Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1907, Page 4, Image 4
T1IE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1907. hi i i J t i The Omaha Daily Bee rWRDED BY KDWAKD ROSEWATER. .VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha pout office as second class matter. TERMS OF SrnSCRJFTION. Pally Bee (without Sunday) one year. ..1400 lally Hee and Sunday, uoa year 6. Sunrtar Hee, ono year " Saturday Hee, one year 1 W DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Pally H- (Including Sunday). Ir weck..lSc Iwiily Iee (without Sunday!, per week... 10c Evivilng Bps (without Bundayi, per week. Oo Evening Bee (with tfunilayt per week... .Inc. ASdress compalnts of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulating Department, i OFFICES. Omaha The Roe Ualldlng. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council Bin flu 10 Pearl Street. Chlraar- l I'nlty Building. New York im Home Ufe Inn. Building. Washington 501 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Comunlcatlona relating to news and edi torial matter should be addreased: umaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft. cxpre-n or postnl order, payable to The Hee IUhlishlng Company. Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of mall accounta. Personal cheeks, except on Omaha or eastern cichanges, not accepted. THK BEE PL BUSHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OP CIRd-IATlON. 8Ute of Nebraska, Douglas County, sa: Charles C. Koacwater, general manager of The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn,' says that the nr'ual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning. Evening and Sunday Pee printed during the month of December, IMS,- waa as follows: I njtm it.... . nam J 30,960 1 31.760 I 31.610 1 31,760 4....;.... 31,710 .,20 82,670 B. ........ 31,700 ' '.SI 31,680 31.80 32 31.9U0 T 81,880 ' 30,850 1 38,080 t ...,..... 31,719 t 30,630 25 31,630 10 31,760 2 38,180 11 . . .r 33,160 - - M 81.770 1 83,060 ii 31,610 II 31,680 . 2i 31,880 14 81,690 30 30,20 11 39,170 11 31,810 1 30,400 ' 988,380 Less unaold and returned copies.. 9 J 41 Net total.'...'.,..'.., 973,149 Dally -average....? '..''. 31,391 CHARLES C. ROSE-WATER, i ' General Manager. Subscribed In ray presence and sworn to before me this Cat day of December, 11)06. (Seal.) M. B. HUNOATE, Notary Public. WHEN Ot'T OT TOWM. Subscribers lenTlng the city tern porarlly ehoold ksTt The nee mailed to them. Address will be chanced as often as requested. An Ohio woman has made application In verse for a divorce. The husband is entitled to the decree. "Salome" must at least be given credit for demonstrating that there Is a limit to what New York theater goers will stand. . "The day of the clown Is gone," says the Philadelphia Press. Yet one would hardly .think so atter reading the senate proceedings. ....... Tillman's speech is to be kept oat of the Congressional Record, but no one will ever be able to keep it out of the Chautauqua Record., Five Spanish ministries have gone to pieces in eighteen months. A Spanish ministry is about as short-lived as a Panama Canal commission. If the gas tank business is really settled someone will have to provide our democratic councilmen with an other toy balloon to play with. . , A traveler states that the forests of Java consist almost entirely of teak. American's pay. about. 40 cents a pound for it, after it is roasted and ground. " The quietus which the house has put upon the "technicalities" bill should make several prisoners await ing trial in Nebraska jails sleep more soundly.' ,' "Did John SmUh marry?" is now be ing discussed in connection with the Jamestown exposition exploitation. Every city directory in the world bears proof that he did. ' Perhaps the only way for the house and senate to retain the services of their pages 'after enacting the child labor law will be to declare themselves a school and charge tuition. Secretary Wilson says the farmers of America lose $300,000,000 a year through insectlyerous pests. The farm ers are the only persons who could stand such a loss and keep out of bankruptcy.' ' ; ; Congress may 6rder an investigation of the Cotton exchange to ascertain if the market is being manipulated. When at! the facts are ascertained the manipulators may'tsk congress, what it proposes to do about it. ii ' A member of the congressional party that has Just returned from Panama says he saw "twenty-one alli gators, all In a row,? near Colon. The anti-canteen law cannot be observed on congressional Junkets. John D. Rockefeller has been Inter viewing Ills workmen at his lake shore place as to how much money they save out of their wages of 11.60 a day. It Is not clear whether hl Inquiries are prompted by cariosity or -cupidity. Aboutthe busiest men In the coun try these days are the telegraph op erators opt In Minnesota and Montana, whose duty It Is o mark up on the blackboard the number of minutes, hours or. days the trains are behind schedule. The boy 'major and the cowboy mayor have"beetr exchanging official courtesies. If they would exchange orflclal places the boy mayor could be made to feel perfectly at home In Omaha while the cowboy mayor would surely feel more at - home near the Xount tU the fanie-glvlng Leverage. ... wnt xon " In the' public discussion at Lincoln of proposed direct primary legislation the clinching argument of the oppo nents of statewide ,prlmary nomina tions was embodied in this question: "Would you want a judge of- the supreme court to be compelled to tramp up and down the state begging for votes for nomination and thus drag the Judicial ermine in the mire of petty politics?" It is surely an appalling prospect that the Judges of our highest tribu nal, who are elected by popular vote, should ask for votes tor themselves before the nomination as well as after. What would, indeed, become of the dignity of our courts If the candidates for the bench had to submit their qual ifications for ' nomination to all the voters of their respective parties in stead of to a mere handful of politi cians, who are not so particular about their legal experience . as they are about their political antecedents? Why should a candidate for an elec tive Judgeship take the trouble to pre sent his claims to his fellow repub licans, or fellow democrats, or fellow populists, throughout1 'the state when it is so much easier to call at two or three railroad headquarters and have the railroad bosses set the machinery In motion to deliver the nomination on a silver platter?;- ' . ' Why give the people a , chance to say whom they wanto run "for office? Why go through the form of popular ratification at the polls? Why not rVt the railroad bosses issue the certifi cates of election at Once and save all trouble and expense?' RAILROAD DIVIDENDS. RATES ASD STOCKS. ' On the heels of increased rates of dividends, a general ' nibvement is impending to increase railroad capital ization, many of which were previously excessive with reference to real in vestment and also to Income availa ble for needed Improvement. .- The same roads have in many . cases al ready authorized or are preparing to authorize immense stock issues, and some in their haste are putting out short time notes by tens of millions to be transmuted a little later Into stock. As a sample, one road which for the last three years has paid out dividends aggregating $28,600,000, apparently with a view to speculative purposes. Is now selling an even larger amount of notes on the plea that the money is Imperatively required for betterments, with arrangements for new stock issues to care for the notes. . The staple excuse that' has been of fered for the material increase of freight rates has been to' provide for the new facilities Which rapid growth of tonnage is obviously creating. Even enforcement of the anti-rebate laws has been taken advantaee of to pro mote this increase. If the prodigious resultant revenues had" been- hr tarr part devoted to railroad enlargement, thus meeting at least one great public requirement, the case would not ap pear so bad. 4" But the public has been mulcted in excessive charges in order that stock holders, or controlling cliques, might reap a harvest of excessive dividends and of stock manipulation through dividends, while the transportation service has been confessedly permitted to fall far behind the heeds of busi ness. And now the country is threat ened with being made the -victim of the use of this very inadequacy of service for further swelling; the cap italization, which in turn will be em ployed to resist all efforts for - lower service charges. THK OIL TRUST FlQtiT TO DATE. Pessimistic interpretation otJ the commerce commission's report on the Standard Oil monopoly la not war ranted by a broad view of the situa tion. It may Indeed appear from the commission's investigation that, the monopoly is most . formidably en trenched, that many grave abuses still operate to its advantage against com petition, and that no. way has yet been found to cure certain fundamental conditions like Its control of pipe lines. Neither does the commission, although reiterating some suggestions of a more or less general character, pro pose any practical remedy promising immediate and conclusive solution of the great problem. After al. however, was such. a. solu tion to be reasonably expected at this Juncture? This trade conspiracy has grown into a gigantic monopoly through thirty yeara,o intense co-operation among the most masterful brains and greatest wealth combina tions, and the baslk'of Its success has been woven into the warp and woof of' our universal, financial. Industrial and transportation system. The trust in large part Is the outgrowth' of per vading condltiona against ' which the mass of the people have risen In ef fective revolt only comparatively re cently. Public 'resentment has prop erly and inevitably centered upon the gigantic combine as the most conspicu ous emblem and chlefest offender against froe opportunity nd action in commerce, but its summary abate ment was for thievery reason and in the nature of things Impossible. Moreover, It is untrue in fact and pernicious In tendency to assume that nothing has been, done because all has not been done. Publicity alone has al ready accomplished memorable re sults. Official Inmdlgatlon has poured a flood of light upon the methods and actual workings of this "mother of monopolies," causing It to modify or abandon some of them. .The new na tional rate law In' aU Its salient pro visions against rebates and discrimina tions has struck effectively at one of the chief suppyrUug abusva.. Not lag Important has been the energizing of executive and Judicial power, state and national, for the execution of remedial laws, many of them long standing on the statute books, but not enforced. Thus public authority, compelled and sustained by public opinion, Is actually grappling reso lutely with the oil trust In many states, both through legislation and through prosecution for past offenses, and many convictions have been se cured with the prospect of like re sults In Innumerable other cases. No view can be adequate which does not take In these achievements, and It is to be remembered that they have been reached in a comparatively short time. They do not Indeed uproot this giant trade conspiracy, but they mark a stage of the struggle which had to be gone through If the full fruits of a public victory were ever to be gath ered. And while not yet conclusive they are cause for congratulation that so much has been accomplished for the public good. KFFECT OF THE TEIIUASTEPEC ROUTE The Tehuantepec railroad illustrates how quickly and Irresistibly the open ing of a short cut for freight across the Isthmus affects general trans portation and even local Interests throughout the United States. Al though scarcely a month since freight began to be received for that route, already It Is a factor with which every tianscontinental railroad has to reckon In bidding for business. The new and potent fact Is that freight can thus be dispatched between New York and San Francisco on a guaranteed time limit lesB than the average time re quired over the old all rail route, while by the Tehuantepec route the freight Is water borne except only 168 miles. Comparison suggests the tremen dous significance of the isthmian ca nal, which will abolish not only the 168 miles of rail connection, but also the delay and heavy expense of break ing bulk at both ends of it. The ca nal wide enough for ships to pass and deep enough for the biggest ships is also destined materially to shorten even the remarkable time of transit over the Tehuantepec route. CONSTITUTION MEXDIXO. The lawyers in the Btate senate have killed the bill for a constitutional revision commission on the plea that every one of them knows what the defects of the Nebraska constitution are and that ' they, themselves, can draft the needed amendment just as well as any lawyers on the outside. The ability of the lawyer law makers Is conceded, and it Is quite possible that If they had nothing else to do they might formulate the needed changes in the constitution with suffi cient care and study to make them stand, the test of experience, and run the .gauntlet of the courts, as they must surely do. But formulating amendments Is one thing and getting them ratified at the polls is quite another. No proposed constitutional amendment has the ghost of a show to be ratified at the polls unless it has the-endorsement of all the big political parties. A con stitutional amendment framed by re publican lawyers and submitted by a republican legislature will not get the approval of the democratic and popu list organizations as easily as it would If originated by a commission made up of the most representative and Influ ential men of all parties. The same is true when it comes to getting the ap proval of the Individual voter at the polls. But aside from all this, .no legisla tive committee will ever bring us a thorough and comprehensive consti tutional revision because .the members are engrossed in a multitude of other duties and cannot possibly give the undivided time and thought required for this most Important werk. The new terminal tax bill expressly declares that It is not to Interfere In any way with the present method of assessment and collection of taxes for state, county, city, school and town ship purposes. That ought to take the ground away from the argument which the paid railroad lobby has been using .to the effect that the pro posed taxation of terminals for city J purposes would deprive rural counties and school districts of taxes they now enjoy. . The appropriation boosters have ap parently dropped their percentage mill levy schemes, but they have steam full on for all sorts of extrava gant handouts from the state treasury. So long as Nebraska has an unextin guished floating debt far in excess of the constitutional limit the safe course for the legislature will be to take care of necessities only and let luxuries wait. The restoration of the appropria tion for free seed distribution under congressional frank comes most oppor tunely for the peoplaof the First Ne braska district, otherwise their con gressman after March 4 next would be deprived of the only duty which he was able to find devolving upon a mi nority member. , Henry Clay Pierce, an essential wit ness In the Bailey case, says he has been advised that It would not be healthy for him to visit Texas at this season of the year. It should be ex plained, however, that the advice was given by his lawyer and not by his physician. Governor Sheldon declares that peo ple who want laws changed must look to the legislature to do it for them. V apprehend, however, that the gov ernor will reserve the right to use a veto pen on any measures which he is satisfied conflict with the public welfare. "Secretary iTaft grew whllo In Charleston," says the Charleston News and Courier. If that's true, the sec retary may be relied upon to keep his S40 pounds away from Charleston hereafter. He's not courting that kind of growth. It is encouraging to find Colonel Bryan making concessions. The Com moner says, In effect, that the colonel Is still In favor of government owner ship of railroads, but will not force It on the country If the country refuses to stand for It. Now that the members of the Ne braska legislature have been here and gone back unscathed, It Is to be hoped they will not be so ready to believe stories depicting Omaha wearing hoofs and horns. Art Isplratlon. Baltimore American. That Omaha police magistrate who put the bun on the old masters probably got his Inspiration from his neighbor down In Tennessee who wanted to suppress Shakespeare. Approaching- the Dancer Zone. Washington Post. A Chicago professor says American women can't walk, Henry James says they can't talk, and now a New York man says they can't blush. The explosion will coma when some one declares triat they can't cook. Writ In Too Much Springfield Republican. Mr. Bryan la causing arnrehenalon amnnv democratic leaders In Washington. This Is nothing new. save In the anniicaMon The report that Mr. Bryan Is soon to pub- usn a series or magazine articles outlining what, the next democratic nlatform should be. To democrats who wish to save Mr. wryan rrom himself euch a performance Is most distressing. Rlne for a Republic. Philadelphia Record. It speaks well for the clvliUntion n German people that they were enabled to go through the strain of an exciting con test at the polls on Friday, involving Is sues of the greatest immediate moment to ruler and subjects, without disorder or riotous outbreaks. It Is a wonder that a people so fit to govern themselves do not topple over their monarchy and estahliab a new republic. , Congressional Salaries. Boston Transcript. The country appears ".to accent verv quietly Die Increase, of salary which con. gress has given Itself; The advance will take $1,000,000 more from the ta inn vera. but In these times when 110.000.000 Is voted ror one battleship the plain man who con tributes to the revenues, of, the government has become I hardened to a sum that Is relatively small. That . ennrmamnn h.i not as a class live extravagantly Is evi denced by the fact that of ninety senators. forty-eight reside In hotels or apartment nouses, and one in club. Of the rest, probably one-half dwell In boarding houses. By the unwritten law'.pf the capital a sen ator or representative.' who dwells In a notei or boarding house Is exempt from "entertaining" In the social sense of the term. ; ' ' ' ' fiorernment Ownership In Mexico. New York Tribune. The merger, of the Mexican raltwnva I. an experiment In government ownership with private operation. This Is a mniifl. tlon of the government 'ownership and oper ation system as It prevails In Germany, Italy and Japan. The Mexican government owns simply a majority of the stock In the roads and will consolidate them Into one company with the capital of Mexican. American lnte rests find KfniilrMl control of the Mexican Central and the government feared that they would pur chase and consolidate, the other Mexican roads. It seems' reasonable that th Mr. lean government should wish to keep the control or the country's roads from passing Into the hands of forehmers. ami the ex periment of government ownership entered upon is the most moderate possible. Pnathnmona Interrleirs. Springfield Republican. The posthumous Interview with the late General Alger which a Milwaukee editor has published Is, In one respect, a ques tionable Journalistic devloe. As a precedent It Invites possibly unscrupulous reporters to fabricate Interviews with prominent men, JUBt deceased, and to print them with the assurance that they were requested to delay publication until after the deaths of the men In question. When a man Is dead he Is In no position o correct misstate ments or to repudiate what Is fastened upon him. In this case, undoubtedly, the Interview Is printed accurately and truth fully, but others prominent In public life would be safer always to prepare carefully In their own way whatever memoirs or remlnlacences they may wish to leave, be hind them. "REFORMED" POSTAL SERVICE. Slarnlaeanee of the Recommendations of the Joint Commission. Loulvllle Courier-Journal. The Joint postal commission haa made a report In which It sketches the outlines of a reformed postal service. These recom mendations relate largely to the carrying of newspapers. The Postofnce department is under the control of congress, which has a light to say what articles shall be carried In the malls, and what prices shall be charged for compensation. Congress, however. Is not absolute. The voters of each enn greualonal district have a light to say who shall represent them in congress, and some ambitious gentlemen may roee their seats In consequence of their subservience to bureaucrats. But congress la not expected under the privilege of regulating the malls to take charge of the newspaper press of the coun try. It Is claimed. Indeed, that by reason of Its control of Interstate commerce, con gress may say who shall work In the vari ous states and who shall remain idle or go to school. . . i By parity of reasoning It ' seems to be assured that if the government carry news papers In the mails, congress has a right to say what they ahall contain. Accord ingly It Is proposed that- -congress shall dictate how many advertisements a paper shall contain In order to be admitted as second-class matter. It Is generally sug gested that the advertising may oover as large a superficial area as the reading matter, but not more. Of course, however, the right to say that the npace devoted to advertising shall not exceed if) per cent Implies the right to say that It shall not exceed JS to 10 per rent, or even that there ahall be no advertising at all. It Is also an easy step from dictating the quantity of reading matter in a newspaper to dictat ing Its quality. Criticisms of the Pisiomce department, and eapecally of the men who d' 'e to make it the master of the press, n.t ially be construed as rendering a er ujuuallable. BITS OP WAftHtftGTO LIFB. Minor Seenes and Incidents Shetched f on the Snot. , President Roosevelt and Senator Foraker had a lively oratlcal bout at the Gridiron club dinner last Saturday night. The rule of the club forbidding reports of speeches at these functions' prevented -mention of the incident in the dispatches, but It was such "hot stuff" that the Cincinnati En quirer suspended the club rule and devoted two columns to the details. It Is said the orators began sparring, as the pugilists put It, with six ounce gloves and wound up with bare knuckles. The president led off with a thirty minute npeech during which he-cuffed opponents of the "square deal" and then turned to the Brownsville affair, dealing short arm Jolts to the senate and Its professed anxiety for Justice to the dis missed soldiers. Senator Foraker, pale and warm, responded In kind and for twenty minutes kept the president's head In chan eery. It waa noted as a fortunate clrcum stance that two tables separated the heated debates. Uncle Joe Cannon, at the finish, eased the strain with a story. The politeness that Impels a man to give a woman his seat In a street car Is said to be dying out in Washington. Persons who come here only once In every ten years are the ones that are saying It. The other day Senator Blackburn of Ken tucky got up live times to give his neat to a woman, and he was not taking a very long ride, either. The fifth time hla politeness was not able to make room for all the women that were standing. Twelve men were sitting, while three or four women were standing. The senator looked on them with scorn and scorn on the Blackburn face is a burning thing. "I see there are twelve men In this car who are not southern gentlemen," said the senator, In a tone of voice booming along from the rear end of the cur up to the place occupied by the motorman. In a very short time twelve men dropped off the car. "A large host of statesmen at the house end of the capltol are shaking In their boots Over the passage of the salary-Increase bill," nays the Washington Herald. "They are beginning to hear from their districts. Telegrams and letters are pour ing In upon them. And nearly every one of these missive bears a criticism more or less indignantly expressed. Generally speaking, the metropolitan press has ap proved both the measure and the unusual methods resorted to to put It through, but this approval seems as yet to have had no Influence on the minds of the voters, espe cially those In the rural districts. As a rule the country papers are severely condemning the measure, and denouncing It as another salary grab a term of reproach that causes a creepy feeling to come over 'scores of statesmen, who have for years heard their conatitutents discuss this subject. The democratic states seem to be harder on their congressmen than are the republican states, and by this token It Is now gen erally thought that the salary Increase will cut quite a figure In the next congressional campaign. Luckily for everybody con cerned, the bill was passed without a roil call. Thus, every statesman who voted against It can be able to show by the record what he did, while numerous of those who stood up and were counted for the bill the other day cannot be convicted at home of having done so." Attorney General Bonaparte can be the suavest man In all creation, says a writer .o the World Today. He smiles so sweetly while he talks that people have gone away quite pacified and never realised till after It was all over that he had calmly gone ahead and done precisely what he proposed to do. To return to that Smile, It Is so like the poor. No one ' ever saw Bonaparte who could think of much else. True, the first thing one sees on meeting him Is the bullet round head the Napoleon head with Its bold forehead Just bald enough to make It yet bolder. Then one notes the nose, a dominating nose, the full eyes between heavy eyebrows, the short, thick mustache. Then the smile. It starts with the eyes, droops to one corner of the mouth, slips over to the other, then becomes audible In a queer kind of chuckle In the throat, which shakes an Increasingly prominent double chin. The upper chin Is very timid and retiring, but there's a dimple In It which works In wonderfully with that smile. But don't flatter yourself, and pat yourself on the back and think the attorney general Is dead easy. That smile is only a cloak to cover up you will never know what It covers up till you come away and dlaeover where you are. He will cut your throat with a feather while he chuckles and anlles. If you are not satisfied with being thus graciously be headed and answer back you'll find an adept at sarcasm and irony using a pen knife. If you etlll rebel the next you know a backwoodsman will be at you with a brute of art . axe. But he will be smiling and chuckling through It all. Senator Beverldge of Indiana the other afternoon administered such a reproof to Secretary Taft as Is not likely to be for gotten In a hurry by the big Ohio man. The senator was delivering his speech on the child labor bill an effort which had cost him a week's preparation. Almcst from the beginning of his remarks he was an noyed by the hum of conversation Imme diately behind him. Turning, he saw Sec retary Taft In animated discussion with a group of senators. Ixmklng straight at the. secretary, he said in clear tones: "If I am disturbing you I will suspend until your conversation Is finished." The secre tary's face flushed until It seemed as though he would explode, but after a few moments he left the chamber. Senator Allison, the nestor of the senate, whose health broke down toward the close of the last session and who was kept at home In Iowa by his physician until a few weeks ago, Is getting back In his old phys ical condition by observing a careful regi men In Washington. Every day unless the weather la too bad he walks from hla apart ment at the Portland to the capltol and back again in the afternoon, a distance of about two miles. The veteran Iowa states man has not heretofore been given to this sort of healthful exercise and he is now advocating Its adoption by numerous of his colleagues, who. like himself, are suffering from that stealthy and Incurable malady, advancing age. Cnttlna- Ont side Lines. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Separating the coal business from tho railroad business will be of Immeasurable benefit to ths country In connection with the fuel problem. Consumers are perfectly willing to pay for coal and the cost of its transportation, but they very properly balk on putting up money to provide for gross rebates and extras. Boosting for Bigness. Washington Herald. The president wants a bigger navy, con gress wants a bigger salary. Chancellor Day wants bigger trusts, the Philippine troops want bigger pistols, Senator-elect Jeff Davis wants bigger rows in the senate! Say, doesn't somebody want a little some thing? Consplenons and Ustun. Bt. Louis ' Globe-Democrat. Although there are twenty political par ties In rmany, one Independent was chosen to the new Reichstag. Th Inde pendent Idea seems to be that whatever U Is wrong. J THR NATION'S MBS ACE. Forty Per Cent of American Property Controlled hy- Corporations. Charles Btedman Hanks, a Harvard class mate of President Roosevelt, last Wednes day addressed the Boston chamber of com merce on "the Growth of Corporate Wealth In ths United States." In these striking figures Mr. Hanks set forth the menace of corporate control: "The wealth of this country Is getting more .and more under corporate control. If this pofftlmiee It will only be a question of time when our corporations will have absolute ownership of the property of ,thla country. A census report about to be In sued gives the wealth of this country In 1904 ss 107.10U11,17. This Is thirty-six per cent more than In 1SH and sixty-four per cent more than In 1W0. Of this total wealth til.24r,fl00,aio Is In our steam railroad cor porations, $2,220,000,000 In street railway cor porations, $xO.0rt0,000 in telegraph and tele phone corporations,' H23.0i0,000 in Pullman and private car companies, tlKS.ouO.iXH) In canal and canalised river corporations, $2T5, 000,000 In private water works companies, xnoo.OOO.noO In private gas and electric light companies. H'.BNO.Onn.ooO In manufacturing corporations and M.tlOO.OOO.OOO In Industrial corporations other than manufactories. In other words, nearly twenty-five per cent of the business wealth of this country Is al ready under corporate control. Of the balance, 4,000,nnu,roo is rail and personal property which belongs to our municipalities, $l,8T5.0no,Oi0 the surplus and undivided profits of our national banks, $l,400,0n0,000 the surplus and undivided profits of our state and private banks, savings banks and loan and trust companies; t5,Ui0, ono.000 the property of religious, charitable and educational corporations, and $2,oU", 000,000 the estimated value of our minea. In addition to this there Is the capital stock and undivided surplus of our fire and life Insurance companies, the property of mercantile corporations, the property or real estate Investment companies, and our ehlp plng Interests and steamboat lines, of which the Census Bureau has no data. This roughly estimated amounts to 15 per cent of the total wealth, so that It Is fair to say that only about 60 per cent of the property of this country Is now In the control of the people." To show how the vast earnings of various companies are disguised and distributed the speaker gave Illustrations. "A r.illroad from A to B Is earning so much money that It cannot even conceal Its earnings. It, therefore, Incorporates a terminal station or a switching company. If it Is to be a terminal station the cost of building It is paid by selling bonds, the railroad keeping the stock, which represents the ownership. The game Is to get money out of the column of "earnings from operations" into the column of "earnings from other sources," so that the real earning will be hidden and the public cannot demand lower rates. The statistics of the Interstate Com merce commission show 305 such terminals and switching companies. Their stock pays 30 .per cent, 45 per cent and In one case 150 per cent. 'I have been told on good authority that certain Wall street men, who contrqlled a large railroad system, regularly telegraphed Instructions each month . from New York to the main offices what the books should show the net earnings were for that PERSONAL KOTES. The retirement of Rear Admiral SIgsbee will leave In active service only Dewey and Evans of all the high naval officers who took part in the war with Spain. The health authorities of Scranton have ordered the inhabitants to, abstain from kissing. It Is understood the order does not apply to kisses that are boiled before taking. . Dr. Ettore Marchlafava, who .succeeded the late Dr. Lapponl as private physician to the pope, was born fifty-two years ago at Clvita Veochla, and was principally edu cated In Rome. "I wish I had your money," a fairly well off politician once said to the late Cornelius Vanderbllt. "Don't bother so much about money," was the reply. "What have I In life that you lack? You have clean linen, good food, a home; that's all I have. And you are not compelled to fight like a tiger to keep what you have got. I am." While not a professed vegetarian. Senator La Follette's diet Is confined almost ex clusively to vegetables. Several years ago his health was failing and under the direc tion of his physician he quit eating all kinds of meat. He found that the change of diet did him so much good that he has never since partaken of meat regularly. Among the gifted students at Columbia university Is Toranosuke Furukawa, a young Japanese with millions of dollars at his command. When he reaches his ma jority in a few days he will become sole possessor, manager and director of the largest mining Interests In the Oriental world. Already his frionds are calling him the Rockefeller of Japan. Frederick W. Mulkey. who will serve In the United States senate from January 23 to March 4. will be the youngest senator In the United States, having Just passed the age requirement of 85 years. He is gener ally recognised as the leader of the Port land bar and has been called to many places of high responsibility In his state. He is a bachelor and a man of wealth. IHI The only form of food made from wheat that is all nutri ment is the soda cracker, and yetthe only soda cracker of ' which this is really true is Uneeda The 0 In a only The only The only The only NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY'. mm DO YOU KNOW? THAT AFTER BEING OUT OP SEHIEBDAPvl COAL FOR THREE MONTHS WE CAN NOW SUPPLY THE GENUINE VICTOR WHITE COAL CO.. 1605 FARNAM STREET. TEL. OOUSLAS 127 DOCTORS MISTAKES Are said often to be burled six feet under ground. "Hut many times women call on their family physicians, suffering, ax they Imagine, ono from dyspepsia, another from heart disease, another from liver or kid ney disease, another from nervous pros tratlon, another with pain here and t hrr snd In this wsy they present alike to .tliemsBlvcs ami their easf -going or over ' busy doctor, separate dlsoa, tor w hlch ho, assuming them to be enrh, prescribes lil pills and potions. In reality, they gre 811 only in)f,m caused by some uterine incase. Thn'phlcian,Hriorant of the cutMf of suffer i iigVfcv;p up wajfeatment until largo bills are rnNiile. TC(?hJTi ring patient gets no rtU'rJJM-Wa3rVthe wrong treatment, but probably worsT A proper rnprtle,ne like pr. I'lrrrn't lavorTTj t'M:rmti.n. Urrr,l t the aiuC yvoiiTJ .have nitiri-u; raiivl i-U 1 he .r,,M i by iliHililig ni4lhoe dis(rc!iig synop toms, and Instituting comfort Instead of prolonged misery. It has been well said, that "a disease known is half cured." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a Scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate system, It is made of native American medicinal roots and Is perfectly harmless In Its rffects in ,iuu c'Ttr-tii,,irr;..rV;N.77 SjMYW. - As a powerful invigorating tonic "Fa vorite Prescription" Imparts strength to tho whole sy stem and to tun uremia dis tinctly feminine in particular. For over worked, "worn-out," run-down." debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmaker, seamstresses, "shop-girls." hnusc-kccers. nurdnff mothers, ano feehlo women i?en erally, I)r. Plorco's Favorite. lTfsvriptioa Is the greatest earthly boon, liein un cqualed as an appetizing cordial and re storative tonic, v As a soothing and strengthening nerv ine "Favorite Prescription Is tweqiinlcd and Is invaluable in allaying am! sub duing nervous excitability, Irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, Kt. Vitus'! dance, and other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the uterus. It Induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and destxituiency. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Invlorato the stomach, liver and bowels, tine to tiiroeadose. Ensy to take as candy. FLASHES Of VIS, "Senator, you didn't vote for the Increase In congressional salaries, I belluve." "No; I found, on counting noses before hand. Hint thero would be eiv iiKh voles to carry the measure through without mine," '-Chicago Tribune. "Hubby, dear, Is Mr.' Spareley a burglar?' "No, tootsecum, why did you think he was?" "I heard him say that he was going to an alley tonight to knock down as many as he could.' Cleveland Plain' Dealer. "Why do you fear to become a reformer?" "Becauae, ' answered Senator Horglmm, "the way of the reformer Is easy only no long as he is telling people What they ought to have. It hecomea difficult when It is time to apologise for nrt jrlvlnjr it to them. ' Washington Star. ... ., "I believe." said the hostess,' "you are a distant relative of the great Liszt. Are you not?" The leader of the hired orchestra bowed stltily. "Mndam," he said. "Llsst was a distant relative of mine." Chicago Tribune. "Do you believe that: Admiral Davis landed at Kingston by' request?'' "Don't know. That's the way he un bonded, though." Philadelphia Ledger. "Is she good to her mother?" "I should say so. She's, always looking around tho house for work that should bo done." "And then?" "She lets her mother do It." Cleveland Plain Dealer. . "Hentless last night, was I?" asked Jack Potts. "Very,'s replied his Innocent wife. "I guess you were dreaming you were an artist weren't you?" "I don't remember. Why?" ' ' "You wore talking In your sleep and you kept saying: 'Can't think of drawing; It's no use. My hand's no gijod.' " Philadel phia; Press'. .-. - ' .'-ll1""'fS t" - . Editor Threatening to sue us for llbelT Good heavens! What for? ' Manager Through some mistake we ' described her aa being In evening dress at a 5 o'clock tea. Harper's Bazar. "There are lots of men able to govern women." "Yes, and they're all bachelors." Houston Post. .. TIC 1. 1. 1 (J THE TIll'TH. Baltimore American. If your friends all assure you. they want but the truth. Don't take them, 1 beg. at their word. For. there s naught so enrages a man, in good sooth. Or can more of bad feeling be stirred. When one, for example, begs you as a friend A vigilant eye o'er faults to extend, , He means that his virtues he thinks you'll commend, Or to these you'll be coldly referred. Folks cry quite In earnest, "Say Just what you think. And don't spure my feelings, I pray." But see their wry . faces if they try to drink In truths you are candid to say. Just watch and. Indeed, 'tis a sight very sad. How soon you And out that they get very mad. If you hand them a lemon that's quite to the bad. When they surely expect a bouquet If a man's book Is rotten, why, say it la great. Or he'll brand you a critlo uncouth; If a woman's no looker, then of her charms prate. Or for you she'll have use nor ruth, If with everybody you want to stand In, Contradict thein when self-abuse they will begin, But never commit the unpardonable stn Of tactlessly telling the truth. Ui liscuif soda cracker scientifically baked. soda cracker effectually protected. 6oda cracker ever fresh, crisp and clean, soda cracker good at all times. i i dust tight. moisture proof packag.