Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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n3 ZmmImI CZZZ3
1517 Farnam St, BERBER'S 1517 Farcaci St.
We want to sell every novelty
coat in our store
Choice of any novelty ooat In
oor store, worth up to 112 and
llt-the cere Utt plaid and
checks -choioe Tneeda
Choice of all our novelty coats
worth (2 and 130 and inclodiog
many imported novelties, worth
35 and M' choice Tuesday
Orotnl ii CeTerei for tit Tint Time Tail
Tratmtirf la Mild la Most nrf
aad Tkr la X Salad
Reports frosB Ma ay
SCHtTLER. Neb., Jan. . 'Special Tele-;
Take ( ff Varkat'i Prcpjrtionil Eitei oa
.'" ' Graiis from Iowa.
East mm Vnl Liar Ilelrraalae to
-et Loaa: Haal Ikr haasc
lata Ltfect oa
March 1.
Effective March 1, 1!iT. propo-tional rat -
on .an fnom Omaha, South Omaha, Coun
it. B'uffs and Nebraska 1113. ,0 all ter
ll. cries, will be up;lic3 t. . on grain
-"e'Kttlnjs west cf the l'i.' rler.
C--n originating in '.; 1 r-ri.iiled
frorr the above point at ; H loci', rate.
Tl.'s is a' plan which the e4it.a.nd went
ro ija In Ion a nave sd.'pt'd in force Iowa
t,rln to Chicago, instead of allowing it
to mm to Omnlia. thereby getting it lung
l.aul on It A lorg tin- proportional
rate are in ffTet.' too n-.uc:i grain goe
to the gulf to sufl the Omaha-Chicago
roads Thin new ruling will!y and
adversely effect the' Missouri river mr
kei it telrir presumed the proportional on
gcain originating eust of the river has like
wiM been withdrawn from Kuria City
end artll help Bl. Loui and Chicago.
laerewe? lu H'Jl Rnnir
int Burlington rutroaa increasea :t
gross earnings 4.tciti.(M or 1U per rent in
the fit at half of the current fiscal year.
which brings up to January 1. 190". Finan
cial experts figure that If this rate of In
crease can be maintained for the other fix
p ontl.a the Burllr gton should earn in the
present fiscal year Iron mi.OOC.Ooi) to Sffi.
),. And they nee no reason why the
ratio will .not f.rrvai:. The Burlington lr
one of the ruilroads protesting loudesi
trainst prying !ta TSTea in Nebnika
Trie gross-ewtTntnsw constitut s . the main
key to the equu.t of the Northern Pacific
and the Great Northers hi the Burlington
rtiad, observe, .the Wall Street Journal.
N't result are entirely mislead. ng. In the
year to Jui-e Jii Jaat grron eat-nlna ln
rc;ad fK.iCv.iyu, yet the surplun for divl
dei.di ect'.iiiHj- decrenaed tl.ta aa.nn jn the
t-Lireri.' flai al year proas eaminca are ei
I'utert to ru.i JT.m-.i.d'i" ahecd of last yenr.
and tlfi Cm i' 0 ahead of the 3!i5 year, tind
et It ie ejcpeciei that net ea:iilri:n will be
t t isldeiaMy l-.-s than in limTu
Thir meani of course thai the riurlinrton
is bitylxig new equipment and making ex
traordinary Improvements at the eyene
Of earnlnira, -
F.Irrt f Waaet.
m ware utt . ationi la affecting net esrn
tnca considerably The Eurl;nrton pays out
bmit lao.uial.iW a year in ae.t An in
creaa af from t 10 lo per cent therefor In
i(i meana an additional outla; cf from
f!.f""'0 to per annum.
It alx year neit Jun sine; J. J. Hill
at-curad the Pnrllncton. Since then ita a;roa
eamlnra have increased nearly tCenO.000. or
(3 per cent.
In 3W1 the Burlington hauled J.S70.(Wi.0W
tori of freight one miie. and It took 18.
ltia.7&" trains one mile to do thia work.
Last ear the Burlltigton hauled .S4j.0uu.Kv
tens one n;ile nearly twice as many as lrt
j,ly-t it took almost :.Ki.0np fewer trains
one mile to do thia work 1T.SH.4M trains
one mile.
This is Hill s gift to the Burlington. It
is doubtful if any railroad anywhere In the
lust six years has nearly doubled Its ton
mileage doubled its task, and actually re
duced Its train mileage performed its task
irh ! effort.
When Hill took the Burlington its train
load was normally under a0 tons. Last
year It was .m tons.
In view of these tremendous strides in
operating efficiency the actual Increase In
the oirat:ng ratio last year becomes really
To account for It, it is only necessary to
look at the maintenance expenditures and
rememlK- that the maintenance of the Bur
lington was very high in 1W1, when Mr.
vW : Mrs. Rl lrke. fnaaure-; Mr. W. J.
Conklyn. aetrrtary. Mra H. T. hennf, con
ductor; Vra John Hria. guard color
g-jard. Mra. Oeo-e W U'egg. sr.. Mrs H.
1. Monk. Mr. Jowph Aitan. Iel'-gates "to
the slate J-piirt-nent me-tTi wer Mra
Caaslus M. I'ulver and Mrs . H. Myers.
ORD County ABseenr FYfd Ptratndee I
has appointed and the eumT board ap
prveo tfie foilrwms bst of oeputiee:
Eivna. Aurust Meyers: Frka, Ja" h
t?entowskl ; tieranlum, i" Jtybtn; Mic hi
gan. Charles Kokea: trd. A J. PtiiileT;
FprtTicdaJe. Hlnir Klrr: N'orlh li:p. N.
K. RedioT, Ertrtris. it 3 Cleroeni ; Vin
ton. C G Kn. Ui;-rtT. C W. 1'nlty;
Arcadia. AUwrt Ftrathrtee: Tal. H C.
Haern'i-er. Pot is tk. Fr ank Trump;
lToepen4-nt. W. B. Gre n.
BKLMER-In the case of state of Ne
braska against Joseph Cecele of B- m r.
charged wl;h wlf desr1lon. trtd in dls- !
trict court last w-e.k, the oeendart a" .
found ru;iv. The routil. w r married I
gram. V A heavy snow has been falling Hmt summer and ihe evidence (t vfti wowsi j
throughout the day. making total fall of that he has made no ttTort to prov oe tor
K. ,v,- tki. tv,. erst beavr 1 hi wife He wa sentenced to one yer
now this sieaaon. and as the temperature
Is high and the ground not cold. It w.ll
melt soon. The temperature is between )0
and S degrees above aero.
REFI BL1CA.N. Neb.. Jan. .( Special.)
Thi section is being treated to the first
anew of the season. It is about three
Inches deep. The temperature has mod
erated considerably.
Et'BTIS. Neh Jan. Jr. Special er a
inch of snow fell Saturday and Sunday. It
was still cfld this morning, but ha been
growing warmer during the day.
BET E Neb.. Jan. :( Special s
The ice dealers have finished filling their
Icehouses. The Ice is cut five miles north
of here on the Blue and is of good, clear
EST rOINT. Neb, Jan. (Special.)
The snow which began falling Sunday
came down in earnest today, there being
now about three Inches on the ground. Thi
is the first touch of real, oid-faahtoned
winter weather this season. The weather
is mild, no wind, and the snow lie a it
COLfMBVE. Neb.. Jan. JR. 'Special )
For the last twenty-four .hours tt has
been trying hard to snow here, but ha
rot made much headway. Tp to this even
in the snow i only about two lnche deep.
Waaw la Nonfa ct.
NORFOLK, Neb.. Jan. The first snow
storm of the season, covering Norfolk and
all north Nebraska and the Rosebud reser
vation cf South Dakota, prevailed today.
No live stock suffering has been reported.
Asthma and E-2eart
Relieved at
In the penile nuary . but nienoe wr. sus
pended on 11 g.vlrig bond to support
wife and tiay the cost of prosecution. He
I chose the latter course and gave the re
quired bond
Oaalat mm4 C'arlaaa Featarea mt Life
la a ItaaJalr Grswlag
Uar Pararr Fl Deal.
RED CIXU'D. Neb.. Jan. iR. (SjiecUl.)
A few days ago John Leon, a somewhat
eccentric aged bachelor, who reside alone
several miles west of this place was found
near his bam in an unconscious condition,
in which he remained until hi death a few
hours later He became conscious only
Ions enouch to mention incoherently ihHt
"two men were after him." No further ! wrote the original is laying claim to
George Must Be Careful George called
at Mra Warners home Monday. We will
have to keep an eye on thai chap, eh,
JiJnier. Correspondent, Crtigbton News.
In sustaining the allegation that short
weight aie used at the tvansus Cny
yarua. iegislatois of K&tisas and Mls'Sjurl
tiaxe givtn another reason w hy Nebraaaans
should patronise the S'U-h cmaha marktt.
Before the legislature repeal the wolf
bounty law it siioa.d te careful to see
tlit mtmlers are protected f:oiii the "gry
wolves" which have inleftied Lincoln dur
ing legislative session.
If reiirts from Grand Island ai-e correct
western Nebraska may not object to "free '
sugar from the Fhiuppines much longer;
but some .way may be yt discovered lo
make the beet sugar industry pay all con
cerned. Beating Hie Beei Trust Price Patterson
butchered erven b last week. He in
tends curing the meat and tailing it to m
FioriCa home wltn h-m, as 110 at is ina i
priced there and tlimcult 10 get. Wolbatn
The newspaper which cannot reprint from
its hies "Hem of twenty-five year ago''
is now looked upon as a youngster in iNe
braaka, while the editor who can show
Captain Jasper H. Warren, of
Wclfcborcnfrh Frils. N. H., who
has jtEt celebrated his 75th
birth cLay scrs that he owes his
hedth and activity to Daffy's
Fure Mait Whiskey, the great
family medicine.
rlr. Warren was Captain of
Co. I, 25th Reg, U. S. Colored
Infantry, and was troubled a
great de-sl with bronchial asthmi
and weak heart. Kothirg s f enied
tc do him ?ny good nrtilhe tried
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
Capt. 'Warren wrote cn July
"I wih to tell you that RFt winter I
had a Ter.v severe time. 1 have bron
ihlal asthma of loap if.andlr.p. and at
a result a very weait b hrt. 1 had alsa
a very wvcre attack of the erip in Jan
uary ; it lift tue in very oor condition.
Mr stanith and bowels wire bartly out
of ol der. 1 could, not eat my stomach
would not retain the food. The doctor
tried to relieve me bat did not rwm to
succeed 1 ror.inveuced to take Duffy 'a
Ture Malt Whiskey in Airil and ara
now very routh tetter. I can eat all
that Tneed. and it dot not hart me.. I
have been gaining ever since 1 rom
Tjji.eed taking it. cd I shall eontlnua
to take it as? long at 1 peero to receive
Yientflt from its uae." CH. J. H.
Warren. W olftborotigh rU. N. H.,
3vK JO. 1 S06.
fapt. "arren is one of the miiry thousands of men and women throughout the Fnited States who owe their vigw.
strength and long life to the great Tonic Jfuinulent and Renewer of l'oullu luff'a I'ure Malt Whiskey, and Jam la aa
iviiji: nr infill.. -
( ' . -
1 , -v. a
- - " Js
I " i,ir- ' '"""VS V '
'.S " ..... . ' '
x N e'
TT 9
S; j
Pur LlQalt Whiskey
cler- was giver. A pocketbook wasfound
In the house containing several dollars,
which does not Indicate a robbery, yet the
stove was overturned in his rxx-m and
other evid ncc of violence was shown.
I the title of "Nestor of Nebraska Journal-
An Ansley editor is credited with having
muue a prom of laO a month from a pouury
a-ive aulrk relief from bronchial trouble and restores to working power the affected orrans It instill with new strengt
a weak heart and nihkes Hs union hcaithy and r. frular. It rebuilcla an impaired dla-estne system, enabling it t uhsorb t
nourishment contained in the food you eat. Its result are ir.-e fnom the depressing effe t caused by insonirig of tba
bodv from manv medicines. It is a ton! and invipcrunt for old and young, and Its medicinal proprieties make it invalu
able to feet.le men. nervous women an t ailing children. Duffy Pure Malt Whiskey has tood severe tests for fifty years,
and Is guaranteed to be absolutely pure.
CAUTIOaT -When yos ask yonr druggist, grocer or dealer for Duffy's lwre Malt Wnlskay b sure yom rt the gsanlna.
It's tbs oilIt abaclntely pura xosdictnal malt whiakey and Is sold only la saalsd bottlea niwer Irjmlt k for t be
trafls-mark the Cld Chemist.," cn tba la bit. and make sure the sea) otst Um oork is wsbrokem. Fries fl.OO. XUnstrataA
medical booklet a&d doctor's advice free. Duffy Kalt Whiskey Co Jtucbaitar, JB. t.
ill -aealcajW. u J .
Hill to:k the projeriy.
st.ii it..... for I el. ... I The unfortunate man clothing was torn!J'""d covering one block of ground, which
Ti.. rm rallwar tra nstrtation detaut- and his face badly gashed ani bruised show thai some editors in the "Kinkaoi
..." ...i . ..... .:m ... His feet and hand were frosen It ex- . homettead blf hawe discovered a source)
.nfl l the movement of troop, scon full ! IKtire. An inquest was held aad returned j oi income troia "nxuU j,roof" auj
. ... . i . i. ....1,4 v .. ,v.. a verdict stating that deceasel enme to "brand " noticoa.
rules will i a r i w i iwiu . J iiiT Kviriu- ,
m.nt. Th- proiK-sitior. in the new rate I hi dth hy brought on by ex-
blll 1 ft 1t discretionary with the railroads I t"'ur- ''ile temporarily Insan-. His re-
t-i make a r;ecial late for the transptirta
tion of troops and the railrosds are exer
cising that discretion by exactirg the full
reased Its i ' .V . .. " I doubt that there was foul play.
imp means laai I. iiuie rauixi ill nave
Advantages of the 'Party'- Line George
lutive disapprove the coroner's verdict and . Alier was sen Sunday evening "all togged
publicly announce that the victim revealed up." going toward Uie Kirk seitiemenL.
enough of what transpired on the eventful ' He didn I txclte wur curiosity, however,
night to settle In their mind beyond a ! for to confess the truth we hearo liim
talking with her C er the 'phone, so knew
Brack er Measure EecomTEeuded ftr Faf
eace by Coutc:l Committee.
i ,o put up his good coin lust the same as I
ordinary iefiple." remarked an official at j
state Xaraiil la Crwde.
KEARNET. Neb.. Jan. (Special Tele-
army headquane.w. "in the transportation; gram.) Thia week closes the first semester
f troops or army supplies of any kind. of the State Norma! school. It has been
Hitherto special rates have been given for ! one of the most successful held and In
army transportation by the railroad, but ' spite of the fact that the full capacity
just at tbis time there is not the slightest ; of the present building and accommoda-
dii.aitioii on the part of the railroad tc : tion are now taken up. Presided. Thomas
I ail about It. Htath Correspondent, Bann'.r
I County New a
Competition at Gordon The Church of
wa anu irif jonnuaifi ptopie are eacn
McGovera Ordlnaaer for Maairlpal
Electric Llaht rical Meets Early
Death by Belna Voted Dosa la
Caaaailttee of the W bole.
The Brucker and Bridge ga tank or
dinance were brought up yesterday after-
hnldin church servic ihm b ...,t i no(,n tfore the city council committee of
whiie the miimnera are trying to raise j 1 wnoie. the lormer measure toeing
heaven on the Inalfle a lot oi boy raise
hfll on the outside. It look like the churcu
nuike any concession to the government." j is in dally receipt of letter from student. JK.up,t mifht u,y, det!llUT
who wish to enter teglnnlng with the liex
I aernester. Many will BQ.docbt have to lie
turned away. This emphasises the nee 3 f
: the proposed additions and they cannot be
this jar
there h more cf the real
MiUitinre oi Beef and a
higher ioility oi Beef
tbaa tn any other Meat
Extract jar of equal atae.
K rtfT aaea THI I sipaatara
at Ma. Sr K't Bat aaantea. F
Race Problem at' Xorfolk Sadie's sheep
are apt to become as serious a problem
I.Uid L. Leslie.
Judge Charle Leslie leceived a telegram bull! too soon.
Monday evening announcing the sudden !
r.r.d unexpected death at Janesvllle. Wia.. "wr tU.tlag Plaat at Orl
fhnf ke.rnrun ot h'. hrftth.r Tr t Joe 4 ORD. Neb.. Jan. 36.
t t wi r,r ,h.. mv rtr tn- .tt-ni-4 of incorporation have been filed for the ! aeuaie
the funeral of his brother. Paul Leslie, in Electric Light and Power company. luul' . vl cpoiogy
r..t,. .,1 i x:n-..mKu- h. --. canltansei at t.t).(w, nan paia up. liie w " --
tn good health at tha. time, but his con- organisers are F. J. Bell. A. P. Jensen. C.
recommended for passage by a vote of C
to t while the latter ordinance took the
cnint by the same vote rt versed. This
does not mean, .however, that the Briflees
ordinance wfll not be In the miming at
this evening's council meeting, but it does
clearly indicate the council majority eon
tend that the Brucker ordinance stands a
strong chance of going through and that
the lonff drawn-our m tnnL fit-h m-;ir i.u
Special, t Articles ! Norfolk as the Brownvllt attalr la lr tta. Councilmen Bridges. Fun'kliouser
But Badle. following in the Zimman and Elsasser voted for th. Brt.i.
and set an esamiae tat nutrht be followed
by others. GoidotCormapoiidfint,
ville Standard.
Flack. Several councilmen believed that to
pass this measure at this time would be a
hard blow to one of "Omaha s industiie
and would increase the price of brick
which, if the ordinance passed, would have
to te shipped in here.
i Fiaat Over -Walk.
Eff Tts to ojen a six-foot walk thr'niph
from Farnam to Harney, betweien Thirty
third and Thirty-sixth streets, has caused
something of a fight in the council chamber
from oppc.sir.K property owners living in
the neighborhood mentioned. There is no
opening between Farnam and Harney, be
tween the north and south streets men
tioned, some people having to walk several
blocks around to reach a street car. The
adoption of the appraiser' report on the
projierty necessary to open the proposed
the roughfare ha been fought hard, such
lawyers a Charles J. Greene. Ed P. Smith.
W. H. Herdman and3otm W. Parish being
in the fray. Yesterday afternoon the coun
cil men voted to adopt the appraisers' re
port, which may mean the walk will be
put through.. Itr. J. P. Lrird. who has op
posed the matter strenuously, said he
would take the case into court If the out
cfl passed en ordinance to place the walk
along the west side of his property a i
now proposed.
dltlor. Imd not been regarded a critical
and his death came unrxjfeied!..'. j
Dr. Leslie was sssclated with Lr. Wcrti
In the practic- of dentistry in Omaha in
1R1C-M. going from here to Wisconsin. He
was US years old. He is survived by -a
wife and one won. Paul. ' ' j
wjra. artnferta Mania.
Mrs. Elisabeth Morar. died Sunday night
at the home of her daughter. Mary Moran.
H1F Pari ft- treet, at the age of t years.
He- death wa due to ailment lncidert tj
five years ago. Mra Mores came to
policeman who ordered her twia off the
E. Iietweiler and Clarence Smith, all local I nuun inorougniare oi me town. Bhe also
men oi recognized financial ability. Ord l"'1' tnt she will take her sheep n
aii-eady boasts one of the finest electric Norfolk avenue "any old time" she desire,
lighting and power plants of any Nebraska and the next development in the affair will
town of Its sise.. and the establishment watched with interest.
cf a new system is looked upon by many
restdenta with disfavor. The new. com- hen jsailor Mourns The ed:tor sat 1 track, this territory including the present
jainy has received no franchise to condu-l j lB b! rickety old chair carj'ully editing ; gas plant at Twentieth and Cenltr streets
such a buatness and there is a strong poa- ja death notice written by a friend of the i and. should the ordinance pass this even
sibility the city wili refuse such a request, ("diseased." who had adopted the reform ! 1ng, it will be a victiry for the pa com-
I system of spelling long before Andy Car
ordinance and against the Brucker ordi
nance in the committee meeting. Coun
cilman Hansen has taken a change of base
by deserting the Bridges side of the coun
cil in the gas tank fight.
The Brucker measure provider that the
ga company may erect ga tanks in a
j territory bounded by Nineteenth. Twenty
second. Center street and the Burlington
Hewra of frika.
pany. The Bridge ordinance allow the
i ncgV or T. Roosevelt ever thought of lt gas company to place new tanks only on a
?' death wa due to ailment lncidert tj; EI"FT1SH D. Kidder of Holdrege pur- , When he came to the beautiful poetical j strip along the river.
1 age and -she i survived only by her j chased twenty-tw-o head of horses whlvh , tnbute by the minister hi pencil stuttered .
ughie-. her husband having died twenty- i J " "pped to Illinois. spluttered and he finally d.sisted f-r- j . TT" r?r
. . ... NELSON Th Lawrence Telephone eom- ' A petition containing 4 signat
nam has Kt It injunction suit against nao never
lOmilii about forty years ago with her , the Webster County Telephone company, i done it, although when alive he was the
husband and sine his death ha lived wltn j OSCEOLA Mrs. Melly Adamson ha filed 'editor's worst enemy. Arapahoe Pioneer
ill be held at petition for a divorce from Set h Adam- i
Olie .11' E, t . .LI.IH1UIJI1I01L KIIU 1 1 1 II
BARTLESVILLE. I. T Jan. -Colonel'' RED CLCTD-Wolves have become such ! ro""t 'J i lhaSr bsln'bVi The UK cittiens. mary of tl.ern prominent
W. Blue, formerly a well known i a menace lo nw ana pouury mat tarmer M Nw Kf.nmrton for several dav on I n commercial and professional lines, pre-
ansa politician and attorney, died sud- ; ?'',, ,.,,, rid the mnn rr mM. . V.f ' lhul recount. Frances K ubjrsoi of Jersey ! sen ted a statement of present condition
rnly of heart diseas- today -, his horns ' lb, brZi, if possible. ,h. a ticket to New York K i regarding the gas supply and the urgent
aged 6 years. Ootone Blue was bom ORI Thirty roerr, oi the Ord Re- rt t,im Worn ti. minn-r n ' need of an enlarged tilant to meet grow-
her daughter. The funeral
ft a. m. Tuesday at St- Philomena's cathe
dral and Interment will be at St. Mary's
cemetery in South Omaha.
rolaad airkara W. Blae.
in Virginia. He served through the civil
war in the union army, emerging with toe
title of colonel. He went to Pleasanton.
Kan., in 1K71. He held many small efflce
In Kanaas and in lft waa aunsrl as refre-sentative-at-large
to congress from that
Prof. taHker . JaeLaaaa
CHICAGO. Jan. 3 Prof Wiiber S. Jack
man, dean of the school of education at
the fniversity of Chicago, died lodiy after
an illness of less than twenty-lour hours.
Mr. Aaa-ast Riaalla.
BARABOO. Wis., Jan. 2k. Mrs. August
laaaae Maa Paaal IeaaV.
BEEMKR The Beemer High school has I PITTSBl RU Jan. rs The beheaded body
' Imui r.i-.lvi.i1 . I.Ti.lnlnm. aet of hi.foele. Of t.:aIer IvUDlClXOl Of JeWT . 11V. N. J .
i .i,M b.i'1 nrnve a valuable addition tn th.. 1 wa found on the tracka of the rlttFbura i the ga
'library. Wesr.rn railroad In Allegheny early to- ' Urge ita present plant, also
petition cmtainlng 4(i signature of
I southside cltin bk, protesung againr-t the
i location of any more ga tanks at Twen
tieth and Center streets, wa received by
I the council yesterday afternoon, while a
j petition from l.SKi citizen from all over
i the city, urging that the council allow
company an opportunity to en-
a received
TO overlook Mcoll't tempting offer
to Include an extra pair of trous
ers, with every ault ordered during
Think It over and then come In and
see how treat the opportunity really ta.
Kedaced rirk-e la effect on the entira
stock during January.
bekah lodge succeasf ul!y instituted a ne
lodge in Burwell with a wie.-iibershlp of
eighty-five, making it al the start one of
tne strocges' lodges in the state.
ELl'E HILL Mr J. Ford, manager of
the Bradford-Kennedy Lumber company,
has gone to Genoa in response to a tele
gram advising Kim -of the aeriuu illne&s
of hi mother, who ia Kk eara old.
OSCEOLA Bunnes. men are keeping
close watch on the new line cf railroad to
Central City They intend to organise an
excursion and ail go to Central City to find
out now they do tnir.g. In a live town.
ORL Hastings' College Male quartet en
tertained a large audience here. Nearly
every cumber was encored. Miss Ethel
Macfarlane. pianist, and Shepherd Dunian,
Rlng'.ing. another of tbe fungling brother.. I imironaur. we eapeclally pleasing
, . . , . j El STlSt . T. Cole, principal of the high
is dead here of paralysis She waa 7. and ( .lltK(1 c!rculaUng a peuuon asking the
the mother of right children. j school -board lo call a special meeting of
taxiiayers lo discuss waya ana rncaiii oi
Mnh the body was decapitated the morgue
officials say the man deliberately placed
hi bead on the rail and committed suicide.
Jaa Waa Stole ffeek la eta a Roll
eat ta Prlaoa mmm rtaed
1.0XK1. .
MFSKOGEE. I. T, Jan. X W. T. Mar
tin. Jr convicted of sirallnc a Creek Indian
roll from tbe Dawes commission, today was
sentenced to serve a year and aday in
tbe federal pnaon at Leavenworth. Km,
and to pay a fine of 11. MV Judge Law
reuce refuaed to grant a new trial. Aa
appeal will be taken.
- St
SUtVllta 1Mb St.
or atcrta irta
Dr. Lyon's
tooth Povtbr
CleansM and bavvttlnes th
oelh. and purines ub.s breath.
Used try peopld of refinement
Sjz orer a quuxer of a ooatuiy.
Conrenient for tourists.
ntteaiau) wr k
raiaing money to oroct a new school bouse.
REPI'BLICAN Land buyers are still
coming to this section in search of homes.
Two good sales are: To F. C Hales, two
tr.iiee southwest of this city, Mu acres al
t'ii) per acre, to J. E. Craig, two miles east,
2UU acre, at Kwu par acre.
REPUBLICAN Ernest Lerry. while feed
ing a hay baler, art a loot on the fork to
I nice the hay. the trip sprung and caught
his leg Ju.t above the ankle, cutting orf
ail the tie. a and mashing tbr bones. Ha
waa sent to a hospital al rjL Joatph.
HI MBOLIiT The ft.ieltn missionary
rally al the Ctiristiao church waa a auccesa i
botb in atteudauce and ltitereat. Auaieni.'4 !
aqd lecturr rionia were ni.ed throughout
the entire seemon. Tbe sneetiiig was Id
charge cf glepnen 1. Corey vl Cincinnati. O
KLARXEY Promoters of tbe Kearney I
indepenoecl elevator have been aaked to
fessiat aJm Creek lo t u.'-e tr L 1
cuuty the advantages ef inuependent cfim
petluon. A nxsetu.g will be he.d there Fii
uay to put tiie nuuier in stiata for organi
sation. J. a Canaday of M nden, L. S.
leeia and O. G biiuia of Kosrney wiii al
leiwl. RED CLOUD Glen Arnold, the la-year-old
sob of Jamrs Arnold, a farmer of
Roarntont. diapo-ared unceremoniously
lr-ni tru. place two week. ago. He waa
here attending business college, and with
out giving liiIorn.atiua lo anvue, aepartel.
Aa air of mystery ia thrown around h a
renKival. The lather is ber- now aearOi
ing for a clue as to the whereabouts ut
m missing boy. -
1 1801X1 LA Officers of tba Woman s R l,e'
oorpa of J. F. h Holds' post. No. 2b Grand
Army ut the h. fublic, were inotalied bat
urday nigm The women, who bad pro
vided a grand tewst tor tbe Grand Army
iiMoibera at their inata.llar.ion. were sur
prised by sonie of Ihe "Old Boys.'' lu
marched in led by Cash Pulver and 81
Lo kr. wnfc a big iuncb.on. luiludii.g vt m
ters ready lo eal. 1 new omiera are:
Mia V. H Mra preawebi : Mrs. H V.
biar. a.aior van; Mia M i. lirvmu. Juuor
The Sfory of a Medicine.
Ita name 'Golden Medical Discoverr"
was auggested by one of it most Import
ant and valuable Ingredient Goiden
Seal root.
Nearly forty year ago. Dr. Pierce dis
covered thai he could, by the use of pure,
triple-reCned clyoerine, aidod by a cer
lain degme of rontantly maintained
heat and with the aid of apparatus and
appliance designed for that purpoae, ex
tract from our most valuable native me
dicinal roots their curative propertloa
tench better than by the use of alcohol,
ao generally employed. So the now world
famed "Golden Medical Dis-covery, fur
tbe cure of weak stomach. Indigestion, or
tfyspepvia, torpid liver, or biliousrieas and
aiuurra aerangcmrr.ta waa ursi maoe, aa
n, without a particle
It ever sin
of alcohol
A glance
ems. prin
will show that
valuable medicinal
In our American
ae has oae
in its mav
ed OhveNr
it is Biaoe
st of lu lngredt-
not tie-w r ; per.
i rom the most
found growing
, m these rr.
I r-r net i ir. .m the l .il r a c -TT e
itl-. t.-i.. !.. -S k:.l nri. .11.--.-:
A,-.., l-I w y. r'..w rr,e,d liwm - ' v-'' '.-.f.
bi-tlr; f..,r l':f eiM-:.e ) ,r -
Tbe Poor Maa favlaa Baak.
Why waste .your money In 'get-rlcb-nuicV"
schemes? Why buy mining and
other wildcat stocks when cheap land
offers a safe and profitable investment?
It does not take a fortune to buy a farm
In many case a small payment down and
the llance -in easy installments will buy
a farm. Land 1 going up every day. It
must continue to advance, for the supply
hus a limit and the appetite of the world
incressea Buy a rarm ana iny irie sure
foundation of a fortune. Bargains are
offered every day. See our want ad. pages.
DIAMONDS Prenxer. Uth and Dodge.
PhotoerrawVy Dropped ty lastltate
PITTPBl'RG. Jan. 2i The international
ni t .-graphy exhibit, which bus ieen held
in foin er years In tbe Carnegie Institute,
will not lie exhibited there this year, the
trustees bavng refused r'm to hang It
pir'.ureK. It lias been decided to eliminate
photography fr..m the line along wile'
the institute will work.
aowr la Xehraaka Today, aad Pros-
ably Tomorrow Colder Toaaor
rawr la Voatb Portloa.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. Forecast of the
weather for Ttresduy and Wednesday:
For Nebraska Snow Tuesday and prob
ably Wednesday; colder Wednesday la
south portion.
For Iowa Snow Tuesday and rrobably
For Missouri Rain or snow Tuesday ia
west and at night in east portion, warmer;
Wednesday, snow or rain.
For South Iakota and Montana Snow
Tuesday and probably Wednesday, con
tinued cold.
Loral Record.
OMAHA, Jan. . Official record of tem-
.erature end precipitation comparea witu
the corresponding day for the last threw
ears: . l!aT. M. .SIK. W.
Maximum temperature .. ' M It II
Minimum temperature ... 14 K 7
Mfin temtrature ! "43 IS I
Precipitation '. W . .US
Temfierature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1.
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 21
Defici.-ncy for the day 1
Total excess since March 1 3a
Normal precipitation .01 inch
Excess for the day n Inch
Toial rainfall since March 1 W.Wi lrirbee since Marc h 1 4 M inches
leficu ney cor. jieriod. lHnti.. .. inches
Deficiency for cur. period, lrtfc. .. 12 inches
Reports froaa frtatloaa at ? P. M.
Station and State Temp. Max. Raln-
of Weather. J p. m Temp. tail.
Bismarck, cloudy m fc T
Cheyenne, part cloudy . . 40 4K
Chicago, mowing 11 .14
Davenport, cloudy lti X' .C
Denver, clear ... 4fi 1S .'W
Havre, cloudy k .
lleleria. snow hip 4 .tit
Huron, snowing "0 2 .(;;
Kansas City, cloudy iiw S; .
Nortli I'latte, cl.iudy 1'4 1-4. T
finiaha. cljuav 2o 15. M
Rapid City, snowing 4 S .ti
tit. lxiuis. clear J
St. Paul, sri. wirus ' --
Salt lke City, cloudy .. 40 44 .(
Valentine, cloudy 2 2 .14
Willision. snowing .. 34 12 T
T indicates trace of precipitation.
Indicates elpw af ro.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
GusraDteied Voder the Pure Food and Druca Ijiw Serial o. 63.
ing demands and to conserve jiub'.ic in
terests. Councilman MrGwrn'i municipal elec
tric lighting plert ordinance died young
Mr. McGovern made a motion that the or
dinance be recommended for passage. Mr.
Zimman asked Mr. McGovern to explain
his measure, to say what the proposed
plant would save the city and give some
Idea as to cost of plant, price per arc lamp
and other detail. But Mr. McG-nem wa.
not Inclined to enlighten hi conferee, si
he alone voted for the recommendation
when it came to a vote.
Mr. McGovern's idea was to let the elec
tors vote this fall on the question of is
suing ISiiO.e'W in bond for a municipal
lighting plant. The ordinance was general
In its terma
An ordinance Introduced at the instiga
tion of W. J. Broatch of the Board of Fire
and Police Commissioners, to regulate the
sale of liquors !n drug stores, was tabled.
The Judiciary committee wa directed to
draw up another ordinance tin the subject
requiring druggists to abstain from serv
ing an intoxicants over fountains or in
their store and to rerain from exhibiting
bottle, of liquor in show windows or on
Reaaodrllaar aica Ordlaaare.
Mr. McGovern'. sign ordinance is to be
modified by the ludic'.ary committee before
e cimt J vr !, j nBvirf; further consideration. In Its j,res-
I ent form the ordinance prohibits sigr;s of
I all kinds over or cn aidew alks and the dia
I play of merchandise on walks. In view of
any one asking um bv p .stal card, or ! the many extensive and attractive eiectrie
letter addressee u tbe 1 "ocior as atxiva. i i. na now in use. it wa .ugested that the
A Ltuc booa t( these eiiorctin lj-t i.J
PftPti eowp!led by Dr. K. V. Pierre, of
Luffxlo, N. V.. and will be mailed tree to
Jom these endorsements, copied from
standard medical books of all tbed:9er
eiit school of practice, it wiU be found
that the ingredients compoainii the iild
en MediraT Discovery are advised not
only fur tbe cure of tne above nieDiiontti
oiaeatsca, but m)so for the cire of ail cav
tarrhal. bronchial and throat efferiiona,
accoaipained with csurrhal ttisctarcca,
boaraetitwa, sore throat, Irngermg, c:
" iatig-on-eouf h, and aH those wasting
aSerlions wiii'-h, if not promptly and
rroperly treafed are liable to tcrminata
In consumption. Take Dr. Pierce' Di
cover j in time and persevere in iu use
nutil you f :ve it a fair and it U not
likely to disappoint. Too much must not
be eipwWid of IU It w iU iat perioral
miraciea. It will not cure cxtfisun ption
la it advanced stapes. N a tueaicnte wuh
It vvl sure Uie kfincuoii. that atiod u aa
ordinance be made less Mr. Zim
man said th re was somethir g loose in the
municipal government when such cheap
signs as the one now across Ikiuglas net
at Sixteenth street should t jrmi;t-d in
a metropolitan city. The sentimi : I of the
council yesterday aftern ion wa that some
action in th.s matter should be liken, but
ao such radical action aa proposed by Mr
Mr. Sheidon' snne ordinance came up
for recoiuiuendation for passge. but was
kist when the vote wa taker Mr. Sl eld.m
explained his measure wa. j.ror: p ed by
complaints from citiseti livu.g neir a
britkyard at Thirty -settfiid and otiio. those
cluaen prulesung aghiaat the smoke Is
eulr Xrwa brick which., bad ns
Omega Oil i the
safest and surest rem
edy for Sore Throat,
Cold in Chest, Quin
sy, Swollen Tonsils,
and in cases of Asthma
and Bronchitis it gives
relief when other
remedies fail. All
throat and chest troub
leslead to scriouscon
sequenccs if allowed
to continue. Treat
ment with Omega Oil
should begin with the
first symptoms. Ome
ga Oil stops all sorts
of pains that can be
reached externally.
You don't have to buy
bottle after bottle to
get relief. Usually
one or tvo rubbings
stop tbe pain.
Three sizes i I0c 2Sc S6c
free Simple Oatfe Oil Soaj) ta Ecrj SiSa