Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1907, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. JANUARY 29; 1907. UAb AND PRODUCE MARKET Vbia', Eolei tuj in Fit Cloiin Three ToTiTthi tower. f aVJRABLE ARGENTINA NEWS THE CAUSE Ylalkle lapply fa V Tka Year Wku Prise Was Turn Cents Better 4Dora Baa First OMAHA. Jan. 28, 1jC Wheat was easy, closing c down. The npenlng was at a decline and at no time wee thera much advance over early figures. Favorable Argentina newt and a poor cash rimand caused a weakness at Liverpool, which waa largely responsible (or the slump here. World hlpments were much lighter than a rear ago. The visible supply Is now 4.4U,(M bushels less than a year ago, when trie price was 10c better, t'orn opened a little eaaler. but showed a firm undertone throughout the session, largo eeipts causing the temporary setback. The vlslbls supply Is now only 7.191,000 bush- els, compared with 14,141000 bushels a year ago. The cash market waa unchanged to a snadc lower. World's wheat shipments were S.fACOO bushels and corn shipments 2,073,0 bushels. On passage wheat decreased 88.UO bushels and corn decreased 2.401. OuO tunnels. Wheat visible supply decreased 729. out) bushels; corn decreased 79.0UO bushels: oats decreased tt.ono bushels. Primary wheat receipts were 63S,onO bushels snd ahloments 174.0(0 bushel against receipts last year of 7X1,000 bushels and shipments of 210,000 bushels. Corn re celrxa were 1.276.000 bushels last rear of 911.000 bushels, against receipts of -. O bushels. Clearances were 272,0(0 bushels wheat. 171,000 bushels corn, 26o bushels oats. and flour and wheat eoual to SSu.OuO bushels. Liverpool closed SftAd lower on wheat and Hd lower on corn. One of the large millers at Minneapolis ays his foreign mall advices of recent date axree that America holds the key to the wheat situation. A cable from London says It Is expected Russian shipments of wheat from now on will run 40 per cent less than last year, and quality to be poor for milling pur poses. Local range of options. Articles ! Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Bat y What ( 11(1 May... 741A 714B TIA TIA 7J July... 71 A 71 A 70A 70A 71B Corn May... 40HA 40R 40HA 40B 4n4B July... 40 A. 4iB 40 A LB 4VHB Sept... 40A 40SB 404A 404.B 4WB Oats ( May... f4A 84rVB HiA ?Sn fH,A July... KB I3HB S3 A asked. B bid. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT-No. 1 hard, 9W?0c: No. 1 hard, ettgriSc; No. 4 hard, eiQttfVtjc; No. I spring, 6a'70c. CORN No. 1 SSH-ffSc; No. 4. 4VyS36c; No. I yellow, 36c; No. 8 white, tow1:. OATS No. I white, 88.38Vio; No. 1 mixed, Wti8Hc; No. t white, 36Wc; No. 4 white, 4 341,0. Hi E No. S, etc; No. . B7Hc Carlet Reoelpfs, Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City.... Minneapolis .... Omaha Duluth to 684 i&i It 28 iui 'ii as .147 .24 . 20 . 7 CHICAGO GRAIN A!D PROVISION Features of the Trading? and f losing; Prlees mu Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 28,-Lower prices for wheat at Liverpool and more favorable conditions In this country for the fall-sown crop, weakened the local wheat market to day. At the close, wheat for May delivery was off Ht)Vc Corn was a shade lowti. Oats were down fee. Provisions were 10U 20c higher. Despite continued small receipts In the northwest the wheat market was weak all day and offerings by local longs and commission houses were liberal. The de mand was not strong. The chief reason for the selling pressure was a decline of Wa4 hi the price of wheat at Liverpool, which was due. It Is said, to a reported settle ment of the strike In Argentina. The market was also depressed by reports from that southwest Abatitha growing crop -Is now partially protected by snow. The mar ket received Its principal support from H n vt a Tli eloa wu wuk. with nrires near the lowest point of the day. May opened S9a lower at 7SH'&7&'4c, sold be tween 77 and 781'878c and closed at T774c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 247,400 bu. The amount of bread u(T nn n.n naasasa decreased 88.0IO bu. and the visible supply decreased 729.000 bu. P.lmary receipts were 633,000 bu.. against mnu k nrr..,nrfin ri.v i.t year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 3a cars, against 35 ears last week and 614 cars one year ago. The corn market held steady all day, but the volume of trading waa small. Cash houses sold freely, but all offerings were readily taken by shorts and commission houses. The market closed steady. May corn opened a shade to He lower at 463 4uHc sold between 46Vo and 46c and closed at 46Ho. Local receipts were (&9 cars, with hone of contract grade. Trading In the oats pit waa fairly active, local longs disposing of considerable grain. The chief depressing factor was the weak ness of wheat, although Indications of an Increasrd movement caused some selling. May opened Hfe-fco lower at 3X;nWc. sold off to tle and closed at $7Hfl3Ho. Local receipts wars 161 cars. Provisions were strong on a good demand from shorts and local packers. The chief reason tor the strength was that live hogs Were In good demand, selling over $7.00. At the close May pork was up 20c at $1 KS. Lard was up 10c at Estimated receipts for tomorrow are: Wheat, $0 cars; corn, 701 cars; oats, 231 cars; hogs, 29,000 head. Ths leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Opan.l Hlgh.l Low. Close. Bat'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn Jan. . May July ftept. Oats Jan. May July 8spt. Pork May July Lard May July Sept Ribs May July 78 77 78 7778o 42 41 46!46tt 4,'a-H 4."a 4f,464( 36' $7 $6 36 12 32' 16 92! 16 7? M7 T7; 80 67 I TV 86 36 I 46 2l 60 67 No. I. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents, $3.t9 I do; straignis, n nrai so: spring patents, $1 7va.0; straights, llU(94.60; baisrs, U-'MJ WHEAT No. I spring, TQ8c; No. t, T3Q uc; ro. 1 rsa, ita. CORN-No. 2. 42o. No. t yellow. 4$o. OA1B No. 2. t6c; No. I white. $89 sc ; no. wnn. suvae ,sc RYS-No. 1 Ua. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 61T66c BEEDa No. 1 flax, $1.16; No. 1 north western. Il.s. FTtme timothy, $4.60. liover, contract graaea, 1:1 to. PROVItUONS Short ribs sides (loose). $9.ktl 46. Mess pork, per bbL. Ilt.90. Lard, per luo Iba., t-X Short dear aldea 1 boxed), $.26p)r. Fullawtng were the receipts and shlo- menu of flour and grain Recolpta. Shipments, Flour, bbls 10.109 it, Wheat, bu tt.OuO 1&.1L4) Corn, bu.. lsi,tu0 Oats, ail 26,IjO $7,4u0 'ttye, bu s,(M barley, bu si. OuO 13,600 On tea proauca exonangs toaay the but ter market waa strong-; creameries, 21jpUc; dairies, $Ot)28o- Kfega, steady; at mark. cases Included, Ziufic; firsts, (4c; prims hrsts. 2fw; aatraa, lea. Ctissss. steady; itf Dalatk Orala Market. DULUTH. Jan. .WHEAT On track No. 1 northern. tlo; No. t northern, suo juiy, sinsc; Beptetnoer, intc 1 (ATS To arrive. Xo R V E-4 o. bARLJC T ij4eo. laaeaalla Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 28 -WH BAT-July fey-; September. S2c: No. 1 hard. 3:c; No. 1 northern. I3c; No. 1 northern. "c; Mo. s nortnern. imi ,th BRAN In bulk. $ 1 4.40ro 1176. I.l'eraool 4Srala aa4 Provlalnaa UVERPtXH. Jan. ti WH EAT- Soct Uuaig; Iso. 1 CM sinia,, wtstsru, is TSCTOV 78 17 ' TaSroVa T8V T7Vs nis7b 7 TJs 42 42H 41 46H4H 45 46V. aw as s 46V 4b 464i SS 36 35 feXfji& 38Va 27 364UV $&H 4 32 U. 11 16 r 16 92 16 83 Uta 17 07 11 78 I 77 t 72 T7 t 90 77 I $0 2 90 I 42 I 60 f 42 1 9 67 60 futures, easy: March. 6a 54d: May. 6a 4Sd; July, s lSd. liiRN-fpot, firm: American mixed new, i 6V1; American mixed old. 4s d; futures. steady; January. 4s 2.d; March, 4s id. Mtjps in London (Pacinc coast) eteauy. la 6e 4 6a. DEW YORK GEI ERAL MARKET taottloas of Via Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Jan. 28 -FLOUR-Recelpts, JK.SW bbls ; exports, 8.3M) bbls. ; market dull, but steady; winter patents, 13.6a3.86; winter straight, la; Minnesota patents, t4.1o4l4-36; winter extras, f2.8ufc3.00; Minne sota bakers, $3.36W.76; winter low grades, $2.7(i2 90. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $4 V3.a0; choice to fancy, tltef4.2u. Buck- wiivki noui, auu, HivyM BICK WHEAT (Jtitet. tl.26 per 10 lbs. COR.NMEAL Quiet; fine white and yel low, $1.15vl.2u; coarse, tl.(.1.10; kiln dried, $1.6ifj2.7(A WHEAT-Recelpts. 99.000 bu.; exports, 114,296 bu.; spot market, easy; No. I red, Mc, elevator; No. 2 red, Mc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, K1V.C, r. o. o., afloat; No. 2 hard, winter, tnHc, ' - b afloat. As a result of weaker cables and report that the Argentine strike had been ended, wheat sustained sharp declines to day. The bull crowd turned sellers and bear pressure became aggressive. Irregular conditions prevailed throughout the last hour snd final prices were VuSc net lower. May, B4VU4 15-16c, closed 84VC, July, tCVat MHc, closed 83o. CORN Receipts, 116,0C5 bu.; exports, 145,tH bu.; spot market easy; No. 2, 66Ho elevator and 6trtko f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yel low, fclc; No. t white, Uo. Option mar ket was without transactions, closing V: net lower. January closed 64c; May, closed 62V; July, closed 62Sc. OATS Receipts, 62,000 bu. ; spot market steady; mixed oats, 26 to M pounds, 41 He; natural white, 80 to S3 pounds, 42Va,43c: cllDDed white. 26 to 40 pounds. 4M4dWc. HAV Steady; shipping, 77H&6c; good to choice. Il.o& HOPS Steady : state, common to choice, 19( crop. lS4ao; 1906 crop, Hr&Tlc; Paclflo coat. IWM croD. 13&16C: 1SK crop, lofflgc. HIDES Steady ; Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs.. zoc; t'Bliromia, aioa ids., zic; Texas ury, 24 to 8( lbs.. 19c. I.KATHKR Steady: acid. 27H2c. PROV18ION8 Beef, Arm: family, l!S.0rvf 15 60; mess. 9.00S8 60: beef hams. 223.609 16.00; packet, f ll.0OQl2.00; city extra India mess. t22.H)ti'2R.0O. Cut meats, steady; rick led bellies. fl0.0Ofln2.00: pickled hams, $11 SO fa 11.76. iArd, firm; western prime, $9 76W 185; refined, firm; continent, tlO.10; South America. 110.76: compound. 8.50B.2V4. Pork Arm; family. 312.00; short clear, 117.266i.00, mess, 17.tifl".60. TALLOW Steady; city, 6r-ltc; country, Uf!HC. RICB-Steady; domestic, fair to extra, Slfiflc. BUTTER Firm: street price, extra ereamerv. XZM. Official prlcesL Creamery. common to extra, 22832c; held, common to extra, KVffWSc; western factory, common to firsts, 17H21c: western Imitation cresmerv. extras. 24&25c: firsts. 2122c CHEKSR- Btearty to firm; state run eream. small and larare Scntemner fancy. 14Hc; state. October best. 13SyS14c; good to prime. 125130; winter made, average best, 12c; Inferior, ll12c. EOOS Firm: state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected, white. 22c; state, choice. 790 31c: mixed extra. 2r11c; western firsts. 26c (official price firsts, zee aeconas. 2S25Uc. POULTRY Dresesd, firm; western chick ens, I35l8e; turkeys, I4gi8c; rowis, wik. ft. I.ools General Market. m. LOUIS. Jan. M- WHEAT Lower; trnck. No. 2 red. cash. 7R4f7c; No. 2 hard, ,irrrtr. Miv. 76c: Julv. 76c. CORN Lower; track. No. 2 cash, 41 41c; No. 2 white. 434c; May, ifj43Sc; July, tXLfh 44c. OATS Iower; track. P.O. 1 casn, 5ic; ino, i white Mr! Mav. 374hc: July. 34Sc. FIJ-irRFlrm: red winter patents, tXKyQ J.75; extra fancy and straight h.uki3.&; clear. l2.66tM.85. S RED Timothy, steaay at j.aoi8.w. CORNM E A 1 Steady at $2.20. BRAN Firm: sacked, esst track, 960c HAY Dull; timothy. $l.on19.00; pralrlo, ll.WS-l.fln. WHISKEY Steady at $1.3S. IRON COTTON TIES $1.02. BAOOINQ-BHc HEMP TWINB tc. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobblne. $16.95. iArd. higher; prime steam, $9.30. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 29.37H; clear ribs, $9.50; short clears, $9.6'H. Bacon, steady: boxed extra short, ri0.12V, clear ribs, $10.25; short clears, $10.37. POULTRY Steadv; chickens, 9Hc; spring, 11c; turkevs, L'Uc: ducks. He: geese. c. BUTTER Steady; creamery. 2631; dalrv, 204t26c. , , EGOS Higher, ZlHC J Receipts. Shipments 11.000 7(KO 41,onr 21.000 .-v t - f - Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu ... 4.00 176,000 61 0 0 70,000 KaiiHi City Grala and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 28. WHEAT May. l72c: July 7TS,c; September 71VI casn. NO. 2 hard 72tf72Vic: No. .. 7rvfr72c; No. 2 red. 74U?r7SUc: No. 2, 67VrSVic, CORN Mav. 40Uc: July. 41Ci September. 41c; cash No 2 mixed. 39H; No. . SO 39e: No, t white. 40c; No. S, 40Hc. OATS-No. 1 white, 38c: No. t mixed, 37 FOC1S Steady ; firsts, 22c: seconds, jnc. HAY Steady: choice timothy, $15.50f16.00: choice prairie. $11.5Vn,13.0O. RTF) fteaov at ewnnzc BUTTER Creamery, 30c: packing. 17c. Rerelpts. Shipments. Wheat, bu .. 141.000 86 100 .. 7ono ( .. lt-.OOO . 14,100 Corn. nu... Oats, bu.. Board of Trade quotations for Kansas City delivery. The range of prlcea. aa re ported by Logan ft Hryan, 111 Boara or Trade building, waa: Artlclea. I Open.! Hlgh. Low. I Cloae. Wheat- May.... July.... 72tt'4l 72SI 7 7$ 71HA 40H 41 TlHiHtJ7 71; Corn- May.... July.... 4n.4T4i4M4'B atl 10VST itl 141-9 4l 41HI 41 I Peoria Market. PEORIA, Jan. t8.-CORN-Ixwer; No. I yellow and No. t, 4141Sac; No. 4, 40404c; no grnoe, 8,40. oats steadv : no. 1 wnue, xwirmc: No. 4 white, W5. . RTP5-Steady; No. 2, 66W68C. WHISKY On basis of 11.23 for finished goods. - - Vlslhle Bnpply of Orala. NEW TORK. Jan. a. The risible supply of grain Saturday, as compiled by the New York pruduce exchange, was as follows: Wheat. 44.771.0TO bu.; decrease rx.vm bu, Corn, 7.720.0)0 bu.; decrease 71 000 bu. Oats, 11.813 (10 bu.; decrease 248.000 bu. Rye, 1.718.000 bu.; decrease 8. OuO bu. Barley, $.158,000 bu. ; decrease 10,0u bu. Mllwaakee Orala Market. MILWAI'KF.R. Jan. WimAT No. 1 northern. SMiWo; No. 1 rtorthern, 72tT7o. RYH tsteadv; No. quotation. BARLEY Firm; No. $. 66c; aampla, 4?7H3 69c corn steady ; no. a casn. 4zoc; May, 45Ho asked. Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 28. EOOS Mar ket firm, good demand; western fresh, EM. at mark. CH E ES B Quiet but firm: New York full creams, fancy, 14Hc; cholcs. 14c; fair to good. 1314t. Metal Market NEW TORK. Jan. 28. METAIj8 Ths London tin market waa lowsr with spot closing- at 190 la. Locally the market was easy and closed at I41.26di41.7s. Con per wes unchanged abroad, with spot auoted at 106 6s. Locally the market was firm In spits of rumors regarding hoarded supplies, and I.ake was quoted at $24 TVf? 2&.S; electrolytic at $14 42WD4 C. casting at $24 2fras4.7o. Lead was unchanged at $ flOt!4L)j6 In the local market, but do. cltned 2s d to 1$ 16a In London. Spelter was 2s 4x1 lower at 27 In Inndon. but held steady at MMa.&0 locally. Iron was $d lower at 6Xs Id f'.'r standard foundry and at 68s for Cleveland warants In the English market. Locally the market was unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $35 26CP86 26 : No. $ foundry north ern at 34.T43 .76; No. 1 foundry southern at fx O0ti06.60; No. 1 foundry southern at XK trjo.tiu. ST. LOCI8, Jan. 28 METALS Lead, quirt. Sb.Vi BP4Uter, quiet, .itfj.a7 Coftt Market. NEW YORK. Jan. . CrFEE Market for future opened steady at an advance of lffW points' on higher European cables and continued light receipts. Europe wes good buyer here, and while Wall street people were selling prices held steady at the Initial figures until along in the after noon, when the continued pressure from Wall street sources caused a break and the close was steady, but at a net decline of 64344 points. &aka ware reported of 130.600 bags, considerable of the business being exchanges. H he trsnsactlous In. rlude.1 March. 6 ifj6 65o; April. 6.70c: Mav 6f(i.80p: September. JMtt.ouc; November, ai 10c; ycember. I l a .o. Sn t coffee stsady: No. 7 H'r - 7c; No. 4 HarHoe. te: 4J,uiJd codea steady; Corduva, iKisUVsc, NEW YORK STOCKS ASDBOXDS Caolio in Frioai If Easimed After Tcial torj I triad of EeaiitaDO. BLAME PLACEP ON OIL REPORT Artlvlty of Goverasseat la Attematlaa; to Resaedy Corporate Ahasea Alarms ttoek Speca latara. NEW YORK. Jan. 2S The decline In price of securities wes resumed In the stock market today after a period of de sultory rexlstanre during the earlv hours of the stork exchange session. The In different demand which became manifest at any rise In prices and the apprehension that additional liquidation remained to be errMteo; prompted the renewed selling ui the market by professional operators. There were evidences of liquidation here and there In the list to confirm them in their attitude towards the market. As a motive for the selling much was made ny the sellers therfceelves of the report of the Interstate Commerce commission em bodying the results of Its Investigation of the Standard Oil company and trans mitted to the congress. The substance of . the report was not unknown to Wall street any more than was the similar report transmitted Inst week on the eastern coal carrying railroads, but the publication of the reports made an Im pression on financial sentiment as a cumu lative evidence of the scope of the govern ment activity against corporation abuses. This Influence was supplemented also by the circulation of rumors of further recom mendations to be expected from the presi dent looking to an extension of the com mission's Inquiry Into railroad properties. The prominence In public affairs which the pursuit of corporations has attained, 1 given large responsibility In the opinion of the financial world for' the difrculty In finding a market for new capital Issues. It Is felt that If adequate capital Is not forthcoming the march of Industrial pros, ress must be checked. The extensive sale of temporary note Issues resorted to by the railroads at high Interest rates Is tin derstood to be for the completion of works entered upon and which would Involve sacrifices In the abandonment and-the lm presslon Is growing that enterprises for In rresse of facilities beyond will be cur tailed as far as possible while such rates must be paid for money to carry them on. The abandonment or curtailment of works of Improvement on a large scale would be necessarily an Important element In re ducing employment of labor and demand for materials of construction, which might have a determining Influence In the turn of Industrial tide towards reaction. There were minor Incidents In the day's events to keep this point of view prominent, such as reports that the course of the Iron mar ket Indicated that the cream was off the Iron and steel trade or the. receipt of statements of railroad net earnings for December showing a uniform tendency to wards decrease from last year's level owing to the large Increases In operating ex penses. Quite positive assertions were In circulation that a decision had been ren dered against any Increase In the divi dend on United States Steel at tomor row's meeting of directors. Rates for time money advanced ngnln to day. Government . flscsl operations are against the money market again, the sub treasury having already absorbed $2.4S2. 000 on the new banking week. Discounts hardened also In London in spite of larire gains In cash by the. Bank of England. The stock market settlement this week in IiOndon Is a source of heavy money re quirements and of some anxiety regard ing the market position In Americans. The decline gathered force as it progresecj .nd the closing was very weak and active. Bonds were Irregular. Totnl sales par value, $1,670,000. United States bonds ad vanced 4 per cent on call. The following was the range of prices on the New York Stock exchange: Bales. Hljh Low. Tinas. Adams Ripress ' r0 Amlsamtd Copper 64.400 in 111 vt 1114 Am. C. A F 1.S0S 41 S 424 42V Am. C. r. pf4 4. I"' Am. Cotton Oil l , Am. Cotton Oil pM...N. American Biprsas 100 ZKlfc ISO X39 f too M M u it M 1.400 TJ4 T1S T1V( 4'4 1111 IllVt 111 ll.tno HS 144 14S 100 116 115V. Ill Am. H. L American Ire Am. LlnaeM Oil Am. Unaw1 Oil pfd... Am. LooomotiTS Am. LocomotlTS pfd... Am. 6. A R Am. 8. A R. pM Am. Sugar RaSnlns. ... Am. Tonaecn ptt ftfi.. Anaaoad Mining Co... Atrhlaon 1.s"- 114 ISO" lovt to n s ?n it.400 in mh no n,2io i"H 101 1014 Atrhlaon pfd l.iun ionu inn 100 i Atlantlo Cnaat una.,.. , I.OOO lis 111 , I. O0 1KH 114 im 11.1'S Baltimore a onto Dal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paclflo Cantral of N. J Chaaapeska A Ohio ... Chicago (It. W Chicago A N. W C . M. A St. r Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pit , C . C. C. A St. L 100 4V4 11 boo 7( ti.too m ion US I.400 M 74 180 lit 41 74S 104, 115 II 400 lt4 lVi ! 1,400 147 V, 1W(4 lni'4 It.tOO 147V4 145 1414 It Colorado r. A I t.100 ill 41 4144 Colorado A Bo 400 M K(4 d Colo. A go. lat pfd 47 Colo. A Bo. Id pfd M Conaollda(ed Oas 110 14 llt4 134(4 Cora Products l.ono 14(4 ? tx Corn Products pfd too II 1744 MVt Delawars A Hudson 400 111 111 tie Del., U A W lit Denver A It. O too 1744 87 4 17(4 I). A R. 0. pfd 100 II II II Dlatlllera' Baaurltlas l.t'0 7IH 10(4 7014 Kris 1I0 It 17(4 I7i4 Erla lat pfd MO 71 71 72 Erie td pfd 400 tt(a 41(4 41(4 General Electric S00 14u(4 154 151 Hnrklng Valler, oRarad... 124 Illlnola Central 100 164 144 ICS International Paper ...A... loo 17 17 17 Int. Paper pfd 400 10 t Int. Pur-. 11 II Int. Pump pfd II lows Central tot fe tt IS lovi Cantral pfd 45 Kanaas City 80 100 tl 17 17 K. C. So. pfd 400 11 II 17 Loulavllla A N 4100 117 111 1ST, 14 Manoan Central 1.100 11 12 12 Mian. A Bt. L I00 47 17 14 m., Bt. r. A a. a. x too in 117 111 M.. Bt. P. A 8. B. M. pfd. Missouri Pacific Mlaaourt, K. A T M.. K. A T. pfd National Lead N R. R. of M. pfd New York Central , N. Y , O. A W Norfolk A W too 147 144 141 1.400 17 14 44 I 40 17 14 K! 100 70 II14 1.100 70 11 M 10.000 117 111 U( too 44 44 10,000 4 at Norfolk A W. pfd , Nortk American , Pad to Mill Peinsrlvanta 40 4U 14 too IT 44.IU lit i.uo n too 7T 10,000 U 44 S4 M 112 112 M v4 74 71 6v Peopla'i Oaa P., C, C. A Bt. U Praaaad I tea I Car Preaeed g. C. pfd fallinai Pataoa Car It 171 144,700 111 111 113 M Raiding Reading lat pfd Raiding 2d pfd Republic Stall Rapablla Steal p(d Rock lalind Ce si M 17 It 43 11 1.10S 400 I. tuO 17 44 tl l 17 tt Rook lalind Ce. pfd , Bl. U A 8. P. td pfd Bt. L B. W too too M 47 ts 4 11 gt. L 8. W pfd 41 It Boslhara PaclOa 44.400 Bo. Pacific. pfd So. Railway Bo. Railway pfd Teaneames c. A I Taaaa A Pacific T . Bt. L. A W T , Bt. LAW. pid 100 117 117(4 117 11.400 U t7 r 1UO IM 4 'ii 11 Ui It k 41 171 41 104 tt 1.400 lu 11 It 00 ! ti t'nlon PaclDa t'nlos Piclne pfd V. a Eaprees. I'. B. Hailty V. 8. Hubbar V. 8. Rubber pfd. V. 8. Steal I'. 8. Steal pfd Vi. -Carolina Chemical .... Y'a -Carolina Cham. pit.... Wahaah Wabaak pfd Walla-Firgo Bippaas Waatlngbouaa Klactrte .... Western t'nloe W heeling A U WlacsuaiB Cantral Wla. Cantral pfd Northers PlclAa Central Ldlt bar Cantral Lealber pfd B!oaa-8taield Staai Oratt Nortkani pid. inl. Malroaolltsa Int. MaL pfd Total aaWe for the an. 1.400 173 170 M 8 44 $.! 4t 4 4 . 104 106 lulu 1M.700 41 44 44 I 106 101 IX14 104 14 14 14 lot 104 17 11 14 sua t4 11 in 175 100 U0 1M 110 100 11 III, u 00 II 11 11 too 11 It II 4U0 44 44 4 . 14.100 lit U2 111 00 17 14 14 1'JU H i 101 4u0 It It . 4. (ON 144 111 . 14.100 14 at 4u0 Tl 71 P 71 1U M 71 1.041. a sbarss. Ferelaa Flaanotal. LONDON. Jan. 28 In the market todav the supplies of money were short and ths demand was good. The temporary Increase In the demand Is expected In the middle of the week for settlement requirements and Il6.0tip.otu in cans. Ulaoounts were Arm. The Bank of Ekigland secured ths gold ar rivals, amounting to $4,600,000. Trading on the Stock axrhange was Inactive, but the tone waa cheerful, less apprehension being felt regarding the settlement owing to ths recent elimination of weak accounts. Con sola and home rails were maintained owing to moderate investment purchases. Pur chasers supported foreigners. Americans opened poor oa ths New York bank state ment. The market closed Irregular. The kafflr market was quiet, operators being; occupied with the settlement Japanuae Imperial s ot 11S-4 closed at 12V BERLIN. Jan. 28. Prices on the Bourse today opened firmer, due 10 the results of the elections. I.aier Hading- became quirt, b lucJt el Uie Nordstoru ilmliis; cuuipaoiy rose 25 points on a report that It Is to con solidate with the Thoenlx company. PARIS. Jan. 28 There was a sharp ad vance on the Bourse today owing to a seml-offlclsl announcemett that the propo sition to tax rentea would probably be abandoned. Russlsn Imperial 4s closed at 76.40 and Russian bonds of 19"4 at 4S9.'.. New York Mmy Market. NEW YORK. Jan. .-MONEY-On call, steady st 2Hi4 per cent; ruling rate, S per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2H per cent; time foans, dull and strong; sixty days. 6V per cent; ninety days snd six months. 614 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 5fi't per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak. with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 Vitf 4640 for demand and at $4.S12(nr4 M2S for slxty-dav bills; posted ratet, $4&Vu46i; commercial bills, $4.804i'64 0"iT. PILVER Bar, 4c; Mexican dollars, &2e. HONDfV-Oovernment, strong; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotatlona on bpnds were as follows: U. 8. ref. ta. reg do coupon I', a. ta. reg do coupon V. 8. old 4a. reg. do coupon I'. 8. n 4a, rag.. do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a... do ta , Atrhlaon fan. 4a.. do adj. 4a 1W Japan U. U sarle... 9S ..If do 4a tfa do 4Wa rtfa... do 2d aarlca. ., 'U A N. unl. 'Man. c g. 4a.. 4'4 1 los loo as w 4.1(4 (t ..1"J ..Ml ..101 . lt M. Casual 4a.... ..l.0 i Mo lat ln .. Tl Mlnn A St. U 4a. .110 M , K. A T. 4a ... . .lni '4 do ta ... 7i 4a trvi ... 3 ...lit ...101, ... 7S .. n N r. ft. of H ' .. 4 N. V. C. g. I4a Atlantic C. L. 4a. Bal. A Ohio 4a do Sa 101(4 (. J. C. g. 6a. t!'4 No PaclAc 4a... n I do la Brk. R. T. t. 4a... Cantral of Oa. ta.. -1o lat Ino Mo td Ine , Mo Id Inc Chea. A Ohio 4ia .110 N. A w c. 4a.. . an O. 8. U rfdg. 4a H . 77 Tann. conv. ma afH . 44 Raadlag grn. 4a 4j .lOHH St. L t I. K. c. in.. 1131, . T4 St. Ia AS F. f. 4a. 82 . S St U S W c. 4a.... 1TJ, . 71 Seahoard A. L 4a II . H So. Tacmc 4a I" Chicago A A. Va C. B. A 0. a. 4a., C , R. I. A P. 4a., do col. (TC. A St. L. g. 4a .lot So. Railway la Ill's 'ol. Ind. la aar. A 7l4j Teiaa A P la 114 Colorano Mid. . 73' T., St. u. A W. 4a.. 'S . 344 t'nlon Pacific 4a I0114 .1X1 C. n. Steal td la 8 4, . sc(i Wahaik la Ill . ant. Mo dab. B 71 . 47(4 Wcatern Mrt 4a SI 4 . 74, aW. A U B. 4a I7(4j .104 Wla. Cantral 4a SSwj Colo. A io. 4a Cuba la D. A R. O. 4a Dlatlllara' 9ae. la.. Krla p. I. 4a........ no ran 4a Hocking Val. 4Ha. Japan Bid. Offered. Boston Mocks and llnnds. ROSTON. Jan. 2S. Call loans. 67 per cent; time loans. 6f6 per cent. Olfl- clal quotations were as follows: Atrhlaon ad. 4a It IBIngham do 4a 1M It'll. A Heels... Mei. natural ta 4 ('ntrnnlal Atchtion 101(4 iCopper Rings . . . 10 ..MS .. St .. M .. iH .. tawj . .ISO .. 27 .. 4 .. n .. 1 .. 11 ..ln .. 1014 ..11a .. J"(4 ..1M .. It .. 71 .. 44 .. nn .. T"(4 .. .. It ,.1M ..111 .. IS .. 1744 .. S4 ..17 .. S7 .. I do pfd ttta.Dilr Wast Boaton A Albany J.15 IPranklln Boa(on A Malna ISO (Gmnhr Bnaton Kletatad M 'lila Rnyala .... Fitrhbum Pfd ISSVj'Maaa. Mining ., Mexican (antral !1S4 Michigan N. T., N. H. A H . 114 Mohawk t'nlon Plrtflc 170"4 Mont. C. A C. Am. A. C. pfd 41 loid Dominion Am. Pnau. Tube It (((areola A mar. Sugar 1 tot j Parrot do pfd 130 iQuinry As T, A T 1?7 Shannon Am. Woolen 12(4 Tamarack do pfd 10014 Trlnltjr Pom. I. A 8 IKUCnlled Copper Kdlaon Elar. lllu....JJt t'. S. Mining.. Mara. Klactrlc iS!r s. oil. do pM Maaa. Oaa .... t'nlted Fruit . United 6. M... do pfd V. B. Steal.... do pfd Adventure .... Allouaa Amalgamated . Atlantic ... Hiftah ... 4.'VVIctor1i ...1(1 iWlnons ... (IS Wolverine ... W (North Butte ... 44 Butte Coalition ...106 .Nevada ... I 'Mitch. II It'll. A Arlioni. ...111H Arliona Com. ., II ,i(ireana Con. .... Bid. Asked. Iondon CloslnsT Stocks. LONDON. Jan. 28. Closlrfir quotations on tne tstocK exenange were: Conaola. money 4 15-U M, K. A T .. N V. Cantral. Norfolk A W. . do pfd . 'S .ll"'4 . to . I" . 45i . a- . f 4444 . 7 do account Anaconda .... Atchtaon ... 17 ... 14 ...lot (4 do pfd .104 Ontario A W.. Baltlmora A Ohio. .. .11014 Fennavlvanli Canadian Pacific ....1744 Rand Mlnea Chaa. A Ohio la iRcadlng Chicago Gt. W 1H Hcuthcrn Hallwiy C. M. A St. f Ul(4 do pfd 4 I Bears r74 Southern raclflo t4 Uenvar A K. O I?4 Union Pacific 171 do pfd 14 I do pfd to Erie MTiV. 8. Stool 47( do lat pfd 7K do pfd 1084 do td pfd t3V4.Wahaah II Illlnola Cantral 171 do pfd 11 Loulavllle A N 144-4 Span I .h 4a It ' PILVER Bar, steady, 31Vid per 01. MONEY 4 H6 6 pr cent. The rate ff discount In the open market for short hills Is 47(4 15.14 per cent; for three months' bills. 44'! per cent. Boston Copper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan & Bryan, 112 Board 01 1 raae ounaing. omsna: Advanturs 1 Michigan Jl Allouaa , Atlantic BlCkham Black Mountain Boatos Oonaolldated Butta Coalition 41 Mohawk H 16 Nevada C emendated. II It North Hutte ..111 .. 12 .. 30 ..11 1 Pnau. Service 0 Pnau. Bervl.'e, UQulnrv pfd Calumat A Arlaooa. .lie Cilumat A Hacla Il Shannon Tamarack ... M 140 4 !! 10t com.. 4K Cantannlal .... Coppar Rings Pair West ... Eaal Butta .. Franklin 44 Tann. Copper ... (4 Trinity ... It t'nlted Fruit ... 15 t'nlled 8tatea, ... M I'nlted Btatea. pfd... 47 uraane Coppsr .... Granbr Halvatla lata Roval Kawcanaw L. 8. A Pittsburg kaaaacDUMUa ... 10 Utah Consolidated.... 70 ...It t'tah Copper 41 ... 1 Victoria 1 . ... 17 Winona It .... 14 Wolverine laf 27 Canann 10 Nlplaalng 11 New York Mlnlaa- Storks. NEW YORK. Jan. 38. Closing quota tions on mining stocks were: Adama Con. to I.lttla Chief .. t Ontario 21 Opblr .. I .00 ..:o .. to .. at .. Alice Breaca Brunawlck Con. . Comatock Tunnel Oon. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Bllvar Iron Bllvar Leadvtlla Cod. .. .. 40 .. 41 ..100 ..171 ..40 .. Potoal jSavaga Hlerra Nevada ISmill Hopas . iStsodard .130 Rank Clearlnars. OMAHA. Jan. 2D. Bank clearings for to day were $l.K3i,224.24 and for the correspond ing date lust year $l,6M.77.oz. Wool Market,, LONDON. Jan. 28 WOOL A good selec tion or ll.OHi bales was ofTered at the wool sales today. Secured sold quickly. Su perior Ceylon greasles were taken by home and American buyers at la b'vl. Superior greasy lambs realized the highest prices of the series, Americans paying Is 6V for West Australian greasy fleece and is 2d for New Zealand half-breeds Following are the sales In detail: New South Wiles. 1 Kt) bales; scoured, Is4diils9d; greasy, ftd'nls 2Hd. Queensland. 9m bales; scoured, la Idft 9Hd; greasy, lodtils d. Victoria. 2 on0 bales: scoured. Isdf(2s5d: greasy, hi'f Is 7Hd. South Australian. bales: greasy. 8M1'(ils 64d. west Australian. ttu Dines; greasy, 7di1s Hd. New Zealand. 14 0 bales: soured, la 2dtjls 8l4d: gTeasy. 7)d tils 2d. Punta Arenas, l.lut) bales; greasy. 6p9d. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 28. wiOL Bteady : medium gTades comhlng and clothing 21 &2M4C. light fine 20B23C; heavy fine. l(V51He: tub washed, S7&3Sc. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan. . COTTON Boot In fair demand. 1 point hlrhe': American mid dling1 fair 6.71d; good middling. 6.23d; mid dling, 5 93d; low mlddlln. 6 S6d: good o-dl-nary. 6!5d: ordinary. SlOd. Sales, 10,000 bales, of which l.ono were for speculation and egport and Included 8,$ot American. ST. LOCI3, Jan. 2S -COTTON-Qulet: middling. lOic. Slea, none: recelnts, none; sh,rmerXs none: stock. 90.12R ba'es NEW ORLEANS. Jan. .COTTON Market closed Arm: Bales. 6.575 bales; low ordinary. 6c. nominal: ordlrary. 7c. nom inal: good ordtnarv. 8 7-lfic: lew mlddbne. 7-lc; middling 10f-'r: good middling. 1'4c: middling fair. 12c. nominal; f-lr. IV.. nominal. Receipts, 18.314 bales; stock. 396.271 bates Bna-ar anal Melasaea NEW TORK. Jan. 28 4?VGAR Raw. stesdv: fair refining. $21-J"!c; rentrif weal. W test. $ li-fle. Molasses surar, S 23-SV. fanned, stesdv; No. 4S0c; No. T. 4 ?.,.; No. 4.JfW; No. 4.16c: No. 10 4fp- No M 4 00c; No 12. $tc: No. IS. S V; No 11. c: confectioners' A. 4 68c; mould A. 5lKc; cut loaf and crushed 5 5V: nowdered. 4 90c; gremilsted 4 80c: rubes. 6 Ofe MLAPHSV-Steady; Ntw Orleans open got!, s?"'- NEW ORI KANS. Jan. 28 -SUGAR Stesdy centrifugal white. 4 t-lfVfJHV.c; -'ugal yellow. IS(IV: second. JHfr rc MOLA8SE3-New syrup. eV. Rraiarated Aprlea and Heted -- NEW TORK. Jan. 28 -EVAPORiTFT) APPI.ES-Mrket steadv: holders h'.ld'ng (for prices. Fancy. S.rtHV prim-, fr. CALIFORNIA PRIED FRUITS Pr'ines continue very firm on rosst. hut are no heUer then steady In the bx-al market mlth prices ranging from Ic to : for 4es rape In a up to 3tL Oregon prunes. s to a 6rrc. Aorirots are In s little better rie- rcarn ana nrm; cnoire, inc: extra moire 18rr,c: fsPCV. lfatr'J'C. Pecrea are seer e snd flrno- choice aomed st l'.ri;tc: ex'ea choice. HUaVloUc. Rale'r.s In tv-t.e- drrn4 apd stesdv loose mur-ste1. Vae; .-eded ralslos at 7Vtfluc; Lwndon Ujora, ltfrfiic. OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fat Cattl Generally Steady, with Teedtri Ltwer. HOGS TOUCH ANOTHER HIGH POINT Fair Rao af aheea and l.anaka, wltk Prices Generally Steady with liat Week's Close, fcat Trade Kot Very Aetlre. SOUTH OMAHA. Jsnuary 2, 1907. Receipts were. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 6 . 0 Same day lat week S.4X7 4.312 Same day 2 weeks ago.. 4 JW 4.672 1'.1. Same day 2 weeks aau.. S.JtH 6.7i 8, "on 8nie day 4 weeks ago.. $.:47 $.4:T Same day last year 4.58 41.371 7.1SM Ida following tabic shows ths receipts of cattle, hugs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to data, compared with last year: 1W7. 190i. Inc. Dei Cattle K.SJ 67,ti 29,n. Hog 175.4kr l'.'5.2o7 Sheep K7.l 12U.014 7,284 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Good to choice cornTed steers $5- Kalr to good cornftd steers 4.i1jo.40 Common to fair steers l""2' ir Oood to choice fed cows lw(J' Fair to good cuws and heifers ,"y, Common to fair cows and heifers.. tPOt3 .00 Oiod to choice si kers and feeders. 4u6 0u Fair to good Blockers and feeders. 2 '"(i4.4 Common to fair stockers '-SJ?' Bull stags, etc 2.76t4 00 Vesl calves 4.00434 The following table ahowa ths average price of hogs at 8ouih Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Data. I 1207. lrae.l..lTiM.ilSO2.1901. Jan. 14... I Jan. 15... Jan. 16... 1 Jan. I;.,., Jan. IS... Jan. IV... Jan. 2... Jan. 21... Jan. Ti..., Jan. 23... Jan. 24... Jan. i5... Jan. Jan. 27... Jan. 28... 2cl I i 0 I 73 $7 U! J W (86 S3 4 6 411 6 U S 41( 6 2i 4 62 4 74 6t) lot i 21 ti 41 4 6 2li 4 61i I 60 6 lij W 0 4, 0 4 4 eo 4 V I s 4 6 Sl 4 b6 4 4 0 W ' ' I Sll 4 671 4 v 47 6 27 I 4 68 4 7i 69 16 t M a 64 HI e on, 6 4 4SS 6 35 I 4 ; 64, b -l J J 5 SS 4 63 4 8S 5i 8 03, 5 15 6 32 14 S S W 08 6 21 6 tili 6 2ft. 4 il 4 HI 14 K (UV 6 M 4 7S 4 M 6 73 6 13 6 IS t Hil 4 61 4 111 I M I U ' I I 4 64i 4 i9i 611 6 D6 I 22 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha 2.2i.50 $G 7(42).S6 Chicago l.otrui.'iO 6.1'm".00 Kansas City 2 2y660 6.ti6.96 Ht. Ix.uls 2.(Kjii.76 .ur,6 Sioux City 2.5ooiti.J8 6.tVttxi.7& The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: C, M. & Pt. P 4 Missouri Pacific 3 1'niv.n Pacific Kystem. 53 C. & N. W., enst.... 6 C. & N. W., wst 49 C, St. P. & M. 0 13 C, H. & Q., cast 1 C, It A y., west 6S C, K. 1. P.. east ... 7 C, It. 1. & P.. west.. .. Illinois Central 2 Chicago Gt. Western. 4 7 1 17 10 S 2 !4 6 2 2.. 4 2D 11 2 1 6 1 1 2 2 6 85 39 7 Total receipts an The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hog Sheep Omaha Packing Co 4.' Swift and Company 1,131 Cudahy Packing Co l,tW Armour & Company 7x7 Armour & Co., Denver.. 2"7 Vannant & Co 58 Carey & Betitin Iti9 1.014 1.914 1.82 b78 2.0:7 1.4.S7 1.S81 l.ool Iyibman & Co.. McC'reiiry W. I. Stephen.. Hill & Son F. P. Itvis 2'J2 28 44 17 Huston & Co Hamilton 85 U F. Huss 37 Wolf 7d J. H. Bulla 13 Mike Hnagerty 6; J. B. Root & Co.. Z. H. Clark T. B. Inghram... Sullivan Bros 1K2 18 7 t 26 19 V. A. Brltton Lehmer Bros Other buyers 476 7.5X9 Total ...6.214 6.043 CATTLE Cattle were In liberal receipt this morning, about 200 cars being reported early. At ihe same time advices Indicated large rur.s at other market points, so that the total number of cattle on sale for the day was uuite liberal. No great chanae took place at tms point In the market for beef steers. Although receipts were liberal, packers seemed to feel that with prospects guod for a consld erable full of snow over the country there was no danger of any very great over supply and hence they all seemed to want a considerable number of cuttle today. The result waa that while the market opened a little late on account of the nonarrlval of trains, there was a fair movement, with desirable beeves generally steady. Borne of the Inferior kinds such as were In active demand during the early part of last week for feeding purposes were slow and weak owing to the fact that feeder buyers were not taking so many today. Cows and heifers sold generally In about the same notches as yexleriiay. at least the good kinds did, there being no notable change in the market, in some cases sell ers who hHd rather Inferior stuff found it a little difficult tu get out to aa good ad vantage as tbey did lust week. The feeling on feeders was generally lower. In a tew cases sellers who hap pened to have Juat what buyers wanted thought they did about us well as at the ckse of last week, but generally the mar ket was quoted as much as 10c lower eveu on the good kinds. Common grades were hard to sell, no one seeming to want that kind. This was especially true of llitht and Inferior stockers, which were hard tu move at any price. Representative sales: LEEK STEERS, No. At. Pr. No. A. Pr. 17.; lat 4 10 I tot t to I I'll 4 10 t 1111 4 19 4 101 4 40 tl 1113 4 II 1 lOtl 4 44 20 11(1 4 II 11 1041 I M II 1UM 4 40 41 1111 4 60 67 6 M i; 1044 4 40 COWS. t 1410 t 40 t Ht I 38 t t u 11 loin 1 40 1 134 I to 177 1 M 10 134 2 10 4 1(41 I tS 10c4 t SO 14 tt6 I 70 1 120 t 10 7 11U I 10 1 117 I 00 II lot t 70 1 10JO I 00 1 UuO I IS 4 lino 1 00 1 1101 1 11 I 5 I 10 4 1111 I 11 1 810 t II 14 Into I 10 10 1(40 I II It ..loll I U 1 460 1 10 II 1040 II 14 10(1 t 10 1 1177 4 04 1 1150 I II I ISO 4 10 4 auO I 16 17 lvH 4 14 HEIFERS. 1 170 I 00 1 740 I It 1 44 I 10 1 M0 4 10 I 4M I 10 BULLS. 1 1440 I 00 1 1410 I 40 1 1140 I 14 1 ISO I 40 t 120 I K 1 4v I l 1 110 I Hi 1 1170 I 10 1 14&6 I la 1 1440 I 41 1 440 t U 1 170 I M CALVES. 1 124 I 24 1 110 I 10 1...: 440 I 40 1 , 110 I Ou 1 4 I 40 1 1(4 00 1 K 4 0 t lo I io 1 110 I 00 t 144 4 40 1 140 4 21 FEEDERS. 1 144 1 14 4 431 I IS I Ill t 10 10 7!4 I 44 1 ill t 76 11 tti I 15 1 two I 00 - 10 I06 I II 4 110 I 0V 41 I'7 4 00 I Ill I II 41 71 4 10 I 160 I 24 14 Ul 4 1', I ill I 14 14 114 4 tt 1 111 t 14 WESTERNS. William CUrk-tEsouth Dakota. 17 feeders loT3 4 70 T. Lewis South Dakota. 7 feeders. 1161 4 70 Colorado. 14 heifers. .818 175 4 cows.... 92$ too 8outh Dakota. H feeders. It'll i' 3 cows.. .1080 2 6u 7 elee,s... 1274 4 40 HOGS Hogs opened SlOc higher tha last weeks cloe. While it Was a llttl gluts In opening and rather late befjrv buyers got rtarted. the market never the less was fairly active wl en once under way and pretty murli everything In altth rhangtyl hands In a short time after tr $j.7!..i, with a top at $0 85. It wl'l b remembered that at the ' of ' " the bulk of the hogs s' Id st Id f,7Vt'. with more sale below than at" Fr the sales It will be seen tl at $4 75 waa o'Mt a popular rrlce. xvhere w on 8M"rday close to half of the hogs sold at $6 70. Today's advance raTted the maiket tt the highest point slice t3. Representative sales: tQ u ' . 41... ,., AV. I'l P Stu Pr. ... 4 14 W 111 ... 4 1 40 I 7.. to I : No. 14 . A a. 14 ;.V.M 12- ul Ba. Pr. ... 4 74 40 4 14 It 4 It l'w I 71 .1.4 4 1 44 17 j -1 74... U... .ai Us t M 47 1111 ... I T?H 14 HA 44 4 71 4t rt' 40 4 75 v, Itl ... 4 71 71 1'O IK tr4 14 tTI . . 4 74 44 4 40 4 7m 70 144 144 1 14 II lt ... I n4 41 tt . . 4 71 41 a ... 4 114 1M 114 4 71 II Ill 40 14 44 171 10 I TI 0 I4 ... 1 14 40 It ll 4 71 77 IM ... I tl 47 21 40 I 71 14 1-4 ... TJ 34 IM so 4 71 to. J4 ... 111 to re ian inn l 11 ... I II 14 137 40 4 77(4 71 IM ... ITI It. ... I T7(4 14 Ill ... 4 71 it . W0 ... 4 71 '4 14 11 ... I 71 It 107 ... I 11'4 43 Ui ... 4 71 40 IM lit I 774 71 24t St I 71 71 Ul ... I 77( 40 l:t . . I It I ... 4 77 4 71 K4 41 4 71 t IM ... 4 77(4 I i N III 44 n 40 I 77V4 74 ... 4fi aa mi ... 4 tt 71 J. W ITI 74 134 .. 4 17(4 41 141 r I It IS tn 40 4 an 70 1l ... I 71 141 ... I 19 41 I t ... I TS II 141 10 I 10 It 134 ... I 71 M I.'4 to 4 to 44 141 40 4 71 44 Ill 144 4 10 M 140 luO I 71 It Kt ... I SO 13... J3I ... Ill If. 141 ... I SO 7t 121 ... I 71 II. ....... .1:4 ... 4 10 78 IH . . I 76 1 117 ... t 10 n 41 I II 0 :i4 ... 4 4 II lit ... 4 74 71 t4t ... 4 tu 44 241 ... I II 44 411 ... t 16 SH EtP The week started out with a very fair run of sheep and, fortunately, there was a better selection, there being a fair showing among the arrivals of weth ers and yesrllugs as well as ewes. The market opened with a fair demand for de sirable killers of all kinds. Packers ap parently had cleaned up their large pur chases of last week and were on the mar ket for fresh supplies. While the market was not exactly what could be call'd active, still a good proportion of the de sirable offerings changed hands In fair season. The prices paid looked Just atxitit steady with ths close of Isst week. cVome ery good ewes sold as high as $6 10. wnicn as better than anything bought trie latter part of last week Several bunches of ethers so d ud to $5.60. Quotations on killers' flood to choice lambs, $7.0OU7.40; fair to good lambs, td. 75 6". 00; good to choice yearlings, lamb weights. 46.(006.25: fair to good yearlings, lamb weights. $0.7543(1.00; good to choice yearlings, heavyweights. $5.76$t.00; fslr ta good yesrlings, heavyweights. (5.6o(b.76; ?:ood to choice old wethers, $0 aijti WJ ; raw o good old wethers. $6.00x0 36; good ta to choke ewea 14MkJS.1i): fair to good $4 S5j4.S. liepresentatlve aalea: No. Ar. . 1(2 . 102 . 102 . 100 . K'l . 113 . 115 Tr. 6 10 4 00 6 b0 6 60 6 60 t on 6 00 7 on 7 50 4 75 6 26 25 7 01 6 $0 6 51 $ 75 $ 85 4 90 6 00 6 60 2l western ewes 7 western ewes 230 western wethers 6 western wethers $.' western wethers 346 western ewes 81 western ewes 266 western lambs 4!j western lambs 86 97 89 66 92 75 1(4) 73 90 m 107 84 11 native ewes 54 native yearlings 233 native lamb feeders. 10 native lambs 243 western lambs '.' western wethers 2o8 western lambs 11 western yearlings 61 native ewes Js.1i western ewes UK western wethers HICAGO LIVE ITOCK MARK.KT attle Steady to Doll, Hogs Five to Tea Cents Higher. CHICAGO. Jan. 28. CATTLE Receipts bout 9.000 head; best, steady, others weak nd dull. Common to prime steers, $l.0N'(t 30; cows, $2 75ii4.75; heifers. $2.80416 ((, bulls, 12.7VS4.06; calves. $2.753.00; stock ers and feeders, $2.75&4.90. HO S Receipts about 40.000 head: mar ket 6'5,10c higher. Good to choice heavy, tH.(i('7.0(); choice light, $ti.95'q7.0o; pack- ng. $8.S4aH.6: bulk of sales. .2iv SHEEP AND 14. MRS Receipts about 25,"' head; market stesdy to slow. Sheep, 3.00U6.S5; yearlings. $4.06.00. Sen York Live Stork Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 2S.-BEEVES Re relpts, 4,600 head; beeves, slow snd 15c lower; bulls, firm to 10c higher; bologna and medium cows, steady to firm; good cows, slow; steers, $.Y2ojj.20; bulls. $.1.6' (ri .40; cows, $1.90194.20. Liverpool and London uoted live stock at U'avtVie per pound resiied weight; refrigerator beef at 10c per pound. CALVES Receipts. 801 head; veals steady, but slow, closing easy; barnyard and western calves unchanged. Veals, 1 C..0OH9.50: few choice. $9.2m&.66: tops. 1 liu.ou; cum. H.'dsyi 7b; western calves, 13 60 &4.60; barnyard calves, W.OOiia.S; dressed calves easy; city dressed veals, 8i(i14c per pounn ; country nresseo, 719124, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,295 head; sheep, dull: lambs, very slow and feeling a trifle easier. Rheep, $a.50i0.2n; culls. $Son; Jambs. $6.75; one car at $7.60; culls, so.owri.rjo; yearlings, 6.50. HOGS Receluts. 12.700 held market firm; quotations, $7.207.50, plga Included. Kasaas t'lty Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Jan. ?8.-CATTLI-Re- celpts. 3.600 head, Including 600 southerns; market strong to 10c higher: choice export and dressed beef steers, f6.40tfA.tlO: fair to good, $4.Him 30; western fed steers, tH.Tfytf 5.76; stockers and feeders, $3.00j26.00; south ern steers. $3.5ifi5.1'S: southern cows. $2.2fv9 3.76; nstlve cows, f2.26ff4.50: native heifers, 3:100034.75; bulls. f2.7f.5M.25; calves. f3.26 7.25. HOGS Receipts. f.Oon head: market Rc higher: top. U 92U: bulk of sales. M Ml 4.90; heavy. $.8f?il 9?H: packers, KTO'q.?); pigs and llgnts. iB TSfra SHEEP AND LA M US Receipts. 11.000 head; market for lambs steady, for sheep wesk; lamlts, f7.0O4j'7.6; ewes and year lings. f4.75Sfi.15; western fed yearlings, fo.76 1655; western fed sheep, f4.75ttu.tJ0; fed ewea. $3.2635.26. t. Lenls Live Stock Market. ST. I.OU1B. Jan. 28. CATTLE Receipts. 4.500 head, Including 2.J00 head Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $0 SiViirl Tfj; dressed beef and butcher steers, f4.4nifi-5.15: steers under 1.000 lbs.. U.7f.'a 4 W; stockers and feeders. $2.00fr4.!O; cows and heifers. $2.506.26: csnners, $1.75'i 2 36; bulls. $2.0u&4.00; calves, $3.5ii8.00: Texas and Indian steers, $2.&Og.60; cows and heifers, $2.(4 'u4 00. HtKiS Receipts. 8.5(0 head: market 510c higher; pigs and lights. fli.ftXJi? 80: packers. Khun); Dutcnrrs and best heavy. $6,809 4.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.000 head; market steady: native muttons. $2.75 6 0f; lambs, $4.uO'fT7 60: culls and bucks, t2.75fJ4.00; stockers. $3.264.26. gloats City Live tlnrk Market. SIOUX CITY. Jan. 28 (flpeclsl Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts. 8.000 head: market steady: stockers lufclSc lower; beeves, ft 2'iif? 6.25: cows, bulls and mixed, $2.5034. 50; Rtockers and feeders. $3.0034.36: calves and yearllnk-s, $2.7&'T8 86. HOGS Receipts, 4.00 head: market 6e higher, selling at $j.MX(tJ.76; bulk of sales, $0.056.70. St. Joseph lire Block Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.387 head; market slow; natives. $4.noi.76; cows and heifers. $2.26fi4.40: stockers and feeders, $S.ffiJr4 50. HOGS Receipts. 6.241 head: market 10c hirher: light. lo.Titlti.llfi: bulk of sales, iri fn 6 87i. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 7.617 head; market active: lambs, f7.bU Stock In ftlrkt. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yeste'dav: t uttie. Hogs. Sheep. 6.2 f.&0 South Omaha ..1... 6.JO f'loug llty Kansas City St. Joseph St. Louis Chicago Total , OMAH A W HCt . 3.l'4 9 6 , 2.317 4.5" J t0 4.1 to c. 0 5.k41 r.601 40.00) ll.Ot) 6.7H 2.C0O :6.u 0 .33 687 69,941 :tur: MtHKFT, "ondltlon of Trade aal Ifaotatloaa en Btsple and Fancy Pradara KGOS-Per dos.. 22c. LIVE POULTHY-Hns. fHc: roostara. Ic; turkeys 10413c ducks, ftaloc; young roosters. 7'tf8c; geese, 8vSc. BUTTER Packing stock. 18319c: choice fo fancy dairy, 2122c; creamery, 254J29c. HAY Choice nnlond. 1.6': medl "x' No. 1 bottom. $8 50; off grade!. $6 5043C.UI. Rye straw. $7.0U; No. 1 alfalfa, $71.00. BRAN Per on. $15.00. OLD VEGETABLES. CARROT" SEE in AND PARSNIPS -Per bu., 76o SWEET POTATOEB-Illtnols. per large 'bl., $J ii. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. fl ; No. 1 U.iO. LIMA BE ANS Per lb.. tc CABBAGE Holland seed, home grown. u.- . - ), KGG PLANT- Par doa.. K.r-CflOlL RUTABAGAS About 150 lUr. to sack, II v ""Coc. Tr-HNIPS-per bu.. 60c. ONIONS-Hoine grown.' per bu., fac; Spanlah. per crate $7wu: Colorado, per bx. J5c TRO"CAL FRUIT. LEMONS Llmonlera. fu and tCO tlse, f4 5u. other b ki dr. 6-,c lesa, DATES Kada way A.r. sayera k; Hab lowia. ut siofteu anudi dates. 9-1 b. taig, BANAN.4k-f-er medlum-sUed bunch, f2.vv.' Jt, jun.ia.4, fxoOta.ia). . t r." :-.. 4 aud 80, $17$ V4'' OKANQEa-riorlda ira-tj aU ast, all alses, $.!... furcy. U choice. $i.7ft, NEW VKOKTAULKa BEETS, ILRNU'8 AMP CARROT rat dS , 4i-4jV. TOM A TOES -Florida. A-lh. crate. $f 00. WAX RE A NS Per bd. Sos, M.wu.(10. LEAF LETTUCK Hothouas, ver dot. he:o!4. 45c CELERT California, per d a. 76ct!tl 00. CL Cl'.MHERS-Hothouse, per dos . $-0u, HORSERAl"iSII-Cae of dog.. $lu. RAI'IS HKS-Per dos. bunchea, 3ic OREEN PEPPERS Fr -basktt srats, $4 t.S,tM. PAKriLET Hothouse, per dos. bunches, 40c. HEAD LETTUCE-Bouthem. per doa $l.(X vl 26. SHAUrOTS Southern, per bunch. 600. FRI'lTi. CRANBERRIES-Per bbl.. $7.('li9 Oft. APPLES Ben Davis, choice. $i uu; fancy. Per bbl., t--&. Jonatlutns. 3.7iiv t.j; New York apples, tl 26, 1 ana Nebraska, ettting and cooking, $2 26U3.0U. PEARS-Winter Nells. ter oot. $2.06. FIGS California, bulk. 6Hc; a-crowa Turkish, 16c; 6-crnwn. 14c; 3-crown, 12c. tUtUANU Tb- Per SMck of loo, CUT BEEF PRICES. No. 1 ribs. 15c; No. 2 ribs, lor: No. I ribs. 7c; No. 1 loin, lc; No. 2 loin, UV; No. 2 loin, 9c; No. 1 chuck. tV: No. 2 chuck, 6p; No. $ chuck. 4c; No 1 round. 7Sc; N'. 1$ round, BV4ic; No. round, tk:; No. 1 plate, 4c; No. I plate, 4c; io. t pi.ite, ;ic. M ISCELt.ANKuUS. CHEESE New lull creitin Wisconsin twins, If'V: new full cream brit k, Ki t lSHc: wheel Swiss cheose, lo; block Swiss, lc; llmborger, 14c; Voting Amerlcns, lc. FISH Trout. Uc; halibut. K-c. citneli, ido; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, lie; black bass, fine stock, 26c; salmon, l.V; pike, dressed, He; red snapper, 12c; whlteHsh, 1-c; perch, dressed and scaled, be: pickerel, drtgael, Ihc; herring, be; rrapples, txul&c; eels, loc; blueflsn, 16c; lobstere, green, Soc per lb. mackerel, Spanish, 16c; native. 36c; frog legs, 4oc per dos saddles; smelts. Vic. C'l'HED FISH - Family whiteflih, per quarter bbl., W lbs , $4 00; Norway muck ereU No. L $36 00; No I J8.00; herring u bbls., 2o0 pounds each. Norway, 4k, $11; Nor way. 8k, $12.50; Holland herring. In keg, milkers, 80c; kegs, mixed. 70c. HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1, 12c; No. 2, 11c; bull hides. 9c; green hides. No. 1. 10c: No 2. 9c; horse, $160 J 8.75; sheep pelts, oociiJlSf. Tallow. No, L 444c; No. 2. SHaC Wool, lojilc. CHER New York, hilt turret. $2.76; bar. tel. $5 NUTS French wslnuts. V!H:; California walnuts. No. 2, soft shell, l.'j; No. 1 soft shell. loHc; Rrar.Ua, 15 16c; jiecans. l'.tfirc; Mberta, lSiffllc; peanuts, raw, 7V,c; roasted. 9c; California almonds, haral shell. Hie: Traycnia. 17c. 1 HONEY Per 24 frames, $3 SO COFFEE Ron sted. No. 35, 2Sr per !tv; No. 30, 2lc per lb.; No 25. 19c per lb.; No. 20, lc per lb : No. $1. 18c per lb. SUGAR Oranulated cane, In sacks, $6.11, granulated beet. In sack. lu.OL CANNED GOODS Corn, standard woat rn, 65if60c; Maine, fl.lL Tomatoes, 8-lh. cans. $1.10; 3-lb. cans, 87V"ff$j.OO. rine. apples, grated. 2-lb., $'J 06fj:.3ii; sliced. l ) r2 20. Gallon apples, fancy. $?.06. Cal' fornla apricots, $3.00. Iears, $L7b 1.60. Peaches, fancy, $1.752.41; H. ;:. peaches. $i0Off2.60. Alaska salmon, red, $126; fancy Chinook, F.,; fancy m.rk. eye, F., $1.96. Sardines, quarter oil, $2.75; three-quart,r miiftard, $3.00. Sweet pota toes. $1.1091.26. Sauerkraut. $1.0. Pump kins, 80c3$1.00. Wax beans, 2-lb., 6tvguci lima beans. 2-lh.. 76cip11.35. Spinach. 11.35. Cheap peas, Mb., Ct; extras, ScQ'l.lO; fancy. $i.35$it.75. Oils and Rosin. OIL CITY, Jan. 28.-OII Credit balancca, tl.59. Runs, 152. :58 bbls.; average, 101,755 bbls. Shipments, 314.817 bhia.; average, l&i.KK) bbls. SAVANNAH, Jan. 28. OIL Turpentlna, firm: 7014c. ROSIN Firm. Quole: A., B., C, $4 00; D.. fl Oort iri; F... $1 tVii4.15; F., $.1'4 'JO; O.. $41Vu4 2fi; II , $1.3.4 fio; I.. $!.-; K., $5.nrv(; M $5. 21 r ft. 4(1; N., $).; W. O., $fi.2&(i0.5O; W. W., $'..50. Kit flatter Mnrkrt. EIX5IN, 111., Jan. 28 BUTTER Firm at 34c; sales for tho week, W.4) lbs. AUTOMOBILE AND ASTRONOMY Captain Homer W. Hedge Orgnnlilsg a f'lnb to Solve Astronomical and Kindred Problems. NEW YORK, Jan. 28. Captain Homer W. Hedge, organiser of the Automobile Club of America and the Aero Club of America, and first vice president of tha latter organization, has taken the first Btepa In forming a third club, whose pur pose will be to solve the astronomical, as trological and seismic problems which ara ! puzzling scientists. Universal Astronomical society Is tha name chosen by Captain Hedge for tha new organisation. He hopes that It "will serve as a clearing house for the world'a knowledge of astronomical and kindred subjects, as well as be the means of pro moting Independent experimentation. Ha has already Interested men of wealth In tha 1 project, and In a short time he expects ta .0(.,p,v fu .fledged. see the society full-fled(?ed. "I got the Idea when I was three miles up In the air In a balloon, suld Captain Hedge. "How " Insignificant we all are, I thought to myself. Here I am three mile from the earth and deluding myself with the, thought that I am doing something wonderful. But while I have been mount ing three miles above the earth our globa has been racing toward the sun until It la 1,000,000 miles nearer to It than ever before. "If we are going to bump Into the sun or some other celestial body, what Is tha use of us straining as we do to achieve things which will be swept out of exist ence? How do we know that It la worth while to keep on living and trying to maka something worth while of ourselves? "Think of the earthquakes In all parts of tha world," Captain Hedge went on. "How shall we account for such weather as wa are having only two really cold duya thla winter and fur-lined overcoats as useless aa a knowledge of Greek to a hod carrlerT "Automobiles are all right and balloon ing la good sport, but how Insignificant they are In comparison with the tremendous problems which concern the future of tha world and of man. And ao I an deter mined to Interest some of our wealthy mm In a plan to study these great questions. We want to get the latest reports from all parts of the world. "We talk abput how progressive wa ara In this country. Here Is an opportunity to make the bouat good. The society ought to open headquarters In New York and then spread over tha whole world." HEAL E8TATE TRANSFERS. Lewis 8. Reed and wife to Emily C. Mann, lot 6, block 1, Haxel Teriacef 4vt Alexander C. Reed and wife to Emily C. Mann., lot 6, block 1. Hazel Ter race W Marie Bcheibel and huwlmnd to Frank, 0. Browne, part lots 1 and 2, block 1. Park Place 4.M0 Soren Jensen and wife to B lale An derson, lot ti, block 2. Humidor ft HlniHbaiigh's Mt. i'leusant Ad 1 1 Bevel In S. Roge and wife to BukIb Anderson, lots 4 and 5. block 2, Saunders t lllmebsugh's Mt. Pleas ant Add I B. F. Thomas to Union Investment Co., lot . block 5. Hi Ik if a Place Juanita Coit Alee mid husband t 1 Ed son Rich, lot 14, block in. West End Add t" $.2b; California navels, extra fancy. Murle Vermcernvh ami hu.1b.1nd to' Theophllo and Bidonle Vllegl.s. 1188 feel lots 1 and block r,. Firm . Add. to Currlgun Place 1,400 Fred D. W'ead and Klfe to t Will Hamilton, truce sic. 27-15-13, and other land 40 George f. Young to Nellie II. Young, lots 7 and , block 5. Kendall s Add. Emma Van Schaaik to Jennie V. Ho vell, lot 11. block l. Iltllrkle Add. No. I l,Ot,0 Jette Mai ht to Adam Mm tit. lois 11 and 12. block 10, Jetter's Add . Soutlt Oirnhj ' 1 Ellen A. Brennan to Brower E. Mc Cactue. tract nS lie', 3-H-it 3.50 J. Herbert .McMillan L F.ljertie J. Franer. part lot 12, biocit ir. Dwlght t Lyman's 1 Gilbert T. Fiaaer to J. Iieibert Mc Mi.h 11, ,urt lot 1.', block 1:1. IiwikI'I A I ymun s '. I Issue W. Carpenter anil wife ei 11 1 to the ;jrpe.tir piill.lirg Co.. lots 3 ', end 4. lilo k II. iiomIi.i '. I John W. McDoirild lo Johanna n. lot 7. block 3. M .'in ml' k s Second 7t-.' 1. wra M. Hiiubv and I iiHl.and to Helen L. H hr fielu. lot 1.', block 13. Ko'inlze Place 1,000 Ivm'.e! B 1 'nils and Wife t liula, ei f I lot lu. M. t'and- iisit puce U'utal I I