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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1907)
GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET heat BeoalpU Lirht nd Built Hart , Tneit Innbts, . MAY PRICE AOVANCES THREE-EIGHTHS aatrr Klevators Reported Retaalag to Bar Aeeoant of Being; Loaded rpc-rn Atii Fall Half cat. ,., , . Omaha, Jan. 29. 1908. rtLPr!..,wh't..wer "ht -" there . ;i,f V,?or ?,r" refusing to buy o ! u" lln " -" unable to get ir.rt.rt h.?? T-In- Tne market started higher and advanced ateadlly, May filing up at the clone to 11, or cen t a bnve ye.terday. Trmde wai. mall and al! Ttrer:?'f,v,on . -rt ?J2nITiF1' wfr. 'rn but tne market advanced cent. Estimates for tomor row are smaller. Oat. were firm and there waa considerable trading. rrlmary wheat receipts were: Jll.Ono bu. ?. .PrmlV,,1J?Wlub' -"",t racwlptg ' ' ... ' tx,rn r'lpie were 1.316,000 bu. and shipments 444,000 bu., against receliita lJVZ 11 7Ml0W bu- ;nd h'pmen?.1Pof T-ffh' l?t"'2a w'r corn, i'"1Ihrpo.01 c'"d unchanged to d lower c"rn unchanged to d lower on Broomhall cabled the strike had col lapsed. In Argentina and that the condition of the corn crop la causing alarm, The India crop situation la favorable. 4 .-v.. '.1 Cfc'cfO Record-Herald, ?.y .. U. "dorn ees a stronger I 7.000.000 bushels; last year It was 14.000.000. Europe has bought over 4, 000.000,' aa com pared with. 6.000,000 huahela laat year. Bup. rJ.flrS"" J,r """P" " now only liX'ZS b-u"he ". I,"t .year they were -l.'MO.Ot. Local stocks only one-third of last year. There la a good ahlpplng de mand and wa will have to pile up a atock "I corJl hfr" T'shty quick to Uke care of the ahlpplng business form now to close of planting season In May." Local range of options: Artlclea l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close, Yes'y. Vhat I 1 : May... T1B 71B 71 SB 71R 71A July... 70B 71B KB 71B 7o2a lorn- July... 4ftB 40B 40B 40B-4iii?b OHPt- 41B 40B 41B 40B May... 8v4B 86B 86B W5B IWB July... 83B 83HA 33B Omaha Cash Prices. hard. 66W70c; No. 4 hardeWwc; No. S spring, 64jT1o. . COKN-No. .837c; No. 4. 8436c; "l.f"?910: No.ll yellow. tlcitioTi white, 380380. . OATS No. 8 mixed. Wi9MAc", No.- 8 white, 36c; No. 4 white. S4ft34o.' RYB-No. 2. 69c; No.,8. 67HO. Carlot Hecelpts. . . ' ... Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 16 ui 20H Kansas City .......... 75 14 83 Minneapolis 96 ... ... Omaha 23 125 18 l'uluth 42 St. Louis 82 210 . 137 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Tradlns; and Closlna Prlces oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 29.-8teady cables and small receipts in the northwest Imparted siringth today to the local wheat market, the May delivery closing at a net gain of ft'ViC. Corn ,was up Sc. Oats wera Vtdc tigher. Provisions were 7Vic to 17c lowt-r. '1'he fact that the Liverpool market did not reflect the weakness shown yesterday on the local exchange caused some buying by shorts today at the opening of the mar ket. The comparative strength at Liver pool was cauned by the summary of for eign crop conditions, which reported con siderable damage to the growing crop In Europe by unfavorable weather. Some etly buying was also caused by the belief that the world's visible supply would show a substantial decrease. This opinion was liiHtllied later wlten figures were posted showing a decrease of 8.6n0.00 bti.'f'ngalntit un Increase of 126,000 bu. last year.- The domestic situation also favored the bulls, rt-celpts In the now h west being stilt small, while reports were again numerous that the winter wheat crop la largely without snow protection. The market lost some strength late In the day because of realis ing by local longa. The close, however, was Arm. May opened ttQtc higher at 7VuTmc,' sold between 78c and 7hc and clotted at 7SV4jC. Clearances 'of wheat and flour were equal to 244.1U) bu. Primary re ceipts were 311,000 bu., against 644,000 bu. for the corresponding day last year. Mln iieupolis, Duluth- and Chicago reported rs cclpta of 164 care, against 363 cars, last week and 267 cars a year ago. The. corn market waa strong all dtiy on an active general demand. Cash houses and shorts were good buyers. The chief strength of the markefwaa derived from a report that the orn crop of Argentina this year will amount to only W.OOO.OuO bu., against 194,0u0,000 bu. last year. Local re ceipts for tomorrow were estimated at about Si0 cars and this caused a consider able buying late In the day. The market closed strong with prices close to the high, est point. May opened unchanged to Ho higher at 46c to 4oo, advanced to 46Hc and closed at 4V Local receipts wera 7ol vara, with one of contract grade. Trading In oats were' quiet. The strength of wheat and corn and the continued small movement supoprted - the market. The de mand came chiefly from commission houses and the principal selling was by -longs. May opened unchanged to a shade higher t JTJefeSsc, sold between STkc and 84tt &Ho and closed at . 3akc. Local receipts were 2g cars. Provisions were weak because of a 6610c decline in the .price of. live hogs. Pork showed the greatest . weaknass, the May option closing at a net decline of 17Vtc at 116.75. Lard was off 7H10c at 89.67H- Ribs were down Vc at S9.42Vtc Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, ft! cars; corn, 323 cars; oats, 141 cars; hogs, 39.UUO head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. ITes'y. Wheat May July Sept. oi n Jan. May July Sept. l ' is Jan. May July Sept. Pork Mav July l.-id Muy July S..pV Vtihs May July 7K(ij7S4 7sV4 7S 78H 778 77V4 7' 77S ' 77S 77 77V . 7- " 771 77V 77 42 42 C 42 43 46Sft-V. 44, 46 4 46 4i 46' 4tt 434.4SVS 46 4tH 45 43 4&' 86 3h 36 364 36 S7Ta8 3.sHi 87 . IS ' 7 . S 8o So 8! 3 8 83 Si K3 14 85 16 SS 14 76 16 76 16 92 16 75 lb 97 16 90 16 Hu 1 07 t 70 t 70 67 TT fii 9 75 I t?T 8 70 9 80 8 8 8 82 9 m 9 s 93 ,8 42 9 46 9 40 41- 9 6rt" 9 47 9 521 9 46 9 60 9 67 -No. J. ('ash quotations were aa follows: FLOl'R Firm: winter patents, 13.30 3 bt; straights, $3 00a3.26: spring patents, li .7oy3.s0; straights, I3.1COS.60; bakers. U-t 3.89. . WHEAT No. 3 spring, 75Jc; No: 3, 129 82; No. 1 red, 74ttJ4o. CORN Nu. 1 43c;. No. 8 yellow, 43c. OATS No. 8. Stc; No. 1 white, 34c; No. 3 white, JuV"37c H Y K No. 2, 63c. HAHI.KY Fair to choice malting, 6Itr6ftc. 81;eD8 No. 1 flax. 11.16: No. -1 north western. 11.22. ITIme timothy, 4.i0. Clover, contract grades, 313.86. 1'HOVISIONS Bhoit ribs skies (loose). I'U.Vu 17. Mess pork, per bbl., . $16.46. ljrd. per 1 1 lbs, 89.5. Short clear. sides tboxed). 4.uS Wk s . . i-tilowlng wra the receipts and shlp i.iTiia of flour and grain: Kecelpta BlUpinents H ur, bbls... 4.1J , .) Wliewt. bu ..-.,..t ?2,(M . 27.UW Corn, bo..,..,. tlalS, bu ... 7biw 23H.0 Itf7,00 lt.-. bu luu Iwiiley. bu 1j0 . . 61, km On the Producr exchange today the but ler market was steady; creameries. at)3'c; -t'lrifs. 20u2Sc. Fk. steady; at murk. raar Included, Kc',' firsts. 14c; prlmo fi-sts, 36c; extras,' 8c."! Cheese. ' steady; 1J4 i; v.. Toledo Seed Market TOLE1K). ' Jan. 29. SEEDS Clover, caah fJ7; January. 8S.S7: Ktbruary. 8 37; rvh. I47; April. 8S.82. TlnotUy. 33.06. alaike, r . i t Wlaaeaoolls Crala warket. MINNEAPOLIS.. Jan. 89. WHEAT May, k'c; Juiy..HV;; September, 7bc; No, J. ( BKANiiCu.K,.o,o.Kr- SEW . " " " WE3ER41 MARKET qotatlo.. f lhe I.y' . Varloa. t'nanaaodltlea. i,h . r; cnol'e to fancy, 83.0&&4 3U. Uuck "t flour, quiet; tlHKuLzn. "Lr-eteady; fine white and yel Jun 7 ; coa"" 1-01.W; kiln dried. i1t:AT,c,!lP," 47.n0 ou : xpos, l"?. buv; 8.a,0OO bu.; spot market steady; No. 2 red. Wke. elevator, and Mc. r. o. r. arioet; n0, j northern, Duluth, 91c, J. o. b. afloat; No. 3 hard winter, 8Kc, Li,- . '3oat- A better tone arpeared In wneat as a result of steady cables, cov K J. b"" "PPrt- A midday reaction 22. pr'd,ctlons for snow waa followed by recoveries on the big decrease in worlds stocks and strength or corn, although the rally waa lost In tha last few minutes under realizing. Firm prices showed c ?AL.1TV.nce.; .May MVJA4c, closed at CORN-iRecclpts, 69.125 bu.; exports, 2.246 bu.; sales, 10,000 bu.; spot market steady; i..2, feo, elevator, and 61o. f. o. b. ?i v 1 yp"ow. 5lc; No. 2 white. bta. The option market was stronger and more active on cables, less favorable weather predictions and covering. It closed iac net higher. January closed V.Tv May' WSMc: July, closed at 62o. OATS Receipts, 33,000 bu.; exports, 26.465 mt.; spot market firmer; mixed oats, 26 to fi lbs., 42c; natural white, 30 to 33 lbs., 4348 44c; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs., 48Qt6c. EED yulet; spring bran, IJ3.60, Janu ary shipment; middling, 822.50, January shipment. HAY 8teady; shipping, 77S85c; good to choice, 81.0fvftl.10. ,JiOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1906 crop, 18ra43c; liKJ6 crop, grille; Paclflo cnt. 1 crop. 1316c; lo crop, 10(ffl3c. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 20c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 19c. LEATHER Steady; acid, 27H29c. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, tlB.On lo.BO; mess. $!.00jO.6O; beef hams, 82S.5"ti 26.00; packet, $ll.ooa(ll00; city extra India mess, $210i(23 00. Clit meats, firm; pick led bellies, 310.0off12.0O; pickled hams, 311. .Vt W11.75. Lard, easy; western prime, 89.65' 9.75; refined, barelv ateadv: continent, no 10: South America, $10.76; compound, $tt.60mJ jrora, nrm; ramiiv, $19.00; short clear, 17.6ifl9.on; mess, tl7.76ru18.60. TALLOW Firm; city, 4 9-16c country, 6fTiC. RICE Finn; domestic, fair to extra, 31 36c. BUTTER Firm: street price, extra creamery, 32. Official prices: Creamery, common to extra, 224i2c; held, common to extra, lf&'23c; western factory, common to firsts, 17'321c; western imitation creamery, extras, 2426c; firsts, 21622c. CHEESE Steady; state full cream, small and large September- fancy, 14c; state, October best, 13tjl4c; good to prime, 12 13c; wlhter made, average best, 12c: in ferior, llfel2c. EOG8 Easy; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fanoy seleoted white, 814i3io; choice, Wg⁣ mixed extra, 2bii29c; western first s, 26i&2Sc; onicial price flists, 26c; seconds. 24v2Bc. . . POULTRT IJvn, firm; fowls, 13o; tur keys, 13o. Dressed, Irregular; western chickens, 134318c; turkeys, l44i18c; fowls. 84j14c. St. I.ools General Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. -WHEAT Futures firm; cash weak; track. No. 3 red, cash, 77Vjfji78e; No. 2 bard, 748"4c; May, 76 77c; July, 76c CORN Higher; track, No. 2 cash, 420 42c; No. 2 white, 43g44c; May, 43c; July. 440. OATS-Hlgher; track. No. 2 cash, 87 3Kc; No. 2 white, 88c; May, 37(&37c; July, &tc. FICRSteady. Red ' winter patents, 8.T604J3.75; extra fancy and straight, 83.15Q 3.4S; clear, 82.8rxff2.R6. SEEDTimothy, steady at 83.5Ckg4.00. CORNMEAL Steady at 32.20. HRAN Firm; sacked east track, 96(BWc. HAT Dull; timothy, H6.OtKgl9.00; prairie, 811.0013.00. IRON COTTON TIES-tl.02. . BAOOINQ-90. HEMP TWINED 9c. PROVISIONS Pork. - lower; Jobbing, 816.76. JJdrA, lower; prime steam, 89 26. Iry salt meats, higher; boxed extra shorts, 89.62; clear ribs. $8.76; short clears, 8987. Kacon, higher; boxed extra short, 810.37; clesr rtffl, -8Wi.0: short 'dear, fio ea. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 9c; springs. He; turkeys, 12 13c; ducks, llo; geese, 8c. BUTTER Higher; creamery. 27fS2c; dairy, 21i&27c. EaOS-Firm at 210. Receipts. Shipments. Flruf., bbl 12.000 16.000 Wheat, bu 32,000 60.000 Corn. - bu 210.000 1N6.000 Oats, bu 138,000 121.000 K,ansaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Kan.. Jan. 28. WHEAT May. 72c; Ju4y, 7c September, 71c. Cash: No. 2 hard. 724j75c; No. 8, 6774c; No. 2 red. 744fl76c; No. 3, tMTHc. CORN May, 41o; July, 41c; September. 42c; Cash, No. 2 mixed, 39c; No. 3, 8!v4(fr;K)c; No. white, tlo.l OATS-No. 3 white. 88c; No. 2 mixed. 37(f(37c. FiOS Firm; firsts, 22c; seconds, 20c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 315.5ul00; choice prairie, 211.50B12.00. RYE Steady at 9gt2c. BUTTER Creamery, Sic; packing, 18c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 75,000 27.000 Corn, bu. 14.000. 22,000 Oats, bu. .....f.... 16.000 8,000 Board of Trade' quotations' for Kansas City delivery. The range of prices, as re ported . by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, was; ... 2skiTORK- Jan" -nOUR-Recelpta. bu.n L!?P"rt, 8,fiM bbl" ! market firm .irih. ' wi?,,r Patents, 8.tfi3.86; winter 14 tff- Minnesota patents. 5ota t.'orVL-"! Mlnne- Articles. Opert.l High Low. I Close. Wheat- ' I I May........;... 72 ' 72S ' 78 72B July 7171ni ' 71!nB Corn . .1 I May 40 41 40' 4041 B July 411qi4n .41) 41 A B Bid. A Asked. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, Jan. 29.--6pecuU cable and telegraphic communications received by Uradstreeis show. the following changes In available aupplies as compared with pre vious account: Wheat, United States east Rockies, de creased 1,061.000 bu. Canada, Increased 431,000 bu.. Total United States and Canada, decreased tuOuO bu. AfliwLt for and la Eurups, decreased 8,000, 00 bu. Total Amerclaa and European supply, de- oreased 3.600.0Ui bu. , ' Corn. United Slates . and Candada, in creased 331,0141 bu. . 1 ' Oats, Culled ftates and Canada, de creased 49.0VO bu. . i ,' miwankeo Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Jan. 29 WHEAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern,- 82ti3c; No. 8 northern, 7Milc; May, 7Nc, asked. . RYB Ixiwer; No. 1, wwic. -BARLEY Firm; No. 8. 69c; sample, 47 57c. CORN-SteadyrNo. 8 cash. 42f42c: May, 46c, asked. Peoria-Market. PEORIA. Jan. 89. CORN Unchanged: No. 8 yellow and No. 3. 41c; No. 4. 40c; no grade. 37c. OATS 8teady; No. 2 white. 87o; No. 3 white, 36c, No. 4 white, 86c. , K YE Unchanged; No. 2, 6t;ti6So. WHISKY On basis of 81. 29 for finished goods. Liverpool Gratia Market.. IJVERPOOU Jan. . WHEAT Spot, strong; No. 3 red western winter, 6s Id. Futures, steady; Marcb, 6s 6d; May, bs 4d; July. 6s 10. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4s fid; old 4s 6d. tares, quiet, Janu ary, 48 March; 4s td. ' Philadelphia Predace Market. PHlLADELi'HIA. Jan. 29 BITTER firm. Extra western creamery, SSc. 'i;8 Firm.- Wetxem fraeh, 3fa at mark. CH1C1-SE-Firm. New York full creams, fancy, 14c; New York full creams, choice, 14,e; New York full creams, fair to good. Ufc 14c. . .i ( , Dnlalh Grain Market. . DULUTH. an. 99. WH EAT On track'. No. 1 northern, 83r; No. 8 northern, sue; May. soc; Jsilf. .hAc; September, 79c oATS To arrive, . c , . , , . RYEauc. . .. . bARLr.Y-3feS48c. . .-...r . . i . . ,- Oils and Rati. OIL CITY. Pa.. Jan. 29 -OlL-O-edft' bal ames. 84 5a Runs. iao.lwS; armga, W6.367. Stiipmentx. Ite.ulti: average. Iil.e4. SAVANNAH. Ua.. Jan. 29.-01L-Turpen-tine, firm; Toc - Kr81N Firm. Storfc1. 77,998 casks. Quote: A.. B. C. l. & ei'o; F.-84 : U. 84.30; H. l 40; I. 34 hi: K tuJt: M. 66.36, N. 84.0U. av. c. ki-ao; w. w , .6o. . . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. .JANUARY .50. 1007. 7 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BUNDS Barinc by B;ira Lxrralr CffieU tha Prtaciire to Liquidate. MUCH TALK OF PROSPECT OF REACTION Rally la Market la Followed by Depression Dae to Drives Against Pennsylvania and Erie. NEW YORK, Jan. 29.--Tr.ere were signs of relief at the outset of the market to day from the pressure to liquidate, forti fied by aggressive bear pressure, which have been in evldenc for several days past. The extent to which weak specula tive accounts have been reduced by trans fer Inlo stronger hands and the over ex tension of the bear account which always develops sooner or later In the course of a decline, were given the principal credit for the change in the tone of the market. Karly manifestations of resistance to de pression were regarded with suspicion, owing to the frequency with which simi lar symptoms have given way to later weakness In the latter trading, but thf manner of conducting the operations In the market gave Increasing evidence of the efforts of the bears to secure stocks With out unduly lifting prices. At the outset the only demand 'which was actlce devel oped on the occasional declines, giving way to extreme dullness whenever any advance had been effected. Later the volume of selling on the advances diminished and there was more disposition to follow up the advance with buying orders. There waa no marked change In the con ditions surrounding the market. Specula tive sentiment continued depressed and the staple of discussion In the neighborhood of the Stock exchange was the prospect of coming reaction and industrial depres sion. One Indication of the activity of the bears was the exaggerated tone given to some of this discussion. Incidents of a dinner at Washington, at which the presi dent and a number of men conspicuous In the financial world were present, received much attention, snd the accounts published of the occurrences on that occasion were Interpreted as notice served on the fortes of capital of the coercive measures they were to expect from the federal administra tion. The embarrassments to which the railroads will be subjected in providing means to meet the great rush of trafflo or to make needed Improvements loomed large in the current discussion. The ar rest of the downward tendency of the money market was regarded as disappoint ing end the provision to be met for the call of the return to the treasury of of government deposits on February 1 was feared as an unsettling Influence on the market. On the other hand, the reports from the London stock market settlement were received with satisfaction, recent rumors of financial trouble In that connec tion growing out of the position In Ameri cans falling of confirmation. The rate for carrying over Americans Into the saw ac count also receded sharply from those prevailing at the last settlement, giving promise of a cessation of pressure on the market from that source. Renewal of rumors of money troubles here were con spicuous during the time of the early pres sure on the market, but with the rally In prices the rumors faded. The tone of the Japanese statement on the California school Incident caused a shade of dis quietude. Reports of the Intended offer to the public at an early date of an Issue of American Telephone and Telegraph convertible bonds was received with In terest, as the first attempt for some time to elicit public participation m a bond Issue. The rally In the market was unsettled late In the day by fierce drives atralnst Pennsyl vania and Erie, but the general level of prices was not forced back to the pre vious low point. The closing was Ir regular. Ronds were Irregular. Total sales par value 32.032,009. United States bonds were unchanged on call. The following was the range of prices on the New York Stock exchange: aaams Hxprese Amalgamate Coppsr ., Am. C. A P Am. C. A P. pf Am. Cottna nil Am. Cotton Oil pf4 Amaritwa Bxpraas Am. H. A U ptd, America Ics Am. Unaa4 Oil Am. LlnsM Oil pfd..., Am. UooomotlT Am. Locomotive pfd..., Am. a. a. k... Am. S. A H. ptd Am. Surar Rflnlnc..., Am. Tobacco pfd etfa... Anaconda Mining Co.... Atchison , Atchlaon pfd Atlantlo Coaat Una..... Raltlmora A Ohio Bal. A Ohio ptd , Brooklrn Rapid Tr Canadian Paclfla Cantral of Nw Jaraoy no M.ano lias in m4 1.400 us an 41 im 104 10 tO In t too m M4 HI ma iv n u 100 100 1Vj si 1.900 T1K 111., M.lno 1.V4 USS 144 100 116 111 114 ' 1M 111 10 110V, IT tm tri pit tl,KX intll lot 101 l.ono too loo ino 1 100 lit 110 111 4.40 111 111 11IS H I. TOO Til 73 71 17.100 ir 1M 110 00 $30 $11 til 1.400 67 SO 60 900 II II II 1.100 117 1U IV. 11.100 147 14ft 141 I II rnaaapMka at Ohio.... ... Chicago pt. w.... Chicago M. w C . M. A St. .P Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd.... C, C. C. A St. L Colorado P. A I Colorado A So A.. Colo. A Bo. lat pfd..... Colo. A So. id pld Consolidated Oaa Corn Products Corn Products pfd....'.. 00 11.000 1.100 81 SO 5 7 47 $4 IT IS 44 1S4 23 1 tOO 138 1.000 14 134 13 M M0 a Dolawar A Rudaon 1.3U0 110 Pol.. It. A W $7 SO 70 K 714 Danvor A Rio Grande.. D. 4k R. O. pfd niKtlllsrs' Securities ... Kris Brio 1st pfd Brio Id ptd General Blectrte Hocking Valler, ottered Illinois Central International Paper .... Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump tnt. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas CUr go K. C. So. ptd Loulerllle A N Mealcaa Central Minn. A St. Li If., ft. P. A t. I. et... 900 17 M 1.100 Tl M.60A 17 TOO 71 1.400 It 1,000 110 " job iii" TOO II " ioo 'ii" 70 IS Tl II 157 1M 121 14 II 144 II SO 75 15 44 II 10 too 400 41 II tl SI too 7 I MO 1M US in K l.tOO $3 $1 M toe in in in 400 141 147 14i I. I0O II II M I. mo ii t ii t"0 TO H 1.I00 It M r S4 , St 16 1.100 117 111 11 t.000 44 44 44 1,100 16 14 l BO Ii M II 104 17 H M 64.100 lit no Hi 1.100 IM It as tl . 3.30S 0 41 41 t M Hi 100 171 171 171 14.401) 124 111 121 II M.. St. P. t. g. M. Mlaaourt Pad Bo , Mlaaourt. K. A T M., K. A T. pf National sad N. R. R. of If. ptd... K. T. Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk W Norfolk A W. pfd North Americas Pad Bo Mall Pennsylvania People's Oaa P., C C. A St. L, Proceed Steel Car Preaeed S C pfd Pullman Palaoa Car.... Reading Reading lat pfd. Reading Id pfd Repanlle Steel , Republic Steel pfd.... Rock Island Co. Rock Inland Co. ptd . St. U A P. Id pfd pld i re l.too l.ioo a. mo TOO 1.000 0 14 7 21 10 41 90 M 1 IS II 10 $4 17 to SI 42 tl SS - M 117 M o 1M tr Mu St. U B. W St. L g. W. pfd II i 't7 II MS 14. Southern Paclnc Bo. Pacltc pfd Bo. Rallwar So. Rallwar pfd Tenneeaee C. A I TeaaatA Pacific T., ILL 4 W T . St. U A W. pfd.. Vnlos Pacific t'aloa Pactllo pfd V. S. Bipreas I'. 9. Realtr V. B. Rubber IT. I. Rubber pfd IV S. Steel I'. S. Steel pfd. Va Carolina Chemical Va -Care. Chem. pfd.. Wabash Wabaah pfd Wella-Pargo Express . Weetlnghouse Blectrla Weelern t'nloo Wheeling A U B Wisconsin Ontral .... Wis t'ontral ptd Northern Partita Central Leather Central Leather pfd .. 9lnee-8haeld Steel .. Great Northern pfd.... Int. Metropolttaa .... Int. Met. pld 41. s 9.100 400 II 14 M II 906 11 l S 11,110 171 17U 170 100 U tl tl 101 Tl 400 4a 41 41 ins lot lot u 1M ton 4S 43 44 11.100 10t 104 106 SOt 14 14 14 lm 400 II II It 4f D ti n tn 100 ISO ISO is 10 U 11 IS It M Ii tl tl 111) 46 44 44 II. ISf 152 Ills t) t si m ion ion ino l.ioo 11 71 Tl I.0O0 141 14S 117 tine !f 14 14 l. Tl n Tl Total asles for tks say. 1.0M.IO soars. Foreign Plnaaelnl. LONDON. Jan. 29. Money waa In good demand and rates were firm In the market today. Bankers charged per cent for fortnightly loans for Stock exchange re quirements. Discounts were firm. On the Stork exchsnge business for the new ac oount was quiet. Operators were occupied with the settlement. The carry-over rates were easier than for the hre-vtoua account Ll'be charges for Americans started at 7 pr cent, out easea later to k per cent British securities kept steady and the con tinent, supported specialties, especially Rus. slans and Rio Tinto. Amerclans were In active despite the easier carry-over rates yesterday break In Wall street having a depressing effect and nervousness silll existing regarding- the outcome of the set tlement. Prices ruled to over parity In the forenoon, but not much business was traa- opening pners a better tone prevailed and the market closed steady with prices over the lowest quotations of the day. Japsnese 6s o4 1! closed at Vn. BERLIN. Jan. 29 Trsdfhg on the Pourse tpdsy was djll. Americans were weak. PARIS. Jan. f9. Trading on the Bourse today mas quiet and prices were steady. Russlsn imperial 4s closed at 76.60 and Rus. sian 4s of 1904 at 496.00, lew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 29-MONEY-On call. Steady, 2'u:i per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing Did, 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans strong, but narrow: sixty days, 6-tio per rent; ninety days ami six months, iyitHi per rent. PRIME MiHCANTILK PAPER 6fc per cent. STERLING EXCHANQB Weak, with actual business In bankers' bills st 84 8615W 4.8620 for demand and at $4.Kusf4i4. for sixty-day bills;,, posted rates, $4.82 and $4 ;; commercial bills, 34.V SILVER Bar, 7c;. Mexican dollars, 62c. BONDS Oovernment. Steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on hpnds were e follows: v V. B. rof. te. rcg do coupon C. 6 le. reg , da coupon t'. 8. old 4a. rag. do coupon V. 8. n. 4s. rag... do coupon Am. Tonaceo 4s... dn 4 Atchison gen. 4a... on adj. 4e ...... ...lS Japan la. 94 series... M ...IS do 4s rtls. as ...Kl do 4a Mfs M ...lot do Id series tl ...ll U A N. vnl. 4a..... loo ...I'M 'Man. e. g. 4a 1"4 ...III Met. Central 4s SS ...110 do let Inc 21 ... 71 Minn. St. L. 4a... 13 ...110 M., K. A T. 4a ...101 do ta 17 I N. R. R. of M. S. 4a Atlantis C. U 4a..,.. M N. T. C. g. 10 n Ral. A Ohio 4s do l li lS. 1. C. g. Ss 126 . M No. Paclae 4s lui . II do la 71 .110 N. A W. e. 4s M . to 0. 8. L. rtdg. 4s.... II . T7 Penn. boot. Ie H . II Reeding gen. 4a. aa .lit Rt. L. A I. M. c. Sa .113 . TS II. U 4 I P. fg. 4a 12 . 16 St L. I. W. c. 4a ... 77 ; Brk. R. T. e. 4a tenirai of tta aa... "do 1st inc Mo td Inc. do Id Inc Cries. 41 Ohio 4a.. Chlrgo A A. ta C, B. A Q. n. 4a.. C. R. I. 4t P. 4a.. . n'eaooar a. u 11 do ml. Sa I 18o. Pacific 4s 13 14 111(4 TlX. S L g 4a. .101 6o 1st 4a ctfs.. i oio. ino. se, ser. a. 74 no. nan war aa. "T olnrairO Mid. 4s.. Colo. A Bo. 4s Cuba Sa D. A R. O. 4s. Distillers' Bsc Sa... Brla p. I. 4a 72 -roses m r. is lis 93 T . St. L. A W. 4a.. II lm t'nlon Pacific 4a li 4 I'. A Steel Id Ss ,tt l Wabaah la .113 17 Mo deb. B t. TS aw Western Md. 4a 11(4 da gen. 4s -Horsing val. 40.. .104 -W. ex U. B. 4a 17 Japan 4a Wla Cantral 4a II Bid. Offered. Boston Storks and Bond s. BOSTON, Jan. 29-Call loans, Cent; time loans, fVu6 per cent. 67 per Closing 111 II 48 18 I) 18 1JO 2 to 17 1 64 1S in Ill HH 141 17 prices on stocks and bonds were: Atchison ad) at Amalgamated so 4a Mei. Central 4s... Atchison do pfd Boston A Albany Borton ft Maine.. Boston ElOTated Fltchburg pfd .. ...loo Atlantlo Bingham 11. A Hecla... Centennial Copper Range .. Del? Weet Franklin ...101 ... M ...US ...140 ....161 1M It H...1M 110 II II II lto 1M 177s II 10O Oranbr Mexican central N. T.. N. H. a tTnlos Pacific ... Am. Arge. Chem. do pfd Am. Pneu. Tubs. Amer. Sugar .... do pfd Am. T. A T Am. Woolen .... do pfd Isle Rorsle Msse. Mining .. Mlrhlgaa Mohawk Mont. C. A C... Old Dominion .. Oereola Parrot Qulncy Shannon ........ Tamarack Trlnltr I'nlted Copper .. V. I. Mining.... v s. on t'tah Victoria Winona .....'... Wolrerlne North Butte...., Horn. I. A 8 Edison Else. Ills $27 71 14 It TO ' 186 Mssa. Electrio II do pfd Maaa. Gaa I'nlted Fruit v.. United S. M do pfd V. B. Steel do pfd AdTSnrura- Allouex Bid. "Asked. , II . 44 m , ii , is 44 Ill Ill 10 104IButta Coalition S Cal. A Arliona.. It lOresna Con London Closing Stocks. LONDON. Jan. 29. Closing quotations on stocks were: Console, money .. M 1S-1I1 St.. K. A T .. II ,..llo ... 17 .. M .. 46 ... II .. t ,.. 13 .. 28 ,.. II ... 15 ..171 .. 94 .. 4S ..10s .. II .. IS do account IT N. T. Central Anaconda Atchlaoo , do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific ., Chea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W C, M. A BteT.... DeRoers Denver A R. O.... do pfd Brio do 1st pfd do Id pfd Illinois Central ... ..14 Norfolk A W ..104 do pfd ..lolontarlo A W ..Ill Pennsylvania ,..114 Hand Mines .. 63 Reading It southern Railway , m l do pfd .. 37 Southern Pactllo ... tl ... 14 T'nlon Paclflo ... do pfd 17. 8. Steel do pfd Wabash do cfd ... M ... 71 ... 44 ...111 , Louisville A N 141 Spanish 4a 96 SILVER Bar, steady, 81d per ounce moint.1 4wi ics tent. The rate fit discount In the open market for short bills Is 4 4 15-16 per cent; for three months' bills. 44 4 per cent. Boston Copper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, Omaha: Adventure t Nevada Consolidated.. 11 Alloues IS North Butte Ill Atlantic It Old Dominion SS Bingham II Osceola 18S Black Mountain I Pneu. Service 12 Boston Consolidated.. loPnes. Service, Did... 10 Butts Coalition tt Qulncy no Calumet A Alisons. ..Ill Shannon 21 Calumet A Hocla tst Tamarack .,.140 Centennial II Tenn. Copper 48 Copper Rang to Trinity 38 Daly Weet li I'nlted Fruit 1M Bast Butts 16 I'nlted Slates, com... 14 Franklin 14 I'nlted Stales, ptd... 47 Greene Copper le t'tah Consolidated.... Tt Helvetia 4 Huh Copper St Isle Rorsl 81 Victoria I Keweenaw ,. II Winona It USA Pittsburg... 17 Wolverine ,.io Maeaachusetts lCsnsnea $1 Michigan M Nlplsslog 11 Mohawk 17 . New York Mining Stocks NEW YORK. Jan. 29. Closing quotations on mining stocks were Adams Con. 21 Leadvllls Cos. Little Chief .... Ontarls Ophlr Savags t I 121 M Alice Bresco Brunswick Con. . Comstock Tunnel Con. Cal. Vs.. Horn Silver Iron Silver .400 . 9S . SO . 4S . M .17 Sierra Nevada So Small Hopes"; II Standard .'...130 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Jan. 28. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, $241,617,752; gold coin and bullion, $101,2149,490; gold certificates, 82,466,808. Bank Clenrings. i OMAHA, Jan. 29. Bank clearings for to day were $1.708, 92. 64 and for the corre sponding date last year 81,701,601.46. Wool Market. BOSTON, Jan. 29 WOOIy-The market remains dull, though firm. The quiet ape.ll la not commented on unfavorably, however, as an active movement Is not anticipated at this session. Dealxra are asking higher prices and are not dismayed at the small volume of transactions. In pulled wools all staple storks movs steadily and show no larger accumulation. Foreign grades are steady. Iradlng domestic quotations fol low: Indiana ana Missouri Combing, three eighths blood, 84u36c; combing, quarter blood. SMSIc. Texas (scoured basis) Fine, 13 months, TMilhc: fltfe, 6 to 8 months, 6h9 70c; fine, fall clean. 604j2c. California (scoured basis)-Northern, choice, 67(Uc; northern, good, ntVtMfic; middle country, 66 6rtc; southern, 62fib3c; fall free, &4&v6c. Orw Km (sooured basis) Eastern, No. 1 staple, 72i73c; eastern, No. 1 clothing, 6HV?0c; val ley, No. 1, 6fi&!Ic. Territory staple (scoured basis) Fine. 72j75c; fine medium, tif70o; medium, 66j6tic. Territory ordinary (sooured basis) Fine,' 670c; fine medium, 67tirc; medium, 64fiBc. Colorado and New Mexico Spring scoured, X, 6&70c; No. 1. 63fl6c. LONDON, Jan. 29. -WOOL The offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 10,064 bales. Merinos were practically sold out, France taking medium combing greasles largely. Americana paid full rates for suitable parcels of merinoa Low and Inferior cmea breds did not Improve. Cape of Good Hope and Natal sold readily to home and French buyers. Following are the sales in detail: New South Wales, 8,8111 bales; scoured. Is 3d. Queensland 1.4UJ bales: acoured. 10ri3''e d; greaa-y 9d 61a Id. Victoria, 2 5(0 bales; scoured Is od ls lid: givasy. 6d45rls 3d; South Aus tralia 1.000 bales; scoured. Is 5d; grexey 6d-&ie Id. West Australia. 1.00 bsjea: scoured, is lOd; greasy. 9d'S'1s d. New Zealand, 709 bales; scoured, 9drd1s Id. Cttpe of Good Hope and Natal, 40 hales; greasy kdhlld. Punta Arenas, 6 bales; greasy) ST.' IiOUIS. Mo.. Jan. .WOOLF!rm Medium grades combing snd clothing 34 3sc; light fine axi!3c heavy fine. lotjllKr tub washed, 8ut338a NEW YORK. Jan. 29-8VQAR Raw stesdy; fair refining.- 23l-32c; rentrlf uaal' 96 test. 8 16-3L'c Molaases sugar, 3 23-3? Refined, steady; No. 6. 4 30c; No, 7. 4 26. No. 8. 4. Joe; No. 9. 4.15c: No. 10. 4 05c- V.' 11. 4.00c; No. 12. 395c; No. 11 3 90c; No. Ii 8 c: confectioners' A. 4tc; mould A, 616c cut loaf and crushed. 5 sue; powdered. 4 ptc' granulated 4 90r; cubes, 1 06c. ' MOLABSKS-Steady; New Orleans open K'E-TV nntViVS . T. a Sftnis Steady. Centrifugal whites. 43-ltj4ie: $ 7 16c yeuow, -Ufc; seooruls, 343 M.OLA86ES-New syrup, 8ttsta OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cittlg Tully Ettiiy had in Very Tiir remind. HtGS EXPERIENCE SLIGHT REACTION Sheep aad Uabi Open Slow, with Weak Peeling on Ewes, hnt Later Pnlrly Active at Abont Steady Prices. SOUTH OMAHA, Neb.. Jan. 29, 1307. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 6.23 6.074 1.717 Official Tuesday 6.3) ll." ,' Two days this week 10,663 17.676 1 3.717 rtame days last week... .11.047 1H.M! 2o.S14 Same days 2 weeks ago KM i3.o 1.; Same days 3 weeks ago. 13.147 16.168 17,23 Kiime days 4 weeks ago. 6.3H6 6.016 lt4 Same days last year 9.852 20.2UO 11.369 The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1907. l!i. Inc. Dec. Cattle 1"8.176 72.218 29,968 Hogs 16.940 201, 6 14,68 Sheep 132,526 127.064 6.472 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following table sbows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for ths last several days, with comparisons: Data. 1907. 18O.il906.19M.l9U.18in.U01. 4 731 6 87 4 69i 8 41 1 4 741 6 60 ; J 4 741 8 S9 4 6x 6 47 4 79 6 69 HI I 1 4 Ui 5 33 1 6 31 6 17i 6 W 8 22 M I 6 27 4 271 4 1& 5 26 6 0;i 5 14 6 03' 6 16 4 ! 6 04 86 6 69 6 64V 08 6 14 6 22 4 V 6 13 6 18 e 6 22 6 23 4 87 4 73 a iai 4 8I 6 6i 4 79 6 67 4 79 6 64 6 96 6 98 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha 32.4(j6.50 $4.iy6.86 Chicago 1.6(H47.M0 6 OfHu 7 00 Kansas City .'r6.6t) 57o(u6 8i Ht. Louts 8f6.76 6 3;o7 9l Sioux City 2.oO6.Z6 6.6U'u6.76 The official . number of cars of stock brought in today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. dncep.H'r's. C, M. & St. P. Ry.. 4 2 .. n. Wabash 4 Mo. P. Ry ,.. 3 1 U. P. system 64 29 20 C. A N. W. (east) .. 10 a) 1 C. A N. W. (west) .. 49 J 5 C. St. P., M. A O.. 17 '6 3 C, B. A Q. (east) ... 6 8 C, B. A y. (west) ... 47 30 4 C, R. I. At p. (east).. 16 14 Illinois Central 3 Chicago Ot. Western. 1 6 .. .. Total receipts ....220 167 32 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hoes, sheep. Omaha Packing Co. ... 613 1,291 Swift and Company 1,421 Cudahy Packing Co. .... 1,064 Armour A Co 1,027 Vansant A Co 67 McCreary & Carey 16 Hill A Son 138 F. P. Lewis S3 Huston A Co 46 1.3X9 3.192 3.926 364 3, 1 CM 2,246 Hamilton A Rothschild. 122 L. F. Hubs 241 Wolf , 21 J. H. Bulla 10 Mike Haggerty Ill ' J. B. Root A Co 60 ' O. McConnaughey 78 T. B. Inghram 7 Sullivan Broa 1 V. A. Brltton 13 Lehmer Bros 14 Independent Pkg. Co 8 Agar Packing Co 23 Other buyers 309 1 Totals 5,466 11.697 6.633 CATTLE There was a fair run of cattle this morning 214 cars being reported In. At the same time there was a good demand, so that the supply was none too large. The market as a whole was In a good healthy condition and generally satisfactory to all parties concerned. Under the good demand for desirable killers beef ateers generally sold In about the same notches as yesterday, both buyers and sellers describing It as a steady mar ket. The trade waa generally without any special feature and there was nothing in the way of news of special Interest. , Cows and heifers were in quite active demand this morning and the feeling, if anything, was a little better on that kind of stuff. In consequence the market was active and the bulk of the offerings changed hands In good season. Sellers were quoting the market as fully steady and In some cases possibly a trifle better on the best kinds. Buyers were generally claiming that their purchases were coating them a shade stronger than yesterday. There was no change In ths stocker and ffcedor situation. Uood feeders sold fairly well at the recent decline and the same was true of the better grades of atockers. Com mon light stockers continue very slow and hard to sell. I Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. II... 17... I .. I... 14... 14... . I... IS... II... 4... 14... I... I... I... I... It... $... 4... 4... I... 14... 4... I... t... I... II... 4... 14... 14... 17... 14... I... !0... I .. I... I. .. t... II. .. II... tl... 10... I. .. II. .., I... 4... tl... 10... I... 1... I..., 1 .. t... 1... 1..., 1... I... 1... 1... 1... 1..., I... 1... 1... I .. 1... At. Pr. NO. Av. 1041 1144 1146 1143 1090 1117 IKS Ult 1134 1141 llol 1371 1145 til 60 1017 1UI7 101 1 loat TlT HI 1041 lot 10 mt 1004 171 1010 11"! Kll ......1101 10.11 1077 ......1126 1071 1040 1157 1194 117 1110 111S 1141 lll 1470 444 ...... 777 120 70 t2l 117 Hit 1140 Pr. 4 44 4 IS 4 U 4 10 4, 40 I 00 I 00 I M I II i to I I 30 I W I 45 I 46 I 46 I 44 I 46 I 46 I 46 I 70 I TO I TS I Be I so I St I 10 I IS I 16 t SS I to I to I IS 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 It 4 It 4 10 4 II 4 H 4 ta 4 SO I M I 70 t M I So 4 00 4 00 4 II 4 IS ...1270 ... 191 ... Ml ... v4 ...1037 ... 17 ... IIS ... 10 ... 121 ... Ml ... t8 ...ION ... 7T ...10W ... S7I ... S44 ... too ... 141 ... 176 ... TM ... Ill . . . 1020 ... IIS ... SDS ...loot ... Ill ...104$ ... ... lit ... t3 ... 6S ...loss ... Ill ... Ill ...1111 ...It'll ...1152 ... I4 ... 110 ... Ill ... T75 ...US0 ...lull ... 481 ... 410 ... 761 ... 1st ... 420 ... 41S) ... Ill ... 160 I 40 I TS 4 10 4 20 4 21 4 M 4 10 4 10 4 IS 4 40 4 40 4 40 44... I... 41... II .. I... 17... It... 17... 10... 7... II..., II..., II ... 4 SO cows. t 10 11... I. .. 17... 4... 16... 17... T..., 16... 42... ' T... I... 14..., 10... 10-..., II . ... V.. I..., IS.... II.... T..., I.... I... 4..., I... 4... I .. T... II..., I.... I SO I 64) I SO I 40 I Tl t 71 I to IS t 00 I 00 I 00 t IS I It I 00 I 20 I IV I SO t u t 40 I 40 I 40 I 46 I 41 I 60 I SO I SO I St t SI I 40 1. HEIFERS. I IS t 04 I 00 I to I IS I SS I so I M 41.... I.... t I. .., II. ... 4.... 41.... I.... I W BULLS. ... 410 . . 180 ..IKS) .114 .1446 .. 764 ..1(K0 .. 100 .. 146 .. MO .. 160 .. too I 00 t ts t 24 I W I 3S I M I. ...llftl ...460 ...1M0 ...14V4 ...1440 ...1444 ... 144 ... 120 ... 171 ... 160 ... 160 I N I TO I Tl I Tl I Tl I tt t SI t 98 t IS I BS t SO t so t so I IS I CALVES. I M I 00 I. 1., II. I 1. I 00 I SO S TS 100 I 00 1 ISO STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. sal t SO I 00 I 00 I so I ts 1 sa I TS I IS 4 I to I ss I IS 470 424 410 , 761 , III 741 , 460 , no . 771 li . . . . t M 4 04 4 40 4 It 4 14 , 4ul , 110 4M WFJ8TWRN8. WYOMING. 4 60 li feeders.. Hog 3 66 60 feeders.. lo73 8 90 3 bulls 1316 3 30 53 feeders 16 oows... 11"0 , 4 60 4 W 2 70 9h5 3 steers. ...1110 8 cows 610 SOUTH DAKOTA. 4 cows 847 3 20 47 feeders, 3 feeders.. 778 I 00 778 I 66 HOOS-Hogs opened 6c lower this morn ing and slow at the decline. Sellers did not seem to feel like taking off and buyers themselves were in no hurry to fill orders, even st ths decline noted above. Hence the morning waa pretty well advanced before very much business waa transacted. Whan the ice was once broken the hogs moved a little more freely and a considerable pro portion of tha receipts changed hsnda In fair season. As will be noted from the sales below the 'hogs sold largely at 86 70, as against $6.76 yesterday. Today's decline wlpea out a little more than half of yes terday's advance. The later market waa not so good, the close being botu slow and lower than the Jw. 14... 281 I 4 601 Jan- ,... 8s 1 6 29 Jn. 16... tl(6 4 62 Jan. 17... 4i., $ 4 4 M, Jan. 18... 8 49 6 37 4 66 .Jan. 19... sa 6 29 4 66 Jan. 20... 8 81 4 67 Jan. 21... 64J 45$ Jan. ii... 6 61 6 35 Jan. 23... s 41; 6 38 4 63 Jan. 24... 4 48 6 82 4 66 1 Jan. ... 6 tili 5 t' 4 il; Jan. 26... 6 6 33, 4 73, Jan. 27... 6 3t 4 l Jan. 2N.... 6 751 4 64i Jan. 29.. I 6 71 I 6 38 opening. On the cloe It was hard work lo get over $6fi6nAiS7 for anything. Representative sales: Ko. A. 8h. PT. 71 t74 ... 4 71 111 ... t m 14 i4i ... 1 :w Ill ... I " 71 174 ... I 71 117 ... 6 ts 4 . ... 1 ;j 41 117 to 11; an til ... I7t 74 171 40 4 70 l I I ... t 77 71 Ill ... t 70 f. ? ... t 77 tM ... I 70 M ft. 4 M t 71 74 14 ... lit Iff jji . . 171 4 Si 170 4 70 r Jin 40 7f 4 V- 10 on 1M so I 7 H t74 ... 4 74 77 1.-l 1M til 11 K4 SO I 70 SI S 40 111 SS 241 ... I TS M WJ . I 7f T Un ts 4 Ta 4 rt 40 I Tt-s , 20 10 7p v, r ... 1 7fvt 71 114 ... I 70 U S6 ... t 71 4 1J ... IT 70 ... t 71 TO 241 40 I TO l I3S 10 t 7k 211 40 I TO 7 4 ... $ 7 I 211 ... I TS $v K2 Sfl I 7S 1 2 ... Ill II 16 ... t 75 W 4 10 t 70 14 18 ... 171 41 14 ... t 7t 44 I-l 40 I 77 1 40 I TO S3 S ... tin 1 2S 10 I TO II. JI ... I 10 SHEEP Receipts of sheep at this point would not have been burdensome had th rn been a better selection of the different kinds. Unfortunately 90 per cent of the ar rivals consisted of wes, there being smon the offerings fourteen or sixteen cars of Colorado. To make .: still worse tho quality of the receipts was none too good, there being quite a large proportion of mtdlum kinds of ewes, such as packers are never very eager for. The market epened wtlh buyers Inqulrl--after good wethers, yearlings and in nibs snd the few loads of that kind sold at steady prices. The trad, however, waa slow, and when it came (o ewes It was hard on Iks opening to even get a hui to look at them. The unfavorable condition of the eastern mutton maikct, soft weather and (he liberal receipts at Chicago all combined toward the making of a slow market. In spite of all the drawbacks th maiket turned out to be about sleady, buyers evident.)- wanting the sh ep. so that the most of the offerings changed hands In very fair season. Possibly some of the medium kinds of ewes may have sold a little easier, but everything that could be called really desirable commanded alnjut sleady prices. Quotation on killers- CJond to choice lambs, $7.007.60; fair to good lambs, $r..75 4-.7.O0; good to choice yearlings, lamb weights. $6.0056.25; fair to good yearlings, lamb weights, $6.75(66.00; good to choice yearlings, heavyweights. $-V7644.00; fair te good yearlings, heavyweights. It 6 irt 75; flood to choice old wethers, $."..364)6 0; full o good old wethers. $6.u0&o.i(; good to J? ""holes em-es. $4.V35.10; fair to good 14.S6a4.80. Representative sales: No. Av, Pr 1X8 western ewes 124 4 90 227 western lambs SO 7 40 183 Colorado lamb 77 7 h6 61 western wethrrs 110 6 60 91 western lambs 56 8 00 66 western ewes 90 4 36 21 western ewes 96 6 It) 228 western lambs 76 T 28 206 western ewes 108 6 10 43 wt stern lambs 74 7 i1 201 western ewes 95 6 00 45 western wethers 94 6 65 20) western ewes 103 4 rt5 31 western ewes 94 8 On 192 western ewes .-. 112 6 00 174 western wethers 91 5 66 68 western lambs 90 7 80 99 western lambs 71 6 75 SO western cull lambs 62 8 00 08 Colorado ewes 104 6 00 3T3 western ewes 90 6 00 U4 western ewes Ml 6 00 46 western lambs 87 7 60 121, western lambs 78 7 10 21J western wethers loo 6 70 M6 Western lambs 82 7 40 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cnttle Steady to Slow Hons Five to Ten Cents Lower. CHICAGO. Jan. .-CATTLE-Recelpts, 6,5u0 head. Market steady but slow; com mon to prime steers Hvtfal.M, cows, $J.7u 64.76: heifers. $2.605.00; bulls, $Z.7.Va 4.5o; calves, $2.75100; stockers and feeders, $J,75 p4.W. HOGS Receipts. 36,000 head. Market 6fi 10c. lower; choice shipping. $4.92'no.0o;, packing, $6.866.92; choice butcher weights, $ti.9JVat-H6; pigs, $6.5006.86; bulk, $6.8o4j-b.96. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpis, 20,000 head. Market steady; sheep. $3.0tji6.00; yearlings, $4.606.6O; lambs, $6.7&S7.75. Kaaena City Live Stock Murkel. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 89. CATTLE Receipts, 22,000 head, Including 800 south erns; market, lOQl&c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, $&.2Hi6.60; fair to good, $4,004(5.26; western fed steers, $3.7R 6.60; stockers and feedera. $3.X4.80; south ern steers, $3.&&6.0i); southern cows, 82.25 63.60; native cows, $2.26f(4.60: native heifers," $3.264)6. 00; bulls, $3.0(U4.(I0: calves, $3.25fi'r.60. HOGS Receipts, 19.000 head; market 5c lower. Closed strong. Top, $8.90; bulk of sales, $6.72(1(6.86; heavy, $6.826.90; packers. $6.7'&3 86; pigs and lights. $&.756.7T. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 11.000 head; market steady to weak. Top lambs, $7. 6T; lamba, $8.752f'7.86; ewes and yearlings, $i.7f)1rfl.2o; weatern fed yearlings, $T.7rii6.00; western fed sheep, $4.705.65; stockers and feeders, $3.2'a4.75. The total receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep today aggregated 1,230 cars, the sec ond largest In the history of the local yards. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Ho, Jan. .-CATTt,E Re celpta. 4.600 head. Including 1,600 Texans. Market steady. Native shipping and export steers. $5.16fti6.75; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.8&f6.60; steers under L000 lbs., $3.76tj4.75; stockers and feedera, $2.iXfl4 60; cows and heifers, t2.6ut36.2S; canners, $l.:0 4)2.60; bulls, $2.76g'4.00; calves, $2.60&K.OO; Texas and Indian steers, $2.5(k(i'6.50; cows and helferg, $2.606.00. HOGS Receipts, 13.000 head; market 60 higher. Pigs and lights, $6.8&g6.M0; pack ers, 86.604i6.96; butchers and best heavy, $ BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head: market steady. Native muttons, $3.2tVa6.75; lambs. $ culls and bucks, $1.6008.26; stockers. $2.50S3.7T. Slonx City -Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY Jan. 29 (Rpecial Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1,600 head; mar ket steady; stockers weak; beeves, $4.25 6.25: cows, bulls and mixed, 9.604.6O; stockers and feeders, $3.0uif.26; calves and yearlings. $2.7Vd3.64. . HOOS Receipts, 8,700 head; market 60 lower, selling at 86.604(6.76; bulk of sales. $6.86&.l.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, toOhead steady. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Jan. 29. CATTLE Receipts, 8.700 head; market steady; na tives, $i.6ft!6.76; cows and heifers. $2,263 4.60; stockers and feeders, $3.20i4.50. HOtiS Receipts. . 10,735 head: market 6c lower. Top, $4.7&f6.S5; bulk of sales, $6.75 4)6 86. .0010 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 5.269 head; market steady to strong. Lambs. $7.70. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yeste-day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 6.&0O 11, too 6,iaj Sioux City 1,00 8.700 ' 4n0 Kansaa City ..." 22.000 lD.O-o l.Ooo St. Joseph '. 3.700 10,736 6.26V St. Louis 4,500 13.014) l,o) Chicago , 6.60O 86.000 20,000 Totals ..42.600 93,035 83,659 Metal . Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 29. M ETA L8 There was a decline of 1 15s In the Ixmdon tin market, with spot and futures both closing at 189. laocally the market was weak In consequence of the break abroad, with spot closing at $41.00141.25. Coptier waa lower In tl: English market, with spot closing ar 106 6s and futures at l"7 12a 6.1. 1 ,00a 11 v the market was quiet, but firm, with I-tke quoted at $24.75Ti'26 25; electrolytic at $24 62 424.87 and casting at $J4.2Vq'24.50. Iud was unchanged at $60rff4 25 In local mar ket and 19 16s in Ixmdon. Spelter was 6a lower at 26 15a In Ixndon, remained steady at $6.70tft6.80 In the local market. Iron, was 12s Id In the London market. Cleveland warants at 66s M. Ically the market was unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern is quoted at $26 2frSW.2B: No. foundry northern, $24 2IVf5.15: No. 1 foun dry aouthern. $. Onfd'.-g 50, and No. 2 foun dry southern. $J6.0nj4!6 00. ST. L(U(& Jan. 29 M ETAt.B Lead Arm at $6.07; spelter, firm st $6.70. CetTer Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 29 COFFEE Market for colfee futures opened steady at un changed prices to an advance of 6 points on covering by some of yesterday's sellers and a bullish interpretation of the rabies reporting an abnormal market at Santos. Trading waa comparatively quiet, but the market held the Initial gain during (he mid dle session, when price eased off under liquidation and closed barely steady, net unchanged to 5 points lower. Bales were -ported of 42,000 bags. Including March. 8 vTd 6 66c: May, 6h6.66c: July. 6 7lXi6 76c; Sep tember, 6.8S4j6.9ts-; December, 4.06c. Spot coffee, steady; No. 7 Rio, 7c; No. 4 Santos 8c; mild, qulst; Cordova. 4-tl12c. Dry liootti Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 29 DRY OOODS-Mar-ket was firm and active today. I-arge sales of wide print cloth were made for delivery laU la the It wag aa active day In the Jobbing houses, timny southerr and western buyers llnit in. 1'hero tsai a large d.iiuimi f r bleached 8ils for prompt di livery. The t-xporl " "le w is generally quiet, but Chln.i conditions nn Improtlng. ( ott m yarns are firm and tendlns upward n some numbers l.tntttkiS are scarce and deliveries are slow. OMAHA W1I01t:IK M4.rtK.KT. Condition of Trade and Onofnflona on staple and Fnncy I'rodnee. EOGS rer dev., V. LlVC. POULTRY Hens. e; roost-, Wij turkeys. lOtjl.Ic- dicks. 'JijlOc; young roosteis. 7-ti.v; ti-rsp, io. BUTTER Packing stock. 11!V; rholc to fsncv -l.-tlry, :'l ul'Jc; creamcty, 2iV2!c. HAY-Cholce tirlmd ".6-: " I"- No. 1 bottom. $S Vi; off grades. 88 :i6 74X Rye straw, ;.O0; No. 1 slfnlf.i, $11.00. BRAN-lVr 'on, $lo.tV OLD VEGETABLES. CAPROT? SEETS AND PARSNIPS Per bu., 76o SWEFT POTATOES-lllinols. per lnrg bbl.. U 26. NAVY BU-ANS-Per bu.. $166; No. 8, $l.o0. LIMA P. EANS Per lb.. 8c. CABBAGE lioUand need, home grown, lc per lb. EGG PLANT-Per doi.. 82 2TtJ$3.0O. RUTABArjAS About lis) Has. to sack, tl.59- POTATOES- Per be. 4Si)6o. TURNIPS- ler bu.. 0v. ONlONcS-Hoine grown, per bu., 80cJ Spanish, per crate, 12. uu; Colorado, per bo 76c. TROPICAL FRUIT. LEMONS Llmoiilera, o and 300 size, $4. be; other b 111U-. ot'c less. DATES Kada way Ac. sayers 6c; HaW low is. ntw sli.flcu wainut dales. 9-lb. bug, $1.10. HANAN A I-cr . ncdiuin-slxed bunch, t!.atu2 26; Juntas -a, t?MtjafJ. GRAPE r rtl-IT-sisa o w a and 80, $3.76 .lit). ORANGES Florida '"rat ges, all sixes. t2.a; California uavt-la, extra Inticy, all sizes, $J.,; fancy. JS.t'O; choice. t75. NEW VEGETABLES. BEETS, TURNIPS ANU AHROT3 Pel dog . 4ou0c. TOMAToES-Florlda, '30-ln. crate. 85.00. WAX BEANS -Per bu. "ox. 83.6046.911. LEAF LETTUCE Hot nouae. er dot, flea'. 4c CELERY California, per dos.. 75c0$l 00. CCCC.MHEUS-Hothouse, per dos., tiOU. HORSKKAlM-ill-t ase o: 2 Uox.. $1.90. RADISHES Per dos. bunches. 35c. GREEN PEPPERS Pr 4-baoket erat, t4 bt(uo 00. PARSLEY Hothouse, per dos. bunches, fjc. HEAD LETTUCE-Southern. per dos el.Of'u 136. SHALLOTS Southern, per bunch, 60c FRUns. CRANBERRIES - Per bbl.. $7.0tKu9.00. APPLES Ben Davis, choice. $K.ou; fancy, per bbl., Jii; Jonathans, $3.764i4.ov; New York upplcs, $3 26; 1 twa and Nebraska, euting und ciKiking, J2 263.00. PKARrt inttr Nens. oer oox. 83.00. BTGS California, bulk. 6c; 8-crowg Turkish, Kh.-; 6-cruwn, 14c; 3-ciown, 18c. C'OCOAMJTo Per sack of loo, $4.0. CUT BEEF PRICES. No. 1 ribs, 16c. No. 2 ribs. 10c; Nu. 8 ribs, 7c; No. 1 loin, lc; No. t loin, 12oj No. 8 loin, 9c; No. 1 chuck, 6c: No. 2 chuck, 6c; No. 2 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, 7c; No, 2 round, 6c; No. 3 round, 6c; No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plate, 4c: No. 8 plate, 3c. U ISCELLAN KOUa CHEESE New lull cream Wisconsin twins, )6c; new full cream brick, w$ 16c; wheel Swlxs cheese. Its;; block Swiss, 16c; limbHraer, l4u; Young Americas, 16c. . FISH Tioul. Uc: halibut. Hie; catnsh, 15c; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, lie; black bass, fins slock, 26c; salmon, 12c; pike, dressed, lie: red snapper, Uc; whitellxh, l-o; perch, dressed and scaled, 6c: pickerel, dressed, 8c; herring, 6c; crappies, txyl6c; els,-t&c; bluehsn. 15c; lobsters, green, Vo per lb. J mackeiel, Spanish, 16c; native. 36c; frog legs, 46c per doz. saddles; smelts, 12c. Cl RED FlnH-Famlly whitetish, per quarter bbl., 105 lbs., $( 00; Norway mack erel. No. 1. $36.00; No 1 28 00; herring U bbls., 2i pounds each, Norway, 4k, $11; Nor way, 3k, 312.60; Holland herring. In kegs, milkers, 8O0; kegs, mixed. 70c. HIDES AND TALIAJW Green salted. No. 1. 12c No. 2, He; bull hides, 9c; green hides, No. 1, 10c: No. 2. 9c; borse, $1.60d 8.75; sheep pelts, 50c4t$1.25. Tallow, No. L 4o; No. 2. 3e. Wool. 1622c CIDER New York, hilt parrel. 82.75; bar. tel. $6.04 NUTS French - walnuts, 13cj California walnuts. No. 2, soft shell, l.1cj No. 1 soft shell. loc; Brazils, 15j(16c; pecans, Utw-.'i'c; filberts, 13'014c; peanuts, rsw, 7c: roasted, 9c; California -Imunda, hard shell, 16c; Tiayonia, 17c. HONEY-rer 24 frames, 82.60 COFFEE Roasted. No. S6, 26c per lb s No. 80, 21c per lb.; No. 25, 19c per lb.: No. 20, 16c per lb.: No. 21. 13o per lb. SUQAR-Oranulated cane, In sacks, $6,11; granulated beet, In sacks, $6.01. SYRUP In bbls., 2"(c per gal.; in cases, 10-lb. cans, $1.70; cases, tl 5-1 b. cans, 81.80: cases. 24 2-lb. cans. 81.96. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern, &6ii6oc; Maine, tl. 1 Tomatoes, l-lb. cans, $1.10; 8-lb. cans, 97c4JI.00. pine, apples, grated, 2-11).. $2.0Mi;.3u; sliced, $1 ) 2.20. Gallon apples, fancy, $2.06. Call torn la apricots, 83.00. Pears, $1.76 t.60. Peaches, fancy, $1.75&2.4i; H. C. peaches, $2.00)2.60. Alaska salmon, red, 81.26; fancy Chinook, P., $2.10; fancy Buck eye, F., $1.96. Sardines, quarter oil, $2.76; tiiiee-quartt.r mustard, $3.00. Sweet pota toes. $1. bKiT 1 .26. Sauerkraut, $1.00. Pump kins, 80e4l 11.00. Wax beans, 2-lb., 66t)OOC lima beans, 2-lb., 75c?tl.36. Spinach, (1.36. Cheap pens. .'-lb-. Co; extras,; fancy. $1.3691.75. Cotton Market, NEW YORK, Jan. t9.-COTTON-8iot closed steady. Middling uplands, He; mid dling gulf. 11.26c. No milt's LIVERPOOL. Jan. COTTON-Spot In fair demand and prices unchanged to 2 points hlRher. American middling fair, 6.71d; good middling. 6.25d; inlddllng, 691d; low middling. 6.061; good ordinary, 5:4WI; ordi nary. 6.01d. The sales of the dtiy were 8,000 bales, of which 1.0"0 were for speculation and export, and Included 7.700 American. Receipts. 34,000 bales, Including 33,710 Amer lean. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Jan. 29. CXVTTON Steady. Middling, 10c. Sales, H6 bales; receipts. 377 hales; shipments, 678 bales; stock. 29.R22 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 2 -"TTON Stall market cloned steady. Iw crdlnary, 6c, nominal; ordinary, 7c, snomlnal; good ordinary. 8-lc; -1ew tnld''in-. 9 7-16c; mid dling. 109-lt'.c: good middling. llc: mid dling fair. 2c. nominal;, 13c, nominal. Stiles, 6.K50 bales; receipts. 13,9l bales; stock, 377,984 bales. HEAL ESTATE TRAtSPKH. C. E. Swan and wife to Royal D. Millar, lots 23 and 24, block 113. Dundee Place ". -...$3,009 W. A. Smith and wife to D. V. Sholes Co. and Thomas L. Davis, lots 1, 2. 8, 7 and 9, Hholes Sub., und other lots 1 W. A. Smith et al. to same, lot 6. Sholes" Sub t Omaha A Council Bluffs Railway Co. to same, lot 6, Sholes' Sub l oot) BHarne to same, lots 1. 2 and 3, Sholes' Sub., ami other lots 1,000 Ellen M. Hicks and husband to Helen ('. O'Brien, lot 13, block 9, Jerome Park 1,400 Katie Mather and husband to Hans C Petersbn, lot 17, block 7, Clifton Hill 1 George Forgan and wife to Hans C. Peterson, same 1 Edna B. Klrschateln and husband to Addle Biodgett. lot 5, block 9. Kountze place S.S00 Paxton A Gallagher Co. to Patrick O'Donnell, lot 9, block 1. Thorn burg Place 1L0 James D. Tuttle to Emma May Davis, lot 23. block He, Dundee Place 276 Gilbert B. Teedrick and wife to Annie N. Callahan, lot 4, block II, Myers, Richards A Tllden's 1,200 J. II. Pratt to John 8. Collins, it 44 ft lot 5, block 197. Omaha 8,000 Charles M. Ickwood to Frank F Lockwood. tract s e sec. O-ll-lo. . 41s) E. P. Kimball et al. to Sophie Cath erine Rathlef, lot 2, block 2, Oka homa Park 3,100 George P. Wlndhelm and wife to Eliz abeth Hengen, sxo ft lot 8, block &c. Omaha William Preston and wife to Noble W. Irving, lot 7. block II. Dwlght A " Lyman's Add 1 John Swanson to Mat tie M. Mackey, n:i3 ft e lot 4. Okahoma Add 600 The National Bank of Commerce to Mathey F. Martin, lot 3, block D. Omaha JtOO Florence Company to Michael Bros., e218 ft lot 2K, Florence HelK-lits. ... Gottlieb Bodmer to Ernest H. lr oen. lot 16. block 5, Baker Place.... 120 John W. Griffith, trustee, to same, same 1 Robert O. Fink to August ( David son. ft taxlot 9. sec. 84-15-13 Susie Anderson to Koren Jensen, part lots 4. 6 and 6. block 2. Saunders A HlmebauKh's Mt. Pleasant Susie Anderson to Severin S Itoire. part lot 4, 6 and C, block 2. Saun ders A Hltnebaugli's Mt. Pleasant . . . . J Samuel A. Orchard to Mathew HJorn aon. e lots 81 and ?. Windsor Place 1,850 Fred Bt-nzlnger to August Hoos, 1of 4. blis-k 9, Jitters Add. South Otraha Charles C. Purdue and wife to Hulda Bolton, lot 25, Nelson's Add 275 Total .. 10,7 71 tern, sxn4 el Inh . tni ot als teas, our ,bl sod WO" iuf i teg iof i ta (ra. tha lb. rill of to leSd Ide- tilv. this itnd tde- hois feeo hyr loon ihllo flek for, hag hful rap vere is0 the limit, out, gun hla the tha tear a ht of the ring are tha ma? tha