Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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I mi it J equatl to I- Bam rhaf
Hoax. U ietrfc a4 i !!
relief ki arm aa vatl aa couch and
triSL53---C3i TCE C
Senator from Montana Severely Criticises
Aotion f Secretary Hitchcock.
Speaker Sara latrrlor Department
Ilaa Slnnrieren; Settler of the
Weat . and Kxerclses
Power Tint I,raral.
WASHINGTON, Jan. SO. Besides fixing
February 20 as tha dute to vote on the
declaration that Senator Reed Smoot of
Utah Is not entitled to his seat, passing a
bill appropriating J2.OU0.00O to confine the
. Colorado river to Its banks and another
placing the management of the Panama
railway under the Isthmian Canal com
mission, the senate today listened to an
extended speech by Senator Carter of
Montana In criticism of the secretary of
th. interior and another by Senator Hey
tmrn to tha same end.
The recent order of the secretary prevent
ing the Issuance of patents to the public
lands until after an examination on the
ground by a ppeclal agent was the sub
ject of criticism and many senators from
western states by casual Interruptions
showed their approval of the Bentlments
Senator Carter Spenka.
Severe criticism of Secretary Hltchcocl.
was mads by Senator Carter of Mon
tana. The criticism was bued on the order
of the secretary of last December, which
prohibits the issuance of a patent to land
under any of the land laws until after ex
umlnntlun on the ground by a speclul agent.
Senator Carter some time ago presented
a resolution, which denlea tbe right ot any
executive officer tu prevent the granting
of a patent, when the law under which It
Is claimed has been carried out.
Mr. Carter began by averting that the
order referred to expressed the final
estimate of the secretary as to the truth
and veracity, the honor and Integrity and
the gnod faith of' all settlers on the public
domain of tho United States.
"It likewise arraigns." he added, "all other
persons seeking title to public land under
existing laws," and continued:
The order is without precedent In the
history of the government. It is without
parallel in the history of any government
save us applied to provinces, classes or In
dlviduiils sUMnected of trensonxhln designs.
It Is tho culmination of a policy unwar
ranted In fact and founded only on baseless
suspicion. The public records demonstrate
that the order is not needless but harsh
cruel and oppressive.
M-un tluunl Iteporta.
For the past six years sensational re
ports of evil doings in the public land
states have been emanating from the In
terior department from day to day, so
sweeping In their scope as to creHte tho
impression in other section that the en
tire western ponubitiou is. and has been
engaged, in a veritable saturnalia of crim
inal conspiracy, fraud and perjury, over
the whole broad surface of the public
aomain. .since isui insidious interviews and
boisterous proclamations have nnsxed from
tho Interior department to the public pross
MrtlU.lintf .... ull il..,U.. .,.-,..1.
lands. The words "grafters," "land grab
bers," "conspirators, "looters cf the public
domain." and like terms have become a
part of the vernacular of the aeeretary's
othrse In referring to public land entrymen
of all kinds. The routine work of the land
service has been pill iged In quest of Items
for publication reH-etlng on Individuals
and communities. The slightest irreg
ularity, savoring of scandal or possible
serration has been Uitlxentiv exploited be
fore, during and after Investigation. Every
one was Indicted and no acquit Uls were
ever recorded In these scandalous reports.
The exploitation of evil reports has been
a conspicuous feature of tbe present sec
retary's administration.
tihould some morbid, moral delinquent
pay nljthtl visits to the dens of vice and
inake morning calls at the police courts
'n all your snlendld eastern cities, and
then announce to the world from dsv to dav
with loud acclaim that crime and moral
leprosy overwhelmed you all, he would, at
hla pitiable best, play In your field the part
the secretary of the Interior has plaved
as regards the people of the public land
Many Charaea Infnunded.
Kxcluding the tlmnered area of the north
west, the people of everv locality In the
country concerned well knew that as to
their locality the oft-repated charges of
the secretary were unfounded to any justi
fiable extent, but they supposed, being In
possession of the public records, that that
official knew of flagrant violations of the
law In other sections. If frauds were beln
perpetrated In the acquisition of public
land the settlers of everv loinl'.jy li. the
west desired them stopped and the per
petrors punished. As to their several
ni'lKlTiors, residents generally knew the
On. II I Ij.
Look for the word
iVoodford Co Kyj,
-dm m
Gb mtm I
lUeim'l mrmt mill tt Manrtr, huurownt br aciewHS
to ft fLAVtSAAT, P&IMAtaltlT. posmvB cvua
tor aonirhs e"rte ftnd all ta flamed sarfaee of the
Lan and Bronenial Tnbaa. Tbe flora, weary, eorjert
mn Imai are ezbUart4; tbe microbe-bearrnf
ma ta em om; icm cawv di hiv uciiidh
oved. and tba tnflenaed Bmhrana ar beafet
aoasbed so that lliam la no fcxriumUan to coots
IM far (to Bcfl the Bottle.
charges were wrong, whereas all the people
outside of the public land states believed
the charges were wen rounaea, ana, so re
lieving, applauded the secretary as en
gaged In a righteous crusade against crime.
The fact that every rrauauienv transac
tion complained of was initiated and con
summated under the administration of the
present secretary waa not given publicity.
I realise that even the president of the
lTnlted States has " heen deceived and
alarmed by the oft-repeated and uncontra
dicted reports. He has relied on the re
ports of the secretary of the Interior, aa
nave the people generally outside the suites
to which his accusations apply. The presi
dent and all others, misled by the crusade
of misrepresentation, are clearly free from
responsibility, except to hear the tenth
as told by the government records and then
to do Justice to an outraged people.
Measuring my words with care, I say the
order of the honorable secretary of De
cember 18 last Is unjust and oppressive
and the records of the Interior department
do not furnish Justification for the order,
but, on the contrary, these records demon,
strate that tbe order la not only unjustified,
but clearly Indefensible as to homestead
Percentage of Fraud.
Mr. Carter ' presented and analyzed the
records of entries and patents Issued under
the various land laws, which he summed
up by saying:
It will appear from a critical analysis of
the figures and facts that not to exceed
one-half of 1 per cent of the final home
stead entries, less than 1 per cent- of the
final desert land entries, le3S than one
half of 1 per cent of the final timber and
stone entries and less than 1 per cent ot
the final coal entries are round to be fraud
ulent, and the percentage of mineral en
tries tainted with fraud Is small Indeed.
Taking the whole aggregate of percentage
together, and ngunng out rmm these per
centages the average, we wl'l find that
less than one final entry of nubile land out
of every hundred has been found In all the
vears to he subject to cancellation on ac
'ount of fraud or delinquency Of any kind.
As to the homestead settlers, there Is but
one delinquent substantially In every 300
mini riui y inrn,
Suspected at every turn In the road of
evil design, hasrassed by special agents
and exasperating requirements of tho In
terlor denartment. It Is not sumrlslnir that
two honest homeseekerg left the United
States to locate In Canada during the year
116 to one that filed a homestead entry on
the public domain or tne t'nitert states;
Supply of Moara Does Not Show
Increase Expected In Some
CINCINNATI, O., Jan. 0.-(8peelnl Tele
gram.) The Price Current says: ' The sup
ply of hogs ta not showing up as liberally
as some have been counting on as likely to
be reflected In the movement by this time
In the season, and hopes of overcoming
much of tho deficiency In the comparison
with last year are losing strength. Total
western packing was 6o5,000, compared with
626,000 the preceding week and' 635,000 the
same week last year. - Since November 1
the total Is 7.070,000, against .030,000 a year
ago. Prominent places compare a fol
' ' 190M.
Chicago 1,770.000
Kansas City SL'n.ofo
South ? Omaha 4,oriO
St. I,outs 4f7,in
St. Joseph 4O.00i
Indianapolis , 415,0-o
Milwaukee 3X000
2.020 000
' W6.A00
- 206.000
ISO, 000
Cincinnati 180,nu0
Ottumwa 1H1.O0
Cedar Kaplds 15tf,Ki0
Sioux city
St. Paul 2K.nnn
Cleveland i 176.000
Commissioner Pronty to Take Evi
dence Against Railroads In
the Territory, i
OKLAHOMA CITY,. Ofct., Jan. 30.-C. A.
Prouty of the Interstate Commerce com
mission began a hearing here today Into
charges made- by Texas and local Arms
against the Rock Island, the SL I.ouls &
San Francisco, the Santa Fe and the Mis
souri, Kansas & Texas railroads, that
those companies charge excessive rates on
grain to Galveston, 'on coal and produce
between Oklahoma and Indian Territory
and on cement to Kansas City.
Each road waa represented by counsel
and their freight and traffic managers also
were present.
Klsh Denier Ktned
CASPKR, Wyo., Jan. 90.-(Special.) The
C. Schenkberg company of Sioux City, Io.,
p'.ead guilty to the.charge of shipping cod
fish into Casper which had ben treated with
boracic acid, and was fined $00 and c ats.
These convictions are becoming quite num
erous. CROW
"RYE" in red on label.
, Distributers
fljjey Dros,'i Cr Omaha
Panel for Thaw Trial Will Probably Be
, Completed This Moraine.
Proaeentlosi Will Call But Few " M
nesseato Prove Shootlnsr, Then
Defense Mast Disclose
Ita Plans.
NEW YORK, Jan. 30. There was but a
single vacant chair In the Thaw Jury box
when court adjourned today, and It is ex
pected that tomorrow afternoon at tha
latest District Attorney Jerome will begin
his opening address to a completed Jury.
Then the defendant, his wife and all the
members of his family who are able to be
In court must listen to the story of the
roof garden tragedy, told In all Its dra
matic detail and Impressively as lies within
the power of the prosecuting rifTicer to por
tray It. Just how far back he will delve
Into the history of the principals In the
famous case no one but Jerome knows.
He has not related the plans of his open
ing' address to anyone, though it has been
Intimated authoritatively that the direct
evidence of the prosecution will bo of the
briefest possible character, dealing only
with the Incidents leading up to the killing
and the story of the tragedy Itself as seen
by eye witnesses. One or two witnesses
may be heard as to the alleged motive of
the crime. It remains for the defense to
open the way to testimony which has to do
with any relations which may have existed
between Stanford White and BVelym Nes
blt prior to the slaying of the architect.
Thaw's attorneys probably will not reply
to Mr. Jerome, tomorrow, reserving their
opening until the state has finished Ita
' Two More Jarora Secured.
Two Jurors were added to the trial panel
today, making eleven In all. In an effort
to complete the Jury - the attorneys ex
hausted the second special panel of tales
men summoned for the trial. A new panel
of K) was ordered and will be In court to
morrow morning. The twelfth Juror will
be chosen from the new list and Bhold be
In the box before recess. Sixty-five tales
men were1 examined today, breaking all
records of the trial thus far. The highest
number of any previous day was fifty-one.
One Juror was secured during the morning
session and the other near the close of the
afternoon sitting of the court.
Harry C Brearly, an advertising agent.
was the first talesman-to qualify. He took
his place aa Juror No. 6, the chair made
vacant by the dropping of Harold R. Falre
from the Jury panel yesterday. Mr. Trear-
ley told the attorneys for the defense that
he had no prejudices whatsoever against a
plea of insanity and that in Judging such a
plea he would be guided by the principle of
allowing the defendant the advantage of
every reasonable doubt.
The afternoon Juror, Henry I. Kleln-
berger, a silk merchant, said he knew very
little about the subject of . insanity and
would have to he guided by the instruc
tions of the court In arriving at a conclu
sion on such a plea. He did not think hjs
Judgment would be unduly swayed by sym
pathy or emotion.
Probable Plan of Defense.
The manner In which Thaw's attorneys
continue to dwell on the subject of insan
ity In their examination of various tales
men seemed to Indicate that a plea of
temporary Insanity, which would be a legal
defense, will- eventually be entered. In
developing this claim that Thaw was In
sane at the time of the tragedy, the de
fendant s attorney may bring in siich de
tails as they and the prisoner believe will
Influence fhe sympathy of the men who
may have an undeflled belief In the so
called "unwritten law."
There Is much speculation as to what
course Mr. Jerome will pursue If Thaw's
counsel begin to develop their plea of tem
porary Insanity. Tie Is prepared to com
bat their alienists, but there Is a possi
bility that he may bring the proceedings
to an abrupt halt and apply for the ap
pointment of a commission to decide
whether or not the defendant la Insane at
the present time. Or he may let the mat
ter be fought out In open court, expert for
expert. In that event tee trial will, drag
out to a great length. .
Neither Mrs. William Thaw, the prison
er's mother, nor his sister, the countess
of Yarmouth, was In court today. The
day opened stormy after a heavy snowfall
and as both Mrs. Thaw and the countess
are nursing colds, they decided not to risk
their health today by being In court dur
ing the dull process of selecting a jury.
"Tell the newspaper men," Thaw said,
"that I advised my mother and both my
sisters to stay home today and take care
of themselves." (
Mrs. Carnegie disobeyed the Injuctlon,
however, and was present. Evelyn Nesblt
Thaw and her companion, May McKenzle,
were early In the court room.
Judire Placea Ban on Artlata. .
Justice Fitzgerald threw something of
a bomb shell into the camp of the news
paper artists by, announcing through
the court officers that no more sketches
should be , made during the trial. This
came as a complete surprise. Artists from
most of the principal eastern cities have
been In court from day to day and have
not been restricted hitherto In any way
There was a wild story going the rounds
of the criminal court building today to
the effect that there was a fund of (100,000
for use In corrupting a Juror. .
It was given no credence In responsible
quarters. It was also stated that the tales
men that are yet to be examined are under
the surveillance of county detectives, but
this could not be vertlflad. The statement
of Harold R. Falre, on of the Jurors ex
cused yesterday, that he could offer no ex
planation aa to why be was replaced In the
Jury box, was repeated on many sides today
and It was rumcred that he might demand
In court an explanation of the action taken
In his case.
For the first time the talesmen called this
morning were asked specifically If they had
been approached by any one In connection
with the case since being summoned. All
replied no. Heretofore talesmen have been
asked whether they discussed the case with
any one connected with the trial.
Wins Two at Catch-ae-Catch-Cnn and
Loses On at Greco-Roman
Farmer Burns of Big Rock. Ia., won two
falls out of three In the wrestling match
with Charles Ilackerischmidl, brother of tha
Russian Lion, at the Auditorium Wednt
day night before a crowd of over 'M0 peo-
' pie who had gathered to witness tho wrest
; ling carnival which Manager (J 11 lan had
men wt lulled the same and were about of
a taxe, allium h the Farmer aevmed a little
larger of the two. Burns was the favor
ita with the crowd, who remembered him
of yore when, In the halcyon days, he has
"wrasled" before in Omaha. Many womm
occupied the boxes anu tne Auditorium (u
Vry waa filled aa well aa a laxga aectlun of
the seats uown aiairs.
liefore beginning the bout Farmer Burns
?:ave a short talk on tbe artence of wrest
ing. He said he had wremled l.uuO times
"Wrestling must be timed tbe same aa mu
aic" auld tha Farmer, "and every move
must be timed )ut right. Th art of
wreatllng consist largely In putting the
other fellow In a powerteaa position. . The
neck ta tha atrougesi part of a wre-jitler
body. Mao ta Uu iuijt fuwcrful twiuaj (or
1' ruler the Food and Drug Art,
Jnnc SOth, lfX)0. Serial No. 3.12.
Hegln To Take Osomulslon Today
And Tour Cure Itegtns Today.
Those Blesaingn can surely be At
tained by all who Take
Th C a Lrvtr OH tmultitm "Par B-rttlUnct."
Lite la worth Living when all our
Dodily Organs are In the full Enjoy
ment of AbHolute Health.
BE STUON O Otomulslon Is a
Buildt-r of Strength.
KEEP WELI Oxomulslon Renews
Vitality and Uproots Disease.
Thousands of People, who, through
Bodily Ailments, had Klven up all
Hope of Cure, are Today Enjoying
Lite as a Result of the
Ozomulsion Cure
OzomulBlon la a Scientific Prepara
tion of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil.
Gualacol, Glycerine and the Hypophos
phltes of Lime and Soda.
Good for Young and Old of Both
Sexes Especially for Puny Children
and Nursing Mothers.
Recommended by Physicians
throughout the world, wherever Intro
duced, for COUGHS. COLDS, CA-,
Beneficial Results are Obtained after
the FlrBt Dose. '
There are two sixes 8 ox. and 16 ox.
Bottles; the formula is printed In 7 lan
guages on each. ,
MS Pearl Street. New York.
his size In the animal World. A horse tires
after three minutes of ' irdest exertion,
but a wrestler must -be able to go his best
for half an hodr or more."
Burns won the .oss and named catch-as-catch-an
for the Hist bout and proved him
self the best at this style. The Russian,
however, was na mean opponent and three
times got away from,, the Fanner by the
Judicious use of his most powerful neck.
The Farmer Anally secured a good toe hoJd
and put him to the mat In 24H minutes.
The Russian was allowed to name the sec
ond bout and called It Grectv-Roman. at
which the wrestlers are n4 permitted to
secure a hold below the waist. At this the
Russian seemed to excel and threw the
Farmer In 31 mlnutPs. Burns had his fa
vorite catch-as-catch-tan way of wrestling
In the last bout, and another toe hold won
for him after 24 minutes' of wrestling.
Peter Ich was reere of the contest
and gave good satipfactlo-n, although there
were some who thoUKht the Farmer had
but one shoulder to the mat In the second
, The' first preliminary was between 8. H.
Gray. 17 North Twenty-eighth avenue.
Omaha, and Harry Wiln of Red Oek, la.
It was a lively match and Wilson won th
first fall In 7 minutes. In the second
Gray got a. neck hqld'on the larger mart
and twinteri him in the mat fn A mlnnln.
But two minutes of (he time alloted for this
exhibition remained. -and neither secured a
The second match ; was between Oscar
Wassem of St. Louts and Frank Darg of
umana. wassem won in 1i minutes.
Wassem and Kd 'Pearsons of Goldfl-Md
wrestled two ten-m hute bouts. No fall
wn n ..fMipeH In vtthf wni- na, m nhal.
lenged the wlnncfS t , the Burns-Hack e n-
Bl IlllllUL IMI1H, , f , f
Grnv IslleH n 'eruiflihiw to nnv 11K.nshi,rwl
wrestler In NohrasKa-.llis defy' was taken
up ny "snorty Liuuwe or Turlington, la.
who offered to throw him three times
witnin an hour, lor fioo.
-i " i
Dixie Wins Ten-Mile Rare and Mern
. Flve-Jlpe Event. 4
PALM BEACH, Fla Jan. 30. The Dixie
won the ten-mile race of the motor boat
regatta in 22 minute n seconds.
Just after the finlxh of this race the
Bruiser, owned by James K. Clarke of
Ardmore, Pa., and another racer collided
Mrs. Clarke, who Was on the Bruiser,
caught ner aress m the revolving macnln
cry and was held fast. She was rescued
only a few seconds before the Bruiser sank
The racer which collided with tha Bruiser
also snnk, but no lives were lost.
The five-mile race was won by the Mera
On the Metropolitan alleys last night the
Life Malts won all three games from the
Gold Tops. The great feature of the game
waa between Dan B, Butler and his side
partners. White.' It was' a close race until
tne nnisn wnicn one wouia get tne lowest
score, Butler lost by - fifteen pins, with a
grand total of 380. Walens of the Life
Malts, ana jiKewise tne pincn Dowier, naa
high single game with liis. also high on
totals with 585, with Prlmeau of the Gold
Tops second, with 55T. Tonight the Colts
against Black Kats. Score:
1 ' 1
2 3 Tot.
179 168 616
175 171 4M
153 17 .H
1W 135 483
228 107 6ao
925 809 2,503
2 3 Tot.
179 177 651
101 170 )
llti 109 3Mo
17! i;4 SIS
170 H9 48
18 18 64
760 , 767 2,353
Suttqn .........178
D. Hush ..:....'....!
Stape w...hi3
Nelson 1M
Waleni -....J..... 10
H. Prlmeau 1H6
Kan B. Butler., ...i.... 109
White ..170
Maloncy 106
Grotte Ib9
Handicap 18-
Totals 766
Sooth Omaha wins Avals
SCHUYLER, Neb., Jan. 30. (Special Tele
gram.) South Omaha lilgli school tonight
defeated Schuyler High school at banket
ball by a score of o to li. South Omaha
out-classed and ont-played Schuyer In
every way. This Is South Omaha a last
game of its tour through the state.
Salllvan Slarne wlfb Association.
MILWAl'KER Jan. 80. The signed con-
tract of Umpire William J. Sullivan of
Rochester, N. Y.. for the coming seaaon
was received today by President O'Brien of
the American Association ot Base Ball
The value of S. S. S. as a blood purifier has been thoroughly proven by
Its forty years of successful service in the treatment of blood and skin dis
eases of every character. It is the best known and most generally used
blood medicine on the market today, because in the forty years of its exist
ence it has not disappointed those who have used it, and as a result of its
universal success in curing disease it has made friends EVERYWHERE.
It has been on the market for forty years, and its record in that time
ia one of which we are justly proud it is a record of forty years of
cures. A a remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers,
Skin Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison and all diseases arising from an
impure or poisoned condition of the blood, S. S. S. has no equal. It goes
into the circulation and thoroughly cleanses it of all impurities and makes a
complete and lasting cure of these troubles and disorders. It furnishes to
weak, polluted blood, rich, health-giving and health-snstaining qualities,
and as this pure, fresh stream circulates through the system, all parts of the
body are invigorated and made strong and healthy. S. S. S. is the only
blood medicine on the market that can claim absolute freedom from minerals
in any form. This great medicine is the product of nature's forests and
fields, and is rnade from the healing, cleansing juices and extracts of roots,
herbs and barks. It is, therefore, in addition to being a certain cure for
blood troubles, an absolutely safe medicine for young or old. It is not aa
experiment to use S. S. S. it is a remedy with a record and one that has
proven its worth and ability by its forty years of cures., If yon need a blood
remedy begin the use of S. S. S., and write our physicians and they will send
you a bodk concerning your trouble, and will grve you, without charge, any
tnedical advice. TtIZ 8 WIFT SPECIFIC CO., A JtAHTA, CA,
JANUARY 31, 1007.
Iowa Man Held in Wuhincton Fendinc
Irmitig'&tion of Death.
Mrs. William O. Copley and Child
Found Dead After H Barrel with
llnsband, Who Makes No
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. Washington po
lice are today trying to solve the mystery
as to whether Mrs. Amanda M. Copley and
her three months old baby, Ruth, who was
found dead in bed shortly after midnight,
were murdered or whether Mrs. Copley
shot the Infant and then committed suicide.
The latter theory Is the explanation given
by the husband, William O. Copley, a clerk
In the census office, who Is held at a police
station pending an Investigation. Lieu
tenant Falvey after examining the wound
which caused Mrs. Copley's death, said that
It would have been next to Impossible for
the woman to have Inflicted the Injury
Shortly after midnight Copley called In
Dr. John & Dorsey, telling him that his
wife had attempted to commit suicide.
When the phyriclan arrived Mrs. Copley
and the baby were dead. He Immediately
notified .the police and the husband and
father was placed under arrest. He was
subjected to a severe examination at the
police station, but Insisted that his wife
had killed herself. The prisoner declared
that he did not know the baby had been
shot until Dr. Dorsey pulled down the
covers of the bed In which the two were
lying. Copley admitted that he and his
wife had quarreled In the early part of
the night and said that his wife had taken
the two chitren, Raymond, 3-year-old, and
Ruth, the babv, and gone to a room and
that he wont to his room on the second
floor to retire for the night.
Copley Hears Shots.
Shortly Defore midnight, he said, he heard
two shots In the bedroom occupied by his
wife and that he Immediately rushed Into
the room and found that his wife had shot
herself and without making a further ex
amination he hurried to . the residence of
Dr. Dorsey.
Mr. and Mrs. Copley were married In
Iowa and until they came to Washington
In 1902 resided at Walnut, Pottawattamie
county, near Council Bluffs. Copley Is
36 years old. He was a member of the
Thirty-fourth Iowa regiment and served
some time In the Philippines. Mrs. Copley
was twenty-nine years old. Her maiden
name was Amanda M. Bunker. Both have
relatives In Iowa and Illinois. ' Persons
living in the vicinity of the Copley homo
said that it was not known that there had
been any quarrel between Mr. and Mrs.
Copley and that they had always appeared
to be happy. Both were given excellent
reputations by their neighbors.
Coroner Nevitt was notified by the police
and will hold an Inquest today.
Copley was disinclined to tuake a state
ment of the affair this morning. When
asked for an explanation he aald:
"I have nothing to say." This he re
peated several times. In his manner he
was calm, there being no trace of excite
ment either In his speech or action.
Raymond, the three-year-old on: is
being cared for by friends of the family.
He waa sleeping In a crib In his mother's
room and was. not molested.
As the official investigation proceed the
belief gains ground that the case la one of
murder and suicide. -
Fathers of Man and Wife Will do to
WALNUT, la.. Jan. 30. (Special Tele
gram.) The report of the death of Mrs.
Amanda Copley and her Infant child. With
the arrest of her husband, created surprise
in this place,' where the parties have re
sided Blnce infancy and where they stood
high In the estimation of the public.
No more respected families live in the
community than the Copleys and the
Bunkers, there being large number's of both
living in and around Walnut. Will Copley,
in particular, was a popular, highly es
timable young man. He came here from
Illinois with his parents when he was but
years old and resided here until he en
listed in the Fifty-first Iowa at the out
break of the Spanish war. He served In
the Philippines, and on his return home
with an honorable discharge resumed hla
trade, that of carpenter. Shortly after this
he married Amanda Bunker, the only child
of William Bunker, who was reared on a
farm near Walnut. Later he took the civil
STvlce examination at Omaha and about
two years ago went to Washington, where
he entered the census bureau.
After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Copley lived
here about a year and their married life
was so harmonious that the admlaslon that
they had quarreled comes as a surprise to
their relatives.
Mrs. Copley's mother died recently and
her father Is now In Sioux City. The
father of Mr. Copley has communicated
with him, and while the elder Copley hopes
that there la some mistake of Identification,
he is making arrangements to leave for
Washington with Mr. Bunker as soon as
the latter returns home.
Bl Locomotive Works Damaged hr
Cigarette Smoker, who Throwi
l ighted Match.
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 30. Alba B. John
son, a member of the company owning tho
Baldwin locomotive works, a part of whose
plant was destroyed by fire last nlfrht, said
today that the loss does not exceed &iU0,0U0.
The portion of the plant destroyed will ba
Immediately replaced. The greatest loss
was the destruction of electric locomotive
The fire started from a lighted match a
workman threw away after Hahtlng- a
Nothing Too
For the
American People
j rate of OVER A MILLION
BOXES A MONTH, provinsr that the American people recog
nize, that what i3 BEST FOR THEM is none too good.
Why this enormous patronage ?
The answer is simple: Cascarets are pure, clean, sweet,
mild, fragrant, harmless but effective little tablets for the treat-,
ment and cure of Constipation and all Bowel Troubles. They
are put up in neat little enamel boxes, easy to buy, easy ta
carry (in vest-pocket or purse), easy to take and easy of action,
always reliable, always the same, they "work while you sleep
and wake you up feeling fine in the morning.
They not only regulate the movement and stimulate the musrnlar w!l of
the bowels, but they keep the ENTIRE CANAL CLEAN and antiseptic, forcing
out and destroying all disease germs that breed in the accumulated filth unless .
promptly and regularly discharged. Therefore, they are a great preventive of
disease, and may be taken continuously as precautionary measure.
The new Purl Drugs Act, adopted by Congress on June 30, 1906, and in
effect January 1, 1907, is a GOOD LAW and means better and PUKE
drugs for tbe American People. We endorse it and will live up to it in
SPIRIT and LETTKR an easy task, as we have always been actuated!
by the same principles and no changes are required In our formula or pack
We adopted OUR OWN PURE DRUG LAW in 1896 when the first,
box of Cascarets came on tbe market and have lived and worked and pro
duced under It ever since. ,
To-day,after a record cf nearly 100,000,000 boxes sold, Cascarets STAND .
the greater in PURITY, QUALITY and MEDICINAL MERIT than any,
other preparation for Bowel trouble in all the world.
This should be a great argument for any one, to try Cascarets AT
ONCE, and be healthier and happier for it. Some people have CHRONIC
CONSTIPATION with all the horrors derived from it; others have HAB
ITUAL CONSTIPATION from carelessness and neglect, but nearly
promptly taken care of is liable to result in its degeneration into the worse)
forms and cause great suffering and perhaps death.
Cascarets, if taken patiently and regularly, will remedy all of these
awful troubles, but if taken promptly at the very first sign of an irregular
ity of the Bowels, will act as the FINEST PREVENTIVE ever discovered.,
and wiU keep aQ the machinery running in good order. 7Si
We advise you to get a little 10c box of Cascarets TO-DAY and carry
it in your purse or vest pocket. Take one when you feel anything unusual
about your bowels. Your own druggist will sell you the little box, under
GUARANTY of satisfaction or money refunded. All druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c.
You Ought to
Go Somewhere
H0MESEEKERS February 5th and 19th, round trip to
Denver, Colorado Springs and Tueblo, $20.00. Greatly
reduced; also to Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, "Wyonl-
, in, Montana, Colorado and the Southwest.
ONE-WAY To Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, $U.G0, ,
February 5th and 19th. Greatly reduced also to Alabama,
Arkansasr Colorado, the South, Southwest and Northwest.
ONE-WAY COLONIST Daily March and April, nearly 50o '
reduction to Big Horn Basin, Montana, Washington, Paget
Sound, Oregon, California and Utah. .-
MARDI GR AS Extremely low to New Orleans, Pensnepla,
Mobile, February 6th to 10th, inclusive.
EXCELLENT TRAINS to St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver
Chicago. Personally conducted, through Tourist nWpers?
also through Standard sleepers to California "Via" seeiutr
Colorado ; to the Northwest via Burlington-Northern Pacific t
joint lines. .
Describe your trip.
TICKET OFFICE, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha,
The leant cxpenne Is Invariably Incurred
through the employment of genuine pro
fewiional skill. Health Is too precious to
tritle with, and you cannot afTord to Jeo
.pttrdize It by neglect or experiment with
uncertain and unreliable treatment.
W treat men only and enre promptly,
safely and thoroughly HEBVOTJS DEBIL
all Special Dlseaaea of men and tnelr
the Reliable Specialists , of the
Call and Be Examined Free or Write.
OFFICE HOIKS 8 A. M. to 8 I'. M. SUNDAYS 10 to 1 ONLY.
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Permanently Established In Omaha, Nebraoku.
There la NOTHING TOO ,
GOOD for the American
people that's why we started
to make Cascarets Candy,
Cathartic. The first box made'
its appearance in 1896, and the
enthusiastic endorsement o
the people has been bestowed,
upon Cascarets ever since.
The sale today is at the
. ( --v.; .:
h " X : :
Visitors Excursions
tSxu Railway
will enable you to visit your friends in Mason City,
Carroll, Harlan, Dubuque, Waterloo, Marshall
town, Fort Dodge, la., Faribault, Mankato, Austin.
Rochester, or Red Wing, Minn., at about
One Half tbe Usual Rale
Tickets on sale Saturdays and Sundays.
Notify your friends that the same rates apply the
other way. Full Information from
City Tiektl Afnt, Hit farnam St., Omaha.
$6Permanc;it Cures
Weak Men, Frail Ita,
Young Men, Old Men,
All know the wonderful bull Mng-up tower of
UK. UoGHEW'8 truiitment. HIS li HUllS
experience of tieaotig dlKt-iinex oi men haa
taught ntin Just wfett will cure -jul-k.
Office Hours, all any to 1:30 p. in Hunitnys,
to 1. Evening, Wt-dne.d.iy ufttl batnraiiy
only. Box Tit. Oiriue, Hi South lUi ata
Oiuaaa. fxtb-