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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1907)
Ei 11 ri n ti n ri n p n ii p p p p p p n p n p n n p r r s i t i s 10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 31. 1907. LADIES' CLOAK' SALE LADIES' $10 & CLOAKS AT $5 All good warm cloaks to-dato styles nove cloths, plaids. mixtures, black broadcloths, etc, leading colors, Q a big bargain V on second floor old store FP p p p p p p n p p u p p p p p p nnnnnnnnnl P tl r7 TFh niD m nr" i of Ladles $8.50 Cloaks at $3.50 Our long black and novelty mixed coats a big special bargain, Jh"1 lite S15 I rM ity iivJvy BIG BARGAINS IN Basement Cloak Dept. Ladles' Wrappers, worth up to $2, at.OC Children's Cloaks, QQ. worth np to 3. at. JOC . ladles' Tailored Suits, JjjQ worth up to $10, at.. Children's Wool Dresses worth up to $2, Cfi at JVC Ladies' Far Bcarfs, worth up to $1. at. 39c f.5 Ladles' $0. $12.50 1 and S15 Silk and Lac WAISTS, at.. Daintiest and most elaborate effects in white and delicate eve ning shades, silks, laces and nets, dress and evening Waists with Bhort, three quarter or long sleeves. r Esncrj h n p p tfi p p p m p p n p p p w p p n R P U p p p p p p p p p p ra p p p i p p p p p n p p p p n u LI 8 Jj OURA'I PTJE POOD CEHTS a5 Order Plionc Onr Private Eschange Connects Ton k ft With All Onr Departments. R . 1 When it Is too bitter cold to shop p. N with cnmfort, rempmher that Court- K noys fill your order with rare and g tl Rive you absolute satisfaction on 3 M phone orders B u Tnin t Ha mire food movement. It H starts with common sense and ends U at Courtney's. MID-WEEK SPECIAL The following are samples of the kj Tfw Price that will prevail inrouRii- m out the store at this sale : K Fnvder's Pt. Catsup, per bottle. .. .lSe M Toasted Corn Flakes, per pkg....8oR ind.t.vA Prnnfifl. lh Ten Tkn. mnltorv nrnnes are Indeed a K 1 health fnnil uhsollltelv no lvB used In B the Dreservinir I) t 8PECIAT, K . .1.1. 1 . n.it1 -.11 l.a4n. k." f I lull. n'l I r- v n "ill nru rv . . - brands of Imported champagnes, qt. bottle Gordon Oln (rectilar slie) bottle 8So M GuKenhelmer Rve (full quarts) per fc bottle f 1.03 B Kentucky Bourbon, per bottle. .. .6Sc R Maryland Rve (full quarts) hot. Oo K Titinnricil ... rnmni Rrandv. Tier D hnltln . SI .OR Taul .Tones, per hottle 81.00 Ik MneRrler Cednr Brook, per hot. 81-93 R Old Atherton Rve (guaranteed 10 vrs. K old) per hottle 81.00 SK At this sale with each purchase of $1.00 or more, of our own bottling a hottle of port or sherry, worth 60c. E 'Phone Donglaa 647. rrlvate ExrltanKe Connects AU Departments. p o ceparaie u,nt.rances a. w A m. m Wr nm j rn i i r i af.m oc luercenzea taoie uamasii, P Direct from the manufacturer big new lot of fine mercer- C j izcd table damask in mill remnants of Vj to 5 p yard lengths. This lot is the finest we have P ever received and worth up to 75o yard on H bargain square, new basement, Thursday, yd . P P P P P P M Once in a While a Shoe Sale "-" r uzsnnacsannnsnnncnsccscsncaccsnna REALTY MEN ICCR NEW ISSUE Eiohan Charei Current Ex penis Appro priation! Ueani of Folitioal Graft. WILL PROTEST AGAINST ITS PASSAGE elhjr Says Mmiira Give Mayor mmd Coaacll Power to Hire. . H for Eleejloa Purpose. the Conservative Loan and Building asso ciation, applied for membership In the ex change. George r. West of the Northwestern eave the exchange some views of real es tate and realty men which were highly entertaining and instructive. One provision of the legislative bill on charter amendment, which proposes to in crease by $150,000 Omaha's annual appro priations for various purpose, was at tacked by the Real Estate exchange at it meeting Wednesday. It was the provision for the issue of current expense bonds by the mayor and city council. The legislative committee was Instructed to draw resolutions against this part of the bill. and send them to each member of the Douglas county delegation at Lincoln Aotion was taken after Chairman Selby of the legislative committee had read a report on the bill, speaking thus of the provision In question: "The bill also authorises the mayor and city Council to Issue current expense bonds In case the mayor and council have not already levied up to the limit. This provision cannot be construed as anything but a curative act to legalise a means to borrow money to replace the shortage of $uO.0U eut off from the 1907 levy by the mayor 'under guise of economy. "As well might a man try to save money by paying part of his grocery bill and giv ing Ms . note for the balance. This Is a stunt in frenxled financiering that we reoommend be respectfully referred to the vaudeville committee." Means of Political Graft. Mr. Bel by was persuaded to admit that the recommendation to refer a part of the bill to the vaudeville committee was not to be taken literally and Mr. Belby's committee was then Instructed In the mat ter of resolutions. After completing the formal report, Mr. Btlby went on to explain that the provision gave the mayor and council power to hire men for political reasons just prior to elec tion. E. A, Benson also pointed out the possibilities for political graft. " There was some discussion on the pro posed increase In the police fund. W. T. Graham remarked that he was opposed to It if It meant that more policemen were to be employed to follow administration Instructions In violation of the law. The matter will be taken up at the next meet ing. - Mr. Selby said the bill In question had been Conceived and begotten In the city nail and had been outlined by Andrew Kosewater under suggestions from Mayor Pahlman and other members of the ad ministration. As Mr. Hosewater la supposed to be familiar with the bill and its prob able manner of working out, he will be asked to appear before the exchange next Wedneeday. '. Oilrnore sV Kuhns, who have formed a real estate partnership In connection with VAIN CRY FOR WORE GIRLS Demand for Help In Glove Factory Cannot Bo Met and Plant May Move. ' "Girls wanted" Is the cry of many of the large manufacturers of Omaha at present. Omaha is forging to the front as a manu facturing center, but the makers of goods are being handicapped by the Inability to get the help of young women to run the machines. The Nebraska Cotton Glove com pany, which has sixty machines, has on an average of fifteen of these machines Idle most of the time because girls cannot be secured to run them, and thla cannot be explained when It is stated that girls can make from $12 to $14 a week at this work. Other large concerns kaep advertisements la the papers the year around calling for girls. The Nebraska Cotton Glove company re cently was reorganised and Sprague Ab bott, the champion golfer of Omaha, who has been engaged In raising chickens north of Florence for the last few years, was elected to the presidency. M. A. Hall is vice president and secretary and M. L. Ferns is treasurer. This firm makes noth ing, but cotton flannel gloves and mittens and is located at 1507-9 Jackson street. The decision to move to another city was reached when the directors met and looked over the books of the It was found that orders were already In for 150,- 000 dosen mittens, which, at the present rate of securing help, would take a year to fill. The concern employs nearly 100 people and Mr. Abbott says that unless girls can be secured the plant will bave to be moved to some other city where help Is available. Thla enormous business has been built up In Omaha in three years. 25 PerCcnt Disconnt On all women's -lour and gun metal calf button and .ace shoes. These are not broken lines, as we have good sizes and all widths. The fallowing prices are for cash only: Kenan's women's gun metal calf shoes. blucher and button regular price $5.60 sale Price 84.13 "Foster's women's gun metal calf, In button only $5.00 go, at.... 83.75 Wright 8i Peter's women's gun metal calf, in blucher SJid button $5.00 go, at 83.75 Eelffhler Bros.' women's gun metal calf, In blucher and button $4.00' go, at 83-00 Armstrong's women's gun metal calf, blucher and button, $4.00 go at $3-00 AU Oar 83.50 women's gun metal calf, blucher and button, at twenty-five per cent off 89.63 All 83.00 women's gun metal calf shoes, blucher and button, one-fourth off 83.85 Ten lines of misses' and children's box calf, velour and gun metal calf shoes Included in this sale at 25 per cent off. ' We positively will not charge any of these shoes at the discount prloes. Drexel Shoe Co. I 1419 Farnam Street BAILEY MACH DENTISTS Thirst FUr, Paxtorv Block Highest Grade Dentistry In Dp-Graves' Tooth Powder yoa have a perfect dentifrice and antiseptic. It insures mouth purity -and beauty 'becomes a part of one's life ia its twice-a-day use. Just ask your dentist about it. , Is aa Bketal eaas e hot ties, Sao. CraycTthPoivierCos FIGHT ON ONE CROSS LINE? Opposition Sprinss l'p to Building Car Tracks on ' Thirty Third. Considerable opposition Is developing In the West Farnam district to the building of the Thirty-third street car line from Burt street to Join the Park avenue line at Thirty-third and Pacific streets. The street railway officials say they are looking for no fight with any section of the city to force a line where it is not wanted, as there are plenty of places In Omaha where the people are clamoring for line. It : Is understood that some of the people who live on Thirty-third street, adjacent to th Farnam line, are protesting against a Una on that street. They maintain they already have plenty of street railway facilities from the Farnam street line. LINCOLN SANITARIUM Specially equipped for most Thorough Medical and (surgical Treatment and care of Acute and Chronic Diseases Natural Mineral Water Ba'ths (Sulpho-Sallne watera possessing curative properties supplied from our own springs.) Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver, Heart, Stomach and Skin Diseases, J. O. EVERETT, Managing Physician. LINCOLN, NE11. Romovoa Signs of Ago Price BOc-At All Dealers. roa uu mt THE BENNETT COMPANY AJTB ALL BXTAIX. SBUQQIITS. OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST THURSDAY. Fair. rulil M BUY CAPITOL COAL Lump $6.50 Nut $6.25 NONE FINER, NONE MORE POPULAR CLEANEST, HOTTEST AND BEST FOR FAMILY USE. ,1 .1 How's Your Stamp Book Coming It's a fixed habit with thousands of our customers in city and out in the state to collect green trading stamps. It is an accepted tenet in our dealings that no matter how much we may undersell competitors we give GREEN TRADING STAMPS IN ALL DE PARTMENTS WITH ALL PURCHASES EVERY TIME AND ALL THE TIME. In the Big Crockery Before we ran receive the gigantic shipments ordered within the last ten days by our buyer In the great crockery centers of America, which are merely supple mental to the immense Import orders plnced months ago for Immedi ate receipt We have sev eeral thousand dollars' worth of broken lines, odd lots and shattered open storks which we must close out. PLAIN STATEMENT OF BARGAIN FACTS 4 fgf ?yC FEW HUNDRED PIECES LEFT Plates, worth up to 35o for .lOt? Sugar Bowls, worth up to 75c ..... .-. 10tf Covered Butters, worth up to $1, for 10 Bakers and Scallops, Platters and Cover Dishes, all at 25 Cups and Saucers, worth 30c. .10 100-PIECE KENT DINNER SET Eight to close out, $12.00 valuo, on sale this week at $7.08 For the full 100 pieces. Price cuts no figure. The most precious thing under our roof Is ROOM. WATCH THESE CROCKERY ADS DON'T MISS OXE OF THEM THEY MEAN MUCH TO YOU Cut Sf Glass V V Vases Mlldi u off mm Any Vase In Stock at A Bevy of Splendid Bargains Thursday v AY! uS THE RELIABLE ST8)RI More Attractive Values Than Ever Before Final Clearance Women's Garment" Value offered In this sale will realise your hlgt expectations. Most of them are odd garments u" v broken lots, but you'll find many complete lines aoAi all at REMARKABLE RARGA1N PRICES THURS w DAY. Women's Long Coats. In loose fitting styles, that sold up to $10.00, choice $2.08 Coats, worth up to $18.00 60x52-ln. long. In loos or form fitting styles, about 175 garments in the lot. at, choice $4.00 Stylish Coats, In great assortment that sold regularljf at $20, $2B and up to $30, In this sale at. choice" for $10.00 $15.00 and $18.00 Tailor Suits, In fine Broadcloths, cheviots and fancy mixtures, over 200 garments from whkh to select, at. choice $7.50 Women's $5.00 and $6.00 Walking Skirts, Thursday for $2.08 Women's $5.00 Silk Underskirts, Thursday. .$2.08 Women's $5.00 Eiderdown Bath Robes, Thursday for $1.08 Women's Waists that sold to $1.60, choice. .. -40 MM 'i Li Hi From 8 Till 9 a. m. $1.60 Long Kl mefnos at 40c From 8:30 Till 9:30 a. m. Children's DreBses, $1.00 value, at 30 3.V CORSET COVER EMBROIDERIES AT 19c Yard Thursday morning we place on sale 500 pieces of extra width Corset Cover Embroideries, In big variety of designs, worth 35c yd., sale price 10 From 9 Till 10 a. m. Women's Dres sing Sacques, worth up to $2, at.5Qr From 9:30 Till 10:30 a. m. Children's Bonnets, $1.00 values 10 80c SKIRT FLOUXCINGS, per yard, only 20c The most desirable style of embroidery this season. Hundreds of patterns to select .. from, your choice, Thursday, yard ..207 Thursday Dress Goods Specials New Spring Novelties, 40-in. wide, three toned effects, a very desirable weight for early spring suits special, the yard 6342 Shadow Plaid Batiste Blue, brown, green, red, tan, gray and many other ehades sold elsewhere at $1 the yard our spe cial price, the yard 85 c Extra Special Thursday Only LOT 1 English Novelty Suiting, 56in wide, our special A C p price, per yd 4 v V LOT 2 Nine hundred yards Brown Mohair Novelties a great bar 3. ,35c Grand Lace Sale The opening sale of the season begins Thursday morning, with laces a$"tV 2V4S 5. 7H and Q yd., that would sell regularly up to 25c yd. underwear. The greatest value In new laces ever seen In Omaha, Don't mles them. We have the sole agency In Omaha for the Famous Zlon City Laces, the only line of Wash Laces manufactured In this country. Every other piece of lace you buy you must pay the 60 import duty. There Is no tariff on Zlon City Laces, so you save the 60 by buying them. HALL-RROCHERT DRESS FORMS We have the sole agency for these forms In Nebraska, South Dakota and Western Iowa. Samples on display here. Special Furnishing Bargains Hour sales that will prove the greatest bargain surprises ever known la Omaha. From 8 Till 9 a. m. Men's Fleece Lined Jersey Overshlrts and winter underwear, in all sizes, regular val ues up to 60c, at, garment. .. .15 From 9 Till 10 a. m. Men's and Boys' woolen Sweaters, In plain or fancy colors, values up to $1, choice. 25 From 10 Till 11 a. m. Men's heavy Canvas Gloves and Mittens, worth up to 15c pair, at, per pair 5, From 2 Till 3 p. m. Ladles' Imported Lisle Vests, worth to 50c, silk taped, trimmed with lace, come In pink, blue and white, special, a garment tor 15 Neckwetxr, Big lot of Odds and Ends In Ladles Neck wear, each worth 25c 12c BONDED ABSTRACTERS UNITE Effect Trmporarr Orsaalatlom, Whir a Will B Parataaaat, for Ma taal Pratectlsa. - Ths bonded abatractera of Nebraska met at Lincoln Tuesday momlnjr and perfected a temporary organisation, to meet again April I at ths same place for permanent orranlsatlon. Twenty wf re la attendance Tuesday. J. Fred Kerr, from Omaha, at tended and explained the purpose of or ganisation was for mutual protection and to protect the publlo from unbonded ab stracters. A bill Is to be offered to thi legislature for the purpose of amending the preaent law to the extent of making it Illegal to engage In the abstracting buttneas without being under bund. HOTELS. fWhen in Chicago u atop ai ine mm itratiord Hotel European Plan Refined, Elegant. Quiet Located cor ner of city's two Soeet boulevards, convenient to entire buslaMS ceeier. Clo.e to be.t theatre and shopping dintrlct. t-A rooms, 130 private batbsi luxurious writing and reception room; woodwork mahogany througnout; brass bed and aU modern comforts; telephone in every room; beautilul dining roomer the beat of everything at moderate prices. Michlsaa and Jackson Blvds Chlcato ti PARK HOTEL gK'.XyV:; Practically Sreproof. Purlng the pa.i euimnrr entirely relit ted and decorated: hot and cold runulng water In every rotirn. American ana Kuropean plan. J. . bat?. ese ana ltoaafeg. 600 .Yards Ruching Good assortment of patterns, worth 25c per yard 9c CO Fancy Colored Chit fon Ruffs. worth $2.60. for 98c Children's Coats and Dresses Half Price Children's Coats, ages 2 to 14, all colors. Friezes, plain cloths, fancy mixtures, bear skins, crushed velours, etc. Some sold as high as $6 Thursday, choice ..$1.05 Children's Coats Ages 2 to 14, all colors, plain or fancy mixed materials some finished with Peter Pan silk hoods, silk velours and bearskins Included, garments that sold up to $7.60, Thursday, your choice $2.05 Children's Coats. 2 to 14 made of kersey, broad cloths, bullseye bearskin and velours, all beautifully made, some of these sold as high as $12.50, Thurs day, your choice. . i "s Children's Novelty Dresses, 1 to 4 years, Thursday for 15 Others, made French style. Thurs day 28 Children's all wool fancy and tailored dresses, 4 to 14 years, Thursday at HALF PRICE. 2d Floor. From 3 Till 4 p. m. Infants' Jackets, Pinning Blankets, Dresses, Bootees, etc, worth regularly up to $1.00, in one great lot, on bargain square, each..lO BE SURE AND ATTEND OUR FAMOUS Hourly Sales in Our Bargain Room In no other house in America will you find such values as we offer In these sales. Ask those who have attended them. From 8:30 Till 9:30 a. m. We will sell 10c Flannelette. In dark colors, red colors, polka dots, figures, etc., not over 12 yards to a customer, at, per yard, 3Hj From 10 Till 11a. m. We will sell 60 dozen Towels, bleached and unbleached Tt rklsh, bleached and unbleached Huckaback, goods that sell up to 120 each, will go at, each 4 From 11:30 Till 12:30 We will sell 26 bolts of the Celebrated 'Goblin Sllko llne. always sold for 12 He, not over 12 yards to a customer, at, per yd.2 From 1 Till 2 p. m. We will sell 12 Ho and 15c 40-lnch Lawns, not over 12 yards to a customer, at, per yard 4 From 2:30 Till 3:30 p. m. We will sell 25 dozen of 19c and 25c extra large and neavy Turkish Towels, bleached and unbleached, not over 3 pair to a curtcmer, at, each 0 From 4 Til' 5 p. m. We will sell Shirting Prints, the best quality made, all light colors, worth 6 He and 6 He yard, not over 12 yards to a customer, at,' per yard 3 " Tha couriers or this large bargain room will be ruled with Percales, Ging ham i. Prints, White Goods, Wash Goods, Linens, Towels, Flannels, In fact, a cor. plele Btore In itself, and every item will be sold for about half of what you can buy these goods elsewhere. These goods on sale for all day. Haydens'. the Home of Pure Food Products Kiffnest Quality, Treihest Goods and Lowest Prices. If you are not doing your trading with us, compare our prices with what ypu are paying for the same goods elsewhere. BEAD THESE PBIOEB 21 pounds Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar 100 10 bars Beet Brands laundry Soap.. 25c 6 lbs. Best Hand Picked Navy Bcans.lBc 10 lbs. Best White or Yellow Corn meal 12Vo 1-lb. package Baited Wafers 9c Fig Bar Cookies, per pound 10c The Best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per pound --?0 The Best XXXX Olnger Snaps, per lb.o Fancy California Prunes, per lb......4o I pndon Layer Raisins, per lb 6 Vic Sultana Raisins, per pound 8Vio Cleaned Currants, per pound 6 Ho a TEOETABLB A WD PKESX T?IT PRICES Fancy Imported Crown Figs, pound.. 124a Oet our prices before buying Fresh Caul iflowers, PlneapplfS, Celery, Leek Toma toes, Cucumbers, etc., etc., you will find It a big saving for you. Fresh Hplnuch, per pent ...103 Fancy Late Red Cranberries, per quart 74o t heads Fresh Lettuce Co 1 bunches Freeh Radishes fa t bunches Shalot Onions fa Fresh California Turnips or Carrots. per bunch fa 1 bunc til's Fresh Reets 5o Irge Heads FrPHh Cahbiige fa Fancy Illinois Kiln Dried Sweet Pota toes, per pound fa Fancy Head Lettuce, each fa Bents, Parsnips, Turnips, Carrots, Rut ahagkH or Onion., per pound.... to Large Orape Fruit, each fa Fancy Fard Dates, rT pound loo t Large Juicy Lemona,, per dozen lOo . w BROS. Beivnett'sycGrocery Fresh roasted. One flavored Coffees. We have them Just right all the time. IF5?5?! M Iff Bennett's Capital Coffee, Poand package i 8c Twenty Green Trading Etamps Basket Fired Japan Tea. lb..4c Forty Green Trading Stamps. English Breakfast Tea.- lb.. 48c Forty Green Trading Stamps. Gunpowder Tea, pound 48c Forty Green Trading Stamps. Swiss Cheese, dpmestlc, pound. 25c Twenty Green Trading Stamps. CAXJTOBaTXA PBUVB SALS Santa Clara Prunes, finest quality, sixty to sev enty slse, worth 10c, Thursday, special, per pound c Maine Sugar Corn, 80c per dosen; per can... 7c Bennett's CapUot Oats, package 10c Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Wheat, package 10c Ten Green Trading b tamps.. Bennett's CapltoP Mince Meat, three packages. 2Sc Tweuty Green Trading Stumps. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound can.Z4c Tweuty ureen traaing etamps. Bennett's Capitol Oats, parkage Ten Green Trading Stamps. Currants, English, cleaned, pound 10c California Seedless Raisins, pound .........10c Seeded Ralalns, package 10c California Prunes. rund Ic BENNETT'S CANDIES Pit Pat Candy, pound 1IS4 .10o Shoes Warm lined, easy shoes for elderly women, plain toes, made on common sense lasts, regular $1.75 values, 1.19 Women's . Felt and Leather Sole warm lined home slippers, regular 60c and 75c values 39c WARM LINED OVERSHOES FOR MEN WOMEN and CHILDREN 15; Do you live near Hanscom Park? HANSCOM PARK PHARMACY 1501 SOUTH 29TH AVE will take your want-ad for The BEE at the same rates as the main office. Branch Want-ad Office OMAHA BEE ii I 3 4 EVERY PUEF A DELIGHT waring ii s QUALITY THE BEHT ALWAib IMIORM y, r. luce VtcrcauUls Cigar Co., MauuXactursre, fit, IfffJs V r 1 '