Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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frotetta Threatened Jcainit Weitarn
Froipect of Epeo'al Jury Tana for Larre
Trunk Line Araooiation Action.
Somber of Caa,
rltory west of the river. It I on the basis
of the weights of the malls thus ascertained
by special weighers that the railway mall
transportation contracts are let.
Chief deartermaater "aye Twe II nn
dred Theaeaad Dollars Will
Go te Roblnsoa.
r ? .. . - ii
WHEN you take your cup of tea or coBee remem
ber that you are drinking a stimulant. N either
possesses the slightest food value. They please
,,....,. w your palate, and excite your energy, but they
Jo not sustain, You can realize this when you reflect that
the coffee ground and tea leaves are never eaten, but,
that all of cocoa is used because all of cocoa is food.
WlffilL'S OMR
(The Standard of purity and excellence lot 36 yean.)
does not affect the nerves, and does not
upset the stomach, but is entirely assimi
lated and finds its way into the blood
and muscles and the nerves, enriching
thecs and auuchn up Ih comtitutioa. All cocoa are
' rood, but Coco, k but because k it the Mjruf .
Made in aecorcUnca with h National Pur Food law.
1 Said by all groom fa all dhe.
445 3t Wee OsH t.. Maw TorK
Cwioted by Judfft Sutton cm Charge of
; ; Ctempt of Court
4 .
-l.dr Kaareapea Dealre te Give At
torney Krr Oaportnalty to Got
Case Before lha So pre me .
Aftqr, argument lasting nearly all day
Monday, the Connell contempt coae was
finally completed before Judge Button, Mr.
Connell being found guilty by Judge Button
on four of the six counts in the Information-
Repeatedly Mr. Connelt was Interrupted
by . Judge Button In . his argument Mon
day morning before the court at the clone
of hla trial for contempt. Once ha waa In
the -midst of a humorous story about a
colored Justice o( the peace In Arkansas,
when Judge Button said:. .
"I object to having this court compared
to any colored' Justice of the peace In Ar
kansas. We are here to decide this case
und not to hold the court up to ridicule.'1
County Attorney ngllsh made an argu
inetUcmbehultbf tha state lasting, only a
few minutes. Then Attorney Btout spoke
r'more than an hour 6n behalf of Mr. Con
nell," and theft Mr., Connell began his argu
ment. 1 lie -lawyrr wuu iwa urru tumivu
with contempt because of remarks made
during the trial of the "Coal trust" case
waa the personification of earnestness as
ha stood looking the court straight In the
eyes and pleaded for the vindication of his
professional ' reputation. Several tlmea
Judge Sutton had to interrupt and remind
the attorney that the court was not on
trial. ' .
Comedy or Tragedy.
'The curtain lr about to be rung down
on mis comedy or', tragedy, whatever it
may be," said Mr. Connell. "It may be
llher, or, as your honor has designated It,
a vaudeville performance. For the first
time in my life I am charged with a crime.
For the first time my liberty la Jeopardised
by the threat of a fine or Imprisonment
For the first time. In my thirty yeara' ca
reer I am charged with conduct unbecom
ing an attorney.
"I will not g( to the extreme of my coun
sel, Mr. Stout, and aay that 1 have never
overstepped the bounds of exactly exem
plary action before the courts. I may
have done, so unintentionally at tlmea In
the earnestness of argument. But this Is
the first time a court has ever Intimated
that, I was guilty of contempt."
Mr. Connell dwelt at considerable length
upon the fart that he waa already con
victed before the trial began. He referred
to the atatementa of Judge Sutton that the
Information waa filed merely to give him a
chance to go on record, and declared he
was In the powitlen of the horse which en
ters the race already beaten. Then he took
up the several counts of the Information.
Comparleoa with Bible,
"You can prove by the Bible that there la
no God, for the Bible expressly says so,
said Mr. Connell. "But the statement must
be taken with Its context, and that Is, The
fouL hath said In hla heart, there Is no
Ood.' So In the charges made against me.
He referred to one of the counts, where
It Is charged Connell stated that he did not
believe any law he could -present would
have much effect on the court. He showed
that the court. Immediately preceding this
statement,'-had said he had lost faith In
the kind of law Connell presented.
"I merely reiterated your honor's state
It Is A Sad Fact
It la a sad fact that people In c n1! now nothing-
of th food they eat. It is th duty of the physician
to awaken them to th neceasity of acquainting them
selves with the merits of a food and the reputation of
Ita producer. Haphazard productiona are not the
onea to be trusted, but where science, experience,
experiment and research are factors, the result moat
be meritorioua. Under these circa instance we can
feel justified ia recommending
do ii r-iiuiiiaiSi
aa healthful, nourishing; and economical
Palatable -MatrtUMa-Kaey at Dleeetlea aad Ready la Cat
Cat te asm art. rat B ast far a oaatsaj r seat tmJ .
Ill iiilHI Jr Jltm r-,A
ment," said Connell. "Can the court be In
contempt of Itself?"
Regarding his remarks to the court when
the witness, Griffith, was excluded during
the coal case, Mr. s Connell reiterated
strongly his contention that he had made
his objections to the exclusion of the wit
ness before the court had positively or
dered him from the witness stand. -
Two Aaatnat Seven.
Mr. Connell In the afternoon pointed out
that only two baillfTs had testified that he
used the words: "Why was the grand Jury
called Just before election to get Judge 81a
baugh elected county attorney," while
seven witnesses swore positively that he
did not use the words. He ended his argu
ment with much feeling, declaring that he
never had Intended dlsreepect to any court
In hla life.
"I thank Ood." ho exclaimed, "that what
ever charge may be brought against me,
the charge of having too little regard for
my client has not and never can be brought
My voice Is naturally high and In my
earnestness I, sometimes raise It In defense
of my clients. But I would rather ten thou
sand, times pay any fine or rot the reat
of my days In the darkest dungeon of the
county Jail than to be even suspected of
betraying the Interests of my clients."
In replying. Judge Button denounced the
conduct of Mr. Connell In unsparing terms.
"I agree with Mr. Connell," he said, "that
a lawyer's reputation is his most valuable
esot and the .court has no desire to injure
the reputation of Mr. .Council In Omaha,
If he has one. Neither Is the court looking
for a chance to send Mr. Cormell to Jail.
Tn the trial of the Coal trust case every
thing was pleasant until the court refused
to quash the Indictment. Then Mr. Con
nell was offended and every time the court
happened to disagree with him he tried to
make the Jury believe that the court waa
working against his clients.
Conrt Did Not See the Joke.
"When Mr. Connell said to the court that
he did not think any law he could produce
would be of much effect, the court did not
take that tn the nature of repartee. It
may have been pleasant to Mr. Btout and
It may have been fun to Mr. Connell, but it
waa no fun to the court. It waa sneering
and Insinuating In tone and there was a
sickly smile passed around among dim
of the other defendsnts in the Coal trust
case, as though they, thought he had gotten
back at the court by that remark..
The dignity of the courts cf the country
must be preserved so that rich and poor
alike, can get an Impartial trial, and these
remarks of Mr.. Connell did not respect the
court as it should be."
Judge Sutton reviewed the fifth ami sixth
counts of the information, in which only
the two bailiffs swore that the language had
been ueed, and on these two counts found
Mr. Connell not guilty. These were the In
stances where It was charged Mr. Connell
said: "Why was the grand Jury called Just
before election to get Judge glabaiigh
elected county attorney."
A full finding in the case will be spread
on the records thla afternoon. Though Mr.
Connell has ben now practically found
guilty. Judge Button declared positively he
would be given every opportunity to give
a bond until he could get hla case Into the
supreme court.
"I want to give Mr. Connell every chance
to have hla case reviewed by .the supreme
court." said the Judge. "He has sworn
that I Intend, to Imprison him without any
chance to get a aupersedeaa bond. He may
have special divination to discover what the
court Intends to do, but such is not and
never haa been my object."
Mr. Connell will take action Immediately
to get the caae to the supreme court.
Bnlldlnc Permits.
The following building permits hsv been
'sued' 'arl Johnson, Twenty-eighth and
Cass, nono dwelling; Crelghton university,
Rale Beeomea Effective Middle el
Febroary as4 Jebbera Are Get
ting Ready to Cemplala
te Cemmlssloa.
A new ruling of the Western Trunk Line
association will go Into effect February li.
which promises to bring protests to the
Interstate Commerce commission from Job
ber all over the association's territory. It
permits the loading of prise packages,
which has so far been confined to cereals
and certain other food producta, with all
kinds of freight, the rate to be 110 per cent
of what It would be without the prlxe.
Local railroad offices have received, notice
of thla ruling. i
The prise package plan waa originally de
signed to cover the shipment of cereals con
taining spoons and other cheap articles to
make the purchase attractive to house
wives, but the privilege haa been extended
until a man can place a amall quantity of
cereal In a box with several times Its value
in other goods and get a rate on the whole
not Justified by the classification of the
premium articles. He can ship a piano as
premium on some cheap article and thus
get a low rate on the piano. There seems
to be nothing to prevent him from placing
a few bales of ailk In a shipment of cheap
goods and getting the silk transported at
a ridiculously low rate.
This matter was brought up In a meeting
at Chicago Saturday of the commissioners
of commercial organisations in the western
trunk line territory, at which John M.
Guild of Omaha was present, and It was
the unanimous opinion the rule should be
abrogated. It wts said the rule would give
the dishonest merchant a chance to get the
beet of his competitor.
. Opponent 8ce4e Victory.
The opponents of the plan scored a vic
tory at the meeting two weeks ago of the
western classification oommittee, when the
committee refused to make a classification
on package premiums. This, however, does
not prevent the western trunk line roads
from naming the rate.
The object of the Chicago meeting was
primarily to talk over the merchants' meet
ings at Jobbing centers, the railroads hav
ing objected to the practice of the com
mercial clubs In allowing others than re-
tall merchants to ride on the reduced
rales. It Is alleged that some of the clubs
O. K. the certificates of lawyers, bankers,
grain men and others whom the railroads
do not Intend to Include under the name of
merchants. This practice haa never pre
vailed at Omaha, but at some of the other
markets. The verdict was that the offend
ing cluba should be more careful not to
abuse the privilege.
Reciprocal demurrage was discussed, but
no action taken. H. C. Barlow, executive
director of the Chicago Commercial asso
ciation, announced that his association had
decided to oppoee the Madden bill. Com
mlasloner Guild of the Omaha Commercial
club says the Omaha Jobbers are In favor
of the railroads paying the demurrage in
cases of - unreasonable delay, but as yet
they suggest no definite plan for arriving
at this consummation. r
Flattering; Comments Made by Loats
vllle Papers of Mr. Becker
of Mllwaalcee.
i Mayor Becker of Milwaukee, " chief
speaker at the McKlnley club banquet
Tuesday evening, will arrive In Omaha at
8:30 Tuesday morning. He will be met at
the depot by a committee and after a call
on Mayor Dahlman at 10 o'clock will be
taken In hand by severalsmen of the cltl
sens' reception committee. Louisville
papers received In Omaha devote almost
two pages to the banquet of the Louisville
(Ify.) Board of Trade, at which the Mil
waukee mayor spoke Thursday night. Flat
tering comments are made on Mr. Becker's
address and it Is noted that he waa mad
the Hon of the occasion.
The set program of speeches for the ban
quet Is as follows:
Welcome to the guests, by Toastrrraster
Oliver S. Edwin, president of the McKlnley
club; "A Few Felicitations," John J.
Ryder; "Good Fellowship," Hon. Robert
Cowell; "McKlnley a National Guide." Hon,
Sherburn M. Becker; "The New Cltlsen-
ship." Henry P. Leavltt; address. United
States Senator Norrls Brown. The speeches
will be brief, except those of Senator Brown
and Mayor Becker. It Is thus calculated
to allow several two and three-minute re.
sponses by cltlsens of Omaha and promt
nent members of the legislature, as well
aa atate officers.
There Is such a demand for tickets to the
banquet that the committee finds It neces
sary to make reservations only on post
tlve order from persons Intending to be
at the banquet. The following named club
members have the tickets and are making
the reservations: Harry S. Byrne, V. R.
McLucas, J. J. Rider. Ed Black, Charlea
E. Bmoyer, Charlea E. Foster, Henry Q
Meyer, Oliver S. Erwln, Frank Crawford
nit Henrv P. Leavltt. I
Crack Rifle Shot Will Boy Sam
Omaha's Flae Real
' Batata.
Johnny Baker, crack rifle shot of the
country and for the last twenty years con
nected with the Buffalo Bill Wild West
show, of which he now owns an Interest, Is
In Omaha tor a few days visiting with his
family, the other member of whlcb make
their home In Omaha.
"It seems pretty nice to get to Omaha,
for I always was struck on this town,
said Mr. Baker at the Merchants. "I think
I will have to follow my friend McCune
lead and buy a few houses and lots here.
for th city look better every time I come
"We are looking forward to a prosperous
year, for the entire country Is enjoying the
wave of prosperity which is so apparent on
all sides. All th theater In New Tork are
doing enormoua buaineaa. I will pick up a
few horses here and then go to Missouri
to get some ring stock."
Mr. Baker will leave Tueaday for Cody,
Wyo., where Colonel Cody la now spending
a month In recreation, and will then return
to New Tork for the five weeks' opening of
the show at Madison Bquar Garden.
Ooveranseat Annelnte Twe Mem
Cheek Welarher for Barllasr.
too atatlea.
William E. Whitlow of Wyoming. Neb.,
and Harry Haas. 106 North Twenty-fourth
street, have been appointed as check
weighers for the Burlington station, Omaha,
to weigh the United States mails In transit
for the quadrennial period beginning during
the month of February. Th weight are
te b taken for th district east of the
Missouri river. The weighing of the malls
takes place every four yeara In different
dlstricta Last year the malls In the
Omaha district wire wclgh4 for that ter
Chief Quartermaster Major Thomas Crus
of the Department of the Missouri has re
turned from an Inspection trip to Fort
Washakie and Fort Robinson. The former
post Is soon to be abandoned and the latter
la to be materially Improved in order to
bring it up to the requirements of a regi
mental post. Approximately $30,000 will
be expended during the present year In the
rehabilitation of Fort Robinson, which.
Major Cruse says, "Is one' of the hand
somest military posts In the United States."
Orders have been Issued from army head
quarters for the payment of troops In the
Department of the Missouri for the month
of January as follows: Forts Riley snd
Leavenworth, Captain John M. Blaworth;
Forts Robinson, Meade, Washakie and
Mackensle, Captain Bradner D. Slaughter;
Forts Omaha, Crook and De Moines, Ma
jor George T. Halloway.
Honorable discharges have been granted
the following enlisted men: Sergeant Wll-
am A. Welth and Corporal Bert --H.
Bhreves, Troop A, Eleventh cavalry.
These enlisted men have been ordered
transferred to hospital corps upon the
recommendation of the chief surgeon of
the Department of the Missouri: Edward
Forrest, Third battalion, engineers
Lyle & Conant, Troop C. Thirteenth cav
The following general court-martial sen
tences have Just been promulgated from
headquarters Department of the Missouri:
Privates Benjamin Johnson, Troop I, Tenth
cavalry; Frank A. Welbrtnk, Tenth battery
field artillery; Harry D. Toung, Company
Fourth Infantry, all for larceny, one
year's Imprisonment; Jackson Rice, Twenty
second battery field artillery, for desertion.
one year's Imprisonment. The sentences
lso Include dishonorable discharge In each
Instance and that the sentence of Imprison
ment shall be carried out at Fort Leaven
worth military prison.
Mr. John T. Phelan, emergency clerk at
headquarters Department of the Missouri,
has been temporarily tranaferred for duty
to Fort D. A. Russell.
The flag at the masthead of the army
building is floating at half-mast In respect
to the death of former Secretary of War
Russell A. Alger. i
Presldeat Dateher Appeals to All
Workers la Behalf of Bio
logical Surveys.
Officers of the Nebraska branch of the
National Asspclation of Audubon Societies
are in receipt of letters from William
Dutcher, president of the national body.
urging co-operation of action to Influence
congress against the passage of the rneas
ure proposing to abolish the "biological sur
veys," one channel through which the so
cieties accomplish some of their most Im
portant work. The appropriation asked for
to continue this work Is 152,000, and Miss
Higglns, secrets ry of the local society, says
President Dutcher points out that - this
would not be a half-mill tax per capita, too
Insignificant a sum to weigh against the
achievements of this organisation.
President Dutcher'' Idea Is to secure ac
tion against the congressional measure by
personal appeals to congressmen.
Dan McNabb, Eighty Tears of Alt,
ftarved aad Proaen Fonnd Alone
la Filth aad Desolation.
After lying alone for three days without
food or heat In a shack at 2116 Pacific street.
where he maintained bachelor quarters.
Dan McNabb, 80 years of age, was found
bv the nollce Sundav mornlns: and removed
to the county hospital, where he died from
the effects of starvation and exposure at
tM HundAv afternoon. Roth of the lower
llmba of the man were badlv froxen and he
had evidently been unconscious for twenty-,
four hours before he was found. Police
Sura-eon Heine waa summoned and had
McNabb removed to the hospital In the pa-
trol wagon, but he died a few hours after
ward without regaining consciousness. The
body probably will be burled in the potter
Boy In Misery 12 Ycarj Eczema
Spread Over Body in Rough
Scales, Cracked. Inflamed, and
Swollen Case Pronounced Incur
able, but Completely Cured by
Two Sets of Cuticura Remedies.
'I wish to inform you that you.
wonderful Cuticura ha put a atop to
twelve year of misery 1 passed with
my son. As an infant I noticed on
his bodv a red soot and treated same
with different remedies for about five
year, but when the spot began to
get larger I put him under the oar
of doctors. Uncler their treatment th
disease spread fT four different part
of hia btujy. Th longer the doctor
treated him tha worse it (few. During
the day it would get rough and form
.like scale. At night it would be
cracked, inflamed, and badly swollen,
with terrible burning ana Itching.
When I think of his suffering. It nearly
breaks my heart. Ria screams could
be bivd down-stairs. The suffering
of mr son made me full of misery. I
bad no ambition to work, to eat, nor
could I sleep.
"One doctor told me that my son's
ecaem was incurable, and gav it up
lor a baa iod. une evening i saw an
article in the paper about the wonderful
Cuticura and decided to give it a trial.
"I toll you that Cuticura Ointment
Is worth ita weinht In gold, and when I
bad used the first box of Ointment there
waa a great improvement, and by th
time I nad used the second set of Cuti
cura Soap. Cuticura Ointment, and Cuti
cura Resolvent my child waa cured. He
i now twelve year old. and hla skin I
asfioeandsrnoolhassilk. Michael Klein-
man, 7 Rumner Avenue, Brooklyn,
n. I .. apru in. iwu.
Too much strews cannot e placed on
the great value of Cuticura 8oap, Oint
ment, and Pills in antiseptic cleansing,
thus affording pure, sweet, and economi
cal local and constitutional treatment
for inflammations, itching, irritations,, displacements, and pejus, a
well as och sympathetic affection as
anaunia, cbloroaia, hysteria, nervou
Deas, and debility.
tM Mmwrboo tb. arartd rotur Drag A
Cbn jrp . Sot Frovs. IftuAtne. Hmm
ae-awue fan, Ms un tai U aanaa, .
Slrkaess of Steaoarapher Prevents
Transcript of Report Bad Hear
ing Cannot Be Held
ea Motloa.
With the conclusion of the term of th
federal courts at Lincoln the United States
circuit and district courts have resumed
business In Omaha. There Is a prospect
that a special Jury term of court will be
called to dispose of a large number of dis
trict court cases, where the Indicted par
ties are either In Jail or under bond and
are anxious to have their cases disposed of.
This matter Is now under contemplation by
the court authorities and It Is said to be
likely that a petit Jury will be empanneled
during February to dispose of these cases
before the heavier work of the May term,
at which both a grand and petit Jury will
be empaneled.
Several of the big land cases remain to
be tried, including those against Thomas
M. Huntington, J. C. Reld, Ami B. Todd
and Fred Hoyt. which were Included In th
Richards and Comstock Indictment, as Well
the "Chicago ranch" case. In which
Policy King Pat Ryan of Chicago figures
as one of the principal defendants.
Motloa for Kew Trial Delayed
It now skgtns to look as If the hearing on
the motion for a new trial In the case of
Bartlett Richards. W. O. Comstock, Charlea
C. Jamison and Aqullla Trlplett will not be
taken up next Monday, but that It may go
over for several weeks. The record In the
case has not yet been completed owing to
tho nines of Mr. Pearsall, the stenogra
pher who reported the big trial lasting over
a month. It will take some ime after the
record has been completed for the attorneys
of the defendants to go over the record In
order to make out their full bill of excep
tions, so It Is porslble that the hearing may
go over until some time In March.
Bartlett Richards Is now In California
with his family and W. G. Comstock Is
visiting in the east. New Tork or Pennsyl
vania, with relatives and friends. Mr.
Jamison Is attending to his dutie as gen
eral manager of the Spade ranch Interests
at Ellsworth and Mr. Trlplett la at his old
home In Alliance.
Kew Structure Bark of Hall to Join
Latter aad Be I'sed
Architect John Latenser has been asked
to draw sketch plans of a building to dupli
cate the city hall and face on Douglas
street Immediately back of the city hall to
be united with the latter and the two used
a cltv and county headquarter.. councll-
man Zlmman has been asked to look out
for the legal side of the proposition from
the city's standpoint. The matter comas
over from the county commissioners.
The county commissioner are discussing
whether the county should be bonded for
$1,000,000 or more to construct a new court
house, or as to whether the plan of ene of
the commissioners to add wings and stores
and rent the store Is feasible; as to
whether or not It Is feasible to underpin
the present building and add a story and
a half below the present building, grade
the court house grouid, put In elevators
and make the present building do.
"In connection with this must be con-
ltTlKL.)lxL .uA.of.l!
miu muni w icmiiiuuLim, 11 .bvv, iitci.
Is under consideration now a scheme to
expend some $8,000 or $10,000 to enlarge the
Jail, which some commissioners object to
because It will put off the general Improve
ment of the ground still further," aald a
man on the Inslda.
One scheme has been suggested to ac
quire the ground south of Harney street
opposite the court house within f, block or
two and build a city Jail, a county jail.
police court and criminal court building,
thus relieving the present court house.
Those who look runner into tne ruiure
are advocating some ecneme wnicn event
"ally will combine the city and county
buildings, either by building north of the
hall or by so building on the court
house square as to leave room lor a ruiure
city building. In connection with the court
house, either In the shape of twin buildings
or a complete building.
The advocates of this scheme claim that
a great deal of money would be saved In
the management of this building, aa the
coat of maintenance would be reduced GO
per cent for each party.
Impressive Services Over Ploaeer
Woman Held at St. Peter'
Cataolle Chareh.
Impresslvobsequtes "were held Monday
morning at 9:30 at Bt. Peter'a Catholic
church over the body of one of Omaha'
oldest residents Mr. Johanna McCarthy,
aged 86 years who died last Friday at th
home of her daughter, Mr. M. H. Gentle
man, 1734 South Twenty-alxth street. Brief
services were held at the residence of Mrs.
Gentleman at 9 a. m. at the conclusion of
which the body was taken to the church
where high mass was celebrated. Many
friends of the family were present at th
service notwithstanding the inclement
weather and a long cortege followed the
body to Bt. Mary a cemetery In South
umana, wnerv it wh ounm mivr iu pro
nunciation of th burial ritual of th
Father McLaughlin, Buckley and Gannon
were the celebrant at th solemn high
mass and Father McLaughlin delivered the
funeral sermon.
These were tha pallbearers: John Flts-
gerald. Dennis Lonergan, Patrick Carroll,
John Leahy, C. L. McOovern, John Car
mod y.
Mrs. McCarthy came to Omaha Novem
ber 1. 1854. with her husband, who died
many years ago. Bhe I survived by two
sons, P. C. and Michael B., and four daugh
ters. Mrs. M. H. Gentleman and Mrs. H.
B. Franklin of Omaha, Mr. D. 9. Ryan of
Florence and Mr. 8. KetchmarkT of Spal
Anyone holding scrip Issued by th
Transmlsslsslppl Exposition commission of
th stat of Washington will find It to their
advantage to communicate with C. C. Rose-
water, general manager, Omaha Bee.
Department of Asjrlealtare
at Washington.
V. Clem Deaver, general agent of the
Land-Seekers' Information bureau of the
Burlington, who waa In attendance at tha
dry farming convention at Denver, says
Prof. Chilcott of the Agricultural depart
ment of the general government at Wash
lngton, and who at present la In charge of
even experimental dry farming stations
between tb Dakota and th gulf, told
Mm that within the next year the govern,
ment would establish eight additional ex
per linen lal atationa.
"All agreed on one subject at the cwv
ventlon," aald Mr. Deaver, "apd that la
that It pays to go evr th soli with a diiat
Belter than any
at or near the price
"IMrasIia Special"
Wt sell them at $1.98, but $250 will
not buy a shoe that fits looks or
wears better, in fact there are many
$3.00 Shoes that will give no better service. These
Shoes are made of Paris and Dongola kid, with dull
or bright tops and patent
leather tips Military and
Cuban heels widths B to
sizes 6 to 0
Some Needs of
Chadroa. Harvard.
Chadron, the county seat of Dawes Harvard is situated eighty-one mile
county, is situated seven mile south of west of Lincoln and sixteen miles east
the Dakota line and fifty miles east of th from Hastings, In one of the best agri
Wyoming bounda'y. It Is the largest city cultural portions of the South Platte coun
west of Norfolk, on the line of the Chicago try. It haa a population of about 1.000 to
4 Northwestern railroad, and Is practically 1,200 people, two railroads, the Burlington
the Junction of the Dakota and Wyoming and Northwestern, With a dally stage rout
branches of that road, although the rails to Clay Center, county seat of Clay county,
do not part for five mile weet at Dakota nine mile away. It also haa four rural
Junction. delivery routes. Harvard achool district
We have a well patroonlxed academy and la six miles square, the central school
academy hall, under the auspices of the building situated In the city; employs
Congregational church, but is not seo- eight teachers, while there are five outside
tarlan In its management and drawa stu- school building employing one teacher
dents from hundred of mile around; a each. Farm lands closely adjoining are
high school, with thirteen teachers; court selling for $75 to $100 per acre,
house, with Its block of trees and cultl- The opening year 1907 brings to Harvard
vatcd grounds, all owning brick buildings general prosperity and shows a large gTn-
that are a credit to the city. We have eral Increase of business for 1906 over pre-
a large flouring mill, two banks, three fur- vlous years, while the outlook for U0t
nlture stores, three hardware stores, three promises to exceed that of last year. If our
dry goods stores, four groceries, three meat farmers' bank accounts with a large
markets and one large department store, amount of grain and stock still unsold,
flour and feed, boots and shoes, clothing can be taken aa evidence that way. While
and many larger and smaller shop of jji general business Is well supported, ow-
about all varieties and descriptions. We nc to the most excellent territory tributary
have four large hotels and many small ones to Harvard from which business comes,
and restaurants, Chadron being the pro- several other business houses could be well
verblal railroad town, containing many sin-
gle men.
Our Young Men' Christian association
building, being a three-story brick. Is one
of the largest and best managed and
patronised ones In the west
We are in the foothill of the Slack IRlls,
and have a climate that cannot be sur
passed. If equaled, anywhere.
We have a meet excellent telephone aya-
tern that rrachea In e very direction, taJt-
lng tn oil neighboring towns, and there
are very lew country nouses m cannot
talk to Chadron.
Our church buildings are aa follows:
Orace Episcopal, stone; Methodist Epis
copal, brick; Congregational, Baptist,
Christian and Catholic are of wood; Chris
tian Scientists have an organisation, but
no building. .
We need a light plant; should be eie to
furnish both electrlo light and gas. The
houeea are mostly wired for electrlo light.
mt Ih.w nrraiM h. li.nrl mnailv fnf llirtlt-
but gas Is needed when the'electrto
fall, and more particularly for heat-
We flIB BU lira, inc iiiuira, (.
coal la cheap, but so dirty the careful
I housekeeper want gas.
Tl at an at )eai la snl II Vi wa.a aenna All W
v O lirtru nil Q 1 1 o 1 1 m iiiiu-'tiiirn vswanat t,u
and the fourth one could have been had It
not been left for winter pasture, being the
19"$ record.
pave streets and give us cement sidewalk. be,nf beat told by .the aeven neat and corn
that will last. Many ysrd. of crumbling modlou that find good support
sidewalk haa been laid, but many miles
could and would be. when someone who
understands the business comes.
We need, above all, farmer with brains.
brawn and money enough to start out
right to develop this country.
aa soon as the crop of small grain Is re
moved, aa Uat, more than any other one
thing, tended to preaervo the moisture.
The next congress will meet at Salt Lake
In January, 1808.
The Psrk board will meet Tuesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock.
Josephine Busxard filed suit In district
MnnrfMV askina ludament for ISO
' against the Court of Honor lodge. Bhe
ny' and that her commlaslon on them
f the gufferine; and danger in ator for her, roba the expectant met ha?
of all pleaaant anticipation of the coming event, and catta over her a
ahadow of gloom which cannot, be (hi. ken off. Thousand of vm
have foend that the use of Matter's Priend daring pregnancy roba
confinement of all pain and danger, and insure safety to life of mothet
and child. Thia scientific lir iment ia a god-aend to all women at the)
time of their moat critical trial. Not only doe Mother's Friend
carry women aafeljr through the peril of child-birth, but ita ne
gently preparea the aystem for the coming errant, prevent "morning
aickneaa," and other die-
comfort, of thi. period fl
Doio oj ail tvnggiata at UUi
VIjOO per Dotue. nook
containing valuable information free.
tke Iroalf.e ! Retnrtator Co., Atlanta. Gav
Se'laij,?wwt Si. l,vt.ii.iinr i I ''" "I T ,i-ii""-t
Ton . -
... V,'
Nebraska Towns
taken care of. Were it not for the fact
that lumber and building material of all
klndg la exorbitantly high, much more
building would be done both in the town
an(j country.
Perhaps there Is nothing that would r
i,av . of thi. trouble better than th
establishment of a plant for the manu
facture of brick and stone, providing they
woul(i keen out of the combine and sell at
reaa0nable prices. -
A cannnB factory, creamery and a cold
,toraKe pit for the better handling of
butter and eggs could all find good sup-,
While perhaps Impracticable for this sea
son, the large amount of alfalfa raised
affords a good opening for an alfalfa mill,
and this, with a large amount of corn
raised each year with an abundant supply
of hay and other feeds and our railroad
.fcM . mn.t .. ,.
um tQ yar(J. for ,tock feeding
Harvard Is also much In need of a gnod
hlle any line of manufacturing
that would give employment to labor would
find a roost excellent opening. The location
of Harvard and lta many advantages make
of It a desirable place for any line of bust,
nens. It haa a goodly mixture of all na
tionalities of an enterprising and progres
sive class of people, the religious interest
,r"'" vur "'
A commercial club has been recently or
ganised with J. C. Mewhon, president; W.
T. Perry, vice president; Fred Kuenneth,
aecrotary; Theodore Oriess, treasurer any
of whom would gladly answer question
from prospective Investors.
amounted to $32. Only $2 of this haa been
paid, she alleges.
Some miscreant heaved a missile through
the irlfiss of the went show window of the
Fry Shoe company, Sixteenth and Douglas
streets, between. and 4 a. m Monday and
stole several pairs cf men's shoes from the
window, which were obtained by reaching
In through the hole broken In tne glass.
Jesse Able, formerly a bartender at
Garrity'n saloon, borrowed an overcoat ,
from a friend a few days ago and became '
so enamoured cf the coat that he refust-d
to return it at the request of the owner.
He was arrested Sunday on the charge of
petit larceny by Detectives Mitchell and
Sullivan and was fined $10 and cost la
police court Monday morning.
la an crdeai which all
women approach with
Indescribable fear, for
nothing compare with
the pain and horror of
child-birth. The thought
H fTVlTT PJ1 17 f&P
They act like Exercise.