maker. Also saddle makers on nign graae- worn, r remont Saddlery Company, remont, Nebraska (9)-M433 Fl litaeallaaeoaa. WANTED For the U. 8. Marine Corps, men between ages 21 and 36; an oppor tunity to see the world. For full Informa tion apply in person or by letter to Re cruiting Officer, Cor. 12th and Farnam Sta.. Omaha. Nebraska. t 4W7 V Drug clerk wanted. F. V. Xnteat. N. Y. U ()-27 WANTED About March t. Strictly No. 1 hand for stock farm work year round. Bent Hereford Live Stock Co., Hasard, Nsb WJ-M'.W ix WANTED At once, 600 sound young men. aged 18 to 36, for firemen and brakemen on leading' western railroads and for new roads now being completed; exporlenn unnecessary ; Aremen $lu per atonth; bi-kemei $76; position now open: call or write st once fur particulars. National Hf. Training Ass n, 10 X. Paxton Blk, Omaha. Nob. (8-M4u6 F4 PROFIT AND LOSS CLERK. M- IMlKKEfc.'PER. $;. STKNOORAPHER, V6 to 8JQ0. I BTKNOOKAPHrJR. $.U II 8 T UNO 1 it A P H EKS. 800. I OFFICE CLfcHK. young man, must pp rats I I VIM) wriifr. ma. The above are a few or ine vacancies w I have open fur consideration. Call or write for complete llat. ' WtBTERN BEF.4 fcoND ASSN. One.). , . Suite -3 N. Y. Life fc'lg- (t MTS1 1 WANTED Bright young man In Jobbing I . DUUH, WOO wuaia iiks to wuim uv mm manager; nun- position lur riai, atan; It costs iillle to get what you want HELP WANTED MALE Mlaeellaaeaaa Coatlaaed. WANTED A watch. Tou get It for a few hoiira of your time. Write at once to Malena Company, Warrlnrmark,,Pa. (i-M136 TS MEN and boys. Plumbing or bricklaying trade pay 86 to IS per day. We teach you by practical Inatructlone in three month; position guaranteed; free cata logue. Coyne Trade School. 476 Eautpn Ave,, St. Louis, Mo. 9tr78 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea aad Veklolea. HORSES All kinds. Myerft, 1715 Jackson. (11) M411 F4 FOR BALK Span of horaea, broke single and double, black, hardened for road or dray. Bouriclua. 3 Broadway; Council Bluffs, la. (11) M736 1 Foaltry aad Baca FOR SALE Mammonth Bronie turkeys; old Toms, 40 lbs, 86; young Toms, 24 to 2 lbs., 85; Imperial Pekln ducks, 14 to 18 lbs., per pair, drakes 81.60, ducks 81. W. R. KUnck. Clarksville. Ia UD-M717 F9 OTR handsome Illustrated poultry book Is free to all who will write and ask for It, telling where they saw this ad. A valuable book for every poultry man; 80,- nu printed. Address nam fouiiry i;o.. Clay Center, Neb. (11)-M50 F8x BARRED ROCKS. Lot of good cockerels; even, narrow, deep barred and gooa Done. puueia anu hens, fine ones; also nicely barred and rood layers. Address Orville O. Jones, k D. No. 1. Tork. Neb. (U)-M65 F&x WHITE ROCK cockerels, 81.00 and $2.00 each. Eggs In season, cnas. M. uevau, Herman, Neb. (1D-330 F2x PARTRIDGE Cochins exclusively. Cocker. els for sale; none netter. Mrs. '. m. Wonderly, Benedict. Neb OH S31 F2x BEFORE buying iBarred Plymouth Rock Cockerels write ror tree circular to j. i-. Band. Mitchell, H. u. UP m ii LOST AND FOUND tirx Thuradav noon, small Durse cm tain lnr about U4. Reward on return 10 ivm Cass Bt. ui)-miw LOST A leather purse on Amea Ave., be tween Z4th . anq. itsu, purae conuunn cur rency ana suver neionging iu w. . Johnston, driver for the Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co. Finder will bo suitably re warded by reporting at the ofllce, 1812 Farnam, , (12) M789 8x MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, ntn ana Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. H67. Calls answered day or night. (13) 128 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to tne matron oi tne oaivanon Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. (13) MloO PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Tne uooa Samaritan sani tarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. TeL 774., (13)-322 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray Nerve Food Pins, $i box, postpaic. Br.erman u MeConnell Drag Co., Omaha T (13)-625 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. Cash in Any Amount HO -to 8300 LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, ETC., OR ON YOUR SALARY IF STEADILY EMPLOYED, without security or publicity, at the very lowest rates; with payments to suit your con venience; everything strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co., Rooms 307-308 Paxton Blk. (14)-S54 THE UNION LOAN COMPANY, -PRIVATE BANKERS Have increased their capital and during the month oi January win make a special rate on collateral loan, mortgages on personal property and notes, without se curity. Terms to suit. rnone uougia 280L 310 Bee Building. (U)-63 ST SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, wttnout security; easy payments; offices In 63 principal cities. Save your- ell money oy getting my term nrsu D. H. TOLMAN 714 New York Life Bldg. (14) 80S DR. PRIBBENOWS MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., in any amount; less than half rates; perfect privacy. Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payments suspended when Mck or out or worn. n oaroacn jik., 208 South 16th Bt. (14) MM FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. for chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 746. (14) 808 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, norses, cowa, etc. fj. . iteea, no a. 18th. (14) 810 FURNITURE, live; stock, salary loana Duff Green Loan Co., room a, Burner tint. (14-811 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advance private money on chattela or aal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evening nil 7. uv eu EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable aooom modatlng; all business confidential. 1301 Douglaa (14)-80 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loana Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam i. ui)-u OFFERED FOR RENT ( Baardlaa; aad Roosaa, VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (! OS NICELY furnished, well heated room, all modern conveniences, excellent table; pri vate family. 24ti Harney (16)-8l4 FURNISHED room, modern, with board. 34u Caa at. (16) JaJUO I DEWEY European HoteL 13th and Famam. ' UW sou BACHELOR'S QUARTERS 25th & Dodge. (uj kiju cis MODERN rooms, with board, nm Harney bt- (16) Mise FURNISHED rooma close to car. 1624 N. 36th. , (16) Mm IX BOARD and rooma modurn, 2033 Hnrney . street. (15) M7W 3 Faralaked kssaa BACHELORS quarters, aew, up to data; prices reasonable. 4o a). 4tn A vs. (16) M623 MIDLAND HOTEL 16th and Chicago. (1-1 Fll NICELY furnished room for gentleman; private family. 128 So. 26th BL, (16-W7 ROOMS, all modern, 1718 Dodge. (16 M708 lx MODERN room for two, lit North 19th. U6)-M78 LKABE of six rooma; furniture for four. ' 7ta oo. 18th. (16-M734 8 FURNISHED ROOMS; 1131 North 17th BC moderate prioea (16-M733 lx Use a Bee want ad. IIJHlIf f OFFERED FOR RENT Faralaked Roorna Coatlaaed. MODERN front room, near car. 1612 Ohio. (16) M785 8 Apartaaeat aad Flat. 8-ROOM flat, modern, good repair, opposite (15)-83 NEW FLAT rooms, hot water heater, first cla In very reapect; 24i7 Harney; vacant Feb ruary 1; price, 850. ERNEST SWEET, 618 N. T. U DOUG 1471 (id; Mi Heasea aad Oottagea. 8-ROOM modern house, 1123 Park Ave. (la) M470 i FOR RENT Modern 8-room brick house; 1126 S. 31st Bt.; 340 per month. Thomas Brennaa, room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)-SS8 WE MOVE planoa Maggard Van and Storage co. ieu uoug. nm. (jmce, liis Webster Bt. (li)-694 STEAM heat, all modern, 7-room hnna 220 N. 23d. (15) M638 IlUUorjOQ. F. cVl Co., Bee Bldg. .u) tusu IJ.4JUO.Li. Ct Vetera & Co.. Bee Bldg. (16)s8 HOUSES, Inauranca Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16)-ett 6-ROOM modern house, except furnace. Inquire 623 8. 24th Ave, X16)-o 6-ROOM modern cottage, fine condition, bath, hot and cold water, cistern, lawn and shade. Telephone Maple 4346. ! (18) M768 8 SEE ua when shipping household goods to large cities west; we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. 16th Bl. Tel. Doug. 1186. (16) 88 224 N. 25th St. 8-room flat, strictly mod ern; tenant paya water: $50. , 2210 Clark Sv rooms, bath, . toilet, gas, $20 and water 1231 Park Wilde Ave. 8 room, all modern, 840 and water. MoCague Investment, 1606 Dodge St. (lay 133 (-room house, 8904 N. 2 2d St., near Laird, modern except furnace; good atable. $20. 4-room apartment In "Ormond," 563 S. 2bth Bt., 12-room house, modern, 604 8. 27th. $60. bemis, paxton Block. (16)-M1M FOR.EENT-4 rooma city water, 1628 N. istu St., tiz. C. M. BACHMANN. 437 Paxton Block. i (U)-860 FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except lurnace; fll in. zstn Ave.; newiy painted and papered; very convenient; rent reasonable. Apply at 607 N. 18th, or room 903 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)-M764 ONE of my six-room cottages, 2814 De catur St.; modern except furnace; $16 per month, inquire u. c campDen, ikio . ni iago St. (16) 711 31x WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. uouglaa 16. gcnmoiier A Mueller piano Co., 1311-1313 Famam. (16)-87 FOR RENT. 8-ROOM modern cottaae. No. 8031 Marcv St.. $26. Chas. L. Thomas, Room 413 Bee Building. (is) aj (16)M722 29 FOUR elegant rooms, all modern except heat, call 2617 it. mn Ave., nrst nouse south of Corby. (lt 6S3 llx OMAHA Van dc Storage Co., pack, move, store, H. rl. goods; storenouse uao-Z4 IN. 18th. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1668. (la) fcSl FOR RENT 8-room house , all modern ex cept furnace, $20. C. M. BACHMANN. 436 Paxton Block. (IS) 740 SMALL store room, 19th and Charles.. 86.00 Small barn, 2W6 cumin 6.00 6-r. house, city water, 706 N. 32d 16.00 6-r. house, city water, 803 N. 32d 18.00 8-r. flat, modern, 2(th and Vinton 20.00 j. . rAKKoriB. , (16) M764 F3 EIGHT-ROOM all modern house. Refer ences' required. Inquire 2212 Spencer. ' U6J-778 Buildings. Four-stonr Brick building with basement. 1108-10 Harney 6t. All or part of building. First-class condition. Present location of U. S. Supply Co. Desirable location for wholesale or manufacturing ousiness. First floor -and basement, brick building. First-class location for commission firm. 1206 Howard St. Two-atorv frame building, first-class con dition. Suitable for smoll business and dwelling upstair. INQUIRE 624 8. 16TH 8T. (16)-602 FS Offices., FOR RENT Desk room in Bee offlea city hall building, 417 jn. Rtn ot ooutn umana Apply to manager. uw is TWO OFFICES IN BEE BUILDING No. - 416 la an inside court room sub divided Into a private pffice and reception. There is a nre-prooi vault in tnia room. items at ii. No. 601 la - close to elevator, ha vault; can be rented at 817.60 beginning the 1st of March. Call for Mr. Baker, Bupt Bee. Bldg. (15) 76S 16x80 FEET In baaement of new Conserva tive building, 1614 Harney; more space u Oesired. Kerr Abstract CO., 1614 f arnam. 'Phone Doug. 6487. (it o FOR RENT IN BOYD OPERA HOUSE 4th and 6th floora about 1,600 square feet of floor apace, on each floor; seam neat, gooa light, also two large rooma in casement. See us for terms of lease. GEORGE as CO., 1601 Farnam Bt. (16 73) 81 lore. FOR RENT 8 tor rooma at 16th and Howard, on facing on 16th Bt. and the - other on Howard; they are connected In tho rear and can be rented together or separately. See ua at onoe about these. N. P. DODGE CO., 1714 Farnam SU (16)-M729 F2 FOR RENT Lara corner tor room. I6t and Vinton Sta. 430. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Block. la Mezi OFFERED FOR SALE Feaclagc. ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing, to per foot. 2U6 N. 17th 6U TeL Red 814. atiM ru . Faraltare. FOR BALE A handsome bookcase, ma hogany finish, at a bargain. S9ul Dewey Ava (16-66X DESK FOR SALE ' Bookkeepers' offlce desk, stand high and in good condition. Apply U. W. Baker, Bupt. Be Bldg. 0.6) M44- 7-ROOM flat; reasonable terms If sold at onca 101s Halway. (16) M76 4x Jewelry. Bargains in unredeemed Jewelry. 418 N. 16th. OFFERED FOR SALE Plaaos, Orgaaa, Masleal lastrBmeat. HVD GUV A Aha I. -. 1 of standard make, excellent tone and action, at a very reasonable figure. Rea son lor sale, moving, bio raxton Blk. i-hone uougias ttjss. (lb jVI3J Pool aad Billiard Tablea. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world In cneap oar natures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Baike-Cullendar, 407 8. 10th SU (!-', Typewriter aad lewlag Maeblnea, ONE Remington typewriter, No. 8, la good condition, for sal cheap. Call at Dm onion. U8) - Mlseellaaeaaa GASOLINE engln and wood-working ma chinery for sal cheap. Apply Anchor f ence Mig vo, ju rtortn lth St. (16) 428 FIRE SALE on ooaL Burr egg, $6.28 ton. for stove or lurnaca TeL Harmon a. weein. utt 719 F10 1.600 FEET H wire cable. In good condition. for aale cheap. R. W. Baker, Snpt. Be ciog. (J 87X FE V bargains In Id-hand soda fountains; mommy pKyniems. uerignt, ma r arnam. (16) 40 SEND us you mall orders for drusa: freight paid on $10 lota Myers-Dillon urug cu umana. (16) 863 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint, enerman Mcuonnell Drug Co. 0)-38 HALL'S safe, new, 2d-hand, 1818 Farnam. (16) m ONE HOE drum cylinder press, Burkley FOR SALE Two National cash rerlsrora. one total aaner; aiso nice line of store fixtures. Globe Land and Investment company, i-aiterson diock. (16) M728 FOR Sale Jupiter pencil sharpener. In gnnn conamon. van i. it. wright. Bee ornce. (16) M7R4x PATENTS '. J. LARSON A CO., patent lawyers; patent dook ires. o mag., umana. Neb, (17) 1S Patents, trade mark, guaranteed or no fee. National investment Co., Douglas Block. (17) 668 F8 6HARPE MACHINE SHOPS Patent procured. Inventions developed, drawings. patterns, castings, machine work. 604 612 B. lot II St. (17) 114 PATENT attorney, machine designer, t). u. uarneii, faxton tsik. -.fnone Red 7in. my 734 Fll PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-Shtrt Dressed. not ironed, ux a. utn St. lei. ijoug. 264. (1SS-6OT SEWING machine rented, any make, 76c per week or $2.00 per month. Second hand machines for . sale, $6.00 and up. MeD. uycie t-o., join ana narney. (18) 4)17 MASQUE costume. Lleben. Tel. 4116. Open evenings. tia) 924 BLANK BOOKS and ruled forms made to order. Reea Printing Co.. omana. (18)-M776 F28 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, hub in. 2ist oi. tei. uoug. sous. 418) 913 FOP. anything In the sewing machine line go to P. E. Floaman at uo.. itit uap. Ave. (xa nam r xu 8YRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut prices; send for tree catalogue.- Myers- Dillon Drug co... umana ua 934 DR VOGEL'S private home for ladles be fore and during connnement; Dest ana cheapest in tne city, guy b. utn bt. (lii)-MU PI EAT I NG Buttons, Ruchlng. 1 LLn I U'VJ Kmhrnlrterln. Dvelnar and Cleaning. Snonnln and Shrink ing,' only 6c per yard. Send for price list and sample. 40 Dougla. Bloc: ! Dofa. 1936. DR. N. SOMMER, homeopath. Bee Bldg. THE SALVATION ARMY BollcUs caatolt alnth In 4r a. nufhlna Vflll nt nnt need: we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. .... . .. . . . . i litn bt, tor coHt oi cuuruiiua, w worthy poor, call -pnone ixiug. ii ana wagon will call. u) on Xf A mMV'T'Tn treatment and bath. Mma ill V w Smith, 118 N. 16, 2d floor. (IK) csu 0 M MASSAQEf'roonTT (18) 886 F3 COSTUMES, 3318 8. 20th. Sack. Tel. Red 7071 (18) oi t tx ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax ton' salve. B. J. Scannell, agent, fm ware Blk. (l) Mu r u Ramus OMAHA Stammerers' Instltuta Bldg. (18) 821 ANYONE holdlnx acrlo Issued by the TransmisalsaiDDl ExDosltlon commission of the state of Washington will And it tp their advantage to communicate witn C. C. Rosewater, General Manager Omaha Bea . (IS) mibs-ux WANTED Information aa to the where abouts of Minnie Rodenhaus, - wno was last knnwn In Omaha and married here. Addreas Henry Kornemann, Deadwood. B. D. C18 637 31 HEALTHY, wholesome, eatln skin bestowed by satin skin cream ana oatin powaer. tin; KRIMMER coat, site 86, $26; cost 876. , 'Phone Douglas 6555. (18) M727 F6 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALH LOTS The vicinity of 28th and Ruggles is rap Idlv hull, Una un with nice new homea I have three or four choice lot left, 60x126 each; price. $276 to 360. Four lota 40x70 each. 81,600 for all. Two f these face Florence boulevard. THIS IS A BARGAIN. Four lota, each 45x100, near 24th and Amea, sewer, water and permanent side walk paid tn run; JW eacn. 42x112, 26th and Blimey St, $378. 30x71. near 24th and Cuming, paving paid. $6D. X nautirul residence lot on Ttmpletnn. south front. 60x132. larae maple ahade trees, cement walks; FOR IMMEDIATE I BALE. 8ur. ( On Fowler Ave., right among the new residences, 60x133, south front, permanent walka; the beat bargain -in tne norm ena. ERNEST SWEET 6 IS N. Y. L. TEL. DOUO. 1412. (19-M6Bv Fl LRIVIM NEW COTTAGE at IRIS N. Kd: bath, aaa storm windows. screens, picket fence, nice outbulldlnaa - east front lot. 83x140. Must be sold by February 10. Price. 8L9U. Renting at 820. W. H. GATES. 17 N Y. I. Hide 010-723 1 LANDSCAPE architect. E. C. Foster, phone Doug. 77, 611 paxton blk. " (1$ M781 F38 REAL ESTATE citt rnorr.RTT for salh (Continued.) 7 ACRES-35 LOTS AT A BARGAIN With 8-room cottage, rood well, cistern, fruit and ahade treea; would make fine suburban farm or could he di vided; la within two blocks of street car extension to state . institution. Have been holding at W.OOO, (less than m per lot), but will consider any reasonable offer. Owners out of town. , H. R. STRINGER. Sole Agent. Ill Jackson St. 'Phone Doug 72X1. (10-713 81 $5,800 TERMS $1,800 CASH, BAL ANCE $500 PER YEAR AT 6 PER CENT. 2210 WEBSTER ST. 10 rooms, all modern, large attic, celled In hard pine, un derfeed furnace, laundry with stationary wash - tubs. Full ised city lot, 66x132, on asphalt paved street, fine shade trees. If you mean business, see us; don't bother occupants. GEORGE ft CO., 1001 Farnam St. 'Phone Douglaa 766. (18)-M687 Fl 25 ACRES FOR RENIT, 51ST AND DODQE STS. Two block Dundee car line; 7-room house, large barn, fruit trees, etc.; espe cially suitable for dairy. GEORGE 4 CO., 1601 Farnam St. (13)-M760 F WE need vacant lot and rental property. List witn us tor quick ana satisfactory result. RANDALL REALTY CO., 608 Bee Bldg. (19) M762 F2 WANTED Six persons with $600 each to form a real estate syndicate for the pur pnee of purchasing a tract of very fine Dundee property. Exceptional opportu nity; chance to double the amount of the Investment within a year. For partlcu lara address K-43, care Omaha Bee. (19) M677 F-2X FOR SALE Must be sold Immediately; need tne money; lot s, diock 70; lot l, block 74, South Omaha; ten houses; In come about $200 month. Price $17,600. Gerard Brandenburg, owner, Lo An geles, Cal. Agents may list. iij Mass -eo.i WILL sell a most, desirable lot In Dundee for $800. Blse 60x132; paved street; on car line; all paving taxes paid. Address O 606. care Bee. (19)-M681 FEx January 30-31. Field Club Home The 8-room all-modern home on 86th St., near Woolworth Ave., Is certainly A No. 1 Finished In quarter-sawed oak downstairs; pillars between reception hall and living room; double floor up and down stairs; fine combination fix tures. Everything as modern as can be made. Owner has Just advised us he will take $6,800 tor It. A good buy. See thla . The Byron Reed Co., 'Phone D. 297. 212 8. 14th. (19.1-743 31 Small Cash Payment, Balance Monthly BUILD HOME TO SUIT YOUKSELP ' On one of ' those beautiful lot In Halcyon Heights, the finest and most slightly loca tion for a homa only two blocks southeast of Benson and Military Ave. car Una You, can't buy such lota else where at these prices $360 to $560. Make your selection to day. Russell & McKitrick Co., BOLE AGENTS, 432-33-34 Ramge Bldg., 15th and Harney Sta (19)-744 1 FOR SALE-Two modern house, and large pHVCU BIX Cfl, xa I L 1 uuii sua waaw. - avsat ru owner win bcii n m. ui K&tia. THOMAS UKILNIX AIN. Room 1. N. Y. L. Bids, (li) 8 I .i i - i ! . - FINE, new, modern house, Wirt Bt.. $6,260 i a uawvA leu k'rvim.r Hf in ,nn- a Hwvir. 1614 Emmet St.. aole agent. (19) 408 F4 INVESTMENT 832,600. $10,000 cash, BALANCE TO BUIT, SECURES BRICK BLOCK WITH AN- "JCSS I. CONNER, 232 NEVILLE BLOCK. (19)-M77B Fl REAL ESTATE FAItBf AMD RANCH LAMPS FOB ALK Caba. . f prim land. Robartaon. 826 Neville Blk. I . (20) 621 FIX Colorado. COLORADO FARM LANDS , tn, Greeley and Bennett dlatricta that can b. KoUaht front $7 to $10 per acre and farmed sclentincaiiy ny THE CAMPBELL SYSTEM OF DRY FARMING rtavm nrnduced aa hlah a 36 bushel of wheat. 60 bushels of corn, 2 crops of al falfa Farmers mora than pay for the land Am v,ir Colder, descrlblna our land and Campbell System, frea Interesting to all farmers ana invaiuaDie to moss wno waui to buy farms. Edition limited. Writ for It at onca The Colonial Securitle St Trust Co. 1716 California BL Denver, Colo. (20) 606 Fsx FOR SALE Jewel I county. Kansas, two well Improved farmsone so acres one ins screw-tan be bought right; easy terms. Apply to C. E. Adams, buptrior. neo. (2u M176 Fix I yOR gLjj CR EXCHANGE 208 acre of bottom land in Atcnison jo., no. nice level land, well fenced: good house, A ranmi: naw barn and doubls corn crib, shingle roof. Joins corporation of amall u h town. Thla location Is In the heart of Uie corn, cattle and hog country of the world. Timothy, clover and alfalfa doe better no where than here. Worth $100 per acre; price $l6.6uo cash, or will exchange for city property or stock of merchandise- In good town. This Is a lam -up good bargain. John A. Rhoadea m F U- ro. JL laraio, i 0)-M7 F-3x - Mtssaerl. MISSOURI FARMS. Write for state map, booklet and weather report, sent irea oasei J. save, cnuu cotha Mo. ()-M177 Fix Moataaa. MONTANA ranehes pay immense proflta Bend lor ust speciui uriii. joua Skobsr. jr.. Helena. x Nebraska. A SNAP Must be sold at once, 160 acre. T mile from nor-ioia, s mn tiu.n u.-..' good land; poorly Improved; oily 86,uoa J. IL Conley.. Ioolk. REAL ESTATE FARM AID HAMni LAU9 FOR S I.B (Continued.) Finest Ranch "Western. Nebraska The well known ' Adam ranch, one of the best located, best laid out, best equipped ranches In the west, on the , main line of IT. P.. traversed by Lol Pole creek, several hundred acres Irrigated or can be, K.nuO acres fenced, thou sands of acres free range, full equipment of well constructed stone buildings, corrals, sheds. Implements, horsqs. mules, 600 head hlh-arda Hereford cat tle; Is making money; send for handsome Illustrated circular; no trade. O. . WALIaACB. Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. (1)-MM Fl i NORTH H section 86-10-16. Buffalo county, Nebraska. 9 miles northwest from Gibbon, 64 miles north of Buda: large house, barn and double granary; about 100 acre In cultivation and 160 acre In pasture; good soil; price $:t.rtiO; terms, cash; balance easy payments with 6 per cent annual Interest. Address, Owner, 448 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (30)-M781 T HERE'S YOUR RANCH 640 acres from Maywood, In FrontV county, rich land, In nice neighborhood; 240 acres nne level land, cnitivatea, some alfalfa 400 acres grass, much of It level, $20 acres pasture (a solid half aectlon), well fenced and connected with rarn ana reea lots; well, windmill, house 22x42 feet, eon tainlng 6 rooms, solid, well painted;, frame barn 40x100 feet; two granaries, orchard and other Improvements. A good proposi tion. The price ror a tew days is Just $7,)0, with $3,700 rash and balance 6 years at I per cent Interest; possession March L A well Improved property, properly pro portioned money-making ranch. We hav others. Write us for maps and description of quarter, half sections and other traeta CORN ELI IB as I.U., Hastings, insd. (20)-M334 Fix FOR SALE 100 acres, all under plow. Jenced, improved; in nan vaney in Hut- ler county, Neh.; at .t& per acre. Must sell at once. Lock Box 8, Bellwood. Neb (20) M7H6 zx 760 ACRES Nebraska stock ranch: partly Improved; K,34. B. iiawver, jtnt urn- met Bt- taij-oiiw FARM BARGAIN We have 226 acre of highly Improved land, 6 miles from Silver City and 6 miles from Osceola. IS miles from Colum bus, Neb., In Polk county; good 7-room house, bam, granary, wind mill and run ning water; fenced and cross .fenced; bearing orchard and strawberry beds; lots of ever- , green trees and grove; 109 acres under plow, balance hay land and pasture. Can sell this for 360 an acre or ex change for good Omaha prop erty. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA. NEB. 20)-741 Fl NEBRASKA LANDS We have excellent lands from 86 per acre up, near railroad. Wi also handle the beat landa In the stste. namely, the famous Wood River Valley lands in Hall county, jf Always nav a gooa oargain, a mone maker, somewhere. Writ ua MITCHELL FAUGHT. Wood Rrver, (20) M333 F2x Neb. WE SELL land In Nuckolls county. Neb- me great corn, small grain, airaira ana tame grass country In southeastern Ne braska. Write u for land list. G. D. Follmer & Son. Nelson, Neb. (20) 648 Texaa. PAN HANDLE LANDS. BUY FROM THE OWNER. We own several thousand acres of land In thla wonderful country the most fertile Hands In the United States. We can glv you the best prices, also the lowest rail road fare. Join one of our excursion LKREW LAND CO., 808-6 B. 13th St. 1st Nat l. Bank Bldg. (jj) Man r -t Wisconsin. 3 CHOICE WISCONSIN LAND I own and offer for sale all aorta of UNIMPROVED LaNDS in central and northwestern Wisconsin. On request will send you FREE a vest-pocket map of Wisconsin and particulars about this land I own. Plan to come and see what I have to offer. WM. 3. STARR. 200 Ingram Bldg.. Z Claire, wia - (20) M336 Ft? Mlseellaaeoaa HOMESTEAD THE COEUR D'ALENB RESERVATl will be opened soon. It contains to, acre choice wheat, fruit and timber it Do you want 160 acres T COEUR D'ALENE RESERVATION FORMATION AGENCY. Room 17-18. Changs Bank Bldg., Spokane, Wash, HOMESEEKERS! Be careful. right. Investigate our famous a.'ii valley, sure crops, matchless cu I-t us write you. Miller James. Vi Kan. (20) M71 Mlseellaaeoaa Contkaaed. IF you want to buy. aell or trade a fai send 10 cents lor a copy ot tne I-armers Want Journal,' Dept. 43, Kansas City, Mo. It gives naniea of owners and descrip tions of 600 to L000 farms for sole and trade and what others want to buy. (201-M720 F8 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Faras aad Ranch Leads. FARMS FOR RENT AND BAUD on crop payments. 3. MULHALL. BIOUX CITY. I A. (21-60IFX 20 ACRES, with house and barn. Ill 8. 16th St. (H) r4 REAL ESTATE LOANS. MONEY TO I JO AN Pay n Investment Co. ui LOWEST RATES Bemla. Paxton Block. " ( 2 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, 6 and 6H per cent loana on real estate; no oeiay, (22)-4'2 11,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in umana; lowest rats no delay. Thomas Brennan, H. 1, N. Y. Llla i22)-31 LOAN8 on Improved city property. W. H. 'iDomu, bub Dirst rauonai iianii mag. (22) K13 PRIVATE MONEY-F. D. Weed, 1620 Deug. (22 J KJU 9yk WANTED City loana R. C. Peters WANTED City loans and wsrranta W. ariam Bmlin Co., 1320 r srnam di. (22-82l WANTED TO BUY MERCHANDISE ANDIBE WANTED Ws wsnt Veg" rect from owners, good stocks J I ndlse to exchange for Iowa, If " and Nebraska farms; give law list, direct merchandls h..i,....tUM - In ttriat lHtlsr. wwf a Grimes. Woodbine, la (26) M796 7 WANTED To buy, eecond-hand furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing and shoes, paf the b-t prices. TeL A HOUSE to mov. J. H. Parrotte. (26)-M766 F3 When You Write to Advertisers mmmiiIm. ft taksa filly aa xtr tross m 3 ! t V J tw of the pea to mention the (act U3 yew saw the ad. la IU ia 6 s r it 1 i! !i li 4 it i r i MODERN room, doe In, 710 8. 17th St. (1 -MTU 4 Prv IVe. for V, nl-V KJJJf. j J J Bea j) M7TO I