Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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knife wish to return It lo Ita owner, such
action would not be resisted.
- rv
f F t i
In England and France the Sale
of Al um Baking Powder is pro
hibited by law because of the in.
jurious effects that follow its use
The law in the District of
Columbia also prohibits Alum
in food.
Yon may live where as yet you have no protection against Alum
The only sure protection against Alum in your Baking Powder is fo
ROYAL is made from
Vprouucu akis digestionAdds to the healthfulness of food, ' Jj
Offlc of f ounty Jidce Ona of Hot Than
Puiioc Importanoe,
Qeneral Pwblle Docs Rot Realise at
Wfcavt the Relations of th Pro.
bate Jadge to Batata
Ceaelat la.
Contributions on timely topics art
Invited (rem rsadera of The Be.
Communication should ba written
legibly on ona aide of tha paper only
and accompanied by tha name and
addreaa of the writer. The name
will not be used if tha writer auk a
that .it be withheld. Unuaed com
fminlcattona - will not be returned.
Correspondents are advised to limit
their letter to MO worda or they
will be subject to being; cut down
to that limit at the discretion of the
editor. Publication of vlnwa of cor
respondents miiat not be taken to
commit The Bee to their endorse
ment. Oflloo of Coaatr Jndge.
HEBRON. Neb.. Jan. 28,-To the Editor
Of The Bee: I noticed your facetioua ref.
erencA Tn' Saturday's leaue to the bill dls
cuased In the aenata recently, defining or
-thing the qualification of Judges of the
$7 county courts. A little ridicule now and
then la nmn nntent than mi..t
have "touched" the subject mora heavily.
In the past, and to a considerable de
cree still, the office has been deemed an
unimportant one. In tha average or (mailer
counties, and uaed largely aa a plaything,
to soothe the perturbed nerves of some
aspirant who would bave and must be
provided with an office. This has doubt
less been a stroke of local political strategy,
however great tha Impropriety aa to pub
lic policy or service, and Its effect Is be-
unsatlsfactory administration and distorted
land titles.
It Is
The average cltlien does not know and
not discovered within tha acopa of
ordinary business transactions that a care
less, or half completed settlement of an
state, not only jeopardises tha Interests
of heir and . creditors alike, but shades,
and sometimes badly tangles, real' estate
titles, affecting not only the peraona named,
but. It . not promptly . discovered, later
owners, and ultimately requiring an ex
pensive court proceeding to cure, which,
under present statutes, must always be had
In the district court. Borne such cases have
already been heard In this county, one of
which the writer recalls, requiring a per
sonal service, through the American con
sulate, on several members of a family In
Germany, all of which might have been
avoided by the writing of a single sentence
had the Judge been qualified for tha duties
Imposed by his office. There Is now In
jfjiany counties a constant correction of er
T"rs, aome of them dating back many
eara.and In soma, readminlatratton en
tire, and In other Instances, aa stated, dis
trict court proceedings .had, before tltlea
oan be passed.
That mistakes will occur la true of the
Boat careful and beat versed In his pro
fession, but by disqualifying men who have
no acquired attainments for the work of
the office, the illiterate errors will certainly
be avoided. It la strictly a law office, and
ought to' be occupied by men prepared by
legal education for Ita duties". The objec
tions of the newer and weaker counties
that they have no available material for
the place, la overcome by the population
The extent of many estates, and the
large and increasing value of real estate,
ought to be an Incentive to the legislature
co enact laws that will aa tar as possible
protect the property Interests of Its de-
O ;. yVlALARIA'S after effect "hanging
O 1 T 1 on." May be for year. Run-
X - down system, impaired digestive
functions, whole machinery of the body
Q ; ' out of gear hat the story in a nutshell
J T Don't be discouraged. Take
q ; Scotfj Emulsion, Its cod liver
Q oil and hypophosphites repair wasted
r : tissues make rich, red blood in vigor-
O ' ate the nerve give the whole system
V abounding health.
e - -
Reject substitutes
.' . . .
1 r
' ' ii IIIHIBM mm i ii i ii 1 r
Ahsrtliitr!v rmr fwam nfTnrt.. . r :
I w.... v. iwiai, pmc VJI iU
ceased cltlxens and their helpless widows
and children.
The writer earnestly approves of the bill.
Respecfully. J. B. SKINNER,
Judge County Court.
oloa Borarlaan'- Start.
OMAHA, Jan. 29. To the Editor of The
Bee: Referring to your sketch of Mr. O.
W. Llnlnger In Sunday's Bee of January
2T I beg to call your attention tp a mis
statement In that part referring to Solon
Borglum. The article states thtit Mr.
Llnlnger "discovered" and sent him to tlio
best schools of Europe. Mr. Llnlnger's
purchase of a large number of J. G. Horg
lum's paintings enabled the latter to go tp
Europe. Solon Borglum, the sculptor,
however, owes the rank he now occupies
In the world of art to himself alone, h
studies In Europe having been made pos
sible by his success at the Cincinnati Art
aohopl, where he won two different schol
arships, the last being the "European
'Webster'' Snyder.
OMAHA, Jan. 29-To the Editor of The
Bee: No name waa more completely a
household word In Omaha forty years ago
and none has been more faithfully remem
bered since than that Of Webster Snyder,
superintendent of construction of the Union
Pacific under Durant. The Herald of thOBe
days used to call him the "Little Giant,"
and J. 8. Casement said to me at the, semi
centennial celebration of Omaha, what I
always knew, that he was one of the ablest
railroad men In the United States. I ask
The Bee to print a part of a letter received
from htm a day or two ago which shows
what manner of man he Is as well as any
thing else could. Mr. Snyder writes from
1 Is home In Dallas', Tex., yhre his citizen
ship as a gentleman of the highest stand
ing is. greatly priced after many years
residence there. I quote his kind remem
brance and messages to his old Omaha
friends, as follows:
No matter where I am, or what my per
sonal or business relations may be, my
heart dally goes out to the friends In
Omaha with whom I spent so many pleas
ant years, notwithstanding my comparative
youth, in my struggles to stand up for
After expressing his grief at "the I part
ing of the old friends of the '9s," Mr.
Snyder saya:
Omaha la mora loyal to its old set
tlers than any other place In which
I have ever been located. I did hope
to visit your city before either of us should
cross the river. I am living In
hopes of visiting Ossaha again. Mrs.
Snyder la still In good health, and always
spaaka of Omaha as 'home.' We have
three sons, all doing well, and three hearty
grandchildren and the world haa been kind
to us.
Mr. Snyder tends a letter "written to my
(his) brother a day or two after my Oils)
first look at Omaha," Dated October 17,
1865 forty-two years ago, which I am sure
thousands of people here will be glad to
read, aa follows:
My Dear Huddy: I got here aafely yes
terday morning. Had a hard atage ride and
only five (5) hours' sleep on the route.
Can't say that I like the overland trip.
F.oads were muddy, passengers rough,
orlver horribly profane, and with five peo-
Fle going In a coach there Is not much cum
ort. Am In Mr. Hanscom's office this morn I no-
Not doing anything yet. but hope to get at
This town Is about what I expected.
Mud knee deep this morning. There ap-
rnra to be a large business done here and
think In a few years it will be an Im
portant place. The Union Pacific Is bound
to be one of the big institutions of the
country and must help Omaha.
Don't think the Union Pacific will open
for business till In December. Can't ray
how long I shall be her. Will get the
dft. as soon as possible. Affectionately
yours, Webster.
Anyone holding scrip Issued by the
Tranemlsslsslppl Exposition commission of
tha state of Washington will find It to their
advantage to communicate with C. C. Rose
water, general manager, Omaha Bee.
' .
get Scoffs,
SO. ANDIIJsX ' ' '
Changes in Passenger Department of Union
Fao.flo on Tapis.
flame Poller aa Exlata la Krelmlit De
partment and tn Other llarrl
maa Roads to lie
The promotion of W. H. Murray from
chief clerk to assistant general passenger
agent of the Union Pacific has stirred up
gossip as to other changes and promotions
to be made In-the passenger department
of that company. Ti.ese promotions, If
reports are to be accredited, wYtl be simply
along' the line of the Harrlman policy In
augurated in the management of the sys
tem of railroads and each road individu
ally, a policy that Is becoming general
with most railroads.
According to these reports E. L. Lomax,
now and for many years general passen
ger agent, will be made passenger traffic
manager; Gerrltt Fort now and for some
years assistant general passenger agent.
wiU be general passenger agent and W. H.
Murray, Just appointed assistant general
passenger agent will be assistant to Mr.
Fort.' Also rumor haa It that Alfred Dar
low, dean of advertising agents, will be
given a much broader field of operations;
that In addition to his present duties which
are comprehensive, he will be given au
thority and personal supervision over a
literary bureau to be created.
These reports cannot be verified, but they
are circulated In Omaha and In Chicago.
Mr. Lomax and Mr. Fort are both out of
the city just now.
Same Thin In Freight Offices.
A few yeara ago a similar change of this
sort waa made In the freight department of
the .Union Pacific. J. A. Munroe waa made
'freight traffic manager, E. II. Wood gen
eral freight agent, C. L. Lane first assist,
ant general freight agent and W. H. Gar
rett assistant general freight agent, and
this Is the system which prevails all along
the Harrlman management. So far aa Its
application to the passenger department la
concerned It is said to be resorted to at
this time to meet an exigency which can
not otherwise be met. The complicated
affairs of the office necessitate the absence
frcm local headquarters a great deal of
Messrs. Lomax and Fort, and owing to the
provisions of the new railroad rate law It
became necessary to have some official in
change of the passenger department higher
In rank than the chief clerk, ao that cer
tain pupera might be properly algned. Be
fore thut law waa enacted the, signature
of the chief clerk of the passenger depart
ment was sufficient, but the new law la
more particular about signatures. Mr.
Murray, aslstant general pasesnger agent,
will be In charge of the office when his
superiors are out of the city aad can, as
assistant general passenger agent, perform
the function required under the new law
which he could not perform aa chief clerk.
Who M ill Be Chief Clerk.
Who will be chief clerk to succeed Mur
ray la becoming quite a little question In
the headquarter clrclea. Four men are said
to be In line for the placePreston Davi
son, assistant chief clerk; Rate Clerk
Campbell, Charle 8. Myers and Caahler
Robert Smith. No action Is looked for un
til the return of Mr. Lomax or Mr. Fort.
Insaao fmrnprr la to Be Shipped from
MaiaeTo Ilia Oiri Dear
Immigration Agent W. R. Mansfield will
etart for Portland. Me., Thursday, taking
1th him Woolaton art Insane English
pauper, for deportation to England. Dring
has been In tha country about eighteen
montha. and first put In his appearance at
Wood River, where he waa taken In charge
by the county authorltlea aa a pauper
lunatic. He waa subsequently released and
wandered about the atate for aome time,
finally conceiving the Idea that he had given
out checks amounting to $6,000 and sent
notices to several banks throughout the
state directing payment be stopped on any
of tha checks that might fall Into their
possession. Ha was again arrested as a
pauper lunatic at Grand Island and has
been held In custody there until the United
States authorities could dispose of his caae.
The order for his deportation has Juat been
issued and he will be sent back to England
from Portland, Me the port where he first
entered ths country.
Another pauper immigrant from England
will be taken with Dring to Portland for
deportation. This subject haa been In the
Inaan aaylum at Lincoln for aome time.
Give Ola Wlater the Slip.
Hot Fprtngs, Arkansas, owned by U.
8. government, curative waters, fin. Bini.r
climate, gresteat health and pleaaure re-
sort, mm noteie. write Bureau of Informa
tion W book.
Eicbt in Omaha and South Omaha Vats
lis Increase in Deposits,
Condition Indicate that Institution
"U III Break Records Nest &
aaer. When Money Poors
in from Coontry.
Omaha's five national banks and South
Omaha'e three. In their statements for
January 2R, Issued In response to a call
from the comptroller of the currency, show
an Incouraging Increase over the condition
set forth In the corresponding statement
of last year, which waa Issued January
29. Deposits in Omaha were l3ii,an7,E8.4.
ss compared with $34,778.20.29, an Increase
of 1,W,.W.; deposits in South Omaha
were as compared with I7.M3,-
401.46, an Increase of $1,476,410.34. This
makes the total Increase for Omaha and
South Omaha $2,M3.74R 99, and the total for
both places of $45,028,0-70.71.
This condition Indicates that aometlme
next summer, when the money Is pouring
Into the city from the country banks, de
posits In Omaha will make a record mark
of at least $2,000,000 or 1,o00.Oih higher than
any point yet attained. The record to
date, exclusive of South Omaha Institu
tion, la ahown In Statements Issued Sep
tember 4, 1904, when total deposits were
The First National and the Omaha Na
tional, of which first one Is ahead and then
the other, have changed places since the
last call. The First National Is now first
ln both deposits and loans, while the
Omaha National was first In both respects
last September.
status of Five Banks.
The following table ahows the condition
Of the five national batiks,, aa compared
with that at the time of the corresponding
call a year ago, January 2V: '
1W7. 1906.
First National $6,914,409 $ 6.1-'M7S.55
Omaha National (.919. 447. M) 6.x67,7.tU
U. 8. National 5,6.47a.89 i.tlo.l.HM.OJ
Merchants National a.6il.Jo.H.;2 a,J.W6.8t
Nebraska National.. Ut,83.99 h94.tj08.2J
Totals $23,920,764.39 $21,761,34.24
Increase, $2, 164,640. 16.
1907. 1906.
First National $11, lm, 182.12 $10,837,218.04
Omaha National 9.&W.216 24 9,3X7, 4;9.t.1
U. S. National 8,344.1113.66
Merchants' National 6.8H4,26.99 4,392,M1.2
Nebraska National,. 1.604,411.47 -,817,027.49
Totals $38,207,268.94 $34,778,620.29
increase, $1,408,338.65.
1907. 1904.
First National $ 4,3b6,7K9.55 $ 4,782,114.53
Omaha National 4.1i;i.213.08 S.649,917.77
t. 8. National 3,133.827.94 3.078,464.49
Men-hunts' National 2,391.119.63 l,5t4, 74.ti3
Ntbraaka National.. 669,408.02 Ki4.87u.oi
Totals $14,601,368,111 $13,906,108.98
increase, 1706.249.14.
1907. 1906.
First National $12,334,680.83 $11,960,131.53
Omaha National 11,61. 74t.69 ll.asj.JMi.ijl
U. S. National........ 9.868.3til.83 6.4.U.291.61
Merchants' National - .26,823.26 6,302.840.32
Nebraska National.. 2,104,074.82 2,3t4,b46.i3
Totals $42,120,627.12 $40,117,786.80
increase, $2,002,741.32.
Three1 at Month Omaha.
The three South Omaha banks make the
following comparative statement:
1907. 1906.
Packers' National $2,104,977.49 $1,54,H34.06
South Omaha Natlon'l 3,2'J6,3y4.86 3,349.040.11
U. S. Yards Natlonul. 3.418,6.9.44 2,339,621.46
Totals ...$B,8i.8H.7 $7,343,401.45
increase, i,iii,uo.3 H ,
1U07. 19M.
Packers' National. '...'Tfl.t90.S7S.sti $1,416,104.55
South Omaha Nstlon'l 1.W1.1U1.83 l,788,075.2n
U. S. Yards National. 2.2HU92.15 1,540,03A.21
Totals $5,877,729.34 $4,743,218.01, (1,134,613.33. '
1907. i:i.
Packers' National $ 86,0S9.82 $ 492.565.30
Douin umana nation i l,8i.38X.72 Z.112,810.6:)
U. S. Yards National. 1,679,192.31 1.132,33.72
Totals $4,142,661.96 $3,737,809.71
. Increase. $406,842.24.
The City Savings bank of Omaha, com
pared on January 21 with January 21 of
last year as follows:
1907. " ' 1906
Deposits $1.008. IIT.88 ' StiM.639.05
ixiaiis anu uiscounts.. J,U1!M44.06 627.9S9 21
Cash 86,366.77 106,622.55
Total resources 1,122,406.29 764,682.74
F I n d r r I Taking; Great Chaneea If
He Attempt to le the
Edward L. Dodder, . undertaker at 2224
Cuming street, la anxious the publlo should
be advised that he lost a black satchel
containing a raior and other shaving para
phernalia on aome street In the city of
Omaha about three weeks ago. It Isn't
so much the desire to secure the return
of his property that actuatea Mr. Dodder
In spreading the newa of his loss, but sines
so much time has elansed and n m ...
said anything to him about finding ths
aatonei, ne is fearful lest the raaor and
other articles have been found and nr.i--
priated by some person who Is now making
use or mem, not Knowing It is the outfit
he uses when removing growths of beard
from the faces of corpses DreDaratnrv
the funeral rites.
.The bag and Ita contents must have been
picked up by some one and doubtless the
finder Is unaware of the dangers from lurk.
Ing bacteria and deadly germa In ths crev
Icea of a rasor edge, especially when the
minute inaecta have been carefiiliv
ered from the face of a deceased human
Demg abounding with the Invisible death
dealers. It is considered quite likely he
would discontinue the use of the rasor Im
mediately upon learning Its uncanny con
nections and its capacity for spreading
disease, hence Mr. Dodder's deair inci
dentally, should the present holder of the
A demonstrator svill call at svsry bouse
In Omaha and give; each family a free
trial package ol the celebrated
1 v Sttclv
AX for
Washing Clothes
tlthout Rubbing
Saves half the time, half the soap
ancfhalf the labor. Will not injure
the daintiest fabrics. Leaves your
hands soft as velvet Washboards
unnecessary. Clothes wear twice
s Ions; when this wonderful
article Is used. If our claims were
not true we could not afford to
give you a free trial package.
Is UUHOI! SlU Ca, -14 Hkakfae St, Catcafs
Railroad and Orala Mea Watch It aa
the Proportional Rata
Will the Wabash refus to become a party
to the abolition of proportional ratea from
Omaha on grain originating east of the
Missouri river?
This question is a vital on to the grain
men of Omaha. They say the Wabash has
lot expressed Itself In the matter. Local
railroad men say no announcement from
the Wabash on the matter, haa reached
them and It la certain no tariff haa been
Issued. 11,1s said ths Wabash has blocked
the game of the Iowa roads on several
former occasions when they attempted to
abolish the proportionals and It Is hoped
this will be the case again. The Missouri
Pacific has usually stood with the Wabash,
which is not unnatural considering their
ownership, but this time It waa one of the
first to announce a new tariff.
This tariff will go Into effect March 1.
unless something happens to disarrange the
plans of the east and west roads. It will
turn Iowa grain to Chicago and StK Louis,
principally to the former place. Instead of
allowing It to come to Omaha.
Action la Knock on Omaha.
"It Is a rank action on the part of the
railroad," said A. B. Jaqulth of the Ex
change Grain company. "They are to
abolish proportionals under which we have
been working ever sines the Omaha Grain
exchange waa founded and under which
we had the advantage of Chicago on Iowa
garin. This advantage has been growing
with the development of the south aa a
consumptive corn . and oats' market and
with our active campaign for the business.
Gradually the Iowa shippers have been won
away from Chicago to Omaha,
"Chicago haa been hammering away to
get tht proportional ratea removed, and the
Burlington and Northwestern have always
been favorable to that city, as they are
after the long haul. Now they have ap
parently succeeded. The natural advan
tages we have In Iowa will amount to
nothing. The new tariffs will advance the
rates on Iowa grain through Omaha to
the south about ( cents a bushel and will
absolutely shut It out of Omaha. Only a
few stations near Council Bluffs will find
It profitable to ship to Omaha."
What will be done In case the Wabash
does not antagonize the plan la not known.
A meeting of the board of directors of
the Grain exchange will be called to con
sider the new tariffs within a tew days.
Istrnment Possessed by Mayor to
Vnlork the Gates of
the City.
Mnyor Dahlman Wednesday morning re
ceived a key f o the city gates. After many
days of patient waiting Mayor Jim haa
obtained a key with which henceforth he
will open the municipal portals when vis
itors knock for admittance. An old rusty
hooS has served for nearly a year to keep
the gates closed, but hereafter when a
stranger 'waits without the gatea Mayor
Jim will proudly Walk down with his key
and awing Vide the gntes. It has not been
In keeping with municipal pride for the
mayor to Jerk off an old hoop when ad
mitting visitors. A new deal Is on. And
thereby hangs an incident?
At a Dahlman Democracy soiree laat
week a colored character of the city, known
as John Westbronk, showed the boys a
key he has carried alnoe war times. West
brook made the boast that hia key waa
the only one of Itg kind In existence and
that no one could .duplicate It. lie anld
the key waa uaed by Quantrell, the famoua
guerrilla, with whom Weatbrook traveled
when Quantrell's band committed auch
depredations aa the raid on Lawrence,
Kan. Weatbrook claimed the key waa
used to open the door of Quantrell's se
cluded quarters when at home and that he
(Weatbrook) was cuatodlan of that key.
Nick Dargacxewskl heard Westbrook's
remarks, took a careful- description of the
ke;-, but said nothing at the time.
Wednesday morning Dargacxewskl called
on the mayor and presented a clever du
plicate of the alleged Quantrell key. The
duplicate was cut Vfey hand out of a solid
piece of steel and Is a clever piece of
handiwork. Tha pattern of the key Is of
the old style, with a large eye on the
handle, and measures nearly .eight Inches
A lock Is to be made for the key and the
old rusty hoop la to be discarded.-'
Mayor Jim disclaims any Imputation that
he Is going on the war path just because
he has the mate te Quantrell's old key.
Cab Driver Brines Fellow from Csas.
ell Blaffs and Mlaaes ths
A hack driver from the Morton barns at
Council Bluffs had a little experience Tues
day afternoon that haa cauaed a serious
fracture of his confidence In humanity and
at the same time giving him an Insight
Into the peculiarities of a smooth fugitive
from justice and how a hack driver can
be cajoled Into helping a fugitive on with
his flight and beaten out of his fare In
Shortly before noon a young man dressed
In a brown suit, light hat and without an
overcoat hurriedly called tha hackman at
the Intersection of Pearl and Main streets.
Council Bluffa, and asked to be driven to
Omaha at once. The drive waa made at a
record breaking pace, the only stop enroute
being made on the bridge, where the pss
aenger paid the toll from a big roll of
money he drew from his pocket. The driver
was then directed to hurry on up to the
Omaha postoffice. There the passenger got
out and directed the hackman to wait until
lie mailed a letter. Ths hackman was still
waiting at S o'clock, but no passenger re
turned. In the meanwhile the hackman In
quired of the postoffice watchman and ele
vator crew If they had aeen a chap of hla
passenger's description. ' They had not.
Tuesday was not a very good day for
business over at Council Bluffa and cabby
did not have a nickel to pay his bridge
toll back, but managed to strike an ac
quaintance who loaned him the money.
"The fellow looked all right to me," said
the hackman, "and I auppoaed he was on
some very Important bualnesa and didn't
care for the expense. He kept urging ins
to drive faster all the way over from the
Bluffs and occasionally looked out tha hack
window to see if any one-was following. I
am now satisfied h was trying to dodge
someone. Hs had plenty of money."
Committee aa Bnlldlnara.
J. P. Shubert. 8. B. Eller. E. O. White.
J. P. Thlessen. H. D. By ram. C. R. Ress.
A. M. Fries, H. Howard. Fletcher, Rejrha
and Lcj.-R.dun of the houae commlttea on
public landa and buildings visited the In
stitute for Deaf and Dumb Wednesday
morning and mesa entertained at luncheon
by Superintendent Btewart. The purpoae
of the visit of the committee Is to look
over the plana for the new buildings and
other improvements asked for at the In
stitution. The committee spent most of
the day at the Institution, returning to
iincoin v eonesaay evening. nmlrmin
Marsh of the commlttea was unabla to be
If you hav anything to trade advertise
It In ths For Exchange column ot The
Bee Want Ad paga
Knee Pants
After a very busy season
Wo find thnt we have a number of email
lots of Boys' Knee Pants left. We have sold
larjj quantities of these goods at 45c and
65c nicy are good valueet at the prices
named. We now wish to close them out at
once and will make it worth your while to
help us. Nearly all of these pants are all
wool. They have Excelsior wvist bands and
riveted buttons, all seams are reinforced
and triple sewed. Guaranteed not to rip
ages 4 to 15.
Take them
Gct n .o t&o in
uxwmiMia Victim
Sffi in
Brnokir Qai Tank Ordinance Pastes by a
Vote of Seven to Fire.
Grler Reaolatloa Passed Over the
-Vet 4f the Mayer by m Vote ef
Tea to Two Electric Light
Ordinance Dead.
The Brucker gas tank ordinance waa
passed by the city council Tuesday night
by a vote of 7 to 6. This ordinance per
mits the construction of gas tanks and
other necessary Improvements by the
Omaha Gas company within the corporate
limits of the city In that section of ter
ritory bounded by Nineteenth, Twenty-second
and Center streets and the Burlington
tracks. Which section takes In the present
kite of the gas plant at Twentieth and
Center streets.
However, the motion to rescind the re
cent resolution of the council prohibiting
the granting of a permit to the gas com
pany to erect a new gas tank failed to
pass under a suspension of the rules,, upon
the objection of Mr. Zlmman, his objection
being based on the rule that it required a
two-thirds vote of the oounctl to suspend
the rules, the vote standing 7 to 6.
Bridges made an earnest appeal against
the passage of the ordinance, but to no
Seeks to Have Brldae Ordinance.
The report of the committee of the whole
recommending that the Bridges ordinance
do not pass was adopted. Zlmman sought
to have the report referred back to the
committee and then referred to Jhe light
committee, In view of the possibility of
the mayor vetoing the Brucker ordinance.
In which event the Bridges ordinance might
be passed later, and for the further reason
that the Brucker ordinance had not been
properly referred. Bedford moved the
adoption of the report of the committee
and opposed Zimman's motion on the
ground that he believed that Zlmman had
something up his sleeve. Zlmman denied
the aspersion, and stated that he would
not oppose the passage of the Brucker
ordinance. The roll call resulted In the
adoption of the report of the committee
as moved by Bedford.
An ordinance was Introduced and passed
to Its second reading prohibiting the sale
of liquors In drug stores to be drank on
the premises and the display of Intoxi
cating liquors In drug store show windows.
An ordinance by McOovern to repeal ths
present ordinance which permits street
lunch wagons to operate on the streets on
payment of certain licenses, namely, 130,
$40 and SG0, according to their respective
slies, was passed to Its second reading.
Advancing Street Sign Ordinance.
The street sign nuisance was made the
subject of an ordinance which was passed
to Its second reading. The ordinance pro
vldea for the prohibition of street signs,
goods and the like being placed on and
over sidewalks to Impede travel, and also
the suspension of signs or banners across
the streets that shall come within twelve
feet of the street or sidewalk, except on
certain holidays, notably February 23, May
to and July 4. A penalty of flOO fine and
arrest Is affixed for any violation of the
A resolution by Bridges waa adopted,
which states In effect tbat It Is the opinion
of the city council that the 11,000 compensa
tion already provided for the ex-ofllolo city
treasurer Is sufficient and that no further
Have One Doctor
No sense in running from one doctor to
another. Select the best one, then stand
by him. Do not delay, but consult him
in time when you are sick. Ask his
opinion of
Ayes Cherry Pectoral
for coughs and colds. Then use it or
not, just as he says.
The ncu kind contains no alcohol
' We have no secrets to hide I We pub
lish the formulas of all our medicines.
J. C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Cnembte, Lowell, Man.
compensation be allowed him for expenses,
as with this salary and the additional com
pensation of 1 per cent of all the city taxes
collected by him he Is abundantly remuner
ated, and that theee allowances are suffi
cient for maintaining hie office with proper
dignity and comfort.
A communication from the Woman's
Christian Temperance union and the
Woman's club urging separate departments
In the city jail for the different sexes was)
referred to the Fire and Police Board. The
communications brought out some little dis
cussion. Davie thought that the morals of
the jail might be advanoed by placing the
matron In charge of all occupants of the
fit V In 11 Hrnrl.., wo. U tl .v..
w " ' ..... .ma v. ii io vriii.uu k I im, l
a apeclal building should be hired for the
accommodation of women malefactors.
The communications, which originally earns
from the Fire and Police board, were re
ferred back to that body.
The recommendation of the committee
lhat McOovern's municipal electric light
ing plant ordinance be not passed waa con
curred In.
Elsasser Introduced a resolution that the
council Invest about $150 In advertising In
six prominent newspapers, one each In
New Tork, Chicago, New Orleans, Boston,
Cleveland and Ban Francisco, for electrical
engineers to submit proposals and estlmatee
for the construction of a municipal electrio
light plant In Omaha.
Zlmman punctured the resolution with the
observation that plans would first have to
be prepared for such a plant before pro- ,
posals could be asked for, and as a conse
quence Elsasser's resolution died to the
requiem of 10 nays to I ayes.
A motion that the physician's office at the
city jail be given a dress of paint and the '
fixtures be repaired and cleansed was re
ferred to the public property end buildings
Comptroller Given More Tim.
The city comptroller was given further
time to prepare hla annual report.
The report of the city electrician for the
year 190S showed that the outage of the
lamps furnished by the Electric Light 4
Power company was 68.S89 hours and ES
minutes, wnicn would represent a deduction
of $1,371.27 from (he bills of the company
for the year.
The annual report of the Park Board for
the year 1900 showed the receipts to be 10
per cent of the levy, $26,10.83: excess of the .
M per cent levy, $1,948.47; miscellaneous re
ceipts, $985 85, making a total of 2g,876 IS.
Road fund, receipts. $36,678.11; expended,
I24.7S3.23; balance, $10,894.89.
The mayor's veto of the after-night street
cleaning ordinance was sustained by a vote
of 11 to 1.
The resolution providing for accounting
by Lee Orler, former police court clerk, of
funds coming Into his hands, as recom
mended by the city attorney and subse
quently vetoed by the mayor, was called up
and was again passed, the mayor's veto
notwithstanding, by a vote of 10 to 1
The council adjourned to meet Friday at
It a. m.
Attorney William P. Lynch of Omaha ha
Kasssi u 1 rt 1 1 1 aA t -t nrs nlln. - I- .,.
Stat court for th Nebranka district
The 30,ono damage suit of Chrl A.
A nil.r.i.n a a a In.l T'hUk in t-. . , ,
' ' k ' 4 iii'ni raniiK mil-
road company and others for personal In
juries received by Anderson while In the
employ of the road aa a awltchman
January 14, 1906, haa been transferred to
the I tilted States circuit court from the
iJuuKim county uisinci coun,
f.lllli rmlr. a 1 1 a T nlii rnl.m.M - ...
ored woman of checkered history, waa sen
tenced to thirty . days in the county jail
Wednesday by Judge Sutton for petty lar
cony. J. II. Rlcheaon waa pamlied to Dean
""Y""' wnMi a jouui wno nas a
weakness for taking thlnga. He waa pa
rolled once before and the dean haa faith
that h is still susceptible of reform.