Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1907, Page 10, Image 10
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY SO, 1907. 10 5 2 FDr?nrTnrrnfs u w w, m ci a j , m m w-- - w '-LIU vBO:'2j, For Wednesday We Announce a Sale of Tremendous Interest to Every Women In Omaha 5 LADIES' ELEGANT ' m Silk Lace Waists ,,! Worth $15 and $20 Each 2 i ENTIRE SAMPLE LINE Bought from D. COHEN & CO., 5?S: This famous house makes only waists of highest fashion able character -vre bought all their prettiest samples of lace, net and silk waists the most charming messalines, radiums, crepe de chines, French taffetas and heavy taffeta waists, exquisitely trimmed. Dress and evening waists in Will It? VI yiuimy Duoutn nuun Dictttsi) , three-quarter or long sleeves 3 These Elegant Waists Are Worth $12.50-$15 and $20 Each (New Store Main Floor) A Bargain Will Worth a Trip Down Town 18In. FANCY LACE NETS at 29c Yd. 5 5 white, cream and ecru new styles for waists, etc, regular 50c quality, on bargain square ONE OF OUR MEW $3.50 STYLES FOR WINTER. Fashionable and up-to- date, but shaped for comfort as well as beauty. FRY SHOE CO. Til lIOUli 16th and Dougas Streets 5 5 M Wednesday, at, , yard . AT THE BIG SALE Irish FreUa Storm Ulstsrs, S4.S5; Fur Coats, r.SO; Sheep Lined Duck CoaU, $1.98; choice of any Overcoat In the houae (ex cept fur lined) $14.86; Men' Sulta, worth up to $12.50, Bale price, $4.86; Men's Pants, worth up to $3.60. tale price, $1.90- Men's Pants, worth up to $6, sale price $3; rood every day Pants reduced to 96c; Men's $30 Suits, now only $9.90; Choice of any Suit In the house (except black) $14.86, this In cludes some of the finest makes In the land, can be compared only with high grade tailor's $C0 farm en ts. In Boys' Department Choice of all kinds of Boys' Shirts, c; Boys' Pur Gloves, 26c; Boys' Good Hose, 9c; Boys' Overcoats, $3 value, sale price, $1.98; a few Boys' Butts as low as 98c; Boys' Suspenders, 9c; Boys' Cravenetts Coats, ages 18-18, sals price, $6.80, eta Guarantee Clothing Co. 1519-1521 Doug. St. 45-In. NEW FANCY NET LACES, at 49c and 69c . . . - Beautiful Point d'espirts, dainty dots and figures, in white, cream and ecru all the rage in the east for waists and dresses fresh new goods, worth $1.00 and $1.25 yard, on bargain 2 is- square, at, yard. New Lots of Embroideries, Insertings, Edgings and Rib bon Beadings all patterns are new and ' g?A "71 A are splendid bargains, at, yard wU" f 2w 5 5 DIG SPECIAL SALE in the China and- Glassware Dept. I Haviland China Dinner Sets 100 pieces handsomely deco- rated with delicate pink roses on our new shape for 1907 2 very beautitul set indeed, one that usually retails! ifVyfC for $35 this sale at Cold Cream There are on the market some good, others fair, and many very injurious, and why Injurious, because many use chemi cals to preserve the cream In all climates, while others use poisonous chemicals with the hope of gaining results. Beaton's Cold Cream The cream which we recently mailed you a sample of, Is made fresh every week from the finest of bland oils no cheml rals of any kind enter its composition. We don't claim this to be the only good cream on the market, but we know there ran be none better, aa It feeds the nervus and gives the skin perfect health. Put up In 16c, 26c and 40a Jars. Beaton Drug Co 15th. and Farnam 1 50c Ffivr deroTated China Tankards, It inches high, regular $1.00 ar ticle, we expect tueni to go like wild fire, at Special lot of fancy China Sugars and Creamers, assorted shapes and decorations sets worth up to 75c to close , f them quickly, I If at. Another special lot of Extra Fino Sugars and Creamers, very thin China, real French China effect, we could easily get T i ' $1.00 for them we ' sell them, at JJ Japanese China Cup and Saucers Very practical shape, choice of several different patterns, nice clear China, each 10c m OMAHA 5 niiRA pi nnmA Ann i UUUII I kWIIIWI I I II its , NEW ORLEANS Via Illinois Central Railroad ' Doable dally service from Omaha. Winter Tourist tickets on sale ally to resorts in the south; also Homeseekers' tickets to points in the south and southeast, 1st and 3d Tuesdays. MAEDI GRAS AT NEW ORLEANS Tickets on aale February 6th to 10th, good returning until 16th. with privilege of extending until March 2d, on payment of 60 cents. i LOW RATES TO HAVANA, CUBA Steamship "liomui" leaves New Orleans every Saturday at 1 p. in. ; Direct connections mad with "Cuban Special" la Chicago, landing passengers and baggage at the boat aide for each sailing. Send for finely Illustrated literature on Cuba and Florida; also for booklet, entitled ."New Orleans for the Tourist." Tickets and Information at City Ticket Office. 1401 Fare am St. ' Omaha. In Defense of Penny Arcade We, the interested parties, of the Omaha Amusement company, who are about to open a Penny Arcade at 106 North Six teenth street, notice In last evening's pa per a rather strong assertion, made by one Mr. Dennslon, stating the lmmorallsm of Penny Arcades, and we wish it to be understood that we will run a strictly clean and up-to-date Penny Arcade, where no one need be ashamed to take bis wife or children. And we Invite the said Mr. Pennlson or any other members of the T. M. C. A., T. W. C. or Juvenile court to Inspect any set of our pictures at any time at our Arcade. As we will open this place of amusement especially for ladles and chil dren, and,' under such circumstances, must run a decent and moral place, where any one can spend a pleasant hour for a few pennies. Picture machines must not oe Judged by picture machines seen in cheap snows. Our Arcade will be open Feb. for the public at large to Judge, and we invite all to examine. i OUAKA AMUSEMENT CO. . Try The New Way CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 207 So. 11th Street ct Cam V eak anO nervous a IUUU I U I who nnd their power te Bjnaa,A work and youthful vlgof HOI WOO Kone ae a result of ever. I work or mental exertion should take , OKAY'S NEHVK FOOD PILL8. Thty will I stake you eat and sleep and be a man agala 1 next boxes n&JO by stalL Sherman Q NcCortnell Drug Co Utn and Dodge 3ts Omaha. Neb, JytCVWSS Dstlcloos stand the test of all pure food laws. sy:A.w S. NORTH, District Passenger Agent '"IM' '-"i'Wr""""' lll""llMM"'"'"'-tMW DEPUTY STATE VBTSHINAiUAN. H. L RAMMACCIOTTI, D. V.S. crrr veterinarian. Office and Infirmary, sua and Mason 8ta, OMAHA. NfcH Tclepnone 639. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. DELLEVUE COLLEGE AiAlaMT Aa M4lw4 Ma IMlmi er Mr mmm wni w SujaaAi, SCHOOL lUawoi aet mi'i COhaVATol( Taorr el aua .wiiA. iitMitiga u4 art. OMAHA CQNtiltcTtooS l UU Ua aS Sjartlsa rnimiil wi OKA MA WBATKIk yOBOUT- WtP WiPATI Poldor. REP LETTER DAY TO EACH BOOK Embroideries 14,000 . yards of mak ers' trial strips of Em broidery, all this sea son patterns In Em broidery Edgings, In sertion, Flouncings, Bands and Galloons, worth up to 26c, yard C 200 assorted patterns in 18 inch Corset Cover Embroidery in the open and blind effects, with ribbon headings at top in Swiss Nainsook and Cambric, worth , up to 35c, at per yard.,...., 19c . Ribbons 8 inch all silk, fancy plaid Ribbons ., fA worth 25c llC 4 Inch all silk, plain taffeta Ribbons In all the new colorings, worth 19c . f n -yard........ 1UC Cloaks, Suits and Skiris $15 Woman's Goat for $5.95 SPECIAL CLEARANCE OF LADIES' COATS Verj Best Bargains In Men's and Boys' Clothing THE RELIABLE STORE Wlnler Underwear al About half Price Plaid and fancy mix tures, 60 inches long, $16.00 Women's Suits for $5 About 48 Suits left. .00 of these $1.60 and $1.98 Flan nelette Oowns for 98c 75c Woman's Drawers, corset covers, skirts and Chemise for 39c Cn I LDRKN'H WOOL DRESSES AT HALF PRICE. $1.00 Dress for... 80c $1.48 Dress for... 74c $1.98 Dress for. . ,90c $2.98 Dress for. .$1.49 Veilings (SL Neckwear CHXTTOW AJTD VAXOT MEEK TSanO, worth 2c Q. yard , Rew Xkii of mhroldered Reokweai from OaU Bwltaerlaad, Collar and Cuff Sets, hemstitched and scalloped edge embroidered. , 1 C -worth 2o JC Hemstitched, 'Embroidered Turnover Collars, worth up to 16c, Toys It's . Bled time,'", toys and girls, buy a sled Wednesday ' 20 Off 26 off on all Games. 20 off on all bolls. I ' Second Floor. Red Letter Dixy in Knit Underwear Ladles' light weight Ribbed Wool Vests, $1.00 value 69c Ladles' Ribbed Wool Plaited Union Sulta, $1 value 69c Children's' Ribbed Fleeced Union Suits, 25c value Red Letter Dtvy in Hosiery Ladies' FaBt Black Fleece Lined Hobo, 17c value, pair I2ic Children's Fast Black Fleece Lined Hose, 15c value, pair I0e ! Main Floor. Red Letter in Dress Goods and Silks Double Cf'eeri Trading Stamps to All Buyers Dress Goods at One-Fourth nnd One-Half Thousands of Yards of Seasonable Dress Goods Remnants In desirable lengths for Skirts, Waists, Oowns, and Silk Patterns. VOILES, PANAMAS, OXFORDS, SERGES, ETC. $1.00 qualities ooi $1.25 qualities ' o!i $1.60 qualities $2.00 qualities. $1.00 lUack Wash Taffeta Worth $1.00 and $1.25 a yard 'or 44, And 25 Green Trading Stamps with each yard. Another Big Broom Sal toXyft. FOUR-TIE Parlor Brooms EACH ONE VNION MADE I And Thirty Grtca friJlog Stamps with lach AID Will AN BODSCniIKISBCS-SASMHT. 3 Picture Dept. Red Letter Day Sales 0 DXSOOTTBTT XV riO- tubs raiMisa This means a bis savins If yoa have several pictures to frame. - 0 Bxaooun oh rABTED KCTUSII XX OAI.I,r.Btn! If you have a future wedding present to buy, a birthday sift, or a picture for the housu, don't miss this opportunity. ao disooujtt obt ft aooaArn matbxax.s bee our handajme die play of novelties. Free In struction with all Durchaaes y xxaoouaTT oar ruaio anm- BiOBSJ la this unique Uepartuient we have some beautiful mirrors for any place In the noun. BXTBA BPBCZAX. TOU BBS X.XT Trift DAT. ncrrvABi rail. In addition to above liberal dis counts, we will five to every pur chaser Red Letter Day In Picture De partment a beautiful Japanese Pic ture, hand colored. Doable arm Trading stamps oa all FnrahaeM. NOTE! Thurnday will be the last day of our successful third annual 10 discount sales. Crockery ad Cut Glass Hand painted Jugs from LunvlUe. France, pretty snaps, sold traend, Quart slse for Wednesday, each 4So Uom to a customer Hand painted plaques or rare plates, in assorted fruit decorations, each plat signed by the artist, 0f ft oa sale Wednesday (each wMm pa pot upias nmmt bos) . M f J I. at f-Ine French poresrlaia Brry Keta Six rmMs and bowl to roatrh a Tie set, ow sale Wednaaday, at at Oa all other salae la Crockery- Wednesday Five Times Oreen Trad- tag ftuunps Wednesday. Bennett's Big Grocery FraTW An f I J rT a si i 33c pedal Offer for Wednesday London Layer Raisins pound Bultana Raisins, pound to Cleaned Currants, pound To " Ha dealers supplied at these prices. Oranulated Sugar double trading stamps. pure Home Made Jelly, glass lltto Bennett's Capitol Oats, pkl 10o 10 Oreen Trading biamps. . Dennett's Capltpl Wheat, pkg iOo 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. New York Full Cream Cheese, lb. 10c SO Oreeu Trading biamps. Domeetlo Swiss Cheese, pound... Ho 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Bennett's Best Coffee, pound 3C SO Oreen Trading Stamps. Bennett's Golden Coffee, pound... 2 6o HO Oreeu Trading Stamps. Basket Fired Japan Tea, pound... 4 So 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Pepper, ground, black, pure, can..lto 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound can ti 3 XO Oreen Trading Stamps. Navy Beans, finest quality, ten, pounds ISo Jsllyoon. assorted tour pkga...,.S53 Kippered Herring, can J05 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Burnhama Clam Chowder, large can 10c 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Main Corn, per doaen IOo, per raa To Bennett's Capitol Mincemeat, three packages 15c 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. 50c fill Over Embroideries, 19c An Immense Line of Full Width AUover Embroideries in Sample Strips. The greatest assortment of pretty new designs shown in Omaha will be placed; on sale Wednesday at. per yard l.Iwc See Display 1n our 16th Street Window. ' Be Sure and Attend the Famous Hour Safes in Great Bargain Room . From 8:80 till 0:80 a. m. We will sell 60 pieces of 10c Outing Flannel, not over 12 yards to a customer, at per yard 84c v'rom lO till 11 a, m--We will soil 100 pieces of White Goods, some slightly' soiled, goods that sell at 12 He and 16c. only 10 yards to a customer, at. .a4c lom 1 UU s p. m. We will sell Double Fold Beige Dress Ooorfa, 12 He goods, not over 10 yards to a customer at, per yard 84c From 2:30 till 8:80 p. ni. We will sell 100 dozen mixed Towels, bleached and unbleached, Turkish and Huckaback, regular 10c goodB, not over S pair to a customer, at each 4e From 4 till B p. nn We will sell 26 Inch Percales, good long lengths! reg ular 10c and 12 He goods, not over 12 yards to a customer, at per yard. .4e For all day we have special sales on Blankets, new Waah Goods, Linens, Towels, etc., at very low prices, be sure and attend these wiles. SPECIAL SALE OF HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES High Grade Enameled Ware, High Grade Tin Ware, Wooden Ware, Galvan lied Iron Tubs, Palls and Pans of all kinds. Vitrified China for hotels and boarding houses. Decorated China, Crockery and Glass Ware of every descrip tion at Less Than Half Regular Ibices Lip Sauce Fans and Preserving Ket tles costing $3.26 and $3.27 ft per doz., sale price each 10c Lip Sauce Pans and Preserving Ket tles costing $3.60 per dozen, sale price each ioc Lip Sauce Pans and Preserving Ket tles costing $3.76 and $4.02 V4 per do.. sale price each ioc Lip Sauce Pans and Preserving Ket tles costing $5.25. per dozen, sale price each ioc Lip Sauce Pans and Preserving Ket tles costing $6.75 per dozen, sale price each , 25c Large Wash Basins costing per doz. $4.00, in this sale at each 10c Cups and Saucers, fine white China, regular values $1.00 per set of 6, sale price 80c Decorated Platters, all sizes, regular 76c value, per set of 6 Wednesday 80c Water Glasses, 6 for loo Crystal Water Pitcher, half gallon size, 40c value, at.. ioc Gas Globes, each IOo Double Wire Mantles 10c" Decorated Cups and Saucers. 100 styles to select from, 20c values at 5c Hotel Ware, double thickness In por celain China, on sale at just Half Price. Japanese Cups and Saucers, finely dec orated, at 10c 10-qt. Dish Pans, cost per dozen $10, sale price each 15o 14-qt. Dish Pans, cost per dozen $12, sale price each .200 17-Qt. Dish Pans, cost per dozen $14, sale price each 3o 21-qt. Dish Pans, ccost per dozen $16, sale price each ,4flo Pie Plates, Dippers, Drinking Cups, Basting Spoons, etc., etc., cost per dozen from $1.25 to $2.60, sale price each 5c Hundreds of other articles too num erous to mention will be placed on sale at less than regular cost prices. This Is the finest Gray Enamenel War made, no Jobs or culls, but strictly First Class Goods. HA YD EN'S TUB GREATEST UN1VER- BAL. rKOVIIKH8 OF PURE FOOD PRODUCTS IN THE WB8T. Freshest goods, highest quality and low est prices. We retail to the consumer at wholesale prices. 21 pounds best pure cane Granulated Sugar $1.00 10 pounds sacks best white or yellow Cornmeal 12Hc t pounds boat hand plckpd Navy Beans 15c The bffst Pearl ugo or Tapioca, per pound 7o Gallon Cans N. O. Mol lasses 35c Quart cans Oolden Table Syrup Do 2 quart cans Sac City Sweet Sugar Corn 5c Egg-O-Se Breakfast Food, pw pkg.....THo The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, pound 6c Best iX Olnger Snaps, per pound 6c Bromangelpn, Jellyron or Jello. pkg..7ViJ 1 pound package Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco 49c Worcester Sauce, per bottle 7Hc On Time Yeast, p"r pkg 3c 10 Dars oet brands Laundry Soap 2Bc i pouno pKg. Macaroni gv.p Grocery Department 10 pound pkg. Pure Buckwheat Flour.... S5c a big saving for you. HAYBEri.BROS - CALIFORNIA FIG SALEJ-SPECTAIi 11 os. pkg. Fancy New California Figs for this sale only, per pkg 5o No dealers or merchants supplied at this price. VEGETABLE AND FRUIT PRICES. Fresh Hplnac-h, per peck 103 Fancy I.ate Red Cranberries, per quart 7io 2 hads Freeh Lettuce fa I bunches Fresh Radishes ..........., 6o 1 bunches Bhalot Onions to Fresh California Turnips or C&rrots, per bunch Bo 2 bunches Fresh Boets 6o Iarge Heads Freeh Cabbage 64 Fancy Illinois Klin Dried Sweet Pota- toes, pnr pound So Fancy Heart lettuce, each 6o Beets, Parsnips, Turnips, Carrots, Rut- sbagas or Onions, per pound lfl Large Grape Fruit, each 8o Fancy Fard Dates, per pound loa T-arge Juicy Lemons., per dosen IOo Fancy Imported 6 Crown Figs, pound. .1H40 Get our nrlces before buying Fresh OhuI lflowers. Pineapples, Celery. Lek Toma toes. Cucumbers, etc., etc., you will find it DR. BRADBURY, Dentist PJSs: Sam 1506' FAR NAM, OMAHA Try the new rootlee plate, made to crack nute with, Gobi lllllg........$lip Crmm ,...tMi 'Phone Douglas 1780 Teeth extracted wtthe out pain 6 different way. We give ga end oxygen. aio vt Mllxed air. Work waanatotd It ytars) Plan a Trip to This Wonderful Land This Winter There is nothing Just like it in the world. It has the sunshine, the flowers, the watering places of other winter resorts, but it has things to see and a finer, drier air to breathe. Go to CALIFORNIA this winter, see monster growing trees, higher han a 21-story office building trees that were standing 8000 years ago. Thess are only a few of the wonders of the great state that knows no winter. Send for California books. Ask about the great train service via the UNION PACIFIC Inquire at CTTT TICKET OFFICE, 1824 FARNAM ST. 'Phone Douglas 334. vi - si 81: cj Do you live near 29th and Farnam Streets?. Wm, C HAYDEN DRUGGIST 2930 FARNAM STREET. will take your want-ad for The BEE at the eame rates as the main offioe. i Branch Want-ad Office OMAHA BEE !lew Orleans and Back Gold Feb. 6 to 10. Quickest Route Ask WABASH CITY OFFICE, 1501 Farnam St HARRY E. M00RES, 0. A. P. D. Omaha, Neb. I i i f r .3 1 1. -