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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1907)
TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1007. Want - ads A4rr4lMmriila for tfce rntnmn will hf (tkn 111 IB m. for Ibe rtrnlif ritMlon and until . n. for the more In and Sender ' CAMI RATES FOR WAJT-AII". 0 laarrtlna, f 1-3 rente ff wordl two or mora miMcitW Insertions, 1 cent par word each Insertion! mora than ona Insertion, If not rna aon eecntlvelr, will te rhrtf(l for at the rata of 1 I -a ranta ar word. ai.RO par Una for ona month. Jn ad taken for less than aanta. OAKH RATE FOR HOTICF". Daath and Fnneral Wotlaaa, Tarda of Thank and Lodge lot I era. T rents par Una for ona adltloa. seeming or evening! H ranta a Una for aaah addi tional adltlnn. Sander, 1 aanta a line. No ad taken for Iraa than BO aanta. BRAffCH OFFICII 8). Want ada for Tha Bea mar t left at any of tha following drm etoreo ara all branch office of Tha Baa and yoor ad Trill be Inaartad Jat aa promptly and on the anma ratra aa at the main office In Tha Bea balldlns, f-eventeenth nnd I'arnnm atraata. Albsch, W. C. 4i-tti and Farnam. Beranek, B. A.. l'2 (S. 18th St. Recht e Pharmacy, 75)0 B. 16th 8t. Benson Pharuiacy. Benson, Neb. Remls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. ( anghlln, C. H , 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Fhsrmacy, 2713 Military Ave. Come, J. B., 3lst Ava and Farnam. Crlss-y Pharmacy, 84th and Lake, t ermak, Emll, 1264-8 B. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4048 Hamilton. hlr, I. 11., 202 I,cavenworth. Footer A Arnold", 218 N. 25th St. i-'reytsg, John J.. 114 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, lioih end Lake St. Green Pharmacy, comer 1'ark Ave. and riioitic. On-enough. G. A., 1028 8. !0th 8t. Orccnoiigh, O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, Wm, C, 29) Farnam 8t. Hanscom Park Phar., 1501 8. 2th Ave. Hol-t, John, 674 N. lth St. Huff. A. L., 2824 Leavenworth St. Klng'e Pharmacy, 22; Farnam 8t. Kountse Place pharmacy, N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co.. 1BI2 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chas R., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton. I E 24th and Leavenworth. Siratovn Drtia Co. !4th and Amea Ave. Hchacfi r's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and I Bchael'er, AugTiat, 2631 N. Ifith Bt. Schmidt, J. H., i4th and Ctitnlng SI. Storm PharmHcy, l(Mh and Martha Sts. AVainut 1 1 1 II Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 2oth and Grace Sia. Vlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bta. BIRTHS AND DF.AT1I. The following births and deaths were re ported to the Board of Health during the loriy-eignt. notirs ending Monday noon: Births O. A. Dalby, 1817 North Twenty first, boy; Glen D. Taber, 716 Bancroft, bor; J I. Singer, 115 North Twelfth, girl; N. K. Mitchell, 38 Nortn Eighteenth, boy. Deaths Marlns Andersen, 3HD6 Boulevard street, 39; Johanna McCarthy, 1784 South Twenty-sixth, 84; Baby Vanhaver, 2710 South Twenty-nrst; Peter Mlchaelaon, For tieth and Poppleton, 47: Matthlua Caratan- aen, 41 South Twentieth, 56. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage license have been granted: Morris Kalinan, Omaha 23 iiertna Block, Omaha Z2 Jacob Brakor, South Omaha 25 Katie Proshowska, South Omaha 2tfM Willis C. Btrlcklln, Douglas county 27 Josle E. Babbitt, Douglas county 27 Herbert tlulncy, Ashland 87 Marguerite A. Cunningham, Omaha Clyde E. Mnlesworth. Decstur, 111 87 Harriet J. Falconer, Decatur, 111 33 John Swlnlnrskt, South Omaha ?5 Valentyna. Siymnnska, South Omaha 13 Walter J, HelBler. Omaha 24 Anna Hansen,- Omaha 18 DEATHS AM) FlltERAL AOTICES. BOOT Mrs. Lucy M.. Sunday afternoon at residence of her daughter, Mrs. E. G. Hampton, 2918 South Twenty-fourth street, wife of Warner A. Root. Funeral from the residence this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends Invited. Interment Irivaie. LODGE NOTICES. Nodal Dance. Forctsers of Omaha camp No. 12A, Mod ern H iMioinen of America, Invite their friends to at and their social dance Wednes day, January i0, Bayrlght'a society hall. iMneteenlh- and Farnam streets. Admis sion, 20 ucnis. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE MIDWINTEIi TEEM OF BOYLES COLLEGE la open, yet It la not too late to enter. Be gin now and get the mental discipline iiim win uuuuia your earning capacity. For Information address 11. li. hOXL.ES rmiuwm ouiv oiuaa winnna, rs eo. 1D-186 ROYAL ACHATES Fratarnal Socletv. tl-66 F2 OMAHA SeJ and Iron Worka make a spe cialty of Are escapes, ahuttera, doors and amen. t. Anurwn, rrop., I'M o. loth St. (l)-a70 SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 1J02 Douglas. tl 71 BUY your envelopes and be sura of aanl- isj-y gumming. Durmey envelope Co. 0 M7U Fll RUBBER STAMPS Weatorn Rtu.. ...t Stencil Co.. 312 S. 12th SU Bend for cata- lO MG4 FT THE CITY GARBAGE CO. offlea 4th and itvinwunn DIB. iei. UOUgias 1BM7. (D-920 MADAM E8 Beau and Mayo seance Tuesday O) MoT Feb. 28x HOKSMH WINTERED, S7th and Center. r-none name? 1UM. (1) 778 Feb. 3 Wt K t l HTAIN8 cleaned. 26e per pair. neuuruuii ig noteis. J.OUgiaa . .U) 770 Feb. 27 BARTER AND EXCHANGE WRITE Townsend Realty Ct.,- Fremont. Neb., who have farms, wild l&mi. etc. for clear town property and merchandise. W-MSUi F19X IF YOU do not find what you want In this coiumn, put an aa in and you will very (D WANTED TO TRADE flome small horses. weighing DUO to l.W) pounds, for horses weighing 1.200 to 1,400 pounds. Alamltu Dumtary Dairy company, 1M2 Kamam St. S Mt6 81 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that yau want to sell or -.lunula, write us. CLOliK IAJA.N AND INVESTMENT CO. Omaha, rte., or Bloux City, It. V 14 3o0 Ft $5.0b0 WILL swing drug stock In southeast .-venrassa, aoing ousiness or iit.ouo a year. nnw v, v j.iiu-i, cimauia, rseo. (4)-618 FebT Drug store for sal. T. V. Knlea. N Y.fJf 4i 4.1 I'X'iR BALE By order of my physician I am compelled to Sell my Jewelry and op tical bueineaa; all new stock and fixtures: Invoke $1,500; Nebraska town 1.000 Inhab itants. No competition. Address Y 127, ' car ties. 14) MTW Fl FOR 8ALFS al.WO mortgmgw, payable In In stallments for 4 years oa inside Omaha business property worth 4.H); par en I. ciul-aonuaJlf .. Adaa it tut. car B- L JA-M.U BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) WANTRD-RIl persons with ench to form a rani estate syndicate for tha ptir- se nf purchasing a tra-t of very flna lundee property. Exceptional opportu nity; chance tr double tha amount of the Investment within a year. For particu lars, address K-4S, care Omahs Bee. 4 M67R F-2 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropody, DR. ROT Warts, moles removed by elec tricity. R. i, luu6 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 6497. (6-818 Detective Agency. WETMORE Detective Service. 'Fhone Red SM. Room 11 and 12. Union Blk., ISth and Farnam. (6)-848 Fl Dressmaking. BHTRT WAI8T nulla $2.60. 2830. "Phone Webater 6S9 2H Ladles' tailoring. Dressmaking. 43S 8. 24th. (&) 361) Fit DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Mis Sturdy, 2642 Chicago. Phone Red 4703. Florlata. HE88 ft 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (6)-4U6 L. HENDERSON, 161 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 12M. (B)-1 MbrIo and Lanainace. CHATELAIN School of Lan(ruag. Day and evening claaaea. French, German, Spanish. Fencing. Davldge BIdg. (5) JW Fll Osteopathy. JOHNSON INSTITUTE. 418 N. T. L., Tel. Douglas 1664. (6) 935 DR. BOWSER Over Douglas 63 ro. 1500 Farnam. Tel. 16) 182 F18 rinmblaa;. LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. 118 N. 18th St. Tel. Douglas 1477. (5)-603 F27 Printing. a I YNr.?TiD Hlph-grade 117 calendar, . . S. E. corner 16th St. and & JORVE Capitol Ave. (5) 887 CENTRAL PRINTING CO. Fine Job work; typewritten letters. 110 8. lith St., 1 blocks north Bee Bldg. (5) -349 Fl 6NELL Printing Co., particular printers, 810 B. 12th St. Tel. Doug. 6764. (6) 7S 14 WATERS PRINTING CO,, 1307 Howard 8t. t5 7SI F2I JENNINGS PRINTING CO. 'Phone Doug-l5)-87 las 63B0. THE ACORN PRESS, 1610 Howard St.. Does Printing of Quality. Tel. Doug. Situ. mi jaioo r at CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, The Leadina Palmist of Omaha Revelations of past and future described. ranora, ua a. win hi., opp uosion Biore. HELP WANTED FEMALE Cferlcal and Office. WANTED Stenographer: none but best need apply. Address E 6Di, Bee. (7) 690 28 Factory and Trade. GIRLS wanted: steady work; good wages. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. (7) Mils WANTED 6 laundry girls. M. E. Smith's factory, 11th and uougiaa ets. (7) S3 GIRLS to work on power machine and finishers. Burgess euiri u., AK4 r arnain Bt. ID a 4 Hoosekceper and Domcstlca. COOK wanted; private family. 2226 Far t7)-W7 nam. GOOD gtrl for housework. Two In family, 2020 St. Mary a Ave. U) m 9x WANTED Experienced second girl. 3612 Farnam. t7)-J0 WANTED At once, experienced cook; must have references; no washing. Apply Mrs. J. E. Baum, 3546 Harney St. (7J-604 80 CHAMBERMAID, 1718 Dodge St. (7) M709 Six , DINING room girl wanted. She must have experience and not over 20 years old and must be good looking. Price paid. 85 per week. Reference wanted. Inquire la. a. 242, Bioney, eo. to MiOj si Miscellaneous. M'DOWELLi Dressmaking School, 123 Farn (7 M68 en MORE LADIES and girls to decorate sofa pillows; experience unnecessary; work taken home; permanent, good pay. Call forenoons. 2311 South 13th. (7) 776 Six HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED A first class salesman for Omaha, South Omaha and Council BlutTs, to sell exclusively during 1907. commenc ing at once, our first class line of calen dars, advertising specialties and drug gists labels and boxes. Our Una Is so complete that every merchant and manu facturer In each and every town can be solicited; our goods ara first class and atrlctly up-to-date; our house has been establlxhed 26 years and Is well and favorably known. Commission K) nod 26 per cent. An energetic salesman cun easily make from to $100- per week. First class man only wanted. Enclose this advertisement with your application. Address 11. 33, care Lord ft Thomas, Chi cago. ' (9) MS76 80x ADVERTISING FANS; May delivery, 600 special and attractive designs. Samples submitted upon application. Fonda Bros, ft Co.. Omaha. (9)-M4H2 FzS WANTED Salesman having an establish ed trade on saddlery In lowa. Address Meyer, Bannerman ft Co., Bt. Louis. ()-M5M 8 WANTED Traveling salesman for state of Nebraska for wholesale harness and sad dlery business. Apply to Schulxe Bros. Co., Duluth, Minn. Reference required. () M663 Fl AGENTS wanted for light work. 418 N. llh. W-mi tv WANTED Solicitor of delinquent aocounts for collection, irom, Diisiness ana profes sional men. M. A. RlggS, 148 Dearborn Bt., Chicago. () M748 2x Boys. WANTED Five boys; good wages; perma nent JoD. A. li. 1. -o., ui B. uin HI. (9)-74 Clerical aad Ofllee. WANTEt Stenographer; none but beat need apply. Address t 69s, Bee. (9-691 88 WANT El Clerk, Koehler hotel. Grand (9) 687 28 Island. Neb. Factory mm Trades. WANTED A general blacksmith. Apply Zb-T) ueavenwortn. ) msmi a WANTED Watchmaker and Jeweler Hunter Drug Co., Fairfax, Mo. (7 M402 Six WANTED Harness .maker. Also saddle makers on high grade work. Fremont Saddlery Company, Fremont, Nebraska. l)-M43 Fl WANTED Experienced stone paving block cutters at i-yona. Colo. Apply J. Fred Roberta, Denver, Colo. ( M464 F-3 BOY wanted to learn Jewelry trade; mut live with parents and be steady; wages 11. Jacob L jacouaon, till Uouga bt.. ruoma 1-2. iix TEAMSTERS wanted; gnud steady mn. buuuenana liros. w.. Ana and liii koiy t) jJ 28 Mlscella aeons. Drui clerks waited, r. Y. Xuleat. N. Y. U The Personal Everybody reads HELP WANTED MALE Mlscel la neons Continued. WANTED TRAVELING MAN-A FIR8T- CI.AHH WHOLESALE Llyl OR AND V IN W HOUSE. FAVORABLY KNOWN IN THIS '1EKRITOHY, WANTS THE BKRVlCEfl OF A RELIABLE AND EX PERIENCED THAVELIMi MAN FOR NEBRASKA AND WESTERN IOWA. PARTIES Willi A-l REFERENCES, FAMILIAR WITH THE TRADE IN ABOVE TEHRITORY. WHO ARE I)OKlNG FOR A REMUNERATIVE POSITION, PLEASE ADDRESS G SH2. CARE BEE. (91-M674 29x IF YOUR SERVICES ARE ON THE MAR KET and If you are capahln of tilling a high grade position, of any description, you should aee us without delay or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN REE. ft BOND ASSN. (Inc.), Suite 840-41-42 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9) Mi2 29 WANTED For tha U. 8. Murine Corps, men between ages 81 and 86; an oppor tunity to see the world. For full Informa tion apply In person or by letter to Re cruiting Officer, Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts., Oinaba. Nebraska. () 6C7 FT WANTED Men with team and rig to sell a line of high grade family remeaiea. spices and extracts to consumers; must be honest, sober and industrious. The Gladstone Medicine Co., Hawarden, la. (9) 878 MEN and boys. Plumbing or bricklaying trade pays Is to IS per day. we icacn you by practical Instructions in three monthx; position guaranteed; free cata logue. Coyne Trade School. 4975 Eauton Ave., 6t. Louis, Mo. (9) 8io WANTEIi At once, BOO sound young men. aged IK to 35, for firemen and brakemen on leading western railroads and lor new roads now being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen 1100 ptr month; brakemen $76; positions now open; cull or write at once for particulars. National Ry. Training Ass'n, 610 X, Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. ID) mwo r t WANTED A watch. Tou get it for a few hours of your time. V rite at once to Muleua Company, Warrlorsmark, Pa. (9) M136 F3X WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; money earned while learning; tools given; great demand for graduates; top wages paid: beautiful 19H7 catalogue Just out. Call or write Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. (9J-184 !Wx CLERK for office. S70. 2 bookkeepers, 1 stenographer one year's experience. Grocery clerk, $40. Two young men rapid and accurate In fig ures for general office work. For good position see us. The National Reference ft Situation Assn., Rooms 50 and 61., Douglas Block, Corner 16th and Dodge. (9) 601 28 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Coirs, Birds, Dors, Etc. WANTED TO BUY A fresh Jersey cow. inquire A. u. urajiueis at uramieig store. til) 691 30 Horses and Vehicles. HORSES-A11 kinds. Myer, 1715 Jackson. (1D-M4U F4 HORSES for sale. Phone 2113 Grant St. Douglns 3410. (11) M434 29 Poultry and Eggs. FOR SALE Mammonth Bronze turkeys nLl Toms. 40 lbs. fti; young Toms, 24 to 28 lbs., $5; Imperial Pekln clucks, 14 to 18 lbs., per pair, drakes $1.60, ducks l. w. K. Kllnck, Clarksvlile, la. , (U) M.17 u OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book Is free to all wno win write ana bsk tor It. telling where they saw this ad. A valuable book for every poultryman ; 8'l, ftiO printed. Address Harris Poultry Co. Clay Center, Neb. (11) M500 F8x BARRED ROCKS. . Lot of good cockerels; even, narrow, deep barred and good bone, ivi pullets and hens, fine ones; also nicely barred and good layers. Address Orvllle O. Jones, R. D. No. 1. Tork, Neb. UD-M569 FSx WHITE ROCK cockerels, $100 and $2.10 each. Eggs In season, cnas. M. uevall, Herman. Neb. (11) 330 F2x PARTRIDGE Cochins exclusively. Cocker els for sale: none better. Mrs. C. E Wondcrly, Benedict. Neb '111-331 F2Tc BEFORE buying Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels write for free circular to E. 1 Sand, Mitchell, 8. D. (1D-M718 F9 WANTED TO BI'Y-lMhnrn millets: state how many you have and lowest cuh price. Address N-605. care Bee. (1D-592 9) 8. C. Brown Leghorn cockerels, $1 each; 8 for $5; eggs In season. 11. D. Hall, Yoik, Neb. (16) M70 31 LOST AND FOUND LOST Iady's gold watch. Sunday after noon, on Capitol Ave. or 16th St. Reward. Please return to 610 Paxton Blk. (12)-694 28 LOST Purse containing about $5. Return to Bea office and receive reward. (12) 598 28 LOST Diamond, rlustered ring. Sunday evening; liberal reward for return to 114 Bo. 35th St. (12)-M696 Six LOST A silver enameled breast pin or belt pin, figure of bird, pearl in mouth; re ward. 'Phone Douglas-3163. 1!2 Dodge St. (12) M692 30 LOST Pocketbook containing money, garnet rosary beads, owner's name en graved on cross. I Jberal reward. Re turn to 2777 Webster. Tel. Harney 260. O2)-M707 28 LOST Two umbrellas, bearing names Dorotha and Tom, at southwest corner 16th and Harney. Finder telephone IVjng. la 4784. Reward. (12)-M7 29 MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. Hth and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Doug. 1167. Call answered day or night. (13) 129 ANY pcor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the 8alvaion Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th ' St., Omaha. eo. () miuu PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 28 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. (13)-8.'2 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray Netva Food Pills," $1 box. postpaid. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. OS)-825 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMD CHATTELS. Cash in Any Amount $10 to $800 LOANED ON FURNITURE, rlAos, Lit... jn I vu i oauaki IF STEADILY EMPLOYED. without security or publicity, at the very lowest rates; with payments to suit your con venience; everything strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co., Rooms S07-S08 Paxton Blk. (14) 364 THE UNION LOAN COMPANY, PRIVATE BANKbRS Have Increased their capital and during th month of January will maks a tpeclal rate on ocMa'eml loans, mortgages in personal pruparly and notes, without se curity. Terms to suit. Phone Douglas 2M. 310 Bee Building. (14)-lsJ Fl EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Reliable accotn n.odailng, all buiiuas 1j1 Liwuglaa. iltj-Sva n ads are always interesting. I Uiem a good place for your ad. j MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattel 4'on tinned. dr. pninnENows money loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses. etc.. In nny amount; less than nail rales; perfect privacy. Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payments suspended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk., 209 South 15th St. (14-96 Iiowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or sal- S. ary; eafy to get; no red tape. You get money same day sskea lor at small com. Open evenings till y (14) 807 MONEY loaned on planoe, furniture. Jew elry, norses, cows, etc. c r . neeu, siu a. 18th. (14)-810 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. (14) yw FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker hik. (14)-9ll FOR A ByUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO., for chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 745. (14)-8 SALARIED TEUPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy payments; otllces In 63 principal cities. Buve your self money by getting my terms first. D. H. TOLMAN, 714 New York Life Bldg. (14)- OFFERED FOR RENT Board In a; and Itooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. u; w NICELY furnished, well heated room, all modern conveniences, excellent tame; pri vate family. 2469 Harney (16)-884 FURNISHED rooms, modern, with board. 2406 Cass St. odj-mjm BACHELOR'S (QUARTERS 25th A Dodge. (lo) Auos a is ROOMS Furnished or unfurnished; mod (16) 6S8 28 etn. 2223 N. 20ih St Furnished Rooms. ONE good-Bized south room, nicely fur nished, all modern conveniences; one half block from car line. 133 N. 17th, or telephone Mapla 6608. (15) M707 29x DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. BACHELORS quarters, new, up to date; prices reasonable. w B. ziin Ave. (15)-M623 FURNISHED room for gentleman; private family. 316 N. 18th. (16) 669 MIDLAND HOTEL 16th and Chicago. (16) 361 F1S FRONT parlor, modern. 2421 Dodge St. (15J-T75 29 iOOM for two gentlemen. 626 S. 19th St. (15) 771 29X NICELY furnished room for gentleman; private family. L So. 26th St. (lb) wi NICELY furnished large front room, cloa In. 1902 Farnam St. (15) M6S3 Six ROOMS, all modern, . 1718 Dodge. (15) M708 lx Untarnished Rooms. $30.00 Two large steam-heated rooms. $10.00 One steam heated room, Withnell block. 16th and Harney. Call Flat 4. 1714 FARNAM. V 4 N. P. DODGE & CO. ,.(16) M724 29 THREE unfurnlshed-f-ooms. modern house, $20 per month,' Including heat. 1144 S. 82d St. j. (16-M7 2"X Apartment and Flats. 8-ROOM flat, modern, good repair, opposite TIi. n r-1. 19 lp.lin. nAilnln. ICS (15) 92 FLAT 4 large rutins; Sherman Ave. car line; $13. J. C. Sheldon, 4o9 8. 10th St (15) 769 28 x FOR RENT Four rooms, all modern, Kountxe Place. 2115 Emmet. (15) M694 31) Houses and Cottages. FOR RENT. 123 N. 87th St., 5 rooms, city water $10.00 1640 N. 21st St., 6 rooms 10.00 4024 N. 2Mh Ave., 7 rooms, all modern.. 22.50 3407 Jackson St., 7 rooms, all modern.. 25.00 2"4 N 19th St.. 10 rooms, modern ex cept furnace 82 60 i ' uewey Ave., s rooms, an monern 37.10 26oR Pop. Ave.i 6 rooms, partly modern 22,50 THE BYRON REEU COMPANY. Phone. Doug. 297. 21? 8. 14th St. (15)-Mi0 30 9-ROOM modern house. 1128 Park Ave (16)-M570 1 FOR RENT-New modern house, 6 rooms, to desirable tenants, 826. 2823 Ruggles St. Key at 204. R. II. LANDERYOU Telephone Douglas-2151 Board of Trade. (15) 759 29 FOR RENT Modern 8-room brick house 112 S. 31t St.; $40 per month. Thomas Brennaa, room 1, N. 1. Lile bldg. (16) 898 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. Office, i71J Webster St- US) 894 FOR RENT 7-room house, modern exoept furnace, close In. 211 N. 28th Ave.; new plumbing, paint and paper complete. Will repaint outside when weather permits; $2o. Apply at 007 N. lflth St. (16) M198 2420 Maple, 6-r., $13; 810S Marcy, 7-r., mod ern, $20; 1722 N. 27rh, 8-r . modern, 819; 8328 8. 19th. 5-r., modern, $20; further list at office. Turrell ft Co., Patterson Bldg., 17th and Farnam. (16) M700 30 BTEAM heat, all modern, T-room house. 220 N. SM. (16) M63S ITrtTTQiVQ In all part of the city. Th IlUUOMo.' F. Davl Co., Bee Bldg. (16)-h88 IIOTT?P; ln pan of the city. R, llUUOlc. Peter ft Co., Be Bldg (16)-8S8 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. (16)-80 T-ROOM house, all modern, 2727 Cuming Bt (16) 375 6-ROOM modern house, except furnace. Inquire 623 8. 24th Ave. (16)6) BEE us when shipping household goods to large cities weit; we can rave you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.. 214 N. 16tli Hi. Tel. Doug. 1186. (16) 8xi 224 N. 2'.lh St. -room flat, strictly mod ern: tenant pays water; $60. 2210 Clark St. 6 rooms, bath, toilet, gas, IJO and water 1231 Park Wilde Ave. 8 room, all modern. Si'iriF Mcjngue investment, (1-1S8 ' (.room house. 8904 N. 2 2d St.. near Laird. nioaern except rurnuce; good stable, $a). 4-room apartment In "Urmond," 663 8. foth St., 825. 12-roora house, modern, 604 8. 27th. 860. BEMIB. Paxton Block. (16)-M194 FOR RENT 4 rooms city water, l& N. 1Mb St.. $12. C. M. BACHMANN, 437 Pax ion Block. (16)-S60 FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern ex cept furnace, $JU. 8-room house, all modern, new furnace, $25. c. m. bachmann, 436 Paxtcn block, (IS) 438 FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except furnace; n N. aith Ave.: newly painted sill papered. e-T convenient. rent re'ruil le. Applv at u? N. 19lh. or r -vom tv N. X. Lite bldg. (16;-ir4 XSEKSSHBEaf OFFERED FOR RENT House and Cottages Contlnned. WE DO exirt piano moving at lowest K rices. Tel. Douglas 1635. Schmoller ft lueller Piano Co., 1311-1318 Farnam. (u) ssi FOR RENT. 8-ROOM mortem cottage. No. $"81 Mnrey St.. 2fi. Chas. U. Thomas, noom ti nee Building. (15)-6; FOR RKNT-Slx-room house. No. 84116 Cen ter St.. modern except furnace; Interior recently papered and varnished through out. W. H. THOMAS. 6C3 First Natlonaf Bank. (16) M6R3 29 X FOR RENT HOUSES. $.10.008 rooms, all modern, one-half block from Hnnscom Park. $26.008 rooms, modern except furnace, 8627 Charles Bt. $10.003 rooms, southeast corner 27th and St. Marv i Ave. 1714 FARNAM. N. P. DODGE ft CO. (161 M 722 29 FOUR elegant rooms, all modern except heat. Call 2til7 N. 17th Ave., first house south of Corby. (16) 683 3lx FOR R!'"NT--New 8-room all modern hpuse, no. 2itw roppieton Ave. (15) M779 arx Eight rooms, modern with furnace. 2108 Grant. 822 60 Seven rooms, modern except furnace. 8560 Farnam. $22.50. Six rooms, partly modern, barn: 2630 Parker. $18.50. Five-room cottage, city wator: 2606 8. Hh Ave., $12.60. Foiir-storv building In wholesale district. With electric elevator. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. (16) 768 VI 3"23 Bo. 19th St., five rooms, modern except heat, $20. Apply 804 N. 18th St. (16)-M6!18 31 FOR RENT 6-room cottage. 2503 Frank (16) M6S6 lln. $18 per month. OMAHA Van ft Storage Co., pack. mov, siore. H. h. goods: storehouse il-24 N mil. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1658. (1 Nil flolldlnsrs. Four-story brick building with basement. lloR-io Harney St. All or part of building. First-class condition. Present location of V. 8. Supply Co. Desirable location for wholesale or manufacturing business. First floor and basement, brick building. First-class location for commission firm. 12'5 Howard St Two-story frame building, first-class con dition. Suitable for smoll business and dwelling upstairs. INQUIRE 624 8. 16TH ST. (16)-602 FB Office. FOR RENT Dek room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 2Mh St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 184 18S0 FEET In basement of new Conserva tive building. 1614 Harney; more space If ttesireo. Kerr Abstract Co., 1614 Farnam. 1'none Uoug. 64X7. (16) 93 8 TWO OFFICES IN BEE BUILDING No. 411 la an Inside court room sub' divided Into a private office and receptlon. There Is a fire-proof vault In thla room. items at lis. No. 601 Is close to elevator, has a vault: can be rented at 817.60 beginning me 1st or March. Call for Mr. Baker, Supt. Bee. Bldg. (lb) 768 Store. FOR RENT 2 stor room, at 16th and i Howard, one facing on lfith St. and the other on Howard; they are connected In tho rear and can be rented together or separately. See us at once about theae. N. P. DODGE ft CO., 1714 Farnam St. 05)-MT29 F2 FOR REN l Large corner store room, 16th nnd Vinton Sts., (30. C. M. Bachmann, 4:i6, Paxton Block. 16 Mti2i $26.00 Large corner storeroom, 2702 Cuming St.; good location ror drug store. $20.00 Large storeroom, 2708 Cuming St. $ New storeroom, 29"6 Farnam. N. P. DODGE ft CO., 1714 FARNAM. (16) 728 28 1524 N. 24th, corner, basement, $25. (16) M701 80 FOR RENT Two large store rooms, with basement and living rooms In rear, at 1910-1812 Lake St. Apply Conrad Young, agent, lblK oonge Hi (16) MoJ OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing, 6o per foot, 2U6 N. lith 6U Tel. Red 814. (16) 390 F21 Fornltnro. WELL furnished fiat, 1760 Leavenworth St (16) M578 29x Furniture and lease of 4-room flat, 16th and Chicago, $3o0- Turkington, 602 Bee Bldg. (16) M-460. FOR SALE A handsome bookcase, ma hogany finish, at a bargain. 8908 Dewey Ave. (16) 656x 20 FEET of office railing, two typewriter denks, very cheap for cash. Fox Type writer Co., 182 Farnam. (16) M677 31 DESK FOR SALE Bookkeepers' office desk, stand hign and ln good condition. Apply H. W. Baker, SupL Bee Bldg. (ll)-M44ix FOR SALE Furniture for 6-room house, all new; also modern house for rent. Be Oeorge H. Moore, People' Store. (16)-6M 2x Jewelry. BOMETHINQ new, the Abalone magnifi cent multicolored pearl of Catallna, In inly made in sterling silver setting. We will mall the beaulitul pin to you on receipt of 26 cents. Return It In two weeks, we will refund your money, less i postage. Large profit to agents, either sex. Rich aid von llelns. Lung Beach, ( a I 4U M688 Six Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments. FOR BALE A fine piano, new ln October, of standard make, excellent tone anil action, at a very reasonable figure. Rea sou for sale, moving. 610 Paxton Blk. Phone Douglas 6286. (U MX Pool and Billiard Tables. FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; w lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 8. 10th 8U (16-78 Typewriter and levrlng Macblnea. ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, Ig good condition, for sal cheap. Call at (Ja oflloa, . (16)-29 Mlscellaneons. GASOLINE engine snd wood-working ma chinery for sale cheap. Apply Anchor Fence Mfg Co., 207 North lTlh Bt. (16) 428 $150 NATIONAL cash register. $16. N. Hth. (Hj-MMM 28 FIRE SALE on coal. Burr egg, 84 25 ton, for stov or furnac. Tel. Harmon ft Weeth. 1-71 F10 1 5i FEET wire cable. In good condition, 'for sals cheap. K. W. Baker, Supt. Be Bldg. () 387x FE V bargains ln 2d-hand soda fountalas; monthly payments. Der.ght. 1818 Farnam. (!) M0 BEND US you mall orders for drug; freight paid on $1 Iota. Myer--' -B Di ug Cvn Omaha. (18) 1ST OFFERED FOR SALE Mlsccllaaene ontlnnad. 8HFRWIN WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. (IS) 938 FOR BALE-Chesp. two large Ire boxes In aixxi condition; one 7x, one M14. Alnmlto Sanitary Dairy Co.. 1812 Farnnm St. (l)-772 S HALL'S safe, nw, Sd-hand, 1811 Fsrnsm. (ltil-939 ONE HOE drum cylinder press Bursley iTinting t o., omnna. U6 9S4 F14 Pargaln In unredeemed Jewelry. 418 N. isth. . (1)-M1P Fll PATENTS F. 3. TaARSON ft CO., patent lawvers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (17) 91.1 Patent, trade mark, guaranteed or no fee. National investment Co., Douglss Block. (17)-ffl F8 BHARPE MACHINE BHOPB - Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. ON 612 8. 10th Bt. (17)-14 PATENT attorney, machine designer. D. u. uameu, rax ion biic. mone iten tui. '17-734 Fll PERSONAL CITT BTEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed. not ironea. ill a. litn Bt. Tel. ixmg. 2M. (l8r-7 SEWING machines rented, any make, 75o per week or per month. Second hsnd machine for ssle, 8' 1 and up. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Hi y. (18) 917 MASQUE costumes. Lleben. Tel. 4115. Open evenings. u) 924 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 2018 N. 21st Bt. Tel. Doug. Sr. (1M-9I8 FOR anything In the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodinan ft CO., 1514 cap. Ave. (18)-M717 F10 SYR. NOES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices; send lor free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha (18) -92.1 PI F A T I N O Buttons', ,Ruchlng, 1 LLA I IHVJ Embroidering. Dyeing and Cleaning. Sponging and Shrink ing, only 6c per yard. Send for price list and sample, GOLDMAN PLEAT! NO CO., 40 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglns 1W6. (111919 DR. N. BOMMER, homeopath, Pee Rldg. 18)-M600 F23 WANTED Information ns to the where. obouts of Minnie Rodenhaus, who was Inst known In Omaha and married here. Address Henry Kornemann, Deadwood, 8. D. . (18)-537 31 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits enstoft clothing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair nnd sell, at 114 N. Hth St.. for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 41H5 and wagon win can. (is) 6U f AflNVTTP treatment and bath. Mma. JiLiVUlNriXX Bmlth 118 N ,5i (! floori (18) (i90 DR VOQEIj'8 private home for ladies be fore and during confinement; best and cheapest In lb city. 2318 8. 13th St. (18)-M341 f ASS AnV8wsdlsh movement, 410 N. uuik-uiiuuKI room 2, second floor (18) 36 FS COSTUMES, 3318 8. 20th. Back. Tel. Red 7078. (18) SOU F2X ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax ton' aalvs. B. J. Scannell, agent, 609 Ware Blk. (18)-M411 FS OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Bldg. 08)-921 ATTRACTIVE Mexican girl, age 22. educa ted and wealthy, speaks and writes Eng lish, would marry enterprising American. Address Y 126, care Bee. (18) 644 28x ANYONE holding scrip Issued by tho Transmlsslsslppl Exposition commission of the state of Washington will find It tf their advantage to communicate with C. C. Rosewater, General Manager, Omaha Bee. 18) M763 F-6x PAINFUL burns, any sore or skin hurt quickly healed by Satin Skin Cream. 26o. (18)- OMAHA Steam Paste Oo. manufacture pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Telephone Douglas 4621. (18) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SAI.H LOTS The vicinity of 28th and Ruggles Is rap Idly building up with nice new homes. I have three or four choice lots left, 6uxl26 each; price, 8275 to $:i&0. Four lots, 40x70 each, $1,500 for all. Two of these face Florence boulevard. THIS IS A BARGAIN. Four lots, each 45x100, near 24th ' and Ames, sewer, water and permanent side walk paid In full; $360 each. 42x112. 26th and Blnney St., $375. 80x71, near 24th and Cuming, paving paid, $576. Beautiful residence lot on Templeton, south frv-at, 50x132. large msple shade trees, cement walks; FOR IMMEDIATE BALE, $650. On Fowler Ave., light among the new residences, 60x13$, south front, permanent wslks; the best bargain ln the north end, $M ERNEST SWEET 613 N. Y. U TEL. DOUO. 1472. (18) M680 Fl ACRES' . mi I. O ,,.U ...I 0.1.. 1mm a . 9rt 1 WW AV. AM, 11111 nun Elil Ul c,., ,v $900; FOUR ACRES, same location, $1,800. FIVE ACRES, with a small house, ona block weat of Hh Bt., between Omaha and Florence, $2,400. , TWO ACRES on 80th, facing Miller Parte flne fruit trees, a very choice piece of ground to plat, or for a oimntry home New 6-room cottage; price $6,000. Till I a snap; INVESTIGATE IT. FIVE ACRES, highly Improved fifteen block west of Hanscom Park; good 9-room house, considerable fruit, price $f,60). Note the location. ERNEST SWEET 613 N..Y. U TEL. DOUO. 1472. 09) M679 29 $5,800 TERMS $1,800 CASH, BAL ANCE $500 PER YEAR AT G PER CENT. 2210 WEBSTER ST. 10 rooms, all modern, large ttlc, celled In hard pine, un derfeed furnace, laundry with stationary wash tubs. Full sued city lot, 66x132, on ssphalt paved street, flne shsde trees. If you mean business, see us; donT bother qrcupants. OEOROE at CO . lflul Farnam St. . , Phone Douglas T56 v .. (19) M697 Fl A $(V00 LOT FOR $260. On high ground, between Walnut Hill and Krug Park, 1 block to car and block to two new houses just finished, costing between S2.608 and $3,000 to build. Going to mall this fine lot rigtit away. Go out with nm to look at It, HASTINGra'aY HBTYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. . . ... (19) M60b 28 THE- KERR ABSTRACT CO.'B AB TVA4T8 OF T1T1JCS are the safest. You ar protected by a $ie.0 bond iirit ' loss by errors.- - You don't buy a law suit hM rts iuy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614J tlarney. TeL Dougta Me 4. REAL ESTATE city rnM'F.hTV roil sai.k (Con tin ued. I . TO BE A large farm near Omaha, thst I spe cialty adapted for suburban homes, fruit or garden tracts. Can be bought cheap, but the owner will not divide It. . If vou want 10 to ifln acre or more at m bargala see us nt once. We have customers for psrt of the land. but want a few more to clean It up. This Is sn exceptional opportunity to gel suburban land at farm pries. Only on mile from street car line. Term one-third cash, balance 6 or 10 years at ( per cent. J. H. Dumont & Son 905-S N. Y. Life Bldg. 1P)-M70 t FOR BALE Must be sold Immediately! need, the money; W't 8, Mock 70;, lot 1 block 74, South Omaha; ten houses;'ln come about 3200 month. Price 817,600. Oerard Brandenburg, owner, Los An geles, Cal. Agents may list. 118) M5$3 Feb.1 COSY HOME, 1406 N. 83d St., new 8 rooms, modem exxapt furnace, everything first class. This 1 twit gal n at $2,100. 8014 Emmet St., B-rontn modern, rholc home; owner lives there. Bargain ai $4,000. T1IK PARDEE CO., 726 N. Y. Life Building. (19)-M6&8 2 INVESTMENT 832.WT,, Jio.ono CASH. BALANCE TO SUIT, SECURES BRICK HIM.'K. WITH AK NI AL INCOME OF $3.fc. 1. CONNER 2H2 NEVILLE BLOCK (19l-'M6S 2 FINE, new, modern house, Wirt St., 19.38 B. Hawyer, 1614 Emmet St., sole agent. (19) 4-1 F4 FOR SALE Two modern houses and large barn, one block north of Hanscom Park; paved rtreet, east front, lot i&xlno. East ern owner will sell nt a bargain. THOMAS BHENNAN. Room 1, N. Y. L. Bldg. (19)-4a BUY IHIS FOR A HOME Six rooms nnd bath, modern except fur nace; lot 60x127; south front; lawn; shad trees, grape arbor, cherry trees; lsrn paved street; walking distance; $2.6u0. FURRKLL ft CO., 17th and Farnnm. (19I-M60S 80 TWO LOTS, One 40x135. east front. $325; the other 80x117. south front, paved street. $1X6. Both close In and cheap. FURRELL CO., 17th and Farnam. (18) MG99 30 WILL sell a most desirable lot In Dundee for $800. Slue 60x132; paved street; on. car line; all paving taxes paid. Addresg O , care Bee. (19) Ml Fog WANTED Six persons with JOOO each, to form a real estate syndicate for the ptlr- iihse of purchasing a tract nf very fin undee property. Exceptional opportu nity; chance to double the amint of the r Investment a'lthln a year. For particu lars, address K-48, care Omaha Bee. (1?)-Mtl77 F-3C., REAL ESTATE FARM A$D R ASCII LADS FOR KAI.E Colored. C0L0IIAD0 FARM LANDS ' In the Greeley nnd Bennett district, that can be bought from li to $10 per acre and farmed scientifically by THE CAMPBELL SYSTEM -. OF DRY . FARMING - . Have produced a high as 36 bushel of wheat, 60 bushels of corn, $ crops of al falfa. Farmers more than pay for the land first year Folder, describing our land ami Campbell System, tree. Interesting to all farmers and Invaluable to those who want to buy farm. Edition limited. Writ tor it at once. The Colonial Securities & Trust Co., 1715 California St. Denver. Colo. (20) 606 FCg Cuba. CUBA lands. Robertson. 826 Neville Blk. (20)-27 F7 Ks FOR SALE Jewel county, Kansas, twe well Improved farms one 80 acres one 168 acres can be bought right; easy terms. Apply to C. E. Adams, Bupe rlor, Neb. (2u)-M176 Fix Missouri. MISSOURI FARMS. Write for state map, booklet and weather report, sent free. Basel J. Meek, Chilli, cothe. Mo. (20)-M177 Fix Montana. MONTANA ranches pay Immense profit. Send for list special bargains. John Skober, Jr.. Helena, Mont. (20)- -M5G1 F8X Nebraska. FARM FOR BILE. I OFFER for sale a 146-acre farm north of Somerset, Neb.; price $io0, $320 on 6 years time at 6 per cent. A snap for a poor man. Go and look at this land your self and then com to me at Sidney, Neb., to close bargain. The numbers of th land are the north H of north Vi of sec tion 6. township 10, range 81. Call oo Herman Springer, Sidney, Neb., owner. (20) M48 28 . Finest Ranch Western Nebraska Th well known Adam ranch, one of the best located best laid out, best equlp;e4 ranches In the west on the main line of U. P., traversed by Ixjdge Pels creek, several hundred acres Irrigated or can be, 9,0i'0 acres fenced, thou sands of acres free range, full equipment of wsll constructed stone buildings, corrals, sheds, Implements, horses, mules. 600 head high-grade Hereford cat tle; Is making money; send for handsome Illustrated circular: no trade G. G. WALLACB, Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. (19)-M64 Fl HERE'S YOUR RANCH 640 acres from Maywood, In Frontier ccunty, rich land. In nice neighborhoods 240 acres flne level land, cultivated, some alfalfa, 400 acres grsss, much of It level, 820 acres pasture (a solid r.alf section), wHl fenced and connected with barn and feed lots; well, windmill, house 22x 48 feet, con taining 6 rooms, solid, well painted; Tram barn 40x100 feet; two granaries, orchard and other Improvementa. A good proposi tion. The price for a few day 1 Just 7.2oO, with 83,700 cash and balance i year at I per cent interest; possesslua March L A well Improved property, prop-rly pro portioned money-making ranch. We have others. Write us for maps and description of quarter, half section and other traetf. CORNELIUS at CO., Hastings. Neb. w (0)-MB4 Fig NEBRASKA LANDS . We have excellent land from 86 per acre up, near railroads. W also handle th best lands In th state, namely, th famous Wood River Valley lands In Hall county. Always hav a good bargain, 4 money maker, somewhere. Writ ua. MITCHELL Neb. FAUG11T. Wood River. (20-M332 F2x WE SELL Isad In Nuckolls county, Neb the great corn, email grain, alfalfa anj tame grsss country In soulheatisra Ne braska. Write u fur laad list. O. D. Fullmer 4 Son, Nelson. Ksk. (20) Ml A B NAP Must be eoM t once, 110 seres. 7 miles from Norfolk. 8 miles from Hsdar; good land; pourly unproved; oaiy sb.iug. J. IL Cuuley, Norfolk, Neb tMMisiSjru 1 4 (