Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Whenever a sore or nicer refuses to heal, it Is a sure fifon of a diseased
condition of the blood. The sore itself is simply an outside evidence of
Some iriternal poison, and the only way to cure it is to remove the deep
underlying cause. Sores and Ulcers originate usually from a retention in
the system of bodily waste matters and impurities. These should pass off
through the natural avenues of waste, but because of a sluggish condition of
the different members they are retained in the system to be taken up by the
blood. This vital fluid soon becomes unhealthy or diseased, and the
skin gives way in some weak place and a Sore or Ulcer is formed. The con
stant drainage of impurities through a sore causes it to fester, grow red and
inflamed and eat deeper into the surrounding flesh, and often there is severe
pain and some discharge. S. S. S. is the remedy for Sores and Ulcers.
It is nature's blood purifier, made entirely
of vegetable matter, known to be specifics
for all blood diseases and disorders. S. S. S.
goes down to the very bottom of the
trouble, and removes the poison and im-
w i.p-n.v.n r- Pure matter, so that the sore is no longer
PURELY VEGETABLE fed with impurities, but is nourished and
cleansed with a stream of healthy, rich
blood. Then the place begins to heal, new flesh is formed, the inflamma
tion subsides, and when S. S. S. has thoroughly cleansed the circulation the
place heals permanently. Special book on Sores and Ulcers and any medical
advice desired will be sent free to all who write.
Two Mors Jnron Secured fo the Thaw
Jury at YeiteruV,i"Hearinr
imtramt from Pliiahnrat That . Ex
pert on Ineanlty Will Testify
That Thaw Sot Re
sponsible for Art.
NEW YORK, Jan. 2. -The Jury to try
Harry K. Thaw for the killing of Stanford
White Is nearly completed. When court
adjourned thin evening there were nine men
In the Jury boi, one having been added dur
ing the morning session and one Just be
fore adjournment at 5 o'clock. It Is ex
pected that the taking of testimony will
begin Wednesday afternoon.
Fifty talesmen were examined today
and so rapidly were the remaining members
o.f the spccla.1 panel disposed of at the
morning session that at noon recess orders
were hurried from the court for the sum
monlrg of an additional 100, who are to
recx'ic before Justice Fltxgerald tomorrow
running. This will make a total of 300 mpji
this far summoned. Of the, original panel
there remained tonight only thlrty-flve anV
It Is not considered that this number will
be sufficient out of which to select the
three Jurymen necessary to make the neces
sary twelve.
Of the fifty men examined today forty
three were excused on doctors' certificates
or on the ground that they had formed
opinions which were too strong lo be shuken
by the testimony, or for Various other
reasons sufficient to Incapacitate a man
for service In capital cases. Five talesmen
were 1 challenged peremptorily, the state
leading In the exercise of this privilege
with three challenges.
Identity of Hfw Jurors.
The two men of the fifty who proved ac
ceptable to both sides were Charles V.
. Newton, a retired railroad official, who is
perhaps 66 years old, and IjouIs Haas, the
New York representative of a Philadelphia
wholesale candy Concern, who Is about 10
years old. In accepting the latter Mr.
Jerome dwelt for some time on the ques
tion of reasonable doubt, questioning the
talesman searchlngly as to his Ideas of the
difference between a reasonable doubt and
a possible doubt. Mr. Haas seemed to In
cline to the Idea that a conviction for mur
der In the first degree should be voted only
when uch doubt as one might feel in re
gard to some vital Issue in his own life bad
been removed by the . evidence. This
seemed to satisfy the district attorney.
District Attorney Jerome continued tortuy
to base his examinations of the talesmen
on the belief that Thaw s lawyers may
offer two defenses, one emotional Insanity
4 the time of the shooting and the other
the unwritten law."
All of the defendant's family were In
court today.
Mrs., Harry Thaw and her companion.
Miss May McKenxie, were the first to ar
rive. Then can-.e Mrs. William Thaw,
mother of the prisoner, accompanied by
her two daughters, the countess of Yar
mouth and Mrs. George lender Carnegie
also were present. The family sat closely
grouped in two rows of chairs Just back
of the "prisoner. As usual, they seldom
poke to one another. Thaw seemed de
lighted wher. he saw all of his family In
couit, and appeared to be In high spirits
throughout the day.
Defense May Plead Insanity.
PITTSBURG, Pa.. Jan. 28. Detective
Soger O'Mara, formerly superintendent of
police, who was engaged by Harry K.
Atw Immediately following the murder of
Stanford White, will leave this city to
morrow to attend the Thaw trial. O'Mara
refuses to discuss the purpose of his trip
or to confirm the report that he will take
with him eight witnesses of Importance to
the defense.
Persistent rumors are rife that Dr. C.
C. Wiley and Dr. Henry A. Hutchinson,
superintendent of the Western Hospital for
the Insane at Dlxmont. Pa., a suburb of
this city, will leave for New York this
week, where both of them will be called as
expert wltnewses to prove that Harry K.
Thaw was not responsible for his act In
hooting White.
Dr. Wiley when seen today would not
dine use the matter.
school. This la the first defeat suffered
by Hastings In three years and was only
by the narrow margin of three points. The
first half really decided the contest, re
sulting in a score of 19 to W. The second
half resulted 12 to 12. There were forty
four fouls committed during the game.
Great Match If Farmer Boms Is In
Gootl Condition.
Charles Hackenschmldt, brother of the
Russian lion, writes the sporting editor of
The Kee from Des Moines to this effect, re
garding his wrestle Wednesday night at
the Auditorium with "Farmer" Burns of
I can truly say for myself that I am in
as good condition as a man can get, nd
If 1 meet with no accident I will be able
to wrmtle the match of my life. If Mr.
Burns Is In as good shape. I am sure the
people of Omaha will see a great match.
1 will go on the mat at 170 or 171 pounds.
Hoping to meet you while In Omaha, I am
very truly yours.
"180 Pounds Oraeco-Roman Champion of
Manager Qlllan has Issued an Invitation
to the women to witness this wrestling
match. A popular price has been made to
the Auditorium. Both contestants have
won a match within the week. Burns win
ning at Montgomery, Ala., and Hacken
schmldt winning from Klttridte at Des
Moines. Both are more than anxious to
win Wednesday night, because the winner
Is to have a match with Frank Ootch, the
recognlxed champion of this country at
Added Interest has been given the en
tertainment by the appearance of Oscar
Wassem of St. Joseph, who offers to throw
any wrestler in Omaha, South Omaha or
Council Biuffs as a preliminary to the main
bout or get no pay. Wassem Is but 6 feet
7 Inches In height and Is lighter than most
of the men he Is to meet on the mat, and
in spite of that handicap has won thirty
matches in the Inst two years and has lost
but one, that defeat being administered by
Farmer Burns.
Wallace nnd Blaexak, Who fought a ten
round draw before the Osthoff Athletic
club a week ago. have been scheduled for
another match Friday night at the lanw
place. Wallace Is a clever two-handed col
ored fighter from Sioux Falls, 8. D., and
Blaezek Is a local Bohemian Turner, who
lias more strength and enduranoe, but Is
not as clever at the btfxlng game.
Indiana Han Speaks Four Honrs in Support
of Child Labor Bill.
His Statement That It Has Absolute
Rlaht to Control Interstate
Commerce Frorokea Many
WASHINGTON, Jan. Senator Bev
erldge occupied the attention of the senate
during the day with a continuation of his
argument In behalf of the child labor bill.
He had only reached the legal and consti
tutional phases of the question after speak
ing for more than four hours, and ar
rangements were made whereby he will con
clude tomorrow.
In taking the position that congress could
exercise any restraint It saw fit on Inter
state commerce, Mr. Beveridge met a
fusillade of questions by his colleagues and
his progress in argument was slow, he
maintained that the question of policy al
ways would restrain any hurtful regula
tions. The senate adopted a resolution directing
the Interstate Commerce commission to
report as to the position In Its employ held
by C. 8. Hanks, who recently stated be
fore the Boston Chamber of Commerce
that railroad rates could be reduced 10
per cent without Impairing dividend. The
resolutions also asked for facts i which
this statement was based. Both houses
today adopted a Joint resolution continu
ing the Joint postal commission until fta
affairs can be wound up.
The senate today confirmed the nomina
tion of Richard A. Balllnger of Seattle,
Wash., to be commissioner of the general
land office.
Qnirklr and Painlessly So
Itisk, No Danger.
Jk Free Trial Package to Convince Bent 1y
Mall to All Who Write
Common sense Is Just as necessary (even
more so) In medicine as In business or the
affairs' of every-day life. People are getting
to know more than they used to. Not so
long' ago It was the fashion to make ail
sorts of claims for a medicine and wind up
by asking the reader to go to a drug store
and buy a bottle. People won't stand for
that kind of thing now. They want proof
tangible proof. They want to try the rem
edy flist, and if they find It to be what Is
claimed, they will be glad enough to go
and buy it. .
Kid Shanty has Issued a challenge to
Walter McCarthy of Council Bluffs for a
ten-round bout, and agrees to forfeit $26
If he does not put him out In less than ten
rounds. That Is the only way McCarthy
can be whipped, for he Is not whipped until
ho Is out .
' Tommy Lee of Ios Angeles has Issued a
challenge for a ten-round- bout with Monk
Truuimer for a side bet of $50, ,. . r(
Herman 1ong still belongs to Pa Rourke,
In spite of the rumors of his having been
traded off. With the announcement of the
coming of Buck Francks Pa wl'l not have
as much use for Herman J-ong as he would
have had without Francks. A level head
la always needed to captain a team.
John Ganzel, It Is reported, la about to
enter fast company for the third time.
Several years ago he came from a minor
league to the New York Nationals. His
stay laws brief, but after a spell of playing
in the American association he again broke
Into a big league, playing first base for the
New York Americans. Now, after a couple
of season's managing at Grand Rapids, he
Is to preside over the first bag for Cincinnati.
Month Omaha Wins at Haatlnits.
HASTINGS, Neb.. Jan. IS. -(Special Tele
gram.) Hastings' High school went down
to defeat ton Ik lit in a basket bull game
with the five from the South Omaha High
Army Officer a In Montana, Authorised
to Sell Feed to Save Stock.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 28.-Twenty bills
relating to the district of Columbia were
passed today in the house, this being "Dis
trict day."
A Joint resolution was passed granting
permission to the secretary of war to Bell
during the ntxt three months to dtliens
of Montana at actual cost to the United
States at the place of sale, limited quan
tities of hay, straw and grain for domestic
uses from the stock provided for the use
of the garrison at Fort Aslnnibolne, Mont.
Representative Dixon, senator-elect from
Montana, explained that tnere were 20.000
head of cattle In the vicinity of Asslnnl
bolne threatened with starvation by reason
of the bllxzard now raging and In dire need
of hay, straw and grain.
Representative Murphy of Missouri Intro
duced a bill today prohibiting railways
from requiring employes to work mora
than eight hours in twenty-four, excepting
In emergencies, when the time may be ex
tended to twelve hours.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. Representative
Hepburn Introduced a bill today to prevent
the sale of adulterated or misbranded seed.
Postal Commission Continued.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. In the house
today a Joint resolution was passed con
tinuing the Joint postal commission of con
gress until the termination of the present
session for the purpose of completing the
preparation, printing and publication of
the records of the hearings of the oora mis
sion. '
(Continued from First Page.)
mm v
That is why we say to every person ul-
fertng from piles or any form of rectal
disease, send us your name and we will
gladly send you a free trial package. For
we know what the result will bo. After
using the trial you will hurry to your near
est druggist and get a 60c box of Pyramid
Pile Cure, now admitted by thousands to
be one of the most wonderful reliefs and
cures for piles ever known.
"Please excuse my delay In writing to
you sooner In regard to what your Pyramid
Pile Cure has done for me. I consider It
one of the finest medicines In the world
for piles. I suffered untold misery for four
months, when my wife begged me to send
for a 60o box. When It was half gone I
knew I was better,' and it didn't take my
begging to get me to send for the second
box. I think I am about well now, but if
I feel any symptoms of a return I will or
der at once. 1 order It from the Pyramid
Drug Co. to be sure of the cure. Tell alJ
about this fine remedy for plies.
"And if there la anything in this letter
you want to Vise, do so. I received your
letter a few days ago. Yours for a remedy
like Pyramid Pile Cure.
, J. J. McElwee,
Honey Grove, Tex., R. R. 9, Box 29.
"P. s. I used only two boxes and don't
think I need any more. Piles of seven
months' standing." "
To get a free trial package send today to
the Pyramid Drug Co., 64 Pyramid Build
ing, Marshall, Michigan. It will come by
return mall and the result will both de
light and astonish you.
On the Metropolitan alleys last night the
Armours took two out of three games
from Patterson's Dally News. It was the
first, time that the handicap system hat
been tried In the Commercial league and
as far as the guinea were concerned the
Armours felt quite JublUnt over them.
l ne Daily news team, Dy aim in gooa form.r nHees The Stan
bowling In the last frame did manage to iPI"!" t rad e. o f oil
........ t,.h .inn.r .u u .iniria r.ln Pino "inereni OI Oil
and Polcar of the Dally News bowled a
very geod game, also Collins and Frisbee
of the Armours. Scores:
oil. The Galena company Is rarely called
upon to pay anything under the guaranty,
and the prices obtained by the oil company
are extravagantly high. Oils of the same
grade could be bought In the open market
for about one-half the Galena company's
Flan of Assimnlatlon.
The report severely arraigns the Stan
dard's methods of competition, saying:
The Standard has repeatedly, afer becom
ing the owners of a competing company,
continues to operate it under the old name,
carrying the ideas to the public that tho
company was still Independent and com
peting with the standard. It lias used audi
purchase or Independently organized com
panies to kill oft competitors by such com
panies reducing prices. The operation of
such fake independent concerns has been
one of Its most effective means of destroy
inic competition. The standard habitually
reduced the price against its competition in
a particular locullty, while maintaining Its
prices at other places. When competition
Baker ....
Polcar 17
Totals R3i
Collins 2M
Orttfln 143
Manning lil
h,nMli-r l&i
Krlxbee Ibi
Handicap 66
Totals K59
IjuMt night on the basement alleys of
the-Metropolitan Mr. and Mrs. William
Holler entertained Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Will Knight of
knmlit brothers and Suwtelle of the Or
pheum circuit. The scores below will show
that Knight brothers and Suwtelle are ex
pens at ten plus. Mr. and Mrs. JColler
will give another bowling party again some
time this week to the Bame parties. Scores:
1st. 2d. 3d. Tota
2d. 8d. Total.
ti 6a
122 1X3 381
Hff 17s m !
156 171 42 I
176 172 535
763 K12 2.403
3d. M. Total.
1HK ' U S 663
171 146 4
131 US 37
168 . 160 44H ;
1SU 10 622
66 66 166 j
873 ' 811 2,643 j
was destroyed It advanced or restored
Standard lias sold
at different
prices from the same barrel. It has
paid employes of Independent oil com
panies for Information, as to the business
of those competitors and has paid em
ployes of lndustrta' companies to secure
the addition of its oil In preference to that
of its competitors. It has followed every
barrel of Independent oil to destination. Its
agents are Instructed to secure customers
at any sacrifice. It has tampered with the
oil Inspectors In different states. The laws
of several states concerning the Inspection
of oil are singularly defective, and this
has been turned to profit by the Standard.
The commission's only knowledge of the
competitive methods of the Standard Oil
under oath In this Investigation.
W. Koller 16 174
Mrs. Koiler lis la)
Mrs. W. Knight ...... li' 137
Mr. W. Knight 18ii 1H3
Mr. H. I.. Knight .... M8 17
Mrs. H. U Knight ... Ub lis
1 X3LLTjCE Students am mighty
1 ' ihrawd judges oi tobacco. U
I ney want ' the most (oc thcit R
, and It miut be food.
wny BMwt oi uicm uaoke
Sliced Plug Pipe Tobacco
Fste aroma, eeuly VsodU. G
thia sltcat), gives a long, cool.
delicious soaocc,
P at Mu the Iiiski,
Pecks sua, taa bra. 10s.
Ord Wins In I lay Bird Shoot.
ORD, Neb.. Jan. 28 (Special.) The first
of a series of tournaments to be given by
the Ord Uun club was held Friday and
Saturday. The features of the shoot were
two match contests between Ord, Arcadia
and CotesHeld. the Ord club winning the
honors In hoth events. Otto MurscheT was
high gua and iC. Watson secend. Both
are Old residents.
Johnson and Pnlllam Meet.
CI. KV ELAND. Jan. 28 Ban Johnson,
president of the American league, and
Hairy PulMain, president of the National
league, met in conference here today to
dlst'ua playing schedules. It Is stated the
schedules will be arranged on a harmonious
basis. It Is probable, however, that the
dates will not be made public for. a week or
ten da) a.
agnail In Hons; Kaaar Harhor Sinks
Fifty Boata of Katlvo
or rehutt facts. This evidence, if true,
demonstrates the competitive methods of
the company in the past have been unfair
and disreputable. Its methods have been
the destruction of competition at any cost,
and this policy has been pursued without
much reference to decency or conscience,
and It is slgnflcunt that the larger Inde
pendent refiners sell the greater part of
their product In foreign countries. One In
dependent testified that 75 per Cent of his
product went abroad and said that he
could compete with the Standard in Ger
many, where Its methods as followed in
this country, would not be tolerated, but
that he could not compete with it here.
Remedies Sogaeated.
On the question of remedies the report
ays :
More than anything else the pipe line has
contributed to the Standard oil monopoly,
and Its supremacy must continue until Its
rivals enjoy the same transportation facili
ties. The amended act to regulate com
merce makes the exlmlng pipe lines com
mon carriers subject to that act, and the
power to preserine lust ana reasonable
rates, regulations and practices, after com
plaint and hearing, is conferred upon the
commisslom. Hut the pipe line tarifia tiled
with the commission are alleged to be of
no actual advantage to the independent op
erators. The commission can only act upon
these schedules after complaint has been
made challenging such reference rales.reg
ulatlons yr practices. Some complaints are
now pending. How far the amended act
will prove adequate ,. the correction of
such injustice as now exists in respect to
this traffic remains to be seen.
Since In the past petroleum rates have
not always been established to promote,
but often to check traffic, and the tariffs
are more or less TVTfrreated with, discrim
ination in favor of the Standard Oil com
pany, having been built up during a series
years in that view'.;' it may be that this
discrimination Will nerer. be eliminated by
any .process of cotnpilnt against a specific
rate or practice. -Judging by the past, dis
crimination asyto. thls truffle may. arise
more frequently than those now existing
can be routed out by that method. As to
no other Improved traffic Is there an ap
proach to the monopoly of the Standard
oil In that of oil. . Under this conditions It
may become necessary to the uprooting
of established wrongs and the prevention
of others that the government shall fix in
the first Instance the rates and regulations
for the transportation of this traffic. This
method has been adopted by the legislature
of one state. It ru-obably will be found
necessary to disassociate In the case of oil,
as In that of other oommodlties. the func
tion of transportation from that of produc
tion and distribution. What other remedies
in addition to those already provided It
may be necessary to prescribe can be better
determined In the near future by the re
sults or experience In administering the
present law. . .
Elalit y-Fonr Men Released from Fort
Leavenworth Prison by Order
of Secretary Taft.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Jan. 28.-Elghty-
four Inmates of the military prison at Fort
Leavenworth, most of them men who had
been punished for deserting from the army.
were released today on an order from the
secretary of war.
This is the largest number of men ever
freed from any military prison at any one
time, The men had been sentenced to serve
from one year up In the prison, and all had
done one year. They were recommended
for clemency 'by Lieutenant Colonel Young,
commandant of the prison, because of good
There was not enough cltirens clothing
in the prison for them, and several men
remained In prison tonight and will remain
for a few days until It can be supplied. The
government has made no appropriation for
giving the men transportation to their
homes, as Is done In the ' United States
penitentiary, and they have been turned
adrift without a cent In their pockets. The
majority came to Leavenworth during the
day and begged for food and shelter for
the night. Some of them managed to get
as far as Kansas City with money borrowed
from soldiers at Fort Leavenworth.
The chiefs of police In Leavenworth,
Atchison, Kansas City and St. Joseph were
notified by Colonel Young to prevent them
picking the men up as deserters from the
J. D. fihanthtn, Government Expert, Dem
onstrate! the Moisture Test,
Department of Aa-rlenltnre to F.stab
Hah Laboratories, Probably One
t Omaha. If the Money
Can Bo Seenred.
J. D. Shanahnn, a grain expert employed
by the Department of Agriculture, was at
the Omaha Grain exchange Monday after
noon demonstrating the moisture test for
the grading of grain. The department is
convinced that the grading of grain prin
cipally by the determination of the mois
ture content Is the only method which will
Insure a standardisation of grades In the
various markets. It Is sending Mr. Shana
han out on a mission of education, and he
Is demonstrating at the principal grain
markets and at state experimental stations.
He tested samples from eight or ten cars
of grain at the exchange yesterday. The
method Is to boll the corn In oil. under a
heat of 190 degrees centigrade, and measure
the percentage of water that comes from It.
"It Is the only scientific way of grading
corn," said Mr. Shanahan. "Inspectors
commonly grade their grain by feeling It
to determine the moisture content, though,
of course, other things enter Into consid
eration. No man can tell how much water
corn holds by feeling It. According to
the dampness of the air or the temperature
of his fingers, he may grade corn No. 8
one day which he pronounced No. 4 the
day before. In making experiments In
the Chicago market a short time ago I
tested some corn which had been graded
No. 4 and found It to be better corn than
some which hnd been graded No. $.
"The department will endeavor to get an
appropriation to establish laboratories at
all the large markets for Just such work
as I am doing. At present the law limits
them to the seaboard, and we have but two,
one at Baltimore and one at New Orleans.
If the appropriation Is secured one of these
laboratories probably will be established at
Omaha. The laboratories would be pri
marily for the experimental purposes of
the government, but I anticipate that as the
grain markets became educated to our
methods they would ask us to do their
grading for them.
"Though It Is not a part of my mission to
preach the gospel of federal Inspection of
grain, I have no doubt a federal Inspection
law will be passed within two or three
years. It Is the best way to do away with
the difference In grading of grains at va
rious markets. I have found by my tests
that some markets grade grain lower than
Mr. Shanahan saya a test by his method
wll tell the grain dealer whether his corn
1b dry enough t go Into southern climates
with safety. This matter Is of great Im
portance to Omaha dealers, as the move
ment of grain from Omaha to the gulf ports
Is becoming greater each year.
HONO KONQ. Jan. S.-A t-rlflc rain
quail broke over Hong Koi.g Ida morning
and In the space of ten minutes sank over
fifty Chinese craft In the harbor, more
than 100 natives being drowned. There
were no easaaltlea among the white pop
ulation. Launches from the shore rescued
many occupants of the swamped boats. The
harbor was Uttered with wreckage from
the sunken Junks. During the squall the
river steamer Paul Bean broke adrift, but
was brought to an anchor without sus
taining damage.
be Want Ads fur liualueas Booster.
Woman Bnrned to Death.
PITTSBURO. Jan. . Albert Houck
found the body of his wife lying on a table
of her room burned to a crixp when he re
turned home late last night. The police
department' and coroner are making a regld
Investigation of the death, but so far have
failed to reach a deSnlte conclusion. Their
first theory of accidental death was abi.n
doned when It was discovered that nothing
else in tne room was Durneo, not even the
table on which the woman was found.
When the woman's husband arrived home
the doors were all locked, all the lights in
the house were out and he was compelled
to climb tnrougn a cellar window.
Lleatenant and Private Aecnaed of
Harder Fare Civil Conrt at
PITTSBURO, Jan. 28 A murder trial the
outcome of which will establish an Im
portant precedent In legal and military cir
cles was called here today In the criminal
branch of court. Lieutenant Ralph W
Drury and Private John Dowd of the Ninth
United States Infantry were placed on trial
charged, with the murder of William Crow
ley, 18 " years old, who, on September 10,
1903. was killed near the United States
arsenal by Private Dowd, acting under In
structions from Lieutenant Drury.
Crowley and a number of other boys are
said to have beenraught stealing Inside the
arsenal groands, were pursued by soldiers
and Crowley was shot after he had gotten
a considerable distance outside the arsenal
The question at Issue Is: Has a United
States soldier the authority to kill a man
outside of government property who la sus
pected of a crime within government prop
erty? Ever since the killing of Crowley the case
has been discussed by legal and military
experts all over the country.
Many maintain that as the alleged crime
of Crowley's was committed within govern
ment property the soldiers were Justified In
pursuing the man as they did.
Before he died, however, Crowley made a
statement In which he denied .he was In
side the arsenal, but claimed Instead that
he was sitting on a doorstep, became
frightened at the sight of the onruahlng
soldiers and ran. Ha said he heard a com
mand to bait, that he did halt, but was
instantly shot.
For days following the shooting the civil
and military authorities had frequent
clashes. The police officials and coroner
insmeed that as th shooting occurred out
side the government property tli prisoner
belonged to th?m. Lieutenant Drury took
a different view of the matter, however,
and the civil authorities dared not force
their demands by entering the arsenal.
The case was finally taken to the United
States supreme court, where It was de
cided to turn the men over to the civil
authorities and end the question for all
time. Lieutenant Drury and Private Dowd
surrendered and were later released In the
sum of $6,000 ball.
The prisoners are being defended by the
government, and United States Attorney
Dunkle is their counsel.
The commonwealth la represented by Dis
trict Attorney Harry Geohrlng.
When court opened a large representation
of civil and military attorneys were In attendance.
Chicaa-o Maaafacturera Fined tVt.tXMl
for Violating- the Contract
Labor law,
CHICAGO, Jan. 28. The Allls-Chalmers
company, manufacturers of mining ma
chinery, was fined 14,000 today by Judge
Laadis In the United States district court
following the return by a Jury of a verdict
finding the company guilty of Importing
four Iron moulders from Manchester, Eng.,
In violation of the alien contract labor
law. Counsel for the company will appeal
the case to the United States circuit court
ef appeals.
BKKR Onr Nation's Beverage 'has meny ef the
autritlve proserties of smile and leas alcohol tbaa cider.
For Health's Sake
Try any of these brands whether on draught
or in bottles wherever you can
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Thta Brs art famous for thctf ,
pronounced character. The nourishing prop
erties of malt and the; tonic qualities of hops
predominate and a distinct Blati flavor is
accomplished by original methods.
Omaha Branch 802-10 IVmiclafl 6U. Cor. 8th St
Phone Douglas 1081.
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or weaknesses then you should procure
the proper medical advice and treatment
without delay, and save yourself tlmo,
money and suffering.
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Permanently tusiauiisnea y ''". '
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A. aCKEVEmna i BROS. Dtituun Pittsburgh; Pa. "SlacelSST
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Do you live near
10th and Hickory Streets?
will take your want-ad for The BEE "
at the same rates as the main office.
Branch Want-ad Office pMAHA BEE
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and cure quickly.
F Elimination and consultation. ' Write (or
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119 S. I4t&, Cor. Utfl I DottgUi Sts., CejSl XU